ABioIutely.Pure ,,ir never varies. A marvel or puri y nils .Kt, wbolesomeness. More eom ,c ;. ArHinary Kinds, auu cumvi u unththBmmtitudeof low test, snort Ku"n ornswpiiate powders. Sold 01 W in ,2t. KlUJ Wholesale by MO. Charlotte, f Cr iyi The Feeble Grow Strong i sn Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is used to pro Lie assimilation of the food and enrich the blouL Indigestion, the chief obstacle to an acqul s'Uun of strength by the weak. Is an ailment which hihlliDlv succombs to the action of this peerless corrective. Loss of flesh and appetite, failure to leeD and growing evidence of premature decay, sneedUy counteracted by the great lnvlgoraut, which braces up the physical energies and fortifies the constitution against disease. For sale by all Druggists ami Dealers generally. ' OFFERS TO THE 1 ! 1'IVlv TONS I) lite ire TW EN T Y B AR RELS A Large Stock Colars, Varnishes, Etc. Of -ALSO ONE CAR LOAD Al 4T GLiQSE PRICJJS. T. II. McADEN IsrnKglst. REMARKABLE. Catsumn, . C., July 9, 1884. yJ&K& J us&f ybw DysWaic'inxtare four ofS.'U perfeet and permanent Ihnw Mlne was tne worst ise I ever saw. Pman,rt a,Kreat man7 thelrcurtr was also ,'"a'wilt- I now eat what I please. : .. r Dyspeptic Ml I hereby certify that the cases of la where see'rr rV 8 PepUc Mixture m used rva Jr " wsrmanenuy cured, created some is Tnar alnL " Onecaae was Jlilst, 1884 E.NraHrmarjsoji,M.D. ' ChMio a i C 8mlth ft Co., 0 MLAnD i STOMACH mr(& .1 McAden Retail Trade Lead II MED OIL, irWl:;', vqre if qonain cure ior ma i whlfifeeV WltnOUt a XyVW rvur iiTsrumt-in in-j . m for bJhZZjr "MOkl", 08 W5U 8 KUieq mSQB- rruv J r. a. coixahas. i m m Arrival and Departure of Trains. Richmond and Daxvillb Arn-LnrB. . No. 50- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 150 a.m. Leavesfor Atlanta at 130 a. au No. 51 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 410 a. m. Leaves tor Riehmond at 4 30 a. ro ,N,?-62 A11" at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.86 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 5a-Arrlves at Charlotte from Atlanta at 655 p. m, Leaves for Richmond at 70 p. m. Charlotte, Colombia and Augusta. Arrives from Columbia at 615 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. - C..C.&A. A., T.&O. Division. Arrives from Stateavllle at 1030 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 7:15 p. m. Carolina Central. Leaves for Wilmington at 8:45 d Laurinbunt at 7 SO a. m. m., and for Arrives from Wilmington Laurlnburg at 3 :45 p. m. at 7 a. m., and from C. C Shelby Division. - Leaves for Shelby at 635 p. m. Arrives from Shelby at 12 K p. m. Mails. General Delivery opens at 730 a. m.; closes at Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.: Mnufl lit. K n m 1 Indications. South Atlantic States, generally fair "cwuer, vixrmuie wina.8, nearly ouaniyjmxry temperature. Township iNeeiiu&i and County Con-Yi-ution. lownship meetings to select dele gates to the Mecklenburg county convention will be held at the vari ous polling places in the townships, on Saturday, 30th day of August. In the township of Charlotte, the meeting to select delegates will be neid as follows: Ward 1, Aug. 29th. 8 p. mM mayor's court room; Ward 2, Aug. zatn, 8 p. m., mayor's court room; Ward 3, Aug. 29th, 8i p. m., at court house; Ward 4, Aug. 29th, 8 p. m., at court house. Uounty convention will be held at court house, at 12 o'clock, on Mon day, the 8th day of September. LOCAL RIPPLES. -'- J. H. VanNess, the photographer, has just returned from the northern markets. " There were three hundred and fifty-five calls at the telephone ex- change yesterday. Mi. and Mrs. .J. K. Wolfe, and Messrs. R M. Miller, Jr., and LeRoy .springs nave gone to JNew York city. The only visiting member of the bar noticed in the court house yes terday was Mr. Charles Price, of