"PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY BY CHAS. K. JONES, - . Editor and Proprietor. rENTKRKD AT THS POSTOFMCI! IS CEAB10TTK, N. C, as Sboond Class Matter. "I believe in an open and sturdy partisanship which secures the legiti mate advantage of party supremacy; but parties were made for the people, and.I am unwilling, knowingly, to give my assent to measures purely partisan, which will sacrifice or en danger their interests." , Geover Cleveland. 'for President: OROTEB CLBTELJLW, OF NEW YORK.' For TIee President: THOMAS A. IIESDRICKS. OF INDIANA. FOB ELECTORS AT LARGE. W. H. KTTCIIIN, JOHN N. STAPJuES. ELECTOR SIXTH DISTRICT : ALFRED ROWLAND, OF ROBESON. CONGRESSMAN SIXTH DISTRICT: RISDEN T. BENNETT, OF ANSON. MOCRffiC STATE TICKET- FOR GOVERNOR, ALFRED M. SCALES, OF GUILFORD. FORLIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, CHARLES M. STEDMAN, OF NEW HANOVER. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, OF ORANGE. . FOR TREASURER, DONALD W. BAIN, OF WAKE. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, OF BUNCOMBE. FOR AUDITOR, WILLIAM P. ROBERTS, OF GATES. FOR SUP'T OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, S. M. FINGER, ' OF CATAWBA. FOB ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT, AUGUSTUS S. MERRIMON, ' OF WAKE. MARSEILLES AND TOULON. Consul Mason's Report on the Situation The Status in Italy. Washington, Aug. 26. The State Department has received from Frank H. Mason. United States consul at Marseilles, a report dated July 31st, upon the situation at that place and Toulon, since the abatement of the cholera epidemic. He says : "It will be 2 or 3 months before danger of a new outbreak of the pestilence will be past and a much longer period must elapse before ordinary prosper itv of business can be restored. The finances of Toulon and Marseilles have been strained to the utmost in clearing their streets and tenements and caring for the sick and burying the dead. Many thousand of their wealthy and benevolent citizens are absent. A presentiment or impend ing financial nun weighs heavily upon the business community, and even the ordinary resources of chari ty are seriously curtailed. Subscrip tions have been raised in Marseilles and contributions sent from neigh boring towns to meet the most press ing and immediate needs, but ' the measures of relief have been meagre. The French government has, -within the past few days, sent a xxmmission of inquiry to measure the probable deficit, and a considerable sum has been voted for the relief of the strick en cities. - The - tide of ' returning fugitives has just set in, and no de scription can picture the wretched ness and destitution that already exists." The consul suggests that this is an occasion which offers to the traditional liberality of the-Amer ican people a ready and fitting oppor tunity. Chas. M. Wood: as deputy consul general at Rome, writes to the De partment of State, under date of Aug. 5th, that the cholera which ap peared in a small village in Piedmont near Turin and 'In the province of Genoa, gained but slight headway and is now under control, owing to quarantine precautions. The only railway now freely open into Italy is through the frontier station from Austria at Carmen's, between Trieste and Udine. - Since the date of these reports cholera has increased rapidly, ootn in Jb ranee ana in Italy. Worklngmen Repudiating Butler. The members of the national com mittee of the national labor party met in iNew xorK jjriday evening. The committee appointed to attend the Greenback, anti-Monopoly, Republi can and Democratic conventions reported that as the Republican and . Democratic conventions have inserted in their platforms the principles and wie policy ot me national laoor party, as aaopia at f niiaaeipnia, if a., Jan. 12, 1884, and the Greenback and anti-Monopoly parties refused to J .adopt a plank for the protection of American iaoor, ana Has now, as in the : past, persistently opposed all measures for the benefit of the work ingmen that would increase their pay or shorten their hours of labor, : and at heart are for free trade, long hours. cheap goods, cheap rates, cheap men and women and low wages, the com - mittee recommends "that we repudi ate the effort now being made to ' commit the labor party to the sup port oi a uuru paray canaiaate, and recommend all worfcmgmen to cast v their ballots for she candidates of the regular parties that in their opinion best represent their interests, as the surest and best method, to secure speedy and effective legislation in the interests of the working classes; and that we further recommend co - operation in each and every legisla tive district with one of the regular parties for the election of men pledg ed to legislate in the interests of the working classes, and we will oppose the efforts made to make our move- ; ment a close movement to wage war upon other classes of society, or upon the candidates of the Democratic or Republican parties." . - The report of the committee was received and Adortted without a dissenting voice. -1 .. ... : JOnrdered by a Negro. PewraoolaI Auerust 26. The coro ner's jury has