DAILY CHARLO TTE OB S E R T BR : AVE D NESBA Y ,1'UN E 18;' 188 4. ! i THE CITY VENN'OR'S SUCCESSOR Arrival and Departure of Trains. Richmond and Danville Air-Line. No. 50- Arrives at Charlotte from' Richmond at 1.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta :it 1:H0 a. m. No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:10 a. m. Leaves for Rlehmond at 4:20 a. m. No. 52 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.35 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 53 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:55 p. m, Leaves for Richmond at 7 KX) p. ni. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta. I Arrives from Columbia at 6:15 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. C, C. & A. A., T. & 0. Division. Arrives from Statesvllle at 1030 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 7:15 p. m. Carolina Central. Leaves for Wilmington at 8:45 p. m., and for Laurtnburg at 7 :10 a. m. Arrives from Wllmlno-tnn at 7 a. m.. and from Laurinburg at 3 :45 p. m. C. C Shelby Division. Leaves for Shelby at 5-15 p. m. Arrives from Shelby at 10:45 a. m. Malls. General Delivery jopens at 7:30 a. m.; closes at 7O0 p.m. Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m. ; closes at 6:00 p. in. Index to New Advertisements. Absolutely Pure. rhi no1er never varies. A roarvei oi puruj IZb l wholesomene.s. More economy ?Se o,dinry Hns, and eannot be sold in lUUOQ WUU luc uiyiwiwuv . - WbOlB'HlP b B,Jt Charioitc C. ' llgBt, glinu 111S. M. A. Dau;hln Louisiana State Lottery. O Jlce desk for sale. J. V. Shannonhousc Challenge accepted. Indications. South Atlantic States, fair weather, variable winds, slightly warmer. lAJC'AI.. R1PPLKS. . 'EUBRATED o I oriify llie Wystom. Ali Him li.'ive lmd experience and witnessed the (t-i-r hi Hostetter s btomach Bitters upon the will;, droken down, desponding victims of dyspep fti. Mvcr complaint, fever and ague, rheumatism, mums debility, or premature decay, know that In it; supreme tonic and alterative there exists a j;vii;i- principle which reaches the very source of th tiuiiblr, and effects an absolute and permanent turn. for i!e by all Druggists and Dealers generally. The fare to Davidson College and return on the special train to morrow will be only $1.00. We regret to learn that Dr. With erspoon is suffering from a stroke of paralysis in bis left arm and side. He received the stroke last Sunday. The fleecy staple continues to come to the city. Yesterday as many as twenty bales were sold here, and such is not the case with every dull summer day. fc That fine body of blowers, the Steele Creek band, will furnish music at the commencement of Hunters ville High School next month. The special train for Davidson College will leave the Trade street depot at 7:40 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Returning it will leave David son at 11 p. m. The Observer tenders thanks to Scoville & Co., for an invitation to attend the opening ball at the Sea side Park, Wrighteville, on Friday evening, 20th. Doc Thompson, the man who shot Mr. Proctor, of Denver, sometime since, and who escaped from the jail at Lincolnton last week, is still at large. A reward of $25 is offered for his capture, by the sheriff of Lincoln. i, Mm OFFERS TO THE Ulutoale i Retail Trade FIVE TONS D re 1M TWENTY BARRELS riai ran oil, i- - . Etc. of 'IV s -ALSO ONE CAR LOAD taene Oil, ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. J. H.' Mo AD EN, lrag;g;fHC GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE TM Charlotte, N. C, Hay 24th, 1884. inis is to certify that seven years ago I was cured anrf ,SWI'sla Dy ""'ns Gregory's Dyspeptic Mixture, ""a tue disease hag never returned. J. E.CABSON. '-' , n w -m New Bxbns, N. C, Jan. 25, 1883. . Sia-Enclosed please find check for $9.00, ii.r 1 1 g00d enough to send me six .bottles ot timL V1"1,8"1 niedlelne such as you sent me some hi? Thanks for the comfort received by ie and my daughter. Tours truly, lacM) R. RANSOM, Cb J. i No Dr. (, regory's Dyspeptic Mixture for vral vernn. and have tfi?n It u"lver8al satisfaction to those who oi verv Ir1,1 14 flilr trtal- 1 to be a remedr what i iT,?Jiai!. ?ed 11 ln the highest terms. From n nnTit'Won l can confidently anVIL ' to tbose suffering from Dyspepsia or. totSf8tomthf theH -SwSuS. It give. ?LUiilcl1 aud vl?" to