D AIL YC H A R L OTTE OB S E R VER; WE DNE S D A Y, A U G UST 27, 1884 To Win ucass wiih yANY ii4, ii musi Lv REL pERIT. bjf STERLING :iUUTY(ks " "-INE SMOKING rfna, Flkvf, v7- ckcr"isiici; r i lobkcco WORLD E !.oA for trade-mark of the "IK i ii aenuine without it. Frightful Catarh, PIECES OF BONE. , For four yeara I have been afflicted with a Tery troublesome catarrh of the bead. So ter rible bas Its nature been that when I blew my nose'nnall pieces of bone would frequently come oat of my mojth and nose. The dis charge was copious, and at times exceedingly offensive. My blood became so Impure that my general health was greatly Impaired, with poor appetite and worse digestion. Numerous medicines were used without re lief, until I began the use of B. B. B., and three bottles acted almost like magic. Since their use not a symptom has returned, and I feel in every way quite restored to health. I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer to al- -most any one living on Butler street, and more particularly to Dr. L. M. Gniam, who knows of my case. Jtfna Elizabeth Knott. A LITTLE GOLD. Mr. Z. A. Clark, of Atlanta, Ga., in speaking of $480.00 In gold, desires to say to the readers of this paper, that the whole of the above amount was spent In a fruitless effort In find ing relief from a terrible Blood Poison affect ing his body, limbs and nose presenting ugly running ulcers. He Is now sound and well, haying been cured by the most speedy and wonderful remedy ever before known, and any Interested party who may need a Blood Partner wni learn from him that three bottles of B. B. B. restored bis appetite, healed all ulcers, re lieved his kidneys, and added twenty-one pounds to his weight In thirty days. " TWO DRUGGISTS. We have been handling b. b. B. only a few -months, and take pleasure In saying It Is super ceding all other Blood Bemedles. It sens wen, gives our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully reeommend It In preference to any other Blood Purifier. ASHEB 4 MOOBE, Druggists. . Atlanta, Ga. A 32-page book of wonderful B. B. B. testimony mailed to any address. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold In Charlotte by : W. M. WILSON. Patapseo Flouring Mills. ESTABLISHED 1774. BHfars 1774. Rolls 1882. ICAGAMSRIU MrtCa. j - - PATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicott City, Maryland. rPATAPSOO MILL B, at Baltimore, .Maryland.' -; -v...... . v' . PATAPSCO MLLLO, at Orange Grove Maryland. Having a daily capacity of 1,500 Barrels. , The vapie of Flour depends on the proportionate raantlty of Gluten, Starch, Sugand Phosphate : of Lima Maryland and Virginia Wheat, from which our Patent Boiler Flours are manufactured, is unequalled for Its purity and superior quality of alible properties. Ask your Grocer for PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, PATAPSCO CHOICE PATENT, PATAPSCO FAMILY, PATAPSCO EXTRA, CAPE HENRY FAMILY NORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, BEDFORD FAMILY, ' ' ORANGE GROVE EXTRA C.A. GA3XCHXLL MG CO 82 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. Eepresented by B. N. Uttlejonn, Charlotte; N. O. , gLKKWElS ofic Cut o "lisf TUB STOKY KEJHBL.B TOLD. ; Speaker Blaine Again Selling 11 is De cisions. Harrl8burg Letter to Warren (Pa.) Ledger. ntiarteH H. Berener. Esq.. was leaning back in a comfortable chair in bis favorite club in this city the other evening discussing the political situation and surprised every one Dy indicating that he is not inclined to vote for Blaine. Mr. Bergner is a lawyer of this city. His father was the postmaster ior many -y eta ,-tuo public printer and editor and publish er of the Harrisburg Evening Tele- raph, the central party organ or tne tatft. Dvine a few years ago, his son succeeded to the ownership of the paper and in 1876 was its ecutorsin chief . : Everybody wanted an explanation. "It is commonly believed," said Mr. Bergner, "that Blame was de feated for the nomination in 1S76 because he was obnoxious to the Cameron ring. There is nothing further from the truth and the only color for the statement lies in the fact that Senator Cameron was oppoped to him. His del eat was accomplished by a disclosure made by William H. r , i i i a e. iti Kemble, who was a delegate iroia suie Fourth district, Philadelphia, and had no reference direct or indirect to the relations between senator Came -ron and Mr. Blaine. t "After the sixth ballot had been completed," continued Mr. Bergner, "it became evident that the issue would be decided on the next. The Pennsylvania delegates had been voting for John F. Hartranf t in obe dience to the resolutions of the State convention. In order that the State might make itself felt in the succeed ing ballot, the delegation withdrew ior consultation, vvnue tney were engaged thus the late Morton Mc Michael and General Bingham (ad dressed themselves earnestly to the delegates in advocacy of voting j for Blaine. At the conclusion of Mr. McMichael's remarks, it was evident a deep impression had been made Just as the votes were about to be taken, Mr. Kemble arose. He asked the delegates to pause in the matter, and eave his opinion that the norni nation of Blaine would bring defeat to the party. He