DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER; TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1884.; "t r PUBLISHED DAILY KXCKPT MONDAY -r L ' BT - v ; CHAS. R. JONES, Z " .. Editor and Proprietor. . ;s fESTKHKD AT THS POSIOmd IN CH1SLGTTTK, N. .. . C., a Sjkx "J believe in an open and sturdy partisanship which secures thelegitt mate advantage of party supremacy! but parties were made for the people and, I am unwilling, knowingly, to give my assent to measures purely partisan, which will sacrifice or en danger their interest8.n . Geo ver Cleveland. - " ' " .- Vr Proaideatt ; GKOTEB CUSTEULmW S fe OTITEWTOBX. r For YleePrsidati ,.. GEORGE H. PETCDIJBTOIf, ' promo, ' -DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET- FOB GOVERNOR, - - , ALFRED M. SCALES, of guilford. for ubtdtehaht governor, ' f CHARLES M. STEDMAN, i i OS" KBW HA50VE&. ? H FOR, SECRET AR? OF STATE, - WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, . OF ORANOa. FOR TREASURER, DONALD "W. BAIN, I I FOR ATTORNEY. GENERAL. ? THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, A FOR AUDITOR, WILLIAM P. ROBERTS, V;;i;;j;,- of gates.. !:i v. . ! ; UFOB BCEt OF FUBLIO IN3TRUOTION,- a M. FINGER, OF CATAWBA. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICa SUPREME COURT, AUGUSTUS &-MERRIMON, OF WAKE. UETTlNU READY FOR WORK. Meeting ot the Democratic national Committee, Ac. Chicago. July 7. The, Democratic National committeo began its session . at noon today, Chairman Barnum presiding. All the States were repre sented, e Alabama by H E Semple, ; Florida by Sam'l Pulleston, Georgia Geo T Barnes, Mississippi W T Mar tin, North Carolina M W Ransom, South Carolina T W Dawson, Tennes see, Robt .1 Looney, Virginia John3 iiaroour. - Barnes of Georgia nominated Au eustus O Bacon of Georgia, for tern porary chairman of the convention ; alt scoc&aaie nominated uov Kobt is Hubbard, of .Texas. Martin of Missis sppi nominated Charles E Hooker of Mississippi. The committee proceed ed to ballot with the following result : Whole number of votes cast 37, Hub bard received 22, Bacon 9, Hooker 6. On motion of Prince, of Massa chusetts, the nomination of Governor Hubbard was made unanimous. On motion of - Hewitt, of New York, Prince was elected .secretary of the convention. ' - ' The following were elected assist ant secretaries: E. -Lr Merritt, of Illinois. Geo. W. Guthrie, of Penn sylvania, G. S. Johnson, of Iowa, 'Robert M. Bostford. of Wisconsin. Charles M. Vallandinghatn, of Mis- Boun, iLenry j . j,ynn, ot Tennessee, "Michael J. Barrett, of NVw Jersey.' The following were elected reading cierKs: x. u. waiter, ot lowa. T. o. Pettit, of the House of Representa tives. Nicholas M. BelL of Missouri. James E. Morrison, of New York. H. L. Bryan, of Delaware,- Ansel Opper- heim, s of Missouri, Official Steno grapher Ed ward B. : Dicker3on,. of New York, Sergeant-at-arms Richard , J. urignt, oi Indiana. The committee decided to recom mend to the convention -that the rules of the last Democratic conven tion govern this body until otherwise Tordefed, , subject to the following "modification: That in voting for candidates for President and vice President no State shall be allowed to change its vote until the roll of States . has been called and every State has cast its vote. : v As a result of a long discussion the committee decided that undetached coupons would not be accepted for ad mission to the convention hall. The committee, adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow, with no anticipation, nowever, pi naving any ousmess. on Hand. " . ' ':' WHAT THE DELEGATES ARE DOING. The national committee will pre sent the name of Gov. Hubbard, of Texas, for the temporary chairman ship of the convention. The New York delegation have been in session since 11 o'clock and are now (1 :45 p. m.1 still endeaTDring to come to some agree- ' A Ti i t Jl At . 11- . iuwi. xi is reported in tne lOODies OI tne notei tnat a Tote was taken and that forty-seven were for CJevelancL with the rest divided among Flower and Bayard: The Connecticut - dele- gttion tiMg mornus agreed to cast 12 vetes for Cleveland, and .Vermont wia ais07Ttte for :him. A strong , foint is being made for Justice Field that bis opinions in cases involving oonsiicuoonai questions present . A ' A 1 . . . ittuona oi me power ot tne goyern- - uiopii ana tnac ms nomination would attract a strong Republican vote. Rcanelng tkB Revenno Aceats. WASHlNGTOir. July 7.In i rmrmi. ance of provisions of the Legialative iuuwku fma i izecGure Appropriai tion bill," reducing tie number.xr in- ternatmenue agenta from to 20! fcuo oinuiiiiamma ox mitmai revenue, ' today ordered the tdiacLar-if ; of the ;f oUqwipgiiamed afants in tie South' Anoa;jowers, JN.r u.. - John vYoum:, -Tennessee C.'B." Harrison, Tennes- eeeVMooD. tr, Yirr-a t J.jT. WiisoiL- Virgir i.