Absolutely, Pure. ti i, D0.df.r never varies. A marvel of purl.i .. Sh ami wnolesomeness. More economic d 1 ' i'in.B irfnrl. and Wholesale by SPBIN93 & BUBWELT Charlotte. The Feeble Grow Strong Wheu Hostetter's StomachBltters la used to pro mute assimilation of the food and enrich the blood Indigestion, the chief obstacle to an acqui sition of strength by the weak. Is an aliment which lwalHiily succombs to the action of this peerless corrective. Loss of flesh and appetite, failure to sleep, aud growing evidence of premature decay, speedliy rounteracted by the great lnvlgorant, which braces up the physical energies and fortifies the constitution against disease. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. I OFFERS TO THE Wholesale i Retail Me FIVE TONS Lin t..k TWKNT V" BARHELS i LINSEED OIL, Urge Stock of Coi rs, Varaito, Etc. ONE CAR LOAD A U, AT CLOSE PRICES. J. H. Mo AD EN " iruargri CHABLcrnnt, N. C., July 5, 1884. ; fir. Gregory: I used your Dyspectlc Mixture four years ago and tt made a perfect and permanent cure of me. MlhS vyas the wdrst case I evbr saw. inave heard a Brent manv sav1 thell cure was alio I was eured of dyspepsia nine years ago by your Dyspeptic Mixture and have never had a return of the disease. - V. Q. Johnson. Db. Gkegobt: ' y , , V ? - . Tour Dyspeptic Mixture Is a certain cure for that disease, and to my great astonishment find It has also cu ed me of dlabetls, as well as killed the de sire for tobacco. T. B. COLLAHAN. Charlotte, N. C, July 1st, 1884. fmanehtly years since.- - - js. Pits nuTutuauB, m. ' July 1st, 1884. nannot M sola in 4?fflwifli tliemuftltnleot low test, short -i Jfi Mum "r phosphate powders. 8old oily id hostetteb 11 If celebrated 8TOMACHt mm lite iM eroseno II, I herebv oertlf v that the esses of dyspepsia whera fr. Gregory' Dyspeptic iiljiure ta been osea Se'n to'' be te treated some 15 THE OIT-ST Arrival and Departure of Trains. Richmond and Danville Ars-Lnts. . 60- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at lip a. m. .Leaves for Atlanta at 130 a. m. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 410 a. m. Leaves for Rlehmond at 420 a. rnT 10?- o2-Arrlve8 at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.3o p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 63-Arrlves at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:55 p.m, Leaves for Richmond at 70 p. rnT Charlotte, Columbia and ac&usta. Arrives from Columbia at 6:15 p. m. Leaves lor Columbia at 1 p. m. C, C & A. A., T. AO. Division. Arrives from StatesviUe at 1030 a. m. Leaves for StatesylUe at 7:15 p. m. Cabolina Central. - iShUM011 at 8:45 p-m- for liuV3:Zmrrn at7a- m' C. C.Shklbt Division; Leaves for Shelby at 6:35 p. m. Arrives from Shelby at 12:05 p. rn. Mirra 7epCnv DeUveiT opens at 7:80 m'; 010868 at ifiKn?616111 0pens at 900 Index to Pi cw Advertis entente. R. H. Jordan & Co Wine, salad oil, etc. Aewcomb Bros To the public J. T. Matthews Mule strayed. Indications. South Atlantic States, generally fair weather, variable winds, slight rise in temperature. Township Meetings and County Con vention. Township meetings to select dele gates to the Mecklenburg county convention will be held at the vari ous polling places in the townships, on Saturday, 30th day of August. In the township of Charlotte, the meeting to select delegates will be held as follows: Ward 1, Aug. 29th, Si p. m., mayor's court room; Ward 2, Aug. 29th, 8 p. m., mayor's court room; Ward 3, Aug. 29th, 8i p. m., at court house; Ward 4, Aug. 29th, 8 p. ra., at court house. County convention will be held at court house, at 12 o'clock, on Mon day, the 8th day of September. LOCAL RIPPLES. Mr. John Alexander, one of Char lotte's bright young boys, has gone to the University of North Carolina to complete a four years' course. Newcombe Brothers' steam saw ing enterprise is a sure enough thing, as will be seen by their advertise ment in another part of this paper. There was a considerable crowd at the park yesterday to witness the shooting, and the prospects are that there will be a still larger crowd to day. Now, while there