th entire system. U copy) jj,. Mc4ISS,ji. D. C&te! 5? c McJUten T-,Q. Smith Co.. Delegfvtes for Mecklenburg coun ty to the State convention, to assem ble in Raleigh "June 25th, will be furnished with a certificate of ap pointment by applying to the secre tary at The Observer office. A large delegation of firemen headed by ex-chief Charles Harrison, left on the 1 p. m. train yesterday for Columbia. The Independents will followed last night and will be on hand to engage in the contests in Columbia to-day. Mr. W. D. Alexander, of Crab Orchard township, brought us a bunch of wheat yesterday that gets away with any heretofore sent in. If the crops this summer come up to the samples, what a magnificent wheat harvest the farmers will have. The hall of the Independent Hook and Ladder Company has just been adorned with a strikingly life like portrait of the late chief and president, J as. i. Urr. Tbe picture is the work- of Mr. J. H. Van Ness, and is an excellent likeness of the firemens" deceased friend. A train hand named Chas. R. McBeth, who lost a leg sometime since, which an Air-Line passenger train ran over and cut off, has just been awarded a verdict of $2,500 damages against the Richmond and Danvule company by the court in Atlanta. The Busy Bees find that circum stances -virill oblige them to postpone their lawn party until next Tuesday night, at which time they hope that their friends will be on hand in full force. The members of the Busy Bee society are requested to meet at Capt. Wilkes' house this afternoon at 6 o'clock. J. H. West & Co., the tropical fruit men, have opened out a fresh supply of Georgia melons, canta loupes, pineapples, tomatoes and bananas in their room under Jordan's drug store. They also have charge of a melon and fruit store in Greens boro, and orders to either place will be promptly filled. ;; - Sam Williams is one of Wads worth's toniest hack drivers and Ed? Willianis is a the baggage wagon driver. E(Hs' the one who was shot in ihe head Sunday night, and bam wants the above distinction made so that his numerous patrons and sweet hearts will be certain to understand tat he is not the one who caught the bullet The Park Track. The managers of the Carolina Park have now pe.fectea the track and f have put it in first class order lor driving ana racing purposes. - a schedule of prices has been arranged for the track privilege for all who want to drive on it. Season tickets, hgoofr-from now until January 1st 1885, nave Deen issuea anu art? uirw on eaie at the Central Hotel and Bu ford House. The ticket allows the holder full privilege ol the tracKM all times, except upbn occasions if fairs, races, etc To those not holding these tickets, a fee of twenty-five cents will be charged for admittance to the track. ''..,M't V : A Perilons but Successlnl Trip to the Habitation ot Professor Baker and a Small Talk with the ProphetCJood Weather Promised Until the 2Gth. Yesterday was the first really pleas ant day we have had since Jim Blaine was nominated atChicago.and know ing the anxiety of our people to learn something definite about the proba ble length of time that the fair weather is to last, an Observer rep resentative procured a heavy, iron bound buggy, to which was hitched a strong draught horse, and in com pany with his courageous friend of the Central, resolutely started upon a voyage to the home of Prof. J. C. Baker, the weather prophet, to whose door the blame for all the past rains has been laid, to get some satisfaction out of him in regard to the weather. The Professor's domicile is planted at the head of a long red clay hill two miles and four rods from Indepen dence square, on the road leading by the Carolina park. Had the reader been with us as we were performing the journey over the red clay hill in question, the precaution about buggy and horse would have been under stood. It was not unlike crossing a piece of new ground that had just been ploughed up into huge billows by some supernatural force. At one time we could see nothing but the horse's tail in front of us, the other part of the animal being hung on the .. - i r , t 3 L 1- opposite Siae Oi me riuge uver wiucu he was heroicallv endeavoring to pull the buggy. , Again horse and buggy would dive down out of sight in some yawning abyss, only to come to light a&rainMvith two wheels on one side trying