found that the draw bridge watchman, whose body was , found yesterday riddled with bullets on the track of the Pensacola & At lantic Railroad, was killed by a negro named Joe Williams. ' The Governor oifers $300 reward for the arrest of the negro, who has uea towaras Aia- Dama. , -, - TKOUIILE IN THE MINES. Wholesale Arrests or Miners Wires Begging to be Carried to Jail With Their Husbands. I Pittsburg. Pa.. August 26. A Coal Centre, Pa., special says thirty four more camping coal miners were Brrestfld this moraine bv special offi cers McClure and McBurnie for. tres passing on the railroad company s property. They wera lodged in- Odd Fellows Hall and taken to Washing ton jail in wagons this afternoon The wives of fifteen or twenty of the Erisoners came to California with abies in their arms this morning and begged to be sent to jail with their husbands, as they have nothing to live upon but a little meal. Their reauest was not granted, lne citi zens are indignant at the wholesale arrests which are made without war rants, and ic is probable a public meeting to denounce the action of the officers will be called. Four hundred new recruits are expected to arrive in camp this evening. .1 A report trom tne star mmesin ine 3rd pool indicates a serious break in the strike. One hundred and (fifty are said to have gonev to work j this morning and others are weakening and are expected to go in before the close of the week. The Virginia Legislature, j Richmond, Va., August 26. In the General Assembly today the joint committee of conference on the dis -agreement upon the amendment to the Riddleberger debt law reported, defining the true intent or tnat law. The date of exchange in the act in all cases is fixed at the 1st of JuTy, 11882, and the act is to be construed as it it had been so expressed in the Riddle berger law, and no new bond under this act is to be given for any coupon or interest on registered bonds ma turing after J uly 1st, 1882. i The committee on finance was given authority to sit during the recess of the General Assembly to investi gate the affairs of the Planters and Mechanics bank of Petersburg. A joint resolution was adopted tnat when the Legislature adjourns to morrow it be to meet on October 22. The House adopted a resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to make a general investigation of the management of the several iunas tic asylums of the State. ; Captured School Ifonds Returned. Washington. August 26. A few. days ago the Treasurer of the United States forwarded to the Governor of the State of Louisiana a package of $21,000 of free school bonds of the State, which had been captured at .Baton liouge m 18bo by JLaeut. lien. Sheridan, and which have been in the custody of the Government ever since, j It was only recently estab lished to the satisfaction of the treas ury officials that they rightfully be longed to the State. They formed only a part of the lot ot city, state and Southern railroad bonds of the value of nearly $3,000,000 captured at the same time, and of which the majority, valued at nearly-$2,000,000, were subsequently restored to the State. i ; Congressional Nominations.; Fairfield, Iowa, August 26.-B. J. Hall, of Burlington, was nominated as the Democratic candidate for Con gress from the First District today. ues moinfs, iowa. At, tne demo cratic Greenback Fusion convention of the Seventh Congressional District, which was held at Indianola today. Judge W. H. McHenry, Democrat, of Des JVlomes, was nominated for the long term, and Wm. Krieder, Green- backer, of Winterset, for the short term of Congress. j Chicago, 111. a dispatch to the Journal from Monmouth, this State, says: The Democrats of the Eleventh District renominated Wilaam U. Neece for Congress today. The Laud Grabbers Under Arrest. St. Louis, Aug. 26. A despatch from Fort Smith, Ark., savs that Capt. Payne, the notorious Oklahoma boomer, and seven of nis associates, who were arrested at Rock Falls, Indian Territory, by Gen. Hatch some day 8 ago, arrived there yester day in charge of Lieut. Jackson with a detachment of cavalry. They1 were not delivered to the authorities' at Fort Smith as was originally intend ed, but by directions from Caldwell, Kan., Lieut. Jackson will take them to Fort Scott, Kan., where they will be placed in charge of United States officers. A Vessel with X ello w Fever on Board. Pensacola, Fla., Aug. 26. The bark Atlantic, from New Orleans for Gibraltar displayed a signal tor a steam tug on Pensacola bar yester day. She reported sickness to the tug boat . which towed her to the quarantine station which is twelve miles from here, where she was iso lated and examined by the quarantine surgeon, une man was dead and two of the crew were sick with: what was pronounced to be yellow fever. The vessel has left : the quarantine station by order of the board of health and will go to Ship island. f An Address Issued. J Columbus, Ohio, August 26. The executive board of the Ohio Miners' Amalgamated Association last night issued an address requesting the Ohio miners to work at tne preseat rates. instead of demanding the usual ad vance on the 1st of September,! until after the State convention or miners. which President McBride is requested to call by September 1 1. Tne conven tion is to consider whether it is ad visable to make the usual demand for the fall advance.