litem DAILY; CHARLOTTE OBSERVER : WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1884. fsvtieejcuts. I 2txc Charlotte (Dbsctvcr; - HJELW, CITY , - - - , , --,- Arrival and Departure of Trains. TOWNSI1IP REGISTRARS THE LEGISLATIVE TICKET. I ftii ? f sbyal nvat jk x3 Richmond and Danville Aes-Linb. No. 50- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 1.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1:30 a. m. No. 51 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:10 a. mr No. 63 Arrives at .Charlotte from Eichmond at 12.85 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 53 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:55 p. m, Leaves for R&hmond at 7.-00 p. nu CnAELorrs, CKlchbia ajtd Augusta- .' Arrives from Columbia at G:15 p. m! . Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. in. u- .-. C, C. & A. A., T. & O. Division. Arrives from Statesville at 1050 a. in. - Leaves for StatesvlUe at 7:13 p.m. Caeoi a Centbal. - Leaves for Wilmington at 8.-45 p.' m.. and for Laurinborg at 7 :10 a. m. Arrtves from Wilmington at 7 a. m., and from Lauxlnburg at 3:45 p. m. - ; - C. C Shelby Division. Leaves for Shelby at 635 d. m. : - " Arrives from Shelby at 12:06 p. m. Matt a. General Delivery opens at 7:30 a. m.; closes at 7.00 p.m. - , Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; closes at 6 SX) p. m. Index to fnew Advents entente. Absolutely Pure. fbls powder nevw TOrte' marvel of purli More economic J h mhnlAnnwneMi. amwiltlon wtth the multitude of low test, snort ,fij),L glum or jmnnphate powders Boulot U id uns. Whole-iale by .1". , . . - CELE8MTEB wittkowsky & Baruch Carpets, etc. W. Kaufman & Co Great odd and end sale. , H. Barringer Land for sale.- .,...'., J-S. Philips Machine hands wanted. John A. Bixby Attention Independents. -- K. Barringer Land sale. '' Indicauoa. South Atlantic States, fair weather in northern portion, partly cloudy weather and local showers -in south ern portion, nearly stationary tem perature, northeast to southeast winds., ' , Lk:AI. KU'l'LKS. Tlie reputation of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters asa iirevrtiilve ef epidemics, a stomachic, an In; vlturant, a general restorative, and a specific for lever and aue. Indigestion, bilious affecti' ns, rheu'iiiitlrtin nervous debility, constitutional weak ness, is established upon the sound basis of more tiian twentv yeaix experience, and can no more be sbitenb? the claptrap nostrums of unscientific inp everiusimg nius vj me pujtemlets. than than igh their denies. For sale by all druggists an.l Dealers generally. McAdeii 0FFJZRS TO THE FIVE TON k Don't forget the Calvary festival tosmorrow night. In addition to the usual refreshments, they will vote away some fancy articles to popular young ladies. Yesterday at Newcombe's : ma chine shop3 Mr. J. G. Cable, the fore: man, ' had his hand badly hurt by petting it caught in the band saw. -There are still a few sound hands -at Newcombe's. , . - ' -. " . .v . : . The red sunsets have begun again, and now we laugh dull times to scorn. Let the day be ever so dull and locals scarce, .we 11 mourn not so long as the red sunsets stand, by us. The Virginia Midland track was cleared " yesterday and trains came through without interruption. ," The parties who wrecked the train" Mon day, nave not yet been captured. . ; The Superior court put in another day yesterday on the trial of' Kirk's suitior $20,000 against the Richmond & Danville Railroad. Several wit- nesses underwent a long examination. It is thought that the lawyers will be able t begin their argument before the jury by noon today. ; Gen. Scales and Dr. York spoke at Shelby yesterday and today will meet at Rutherford ton. Three hun dred people met Gen.- Scales at the .depot in Shelby and escorted him up town. lhere was no one to meet York, though he arrived on the train with Gen. Scales. ' - noyelty n the way of cams paign badges has 5 just been "intro duced in the city by Johnie Ander son, at Tiddy's who is now selling a badge that shows at night. In the dark it shines ; like phosphorous and will help to illuminate the voter home on his way Irom loqge -meeting. . - At tne mayor's court yesterday Xiizzie Knox, colored, was fined $5 for being drunk and disorderly. W. C. Mungo, of South Carolina, was put under a Bond of $50 for trial by the Inferior court tor assaulting jonn Williams, colored, with a pistol. M. Henshaw was fined $5 for beiry drunk ana disp.rderjy. " - A. The colored population of the suburb known as Greeneville have a Sunday echool organised with fifty scholers. They Have' no house in which to worship, and they propose to build -one. Next Thursday night they -will give a moonlight - lawn party to raise .the seed money for