to get on top of a five foot em bankment, and the other two wneeis on the other side striving equally as hard to tret down into a rut that re sembled a chasm made by a well organized earthquake. In the course of time we drew up at the professor's house with necks still intact and with sufficient strength left to utter the usual hail. In response the professor strapped on his wooden leg and ap peared at his door, and at once pro ceeded to make himself pleasant. One part of the professor's house is divided off into a score, through the door of which a pile of flour sacks, agricul- tural implements ana otner useiui articles could be seen, while the little front window was ornamented with several jars of candy. The professor turned up an empty tobacco box by the roadside, and seating mmselr, announced his readiness to be inter viewed. The conversation for a time was merelv commonplace, but after awhile the professor suddenly re marked: '"Well, the rain is over for the present, and we will have fair weather from now until about the 26th." The professor was intently watchine the skies as he spoke, and made his remarks in such a tone as indicated that he weighed his words well and knew what he was talking about. The professor has already made out his calculations for the remainder of this vear. Each November he makes out his predictions for the twelve months to come and never changes them. His mercantile business occu nies his time so thoroughly that he has but little chance for weather work, and what he has done in this line heretofore has been done at nights. Since the death of Vennor he is seriouslv coeitatinsr upon the teasi bility of going into the weather busi ness as a money maKing enterprise His mode of calculating is a secret which is ant to die with him, as he savs he has flatlv refused large sums of money offered him to divulge , his secret. The professor talked long ana knowingly upon the weather, but firmlv refused the offer of a brown- stone front and a carriage with four in-hand to divulge-his, .secret. .He seems dulv impressed' with his re sponsibilities as keeper of the weath er, and has already ; established ( a branch office in Missouri. Whether or not he serves us as well as Vennor did remains to be seen. The Corn Sold. In front of The Observer office yesterday afternoon four bags ot corn sent from Fort Scott,. Kansas, were sold for the benefit of the Soldiers' Home in Richmond. Mr. Jos. A. McLure was the auctioneer, and the four bags brought a total of $88.75. Each bag containea two bushels of corn and were . pougnt in as follows : One bag, $22.50, by Unas. R. Jones; one bag, $22.50,by J. W. Miller ; one bag, $22, by W: W. Ward ; one bag, $21.75, by Chas. R. Jones. Deducting the Ireignt Dili, a Daiance of $86.75 is left for the Soldiers' Home from the sale of four bags of corn. The money has been forwarded to Richmond by Mr. Ward. 1 . CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tickets Only $3. Skarcs in Pro po rtion. The Louisiana Drawing'. The monthly drawing of the Lou isiana State Lottery took place yes terday and there will be lots of tick ets anxiously scanned in Charlotte today. Following is the result of the drawing: WO. 86440 drew the capital prize of $150,000;.No. 53770 drew $50,000; No. 11181 drew $20,000; No. 80681 drew $10,000; No. 21308 drew $10,000; Nos 98791, 9833, 38753. 76132, drew $5,000 ; Nos 54032 and 76496 drew $i,ooo. . . Iron Bridges lorthe CatoIinaCentral.'S An elegant new iron bridge is-being built over Buffalo, ,on"theObheiDy Division of the Carolina Uentral Kail- road, by the Phoenix tfridge uom- Eany. mis is one oi uie mguiou ridges in this country,'" and as the tram rrJ la over It. tne VIBlWJr uau look down on the roof of Tiddy s paper mill, far belowithe bridge. A wood ana iron priage was lurmei i v located at this place, but while it was considered perfectly safe, the Caro lina Hentral's management' decided to replace it with a bridge entirely or. iron and or the' oesii majtu. wfu, All the wooden bridges,, and . trestles on this road are to be replaced .with ron bridges as fast as.the letter ..can be constructed. Drama ny a Charlotte Boy. Editor Of THK OB8EBYXU. I have read with unusual interest a drama entitled. "Burr- and Hamil ton. and written bAT Mr: Jerome Dowd, a Charlotte boy, now'rdsiding in New York. Burr and