jlew AC wsKtlsemeats ,lf ;-: rtila por Br ttrMK ; A marvsTcr irarl yogth and wTjoleewci. . Mors, economic J an tbe ordinary kinds, and eannot be sold in ompeuaon with the multitudes law Wet, sh rt treurht, aluu or pboairfc isr.v Ek ofcly la mdi. WholessJeby : j i r- j t ayi . v r c.;- To the needs of the tourist, commercial traveler and new settler, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is pe culiarly adapted, since It strengthens the dlgeetlve organs, and braces the physical energies toun bealthful Influences, it removes and prevents ma Url.'U frver, coufOpaOon., dyspepsia, healthfully stimulates the kidneys and bladder, and enrfches ss well as purifies- the blood. When overcome by bttgoe, whether mental or physical, the weary and debilitated find It a reliable source of renewed stremrtb and eomfort. - ' . ; i For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.'' OFFERS XO THE V tsolt-snhv i Retail rTrau e i i FIVE T )N8S i . , i Jij. VJ r.ia I'.i-y-? 1.-1 0 TWKNTV- HA I vH ELS i - , i" j" c' "t.i , ' it -ff.'.''. A Large, Stock of Colts, fahiilies, Elc. r ALSO t ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. J.'lL MoADENi REMARKABLE. -v, fHASL0Tn,N.CL.july6,1884. Dr. Gregory: t used your Dyspectle Mixture focr jeareago and It made a perfect and permanent wre ot me. Mine was the worst case I ever saw. jwve heard a ereat many say their core was also A uvw V3M WJIW & ItlBUBO. I "as cured of dyspepsia nine years ago by your disease. .... . ,y. CJohsom. "K.GHBOOKT: . - .. ...... - Tour DyspepOe Mixture ts a'eertam cure for tbit an . . . I .V. . l L . n a n. ""t w bv 111 T K reiil ivsujlliniliuciib uuu iw uh sire for tobacco.. - ' T. B. Collabam. " ay. V., 13 IWb ' 3 V J - wj wi lu j turn vue CHsesui urapcyaia wuwo "r- Uregory'B Dyspeptic Mixture has been used -- ouuiBiayeuis since - . . Nn HotcsaoK, M. D, aJjSle Jp?H. Mciden and T. C. Smith ft ted., White Lead 1 -;.1SI. Oj V'Ci!!- 1,;7. .! f .'- .' if !i i r : i -" j 1 1 v; l.i . ' 1" ,r 1 - i . ffi ,1 i -r : ;. ; ? ' i ?. . i - : ; , ; - i;txc (Charlotte (Obscrnct. Arrival and Departure off TrainsT Richmond and , Daktilli Aib-Likb. . No. 50-Arrives at Cliarlotte from Richmond at 150 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 120 a.m. No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4 do a.m.. Leaves for Kiehinond at 420a. m. t 6a Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.85 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. f No. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 656 p. in, Leaves for Richmond at 7 0 p. m. ; - Chablottk, Columbia and aogiota. ? I Arrives from Columbia at 615 p. m.' fv. ura uh unuuuiia ai i p. m. - . . C, C. & A. A., T. O. Division. ? ' Arrives from Statesvflle at 1030 a. m. s Leaves tor Statesvlile at 70S p.m. . CabolinaCentbau Leaves for Wilmington at 845 p. m.. and 1 f UMUUlUUKHIUUILm. -i: Arrives from Wilmington at 7 a. m., and from Laurlnburg at 3.-45 p. m. - - , , "5 " C C Shklbt DiviaH)N.-i .m . t ' -7 Leaves for Shelby at 635 p. m.'' J i t r Arrives from Shelby at 12)6 p. m. ! " 1 ' '"' .. Mails.- - ' (general Delivery opens at 730 a. m.; closes fat Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. ma etoses at 6aU0 p. in. ,.t 5: , , j,' s - ' -r IsHllcatioas. "v,- . : South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, with occasional light rain showers, westerly winds, stationary temperature. - v . I X.:,., -. i ' The moonlight picnic in the yard, of Dr.-T.tt Smith has been postponed indefinitely. i t There will be a conclave of Char lotte Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar, at their; asylum to-night. (. jsenr-tett 8 nomination caused 'a number Of lats to 1 be brought fortih from bandboxes in the 1 stores here' yesieraay. i . t; Grand hOD IS - to - hft- ft-vot o fc Cleveland Springs on Friday evening, August 1st. Our thanks to Mr. i5. McBride Poston for an invitation, i The delegates will all tret in ihia morning frQj..l4imberton, and now the very 'next thing in order is the formatioh of Cleveland, Scales and Bennett club. ! . Watermelons, oeaches. cAntA- loupes and fruits of all kinds now come to the city in .wagons fromlthis country in - great abundance. ' Th'fe fruit sells cheap and the farmers find no mmculty m disposing of thefe We return thanks for an invita tion to participate ih the 71st anni versary of s.the i Richland Volunteej" jrane company at tue achutzenplatz, in Columbia, on August 8th. If for no otner. reason, we would i like to tro just to find out what sort of a shoot the Shuetzenplatz is. "... Meckleabars; Connrr Bible Society i The anniversary, meetme of thft Mecklenburg Bible Society is to! be neld at Back Creek Associate Re formed Presbyterian church on the second Monday in August next. Rev. JNeander M. Woods, of the Secdrid Presbyterian church in this city, will preach a sermon to the meeting ai 