DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: THURSDAY,, JULY31, 1884. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY- - -' BT CHAS. K. JONES, - Editor and Proprietor. fENTZRXD AT TEX POEflUVFlOB JX Chxblottk, N. " AS SECOND C5LAJJ8 llAITKR.3 . . .. , v"I believe in an open and sturdy 'partisanship which secures thelegitx mate advantage of party supremacy; but parties were made for the people, nd.I am unwilling, knowingly, to give my assent to measures purely , partisan, which will sacrifice or en- - danger their interests": - . GeoveeOletelahd. For President! OBOTE2R CL.EYEL.AI!, OT NEW YOKE. For Tie President: i tr, ! ! TnOMAS Ju IILTTORICKS, 011 INDIANA. FOB ELECTORS AT LARGE. r ,s ' W. H. KITCHIN, JOHN N. STAPLES. DinOCRATIG STATE TICKET. i i FOB GOVERNOR, ALFRED M. SCALES, OF GUILFORD. Y f i ?0ti LIEUTKKANT GOVERNOR, '. ' I I CpARte ik'BTEDMAN, f t i ! I 1 1 ofWbanpyee. : M X . --FOB SECRETARY OF STATE, WILLIAM L. SAUNDEES, : JTOE TREASURER, - ' , . OF WAKE. TeEQORB TAVIDSON";J 1 - ' r'AtMiTOB, O J? f' J' j - V WLIAM P. ROBERTS, 1 i 8. JL lTlNaER,! OF CATAWBA. ii j FOR 1SCAIE JUSTICE SUPREa COURT, AUGUSTUS a MERRIMQNi i ; . OF WAKE. , j r t fgbp sjeptim Whici assembled "'' ryesterday'4t" tninberton' toelect'a candidate pf, the , Dejmocratip party, ' for Che Sixth Congressional District, . . a, for the two years, commencing March 1 .5JISiiI6nt'edC6t;R.T.-Bennett by acclamation. i am CoLJBeettis Bt.present ,the:re resentati ve ia Congress, j from , the State, at f )&Tge, haying been elected before the law was passed by the Legislature redisricting the State, an4 iPtQfer to. give. North Carolina the'f&ifliota of nine representatiYes, allowed her by the last apportion . menfi hili of Congress.' . . " ' -.':;.UeI Jjas-. made a good member of : 0Congrep,;and such an endorsement ihaVjeceived at the han4s.of his "consfituents was to .have been ex- In appointing the NationaExecu tive -committee; of the Prbiiibitioa partyNorth Carolina seems to have been left out in the cold. As usual she comes out at the little end of iho -horn. They had a man-they- intend ed te-appoint, but he was buried un der te, liOO) anU-prohputipnna-Jqritof thiee'Vears agb.sbdeep that he sn'fc ajieard o in ' Gov. Vance made a capital speech the other night before the Cleveland and Scales club at Newberne, in the &6thskldvtht certain jRbabli- cans apologized for support ing Blaine - by saying that he was no worse man than Garfield, and the Governor ad-i mitted it We candidly believe that Gov Yaacens icorrect, but we don'lr think -it cause for f an indignation. meeting. - - o BENNETT KOMINATED. AT TUIJ j BUEBT9Itj VOnVEH' Bf AeelamatloaA a Rowlaad Nomi aated for Presidential Elector for the . aixta voatreuioaal DisUiet. AiUKBEBTON, Ci. U.. July 80. PUP- suant to the call of the district execu tive committee of the Democratic 'part exth congressional dls courgejof wluchJhe painted the '.tatoo" canotflbifr;1 Blai Yrv f biaek. ; 9 tricfr of NorthCarolinar ftfarge cob : vention of laisepJere. 'loaay 10 nominate a candidate of the Democratic party for Congress. ' The conrireticrfwatrcaned1 ordifr -4irthBitomt honsetltooKVflrjr r thehairBian of ike 4 xecvtivieomr t9.tii0;gci-4nd-fl.lYW 11 " was elected chairman of the eonven-i A coinmitteetPn organization waff appointed, and retired for consulta tibhV During their5T5iS'?iSnv: engon wBS'adlr:....! lC-'jp' Jpo&,'of Charl-i: :.. vsi-r?-After the prn" "i7a3 x :r?ct . edon motion cf T. r. :rt;:: ' ?-.' KBennett, :.' r 3,-tbe "rrc:;- - representative Li C jrer froiarthf Stat atlar, .r-3 . J j-te . caa'dLJaof iths Dcsiocratii partyiijf aoolaraation no cth"r.ne; being l: presaated by the i xieads of oiUei can didates.'r: ; rr'. 'i'-- : IaIJl Rowland, waanpmina--.ete4 for Democratic dlstrictielecibr. J itX P- Osboroa, cf Charlotte, was v appointed the r:: nberl of the' Demo ' craticxrautive ccrsaittee from Meek r lenburg county. - a..'' t: Cor John' L. rrownrof Charlotte, 'was zade the cbcircr.n of the Meck . ; Jenbug county ddrc-,ioa. .The cbnvejntica tbca adjourned, eatiifd that'tha Democrats will carry the'di8tript no' matter who ti3 'fmug wuHffis" mao put up. v S V1-r f - . - ArUmr! Attitude Pall Dick, Pal ; (J) ' peril, &SS4$ WjsWxJgtOT Letter la the Baltinore Son."- - - - Ths fact is, and it is useless to at tempt di"t!l3e, the President is not 'tiirj ri-h interest-in politics just . tiow.' Ee says nothing, t at tiiinks : MR. HENDRICKS NOTIFIED. The Committee and Perform Proceed to. Saratoga Ihe Da y 1 Assigned Them. - i - Sabatoqa, N. Ym July ISO. The Eortion of the committee appointed y the recent -Democratic f National Convention -lor the purposeiof notify ing the Presidential candidates of their nomination arrived fin - town last night, and the balance came thi3 morning. Mr. Hendricks is at the Grand Union Hotel. ! The committee held a private con sultation at 11:30 this morning and appointed axpmmittee consisting of Messrs. Vilas, of Wisconsin! Waller, of Connecticut, Hooker, of Mississip ii. and Stoekton. of New Jersey, to confer with Mr. Hendricks and ascer tain which would be the most ? agree able hour to make the formal Notifi cation. The committee returned and stated that Mr. Hendricks - would be ready at 2 o'clock, and that the cere- r u ...I i 4 4.u t- moniea wouiu uulv puujo iu iud parlor of the hotel at that hour, j : Mr.