the church. Thev appeal for aid. and we trust tUgir. Earjy wl he a $nah- cial succesg. . - - J9 "Hi- " - A Colored Absentee" In the Toils. Annie Stewart, a colored woman of this city, has been missing for several days, but the Atlanta Constitution brings news of her. That paper says: "Annie was arrested in Atlanta Sun day by Patrolman Reid. The prisoner is charged witn acanaoning ner two year old child, and the arrest was made UDon the complaint ' of Lula Wilson.: twho lives 1 bh QolUna street, near GUmr street. The woman says that Annie Stewart came to her home soon after she reached the city, "-- and leaving the child, went off, promising - r i to resurmii w u . . i- U r Q b tOCK Ot to keep herpro'rajse, tod, the womah, kS -1 orioliinff tn iiirA fnr the child. called upon Patrolman Reid ana re quested him to make the.'arres,". Sboptine at aaI Kockine Trains. . Trfint'on. a station on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta, road, is a bad Jocaiiy, from &U Acpounts, vThe pas senger trains, white passing m that vicinity, are frequently , pelted witij rooks and chuaks of wood, but yes terday there was a sjignt cnange wi the programme, and a pistol was fired at the train Capt. John Alii- . m 1 VvTT All son, tne conauctor, was mttiug, uj a open window. The bullet entered the winddVi graced the back bf the 'con ductor's head, and passed out of the car tnrougn me oppusito mw-v Capt. :Allfe6n diatirrctlj: heard the pistol fire,'an4 if kg hadha4 his, hapd hi T the Wk of I his head, his. hand would have been pierced by tne out let. Day before yesterday a rock was thrown into the wiuaow or a paa gep train at the eame iocauty. The milroad- comDany ought to settle a few detectives about Trenton. - 'For the November Elections Yeter- I day's Proceeding of the Board -ol- j County Commissioners. .. . . ! . The county commissioners met at ithe court house yesterday to take up the unfinished business of Monday's ; meeting. Among the most important transactions of the board was the ap pointment of registrars of election for the various townships of the county for the November elections, jl884. The registrars appointed are ias follows: Charlotte, Ward 1 John BBethune. Ward 2 Jas. C. Long. Ward 3 R. J. Siffoj-d.' Ward 4 -W. B. Taylor. ', Berryhill S. S. Herron. " i Steele Creek F. Lee Erwin. : ! Sharon E. H. Walker. - -i Providence J. S. Grier. " . ' Clear Creek C. P, Mungo. Crab Orchard, Box 1 C. 15. Cross, i Box 2- Jno. A. NewelL Mallard Creek,- Box 1 Jas. C. Cochrane. Box 2 Jno. P. Ritch." ; i Deweese; Box 1 F. J. Knox. - Box 2 i A. J. Hunter. i Iiemley's--R. F. Blythe. t Long Creek J. W. Sample. '. " : ; Paw Creek D. A. McCord. -r Morning Star, Box 1 J. W. Hood. : Box 2 M. E. Crowell. - ... . .... : Pineville J. H. Collins. , r 5 In regard to school district 41, in :Deweese township, the board ordered that a division be made, making the icorpoiation of Davidson College one ;school district and the remainder of 41 another district; with J. F. Mc Graw. W. R v Smalls and T.ETPotts as committee for the district outside of Davidson College. Foi Davidson College district, J. Lee Sloan, Dr. Duprey and S. R. Neal were appointed committee. , . . ; . : I The following payments were or dered to be made. . J. Watts, for building bridge over Black creek, $90; Austin Cooper, railroad fare for Amy Hayes and Julia Davidson, colored paupers and lunatics to Goldsboro asylum, $27; T. L. Vail, second class ticket for colored pauper from Char lotte to South Boston, Va.t $5.30; J. A. Young, clerk Inferior court, .half fees in insolvent State cases disposed Of August term, 1884, $418.76 ; J. . Ai. Asbury, furnishing material" and building convict stockade, $457; R. B. Caldwell, 37 cords of wood for poor house farm, $55.50; W. R. Stearns; 8 bushels wheat and 45 bushels oats for poor house farm, $29.30; M. E. Alex ander, sheriff, summoning 30 regular and 70 talis jurors Inferior court, $16 ; Richard Moore, pipe and work on stove, knife and brooms tor jail, $5.05; Yates & Strong, advertisirig.notice for physician tor poor, and-other notices, $12. White' Lead, TOTSEED.OIL, Coius. V&r&Khes. Be. OM CAR LOAD .lews w Oi ' J H. Mo ADEN ! keeper, : montn The First Baie in Concord; ; " v ! ' , Yesterday morning" Mr. John IL Morrison, one of the leading farmers of Cabarrus, made his appearance on the streets of Concord - driving . a wagon which contained the first new bale of cotton for Cabarrus county this season. The bale was a good. heavy one, and was bought by (Jan nons & Fetzer for $11.50, For several years past there has been a rivalry between Mr. Morrison and Esquire Ludwig, of Cabarrus, as to " which would be able to get the first bale on the market, and it is to be presumed thajt Esquire.Ludwig is now not far behind, with his new oaJe Lassen gers who arrived pit the noon train yesterday report : that iu . Cabarrus county, along the line of the railroad, the farmers were picking cotton in the fields. : - ; - . Anson county's first bale was mar keted at Lilesville yesterday by-Mr. E. R. Diggs. It weighed: 480 pounds and was bought by Donald W. Waters at 10J cents., Personal Mention. - ( We were pleased to have calls yes terday from Mr. Ev J. Hale, editor of the Fayetteville Observer, and Mr. J, C. Tipton, of the Lincoln Press. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eecles left yes terday afternoon for Louisville, Ky., to see the big exposition." They will take in Chicago, Saratoga, Quebec and New York before their return. - Mr. and Mrs George Mosemah, of BroOklyn, Ijew ork,,are in our city, where they . expect to spend some time. They are the guests of r their daughter, Mrs. John H. Newcombe. Judge David Schenok spent yester day in the city, .v : . 1 : ; .Rev. Dr. Walter Pharr I returned home yesterday - from Cleavelancr Springs. We regret to learn that he is in extremely feeble health. ? ; Mrs. Jas. W. Jalonaleft yesterday on a visit? to Her old home in LouisT ville,Ky. - - ' i Mr. John R. Harris, a well known young salesman of Concord, has ac cepted a position in the establish ment or ttargrayes CS &ieanuer, m .tbi3 city, andis now with that firm. 'MrT. L. Seigle left yesterday for Inorthern markets to purchase his fall jstock of goods. Seales and X ork at jncoln,ton. - The two canciiaates ior uweiuur had a lively time at Lincoluton and ! it was a sad day for Djv Yxu-k. We i have heard several men say that York was badly used up. . wuup Schenck heard the discussion and he gays oandidly and truly speaking, he never before knew a man to be so thoroughly and completely frazzled out as was Dr. York. . Gen. Scales' tribute to the Confederate soldiers, and his denunciation !qf York'd at-j tempt to defame' them, was. Judge Schenck says, the finest thing he ever heard fall from the lips of any speak er.n Scales electrified, the croVd. He fairly surpassed nirflstif and flayed $ork unmercifully. In his tnbuterto ? v. a rinn derate soldiers. Gen, Scales turned tor. Ywk and said? ;These noble heroes will live in poetry and song and their memories will be cherished in the hearts of the people longafter your rotteD carcass has been forgotten in your dishonored grave. Thl crowd cheered andYwk winced. There isW doubt about it, York is badly hacked. 'He is not ; by any means a maicii amf Views of a Citizen of Mornins Star. Township on the Selection of Repre sentatives. - ' - JThe following communication, ad dressed to the city editor of The Observer, was received - yesterday and we take the responsibility of its publication upon ourself, during the temporary absence of Col. Jones, who went to Salisbury yesterday atternoon to attend a .meeting relative to the railroad celebration in Charleston, Swain county, on the 12th. . ' - - -N W. H.H. MORXISa iSTAR TOWSSHD?, " - - September 2, 1884. -Reviewing the results of the late primary conventions held throughout the county, I am gratified to see that there is a disposition on the part ot the people this - year to ' send plain, matter-o Wact, practical,- common sense men to represent us in the Leg islaturemen who will go there to serve the people and not in the inter-, ests of themselves or their individu al friends. I take it for granted that uapt. 8. is. Alexander will be norm - nated for the Senate by acclamation, and that on the first or second ballot Capt. Waring and Capt. Ardrey will be selected as two Of the representa tives for the House. Jb'rom the gen-' era! sentiment of the people and rrom the flattering expression already made at the primary meetings, 1 take it , that your chief, Col. Charles R. Jones, will be selected' to complete the ticket. ' : C '.x . ' - '." . . This, I think, at least should be done. Col. Brown has many friends arnong us who would like to see him nominated again, but he has served us twice berore, ana besiaes, nis services to us as a county commis sioner are too valuable. We can't spare Ardrey and Brown' both from the board and one or the other must stay. It would not be right to send Our whole board of county commis sioners to the Legislature. . Besides this, Col. Jones, so every body says,' will make a capital repre sentative. e He is Tpractical ; he has good, hard common sense in abund ance and is familiar-with the wants of the people and the needs of the county.