11 o'clock a: m. The object of this society is to further the work of. cir culating the Bible, among the needy people, and it has not only done a great deal of-good -work in the past, but gives promise of greater, usefulr ness in the future. A full attendance of the members is requested at the anniversary meeting. , ' , . t JW order Near f-anrinbnrg uir Fromf-parties arriving : in the city on tne 'ijarouna Central tram we learn of the murder of a white-man named Jackson, near Laurinburg, 'by a negro named ETi Gale. The murder was a snocking aixair ana was done in cold .bloody Mr. Jackson and . the negro had a misunderstanding about some trifling jpajter,. but they had scarcer 'began Hofjuarrel before the negro-drew a bowie knife. and fjell Upon Mr Jackson Toe; negro gafve him one dees stab i'ri: the breast, ahd followed this upbr ajblow rhatalmist iseVered Mr. Jackson's neck frdm sis JxjvThe negrofied,bvTStlast counts a oarty &1xmT oft ;Ti triad people were in seareff or mm.- At mvslngiChase and Caviare. A man rnamed- Puiin-vwaa ridma a horse 'about tbe;'-vicfnity of Colteere 'and;,:Trady.'fetreei'ye8terda noon id a style calculated to snow pu. xxAhthe anvnal and the rider,: fouce oien Jetcon and Orr-startedto tdp the cirrtis. whon'- Duliii tJUt?rriilfai to nis std and, cahtr 04:Qffo wnTrade street. Tne OmcersweredeteiTTMnea ,nOt , to jethiovget away, so Jetton jumpeu on a norse and urr got inpo a carriage ahd.af j.-'hinf they ,-went-. The crowd' cheered as pursued and pursuers tfeedHbedilst; along- thqir route: -The bhase'wa e". and lasted until -. Myers t street? was reached, . at whictt'poiHt :.DuUD;,rwas overhauled: He got into the' carriage With:'!Polioei!nan. Orc his steed was secured:., by A Ofacr;,i Jetton, aadi Xke prossion took up a triumphal march 1U4U j. ht t n .- ijji in. i t s T.rr.,r.-, t ... .- A Witfnight i.anse ol cajds . la Woods and How it Ended, i Oh At Osborne, "colored, is laid unat Fort Mill 'with bis5 skull crushed arid broken in from forehead to the baak of his neck, and is not expected to live, it is to be imagined. Chat came by5 this piigot tnrouga nis goou. iutat in wipijmg money at cfcrds, ahd, this is thowi it Mppenedi jfeyrnghte sfncB-two negroes pamed Enoph And Satri Bdet enticed Chat Osbbrhe'to1 g0 with them into a piece of woods near Fort Mill to have a game of cards. Ife was late at night,' but lighting a big knot of pine, the negroes allatea themselves' for !a game; 'One garad followed another, uhtil at last all the money there was in the crowd ha4 foundjit8-way intoQhat's. pocket. Ha had won it all. ine oiner w negroes, despairing of winning i back, hit fipon the planfpf f kiUin Chat and taking the money away from him. They forthwith jerked up two blazing pine knots and fell uponl the unfortunate winner; oeaung mm over the neaa uniu mey supuutwu him to be4ead. , They then tooJc the money from his person; and picking up his body, they started in the direct r.inn. nr tne rauroaa witn id. uiiuuu to lay it upon the track so that; theJ OUCOmilJK vraiu v uuiu uiuo , dences of their guilt. On the way Chat gave some , feeble signs of life, ami thflv nonnluded to leave him in the woods. Somebody passing the n je next dayt found the insensible v of the man Ivine in the woods; Enoch Bost had told somebody in town that he had had a fight wittt Oahorne -and he was at once arrested Then he confessed jthe whole affair as related above. Sam Bost made good hia Aaranabnt Enoch is now 'ia jail awaiting a-turn in XDsborne's condi h'm " Ostvwns'g ekinl is crushed all over and-there-iare no hopes of his fecoyery, tgl' -- .'m. mint aaaAi inn tn an malarial diseases Is "Iyer's Ague Cure, a combination of Testable ln gredtents only, of which the most used in no other known preparatton. TWi remedy an absolute and certain specific, and succeeds when all other medicines fall. A cure is warranted. ' .' "ttnchvPalba. I , Qulclr; complete cure, an kidney, bladder,-and urutalj y nr-" "i "'V'fii ' . f w - 1 catarrn or. tue oiaouer. x, urututwia. Personal. ' - ? lltea Anna Caldwell, of Jackson ville; Tenn.y is visiting- the city, tho guest of Mr. R. E. Cochrane. - CoL; A; B. Springs and family have gone to the mountains for the sum mer. - .- . - . " ; ' ' Mrs. Edward Hooper and two ehil-, dren, accompanied by Mrs. Newton Blalock, left last night for Wilkesboro on a visit tq friends and relatives. Gen. R. D.