- The other ti' located inxne , ;rth ana west. Yettvn Fifet iul Coders Duappear- WArfnraroit. July 7. The Sursna ;General otthe mrjine hospital service cs mTormed tf-t -yeaow t lever has ceased ar.an i cpiaemio in Rio De Janeiro, and f it cholera has disap .jDeare from Lsr iai. 7crk . was suspendedftt theiaciungton: navy yardUoday owing to the- failure ' of Congress to make appropriations for lis continuance. JPcoBonaced Astatic Cholera ( i. TociiON. July 17. Dr. Sersh. the head of the cholera commission, who is investigating the disease in France reports that the cholera here is Asiat ic from the extreme east He found . the same micobes here as were found in Egvtt and India! the .intestines , beir. the feat, of danger. ,Fumi5a-ti'-i :iu?' L"V He says t! l clzcl v( -1 reach Germany ; - it ill go- iv- erywhere ; having a centre like aou- I0D it must Bprau. THE LAST DAY END OF THIS FIRST SESSION OF THE 4iTU COMiRKSS After TraasacUlS SW Bltt& W Minor Iakportaa Vt w LR t BoU nit f Cnr FiMfftiir AilMn an Rttr M Catftat Ueir CoastUaeat. f - . Wa&httoi? ' Julv T.'-HSRSA'rSv- The Senate met at 10 a. u A was itwivd from lh House ot lp xcsent&tivea annottttcing o eoftear tim in th senate am6ftdment to the bill making; temporary provision for naval service. - ; , -i Hale moved that the senate reeeae from its amendment . I Miller, of California, said no naa nAm.n to doubt that the Senate conferees had done all in their power to convince the House of the jusuee of the amendment, but apparently without effect. The people of the PArifiocoAst he said, would be much disappointed. It left their coast abso- lutpfv defenceless. After further debate the motion to recede was aereee to. On motion of Sherman a commit tee of two Senators was appointed as j the joint committee to inform the President of the United States that Congress naving nnisaea no uusuiesa was now ready to adjourn. .The chair appomted snerman ana "Ravard. . . . ' Biown asked if the chairman of the appropriation committee could state aggregate amount of the appropria tions this vear. . . Allison replied in the affirmative stating that the amount was $193,201,- 087,013. Allison added mat in re Rxw.t to one or two ! features bfT the naval Din uus amount was wsuimuieu. ... . . i . x: a 1 but the variation would probably? be less than $2,000,000 from the'amount he had stated; f This aggregate did not include reappropriations, which for pensions alone tins year amounted to $66,000,000, rasing the aggregate to $259,201,087,013. . Oas The House joint resolution provid ing for adjournment was then taken up and amended so as , to mara . miw time of adjournment today was then P31- .. . , . ..... . Un motion oi rsayara a vow ui thanks was given" to Edmunds for the ability, courtesy and impartiality with which he had performed tho duties of President pro tem of., the Senate. The chair announced, hi3 appoint ment of Allison. Hale and Pendleton as members, on the part of the Sen1 ate, of a commission provided in th& civil service bill to consider the pres ent organization of the signal ser vice,gedlogical survey, &c. At 2:45 the vice President pro tem (Ed munds) said: r -v;t .w- - - i ' Senators: the hour, that closes the first session of the 48th Congress has come. It was almost a century of the constitutional republican govern ment of the people whose career nas excited the wonder and admiration of mankind. Let us hope that our labors as representatives of the States and people, may justify the placing of another white stone in the long, shinning pathway of , the republic.: However ardent and perplexing may have been our labors; however excit ing may have been the contests of opposing opinions and policies, no one of us, I think, can meet the hour of our separation without kind feel ing. I Lone not unpleasant solicitude. that embraces the past, present and future. The smauness ot our nam-: ber and the peculiar, nature of our organization which embraces potent participation in the action of our tnree iota organization oi me govern-; ment i legislative, executive and , ju dicial, and produces an intimacy of personal relations as pleasant as it is important, and makes ' the : moment when we separate one of pecular in terest and tenderness, ine cnair; makes his sincere and grateful ac-j knowledgement for the very flatter ing resolution ot tne senate toucmng his administration or tne duties im-i posed upon him by his office. He is giaq and proud to say xnat wimoui exception he has been aided by the t a - 'ii constant kindness, courtesy and as sistance of the members of the Senate and "of its officers. The chair in now performing the last formal act of the session wishes for all of you every felicity, to'express