Hamilton will always be central figures in American political and legal history, and .whatever con cerns them possessesJnterest to al most every .class of readers, 'lhey were ritals' in almost everything not only for political and military power and renown, but even for the affections of the same lady. As their rivalry was intense, so was their hatred bitter. I haveways felt that Burr has not received justice from the hands of his countrymen. Feared and distrusted by the Federalists, his contest with Jefferson alienated from him the great body of the Republi cans, and intensified the hatred of the successful candidate for the Presi dency, so he was crushed between the upper and nether millstones. His trial at Richmond was a farce, and his name and fame was blackened to gratify the , hatred' of the sage of Monticellb. It is now all passed and gone, but this drama reealls those stirring events and revives interest in the action. The plot is well conceived and skilfully executed. The author draws a vivid picture of the cele brated duel and the exciting events which led to it. It is certainly a rej markable production for a youth of seventeen years, and creditable that he should be occupying his hours of recreation in studying the history and biography of the country, and formulating with his pen this mem orable and tragic occurrence, rather than in idleness and at places of amusement and dissipation. The young author has very accurate con ceptions of the drama, writes in limpid and clear style, and by intro ducing fictitious personages, mail and femaje, reproduces these historic events in a very pleasing and readable form. Charlotte is proud of her boy author. ; ,. w- Assurance From the Colored People. Editor ot Tbe Observer.. I notice in your Sunday's issue a card signed W, in ''reference to the negro hospital, which is much needed in our city. In reply to this noble woman's suggestion, I will assure her that w,e, the colored people, will do all that is in our power towards the building and completion of the charitable work. - Thanking this Christian hearted lady for the sym pathetic;feeling she has for the sick and suffering negroes; her reward shall not be on earth, nor of earth, but from above. B. Charlotte, N. C June 17, 1884. i ' Malaria is caused by torpid liver; piles by consti pation; hedache-by indigestion. Avoid tbem al by using the great Tegetable temedyi lllerfs Bill ous Physlq 25 eents. At att drsgglstt. Louisiana State Lottery Co "We do hereby certify th&t we super vise the arrangements for all the Monthly awl Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louis tana State Lottery Company, and in per son manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the company to use this certifi cate, with fac similies of our signatures attached, in its advertisements. " Commissioners. Incorporated ln 1868 for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of flver $560,000 has since been added- . By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A, D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any state. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. ; r ; i ' A SPLENDID CHANCE TO WIN A FORTUNE. Seventh Grand Drawing. Class U, ln the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday July 15, 1884, ir0th rtntiily Drawing BT CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. S3 106,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions ln Fifths in proportion. . , r.Is of Frizes; 1 CAPITAL PEIZE : $75,000 1 do do : 25,000 1 do . do 10,000 2 PHIZES Of $6,000 12 000 TO THE TRADE. We have this day formed a copartnership under the firm name of l I WILSON & CO., For the purpose of carrying on the DRUG BUSINESS At the old stand of Wilson Bros. Our business will be exclusively Wholesale. To the customers of the old firm f Wilson Bros, we would tender our thanks for their liberal patron age ln the past, and hope to be favored with their continued custom ln the future. Our tad Itles for doing business are greatly ln creased, and we respectfully solicit tbe patronage of the trade generally. Tours truly, Charlotte, N. C, June 16, 1874, W. SI. WILSON, R. A. DUNN. Is a comfortable sensation If the clothes are of the right kind. As the best of everything comes from us, why not come or send here for your own and your LAND FOR SALE. I offer for