4 VOLUME XXXI. CHARLOTTE 4 ? 1 Desiring to fill a long felt want In Charlotte, the lien iii ';t- v v GENERAL LAND AGENCY, For the DUTDoae of buylnc. w11lnr foo.in .., renting real estate. Their operations wliihot be confined to the city of Charlotte, nor to the State of North Carolina, but all property placed within our ...UUAUu.vuw " " fcTO IQUHM VI 0UIU, Upon SUCH terms, commissions andpaments as maj.be agreed We will undertake to sell, lease or rent lands noust ana row, mines, ate, make abstract of titles, collect rents, make returns and pay taxes, effect Insurance, &&, kc, advertising all property placed Free of Cost to the Seller, Particular attenUon will be paid to the selling or leasing of mining property, which will be sold on nnmmtafllnn nnl We are in correspondence now with a number of tUlrfllM at tha Vnpth Bnil IVan Wa I 'v vuw iiviwi out non wilu ore HrHnng homes In North Carolina, where the climate Is geniiu aim uie sou remuneranve. Persons having houses and lots or plantations for sale will serve their own Interests by placing their business with us. KUBI. JS. tAAiUKANR. The business will be undetlhe management of T -a fwunm . t . . . a. Xi. wbtuunc, jaanager, Charlotte, N. CL The following described pieces of preperty are now offered for sale by the Charlotte Beal Estate Agency, R. E. Cochrane, manager, office Trade street ironi uenuui uoiei, unarione, . u.: (CITY.) 1 y 1 One dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets x in eacn room, wen 01 good water, lot wxlUU feet, In good neighborhood. Price. 42.000. 2 One dwelling on 6th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, lot 60x138, convenient to business. Price, $1,700. 3 One dwelling on Sooth Trron street, adjoining residence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well of water, well located for a boarding house. Price, $3,000. . " One dwelling on corner of Myers and 3rd stnwtR. rooms. 2 room kitchen, bath room and eirawtH well of water; 2 lots, 1 fronting Myers street, 99x 198, 1 fronting 3rd street, 99x198. well of good C One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th O streets, 5 rooms, kltehen, well of water, lot 120 ieei uu irraiiam street, ioa ieet on 1UU1 street, very desirable property. Price. $1,500. if One lot on 8th street, square 96, small 3 room snuuse, goou water, wtxnw. race, $au. rr One vacant lot, 99x198, on B street, good loca- iiou. i rice, si.uuu. a One dwelling on PoDlar street. 10 rooms, lot .reiisjo iwk dtick Kiicnen. outnouses. sianie. wnii 9 of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser. rrux, ,uuu. One Dwelling corner of Ninth and K streets. one story. 6 rooms, closets; well of water In yoni. raw S1,2UU. A One Dwelling corner of Ninth and S, one Pri $80tt aoaoia' wea 01 wawr in yard. none DweUlng on Ninth street between B and C, two stories, six rooms, brick basement; well of water in yard; lot 99x198. Price $2,000 i y One Dwelling on Sixth street, one story, 6 "uia, urarai, weu ui wilier; lot ouxw. Price $1,000. O One Dwelling on West Trade street, two lO stories, 1 rooms, 2 room kitchen, weU of wa ter; two lots 99 on Trade 99 on Fourth St very desirable property. : Price $1750. UOne Hundred and Fifty' Acres Land V mile of the city nmrta, adjoining the Fan- Grounds well located for a truck and dairy farm; 1A in timber, branch running through -it, about 8 acres meadow. Price $30 per acre. I C One unimproved lot 99x198 on Ninth street, lO between D and E streets. Price $360. -1 Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres Land. 1 U The owners of The Crowder's Hoontain Iron Works beg to call the attention of capitalists Iron manufacturers, stock- and dairy men, and those who wish to settle colonies, to their property.whlch offers Inducements to the classes above named. The property consists of Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres of land, located In the counties of Uaston and Cleavelaud, In the State of North Car ollna, at King's