to each of you his heartfelt, persons al friendship and - good will. The present sitting of the first session of the 48th Congress stands adjourned; without date. s During the day the galleries of the Senate were closely occupied and when the Vice President had closed his farewell remarks the chamber and galleries were quickiy vacated-; House. In the absence of Speaker Carlisle, who left for Chicago at 3 o'clock this morningr the House was called to order at 10 o'clock bv tha clerk, and a short recess- was takenJ a r. ai, T an t ' sylvania, Offered a resolution appohit- intrl CI ft "Rlfchlim of TTfinhmlrvJ as Speaker pro tem during the tem porary absence of the Speaker, and, it was aaoprea unanimously, unaniuiousiy. 1 on taking the chair J m : .1 - . . s Klalrriii.Ti rvr tatrmv t h thanked the House for this mark of confidence and said that he would enj ueavur w utsswrve in. : : .1 i At 10:15 the House: took a further. recess until 11 &0. .' , After the recess the galleries pre-i eented a gay appearance, beings well tilled with Bpectators, a. majority, of whom were ladies, whose bright Slimmer costumes and fluttering fans' formed- a handsome frame ' to the rather: dingy .'picture i the. hall pre-i I (the hall pre sented. On the floor there were a number of " empty seats and the members present sat around in listless atti-tudee,-giving evidence of their long continuous attendance upon the ses sions oi-tne iiouse. . - A number of Senate pension bills were passed, and at 11 :55 the House adiourned and toe session of Satur- tay closed. When an adjournment was taken it was with:, the purpose of meeting at 12 o'clock, but- the House found resell, in the face of the predicament that as - the daily hour , of meeting was eleven o clock the adjournment under the rules was until tomorrow Tuesday);at eleven o'clock. There was ; a" mimed ! consultation among the .members and the Speaker pro tem cut the Gordian knot by assum-' mg the chair at 12 o'clock and saying tnat py unanimous consent tne sion of Monday Would begin at that uuur. inere was uu uujbcuuii. t un motion ' of Kandaii : the llouse concurred in the Senate 'amendment on the adjournment resolution fixing tne hour of final adjournment at is o'clock today. i .. - on motion of mils, of Texas, a bill was passed removing the political dis- aumraea oi james Lu uowardm, : oi Virgmia. : " liandall. Turner, of fteoreiA. and Hiscock were appointed as a com mittee to wait on the President and ascertain whether he had any further communication to make to the House. ' The Speaker pro tem announced the appointment of Lowrv. Herhert and Lyman as members of the com- mission on the part of -the House to consider the present organization of the Signal Service. Geological.' Geo-i detlc and Coast Sarveys-and Hydro- grauuic wince. Bagley, of New York; haying taken the chair. Cox, of New York, offered a resolution tendering the th&nka ot the House to J. C. S. lUaekburn for hit just, remarkable and charming manner displayed in Ihe tkiag hours of this session as JSpeater pro tem. Adopted amid applause and laughter. r i On motion T Vance, of North Darolttta,abiU was passed removing lh olitieal disabilities of John lian- dolpa Hamilton, of North Carolina, f Gasstfdv. of Nevada, moved to f utpend the rules and pass the Senate pill appropriating f iw, uou ior tne erection ot a public building at Car-; ton City, Nevada. : On this Question no quorum voted and tellers were ordered. They re mained in their places for nearly an hour without any definite results. I . Consent was given .nowana then to the passage of measures relative to-the pay of House employes. ; : , . 1 on the public building bill, declined to report the result or tne vote jin order that he may have the floor, in ' December next. h , . ? ! As far as the vote . was. . taken it 'Stood 48 tO 1. , t;: h-v-;; ;;!,- i Thus, amid much noise and confu sion, but no business, - tne 4th uon-: ress died away a few, moments be fore the hour of 2 o'clock. ..v : T?he hands of the clock were turned back for five .minutes in order to permit of the reception of a message from ; the Senate ; announcing . the adoption of the resolution postponing the hour of adjournment until three. Secretary McCook came rushing over with the resolution written on . a scrap of paper. . . , A i . (The resolution was immediately agreed to, notwithstanding the fran tic demands of . White, -,ot . iLentucKy, for a division, which the Speaker pro tem refused to hear.- s., tni..-: I ! At 2 o clock Randall announced that the committee .appointed to wait on the President had performed, that duty and the President had no fur-r ther communication to make.. to the BOUFei ..'..') W: :tf.