- Johnston has returned to the city from Smith ville, delighted with his stay by the sea. . i Georfe Sconlie to Take a Hand.) ! We learn that Mr. George Scovilie, of the Buford House in this city, has become interested in the Seaside Park, at Wrights ville, and will divide his time between the Buford and Seaside Parki Mr. ScQvillejwjll go down to Wrightsville on the first of August and take a hand in the management of the hotel. It is proposed to make the Seaside Park a winter resort, but this plan, we believe, has not yet oeen.ruily decided upon. ; With the assistance of his brother. MrDabney Scovilie will no doubt be able to' give even oetcer satisfaction in future to the gUests of .the hotel. j ' f Judge Brnum's Card. (('' ' In another column this morning we print a card from Judge Bynuin, in which he denies certain statements in' the article a few days ago to the effect that he had stepped out from the Republican party j and would vote for Scales. The report had been current here for some time and was first published in a Winston paper. But after all 'of Judge By j. nums tiemaune oops not state that 2 he does not ' intend tor votei forl 3 Scales. He says that he is not .a 4 Democrat, and at a certain time 5 mentioned in the article he had not 6 left the Republican party. Our in- 7 formation is that Dr. Mott paid 8 Judge Bynum one or more visits, 9 and a telegram - was sent Judge 10 Bynum asking him if ' he ' would 11 accept the nomination If tendered 12 to him, but .-Judges Bynum i may, 13 not consider this ,', the. pf,er1of-:i'a 14 nomination. After all, it may be 15 that all this only, indicates that he 16 has simply retired ! from ' polf tics 17 and is not an active Republican. 18 We don't care, just so he vbtes 19 f or Scales and we still hope that 20 the report is true in that partiou 21 lar. - 1 i '" "f ' j fur- - r UntelephonicittHiig. '"' When i the ; telephone was first brought into ? pubuc notice, a great number of purposes which might be set ved by it naturally suggested them selves to those interested in the pro motion of the invention, but not until recently, so far as we know, has it been used as an argument in favor of. the higher education of the masses. The Electrician, however, has observ- ea that considerable attention is now being devoted to the question ot the propriety of educating telephone sub scribers; but it ia most advisable that the contract should be awarded to the day schools or to the Sabbath schools. The opinion, however, is gradually gaining ground that a full and effec tive educational course must neces sarily embrace both secular and re ligious instruction in order to meet all the peculiar requirements . of the case. " Everyone must have observed the universal use ia telephony of the singular expletive," "hello," whose etymology is obecure and uncertain, but which is well ascertained to have no authentic foundation in classical literature, and have also perceived that it is frequently received by tele phonic listeners in the reverse order of the syllables. This phenomenon is supposed to be due to the reflection of the sonorous vibrations .frptd the organs of speech of careless,! imba- tient and isrnorant subscribers.' and rs certainly a strong argument in favor of a religious education:' ; Surely J it is a matter for prof ouni 'regret jtnat the telephone should deteriorate into an approved medium for the circula tion oi exiraaicuonary woras, or, in short, slang; and the frequent trans mission to the central ohice of subh objectionable and illiterate phrases as "What ara ve civin' ns?!i. "Oh. .take pur,mjDtii59jshe (cwl of j ybuc" imduth, and 1 can hear you better," etc., have no doubtgiven, rise. t to the.Brpposed plan'f telephbnkjducatidhl : j - : - i A Visit to the Apiary ot W. I. Tbarp;& - : Sons ia North Iredell . j Eagijs Mnxs, N. C, July 29, '84. . To the Editor of Tiuc Observer. Astrolluig representative of TtE 0BSEEveR,;.hi8 struck what he thinks ' is aa item Of interest to the farmers in' this section of the State, and lest jit should slumber too long, be is anx- iou to get it into print : Bed keeping in jNorth uaronna has in the last few years, made rapid progress. The old style was for every farmer to have a few stands or colonies ofiblack bees : and raise enough honey for his family, but nore for the market. Jtus honey was also of an inferior aualitv. Now. however. almost every- farmer hasf rom two td a dozen colonies or itauan pees wmcn (with improved hives), make enough honev for at least ten; families to con sume. Messrs! Wr D. Tharp & Son," of worth ireaeii, are in tne ieaa in tUe,beevb,asiriess.i-iOie havjo 47icolb rues' Workers' antli4Ghuelei r, small colonies that are raising queenfe.; These nuclei consist of two frames r:ltjneyrput in $i srfialjhjyj9jytitih queen eggs which hatch in about three weeKS, and m arjout two weess after the queen hatched she begins to lay ana intt snort while a strong colony is established. Most of Mr. Tharp'sbees are pure Italian, being rasm;f?Qhl a pure iimlJdrtediiueen. Mr. Tharp's method of bee culture s about as follows: First, the frames are taken , from ' thahiye the be4s being bushed off like sfliesi although a smoke is used when they seem via- lous. ,: These irames weign irom t ijo 10 pounds. The frames - are then taken td the extracting foora) i?r7hre the honey is -extracted, leaving the comb to be