sale that valuable tract of land lying jusi Deyona me siera nan is oi ine city oi cnar IntiA known flu the firovfl Place. This tnwt mm. grizes about one hundred and thirty-five acres of ind, of which about twenty acres are bottom land. Upon this said tract is a large and commodious dwelling house and other necessary buildings. I also offer for sale another tract of land adjoin ing the above, comprising fifty-two and a half ! acres, upon which Is a small Irarae and several log houses.1 I will sell these lands as a whole or I win divide them into two or more parcels to suit nur- chasers. This property can be bought at a reason able prfoe and anyone wishing to purchase would ao well to apply at once to may20dtf 8. J. TORRENCE. toys (Mi We are having an Immense run on Straw Goods. gem of a hat a regular seller from SellersvlHe. I m F wib. with Popular Puoli as leader In the race. It U a PUCK.. AND VACAfHOKJ 6 10 2D 100 800 500 1000 2.000... 10,000 1,000 10.0U0 600 10,000 ,200 20,000 100 30,000 50. 25,000 25. 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750 9 ' do do 500........ 4,500 9 do do 250 2,250 do do do do do do do 1967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the company ln New Orleans. f or iunner lniormatiou write cieany, giving iun address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to " NJW UiUJSANS NATIONAL. BANK., . IJgw Orlv3ms Lei Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mail or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Or M. A, DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St.,jWashington, D. C DAIS, Umbra as, Ic, k Are most desirable, being flexible afford perfect comfort to the head and for durability we rcoomnerj them as thoroughly wortny The JVEiglity Dolla,r, The modest price we ask. Summer Textures nre very prominently displayed from our coutrs jow, and our variety 1b $1,000,00 WILL be paid to any one who will find a particle of Mercury, Potash, Iodine, Arsenic, or any poisonous substance in Points lor the Sanharr Officer. In the excavation where the old rviion hmisA latelv stood, near the Second Presbyterian church, there has accumulated a large pool of wa ter, which' has" become stagnant, green scummed and offensive.- The immediate attention of the sanitary policeman is directed to the spot. Complaints are also made of the drain along the east side of Church street' between Fourth and First. The reeidenti of that locality say that the stamen arising tnereirom ib aiuiu unbearable and is' a, menacing dan ger to the health of the entire neigh iBorhMd. if he- sanitary policeman cahftbt De tdo' alert and active m his dutiesiduring the summer season and Jie shojuld at onarray. nimseu in Commencement Bound. Capt. Clarkson's train" on 1 the - At lantic, Tennessee and Ohio road pull ed out at seven o'clock last night for Davidson College with four passenger coaches ;in addition" to its usual' -complement of box cars, he coaches were pretty well filled with young peqpte and a good sprinkling ot older. ones, Douna ior ine commencement,. The schedule being rather inconven ient, the greater part of J those who intend going, will leave this morning in private conveyances, and as usual, Charlotte will be hugely represented. The event of to-day at the college will be the address by Bev. -, M Carlisle, LL. D. Some excitement was created in the city yesterday over the receipt of a telegram from Columbia I stating that Cal. Brown, the colored man who went there in charge of the Pioneef reel, had been shot, and kill ed. The telegram was sent to Brown s wife arid went so fat aBiitoosaytnaj he hadT seven bullets in his body. Further particulars were ttsked for, when an answer was received stating hat there was no foundation for the report and that Brown was alive and tinhttri It seems to have been a cruel hoax perpetrated upon Brown's wife by some thoughtless individual. The darkies about town were terribly exercised over the news and many of them still reiuse to oeneve anyimng but that Brown has been killed. Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate I i , NO FnyslCian Neea nesuuiie. nr s. V.:Cleveneer. Chicago, M. ford's Aciq savs: "Hors- Phosphate should be made officinal. It auiiuuisijicMiim vl uld hesitate to SwiFrs Specific 'I have cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's Specific after I had most signally failed with the Mercury and Potash treatment." F. A. TOOMER, M. D., Perry, Ga. "Swift's Specific has cured me of' scrofula of 12 years standing. Had sores as large as my hand, and every one thought I was doomed. Swift's Spe cific cured me after physicians and all other medi cine had failed." R. L. HIGH, Lonoke, Ark. & 1 ft ft Aft would not purchase from me what $1U,U"U Swift's Specific has done for me. It cured me of rheumatism caused by malaria." ARCHIE THOMAS, Springfield, Tenn. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York Office, 159 W. 23d St., between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Philadelphia office, 1205 Chestnut street. -REMEMBER 1 ffl:IS FACT! Our constant aim Is to give the best and most reliable goons for the lowest possible price. We have ' The Finest Ham ialie market for the price. We alsof have tor those wanting something fancy t -FERklS' PIG HAM. Latest Style SILK HATS, SILK, MOHAER and GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, Gents' hand-made and Machine 800TS i SitS Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes of best makes TRUNKS, TRAVELING - BAGS, -Trunk anil Slmvrl Straps - JUST RECEIVED. Pow 4 - Go, is the most elltnBle lorm tor tne ana no nnysieiaii w Received To-day order it on his 'prescription blanks.' If ; 4. ! : Change all That . ' l .- -i Lm 1 1 - ,-IMfrfnna, otw . HOA RATIfinn'fl r .tino Pnmua Plasters. Pulckest and be8t. OC. i f ;JFoi- Cowaty, Treasurer. The friends of Mr. J. H. McCllntoek propose his oa u. mnMAaialar t.hfl office of County Treas urer, subject to the ratification of the Democratic conventloh. ' ' . ,,. The finances of the county have been so well managed by that excellent soldier, Capt. Belk, that tax-payers of all shades Of political faith will regret his retirement, but If he decides not agala to stand for the office, all will be pleased If his successor is one.whb carries about the same badge of honor. Let us nominate andleet Mr. MeClintock. June 14,1. , Candidate rorSUerltf, The maiy frinds of J. Wtt Kirkpah-lck, nomi-- nate him as a candidate IQr-the office or bnermt i , Mecklenburg county, at th" ensu'ug election, sht leettiothe action oi me ixjniocrauc owiuj in vention. MANY VOTKRS. Junel4d4wtdc Ferris' rv. BUT HI I CI The mo3t pleasant of all Gossamer Weight Fabrics, is unapproachable. lutes ilfig purchasers Seeking n r comiorx win una nere a aepot ior me supply w Men's and Boys' Of reliable quality and moderate prices, and residents of remote localities may shop here with laclllt Dy maKing Known u ua uittir warns, ior V WE FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY, Shipping by Express on approval, returnable at our expense, and our business m mis aeparroent is growing Uctiiy wiin me pairvutigo uui vvwuioidiuiwim E. D. Latta fe Bro. METROPOLITAN Worn IYX 11 JR fflM -if. '. FASHIONS CHARLOTTE J. W. TflcMILLlAN, MAJTA.GEH. SUCCESSORS. TO. THE McSHITfi BHS1C-HOUSE; plANOS AND ORGANS ' rrom tne worera Best massrs. i sneet music am jkusu mooks, Band Instruments, Violins, Gul- s uai With !Patte 1 fop hk MVXllEiYl rmoni anettes, Double lne Strings, sjs t this house and ae, money anl Oill n Address 15 .... i Accordeons, Or Biases, States, -i tSf-Order 1 you will save flight. TftlCES THE OWISTT ; TERMS fHK BIS'SST! ! J ,. -.: Just le ceiVcd J. Af. JIcMILLIAN,, Charlotte Music House, Charlotte, N. C praach of Lodden & Bales' Southern MuJeHowe,g4rvjjinah,Ga. pew i I hereby challenge any Binder ln the market to a field trial of two days, ln tall and short grain, on any farm la Mecklenburg county r North Carolina, and if they can do better work than the McCor mick I wtU forfeit to them the sum of S100- T J. H. BO WEN. Agent McCormiek Harvesting Machine Co. une!34 UUU19 H " ' v tueond wucu . . - - - . ,, ,l.,t.n 1 I but a few) samfor aeoepi jeL it as a most. 4 arftaBl lutr to trr it. sBO ,te resort, ana. was nuryru niante - FOR KENT. Good twe-stor, dwelling, seven rooms, 0a tW wmer of Church and Second street i. ' - ' Mrs.-: Governor Thos. J. Jarvis and Mrs. Ed. Lee, of Raleigh, spent yes terday at the Buford House, in this city, and received calls from, many friends. They were on their way to Cleaveland Springs to epend the sea son, j . Miss Carrie Watts, Miss Daisy Coxa and Mr. Otis Coze Jeft. yesterday for a visit; to CoL Frank Coxa's Green Kiver farm. , r5j 3 jTT? Misses Ma&fi333i1aTd Nnptf A numbensot lh JnslitgWuaJej arfl rfemaihiTitJ?'j in:ke w3r" QoHm tMAATIfnl'iati'-te'hi -fWyPCaS'AdiftlJW are , at teirmte? 