(jrticuri POSITIVE CURE lr even fan f SKLNi BLOOD I HfiPLU MSCI0F8U "liltcnlSr eeajr. Pliwly.OopperOoMted, Scrota- tnrdfl, the Cuticuba Bkmbdiss are infallible. CUTICCRA RESOLVENT, the new Blood Purifier, Diuretic and Aperient, expels disease germs from the blood and perspiration, and thus removes the cause. Cunctnu, the great Skin Cure, Instantly allays Itching and Inflammation, clears the-6kta and Scalp, fieals Ulcers and Sores, restores the complexion. Ccticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautlner and Toilet Requisite, Is Indispensable In treating skin diseases, and for rough, chapped or greasrskln, blackheads, blotcbes.and baby humors. Cotidcra RnatDjBS are the only Infallible blood purllare ntl laid fcutMrs. in -i -,i CHAR HOUGHTON. . luner. 28 State street Boston, reports' a case of lit Rheum under his to serration for ten years, which covered ine pattern s body and limbs, and to which JB known methods of treatment had been applied without benefit, which was completely cured solely by the Ccticura Rkmjcik8, leaving a clean and healthy skin. Mr. and Mrs. EVERETT STEBBINS, Belcher town, Mass., write: Our little bey was terribly af flicted with Scrofula, Salt Rheum and Erysipelas ever since he was'otn,nd nothlnpwi flouloglve .htmhaipodhuKuotU wto(e4iXrncQni Bjkmbdibs, mbk grArtoaUj cpred Wffi. W&ta he is now aflr H. E. CARPENTER, Henderson, N. T., cured of Psorlarls or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by Ccticura Remedies. The most wonderful cure on record. A dustpan ful of scales fell from him dally. Physicians and his friends thought he must die. Cure sworn to before a Justice of the peace and Henderson's most prominent citizens. 'ilik"S: 'WhipAe, Decatur. Mlcn'.i writes that her face, head, and some parts of her body . , wew almost taw. Head covered with scabs ana .saxes. Suffered fearfully and tried everything, ' ' permanently cured by the CcncraA Rimkbiks from a 8km Humor. ' ' ' -ai Sold by all druggists. Ccticura, 60 cents; Re solvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Dbug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. Fills DISOROgBEO LIVER and MALARIA. From these sources arts three-fourths of the dia eases of the human, race. These eytnflBini2i& their oxietenee :Xos f Wmdmmtm'mtiB?, tovatwlon to Mrtloa ot body or mind, Eructation Of food, Irritability of temper, Low JrlU, A feeling of having neglected jgm miT, Wrrtmtm , XluUtHmg at the. Heart, AoU bkSorO the eyes, highly col ored Urine, COWSTIPATIOW, and de mand the use of remedy that acts directly en the Liver. As aLiver medicine TUTT'S PILLS have no equaL Their aotion on the Kidneys and Skin la also preofofc removing all imai109lhroagM these three H engers of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regnlflr stools, a clear skiiuwd a vigorous body. TCTT'S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere withdaHy work uk) are a perfect1 - f:1 ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA HE FEEU9 1XKE A NEW HAH. " I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two yeafa.,n hare titeii(diSerent kinds of pills, aosVTCTT'S am the first' that bare done ma.Mr good. They have cleaned me one nicely. Mv appetite is splendid, food digests readi', and I now rum passages, i hi ira-e a new M.TO' -It' I Boldovt. W; a. JiDWARDB, Palmyra, O. hen,2!U. Offlee,4 Murray 6t.,N.Y TOTTS HAIR DYE. Gaxr Hat ok Wbtsxjcbs changed in. stantJr to a GLOsrr Black by a single an. TateatiottolJUhU irr.BoW by Droggli. wniuwp fttOrnrnt, ,:, AT THE r MT- - 1" store Depot. iff - I Glassware, AN Notions Generally, aessectefllj, C. ML, BTBERKDGE. LIFE EOR THE IVER and KIDNEYS. POHfHYHLT oukbb lpeiaa, Lirer ail tidacr Compiainls. I iavaaie yar-"life fr the Liver tsd Kidneys " with great benefit, and .- uijBBia, or mj, derangement of fse lirer or kidnejs I regard it as being ' without am equal, n 1 enitB.'iifBOBint: At at Law, ' Boilstoa, Henderson county, N. C. ? To superior to bxlj liver pad. Hvsh ThosLab, wlendale, S. C. edicihes 'are Taluable and I have fold upwards an recenyfeend tbean, Charlotte, N. C. j "Life fer the Lirer and Kidneys" of 'Qhsll;re yaxkflj like a charm flnx i VUrery- W.i ' i H. PiEfajrs,; i Wax Haw, Lancaster county, S. C. In large 25o. and $1.00 bottles. Sole ly druggists and dealers generally Prepared by - - - tB. IIILTOM, Olendale, 8. C October 38, dtf. FANCY dO ODS ' ; .tHWji.Jt ".-iii!!! , -. j teOeXHBT, 6USStltpI GOODSfcand ' WHOLESALE Amb RETAII4. '' il Larye Stock Just Received. Jfossroseand GlTSets 44 Pieces, 7.90 WWtoeTe-jSejp. ' ' 4.M OF AXJi KDrDS, tXOtSSk .- ' viLa zvcTjtr Mcuid. . .. . ' '1 V n ; . , - . t A.HAUB8.r 33 VKT5l Nil GOODS III STORE, Tinware, 3 i our ..l.M j l J a: I'Jt f."ri'l fil! ' . A LOT 0 KBW eOODSSTOST KECKIVED. BARGAINS DAILY gTte (fHrnrlcrttc bszxveict j WHAT TOBACCO WILL DO ITS POWER TO HEAL WHEN AP PLIED AS A POULTICE. Uen.CliDgma (iires Some latefesfing foraiajioa a t the Csiratirs Prop ertieset Teaccan ce om Re" mailable Cases.; & a -j From the Health and Home. Believing that euch knowledge of the advantages of wet tobacco as a poultice, as I bave acquired, if it should become general, will De in strumental in saving annuany many thousands of lives in the United States, I have decided that it is my duty to make a statement on the subject.