1 D AI LY CHARLO TTE OBSBRYER: T UES DAY , MA Y 6, 1884 xt Ixarlottc (Dbszvvcv. '' 1 'J ' - - " OWR PLATFORM ON THE TAKir r . - A tartff for revenue sufficient JJ" senses of the government economically admlnis- IAJtatlff wriWfc Mil ' afftrt such incidental protec-' ?tlon m i ourw!8 jproductive industries at iheutotuStSVM will create; and foster BaoppUej , ' i; AMONG THE SOLONS THE SENATORS TALK ON FREE . SHIPS, AC. . The Hone Spemds the Day in Wrtnj ' Ma(4rca Tircinia Contested JElec- Washington, May 6.- Senate. The following bills were introduced and appropriately referred: By Van Wyck, be it enacted, etc., that it shall be unlawful for any per son or' !associatien of persons, now citizens of the United States, of any corporation or company organized under authority of any f oreiga State, prince or potentate, to acquire title from the United States to a greater quantity of public land than individ ual citizens of the United States are authorized to enter under settlement fLBdiimprtfreBflienfclaiira thereof, or to lqiiwri6ceiTe"or 4Md byVdeed, grant, deeds of trust herafter execut ed, a greater quantity of land in the Territories of the United States than 64 acres. . . , By .Butler, making appropriation for' repair of the custom house wall at Charleston, S, C. ' By Morgan; to grant the Gulf and Chicago 4Jr Line Railroad Company to construct bridges over navigable water courses. On the conclusion of routine morn in busirjefts Frye moved,.fcor&ke up therpping.hut- TB motion was agredlftM fejrf York, addressed the Senate in favor of the bill. He criticised Vest's position, and insisted that free ships would not solve the problem of a merchant ma rine1 AH the leading merchants who bad beia. before. theSenate committee that investigated the subject had, he said, agreed that free ships would be no relief. After touching upon the tariff,: Miller said he . was not interested in. trymg tx help the sort of merchant marin that consisted of ships built in England by English labor and. of English material and manned 'by English sailors, a marine of which the only thing American would be the-flag. He did not care a fig for,9uobi:4L marine. If we could not have vessels of our own make and manned by American sailors,- we might as well say with the free trad ers that it does not make any differ ence who; has our shipping. If that were to be the outcome of this bijl he would feel no interest iri it andf 'care nothina About it. . , t Tbe1 debate was continued by Frye. Vest,'cherson, 'Becr.Morrill and Hale. "A - ' While Beck was speaking Dawes made several attempts to be recog nized by.tiiaduir, out Beck xef used to yield the floor, saying that when thafenator made, tha suggestion that he C$e&)oild work here for the interesta of teaj out American people he must decline to yield to him. Mr. Frye hoped to secure unanimous consent to the taking of the vote to morrow at 3 o'clock. Beck refused to assent to this and suggested that the betterplan would be to take up the House bill, amend it and pass it, thus securing some law at ttaSa session Of Congress. ' Fr$ had hoped he would have been allowed the ' courtesy usually shown BetUktowr having bills in charge of managing tbe bill. Beck rephed that he could not con sent to shutting off the ..debate on so important a measure and .hfingjng it to a vote, while the shipping bill already passed by the House ,wa i the Senate and awaiting action. Frye said he had had the House bill laid on the table when it came to, the Senate in order that he might have an opportunity "of . taking it up when in Mb judgment; 1 he being in charge of the Senate bill, it might be proper to take it up. Beck remarked that he was glad to hear this, hut he could not consent to closing the debate to-morrow. Logan said the Senators would doubtless bo in a better humor to morrow. . . j Frye gav notice that he would endeavor to have the bill acted on to morrow. Executive session. Adjourned. House. Lowry, of Indiana, called up the Virginia contested election case of Ferrel vs. Paul. Miller, of Pennsylvania, said ithat the minority of the committee had not time. to prepare its report, and asked that the case go over until Wednesday, and Turner, of Georgia, thought this request should be ac ceded, to. Lowry refused to do so, however, and Miller raised a question of consideration. The House determined by a vote of yeas 142, nays 88, to consider the election case. Though this vote can in no sense be regarded as a test vote upon the tariff bill, it is not without it bearing pnt-that measure. It is t that Terrell will vote lstriktnicvbUt tfcif enactmc i of the Marriaon bilk and oxriiur to. the admitted closeness of the vote on that question, the value of a single vote is apparent. ? . In speaking for tbe minority of the committee on electiona? Hepburn, of Iowa, referred toth ?mstter, paying that some remarkable exigency must have arisen torfhdnee tha gentleman from Indiana, Lowry, to outrage pro priety and trample on decency by calling the case up before the minor ity had had an opportunity to have its views printed. After a long debate, J. 8. Wise, of Virginia, spoke strongly and bitterly in opposition to the claims of O'Fer rell, denounced tbe Democratic party for inconsistency and