M ILJ C HAEL O T T E OBSERVE R. WE DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1 88 4 We have i f-it OUT Tvht i f' kw .. &Tnnr A ,-t. la rt nlaln that WJ C eouldnt afford to protect him so thorootrhiy If ; .' ' LACKWEtIS , BUM. DL-KHAJIT-i Weeo, ol which he Is the representative, wasnt . " i la liJiST broking Xefeacc wafv. The ulea of BUekweira Bull Dnrham BmoUztf Tobacco far exceed these of any other brand in the world, -imply because it haalyen, , and will be. the beat that can be mada All deatera ban it. look, lot trademark ol toe BuHa every package nrnnia. Friglitfal datanh, For four years I have been afflicted with a verj troublesome catarrh ol the Bead. So ter rible has Its nature been that when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would frequently come out of mj mouth and nose. The dis charge was copious,' and at times exceedingly Offensive. My blood became so Impure that my general health was greatly Impaired, with poor appetite and worse digestion. . Numerous medicines were used without re lief, until I began the use f B. B. B., and three bottles acted almost like magte. Since their use not a symptom" lias returned, and I .; feel In every way quite restored to health. ' I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer to al most any one living on Butler street, and more particularly to Dr. L. M. Gfllam, who knows of my case. ;Mbs. Elizabeth Knott. -J : f t iff "' r n J A I.1T1X.E GOLD. ' - Mr. Z. A. ClarkJ of Atlanta,' G44 fheaclrig' of $480.00 In gold, desires to say to the readers Of this paper, that the whole of the above amount was spent In a fruitless effort In find lag relief from a terrible Blood Poison affect ing his body, limbs and nose presenting ugly running ulcers. Be Is now sound and welL, having been cured by thyinet speedy and wonderful remedy ever before known, and any j Interested party who may need a Blood Purifier win learn from him that three bottles of B. B. B. restored his appetite, healed all ulcers, re lieved his kidneys,- and added twenty-one pounds to his weight In thirty days. DttUGGISTsl 'TWO; We have been handling B. B. Br only afew s months, and take measure in saying it is super ceding all other Blood Remedies. It sells well, gives our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recommend It in preference to any other Blood Purifier. . ASHEB & MOORE, Druggists. . .. " v, . Atlanta, 6a. A 33-page book of wonderful B.B.B. testimony mailed to any address.- j , BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold m Charlotte by . 7.M VILSON. New Firm . 9 DEAtEBS M. HEAVY v AND FANCY 3 ml 10 ''If- -ii'ilti' t CORNER TRADEJLNg C01jJEQ3 STREETS,; It CHARLOTTE, , N. ; G. We have Just stocked our store with a select stock Of HEAVY -lli FANCY fiBOCSBI, which . va are offerlnzt tu nubile at J Hi Reduced Prices. ; We have Just begun business and Intend to sell' goods, If fair dealing and strict attention to the wants of our customers will bring success. ' . k -' " WrTHEBS ! IIB3EttP augSldtf r Corner Trade and College Streets. ESTABLISHED 1774. Bhr t77JL. Boll 18S3. . JrATlSHT (CAEA-MSSJUMrtCn THIS COSTPAN1 OWNS AND OPERATES three RQLLEa MILLS, as foUows: --T ATA -Prr 1TTT- A T?Tt.iA Cj r-.. PATAISCO mu B at, Baltimore Alary land. PATAF8CO IHLLC, at Orange Grore llaryland. . Having a' daily capacity- of 1,500 . The rapieof Flour depends en tbAiroportlonate , tj sntity ft Gluten, StarcV 8ugaran Phosphate of Lime. Maryland and vlrglnft, Wheat, from which our Patent Boiler Flours are manufactured. Is unequalled tor Its purity and superior quality of alible piopertfesu. Ask your Grocer for PATAPSCO 8 UPERLA 7JVE, PATAPSCO CHOICE PATENT, iT1 PATAPSCO EXTRA, ;04P HENRY FAMILY CZZTTt POINT FAMILY. , . K77'JAPJ2AXE EXTRA, ' t BEDFORD FAMILY, ' , , - C2A11GZ GSOVE EXTRA Cj rrserca EtjV Caltiibbre, Md i ty ... II; Littlejohn, mentover S10O.0OO.OO In defending1 to the Daraam-Bull as our trmde-marK. r ha tniv tha mnst TSlnAOie Jiuu -V il i .... ..iia.i. Withers &Russel AND KOSZTA.- The Way lbat6 8ou:h Carolinian,. Un der -a Democratic Adminis'fation, Protected a Matnralixed Citizen. . . Washington Dispatch to the New Tork Herald, t The issue cannot be too often stated. It is explicitly commanded by tna united States Statutes tnat wneneyex it is made known that an American citizen has been deprived ot nis liDer-ty-by or under the authority -oE any foreign government the reasons for such imprisonment shall be forthwith demanded by tne government. , j-amer-ican citizens appealed f romj Irish prisons for protection, pointirjs out that no charges - had been! made against them; that no hearing could be obtamed"; that, in default oj action bv their government, they must re- mam neipiess in priisou ai nio; ouw lute pleasure of a foreign nation. Mr. Blaihe, as Secretary of State, replied that he had no right td inter fere j that it wasr "an elementary principle ot puonc law;" last iue English government could alone ad minister and interpret the Coercion Act; with all its monstrous provis ions. . ' .1 - But Mr. Blame went out on omce and another Secretary of State! came in who took a diametrically opposite viftw of the riehts of American citi zens to that expressed by Mr. Blaine. The ' English government admitted the justice ot tms view ana our im prisoned citizens were released. Meanwhile, however, these American citizens had lain many -.months in prison because of Secretary Blaine's retusai to emorce meir nguws.j BETRAYING A BIGHT GAINED BY jBLOOD. This is his responsibility to the American people. He had betrayed the right gained by the Revolution of ,176, the war of 1812, and by that ' gal lant act of uapt. mgranam ; wmcn Congress and the people endorsed with an enthusiasm almost unparal leled, and which led to an jofficial expression of the intention Of this government to- protect" its adopted citizens at whatever --Tjost.