-V"V On motion of Woolford, of Ken tucky,: a bill, was passed increasing the pension of soldiers who have lost an arm at the shoulder : joint to the amount received by those who have lost a leg at the hip joint. ; :" i ; ? At 2 :15 the recreation of a call of the iHousejwas indulged: in. The doors were closed and excuses were made X for absentees. .-. the-. favorite excuse offered being that the gentlef men. were in Chicago "on .important business." Finally, on i motion of Young, of Tennessee, the ( House excused all the Democratic members "who are engaged m the patriotic duty of nominating a man for the Presidency who would beat -the Re publican candidate.' But .even' r the call did , not .consume the . time fast enough and the hands of the clock were advanced ten minutes. The Speaker pro tem. wishing to each and every member a safe return to his home, declared the House ad journed without a day. ; (Applause.) .Leave taking, and hand snaEing followed, and the hall was soon de serted. . : f " ; . ' ' . FIRST AOTS FROM CUICAGO. Tammnnr Holds a Caacna and Resolres to co Against Cieyeland California Wants Tharmaa. . ; ; I Chicago ' July 7. The Tammany delegation held a five hour caucus last night and adjourned at 1 a. m. The sentiment was -unanimous against Cleveland and for the most vailable candidate who they beleived would be the strongest among the workingmen of New : York State. Shortly after 12 o'clock.'; Ben Butler, leaning on his" page, was escorted through the Tammany crowd into Jon. Kelly's private room where a long consultation occurred. . The California delegation held a session last night lasting five hours. Official information was laid before the delegations that Tilden would not accept the nomination unless it was tendered by aceiamatioa ana . that even then, he would prefer not to receive it. Upon receipt of the above information the California delegation decided to throw its vote solid, for Thurman and selected Hon. J. W. Breckenridge to present the name of Thurman. to the convention.. & Messrs. Cherry and English, who were sent east to interviev-Tilden. returned last pight bef ore4he meeting of the Cali -j forma delegation was held, 'ineir, arrival has been anxiously awaited for several days by.' their - California friends.; ; -i 4-' WASTTTNirfO!. The Presideat at Hork on Bills .Ap- i 'propriaUon.' Bills: all Passed ana :A4- j juamiueui ueciucu ujpvui Washington. July 7.-The Presi dent arrived at the papitol at half past i eleven ! today and is busily, eneaeed with his cabinet va. examm ing measures passed by Congress and presented lor his approval, ue nas. approved the river and harbor,1 1 ubu w- iwiuih""i I executive and judicial, sundry, civil I j . .nvnnw:o4-;-T. viiia . ; The Senate has receded from its amendment to and passed a provis-, ional naw appropriation bill. This bill and the consular and diplomatic bill which were both in process of enrollment, when signed will com-s plete the list of annual appropriation bills ! vj- - ' ; A ioint resolution has been passed, by the Senate and concurred m dv, the House providing ior a niuu aa-e ' ioumment at two o'clock today. - A , . . xl 1' . T.: A reSOlUUCHl ; HiailK IUK. luo x icoiucuv pro tem per Hon. Geo. F. - Edmunds,; Ot Vermont, ior tne emciency, cour-i tesy ana lmpartiauty witn wnicn ne has discharged the duties of presiding officer of the Senate during the pres-j ent session has been olfered by Sena- tor Bayard and unanimously agreed to. 1 . . 1 s i i . ;"Roneli on Corns. : Ask for "Wells' "Rough oirCorns." 15c.. Quick.'- complete cure. : Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions, "ii : ThrTloreaee KlthUngale or the lYarsery. i The following Is an extract from a letter written to the German Kef ormed Messenger, at Chambers burg, Penn.: ' , i A JtKHaPACTRKSB. " Just open the door for ber. and Mrs. Wlnslow will prove the American Florence Mghtlngale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, -A Blessing on Mrs. Wins low" for helping her to survive and escape the Icnplng. eoucklng and teething siege. Mrs. Wlns ows Soothing Syrup relieves- the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colic, and earrles the Infant through the teethlne nerlod. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every pan 01 re notning less, we nave never seen Mrs. WLoflow know her only through the prepa-t ration of "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth lng." If we na? Fhe power we would make her, as she Is, a physical swipur to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists, 'lb cesft 9 bpttle. Iaaehtersf Wives and lHotuers .We emphatically guarantee Dr.MarchursCathol. lcon, a Female Remedy, to cure Fem&lo Diseases, such as ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcer ation, falling and displacement or bearing down ieeiing. irregularities, barrenness, cnange 01 ure, leuoorrMeA, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like, headache, bloating, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita tion of the heart, 4c. For sale by druggists. Prices $L00 and $1.50 per bottle. Sen to Dr. J. B. Mar. chlsl, Utlea, N. Y., for pamphlet, free. - For sale by L. ft. Wriston, druggist - . . - IwasHH&piij 1 ; A Fair Oner. ; Ths Voltaic Brlt Co., of Marshall, Mlch.,ofIer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vital ity, and many other diseases. See advertisement In this paper. Ths Water Works Water. To the Editor ot Thb Obsxrtxb. Through the columns of vour naner I desire to ask our city fathers what is being done to complete and perfect the 5 water works. - Where is . the many improvements promised us the past winter and spring?- Do they in? tend to compel the company, to ful fill their contract and give us nure. wholesome and clear water. : ... A Suffering Consumer. , for County Trenanrer. 1 The friends of Mr. J. H. MoCllntock nmrxvw hla name as a candidate (or the offloe of Oountr Treas urer, subject to the ratification ot. uva Xtemocratte convention. ; - , . , The finances of the oounty have been so well managed by that exoeVent soldier, Capi Belk, that tax-payers of all shades of political faith will regret his retirement, but if he decides not again to stand for the office, all will be pleased if his successor is one who carries about the same badge of honor, i Li us nominate ana elect tu. Mouuntock. Junel4,1884. v . MARKGTi 1 r TELRGRAP II JULY 7, 1881 Prdace. it Baltmohk Noon Flour easy: Howard Street and Western Superfine $2.75$3.'25: Extra $3.50 $4.i; VamUj 4.S5$5.60r City MUls Super $2.76 a.K; jonra sis.oucr$i.zD; tuo Dranas sa.if7aj6.6Vi; Patapsco Family $6.25; Superlative Patent $6.75. Wheat Southern active; Western dull: Soutnem red -98aL01- do." amber $1.02311.05: No l Maryland $1.06; No 2 Western winter red spot 951A9534. Corn Southern steady; West ern steady. Southern white 69371: yellow 6365; Chicago. Flour dull. Wheat lower; July 81iAffl 82, No. 2 Chicago Spring 83& Corn lower; cash duccdi; juiy oifflizDia. uaia easier; caan 28a29; July 28' Pork-tronger; cash $17.10. Lard higher; cash 7.40$7.50; July Naval Stores Whjjjngton Turoentlne firm at 281A. Rosin firm; strained 971&; good strained $1,046. Tar firm at $1.35; erode turpentine, steady; hard si.uu; yeuow aipa na virgin S1.H&. - - - Charleston Turpentine firm at 28. Rosin dull; strained $1.00; good strained $L05. . Savannah Turpentine firm at 29. , Rosin quiet at$1.00. ,. , Financial. NEW TORE. ! halonitoa trrAA 11U lilQ. jIa Miwwk-nM O QQU . ln. ernments strong; four per cento, threes. 99. RtAtA hnnrisnnlAt Alabama Class A. 2 to6.... uiass a, nve. .98; ,i.oo .1.02 i .18 I . 9 . 1-01 . . 36 i; . 30 . 80 ; Georgia 7's mortgage' .... I. nunn virounas. .......... North Cm11n'a Nas North Carolina's Funding South Carolina Brown Consols .-...i.... Tennessee 6's... Virginia 6 s. Virginia Consols. Chesapeake and Ohio C.titatm art A X7v4-Y mtmtiwi 61 vni6V uuvi (ivi UUWCDlClUutt Chicago and Northwestern, preferred Li iiver ouu am iiranae.... ........ ......... Erie..... East Tennessee.... Lake Shore... Louisville and Nashville.;....... .... .... Memphis and Charleston,. Mobile and Ohio 8' 13tf -261 - 24 1 7 : "87 , 67. f 1-0014 Nashville and Chattanooga.. ...; New Orlwma Paiifln lot New York Cn1.. ....".'"I.r.."L!!."" Norfolk and Western preferred.. 1 North Am PniIBi. ntmmnn 17S4 SI ! 1614 671 Northern Pacific preferredll"."!! rwinc. man Kicnmono and Alleghany. j . . . Richmond and Danville......... Richmond and West Point Terminal... Rock Island St Paul. . k St. Paul pref erred,.... ', L041& lexas raciuc Union Paclnc.f. ,.......t 9 82VS 6 i 12 Wabash Pacific, "preferred"..".".".! Bid. tLastbid. goffered. JAsked. Ex. DlT. CottAU. . GALVESTON Dull:, middling 11: net reoelDts 8; gross 8; sales ; stock 2,288;. exports coast; wise ; to Great Britain . Norfolk Nominal: mlddluur 11 net recelnta 35; gross 35; stock 1055; sales 30; exports coast wise 1. WujmiaroN Dull: middling lllfc: net recelDts ;groik j sales ; stock 760; exports coast wise 113. . BAVAN1TAH Oulet: mlddllTur 11; r nnt nwninta I; gross 1; sales ; stock 277; exports coasts wlse4L v . Naw ObLKANS Doll: middling 11: net recelots 197; gross 197; sales 250: stock 64.144: exnorte coastwise 4767; to Great Britain ; France ; continent 12ta mobil Dull; middling 11; net receipts 9; gross 12; sales 25; stock 4393;, exports ooastwlsei Mxapms Oulet: - mlddUnr II: ' reoelDts 64: shipments 274: sales 100: stock 11 .800. AoODSTA Nominal; mirming U; receipts " 2; sblpments - - gcQg m j Cbablbston Nominal; middling 11; net recta 2; gross 2: sales. ; stock 1,431; exports coastwise 3; taiUnent . ; nsw xoriduU: sales 524: middling uplands 11 1-16; Orleans 11 5-16; consolidated net receipts 255; exports to Great Britain 13,li5, to France j cuuuneni imi. . : Futures. '! . Naw York Net receipts : ; gross -turea closed steady; sales 71,008 bales. ; Fu- aoir-... ; i .... iassa.85 AnjajL... . .., ..j. , . 