accused it of attempting, to steal a seat in the House on testimony on which a man would not shoot a pointer dog for eating eggs. He know that his own ntet was m petfl, but he denied that the Democratic party of the House was about to see a Virginia Bourbon riding into it on Barmim's mule from ' Indiana. It ' was a fitting time for Virginia Bourbons to come with hands smeared with the blood "xtf murdered negroes, with ballots . strangled and stolen and with every law violated. They come up to the fqruntaiuhead of National Democracy to be signed with the cross of National fraud. Immediately Q p. Wise and Mr. TJabell, of Virginia, were on their feet to reply, but Lowry secured the floor, and he said: The gentleman from Virginia, J. S. Wise, was seek ing martyr's crown from the Democ racy. He, Lowry, would like to know whether he would permit him to place it on his head in his kitchen. Metfeen demanded the previous ques- S. nrst vOe, Hrhich Iras mi the mi mznTfig -that WiunHUW "eat, voted wia'ofaj undevstood fcgfafhitr clause tleman appeared at the bar of the House ana took the oath of office. The House at 5 o'clock took a re cess till" 8 o'clock, the evening session to be for debate only. EVE OF BATTLE. The TanffBill to Pass Without Essen, tial JMoifico.tlon Jost How the Thiac Stands What is Thought of the Mongrel Conventions' Work. Correspondence ot Th Observer. Washington, May 5. For three or four days the air has been full of rumors of compromise, but the various propositions have ended m smoke. The majority for the tariff bill may not be large, but it is certain. Barbour and George D. Wise, ot Vir ginia, Hardy, of New York, and others, have changed front and mean to vote both against the motion to strike out and in favor of the bill. After the defeat of the effort to kill the measure on Tuesday it will be discussed under the five-minute rule, and possibly amended in some re spects. The debate may thus run on a day or two, or it may close that evening. It is not likely to stretch out over the whole week. Gen. Cox thinks that a bill to abolish the tobacco and reduce the brandy tajf wuTpags the House after tho passage op tb tariff fcfieafure. Mr: 'Skinner is notMnguine as to the internal revenue, but is quite so in regard to tb-tariff. All of the others except Gen. Vance have been absent, and are not posted as to the very latest phase f the situation. Outside of Congressmen I do not find among intelligent observers any feeling of certainty that our matters will be arranged at this session. Yet I am sure, from a careful survey frf the premises, that something import ant will result from the agitation. :Vve may not be able this year to secure the extensive reduction of1 the unnecessary officers, so much desired, but it is almost certain that, tobacco will be unfettered and fruit brandy brought down to ten cents on 'the gallon. This would be hailed as a, big thing under all the circumstances, In the free conversations on State politics, which took place around the Capitol yesterday, one could learn that the action of the Mongrel con vention at Raleigh the day before had aroused no fears. On all hands the ticket was voted a failure. Five or six North Carolinians met in a certain office. It was soon after the arrival ol New York papers with full proceedings of the convention. Said one gentleman, a Representative in Congress: "This is nothing like such a ticket as I expected. Russell would nave given us more trouoie tnan York will in the race for Governor. As to Fred Winston, that is too ridiculous." Another, an eastern man, icommented on Stanton's restless office-seeking and local unpopularity. "Why," said he, "the negroes in his own country detest him." This gen tleman thought Pripe would have been a stronger man at the head of the ticket. Another said : "If Fowl xr Grissom could.bav been prevailed Upori although I beheve the former will act with the Democratic party we should have had some trouble." Kussell, all conceded, was the ablest man on the ticket, although one gen tleman said Faircloth was perhaps .he least exceptionable. The general judgment here is that this ticket can easily be beaten witn a strong and carefully selected ticket in opposition. York is not equal to any man who is likely to be nominated, and it would be very difficult for the Democrats to choose men who as a whole are so weak before the public as the pres ent hybrid combination. One of the wisest politicians in the State said to me daring the day: "We can beat this ticket from twenty to thirty thousand." Mr., Eaton's speech will be used by JiiG Republicans as a campaign docu ment. ne oia gentleman new on the helve. All the Southern men in Congress appear to be displeased with his sectional allusions and his cheap effort to disparage revenue reform by showing that the - Confederate Con stitution provided for free trade ab solute. Gen. Cox's speech in reply, delivered on Friday, was able, tem perate and satisfactory. In the twenty minutes at bis disposal he could deliver only the third of the argument which he had nroDosed. It will all appear in the Record. The panraaungwuie History axiu in felicities of the internal revenue sys tem will be very readable., On the same afternoon Gen. Vance had