- This is what Secretary 'Marey, wrote in 1853 to the Austrian government : Whenever, by the law of nations, an individual becomes clothed with our national character be he a! native born or a naturalized citizen, dn exile driven from his early home by politi cal oppression, or an emigrant enticed from it by the hopes of a better fois tune for himself and his posterity, he can claim the protection of this gov ernment; and it may respond jto that, claim without being obliged to ex plain its conduct to any - foreign power, for it is its duty to make its nationality respected by mother nations and respected in every quarter of the globe. ; What a contrast between the fervid words and action of Secretary 6f State William L. Marcy in the case.; of the imnrisoned Martin Koszta. and "the temporizing and un American refusal of Secretary of State James G. Blaine to secure to Dennis O'Connor,; Daniel McSweeney and the rest their rights as American citizens! ' - The story of Martin Koszta's arrest, imprisonment and release at 'the muzzle of American, cannon is " in structive. v , - INGHAHAM'S GALLANT AC.' ! ,,' Koszta was a Hungarian' irefugee, with Kossuth, to America.!, While here he "declared his intention" to become a citizen; he had not even been clothed : with full citizenship, as had O'Connor, McSweeney and Walsh. For some reason heiwent to Smvma. and was there on the meht of June 231853, lassoed by ai band of ureees nirea Dy tne Austrian govern ment. thrown into a boat of the Aus trian brig Huzzar lying in Smyrna harbor, taken to the vessel: and cast into her hold, where he - was loaded with chains, x . j ' ' , On the next day the St. Louis, an AlmeticapL' schooner of War, appeared ni theharoor, uapt. inincan in. in- graham, was informed of the outrage, r and at once put himself in communi cation 'with -the American; Charge trAitaires at Uonstantinopie. f demand was made on the 1 Turkish government to interfere for Koszta's release; - - The Porte did not act. and Capt. Ingraham made the same', de mand upon the captain of the Jtluzzar. That officer temporized. Capt. ' In graham Was permitted to see Coszta and to ask him if he claimed Ameri can 1 protection. Koszta made the claim, exhibiting a copy of his "dec laration of intention." Capt. Ingra 'haul simply, said, "You shall have : protection,", returned to his ship and renewed , his. i demand for Koszta's release', this time peremptorily. On rJulV 1 4ie ' gave notice that unless Koszta was put on shore within eight hours , he ; would open fire on the Huzzar t JThen he cot under wav. anchored close up to the Austrian brig ana ciearea nis aecK ior action. j s. Meanwhile a large Austrian schoon er of sixteen guns had entered the harbor, and, on the critical morning, layTo about half a. mile from" the Haazar. : jTbe two- vessels --carried double the; number? of gun'? of the !AmSrican.f j Deputations i ame" off from shore begging Ingraham not to precipitate" trouble. . His answer was brief and to the point: "Gentlemen, the man must be given up into some one's hands on shore, else I will take him. My cause is that of justice, and I cannot fail. I have Stated the tdmen ; t i - . , 'As the limit of time approached a hurried consultation was held be tween the American, Austrian and French consuls., i Ingraham's-terms were submitted to As a boat'put off from the Huzzar in which his figure was made but the contemporary report in the Herald says that a great shout went up. "-Vive V AvneriqueP'' "Vive la RepiibliqueF1 the people cried. .. . ' ( . - maecy and blainsI ' C The Austrian government not only made the demand upon President Pierce that Koszta should.be surren dered; but that also Capt.' Ingraham and Mr. Brown, the Charged' Affairs, should be publicly" rebuked. Secre tary Marcy, by direction of the Pres ident, refused to surrender Koszta in a memorable letter, from which the forgoing extract has been taken, and Congress voted its thanks andi a medal to Capt Ingraham. Secretary Marcy V assertion of American pro tection, not only to its citizens, but to those who had declared j their in tention to become i(a i citizens J held good in ourj reltionsj rwith foreign powers uatil Secretary I TJlaine's cowardly M not .criminal, refusal; to assert the rights of American citizen ship thirty years later brought dis grace upon the A'merifian zuunew j The Joint Canvass "Jjf I -The appointments made! for Gjen. Scales after that at Columbus, on the 4th of September, are withdrawn: and GenS:41e3viiIH attend all the appointments anh6imced f for Dr. York. General Scales will later in the campaign canvass the counties covered by the appointments hereby withdrawn for tha nroRpnr, ' . .4 t i Ocaasocatic papers wil plea$ opy. VB. H, B attle, chairman. - ---. -i - I ; Offensive Breath. Baa taste in Mouth, coated frwigne, show torpid liver and disordered gtomach Ai;-ns Bilious Physic,; wgetab'e ren Jy, quickly es icjievail. 25 cents. At all Dn lma. t l.GRA.IIAB2 SAL'EJa-WINSTOJf. Church Notes 'A Ifnppy- Hill Dance Interrupted Lcal and Personal lols. j Correspondence of Tub Obs ekveb. Salem, N. C, Sept. l.