- T 1 To do this properly will require sonWspace, as mere condensed pro positions or statements will not usuh ally make as much impression or bo as well remembered as things set forth in the form of a narrative of facte. I ought at the outset to state that I never chewed, smoked, or snuffed tobocco : I believe, however, that it ga perefal-oea8ioBS has saved my life, ana ua oiner rejspecw vkku ul essential service to me and many of my friends. The first instance I can remember of its usage as a remedy for inflam mations, was seeing Tom Kelly, when I was a boy, spurt its juice from his mouth into the eye of his horse very red from inflammation. He stated that he was curitig it in that way. I also early In life knew of its being applied to those who had been stung by wasps, bees, etc. When in college a student told me that he had cured a chronic inflammation by putting a nJ jnfcancifld mrself as agajididate 4or Congress, while carelessly riding a wild horse, the animal sprang against the fence and knocked me off, so that I lit on the ground with so much violence as to sprain mjf ankle very severely. As I had some miles to ride into Henderson, N. C.j before any remedy could be applied, the ankle had swollen to double itj size and very painful. Dr.-Whitehead directed a poultice to he apphedj After enduring sevre pain, for some hoars, I thought of trying tobaccoj for some leaves, had them wet and Wrapped around tho ankle, anc placed thepoultico over them to keef them moist. Within an hour the pain ceased, and I slept through th( eight, The ixext morning on exam inirig the tinklemstead of its being swollen it appeared rather less than its natural size ; the skin had a wrin-j kled appearance and was very whitei The membrane between the bonea which had received the shock, howl ever, was very tender, so that I was Tbiiged,4;otBse cratehes. During my canvass, which lasted four months,' I twice while travelling had it hurt by accidents, and each time subdued the pain, and swelling by the use of tobacco. During the war, by the faffing-of a galloping horse, I was thrown over nis head and sprained the same ankle badly, and used tOf bacco with the like effect. j - My next application of it was t a severe gunshot wound, on the 19th of August, 1864, near Petersburg! Va. A bullet ranged through mj leg, from near the arkle, so as to come out on the opposite side, r just below the knee, cutting the muscle and nerves and making a long and very painful wound, i lost so much blood that I was carried from the field in an insensible condition. X was so feeble' that the surgeons ex pressed great apprehension that I might not be. able to survive the fever which they expected would come on in a few days. About that time sev "eral'of my friends had died of the secondary fever which followed theii tnintfgv Iff a few days my left leg began to swell and throb with heat. Tbe surgeons said I must" keep it 9fcagpE in wet cloths. I told them that I would keep down the inflam mation by an application of tobacco. They at once asserted that such an application would be ruinous. Aftel rtiey left I-sent my servant for soma tobacco, enveloped the leg in it, and kept it wet with the cloths over it The pain m an hour or two diminish ed, and the heat and throbbing ceased and I rested more quieUy. than I bad beeittaiBg.iik On tha nexfcday, wheri the surgeons called to see me, on looking at the wound they expressed much surprise ana said, xou may keep on the tobacco." I remember that (Jen. Robert E. Lp called to sed me that day, and after looking at me said, "Oh, General, you are not going to die. your eye is too bright." The tobacco being a powerful nerve tonic j it always greatly excites my intellec tual faculties. Although several months passed Detore 1 could walk witnout crutches; yet,I had no fever and. -little pain from the inflammation. I am satis fied that if,Jbacco were properly applied, that no external wound would ever become sufficiently in flamed to cause taoMfficatfon. " . -In-tha year-1867,- in-the.. City o New York, as I was riding in an om4 nibus, while looking out oi an opeii window I received a heavy blow oq my right eye from the whip of th driver, who had aimed the blow at the head of a horse which seemed about t interfere with him. He missed the horse's head and the full force of the :enLof the whip fell di rectly on the: centre of my 'open eye. The pain was excessive, and the sight was entirely taken away abso lute blackness seemed before it. Pas sengers in the; stage said to me, ''You had better get out and seek relief for you don't .know how that eye looks." I soon' reached my hotel, and en getting into it sent one ser vant for a piece of tobacco and an other for two physicians with whom I was acquainted. The tobacco came first, ana just as I had- placed it on and secured it with proper bandages, the doctors came in. I told them what had happened and that I had just put on. the tobacco. They said tobacco would be ruinous.. As soon as I got off the bandage and they saw the eve., their coun tananreta maiyipH lUcrfatl; (for I could see them with my left eye, ofcomue.) They said 4 'it will be very, difficult to save that ye." I replied that if , it could be saved the tobacco po-ultice would do it. They reiterated their objec tions; but I told them I should try it, and asked them to come back in the morning. After they left I restored the tobacco and kept it well wet by puttmg my faceirom time to time in a bowl of water, so as to retain the moisture steadily. The night was one of the most painful of my life; but as it progressed the pain seemed to slightly diminish; yetven in the morning I still suffered, About ten o'clockjOM, pi tha physlcuuig called to seediHiaidJtobtM'llif bandage. As soon as I did so, J . knew .the eye was betteri for I -could eee the out lines of the open rindow before ma. The doctor imme4iately