- Politicians labor only for themselves at certain '' seasons ; but here is a man who has labored not for himself, but for the Democratic party, day in and day out, . in season and out of sea3on for the past twenty years. : Who can estimate . the good his pen has done our party, our coun ty and our people ? He has been a true worker, and if any man deserves recognition and reward it is Col. Chas. R. Jones. Iam no particular friend of his, but I admire him for the labor he has performed. He' will make a; good and capable repre sentative and I believe our people intend to try him. "Jones for the House" is our ticket. C. L. O. ' . For Ibe Iegislatiire. - The frfeeds of Kit W. Lyles present his name to the townshlD conventions for the lower bouse of the Legislature, as one eminently qualified to fill that i office. Be will, we believe. If elected, make faith- ful and efficient legislator. Subject to the action oi tne Democratic eounty coevention. - - Chab Orchard. For the tteprexenta. i House oi . live. The many friends of A. Jones Hunter Esq., re cognizing his peculiar fitness as a representative In the Legislature, hereby announce nlra as a candl- aaie, suoject to ine uemocraue nominating con vention. . He is a true and tried- - Democrat, emi nently Qualified for the Dositlon.and will add much strength to the party. We heartily commend him to the confidence and hearty support of the voters of Mecklenburg county, and If elected believe he will faith fnlly represent the Interest of the people. ... ,.. .. .. MANX VOTERS. County Legislative Ticket. J The foUowtne named gentlemen are suggested for nomination by the approaching Democratic eounty convention as eminently fitted to compose the Legislative ticket for Mecklenburg: -. - ! FOB SENATOR. SYD. B. ALEXANDER. - - - OB HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. - x " R. P. WARING, ' CHAS. R. JONES, - -. - W. K. ARDREY. - A stronger ticket, or one composed of men bet ter qualified to discharge the duties of legislators coma not do nominated. uluhajitji. "...For Coroner, L . ' ' The friends of J. A. McLure present his name to the Democratic nominating convention tor the of fice of coroner. If there Is any reward due for an arm given to the "Lost Cause" now Is the time and he Is the man. Living In Charlotte he can be con veniently reached from all parts of the county. Urs. Jos Person's Column, Mrs.JoePerson's - . .r . t - , . .5,. ' '- ' c REMEDY August Mm - r? II L I S I PKLBiai TO Hhenmatism. A Great Warfare on li Oats, AND ' For Coroner. ;. TO TEE CmZENS OF M-BCKLENBURG COUNTY : - The friends of S. B. Smith announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner, subject to the Democratic nominating convention. Mr. Smltb has filled the office f orthe past two years In a manner acceptable to the people. Not a word of complaint has been raised In any quarter, and the fact of the greatly reduced expenses during his term ot office commends him to favorable consid eration at the hands of the voters of Mecklenburg. : .. ' ,, , MORNING STAR. ii. For Register of Deed. The friends of W. W. Grler announce him a can didate for Register of -Deeds for Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convention. . ; , Tarboro, N. C, July 7, 1881 Mrs. Job Person: ' - . Dear Madam For eight or ten years I have been a sufferer from some cutaneous disease resulting from Impurity of the blood, which was manifested hv neveral laree sores on mv face, with dir. hard scabs, which would shed and others form contlnu- i ously. It was pronounced by an experienced phy sician to be "Lupus." I was also a severe suaerer with Rheumatism, and It was with difficulty I could walk at alL After trying various treatments I was Induced by my pastor to try your REMEDY. After uslne three bottles I was perfectly cured. The. sores are all healed, my general health Is good and my Rheumatism Is entirely relieved. As a remedy for Rheumatism, Skin and Blood Diseases I con sider It without an equal. . -I am very truly, : . , - E. D.MACNATR. An Opportunity to Buy New Ones at For Register of Deeds. . The friends of Mr. J. W. Cobb announce him as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg county. He has been In the office for 8 years under the good old William Maxwell, and Is now well qualified to fill the office as chief. His name will be before the Democratic County Convention for that office. t v f For Register of Deeds. ; At the solicitation of many of my friends, I horehv annnnnnA mvsnlf a candidate for the Office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county sub-. lect to tne action oi we ueiuucranu bmub vuu- VenUOn.