the North Carolina resolutions read from the clerk's desk, and commented in strong terms upon the tyranny and corruption of the system. He cited the reports of special . examiners in confirmation of his own ; statements, and related the anecdote of the preacher "who while praying for other classes of sinners petitioned the Lord to bless even ? the dirty revenue men." , 'v The Blaine boom it boometh, . but there are those who say that if James G.v extends bis history he will have to give some account of the third de feat of the gentleman" front Maine. His very prominence a month before the convention concentrates the fire of all theother candidates. To change the figure, a dark horse will win as he did when Hay es and Garfield were nominated r.Tnat. Horse may be Grant. It -may be. Boh.. Lincoln. It may be Gresham. Democratic talk is still more largely: on Tilden than any other. A bill placing the name of Col. C. A, Cilley on the pension roll passed the House under the direction of Gen. Vance Friday evening. The facts are as follows : The general pension law requires proof that disability arising subsequent to service proceed ed directly from such service. Brev et Colonel Clinton A. Cilley was in jured at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, 1863, by his horse falling upon his left leg and pinning him to the ground for some time. He believes that the disease of sciatica, which afflicted him after leavmg the army in 1866, was due to this cause, and this is the opinion of physicians. But as he is not able to establish the fact by testimony such as is required by law this special provision' in his case is asked for. Gen. Vance pre sented these facts. I understand that Gen Clingman will support good Democrats against bad Republicans this year, and he does not regard third patty prospects at all brilliant. As to his own candi dacy in the Asheville district I make out that he denies that there is" any thing in the recent report that he is to run as an independent candidate. Farther this deponeth saveth not. for he knoweth not. I can learn of only two North Caro linians who have been . here in the last four days, Capt. A. M Noble, of Senna, and Pembroke Jones, of Wilmington. All of the absent Representatives had returned yesterday except Judge Bennett. , Gen. Ransom, of late, has availed himself of the Saturday holi day in the Senate '.to? run. over ,? to is home in Northampton. v. -airs, jjavia uavis is nere ar. ttiA Biggs with her relatives, the family; jofHoni Wharton J.. Green. Mrs.5 uavis looks to be about thirty-five years of age, and is much admired. H. The Raleigh Election, Special to Ths Obsebveb. Raleigh, May 5 In the election here for board of aldermen to-day, the Democrats triumphed. As the board of aldermen elect the mayor, this en sures a continuance f Democratic administration. S. ABOUT THE, STATE. Our weekly exchanges are giving Mr. P. D. Walker a good boom for Attorney-General. On last Friday, $i0,7OO worth of tobacco was sold in Oxford, and they say it was a dull day there, too. The Odell Manufacturing Co., of Concord, have applied for space 40x8 feet in the Exposition building, and will put in and operate one hundred looms. The Wilmington Star says that Dr. S B. Kenney, hailing from the Nor folk Navy Yard, was in Wilmington Friday, for the purpose of estab lishing a post of the Grand Army of the Republic. Goldsboro's Juvenile is a bright little sheet. From its well arranged news columns we clip this item : The many friends of Dr. Millburn, the blind man eloquent, "will be pleased to know that he has accepted the invitation to deliver the baccalaureate sermon, at the Trinity College com mencement. Wilmington Review:. We under stand that the vestry of St. James' church, in this city,.; have extended ah invitation to Rev. Dr. D. V. M. Johnson, of St. Mary's church, Brook lyn, to take charge of the church here. Dr. Johnson preached in this city, at St. John's church, last Sun day night, and made a very favor able impression. He is one of Bishop Watson's old schoolmates. Hotel Arrivals. Buford House L A Blkle, Iron SUtlon, HC;F S Flood, Richmond; C H Wells, Philadelphia; L P Hills, F M VanPelt, Atlanta; J A Gee, Manchester; FHMornw, South Boston, Ta; B W Martin, At lanta; E D Snow, Decatur, 6a; W P Atkinson, Bal timore; W H Bryce, City; B Jenkins, Llncolnton; J A Blanton, Shelby, G Browning, Va; J A Crews, West Polat; Mrs S Brewer, Kershaw county, S C; 8 Halle, Fort Mill; L C Dessaussure, Columbia; D P Chaadler. Atlanta; T J B Watts, Wm Snow, Balti more; H J Flte, Richmond; W J Treat, Jr, Boston; J H West, Greensboro; A M Rankin, DanvlUe; W H Yeandle, New Orltans; C A Ingalls, Boston; F R Barlord, St Louis; E Von Tagen, Washington; J B Kerr, Winston ; A L Baker .Baltimore ; R J Herndon, N C; P M Snider, Blchmoi$; C W Mosby, J L Wat treli, R G- Johnaon.Wa&hlngton ; Miss Annie Dewey City; J M Ingram, Cabarrue count j; R D Boyn, Au gusta; J C Godey, Dakota; B J Williamson, NC; E G Blake, Augusta; A C Careen, Columbia; M 0 Smith, Philadelphia; J.W, T rarer, Lynchburg; H T Halle, Trenton; C W Simpson, Va; H P Johnson, N C; t H Morris, Nashville; L W Wade, Richmond; C T AlTis, Baltimore ; J W Hpe, N T; Miss L C Flinn, Philadelphia; A W Haddock, Boston; H