If ' ' ' 1 t h f-1 OUR CIIAM-OXTJE, IV. C, HOUSE. Our Charlotte, N. C, Branch Salesroom and our other Branches are the only establishments of the kiad in the South. No other manu facturer can conscientiously claim anything more thanthe;,,appoiii& ment of a local agent,, selling", their goods on a commission. ? Ours are strictly branch depositories of bur machinery manufactured in Rich mond. All machinery is sold at these Houses at the same price and upon the same terms as in Rich JllOnd. " - .yewtmetvf'-t,. -. Mr. Tf. C. Morgan, Manager of our Charlotte House, is prepared to give full and complete estimates for Engines, Saw Mills, Corn and Flour Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, and other machinery that may be required. He can furrysh complete outfits for ginning, threshing, &c, and will be pleased to correspond with those who ae contemplating using steam r water-power the coming season. OM DOMINION " ORH mix. "We now offer to our customers a uperior Corn Mill, the "Old Do minion." It is built in the best possi ble manner, with large spindle, strong, smooth gearing, large diam eter shaft running in heavy brass bearings. ; y.;Th6 stones are of true grit, no sofi 'andr hard placesj as is comment :rwithV-inaiife off the mill stonesaoffjput'inj mills; an$;Sold as; rst-elass An eperiencJpf more ihari forty years in ' the manufacture of these millsJdjjajflainiibr the "Old Dominionuriority overall others in the market: Planters who have purchased Engines for driv ing Cotton Gins should put in a Corn Hmihrus be ableto utalize the powlpijftavntage and profit, when tjieo saine is not required for ginninCQ0n your Engine can be employed every lew days during the entire year it is easier kept in order and will prove more durable than if used only a few months and left standing neglected the balance of the season. SAW MILLS. Qur Patent Friotion Saw Mills are equally well adapted for steam or water power, and on account of HJr 'efficiency and durability, enjoy the, same enviable reputation as our engines and boilers. They have all of the latest and most valuable im provements, and jire simple,, sub stantial, an :built" with jgreat care. The improvement fbr feexiing up and gigging bac'k the carriage by fric tion is superior tq,any,fpffered to th public. By the use'ofa single lever, t&e sawyer m enabled to gig ,ba()k or Teed 'trp ttfe carriage.-' The carriage is supplied with our improved self oiling rollers, which require attention about once a week. We manufac ture three sizes of these Mills, which are suited for any size saw, and furnish; them rwitheither Screw Head Blocks simultaneous Ratchet Head. Blocks, andGuage, as may be desired. " Wesolicit corres pondence on the subject. FLOURING MILLS. A large portion Of our works is fitted up expressly for the manufac ture of Complete Custom and Mer chant Mills, . to be operated by team,jOr( water 'power.' a .are pre pared lot furnish any size Mill re- fuiredj including all shafting; belt ing, etc.; in fact, everything com plete, ready to i be placed in the Hilding And putm operation. Information as to the above mills promptly given: ;; H V -Hf- a h tr 1 " l ii 5 dHil it J3BB; B11 i -i .. j OH1' IlDioDflstts. $1 !ngin$s a Speoa liy. AGENCIES. ACME POWER COTTON PRESS, CONDENSERS AND FEEDERS, SWEEPSTAKE SEPARATOR, BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER, WINSHIP COTTON PRESS, WIN SHIP COTTON GINS AND NEW MODEL SEPARATOR. LiNCOLNToki'N: ISTov. 1, 1882. Messrs. Talbott dc'Sons, Charlotte, iV7. C. Dear Sirs : The three-run mill and machinery bought of you is giv ing entire satisfaction. The two vrtieat mills 3J feet burrs, "grinding on an average, one hundred and thirty-three bushels of wheat in twelve hours, and making a flour that for quality surpasses by far any other made in pur community, j Twii1, 356rse T engine with loco-; motive n boiler., will run .our .three mills, not requiring' more than "naif its power, r6ay,ritK'Isixtv3 lbs; steam, on 1 cods wool per day oif twelve nours. "We cannot say too much for your ermine; in our opinion it isthe most perfect steam engine made, and we much prefer it, and heartily recom- We are, very truly yours, 'AtT (S.M'vW8 & CO, , .CV J. V) 1 '' - -.'V. 1 C.iU In computing our estimates we 4 make figures on complete outfits, in cluding very thing necessary in the vyay of shafting, ; pulleys, and belt- lug. aeiivereu av y oux- iieareat uepot : att(3i when desired, furnish a compe tent mechanic to superintend set ting up and Marking the game. ' ALL film 'si ) '.nSQl'j ' I' ? f t b J- ! T- 'i :JlJ'i O ill J i r ; ice