3A ILY CHARLOTTE O BSE R V E R : F R ID AY, A TJ GU S T 29 ,188 4 . II cbj Aflucrtisjcmetits. Absolutely. Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purl tremrth and wholesomeness. More economic .1 anthe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In omDedUon with the multitude of low teat, abort ' -eitrtit. alum or phosphate powders. Sold 01 IT In ins. Wholesale by !M1S- 8PBING3&BUBWELT ,.V Charlotte.? C. The Feeble Grow Strong When Hostettef's Stomach Bitters Is used to pro mote assimilation of the food and enrich the blood. Indigestion, the chief obstacle to an acqui sition of strength by the weak. Is an ailment which infallibly succombs to the action of this peerless corrective. Loss of flesh and appetite, failure to sleep, and growing evidence of premature decay, awtilly counteracted by the great lnvlgorant, which brace up the physical energies and fortifies u constitution against disease. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. OFFERS TO THE i Retail Trade FIVE TON Pare, f lite TWKNTWBA-RRELS I'll ilMJNSEED OIL, Large otock of Varnishes, Etc. rs. ALSO CAR LOAD Swill, kll' AT CLOSE PRICES. J. II Mo AD EN Charlotte, N. C, July 5, 1884. Iti araZft . your DysPMHc Mixture four mm f mL58 WThxsr, and permanent 'tove hrar',1 r lne ? & 106 WQrst ever saw, Pnaanem 3igrea "Wr" say tbelr cure was also "Mneiit. I now eat what I please, Sajtuel J, Wabbsn. IyStWv,of ijatwAn nine yearsago by your the diLi0rIbrtureiln'1 biive never had a return of GkT: v. j. Jobhbon. SDi'nptlc Mlxture i a certain cure for that tfsocri to m? great astonishment find It has for 01 ""abeUs, as well as killed the de-ChartSt??- T. B. COLLAHAM. Dr. GrLrtlly that th case8 dyspepsia where wera 8 "Peptic Mixture has been used treated inSr. Permanently cured. One case was some lo years since Jnly 1st, lag! - Nra HOTCKBOT, M. B - Citof & c McAden T. C. Smith & Co.. . i. McAden the oinrsr Arrival and Departure of Trains. , , BlCHMOND AND DANVILLE AlB-LlNE. No. 50-Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 1.20 a. in. Leaves for Atlanta at 130 a. m. No. 51 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:10 a. m. Leaves for Rlehmond at 4:20 a. m. No. 52 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at .12.35 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. : No. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 655 p. m, ieaves ior uicnmona ai v.-uu p. m. - Charlotte, Columbia, and acgosta. Arrives from Columbia at 6:15 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. C, C. & A. A., T. & O. Division. Arrives from States vllle at 10:30 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 7:15 p. m. Carolina Ckntkal. Leaves for Wilmington at 8:45 p. m., and for uaurmuurg at I :iu a. m. Arrives from Wilmington at 7 a. m- and from Laurlnburg at 3:45 p. m. C. C Shklbt Division. Leaves for Shelby at 6:35 p. m. " Arrives from Shelby at 12 06 p. m. Mails. General Delivery opens at 730 a. m.; closes at 7:00 p.m. Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; closes at 6:00 p. m. liOiS Three or four good compositor can secure per manent situations. None but sober, good printers need apply at THIS OFFICE. Index to New Ad vert s ements. T. L. Seigle New arrivals. TIddy & Bro School books. A. a. McCoy Court calendar. Ward meetings to-night. Compositors wanted. Indications. South Atlantic! StatfVL thrfiatfinincr weather and local rains, variable fresh and brisk generally south to east winds, nfiarlv fttatinnarv tm. perature; lower barometer with indi cations of a disturbance off the Florida coast. local Kirri.Es. The Democrats of the city should turn out in full force at the ward meetings tonight. The official notice of the places for holding the ward meetings is given in another column. Gen. Scales and Dr. York will meet the people of Cabarrus county at Concord to day. There -Iwill be a great crowd in attendance. Miss Annie Forbis, a young lady of Shelby, died at the residence of her kinsman, Rev. H. T. Hudson, in that place yesterday, of typhoid fever. She was about 20 years of age Mr. T. Li. Alexander, of the firm of Alexander & Harris, took his de parture yesterday afternoon for the Northern markets. He will lay in an unusually large and varied stock of goods this fall. The clouds that floated about in the skies yesterday fulfilled their promise last night and a refreshing shower fell upon the city. The rain came up from the west and was live ly about the vicinity of its starting point, as described elsewhere. The farmers state that the dry weather is causing the cotton in the fields to shed, besides scorching up the plants. Cotton is fully three weeks late this season and there will be but little ginning before the mid dle of September. O. C. Wilson, a native of Cabar rus and formerly principal of the Jamestown High School, of Guilford county, has recently gone South to the "Laud of Flowers" to take charge of a commercial and classical ischool at Hikesville, Fla. Prof. W. D. Vinson and Miss Lillie E. Helper, daughter of Mr. H. P. Helper, of Davidson College, were married at Mr. Helper's residence on the 27th inst., by Bev. J. E. Pressley, D. D., assisted by Rev. Mason W. Pressley. - A dime concert will be given early next week for the benefit of the Home and Hospital. Due notice of time and place will be found in The Observer. This,? worthy institution is greatly in need of funds, and its friends are urged to come to its assist ance. The improvements in Oates' cot ton factory are nearly completed, and everything will be in readiness for a resumption of business next Monday morning. We hear that the proprietors of this factory are talking about putting in the electric light. -r-Hales, the jeweler, who opened out in the "Tea Store" building next to Nisbet & Brother, has just, had a Fifth Avenue front put in arid is now installed in a perfect gem of a store. The improvement is a very decided, one. Until Saturday night, our citi zens will have the benefit of a dis count of five per cent on all city taxes . paid before September 1st. After next Monday they will have to pay full taxes. Five per cent on a few dollars is worth saving these hard times. In the- Presbyterian church at Morganton, last Wednesday nigbt. Mr. Samuel Pearson was married to Miss Nannie, daughter of Rev. Dr. Anderson. There were no attendants but ushers. The bride is very popu lar in Charlptte circles arid her many friends here extend their best wishes. Col. Steele left on the Carolina Central train last night for Rocking ham, and. tomorrow be will open the campaign in Richmond county with a big Democratic speech. The Dem ocratic party may expect some good woric by Col. Steele in the present campaign. He is one of the truest men in our party and as a stump speaker he has few equals in the land. Thomas Stands Conficted. The jury in the case of Squire Thomas, the Frankenthal House bur glar, after sleeping on it night hefpre Fast, pamHrita court yesterday morn ing with their minds made up. That they had agreed upon a verdict could be seen by the expression of their countenances before the foreman sDoke and it was no surprise wnen ne announced that the jury found tne Erisoner guuty. a nomas wm ij rought from jail some day this week th sentence of the court, whip.h will be death. It is one of the BPB-nf bunrlar v on record and it is not considered probable that Thomas' counsel will tafce an appeal. TTn U7QQ rlofondfld bv Messrs. Bailey, Pittman andBynurn, Jr., all ofttfjqgl made 'earpestrspeecnes in dis ueuaii. Close of the Shooting Matches. . ; The shooting at the park yesterday wad indulged in br a good number of sportsmen, but the contest was pot so -,.itAi aa nn t.hA two nrevious days. Col. Walter L. Steele redeemed his record and won the clay pigeon .tk - Vifaab-incr BIT ntlt of Seven. pMr. Walter Brem, of the Charlotte team, won the consoiauou wwr Kail j This match was open only to those who had failed to win informer matches. The proposed match be tween the four best shots for a purse rtf ivm did not come on. ah iDe vuun- inr snortsmen left for their homes yesterday; afternoon. They seemed well pieaseu wiui. lueu omj it.r and we hone 'they will come lompos rated back again. . - . Amasements in September. The theatrical