said, "I was never more astonished in my life," for your eye instead of being swollen and black, as I expected to see it, is shrunk and less than the other eye, and the lids are white. He insisted that he ought to allowed tostimulate it bj.aaapplicationv-butaa Idid not desire to have a permanent reaction, My twjther,. who is a ptticticihR CHARLOTTE O physician in North Carolina, to whom I had explained tne uses 01 lODacco, told me that some years ago, when sore throats were an epidemic in his neighborhood, he had used tobacco in more than a dozen cases, always with success, while other physicians in that vicinity had lost some of their patients, having treated them differ ently. My next application of tobacco was for etysipaJas of the head. Some years ago, when in Ealeigh, N. C, I had several tipjuries of the head, which were' s"o serious that an appre hension was felt for some days that I might not be able to recover. After I had been for perhaps a week under the treatment of Dr. E. Burke Hay wood, and was improving, I conclud ed to make a little experiment on one of the swollen wounds. Being near the outer corner of the eye, its swoll en condition interfered with my sight, and as I had learned from Chief Justice Pearson that ani appli cation of spirits " of" turpentine would soothe a 'boil I touched that protuberance wifti it. Im the morn ing I found thafclnatead of removing the swelling it nad increased consid trably. Q.n Dr. Haywood's arrival, he expressed surprise, and on being told what I .had done, he said, "You haVftfiiven yjourselferysipelas in that woundana if it gets Up into the large one above, it will be very diffi cult to save your life." His counte nance exhibited much anxiety and apprehension. I replied, "Doctor, I will see that it does not get up into that wound ; come back and see me in four hours." I sent for tobacco, covered the upper wound with it, and the forehead and temple between that and the lower wound, keeping the bandage carefully wet all the time. About midnight the Doctor returned, and on the bandage being removed, all the swelling had disap peared. Though I was confined for some weeks to my room, I had no swelling of the wounds afterwards My next attack of erysipelas was a much more formidable one. In the month of May, 1880, 1 tried to remove a frontal neuralgia, of which I will perhaps speak hereafter. Having suffered from it for a long time, and tried many remedies with no advan tage, I concluded to try an old fash ioaed blister of flies. I covered my forehead and temples with it. and after it had been on a few hours, feeling lonesome in my room, I put on a soft hat and walked about the streets in the si mshine. After the blister plaster had been on six or seven hours, I removed it, and was surprised to observe that it discharg ed but little, and had an unusually red appearance. I kept cabbage leaves on it during the night, but on next day it still had a reddish appear ancevwas somewhat swollen, and discharged less than blisters usually did. 'About 5 o'clock, I went down to WiDard's Hotel for dinner, and on being met by a friend to whom I spoke, he seemed surprised, and said, "I did not know you till you spoke: what is the matter with you?" I stat ed what I had been doing, went into the dining room and took dinner, as usual. Un coming out, 1 met an old friend, Dr. Hambleton, and spoke to him. He, with a look of astonish ment, said to me, "I did not know you till you spoke : what is the mat ter with you? I answered that had had a blister on my forehead, les, ne said, ana it has given you erysipealas." I was at once alarmed ; and on going to a looking-glass, was amazed at my appearance. My f aee looked like a large pumpkin. Though my nose is a prominent one, it could not be distinguished, as the cheeks were swollen so as to be even with it : while only the central portions of my eyes could be seen, Qwing to the swelling around the n. Kealizing the danger, I secured a piece of tobacco at the cigar stand, and went into Milburn's drug store to get some cloth for bandages. On calling for it the proprietor --said with astonish ment, "Whatis the matter? I did not know you till you spoke." I stat ed it to him, and he answered, "You had better see a doctor ; you don't know how you look." After reach ing my room, as soon as I could wet the tobacco, I placed it over mv fore head, temples, eyes, cheeks and nose, barely leaving breathing space for the nostrils'. Covering it, as usual, with four thicknesses of cotton cloth. wrapping a bandage over all, I would put my lace into a bowl of water ev ery ten or ntteen minutes, so as to keep bandage thoroughly wet. After about four hours had elapsed, I raised the bandage, and was gratified to see tnat tne outlines 01 my nose were visible, the eyes enlarged, and my cheeks much less full. I continued the application, however, till morn ing, and had the satisfaction of seeing mac 1 was reiievea. several gentle men wno naa seen me tne evening ueiore, came m ana expressed sur prise at my rapid recovery. I re member that Dr. Hambleton said. "No doctor could have cured you in At 1 . M mree weeKS. T , 1 1 i 1 - a nave neara 01 a numDer or cases where erysipelas has been cured by persons whose attention I had called to the use of tobacco. I also, last summer, when m New York, by ap plying large poultices of tobacco to my hip, cured myself of a terrible at tack of sciatica, "which had been greatly aggravated by the treatment ,01 1 wo pnysicians. One evening, in Washington. found two of my friends sitting with their boots off. They both were suf fering