is something going on at the park, everybody wants to know why we haven't a street car line. Hurry up, Brother Pittman ; you are losing money. The grand jury yesterday had a number of witnesses in the Curtis Boone fracas before them for exami nation, so as to get the case in shape for the solicitor to commence work upon it. ' An excursion will be run from Richmond, Lynchburg and Golds boro. on September 1st, to Asheville, tickets good for ten days. The round trip from Richmond is only $11.10. The many friends in this city of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bason sym pathize with them in the death of their infant son, Ralph, which occur red in Dallas, Gaston county, on the 24th inst. : The announcement that a tem perance meeting would be held last night at Calvery church, was not given by the proper authority, and consequently there was no admit tance to the church. West's late excursion to Asheville was a successful one. There were 706 people on the train, of whom 206 were ladies. A canvass of the crowd was taken and resulted as follows: Seventeen for York and the remain ing 483 for Scales. The number of people drawn to the city by cour t this week is remark ably small. In former years court week was a big time for coming to town, and there was always a crowd in the vicinity qf the court house, but it is quite the' reverse now, and crops do not suffer for work as they used to. . Visitors to the park yesterday were surprised to find a finely equip ped bar and lunch counter fixed up in the grand stand building. It is the enterprise of Bennett Barnes.1 After the shooting tournament is oyer," the bar will be moved to Moral Hall, where it will be permanently estab lished, and will be kept open every day. Suicide in Lanrmbnrff. The brisk little town of Laurinburj on the Carolina Central Railroac was cdnsiderabl v excited.last Sunday afternoon, oyer the suicide of one of ita citiaens. fir. Hector Graham. He drank' aii ounce and a half of lauda num,' hut six hours had elapsed before ha was found, and it was theD too late to save his life. The cause assign ed for the deed was too much whis- fefiv. Graham, it is stated, had once or twice attempted to take his own life previous to his successful efifort: Personal Mo"e Mr. Eldred Griffith arrived i the miv vfisterdav fr-ora New York, Miss Fannie McCombs has gone to Statesville to visit rrienas. Mni W. J. Montgomery and Mr, William Smith, of the Concrod bar, were in attendance at the court house yesterday. j Mr. Joseph Hart, the new lanq-i lord of the Seaside Park, at Wrightsj vine, was in the' city yesteraay w reported that the 'Seaside"ismore o a dnrflss now than ever pefore. : Mr, Hart will be remernbered by our peo, pie as the uvaser -pother Masofl fi. vEinrTlTrs Wmthrop- com Zrir an? Vw4 has broven himself to be as'kood at managing ' hotels, as h, was at managing theatrical mm panxeg, Meeting ot the sportsmen Last Night A meeting of the sportsmen was held last night at -the Buford House to talk over matters pertaining to the a.tcYian'o a serwiation of the Caro-- Unas, to elect officers for the ensuing. year, ana tq qecw mv" "y tAirfjw1 ha TioTt annual meeting- Col.' Walter L. Steele was re-elected president, an honqr that waft weU ,rvii fcfflflla. while notex- actly the best shot, is one of the most popular men in the association, j The niL. nfflmtm nlnr.ted were t v ice -onto Dr Jenkins, of South TnrandWr Brem of North Carolina. Secretary and treasurer, T. H. Gibbes, of SouthCarohna. Executive committee, ""V j White, of South Carolina, and Jordan and Luak, of Ifcnh Carohna. i .r -rriT tir7.; it. rwnw.: ournameii i wui uo v ton, B. U. Malaria positively cureo-won : -.m ipn rmi PILLS a never lamng reuiwm BALLS AND PIGEONS. Yesterday's Sport at the Park The Championship and Gold Medal Won 1r Cbarleston'Some Fine Shooting and a Pleasant Time Jail Around. At eleven o'clockyesterday morn ing there was a puff of blue smoke in front of the grand stand at Carolina Fark, the noise of the gun being accompanied by the tinkling of shat tered glass, and Mr. T. F. Hall, of