--Waller, of the committee, introduced -a resolution extending thanks to Hon. W. F. .Vilas, chair man, and Nicholas M: Prince, secret tarv of the committee, for the digni fied and intelligent manner in which J tney naa perrormea : ineir respecuivw duties; 1 ; " ' ' v ' . ! ! - Long before the hour arrived: for the ceremony to take place jthe beau tiful parlor of the hotel was filled with elegantly dressed ladies land, gentlemen seated in a circle ground the space rserveds for the :o)nmit- I -At 2:10 o'clock; amid; loud fepplause from the assembled guests, the jcpm-' mittee marched in and stood in ;a circle, followed immediately fter by Mr. 'Hendricks;' who took tiii position iti tie sentrej of the grpupX;!: in i r jUppn.' his arrival, ; Chairman Vilas, delrveTe'dtne fbnowtogfaddress: I .' Gov. Thos. A. Hendricks, o&Indi ana.': f I The greaft National Qpuncil of. the constitutional Democracy of -the Union MdkChicawiKbin1 Jhis mpnth pf . July) eonstituted this com mittee now before ypu by a selection from each of' the several -States- and Territories of our country, and com missioned it as the official Voice of the party! $ declare , jtoi yQu in fitting; terms 'arid fjlfita stp propiatei i ceremony, Pot' Li Only its testimony of its respect for your abilities and character, but in pleage of its copsideration for. .the jinterests, of 'the Natiott thkt'. you ; hKye. been nominated by that party to Sthe'peo Ble to be their Vice-President of ithp toited States for. the , ensuing term of that exacted trust; that honorable duty we have journeyed hither from every par.t of this; wide land with Sride, and pleasing in this manner to iecharge. The interesting circiiBa stances of the ndraination -cannot be unknown- to you and. could notj be but gratifying to the sensibilities; Of any right minded manuUlt was well understood in that conventibn- jthat such distinction, was won.' there un sotighfratid undesired by 1 you. Yet sir.rafter jnany bthers were presented your name was suggested, followed; by repeated seconding every otlier name was withdrawn, and amid the. universal acclaim the roll I call res-! ponded to ' your . unanimous choice.. fThen in exquisite j enthusiasm the convention with ,the jvast surround ing assembly joined with' cheer and hymn in a prolonged outbreak of Eatified i satisf actions : Sir,! though diana's favored, citizens may enjoy ; with ius nride peculiar Tidnor in dis- .tinguished services you have render-. ed ypuT' party, y our ctaie . sua ;na tipn, and may feel a peculiar attach men for 'the endearing qualities of your heart and mind, ...be .assured that the - Democracy,, of ' the Nation participates! n ithatwsensa of honor and affectionate regard" in hardly a; less degree. " They witnessed y9ur Idrig and lionorable career, sofcae times in the .faithful jerfomancd of high public rusts, some times nobly contending. as a soldier in the: ra4ks for principles of constitutional liberty but always with firft? detdMor4 and unswering fidelity "' .to the Interests and rights of the people.; iAbdfcqw,1 they confidently expect of - ypur patriotism to yield ' all professional wishes and undertake the labors! of their candidate as on their part peo-'' pie can securely repose upon the rips experience, of your years and: wisdpm topmost satlflfactorily ; meet all the reeponsibihties c.tlie high position to which you, will be called. ? The convention felt as the creation will approve that it was serving the spirit of the constitution when it designated for Vice-President a citi- I 'Sen worthy and competent tdexecnte magistracy. "It is an especial "destroy Of the Democracy sir, to see you in-1 vested with, this , particular., dignity because- they know' as all the world knows that once you were right fully r feiven , . fllle A to lit the- people and': wrongfully den its possession by the success jof machinations of fraud and nanmifa- cy, and the vindication of exact justice will. bemost iOompletet when you shall be Jo-elected, :now that ypu shalibP triumphantly mauguratedjto your rightful chair of office. M ; j This sentiment has given direction to the consideration "and admiration iof jther Democracy Boabundantly mapi festd in', the recent convention, and -wilr'stir- a -respeBSive' -throb in- th hearts of allgood men. In finishing the grhtif ut office whTdh the partial favtor of these gentlemen-, my distinguished associates. . has assigned, meL permit us, one and all,' to express our highest. esteem and ? regawlIn the naore enduring execution, of its. duty, the committee have prepated ' aid personally signe4h written com mAinieationhioh fh secretary wilj now reap. . f "1 b-TM cretarV iheh read the afM ureas, wj wmcn - Air. tieiiuncKS re sponded - eloquently and at sonfie lhHewa their respects "-v JEHaT'IlISELP FlVlfl TIMES." A Keatack'r Concrenman JMakes a t)e- , JierateAUeniptJatiIIi8 