-Afteralong spell of hot, dry weather, we were visited with a very refreshing rain on last Thursday afternoon, and night. . Sundav was tiie lestal oay ot the young men belonging to the Mora vian char jh, and was celebrated by them with a love feast in the after noon ' W - 3-'"- " The M. E. Sunday school, of Win ston, w ill have its annual picnic on next Wednesday, the-am msc , near Old Town. On tomorrow (Tuesday) Mr. Eugene P. Albea, son of Rev. W. W. Albea, of Winston, will be married in the chapel at ; Trinity College to Miss Cassie Brame. The celebration of Miss Mary A. Vogler's birthday on last Friday was aS very pleasant affair. At night a large number of her young friends attended the party given her, and they" all enjoyed themselves finely. lay sne nave many nappy returns. On Saturday night, while the more worldly citizens of "Happy Hill" were having a dance, Mr. Charles Fagg, who had been deputized an officer. stepped -into'the ball room, armed with a State warrant, and . stayed proceedings long enough to arrest one or .trie aancers namea ; junjan Barbee, - who, .-the . warrant stated, was accused of retailing liquor with out a 'license on'the Hilh He was taken - before Justice Douthit and bound over for a hearing at 1 o'clock Sunday After hearing the evidence at the trial Sunday, which' was had then as some Of the witnesses had to leave Monday morning, Justices Douthit and Barrow came to the con clusion that Barbee was guilty, much to the surprise of his (Barbee's) wit. nesses, who did. some crooked swear ing to save him. He was bound over to the next term of our Superior court in a bond of $100. which: wag made up by some of his friends, no doubt, and upon being released from custody returned to the Hill, followed by his large crowd of witnesses, who, no doubt, were much elated that their whiskey rations had not yet been cut off over there. - ; . r . Mr. Geo.' E. Nissen, of Waughtown, had on exhibition at the recent wheat and cattle fair four cabbages which weighed fifty-six pounds. - Geo. E Nissen & Co., wagon man ufacturers of Waughtown, will have on exhibition at the State exposition several of, their" celebrated wagons unfinished,' that is. not painted, but only varnished, in order to show the excellent material out of which they are made. A match game of baseball was played ; in Winston, , on Saturday afternoon, between the Tobacco City club, of Winston, and the Kerners ville club. The Kernersville boys won the game. ( All the talk about .the two towns now is the coming of "Senator Vance on next Saturday, the 6thinsti The country has been flooded with large posters announcing his being here on that day, and the old hero may as well begin inflating his lungs, for the crowd that will be here to hear him will be a large oner ' - ' Mr. Adam Butner, the old and well known proprietor of the old Salem Hotel, who has been sick for several months, is reported to be sinking fast, and may not survive the week out. Mr. Butner is well known all over the South. . Dr. S. W. ' Battle returned home yesterday , from the eastern part of the State,' where he had been sum moned to attend the funeral of his brother, who died very suddenly one day last week. j Dr. H. T. Bahnson and Mr. E. A. Ebert are making preparations for putting up a tobacco factory in Salem nearf the depot. '.--....-if? ; ; J A workman from the North is now engaged in. tuning the organ in the Moravian church. Wachovia Park, the new picnic grounds north of the Academy play ground, is a beautiful place, and is visited- by .many persons on Sunday afternoons, who go there to enjoy the cool water of the excellent spring and lounge in the shady retreat. - Today the convention for nomina ting county officers and members of the Legislature meets in Winston. The names of the nominees will be given in my next. - Salem. Shoe Factory Burned. Marlboro, Mass., Sept. 2. Rice& Hutchins' shoe factory was burned this morning; loss, $60,000. Two hundred bands are thrown out of employment. ' v . - : '' Toolcs Unlldvv' V'' Nothing looks more uwldr than the presence ol scurf and dandruff in the hair and on the clothing One bottle of Parker's Hair Balaam will heal tha I -scalp and free It from this nuisance. Steps falling oi tne nair. promotes new growth and makes it soft, glossy and silky. Best of dressing. Delicious ly wedsatw penumea. Do you wish a beautiful complexion? Then use Ayer's SarsaparUla. It cleanses and purines the bloo4, ajjd thereby removes blotches and pimples from tne kn, making it smooth and clear, and giving It a bnght aj jealtby appearance. A CLEAR HEAD. "One year ago I was Induced to try Atek's ' PJIa as a remedy for Indigestion, Con tlpaton, and Headache, from which. I ' pad long jbeen a great sufferer. Commeno iPg with a .dose ot ftya pjjja I found their action easy, and obtained prompt relief. In ontinulng their use,' a single' Pill' taken ' ter dinner, daily, has' been all the medi rtne I hw regnU-ed, Araa'a Pills have ' ffSV07 T8" regulf P4 m head dear, and benefited ma more 0uua all th mt(r 8T betow Wed.. Kim tSm S nly afflicted snoald know ttoiTva 1C2 State St, Chicago, Jane 9,wL ' .J. M.V.'Vv'AIS0,' For all diseases of the stomach and bowels. - . , . PEKPAEKD BY - "' Dr. J.C. AytrtOp,, Uwell, Mm. i , oU by an DrnggW. JThat Menthoiine Or Japanese Headache Cure, is surprising every one. by its marvelous : ellGects. Trice 