Charleston, S. C, had broken the first glass ball in the match for the championship of the South. This was the opening match of the third annual meeting of the Sportsmens' Association of the Carolinas, and was made up of three teams of five men each. The teams were from Charles, ton, Spartanburg and Charlotte. Each team shot at fifty glass balls. Charleston won the match and claim ed the gold medal. The score made was as follows: CHARLESTON TEAM. m, Hit. Missed. T F Hall 1 111111111 10 0 DrEE Jenkins.. .1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 7 T L Sanders 1 010010010 4 6 R Jenkins 1 1 00 1 1 1 0 1 0 6 4 XH Glbbes..... ..11 101011118 2 SPARTANBURG TEAM. RPWhlte... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 8 D HMcCuUough. .0 1100, 1 0011 5 5 R J McCarley 0 001111111 7 3 H H Thompson.. .0 0011 0 0000 2 8 JFJordan 1 1111111 10 9 1 I - CHARLOTTE TEAM. Walter L Steele, looooooooi 2 8 L Arndt. 1001000100 3 7 W A Lucas. 00000000112 8 C.J Fox. 0110010011 5 5 Walter Brem. 0011101010 5 5 I The next match shot was a sweep stakes; six balls, set trap. The first fjrize was won by J. F. Jordan, of AJheville, who broke every ball that rose from the trap before him. T. L. Sanders won the second prize, break ing five out of the six. Following is the score : j - Hit. Missed. l x nail. iiioio 4 2 T L Sanders. 011111 5 1 R 7 Jenkins. 0000011 6 JFJordan. 111111 6 0 E E Jenkins. 101000 2 4 H H Thompson. 000000 0 6 BJ McCarley. 10 0 111 4 2 I H Globes. 010111 4 2 G 3 Fox. 010111 4 2 Walter L Steele. 011101 4 2 In shootine off the tie for the third prize Hall made the best score and won. The next match was at clav pisreon shooting, and &s usual, was won bv Jordan. Tne clay pigeon resembles a bird only in the manner of its flight. It looks like the lid to a fruit jar, and as it is thrown from the tray it sails avay like a piece of card board. The marksman has to shoot close to knock it to pieces. The score in this match stood: Mlt MlRsed. JFJordan. 111111 6 o T T Hall. 111011 5 1 E K Jenkins. 111110 5 1 T L Sanders. 100011 3 3 H Jenkins, 001100 2 4 D H McCufloush. 011111 5 -1 B J McCarley. 011011 4 2 T H Glbbes. 101101 4 2 J: T Little. 010000 1 5 KP White. 0100113 3 Walter L Steele. 100110 3 3 s. In shooting off ties for the second prize T. T. Hall was winner. T. H. Gibbes won in the tie match for the third prize. p Tne fourth and last match or the day was also a clay bird match, in which the following score was made : j Hit. Missed. TH Glbbes. 111111 6 0 JFJordan. 111111 6 0 BJ Jenkins. 101111 5 1 X T Hall. 101111 5 1 EE Jenkins. 1 1 o 0 1 0 3 3 T L Sanders. 111101 5 1 RP White. 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 D HMcCuUough. 100010 2 4 Walter L Steele. 111001 4 2 The ties wei'e shot and the winners announced as follows: Gibbes, lsc pf ize ; R. Jenkins, 2nd priae, and E. Jenkins, third prize. This ended the matches proper, though there was some go as you please shooting in the afternoon. The live pigeons will be introduced in the matches today, Thei e will he four matches, tne snooting to commence at about 11 a. m. Yesterday at the Court House. The Superior court was yesterday engaged in hearing the muchly tried ease of Mason against McNinch and Healy, and nnally, towards the shanis of the day, succeeded in settling it for goqd: It ' seams that in 1881 McNinch and Healy, in their capacity as policemen, went into one of the back lots of the city and arrested a tnan narqed Mason, who was yiolating pne of the qty or4iqancQa. Mason afterward! had them ihdioted for illegally arresting him. The case was tried in court and went against the policemen, who were fined a penny and costs. They took an appeal to the Supreme court, and that body bent the case back to the Superior court for a new trial. At the second trial the case waa again deoided in favor of Iason, and another appeal was taken. The, Supreme court lor the second time sent the case back for a new trial, and yesterday the matter was settled. The jury returned a verdict in 'favor of McKinc,h qhd Healy, ' ' " After. this the court took up the pase of Esquire