-!. - : . TT . i. i-n iinnnA. C For Sheriff. -" The friends of Major J. M. Davis are authorized to announce him a candidate for the office of sher iff of Mecklenburg county, subject to the nomina tion of the county convention. - .Irs. Joe Person's REM E DY GIVE AWAY PRICES." Wa hveniiAntd tnmther the remnants of a verr neeessfnl season in Straw Goods, and reeohed that we will not carry a single Straw Hat over. We have sold thousands and now the few dozens kft must go, that we may maintain our prominent position as Hatters again next season with an entirely new stock. Our narrative told and reasons given for this "reckless cut," we will proceed to buslaeea- . . ..... v - , - i t - ',.... . - ; i- ' f -. - ' , ' ' . i .. i . . ...... .. , ; v- - YOU CAN THIS DAY BUY ANY DOLLAR STRAW HAT IN OUR STOCK Thursday in Shelby and the Special St'rain. If politics are not red hot in Cleve land, it is a hard old county to heat up. Gen. Scales and Dr. York spoke in Shelby yesterday, the county can didates speakthere : to-day, and to morrow they will have the big rally, barbecue and flag raising, when speeches will be made by Senators Vance and Wade Hampton, Captains W. W. Kitchen, Octavius Coke, and CoL W.-H. H. i Cowles. The people of Shelby have purchased an immense wire banner, bearing double lire size portraits of . Cleaveland .and Scales and this is to. be raised during the day.- . The barbecue .is, to be a genuine ante bellum affair, with roast beef, mutton and pork. In response to an order received in this city yesterday, Mayer & Ross shipped to Shelby one thousand pounds of "O.' K." bread, and the order slated that there would be meats to match it. The people of Shelby have made all arrangements for af magnificfant affair and will be able to accommodate every body that attends. Undoubtedly there will be a erreat crowd present, i - A splendid opportunity will be of-. fered all our people, an.a toe peopie livine alone the line of the Shelby Division of the Carolina Central road to attend. A special excursion train is to be run from Charlotte, leaving here at 8 o'clock Thursday morning and reach Shelby at 11 a. m. Re turning, the train will leave Shelby at 6 in the afternoon ; and - arrive in Charlotte at 9. The fare for the round trip- from Charlotte will be only $1.50. & good many people will go fro'm here." ' - . CHARITY BEGINS AT IIOJIE. : For Slierifl. -The many friends of W. F, Griffith, recognizing his peculiar fitness for the office, hereby announce him for sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. His public services as deputy sheriff have been of a highly satisfactory character, and his friends think he deserves promotion at the hands of the Democ racy A Candidate Withdraws. ' To the Editor of the Observer: - I have decided to withdraw my name as a candi date for the office of sheriff. I am under many ob ligations to my friends for the support promised me, but for private reasons I am no lonfer a candi date, J.W.HOOD, July 28th, 1884. . V Candidate for herllT. The many friends of J. Wtt Kirkpatrlck, nomi nate him as a candidate for the office of (sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing election, sub lect to the-actlon of the Democratic county eon-, ventlon. . MANT VOTERS. junel4dAwtdc For Sheriff. The many friends of Capt. L. A, Potts propose his name as a nt nominee lor tne nign omee oi aharlfT nt thin mnntv. subleot to the aetion Of the Democratlo Mecklenburg county convention. He is a true and tried Democrat, eminently qualified for the position, and will add much strength to the uemocraey o ourouni. - For Conaty Tre warer. The friends of Mr. i. H. McClintock propose his nanwMi ramUdata for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the ratification of the Democratic ! convention. - ThA flnanwi nf thn eonntv have been so well managed by that excellent soldier, Capt Belk; that tax-payers of all shades of political faith will regret his retirement, but If he decides not again to stand for th omen, all will be nleased if his successor Is one who carries about the same badge of honor. Let us nominate and elect Mr. Mc-CHntock. WILL COUNTERACT mPUKITY. BLOOD GOLD6BORO, N. C, June 28th, 1884. Mrs. Joseph Person: Madam Having had the pleasure of meeting you in our city, I feel it my duty to freely give you the following testimonial of the efficacy of your vuinahift nrp.nnrntinn. I have been afflicted for several years with some blood disease which settled In my leg, producing ulceration. I was advised to visit the Hot Springs, in cur State, but only found partial relief. Through the advice of a friend I was induced to try your valuable REMEDY, and am happy to state that it has effected a permanent cure. .Hespecrtuuy t. A. GRANGER. Mrs Joe Person's IF!0 SAD. And Keep the Other Half for Another Season's "Head Dress.":. It seems a shame that Gallant Puck and Loyal Vacation should be reduced in rank when tbey have served with such marked distinction, but it to ordered that t hey "share the common fate of all," and to-day you buy them at half price, which is not one-fourth ot their value. - . All Straw Hats at 75 and 50, rants will now &e sold for 25c When rou see a man bareheaded or sporting a shabby hat, please excuse TJS from any responsibility we have placed It within the power of every one to "brush up." and be genteel, in this great tstraw tiat sale ana saennce, vj our ixronua, m trum uur msa wm imwo mou buu. . . ' EJ. D. Ijatta fe Bro. Junei4M884. Mecklenburg i No. 15.305.. New (Means Jea Win Parts o.f the Capital Prize ot $75,000. Eugene Gaudlns, warehouseman for Messrs. B. Onorato Ca for some time, is a good and trusty worker. 