Salisbury. . The citv eraded schools oren on September 15th, and about fifteen nunarea utile ones in unariotte are already preparing for the event. The firemen's parade yesterday afternoon was not a very great success, though the Independent .hook ana Lauder boys made a good show. Parties who have returned from the mountains say that the country is literally filled with people, even the country boarding houses having es many as they can accommodate. The removal of the iron railing from the pavement m front of Arndt's Central saloon makes a de cided improvement in the appearance of things thereabouts. The Athletic and Brown nines engaged in a game of base ball yes terdav afternoon and the former club was defeated, the score standing: Brown , Athletic 8. The political campaign has evi dently opened in Pennsylvania, be cause the Charlotte soap factory yes terday shipped a considerable lot of soap to that portion of the moral vineyard. One of our subscribers is very anxious to learn the whereabouts of Mrs. Nuttall. mother of Aus Nuttall, formerly of this place. Any infor mation sent to this office will be glad- ly reuetvuu. The Democrats of Catawba held a countv convention at Newton, last Saturday, and nominated M. O. Sherrill for the Senate, and A. A. Shuford for the Boue. No Qther nominations were made at the tune our informpt Jef t. Throueh parties from Spartan burg, S. U, we Kara tha young George Jjowers, wflo was Boqt uy Welsh, about a week ago, is still living andtbere are some hopes for his rficoverv. The Welsh brothers have not yet been captured. It is said bv those who ought to know, that a better grand jury than the present pne i?3 wbvpf ufw. At any rate, the eyjl doers are qua- kine. A number of true aim were found by the grand Jury yesterday. An advertisement elsewhere an nounces that Mr. A. C. Springs has lost a tine mule. A good reward will be paid for its delivery to him at 3?ort Mia, BJ i or feuchihfdrmatlo'h as wul lead to his recovery oi tne prup- erty. ' ; i Openiazof the nfpriqr Ccrt. The Aucust term of the Inferior nnnrf. fnr Mecklenburg QQURtY. oon- vened in the oourt house yesterday mrninir with Justices Wanng, iznma and iltivas. oresiding, and Solicitor Grier representing the State, Thfi irrand lurv was arawn a?ia vm a oS fniinwR-. " Jr. 'Mr." Dates. foreniari;Cr. P. Alekander, p. W. Barnett. Im C McCoy, C. T. Deweese, Cr F. Brantley, a. 'j;. uaiaweu, Robinson, J. p. Ritch, W. M. H. C. Iccleet, - BUjendg, Hooyer, Eli Earnhardt, W, W. nett. .Tnef.if Warm sr. caairman then nwUuuHui ts ohnrra tRe grand nury ;n v,ia ,,a,ioi nloar And able style, in oH wortinfl' to the bawdv house matter. he charged the grand iutqes particu larly as tbtheirutielin - the' prem ises. The oity had turned the cases over to the Inferior tjourc ior prutso if fionvictions and punisn ment do not follow, it will not be te r-.-n. r iun iminil -inrv or of the Kt it will hfl'on "account Of the mnliiriants faiirng to 'furnish the Wiring's Charge a TrT-xT hivhW ftomDlimentea by those who heard it. Everything he thA ooutt. in tne aftemo(ai, proceeded o busmesa, and I the following cases were disposed of j fltetfl vs. Rufus wuuams, coiorcu, disposing of mortgaged property Dismissed on payment of costs. o. .ra w a p TTflnderson. sell- in mortgaged property. Dismissed ayment qt qobws - State s. Joe. Mann and Ben Hall, affray:: "Judgiheiit suspended on pay- " LUCLiV Vt www. J State vs. Lee ttarman. -, :, r . . nuonnna I URmiRHeu uu po t U4FV y . ! n mwrnm-nr. a,. ! t . - " ' ' Skate vs. Uhas. Swann, cplored, spate vs. aigey wi .i1" Mother. If you are faulng.Jbroken, worn OTrtdnervous, nse "WeU's Uealth Benewer 1 ,-tU j Druggists. . Prevent sickness by taking occMionajjy pneof EMOBY'S LITTLE CATHTIO---- ft Bar- ful appetizer, au iukmuum? raw enW - . -.; .- " THE BROKE?. SKULLS, Cnrus in Prison and Boone iv a Low Condition.