referred to the damaging stories that would be told and to the doubtful record Mr. Blaine bad made during his public life. He drew from his pocket two cancelled checks, and continued: 'I never had any ligitimate business transactions with Mr. .Blaine. Tney are signed Dy me, made payable to his order and endorsed and returned tome through the ordmarv channels of such tnings. When Mr. Blaine was the Speaker of the House of Congress I was inter ested m some pending legislation. asked nis assistance in tne way or a favorable ruling. He agreed to rule as I asked for $5,000. J. paid the money with this check : (exhibiting the $5,000 check). Subsequently Blame came to me and demanded $2,500 more, and I was obliged to yield and' make the second payment with this check (exhibiting the $2; 500 check). iNow,- said Mr. Kemble, 'I defy any man to say thai; I ever had any other business transaction with Blaine, and I defy any man to dis pute the genuineness of this endorse ment Blaine's handwriting. If he is nominated by this convention I will give these facts to the public, and his defeat is certain to follow. I have no objection to a man being bought, but I protest against him demandingithe pay twice.' j "xne ettect or this speech was electrical," continued Mr. Bergner, "When Kemble sat down he handed the cancelled checks round among the delegates and they were examined carefully, critically. I had them in my hand and am satisfied that they were genuine. Immediately after the vote was taken and the delega tion decided to cast its vote for Haves, That vote decided the issue against Blairyj. j "While the balloting in the Chicago convention or la0 was in progress. Gen. Simon Cameron, alluding ta the same matter, said to a neighbor that it was evident that the people v? ere for Blaine, but owing to the evidence against him it would be fatal to nom inate him." ! : - Appointments of Gen. Scales, j . Gen Scales will meet Dr. York at his published appointments on the east or the ridge as follows: Concord, Friday, August 29th. I. Dallas, Saturday, August. 30th.i Iancoliiton, Monday, September 1st Shelby, Tuesday, September. 2nd. Rutherfordton, Wednesday, Sep- temDer3a. Columbus, Thursday, September 4th. : Charlotte, Saturday, September 20th. , j; Owing to the fact that the candi dates for Lieutenant Governor i and electors for the State at laree are now canvassing the counties covtered by Dr. York's appointments west of the Kidge tien. Scales, by the t-dvice oi tne uemocrauc Executive Com mittee, will not meet him at those appointments, and the Democratic Committee announce the following appointments ioruen. scales instead Monroe, Saturday. September S 6th Big Lick, Stanly, Monday, Septem- Dertscn. Albemarle, Tuesday, September yen. r Troy, Wednesday. September iOth. Mt. Gilead, Thursday, September nth. i Wadesboro, Saturday, September Rockingham, Monday, September lain. Shoe Heel, Tuesday, September 16th. i Fayetteville, Wednesday, geptems ber 17th. . j Sanford, Thursday, September loin. - . i; Charlotte, Saturday, September 20th. j Democratic papers circulating In the western part of North Carolina are requested to copy. j , R. H. Battle, (Rinnan, EON, Z. B.; VANCE'S APPOINTMENTS. Hon. Z. B. Vance will speak at the iouowing times and places: I. Old Fort, McDowell county, Mon- uay, oeptemoer isc. i . Hickory, Catawba county, Tues day, September 2d. i Mooresville, Iredell county, Wed nesday, September 3rd. j " Shelby,' Cleaveland county, Thurs dav. September 4th. - i' . Winston, Forsyth county, Satur day, September 6th. " i Clementsville, Davie county, jMon- day, September 8th. Yadkmville, Yadkin county, Tuos day, September 9th. i . Appointments after the 9th with held for the present. R. H. Battle, Chairman. A Conference on the Frenca-Chioese Difficulty. j r Berlin, August 26. Baron . De Courcel, the French Ambassador, has returned to Berlin from his recent visit to Paris, in response to a sum' mons from his government, and has started for Varzin to confer with Prince Bismarck, f It is believed this conference will be in reference to the Franco Chinese difficulty. Sale ot the Warm Springs. A. correspondent of the Raleigh News ' and Observer writes from Warm Springs under date of 22nd as follows: ' A syndicate of capitalists, compos ed of Messrs. Gariz D. Fisher, of Baton Rouge; Gen. Myers, of St. Louis; M. D. Kavanaugh, of New Orleans; Jos. Pettyjohn, of Lynch. burg; W. S. Mays, of Louisville; Mai' N. Vv. Roilins, of North Carolina, and F. Fox, of Philadelphia, was formed yesterday, and a compact signed to purchase the Warm Springs property, the hotel buildings, out houses, grounds, springs, ccc. The company which holds tne property at present has signed docu ments to transfer within thirty days for the sum of $80,000 all their rights, titles and holdings to North Carolina's oldestr and most noted watering place. The new company is a strong one and will set the springs on the high tide of prosperity and popularity. Thirty thousand dollars will be spent in htting up the grounds, enlarging the orchards and gardens, erecting new bath houses and stables, and in the general improvement and orna mentation of the property. A new bridge will be built over the French Broad, and the ancient ferry boat will be shelved as a relic of olden times. Joseph Pettyjohn will be retained as manager and reside per manently at the springs. Resenting English Criticism An Al liance Between France and Germany Suggested. . Pakis. Aug. 26.