Mountain Depot, on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railway, now owned by the Kichmond and Danville railroad oompanv. The property has been used for fifty years past as an, Iron property. - and has been worked at various points, but ctkleny at the site of the celebrated YeUowBUgere Bank, which, nas always yielded an ore noted for Its richness in wwtaiiii. iron, and its softness and toughness. This vein of tm which extends for two miles In length, has been- irurnea w im oepiu ui n reet, snuwing at that rfepUnrveln of ore about 40 feet wide, and analys ing as high as 66 per cent of metallic Iron. This vein has not been worked for twenty years, but the facts set forth can be fully shown, various other veins have been worked, and within the past two years very large deposits of Iron ore have been dis covered at other points. -Within the past eighteen months, however, the owners have discovered de posits of ore In Crowder's Mountain, (live veins of iron ore, are exposed), which were unknown be fore, and which will furnish an amount of good ore, easily worked and above- water, that most make It one of the most desirable Iron properties to be found. . They nave discovered on the pinnacle of this mountain, which is 1000 feet above the level land. 22U0 feet above the sea level, a vein of ore eight feet wide, which crops out at various points from the top to the bottom of the mountain, show ing 4n one place about 2u feet of solid vein..- This vein can be traced over the top of tbe mountain lor over a mile, and this deposit aloMwooM afford an' almost Inexhaustible supply of ore, easily Werited, and above the water line. In addition to tbfe (our other vela have been found on this mourrfettn. The ore Is a mottled gray-ore, showing on analysis from 49 to 66 per cent, of metallic iron, with a small amount of titanic add, an4 without any sul phur .or phosphorus; The quantity of ore ut thl mountain' Is simply Inexhaustible and of good quality, Besides Crowder's Mountain the owners possess King's Mountain for about seven miles, whose pinnacle Is the highest point of land from Rich mond to Atlanta, except ML Airy, In Georgia, and they have reason to believe this mountain Is full of ore also. In addition to Iron ore the property has manganese, limestone clay for making fire-proof brick, gold and other minerals. - Very pure and ex cellent barytese has just been found In large quan tity. As a stock and dairy farm It offers fine opportu nities to thoee who may wish to engage In such bus iness. It has from three to four thousand acres of level or only slightly rolling land, which produces grass, grain and all kinds of fanning products finely, and It Is well supplied with water by unfall ng springs and branches The other 4,000 acres embraced In the mountain sides are productive of fine grass and herdage, and . afford excellent natural pasturage for sheep and cattle. The ellmate Is so mild that but little shel ter for stock Is needed In the coldest winters. The whole six thousand acres are now eovered with a fine growth of timber of all kinds, such as pine, hickory, oak, walnut, cedar, etc. The Jand Is well suited to farming purposes, by those who wish to colonize. Cotton, corn, peas, oats, clover and grass, and fruits of all kinds are produced beertlfully,and it is specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It could be divided Into small farms that would give to each farm variety of soil, and level and hilly and. It Is situated In the Piedmont belt, which Is noted for the salubrity of its climate, and the healthiness of Its atmosphere. It Is a region free from malaria and other unhealthy Influences. It Is located with great convenience to railroad faclhv ties, being situated at from two to four miles from King's Mountain Station, on railway that has the most extensive connections with all parts of the country, and which offers great inducements to those who are trying to develop the country along Piil!f&.3'!!2neni 8611 lnto property to suit witt taakelatorabletorms reetvtagHie-'wln-eral Interest, or will ' sell One-half thettiirieral In terest, -payments to be one-third cash, balance In one or two rears. - ' s -' " - A vahiabis water power, which has been nsed to ran large rolling mills, lies adjacent to this prop erty, and can be bought xbeapl.c The property Is Mftb In close proximity to the nous All Heullr, nerai onruita.