W Meade, Petersburg; W Purdme, N C; A H Kline, Boston; H H Packer, N T; R H ClayUn, Baltimore; W T Car ter, michraond; T W Snead, Philadelphia; W B Jones, N C; H L Hern, Athens, Ga; J G Blodgett, Atlanta; C G Crews, Greenville; J H Brown, N C; B H Ramsey, R A RamseyMooresville. Central Hotel J Gamble, N T; G H Brocken brough and wife, Richmond; J Patton, Asheville; J W Harris, N T; J P Jones, Richmond; GSCassln, Atlanta; R 8 Harris, Cencord; G S McCailey, Coun ty; J R Brown, Rock Hill; D J Chase, Montgomery, Ala; J B Dualap, Atlanta; J C Thomas, Qreensbor o ; J M Henderson, Concord; W F Egan, Chester; W B Wilson, Jr, Rock Hill; J C Black, County; J T Alder man, Wilmington; J A Leak.Wadesboro; W A Line han. Raleigh; J R Tlllett, Maitanwm, Va; F R Stew art, Richmond; R L Henry, Lilasvnie; A C Spring i, Fort Mill; JC Porter, 3-; Miss Addle Williams, City; J A Dftbbs, LUesvlIW; G O Lincoln, Mobil; W K Myers, Jr, Washington; W A GUlett, Asheville; Miss Bessie Wriston, City; C Brown, City; G T Cole man, Baltimore; J J Ransom, Atlanta; J Altee, Co lumbia; W M Ardrey, County; W J Orr, Richmond; J W Browa, King's Mountain; W W Watt, Balti more ; W W ABen, Wilmington; I D Staney .Augusta; A Cozzeoa and wile, All Healing Springs; 1 S Man ner, King's Mountain; A X Raskin, Baltimore; C G FeanoU, Jacksom, Ga; W H Powell, City; W M Fran cis, Atlanta; J B Irwin, Richmond; John Q West, Washington; D T Miller, Fairfield, Ct; W P Dixon, Richmond; Q K Lovell, Providence, R I; T Winkler, Philadelphia; O C Poole, Atlanta; J T Tate, Greens boro; W W Graves, Washigto; W E Ardrey, Coun ty; J A Ardrey, Plneville; J W Bulla, Washington; J D Pharr, City; R C Bell, PlmeviUe; R D Whitley, Couaty; A S Noel, Washington; H C Ashcraft, Mon roe; J H Trimble, Latainburg; J M Godfrey, Tur nersburg, N C; B W Bossey, Shelby; C B Justice, Ruthorfordton; L G Rhodes, Greensboro; Leo Bar nott, N C; W D Martin, N T; W L Wallace. Plne ville; B A Budswell, Athens, Ga; C C Horton, Ches ter, W A Boyle, Charleston; J E GUI, Atlanta; C D Mitchell, Chattanooga; S S Kirkland, Spartanburg; J A Dodson, Greensboro; R C Caldwell, Richmond; L J Cornwell, Baltimore; D J Mullaney, Atlanta; J W McMillan, Spartanburg; Col Frank Core, Frank Coxe, Jr. Philadelphia; W E Younta, Plneville; G E Rftab, Augusta; Miss A Mclntyre, Atlanta; G G Pop, Wilmington, Del; C P Jeffries, Richmond. What Rosadalls Tflll Do. Rosadalis is a sovereign remedy for all diseases of the blood. It has no equal for the cure ot ner vous disorders. Read this certificate: "I would like to bear testimony to the merits of Rosadalis by saying that some eight years ago I was totally prostrated and could get no relief from our family Fhyslcian, but after taking one bottle of Rosadalis became entirely restored to health. I now weigh 175 lbs, but when I first took your medicine I weighed only 13a I cheerfully recommend It to all, and especially to those afflicted with nervous debility. MRS. A. A. MARON, Baltimore." For sale by T. C. Smith & Co., Charlotte, N. C. an20dtuegfri&sun&w. "A Single Faet is Worth a Ship load of Argument." Mr. W. B. Lathrop, of South Easton, Mass., un der date of Jan. 7, 1884, says: "My father bad for years an eating cancer on his under lip, which had been gradually growing worse until it bad eaten away his under lip down to the gums, and was teedlng Itself on the' inside of his oheek. and the surgeons said a horrible death was seoa to come We gave him nine bottles of Swift's Specific and he has been entltely cured. It has created great excitement la this section," Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THtSwirrSPKcnnCCa, Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. Scrofula Cured. . AxUlHIA, a., August 1883. My slx-vear-old son has had a terrible sloughing scrofulous ulcer of the neck for three years, attend ed with blindness, loss of hair, great emaciation, and general prostration. Physicians and various blood remedies were resorted to wlthaut benefit. The New Atlanta Medical College treated him for tnreo moatho, but bis condition grew worse. I was urged to try the efficacy of B. B. B.. and to th astonishment ot myself, friends and neighbors' one single bottle effected an entire cure. Ulcers of the neck entirely healed-, eyesight restored, and thy hair commenced growing on his head again. I live at S46 Jonesatreet, Atlanta, and my boy Is there to oe seen. . Fkans Joseph. For sale by W. M. Wilson, Charlotte, N. C. sunwlt i Nnrnlgla and Sick Headache. In Aurora, DX, lives Mrs. Wm. Henson. She says: "Samaritan Nervine cored me of neuralgia vertigo and sick headache." il3 : T,ery Well Put. . . tVhy do wedefer till , to-morrow whatwe shoold do to-day ? Whj do w6 neglect a cough an It throws us Into consumption, and consumption brines us to the grve? Mr. Wm. Hail's Balsam Is sure to we if.??Im8eaon 11 1188 never been known-to fail" Ce tt thoroughly, according to directions Persevere Oil the disease is conquered, as It is cer tain to.be, even, if it should require a doeen botttes. Thereisnol oener medicine Ma pulmonary disor- Young men, middle aged men and all men who 8 Oner from earlv inrilwi-atinna bhu m..i. ranrHrinta iSS If th n,ost powerful lnvlgorant ever ln canaiaate. I traduced; once restored by It there to no relapse. "ueTcriaus. i; o ior 6. At druggists, vJ?J?H n 1 a AUen' 815 First AveVNew Something old-Allen's Bilious Physic-Acts quick ly, relieves promptly, and never falls to cure Sick HeadachandConstipaUon. 