Pearsons, colored, who was indicted for falsa pretenses. The jury acquitted him,. ' . Johnston was arrajgneel on charge of assault and battery, and was found guilty. The crowd of spectators that hung about the court house all day were somewhat disappointed over the tact thatThos. L. Shields was not brought from jail as expected. The failure of his appearance was due to tne iaci that he was still too sicjr, to be brough to the court house ; He 'has been Erostrate ih jail for a couple of days jy an attack of cholera morhus., t . jg, Vt 4t Convention. The eighth annual State conven tion of the Young Men s Christian Association, of this State, is to beheld at Greensboro on September ljsth, 13th and 14th. The address of wel come will be delivered by Judge R. P Dick, of ureensDoro, to wnicn a response will be made by X G. Hal, Of Hickory: 'The international execu tive committee win De representeu. In issuing the invitation cards, the. executive committee, state: wye nrdiallv invite "the pastors of all fit ' ' . ' 1 U-.'i..lU Art - Ix A .nnwoaan f iDVangeiUtM VUllUCO UU ipwouir ed in bur conYenipn. In communi ties where there ig nQaBB.Qeiati.Qn, one person. ytu iefupiv-w w'c &s a delegate on presenting a certifi cate from his pastor, in oraer iuai all who attend may be suitably pro vided for, you are lequested to nave your secretary forward at once to W. 8. Moore, chairman of the committee of arrangements, Greensboro, N- C, the names or. aejegaiaa wjjlu, wiu au- tend; Association nqing it inex pedfent'frpm'ariy cause to send rep- resentaiivea, are etuiicitij icuw. to -forward reports, tq sam,e namf anq address, between row &R4 t con Yastioa, . . -MAnaA nMinA.oit anil naaalnn.' brinff Mankin - numberless ailments, foremost among them Is fier mimrutin. Nervous DeDultv. ana uimafcur ness of Generative Organs; Allen's Brain Food sue. cessfuUy overcomes these troubles and re taTathe sufferer to his former vigor. $1. . At .or by mall from J.H. Alien. av . Daughter, Wive n,4 Maer. l We emphatically guarantee Dr. arenlT,'s?i" I I ac emaienemeurr ui nm i;r' . hU. inflMinnstbm Ann Hlfier- alionufaUing and displacement or tearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change ofUf e. tlon of tHe heart, to, For sale bj r-ces 11.00 and 11.69 crnsi, utica, n. f.jfor ipblet, free. For sale by Mr. Woods Absent. yt-t : Rev. Neander M. Woods, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, left the city yesterday for a short rest in the country, and expects to be gone two weeks. The prayer meeting service usually held in that church Wednesday nights will be omitted this week and next, but the pulpit will be supplied both Sabbaths while Mr. Woods is absent, notice of which will appear in the paper on Sunday. A Boy's Eye Shot On, With a sling shot, of course, and it happened on Myers street yesterday afternoon. A party of white and colored boys had congregated to gether, and each one being provided with sling shots, they began amusing themselves by trying to see which could shoot the fastest and hardest. During the indiscriminate shooting that followed Jim Glenn, a little darkey, fell to the ground with his eye pierced by one of the shots. It was altogether an accidental affair. Young Arthur Sellers, in trying to hit a target, made a slip, and his shot glanced off and lodged in the little colored boy's eye. The eye ball was entirely destroyed by the shot. This is another warning to boys about the folly of carrying sling shots, and they should take heed of it. It is against the city ordinance to carry or to use a sling shot, and besides put ting people's eyes in danger, the boys lay themselves liable to a heavy fine. Better burn up your sling shots. SCALES AND YORK I.N WILKES. How (he General Larruped the Doctor in His Own County. Editor of The Observer. Welkesboro, August 23. Friday morning, August 22d, the day ap pointed f ORGeu. Scales to speak in VVilkesboro, dawned brightly. . A shower the evening before made the air cool and bracing, besides settling the dust. By nine o'clock the people began coming in by wagon loads. By eleven o'clock about 