filled again, which saves the bees at least three days labof. Mr. Tharp also - has a machine f ctr making artificial comb, which also saves about one half the labor. This is made' of thin sheets of beeswax press ed in such a manner that the bees draw it out and make honey cells of it. ' I Mr. Tharp makes his owns hives andall-the others used around herd, having-1 the hives made by machinery. He has lately introduced a new syaj-: tern of putting; pound boxes into thp hive in a frame; and tbejrare takeb-i out ready to ship, just as the beqs left them, This model bee raiser has honev. Queens. hives ' ahd artificial comb for sale all the time, and sub plies them at liberal rates. - Mathers! Mothers!! Mothers II! ' ' ' J am iron disturbed at hieht ahd' broken of ' roar rest by a sick child suffering and crying yrtth the excrucistlne pam. ot eattmir teeth ?( If o. roat once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STBUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It : there is no mistake about It There li not a mother on earth who has eer used It, who will not tell youatonee that it wui regulate tne Doweis, ana give rest ro me mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to use In all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre aerlDtlon of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses la the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. . t .-," . m ,. . ).. . . : , Boiiea oa DenUstV Tooth Powder.' Smooth, refreshing, harmless, elegant, cleans lng, preservative and fragrant. 15c. teugglsU,- A CAKD FKOAi JUflGE BYHUM, f' v f.if V - J lie olug to Vote for Scales or York 1 A Card that Leaves the Header ia Doubt as to hose ftame the Jodjes ; If allot will Hear i:k 's.l To the Editor of Thk Obskbvbb. - 4 ' 1 My attention has been called td an editorial in vour Tjaner of the 27th. headed? . "Judge Bynum Steps Out, I beg that you will correct a few errorsiherein. by giving this article. an insertion in jour paper: ? . . r 1. The "nomination for Governdr' was never tendered to me, and 5 as".l never sought, desired, or could have accepted w, i. , have no complaint against the-party on that account,.-,. r 2. No.one of "York'a managers" came to me at Charlotte or elsewhere upon the alleged - or other political mission. ' - y -; . ;, .. 3. No '-'interview" was even had, with - ma to- induce, me toyretum "t 0 the Republican, .partyvbr: any like purpose.' ,1 had. not departed from it u st:4i Niw suchsi liconyersation iwith,." 'prominent" or other men, aa is ; kt iriouxeu no me us- tu eu.iwji itu, jtjyer took phtoe.-1!' -lira'-KfiBiC-.-ilirii aid .-,1 j " ;5; I never told' "one of these :g$n:; tlemen"; that! intended to' vote for Gten. Scales. '; I never, toJd .my:J','part'nr"l that tintended.,tpvoiie'fo5'ji3n': Scalqs.-' I ha Ve, expressed to him and others my high ''appreciation, , 6f , character, and worth of Gen. Scales. " A ' I; ft 7. 5 1 never made he,Vfirst decjarTj Winston. I have no brother there 'aiid; with the only;;, brother J have,. wno resiues laoujjfcea, . jl nave nop -exj changed a, word upon, politics, tba? X remember, in ten years,,' -8. .Last,..bul not least, lam not. a "Democrat." There is a wide jdisr- tmotion between the disapproval; ,Qf some of the nominees ahd methods of a party and the abandonment of jits principles ana organization. - .,.'1 ' , Before concluding, aDCw me to; say that I have-notattended a-political meeting in fif teeny ears., or takenany partin the deliberations and tactics of party, but contented myself with; castime a silent vote as otbef tAiVate citizens. As I,vdo not! seek. public political principles, I had hoped to be left uhdistuf bed m ' my attentions to my very sick family.' The obteueion of my. name upon, the public was, therefore, both a surprise and a deep regret to mo, Eespectfully; T ,v.::J:j,a w..vf ..:W p bynum. ' Morganton, NCj July 28, 1884. 8Al.EM-WlflSTON. The Losa ia Foy's. . Faetoty-'An Aged Violin. I'ke Paper; Milt, etc ' 3'at.km, N. ai' July 30. The loss by the burning of Messrs.; Foys' tobacco factory-- in Winston - on Saturday night , .is , estimated ' at,;,$i3,00Q, on which there was insurance for $io,-" 000. The fire originated in ... the dry house, and :.- the building bemg a frame One, -burned rapidly. .Two young men, T. FT. Burrovsrs and 'Fred Merideth,-who were -asleep- in the factory had a narrow escape 4n get ting from i the . burning . building by sliding down a rope used for hoisting Eurposes. One of . the young men ad his hands badly lacerated in the descent, and then felljsome distance by the rope burning in two. ; Both of the Messrs, Foy were absent from the city at the time of the fire, one being in Charlotte and the other ; in Atlanta, Qa. Out of eight hundred boxes of manufactured " tobacco only four boxes were saved. , i MrT Don Shelton.' of WinstonV has on old violin 'which" 'is1 much of a curiosity in the way, of age. Pasted I . 