- . ; Criminal Proceedings Against Warner Boston. Auerust 26. A SDecial dis patch from Albion, N. Y., say$: W. K. Caulkins, of Boston, a parfaer of W . K. .Burrows in the medicine busi ness is here today for the purpose as he states, of securing a .warrant for the arrest of Albert S. Warner, the missing president of the First Na tional Bank. District Att'v Knafcos says the papers have been placed m nis nands by Judge .Burrows, of Buf falo, on which he will at once begin criminal proceedings against, w arner. xnese are the first steps 01 this na ture taken in the case. - Money to More tbe Cotton Crop. New York. August 26. New Or leans advices report that there will be a heavy demand for silver certifi cates alt an early date for the purpose or moving the cotton crop. (Well in- rormed bankers say that probably $50,000,000 will be required for the purpose, but that the withdrawal from the treasury need not be looked for until the latter part of September or eariy in vctouer. : So Dry and Brittle, i "What no von rannooA mnlrna mv hnlr t rirr unit . brittle?" we suppose the elands which supply moisture to It need a stlmulous. A bottle of Par-! Ker'g Hair Balsam will do the business, and leave your hair soil and shining. There Is no mistake about this. No oil, no dye. Restores original cuior, removes aanarua. - . . ; .Everywhere Called 'The Best." T RnfiaiB Knfaw Ifnlmnnfa Intfnna M on any piasters Benson's capdne porous piasters. cenw, . A Broad. Human View. - Springfield Republican. ; Men are not nominated for the Presidency for their domestic rela tions, although those are assumed to be-proper, but for their statesman like abilities, their integrity, their fearless courage and their clear per ception of the people's interests as distinct from their own personal ends. When the inquest into character goes back of this, into the domain of man's eexual relations, it goes where the only certain thing is that innocent hearts will be filled with wretched ness, and that the truth of motive and of action must ultimately be left be tween the private conscience and its God, where Jesus Christ left it when he rebuked the crowd who pursued Mary Magdalene. It was on the money changers in the temple that N he used the whip. How the Cholera is Progressing. Paris, Aug. 26. The cholera is increasing m Corsica. Four deaths occurred near Ajaccis. It is stated that several persons have been nearly killed from over fumigation on the Italian frontier. Rome, Aug. 26. The daily bulletin ot the progress or the cholera in Italy is as follows: Bergomo, 6 deaths, 13 fresh cases; Campobasso, deaths none, fresh cases 5 ; Caneo, 20 deaths, 30 fresh cases; Massacarara, 3 deaths, 6 fresh cases; Parma, 4 deaths, 6 - fresh cases: Turin, 3 dtaths, 6 fresh cases; lia bpezia, 5 deaths; I'orto Maunzio, 3 deaths. A Bitter Feeling Among the Strikers. Columbus,- O., August 26. A spe cial from Uuchtel, Uhio, says miners are coming in from the surrounding country and that a most bitter feel ing exists between the strikers and guards on duty. When new men were going to the mmes today : the strikers obstructed the road, but were finally driven off by the Pinkerton men. One aged striker was knocked down by a guard and had an arm broken. The guard was arrested and bound over in a $500 bond. Threats are made and more trouble is antici pated. War Among the Brickmakers. uhicago, August zo. This morn ing the police were called upon to quell trouble between the strikers and non-umon brickmakers in the town of Lake, north of this city. The strikers attacked the non-union men employed in one of the yards, but were driven away by the former. They then visited a yard operated bv a man named Blendolph, where they were again driven oft. They then attacked the residence of Mr. Blen-. dolph with stones and seriously in jured Mrs. Blendolph. Upon the arrival of the police they dispersed. A Biaze in a Planing Mill. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 26. A fire broke out this morning shortly after one o'clock in the planing mill of Joseph H. Ansley. at Hyde Park. The mill, omce and a large quantity of lumber has been destroyed. At this hour, 2 a.m., the fire is spread ing rapidly in the direction of Main street. Several houses are in flames and as water is scarce a large amount of property will necessarily be destroyed. Vessels In Distress. Philadelphia, Aug. 26. The Ger man bark Orion, from Wilmington, N.O., for Liverpool, put into Delaware breakwater this morning with five of her crew sick with swamp fever. The schooner Hattie Turner, hence for Sandy Point, Maine, lost her bowsprit in a collision and returned here for repairs. Delaware Democratic Called. Convention Wilmington, Del., Aug. 26. The Democratic Executive Committee met at Dover today and fixed Tues day, September Jwrd, as the date for holding the State convention to nom inate Congressional and Electoral tickets. By party precedent Con gressman Lore is assured