2,000 had assembled in Wilkesboro, and at ten o'clock a parade of 150 or 200 men, headed by Messrs. W. W. Barber and J. C. Wellborn, went out to meet General Scales, who was on his way from Trap Hill. When the procession came into town you could hear noth ing but shouts and huzzas for Scales. At 12 o'clock the speaking commenc ed in the court house yard, Dr. York having the first speech of one hour and a half. It was nothing but a harangue on the Democratic party. It was the weakest effort I ever heard in my life. By the time Gen. Scales commenced a crowd of ladies had assembled, assuring him by their presence and smiles that he had their full support. He used Dr. York up skinning him alive as I heard a former good Republican, but who is now a Democrat, say. At the con clusion of Scales' first speech large, beautiful bouquets were showered upon him. In his reply York fared worse than ever. Oh! but he did squirm and fret under Scales' effort to get him to confess to the good people of Wilkes whether he was Democrat, Republi can, Liberal, or what. Not a bit would he answer. The Republicans in Wilkes never have been so down in the mouth. It seems like a funeral when you meet Republicans now. The Democrats are making great inroads into their ranks. In one township, where for merly there were only 18 Democratic votes, .this year there will not be more than that many Republican votes. There are about one hundred voters in the township, and this is the case all over the county. Who can blame U3 for shouting when we see and feel such encouragement. Put Wilkes down for Scales. More anon. Yours, XXX. MR. HENDERSON, OFKtY4N A Strong, Popular Man, and a. Good Organizer. Salisbury, August 25, 18S4. Editor of The Observer, Jq the recent communication in your columns over the signature of r'Democrat," it is stated that Mr. Henderson opposed Dr. Ramsay for the convention, in 1871, and beat him ; and again in 1875 ha encounter ed Dr. Ramsay as an opponent for Senator of Rowan, aud Davie and waa elected hy. an moreased majority. The facts are theses In 1871 Mr. Hen derson was a candidate for the con vention, Obadiah Woodson, Esq., being his Democratic colleague. They were opposed by Dr. Ramsay and Mi" J. M. McCorkle, Eq.' The whole burden Ojf the eahyassso far as speak ing was' concerned, devolved upon Mr. ienderspn. The campaign was active and spirited. Messrs Ramsay and McCorkle. were able and experi enced, canvassers, and very skillful and adroit political speakers. The result, however, proved that Mr. Henderson was not inferior to either in any respect, for while the eonvens tion question carried in the couqty bv 395. he beat Dr. Ramsav 497 votes. and his majority oyer Mr- McCorkle was 499; Mr. Henderson was. a can didate again for the convention in 187' and although the convention question was very unpopular, he was elected by a, naajoirifey of 258. His op -nonent was Cant. John A. Ramsav. the present mayor of Salisbury. In 1876 Mr. Hendeism was a . candi date for the lower house of the General Assembly and was triumph antly elected by a majority of 1,006. over his Republican opponent. At the same time Tilden's, majority was onlv 868 and Vance's 863. " In 1878 Mr. Henderson was a candidate for the Senate' in Rowan and Davie, his opponent being an independent and popular Democrat. Mr. Hender son was elected hv a laree maioritv. running several hundred votes ahead of his ticket. These are the only times that Mr. Henderson has been before the people and the facts show that he has always been a strong and popular candidate. And l win tur- ther add. that he is one of the very best organizers in the State, and but for his exertions, we would have lost the last election in this county, anq it does seem to me from these facts. that Henderson ig the raii to. beat Ramsay with, and his. friends hope that tf3 district convention that ! tdee'ts here on the 9th q Sept, , "will see the " importaaoa d& making him their standard, heajer, ! - - Rowan. A Noble Red Man. Virginia City (Nev.) Chronicte. PA lady residing in the nor heastern part of town recently