Ova Li(e. i; AHrjtaTOHJuly ,0.jp7iliiatn ; W;. Culbertson, Eepublican Bepre sentative in Congretj from the - 9th Kentucky District, attempted suicida today by shooting himself five times in a room in the National Hotel. Two Of the Shots "rere in the riank of tha head "and depressed the skull but dkil nos penetrate tne bram; -His chances for recovery are slight. ' He had been drinking hard recently ? and ito that circumstance is due his present con dition. He went about the deed with great determination and deliberation. He shipped his trunk home to Ken tucky, then : entered; another room some distance from the" one he had been occupying, fire4 five shots, and when he heard , search ; being made for the locality of the ' shooting he unlocked the door, and streaming with blood he admitted the - officers, saying he was afraid he had not been successful, but he would be another time. He then collapsed and is now at the Providence hospital, . his life hanging by a slender thread, r . j The curative power of Ayer's Sarsaparflla Is too well known to require the specious aid of any ex eggerated or ficticious certificate. Witnesses t its marvelous cures are to-day living In every city and hamlet of the,laad. - Write for names if you want, home evidence, j - :,, . . - f X -' -':,'V;---;;-.;.v.-& - J:h GROYER CLEVEL.OD. THE ADDRESS OF THE COMMIT V. TEE OF NOTIFICATION;; The Goreraor's Cnef, but Pithy and Sieaificant Replv - " Thl following is the address of the committee which notified Governor Cleveland of his nomination for the Presidency," adopted at the meeting of the committee in New York city, July 28th, and presented to the Gov ernor Tuesday at Albany: . : . , To Hon. Grover Cleveland, of Neur York : . .., ,. -Sib. In accordance with the cus tom befitting Hie nature .of the com munication the undersigned, repre senting tho several States and Terr j-. tones or tne umon, were appointed a committee by "the National Demo cratic jeonvention, which assembled at Chicago on the 8th day of the current month, to perform the pjeas; ihg office,. which' Py-this means we Jvet;he.inor,toexeQute, of inform ing you of your nomination as the candidate of the Democratic, party in the ensuing election for the office of President of the United States. .-.; i' 'The declaration -of - principles upon which the Democracy go before the people with : the hope of establishing and maintaining them ; in . govern; ment, -was made by the oonvention, apd. an. . engrossed. copy, thereof is submittqdi in vconnep tion A with this couimunicatiQni, for your f considera tion, r'; We trust the approval, pf ydur1 judgnent wUl follow an, examination of this expression of opinion and policy and upon the politieal .-controversy now made "up, : we iiivite" your acceptance to the exalted -leadership to which you have been chosen: ' ; n The election .of 'a 'President 'is an- event Jof itheutmost ' importance to I the paopl of; America, ; .The. prosper-. ty, go,wtb,, ,liappinest jpeaca Bn4 iberty eyen'.may,. depend, uppn its wise order. ,In vour ' unanimous nomination, is proof' that the Democ J contribute to . secure ' these great objects. 'We 'assureyou? that inithe responsibilities you must assume .as, candidate you' will' have 'the Stead? fast, cordfeu !6uppbrtJ of -.the friends of-the cause you j will represent, and in the execution of the duties of jthe. high office which we confidentially expect from the wisdom of the nation tobelconferredupon .you. , , l You may securely rely, for approvT ingVaid uppn the patriptism, lionorl ana intelligence oi. itus iree neopie. ..: .We.have. the" honor to- be, .with great respect,,,,. vuas, oi .wsr; consin," president ; Nicholas ,M Pr)nce, of Missouri, secretary; D P Bestor,: of Alabama; Fred Fordice, of Arkan sas ;-Miles Searlee, of California; Theo M Waller. Connecticut : M S Waller. -of Colorado; Geo H Bates, of Dela ware; Attiiia tjox, of Kentucky Jas .Jeffries, of Louisiana, C'H Osgood, of Missouri; George Wells, of Mary land; J E Acbott, ?of Massachusetts; Daniel E Com pon, Michigan ; Thos E Heenan, ; of Minnesota; , Charles E Hooker, ..'of Mississippi; .David R Francis,: of Missouri; .Patrick Fohy, of,, Nebraska; ' D E . McCarthy, i of Nevada; J F Clontman, New Hamp shire; John C Stockton," of luew. Jer sey; John C Jacobs, of. New York; G 3 Oury,' Arizona; . Bahsford Smith, .Utah; John M Selcott, Idaho; W D Chipley,' of Florida; M P. Reese, of GeorgiaiA Etevenson, of Illinois; E D Bonnister, of .Indiana; L GKinn, of Iowa; C C Barnes.' of-Kansas; T E Hayes, of Ohior S L'.' McArthurj of Oregon; James P Barr, '.pf Pennsyl vania; David S BakerV Jri; of Rhode Island: Wilson G Lamb.' of North Carolina; Joseph H EarL' of South, v;urgnna; vvma .uanes, ot xennes see ; Joseph F Dwyer, of Texa; Geo L gpear, of Vermont. Rbbt Beverly,' of Vir$inia;Frank Hertford, West Virginia ; W A Anderson, of WiscPn sin ' J ' T vHauser, Montana; ' W B Childidrs,:Pf New-Mexico;' S McCor-' mick, ofQafcpta;,. P,, B. Dutro, i pf Washington Territory is u Wrignt; uistnei or oiumoia." , r. It : GOYKBNOB CLETKLAUD S. REPLY. f-;rt GVernbr Qeveland. who had stood meanwhile as ,, an intent.Mlistenpr replied as iouo.W8: ;f,i I .:h !