of re-nomi- nation without opposition. Tbe Destruction oi tbe Chinese Fleet Confirmed. - Shanghai, Aug. 26. -Advices from JToo Chow received here at 6:15 o'clock this evening, confirm the report of the destruction of the whole Chinese fleet. The French lost five men, including an American pilot. who was killed on board the heavily armed French war ship Nalta. The urencn neec surtered no damage. A Run Down H lie Murderer Kills Him Bell. Columbia. S. C Auerust 26. A special to the Daily Register from Nfiwhprrv thin fi-rata oavc . TnVin T Sloan, the wife murderer, was pur sued oy a party this morning who surrounded him in a negro cabin in Laurens county near the Newberv line. He closed doors and shot him self, dying instantly. Suicide ot a Priest. Pittsburg. Auerust 26. Rev. Chas. bharp, of the Bioomfield Catholic church, while crazed with disease, committed suicide this morning by shooting himself . with a revolver. xne deceased was amtcted with con sumption and for the past week death has been momentarily exs pected. Mr. Blaine Bilious. Bar. IIarbor. Me.. Auerust 26. In disposition will render Mr. Blaine's departure for several days very uououui. ie is sufiermer from a. bilous attack and heavy cold and at present Keeps nis room. A Receiver. Washington. Auer. 26. The Comp troller of the Currency has appointed nenry j. Anaerson. receiver or. tne First National Bank at Albion. N. Y. wrecked by its president Warner. o - Quiet Along the Line. Columbus. O. . Aue. 26. Reports from Buchtel and other mining towns today are that all is quiet with no indications of trouble coming. , Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity don't lau to try "wella' Health Henewer." A Fair OiTer. ; Tint Vnt.TATfl Tisrr.T fYv nf Marshnll. Mlfih.. Offer to send Dr. Dys's Voltaic Beit and Appliances on trial, for thirty daps, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles. See advertisement in this paper. HIARKBSTS M TELEGRAPH AUGUST 26, 1E8L Produce. Bamtmobu Noon JTour steady; Howard Street : Patapsco Family S&tiO: Superlative Patent $fi.2a. Wheat Southern easier; Western active; Soutnern red 88390: . do; amber 92394; , No 1 Maryland 92t bid; .No 2 Western winter red spot 87387. Com Southern steady:-- Western none offering and no bid. Southern white 67369; vellowtSSSM. .' Chicago. Flour tn improved demand, feeling i easy. Wheat firmer, opened easier advanced 3 i fee and closed i35fec higher than yesterday; An- j gust T77&; September 77. no. z unicago spring ?7if7i775b. Wn nti-oncr. closed TbfMlAc overve&i terday: cash 62a52&; September 60651.. Oats ouiet; cash September 24a2514. Pork quiet; rash $18,50319.00 tor small lots, round lots held at August figures; August $25.00; September $19.00. Lard Irregular and 2i&5c lower; cash 7.35a$7.52Vi; September $7.35317.50. Bulk meats Irregular; shoulders $7.00; short ribs $10.20; dear $10.85. IVjithI Store's Wilmington Turpentine steady at 291A. Rosin firm; strained 95; good strained $1.00- Tar firm at $1.60; crude turpentine steady; hard Ji.ui; yenow cup ana virgin si.no. Charleston Turpentine actiee at 29 bid. Rosin quiet; strained and good strained S1.021& Savann ah Turpentine steady at 281A Rosin firm at $1.05a$1.07. Financial. NEW YORK. Exchange. 4.84. Money Sub-treasury balances, gold, $126,491; do. currency. 13.340. Gov ernments strong; four per cents, 11.20; threes l.O&fe. State bonds quiet. Aiaoama uass a. z to s vjj3 Class B, fives Georgians l.CO Georgia 7's mortgage 1.02 North Carolina's 30 North Carolina's New 15 North Carolina's Funding. 10 South Carolina Brown Consols 1.03 Tennessee 6's iVz Virginia 6's 37 Virginia C nsols 35 Chesapeake and Ohio 8 unicago ana m onnwestern i .uivg Chieaeo and Northwestern. Drelerred 1.34 Denver and Rio Grande 121 isne itV2 East Tennessee 5Vj Lake Shore 81 Louisville and Nashville M14 Mempnis anaunaneston za Mobile and Ohio 10 Nashville and Chattanooga. 40 New Orleans Pacific. 1st 583 New York Central 1.03s Norfolk and Western Dref erred. 28 Northern Pacific common 21lfe Northern Pacific Dreferred. 493i Pacific Mall 49 Readiner. 271A Richmond and Alleghany 3VS menmona ana uanviue Kicnmona ana west point Terminal. i Rock Island 1.15 St. Paul St. Paul preferred 1.10 Texas racitic 13 Union Pacific 4914. w aDasn racinc. e Wabash Pacific, preferred 15 Western Union etfe ma. TJ-ast ma. gunerea. taskoo. liisx. iiv. Cotton. Galveston Oulet: middling lOti: net receipts isra; gross isre; saies asv; siock zia; exports coast wise ; to ureal uritam . Norfolk steady; middling 10: net receipts -; gross -; stock luaa; sales ; exports coast wise 1. WnatTKG ton Firm: mlddllne loai: net receipts 10, gross 10, sales ; stock 756; exports coast wise -. Savannah Oulet: mlddllne 10: net receiDts 123; gross 123; sales 100; stock 630;exports coast wise 14. Nkw Orleans Dull: mlddllna 101A: net rec'ts 17; gross 80; sales 200: stock 18,697; exports coastwise ; to ureal Britain ; France continent . Mobilb Nominal; middlinBl(tt&; net receipts ; gross 11; sales ; stock 2159; exports coastwise Memphis Dull: middllns 103A: recelnts 18: shipments ; sales : stock! 