-Taking; Oat a Handfoll ot Bone Thp Victim of the Poplar Tent , Fight .Slightly- Better-- HI ore About the Latter jFight. As The Observer forms were going to press Sunday morning about one o clock a glare of gas light shone through the windows of the police headquarters, and from the street it could be seen that the room was filled with people. The preliminary hear ing of W. D. Curtis, superintendent of the Charlotte ice factory, for crush ing the skull of Daniel Boone, as re lated in this paper Sunday morning, was; in progress. Chief of Police McNinch was presiding, and the room was full of policemen and witnesses. Only a few questions were asked, when Captj McNinch, being satisfied as to the gravity of the case, ordered Curtis to ibe locked un until this morning, when the facts in the case wul be investieratfifi hv t.h Mr. W. H. Bailey has been employed to defend Curtis, and Jones & John ston will appear for Boone. There are several reports in circulation con- 5erning the difficulty, but in justice 10 Dotn parties, the matter should rest until tne evidence is given before the mayor this! morning. Boone is much more serioiislv hurt than was at first thought. 0n an examination of his head yesterday by several surgeons. it was decided that trepanning was necessary, and it was accordingly resorted, to. It was then that the serious character of his iBjuries was manifested His skull, on the rear part of thelhead. had been driven in two inches! and the brain was filled with pieces of shattered skull. Asa result of th;e trepanning, the doctors took out a handfull of shattered bone. Thej skull was also badly in dented, but the brain was relieved of the pressure as far as possible. The injured man, according to the state ment of the doctors, is in a critical condition. Qne strange feature about his case is the fact that with all the shattered bone resting upon his brain he did not 1 once lose consciousness. The police yesterday summoned about fifteen witnesses, and the trial this morning will draw a large crowd to the mayor's office. Keports from William Ferris, the man who had his skull broken at Poplar Tent fair, are to the effect that he ;was yesterday somewhat better, and; there are now hopes that he may eventually survive. Mr. Chas. Hunter, of this county, says he was with Ferris at the time of the diffi culty, and' that a Cabarrus youth named Cowan Gardner threw the stone at Ferris. Hunter was about fifteen feetl off at the time the rock was thrown. He heard no quarrel between Ferris aud Gardner, but heard the rock hit Ferris and saw Ferris fall. Huntwr started for Gard ner, when jGardner threw a rock at him. but missed. Hunter and Gard ner clinchejd and fell, when Gardner beat Hunter over the left eye with a rock. The parties were then sepa rated, ana Ferris was placed in a Wagon and carried to the home ol his mother in his county. Trouble on fFry on Street. In behalf of the patient, lone suffer ing and long sorrowing residents of Tryon street, from the corner of Sev enth to the Lincolnton depot, The Observer throws up its hand and begs the attention of our good lord mayor for a moment. Come with US and let s take a quiet stroll down that way at eventide; when the katydids are singing eacn otoer to sieep, ana the hackmen go whooping by to. catch the evening train, and when the street lights disappear as u a veil had been thrown over them, and the very skies are ooscurea by the uprising billows or aust. That is the hour when our oity fathers ought to take their prom enade along Tryon street. That s the hour when everybody living down that way dught to invite them ouj to tea. The dust m tne locality named is really and without doubt worse than it has ever been known. The brick sidewalks are hidden under a coating so thick that tracks can be