from bunions of lone standing. I advised the use of tobacco, and they immediately sent for it and applied it. Application for a single night made a permanent cure, as they hav assured me, though two or three years ISffe elapsed. About two vears ago one of the NerthsCarolma mem bers of Congress, on my; suggestion, relieved himself in the same manner, and says there has been no return of the soreness. Al X 1 Ksurua uu me ices can oe cured in like manner. A Senator told me withitf a few weeks that ;he believed he bad saved his life last, year by ap plying tobacco as I had previously Mvisea hinfas toitsuse. He stated tnattrom imprudence ihdiet and over-exertion, he had brought on terrible attack. The pain on the lunri yni b 01 ins siae ana oaCK was almost intoleraole. After beine . .3 1 a , . . . O uearcu uy two pnysicians two days ana nigtits, with no atlvant age, the pain so increased that it seemed im possible for him to live under it. Re 4aembering,what Ihad told him as to. tobacco, he applied a quantity of it I refused.: Though the eye was not Tery painful, I; kept the tobacco oa ah lwi ,niu greater pare 01 tea day . ; Thi next,"1iay when he saw it,1 he- said- iou win not lose your eye, but it will always be disfigured." On" looking at it I saw the pupil seemed to extend across the iris, and my whole eye looked black. On the fifth day my eye had its natural ap- rv-M,..w, in Digui was luuy re- i stored. U galled at.the office of my 3 had nave? seea such a cure. Being in the city a .few months after this, I called to see my friends One of them said to me, "I believe I saved a boy's eye with your tobacco. He had been hit in it with a chip and when I got to him, it was so much inflamed that 1 1 .thought he would" lose it-, but I put on the tobacco, and next morning I found the inflamma? taon gone, and the eye soon becam B S EV ER TjJDY, MAY 6, well " The other physician said, "I did a better thing than that. An elderly gentleman, somewhat intoxi cated, was thrown out of his carriage in Central Park, and badly bruised. When I got to his house, I never saw any one so frightened as was his his young wife, with his groaning and cursing. I wrapped up his wounds with tobacco, and he fell asleep, and was well in the morning !" Some years ago, on the streets ot Asheville, N. C, I met a prominent lawyer of the town. His eyes were fiery red and much swollen, and fie said "My eyes are very sore, and I am hunting a doctor where is Dr. Williams' office ?" I advised him to try tobacco on them. After hearing my statement as to its advantages. he said, "iwiutryit," ana steppea into a store, procured a piece of to bacco, and went home. On the next day, I met him on the street, and his eyes were well and clear. He told me that he had applied itas I direct ed, and kept it on during the night, and in the morning found his. eyes entirely relieved. He has since told me that he had recommenaea it to several persons for sores, and that they had all been relieved. At a' point in North Carolina, where red sore eyes were an epidemic, I recommend it to two young ladies suffering from it, who 6iept with tobacco- on their eyes, and in the morning found them well. In several other cases where I knew it to be tried for in flammations of the eye, it has been used invariably with success. About a dozen years ago, being in this city in the month of March, my throat became extrsmely sore. Not apprehending danger, I continued to move about in the raw weather, my throat getting worse all the while. Bf ing anxio js to go home about sun set, 1 went in an omnious to tne ooat that went down the river to Acquia Creek. After I had gotton on board, I found that my throat was alarm ingly worse. I was, from the swell ing, so bad that I could not swallow, and the air-passage was so closed that I found it difficult for me to breathe. Remembering how suddenly the Hon. Preston S. Brooks had been choked to death, I regretted much that I had attempted to travel then. As, how ever, the boat was starting. I could not get eff in time to return to the city. I thought tobacco would be my only chance for safety ; and after a search, I obtained some from one of the colored hands on the boat, got it on my throat, and by keeping a wet towel on it for the three hours that were spent on the boat, by the time I reached Acquia Creek the swelling was subdued, and I travelled home on the railroad witnout mcon-- venience. Some years since I called at the Arlington Hotel to see a couple of ladies from New York. One of them came down and stated that her friend had been suffering for several days with a very sore throat, and was undergoing medical treatment from a prominent physician of the city. I walked immediately to the cigar stand, got a piece of tobacco, gave it to her, and explained how it was to be used. On the next day I called, and she informed me that the tobacco had been applied as I direct ed, and that her friend was so well, that for the first time m many days she had come down to the breakfast table. Some years after this occur rence, I saw the lady who had been ill, and she stated that after the to bacco was applied her throat became easy, she slept well, and m the morn mg found the soreness and swelling entirely gone. wet to his side and bacfc, and in a half hour the pain ceased, his svstem was relaxed, and he immediately re covered. There is another class of cases that ought to be referred to ; but as my paper is getting rather too long, J will reserve them to a future occas ion. I must, however, .consider for a moment such objections as have been presented