season opens in the Charlotte Opera House on September 13th, with Lily Clay's "An Adamless Eden" company. This is an English sensational and burlesque opera, and is said to be a tip top play. The company is composed of artists who have made their names upon the stage. The genuine negro minstrels will follow on the 16th. On the 22nd, Charlotte's popular favorite, Lizzie May Ulmer, who appeared here last season in "49," will be with us. She comes this time in a new play, one that has already scored a success in Chicago It is called "Dad's Girl;" is thrilling, romantic and lively. Miss Ulmer will draw a good house. "Our Strategists" will be here on the 30th. There may be other plays du ring the month, but those just men tioned are all that have secured dates. During the winter there will be some extra fine attractions at our opera house. The Narrow (ianse Washed Away. About dusk yesterday afternoon a heavy black cloud came up from the west, and the way lightning leaped and flashed across it indicated that our neighbors to the west were get ting a good soaking and so they were. About Lincolnton the rain was sirr ply terrific, and a great deal of dam jage was done to the crops. At a point four miles above Lincolton a big slice iwas washed out of the- Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad, -causing the passenger train for Le noir to be held at Lincolnton all night and probably allof today. The washout occurred a few minutes before tha itime for the narrow gauge passenger pram to leave ijincointon. Tne break in the tract is a rather heavy one, but it will nrobablv be renaired in ftime for the trains to resume their .usual trips today. The rain through out Lincoln and Cleaveland counties, it is reported, was heavv and extend ed over a fi'ood nnrt.inn nf fi-ant-.nn Besides the washing: awav of the railroad, the only damage done that jwe can hear of, was to the crops in the lowlands and to thn f ahrar hnt.Vi jprops and fences being badly washed. Tf t - i Hii Judge McKoy. That is a neat compliment our neighbor of the Homo and Democrat pays Judge Allmand A. McKoy, who js presiding at the present term of bur Superior court. There is Derhaos jho Judge on the bench of this State vho is held in greater esteem by the eopie than Judge McKoy. As the lome and Democrat remarks : "He is no stranger in this section, as this fs his third visit here since the adop $ ion of the constitution in 1876. Al though not the oldest man, Judge Mc JKoy is the oldest Judge on the bench $ince the days of reconstruction. As 4we are not a lawyer, we are not "justi fied, by experience, in expressing an Opinion as to his ability as a Judge, put as a man we know Judge McKoy to be one of the best, with good, old time ideas of puiity and integrity. The world would be better off if it Contained many more good men like Uudge McKoy. ' Shipping 300 Cases of oods. f We doubt if there is a wholesale house in the State that does a larger amount of business thaa that done by the establishment of Wittkowsky jxTJaruch in this city. Their fall trade has already opened and on yes terday, especially, their shipping blerks had a busy day. The pave paent in front of their store was piled ten feet high with dry goods boxes fchat were being drayed away to the depots. As fast as one dray load jwould be carried away, another would be rolled out to the pavement from the store, and it was not until ate in the afternoon that the blocks ftde was entirely cleared. The whole number of boxes of goods shipped yesterday alone by Wittkowsky & paruch was over three hundred. The goods went to towns along the line of every railroad centering at Charlotte. What other house in the State can peat this? I m m m Shields to be Tried at Statesville. i As was anticipated, the trial of Thos. L. Shields for the murder of Jos. G. Sittoh that was to have been called up at this term of Mecklenburg Superior court, has been moved to another county. Shields was brought before the court yesterday morning, When his counsel made a motion to Jiave the case moved to some other bounty. Shields' counsel wanted the ;ase moved to Gaston or