1 ; J ( il 1 - . ...I j-l" on tne insiue.o we vioim is. . a jaingy i sup oiaper;,on. wmca, is, written 1 1 "Paola1 Albani,' 'in KoUenVlCQL' The vioUn it is 8aid,7was yeaiS ago owned by:th$;Jester fanuuesih' 'V ginia,- and,fr6nl,thetot -grJC into tfhe; possession 'bf "the fehouses in this State, and waa:6btained hfUrf ShfeU tori fronl Galvjn Bhoiiso of 'Forsyth.1 look, the violin resembles' those jof the present daxT"!' 7 ' j - Mr. Miles Crfimtbthe paper rrlL man, has returned to" Salem from! a trip North. In conversation with him Monday evening about his - mil, be iaformed methatit is his intentipn to have it running by October. I i At the practice of v the Twin City Rifle Club on, Monday afternoon, Dr. W. S. Battle made the best shots and now carries the badge. - ' f r Messrs. Allen. & Allen, of Winetdn, have put up signs, in that town -with all the names of the streets Oh thtin. The ignsjarej made of castj irpn-tbe snape oi a circular saw, ana are placed at'.' (each: sr.reet ' ctirrier;''- On eacn sign, in raisea letters, is tne name offct street, after which comes the ad verusenaentof-this- enterpris ing hardware firm. Sid Alen is hard to beat in getting up adv&Etisemente, and J8i4 great felievefid printer's ink, land fb$ bigjsades (bslihe maks in his Hne tjf wares thowr how wll it pays for one to advertise. j r-'r.M John-Beard; lot Winsto, Xhas beein for sofe lanierigatheritj $ col lection of minerals ahd Indian relios for the Staxppsition,,, AcooDg has fine.oolleotion ia tobe seen, an arrow it is a hne specimen and is as Clear SB..VrJiai...,u,i .r kMT - .!. lOKi'OtOWt f ai.On, Monday! afternoon ; this 'sectidn was visited by :verY,Tv Zt'wad oiuch. needed.as it was gettiqg to be very dry. -"'BALES!. '&moieRn.-2 r-i a tts t itojQe-frt.VhariDtM,-js. the ,week ending. July 28, 188fr f Wm A: Alexander J B Alexander. tT. 'AlliiMni-MorttD)6vvApergat, F,BlkeMeJtfrg;Tfilie D Brow, W-A Basa, WattBeattieJ Mrs Emm Bribej t W. . Davis; Bxie UDiinstoi), M..JJuvali;:tIjMii Corethbrs, coM. Isabella Clark; nlL;j$lti& Wt Neoma Clark, Mrs Jane-1 Fauiknef, S E Grrev;Eobert"HayeJjua Hult, Ms'J R Hefner: MisO $ Hou8tonvgack JEnsey'J A Kma MrsfAlanne jjjucas, JunaAlcyiur, Tha4deus-Mk3dUd,Sah0ianine), lie, fto Sljerod,iIiCBii .JP TunietMgry OnnKfesr mptep. Whlgtotf,'-Wnr H' WorjteTfMrk Amelia Wilson: Thomas Walker I vWhen ealling lor the var-pleaaa say t'Advertised."7 ? Hij f i h it v 1 . rbin People. a Well's Health Renewer' icatorosi health and - vigor, cures dyspepsia, -inipoteuce, sexual UeWiitt. ,y.;: r. ... ; i. r.V S S'-P ' - 'i t Nervousness, Kervous tebulty, Neuralgia, Ker- vous ehocK, bt Vitus iwnce, j-rouimuon, una an diseases of Nerve Generative Organs, are all per manently and radically cured by Allen's Brain Food, the great botanical remedy. 6 for 48. At druggists, or oy man xrom First Ave., New lork City, i i. Allen, S15 , . - A Folr Ofler. - I : fvw. TTvv m ft T. ra rV f Ifn mIkiII XTf Art nfVUs to send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Elee trie Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vital' Ky, ana many outer uiskeams. , , -bee advertisement in this paper. - . - J . f Prevsnt sickness by taking oecaslonaUj one ef EMORY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS, wonder ful appetizer, aa absolute lure for pinousnea.vl5 Bte vensooi'4 K prrags;wiui8 fcncH dethvWm ;6helbyf .BoWutnioniai 1 7 ITenrysi Carbolic Salve. ThehestSalTO used In the world for ents, braises, Sites, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped suds, chilblains,- corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions, freckles and pimples.- The salve la guaranteed to give satisfaction In every esse. Be smeyoo gwnenry-s tarooiie BaiTey as all outers me uuv mi mucin anacoonteiiBH. i " j . Arold rrfls Being largely composed of mercury they eventually ruin the stomach,- bat Allen's Bil lons Physic, a vegetable mlxtare acts oickly, aad aiecuiaujr cures. ., a cumut. ju au-arugtsisia. crnil i !-'". ..... :j.vii , ; -; ConSmitloi 4,sire r An bid physician, retired, from prac tice, having had placed in his hands bv an East Indian missionary the formula of a complete vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent 'cure!' of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, 1 1 ij 1 '1 I i , j positive and radical cure for Jfervous Debility and ' all Nervous ' complaints, alter aaviag testea its- wonuerrm cura tive tiowers ini thonaaada of :cmm. h felt It his duty to make it knows o- hi nuzering -xeuows CiActuated 'By this motive and a desirec-ta relieve human suffering. I will $end f roe of charge, to ail who desire it, this recipe inGflrman,' uiencapr naignsn, with, iuu airections for preparing and using , Sent by mail by addreeaine with stamp, , naminz this' paper', w; X't JJOYES . H9 , Power's ewe, wocnestertP wnui; - ' " CHBtoTTi. N; TJ July 25. 