maae in it; tne trees are stuccoed and a slight rain would make mud on tne nousetop.g.. -inia is tne reai situa tion and the people should have re lief. Let the street sprinklers make a couple of rounds the entire length oi ri or tn Tryon street every ay ana down tne aust. "iair a. ioar is better than no bread," and if the sprinklers cannot be run there regularly, let them go by onge. m a while. Meeting of the Campaign Club, The Democratic campaign club held a meeting at the court house, last night, 'agood crowd being present. FresidentrWaiker took the chair and Mr. J, W, Cobb acted as secretary. The committee on ' the flag appointed at the last meeting was discharged, and a new committee 'appointed as follows: W. N. Mullen, i N. Taddy, B. L. B. Davidson, J. M. Mendel a&d W.:H. Harris.' This' committed was requested; to procee!d at ' once in col lecting funds to procuTe he ftag. lp. Ernest iUiaina presented the matter of moulding a sun for campaign pur poses, (toJmake noise only), with the assistance! of the elub. It was referred to the executive committee with power to I act. The following resolu tions wee offered by Col. John E. Brown arid were adopted ; Resolved. That this club meet in reeula 'isBssibn 6n ' Monday night of eaeil alternate "week, 'the nextmeet ing to be held on Joncjay night, the 1st day !of gentemher, provided, nevertheless, that tne President may call snecial meetings when in his oninioh advisable or necessary. '-r- 1 mi i. TI..Anjtvt Ivyv JtCSOlVeu, xuaij mo rrrawoui iro authorized to invite a Democratic speaker or speakers to address the club at its next and subsequent meet- iriora -! ' "& . .1! Thfi firiakev Newbern Journal says ; Th storv of fif tv-two young snakes Fnnnrl in onA nnfLKA IS eCllDSea UV JUE. . -o - t .. - , -I i ir- T P ("Jlsirka and Mrs. Morgan, who obtained! a "swamp lion" enafee p very larjge eiye on Thursday, and in preparing it' on: yesterday found sixty-one young snK.e m a ncu State mi the specimen, iub jovvts snakes are at our office on exhibition, and. we shall he pleased to have our trienap cau ana see tueui. - Satisfactory Evidence. J. W. Graham, Wholesale druggist of Austin Tex., writes: "I nave been nanaung m. nu. .ii7a Uu io-rvi rrr rna .iinoii iiir i.iin iimbl icati auu A vnH It nna Cif thA TTlOflt AfllAfU)ie 111601011168 1 jaw ivuuu mv vuv ww w-- - , have ever had In my house for cougus, colds, and n Mmsnnintion. alwavs elvlnx entire saustac- For sale by T. c. smitn x ixj-.xiiariuwc, . . an20dtae8frUsunw. . f Cash Well Sneat, . . - ended In personal adornment is onen i rf,c i,rn bi-MrIhA nt no intrinsic vaiue, uvitu v- .w ... ,rr--rTT1 ,( . . . 1 v"iiv. 5f S wnrtH ita irteew, uwls cash iv the Miranaser. WUi nut mm? v: teeth regular, they i who use are astonished at the rapid improve ment it effects In the dental row. Moreover, they breathe sweetness, and have healthy gums ana ruddy lips. IIoraford Acid Phosphate -' l. 1 Admirable results In Fevers. ' Dr. J. 3. ByanVst Louis, Movsajs: "I IJmJ- from wasting an I deblUtatlng dlseaaea, with admi- rabte T&ivM. I also Dud It a tonic to an enfeebled condition ot the genital organs." , THE SOLD1EUS' KEUNlOIf. Why Senator Ransom was not Himself. To the Editor oi Thb Observer. Ptosville, N. C. Aug. 18, 1884. Please permit me. When I said Gen. Ransom was not himself, that he spoke too long and the crowd tired, I had not time to add, as I now desire, that the matter of his speech, like all that comes from him, was brainy and of a patriotic and high type of states manship, uut there are times wnen a man's stomach fails him in a speech as in a fight. The General said to mo before he began that he was scared, and I hear that while on the train coming here he said to a friend he felt in no trim fcr making the speech he wished. I think proper to add this in justice to the reputation of