D A LL Y CH ARLOTTE OB S E R-VER; TUE S D A"Y, A U G UST 19- 1 8 8 4; - : Dgnt :BE!ipPOSED;OfitBY Tfjii flY WORTH LESS IfirpOfij, BUT ' INSIST 0i pi These " art the OpLY-riJ ri J mi WITHOUT DRUG iD WITHOUT DULTRv-. TI0i" OP TWORLD-WIDt rfflut,- lion fW ooJs tan SOLELY on 1ERIT o.nd hih sknW wi II Smoke these and you will have the BEST. L4 for Wmk BU Li. Ion4 Gnuinz wilhout il. Frijrhtful Catarrh. . PIECES 07 BONE. For four 'years I have been afflicted with' ail very troublesome catarrh of the head. ' So ter- - rlble has its nature been that when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would frequently . come out of my month and nose. The dis charge was copious, and at times exceedingly offensive. My blood became so Impure that my general health was greatly Impaired, with poor appetite and worse digestion. , Numerous medicines were used without re lief, until I began the use of B. B. B., and ' three bottles acted almost, like magic. Since, their use not a symptom has 'returned, and I feel in every way quite restored to health. I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer to al- -most any one living on Batier street, and more particularly to Dr. L. M. GIBam, who knows J of my case. litest Elizabeth Knott. A LITTLE GOLD , V. Mr. z. A. Clark, of Atlanta, 6a., in speaking ot $480.09 in gold, desires to say to the readers of this paper, that the whole of the above . amount was spent In a fruitless effort In find ing relief from a terrible Blood Poison affect ing his body, limbs and nose presenting ugly running uleers. He Is now sound and well, having been cured by the most speedy and wonderful remedy ever before known, and any Interested party who may need a Blood Purifier wm team from him that three bottles of B. B. B. restored his appetite, healed all ulcers, re lieved his kidneys; and added, twenty-one pounds to his weight In thirty days. TWO DRUGGISTS. We have been handling B. B. B. only 9 few months, and take pleasure in saying It Is super ceding at other Blood Remedies. ;- it sells wen, gives our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recommend It In preference to any other Blort Purifier. - A8HEB & MOOBE, Druggists. -- . - Atlanta, Ga. A 32-page book of wonderful B. B. B. testimony maDed to any address.- . BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold In Charlotte by W. M WILSON. Patapsca Rouring Hills. ESTABLISHED 1774. QDuhnp 1774V ''J Rolls 1883.0 PATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicbtt City, llaryland. PA! LTAPSCO MILL B. at Baltimorft. turriauur . .... -- PATAPSOO MILItO, at Orange Grove Maryland. - Having adaily capacity of l,SO Barrels ; ; i v .- . . . , ' . it i lit1: lorn Cut PUINE The Tame ,of Hour depends on the proportionate onantfty of Gluten, Starch, 6ugarnd Phosphate of JJrne.-Maryiand-and TirgloAn Wheat, from : which, our Batant Boner lot?rs are manufactured. Is unequalled for its purity and superior quality of alible properties,! Ask your Grocer for . . r PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, ' ' f : f PATAPSCO CBOICEPATENT. . . "PATAPSCO family; - ' ' r 4 PATAPSCO extba; - J capebenry famtt.y VCL.il rOINT FAMILY, v 1 CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, V1.' ORAJaOE U&QVE EXTRA " f2 bommeree Zt Baltimore, Md. E tsd ty ' . J K. Ldttlejohn, GEN.-3UrLER'ST IDDRESS. THE GREAT CHAMPION OF ALL THE ISMS HAS BIS SAY. He Didn't Want to Run bat Can't Uelp If, Because He Loves the People so Well and They Hare no Champion hut Him. 5 ' : ? ' Boston, Auef. 19 Ben j. F. ButSer; the candidate of the -Greenbackers and Anti-Monopolists for the Presi dency, has today issued a lengthy address, of which the following is, a synopsis. He says Incompliance with oft. repeated and anxious inquires, I hasten to give account of my stewardship of the political interests with which I was charged. They were four: 1. Hostility to all monopolies in commerce, industries, and lands. 2. The preservation ot tne nauona legal tender currency of the people, constitutionally issued by Congress. 3. The needs of all men and wo men who labor in the production of wealth, to be protected against me encroachments of those who absorb ) and consume without production. 4. The .necessity tor reform ana correction of abuses in government, : so that its pressure on the people would be made as lisrht as possible ; its administration effective, to guard the rights ot American citizens at home and abroad; to make public servants individual or mcorporate, subservient to the use and will of the people only, so as to restore the pros perity ot tno country, wiiu eutu riehts. eaual burdens, equal powers, ; and equal privileges of all people. Me nnds it necessary to act inae--pendentlyof the Democratic party because it refused to adopt his posiv tion on the tariff which was as fol- . lows: - - 1. That no more revenue should be raised by any form of taxation than; absolutely necessary for the expenses: of the government. ! 2. That sunn revenues snouia. do raised by tariff on imports. - ? I . .3. That all material .used in arts: and manufactures, and the necessar- ies of life not -produced in this coun-; try. should come in free : but luxuries' should be taxed to the highest pos- sible point.- I 4. That the internal revenue tax" upon liquors.'distilled and fermented,!! ana touoccoj oeing a war tax, suuuiui be sacredly devoted to relievingfhej people from the remaining burdens of the war, to-wit, the care and com fort or relief of . soldiers disabled in the wars of the Republic, and paying; such pensions as Congress shoul from time to time allow such soldiers and paid into a fund for that purpose a like fund having been provided f at, our sailors. 