- ana tame e 1 of King's Mq wnere are good Hotels, a nourlitl uiga school, and several new eburcnes: The owners Invite the attention of all Hit reBtttd tO thtnrnmrt AnAhUtr on namlnutlnn Mlt kuj further information regarding H will be viuuipuj iumisneaoy aaaressing k. &. epetune, t . J v iwyw mw MHHO 4KVI ftcres qdJdlnUigJhis prpierty. well Improved farm, one mile Creek Station, o f. he Western . godd 0rohawei. adaplld tock and farmlns imninments nlllM If fipfilrMl . Tarmm aaw rtoetUl per acre, . - c 18 Tract of Land, 150 acres, located In tin coin Muiiita 11 r, n .t ni 1 ,.. J . J PaTne and ethers, 6 miles from Denver, 23 from Charlotte, and 18 from Davidson College. Has on it a good dwelling, 7 rooms, all necessary outbuild ings, good rohaid, good water, and well adapted ior grains, grasses, corn, wheat, tobacco, cotton, saw (rood bottom land. In fine state of cultivation. Price $2&0. lanown inthe M. C. Reports as the Sam Taylor 2E8?,1II7? rsnenwnt houses, twptooma Krit: 50d barn iwn "n water and good spring w VHP yremiees.. buin without wserve for 11.760. Oi One unimproved tot, 86x218 feet on comer of A ?JeIr.lK,,?FourUl reete. Price 360. 22 i"J"?',?K"n. on Fourth street, near 2TT irW2SJ'SRKwt K1 n north side LV. WetihhtBBet. Prk2Q0each, , fMnOAWtt raATSIn h' bbugnf 3, II SIP KOThl&e I H Jiaasl Land,S miles loath nf Charlotte. wy 19 rxiM UllunrTJlllUrU K1MI1 Hll ID. R 5 .AND H -Always kept on han- sad for sxieio onniem packma for print " - r THW OKKICK, . -,TraTm-W 'win self good secmid-hand W!.;iiCMkau)0, v7UlMldfor i . . ".ix- ;v: iicsr - n mi I i1ttt I ilUVA) 1UHI !! 1 (DDD)finDg -OP SUMMER STJITS! A Striped .Seersucker Suit, worth $2.00 in any house In this city, sold by us 1 A Fine Check Creole Suit, worth in any house In this city $2.60, sold by us i A Cenuine Seersucker Suit, WORTH 5.0O AKD ' ftCOO, Bi-iL7;,60 Cap'mere Su't, worth $10 and $12. In Gents Furnishing Goods we are, as always, considered headquarters. JnVtSflIIN NECWAB.-An Elegant Silk Scarf, sold everywhere for 50 cents, we offer at the vs. w wuw, ou sato ;uur uiuuojr Uf ratmng Ull US. Very respectfully, L. BEK WAMGER & BEOfMEB, LEADING CLOTinERS AWI TAILORS. t3T"N. B. Goods sent by Express on approbation, to be returned at our expense. B"Agents or the Celebrated Pearl Shirts and Tensor Searfis. IfclllllflOfl Mice The firm of T. L. Seigle & Co. lias been this day dis solved by mutual consent. T. L. Seigle has purchased the entire business and ' will pay all debts of the concern. T, L, SEIGLE. THOS. J. SEAGLE, June 25th, 1884. Having purchased the bu&i ness of T. L. Seigle & Co., I shall be pleased to see all my friends and the public erener' Sb ally at the old stand, where I shall keep a first-class stock in every respect. Special in ducements will: be offered for the next thirty days many lines of goods : being closed out for less than actual cost. An early call will convince you that there arebargains in store for thepublic. Respectfully T. L. SEIGLE. We arc Absolutely Slaying Goods. SUCH BA.RGA.INS IN DRESS GOODS HAVE SELDOM. IF EVER. UmJCri Uift tuHiLU IN THIS MAKKH71. WIS AKE : DETJCH MINED TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK OF SU (VI IV1ER DRESS GOODS If prices can do it All Simmer Goods neatly reduce!. our stock ot these foods out on counters to be closed oat. We are offering the best Towel forthe money In the market. A lew very fine Parasols at half price. Our who e stock of goods have been reduoed to pnees-tnat must attract attention. i irre 1! arkel Iovrn i m4Aaa ntiioh annhiM Mia man at mrKMraM