to me. A lady said she put tobacco on her child's sore throat, that it went to sleep, but when it woke in the morning, though its throat was well, it was very nau seated. Had this tobacco, however been removed after being on two or three hours, there would not have been nausea. A physician told me that he had seen a child whose stomach and sides had been covered with tobacco, and it was suffering greatly from nausea. This, too, was an instance of an over dose of the remedy. The tobacco. however, can easily be removed when symptoms ot nausea are perceived, Dut wnen a aoctor nas-got an over dose into the stomach, it cannot read ily be removed. When the wet tobacco is applied, the first effect is stimulating. In twenty or thirty minutes, however, the sedative effect is perceived. When it is placed on the eyelids, as some of the juice gets into the eye, there is usually an itching sensation and little pain ; but in a few minutes this passes off, and there is no more feel ing than if a wet cloth were applied Most persons sleep under the influ ence, but some do not. Tobacco, though the most powerful sedative to the blood circulatien is a rerve tonic. While most persons sleep un- aer tne innuence oi morpmne, some do not. Tobacco, like morphine, keeps me awake, though they both diminish pain. If the tobacco be ap plied only to the affected parts, no nausea will be felt until . the inflam mation has been subdued. When a light nausea begins to be perceived, it may be assumed that the inflam mation has been subdued ; and in-, a few minutes after the bandage has been removed, the nausea ceases to be felt. Generally after about tw6 burs application, the sedative effect is attained; but in obstinate cases a much tongertime may be required. Something tught to be stated as to the kind of tobacco to be used. For merly, because the manufactured to bacco was more readily found, I gen erally used that, as after a piece had been kept in- water for twenty or thirty minutes, it would become soft enough to allow the leaves to be separated. About a year ago, how ever, I made a discovery which it is important should be known; not 6nly to invalids, but also to tobacco chew ers. I obtained at a cigar store a piece of manufactured tobacco, but after applying it I found that instead of, being a sedative, the effect was irritating, even after it had been kept on the skin for several hours. I was satisfied that the tobacco, which was of, the kind sold for the highest price, must have something irritating mixed, trith, it. i Fortunately that very evening I found Mr. Oooner. a revenue collector of North Carolina, wrViv VinA . 1 "tw. lui maujr y eaiu LH.t;ii a man ufacturer of tobacco. He informed me that it was a practice to flavor the highest priced kinds ol tobacco with certain drugs. I think he men tioned Tonqua bean, Wintergreen, and some other things. He told me (that he knew these drugs were pois onous, because of what occurred at a .tobadep factory about two miles dis tant from his own. One of the negro men employed in that factory, hav ing some pain in his stomach, .. took some spirits out of a jug which con tained whiskey that had been medi cated to flavor tobacco with Thnii, themanonly drank wineglasssful V'zzr emist Tiuea ninfc in half an therefore" be worth while for tobacco chewers te mn- tAAn wiiothpr it is saffl to continue the use of such tobacco, instead of the purer article formerly in use. Persons who apply tobacco as a poultice I would advise to use the leaf tobacco, which has not been sub jected to medication with poisonous ingredients. 1 trust tnac persons wuu inac trials of tobacco in the manner above mio-o-Asted will make known the re- suit in short notes m the newspapers, so as to render general the knowledge ot its aavantages. Having already made this paper nsrhang tv- Inner fnr tViA e-pneral reader, I will postpone the consider ation of another class of cases that it may be well to refer to. T. Li. cungmah: Washington, D. C, April 24, '84. (HlEiRiviEXcolHl(ilylERlole) The only known specific for Epileptic Fits.-a S3" Also for Spasms and Falling Sickne63.- Nervons Weakness quickly relieved and cured.' Equalled by none in delirium of fever.C a"NeutrkIizes germs of disease and sickness Cores ngly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds. -Ea j j-Permauently and promptly cures paralysis, leg, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cause. "Bouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxative. -S It drives Sick Headache like the wiad."u sF Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing H.-S381 Restores lne-giving properties to the blood." Is guaranteed to cure all nervou disorders.e EEcliable when all opiates fail.-:$ Refreshes the nin.l and invigorates the body.. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded."S3J t-Enflorsed in wriiint; by over fifty thousand Leading physicians i.i U. S. and Europe." Leading clergymen i.i V . S. aud Europe.-s Diseases of the b! ':i own it a conqueror. For sale by all leadu-T dtnskt?. Sl.50.-S3 The Dr. S. ARicnmor. 