5. That the laws imposing duties! for revenue should be so adjusted asf best to promote American enterprise and Arrerican industry, to cherish and foster American labor, and nop create monopolies. On their refusal to do this he says he refused to permit his name to go be fore the convention as a candidate, but advised the Massachusetts delegation to support "some gentleman whos length of public service and whos consideration in other Democratie conventions showed that he had some claims to be considered a Demcf cratic statesman." j He says he then offered resolutions for the protection of laboring men and women against capitalists which were also ignored by the convention and also a resolution declaring that "legal tender currency under decision of the Supreme Court was now thfe constitutional currency of the counj try," which was voted down in the committee, and a resolution passed in favor of "honest money." j He also offered a resolution in op position to monopolies which was voted down, i and another in rei ference to the cobbling up of the pub lic lands' by corporations and thfe "aristocracy of Europe," which was also voted down; r. He also offered a resolution demanding that the canal across the : isthmus should not be built unless the government of the UnitedS tates had the right to take control of it when the necessity of the country demands, and one for frequent changes of Federal offij- cials . to "counteract the growing aristocratic tendencies to lite office, as well as for the. discovery and puni ishment of frauds and embezzlements of public money, which was also voted ; down. Another resolution looking to the protection of adopted charged with crime against foreign governments'; failed. He com plains that he was choked off from a free discussion of his tariff proposi tions by the thirty minute rule, and for that reason he could not defend his position before the convention, j He charges that the platform fs not one of principles but of expedi ents, and not such a platform as the treat Democratic party expected- dr emanded. v - He then turns his attention to the Republican party, which he says was organized as the. great party of the people, but which has fallen into the hands of capitalists and monopolists and has become their party, and one from which the great body of labor ing men has nothing to expect. The Republican party has "granted subsi dies to railroads ana steamships. erected many and expensive public uuuuuiga, .. teMV uuuiy : wununs in opening the mouth of the Mississippi and leveeing its banks, and many millions in improving rivers and har bors. These grants amount to a sum equal to half the national debt. With out criticising the propriety of these grants, although some ot them are open to criticism, yet these are all aides to the capitalist and land owner, jr- Point me to one grant or act in aid ,of the workingman. I do not forget jthe eight-hour law for goverriment laborers and mechanics, but there has never been honesty and po wer enough in the Republican administration to enforce that law. . ' f ij He charges tba Republican party jwith : responsibility for the , present distressed. state, of business by its financial legislation, summing it up ! In the matter of finance there lis nothing to hope from the Republican party, any more than from the Dem ocratic partvi The bankers and cap italists of both ' parties uniting to gether have .controlled for - twenty years the financial legislation of the nation.- And the result ? What have we iust seen 1 Withmoney enough In the country for all its wants; with no' substantial drain from abroad ; with an accumulation of wealth such as the torld never has seen j with a crop of corn and wfieat almost un touched, and another one aboat to be garnered; with a stock of petroleum already ..produced sufficient, for the consumption of .the world for a year ; with nearly , a year's ; stock . already produced of cotton goods; with more5 than six months' Btock of woollen' goods as they will- average; with & production of iron ; that leaf eg M further production impossible, until freater consumption becomes possi le ; -with-provisions in suchy abun dance that' the means of sustaining life are cheaper than before for fifty VftdTH' VAt lWJlllflfl . Ilf mil. Anin.l system, m every cms oi business, imfcarrassment8 ana failures to an unheard of extent, with banks lock ing up their money in millions upon millions, and allowing their custo mers, who by our financial system, have been made dependent upon them, to be ruined; - the producing laborer goes about the street unem ployed st and the farmer's wheat, wmcn witn our iamera was a tueaa ure of value, is a drug in the market ; and that which he raises today, pro duced by; the sweat of his face, is without profit to his industry ! - He says that the remedy is in adopting the policy of the Greenback party, and to issue greenbacks in place of United States bonds, or as a representative and equivalent for them, thus keeping the money of the people in circulation. The time is come when the greenback is sustained by the Supreme Court as a constitu tional currency against the opinions of the paid attorneys of every finan cier of the country. The time will Njome if the people of this country can get the clutch of monopoly of its currency off its throat, when such a system of finance as I have sketched will give freedom to the industrial and business interests of the country from the terrible fluctuations which ' the people now suffer. ine people nave notning to expecc from either of . the old parties, he says, both of which are under tne control of monopolist, and that the people are governed instead of being, as they should be. the governing class, lie wants them to declare their independence and strike out on a new une. Whichever party carries on the government, he exclaims, laboring men and women are permitted to enioy only the benefits of the prime val CURSE: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread."- You enjoy none of God's blessings! - Why not t You earn , and produce them all all that He vouchsafes to man, save the air we breathe. . They are ours in the sight of high heaven! tand together and a just share of them is yours. ; In otner lands the just rights of tne people are only to be got - out of the hands of their enemies and rulers by the bayonet and the bullet, isut in America as yet, thank God and your brave fathers, the ballot, the free man's shield and sword, is left to you and you can if you stand together protect yourselves against all oppres sive, unjust and purchased legisla tion, which burdens the people and undermines the free institutions of your country. Jb rom the time of the organization of the government until the outbreak of the war in 1861 the people had some power, but in - the warj he says, cor porations and monopolies got control of the political organizations which have since been controlled by them, and labor has protested in vain and been controlled against its own inter ests simply because there was that lack of united action necessary to self -protection and success. - He therefore urges i organization . and voting together as the only remedy for the evils complained of, even if they fail in this election, for they will by - sticking together lay the foundation of future success. He urges them, and all opposed to the Republican and Democratie parties, to organize and fuse with any and all elements in doubtful States and dis tricts and thus endeavor to elect members of legislatures and repre sentatives to Congress who will rep resent their views and champion their cause. - In conclusion he addresses himself to the Greenback Labor Party and Anti-monopolist organization, an nouncing the fact that he had accept ed tneir nomination not irom any personal ambition, because he is now too old to be laying "selfish plans for tne ruture, Dut as m nis last political act he wants to be instrumental in calling back the government to the purpose for which it was framed by our fathers, a government of the people, a government by the many, and not by the few nor for the inter ests of the few. Me says in this connection, you win nave one advantage in your candidate; you will have to spend no time in defending him. His doings nave been known to tne country for more than a quarter of a century Every act of his life has been under a microscope lighted by the lurid nres ot nate and slander. Me is yet un harmed, and has no opinion to take back, no policy to recant, and no just charge to explain for what he has done either in peace or war. He then turns his attention to the Democratic party of Massachusetts, informing them of the fact that as their repre sentative he endeavored to have the principles advocated by them incor porated in the national Democratic platform, but for reasons stated fail ed, and, therefore, be urges them to which he invites the co-operation of all good people of whatever political affiliations heretofore to ''purify and reform tne . administration - and re- dress the wrongs done by oppressive legislation, . - Vk I Jjrs. Winslow t As this question Is frequently asked, we will sim ply say thai she is a lady who forepwgfds of thirty years has uotirlnsly devoted her time and Meats as a female physician and nurse, principally among cnuoreo, one nas especially studied tne constitution and wanto of this numerous class. and, an result of inls effort, and practical knowl edge, oouined in a lifetime spent as nurse ana pbyaiclan, she ixat com pounded a Soothing byrup, iorcnuaren ieeuusa. n operac ates like magic ginng rest and neaitn. and 1? loreover sure to regulate the bowels. In conseauence of this arti cle, Mrs. Winslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise uo sod bless her: especially is this the ease In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and iwed here. We think Mrs. Win slow has immortalized her name by this invalua ble article, and we sincerely toeljeye thousands of children have been saved from an early grave by juj uwiy use, ana inai millions yet unoorn win share its benefits, and unite in calline her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffer ing little one. In ur opinion, until she has given It the benefit of Mrs. WjtasJw's Soothing Syrup Try It mothers try It now. i-adies" Visitor, New York CMy. &oJd by all druggists. Twenty-five Daughter), Wires and 9f others. WeemDhaMrallvoruarantefl nr.Mntel'HrjifJinl. Icon, a Female Remedy, to cure Female Diseases, such as ovarian troubles. Inflammation and ulcer ation, foiling and displacement or bearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, chanee of life. leueorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from .the above, like headache, bloating, spinal weakness, sleeptessness. nervous debility, palplta fPSJ01 to6 W for sale by druegists. Prices $1.00 and 1.50 per bottle. Bend to Dr. J. B. Mar chlgl, Ptlca, N. Y., forjiSiipWeit, free. For sale by I If yon are growing Gray or I If jOTirHabrlsTliIiijBrasljyj iiarsn,or weak; lllfyonarft troubled with Dandruff, 1 Itebins, or any.Kamor or DIs 1 ease of the Scalp, USE AyersHairVigor? ' It beau nearly trery disease peculiar to tne scalp, checks the faffing opt of the ffty sad prevents it from tuning gray, and la m Dauaned dressing and toilet arttole. .. A . ' Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co.,LoweniK!a8 -z: -.ri; M tytfl Druggist ' 4 : mm m mmmmfFbo eTOM of ana DcMHty, tn mm I I tm mm P"T1 wmUm, Umt manhood, nr.. 1 I 3.1 HMgmtton. tlirulu f todlcrtlo. 