means .Ari.b. dupUcatdd anywhere wMm AT.T. WOOL OASSIMEKEVStjITS $12.00 ; ormorprice T ' s.i1' 10.00; . ,fH.i . w' i 'W H 8.50; ' . il3.. m MEN'S Banging loprtoef irqrn i.sq, u.wl wliu ana i.ih, mwr un anqaiv wimibhkw wpf. I .. r . ; v ; i l-VT -7T,i---r--'t"l pribeV"9Ottr'UirestobtfeFiIo season, we vjMi I ft, .ttost deep Beaie4 iegret' that the! ri,.Tt. as sm have a lArirer stock on hand than w irtah to carrtlKsi If yott rwwit to porebjas any odds I . . .rTb, ;? . ; I nd ends In Suits pr Pantaloons, allot which are placed on ouc Bargain Ckjnnters we ai the house fqr l COnyenplORS Iwftian Ui you can get them almost at your prices, an waw anxicma uspoe (ftem. j yur pwa aj9 ym antieed, "as usual.'.' lower thannf Other b,, j,,, .,ij n.J -mi w 1 1 . i- I .Vrr .Milt Jr M. tr" ftl Irntvl 1 t 1 f , M 2'. X'.'t 4 CEiVTRA X. HOTKIV COUNER.- T.wRIVI AG ILL Xy 7 wnbLESAiiic grqcsb ; i AND COMMISSION MERCHANf4 .lat!6"1-'' Itlai-kf'..t Orders solicited nnd -proropUy fiUetL. :o: dDnotl; SaiD OUR- 1 for $1.50 2.00 1 for SOK,1 BY US FOR 3.50 Umbrellas, 4c, k . Latest Style SILK HATS, SILK, MOHAIR and GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, Gents' hand-made and Machine TS I SHOLS, Ladles', Kisses' and Children's Shoes of beet makes TKTTNKS. -TRAVELING BAGS, Trunk and Shawl Mtraps- JD3T RECEIVED. Ask for Gloves and Hosiery, we have Dlaced i 4 rices of Glothin Our Kntlri!itclc of to W a ault at our house for leas than It can be In this vldn(t.i H16.00 00 50 UITf3 ?'W IN TUB NORTH MOUNTAINS, GHaM - COUNTY, VA, rrv , f Will ATaOfl lbstTaA lifrl CtAaWt tiw fihMMted and de scriptive pampUeca giving 'full partkxuva of this eek ft the medlmt profaeshm 'Hot aocdumiouauon UU. ..Jkxeellent ent band 01 musicj m " j. -WATKia lejl General Manager, p tr t r T---1 - I , -i- : I CHARLOTTE, N. 0 SUNDAY "J Ul 29, 1884; U GXmvUtn fcsctuer. Terms of Subscription. DAILY. t Percoov. Scents. One month (by mall) 75 Three months (by mail) $200 Six months (by ma&) 4.00 One year (by mall). 8.00 WEEKLY. One year $2.00- Six months L00 "variably . in Advance-Free of If OMtsage Co all parts of tne United-Atates. ""Specimen copies sent free on application. ST-Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please state In their commonl- wauon ootn we old ana new Bourses. . . Rates of AdTertiMlnevr One Square-One time, $1.00; each additional In sertion, ouc; two weens, s&.uu;xne montn, $a.uu. A schedule of rates for loneer periods furnished on application. Hemit dt drart on New vork or Chanotte. Ann nv Postofflce Honey Order or Beeistered Letter at our riaK. u sent otnerwise we win net ue responsioie xor miscarriages. DR. YORK EH pORS ES Dr. Tyre York was elected to Con gress as an independent Democrat, and asserted " in his speeches on the stump that he was a better Democrat than the men who were opposing and. denouncing him. As a Representative in Congress he did not go into the Republican caucus, but on all party questions voted with the Republicans. By refusing to go into th4 Republican caucus he so far kept up his Demo cratic pretense; by voting with the Republicans he kept in with his Re publican allies. He was nominated at Raleigh by the so called Liberal and Republican conventions as a Liberal Democrat, taken from the Liberal Democrats and placed at the head of the Republican or Coalition ticket as a concession to thaLiberals, whose co operation the Republican managers sought, and as an evidence of good faith that they' meant the ticket to represent both the Republi can and Liberal parties. His "name was raised as a Democrat, and as a Democrat it was hoped he would carry Democratic votes. His letter of acceptance was for a long time delayed. He had plenty of time to reflect upon it, to ponder over it And now this Liberal Democrat, whose nomination was made to catch Democratic votes, throws off the Liberal disguise, and unequivocally announces that he "endorses the Chicago platform in full and the nomination of Blaine and Logan. " Who