5,644. Augusta Dull: middling 10; receipts 1S6; snipments ; sales 6. Charleston Nominal; middling 11; net rec'ts 51; gross 51; sales , stock 662; exports coastwise ; continent . Nbw Yob k Firm; sales 1250; middling uplands Met: Orleans 11: consolidated net receipts )8;,expons 10 ureat Britain 4as; to irance continent . Futures. New Tohk- -Net receipts ; gros3 3199. Fu- tures closed very steady; sales 51,000 bales. Jail-.... Anion. 10.75a.00 September... 10.703.00 October. 10.42.43 November. 10.293.30 December 10.32.00 January 10.413.42 February. 10.533.55 March 10.653.66 April 10.773.78 May 10.893.90 June..., . Liirerpool Cotton iTIarket. Liverpool, August 25. Steady with fair demand: uplands 6d; Orleans 6 3-16d: sales 10.0(10: specula tion and export 1000: receipts KO09; American 200C. uplands tow miaaungciau.se August ana September ba. September and October 6 l-64dr?6d. October and November 5 E9-64dS5 60-61d. December and January 5 5K-64d. January and February 5 56-64d. -September 6 2 l-64d. Futures steady at decline. 2 p. m. Sales American 7900 bales. Uplands low middling clause August delivery bd, (sell ers. August and September 6d, (sellers). September and October 61-64d, (sellers). October and November 5 60-fcld, (sellers). November and December 6 56-64d, (sellers) December and January 5 56-64d, (sellers). January and February 5 56-64d, (buyers). September 6 l-64d, (buyers). Futures steadier. 4 p. m. Uplands low mlddllne clause Ancust delivery oa; i sellers). August ana sepiemDer ea (sellers). September and October 61-64d, (sellers). October and November 5 60-64d, (sellers). November and December 5 56-64d. (sellers). t December and January 5 55-64d, (buyers). January and February 5 5&4d, (sellers). September 6 l-64d, i value). Futures closed barely steady. City Cotton Market. Office of the Obskrvtcr, ) Cearlottb, N. C, August 27, lbS4. ) Th9 city cotton market yesterday closed barely steady at tne ioiiowing Quotations: Middling. 10 RECEIPTS SINCK SEPTEMBEB FIRST. Receipts since September 1 to yesterday 13.097 Receipts yesterday 8 Total receipts to date 43.105 Receipts same date 1883. 54.935 Receipts same date ussi 33,586 CITY PKODUCE MAICICET. Reported by T. R. Magill. AUGUST 22, 1884. Com oer bushel 85S90 meat per Dusnei oaaau Wheat per bushel 7oa80 Peas Clay, per bushel 1.100:1.15 Laay per misnei i sudi.w White per bushel ....I.lOSl.15 Peanuts per bushel 1.752.25 Flour Family 1.90r Extra. 1.70a) SuDer... 1.653) Oats shelled. 8840 Dried Fruit Apples, per lb. . . 66 rouviuxt. ueeieu . du? " un peeled 66 Blackberries 834 Potatoes Sweet 6a 90 Irish txHTDo Cabbage, per pound. 2i' Onlnnn. nr bushel 45S!5 Beeswax, per pound..... 2528 Tallow, per pound Itbl Butter, ner Dound. 15S! res. ner aozen. wa n iickens 25530 Ducks. J&ariJU 9r?10 85tl40 im Turkeys, per pound.. Beef, per pound, net. . , . mutton, per pouna, net. Pork, per npoud, net . . . Wool, -washed. " unwashed Feathers, new Bags, per pound 85 25 6Pffi55 IVi tBDLu , And its unparalleled abuses, are fully and free ly discussed in a neat 32 page book, mailed free to any address, by Blood Balm Co., Atlan ta, Ga. . Prop a postal for It, as every man and wo man needs It and wll he delighted with its ; valuable and entirely pew revelations. Small Voices Sometime shake a nation of people and arouse them to action. Expressions similar to the followlng.from a well known druggist of Atlan ta, pour In from sections where B. B. B. has been used. i Atlanta, June 12, 1884. It is our firm belief that B. B. B. is the best Blood Purifier on the market. We are selling lour or five -bottles of it to one of any other preparation pf the kind. It has failed in no .instance to give entire satisfaction. Merit is the secret. ' , - -. W. P. SMITH CO.. Druggists. This Is the only blood medicine known that , combines Quick action, certain effect, cheap price and unbounded satisfaction. WE PROVE That one single bottle of B. B. B. will do as much work In coring Blood Poisons, Skin af fections, Scrofula, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh and Bhenmatism as six bottles of any other preparation on earth, : - - . - One yearldshroato ulcer cured; Scrofula ;.oi -KBhlldren pored with one bott'e. Blood Poisons eared with a few ' bottles - It never laus. We' hold home 1 proof to, book forinV . Send for nV Large bottle $1.00, six for $5.00. ' -Expressed on receipt of price, II your drug Slst cant aopplj you. .Address . ."- ' BLOOD BALM CO., -' Atlanta, Ga... T ranks. We Have one of tlie To be Found in the CENT 5 Traveling Bags, Satchels, Straps, Etc. When you want a Trunk. Satchel, or a pair of advantage to get our prices before buying. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. 0. c3TA i- !- 4- rti-rT Greensb m FmaleCoIkgo, N. C. The 57th session of this well established and prosperous Institution will begin on the SOtfa of August, ISSfl. Location accessible, healthful and pleasant. Fac ulty efficient and faithful. Thorough work in all departments of instruction. uoara. (.exclusive oi wasning ana iignts), ana tuition in full English course, per session of '.20 weeks, $75.00. unarges lor extra studies moderate. For catalogues apply to T. M. JONES, July6dtf President. St. Mary's School, RALEIGH, N.C The Advent Term, the 87th Semi-Annual Ses slon, begins Thursday, September lith, 1S84. For catalogue address the Rector, Julyl7d2m Female Institute, STAUNTON, TA. Mrs. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. Principal. The next session of nine mouths begins Sept. 11. 1884. Ef ficient teachers In every department. Number lim ited. Terms reasonable. For full particulars apply to the Principal. juiyiaeoauw. MI 1793, Boys in the South with GAS LIGHT, a first-class GYMNAS: class Bath House. and a lira t- The course is Preparatory or Finishing. There Is a thoroughly eaulnned School of Teleg raphy. special terms to young men oi small means. 181st Session begins July 30th. For Catalogue, address MAJ. R. BINGHAM. une25dtf Bingham School. N. C. Houses Rented. Houses rented and rents collected. In the city Advertisea free of charge. rilARl.l ittk HEAL. ESTATE AtfENt Y, B. E. COCHRANE, Manager. may2dtf Trade Street;Front Central HoM. FB Tbonunrls of cmci of Karroos Dbiwty, men- , tl aud physical weakness, lust mu.-ooa,ner-you proetntiuD, the results of indi-'-retioiis, I excesses or any causa, cored bvNER VI T A Btroof faith that it will ar wry case prompts m ui wuu io T9 TCry vasv pruiuji tut TOR TRIAL aoysnfferer a trial packarel on receipt of 13 cents fori box iuucsco. tu. B 1tWtM A XWtT TTAjriTTTXr 1TT.AKTIAM LAY3 THEM DOWN. I have only a few words to say. which are to state that I have been confined to my bed for two months with what was called; .Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. I was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, and in nhls condition I commenced the use of B. B.B., four bottles of which ena bled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business. I had previously used all well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over two months since using B. B. and I consider myself a permanently cured man. J.P.DAVIS, Atlanta, Ga., (West End.) M. A. Abbsy, of Russellville, Ark., dated June 8th, 1884: "At last I have found an honest Remedy. B. B. B. Is the best Blood Poison remedy on earth, and If I had a voice that would reach from Atlanta to the sea, I would proclaim its virtue. I have used only four bot tles, and am nearly cured pf a serious Blood Poison." J. M. Ellis, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I have had a severe form of Eczema ten years, and have failed to secure relief from various doc tors, and about 140 bottles of a noted blood remedy. It was pronounced Incurable, but the ure of B. B. B. has effected a cure, and I refer to C. P. Swift, Dr. O. C Heary, Dr. F. F. Tabof , Atlanta." v . W. M. Cheshire, at w. H. Brotherton's store, Atlanta, writes: "I have had a large eating ulcer on my leg, cured by the use of B. B. B. it Is decidedly a most wonderful medicine for the cure of blood diseases, and it will please every body." Mr. R. P. Dodge, yard master of the Ga. R R., Atlanta, writes : "For seven years my wife has been a great sufferer from catarrh, which re sisted the treatment of physicians and the use of all patent remedies, until she used B. B. B. A few bottles of this truly wonderful blood medicine effected a cure, and I cheerfully re commend it as a quick and magical blood puri fier." Sold by all druggists, at $1.00, or six for $5.00. Expressed on receipt of price. BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. P W I T H MAY mean "Poisoned with Potash." This Is the case with hundreds who have- been unwise enough to take Sarsaparllla, Potash mixtures, etc., until digestion is almost fatally impaired. Swift's Specific is a vegetable remedy, and restores the sys tem to health and builds up the waste made by these poisons. "I was suffering with Bljod Poison, and treated several months with 'Mercury and Poison, ojily w make me worse. The Potash toek away my. appe tite and gave me dyspepsia, and both gave me rheu matlsm. I then took Sarsaparllla, etc. All these Sarsaparllla mixtures have Potash in them. This made me still worse, as it drove the poison farther Into my system. A friend insisted I should take Swift's Speeiflcand it cured me of the Blood Poison, drove the Mercury and Potash out of my system, and to-day I am as well as I ever was." GEO. O. WELLMAN, Jb., Salem, Mass. John A. Smith, the largest merchant in Gaines ville, Ga., saysf "L suffered for years from the combined enacts oi arysHpeiaa ana jLczema. j. con. Unued to grow worse under medical treatment 'and hv taklnar medicine containing Potash. S.' S. Si cured me thoroughly and absolutely. My appetite, strength ana nesn returnea as i was curea wiw it' Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. T. Office. 