- Inn, j ; I Mr. . Chairman .and, Qentlemen of the .Committee: .Your. s, formal an nouncement does not, -of .coursej convey to me the first informations of the result of, the,, convention lately held by the Democrats of the Natippk andi yet when,- as ! listen to your message, I -see abouf m& "the-representatives from all parts of the land; of the great party which claiming tojbe the party of the people, asks themt0 trust it with the administration! of theirgoyernment, jand 'wheat I con sider,--under the stern reality -which the Dresent surroundmrs ..rreatta that, f have been chosen - to reDresan'fc th.e planfl, vpurposes. and policy of the J , iemocrawci partvf .a-, am aprorounouy : impressed , by i, the solemnity , of the occasion and by the responsibility iof my. -position, f. .Though I gratefully anpreciate !it,0I5dqflnot,fafc thB rno inettt, tenjafratulatp 'iny selT upon the distinguished honor which has been conferred upon me, because my mind is full of the anxious desire to per;. hform well tiie part wninas'befen assigneujco me iiorj ao i, at'j mis. mentiforgetfthattthe rights ad interestaof nore than fifty millions of tny fellow citizens are involved in: ourJ efforts' ain Democrac supremacy.; This reflection presents to my mind the : considaratipn whidh more :thana all : others gives- to the action of my, party in, , convention assembled its most sober and seriois aspect.1,1 The party and1 its represen tative :jwhich ask to be entrusted, it tne' nsnas or. xne people, rwitn "the keeping' of all Vthat' concerns thetr welfare and their safety, should only askitwich a full appreciation of the eacredness of the trust, and with the firm resolve to administer it ' faith-f tuny ana . weu. , x am ; a Democrat it ! rightly and 'farriy. administered arid applied, Democratic doctrines and measures will insure the happi ness, contentment and prosperity of the people. -If in the contest upon which we now enter, we steadfastly hold to the . underlying principles pf . our party creed, and at au times keep in vie w the people's good, we shall be strong, because we are true to our selves and , because the plain and independent voters of the land will week, by their suffrages,1 to compass jheir release from petty tyrannv to where there should be submission to the popular will and protection from Earty corruption where there should e devotion to the people's interests. These thoughts lend consecration to our American cause and we go forth, not merely to gain a partisan advan tage, but pledged to give to those who trust us the utmost benefits and the purest administration of national affairs. ' No higher purpose or motive can stimulate us to supreme effort, or urge to continuous or earnest labor and effective party organization. Let us hot fail in this, and we may confidently hope to reap ' the full reward of patriotic - services well performed. X have - thus called to mind ' some . simple truths and trite thought.- - It seems to me, we do well to dwell upon them at times. I shall soon, : I ' hope, signify in the usual formal manner my acceptance of the nomination which, has been, tendered . : . , i -i .... .- , , -' j. me. ; In the meantime, I gladly greet you 'all "as co workers in a "noble cause," - ' Xo Toy Gently With Forlane is IWce.. To toy with fortune. If at not too great a risk, ia one of the pleasantest-of pastimes. The wild gambling in stocks on Wall Street brings to tlie speculator not near as-healthy an exercise as the Investment In the drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery, at New Orleans, La., of $5 for a whole or proportionately for fractional parts. ; The 171st Grand Monthly Drawing will occur on Tuesday, August 12th, and any Information can be had on application to M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans, La. .x ir i,It Up by Fine Teeth the plainest face becomes attractive. Although ordinary dentifrices prove ineffectual to whiten and Improve the health of the teeth, SOZODONT Is ad equate to the task and does It thoroughly, besides banishing from the breath an offensive smell. Teeth strengthened and.purinod by SOZODONT are not only whiter, but chew better than others. As the teeth Improve through its- use, eating be comes a delightful Indulgence Instead of a peaalty. MARKETS KIT TEJL,EAPII JULY SO, 1884. Prodnce. BAMEWORBKoon . Hour quiet; Howard Street and Western Superfine $2.60a$3.00; Extra $3,259 14.(10: Family S4.60ffiS5.25: City HUU Sunei -r $2.75 tS IS; Extra S3.35ftS4.G0:' Rio brands S5.129S5.25: fatapseo Family $(L00; Superlative Patent 46.6a Wheat Southern firmter; Western dull; Soutnern ed . 93ffi95 i- do. " v.amber -'96S99; - Na . 