of Dr. York's supporters will now have the cheek to talk'about his being a Democrat, or the impudence to ask a vote for him on that score? He places himself squarely and fully upon the Chicago platform, with all its inconsistencies and absurdities. with all its sectionalism! assaults upon the Southern , people, bloody shirt and civil rights, goes, as far as any dyed in-the-wool Republican could go, swallows it all, and throws up his hat for Blaine and Logan, the one toe embodiment of official' cor ruption, the other of partisan malice and sectional proscription. On his own choosing he gors before the people of North Carolina,1 with his Liberal disguise thrown off, as the standard bearer of the ReDublican party, its endorser and champion. w e are no surprised at this, how ever, for it is as we expected. , We have more than once asserted that it was only a question of time when Dr. York would flop over into the Repub lican camp, that there was no place else for him to land. "They all do it." And we are glad that Dr. , York has seen fit to do it over his own signa ture, that he has ceased playing the double role of Democrat and Repub lican, and-stands out before the people m his true colors and proper garb, It simplifies matters, eliminates the Liberal , feature, from the campaign, and makes it a straight out fight be tween the Democratic and Republican parties proper. The peoplejeand the men who voted for. Dr. -York as a Democrat two years ago,! k4o w" just where to find him now," marching- side ty side with Dr. MotL I. J Young, and the other Republican bosses, under the banner of Blaine and LiOgan. ' Congressman Hewitt has tele graphed to the New York Evening Post that Mr. John JKelly's talk against Gov, Cleveland is "bluster," and, "resorted to for the. purpose of influencing delegates to desert Cleve land, who will not not only be nomi nated but elected." Mr. Hewitt hag been Quoted ajj - being: opposed to Cleveland, but this dispatch, diposes : nf that. tnaffAv - .it f ' .-,n n.i IfW. Carl Schurs announces his purpose! to take t&e Btump arid make a numljer of speeches against Blaine in the eiwuing cajapaigOv-Mrl Schurz Is an eloquent sjpeaker, and fefcreaited wnn qaving great influence w ta I land could easUy carry Ne YorkI iioiwdecianng elcUon fof IneJigi but says HheLindenendent iSeoubli, I itality vojd, ft4 rmHt4 raattfel'. Sff B?y other that t.nn nsmivrnK mw nnmin.i '. Dr. Tyre York; starts of acceDtance wfth -tHn mart. 'nraiM T ho v,Q,i J I hoI:.wauU.luiTeMrT some I . 1 - I wl other good man, for .the eajted, P.qsJ -1 rti(iri."'SQma othei'isvid rnd.n1iMia ovr1; f r ,t,hA a-rn.ltorl nncl ..I t tiqn,?- Some Qthei'BOodluan'is aood; -- 'J - ' J ' T I 1I.C.. aVI. " .. .l V -a 1 if a. a J a s, I .a AWeiW' willhavBdtorwvifvito put up other ''good maa" to 'be knocked aown. i 4 i,egisiauon,i! tney stur c0rne.r :There ere some ftye'j hundred recruits- ar- tfved' tMa.'weert'New .York, chiefly f roht Scandinavia.; bound .for - - Like- SauL-Tof - TnF knc- nlvmt' fh n fourth.; p;next November tbe time . willfMrna when ScaTArfin Vrtm t i;v,V:;. jr::;I rrrr .yfe" wouirtuu ' juug-itae:. wtimps. ' YAKCE AND BENNETT. TWO VR Y JIOTABLE 8PEECUES. The Reduction of Internal Revenue Officers Wan " Chalmers 1 Ineligible? How the Nomination ot Gen. Scales was Received Accident to Col Green Douglas Before the SpriBger Committee. . Correspondence of Thk Observer. r i Washington, June 26. The legisla lative, judicial and executive appro priation bill being under considera tion in the Senate, debate arose - yes terday on the.appropriations commit tee's proposition to strike out the part of the measure as it came from the House providing for the reduction of "internal revenue collectors. Several brief speeches were made by Mr. Beck in favor ef the motion because he thought there was not time' to ma&e the necessary changes before the fiscal year closed; by Mr. Allison and Mr. Morrill, in opposition to such changes on' general ground, and