08 mti& Halli TUmriett at Mrs. TOtt Daughters. Wlrep We eraphatlftiilt iuara TioV!nmemnihtTi agents hereby accept the. aDovhallenge of Mr. J. H. Bowen, and to take place to-day, 18th Inst., at the farm of Dr. Paul B, Barringet, on the Beattie's Ford road, 8 miles from CharlottS. Also respectfully Invite any other binder ta the test, ,T-f. SHANNONHOTOE. . Agent Osborne Harvester and Binder. ' T. ALLEN MCCORMICK, General Agent Osborne Machines. Juneiaait j FOR SALE. , A Good Office Des k uneixttl rv. . T 1 n 1 t I I ' II I II ll L. II I ii Ti - 11 rim . f A Choice Article of ' " vr t ' r -"' f ' i ,fAGceat:;xcitement ' t1Sr i;: H'S. I t- . l.:,. .Vr-; -r--- , ...... : Hot and lAarfti Sp ingSMotel. ... Amss wEELt, m : their : V" - . ff ' TXiK)t and Postofilce. Warm Sprino. Madison o,N. C. De crlptlve ClrcWs )cftnt; I I -' . . i I. A " i : ' - - ; .. : t v .i.i, OFTIErQRLLX Bte-'Mtnt.: fXQIS WEELt," IN .THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT "?iiirttig last 'week the sWW Bargains offered met with jsuch popular apprecianon that we are In duced to oner stmgreaier Dargams 10 our pairons. THIS OTFICET" .. a. 'i' See thk Prices. DEERING i THE 1 irfffiiMteliifler Men's Silte, fJP ! UTTATTTY ao&PipMetf all WTOliantiBpiendldly cufand thorpiijil well made, at SL76, HOO. $160 and $3.90, Genulni Seersucker Sqtta Urnbh lower prtckk tban the teame goods can be bought elsewhere. bit BBOWH, EDDlraTON C.f UKfair-frn workinir the Deerlns Machine I find that Jhejworfc Is done'eerfeet.p It iewts jblnds, and, delly- - e s in a;way wiat woultt ao creau.JV am mocauie SHbuldbe prbha torepresent rt.-!t An? AfV met have aone better worK. nor wouiaiasK rgkaobBM 1 ! JUST Lid i 1 COIIPABE OUR .tf . ; . ; v v. BARGAINS ' SELVES. AXD JIDOETOB TOIJB. ;'J Kit-. ;rvfcl4ir Vr.": - r MveAnTt??iuraateed to cure or y"uHtnaLTertemaL blinfl, biee Cwltehtotpfleiv 'Price Wc. dJIothers, i:a-.S'5iiiacw' ivm a rnwUi. u. u dam jfemttta lam. r.H IwnVTSThiai nrtkthmatfon ond'ides wvu, T"."ft wiiw jm- -- j.,,. 4 leeung, jrrcgM Mtjs ,- ZTTrZ ,"Z , ieucorraoea oesMee kyoaj w ' nmm oiiu6"i from the Ahn. Hk itAtWtaohei -bloatlngi stjIB f ' betw work frhaf any 1 r 5i;-l : P BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT .J.B.Mar, For sale hi ehlal, Utlca, H. y., for pamphlet, LS?JJ inilTX ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOB AJfPfoposlngto entet Into ajnanufaqturlng jiess wa offerfor the next lSidays our businesi ik, consisting VvisptifiefurfuBfli bnslneeaahd" rfiteset Metal. Tinware. Tooto aodVBachlnes.' Alf I -staple, clean ana. cawuoguea- wjpicai mjuireu About SBiX.5,ioiits S3.im.,OTsy.- !,XWO. wiuoe risen, ness - there Is aceTheris." ti - r-"-;f -s-i..f ...vj e-iyrJBr&f4 Miliar f5meid:. -Wilmington; Kta&frfc N if. 13 . c:n." .iifeOf Our VantiEatiibislimeiit. ,ir,!; hi--- :itrv.'.t. .Ji M :'.:-.?' j :. : ..- r-rr .:s'i3AJ5J' - Mf".rr Wittkowsky Ji FKMoTslnTDEHslteBATUB ntaTnSTTItail THE BATTXE-FltLD. Sk0wWVmmttt)imdi9r Baa or Uiucter ui nmn at SMMIMM IMS trHnt 6T? triM at hm (ot tuU dwripUo M Davidson College klECKXENBCRCJ COtTNTV, u,'1 . .' The next Session ODena on THURSDAIEfr TEMBER 11. ' " ' -For catalogues apply to tne w& ur WtCCVn. iM'tUi t Miru-tx CliiiKI mayl4deodw3m . 1-; -: 1 tit i.vfn, . 1 Cleaveland Mmeral'Springs, j . ! ! una mo;rm ju v-r -;'" rlfty--four miles west of Charlotte, and one mile liwCfereUnMCeMral Saflrsed, M Hosf .epen or the reception of visitors.- - - . . - uacKB mu d w springs sutugn uutu txf ivu. vi Z I 'AlSWPPLT OF .1.' i.' nvnrr tram. sold and warm nauisi lyt one ana ea. autpuw rl -Chalybeate Waters, new Bowling Alley. Cw eoldaad" Nlnvlllljunic " nirin, ucn nunuiis aifi xiuet, a fine Band of Mustava- good FVum and vadr jous other amusements tot tne pleasure eeeKer. T Plenty ol Ice secured for the season. Every room linahoftn thimwllMMiaMilMAIulkttaniMt? The table. wlU b furnished with the, i68t they market affords . for further mformatlon, aaarese the proprietor, fiM!B.POSTON.-;.' Shelby, peafelaad countjr, JL C , mum jars GL4SSES, : ; - - 1 .vawvvsj uma0nuv MrMVrmiw t p AlW v I u lit.' 1 1 iauuuUi.yV ' 'i if A may28dtf i riK -Sift

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