-2 p. M.- Par's papers indignantly repel the charges made by the London Times that cruelty was exercised by Admiral Courbet at Foo Chow, and indulge in violent abuse of England. The Voli- taire and Temps say that h ranee has no need to exculpate itself to the country which set fire to Alexandria. Admiral Courbet destroyed the Chi nese gunboats because he could net weaken his crews by occupying them. The Soleil and Republique Francaise approved of Admiral Cburbet's eners getic course. All he did, they say, was to obey orders in errectmg the prompt settlement of the existing difficulty, m. Jraui JLe uassagnac advocates an alliance between France and Germany. A Mute Lvidence of Refinement Is a row of well polished teeth. People of vulgar Instincts are very apt to neglect theirs. Cleanli ness demands careful attention to the teeth, and experience indicates SOZODOMT as the safest and surest means oi retrieving their losses oi Deauty and vigor. It removes impurities upon and be tween them; imparts to soft or shrivelled gums the hardness and rosiness of coral; makes the breath fragrant and lends to feminine lips an additional charm. Xlie Testimony of a Physician. James Beecher, M. D., of Slgourney, Iowa, says: "For several years I have been using a Cough Bal sam called Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, and In almost every case throughout my practice I have had entire succes. I have used and prescribed hundreds of bottles since the days of my army prac tice (1863), when I was surgeon of Hospital No. 7, Louisville, Ky." a flown Town HercBant. Having passed several sleepless nights, disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming convinced that Mrs. Wlnslew's Soothing Syrup was just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have It administered to the child, as she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child parsed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Ee'umlng home the day following, the father found the baby still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and hap py. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the Syrup.and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet fulled to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold bv all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. A CLEAR HEAD. " One year ago I was Induced to try Ateb's Pills as a remedy for Indigestion, Con stipation, and Headache, from which I bad long been a great sufferer. Commenc ing with a dose of five Pills, I found their action easy, and obtained prompt relief. In continuing their use, a single Pill taken ' after dinner, dally, has been aU the medi cine I have required. Ayer's Pills hare kept my system regular and my head clear, and benefited me more than all the medi eises ever before tried. Every person sim ilarly afflicted should know their value. 152 State St., Chicago, June 6, 1882. M. V. Watsoh." For all diseases of the stomach aad boweliL tryAYzs's Pills. PKEPABED BY DrJ.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. The "511" Cigar, Havana filled and Cuban hand-made selected for ex perts in smoking 5 cents each 5 dollars per hundred. T. C. SMITH & CO. 5 and 10 Cent Soap. T. C. SMITH & CO. have just received the prettiest loilet boaps ever brought to this market. Largest cake In the city for five and ten cents, One Car Load Kerosene Oil offered at guar antee market price, T. C. SMITH & CO. Our Soda Water Is wade from the very best Rock Candy Syrup, and fla vored with strictly pijre fruit juices everything first-class, regardless of expense, T. C. SMITH & CO. For Sale. One- horse Dray and Har ness, second-hand price $25 T.C, SMITH & CO. OnerCar load Machine Oil, all grades, to suit factories and all kinds of machinery. Prices as low as canjbe had anywhere. T. C. SMITH & CO, aug23 - FAY'S CELEBRATEDE1 WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFING Resembles fine leather: for Boofs, Outside Walls, and Inside In plaoa of plaster. Very atrong and durable. Catalogue with teetlmn- . nials and samples FREE. EBtabliahed 1866. , W. H. VAX & CO., Camden, N. J. " aug21dw4w ALU PAPERS by the hundred tor eale at Blaine's Salts Against the Argus. Portland (Me.) A rgns. : Mr. Blaine has cone into che libel suit business, it seems, to the tune of $50,000. What the occasion 'of it is we have not learned, but we suppose a repetition of the old Kentucky in cident. If that be so, why did he not attack the Chicago Times, that had two columns, supported by affidavits? This is a very old trick with Mr. Blaine. He tried it on us more than twenty-five years ago, to the tune of $20,000, if we remember correctly. Wa paid only for the writ in the civil suit. A year and a half after, he had us indicted in another county and we promptly demanded trial, but we did not succeed in getting it. and at the next term of court a nol pros, was entered without our knowl edge at the opening of the term and official notice given us