150 W 23d st between 6th and 7th avs. Philadelphia Office, 1205 Chestnut St. . Correspondence of The Obsbbveb. i ' - .. i. i : -7T S TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, ' ' .i . -.Mecklenbcbg Cqbktt. In the Superior Court Petition for Dower! -: S. R. Ballard -'' ' against ? - : George A Ballard, T- J- Dulin, and M. A. Sulln, his wife, James Furr, and Fannie Furr, his wife, r heirs-at-Iaw of William Ballard, deceased. It appearing to the court that George A. Ballard, James Furr and Fannie Furr, his wife, defendants In the above cause, cannot after due - diligence be found within thU State, and are non-residents thereof and that they are proper parties to the pro ceedings which relates to reaL estate in which they have an Interest, it Is therefore ordered that publi cation be made in the Charlotth Obsebveb, a weekly newspaper published in the county of Meck lenburg, for six successive weeks, notifying the said George A. Bailaid, James Furr, and his wife Fan nie Firrr, to appear before toe cler of the Supe rior Court of Mecklenburg wurity at his officea the court house In Charlotte on the 12th day of Sep tember, 1884, and plead, answer or demur to the petition filed In this case, r - - - " J0HN ERWTN, . aug7w6w - Clerk Superior Court.1 - muni! I DlKlIunM-W Trunks, liargrest Stocks of LIES' TRUNKS City. AH Kinds of Shoes or Slippers of any kiad. reu wll find it to vonr GRAY & BRO. T41E3 GROO CENTRAL Tea kmim Co. Are now giving, to Introduce their TEAS, A Gold Band Traospareii CHINA TEA CUP AII S VUC'EH, Worth 40 Cents, With each pound of our BEST XXX BLGNDEOTEA Iriee OO Cents Per Pound. For sale at K. It. AJ.EXADEirS. DIVIDEND NOTICE North Carolina railroad Company, Treasurer's Office, Company Shops, N. C, August 1st, 1884. The second payment of three ner cent, on Divi dend No. 22 will be due September 1st. next, to stocKnoiaers oi recora at Li o'clock m., August lu. The transfer books will be closed from 12 o'clock m. August iu until September 1st. 1881. P. B. RUFFIN, Treasurer. aug3dlm Tho Gonsignment WE WILL TODAY Reduce lie. Price Below VALUE. THEY MUST QO. MAYER & ROSS. -THE ' MECKLENBURG ICE COMPANY ' Manufacturersot i CRYSTAL ICS, From Pure,' Distilled Water, Are now prepared to famish Pure Crystal Ice to the public at prices within the reach of alL Inthe city It will be delivered to consumers at their resi dence or places of business free of charge. .. . Qrderasrtlclted from a distance. Write for prices ' june JMJCJBURG pj OOMPA&T, - BOOK AND NEWS I iKa A'ways keit on han and lor sale m convenient packages for prtnt en at OFiflCLi 1 CLOSE IT OF fldli m THE GLOBING OUT Of Our Entire Retail Stock BOOB, SIIOKS AND HITS A.t Cost STILL CONTINUES. Low Cat Shoes aul Sli poors of all kinds twyA Cost. ELTAS & CO H.E Respectfully announce to the Wholesale Ttade th.i,; ;i0;r FALL AND WINTER STOCK Is now complete and ready for inspection or order. Wc would state that we ae prepared to sell as crimp as ANY house in our line. ELI AS & COHEN. BURGESS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN all kinds of FURNITURE BEDDING, &C. A full Une of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. E3H0ET S -SlU'l A never faiUnS remedy for MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, INTERMIT. STATTT) AT? -liiSaS TENT FEER BILIOUS FEVER and kindred diseases Purely Vegetable, B x AM AAjJ tfilii absolutely certain in their remedial effects, and act more promptly in t-uriiiit u U &ti jjj. oWf9i iurma vi iMi.jniHi. uiseucs man uaiomei or vuinine, wituout nay v n . CrK ijui.uuo wocucuB wiutu iuuuw uicir usts. xi iitaeu occasionally illl-S 1 ?Wf? by persons exposed to Malaria they will eipel the poison and protect tl.eiii in every instance. EncKKB, M. D., Austin, Texas. 1 nse them in my practice effectually. J. J. McLesoee, M. D., Dublin, Texas. -Your pills are good, I use many in my practice. De. M. T. Duira, Sunflower Landing, Mi?. BTANDAED CTJEE CO., Proprietors, 197 Pearl Street, New York. PULE R R, N. C. DIVISION. Couleii.edScLed le. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Ana 3rd. 1833. No. 51, No, 52, Dafty., Daily. Leave Charlotte, 4.20 a m 7.00 p m " Salisbury, 6.07 am 8.23 p m High Point, 7.25 am 9.26 p m Arrive Greensboro, 8.00 a m 9.58 p m Leave Greensboro, 9.85 a m Arrive Hlllsboro, 11.39 a m " Durham, 12.17 p m " Raleigh, 1.30 p m Leave Raleigh, 1.45 p m Arrive Uoldsboro, 4.00 p m No. 15 pally except Sunday. L8ave Greecaboro 4.60 a m Arrive at Raleigh 115 p m Arrive at Goldsboro 6.25 p m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro with R & D R R for all points North, East and West of Danville. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western N. C: At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. It. daily. Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. and for all points on Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING SQ UTS- ' Aug. 3rd, 1884. No. 50, No. 52, - Daily. Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 11.65 am Arrive Raleigh, 2.20 p m Leave Raleign, 4.43 P m Arrive Durham, 6.02 p m ' Hlllsboro, 6:43 p m " Greensboro, 9.00 p m Leave Greensboro, 10.05 p m 9.35 a m Arrive High Point, 10.40 p m 10.05 a m " Salisbury, 11.57 p m 11.13 a m " Charlotte, 1.35 a m 12.35 p m No. 16 Daily except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro 4.30 am Arrive Raleigh 8.30 am Leave Raleigh 9.10 a m Arrive Greepiboro $.00 pm Np. 50-Cbnhects at Salisotrry for all points on W NCBR, and at Charlotte with A' & C Air-Line for all points in the South and Southwest. No, 52 Connects at Charlotte with 0, C4HB for an points South anJ Southeast, and with A 4 C Air-Line for all points South. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. No. 5a GOING SOUTH. Daily, No. 52. j - ex. Sun. Daily. Leave Greerisbopo, 10 15 p m 10.00 a m Arrive pmersvWa, 11.19 p m 11.04 a m Arrive Salemy - 1I57 a in 11,38 a m GOING NORTH. Dally,1' No. 53. ' - exBun. Daily. Leate Salem, 5iQpm 6,00 am IptlyeKiernersvlll, 6.60 t m 6.85 a m Arrive Greensboro, 7.90 p m 7.40 a m STATIS UNiyESITY R. R. CfQING NORTH. Dkiiy Daily - ' , ex. Stth. exJ Sun Leave Chapel Hill, 1025 a m 5,00 p m Amve University, 11.35 a m 8,00 p m - NoM." No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Dally Daily ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave University, 6.30 p m 11.64 a m Arrive Chapel Hill, ,S1 p m 12.64 p m 'fiin'ii'ET sleeping oars wriHCfut change. uu irams ou auu 01, - ueiween xew ore ana Atlanta,- tod between Goldsboro and Warm' Springs. Though Pullman Sleepers on trains 62 and 53, between W aaalngtonand Augusta, and Danville and Richmond, and Washington and Hew Organs. Egryrhrough ticket on sale at Greensborp, Ral eigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, lor all points South, 8outhwest, West, North and East. For emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas. Arkansas and the Southwest, address A. L. RITES. M. SLAUGHTER, 2d V P A Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent . . - Richmond. Va, Medical College of Virginia, . The forty-seventh session begins October 1st For catalogue-address, . U. L. JAMES.M. D., . augl2dwlm Deifrl toe Faculty.' It -OF- ot NIC HO LB mi from attack. Endorsed by the leading Chemists and Physicians as being thi Best, Cheapest and Pieasantest licniedy known. The youngest chlU can take them. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers, or by mail PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOX. What .lie People Say. My wife and myself have used your " Stand, rd Cur Pills" with great satisfaction. We anticipate no further tnnuile with MALARIA as long as the Pills are about. Habey J. Shoemakkh, P.M., Tuny town, Pa . I took the Pills according to directions and theyprovnltofio just what was needed, Rev. F. J. Cochban, Pastor M. E. Church, St. (ieurgw, Del. -1 am well pleased with f Emory's Standard Cure Pills,'' Haiti tried them on a Great many cases of different fevers, have proved successful They work like a charm on Chills and Fever and all Ma larial diseases. M. J. ueeman, M.D., Dallas, Texas. 1 use your remedy m my practice with good results. Lorenzo Watte, M. D., Pittsfield, Mass. I have handled your pills for Malaria for the past four years with Letter satis faction than any other remedy for same diseases. Feed. S. Bakf, lnir.t, Jersey City, N. J. Your Chill Pills have cured many very stubborn cms. Rev. M. E. Vatl. Caledonia Miss.. I nse them in mv tiractice. r.rn. U. CAPITAL. PRIZE $7o,0u4 Tickets Ouly $5. Sliarns in i'ro portion. Lcaisiaiii State Lottsrv & "We do hereby certify that w super vise tlie arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Draftings of the Louis iana State Lottery Company, andin per son manage and control the Drcuringt themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, :! good faith toward all parties, anu authorize the company to une this ccrtif. cote, with fac sitnUiea of our 8iqrMtv.ru attached, in its advertisements. u Comraissini,S: Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by tlie legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purpose-i; a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve ftmJ t" over $550,000 has since been added. - By an overwhelming popular vote its Irancniw was made a part of the present State Consd.titioa adopted December 2d, A. D.. 1879. A The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsee oy the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. , ,. , Its Grand Single Number Drawings take 1 ' ""aSpSENDID CHANCE TO WIN A FOU.i Ninth Grand Draw: Qass I, in tee If of Music, Ney Orleans, Tuesday September 9, iw, lyd monthly rW5e tS" CAPITAL PSIZS, $75,000. 3 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions la Filths in proportion. List of Prizes: I CAPITAL PRIZE..... 1 do do 1 do do 2 PRIZES of $6,000..... 5 do 2,0iX..... 10 da 100 20 do 500..... 100 do 20a.... 300 do 100 600 do 60..... 1000 do 25 $75. 25.W 1C.UM i.'ix " A?PH?iJtA:s ems 9 Approxiniktlon ' Prises of $7S0 '. '. . . 9 -rift . '-do- " 500..., 9 do do 25Q.. -Jr 1967 Prizes, amounting to Appliaflon for rates to clubs should WW only to the office of the company In New.O- Wffil National bakk NewOrleaub,L Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mau Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by ixpre at our expense) to 51 a. DAUPHIN- New Orietms, I 01 f)A1Wv,nth St., Washington. FOR SALE, A Good Office Desk this of met. , Apply at lunelHdtf Cheap Lots For Sal?. -: I offer for sale Eight BWM "flnglD the northwestern corner of the city (ouwe itw mt. and north of the cemetery, cneap. Any one wishing to. secure a cheap 'oT weU to call soon, as thr prices at whightnej, offered means quick sales. " -nj.vi mayZSdtt; . , . Manager-

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