'Mw"iHM,mnbriiEllVITA., nn( rtlth that It Till Hn mrr mm proropta ua Lo xua u ! f fV I CSA'i1ftiau J i L 11 Baldt ABOUT T11E STATE. Wilmington Eeview: Mr. W. T. Smith, agent for the Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machine Company, with his office in Evan's Block, died quite suddenly at about 10 o'clock this morning,- at his residence on Church street, near the corner of Fourth.- We were shown this morning, by Mr, S. Van Amringe, Superior ; court clerk, a marine curiosity which is popularly known as a horse fish. Its head, neck and shoulders very much resemble those of the ordinary horse, while it has a tail shaped something like that of a lizard. It was about three inches in length, was caught in a shrimp net at Masonboro,' and was indeed a curiosity . v Greenville Reflector: On last Thurs day a very sad accident occurred at the cotton , planter factory ,of Mr. John C. Cox, about nine miles from Greenville. While the machinery of the factory was in motion one of the bands became tangled, and jonnnie, a little' 12 year old son of Mr. Cox, tried to untangle it. His hand caught m the band : he was dragged over one of the pulleys and terribly mangled. jLHJlfl ms legs ana . arms were uruiten, he"" was almost scalped and sustained other fearful injuries. He died in about two hours alter the accident. Rockingham Spirit : Mr. John Nor ton, who resides in Laurel Hill town ship, whilst out - fishing some days ago, slipped and fell on a log, severely and perhaps fatally snagging himself. A Mr. Mastin, ot J orsytn county, succeeds the late William C. Thomas as deputy collector of internal reve nue for this collection division, which is composed of the counties of Rich mond, Montgomery, Stanley and Anson. I Wef understand that Mr. Mastin will make this town his head quarters. Statesville Landmark: In a fight a few days ago, Ailsey Cansler, color ed, bit off the ear; of Lewis Moore, colored. Moore, after the cessation of hostilities, procured the ear, wrap ped it up carefully in a piece of paper, and put it in his pocket. After three or four hours he concluded to have it replaced, and went with it to a sur geon who sewed it on again. Chatham Record: One day last week as Mr. S. A. Perry, of Hadley township, was driving his two horse wagOn along the public road near Mrs. Phil. Alsons, a cow that was standing in the road made a dash at his horses, which frightened them so much that they wheeled around and ran away. The cow followed in close pursuit for some distance, and died in about an hour afterwards. It is supposed that she had gone mad. Fayetteville Observer. The 91st anniversary of the Ancient and Hon orable, the'Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, Maj. McKethan, will be celebrated with great eclat on Friday, August 22d. The anniver sary, as everybody knows, is the 23d, but as this occurs on Saturday, the day before has been chosen for its celebration, as the natal day of this celebrated organization is always a holiday in Fayetteville. Don't fill the 8T stem with quinine in the effort to prevent or cure fever and ague. Iyer's Ague Cure is a far more potent preventive and remedy, with the advantage of leavlnf in the body no poisons to proaucH dizziness, neaaacne, ana oiner disorders. The proprietors warrant it. AW30UXCEM.G3ITS. For tbe llou.se oi Representa tive. The martv friends of A. Jones Hunter Esq., re cognizing his peculiar fitness as a representative In ine legislature, nereoy announce nun as a eanui date, subject to the Democratic nominating con vention. He is a true and tried Democrat, emi nently qualified for the positlon.and will add much streneth to the Darty. We heartily commend him to the caiOdenoe and hearty support of the voters of Mecklenburg county, and if elected believe he will laitniuny represent: me interest oi tne people. County Legislative Ticket. The followins named gentlemen are suggested for nomination by the approaching Democratic county convention as eminently nttea to compose the Legislative ticket tor Mecklenburg: FOR SENATOR. SYD. B. ALEXANDER. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. R.P. WAKING, CHAS.R. JONES, W. E. AUDREY. A stronger ticket, or one composed of men bet ter qualified to discharge the duties of legislators could not De nominated, xmasujuk, For Coroner, The friends of J. A. McLure present his name to the Democratic nominating convention for the of- nce oi coroner, ii mere is any reward due ior an arm eiven to the "Lost Cause" now is the time and he Is the man. Living In Charlotte he can be con veniently reachad irom an pans oi tne county. For Coroner. To the Citizens of Mecklenburg County: The friends of S. B. Smith announce him as a candidate for re-election to tne omce oi coroner, subiect to the Democratic nominating convention. Mr. Smith has filled the office f orthe past two years In a mannnr ancentable to the DeoDle. Not a word of complaint has been raised In any quarter, and the fact of the greatly reduoed expenses during his terra of office commends bun to favorable consid eration a$ the nanus or tne voters oi MecKieanurg. For Resrlster of