thereof. The whole thing was mere bluff. Western editors will not be greatly disturbed by attempts in the same line now. If Mr. Blaine proposes to be a witness, as seems to be intimated, there will be great interest to hear Mr. Blaine's version of the affair. As a matter of fact, however, he will do nothing of the sort. After the election he will get out of court the easiest way he can. AKSOOCEMETS, For the Legislature. The frieeds of Ell W. Lyles present his name to the township conventions for the lower house of the Legislature, as one eminently qualified to fill that office. He will, we believe, If elected, make a faith ful and efficient legislator. Subject to the action of the Democratic county coeventlon. Crab Orchard. For tlie House of Representa tives. The many friends of A. Jones Hunter Esq., re cognizing his peculiar fitness as a representative in the Legislature, hereby announce him as a candi date, subject to the Democratic nominating con ventlon. He Is a true and tried DemocravEml nently qualified for the positlon.and will add much strength to the party. We heartily commend him to the confidence and hearty support of the voters of Mecklenburg county, and it elected believe he will faithfully represent the Interest of the people. ' MAHY VOTERS. County Legislative Ticket. The following named gentlemen are suggested for nomination by the approaching Democratic county convention as eminently fitted to compose the Legislative ticket ior Meckienourg: FOR SENATOR. SYD. B. ALEXANDER. OB HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. R. P. WARINtt, CHAS. R. JONE3, W. E. ARDREY. A stronger tlrftet. or one com nosed of merfet- ter qualified to discharge the duties of legislators could not be nominated. charlotte. For Coroner, The friends of J. A. McLure present his name to the Democratic nominating convention ior tne or- fioe of coroner. If there Is any reward due for an arm given to the "Lost Cause" now is the time and he Is the man. Living In Charlotte he can be con veniently reached iroui au parts or tne county. For Coroner. To the Citizens of Mecklenburg County: The friends of S. B. Smith announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner, sublect to tne Democratic nominating convention Mr. Smith has filled the office f orthe past two years In a manner acceptable to the people. Not a word of complaint has been raised In any quarter, and the fact of the ereatly reduced expenses durlne his term of office commends him to favorable consid eration at the hands of the voters of Mecklenburg. MORNLNU STAR. For Register of Deeds. The friends of W. W. Grler announce him a can didate for Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convenuen. For Register of Deeds. The friends of Mr. J. W. Cobb announce him as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg county. He has been in the office for 8 years under the good old wuuani Maxweu, ana is now wen quanneaionii the office as chief. His name will be before the Democratic County Convention for that office. For Register of Deeds. At the solicitation of many of my friends. hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county sub ject to tne action oi tne Democratic county con vention, w. hatte uabrt, For Sheriff. The friends of Major J. M. Davis are authorized to announce mm a eanaiaate ior tne omce or sher iff of Mecklenburg county, subject to the nomina tion vi tne county convention. For Sheriff". The many friends of W. F, Griffith, recognizing his peculiar fitness for the office, hereby announce him for sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subject to tne action or tne Democratic county convention; His public services as deputy sheriff have been of a highly satisfactory character, and his friends think he deserves promotion at the hands of the Democ racy. A Candidate Withdraws. To the Editor of the Obsekter: I have decided to withdraw rhv name as a candl date for the office of sheriff. I am under man? ob ligations to my friends for the support promised me, but for private reasons I am no lonfer a candi date. J. W. HUUll, July 28th, 1884. Candidate for Sheriff! The many friends of J. Wt Klrkpatrick, nomi nate him as a candidate for the ofhee of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at th ensuing election, sub ject to ine action oi tne Democratic county con vention. AlAiSX VUULtta. junei4d&wtdc For Sheriff". The many friends of Capi L. A, Potts propose his name as a fit nominee for the hlghbBiceof sheriff of this county, subject to the action of the Democratic Mecklenburg county convention. He is a true and tried Democrat, eminently qualified for the position, and will add much strength to the Democracy o our"oumy, hast Voters. For County Treisurer. The friends of Mr. J. H. McClIntock propose his name as a candidate for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the ratification of the Democratic convention. . The finances of the countv have been so well managed by that excellent soldier, Capt Belk, that tax-payers of all shades of political faith will regret nis retirement, dui ii ne decides not again to siana for the office, all will be pleased if his successor is one wno carries aoout tne same Dadge oi nonor. Let us nominate and elect Mr. McClIntock. . MECKLENBURO) June 14.1884. WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, fATCHIS, ATCBES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS," CLOCKS, CLOCKS. . CLOCKS. ' DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, " DIAMONDS, ' DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS, " DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, ' 1 DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, - . . DIAMONDS, pLAitQNBS, " - DIAMONDS! - 'IX EIIDI42SS VARIETY, .