the man, for 1 well remember the greatest political speech I ever heard was a three hours ettort of Kansom s on the court house green at Hillsboro in September, 1880. And he held the crowd entranced during it all. But they were sitting down that helped and then Kansom was in concert tune. Here the crowd stood up, had marched almost a mile and were standing for over an hour before he came. Another thing, too, that lamed him : he had hardly uttered his first sentence before some fellow citizen on the outskirts of the crowd cried "louder." He said himself, I hear, that it winged him, and from that time out he seemed to labor in the manner of his delivery. Keid's address of welcome was an eloquent production and well deliv ered, and Mrs. Henry Sampson's poem on the occasion was admirable ; never sung harp from the willows a sweeter, sadder song, and like a drum tap of inspiration, it calledthe living to the dead and sealed their devotion in heart-wrung cheers that they would ever be true to the manhood and memory of the comrades who had fallen on the held. QAbout five thousand present. Col. A. J. Boyd was in command, seated on the stand was his venerable father Geo. D. Bovd. Esq., for so many years the distinguished State Senator from this county. He loosed in per fect health. He gave four sons to the army and lost three, all gallant officers. Col. Sam Boyd, who fell at the head of the 45th N. C. Mr. Wat son, of Forsyth, who was a private in the same regiment, paid an eio quent tribute to Col. Sam Boyd. He was by his side when he .tell and helped bury him. There was a soldier present from this county, a member of Co. K., 13th N. C, who had seven bayonet wounds, two sabre cuts and two gun shot wounds musket balls). Got them all at Williamsburg, May 5th, 1862, when the 13th locked bayonets with the enemy. His name is Ward. The flagging of the town was lively union and confederate. The largest confederate flag was in front of Michael's drug store. There was a union flag up that had gone through the war. The old battle flag of the 13th N. C. Regiment brought tears, and many ISthers embraced. Capt. p. Hill, of Richmond, who was quartermaster of the regiment had it in charge. He treasures it next to his wife. I saw old soldiers shedding tears during nearly all of the speak ing. As the procession moved down the street an old soldier citizen had his wife in a buggy to witness it. First came the new military in their spank new suits arid shining guns; then the brass band ; then the float with thirteen young ladies beautiful ly dressed in white, and then the old soldiers. And as the old lady looked on them without guns, in rough dress, aa it were, f nendless, money less, and some, maybe, homeless, it was two much for her woman's heart, and her head went down to her hand kerchief. The old soldier husband sat holding the reins and sa v ing nothing. When the procession had passed his wife looked up and said ; "John, are hot my eyes too red to go to the grounds !" "WOr-but Mary " said he "you have relieved yourself by weeping. Now, I feel as badly as you, but I can't weep, and I want to fee better before we go to the grounds, sup pose you h.oJd the reins till get out and get me a drink." 4,Nb,n said, she, "drive right to the grounas." 