1 He was comparatively happy at hUhome, No. 231 St Peter street, and In his walks he passed a place in which the tickets 'of ' the Louisiana State Lottery Company are'dlsplayed. He had purchased tickets Inlpartnershlp wtth his fellow-workers. During August he saw displayed one which particu larly struck his fancy No. -15,365-whether It was. the peculiar arrangement of the 6's. or the magi cal placing of the 3, even Gaudlns la at a loss to explain. sj,i taat particular uci pee peer out enticingly from; ttie niniiii ti be bought' The day and lit ill it' hufia In the window were-droBplng oB, and when the last day, the l2Ui, arrived, irwas almost to ne pmea rornsion&unesB. G'audlhs eacli day glaneeu hastily to see If his little friend was still In place, started- several times to walk boldly In an1 buy on his own account; but the old trammels of the partnership arrangement held him. nnt.ii the last moment Ten O'clock on the rcket"TheTevo ademy of Music b rgh!roufcNo. 15,-86o as drawing the capital prize. The-faot was piibllshed and came soon to the ears of Gaudlns, who yesterday was poor, but to-day, hv the investment of a dollar, ranks arnong the bondholders." - : - - - ' 1 - He called at the oftlee ot The Louisiana State Lottery wlThMr. Onorato, and was promptly paid in fall.- A reporter wanted to know what he pro posed to do, and he answered that he WQuW bur nice home for his ; family, and. hat seeing them placed beyond the. reach of want and in comfort would he as mn:h happiness as he desired, The lane oi nis money ne vyoiuu try utvtwv pwn- LAND FOR SALE. Pursnant to a morteure made by John Brewer, and wife M. E.J. Brewer, duly recorded and regis tered. I will sell at auction, at the Court House, In Charlotte, on Saturday, the 4th of October, next, the tract of aorei of land, whereon said parlies formerly UveU three miles south of Charlotte, ad joining a H.. HUton and others. ; : , Terms easa, c ojjuusunn, sep3dltw5w V : '. " . Trustee. LAND SALE, 4 ' Pursuant to a mortoge.' ano assignment made by Wm. P. Llttia ad wife, duly recorded and regis tered, I will ifell at auction, at the Court House, in rtuirlntte. on Saturday, the 4th of October, next, the valBAble tract of land of 210 acres, whereon said Little now resides, about 6 miles northwest Of Charlotte, adjoining Dr, John wTajera" 8es3dltw6w . frusteea.Asalimee. Sewing Siae HmisWaated. Two first ckus hwtv onerators on the Slneer sew ing maohine, and who are expert with the needle, can obtain permanent employment at good wages, y applying at once V . ; seplut v, . J. S. PHILLIPS. ISicBnimcBcDy IS A F I N E TONIC. tably, and would ntmself conHnne tqplay his mod orf nmt iinsnotlpil hv nrosDerlty. He signed his name neatly to the receipt for the money, and went out of the office of the Lottery as happy anoroon.- tented a man as tne wesoeni now cuuimn. New Orleans Picayune, August lh. -. . : Hearing that another fortunate holder of apart of Ihelucky number, 15,365. drawing S75,0(X) in the .,m,ot mthomn. n( The Louisiana State Lottery, was on hand io collect Ws money, a reporter- itter- tHwdhim, Mr. Louis Seymour, tne lortunate wTfeWd,8 Atteition, lndppendents. yon are nereoy nonnea iu musuu uw moathly meeting f your company at jovx haU tti (Wednesday) evening. Sept 3. IW, atS Vcck sharp. - FuUattentonoedesBy order of - W, Jt JLtBBiaOM, Secretary. " CHARLOTTE Femalei Institute.1 The next tern begins Wedneslayi' 10th mst", at ! a a. m. A larger corps ot teachers than ever is . engageq, ana ywj wipni ci i w highest standard of excellence, In whlqh respect this, institute is not excelled by any .other in the sep2dttwlt ' - SCHOOL NOTICE. Miss Moom wia open fee srboV op. Monday, auu van jrorfi t H. M.OORE, . MooRESViiu, Iredell Co'., N. C - - Being desirous of adding my testimonial to oth ers concerning the merits of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, I take pleasure in saying that as a tonic and alterative I do not think It has an equaL I haw fairiv tAstnri tt. and after trvlnz Veeetlne. Sarsaparilla, Vinegar Bitters, and various other remedies, have no nesltatlon in pronouncing it far superior to any tonic I have ever