to Union, .nd Solicitor Osborne wanted it inoved to Lincoln or Cabarrus. After due consideration, Judge McKoy jnoved it Iredell county, and the trial will consequently be held at States ville at the next term of Iredell ?ourt, which convenes in February, 1835. Shields looks broken down. His long confinement in jail has bleached his face and his eyes have a staring, glassy appearance. There are many who predict that he wul riot be able to stand many more Inonths in jail. After it was settled that his trial should be removed to Iredell, he was taken from, the court house to his old cell, when the door jfiras shut, the key turned and he fell ypon his beg to meditate upon tne brospect of the additional months of dreary imprisonment he will have to riridergQ. It is probable that this fehange of courts will result in some Change in the counsel mac nave nere fcifore battled in the case. The pros ecution will lose an able and valuable awyer if the rumor be true that Col. H. C. Jones is to withdraw from the case after it leaves this county. i: - j, The Southern Telegraph Solid. As soon as news was received of the alleged trouble between Roubling, the wire manufacturer, and the Bankers. x Mercnancs Aeiegrapn Company, qf wiich the Southern Company is a coniomea uranuu, mei t were many who at once jumped to the conclusion that it was all . over with the Southern Company, and that its offices and wires would short ly fall into the hands of the Western Umon.as did the American uompany The Southern, however, is not ready to sell out. An Observer reporter Vesterday met Manager Dodge, of the Southern omce m tnis cicy, ana was triven a candid statement of the at- V . m. . v. 1 i T 1 1 tair. xneirouDie Decween xwjududk knd the Bankers & Merchants does hot in anv manner affect the South ' - , . ; '.-i ern. ihe wnoie tmng grows out oi a tlisputed contract. - Roubling furnish ed wires for the Bankers dp Mer chants, and that company, claiming that he had not tuiniied tne contract to the letter, refused to give him full bay until the contract should be filled. Jfe was an easy matter- for Roubling to get out an attachment pending the settlement of the aifflculty. There was no financial embarrassment about it. All the operatives of the Southern office were paid promptly in July and August, not one of them being kept waiting a day after pay ment was due. The Southern, Man ager Dodge says, is doing more busi ness now than ever, and its affairs are in a most prosperous condition. Tf:V-A Fair Oner. . " : J- rm Vnr.TATP.'Rin.TCn. . nt Marshall. Mlch..Offer n an!i Fir Tim'a ftetahrateil VnTtaln Belt slid Elec tric Appliances on fecial for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with: nervous debility , lost Yltal- liy, nu many umcr uircascs. . ; - See advertisement In this paper. The Superior Court. The court was occupied yesterday mostly in the trial of small cases. Frank ' Orr and Sam Moseley, colored, were tried for an affray ana tound guuty. suspended judgment ment of costs and tion that the negroes Judge McKoy upon the pay upon condi- behave them- selves for twelve months. If they have a breach of the peace during that period, they are to be arrested and put in jail. W. F.Cuthbertson was tried on a charge of assault and bat tery and was acquitted. The case of Dr. Keestler, of "root and yarb" renown, for retailing whiskey with out a license, which was appealed from the Inferior Court, was brought up, but was remanded to the Inferior Court to be returned with full re cords. Today the case of Nelson Porter, who is charged with burning the barn of Mr. H. K. Reid, will be called and tried, and after that, the civil docket will be taken up. Personal. . The New Haven Unior., of the 24th, contains this item about a couple :of Charlotte men: "Capt. Herman Baruch, of Charlotte, N. C., and E. M. Young, formerly of this city, and superintendent of Bolton & Co., were yesterday entertained by Dr. Cremin, Capt. Samuel Bolton and ex-Auditor Edwin McCarthey. Mr. Young is in the best of health and spirits. He has a profitable business in the South and is perfectly delighted by his