- J At the biggest Jewelry Store, and where can Jt - found the biggest and cheapest goods in . North Carolina, which is of course - ,i , .. -at, Jno.T. Batter s, - - TBT0N STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. - Watches Infantile RIood : Purifier and Skin Reaullflera. A Poffltlre Cure far F.very Form ot nkln ana RIood Diseases, from Pimples to Scrofula. INFANTILE and Birth Humors, Milk Crust, Sculled Head. Ecxemas and eveov form of Itch ing, Scaly, Pimply, Scrofulous and Inherited Dis eases of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, with loss of Hair, from Infiuitiv to Aim. nurnil hv t.ha (Tin-irnR Resolvent, the new blood purifier. Internally, and Cutiouju and CwiouhaSoap, the great skin cures, externally, AtmaluUy wire arid soft and may fee wea from the hmiwhI (if birth. Our Little Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stebhlna. Ttelchertnwn. Mnss. write: "Our little bov was terrlhlv afflicted with Scrofula. Salt Rheum and Erysipelas ever since no was uoru, anu notning we could give mm neipea him until we tried Cdticuka Remedies, which gradually cured him, until he Is now as fair as any child." Works to a Charm. J. S. Weeks. Esq.. Town Treasurer, fit Albans. Vt., says in a letter dated May 28: "It works to a charm on my baby's face and head. Cured the nean entirely, and has nearly cleaned the face of sores. I have recommended It to several, and Dr. Plant has ordered it for them." A Terrible Case. Charles Eayre Hlnkle. Jersey Citv Heights. K. J. : writes: "My son, a lad of twelve years, was com- 81etaly cured of a terrible case of Eczema by the uncuRA Remedif.s. Erom the top of his head to the soles of his feet was one mass of scabs." Every other remedy and physicians had been tried in vain. For Pale Languid, Emaciated children, with pimply, sallow skin, the Cuticura Remedies will prove a perfect blessing, cleansing the blood and skin of inherited impuri ties and expelling the germs of scrofula, rheuma tism, consumption and severe skin diseases. Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura. 80 cents: Re solvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "Hew to Cure Sain Illstases." r A 13 V TJse ' utirura Soap, an exquisitely lal) 1 perfumed skin f.pam.th-i-. ami Toilet, Bath and Nursery Sanative. POUND ! FOR LADIKS ONLY. A REMEDY endorsed by the best Physicians and A1 ugglQta UL iu uuiiie. A REMEDY that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Goodwater! Aia-, naya raised nis wire irom an invalid's bed, and he believes saved her lire. A REMEDY of which a prominent Atlanta mer chant said : "1 would have given $500 as soon s Ml would a nickel for what two bottles of your med- ivmc uiu jw my uuugmer. A REMEDY In regard to which S.J Cassells. M. D., uruggist, Thomasville, Ga., says: "I can re call Instances in which it afforded relief after all tne usual remedies had failed. A REMEDY about which Dr. T R WbitpU t.-j. ujiiiige, wa., wnies; "i nave used Ior the last twenty years the medicine you are putting up.and consider it the best combination ever gotten to gether for the disease for which it is recom- A REMEDY about which Dr. Joel Branham, At- nave no hesitation in advising its use. and con- A REMEDY which the Rev. H. B.Johnson, near jM-orieiui, ua., says ne nas used in nis lanily with the "utmost satisfaction," and recommended It to three families, "who round It to be just what ii is rcuuuiiueuucu. A REMEDY of which Pemberti.n. Iverson & Dennl- son say: we nave been selling It for manv years with constantly Increasing sales. The article is a staple witn us, and one or absolute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin 4 Lamar say: "We sold 50 gross in four months, and never poid ii in any piace out wnai was wanted again." A REMEDY by which Dr. Baueh. of Lafiransm. Ga. says: "I cured one of the most ohsMnnte of Vicarious Menstruation that ever came within my knowledge with a lew bottles." A REMEDY of whlcKDr. J. C. Huss. Notasulga, Ala., says: "I am f iillv convlnrevi that it i un rivaled for that class of diseases which it claims to cure. ' AHEMEDY about which Maj. John C. Whitner, of Aiuiuia, wen ano iavoraniy Known all over the united states as a general insurance agent, says -lusea mis remedy Deiore tne war. on a aria plantation on a great number of cases, always mtii ausuiuic sutcess. A REMEDY about which Mr. J. W. Stran-p. of Car- tersville, Ga., certifie that one bottle cured two members of his family of menstniiU Irregularity ui iiiaiij jc.ii 3 suiuumg. THIS GREAT REMEDY IS BRADFIELUS FEMALE REGULATOR. Treatise on the Health and Happiness of WDman uiaiieu LTct). The Brad field Regulator Co., Box 28, Atlantt, Ga. $1,000,00 TVT ILL Ue pajd to any one who will find a particle ot aiercury, r otasn, iodine, Arsenic, or any poisonous suwiauce in Swift's Specific "I have cured Blood Taint by the nse of Swift's Specific after! had most signally failed with the .mercury ano rotiisn treatment." F. A. TOOMER, M. D., Perry, Ga. "Swift's Specific has cured me of scrofula of 12 years standing. Had sores as large as my hand, and every one thougut I was doomed. Swift's Spe- cinc curea me aner pnysicians and another medi cine naa iauea.