1884 - The friends ef-.Ma1or J. M - Davis call on him through Tax Obskbvkb this week, to say. whether he Is oris not a candidate for the ' office of sheriff of Mecklenburg county.) In reply let it be said,', that, while Major Davis has not announced hta lm tenttonso . become a candidate, and has not urged any claims . upon the. voters , ot the- county his friends know him well enough' to feel safe In say ing that 11 ne 8 noma oe tne choice 01 tne nomina ting convention for that office he would respond to his county. : Ana. let tt. be said,- further, 11 elected, th rtHn of Mecktenbunr 'Will bave a ahcrlfl tn whose hands the duties of the office will be lalth- . fully and efBdently discharged. A man of vigorous' health, untiring saerey and i conscientious ndenty to any trust, be would fill the. office to the Satlafao tion oralt- . , -'" itAHxyo-rjaa. To-THCmzmaof .MstXutKBoaa'CcHTirrTa o . The friends of 8. B. : Smith announce bJm ss a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner, sttbjeet-to the Democratic- nominating convention. Mr. Smith has filled the office forth -past twayears lis amanner acceptable to the people. Not a. word -of complaint has been raised la Any Quarter, and the tact of the greatly reduced expenses during his .term ot- office commands him to favorable .consid eration at the hands ot the voters or Mecuenbusg, - '-. . 1 " ilwrf Ic-JK-t The friends of W. W. Grler announce him a can didate for Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the DemocraUc nominating conyentln. , j ,.,; . ' X"For Iteslster of JDeeds. 1 The friends of Mr. J. W. Cobb announce h&n as. a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg county. He haa been tn the office for '8 years under the good old William Maxwell, and la now well qualified to fill the office as chief.' His name will be before the Democratic County Convention for that office. . , -SicSC Jj h 'A vciil i " For Register of Deeds. .' Mallard Creek township suggests- the the name of W. Batte Harry: -for the. office -of register of deeds, as now Is' the time to bring the one-leg- ged an4 one-armed a one-annea soiaters o uie ironi, at. OLD SOLDIERS, ', ;,-,:,A CandMate WltUravr. , i-: To the Editor of 4he Obsbbvxb: . i ? i have decided to withdraw my name as a candi date for the office of sheriff. I am under many ob ligations to iy friends for the support promised me, but for private reasons I am no lonf er a candi date. .1 .. J. W. HOODy, r July ZBth, 18t.v-!::. ."-i - i. v . . . .1 Cwsidldate for SherlfT ! c' The many friends ef J. Wtt Klrkpatrlck, nomi nate him as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing election, sub ject to the-action of-the -Democratic county con vention. . , JIAKY. VOXtRS. ,i JimeUdtaklJil T wil ti . The many friends, of ' CapL-X. . A, Potts propose hliwHrasa 'ntj wmlaee-fof the high office of sheriff of this county, subject to the action of the Democratle Meeklenburg, count convention, j Hs la a true and tried Democrat, eminently qualified for the position, and will add much. strength to. the Democracy o our ounty -- Jia S1AHT viTKas. i befriends of rJ, Bv MeCIlntoclt propose lil name as a candidate for the ofilce ef Countv Trias- urer, subject to the ratlfleatioa of the DeaiocrUc eooventlowV- V.- r'-:r. f.r-v- j f Tne finances trr tne county, cave oeen so wen managed by that excellent soldier, Capt. Bslk, that tax-payers of all shades of poll) ,yers 01 au snaoes orponucai cutn willrearet his retirement, but If he decides not again stana for the officer air will be pleased tf his successor is one who- carries about the same badge of honor! jjet as nominate ana eiect Mr. meuurjiocK. rune it, itsca. 5S MKiWirrWW .. )?;': 'u'" ...teJi-iO'T tffB tfffi-T.-lO sili! ttgiri H-.ii!I !m;Hi,i Una .irt-SJoa lt-ot.-.m ? st'fi-l ! . -,. ; ' - -- ' ,B1 W Green ami Black Imperial, v A 5IfY6ung Hjsoii, Natural Leaf Japan, v I()lrQs6l06ldnyind English Breakfast!, BARNETT fciLEXANDER PIN T OPS &C&D EM Y ffi: vVtihia, for Boys and Young rhen. ''tuhi equip ped. Begins September 10th. Send for catalogue. RXV. EDGAR WOODS, Pa. D., J no-PrtndnaJS JOHN a SAMPSON, A. M., JuvTmcIpalf juiyzaeoaaa -. y ?:!;;: . . Factflc Short Line Via i " I - & fa LiTTLE ROCK R RI, 111 3 vl Ins Ially . for Texas, rj. ?4 t".! ;';! .-od litiiixfWT til- i 1'.' -B.l - Irom AtlantCrsiVteLllBocki A Atlanta to Little Bode W SIX AND ONE HALT m . Francisco via the Memphis routa-1 Do not he decefyea fey'agents of long and clma tous reotes with promises of same time as by the Short Line - Parties desiring Books, Maps, and Schedules of Arkansas and Texas, or any other tuf ormatton; will do weHrtO wrlte to or see In per son nemienigned agent. - , ue win meet you at any time or place and assist you . in getting your tickets and baggage checked through. , 1 ; i ,r , , KUlXJiiril rwiL, j.-. - .