surroundings. Mr. Young will remain in New Haven only a few days, as his leave of absence is a short one." Mr. Samuel J. Pemberton, of Stanly county, was in the city yesterday. He says the people of Stanly have extra good crops this year and are all Erosperous and happy. Stanly's emocratic majority next November will be larger than ever before. Mr. P. G. Pettr. of Gaffnev Citv. S. C, traveling salesman fox Henry S. King & Sons, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Balti more to meet the trade. He wul be pleased to see his friends who are in need of hardware, when they visit Baltimore. XS e're Stomped. To the Editor of Tee Observer. If it takes six freedmen. with an Irishman to talk, and the overseer to take a local inspection, to grade about 11 inches in an old guttaring, and lay the bottom with rock about 90 yards in two weeks, how long will it take to grade the city and what will be the cost? Taxpayers. Offensive Breath. Bad taste In Mouth. Coated tongue, show torpid liver and disordered stomach. Allen's Bilious Physic, vegetable remedy, quickly esrellevalL 25 cents. At all Dri -wrists. A Worthy Candidate. To the Editor oi The Observer. If the Democratic voters of the countv have anv appreciation of the young men upon whom devolve the labor and work of every campaign, let them show it In a substantial way by nominating J. W. Cobb for register of deeds. He Is especially de serving and is pre-eminently qualified to discharge the duties of the omce. He Is the only young man who Is asking Democratic support as a candidate, and he will worthily represent the young Democ racy. It is to be hoped that his friends will rally in force to the primary meetings and elve him the endorsement to which he is entitled. JUSTICE. EMORY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC is the best and only reliable liver pill known, never fails with the most ODsunaie cases, purely vegetable l& cents. AKXOUXCEMESTS. For tbe Legislature. The Weeds of Ell W. Lrles Dresent his name to the township conventions for the lower house of the Legislature, as one eminently qualified to fill that office. He will, we believe, If elected, make a faith ful and efficient legislator. Subject to the action of the Democratic count; coevention. CRAB ORCHARD. For the House oi Representa tives. The many friends of A. Jones Hunter Esq.. re cognizing his peculiar fitness as a reDresentatlve in the Legislature, hereby announce him as a candi date, subject to the Democratic nominating con vention. He is a true and tried Democrat, emi nently qualified for the positlon,and will add much strength to the party. We heartily commend him to the confidence and hearty support of the voters of Mecklenburg county, and if elected believe he will faithfully represent the Interest of the people. : MANX VUTJSHS. County Legislative Ticket, The follow! ne named gentlemen are sueaested for nomination by the approaching Democratic county convention as eminently fitted to compose the Legislative ticket for Mecklenburg: FOB SENATOR. SYD. B. ALEXANDER, OB HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. B. P. WAKING, CUAS. B. JONES, W.E.ABDBEY. A stronger ticket, or one composed of men bet ter qualified to discharge the duties of legislators could not be nominated. Charlotte. For Coroner, The friends of J. A. McLure present his name to the Democratic nominating convention for the of fice of coroner. If there la any reward due for an arm given to the "Lost Cause" now is tbe time and he Is the man. Living in Charlotte he can be con veniently reached front all parts of the county. For Coroner. To the Citizens op Mecklenburg County: The friends of S. B. Smith announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner, subject to the Democratic nominating convention. Mr. Smith has filled the office f orthe past two years in a manner acceptable to the people. Not a word of complaint has been raised in any quarter, and the fact of the greatly reduced expenses during his term of office commends him to favorable consid eration at the hands of the voters of Mecklenburg. MORNING STAR. For Register 0f Deeds. The friends of W. W. Grier announce him a can didate for Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the. Democratic nominating convention. For Register or Deeds. The friends of Mr. J. W. Cobb announce htm as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg county. He has been in the office for 8 years under the good old William Maxwell, and is now well qualified to fill the office as chief. His name will be before the Democratic County Convention for that office. For Register of Deeds. At the solicitation of many of my friends. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county sub ject to the action of the Democratic county con vention. W. Batte Habby. For Sheriff. The friends of Major J. M. Davis are authorized to announce him a candidate for the office of sher iff of Mecklenburg county, subject to the nomina tion of the county convention. For Sheriff". The many friends of W. F. Griffith, recognizing his peculiar fitness for the office, hereby announce him for sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. His public services as deputy sheriff have been of a highly satisfactory character, and his friends think he deserves promotion at the hands of the Democ racy A Candidate Withdraws. To the Editor of the Observer: I have decided to withdraw my name as a candi date for the office of sheriff. am under many ob ligations to my friends for the support promised me, but for private reasons I am no lonfer a candi date. ' ' J.W.HOOD, July 28th, JSH. Candidate for Shrlfi. Thn manv frtPTids of J. Watt Kirkna'rick. nomi nate him as a candidate for the office of bherlfl of Mecklenburg county, at th ensuing election, sub- lect to ue action oi tne .Democratic county con vention. MANY VOTKRo. )unei4doWtdc For Sheriff: The many friends of Capt, L. A, Potts propose his name as a fit nominee for the h-gh oihee f sheriff of this county, subject to the" action of the Democratic juecuenourg county convention, ne Is a true and tried Democrat, eminently qualified for the position, and will add much strength to the Democracy o our "ounty. - 63 Manx Voters. For Countv Treinurer. The friends of Mr. J. H. McCllntock DroDOse his name as a candidate for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the ratification oi tne Democratic AnriTAntfon. . - j . . The finances of the county have been so well managed by that excellent soldier, Capt Belk, that tax-payers of all shades of political faith, will regret his retirement, but if he decides not again to stand for the offloe, all will be pleased If his successor is one wno carries about the same oaage oi nonor, . - Let us nominate and elect Mr. McCUntoek. - ". "- . MXOKUHBCBSt staneH.I35i. I CALENDAR. Fall Termt 18Si, Mecklenburg Supe rior Court FIRST WEEK. Friday, August 29th. No. 14. Chalk vs C,C and A B B Co. 24. Salmonds vs McNinch. , ' 33. Kendrick vs Smith. ' 88. Means vs Baker. 89. Maxwell vs Springs. . McNinch vs Little. 42. Harding vs Davidson. SECOND WEEK. Monday, September 1st. 25. Kirk vs A and C A L Ry Co. 31. Hlnson vs H In son. 58. Springs vjs McWhirter. Tuesday, September 2nd. 26. Arwood vs Cathey. 27. Davidson vs Arledge. 34. Davis vs Alexander. 64. Clouse vs Douglas. E5. McLendon vs Garland. Wednesday, September 3rd. 19. Patrick vs R and D R R Co, 35. Hough vs Shoemaker. 40. Shelton vs Alexander. 43. Wylie vs Bales. 56. Thomas vs Query. 57. Austin vs Hagler. 32. Brown vs Barringer. Thursday, September 4th. 46. Purefoy vs A, T and OR R Co. 48. Relnstrom vs Shoemaker. 50. Rlgler vs R and D R R Co. - 51. Hood vs McKlnny. Friday, September 5th. 49. Maxwell, admr, vs Yates. 52. Brown Chemical Co vs Hutchison. 63. Davidson vs Kaufman. 60. McWhirter vs McWhirter. 63. M and F Nat'l Bank and Withers vs Moore THIRD WEEK. Monday, September 8th. 23, Williams vs Branch. 64, Charlotte vs Schlff & Bro. 70, Davidson vs Glfford. 69, Sumner vs Hutchison. Tuesday, September 9th. 66, Mason vs McNinch. 67, Gall vs Smith & Forbes. 68, Farnsworth vs Smith & Forbes. 71, Pharr vs Wolfe. 77, Sloan vs A and C A L Ry Co. 85, Pegram vs W TJ Telegraph Co. 73, Blanchard vs VanLandlngham. 