1 Maryland 961fc896; No Western winter 'red spot iMi494iA. Corn -Southern nominal; West ern nom't Southern white 69371; rellow 66S68 ' Chicago. Flour st'dy. - Wheat unsettled; opened weak, declined lac and closed Ifee below yettoet day; July 831A9841A; August 831AS;64; No. 2 Chi cago Spring &i83. Corn opened easier and elosed sfye lower for August than yesterday; July and August 54Q)55H4. Oats nominal -for cash: eash 32; August 2728t4, Pork steady; deferred deliveries a trifle higher; cash $15.609816.50; Au gust $24.00. Lard closed st'dy; 'cash $7.80S$7.32; August $7.27tea$7.S7V,r Bulk meats In fair demand- shoulders $6.U0; short ribs $8.1; ishort jslear$8.4o. utti-i-mo nan " H-.v.-yusrii I ' lYaral Stores f : WnjracrnwTurpentlne firm fat 291.' fiosrtn firm: strained. 97; good straujed tutabi. Tar firm1 at si.so; 1 eruae - turpenime-Bteaay; ;nara $1.00; yeUow dip end virgin $1.85., . . . .. .. 1 -- CfiAELisroN Turpentine steady at So. Hoaln easy; strained and good saamea iiMtva-j r,i Savakkah Turpentine, firm at .30. active at$L05S$l.07.- X hun Hiu-r t I lioaln i - I ... 'Flnaacial. i , Exchange, ttiii. "Honey'' '114-' ; Sub-treasury balaaces,gelffr$l2r;ldaiL eurreney. 9.257. Gov ernments firm: four per cents. L20: , threes -1.00.?-State bonds euiet,-" i. '-JX;;, .o. : Alabama Class A. 2 to6.....,4..,. t 78 - ;- class B, fives..... .3.".;.'...... LOO , Georgia .Psi.. 1.01 Georgia 7's mortgage 1.02 ' North CBllna,g..ij-i:-i?,'.!iJ....Uk.M !29 , North Carolina's New. ..,..,., F18 North CaroHiia's Kundlng;.;. .'..;v..":w- j 9 -South Carolina Brown Consols. 103 331 357 35- Virginia 68. . .... 5; if.. ...:! .. . Virginia C visols.vu. ....X... ...... Chesapeake and Ohio.'..: .... .... , j W vaicago ana noruiwesieTQ. 991 'Chicago and Northwestern, preferred. 131 . L-L :..-.V til rie. ... .... t... ....... . rr-. ? fast Tennessee; ... --.'-'.-..- ; lAku RhrvrA .... ' . M3 ixjuisvuie ana rtiisnvuie. Memphis and Charleston . Mobue and Ohio 28 1 9 42 NashvDle and Chattanooga. . New Orleans Pacific 1st... 02 New York Central ;. ..,L0914 .28 .i Norfolk and Western preferred. . Northern Paclflc common. '21 r Northern Pacific preferred. :60! Paelne MaU....,ii.........i.:.ii;.' ;4i4 Beading. , jjei Richmond and AHegnany.. .......-4.v. 2fx Richmond and Danville.. ....... ...,....-... '86 Richmond and WestPomt Terminal...;. ...' 1614 Bock Island.... 1.13 St Paul. .82$; St Paul preferred....:':;. ,;r. 1.08 Texas Pacifio.'.......i.;.w.i.u;.......;.. 10 Union Pacific 45 Wabash Pacific.;;...'. i.I.......... 6 Wabash Pacific, preferred ,....-......, 15 Western Union.. .- ' fmf ; Bid. tLastWd. 'Offered. lAsked. IIEx-Dlv.- I ':: 7ortii. ' 1 i .... j 6ALVE3T0W Quletf .middling 10: net receipts .1; gross j,; saies ; siock ltfti; exports wise 22; to Great Britain r " , Norfolk Steady; middling 10; net receipt ; gross ; stock 1254; sales; exports coast. Wiurrua-row Sfdr: mlddllne losi: netrecelDts -. gross sales"'-r ; stock 782; exports ceast ' WUM9 . -f 5;-i.-- iu.'...,.,:. I (,:. Savansah-Quiet; middling 10; net receipts 60; gross 60; sales ; stock 81; exports coast -.wise. .! ..V.- ! t.4.-. t . t . t.. New OKLEAus-Qulet; middling 10ai; net rects 13; gross 13; sales- 20; stock - !K,94&; exports cuaaiwiae iuj; iq ureal tsmam ; ranee continent. : . - .Mobilb Dull,-' mlddlliif 191; net reeeJptB 2; a.-ues; rj.svucx jaoo7f,;exports epttstinse L , . -. .. ' - - - 1 . MHtras-Oflletf middling W Tecetpts; 39; ghlpmeata 196; satear ; stock 8,422. j t , . Acoosta Nominal; middling lu; recelptB 6; shipments ; sales-62. ' '-- -'--.,- .iT.Kron-f-Aominaii mMdnng 11 f net Nkw Toh lrmr sale :7; middling uplands 'lit-- Orleans AH4? 'consolidated: r net - receipts .323; exporte to. Ureal Britain J36; to fiance 105," ;;NKvr TOHI-Net receipts- 195; -gfOM 265.' !rnr .tures ctusea steady;, sales 4,uw ptaes. July-... . . , , ,h . M i lusa.ot Septembei. .7..... October.;. .. November. v.; .'. December .... 11,. ..' January.'.'. .V.V .V. February...". .v.!i. Harcir. .:i -. :; ''; ;!7i :i : Aprn ..v.-..'i::..ui..V. June.:: 1 . y. . . i.- j. , ..'.v.' . i 'tlVIRPboL. July 90.TlW: ' demand1 ltoM: . lands- 14 orfeans 4 746d; sales 8,000; speceJae upnana export ruw: receipts! Ui&Wi American WJU, jupiaoes uw miaoung clause. . !t -July and Angustl n-64t -3hi :o August and September 6 17-4di'ii p.lo(:k:H September and. October 617-64d,.' s ..,4 iV October and November 6 fr64d. ." 1 u ui Novembeiand Dcnltoeft6UiiU-m 1o r, 2 k. Sates America4700; bales.! "Cplaids low middling clause July delivery 6 17-64d, (sellers); tember 6 l'7-64d, (sellers) ; Septembes and October 6 17 64d, (sellers); . October esd lovember.69-$d. (buyers): Sep- oulet but st'dr. 4 p. m. UDlands -low mlt ng clause July be-. . (value) z August and Septembei ; 6 16-64d: . (yalufeft. oepteiuoer oua yewuer 0 iD-oiq, iseuers) ; uotoper and November 6 6-64d. - (sellersV: November . ahd December 6 2-64d, 'sellers) December and January. t id -rsvy iorne. N. C.. July 81. 1884. " Theefty -cottdnJ market yesterday doeed steady h MMuauowiog omumxmm-w.toi 1 40 iu.u Receipts since September' 1 to yesterday i . '.. 42,864 8eoelptejesteraiy.;wi.Vi.u...HH f 'TotaiTecelptsidate.,,;.i..IH.; 'Becelpts same date 1883i.. aeceipts same oaie issii... CIVIC- MODllCJQBCXfroTi Beported by t; b.' lUanx.' ' i.JTJL? W. 1834.1 j--'- it - ; Com per busheK ... .... . ...i..CJ. , r 80&85 Meal per bushel. .,,...... 1 82S85 wnesx per uumiei. ....... idWtso lay, per ousnet. . t .