wanted- the services of an Indian to pick a goose, She approached the first one she. snej witn; "Jim, wquiq you, se. to 9omo ajid pio a gopsa for me Vj The noble ia1 nia.fr tfifla ' a'ddressed' drew him- hia chest with pride and indignation, and haughtily inquired r 'You jnow me t" "No. I don't know you," re. anonded the ladv. ' somewhat sur- prisod. "Ugh f grunted the Indian, as U pitying obt iguurauuo, silv wijr tarn Sam. Me no pick goose. ".Me Bend my wife. ' c ' r I ; ' V Ticket 8oestfd. To the Editor of Thb Obsebver. A wag. In the best of humor, suggests the fallow ing: The admirers of the following gentlemen would be glad that the convention to be held shortly i would place their names Deiore tne good citizens of Mecklenburg. We believe the ticket would sweep me county. FOB THE SKNATK. ' GEN, OONSTANTINE DAVIDSON. FOR THE HOUSE. COL. THEOPHILAS ALLISON. MAJ. R. BOSTON WALLACE. JUDGE J. WASHINGTON McWHTBTEB. Give this ticket to the eood neople of Mecklen burg and they will elect the entire list. They are true, men who would act according to the dic tates of a clear conscience. Very truly. SOME FRIENDS. Iaatantly Believed. Mrs. Ann Lacnur. of New Orleans. La., writes: I have a son who has been sick, for two years: he I nag peen attended dv our leading pnysicians. Dut all to no purpose. This morning he had his usual j spell or coughing, and was so greatly prostrated in consequence, that death seemed imminent. We had in the house a bottle of Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam lor the Limes, purchased by my husband, who no ticed your advertisement yesterday. We adminis tered it, and he was Instantly relieved." For sale by T. C. Smith &Co., Charlotte, N. C. an20dtuesfrlAsun&w. Ilousli on Pain" Plaster. Porous and strengthening. Improved, the best ioroacKacne, pains in me cnesi or siae, rneuma tlsm, neuralgia, 26c. Druggists or mail. "Ronsh on Corns." Ask for "Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15e. Quick. complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions, "RongU on Pain." Cures colic cramps, diarrhoea: externally for aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheu matism. For man or beast. 25 and 60c. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a complete vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of (Jon- eumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a gsitive and radical cure for Nervous ebility and all Nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his puffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will Bend free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in German, French br English, with full directions for preparing and using Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOTES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. wCm. Horgford's Acid Phosphate, In Impaired Nerve Function Dr. C. A. Fernald, Boston. Mass., says: "I have used It In cases of Impaired nerve function, with beneficial results, especially in cases where the sys tem is anected Dy tne toxic acuon oi toDacco." Offensive Breath. Bad taste In Mouth. Coated tongue, show torpid liver and disordered stomach. Alien s Bilious -nyaic, vegetaDie remedy, quickly es reiievau. zo cents. At an un "ma. tltrcrtiscments. R. H. JORDAN & CO.. Springs' Corner, Druggists. A Nice article of Cooking Wine cheap at R.H.JORDAN&CO.'S., Springs Corner. Colgate's Harness Oil Soap cleanses thoroughly w ana preserves tne learner. For sale by R.H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner. A Fresh Stock of Lueoa Cream Salad Oil, Cole man's Mustard. In bulk or boxes, and fresh spices (whole or ground), of all kinds, at X. 11. JUKDAJN K UU. UrUgglSlS. A Fine lot of Green and Black Teas for the re- . tail trade, at R. IL JORDAN & CO.'S., Springs' Corner. Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice is the nicest to use most effective for cleaning and preserving the leeui ana gums lor saie Dy 11. U. JUKUAN (X UU., Springs' Corner. TTeadquarters for Colgate's and Pears' Toilet A-a. i . Soaps and Waters. R. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner. Wholesale or Retail, sale by Scarr's. Fruit Powder, for R. H. JORDAN & CO. Springs' Corner. Tne Kangaroo Is conceded to be the BEST agar a sold lor 6 cents. nail on. at R. n. JORDAN & CO. S. Springs' Corner. A Fresh lot of McAllister's Prepared Mocklng- ii j . Bird Food Just received. R. H. JORDAN & CO. PS1.6S CORNER. TO THE PUBLIC. WewUlbe prepared In about ten days to saw house wood by steam power. Those contemplating having their winter wood cut we will be pleased to correspond with, or see us. aug27d3t NEWCOMB BROS, MULE STRAYED. stramd from mv nremises Saturday night, Au gust 2trd, Its miles souineasi oi cnanoue. A MOUSE-COLORED HORSE MULE, four vears old. and about 15 hands high. A libera reward will be paid for his return to me, or inlor- mation leading to nis recovery. - aug27d3twlt WolfitlUe, Uiilpn Co,, N. C. Series of Stock. Office as Mechanics Perpktcai, B, aw l. Assoc "n. The books of the association are now open for thA Fnnrth SatIm! al Ktoek. Parment of dues will commence the 1st Saturday In September. All who wjsh stock In the association will call and subscribe Detorettuse. R. E. COCHRANE, augTdlra Secretary and Treasurer. PAN TOPS ACADEMY, Near Char lottesville, Virginia, for Boys and Young men. Fully equip ped. Begins September 10th. Send for catalogue. RY. EDGAR WOODS, PR. D., JOHN R. SAMPSON, A. M., co-Prtr$Inaj5l uiyteod2m FEMALE COLLEGE. day, Oct. 6tb. Number Number of teachers 12. Faculties for trench. Music and Painting unsur passed. -QS( Oi Doara ana regular iuiuuu iui vear. 165.00. For catalowue apply to the presi- ident. tiugnwzm Due West, 8. C The King Coiton Press, Price Reduced to iUO. 00 If you need a press look to yH toterest and buy one. It is the cheapest ana most easuy wunteu; labor-saving press in the world." Premiums taken over all others at the Raleigh, and Weldon Fairs in . nrw 41 ... .1. n 1 'JaII... WWth OJl f fpurryearS.' State and county rights for sale. Send lor for circulars. Manufactured by (TELY4RRO.. augHwSm Greenville, a O. LAND. SALE, By virtue of decree ef the Snperidr Court I wffl sell at the court bouse door in the city of Charlotte, nn MnnHm Lha 9fith Aav at Aneust. 1884. the tract of tend of the late Isaac Grier, containing 11 acres, adjoining lands of A. G. Reld, Hugh ttoyce, rnivin Roid nnd nthnrn. In Mecklenburg county. The said land is sold for partition among helrs-ttt- aw of said uner. credit ot wj aays. r J. a. McLURE. lulrSlw4w-. Ciomiaslaloiier of Saperlot Court. Fourth Mrs. Joe Person's Column Mrs. Joe Person's R WILL CTJEE Ilheamatism. Tauboro, N. C, July 7, 1881 Mrs. Job Pekson: Dear Madam For eteht or ten years I have been a sufferer from some cutaneous disease resulting from Impurity of the blood, which was manifested by several large sores on my face, with dry, hard scabs, which would shed and others form continu ously. It was pronounced by an experienced phy sician to be "Lupus." I was also a severe sufferer with Rheumatism, and it was with difficulty I could walk at all. After trying various treatments I was induced by my pastor to try your REMJSlflf. After using three bottles I was perfectly cured. The sores are all healed, my general health Is good and my Rheumatism is entirely relieved. As a remedy for Rheumatism, Skin and Blood Diseases I con sider it without an equal. l am very truly, E. D. MACNAIR. Mrs. k Person's WIXX. COUNTERACT BLOOD mPCIUTY. Golssbobo, N. C, June 28th, 1884. Mas. Joseph Person: Madam Havlnz had the measure of meeting you in our city, I feel it my duty to freely give you the following testimonial of the efficacy of your valuable preparation. I have been afflicted for several years with some blood disease which settled in my leg, producing ulceration. I was advised to visit the Hot Springs, in our State, but only found partial relief. Through the advice of a friend I was Induced to try your valuable REMEDY, and am nappy to state tnat it nas enectea a permanent cure. Respectfully, T. A. GRANGER. Mrs Joe Person's mince oily 13- AFINK TONIC. MooBESvnxK, Iredell Co., N. C. Being desirous of adding my testimonial to oth ers