by Gov. Vance against the jmotion be cause, two collectors can easily do the work of the present four 1 in North Carolina, By 29 to 22 the Senate decided to strike out, and leave the Red Legged bosses unharmed'to prey on; the people. No Republican voted nay ; Messrs. Bayard, Beck," Fair and Jones, of Florida, voted yea, TheSenate added $100,000 to the corruption expenses for the pay of the cormorants. Presently was taken up the amend ment of the appropriation committee to strike out the provision exempting small distilleries from the bonds of storekeepers and insert a povisipn the effect of which would be to stop all the erain distilleries in North Caro lina and several other States. ' This amendment was opposed not only by Senator Vance in the interest of the class of small distilleries, but by Senator Sherman, who said the pro posed plan would work as a monopoly In bis own State and the : States of Illinois and Kentucky. Gov. Vance presented a strong array of figures from the official reports and facts of which he was personally cognisant He spoke at considerable length, closing the debate for the day. liov. vance ventilated the record of the internal revenue officials in North Carolina and the woi kings of the system. In reply to the sneering auusions or. .aiuson in regard co tne people of the State in the matter of fraud and collusion with the revenue gang, he showed conclusively that the Senator's own party was respon sible for what was wrong. The speech is too long to be summarized. A gentleman who heard the debate in the Senate yesterday on the Thompson amendment reducing the number of internal revenue "em ployes says that Gov. Vance made a roiound impression upon ' him as a debater and man of affairs, i Another admirable judge of good speaking remarked this morning j that Gov. Vance's speech was very incisive and showed perfect familiarity with the question. The action of the Senate this after noon in striking out the material parts of the Thompson amendment is not a surprise. The House will prob- ably insist to the bitter end, and the "upper House' will have to succomb of get no appropriation measure. iao uiov iiupuiuaui; uuaimjaa ul Wednesday in the House was the Chalmers election case, brought up by Judge Cook, of Iowa. Cook made an opening statement, showing that Chalmers was elected. A number of other speeches followed Mr. Elliott: of Pennsylvania, for, Mr. Davis, of Missouri against, Chalmers' right to a seat. The latter argued that the holding of a Federal office, that of Assistant District Attorney for Mis sissippi, made Chalmers ineligible, and that the election should be held over. But Judge Bennett, who pre sented the minority report, carried this contention further than anyone else. He spoke for one hour, and then secured an extension of his time from Mr. Lowery for : twenty five minutes. ' Between was sand wiched a short speech for Chalmers; by Mr. Valentine, of .Nebraska, - Re- ubllcan. Judge .Bennett s ; was the t effort he has yet made in .Corf- gress, and was heard with close "at tention by the Democrats. I Messrs! Valentine, Ramsey and - 3art,' his Republican colleagues of the election committee, did their best ' to parry the force of his argument, but with out avail. Indeed, they were worsted in every interruption. TheiJudge is a quaint ana original speaser. , oe sides the ingenuity and learning dis-' played in the -strictly technical ' "part of the discussion, he made, a j decided hit in reading in tragic accent ' and manner the correspondence between Chalmers and his friend Buchanan and the Republican authorities . here with regard to "$oap," , etc.j, ; to be used in the election. - His interpola tions were uveiy aM tne .uennocrats showed their enioyinent of the whole performance bylaughter and applause The latter part ; of i JtheA speech will make good campaign literatxp-e., In conclusion, fee; aecl if it wer pogi hla for Democratic members tto seat this mas who Uaq turned his "back on his kitLvand kin and gone Into the fjervice ofHiDld enemies. ! . , upon, the conclusion or the debate the vote was taken on the - minority 1 resolution declaring the election void on the.grouad of fraud and asserting: I the inefigibility of ChAlmera. The qnestion "was arviaea Ofl aemand of the votejoni.the wjumu, ,wuica wtia tasniiraii. IBeoiQBnit. 