-..i.ioL15 ,ady per bushel .l.2Bfl)i.fio White per bushel.... ..i .i.;... .riol is , Peanut-per bushel.,...,. ;..,i.-,L76126 jriour iramuy... .XiH) ti ' Extra..;..-...; .v.. '..2.100) ij ' 8uper i.......uii.L....'.L95 ! Oata shelled. 83385 Dried Fruit Apples, perlb...:. ..,..:.."' 696 ; . Peaches, peeled.. ........,. 839 . - fe - . -1 unpeeled.......... ' 66 Blackberries - - 84 Potatoes' Sweet.... , - 90ff-9S Irlih..r..,.ll(,,(... ,f..,.,, 60S69'' i uwDBge, per puuiia. , as& Onions, per bushel . i......, :ti i.t 46 Beeswax, per pound.... Tallow, per pound Butter, per pound.-..;. v. Eggs, per dozen.. . 25328 7ffi7l 15325 uniciiens.. Ducks..... Turkeys, per pound. 1 t ,263 T-9310 .85340 738 i. 25 C0356 1 . ...... Beef, per Pound, net Mutton, per pound, net rone, pernpoua, net Wool, washed ... .1. -' unwasnea Feathers, new... Baes. per pound ... . CREAM CHEESE, MAGNOLIA HAMS. LOOSE PICKLES,' ' "J 1 , COARSE FLOUE, and - .. Mixed Feed at'- - " 1 rS; 51, HOEtL'S. i ......... ii.o3a.o 10.63oS.6 iaoa.60 t..;i io.iii.72 ,'10.88.6i ;.;.. 10.9531.97 i 11 5 Trunks. We Uare one of Hi To le Found In When you want a Trunk, Satcnel.'or a pair of advantage to get our priees before buying. , Tradk Street, OhaiojOtte, N, C. irSVCVSttfltli AJ Co., j.k-.ISolo; Agekls. The most gigantic, unparalleled and astonishing statement ef sales ever 'put1 forth 1n connection jrtth the cigar trade. .. . , , , . v , jCx j "Tansill's Piinchi" . S ' i ' ' i lit', j America's best 5 cent cigar, has'been before the public a short time only, and beyond a doubt no cigar now sold on this continent "has attained such a national reputation, solely on Its intrinsic merit. bv ueservetuy puriuiar, as eviueneea vj me auove startling statement of "a million a month." t t ...s.. - T.C. SMITH ACO.i ' . . : Wholesale and Eetall agents tor Charlotte. Royal :L!quid Clue ; t.-;.-, '' r.-r ' -' ! Hesds everything solid as a rock! hard as ida mantr firm as granite!! Strongest- toughest, and most elastic Glue oa earth. Absolutely unbreaka ble and inseparable! No beating. No-preparation. Always ready. Always liquid. , Mends China, glass, wood, leather; patches- -on shoes, rubber, crockery, billiard sue tips and cloth, ornaments, stone, fur niture, Jewelry," book backs, and euerythlng else, with everlasting, Inseparable tenacity I 20ca bottle. Sold by - . j T - . ! f :- , T.a sanTHco.' ! Drug Store opposite Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. Finest xin the City, ii 'iz.h'n L- h":i x '. ' ' L-.' 'fSihuH ".Wit's He 1; KiviJ OTvif! Oil W mOit-3 -jsKfin f'.Ivr una itt':i-t vi ;- rntfl it:.;.; ' MA:YERV&1 ' 1 yt"5. Garbolated Lime la the best, and cheapest disin fectant. Put w hi cans. For sale by I f enthot Pencfisi tor lBeadaehe jKeuralgla,.efc., ui in me latest styie pacicages, at ftBAlT&COJ'Sl pj , ; SprlnVCDrner ;T ird Seed ihteed and placed In aekagei Bird Bitters ana Manna, at . B. H. JORDAN itCO. -springs' uornen Kitchen Crystal Soap,JSapollo And Peartlne; at i i : .. . v EL.H. JORDAN COtUi '" . - '..'; ;. Springs' Corner, A Full Line' of Turkish Towels and. Gloves, and Florida-Sheeps'-WeoISuong ; ---s-"" 1 rphe, Largest Stock' of Imported TpUet Soaps, j. room anq iair urusnes, at , t Hi J s-i it i ti.i r B. H. JORDAN 4 COiJ - . - - -. Snrinoa' rirnATi White's Tova Soap, Wood's Odontlne,-fCherry Toothpaste, Oriental Tooth -Paste, Doctor. Sheffield's Creme, Dentifrice and Cherry Tooth rowaer, ior saie Dy . . . 'r; fl l.J A. H. JORDAN CO. .... , . .--Springs' Corner.; XTTe have In stock London Dock; Port Wine, and vv the best Imported Brandy for medicinal pur poses, n 1 !iii!HaM!.a-aw R. H. JORDAN'& CO. .sr. SPRINGS CORNER T.i j r. -v.. .'Oil ,-- 'l .1' J,M.STEPP, C.T. SMITH, .- ..Proprietor. ' v- Manager. 'House and Furniture ' entirely new. Electric oeiia connecting witn an rooms. The handitnmARt and moat nlnasantlv Rttiiatnl Hotel anywhere on the line- West of Salisbury and nearest the ..., . . m- , , . j i .iS',,.i I. GRIND OLD BLACK MOUNTAIN; I The table as eood as any In the State. Polite Servants. No nalnn inwrMi In mnJrlmr rmHitm nm. I JlSJ&zJ2- Per week, 10.00. ,Pe? Cojne and see lor yourselves. '"t.u-, GENTS AN Traveling :Bags; ; Satchels,- Straps, Etc,- f, i,Mi v.' .'ufKjkjK 1 13 ' tl'4 - 0 U vt. i t . 11 111 11 iitrir - in liiuiimii - 'VT. . i-J.I irr . -,: ';-,f. ..(It t i.i .; - ',1 ', . -ii J , " j mj- ::! iiiA 1 '- ;?!',;. ' kiv. -.'ji.--: ' .' .i I. . : mqjvinuc j i; -t-.i .-.'.'iftu'tc-t'l . 5' i- .ihii --;r. -.ii ;-.t-f'v - ' .1 . ' ! r-J.U.'v.i-i -i '': -'-' ;-i .-(:;,.. .. I i A ' "in i .U,,.i.'i,. u.i.,U.liiiJ.. iuil!'t.''itti.i..t kck Enamel Grate Ivsl WMncanslT sale!)? f t TCHELL HflTRI llviA Ul I li a mm. tJie largest S Jocks of ladies: triks n -1 tUe Otyr All Kin as of Shoos or Slippers of any kind, you wil find it to vour , . 7. ,uuu . 10 your Off? I 7 c GRAY & BKO. THE GRAKD CENTRAL .b'l'jhiu ('j lie Are now giving, to Introduce their pift4fi! m "CHTNAT Li TEA. CUP AIV SAUCER, Worth 40 Cents, : -. - 5 r 1 ts ! I" ' i A ' 1 : With each j sach pound of our? 5 ; j ; BEST XXX BLENDED TEA Price. 