25 cents for the genuine, and 10 cents for the imitation. ? ; , T. 0.. SMITH & CQ. The "511" Cigar, Havana . filled and Cuban hand-made selected for experts- in v smoking 5 cents each 5 dollars per hundred; T. C. SMITH &COv One Car Load Kerosene Oil offered at guar antee market rice, i , ' T. O. SMITH & CO. aug23 . , Financial Plan of the Louisville and - iVashTille. - New York, Sept. 1. The Louisville & Nashville financial plan provides for the issue of $5,000,000 6 per cent, bonds, secured , by mortgage on the railroad and property, of f 5, 000, 000 stock nonsaccumulatiye, entitled to share in any- further dividend, after both ? common and preferred snares have recovered 5 per cent. This will make the company's capital $25,000, 000 common and$5,00Q,O00 preferred. The new bonds and stock are to be offered to the present shareholders j for which purpose the company's books close September 20th. The of ficials of the company do not deem it advisable to state the terms upon which they will offer the now issue. A Great Blood Medicine. Bosadalls cures Serefula, Swellings, Goitre, Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Ac. Eead the following: I have been a great sufferer for fifteen years, not able to walk, from an Injured leg. Have tried many M. l.'8 and their remedies to lit tle purpose, I believe Ttosadalts will cure me. Send me one dozen by steamer. It was recom mended to me by a friend. "I have taken two bot tles, and find it helping me. The druggists who usually keep it are out of it, and I cannot afford to wait the slow arrival of their supplies. .. Lake Irena, Fla., . JOHN T. BEEKS, , - . Supt. Board of Public Instruction. , For sale by T. C. Smith & Co., Charlotte, N. C. janawtuesfriJBuniw. , ,; " Young men, middle aged men and all men who suffer from early Indiscretions will find Allen's Brain Food the most powerful lnvigorant ever in troduced; once restored by it there Is no relapse. Try It; it never fails. $1; 6 for $5. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 315 First Ave, New York City. ' Ercry where Called "The BeSt.' luflnitely better than liniments, lotions or any rfrtyvplasters Bensoa's Capci ;e Porous Plasters. 25cts. list Received. CHOICE ream Chiese, FE RICKS' I" I II 133S. and Boneless Breakftst Bacoo. ; VERY CHOICE SMOKED BEEF, SELECTED FOR CniPPHG AT r a r w p r r a' - u i? y t T n i? r v Two Cratches A WELL KNOWN ATLANTIAN LAYS THEM DOWN. I have only a few words to say, which are to state that I nave been confined to my bed for - two months with what was called. Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. I was mlv enabled to hobble about occasionally- by the use of erutches, and In nhls condition I commenced , the use of B. B. B., four bottles of which ena-' bled me to discard the use of my crutches and . attend to business. I had previously used all wen recommended medicines without relief. It has been over two months since using B. B. and I consider myself a permanently cured man. J.P.DAVIS, : Atlanta, Ga., (West End.) ' jr. A. Abbey, of fiussellvllle, Ark., dated June 6th, "At last I have found an honest Remedy. B.B. B. Is the best Blood Poison remedy on earth, and If I had a voice that would reach from Atlanta to the sea, I would proclaim Its virtue. I have used only four bot- ties, and am nearly cored of a serious Blood Poison." .v.- . . i, - J. M. Ellis, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I have had a severe form of Eczema ten years, and T have failed to secure relief from- various doo tors, and about 140 bottles of a noted blood . remedy. It was pronounced Incurable, but the - ure of B. B. B. has. effected a cure, and I refer to CP. Swift, Dr. O. C Heary, Dr. F. F. Taber, Aflanta." : - ; isrl id Cheshire, at W." H, Brotherton's store, ' Atlanta, writes: "I haye had a Jarge eating nicer on my leg, cured by the use of B. B. B. IJ; Is decidedly a most wonderful medicine for the cure of blood diseases, and tt will please everr- . body." - - : Mr. R. P. Dodge, yard master of the 6a,' S. B., Atlanta, writes: "For seven years my wife has . been a great sufferer from catarrh, which re . listed the treatment of physicians and the use of all patent remedies, until she used B. B. B. -AfewbotOes of this truly wonderful blood medicine effected a cure, and I cheerfully re--. commend it as a quick and magical blood purl-' Mef:"' BqJj by all druggists, at $1.00, or six for $5.00. Expressed on' receipt of price. - BLOOD BIM CQ.: Ajlanta, Ga. J WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES," WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, V" : l ; CLOCKS, - CLOCKS. . ' CLOCKS, CLOCKS, - r CLOCKS, . CLOCKS, CLOCKS. . CLOCKS, DIAMONDS; ' DIAMONDS. - DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. ' DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS. -DIAMONDS, ' DIAMONDS, . DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS DIAMONDS, -DIAMONDS, -DIAMONDS, : DIAMONDS, 'At th"trtggest Jewelry Store, and where can b v r found the biggest and cheapest goods in ; - , North Carolina, which Is of course ' AT "-' - , 'hi T. Butler's, - TRYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. a Watches salt mm AKD EVERY SPECIES OF ITCHING AND BISN- ING DISEASES POSITIVELY CURED. TT CZEM4 . or S3lt Rheum, with its agonizing Itch li Ins and burning. Instantly relieved bv a warm bath with Cutlcura Soap, and a single application of Cutlcura. the great Skin Cure. This repented