10.99aJ September ....... . ., i 10.85a.8fl October... ......J. 10.513.00 November, 10.363.37 December .... January...... February.....; March..;.'.... Aprfl Mar........... 10.363 St 10.453.46 10.573.69 10.683.69 10.793.80 Jane.. " Eiirerpool Cotton Marlcet. Livkrfool, July 7. Dull, prices generally In buy ere lavur; upianos os-ioa; orieans oiea; sales 8,000; speculation and export 1000: receipts 38,000; Auieriuan oouu. upuuias low miuuung clause July and August 6 16-64d3615-64d. , August and September 6 18-64d. . , ' September and October 6 16 64d. ' ' November and December 6d. 1 ' -September 6 21-64d36 20-64d. , Futures very dull. .1 2 p. m Sales American 6,009 bales. ' Uplands' low middling clause July delivery 6 154d, (sellers) ; July and August 6 15-64d, (sellers); August and Sepi tember 6 17-C4d, buyers); September and October 615-64(1, (value); October and November 68-64dJ (sellers) ; November, and December 5 63-64d. (sell-t era) ; December and January 5 6&64d, (buyers) ; Sep tember 6 UHMd, (buyers). Futures dull and lnac-i uve. n , . j 4 T. k. Uplands low middling clause July de livery 6 14-64d; (sellers); July and August 6 14-64d,. (sellers) ; August and September 6 16HS4d. (buyers) ; September and October 6 14-64d, (sellers) ; October una xiureuiucr omu, 1 value j; iNovemuer ana December 5 62-64d. (sellers) ; December and January a oi ou, (vaiue; ; sepiemoer 0 UHnd, (.buyers), if u uires ciuseu uuu. . 1 Ctty Cotton JTIarket. Office or to Obskrvib, - : r .i ; ; Charlottb, N. C, July 8, 1884. f The city cotton market yesterday closed very wean, u tne xouowmg Quotations: Middling..;.;...,. .....,,,t,...t na Strict Low Middling....'..'..........; 10 Low Middling.... 103 " ft" K RECEIPTS HNCX 8KPTBMBXB FIRST. Receipts since September 1 to yesterday 42,570 Moceipuj yesteroay.,, f. , Total receipts to dat...V.. .. . Receipts same date i883... : A .42.676 63,778 receipts same aaxe ustst. CITY,1 PRODUCE MARKJET " ' Reported by T. R. MaoO.) if-x -V-: JULY 4, 1884. Corn per bushel... Meal per bushel Wheat per bushel. 85390 , 85390 80390 1.103L15 1.2531.60 .1.1031.15 .1.263L76 2.3532.40 .2.3032.35 .2.2532.30 35340 Peas Clay, per bushel. ' Laay per Dusnei ' White er bushel Peanuts per bushel.... Flour Family , - '-: lactra..... .... ....... I- Super. i Oats shelled..... ..-j. Dried Fruit Apples, per lb, 63H Peaches, peeled..... . unpeeled. Blackberries Potatoes Sweet............ .... . ' 839 , -". . 636 . 834 . 90395 , Irish Cabbage, per pound. Onions, per bushel . .......... Beeswax, per pound.......... . 60360 f&f. , 26328 , ; 7371A . - 16320 839 Tauow, per pound.. ...... ...... Butter, per pound. ; .... ... Eggs, per dozen................... Chickens. .. 80335 25330 9310 85340 738 8381 miens Turkeys, per pound..... Beef, per pound, net. Mutton, per pound, net.... prK, per pound, net..... SB 25 60356 Hi Bags, per ppMQd'.; Myshoe shop has been removed talks Cei uumuug, uu ruao street, wnera I muI La pleased to see my customers In future. " E-AU work done with neatness and dispatch, i td ana phMc fMjuMu.luil manhood, aw. ' tetio, tbatwalt prtnillKretloB, twi faith thatltwIUniiniMj i promtS m"t? lAdil i Trunks I - - v it it i I i Wolfareoae ofthe Lirgert Slockt of , eEFJI'S Ai LADIES' TRUNKS To be Found In theVily. TAU Kinds prj , Trailing, Bags, Satchels, Straps, Etc. When von want a Tronic. Katahel. or a nalr nf Rhmn nr siffano nf nr vin r. . - advantage to get our prices before buying. ' . Trade Street, Oelarlotte, N. C. j .ottevtcs. CAPITAL,. PRIZE $75,000. Tickets Only $S. Shares in Pro. ' ' portion. . Louisiana State Lottery Cs We do hereby iertifv that we stiver- vise the arrangements for. all the Monthly and Semi-Annual drawings of the Louis iana State Lottery Company, and in per son manage and control the'Drauringt themselves and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certifi cate, trithfac simUies of our signatures Commisaioners. Inooroorated In 1868 for 25 years bv the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. ' . : : By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people ot any State. .-. ;. - ; it never scales or postpones. Its Grand Slnele Number Drawlnes take blace monthly.- . '. i A SPLENDID CHANCE TO WIN A FORTUNE! Seventh Grand Drawing. Class 6, In the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday July 15, 1884, ' .... 7 170th Monthly Drawing CAPITAL PBIZE, $75,000. 1 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In . iiitns in proportion. : list of Prizes; . 