25 ceuts, large bottle. Nothing Like. Them. s Benson's Capclne Porous Plasters are beyond al pmparlson the best Prompt, sure. Price 26 etas . Food that -i Poisoned y unclean teeth breeds dyspepsia. Such, at least, 4s the declared opinion of medical men. Remedy th evH' with purifying, aromatic SOZODONT. which clears away corrosive particles which lodge ' in the teet&and produce an acid ferment, thatlni time destroys their enamel and rains them: It prevents tbe unspeakable annoyance caused by de fective teeth, if it is used whflA thw Mn .L k. oft! destructive effects it tartar and MARKETS BT TELEOHAPn. MAT 6, 1884. Produce. Baltmobe Noon Flour steady; Howard Street and Western Superfine $3.00a$3.60; Extra 3.62 $4.62; Family $4.75$5.85; City Mills Super S.OOd $3.50; Extra $3.65a$6.25; Rio brands $5.62$5.76: Patapsco Family $6.50; Superlative Patent $7.00. Wheat-Southern steady; Western strong. South em red $1.12a$1.16; do. amber $I.15a$L18; No 1 Maryland $1.16 bid; No. 2 Western winter red spot $l.O7a$1.0714- Com Southern higher; Western higher. Southern white 623651V; yellow 60S63. Chicago. Flour steady. Wheat buoyant and unsettled; opened a shade higher and closed c higher than Saturday; May MS 35; No. 2 Chicago Spring 93S8S94. Corn active, firm and higher; cash 5334S55; May b$feS54. Oats unsettled but fenerally firmer; cash 31S32; May Sl32. 'ork active and firm, closed steady; cash $17.45o) $17 50. Lard firmer and 5SiTVs cents higher; cash $8,553(8 60; May $8.50$8.55. Bulk meats In fair demand; shoulders $6.50; short rib $8,371; short clear $8.90. Sugar Standard A 6; gran ulated 7; cut loaf 7ftffi86. Naval Stores. Wilmington Turpentine steady at 29. Rosin firm; strained $1.07tfc; good strained $1.12. Tar firm at $1.90; erude turpentine steady; hard $1.00; yellow dip and virgin $1.76. Charleston Turpentine firm at 2914. Rosin firm; strained and good strained $1.15. Savannah Turpentine firm at 29. Rosin firm at $1.20. Financial. NEW YORK. Exchange, 4.8714. Money 2. Sub-treasury balances, gold, $128,015; do. currency, 10,369. Gov ernments firm; four per cents, 1.2314; threes, 100I&. State bonds steady. Alabama Class A. 2 to S 82 Class B, fives 1.02 Georgia 6's 1.03 Georgia 7's mortgage 1.06 North Carolina's. 321 North Carolina's New 19 North Carolina's Funding 12 South Carolina Brown Consols 1.06l& Tennesse 6's 4U Virginia 6's 40 Virginia Consols .. 4Ufc Chesapeake and Ohio 10 Chicago and Northwestern 1.12 Chicago and Northwestern, preferred 1.4114 Denver and Rio Grande 15 Erie 191 East Tennessee Lake Shore 95 Louisville and Nashville 46 Memphis and Charleston 35 MobUe and Ohio 11 Nashville and Chattanooga 49 New Orleans Pacinlc. 1st 79 New York Central 1-lBVi Norfolk and Western preferred. 38 Northern Pacific common 245fe Northern Pacific preferred 73 Pacific Mall 45 Reading 42 Richmond and Allegheny 1 Richmond and DanvUle 51 Richmond and West Point Terminal 2614 Rock Island 1.19 St. Paul 3 St. Paul preferred 1.13 Texas Pacific 16 Union Pacific 603 Wabash Pacific 95 Wabash Pacific, preferred 171g Western Union 61 Bld. fLast bid. Offered. iAsked. Ex. Div. Cotton. Gal vkston Quiet; middling 11; net receipts; 138; gross 138; sales ; stock 9,003; exports coast wise 582. Norfolk Steady; middling 11; net receipts 10; gross 100; stock 6,668; sales 6; exports coast- Wl96 40 Wilmington Dull; middling 11; net receipts 43; gross 43; sales ; stock 2422 jexports coast- wis 4iT7 Savannah Dull; middling lltt; net receipts 398; gross 404; sales 400; stock 5,132; exports coast wise 285. Nkw ORLEANS-Qulet: middling 11; net receipts 1445; gross 1491; sales 300; stock 141,530; exports to Great Britain . Mobile Quiet ; middling 11; net receipts 91; gross 91; sales ; stock 8691; exports coastwise Memphis Quiet ; middling 11; receipts 843; shipments 481; sales 225; stock 27 262. Augusta Dull ; middling 11; receipts 12; shipments ; sales 144. Charleston Quiet; middling 11; net receipts 5588; gross 6588; sales 60; stock 4,911; exports coastwise 4526; continent 1332. New York Firm; sales 35: middling np lands 11; Orleans 12; consolidated net receipts 3,720; exports to Great Britain 2357, to France ; continent 1522. Futures. New York Net receipts ; gross 678. Fu tures closed dull and easy; sales 58,01)0 bales. March April May ll.67a.68 June. 11.723.73 July 11.81V?-.81 August 11.883.89 September ll.57ti.58 October 11.03.04 November 10.873.89 December 10.873.89 January 10.943.96 February 11.033.05 Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, May 6. Cotton steady and Improv ing: uplands 6d; Orleans 6t4d; sales 10,000; spec ulation and export 1000; receipts 6,000; American 2,400. Uplands low middling clause May and June delivery 6 8-64d36 9-65d also610-64d; June and July 6 12-643 13-64d, also 6 14-64d36 15-64d; July and August 6 17-64d36 18-64d, also 6 19-64d; August and September 6 22-64d36 23-64d; September and Octo ber 6 18 64d; October and November 6 l(V64d. Fu tures firm with good demand for near position. 