60 Cents Per.PtMmd. ; For sale at R. R. ALEXAlVDEit'i e d. Buggy .1 EMPORIUMS 0 I .Aearf Door o Wadsworth's Stables, CIIABLOTTE, I. C. A. C. HUT G hi soy & CO., ; s t , . t i i f JWe are agents for 0x4 eefeBratBd Columbus Bug- Omua "urn -amnioacHinBR -vmpany S Standard Tehlnlm. unrl hsnrii. U7n.b h,. foitowIn-faetorteST Daytc-OntorBoggy orkBf Manufacturers ot the well-known Cortland Sprint WHAT IS BLEAT0R? Tie Most Select :Pnre ' Bye WMsley ',-&. U :'i 'lit, ' 5 Ask for It, It has No Superior. . ;v. IMICARStOADl .y ni h i . h 5, ii 5i o y. i X3 a i ATsTTl "Fill I Si JUST ARRIVED. ALL SKES AND STYLE3; Jce Cream Freezers, TnFaferCopfers.f-l P f,S' - . i ;-?' iY- my Fops, r-l; Vtttt Jars, Jelly Tumblers,!'!. In Large(Viar i ety, j ; . . . Atthe3ilna- Storeof w . .. " ..- i :s rh iu 5', ' LtTDOU" & HABTSFIELD, tU iii it, t.:'t'iii--".:ili :' -' ,: - 1. 1 -.' ! Cheap Lois For Sale. "T" f 'S i r-It v .-- --1 offer for sale -Eieht Lots GOam fpt in,T uieBorw western- corner el the-elty (outside the- wv uuuio; auu uvnu ux iimb cemetery, cheap. Any one wishimr to wwum a. ihn nt. bu a well to call soon, .as the prices . at which they are offered means quick sales. - 1 ,.xm K. K. COCHRANE, - may28dtf , Manager.' MECKLENBURG .. ATannfactarerg of... y rrom Pure, -Distilled" ' Water, Are now prepared to furnish Pure Crystal tee to the pci.t., trlcS,.wltaln the reach, of all. in toe city It will be delivered tn rnnmnuM at w. Jr dences or places of business tree of charge. s -i , yo 5y"ciiu irom a aisrance. Write for rHnen I , ,2P "WBCRG ICB COMPANY,; f: Av ij. H Art I I -r- ill 1 THE CLOSING Of Our Entire Retail Qtcek boots, mmm am nm - fr r 1 '-.'-'--"-''t'CostV , S-TIL-Lj .aCONT I NUKS.. 5 o; Low Cat Shoes aud Slppdrs tf all kind3 regardlesj Cost. u . r : ... i . . i i . . . r j . . . . I . .... .-) IJl? .f;tl-"i .- lf ftf W? We are going to leave for the Northern mwkets ln'a few days, and In order to m i v. for cash, for Uie next ten days, our whole s'ock of j ouu iu oruar ramm room, wui o3e . j " 'wMrets.o.' 'hito Goods' ISouse Furnishing: OooJui CiirpM, OH (loilm, &. . . r-3 , .t ..... t , . - - ... ,., . At jtosltlve cost, as wineed money ami must have It If you need anything In oHr'Uiie. It win . io xamine our stock and see what w&ckn do. We nu-an wr.nt i our stock and see what w&c&n do. i BURGESS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ? ZL KINDS OF n n n.uTrriTT BEDDING, &C. ; - . A fall fine of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlorand C&amber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on ;hand NoJ 5 West Trade Street, CharlettfeJj6rthiCarollna. EaiOET'S 2TANDAED l??iCAF - V ui uia uiiunnnH nraicwnTiTiMia nrhinii fnnn. jt. Best, Cheapest and Pleaaantost aa- v, T""-; 1 f " my practice effectually 3. 1Ic1,hob; H. D.. Dnhliii. .TTWP?od;I? many inny practioaDj; ViX.Dvm, SnnAower landing. Mist STA2TDABD CUBE CO., Proprtetor.y'197 Peal Street, HeV York, '- 11 1 1 1 11 --If' I . & DANVILLE R R. ..'kiWi.'.N-..W?- !- CoDdennedSclied ww" TijAiA tiOIN'&koRTH. June 8th, 1884. No. 61, v-Dally. No,63, Daily. leave Charlotte, -. -Salisbury, " '-Blgh Polntr Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive Hillsboro, " Durham, " Raleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, - 4.au a m 6.07 a m 7.00 p;m 8.23 p m 9.26 Dfnt 7.25 a m 8.00 a m ia02 p m 9.86 a m 11.39 a m 12.17 p m i.au p ml i.io p m 4.00 p m Na 16 Daily except Sunday. Ne. 51 Connects at Greensboro with R A n xi w .iKJSJl0 8a?d f, Dnvtile. aw uwuuuui wAwaa vv av . v. X. J.. iui Oil ITU All WJ IU Western N. C. At Goldsboro with W.&W.R. feu dally. Nos. 61 and 63 connect at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. and for all points on Salem Branch, 3' June 8th, 1884. No 60, No. o." 6J,? 4 y Dallyj "Leave Goidsbbioi 1.55am1 Arrive Ralelahu, -:iJ 2.3Q b m Leave'Raleign,'' Arrive Durham, " Hillsboro. 4.45 d ml IinfliZi'fiOgjlH 6.43 n mi Gren shorn. TTaSveGreensboro: .to J III 10.26 p m 11.42 p m a Arnve tngn "oiat.. 10.06 a ,. . - aHm J a. ? ' W 3T1 11.13 a 12.86 p l.w a m No. 16 Daily except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro . 4.80 am - j - Arrive Raleigh 8.30 am Leave Baleigh ;; 9.10 am Arrive Greensboro 6.00 Dm' ' ,;No."fcO Cnnnoctfl at allahrv t& in N CRjand I at Charlotte wlti a" f cWSni fbr all ototiia the South add Southwest CI p-j.No.2-rCpnnects at Charlotte .wlth'C: CJfciRtff w HI? , LrUflnta Qnntk i, fe . 1 AU:Lieor all points Seuthj TT & 1 7 , Na 6a Daily, ex. Sun. GOING SOUTH. No. 5al ' Dafly. ' leave Greensbore, t ArrtveKefrneravule -Arrive Salem, 10S8p m 10.00 a in Ul.42 p iiaua 11.04 a m li.ao a ni No. 6L, Dally, t ex. sun. fOINQ NORTH. -'; 1 Na63 - Leave Salem, Arrive Kernersvine. tSlO p ml 6.50 p nW 15.00 laii' 6.36 a ti Arrive Greensboro, v.uu p mi 7.40 a n - -STATE UNIVERSITY R. R. -J- No.l. Dally ex. Sun. r, ' G0IN NORTH. n. a.. Dally! ex. Suni Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive Vnlversliy, ;' 10.26 a m 6.00 p ia 6,00 jp to M '--" 11. 