1 ilcdica! Co., Props. St. Jtioerh, Mo. (2) For testimonials and eU.ui.:r send stnmp. C. N. Crittenton, Agent, .ow York. Do Net Forget That when any article by its own merits has acquired public confidence and patronage, it is at once imitated, and the greater the sale of the genu ine article, the more the imitations. Take, for instance, the host of so called porous plasters ; every one of them is endeavoring to trade on the reputation of AllcGck's Porous Phster. The only safe way for purchasers is to insist on having the genuine ar ticle, and not allow themselves to be swindled by having plasters said to be "just as good," or "containing su perior ingredients," imposed upon them. These are only tricks to sell inferior goods that no more compare with Allcock's Porous Plaster than copper does with gold. One trial of Allcoek's Porous Plaster. will convince you that it is the best external remedy ever made ; it cures without causing blisters, abrasions of skin, or the slightest inconvenience Opinion of Dr. MOH late tennt Chemist, of ALLCOCK'S Porous Plaster. My investigation of Allcock's Po rous Plaster shows it to contain valuable and essential ingredients not found in any other plaster. These ingredients are so perfectly proportioned that the Allcock's Po rous Plaster will not cause blisters or excessive irritation, and I find it superior to and more efficient than any other plaster. HENRY A. MOTT, Jr., Ph. D., F. C. S Prof, of Chemistry New York Med ical College, etc. mh29eod2m Whole Families Poisoned. The heart's blood curdles and the brain Brows dizzy as the poisoned monster hunts down the father, prostrates the gentle mother, and destroys daughter and son. Children, are wrecked and disfigured with the poisoned blood of Scrofula, King's BviL Rheumatism and. Syphilitic and cutaneous Blood Taint; and parents suffer from enlarged Glands, Ola Ulcers, White Swelling, Kidney Troubles, Dis ease of the Bones, Eczema, Catarrh. The above diseases are seldom cured be cause the treatment requires too much time, too much money, and true remedies are scarce. A speedy aid concentrated Blood Purifier Is - Dow offered tfftctiag BLOOD EOHES before one bottle has been used. It contain! o mercury or other mineral or vegetable poison, and Is the only speedy Blood Poison remedy kaown. One bottle proves its magical effects ' In the qniclt cure of Scrofula, Syphilis, and cutaneous diseases. The remedy alluded to, Is known as B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm, sold by Druggists, large bottles l.oo ; stx for W.oo. Expressed on receipt of price. Send for printed proof. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. DRY THY TEAKS. As yon scan the following terrible coses Which have been cured as If by magic Syphilitic Blindness Mrs. Wm. Rich mond, Atlanta. Two bottles B. B. B. restored ker to health and strength. Scrofula Frightful condition of the glands, A. J. H., Atlanta. Seven bottlep B. B. B. cured. Kidney Tbouble and Syphilitic Rheuma tism J. H., Atlanta, cured with six bottles. - Foul Running Ulcer. A. F. McDonald, At lanta, enred with two bottles B. B. B. Abscess of Liter J. L. Forest, Atlanta, cured with two bottles B. B. B. Syphilis of 15 Tears Mrs. 8., of Rome. Ga.. cured In two months with B. B. B. ' Scrofula Frank Joseph's son, Atlanta, cared with one bottle B. B. B. Chronic Blood Poison. a. P. w Hamp ton, Ga., cured as if by magic with B. B. B. Scrofulous Ulcer Wm. Sealock, on Dr Guild's place, cured with one bottle B B B Primary Syphilis Felix Foster. Atlanta, cored with three bottle B. B. B. Eczema Mrs. B., Atlanta, ten years stand ing, cored with three bottles B. B. B A printed list of cures mailed any one BONKOCINE " : wm cure any case ' ot CL ana G., under three r Uys without loss oi time, change of diet, or -.teteraal treatment, It Never Fails. il.5e per bottle, Drnscista. Expressed anywhere. BLOOD BALM COi, Atlanta, For sale by - - . , V. M. Velbon. Charlotte, N. C. THREE GOOD SATES JOB ALE-holee Of either at reck betteca price to- txauk fide put- 1884 CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Deslrine to Ell a lone felt want In Chrr'n"p. the undersigned have associated themselvu. .ia part ners In a GENERAL LAND AuEnCY. For the purpose of buying, selling, leasing and renting real estate. Their operations will not be confined to the city of Charlotte, nor to the State of North Carolina, but all property placed within our management will be rented or sold, upon such terms, commissions ;indpa ments as may be agreed upon. We will undertake to sell, lease or rent lands houses and lots, mines. &c, make abstract of titles. collect rents, make returns and pay taxes, eneci insurance. &c.. Sec., advertising all property placed under our management. Free of C(ht to the Seller, For a stipulation previously agreed upon. Particular attention will be paid to the selling or leasing of mining property, which will be sold ou commission only. We are In correspondence now with a number of parties at the North and West who are seeking homes In North Carolina, where the climate is genial and the soli remunerative. Persons having nouses and lots or plantations for sale will serve their own Interests by placing their business with us. ROBT. E. COCHRANE, CHAS. R. JONES. The business will be under the management of R. E. COCHRANE, Manager, Charlotte, M. C. The following described Dieces of DreDerty are now offered for sale by the Charlotte Real Estate Agency, R. E. Cochrane, manager, office Trade street front Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. : (CITY.) IOne dwelling bouse on B street, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well of good water, lot 99x100 feet, In good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. 2 One dwelling on 5th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell. 4 rooms, well of water and stable, lot 50x198, convenient to business. Price, $1,700. 3 One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining residence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pniitry, well of water, well located for a boarding house. Price, $3,000. 