daily, with two or three doses of Cutlcura Resolv ent, the new blood purifier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritatiog. the bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm. Psoriasis, Lichen Pruritus, Scalled Head, Dandruff, and every species of itching, scaly and pimply humors of the scalp and skin, when the best physicians and all known remedies fail. WILL MCDONALD, 2.H2 Dearbon Street, Chi cago, gratefully acknowledges a cure of Salt Rheum, on head, neck, face, arms, and legs for seventeen years; not able to walk, except on hands and knees, for one year; not able to help himself for eight years; tried nundreds of remedies; doctors pronounced his ease hopeless, permanently cured by Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally, and Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap (the great skin cures) externally. CHAS. HOUGHTON. V.m.. lawror. 5 Statu M Boston, reports a case of Salt Rheum under his ob servaOon for ten years, whieh covered the patient's body and limbs, and to which all known methods ot treatment had been applied without benefit, which was completely cured solely by the Cdticuka R km spina, leaving a clean and healthy skin. F. H. DBASE. Esq . Detroit Mich., suffer! un told tortures from Salt Rheum, which appeared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes. After the most careful doctoring and a con sultation of physicians failed to relieve him. he .used the Cuticura Remedies; and was cured, and una remained so 10 auto. , Mr. John Thlel. Wilkesbarre. Pa., writes: 1 have suffered from Salt Rheum for over eight years, at times so bad that I could not attend to my busi ness for weeks at a time. Three boxes ot Cutlcura and four bottles Resolvent, have entirely cured me of this dreadful disease. . ' Sold by all druggists. Cuticuha. 60 cents: Re solvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Dbuo jlxb Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. bend ior "How to cure Skin Diseases. OTTTI01 SOAP. An exquisite. Toilet, UU 1 1. Bath, and Nursery Sanative. FOR LADIKS ONLY. A REMEDY endorsed by the best Physicians and A REMEDY that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Goodwater, Ala , says raised his wife from an invalid's bed, ' and he believes saved her life. . A REMEDY of which a prominent Atlanta mer chant said: "1 would have given $500 as soon us I would a nickel for what two bottles of your med icine did for my daughter.'' , A REMEDY In regard to which S. J CasseHs, M. D., Druggist, Thomasville, Ga., says: "I can re call instances in which it afforded relief after all the usual remedies had failed. . . A REMEDY about which Dr. B, B. Ferrell, La : Grange, Ga., writes; "I have used for the last . twenty years the medicine you are putting up.and consider it the best combination ever gotten to gether for the disease for which it is recom mended. A REMEDY about which Dr. Joel Branham, At lanta, said: "I have examined the recipe, and ' have no hesitation in advising its use, and con fidently recommend it'- , A REMEDY which the Rev. H. B. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga., says he has used In his family with the "utmost satisfaction," and recommended it to three families, "who found it to be lust what ' It Is recommended." . .... A REMEDY of which Pemberton, Tverson Dennl son say: "We have been selling It for many years with constantly increasing- sales. The article is a staple with us, and one of absolute merit." X REMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin ft Lamar say: "We sold 60 gross in four months, and never sold v It In any place but what It was wanted again." A REJaEDY by which Dr. Baugh, of LaGrange, Ga.. says: "I cured one of tne most obstinate cases : of Vicarious Menstruation that ever came within my knowledge with a few bottles." A REMEDY of which Dr. J.C. Huss, Notasulga, Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that It is un- rlvalad for that riuwu nf rifsoatuM a-i. AintmA A REMEDY about which MaJ. John C. Whltner, of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United States as a general Insurance agent, says : "I used this remedy before the war, on a large plantation on a great number of cases, always with absolute success." A REMEDY about which Mr. J. W. Strange, of Car tersvllle, Ga., certifies that one bottle cured two members ot his family of menstrual irregularity of many years standing. Tina OBKAT REMEDY 18 BRADPIEIDS FEMiLE REGULATOR. Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Wsman mailed free. The Bead field Regulator Co., . Box 23, Atlanta, Ga. $1,000.00 WILL be paid to any one who will find a particle of Mercury, Potash, Iodine, Arsenic, or any poisonous substance In . Swifts Specific S "I have cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's Specific after I had most signally failed with the mercury ana ruiasn ireaimeni." F. A. TOOMER, M.D., Perry, Ga. "Swift's Specific has cured me of scrofula of 12 years standing. Had sores as large as my hand, and every one thought I was doomed. Swift's Spe cific cured me after physicians and all other medl- cuie nau uuieo. k. juuh, i-onoke, Ark. U? 1 A AAA would not purchase from me what dPIU.UWV Swift's Specific has done for me. It cured me of rheumatism caused by malaria." JRCHEB THOMAS, Springfield, Tenn. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. New York Office, 159 W. 23d St.. between Sixth and Seventh avenues, Philadelphia office, 1205 .700!! AGERTS WANTEDS - - To sen the only Official Biographies of I CLEVELAND HENDRICKS. By ex-Governor Dorshelmer of N. Y., Member of u. a. uongress, ana uon w. uHensel, Chairman of Dem. State Com! of Pa.-lntlmate friends of C, and H. it is the most reliable. Interesting and richly Illustrated, hence in Immense demand. Agents are opining ifcorjey. It has fine steel por traits, sells fastest and best - Beware of qnrellable catchpenny books. Write to Hubbard Bros.; put uxuen, ruuttueipaw, ra. augaftwiw T ( X1rV you want a i30 25-Shot Reoeatlmr UKJl.y Jl Rifle for il5, a $30 Breech Load ing Shot Gun for $16, a $15 Concert Organette for $7, a $25 Magic Lantern for $1'A a SoUd Gold $25 Watch for $15, a $15 Vl I TT Silver Watch for $8. You can get any X I U of these articles FREE if you will devote a few hours of your leisure time evenings to Introducing our new goods. One 11 years old secured a watch in one day: hundreds ot others have dono nearly as well. It you have a Magic Lantern you ean start a business that will pay you from $10 to $50 every night Send at onoe for illustrated catalogue of Gold and Silver Watch es, Self-Cocking Bull Dog Revolvers, Spy Glasses, Indian Scout and Astronomical Telescopes, Tele graph Instruments, Type Writers, Organ Accor- ?.euu, viouns, oc, sc. u may start you on tne oad to wealth. WORLD MaNUFACTDRINGCO., 22 Nassau Street,' New-York, ...... . aug21dw4w - WANTED. ' rr-A LARGg 9TJ4HIITT OF : ; Wheat and pats, For which the highest market price will be paid. ' W. J. BLACK & SON. . FRED C. MUNSLER, LAGER REER DEALEK AMD HOTTLEB, , Charlotte, N, C. Represents two Of the largest IA.QEB BEEE Breweries in the United State. The Bererner fe Kngel lSretvlfeg : lk., of rblladelphia, and the , F. fc M. Schafler lire-wins: Co.ot NewTork. THE LAKGEST LAGER BEER BOT . TLING ESTABLISHMENT - IN THE CITY. -- Orders Solicited. All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. -dec2Qdlf . ' .- T) PRINTERS. We wiU seU a good second-hand Plow Paper Cutter. Good as new except knife Is worn. Cost $60.00. . Will be sold for $i5.00. . TEia omen Ice Creas -tars, la, BELOW COST x To Close Cat, White, iloootain Freezers, TRIPLE MOTION, Two Quarts,'$1.5Q, worth $2.50. ' Three Quarts $2.00, worth $3.50. ' " Four Quarts $2.50, worth $4.oV v V Eight Quarts $4.00, worth $7.C0- ' Ten Quarts $5 00, worth $10.03. Ely Fans, $2.50; Latest Improved $3 00. - Hammocks $L75, worth $3 50. Ice Chests $3.00, worth So.oo. Refrigerators $7.D0cl$10.00, worth $10.003313.50; One Double door Refrigerator $17,50 worth $25 CO. At t he China Store of LUDOLF &HARTSFTELD. "ST i ; ; , .ii . i i. , AROLOi CETXIL IIUL WAY. 1 ' C Office of Supkr intend t?nt. " 1 , Wilmuvoton, N. C, July 10. 1884. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER JULY 10, 1884, THE FOLLOW lng Schedule will be operated on tills Rail road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRES3 TRAIN, "- DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 1 TjlflVA VHmnntnn n ft OA n u r v '".'i.inii l. u . . ........... i. ,iu r. ja. No. 1. J- Leave Haleljh at .7 a5 p. M. j Arrive at onarioire ai.. .7.0U A. M No. Arrive at Raleigh at. . . . . ... ..... .8.80 a. m. ; Arrive ai w mnington at. ......... 8.00 a. m. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. . TJ.fl.vn nhflrlrkttA at. " t in . v Arrive Laurtnburg at '. 5.00 p. M. iieaveijaurinDurgat... 6.00a.m. Arrive Charlotte at ... . 3.45 p. m. and points designated in the Company's Time TnKl SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. '..''.-. Tkanv n-rnm Cm. ' Leave Charlotteat.... .....i.. 6.35 p. k. Arrive at bneiby au.. 10.10 p. M. Leave Shelby at 830 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte at ,"5?f.i2.05 p. m. TTalnS NOS. 1 Ant! 9 ninb-A H?nta nrmntmHnn r, . TT;m tt tt'it h R Ar k Tnin. nn 1 1.. 1 ....... Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and. Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesviile, stations on Western N. C. R. R.. Asheville and points west Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens. At lanta and all points southwest ' . L. C. JONES, Superintendent F. W. Clark, Gen. Pass. Agent mayl084 , THOMAS REESE & CO., CHAIDLOTTE, C. PHILODOME The New LUiputlan Safety Cook ing Apparatus will boil a cup of Tea In iiv minutes. Price $1.00. -. THOS. REESE & CO. G enuine Imported Triple Extracts In quantity. aiuue ana oouiea m trrasse. ranee. THOS. REESE A CO. Brilliantine in all colors. Brilllantlne is Ptnaud's celebrated Whiskers and Moustache Dressing. For sale by -- THOS. REESE & CO. . The celebrated He-No Tea, in 14, and 1-pound packages, at - . THOS. REESE & CO. 'S. A Fresh supply of Parepa and Ultimo Cigars at THOS. REESE & CO.'S. The best Imported Tooth and Hair Brushes. Numerous styles and all sizes at THOS. REESE St. CO. 