1 Mai. L. H. Hunt, of Milton, the Inspector General of Pender's and Wilcox s division, was present. Capt. Hereford, of Henry county. Va., who, at the age of 65, marched a company to the war and did gallant service, was the oldest- veteran on the stand, yet he is lively, and his eye kindles still. He is a great un cle to John N, Stanlea pf Qreenshpro. VRouKta on Iats' niflnra nnt. rut, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bedr bugs, skunks, chu-ma&ks, gopneis. loo. uruggisiB. Cures eolto. cramps, diarrhoea; externally. lor , cues, paina, omdiiiB, uohiwi lrouitugict, iuo atism. d or man or ueasu a au,a uvur Ifeart pains, Palpitation, Dropsical, Swellings, Dizziness, In digestion, Headache, Sleeplessness ourea or weirs uean ttenewer, Malaria is caused or torpid liver: piles by constl- tration: headache bv indigestion. avoiq mem ni by using the great vegetable remedy. Allen's BiU ous rnysic a cents. At au arygguui. defrul!:benejaclal effects of AWa Sajsaparlua. I And Yon are many. No matter how you srat It. Benson's Capclne Po rous r tasters wui cure your uyauepaut. rru uv. Consumption Lured, An old nhvsician. retired from rrac- lice, xiavmK uaA tn3H mmuo uj an Ea&f Irldian missionary the formula Of a complete vegetable remedy for the sneedv ana permanent; cure oi m- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,1 Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a Tjositive and radical cure for Nervous ftahilitv and all Nervous comnlaints. oftar hafrinir tART.a ica wonaermi cura tive rowers in thousandaof cases, has pulSEering feupwa.- Actuated by th motive and a desire to reueye nutoan suffering,' I will evA tree ot charge, to all whqrtestte it, this recipe in German, French or Enzlisn. witn lull aireonons for nrenarins and usine Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this Block, Rochester, N. Y. w6m. gew g.attegttsentg MULE STRAtED, A small chestnut colored or bay mare mule, white hose and breast, heavy build, Btj-d fwm m naarura unnnuv KWMiiMif. auuubLHUI. a uut eral reward wul W paid fof her return to mo at Fort Mill. 8. C. Any uuormauou vi nnrwiuw thankfully received.; .gi , FOR RENT 1 A desirable nve room aweimis, un kwuvu m""i with kitchen attached and an exceliew weuoi water. Apply to auglvoa B. BABBIN6ER. , DOG LOST. T.nat a amnii Switf-h or Skve Terrier, answers to the name of "Pepper." A suitable reward wul be , paw ior ine rewrn m u - 8817 . - At the Southern .Expreai Office. IT IS A We desire to keep before the public that we can supply purchasers, at an times, with BOOTS AND SHOES of the best Quality at the lowest possible prices no paper and leather-board trash, but solid, reliable honest goods, made of the very best material, by the most celebrated and deservedly popular manufacturers. All of these goods axe war ranted, and satisfaction guaranteed In every par ticular. We carry a large stock of all grades heavy Boots and Shoes suitable for farm work ; fine French Calf hand-made goods for gents' wear, and fine French and other Kid, Pebble and Kid Foxed But ton Boots, Slippers and Newports, to grace the feet of our most tasteful and discriminating ladles. Please call when you need anything in our line. s3 e3 A.- E, Rankin Sr Bro, CHARLOTTE Soap Factory, College Street, Qaither'A Block. A NEW ENTERPRISE IN THE SOUTH. TO THE CHARLOTTE PCBLIC-Why go Nonh A. for your Soap? Why Day two nrlces for a Northern Soan when you can buy, pure, unadulterated, homo made Sean at your doors? Whv not encourage home enteroriae and add your mite to the encorragementof home Industry? T take ntaasnre tn am mine am now in oraer to lnrxoauoa if m fnis. margef, at very tow UUNQRY AND TOILETS Of my own manufacture, wblcb I am ottering at prices to suit the times. I also manufacture a Vegetable Oil Soap Com pen sitlon, which gives the consumer Soap, at wft cents per Douna, not exceiieq m Qua ing, scrubbing, etc,, i ing Bed Quilts.' BJAnl gc,!iul s, fUwn.ete and W woolen CW.AIEIANDEB. ORDER School Books TIDDY & BRO., CHARLOTTE, IV. C. Largest Stock of STATIONERY In the State, Including Day Books, Ledger Memo ranoums. newer uopymg uouko, Foolscap, Letter, Note Paper, AND ENVEOPE EBCatalpsroe of. School. Books free. . - FACT. ST CO 3 "3 1 era 33 Johnwivn nioek, Tryoa Street. THOMAS REESE & CO., Have a fresh supply of TURNIP SEEO Of the following varieties. White Flat Dutch, Large White Norfolk, Large