Ms!. CHARLOTTE, N. C, MACON, GA., COLUMBIA, S. C. TESTIMOKLtS. Mooresville, N. C, Not 8, 18882. Messrs Talbott fc 5ofw, , : Charlotte. N. C7., Ibar-Sibs: I bave been using your S-horee -power Engine for two years, and have not paid fifty cents for repairs. I run a 50-eaw Gin and Press, it gives Btufaction in every respect. r. Yours, Jas. A..KEWHERLY. ; George's, S. 61x Nov 281881 tltars Talbott Sons, ' , 1 CharlotUyjtf.Cy; bab Sms: The 12-horse power Plan tor Engine bought from you in 1879 has been running up to this date without any repairs, has. done much sawing and ginning, and is' till in perfect order. The 12-horse. power Engine bought in 1881 has ben sawing daily for twelve months -without any repairs,- cutting from three i four thousand feet of lum ber per day. I think your engine the best in the market in every respect. ' -W-T- O J A lour oca, u. a. johnsou. Pirbwat Ferry, N C , Nov. 23, 1882. Messrs Talbott dr Sons, Charlotte, N. C, The Engine and saw mill I purchased from yen have given perfect satisfac Hon. The first engine bought, an 18 horse power, would easily cut from ilx to eis(ht thousand feet of lumber per day. The second a 12 horse power engine would cut from four to five thousand feet of lumber per day. The third, a 20-horse ppw er, will cut eight to ten thousand feet per day. I can truthfully say your machinery is first ebas in every particular. For simplici fcjr and durability they are unequalled. The 42 inch D. G. Corn Mill has given y customers entire satisfaction. : Yeurs truly, J. F. Butler. Felderville, S. C, Nov. 6, 1882. Messrs Talbott & Sons, Charlotte, N. C, Dear Sirs: We have been using one f your b horse power Dixie Engines tor some time, and pleased to say it has given satisfaction. We are highly pleas ed witn it. It is so simple that it can be run with little trouble. 'Yours truly, ' ' T. M. Felder &3ro. Hampton, C.H.. S. C, Nov.-4. 1882. Messrs Talbott & Sons, Charlotte, N. C, During laet April I bought from you a 20-horse power Talbott Engine and boiler for saw mill purposes, and imme diately put it to work. I found that the boiler furnished all the steam neccesary to run the engine, and the engine run with perfect smoothness, free of thumps, and perfectly able to do all the work I have to do. I have used several and re gard the Talbott & Sons' Engine by far the best made I find all the work done im. the best style and finish. I do not hesitate in s ying to any one wanting a first-class Engine in every respect te purchase of you. Yours truly, Benjamin R. Lewis. Bennettsville, S. C, Oct 31, 1882. Messrs Talbott &Sons, Charlotte, N C , Dear Sms: I am glad to report that ttie 12-horse power Engine and Boiler bought of jou fourteen months ago, is as good as any I ever saw, and while it has passed into other h nda, it was only sold te be replaced by one of your 40 horse pewer double return tubular boil ers, which works admirably. I have run the 12-horse power Engine almost continually and if there is any thing breken or worn out I cannot de tect it. Yours, J. R. Sampson. Nov. 2, 1882. St. Stephens, S. C, Messrs Talbott & Sons, Charlotte. N C Dear Sms: The 25-horse power En gine bought of you in January, 1881, is all you represented it to be and gives entire satisfaction in every particular: Yours truly, - R. Hinnant. Gourdins, S. C. Nov. 3, 1882. Messrs Nalbott & Sons, Charlotte. N. C. , Dear Sirs: We have been using an 8-horse power Talbott Engine the past two years and can say it has given en tire satisfaction. Respectfully, W. T. Potman & Bro. ARLINGTON, S. C, Nov. 2, 1882. Messrs Talbott & Sons, Charlotte, N. C Dear Sirs: We have bought several engiues, but since purchasing your Tal bott Engine can say that none have giv en such satisfaction. We shall take pleasure in recommending it to any one needing an engine. Yours, i Marco & Lewenthal, 40 H. P. Macon, Ga , April 12, 1884. Messre. Talbott & Sons. Macon, Ga. : Gentlemen We can scarcely express in words our appreciation of your "centre-crank, adjustable, cut-off en gine," bought of you through your branch house at Macon, Ga. We say, without hesitation, that it is far superior to any other engine we have ever ex amined. Indeed, we cannot conceive how an engine could be made to work any better. We cheerfully give you our recommendation, confident that your work will give satisfaction. Respectfully, R. C. "WINDERS' SONS. K Leesburg, Fla. Mr. S S. Pegram, Manager Talbott & Sons, Macon, Ga , Dear Sirs The 35-horse power engine and boiler bought of you last Spring gives entire satisfaction , in every, par ticular. It is simple andi easily man aged, and is the Only engine I ever han dled that gives