'S. We make a specialty of putting up Prescrip tions at THOS. REESE & CO.'S. . TORPID BQWPI 6 DISORDERED LIVE!? ; and MALARIA. - Ftohi these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence : Xos ot Appetite, Bowel costive. Sick Head ache, nuinesa after eating, aversion to i""1 body or mind, Craetatlon oSfood, Irritability of temper, Low ttfrits, a liS of Wing neglected mdty iMiies8, Xlntteriitg at the Heart, Dot! before the eyes, highly col ored I Crlne, COWSTIPATIOI.Y and de mand the use ofaremeaythat acts directly JOieLiver. AsaLavor medicine fVXT'S PI CIS have no equal. Xheirctionontho b-t'ineys and Skin is also prompt; removing -all impurities through these three " ccav. tigers ot the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear -skin and a vigorous body. TUTT'S PLLL8 ca.a2. B.? nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect AMTtPOTE TO MALARIA. BE FEELS LIKE A MEW MAIS. ' " I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried. ten different kinds of pills, and TUTT'S are the first that nave done ma any good. They have s cleaned mo out nicely. My appetite is epleidid, food digests . readi' y , and I now r ify. r iiral passages. lit like a new ' ,: W,tf KpVARDS, i'olmyra, O. Soldev.here,a5o. Office,Murryfit'.,N.T. TinT8 HAIR DYE. Grat Haib or TVhiskehs changed in stantly to a Glosst Black by a single ap. plication of this Dte. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 9 1. Office, 44 Murray Street, New Tork. TUH'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FEES. . J& N5 H TTfT FSB DDD W W W W A A 10 H V KB n n WW WW AAA N US W W A 1 R ED B D D EXB DDD We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 80 pounds for good sound cotton seed, delivered at our mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered at any station on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on Or we win give one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange being ot great value to the farmer should be taken advantage of, one ton of meal being worth much more for feed ing or fertilizing than two tons of seed. ' 1$ - as. - - 15 U RNHAM'S IMPROVED - STANDARD TTJEBINEI Is the pest constructed and fin ished,, gives better percentage, more power, and is sold for less uututsj. per norse power, than any pampbla sent free by RCP,NHAM BROS.. Torfc Pa ' . ' aug2ldawlw Young Men to learn te legraphy. 14 nm mllaa pf wire now being extended by the B 4 O Tele- rapu Ai.t iue national xei w organized. The ankers' and Merchants' and the Postal Tel Cos are both pushing- ahead with new lines. The Standard Multiplex Tel 00, recently Incorporated, extends East, West. North and South. Good posi tions now ready. : For further Information, address with stamp, The Pennsylvania and New Jersey Telegraph, Short-Hand and Type Writing Instruc tion Company, Main office, 606 Market street, Wil mington, DeL aug21dw4w Cotton Sew Id ted Immed ately OLD PAPERS by the hundred for sle at 1 ' . .i . .,. TEid omen CHARLOTTE IFadory 5 College Street, Gaither'8 Block. A M 'EWRISK IN THE SOUTH. 'O THE CHARLOTTE PUBLIC: Why go Norvh . for your soau? If parties having soap grease on hand will notifv me through the mall or otherwise my wagon will call during this week and exchange soap for prease giving one pound of good soft soanfrir a pound oi clean grease or rancid butter: For ordinary grease, meat skins, etc., we will give one pouud of soap for t sfo pounds of such grease Why not encourage home enterprise and add your mite to the eitcot rageuientof home industry? I take pleasure in announcing that I am engaged In the manufacture of Soaps of all kinds, which I urn now offering to the retail trade for a short time In order to introduce it in this market, at very low Rites. I have - , LUIOf m TOILETS Of my own manuf arturo, whloh I am o3ering at prices to suit the timos. I also manufacture a Vegetable Oil Sonp Compo sition, which gives the consumer So-ip at two cents per pound, not excelled in qu-ility by any Soap In this country for the Laundry, House-ciean-tng, Scrubbing, etc.. and superior to any for wash ins Red Quilts. Blankets, Flannels and all woolen goods. Most truly, C. W. ALEXANDER. aug!6dtf BEFORE V-AND -AFTER Electric Appliance are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0U88 OR OLD, T HO re snffering from Nbbtous Dbbiutt, f Lost Vitalitt, Lack ot Nkbv Fobcc ahd Vioob, Wasting W harnesses, and all those disease of a PzrsohaIi Mators resulting from A busk and OTHKSt Causks. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of Health, Viooa and Manhood Quabastskd. The grandest discovery ot the Nineteenth Century. Bend at once for IUnstnted Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BEIT CO., MARSHALL MICH. - novl8deodaw REMOVAL I have removed my Jewelry Store up on Trade street, next door to A. R. Nlabet 4Bro .where I will keep a full Une of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. - - All work in this line promptly done and war ranted. A. HALES. R. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner, Itrngrgists. A Nice article of Cooking Wine cheap at R.H. JORDAN & CO.'S., . Sprmgs Corner. c olgate's Harness Oil Soap cleanses thoroughly ana preserves tne leatner. or sale Dy R. H. JORDAN CO., ; . : . - - . Springs Corner. A' Fresh Stock of Lucca Cream Salad Oil, Cole man's Mustard, in bulk or boxes, and fresh spices (whole or ground), of all kinds, at R. H- JORDAN & CO.'S., Druggists. Fine lot of Green and Black Teas for the re . tail trade, at R.H. JORDAN & CO.'S.. Springs' Corner. Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice is the nicest to use most effective for cleaning and preserving the teeth and gums for sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO., : Springs' Comer. Headquarters for Colgate's and Sioaps and Waters. Pears' Toilet R.H. JORDAN CO., Springs' Corner. j holesale or Retail, Scarr's Fruit Powder, for -1 f s: sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO..E Springs' Corner. The Kangaroo is conceded to be the REST Cigar sold for 5 cents. Call and try them, at R. H. JORDAN CO.'S. - Sprbigs' Corner. A Fresh lot Of McAllister's Prepared Mocking Rlrd Food just received. R. H. JORDAN & CO; PRLGS CORNER. " TO. THE .PUBLIC. . We will be prepared In about ten days to saw house wood by steam power. Those contemplating having their winter wood cut we will be pleased to correspond with, pr see us. . " . . ? ' . aug27d3t NEWCOMB BROS. MULE STKAYED. Strayed from my premises Saturday night, An gust 23rd, 16 miles southeast of Charlotte. ; " A MQDSB-COLORED HORSE MULE, ' 1 four years old, and about 15 hands high. A libera reward will be paid for his return to me. or infor" matlon leading to his recovery. . ,,.' - J T. MATTHEWS, ang27d3twlt ; Wolfyflle, Union Co.. N, C. ir.:ORFHIME H ADIT no xr n taw ai.. n Home. BOW offer a RmihhIt whamh Ualndendnnomeiititoniemin(int medtcmtmne.JwllrMS . - - - 1 Fouptb ISeries of Stbek, - - . office av .- ;r MKCHANHS PjEBPBTUAL B. AXO L. ASSOO'H, The books of the association are now open for the Fourth Series of Stock. Payment of dues will commence the 1st Saturday in September. All who wish stock In the association will call and subscribe before that time. , -' ' R. E. COCHRANE, augldlm Secretary and Treasurer PAHTOPS mDEr..Y,a; Virginia, for Bm-s and Young men. Fully equip ped. Begiuoocytember 10th. Send tor catalogue. - Rett, EDGAR WOODS, Ph. D. ) -pff JOHN R. SAMPSON, a. IL. f Co-Principals, luly2eod2m -. -' . ' ' J -'. soap KEKOSENE OH 1 LUBRICATING (MK CHES3-CAGLEY Of). vCiiARLorri,-. r A (r(-Ol) . . r'liS I.S ;, The if-rv r U -? v I -!, KN8W THYSELF,, S G'f .it lidiiid iV,lk,!3 v. premature decline Id Mr,i untold uilmriM years Is such as probably uovw f I lotrjf any physician. 30U piges. torn S l) u anteed to be a nner book m ererr l' sold in this couutry for 2.50, or tl r ? refunded In every hisUmci Prtaf Se' ! malLpost-pitid. literati JL if1. tioual Mw ha refers. nal MefUcai AssoeiaU, totbclfa-' refers. - ".uaran. v.t,:.!i The Science of Life should be rend hv t,. r for instruction, and by the afflS L will benefit all. London Lan-vt "ly ,! There is no member of sock-tr tn tri.n- Silence of Life will not be iSS vln"Ri . parent, guarin Instructor or Adilress the PsUk)(1t Mfldlea) liKPt.it.. .. H:P'-tor. No. 4 BuSmch ute'' wSomuybe consulted on ail Ui T Skltt and experience. Chroni? k eases that have baffled It! 1 fft all other pliysiclans a soe 11 Vj A SiKh treated suceessfuEf , 1 71 V without ' an inn.uicf t ' I 1 1 j S I' V failure. Mention tai r-.r. febinv REUABLE SELf-GU? A fBTOrtte tmncrtntlan ttf nn nf Va tnoirt noted and eoecesaful rn:iallBti la theD.S, (uow retired ) for thn care otXervoua Debility, fioat XI an hoed, IVealencas and Deeau, BJ tn plain sealed en veloitejVee. DiQggistaciuiu4 Address DR. WARD 4 CO., Loulsieu, Ka noTl8deodaw Win purify the BLOOD, r(m late the LIVER and KIDNEYS, una KESTOUX THE HMl.Til ana vibob or youth, d- pepsia, want orAppeut, ni- uinesnon, jvacK 01 Btreiiptn, jiu Aireuj eeiingaosoiuieiy cured. Bones, niusclcsani nerves receive ncwrorce. Enlivens the mind and B III W Baneriiigiromcompuums W I peculiar to their ecx Till Bad In DB. HAT'SXBCN TONIO a cafe and speedy core. Gives a clear, healthy complexion, Frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. Do notexpvr ment pet the Original and Best: r-sncl tout aaureea lu i ne 1 it. jaarcrjaea.o.m SbLSais, Ma, for oar "DKF.ATVT BOOK." 1 LFailof st.ning and naefql.informntioa, tree. juneldAwly "Whose dbSllty, extanstcd power, prcmtui-e decay and failure to perform lift 'a duties properly are caused Lr excesses, errors of you.h. H will find a perfft and lartjt; restoration to robnt bccllk and vlEforou munhoiMi ia . THE MARSTON BQLUb. Scither stomach dmgKinB nor instrmnenta. Thistreatmentof .nnnl llAbllltV acd Phvslmtlliecaviaumiormlf uocessfnl because based on perfect diagnosis nevr and direec metnoos ana nu-umtr, inm. onrhneu. Fnll information and Treatise irw, Address Consulting Physician of IJARST0N REMEDYC0.,4GW.14thSt. KewYcrt novl8deodaw Lift; for the Ltyer POSITIVELY CUBES D'sjepsia, Uyer and KiduB? mm. I have used your "Life for the Livet and Kidneys" with great benefit, and or dyspepsia, or any derangement of the liver or kidneys, I regard it as being without an equal. Jas. J. Osbornk, Att'y at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C. Far superior to any liver pad. - Hugh Thomas, Qlendale, S. 0, Youf "medicines are valuable an4 splendid remedies. I have sold upward, of five gross, and can recommend them. I would not be without them. J. S. M. Davidson, Druggia, Charlotte, N. "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" or "Chill Cure" works like a charm ana sells very fast. . . A. H. Pebkins, - "Wax Haw, Lancaster county, 9. In large 50c. and $1.00 bottles. jfeW size 256. Sold by druggists and dea era generally. Prepared by LIFE MEDICINE CO.. Spartanburg:, S. v. October 28, dtf. s E3D TOUR ORIEB ICE CREiH AND SHEE8EIS TO J. B. HARRIJNGTON. Bouses at reduced rates. Jfcw liavcnPalladinia. DAILY AND WEEKLY-) EslAlll8lC, ? - - ? I The best advertising meuiunvat Jji every man In tortt Carolina .AL XV to;.K Particulars addre . BTH G. JOUJaun Business Manager TSnn mchl3dawn Newaaveu- rrfief. and is L KT - 1 nl avTMIM J . cure ior xSaaSA - hutaow-- vu now iwr r . nnner " cesses. . A book tor every man Ti" . ;' anil nl,l it. Jii? ). Slii.li Lf, -r-al! :n WeakNeryousien any Stner light macuinery UW a orriCL ... ,-. ...

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