used, wheal AnmmanMwi tiaiTlB- MM. Pertum'S Bitters I Was VerT weak, complexion sallow, and njw, I am eeUng perfectly well. . . luespecuuiiy, .; Don't Read This Unless yoa want to be tempt ed to go to the Charlotte Mu sic House and purchase one of those celebrated .Mathashek Pianos, slightly second-hand, at a greatly reduced price, $200 to $300, either forvcash or on instalment: payments." We have jalso several -Organs, used only a short time, and as good as new, having been taken back r: from s-deuncittenfc purchasers, which we are of fering from f $40.00 to 70.00. ; Now. is your time to get a , bargain. A big lot of newj instruments' always on hand.; Charlotte MBS 16 UUUJU J V. T. BARNWELL, Manager.' The Tai SEVERAL AQE.HTSt Boyktn, Carmer & Co.", No. 11 1 13 Liberty street, Wm. H. Brown & Bro.i No. 25 . South Sharp street; Canby, Gilpin & Co., r - (Baltimore, Hd. REMEMBER OUR Purcell, Ladd & Co.,, Owens, Mmor & Co. Powers, Taylor Sc. Co, W A rj U9UU UlchmindJ.Va Charlotte, N.G. er Charlotte's MortnarrBepo1,1 ' The report of LV.. Bcarr, -j c ttu r inrtvv, altjzT 'for' tne 1 (11 IUB Villi vcuivv-i . ... r.t Aist. shows that during tne 6i r S?S tl it SSPJ' : . . : il moa nniv -i auu uuvh "j tt a -. . - - . r . i , - j - un.tia ..hnva. .r thar. rnnni ft l.i hi rz ji j i rv it i - . : . . a. a. i . i ms. i f-rtr i nhiir mr inn Hmiiiiiih lb wuityu ruir- niuw iwio- ua v,. PV-" a,' wrii'tiTb6Crowa-W qutew u auTS tauFhfcSune.he wasperfectly cool and the &h o September. 'Mu-ic; French and inemcs taugni on reasuiauio wluu. particulars see circulars, aug31eod2w ' " ' .. TO RENT; ; Ground fkw, No. B, Granite Row, next door to Pegram's shoe store. Possession at once. Apply to - ' " G. a. HAK1NA. sept2d3t . , ten deaths in phariotte, fpu? wmte? ana six pMiuren- . irv - :j.4.-Y.a in t.hft cemeteries, bat two of -these e?e here from elsewhere for buriaL. The record of interments is as follows: dr. w. w. Gregort, r - In-Elmwooa cemeterj, uvC, "-""7," My Dear sir-Allow me to say th rt I believe your three were male adults, one- iemaie frspeptic siedicine tobe aU that eiaim for it. &Ant, and one ohild ?-he causes Qlf f:Uaveued3t in mytfamilyrfor several years, and wlT nrifonin gastritis onel ak advisedly whenlRay that 4 fltf dot believe tt death were cnromo gastri uuc ,. hasnmii I lriwvai nf Tifirtnanetmeures WAKonwinHrrn one": old aM. One; ID-5 KSE-ffi flamatioh of brain; and the democrats were vtq wtft (Jelight a? the gevepe. handling ,York yeceivea. hut agree with themwill find great ahd permanent ratVC croup One,: , . V. : -1 fo -U&frf1 V: - ih pjri&ppci. colored) cemetery WHll!?: - " . w. perdhs. there were seven- interments, one tftWotte, N. G July 15, 1884, 1 -CAaU0TW,.a?Jull6,lS ' EDr. Gregory: I used your Dyspectlc Mixture four Tears ago and it made a perfect and permanent cure of me. Mine was the worst case I ever saw. )ta?e heard a great many say their cure was also r" f I" WARBKH. ' I was cured of dyspepsia nihe- years ago oy your Dyspeptic Mlxturetand nave never had 8 return oi the disease.- s , : V.Q- 4t)Hii)?J. Dr. Crkibort; ' :v . - :- . Vofli DjspeRtlc Mixture I? CT? fyVSal d3Se, add-to myfecerft eatdnlstrnleht .'Bud ha So eu-ed mrbf (llAbetl TaswS 11 as killed the de irr for tobacco.' "T. B. CoLLAHAJf. Charlotte, N. Q-. July Ut, 1881, I hereby certify that the cases of dyspepsia where Dr. Gregory's Dyspeptic Mixture has been used seem to be permanently cured. One caae was treated some 15 years since ' K. Nil HDTCHI90H, M. D. . July iSt, 1884. - or16 by J.m. MeAden and T. C. Smith A C -a Charlotte, N. C, aad $ H. Jlnnls, faaiiatury,.. u. . - Consumption tured. - An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in hia hands bv aU'East In5iin riraloriary the f ormuU SFa complete Vegetable remedy for t speedy and permanent cure of Cpn- rain, one, and ftiphthe- throat and lung afctiona, also a aWliVv ul all Nervous CQmplainta. after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, naa felt it his duty to make it known to his raff ering - fellows. ' Actuated by -this motive and a desire to TliYS suffering. I will Bend tree of oharge, to Uf whrfdesireit, this recipe in Garntan, irui&,ii T?.o-lili. witli full directions for preparing and using1 Sent by mai male adult, four feniale adults &nd twochUdren. The causes of death were consumption, two; .yF" fftver. one: paralysis, one; old age. one; debUity one ana uit"p ---5 ' Only ten deaths out o.f a populatlori nf 'r 1 oofi diirink the hottest month of, r.npt slimmer. ' v" o . r I . 'ii....: jartimn vn&miiior this eral Wthfulness of our tj. . WW SWWlilWl Kock; Ecester.-y. , W6m. UttA i trulv a healthy place, few cities of its size in tl show a smaller death rate. Allen's Bilious Physio Is'a pu-y vegetable 1 Hquld remedy for headaches, Wli. tion. Easily taken, " jtnpmi re!U ig aulckly, ii5 cento. At ail m - .... 