concerning the merits of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, i take pleasure in saying inat as atonic and alterative I do not think It has an equal. I have fairly tested It, and after trying Vegetine, Sarsaparllla, Vinegar Bitters, and various other remedies, have no Hesitation in pronouncing it far superior to any tonic I have ever used, when I commenced using Mrs. Person's Bitters I was very weak, complexion sallow, and now I am feeling penectiy weu. Kespecuuuy, MRS. H. T. BROWN. GCE2ttL AGENTS: Boykln, Carmer & Co,, No, 11 & T 13 ijioeriy suoen, i Wm. H. Brown & Bra, No. 25 f Baltimore, Md. South Sharp street, Canby.GUplniCa. J Parcel!, Ladd & Co.,, Owens, Mtnor & Co. Powers, Taylor & Co. Rlchmond.VVa T. C Smith & Co., W. M. Wilson. Charlotte, N. C. Wm. H. Green, Wilmington, N. C. V. 0-. Thompson, Winston, N. C. J. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. Turner 4 Bruner, Monroe, N. C J. T. Harper, Smltnyttle N. & R. G. Gleou, Greensboro. N. O, E, B Hqdges Sl Co., Tarboro, N. C. Hinsdale & Broadfoot, Fayettftville. N. C. Wholesale Druggist for N. C, Dr, J H. McADEN, Anek for Sale by ail Druggists, Every Bottle Prepared Under the Immediate Supervision oi Mrs. Joo Person. ( i MANUFACTURED BY i Job Person Eert Mwi LA20SATCSY, :- -' CHASLOITE, H. & , Tryon street. Granite How, Ho. 4, Dpstalri ; M E DY REMEDY August Siftings. illlliLOLUllPWLLBH rO-DAY. 4 Gressi Warfare on Old Mats, AND An Opporlunity to GIVE AWAY PRICES." . We have collected together the remnants of a very successful season in Straw Goods, and resolved that we will not carry a single Straw Hat over. We have sold thousands and now the few dozens let t must go, that we may maintain our prominent position as Batters again next season with an entirely new stock. Our narrative told and reasons given for this "reckless cut," we will proceed to business YOU CAN THIS DAY BUY ANY DOLLAR STRAW HAT IN OUR STOCK And Keep the Other Half for Another Season s "Head Dress. It seems a shame that Gallant Puck and Loyal "v.i im ry 11.11 outu iuoi&cu uiouuuuuU) vm lb la uiuoicu luui ti iicj siiuji to-day you buy them at half price, which Is not one-fourth of their value. All Straw Hats at 75 and 50 When you see a man bareheaded or sporting a shabby hat, please excuse US from any responsibility we have placed It within the power of every one to "brush up." and be genteel. In this great Straw Hat sale and sacrifice, to our friends, we trust our loss will prove their gain. E. D. Xjabta, fe Bro. Don't Read This Unless yon want to be tempt ed to go to the Charlotte Mu sic House and purchase one of those celebrated Mathushek Pianos, slightly second-hand, at a greatly reduced price, either for cash or on instal ment payments. We have also several Mason and Ham lim Organs, used only a short time, and as good as new, having been taken back from delinquent purchasers, which we are offering very low. Now is your time to get a bargain. A big lot of new instruments always on hand. Charlotte Music House. j. w. The Tai mo REMEMBER OUR $7,50 All Wool Cassimere Suit Our Striped Summer Suit We are now relling at $1.50; sold everywhere for $2.50 We are giving the public the benefit of changes to the Northwest. such A guarantee of lower prices than any other Very respectfully, , L. BEEiWMGER '&MQM1EB, LEADING CLOTHIERS API O TAII.O KM. TAgents for Pearl Shirts. fUST IN NEW CREAM CHEESE, HONEY, In the Honey Comb And Choice Fresh Butter, at S. M; HOWELL'S. Buy New Ones at 9 Vacation should be reduced In rank when they have share the common fate of all," and cents will now be sold for 25c McMILLIAN, Manager. Season le goods, so you can wear them . even when the wind house In the State can always be had at JUST RECEIVED. Comblaatim Wine and Fruit Presses -. For Family Ue. : " -Apple Parers, Corers and SUcers, Apple an P?iI8,r Tahie and Pocket Cutlery, Fly Fans of Improved pattern, and General Hardwara- of every kino, - - ' Call and see us or send us your oraer. BBOWK, WEDDIN6T0H 4 00. ' rorsaie Quuloae, For sale byj; H. McAden and TC. Smith Co.i vegetabiti, contain lu xl. wnstun.