Deed. The friends of W. W. Grler announce him a can didate for Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, subject to the action at the Democratic nominating conventum. - For Retrister ot Reeds. The friends of Mr. J. W. Cobb announce him as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg county. He has been In the office for 8 years under- the good old WttWani Maxwell, and is now well qualified to fill theom&efts chief. His name will be before the Dexiiocrauc Gai(aw gonyeatlon for that office. . For Rejsfater of Jeete. It tha oW1lA4f-i4'iiri,r et m onv nf mv Manila hereby announce myself a candidate for the offiee Of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county sub ject to tne action oi tne Democratic county con venuyn? ; hattk uakky, . For Sheriff. : The friends of Major J. M. jbavls tie autlrorized to announce him a candidate for the office 'o saer ts of Mecklenburg county, subject to the nomina tion oi me county convention. S7r Sheriff. '::,.) The many friends of W. J?, Griffith, recognizing his peculiar fitness for-the oftoe.'tfireby announce him f or sheriff of Meeklenhutg county,' subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. His public services as deputy sheriff have beeii of a highly satisfactory character, and his friends think he deserves promoiten at the hands of the Democ- - y." A Candidate Willidrnivs. To the Editor of the Observer: j I have decided to withdraw ray.name as a candl tJate for the ofilce of sheriff. nnder many ob ligations to my t riehds fflr th& ubpprt promised me, but for private reasons I am no nfer a candi date. - w. uuuv, . July 28th, 1884. ' Candidate for Sheriff. ' The manv friends of J. Watt Klrknatrlck. nomi nate him as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of MeCrifcoburg county, at the ensuing election, sub iect to tifeion pi the Democratic county con vention. MAJMX VUTJtRi unel4dwtde j 1. -:i f y For Sheriff. The many friends of Capt L. A, Potts propose his name as a fit nominee for the high office of sheriff of this" county, subject to the action of the Democratic Mecklenburg county convention. He Is a true and tried Democrat, eminently qualified for the position, and will add much strength to the Democracy o our"ouniy. - - i Many Voters. ' For Connty TPresnrer.' . The friends of Mr. J. H. McCllntock propose his name as a candidate for the ofilce of County Treas urer, subject to the ratification of the Democratic convention. - - - The finances of the county have been so well managed by that excellent soldier, Capt Balk, that tax-payers of all shades of political faith will regret his retirement, but if he decides not again to stand for the office, all will be plbased if his successor 1b one who carries about the same badge of honor. Let us nominate and elect Mr. McCllntock. ' i " mboklenbcbo, . June 14. 1884. - 2 CIVIL, MECHANICAL:: AM) MINING. ENGI NEERING the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti tute, Troy, N, Y. - The oldest engineering school in America. Next term begins September 17th. The Register for 1884 contains a list of the graduates for the past 69 years, with- their positions; also course ot study, requirements, expenses, etc. Ad dress DAVID M. G8NE, pirector. Infantile JSIood Purifiers and Skim Ileamlfiers. -A. Positive Cnre for "Kvery Form oikkiB and Itlood Iiease, - from Pimples to Scrofula. INFANTILE and Birth Humors, Milk Crust, Seal led Head. Ecxemas and eveor form of Itch ing, Scaly, Pimply, Scrofulous and Inherited Dis eases oi tne Blood, Skin and scalp, witn.iossoi Hair, from Infancy to A ere. cured by the Ctjticura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, internally, and irnuuKA ana uuticura soap, tne great skin cures, externally. Absolutely pure and safe arid may be used from the moment oj 'birth. Our liittle Boy. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stebblns. Belchertown. Mass , write: "Our little boy was terribly afflicted with Scrofula, Salt Rheum and Erysipelas ever since he was born, and nothing we could give him helped him until we tried Cuticura Remedies, which gradually cured him, until he is now as fair as any child." ; V Works to a Charm. J. S. Weeks. Esq.. Town Treasurer. St. Albans. Vt, says in a letter, dated May 28: "It works to a charm on my baby's face and head. Cured the head entirely, and has nearly cleaned the face of sores. I have recommended it to several, and Dr. Plant has ordered It for them." . A. Teriihle Case. Charles Eayre Hinkle. Jersey City Heiahtsl N. J.: writes: "My son, a lad of twelve years, was com pletely cured of a terrible case of Eczema by the Cuticura Remedies. 1'rom the top of his head to tne soies oi ms teet was one mass or scabs." Every other remedy and physicians had been tried in vain. For Pale Langrutd, Emaciated children, with pimply, sallow skin, the Cuticura Remedies will prove a perfect blessing, cleansing the -blood and skin of inherited impuri ties and expelling the germs of scrofula, rheuma tism, consumption and severe skin diseases. sold everywhere. .Price: cuticura. 50 cents: Re solvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug and chemical uo., Boston, Mass. Bend for "Hew to l ure Skin Diseases." T A T) vr se utir ura Soap, an exquisitely D f I 1 perfumed hkln tieautitter, and Toilet, Bath and Nursery Sanative. $1,000.00 WILL be paid to any one who will find a particle ot Mercury, l-otash. Iodine. Arsenic, or any poisonous substance in jsJwiFT's Specific S "I have cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's Specific after I had most signally failed with the Mercury ana rotasn treatment." A. TUOMJiK, M. D., Ferry, Ga. "Swift's Specific has cured me of scrofula of 12 years standing. Had sores as large as my hand, ana every one tnougnt l was doomed, switt's spe cific cured me after physicians and aD other medi cine had failed." R. L. HIGH, Lonoke, Ark. Cfc 1 Ci fiAA would not purchase from me what 1 V, V"U Swift's Specific has done for me. It cured me of rheumatism caused by malaria." AKUH1JS thuju.A:, springfleid, Tenn. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. the swift specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York Office, 159 W. 23d St.. between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Philadelphia ofilce, 1200 Chestnut street. T PRINTERS. We will sell a good second-band Plow Paper Cutter, (rood as new exe?it knife is worn, cost SGU.IU. wm be bold for $25.00. THIS OKKKTy ; FRED C. HUNZLSR, WHOLESALE LAOEU i:ER lUAL.ESe AZSti IIOTTLER, Charlotte, N, C. Represents two of the largest LAGEE tsiLSiM .breweries in the United State? The IJergmer & Engel Brevrbig; IO., ot Philadelphia, and tho '. Sc. M. Schafler flrewing Co.,'ot New York. THE LARGEST LAGER BEEt BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. K"Orders Solicited. All nrrtnra promptly filled and delivered free of cnarge to any pare oi tne city. dec20dlf WeakNervousMen Whoso debility, ezhansted powrn, prematura deeny and failure to perform lire's duties properly are caused by excesses, errors of youth, etc., will find a perfect and lasting " restoration to robuit health ana vijrorons manhood in TMt H1ARSTON BOLUS. iKeitaer sromsh draeincr nor iisMuiucjjM) a uiB ireutiiienii OI Kfrrooi Iebll ty and Pht(liealHl?eavisnnifnrmlv ntosuiifnj becanse based on perfect diagnosis, aew aid direct methods and absolute thctr narhness. Full information and Treatise free. -Address Consnlting Physici.m of . MARSTON REMEDYC0.,46W.14hSt, KcwYork. novl8deodaw fiJJER -. Electric Appliances ire sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO fAlU 0NI.Y. 'WW OJt OLD, "YTTBQ are sofferini frpn aeroBs Debiutt, ' W Lost Vitamtt, tp O? F3Pf sp ViaoB, Waiiwo W XAKKK-is?a. and aii Ifyimi Jlstasef of a Personal NiTim: nu!io (roni'Asuisa mni OrHR Causes. Speedy rv'.Wt nd e!mlc rmte ration of HKAK.TH, VrooRand UANMOon OctaRahtsbo. 'Th frrandest discovery of tbe Nineteiith Century. Sejyfif owm tor XHusuated f amphiet free. Address ' VCITAI6 SEU Co., HAH5KAIL, BSICa. novl8deodaw - BUENHAM'S .4 . UIPBOTED . : i Is tbe best constructed and fin ished, gives . better percentage, luviv rvncii uiiu ma dviu 1.003 money, per horsepower, than any otner Turmne in tne world. New le sent, tree iJJ tUSNHlM BROS., York, . . ... . : 4 - . fTfr?T!WWf REUABLE SELF-CURE. ; BOtSl nd snooesafol BpeeSaltott inttSKi . l Addrm DR. WARD A CO.t UuiUa Ha, novl8deodaw . , " : JUST RECEIVED. . . . Combination , , " Wiac and Fruit Presses For Family Ue. Apple Farers, Corers and Sllcers, Apple and Peach Papers. - . : large llhe" fit Table and Pocket Cutlery, Ply Fans of improved pattern, .and Genera Hardware of every kind, ; : Call and see us or send ns roiy orders, - . BEOWN. WEDDINGTON&CO. . WANTED. v A LAEGB QUANTITY OF - " Wheat 1 and ; Oats, Tor which tbe highest market price will be paid. . W. J. BLACK & SON. y Ice. Cream ;ffl':EtB.i BELOW: COST To Close O lit. White Mountain Free zers, , TRIPLE MOTION, iTwo Quarts, $1.50, worth $2.50. ' ' Three Quarts $2.00, worth $3.50. Four Quarts $2.50, worth $4.0f. Eight Quarts $100, worth $7.00. ' . Ten Quarts $5 00, worth $10.00. ' Fly Fans, $2.50; Latest Improved $8 00. Hammocks $1.75, worth $3 50. Ice Chests $3.00, worth $5.00. Refrigerators $7.603$10.00, worth $10.003$13.50. ; One Double door Refrigerator $17,50 worth $25 CO. At the China Store of LTTDOLF & HARTSFTELD. WAY. Officb op Superintkndknt. Wilmington, N. C. July 10. 1881 J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JULY 10, 1884, THE FOLLOW lng Schedule will be operated on this Rail road: ; PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ) Leave Wilmington at .".7.30 p. M. No. 1. Leare Raleigh at 7 35 p. m. )Arnve at Charlotte at ...v.uua. m ) Leave Charlotte at .8.45 P. m. No. 2. Arrive at K;ilelgh at 8.30 a. m. ) Arrive at w umnigton at .b.uo a. . LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at ... 7.10 a, m. Arrive Laurinbui-g at , o.uu p. m. Leave Laurinburg at 6.00 a. m. Arrive Charlotte at 3.45 P. n. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. (Dally except Sunday.) Leave Charlotte at 6.35 p. M. Arrive at Shelby at 10.10 P. M. Leave Shelby at 8.30 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte at 12.05 p. m. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, stations on Western N. C. R. R., Ashevllleand points west Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. L. C. JONES. Superintendent F. W. Clark, Gen. Pass. Agent. maylO 84 E. H. Jordan DRUGGISTS. Carbolated Lime Is the best and cheapest disin fectant. Put up in cans. For sale by K. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. tfenthol Pencils. for Headache, Neuralgia, etc, il in the latest style packages, at R. H. JORDAN & CO.'S. Springs' Corner. B ird Seed mixed and placed In packages. Bird Bitters ana iianna. at R. H. JORDAN & CO.'S.. Springs' Corner. B lack Enamel Grate Polish, In cans. For sale by H. H. JUKUAJN S.W., Druggists. Kitchen Crystal Soap, Sa polio and Pearllne, at R. H. JORDAN 4 CO.'S., Springs' Corner. Full Line of Turkish Towels and Gloves, and Florida Sheeps' Wool Sponges. R. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. The Largest Stock of Imported Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair Brushes, at R. EL JORDAN & CO.'S., Springs Corner. White's Tovil Soap, Wood's Odontlne, Cherry Tooth Paste, Oriental Tooth Paste, Doctor Sheffield's Creme, Dentifrice and Cherry Tooth Powder, for sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Comer. e have In stock London Dock Port Wine, and the best imported Brandy ior mediciual pur- poses. R. H. JORDAN & CO. SPRLS COKIER. ., t l. j; t o T said Tired Feeling absolutely cured, if ones, muscles ana nerves receive new lore. Enlivens the mind and - r V mm m isnnering irom complaints las A U I Es W peculiar to their sex will Bnd In DEL HAH.TEB'SraON TONIO a safe and Speedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. . Frequent attempt? at counterfeiting only add to the popularity! the original. Do not expert, tnetit ffetthe OkiOinai, and Bb8W- - - s Send your address to The Dr. Barter Med.Oo.V S Lorfs, Hofor our "DTfF.ATff BOOK." fuilol stranes and naeial.lnformHtikin. fiJF juneldwir ' ' TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths ol the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence : Irftss ol Appetite, Bowels costive. Sick Ilead aciie, f ultoess afte rating-, aversion to 'xertion ot body ormiod, ractatloii of food, Irritability ot temper. Low rjtriU, A. feeitjig or bavins; neglected me duty, Iizziuess, Flattering at the Heart, Dots before tho eyes, highly col ored Urine, CONSTIPATION and de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. AaLiver medicine TDITU MLlShavenoecraaL Their ataion on tlie Sidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three scav engers of tho system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skinand a vigoroup body. TUTT'S PIXLS S5e ? naUse ov tsvitAns nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect - - ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. : H! FE33L.S LIKE A NEW 9IAK. ; "I have ad JJyspepsia, -pith Cpnetlpa tiou.twpyeavs.aud hatrle,&ii-aiff01nt ' kinds of piUs, and JDTT'S' are tfis flwt that havo done me any good, 'fhey have cleaned mo ont nioely.- Mr appetite ia epleTidid, fooa iligests readi" f, and I now r tr jr Zirai passairea. lit Ute a new l A W. D.EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. 6oldev.liere,a5c. Offlpe, Murray8t.,N'.T. i TUTTl HAIBRYE. . Grat Hatb 6b RTmsefess1 cH?nye Jn Btantly to a Glossy Black by alnele an." plicatfcs of this DTE. SeW oy OSafist or eent fey express on receipt 4t $ J, " Office, Murray Street, Kw yorkT TUH'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FIES. PANTOPS ACADEMY, Near Char lottesville, Tl'Stola, tor Boys and Young men. ; Fully enuln pedT Begins Septenirjerlflth;? Send for calalome , BK7. EDGAB WOODS, PR. 13 ' ) " jt r.-mw :, JOHN B. a3tta0S. A, tt. fCo-PrtaelpaS I. -TT -- too uir am reUet, and is an lnlaUibl nTrZr' OT prepaid o AfegX " - . nonseodftwl M NewTork. OU)PAPKB3 by the hundred for wlest Mo., I late the LIVER and KIDNEY 8 . ZJ Wld RKSTOUK TUB HSAXTH an VIGOR of YOUTH. Dr- neDSia. Want of ADDellte. la- TUTT'S irmuur'i Mrs. Jog Person's Column. Irs. Joe Person's WILL CTJiiS Sieoitiatii. Takbobo, N. C. , July 7, 1884. Mrs. Joe Person: ' Dear Madam For eight or ten years I have been a sufferer Irom some cutaneous disease reMiltln? from impurity of the blood, which was manifested by everal large sores on my face, with dry, hard scabs, which would shed and others form continu ously. It was pronounced by -an experienced phy sician to be "Lupus." I was also a severe sufferer with Rheumatism, and it was with difficulty I could walk at all. Alter trying various treatments 1 was induced by my pastor to try your REMaWC. After using three bottles I was perfectly cW. The sores are all healed, my ceneral hciilth la good and my Rheumatism is entirely relieved. As a remedy for Rheumatism, Skin aud Blood Diseases I con sider It without an equal. I am vert truly, E. D. HACNAIB. "Mrs. k.ta's WILL COUNTERACT BLOOD IMPUUITT, Goldsboeo, N. C, June 28th, 1884. Mbs. Joseph Pkbson: Madam Having had the pleasure of meeting you in our city, I feel it my duty to freely give you the following testimonial of the efficacy of your valuable preparation. 1 have been afflicted for several years with some blood disease which settled in my leg, producing ulceration. I was advised to visit the Hot Springs, in our State, but only found partial relief. Through the advice of a friend I was induced to try your valuable REMEDY, and am happy to state that It has effected a permanent cure. Respectfully, t. A. GRANGES. Mrs Joe Person's IS A F INE TONIC MqobkvujLis, Iredejl Co., H.C, Being desirous of adding my testimonial to oth ers concerning the merits of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, I take pleasure in saying that as a tonic and alterative I do not think It has an equal. I have fairly tested it, and after trying Vegetine, Sarsaparilla, Vinegar Bitters, and various other remedies, have no nesltation in pronouncing it far superior to any tonic I have ever used. When I commenced using Mrs. Person's Bitters I was very weak, complexion sallow, and nuw I am feeling perfectly weLL Respectfully, MBS. H. T. BROWN. Boykln, earner Co,, No. 11 13 Liberty street, I Wm. H. Brown ft Bra, No, 25 fBalUmore, Md, south snarp street, I Canby, Gilpin & Co., J Forcell, Ladd & Co. Owens. Minor & Co. Richmond,; Va Powers, Taylor 4 Gi), T. C. Smith & Co., W.