1 CAPITAL PRIZE... 1 do do , t 1 do . - do 2 PRIZES 01 $6,000. : 6 do . 2,000. 10 do L000. ., 20 do 600.. 100 do . 20tt 800 ' do 100.... 600 do -7 50. ......... .. $75,000 .. 25,000 .. 10,000 .. 12.000 .. 10,000! .. 10.000 .. 10,000 .. 20,009 .. 30.000 ... 25,000! .. 25,000 .. 6,750 .. 4,500 .. 2,258 1000 do 25.,.. J ; ,:r APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes ot $750.,. 9 do do GOO... 9 do i do 250... 1967 Prizes, amounting to.... ............. $265,50Q Application for rates to dubs should be made only to the office of the company In New Orleans. - For further lnformatioiwwrtte clearly, giving full address. Make P. O. Money-. Orders payable and! address Registered Letters to 'J' - NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK,. ' Vm nplAanitTji. ! Postal Noras and ordinary letters by Mall o Express (all sums oi $ and. upwards by Hxpress; at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, - '' - New Orleans, La. Or M. A, DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. WHAT IS BMATOR? Tie Most Select Pure Bye WMstey Ask for It, It has Ko Superior. R. II. Jordan&Go.j DRUGGISTS. ' JUST. ARRIVED. 10,000 Kangaroo Cigars, thd finest sold for 5 cents. ; Wq are sole agents -for the above Cigars Also PEETZ'S POMADE, ! the best compound-made for; cleaning silver and metals of all kinds ir Will hot tarnish. A full stock of Fr es h Tu r ri i p S e ed J of all varieties- We are also agents for TATE SPULXG WAT R. A fresh supply , constantly on hand at Springs prices. R. H. JORDAN & CO. : 8PBLXGS CORKER. . for sale. A Good Office Desk Apply at JuuelHdtf THIS OFFICE. I . Greensbjro Female 'College, N. C. I The 67th session ot this wen established and prosperous Institution will begin on the . ' " 30th ofAnKmt, 1881. !- Location accessible, healthful and pleasant Fao-: ulty efficient and faithhu. .ThorouXvrokVaU .departments of Instruction. ; faMi.nUS!r,r?twa8nfn8 nd lights), and ' Charts tor extra studies juodtntutfi. ' Houses Rented., Houses rented and rents collects!. In thocltri Advertised tree of charge. W j CHARLOTTB RSAJL ESTATE AGENCY, r 8. B. COCHRANE, Manager, '. may2dtf Trade Strset.Frgnt Central Hotel, - Bunks. s 1 J T' 7 5 TT.T? i T V ' GRAY & BRO. NEW SAl:OON ;" AND - : ""- BIIiLlAfiDfeOOMS. My new Bar and Billiard Rooms In the Charlotte Hotel are now open tothepublic The handsomest bar fixtures and furniture in Charlotte and the very best brands of Liquors 'and Wines. New Billiard and Pool Tables. Call and see. June29dtf J. M. KENDRICK. i -i .i -t - ,-t , r, , ' . . ' tui: tiitimi) cavrRAL :-. If,-::. - - -t. - f s . . .-it Are now giving, to Introduce then TEAS, A '"II I I ! : ciriN;A;fi j f(f: TEA CUP AND SAUCER, Worth 40 CentSi With each pound of our v Price 0 Cents Per Poaad;4 For sale at R. It. ALEXAKDKR'S. Carriage aid Buggy EMPORIUM. Next Door tog Wddsworth's f Stables -Ji ' CHARLOTTE, TXW C. " ' ! A. C. HUTCHISON & CO.; Headqaarters for Colambas -Bngfies; We are agents for the celebrated Columbus Bug gies, the Louis Cook Manufacturing Company's Standard, Vehicles, and.also handle work from the following factories: Dayton, Ohio, Buggy Works: AtUck Sons, Lancaster, -Pa., tie , , ; J . i . i I i Cortland 7 Wag:onCompanj ... Manufacturers ot the well-known Cortland Spring wagons. Buggies, Phaetons, etc., and many others. - f ! The. rirnsi!.v.l! W rti- iTi maySOdawtf l- A. C. HUTHISON 4 CO.- A CAR LOAD - OF- y-7 " i i AND I If': t i I t ICE CHESTS,3 JUST ARRIVED, ALL SIZES AND STYLES Ice Cream Freezers, ' . Water Coolers, . ; - ' - f " Fly Fans, '- : Fruit Jars, .. Jelly Tumblers' In Large Variety, Atthe China Store of V! . , LUDOLF & HABTSiTELD. -THE MECKLENBURG ICB'COJIPANJ, Mnnufacturers of " CRYrTALtCBj Front Pure, rIyilfcd Water, Are now prepared to furnish Pure Crystal Ice to the public at prices within the reach of all. - In the city It will be delivered to consumers at their rest-,tlenoes-or places of business free of charge. Orders solicited from a distance. Write for prices v- THE MECKLENBURG ICE COMPANY. . unel2dtf . , wjuwwm. umwov warui. SSCRmSART AlG Tltfci80KBBfOlTlca, ' ! i- v: --:l0WAiTfi9ors,jK. CiioneMajt -' The Thlrty-flfth'- Annual' Meeting: 0f tbe Stcck bolders of this company wm be held In Hills boro on Thursday, July 10h,l88t,-7-i7 ii, ii;-;,ir,.'.v ij , Stockholders- -desiring to attend-can get froo tlckeu for themselves and tae Immediate members, of their families, xeift and children living under their roof, by applying to the undersigned. 7 JuneludSOt , P. B. BUFFlN Secretary lea lmportioff ft Go Baod Transparent REFRIGERATORS MuM Siioirs. . IE CLOSING OUT SHE Of Qur Entire Retail Stock XT- V i.; f?