74, Cone vs Alexander. Wednesday, September 10th. 80, Johnston vs Perdue. 82, King vs Schenck. 83, Brown vs McKee. 86, Brown vs McKee. 84, State ex rel Elwood vs Ramsay. 87, Hutchison vs Broadaway. 88, Book vs Holton. 91, Elliott & Remly vs Schenck & Toole. 92, Miller vs Harkey. 93, Hall vs Wager. 94, Maxwell, admr, vs McQuay. Docket generally open for motion. Cases not tried on the day set for them will be called on tbe following day if reached. ALLMOND A. McCOY, aug29 Judge Presiding. Uextr iKlxTcrttsctweuts Ward Meetings To-Dight. The primary meeting for Ward No. 1 will be held in Oates' Hall to-night at 8 o'clock, and not at the Mayor's hall as heretofore stated. The meeting of the voters of the Second Ward will be held at the Mayor's court room at 8 o'clock. The third Ward meeting will be held at the Horah Building, opposite the' First Presbyterian church, at 8 o clock. The Fourth Ward meeting -will be held at the court house, at 8 p.m. By order or tne aug29 CEHTK A L EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. B 4 U -BUY YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS- B!aok Bonks, Miscellaneous Books, Or whenever you need STATIONERY Of any kind, remember us and SKT OLR PRICE Before you purchase. You Will 8ave by it. TIDuY & BRO.,. TRYON ST., CHARLOTTE, N, C. SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY Winchester, Ya., prepares for University, Army, Navy or business. C.L. C. Mikob, M. A. (univ. va-,)LL,D. aug261msawe mm ThonMiiils or emsea of Kemn DeMllty, men W 1 1 tt ud aad physical wmImimb, luit mmnbood,ner P W r B Tons prostration, the results of Indiscretions, 1 K Mi. or uit clue. CQroO br N ERVITA. Strong faith that It will ear mr; case prompts ma to sand to n Batterer a trial package I FOR TRIAL. an receipt or U cents fori postage, 3tc Da. A, S.Oux, Bos Saa.uueaco.iUi POLK'S Diphtheria Cure. This celebrated remedy is manufactured by the Polk Diphtheria Co., in Boston and eold in Charlotte by T. C. SMITH & CO. That lYlentholine Or Japanese Headache Cure, is surprising every one by its marvelous effects, irrice lb cents for the genuine, and 10 cents for the imitation. T. C. SMITH & CO. $3 to $18 AGENTS WAITED CLEVELAND HKNDHICKS. T cnmniHtA. Official Illustrated Life, by Col. Frank Tbipleit assisted by the families and friends of the candidates. Special terms to thosje ordering from a distance. The book yon want. Write for circulars, or send 50c for prospectus My Blaine and Logan book takes the lead, and those Marvel ous "ocKet iianuais always sen. w. n, xniii r- SOrupuo., 04 Arcn sc., f nuaaeipwa, ra. -. iug2ld4w4w .' .: Mrs. Joe Person's Column i Joe Person's "WILL OTJ-JE&IE Rheumatism. Tabbobo, N. C, July 7, 1884. Mrs. Job Person: . Dear Madam For eieht or ten years I have been a sufferer from some cutaneous dlstvma manltlna- from impurity of the blood, which was manifested by several large sores on my face, with dry, hard scabs, which would shed and others form continu ously. It was pronounced by an experienced phy sician to be "Lupus." I was also a severe sufferer with Rheumatism, and it was with difficulty I could walk at all. After trying various treatments I was induced by my pastor to try your HEMHUS". After using three bottles I was perfectly cured. The sores are all healed, my general health is good and my Rheumatism Is entirely relieved. As a remedv for Rheumatism, Skin and Blood Diseases I con sider it without an equal. i am very truly, E. D. MACNAIB. s. Joe Person's REMEDY WIUL COUNTERACT BLOOD IMPUNITY. Goldsboro, N. C, June 28th, 1884. Mbs. Joseph Person: Madam Havlne had the pleasure of meetlne you In our city, I feel it my duty to freely give you the following testimonial of the efficacy of your valuable preparation. I have been .afflicted for several years with some blood disease which settled in my leg, producing ulceration. I was advised to visit the Hot Springs, in our State, but only found partial relief. Through the advice of a friend I was induced to try your valuable REMEDY, and am happy to state that it has effected a permanent cure. Respectfully T. A. GRANGER. Mrs Joe Person' BE mm illy 18- AFINE TONIC. Moores v ille, Iredell