-M. Wilson; Charlotte, N. C. Wm. H. Green, Wilmington, N. C. V. 6, f honpson, Winston, gf J. B. Johnson, Bock Hill, 8. Turner & Bruner , Monroe, N. C. J. T. Harper, SmlthvUle, N. C. JS. G. Glenn, Grnsbfirp, N, p, E. B. podges 4 go., Tarboro, N. C. Hinsdale ft Broadfoot, Fayetteville. N. a i N Wholesale Druggist for N, C, Dr,' J. H. McADEN, CUAKLOTTE, IV. C. And for Sale hy all Dmtgaists. ' Every Bottle Prepared Under the . Immediate Supervision of lrs. Joe Person. MANTJFACTTJRED BY T&e MnV Joe-Ptriin EfBiGiy Compy, LAB03AT0SY, ' ' CaAELCTTE, N. & Tryon Street, Granite Bow, No. 4, Upstairs, - - REMEDY R E M ED Y KEK(XsENE OIL, - LUBRICATING liiij, CnESS-CAllLEYCO.. HERRING ST Apply at I fflO!! NiTl! W W W A W V" W W A A WW WW A A WW WW AAA W W 4 A l-l-l'l I 1 T T N S V We will pay 18 cents y? bushel nt , . ,, good sound cotton seed, deiiveiui ;.l , ', .' pay 18 (nts pr bushel for set.1 .ie i., station on railroads niMilug u. CliuM,. loads of ten ions and aixwe. we j, . !. same. ' Or we will give one ton of m.i :....,. two tons of seed. This excuu,ll;,- i.;,;" value to the fanner should be ti.Ktn h' one ton of meal bein,: worth niuch.wvi lng or fertilizing than two tons ol nov6d4wt?ARLTTii01LCO--C" Hi' !. Mty .vlail KNOW THYSELF. A Great Meal' Work-cn Wool Exhausted vitality, nervous and physlciil debili'r Premanire decline in man, errors of youth, and he untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or SiU ATb00k?'evfJ? man, young, middle-Heed and old. It contains 12o prescriptions for all S and chronic diseases, each one of which is lnvalua Die. So found by the author, whose experience tur 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to tiv tot ofany physician. 300 pages, Dound in beauti ful French muslin, embossed covers, full gut guar anteed to be a finer book in every sense mecknu cal, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money wiu t refunded In every instance. Price only iioobt mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the Na tlonal Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and hy the afflicted for relief U will benefit all. London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom The Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth parent, guardian Instructor or clergjmiui, aW naut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr W H. Parker, No. 4 Buliinch Street, Boston, Mass ' who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dis- eases that have baffled the TT j skill of all other physicians a spe XI CL(llciaty. Such treated successfully TTT v C 1 T V without an instance of I J.X I OTiLr failure. Mention this paper. febatdav?4w New Summer Resort. Tie New Brighton- IhK Casino and Cottages on Sullican,i Island, near Charleston, S. C. The only hotel directlyon the ecean south ui Cape May. The 'Brighton" Is acknowllget to lie the best situated, best finished and handsomest of any Southern hotel, containing all modern Im provements, such as electric bells. g;is in ever; room, sneaking tubes, and system of water pines on every floor for extinguishing fire, feo., also neifevj system of drainage throughout the houe. The Hotel will be thrown open to the public en Wednesday evening, June 18, on which occasion a grand promenade concert and reception will be given by "Beeves' Famous Military Band and Orchestra," (25 pieces), from Providence, K. I., D. W. Reeves, Director. Er?Speclal rates by railroads. All information may be obtained by addressing . T. ALFOR l, P. O. Box 386, Charleston, S. C. may25d3m. Life for the Liver an J POSITIVELY CURES Ihwa, Iiyer and - Kifl.neT Vmt& I have used yoijr "Life for the Lifer and Ipdneys" with great benefit, atd or dyspepsia, or any derangement of the liver or Sidneys, I regard it as beir.$ without an equal. Jas. J. Osbohne, Att'y at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C, Far superior to any liver pad, Hugh Thomas, Glendale, S. 0. Your medicines are valuable and splendid remedies. I have sold upwarda of five gross, and can recommend them. I would not be without them. J. S. M. Davidson, Druggis. - qxletta, g. C ' "Life for the Liver and' Kidneys" ex "Chill Cure" works like a charm ana sells very fast. A. H. Perkins, Wax Haw, Lancaster county, S. C In large 5gc. and 81.00 bottles. Trial size 2c. Sold by ' druggists and deal ers generally. Prepared by life jiejici Ye c., Spartanburg, . October 28. dtf. s E."VI YOUR ORDERS FOR ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS J. B. HARRINGTON. Win pack and deliver to any part of the cit;. Sunday especially. Festivals, Picnics and Boanims Houses at reduced rates. . juirW' NOTIGE Of Second Ucftinl feting of Crete . joh Kr&Pt. i Mcf' In accordance with an order of the District Court of the United States made in this case a secou; general meeting of creditors of said bankrupt ww be held at the office ot T. R. Eobertson, special master, in the city of Charlotte at eleven o clock, a, m., on the aith day of August, 1884. for the pur poses set forth In the twenty-seventh section, ol the Bankrupt Act of March 7jjcADEx arjg6dtaug20 : Assignee of said Bankrupt. iew Havea .m. DAILY AND WEEKLY.) Established, ----- ' The best advertising medium at the North W every man In North Carolina who has a farm.nune or tract of Umber land or water power to letters of our staff correspondent haw given tw PaLLaMOat a great reputation throughout New tn glaad; as the only real representative otthe i m HeelStatei and an New Inlanders who think kBtlnfNorffi CBliniwBd to the fituuna to get 'Espee'" letter or term, and other a- W Business Manager Ths PAixamdii. ' inchUdawto" " NewHavennn TTVJBSALI. A seven-horse power tea win run a bw" Gin. X2 JQ any Oder light machlnerr like Watey oyyicl. TTK stif W need! tnem out Lar DoniesticI Lace Curt tlon ws "f: OF i a a tel a