a greater power than that claimed f or.it 4 As I have failed to find any weak 'points about it," it is un necessary to enumerate the strong ones. I have handled engines of all styles and makes, in both the United States and Canada, and am of the decided opinion that among them all the 4 Talbott " takes the lead for simplidty durability and effectiveness. The No 2 saw mill, pur chased same time as engine, has been in constant use ever since, and has stood the test well ; runs like a diasy ; cuts true lumber, and gives satisfaction in every way. I have cut 1,000 feet of Florida pine on her, in one-inch plank, in thirty minutes. Yours, etc , H A DOUSON. I am well Qharlnft. power Enrir th:6;?: C. It gives entire g ?f C of my neighbors sa1011' dl get the same kbiVK they m fat?? Yours, tseH Sen ' DEAtfiroa. tx, Vharhttn , . bga. bought t ,44 V.. -WIRi4! A ours, U.r boilers purchased of W that jou claim for it. I V ? 2 steam. Yours truly g t-vPi Panola, s r v Messrs Talbott & Sons. ' ' oy' 1882. It gives me great plSSC. . 'oo puwer 'Qf vvl,1H engine, purchased from vn dard " years ago. has come fX arl? recommendations and has P to your satisfaction in everr cartil,11 ente lieve it has no superior 1 be- loura'Jxo.O. Brook. Messrs Talbott & ion 10,1. Th Frin. t pterlotte. ffn. entire satisfactien, and is ultf ceUent engine. Yows nkaBeI- M. L. Gleasox. Gourdins, S. C Nnv a iqq Messrs. Talbott & Sm? ' m Dear Sirs- t v, Clarl(N.C. jjear biRS.-I have been using m ypur 9-horse "Planter" Engines 2 two seasons, driving 56-saw ginS periect ease, it is 8o simple in con struction, after one day'8Pex?8rieS any cue can manage it. It is thVenjS for all farmers to buy, it has given m perfect "satisfaction. e Yours respectfully, W. D. McCiaby. AbbeyilleS. C. , Nov. 2, 1882. Messrs.JTulbott & Hons. Charlotte. 27. C. Dear Sirs: In my judgment the En gines built by Talbott & Sons are the best made. I have used three of them, they give perfect satisfaction. Severai men came from a distance to we the 18-horse engine work and declared it worked perfectly. They are also made of good material and wear well. I also used your No. 2 saw mill, it gives en tire satisfaction. Yours truly, J. A. Brooks. 8, 1882. Gourdins, S. C, "Nov. Messrs. Talbott ft; Hons. Charlotte, JY. C. Dear Sirs: The eighteen horse power engine and boiler purchased from you three years ago, is as you warrantid it to be; it has given entire satisfaction, for durability and simplicity it cannot be equaled. My engineer is a boy H yearsold. Yours very truly, J. P. Gamble. S5EEDSBORO, ANSON CO.. N.C.. November 9, 1S82. Mrssrs. Talbott &tions. Charlotte, N.C. Dear Sirs: I purchased one of your engines, (eight-horee power) last Au gust. Have been running it about two months and have ginned over 200 bale cotton. I must say the machinery to surpassed my expectations. I do Mt believe that I ever saw any that an excel ic. - - Yours, J.P.Bkock. Cattghman's Store, Nov. 21, 2$2 Messrs. Talbott & Sons, Charlotte, X o. Dear Sirs: Two years ago we bought from you a 12-horse power Standard Engine and No. 3 Friction Feed haw Mill. We have not paid over ten dol lars for repairs during this time, u our judgement the Talbott Engines are the best on the market and for simpli city they stand without a rival lour spark-arrester is nearly perfect- im saw mill is a combination of simphciiy. durability and economy. ., Yours truly, Hare& Eargle- " Wolfsville, N. C, Nov. 11, 1SS2- Messrs Talbott db Sons, Chanotte. J-- Dear Sms:-It affords ine much pleasure to commend your gines to a!l who are disposed to P chase. The 6-horse power Dixie W .& I have gives entire satisfaction, very simple and has less vufW than any ocher engine I ever dabYouiU8SUrPTstt Three Creeks, S. C, $or. 8, ?2 Messrs. Talbott & Sons f. Gentlemen : Your s of the , SW ; hand and noted. 1 wouiu j have had great experience witne s and machiney generally. A D8ider ing the "Talbott" Engine. I d them the strongest, easiest njj most complete engine l. Yours, A.J. Mathe" ' Parnassus, S. C, Nov. 10, i882' Messrs. Talbott & tte, SiRS: -1 have been runniDg one o your 7-horse power enpneato h purposes two seasons aJ&ni dura' pleased?with it. . It is strong a ble with power to run a j To any one wishing a reu for any purpose, I W0UJ1 reliable Talbott Engine as an 't0 man Engine, very simple and eaj Yours, HenbyEodG . s. C. Nov. 4, 1383- xroo. Tnihntt & Sons, , ArC: Iamhighlypleasedwu- Ierpur engine and 40-horse poww u eeet chased from you. I f!tnly and work as Bmootnj , $ it- ia admit-'7" n as little trouble. It w best e who see it work as being gine they ever saw. D .TaT Yours 1ruly,