Co., N. C. Being desirous of adding my testimonial to oth ers concerning the merits of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, I take pleasure in saying that as a tonic and alterative I do not think it nas an equal. I have fairly tested it, and after trying Vegetlne, Sarsaparllla, Vinegar Bitters, and various other remedies, have no nesltatlon In pronouncing It far superior to any tonic I haye ever used. When I commenced using Mrs. Person's Bitters I was very weak, complexion sallow, and now I am feeling peneciiyweiL Kespectmuy, MRS. H. T.BROWN. -O OIERIL AGENTS: Boykin, Carmer & Co., No. 11 & 13 iiiDeny sireei, Wm. H. Brown & Bro., No. 25 South Sharp street, f Baltimore, Md. Canby, Gilpin & Co., Puroell, Ladd & Co.,, Owens, Minor fc Co. Powers, Taylor 4 Co. T. C. Smith 4 Co., W. M. Wilson. Richmond,. Ya Charlotte, N. a Wm. H. Green, Wilmington, N. C. V. 0. Thompson, Winston, N. C. J. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. Turner 4 Bruner, Monroe, N. C. J. T. Harper, Smlthvllle, N. C. B. G. Glenn, Greensboro, N. C, K. B. Hodges 4 Co., Tarboro, N. C. Hinsdale 4 Broadfoot, Fayettevllle, N. C. Wholesale Druggist for N. C, Dr, i H. McADEIN, CIIAKXrOTTE, IV. C. And for Sale by all Druggists. Every Bottle Prepared Under tbe Immediate Supervision of Mrs. Joe Person. MANUFACTURED BY The Jrs. Jos Person EcMy Company: LABOBATCSY, - - ,' C2ASL0STE, N. C. f Trjoo Street, Granite Bow, No. 4, Upstairs. M E BY August lilMLUKSlfllLBIl TO-DAY. 4 Great Warfare on Old Mats, An Opportunity to XTrrr a tut ui v ij auAi i xlico. We have collected tnenther thn imnanl nf that we will not carry a single Straw Hat over. We have sold thousands and now tbe few dozens left must go, that we may maintain our prominent position as Hatters again next season with an entirely new stock. Our narrative told and reasons given for this "reckless cut," we will proceed to business YOU CAN THIS DAY STRAW HAT IFW And Keep the Other Half for Another beason s "Head Dress. It seems a shame that Gallant Puck and Loyal served with such marked distinction, but it is ordered that t hey "share the common fate of all," and to-day you buy them at half prli e, which Is not one-fourth of their value. All Straw Hats at 75 and 50 When you see a man bareheaded or sporting a we have placed It within the power of every one Hat sale and sacrifice, to our friends, we trust our Don't Read This Unless you want to be tempt ed to go to the Charlotte Mu sic House and purchase one of those celebrated Mathushek Pianos, slightly second-hand, at a greatly reduced price, either for cash or on instal ment payments. We have also several Mason and Ham lim Organs, used only a short time, and as good as new, having been taken back from delinqueht purchasers, which we are olfering very low. Now is your time to get a bargain. A big lot of new instruments always on hand. Charlotte Ite House, J. W. McMILLIAN, Manager. le Tai REMEMBER OUR $7,50 All Wool Cassimere Suit. Our Striped Summer Suit We are now felling at $1.50; sold everywhere for $2.50 We are eivlne the public the benefit of such changes to the Northwest. A guarantee of lower prices than any other house In the State can always be had at Very respectfully, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. v ISP-Agents for Pearl Shirts. 1 " fUST IN NEW CREAM CHEESE, HONEY, In the Honey Comb . - - ; .- . And Choice Fresh Butter, at .'. ' S. M. HOWELL'S. . Sittings. AND Buy New Ones at a TmTniD BUY ANY DOLLAR IN OUR STOCK 5(B)b, Vacation should be reduced in rank when they nave cents will now be sold for 25c shabby hat, please excuse US from any responsibility to "brush up." and be genteel. In this great Straw loss will prove their gain. goods, so you can wear them even when the wind ' . JUST RECEIVED. Combination Wine and Fruit Presses : . : For JPamtly ITe. Apple RsTms, Coreni and Sllcers, Apple and PLSrMner"of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Fly Fans of Improved pattern, and General Hard war of ever; kind, - . ,a . Call and see us or send us your orders. - . . BBOWN.WEDDINGTOIi CGv ; End of i Sea, fl ti . It ,4. .' ( Ill,1 hi