--j General Manager and Beceiver. i s M v, , - - D. MILLEB, J & A WILLIAM3, Passenger A rent, Charlotte, IS. C, or Atlanta, Ga P. 0. Sox 2m.. ... . . .. maj23tf , -..-, gdujcatioual - KKSKINE CQLLEGE' Due Wcst, ySdtb, Carolina. The forty fifth session ef this Institution opens on the first Monday In October next. Thorough college course. Delightful climate. Moral and re Uglous Influences specially good. Preparatory de- jKu-uDeniincnarge ei tutor, jsxpenses only $160, Apply for catalogue to W. M. GRIER, Due West, A ' .,-v.'.. ... ,.., I I- -r.-v t ... juiyzMuoi -JSreensbiro Female CollepN. C. 'The 57th session of this well esttbllshed and vioiruu!i tuauiuuou wui Dcgln on the - ; -ii SOiU CAmgnmU 188-1. Tjocation accessible; healthrur and pleasant Tac alty efficient and falthruk Thorough work la all departments ef Instruction. , sT r ; T ....TT. Board. nxnluaivA of HKuihlne ! 'ltt.t.' .- tultloiln fuU English eourae, per session WcJ9 WTOWl 9IU.VJU, . 'ft ..'.'.' - .y ; , . . Charges for extra studies moderate. ". .. 1 , Koreaudogues apply to . T. M. JONES," ' july6dtf , - President. i Female Academy; J ml . ; The VOX Term, of - the Eighty-first -Annual See-' sion tiejrins Thursday, September 4th. Vorcata-- JulylldJKwJw ?f KKV. Ji. HON BTHAf .EH. p. D, . t i.r..l -f tYIacbn School. III t H9 acnoM,, iTeparatorr and Aeademfc, will - .. . . . - , ,;?:- - vicu iu iitiL peKwiuii, uit jiouuay.. tne ist 01 Hen teuiber. 1884. - -- t. .. r Boys orenared for thA lrrmhmitn imA Ainhnum vxvuraui uurvoutsgusBua-universrues. . j j or particulars auaresa ! ... u i"i: jj i K .j.-.W. A.BARBIEIt "tir ', jTuy20dlm iiiteyiIIiV:;Ili:Mpot .J.J ... w ..-i .. . , ' i .V 1 i .'Next Session opens on'tbe iStfr'ef eenttmlwr I OlK.nof ltn grade. .Excellent mutucal department fup'ls prepared foMhe-Junior or 'Senior Class of anjr Rolieae,, ;i7 en .'j-.-.y ! i --.-.j HEY W. W. tH. l.H - t .i-.-.. Prinolnitkii-7 rur ian nfnMinnnwnurm'KPr-w-w rtnu nt .xiupKravuie. iuu.for.anewaataioguec:ivf i - , JulyUeodlt ,c. ;r t. y-,.,i .,.i 1 fi slriviHrrsfcHdo1', ia 1 inn 1):.,, ljj"i' tw Sea For M, , The Advent Term. : the 7th TVhI tihnAi! ston. begbur Vfcursriay. Septeuber lHli.-li4.i catalogue address the Botor '-i i;'-,v J Julyi7i2BT - y .. ; ,.. ,c . VIRGINIA1 l'J ; vFernaie Institute, jSTAUTOTA.' Kri Gen.'J. B. Stuart Prmelnal.' The merit mffidnn of ntfia mont.hu trin yiuf. .' it .liu ficieut teachers In every department..- Number lim ited. Terms reasonable. Vot full particulars apply juiyieoaew; - ' - Instruction lnrthe usual academic atudkw StM in the professional schools ot ,Law and Engineering. Location healthful; expenses moderate. Session oins September -IBs- -i"or, .catalogue, address "Clerk of the faculty;" ' ' ' julySeodlm . ,.-)V -lr ,(?. W. C.;LEEPresldeBt4 ;., 4- B Established 1s the Only School far Boys lrithe South, with GAS LIGHT, aflrst-classGTMNAgilJM, anda elas8 Bth Housed :x; n , . i- T7T;.j; - ne eourse preparatory or Finuhing. -. i re b a inoroughjy eqtuppea school Of To raphy. Special terms to young men of small means.! 181st Session Begliis July-aoth: - I jrot, uataiogue, aoonsis, fri-tr-iM i IAM.I i.ur T jbubdou w.iumgnanvHCBO0ti . KBOCLESBdECl CO0NTT, K. O, 1 - The next Session oneus on THURSDAY.. KKP TFVH1CH1I r .- 1 SorCatHluguea apply , to the CLSRK.0F Tfli FACULTY. - r I KV. V . .,; ', j i :'-mayl4deodw!M ;tii', x oO!4sjo- u4ut I I 119-iBlgj:' ygll OJI?i IftOl lioqiii Two .Courwa Jor . Dpsrwesr Rltw Baslnefia Prepamtory Comes? -French WMWJermanspokfcn instrucuoR- UMougmT wnraxyj-uoW. B&t religious and moral Influences,' . 2 DHtl ritory, and Mexl and Mexico". S2mT Session . beelns-ln.Sfen. tonlk. . iatulofeuri free. ' A'1n?s OJ ! - JUUKi D. DHEUEB, President, j Salem, dt rl eji i .olfiowj -?.Mim ol iBSIrtcd. i. ,i J .T DO j JfcSi il dot: U- I. A. JL83i Vfi lEIUK. feT r.-?i-g ig:i.t..'a.'a....,i.f-?.. . ..... J. Irnfiardinet -icU 2i Tftv-it&if wa t tr? fit 'I '1 Ilulk aL Triple Ei- JasmiTL; . i. .i-i-rj w Upper .Tan,.-; Sweet Cmr'Frauponni,.' Violet, . B ,T-, " , - Ocean tipray, v; j Jockey CUubi '.,Wc6t Eodc rw ? j 1 Y.-V MossEose.,' , i '' Prescripttona dispensed at ViQ hwurs of day or nlt,bf Graduate ef Pluuriudcy.. , Two Presorlptionist sleep over the store, i r - j ., i,j -5.4, in th nmii-jjv-i:i.sizLzsi r.oum 1.icVK-t-nrira.-H--JriJs-?l..iSt;(r...' . T rromthewqrJdJBest fl-V -K3fi2 1 -llrl t"-lliiti,l iiimiiisWLi I !i; i. -. . . s-f 1 T.-Ui'O "tit 111 r Liiii -v iiivlrf!t la obofrt -irm or which we have a most attrlietlvo Varied. the jdty who waut a reliable 'l4ad to go tor .! '.(- r: ! ft f.c fiobifcTs'i fM lns Ttovm . ftOH ;mI ijHiStnaoo-Jf wis tb-uswol Jys MrmswngsvCni6renjta; etaVeW'.