VOLUME XXXII. CHARLOTTE, N. C SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1884. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY; Tvxirlnetoailalcmglelt want In Charlotte, the atirslutu u'u ners ln . 1 GENERAL LAND AGENCY, .... im(wa of bavins:, selling, leaslne and Lntine real estate. Their operations will not be Snfined ttr the city of Charlotte, nor to the State of vnrth Carolina, DM tm yrupcrvj uurcpu nimui uur fcorw "i .. . rpnte.1 or sold, nnon fmh commissions andpaj nieuts as maj be agreed will undertake to sen, lease or rent lands "ia and iota, mines. See., make abstract of titles, noS?tQ make returns and nay taxes, effect SInce.&c., &c, advertising all property placed moult j. Free of Cost to the Seller, ,in,,iatmn nreviousir aereed Ubon. particular attention will be paid to the selling or leasing of mining property, which will be sold on WwIreUi correspondence now with a number of Jrtiet at the North and West who are seeking CtTm In North Carolina, where the climate Is oTniil and the soli remunerative, rersons navlng hyps and lots or plantations ior saie wiir se .&ninterests Wljgeje-w CHAS. H. JUNES. The business will be under the management of Charlotte, N. C. me following described pieces of property are now offered foF sale by the Charlotte Real Estate tJZtm K. E. Cochrane, manager, office Trade Street front Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C: (CITY.) HwBiiins boose on B 8treet,"7 rooms, closets 1 i.. nn.h rnnm. wn ill kuuu fratui. iut :f;uj.uu itscij. i.. .wvi neighborhood. Price, 42.000. 2 One dweUlng on 5th street, adjoining residence ofS M. Howefl, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, lot 50x198, convenient to business. Price, $1,700. 3 One dwelling on Sooth Tryon street, adjoining residence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and nantry. well of water, well located for a boarding flOUse. nmi f,nnri j one dwelling on corner of Myers and 3rd streets, in rooms, 2 room kitchen, bath room and closets, ni ratr: 2 lots. 1 fronting Myers street. 99x 198, 1 fronting 3rd street, 99x198, well of good water ana suujio uu mo iaui . uw, . nnA rttcpiiin? on corner of Graham and 10th 5, Lttji ft mmns. kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on tiranam street, aoa iwi vu uu nan, very deslraDie properly, jrrico, mui One lot on 8th street, square 95, small 8 room UnOUse, guou nauu , sijkijo. x 1 ivu, r? One vacant lot, 99x198, on B street, good loca- I lion, nvx, ..uuu. 899! One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot itIW met. diick Kitenen. oumuuses. sutoie. weu of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser. race, $,iam. v j . . 9 One Dwelling corner of Ninth and B streets, one story, 5 rooms, closets; well of water In yard, Price JLauu. iO 11 12 One Swelling corner of Ninth and E, one story, 4 rooms, closets; weu 01 water in jara. Price $800. ; . v - One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and r tvm mtrtrUia alv mnma. hrirlr hmwmAnt,. well of water in yard; lot 99x198. Jilee $2,000 I One Dwelling on Sixth street,-one story, 5 rooms. Kttcnen. weu .or water; lot puxw. Price $1,000. - - 13 One Dwelling on West Trade street, two stories, 7 rooms, 2 room kitchen, well of wa ter; two lots 99 on Trade 99 on Fourth st , very aesuaoie property. , rrice ji- ouw One Hundred and Fifty Acres Land Ifa mile of the city limits, adjoining the Fair Grounds well located for a truck and dairy farm; 13 In timber, branch running tnrougn it, aoout a acres meadow. Price $30 per acre. - - 1 - One unimproved lot 99x198 on Ninth street, 1 0 between D and streets. Price $350. U. Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres Land. The owners of The Crowder's Mountain Iron Works beg to call the attention of capitalists Iron mauulacturers, stock and dairy men, and those who wish to settle colonies, to their property, which oilers inducements to the classes above named. The property consists of Six Thousand Three Kutidred Acres of land, located In the counties of barton and Cleaveland. in the State of North Car oilna, at King's Mountain Depot, on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railway, now owned by the Ulcomund anC Danville railroad company. The proptrty has been used for fifty years past as an Iron property, and has been worked at various points, but chiefly at the site of the celebrated y allow Iilrige Ore Bank, which has always yielded an ore noted for its richness in metallic Iron, and its softness and toughness. This vein of ore, which extends for two miles in length, has been worked to the depth of 147 feet, showing at that ucui a vcui ul uiu auwu tv loot r, iuc, aim auaijr- ing as high as 66. per cent of metalUcJron. This vein has not been worked for twenty years, but the facts set lorth can be fully shown. Various other veins have been worked, and within the past two years very large deposits of iron ore have been dis covered at other points. Within the past eighteen months, however, the owners have discovered de posits of ore in Crowder's Mountain, (five veins of Iron ore, are exposed), which