4 One dwelling on corner of Myers and 3rd streets, 7 rooms, 2 room kitchen, bath room and closets, well of water; 2 lots. 1 fronting Myers street, 99x 198, 1 fronting 3rd street. 99x198, well of good water and stable on the latter. Price, $2,250. 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th streets, 5 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. Price. $1,500. t One lot on 8th street, square 96, small 3 room 'house, good water, 99x198. Price, $450. 7 One vacant lot, 99x198, on B street, good loca tion. Price, $1,000. 8 One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 99x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser. Price. $4,000. mayld&wtf. Strawberries -THE- iest 01 IN THE MARKET ARE THOSE FROM E. W. LYLESf FARM NEAR THE CITY. Fresh Every Moroiug -AT- HARNETT k ALEXANDER'S POISON 0M Seems to yield every time to treatment with Swift's Spe:lfic. Spartanburg, S. C, March 13, 1884. Your most valuable medicine fSwfft's Kruwini has done me so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who suffer like I did. I was poisoned by poison oak, and saw not a well day for six years, until I used Swift's Specific. In the six years I used almost every kind of medicine, but none had the desired effect. After uslne six bottles of Swift's Speclffc I am restored to perfect uwiin-mm uoi u sign oi mat awrai poison lert! Yours truly, DAVID NESBITT. Pslfion Oak. I had for thlrty.eight years suffered every spring and summer with poison oak, which I contracted in Darning wnen a Doy. l tried everything for It, Including many physicians, but without any bene- u i u)ok six ooiues oi swuvs specinc (S. S. S.) four years aeo. and It cured me sonnrt and won Three summers have passed, and I have hadjio re turn Ul II. Joseph Beaslet, Columbus, Ga Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed iree to applicants. The Sweet Specific Co.. Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. N. Y. Office, 159 W. 23d, bet bth and 7th Avs. WeakNenrousMen Whose dabtltty, exhausted powers, premature decay and failure to perform life's duties properly are caused by excesses, errors of youth, etc., will find a perfect and lasting restoration to robnst health ana viforoai Mannood in THE MARSTON BOLUS. reitner stomach dragging nor instruments. 1 ais treatment or Knront Benlllty and PhTstcnlDee&viannirorml gneoosufal because based on perfect diagnosis, new and direct methods and absolute t hor. onrhness. Full information and Treatise free. Address Consulting Physician of MARSTON REMEDY CO., 46W.14thSL, New York. novl8deodaw WEAK.UNDEVELOPED PARTS UF THE HUMAN BODY Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertisement long run In our paper. In reply to Inquiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the advertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving an particulars Dy aacressing krie iHjsmcAx,ix., tsunaio, jn. i. Toledo .Evening Bee, Janl5eod&wly WHAT IS ELEVATOR? The Most Select Pure Eye f Msiey Ask for It. It has o Superior. BEAUTIFUL Sabnrkn Lots fop Sale. Two vacant lots on Tryon street, 60 feet front by 200, with a 12-feet alley, with beautiful shade trees ; also three lots on Waring street 60 feet front by 200 all in a pleasant neighborhood, will sell cheap to parties wanting to build. If not sold privately will be sold at public auction on the first Monday In June. Call on . apr24dtf J. A. MoCLTOB, Agent. TTOBSALB. A sereM-hswe tftnun -a. 6i, mod maeWaerrtlke Bauer. ww ee Cpeam Pies TO-DAY AT RIGLER'S. ALSO VIENNA CREAM, STEAM AND RYE BREAD. 9 FRENCH AND ALBANY ROLLS, FRENCH AND ALBANY ROLLS, FRESH TAFFIES, FRESH TAFFIES, COCOANUT CREAM, COCOANUT CREAM, CHOCOLATE PASTE CHOCOLATE PASTE AND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CANDIES. HARBLEINT FOR Kalsomining, Frescoing, IVIarbleizing AND Wood Filling. Any One Can Apply It With the most satisfactory results. Will not Rub, Scale, Peel, Crack nor Fade. WITH THE ADDITION OF WATER IT IS READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. A Six-pound package of MARBLEINE. when mixed, will cover a surface of four hundred square feet, one coat. Directions for Use with Each Package WE GUARANTEE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. f Any Color desired can be found at H. B. JORDAN I CO.'S, SPRINGS' CORNER. Edition. Pr ce Only $1 By Mail Post-paid. KNOW THYSELF, A Great Medical Work oa Manhood Exhausted vitality, nervous and physical debility, premature decline In man, errors of youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or ex cesses. A book for every man, young, middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invalua ble. So found by the author, whose experience tor 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beauti ful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guar anteed to be a finer book In every sense mechani cal, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of whicn he refers. This book should be read by the young for in struction, and by the afflicted for relief It will ben efit all. London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom his book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Address the Pea body Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnch Street, Boston, Mass., who man be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dis eases that have baffled the TT T skill of all other physicians a spe XI Vj1.j cia ty. Such treated successfully 'riT I1 I T7 without an Instance of 1 XI I IV lX? failure. feb28daw4w WAR! BOOKS Seven Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. By George Rawllnson. "What Is more terrible than war? unless It be a war among pub lishers, then what could be more happier, Tor re joicing book buyers? Such a war is now in pro gress. Price reduced from $18,00 to $2.40. Speci men pages free. Not sold by dealers prices too iuw. books ior examination oeiore payment JOHN B. ALDEiN, fubllsber, 18 Vesey St. New York. apr24daw4w 'New Haven PaUadiam. (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) Established. . - . . 