- n. ii. muii, loiioho, Ar. SI A ((( would not purchase from me what 1U,VU Swift's Specific has done for me. It cured me of rheumatism caused by malaria." ARCHIE THOMAS, Springfield, Tenn. Our Treatise on BLsed and Skin Diseases mailed The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8. Aiianla, Ga. New York Office, 159 W. 23d St,, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Philadelphia office, 1205 700!! AGENTS WANTED Double Quick To sell the only Official Biograpiiles of CLEVELAND HENDRICKS. By ex-Governor Dorshelmer of N. Y., Member of U. S. Congress, and Hon W. U. Hensel, Chairman of Dem: State Com I of Pa. intimate friends of C, and H. It Is the most reliable, Interesting and liuiuy musu-auHi, nence in immense demand. Agents are coining money. It has fine steel bor'- tralts, sells fastest and best Beware of unreliable catchpenny books. Write tp Hubbard Bros., pub- usuers, ruuaaeipnia, a, auiuiwivy ( XT'T yu want a $33 26-Shot Repeating XJKJXS Rifle for $15, a $30 Breech Load, log Shot Gun for $16, a $15 Concert Organelle for $7, a $25 Magic Lantern for $12, a Solid Gold $25 Watch for $15, a $15 Tm TT Silver Watch for $8. You can get any X V J U of these articles i-tuii, ir you will devote a rew nours or your leisure time evenings i introducing our new goods. One lady secured a tJold Watch free In ' i T A XT I'' a single afternoon. A gentleman V j JVi 1 got a silver wateh for fifteen minutes' work. A boy 11 years old secured a watch in one day; hundreds of others have done nearly as well. If you have a Magic Lantern you can start a business that will pay you from $10 to $50 every night. Send at once for illustrated catalogue of Gold and Silver tyateh-- es, ewu-wjCKing mm Dog revolvers, spy Classes, Indian Scout and Astronomical Teles eopes, Tele- grapn instruments, Type writers, vrgan Aooor deons, violins, &c, &c. It may start you on the road to wealth. WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., 122 Nassau Street, New York. aug21d&w4w WANTED. A LARGE QUANTITY 03?- Wheat and Oats, For which the highest market price will be paid. V. if. BLACK & SON. FRED C. MUNZLER, f - WHOLESALE ; Lager beer dealer ano BOTTLER, Charlotte, N, C. Represents two of the largest IA.GEE BEER Breweries in the' UaitedtateV. The Bergner Sc. Engel Bret Lug Co., of Philadelphia, and the F. fc Zi. Scbaffer Brewing Co.,ot Newlork. the laegest lager beer bot . . tung establishment ,.' the city. ' 3Orders Solicited. . AJ1 orders DromDtlv filled and dnHvnrAA fru . M. - - W VA charge to any part of the city. .; - THIS OWICZ! Ice Cream Freezers, Etc, BELOW COST Close Out Whits Moantaio Freezers. TRIPLE MOTION, Two Quarts, $1.50, worth $2.50. Three Quarts $2.00, worth $3.50. Four Quarts $2.50, worth $4.00. Eight Quarts $100, worth $7.50. Ten Quarjs $5 00, worth 10.00. Fly Fans, $2.50; Latest Improved $3 00. Hammocks $1.75, worth $3 50. Ice Chests $3.00, worth $5.00. Refrigerators $7.503S10.00, worth 310.032.$13.5?i. One Double door Refrigerator 17,50 worth $25 00. At the China Store of LUDOLF &HARTSFTELD. CASSOLIIVi CGTitVL RV1L WAY. Office of Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C, July 10. 1884. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JULY 10, 1884, THE FOLLOW lng Schedule will be operated on this Ball road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ) Leave WHmlseton at 7 an v w No. 1. Leave Raleigh at 7 85 p. m. j Arrive at Charlotte at 7.00A.M ) Leave Charlotte at 8 45 p. w. No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at ; 8.30 a. m. ) Arrive at w limington at 8.00 a. m. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at 7.10 a.m. Arrive Laurlnburg at 5.00 p. m. Leave Laurinburg at 6.00 a. m. Arrive Charlotte at 3.45 p. m. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. (Dally except Sunday.) Leave Charlotte at 6.35 p. m. Arrive at Shelby at. 10.10 p. m. Leave Shelby at h.30 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte at 12.05 p. m. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesvllle, stations on Western N. C. R. R.. Asheville and points west Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent F. W. Clark, Gen. Pass. Agent maylO 84 THOMAS REESE & CO., CHARLOTTE, C PHILODOME The New Lillputlan Safety Cook ing Apparatus -will boil a cup of Tea In flv minutes. Price sl.oo. THOS. REESE & CO. G enulne Imported Triple Extracts in quantity. aiaae anu ooinea in trrasse. r ranee. THOS. REESE & CO. T) rlUlantine In al! colors. Brilllantlne Is Pinaud's jl ceieDrateu wnisners ana Mousracne Dressing. or sale oy luus. k tissis s i:u. rphe celebrated He-No Tea, In 14, and 1-pound a. pacKages, at THOS. REESE & CO.'S. A Fresh supply of Parepa and Ultimo Cigars at THUS. KHESJi & UO.'S. "'hebest Imported Tooth and Hair Brushes. . numerous styles ana an sizes at THOS. REESE & CO, '3. T7"e make a specialty of putting up Presa-ip, t Hons at THOS. REESE & CO.'S, BURNH AM'S IMPROVED STANDAED TTJEBINE! - - . . - e uio irvat wiuiiuiucu anu uu- nt--ff'h k. Uhed, sriVes better percentace. t'ty V2? more ppwer, and Is sold for less ys&v money, per horse power, than any - other Turbine in the world. New pamphle sent free by BUENHAM BROSi, York, fa. augziaawiw TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. From these sonrcea arise three-fonrths of the aweasear or'fha Imnjan race. These symptoms indicate their exjatence : Iaa ot Appetite, ltowcls costive, Stele' Head acbe, rXlness after eating, aversion to exertion or body or miiul, liructation oi food, Ir.itability- ot temper, Ixvr iriU, A feeling of having neglected me niy, BiMiess, JTlutterine at the ileal t, Iot3 bef?e the ew. MjrhJ v col ored Urlno,- CONSTIPATION? &U de mand the use of a remedy that acts Slrectly on the Uver. As aLiver medicine TCXT'S PJ LLS have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through ttese three "-scavengers or tlse systt, prorlncipg appe tit, sound disesttori, regular sffiois. n ciesr skm and a vigorous body. TUTU'S PULtS 1 cause no nausea or griping hor Interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. EE PEEI.S tlKE A IVETV MAW, "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constlpa tlon.two years, and have trjod'ten different kinds of pills, and TITT'S are the first that have done mo any good. They have cleaned mo out nicely. Mt appetite is splendid, food digests readi'f , and I now 1 if X pxal passasres. I like a new 1 k y. Ii ED VARDS, Paliuyra, O. 8older, jhere.aSc Office, 44 if rirraySt.,N'.V. TUTT'S HAIR BYE. Grat Haib ok Whiskebs changed in stantly to a Glosst .Black by a single ap plication of this Dtb. Sold "by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 9 1. Office, U Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. REFVlpyAL, I have removed my Jewelry Store up on Trade street, next door to A. R Nlsbet & Bro. , wiere I wiH keep a full llneof ... - 1 :: : : Watches, Clocks and Tewelry. All work in tnis line nrnmnf.1v fnna oni ni. ranted. . r r T""7 A. IIALX8. Young Men learn te graphy. AAA .ti' i;mpu w., i3 naiiuimi xei ix organized. Th 77 . - - r, . - - wivf VDUU 4 jaajvi o ojiu on;uttiiia aii Lilt) Jr08uil Tel 11 v wuu jUDiiiug- OAACa lLt U&XJ till 68. Th9 ttpns now ready. For further lnf onnatlonr address with stamp. The Pennsylvania and New Jersey Telegraph, Short-Hand and Type Writing Instruc tion Company, Main office, 506 Market street, WU- mlngton, DeL . aug21dw4w $3 to $18 tWIAGENTS f ANTED OLEVELAN D" htvt THnurrT-agisted By a families and friends of from ,a distance.. The book you want Write for circulars, or send BOCfor prospectus. My Blaine and Logan hook takes the lead, and those Marvel ous Pocket Manuals always selL W. H. THOMP SON, pub.. 404 Arch Sli. Pblladnlnhta. Pa. . 1 OT? "PILLS aug21dwlw ' . , - CHAKLOTTE Soap factory, College Street, Gaifher's Block. A NEW ENTERPRISE IN THE SOUTH. T O THE CHARLOTTE PUBLIC.- Why go Nonh ioryuur ooapr If parties havlncr soan erease on hand will nnt.lfv me through the mail or otherwise my wagon will tii uuriug una weeK ana exenange soap ior grease giving one pound of good soft soap for a pound or clean grease or rancid butter. For ordinary grease, meat skins, etc., we will give one pound of soap for tivo pounds of such grease. Whvnot enmirrairft hnmp fntarnrtca anA aAA your mite to the encorragementof home Industry? I take Pleasure in announcing that T nm snramd la the manufacture of Soaps of all kinds, which I am now offering to the retail trade for a short time in order to introduce it in this market, at very low rates. I have LiUNQRY ANO TOILETS Of my own manufacture, which I am offering at prices to suit the times. I also manufacture a Vegetable Oil Soap Compo sition, which gives the consumer Soap at two cents per pound, not excelled In quality by any Soap In this country for the Laundry, House-cleaning, Scrubbing, etc., and superior to any for wash ing Bed Quilts. Blankets, Flannels and all woolen goods. Most truly, C. W. ALEXANDER. auglCdtf E!sctrlc Appliances are s-nt on 33 Days' Trial, TO MEN ONLY. YOUTH OS OLD, WHO are pmrerin from Niavous Debility, Lost Vitamtv. L.v-s g? Ncrvk Force and Vigor, Wasting ENK.ssi:!. and a.U those diseases of aPERsoNAi Ht itc rt'.saitin fiom Abuses and Other Cacsks. ot-ec'y relief and complete resto ration of Healtii, ijoh and ;.1akuooi t; uaranteed. The grandest discoarv oi hu Nineterith Century. Send at once for illustrated Pamphlet free. Address vniTAie SfiTea., Bissaui, mich. novl8deodaw WeakNsrvous Whose detlllty, exhausted powers, premature decay and failure to perform life's duties properly ere caused by excesses, errors of youth, etc., will find a perfect and lasting restoration to cobnut health and vigorous manhood in THEMARGTON BOLUS. either stomach drnggiag nor instruments. Thie treatment of Keirous liehlllty and yhi-lealIeciTis uniformly successful because based on perfect diagnosis, new ana airect metnoas ana aDsoiute inor onffhness. Full information and Treatise free. Address Consulting Physician of MABSTON REMEDY CO., 4SW.14thSt.. KcwYork. novlSdeodaw No. 1 ShoreMackerel Loose In Barrels and In Kits. Hams and Of eakftst Bacon, Green and f?lack TEAS A SPEC I ALTY -AT- BARNEff k ALEXANOEa'S. A Fine Line ot STATIONERY Of the Latest Styles, In ia and Out cf Boxes, ESPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR LADIES, Just received at ASK EOB- KleCall's Bazar Patterns, The Best on the Market. 