2 P. m. Sales American 7,700 bales. Uplands low middling clause May delivery 6 10-64d, (buyers) ; May and June 6 10-64d, (buyers) ; June and July 6 l5-64d. (sellers) ; July and August 6 19-64d, (buyers) ; August and September 6 23 4d, (buyers); Septem ber and October 6 204d, (buyers) ; October and No vember 6 10-64L (buyers); November and December 6 6-64d, (value) ; September 6 25-64d, (value). 4 p. m. Uplands low middling clause May de livery 6 11-64.1, (seUera); May and June 6 ll-64d, (sellers) ; June and July ,6 15-64d, (sellers) ; July and August 6 20-64d, (sellers) ; August and September 6 23-64d. (buyers) ; September and October 6 20-64d, (buyers): October and November 611-64d (value); November and December 6 6-64d, (value) ; Septem ber 6 25-64d. (value). Futures closed quiet and steady. City Cotton Market. Office of the Observer, Charlotte, N. C, May 6, 1884. J The city cotton market yesterday closed quiet but steady at tbe following quotations: Low Middling n 5-16 Strict Low Mkkliing. u Middling rrrrr. mi-ie RECEIPTS SINCE SKWKM-nitu FIRST. Receipts since September 1 to yesterday 41,579 Receipts yesterday 9 Total receipts to date 41,588 Receipts same date 1883 61,018 Receipts same date 1882 29,887 3 CITY PRODUCE MARKET. Reported by T. R. Magtll. MAY 6, 1884. Corn per bushel 80382 Meal per bushel 80385 Wheat per bushel 1.0031 10 Peas Clay, per bushel 1.0031.05 Lady per bushel 1.2531 50 White per bushel 1.0031.06 Peanuts per bushel L2531.75 Flour Family 2.4032.50 Extra. 2.3632-45 Super 2.8032.35 Oats shelled 66360 Dried Fruit Apples, per lb 536 Peaches, peeled 839 " unpeeted 636 Blackberries 334 Potatoes Sweet 90395 Irish..... 60375 Cabbage, per pound. 232 Onions, per bushel 65360 Beeswax, per pound 25326 Tallow, per pound 737 Butter, per pound. 12325 Eggs , per dozen. . . . . , 11312 Chickens 25326 Ducks 25326 Turkeys, per pound. 910 Geese 35340 Beef, per pound, net. jqm Mutton, per pound, net " ' 838i Pork, perpound.net. 2 Wool, washed. " unwashed - 25 and:::;:::;::::;:::;:::;;;;;; KEROSENE GILT" LUBRICATING OILS. CHESS-CAELEY CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. dec7eodlm VALUABLE CITY LOTS FOR SALS. The owner will sell either of two valuable elty lota, with good Improvements on each. Within five minutes walk ef the public square. THIS OK KICK A GOOD HERRING SAFE FOR SALE CHEAP. Appljat ; ' TUB OPTICS. !!"'.'"'''' ""1n " 't1 r ."titrw , M.mw ma aw, mwm ln Utf. JlOTl8deodaw TTMa.-We will sell a good second-hand ...g-gptter. Good as new except karie Uwwim. Coot $60.10. Win he totl for (25.00. TuWomcxt fl D 1 1 1 r 1 MORPHINE HABIT Urll - lM.H;KAKB,cf wJM)aian7 wn IWIIIati,hrllitilhaliwlir,b, Our Spring SHOES and SL1PPJBRS JUST RECEIVED AN tats Newark Also an assortment of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes BE SURE AND SEE AND PRICES BEFORE BUYING. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. IBjl TO GS- ELIA8 & COHEN Respectfully solicit a call from the ladles of the city and surrounding country to their large and hand some stock of Carpets, Rugs, Linens, Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, HOUSEF URNISHING GOODS, ETC., And they will find It to their advantage to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We also announce to the gentlemen that our stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Underwear, Hosiery, Collars, (Ms, Scarfs and Ties, SATCHELS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, Are now complete. They will find it large, well assorted and cheap. Our E. & C. Imperial Shirt Is still the leading Dollar TJnlaundrled Shirt, which for Fit ami Quality we guarantee to be the best shirt for the price in the market. ELIAS & COHEN. EMORY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS are the BEST EVER MADE for Cosfiveness, Indigestion, Headache. One good dose of tUree or four Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, followed by one pill every night for a week or two, makes the human machinery run as regular aa clock work; they purify the blood ,md put unw life in a broken-down bodv. Purely Vegetable, Harmless, Pleasant, Infallible, the youngest child may take them. Sold by all Druggists aud -Moilioiue Dealers at IS Cts. a Box, or by maii. STANDARD CURE CC, Proprietors, 197 Pearl St., N. Y. Emory's Little Cathartl-i .-.r mo'-o than is claimed; they prove to be tl-e best Pill ever used here. V, -. . r.:oo tl;o money asked. W. W. H. Gohee Harmony Grove, Ga. Emr - ' 1 ! !.Ma Cathartic tha mmtni.r.i' oii EMORY'S LITTLE he Cathartics. Wm. Bishop T..y.l i'.:v-r, X. c. Mv aged mother used one CATHARTIC PILLS box with wonderful results.- v. ..m:fr. Locust Grove, Ohio. 1 recommend re prepared from John Ooixiks, AI. D., V 53. They are excellent. R. Bknso.n MAY APPLE. Jackson, Miss, They are u:.ciU.-a. Hits. Elizabeth Kiyseb, Moberly, Mo CAPITAL. PRIZE, 875,000. Tickets only $5. Shares in Proportion. mz3 Louisiana State Lottery Cc. "We do hereby certify that we super vise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louis iana State Lottery Company, and in per son manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted urith honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and ice authorize the company to use this certifi cate, with fac similies of our signatures attached, in its advertisements. ' ' Commissioners. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of oyer $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the pres ent State Constitution adopted Decem ber 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and en dored b't the people of any State, It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a for tune. Fifth Grand Drawing, Class E in the Academy of Muisc, New Orleans, TIIESDIT, Mar 13, 1SS4. 168th Monthly Drawing. tW CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. 3 100,000 Tickets at $5 each. Fractions in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of- $75,000 1 do do 25,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES $6,000 12,000 5 " 2,000 10,000 10 " 1,000 10,000 20 " 500 10.000 100 " 200 20,000 300 " 100 30,000 500 11 50 20,000 1,000 " 50 25,005 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximate Prizes $750..$ 6,750 9 " 500.- 4,500 9 " " 250.- 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to- $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Com pany in New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to Neir Orleans National Bank, New Orleans, La. Postal Notes, and ordinary letters by Mail or Express, (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., Or M. A. Dauphin, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power conferred by a mortgage deed executed to me by T. M. Chambers and wile and recorded in Book 33 page 186, 1 will sell by pub lic auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, on Saturday, 17th May, 18ftl, the lots or parcel of land in the town of Matthews, being Lot No. 6 and fractional part of Lot No. 7, adjoining lands of Frank Helms, A. Grler, and others. The said deed is referred to for more par ticular description. TEEMS CASH. M. If. PHARR, April 16, 1884. dlaw4w Mortgagee. A REALLY PURE STIMLUL ANT This whiskey is controlled entirely by Venable & Hepman, New York. It is distilled in. Maryland in the slate water regions of that State from the small grain grown there. The distillation is superintended by a gentleman who thoroughly understands his business. Nothing deleterious is permitted to enter into its composition, and none of it i allowed to be sold until fully 3 years old, in order that it may be en tirely free by evaporation from fusei oil. Venable & Heyman offer these goods as perfectly' pate, to fill a long felt want for medical purposes. It is their own brand, , and they stake their : reputation on the truth of this assertion. For sale by L. J. EIRE, nov22w6m CharldttS, IT. C. BuckiB Whiskey and Summer ARRIVING BAIL, Y ELEGANT LINE OF Sloes m Slippers OUR GOODS GRAY & BBO. -SL IE B mm METROPOLITAN FSSHIOH SHEET FOR MAY. AND CATALOGUE For the Summer, AT- TIDDY & BROS ' New Summsr and Winter Resort. Hotel Brunswick, SMITHVILLE, N. C. At the mouth of Cape Fear River, opposite the historic Forts Fisher and Caswell, andin fuD view of the ocean, will open about May 20th, Under Entirely New Management, The hotel has been refurnished and renovated throughout. New and handsome building erected for pleasure purposes. Elegant, large, airy Ball Room over the water. First class Musicians from New York will furnish Ball Boom and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathing. Fine line of new boats for pleasure sailing and fishing. NO MALARIA OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY. Dally malls. Telegraphic communication. Finest fishing on Atlantic coast. Tourists and pleasure seekers Northward and Southward will findTt to their advantage to give us a call. Climate and scenery unsurpassed. Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air-Line R. R. will sell tickets from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick. Special rates by montaand season. J. D. SDBLETT, of New York, aprl3d2m Manager. A Perfect Corset SECURED2AT LAST. BALL'S H w CORSET. By a novel arrangement of a series of Fine Coiled Wire Springs, which yield readily to every move ment of the wearer, the most Perfect Fitting and Comfortable Corset ever made is secured. These springs are warranted to retain their per fect elasticity until the Corset la worn out; and, unlike rubber, will not heat the person nor decay with age. . - - ' It wfll at perfectly a greater variety of fonns than any other and Is approved by the best physicians in the country . . Is Warranted to Give Satisfac tion or Money Befnndtd. ; fee sale by . ( MRS. P. QUERY, Charlotte, tf. C. M'S ust Recevet MOfEIBl & ISRSemGES. Shoes and Slippers for Spring and Summer. ZIEQLERS PHILADELPHIA MADE LADIES' BUTTON AND LACE SHOES, STACY, ADAMS & CO., and BANISTERS NEWARK MADE FINEST HAND-MADE and MACHINE SEWED GENTS' CONGRESS, BUTTON and PRIhCE ALBERTS IN LATEST STYLES. The large quantities of Boots and Shoes which we handle at WHOLESALE gives us such siinerior facilities in buying, that we are enabled to assure our easterners better bargains than they can ntwsmii procure elsewhere. All we ask. Is an oppcrtunlty to prove it. iuij Respectfully, ' MOYER & HrRSHINGK.R. BURGESS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, BEDDING,&C. A full line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits. Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Cbarlette, North Carolina. CIIAKLOITK, X. f. THE MRGEST, BEST APPOINTED nnl "1S f I A ItlCIJ illy MAtOEf) IIOTKi. If 'VltK CITV. LOCATION I) S KIASF.D. 4Hnowleded lo be one of .e yiost Comfortable IIiie. South of Wahinglon. Rates $2,00 and $2.50 per day. II. O. ECCLES, Prop'r. DISSOLUTION The firm of Wilson Bros, has been dissolved by mutual consent. P. C. Wilson has sold and as signed to W. M. Wilson all his Interest In the as sets of the firm, and the latter has agreed to pay off all the liabilities of Wilson Bros. Signed.! W. If. WILSON. Signed. P. C. WILSON. NOTICE. I will continue the Wholesale and Retail Drug business at the old stand of Wilson Bros., and re spectfully solicit the patronage of my Irlends and the public. Signed. W. M. WILSON. aprl9dtf DOVE'S True turf Oil. TX PHYSICIANS, FABMKBS, LIKBY 3TA X BLK KKBPERd AND UA1LBOAD MSN AND Htt ADS OF FMlLIKd: If any member of yout household, from parents to the merest Infant, are afflicted with Malignant Sores, scrofulous or other wise, Salt Rheum or Scald Head, Burns, wounds, no matter how sever, or of how ion standing, or from whatever cause produced, send and get a 25-cent bottle of TURK OIL, and we guarantee a cure or no pay. It cures before other remedies begin to act. It Is equally applicable to all the Ulcers or Bores, or Inflimed uurfaces of all do mestic animals, or anything that moves on the Turf. One or two applications are all that is nec essary to neutralize tbe action of the virus and heal the Dicer. It arrests at once the progress of Erysipelas and removes the inflammation left in the track of tbe disease. For sale by ail druggists and country stores. Ask for the "Turf Oil Spelling-Book and Reader," with certificates of cares PTJBCKLL, L IDDV& CO., ay ( 1 y. Richmond, Va. -CHOICE LOT- POTATOES. A. J. BEALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT. SPFXIAL NOTICE. Owing to the death of Mr. H. McSmlth, former manager of the McSmlth Music House, which is a branch of Ludden 4 Bates' Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga., the management of the business will in future be entirely in our hands. All parties Indebted to the said house are hereby notified that payment should be made only to ourselves or our authorized agents. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Postal Orders, etc, should be made payable to the McSmlth Music House, Charlotte, N. C, and letters should be likewise ad dressed. The immediate settlement of all accounts past due Is required, and all parties having demands against the house will please present them at once, LUDDEN 4 BATES' SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, J. A. BATES, , ' Treasurer and Manager. Sole Owners McSmlth Music House, Charlotte. N C may4d2twlm Houses Rented. Houses rented and rents collected, in the city. Advertised free of eharge. CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY, B. E. COCHRANE, Manager, may2dtf Trade Street Front Central HoteL T. R. M AC ILL. WHOLESALE jQROCKB AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT College St.. Charlotte. Orders solicited and promptly filled IT . Peer ess a Goodrich NICHOLS, I MM! Household Nirafe TODD'S BREAKFAST STRIPS. m I i IV ofld riff N. C. FAMILY M UfiG OCEAN GEM MESS MACKEREL, DRIED BEEF TONGUE, JELLIES in 5 and 2-lb Tins First Choice Green and Black Tea, Philadelphia Tea Crackers. Wilson's Wafers, TO BE FOUND AT Seines. Seines. We are to-day receiving a large lot of Seine lengths from 12 to 75 feet . Order early. We are to day in receipt of a car load of the cel ebrated DEERING Twine Binders and Harvesters. They are for sale at low prices. We are wholesale agents for the Handy Blacking and Wood Box Stove Polish. It will pay you to cnll and see how nicely they are put up. Prices are low- BROWN. WEDDING TON 4 CO. DISMAL SWAMP LOTTERY CO NORFOLK, TA. The franchise of this enterprise Is based hikiii the chartered right granted to the Dismal Swamp Canal company, and the legality has been repeat edly tested before the courts of the State. The purpose In view is the "Improvement and extension" of the Canal, thus securing great public benefits. Its fair conduct has already secured public confi dence, and the next Drawing will be made on the 15th May, 1884, before the public In Norfolk, Va. CLASS G. Mchemei CAPITAL PRIZE. $5,000 turn BISCUIT Hunter k Stabs 1 Prize of $5,000 is ?5,ono 1 do 1,500 is 1,5I 1 do 1,000 is l.ii"' 1 do 600 is 5 hi 1 do 200 is 2ih) 1 do 200 is 1 do 200 is 1 do 200 is -'' 6 do 100 are 1,1 15 do 50 are ''' 100 do 10 are 1 200 do 5 are I.""" Approximation Prizes. 9 Of $50 S-l-"'" 9 of 30 X" 9 of 20 856 Prizes, distributee S13.W Ticket Only 91. Plan ot Lottery similar to that of Louisiana Company. J. P. HORBACH, Manajer. Address all applications for Information, tickets, or agencies, to . J. P. HORBACn, 207 Main St. Norfolk, a. The undersigned supervised the Drawing Clas E of the Dismal Swamp Lottery Company, ai certify that it was conducted with strict fairness w all interested. GEO. T. ROGERS, I commissioners CHAS. PICKETT, wramissiu prizes paid in previous drawisi;. $5,000 to M. A. Karx, Salem. Va. $500 to O. F. Baxter, South Mills. N. C. $1,509 U parties la sums tnm $6 t fl. mkZH - FOR RENT. A Desirable Residence. Apply to J. C. BURROUGHS