White Globe, Large Bed Top Globe, Bed or Purple Top, , Golden Bail. Soot hem Seven Top, Amber Globe, Yellow Aberdeen. Rutabagas, etc. Prescriptions compounded with pure and reliable drugs by Graduates of Pharmacy only. , THOMAS REESE 4 CO.. Wilson Bros' Old Stand. A Fine Line of STATIONERY Of the Latest Styles, Boih ia and Out of Boxes, ESPECIALLY SUITABLE? FOR LADIES, ' i Just received at Hi ASE FOR HrCaliV; Bazar Paticrns, The Best on the Market. CATALOGUES FREE. augl6dtf Houses Rented, Houses rented and rents collected, ta thedty Advertised free of charge. ...... . " , SoieiM iw. BOOK STORE H. S.COCHttl.NK5Ianaei'. -mayrtf m-c S-MH.luiii CtitiaiHoto August TO-DAY. A Great Warfare, on Old Elats, An Opportunity to GIVE AWAY PRICES." We have collected together the remnants of a very successful season In Straw Goods, and reaoived that we will not carry a single Straw Bat over. We have sold thousands and now the few dozens left must go. that we may maintain our prominent position as Hatters again next season with an entirely new stock. Our narrative told and reasons given fortius "reckless cut," we will proceed to buslneas. YOU CAN THIS DAY BUY ANY DOLLAR STRAW HAT IN OUR STOCK IFW And Keep the Other Half for Another Season's "Head Dress It seems a shame that Gallant Pack and Loyal Vacation should be reduced to rank when they have served with such marked distinction, but it Is ordered that t hey "share the common fate of all," and to-day you buy them at half price, which is not one-fourth of their value. All Straw Hats at 75 and 50 When you see a man bareheaded or sporting a shabby hat, please excuse US from any responsibility we have placed it within the power of every one to "brush up." and be genteel. In this great Straw Hat sale and sacrifice, to our friends, we trust our loss will prove their gain. E D. Xjeatta fe Bro. Don't Read This Unless yon want to be tempt ed to go to the Charlotte Mu sic House and purchase one of those celebrated Mathushek Pianos, slightly second-hand, at a greatly reduced price, either for cash or on instal ment payments. We have also several Mason and Ham lim Organs, used only a short time, and ' as good as new, having been taken back from delinqueht purchasers, which we are offering very low. Now is your time to get a bargain. A big lot of new ' instruments always on hand. Charlotte Music House, J. W. McMILLIAN, Manager. JliM REVIVED A SUPPLY OF FRUIT JARS -AND JELL.Y GLASSES, Crockery. Glassware. Tinware, Hosiery and tlons generally. Respectfully, C. M. ETHEREDGE Variety " REMOVAL. I have removed my Jewelry Store up on Trade street, next door to A. B. Nlabet Bro., where I will keep a full line of r . :,- Watchea, Cleek and Je-fvelry. An work in this line promptly done and war ranted.. ;. , aVhaubs. flOOD SIRS: tOt. BALX-CholOS O either at rooK dooobi Brtce M Bon ai . -mm ui "tTALTJABBI CITY LOTS FOB SAUt The owner wul seu ottner two. Tuaste tut oto, with good Improvements on each. Within nve minutes i pvbUs square. . THIS OFFICII la). mmA .1 I i i n 1 1 La fi ML . UAmm,JUM B.IWMIWl S4., "r iMrrl8deod's lil'PIl I UU. H. H. ItAKK, nt turn IMtftuOvf DTmaTlriaMaMlAiYaad-lMlr. For U,U MiVarkCIU. .. Sittings. ILL Wl AND Buy New Ones at dDds, cents will now be sold for 25c No.i Shore Mackerel Loose tn Barrels and tn Kits. Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Green - -arid'' Black A SPECIALTY -AT- BARNETI t ALEXANDER'S. Contrett fr: ll&siniy. i- : Theuiidenlgriedwni reeerfeWdsimtU oar 1st for erecting a stone wall around 8t Creek graveyard. , , The contemplated .waO will be 240 fardslong, 4 feet high, and at least Jfest thick, hontiacters can annlv bv letter m Id person to eatwot (he lodo,N.C,J ? TPGBIEB, BDCOLLlSl a n nlTTTk nnaersigoea n n BTOWS. Steel crees. it vfc i B F BBOWN,

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