23 a m -Na:4j-' Dally ex. Sun. .:-..OOTXO SOTITTC Deny ex. Sun, LeaveJInlverslty, ArrlveChapel Hill, T" I 6.80 p m 11.64 a to 12.64 p to BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE. On trains 60 and 61, between New York and At lanta, and between Goldsboro and Warm Springs. .t Through Pullman Sleepers on trains 62 and 53, between Washington and Augusta, and Danville and Richmond, and Washington and New Orleans. ' tSThrouzh 'tickets on At nrwnahnm Knl. elgh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte,- for ell points South,' Southwest, West; North and East. For emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas. Arkansas and the Southwest, address j ' j A. L. REVES. - i - . Hi SLAUGHTER. J S 2dVY P-Gen Manager ... Gen. Pass. Agent! Richmond, Va. TO LET. A house with six .rooms and Htehen wKKtim rooms; also a house with three rooms and two room kitchen, on Tryon street, near Statesvule B. R. Applyati :-- i,t f - s jnly27 ' -j. BUTLER'S.- VALUABLE CITT LOTS FOR SALE.-Tneowner will sell either of two valuable city ots, with good Improvements on each. - iViUUn five minutes walk of Uie public square. - i :-i---""i"' .;?:THI3 OrTICl.1 OUT SftLF -OP- We mean wnat we say. ELtAS &i COHEN. 'WC:H'OLS nf TCNTralf BlT!iL?wRlHiL, MO FEVER- '"PERMIT. TS"T FEYER, BILIOUS FEVER and kindred diseaaes Purely Vesetabbi. absolutely certain in fheb Remedial effecU, dnr7promp0y U forma of MALARIAL -DISEASES than Calomel or QiuimC wnSS . w -.-w. nuawuuuff uiDir usi xt 4K.eu occasion v from attack. Endorsed by the leadina Chemista and tlivairiana hiD can take them. Sold by Brngslata and Medicine Dealers, or by null. PRICE. TWEkTV.eivb Itrun A i ' - iBa ZZPlT I 1 bPille according to directions and they proved to be, Jurt what was needed.-y. P.J. Cochran, Pastor M. E. Church, St. Georges. f?1- 1 weU Pleased with "Emory's Standard Cure puts." Haw JtlSS1 a et many easea.of different fevers; have proved Buecessful f IT tnettnc?-, ffoey work like a charm on Chilla and lever and all Ma larial diseases. M. J. GKttMAN, M.D., Dallas. Texas. 1 nse yourremedyin tty practice -with good resnltav-JJoMyzo Wattk, M. D., Pittsfleld, Maaa. I i y-P1 for Malaria for the pastfom- years with better ratis faction than any other remedy for same disease. Fat. & Haot, DrngRiiit. Jersey City. K. J. (-YcmrCKill Pill. h.M,in.. j. 'GT atterles. 7t iCAPITAlA PRIZES $73,et. 'TfcktJ Only $S.' Sbarr sin Prs- j '.t WkI t - portion. -.-!-... lana State LctterT V "rF&do tere&jr eertify'thai we super rise theurrangetnentsfpr aU the MontMy arid Semi-Annual Drawings of theLoui iaxut Stats :jittmnYlnmvnnmi nnAin mr- sonmankge 'ahd control' .the Drcnmng inemselpes, and that the same are eon ducted wttht-: honesty fairness, and ia ' good faith; toward all jxrrties, andw authorize Ite company to use this certifi- cweviou A jac amtfiwo our signatures I attached, ta Us advertixevientii Commissioner. i ifneorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leglsla are for Educational- and Charitable purposes with a capital o l,000,0(r-My which a reserve fund ol over $560,006 has since been added. 'Byaneveiwhelmlns wnnnlar vote Its franchise ft li was made a part of the present State Constitution .ouvpteo veeemoer-aa, A. u.visrw. -The .only Latter aver-mbvl on and endorsed br H the people-of any State.'- j1' never Bcaies or pestpones: - ' -plts Orand Single Number Drawings take place monthly." - '- A SPLENDID CHANCB'TO WDTAFOBTTOt Eighth-Grand Drawing.' ' Class' H, IntheAcadem of -Muslo, New Orleans, Tuesday August 12, 1884. w:;.',ilsrt..Ioiii.hIy Drawing faOAlV 551213,75,000. lW,Tickets at Five Dollars Each. ' Fractions in ywu Fifths In proportion. ; . ; Y.fut t" Prints' '. "' 1 CAPITAL PRT7H:L...:..;i; $75,000 25,(fl0 iaix) 12 000 KXOOO 10.0110 laooo 20,0iO saooo 25,(00 ; 25,oO(i 6,750 4.500 2,250 no .. o wit., fln - do "2 PRIZES Of 6,000 7. o ao z.ouo. ';10.6 -V"-'-:1.000tv.V:, . ...... av'no 1 6oo.,';iV!........ I10niiriv:' '" xn - 1 100 M'idOr" 800 " de '-'600 oo' looo :; do ion.; .;... ...,...". AFPROXMATIOK FBIZE3. '- Approximation Prizes of $750... ! nf i-do . r; -i.--.' do i 600... !S:o-;.i.: -idO - 250.i. 1967,JPrIzes, aHionnUng toJ... J5-9 - Application for rates to clubs should beinade only to the office of the company In NewOriecuu-- For farther Information write clearly, BlyJl ! address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable ana address Registered Letters to ;, , t NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, ...... i -r , . .jjfe-r - New Orleans. IA POsrAtNorra'and ordinary letters by Manw Express (all sums of i and upwards by Jixpre at our expense) to i ;. . JTTIJirrv. -''Irr ;:Nwas. i or m. a, dauphin;' ... - - - n r , , . . v 607 Seventh SU Washington, v-1 FOR SALE. , -Apply at v n.n ; JunefodttW v V - - --- -- Is so absolutely certain" that i.wp" inaugural, to any persons, of whatevw poll harness, 1 rockaway, l buggy Pa,"lSibid drUlTlBradley narrow, faming tools, housefly and kitchen furniture, ete. An wanunatton property or correspondence "OlMted. ege,N.C Louis opinions, my residence ana omer -. 4 farms, 4 two-horse wagons and gear, if'n lulv9dlm Darl( ;:) $ a. ,e 81 S.1 d 3 It P- ai ' Si ' D u 1 .

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