188. auviLisiug m ei lixiii ai me iNorxn Tor every man In North Carolina who has a farm,mlne nr t ft nf tlmhu. I . .4 A- . . . . i n.. i for . w.hl.i muvi vi wdiei uvwer 10 sen. X lie letTPtra nf ojir ataft i i . -. wiiTOuvuucui iiitvc Klreu lilt! palladium a great reputation throughout New En- Kiiinu, ;ia uib oniy real renresAntat.ivA nf th "i Heel" State, and all New Englanders who think Tar locating In North Carolina send to the Pat t aut of to inen'a" k ltara or terms and other Dartlcuiars 8ETH G. JOHNSON, . SilBess Manager Thb Palladium, mchlSdawSm New Haven, Com. FRED C. MUNZLER, WHOLESALE LAGEU DEALER AIID BOTTLER, Charlotte, N, C. Prefnt8 two of the largest LAGER vtuKR Breweries in the United State?. The Bergner & Engel Bre-wiksr Ca., of Philadelphia, and the F. A M. Schaffer Brewing Co.ot New York. THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. 6"Order Solicited. All ardor promptly filled and delivered frvetfofiL WATCHES WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES watches' watches' CLOCKS, CLOCKS. CLOCKS, niKu CLOCKS. CLOCKS ' CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. CLOCKS. CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS Elf ENDLESS VARIETY, At the biggest Jewelry Store, and where sin k found the biggest and cheapest goods In North Carolina, which is of courst- AT Jno. T. Butler's, TBTON STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. J. BLACK & SON, Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. WANTED Large lot CLAY PEAS. GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE F0U DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Prepared bj Dr. W. W. GREGORY, Charlotte, X. C. San ford Hotel, Ala., April 7, 1881 Dr. Gregory: Dear Doctor One -oi my daughters h;is attack of dy spepsl, and I would be much obliged to you if you would send a package of your nieuicliir tu Uie care of B. R. Jones, Montgomery, Ala. 1 shall i there in the course of a few days. Again thanking you for your kind letter, believe me. siiuriviv roars truly,. J. MARION .Slits, (A true copy. Wm. W. Gregory.) 12 Place Vendome, Paws, Aug. 31, 11. Dr. Wm. W. Greooky : My Dear Doctor I sail from Liverpool on the Republic on the 5th Sept.. and expect to Ih at hume on the 16th. when I shall be happy to see am ul yourfrlends. My daughter In Paris wrote me thai she was better of her Indigestion. If I should have occasion to try It on any one else I shall do so. I am glad to tell you that I am uow rapidly recover ing from the effects of the pneumonia, and hope eventually to get as well as ever. Yours most sin cerely, J. MARION" SI lib. (A true copy. W. W. Gregory.) apr2d Coin Scec. W W W A NN N TTTT KKB DDD VfVTWW AA NN N T B D D WW WW AANMN T KB DD w v r w UA n n M T K D D W A NN Bl DDD We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, delivered at our mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel tor seed delivered at an; station on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads ot ten tons and above, we paying freight ou same. Or we will give one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange being of great value to the farmer should be taken advanUige ot. one ton of meal being worth much more for (ml ing or fertilizing than two tons of seed. CHARLOTTE OIL CO., Charlotte, N. C. nov6d&wtf DR. (DYESI BEFORE V-AND -f AFTER Electric Appllincei are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WHO are Buffering from Nnvocs Dkbilitt, Lost Vitality, Lack or Nbt Forck ro Vigor, Wjjtino W eaknkjsks. and all those diseaiei ot a PntsOHAl. Nature resulting from Aunts and Othir Causes- Speedy relief and complete resto ntttbnof Health, Vioor and Manhood guaranteed. The grandest discorery of tne Nineteenth Century. Send at ooce for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BEIT CO., MARSHALL MICH. norl8deodaw BOOK AND NEWS .vn.s -Always kept on ban And for sale In convenient rp-!M r.-r. -'-it era St THT8 "OFFICE. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A. WTVI lata vtTT lavivaa v -' . a tooat noted and snooemful specialists In the u. a. (uow retired) for tne core of Jlnrvoytm f( Mmt Man assa. reEtea and Mttxmw- Id plain sealed envelopeWe. Druggists cau ou - Addma DR. WARD A CO.. LouitUoa. M novl8deodaw Patapsco FJonrin ESTABLISHED 1771. tuhrs 17T4. Roll-... ft ff IN PATENT :A5AMBRILLMrG.C( This company own and operte three mills, as follows: PATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicott City, Maryland. -PATAPSCO MILL B, at Baltimore, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILLC, at Orange Grove Maryland. Having a daily capacity of l58 Barrels. PATENT ROLLER FLOlR. manufactured from Maryland and ginia Wheat, celebrated for its punty and richness of Oluten, Phosphates, ana other nutritious properties. A51 XUUit WKOUEK FOB r ata do-w- onDPDr a TTVP PATAPSCO F AMI Li PATAPSCO EXTRA CAPE HENRY FA1 NORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA . BEDFORD FAMILY. ORANGE QROVE EXTR- C A. GAMTBRILX. M F'O CO. OO O ni Ti . 1.: . r-a 1L- 5 W5. S . i I'O cnaaer. TflCS.

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