-hrelnvKed to call 1 F00? many of our Pl'l8 ahsefitlng AnenwHiep from ear-city, end . befcH' dbCofaertnc a ""K Jwrney it would be well to -I f trttned with a TMster and Umbrella tor eotskM 'proteeUo. while the best pesslUe tra teUlng suit a summer Is on ec our light gossasaar'weignt iTTr? ,VVM,auT1' ii . , .. i i jh'rtH e j ,;v-j tj. f r.j xrtr O - -re ii it-ifii it.rrq.is fii w.. rauwn journey waves toe wearer ot a wo n garment A. sanSatLtft arenruKhed. ThoSeersucker Suit gaes totaa lanndry MUDlatlns a tour-sheuld took-hm for whatsvnr tttat gimwi wuuw -UfMI UOTiTCU liVUi 9 Uii-7i.:iqot9 ii-cfi .xsa l s.ob 'KiJT UrO- OT5W W liUOff) i i'lif. mjf'-.if IIi i'uoil llosi'iuo-f- nr b"Jiijn'inw ot-w llftl m-vrf-f bun tr!;:Uf-fiiJ sun lifi -1 ;i-bJ wad &i:o foi I -THv'j irrvv iliiw l"ii,j4-illi ;T'a vILi;i: Jt uvi.fi sbsmtfia'&i oswioa r Hat than lu liave ' f r.-.t., f V .-.-.-roo r. Km O 3iof,jw'"Ui;ris I . ovaa 1 fl jiil b;u- vbi;ilte fit Y-fll iUK I b:u- VUil! fti X-J3jsJ !UKj :-ofqr;-..i:'i ---i oi Toai ?..n.H 'foii .':;;: ' i--:- -.q .':!') j .- Of 4tanr MJnWi bt&utoi aAlflJa.' &ii?sid Mfty ouaunar uuawiw lesc. vur oe(MtaiBnt or iuoujivf .MWPuroeooa-aBMen poys. m hiiiilhil M . WilJ ban ,-biiXi .ijyoLi -io 0frt a-liiJ Oili iiv;di oiOi itiiiia aovlovnt (.Ifiufiiviiird-L.'v.. rdiiidin no" 892ft ic airvi luolo -sdJiii d 10 -,."Odl . ;--;iii;iihj oiU ai . iu -b(twi 918 5; -InHiUnq .YTrrH xtrioV eiANQS.ANp! Sheet trand srou a uKeexpenomtre OTiSUIl oftn whIWv nroenre, ( demand, and "evervbuilv wunra 'enti' . .Wrf hum iimsuipA ajegular-'-i'- J'iH'l P--.-TT 5fiiti:vi.-rf oJ Loii;l'.ao otOi-i-.aJ r : ; reign i. ja-ii io enoiJ-jiiSfll 7rTio8i-iJjmx CrktteMiBkiHaBi.Ch&rrottei ttte2mtiOik rt9 gi sin gmua oastdT .C0,Sae,S.f lo i-iiqa so- fciqiwsa A?ffM K!.3vi .siorx laioooa oils saibirfyai dol ;0IU ).$ lo oauaioai tui ,222. r r lu t.j ju is 1 T ' - , - lfT aurano iol rrwinDfiJiw enow tnsui I TT7I 1 i I MTV II 1 J eat workvOt flbvernrnent BeformI - -District futhefUnlonl montftM1 Bauble, here to jour omwrtimitr. b i-!:;: Jferieal Bvem T no't 'sf!iboo9iqQfU liiiw I i ww rjaencHhanv aaareaBimravemeTAU taign . tor fobttixenthl ..Qr.,theJiaiix ad taytUMfthrvtk3Arr,il t:lliml 8&tb ) fr w Vcjw.ogr.Tirg 1 - . . J i i J bauoa tirFm'S.ear ;ebni;oq tTS I jl lo iTiiiJiD,il uaa ; fivaiXKj I I'-i.r.li ''--av.-r'.'Ut j.'f. , 'twill gjiHwi i n Jnciafrti : soil T-wyw eJirvnaa inmnzw rumcHi ''A t -rirr i -IfS LnM 't(r nod 5 - ' r ,1 Ivs,wniiliiUm!ii-.I:'-::lJ: Sft ,o. r Mve ttaiein h nrJ?S9-4-4 -..IK - j ajjive ajtfr-narioffe i .i-v,.,: .7.UU Mail i Arrive at Ralegh atuUl.tZlA8Q r, tOGB3-rPsseeer Car Attache Leave CSarlotte'at ' .1 w. ... Arrive LeHrlnborg-at,L;vi,':. A Leave Laurtobargat..;j.Uu.Ukr- .Ar.:;B.oofr.4.'t ki-ill... -K.UO s: K. a ak T1. i t-t A. - ' - O C n - r rassenger. Trams stop ai regular stsvonajmy, and points -deslgDatocl Jta the Coropaoy's Tlnie Table.? -.fiXii.i ,Yfi i SBBTtUvtSTONVPAesraG ' ;,i-.-,- fii f -! ::i ' i'-; s . :iait I ,r.l.'K-.vJV Ceave Oiwi8SSj?feiiJr ttke' feiose-neetibn. it Trains Nos. 1 and' 2 Hamlet with R. ft AvTi rains to and frasi Batulcl Through SleeDUie Cars between WAmlaskai and Charlotte and BaleTgh ami Ctuu-Mta.. . ' . I Take Train No.; :ior. tikvllle, stsllons on Western N. C. K. R.. AshevlHeiind Dolnls west. 1 Also, for Spartanburg, tfreeuvllie, Athens, At lanta ana au pouus somawtsi, , , .. ' ' " , Superuitendent r. w. utanc, uen. iss. agent. naylUM ; , - fc , , ( -5T1 Pf.-.'MSCU -v.."i-J? Jl PASSNGUk.MAUi AND KXB&SS3 TBAI5 Arrive at boeioy afc,x .k.u . ,t;ioau AAA a t ev vuuiiviiwr n r f , - ; 1 H B . k .... .. i v,t . . ii. rr - tKMll UitJ. I: , ,i!i.V5 fl-tj HL" '19(6 lr f rm" i, . L'-. rt-Jis .'Ti'.' ... -a J,ua . S" .lt 1 11 tlX SI Jivst ri; of mi !! ris jn vl ld edT M bold 4u4 Uswedarve. tfcat a and returat trmh tnr mutiw trt.. .Bri ft Ifof wearing appareL Tkntora te Jl ,n-jW7cri 1 :ir:it fKj:(J.fj Z rsflt) nli. il I ui j a if Al!s wad rU JwdJ t Ju-..i.-1 'i .. -ri w?.:Kjia .w ji I!:T m!lll T". .i!t.Wriff Jiwi B ,1ASfi ST)rrrj RU on us. and aa a aleasant eomonninn for a nmnw ?u hnUntien- Seenatcltfc-Sutta at (2X0, are 'generously lorwir jwtjtiful customers, and i . h p "i ITC'l7 !l 4 t3.na. va . fall suppi otnlta atasc.. wye Wafete, Bhouid and attenUoa 1 1 .1 S I '")'.? I H MA K y - I 1 U l A" ' meet. KcSHITH HUS1C r0 a Mil. ORGANS itm. . A fl Music and Music Books. inrtruratHits. violliis. tars. B-uiios. Hanooijlcns. Accord oiis. OrgiuiertK Doubl basses. lutes, i uie Strings, ri trdMT frnia thlu hmiu anil wui have Uiut , jiauney PBICIS THE LOWJ8TI 1 1 j- i TlMS THE EASST Ludden Bates' Southern Mosle icq I n n a rv :o:- luOflf: -w -' . -; x .. : mDramosv toe en cue penoor tne rresuamiujiUD- A,t ii-t .t- m i i - ,a VTna. rj w ,DAl11iiJ riroii) WJXS tLa.i .bttftiriAM o vtoq x1" j11 1H1! 1 I IIS WKim .-- -' - . 1 ill: '. . v : .s'vrtiJissa,r32 CDS' ki v.m :Crocfaetwarej;Tlirwae1 Bnsleni amd tjoanvauyj , v.;s .v,a ' "BespeetfnUy, ' r. X 5 vJwwt3 MI, VartotJ fi MoMItLlAN. 1 tr 1 HotMe,8aTftrffrah6a C i Jt 's . w - t srtrfuM t ' I f ? I - If s fc: - I, , 1 J" ' ti V 1 hi .it: f a i 1 i: X i

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