1 mi. . i -i . , .jiii t im mtmtnvyrvpvTu- waa aaoptea p uy plaudl -43iti- Democrats performin XTT"J"r "i lun.-.- VV,a Vm . eocrat whwha th? !b4 shalmlLanda' with the renpj .MnmTViTaVi. AT I lnatfla . . al. ,T.?-. owiiwhc 3K i contempt, ucms cotomeiiiv unaimeM uiMiouoieair'-Bnouia , nave been admitted, as it appears1 that. rie was. not actually . An official 1 9Zr ytoei couciu KuiGiuuicut an iiua iiiviiiinint his rieht as a member of Dontrress . .a,',fL!. .11 C iNl'-iJl uwurreu. j. ma waa me point uLypa man xufhers. pnet remarks, j iea. scales was warmly, coiigratg lated xra his nomination hyt J, & - laree iiumber ot members and emulavesi He did no have 1im,etWnahaut V tomdearturter thau to eayf thatr be 64 iieMt:f teTegramlstating ioit ioc ii ui uyminatron. lie uou not heard as ' td.: other,1 proce&lingSv .wiWJP. patcu -this-y-mormns'aimouncmg selection v..of..,: bis: son.-as th candidate for Attorney4 General 77. AW-TvWWWMWiM out his fetter i'8V0mli ih:acfrnpan 4uda;e" 1 Cookv TrheTteDubhcans did h&tto&h. we knew nothing but tbe bare state ment in the Associated Press ? report from Raleigh. - - , CoL Green was seen limping and using a stick this morning. On being HucBuuiieu, ne repueu mac on iues- aaynignt when the horses attached to the carriage of Gen. Hazen, of the weather bureau, ran away and in jured ine occupants, n (Uol. Green was descending the steps of his own carriage, in front of the Ebbitt House, tne two carriages rjmo in rnl lis$op, ' and the left ankle of Col. Green was bruised. He paid lit tle attention to it, especially as the parries m tne .otner vehicle were badly hurt. But the next morning his ankle was inflamed and swollen and he was obliged to call in a physi cian. He is barely able to be in the rtouse today expecting : his ? fruit brandy bill to come. up. ; It is not luceiy he will appear in his seat again iur several aayp... Yesterday Robert M. Doiifflns- marshal, appeared as a witness before jne springer committee and made a long statement, the purport of which was, to clear himself - of jail imputa tions as to maladministration. Expert Brown was asked bv him to iRtata if tnere was anything beyond, the charges against two deputies revealed in tne course, ot his examination Bowman replied that there was nnl. Thematter was postponed until this morning at 10 o'clook. Nothing was aone at the adjourned session, as no wibueseset were present. LI. -. . . . - ' '. uangiaf er, Wires aa Mother. We emphatically guarantee Dr. Msrehlsl'a Cfithol- lcon, a jemaie Uemedy, to cure Female Diseases. n as ovarian troubles, lnnanundtloa and uloer- "i mmuub auu Displacement or oeanng down reeling. Irregularities, barrenness, change of life. H A lraMUCO uuuijr weusnesses spnnsini; from the above, like headache, bloatlne. snlnal tLmandihlotercbottSr cbtel, xrtlca, N. for pamphlet, free. ''For sale ifv L, BU Wriston, drugglsi lunelleodl ' Avoid br all means the nsw nf minmsi tnr hiiinn. complaints. Ayer's Cathartic ptUs compounded en- i Tcscuwie uigreaieni8, naveoeen tested lor ; tony years, and are acknowledged to be the best remedy ever devised for torpidity of the liver, cos-' annStna "erangeinenis oi me digestive A Pair Offer. The Voltaic Belt Co., of MarshaU, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Voltale Belt and Aknii-. trlaL for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted w1 nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred uvuuics. cms ourerusemeni in mis paper. -. Poeltfve Cure for Plies. To the people of this county we would say we SS" AFU w W"3 aBBucy oi in. juarcmsi's Italian me Ointment emphatically guaranteed to