1 IT I ' r .m t . .. 1 Bed-Bass, V1 Flies, roafts, ants, tedbi'TS, rats, mice, gophers, cWpmunks,-ared out by "iiough on Raw." lo. ; .A CSrlnnlHg DeatU's Head is scarcely more abhorrent to retoed obrver than a row of discolored teeth madejlWe by a ;tLu rnnutth. hirtonim hitiish with dengnt- tulYnd healthful SOZODONT, -which 'tensjel lowteeth, imparts ruddiness and hardness to epiqr. jess, unhealthy sums, and a ftoral balmlness to toe fereatn. The feminine 'J!ffl!4 I SttracUvein conseq.uence . rt ' Muse. Lf?f tresses an cantamces regaiu i. an - He told the reporter that he was a native f Ttfem phls, Tenn., and served In the Confederate army in the battle of ghlloh, under Genls. Albert Sydney Johnston and Beauregard. His health, Impaired hv army service, had grown much worsa Kite years, and be came here to beneuf UHoseir s nra fngaol thfireatworld'B Jalr to b6 heldln New Orleans next winter.' He stuck to it -steadily for nearly five months, although rt almost counterbal anced the good done huh by We genial eJjimate. ' He was a m lllf 1 fock, and never failed . "r.-rtTa Sr.riAn theYro Isl.ina State Lottery. Q was puxtaeu wuu uus was dellehted with every thing, and hoped to enjoy nis gooa ioriuiw. no had not formed any distinct plans for the future, ,,it nnniii romntn at ease for some time recupera ting, not forgetting always to try his luck in the lot tery that had proved such a bonanza to hlin.- Orleans Picayune, 4nsnsU - : ; The Florence lnghrlBRaie ortae JTufsery. . - The followlilg is an' extract from a ie:ter written to th) German Reformed Messenger, at Chamhersr burg, Penn.; - - --, - :k SNf4crrRKSft . Just open the door tor her. and Mrs. Wlnslow win prove the American Florence Nightingale of ..a rtrthis am n.ra go sure that we will teach our Siw to W. -A Blessing eMra. Wins low" far belplHg her to survive and escapethe i,ninn ATkitniciTiir ann uwLiiuiie bickt). iuio " low's Soothing Syrup relieves the ehlld from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colte. and carries the Infant through the teething period, tt performs precisely what It projesse. ty Perform, every part of it-nothing les We have new seen Mm-Wlnalow know he only through the repa- ration ot ner --oootnuia o.rup i " , j 1. ine." If we had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to-the Infant racer Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. .. Lif and for the UYer Kidney. ' posrrivf5T cures Dipeja, Iiicr ani EitoY Comclaiiili 1 I have uaed your "life for the liver and Kidneys" .with great benefhV and or dyspepsia, or. any derangement: of, the liver or kidneys, I regard it as being without an equal. .Tab. J. Osborkb: Alt V at Law. v - Boilatoa, Henderson county', If. C. Far superiorto any liver pad. " ; i; LtuQH Thomas, Glsndaie, S. C.u, Vnnr mftdioines are valuable and splendid emedieB. I have sold upwards of five gross, ana roarceuauueuu mwu. I would mot l without them. . . . ; : J. S. i Davidson, Druggis, imrif .tt.-j.- caiarlotte, N. a "life for Jlificv Liver Md idney8T? or "ChiU Cure' works-ISe scnarni and sells very fast. p.; - . -A." uu. vwnx, Wax Haw, lAncaster couAty, S. C. In larse 50c. and tLfift bottles. Trial size. 25c Sold by .druggists and-ftenl-er generally. Prepared by; 1 S : ; i , ;rv -I- XJIJPE MEDICINE CO.. October 3, dtf. ' ' . ; M' Wm. H. Green, WUmlngton, N. C ' ' , . ........ 1 - ' . - - - V.'Oi Thompsoa, Winston, N. C J. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C . . ' Turner & Bruner, Monroe, N.C .-. ? - ; J. T. Harper, Snuthvffle, N. C. - . B.G. Glenn, Greeftsooro-, N. Cv - : K. B. Hodges 4 Ck. Tarbojq, "K-Jk HlivTtBjwadfcipii, Fayettu.N.C. Wholesale Druggist or N. C.t Dr, J. H. McADEN, CHAHLOTTi:, C And for Sale by aU Druggists: $7,50 All Woo! Cassimere Suit. Our Strip Weare now selling at $1.50; sold everywhere for 2.50 We are giving the puhUc the benefit pi such goods, so you can wear tbem changes to the Northwest. - - - 5 "'",, , f ? even when Die wind if. -, k rr; A guarantee of tower prices than any other house in the State can always tie ha ai lSULSW'H'ULSU, Very respectfully, t IL. dEOrArx3GlSB "Agents for Pearl Shirts." JUST RECEIVED. JTJST IN Every Bottle Prepared Under the i - -f Immediate SupervisioB 4 1 Mrs. Joe Person. j . -NSW CBXAlt CHEESE, HONEY," LABC3ATC2T, " " C3A2L0TTS, H. C Trvop Street, Granite Row, No. 4. TJpetaln. In the Honey Comb OoaKbiaatiosa-. Wise and Fruit Presses HibKr. And Choice Fresh Butt.r, at v , M. HOWELL'S. ripple Pami; Caers; And SUcers, Apple antf ftae1me8ofl taWe 4iW -"Pock CAlery.Fr, FaSlI improved I prttern, and General Hardware of every kind, , , can ana see us or mm y..- ehown, wE;sn;s'Tcx k co.