- .v. ttm (AwaSf Lk3w Gut. Shoes; aii(irlipperH of all kinds reg irdl es of Cost. " J ' J 7 - t . to & mmmmm. "f Respectfully solicit a can from the ladies of the some stock of Carpets, Rugs, Linens, Hamburg H.0.IIS.EF. U RMISHING GOOlS, KTC. And they will find It to their advantage to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We also announce to the gentlemen that our stock of Furnishing Goods, such as UDwearflosiefy.illlte, Cii, M and Ties, SATCHELS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, Are now complete. - They will find It large, well assorted and cheap. rur E. ft C. Trnjierlal Shirt is still the leading Dollar Unlaumlrled Shirt, which for Fit and Quality ne guarantee to be the best shirt for the price in the market. - ; (I BUR (J E S S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN all kinds of FURNITURE BEDDING, LC. A full line Of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. Ewnnvst STA1TTIaT5TI CURE RuciucJa, Texas, STANDABD CTJEE CO., Meckleobarg '"i i !l - P. pIVIlTH & MORSE; Proprietors. OPPOSITE life I orders I guarantee 1 1 ii SNOW WHITE LARD - - .. r Pure Lard, GOO OO OO DDD -'' L - s-A RRR DD O GO OO OD J L AA R ED D G O O O ODD L A A RRR U D G GOO OO OD D L AAA R BD D GGG OO ' OO DDD : LLLLA ARB DDD ' ' -I " . i , . i,, v TRY OUR LAUD- THE BEST LARD, -IN- 1, 10,-20 and 50 Pound S'jns. ' . : 777t ( '.Uil't ! MAYER & ROSS. ' '' ''s 't Lari -OP- COH TCN city and surrounding country to their large and h-ind Edgings and Inserting, ixias & miiEN. r N I C H OLS, t'cS S.??3?..MALAR,A' CHILLS AND FEVER, INTERMIT. EMT FEYER, BILIOUS FEVER and kindred diseasesPurely Vuatable, absolutely certaimn their remedial effects, and act more prompUy in carina aU forms of MALARIAL DISEASES than Calomel or Quinine, Without any of the injurious consequences which follow their use. If taken occasionally DT persons exposed to Malaria, t.hpv will tt-moi ty, mLmi DT. . i . from attack. Endorsed by the leading Chemists and Physicians as being the 1.??"' and Pleasantost Kemedy known. Tho youngaat child ean tako them. Bold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers, or by mail. " ? PRICE, TWEMTY-FIVE CENTS A BOX. vvaat f he People SayMy wife and myself have used your " Stand- ..H RlIM Bill sfl wnl. ' XT ... n. ..7-. . .... r"- .luiBranawbacuon. neanacipatenornruiertroiiblewitli A-' long as the PjUs are about. Habbx J. Bhozmakeh, P.M., Tully- town. Pa. 1 took the Pills according to directions and they proved to be Just what was needed. Kiev. P. JT. Cochbah. Pastor M. E. Church. St. Georges. J-rTIC m weU Please "ith "Emory's Standard Cure Pills." Have tned them pn a great many cases of different fevers, have proved successful , fT?17 "Stance. They work like a charm on Chills and Fever and all M- lanal diseases 1L.J. Gkemah, JI.D., Dallas, Texas. 1 use your remedy in my practice with good results. Lomnzo Wim, M. D Pittsfleld, Mass. 1 h?dled V001 VHia for Malaria for the past four years -with better Batis- , wmerremeay ior same aiseases. rltED. B. Hin Druggist, Jersey City, N. J. Your Chill Pills have cured many very stubborn cases. proprietors, 107 Pearl Street, TSew York. Marble Works, POSTOFFICE. i ; DEALERS IN: Foreign and Domestic Marble - E .- 7 Qranite Slonnments, f i Headstones, Statuary, Urns, Vases, Ac. Cemetery work of everv descrlDtlon neatlv executed, and promptly filled. rne artistic excellence and superior workmanship or our designs, which we have erected In the various ceme teries In Charlotte and In the different counties of North and South Carolina, have given entire satisfaction. We our work to give satisfaction or ne pay. 4dlm THE DEERING Harvester Twine Binder Messrs. Bbown, Wkddington & Co.: Sirs-. In working the DeerlBg Machine I find hat the work Is done perfect It cuts binds and d-llv-e g in a way that would do credit to any machine and any agent should be proud to-represent It It could not have done better work, nor would I ask better work from any machine. Respecttully. ROBT E. McDONl L W W W A MR H TTTT KB 1 ' WVfWW AA NNN T w D I WW WW A A WWH f-s E D D ' . WW WW AAA K KM T K D D W W A 1111 I MM DDD S - We wffl pay 18 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, delivered at our mill, will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered at any station on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on Or we will give one ton of meal In exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange being of great value to the farmer should be taken advantage! , Ana tn nf magi hlnr wnrth much more fOT ICCU uuf or xemuzing iusii iwu wus vi ucvy. n two vuiia vi urou. fTE OIL CO., Charlotte, N. C. CHARLOTTE novedAwu BURNHAM'S IMPROVED , STANDAED TUEBINEI Is the best constroctal and fin Istod; &m beef tpereefita, more power. and,l sold for lews rpSteUent free by BrHAM Ba Jork, Cotton Sew 04 and culll org! noal bird Still RS 1 fall dell str J i i a u alt sli 5 J