cure or uiuuoj reiuuueu internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching pUes. Price 50c a box, Nocure.no ' L. B. Wriston, druggist. juimueoaiy Candidate for SUerilT. The many frlnds of J. W-tt Klrkpalrlck, nomi nate him as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at th ensuing election, sub- Junel4d&wtdc AYER'S Ague Cnre IS WARRANTED to cure all oases of ma larial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever Eemittent Fever, PnmbAgne, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint. In case of failure, after dne trial, , dealers are authorised, by our circular of July 1st, 1882, to refund the money. Dr. j. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. - v 8old by all Druggists. Gn?oiisiilfin fcii I' i"iillislHtJI BSBM Whon dtiblllty, exhausted powrrt, pramstura decay end failure to perform lire' duties properly are canaed by iSes. error of youth, etc, 11 find a perfect and lasting storaiion to rvbnst hcalta will restoration to robust health reimer stomach iHHsHr instrmnenU. This treatment of wmrnuiful beeanw based on perfect diagnosis. aw.id direct methods and absolute thor. on.BBeis. Fall information and Treatise free. -a-doress Consulting Physician of MARSTOM REMEDY CO.. 46 W.14th St. Nc York. :'ndvl8debd8w FREEI I . susisiinuu k sgaaUt tbeJB. lor theenreof we. Bans rssin snslort irrslnpn frua, DrotalstaoaasUHt. iUdrMS DHL WARD CO. UihlsiKa !. novl8deodaw. : REMEMBER f H IS FAm I Our constant aim is to. give the best and most "reliable goods lor the lowest possible price. We naye. The Finest Ham: In the market for the price. We also have for i .those wanting something tauey . . rrllKlvl.JV fllr ti AM. ", Beoeivwl To-day FfiTls'RiisliHfl: -AND- M Jo .eiw: b"tMi:.vq fs .lit? BARNUfT dP- A C-C'll T 5 w;treaterwrai aufprlse But 1 A aihattenneww pled tn-what'ts rww fpr the first-time onetd then PT -4b OI 3? J i Bl f ,E YQfc pl 0 N . Spme ot l -.the best stand- IX . (toote "ot ' the world, superbly fllustraedY lichly 1oanl, retailed l.a UVptb Iranf Imi-it ttmuer nrfces. vT Hi . lilf. tCODKXSl' 5 ani ewauslve ,i terrf-.-13tory glveq AtDTTM. Pub! er, Ki i-ean sv. new aorK.; -3 " (s. T5- ;r 3-'ifii7iC-T & --t 33-tai 3 1 1 -w : I offer for sale Eight Lots 60x200 teet, lylrig In the northwestern corner of the elU (outside uu -ertvhfnltsl-WrXrnorth-ot the cemetery. chaan.' -'n Any one wishing to secure a cheap lot would do weu 10 eau soon,- -as me prices at. wnicn uey ae oaerea means quick saies. m may33dtt - - usages, weal ii EVEBYB(M)Y Who studies economy Wittkowsky & Baruch's GREAT CLEARING 0 TO-MORROW MORNING. To e 0ffered Eclipse Anythiuof Ever Offered in the Southern I St.atPS. DON 'T IE LAST TO CALL. R EM EMBER, First Gome First Served. CHARLOTTE. N. G. BUSTLES, HOOP-SKIRTS, Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dusters, t . . 1,000 YARDS MORE OF THOSE . All Wool Bnntlnes 15 cents.. We have anothtr lot , hams at 9 cents per yard. A nlee line ot Seersuckers. unen ixmars. joo lot oi Ladies' Linen uuna. a Silk loves Very cheap. White Quilts. Job lot of Children's Hosiery. Look at oar 15 cent Whits India Lawns, the best goods for the money ever offered. It you want a Black Silk or Colored ,811k, oraSuaunerSllk.don't forget to see ours, as we are offering such bargains In them as will surprise you. We expect to close out OUR SUMMER GOODS In the next thirty days, and ask yon to come and get a bargain while they are offered. Just received another stock of Ladles' Shoes and Slippers from vltt 4 Bros? celebrated factory , . r - xnuy, illialM ri 71 THE FURNITURE . DEALER, A r.:.Lf. f.'Odfl1tfti: kjBT W r-T I . .J t a . . - lassl sT V u MJ 7V PRICE FIVE CJENTS. should go, without fail, to m POPULAR 5 CENT, LAWNS. . : i : . . . ' i of Berlin' Gloves At 7 mrita nnr imtr Dnm Rlnsv Parasols "way down cheap." Job lot of Gents' large stock oi TrunKs, valises, Traveling Bags. etc. and , ..J 11 A M 'j h - i, t

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