1 CATALOGUES FREE: BEFOReV AND -AFTER ) men EDDINS BOOK STORE LUBRICATING OILS. CHESS-CARLEYCO., CIIVRLOTTK N r dec7eodly A GOOD HERRING SAFE 'OR SUE C!IHiP Ky Mull Posi.1:iid KNOW THYSELF. i Great Meal Wurkanlliab untold miseries iwinfffto eesses. A book Ior every8 nm tL, ex and old. It contains 125 S!Niw anrt oh ,T t.r.."ratnl)iioi,s for;, We. So found by the HMhttt.tha, 23 years la such as probably ne w tf0 ' , ? ' tor Int.nf ant nhrclnl.,,, otki cl 'U't!ld (111. lotof any physician. a) Vises Kr.tu.toe cut -rencn muslin, embossed covers fiV ,rdut anteed to be a finer book in ever? n refunded In every if ?wni mail, post-pld. Illustriitive samnle i Lf b1 now. tiold medal wHrrtrt ,1, ' ..tl.cnts- Send mail, post-paid. now ( ; nl i f in ... leal Assoeiaiinn. t 1, 3 .." Nil. Tne bclence of Life should be rend ht ti . for-Instruction, and by the afflicM 11 e,""!! will benefit aU.-London Lancet for rclM There Is no member of soeletv tn uw Science of Life will not te uhi I ,arn parent, guardian Instructor or d;- '!1""''. Address the Peabodv Mtit?-i iri.tifit ,., H Parker No. 4 Bulftucb ee . wkomayl)e consulted on all .1 J? ,r, akiU and experience. Chronic antSS eases that have baffled tae T J l" l aU other physicians a spell bALSlh1 Sach treated successfniiv -- wr bucn treated successfully i t t . 1. , 'i. witbout an instance of 1 2 1 I r H . I U failure. Mention this paper. feb28dawi FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE A fkvorlt nrMvrlntlrm ftf Ana af flia koost noted and successful specialists In the U.S. fuow retired) for tbe cure of Strvoum DeMUt;!, tiomt JtrSMhood,TFeafcKessaudleeat. Becl iu plain sealed en velopej-ee. Druggists caa All. i. Addnu DR. WARD 6 CO., Uh'uuu, Ka. novl8deodaw v"IHpnTlfyfne BLOOD,'repi late the LIVER and KIDNEYS, ana jjestoke the usaJjTH ma VIQOB of YOUTH. Densla. Want of ADnetite. digestion. iacK 01 sireiiei 1. . and Tired Feeling alisohuoly cureu. iiones, muscicsana nerves receive uewioico; Enlivens the iiiind nni I A F I 17 Gt Snffei-ingfronicomiilalnH ss L I Ci 0 pecnllarto their bc-x wilt find to DB. HABIEB'S IKON TONIC a fafs and speedy cure. Gives a clear, neaitiiy conipitiion. Freqnent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. Do not experi ment eet the Original akd Best: .Sena your auoress 10 xne ir. naneritiwA a St. Louis, Mo., for our "DREAM BOOK." B ,Fnli of strange and useful.informaUoa.free. juneldiWlj' W W W A W VW W AA VrVfVf Vf A A WW WW AAA W W 4 KN N S N N N N N S NT? N KS ITIT T T T T KKE F. V.I E- E1B UUD i n n j a k n d DDD' 'i We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, delivered at oar mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered at anj station on railroads running to Charlotte, fur on loads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. Or we will give one ton of meal In exchange fr two tons of seed. This exchange being of ewt value to the fanner should be taken advuntige -J, one ton of meal being worth much mere forlei lng or fertilizing than two tons of seed. CHAHLOTTE OIL CO., Charlotte, N. C. novfjd&wtf lit far the Liver Kidney. POSITIVELY CURE3 Dffsptisia, Li?er ani Pucv I havf used yor "Life for the Liver and Kidneys"' with great benefit, and or dyspepsia, or any derangement .i the Uver or kidneys, I regard it ad beatf without an equal. Jab. J. Osborne, Att'y at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C. Far superior to any liver pad. Hugh Thomas, Glendale. S. C. Your medicines aie: valuable splendid remedies: I have sold upwards pf five gross,' and can recommend then.. 1 would not be without them. J. S. M. Davidson, Dr?ggi? Qliarlptte, S. tJ. "Life for the Liver arid Kidneys" w "Chill Cure" works like a charm and , sells veryf ast. A. H. Perkins, .Wax Maw, Lancaster county, o. In large 50c. and $1.00 bottles. Trial size 25c. Sold by druggists and deal ers generally. Prepared b.T 1 Spartd.nbnrs', V? October 83, dffc S E.I TO UK OROERS FOE ICE CREiM AND SHERBETS -TQ- J. B. HARRINGTON, ... " f nfthftCltr. win pacK ant aeuver w wiy y "'-"nUne Sunday especially. Festivals, Picnics anigf. nouses at reaucea raies. IVew flaven Palladiaia. duly and weekly.) . J!. - i - ,i. Vilrftl fOf . The hest advertising meamm "".zmtu every man In North Carolina who has-a I mf or tract of timber land or water pwerto sen. j . letter of our staff correspondent have giyen PAUADnm a great reputation throughout e gland, as the only real representative "Jfink of iell-' State, and all New W"flwm localfngln North Carolina send to the Pallad" to jeFfepeeV- tetters. or rerais auu oumr "johNSON, Business Maiiager Tap PAn. mchl3dawam . New Haven, conn iiaiT.ii mrf upvftn-riorae wer tea 17 ineine ana ttoner. win ran any otlwr light machlnen Uke a OJTICX. rkJLM& e .it ena viqob of youth, d. TE'- Tl Densla. Want of ADnetite. In. "Sa-X Cotton y .anglGdtt ,