were unknown be fpre,and which will furnish an amount of good jtte, wtsily worked and above water, that must niakelt one of the most desirable iron properties tot found. They have discovered 011 the pinnacle of this mountain, which is 1000 fec-t above the level land, 22uotcet above the sea leve'. a vein of ore eight feet $de, which crops out at various points from the tefirto the bottom of the mountain, show ing In oneftiaee about feet of solid vein. This vein can b&traced over the top of the mountain for over a mile, and this deposit alone would afford an almost Inexhaustible supply of ore, easily worked, and above the water line. In addition to this four other veins btve been found on this mountain. The ore is a mottled gray ore, showing on analysis from rto 65 per cent, of metallic Iron, with a small amount of tltanleecld, and without any sul phur or phosphorus. TBfc quantity of ore In this mountain Is simply ' Inexhaustible and of good quality, ' . . -. , . Besides Crowder's Mountain, the owners possess King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whose pinnacle is the highest point ot land from Rich mond to Atlanta, except Mt. Alrft in Georgia, and they have reason to believe this mountain is full of ore also.- In addition to Iron ore the property has manganese, limestone day- for making- fire-proof brick, gold and other minerals. Very pure and ex cellent barytese has just been found la large quan tity. . j - As a stock and dairy farm It offers fine opportu- uues 10 those who may wish to engage in such bus inegj. It has from three to four thousand acres of lerel or only slightly rolling land, which produces cftus, grain and all kinds of farming products mely, and it is well supplied with water by unfali g springs and branches -The other 4,000 acres embraced In the mountain ides are productive of fine grass and herd age, and word excellent natural pasturage for sheep and jattle, Tne climate Is so mild that but little shel ter tor stock is needed In the coldest winters. The whole stx thousand acres are now covered with a nne growth of timber of all kinds, such as pine, nlckory. oak, walnut, cedar, etc The Jand Is well suited to farming purposes, by those who wish to colonize. Cotton, corn, peas, oats, clover and grass, andfrults of all kinds are produced beautifully ,and specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It COUld De dlvfriMl Intrt amall fl thattomMffhu each farm variety of soil, and level and hilly is situated in the Piedmont belt, which is Pot? for the salubrity of its climate, and the healthiness of its atmosphere. It is a region free pom malaria and other unhealthy Influences. It w located with great convenience to railroad facili ties, being situated at from two to four miles from Alng s Mountain Station, on a railway that has the niost wtensive connections with all parts of the wntry, and which offers great inducements to those who are trying to develop the country along its lines. The owners will sell this property to sutt Purchasers, as follows: The whole tract, Including juneral Interests ,f or Sixty three Thousand Dollars, or will make favorable terms, reserving the min eral Interest. Twill sen one-half the mineral ln terest, pajrrentl to be one-third cash, balance in A valuable water power, which has been used to fan large rolling mills, lies adjacent to this prop erty, and can be bought cheaply. The property to J In close proximity to the famous All Healing gerl Springs, and to the widely-known Cleve- Tne town of King's Hountara is also adjacent Where are good hotels, a flourishing and excellent i? school, and several new and handsome cnurche8. The mrnm Invite thn Attention of all interested to this nmnArtv and auk an Axnmlnatton . Any further information regarding it will be Manager Charlotte Real Estate Aeencr : - - n? Yellow Ridge Ore Bank has been recently BOW IO A Pfttetmra To AAmnnnw a Carman colonization company has recently bought 2,500 v.w oujuuiuig us property. 1 7 l6 ""res. a wen improved farm, one mile a from Third Creek Station, on the Western Eallroad, good dwelling, 6 rooms, with all Ppary outbuildings, good orchard well, adapted Sm??"1 ?nd fJ88- Stock and fanning Implements iri!ie.?Sw wltn the Place UdealreO. Terms easy, rnce $19 per acre. ' . . 1 Q Tract of Land, 160 acres, located In Lincoln Ib-j1"'' v., adjoining ianas oi wbouduu C nLTHA flnil i4kJ B -In t INlMm ynariotte. and 13 fmm rmvUfgnn rviiora Han on h,001 dweUlng. 7 rooms, all necessary outbuild-f'P- 8od orchard, good water, and well adapted Ii- gIS?n8 Passes, corn, wheat, tobacco, cotton. ,;L ..acres Pod bottom land. In fine state of ""anon. nce l;om. - 1(1 Tract Of Tjn1 9 tnlTaa annth - of Charlotte. ii fesi known as part of the Samuel Tay lor tract- on which is .an undeveloped gold mine, Utnowninthe N. C. Reports as the Sam Taylor minei.tnrpA fnma rr ..mnnf ) n aa twlfnfflnil ch, good biirn, good well water and good spring on the premises. Sold without reserve for $1,760" OA One Dwelling,' 6 rooms, two room kitchen, " uru 01 water, 101 (ibxzib on west siue 01 au ers street, near ffmirth Pri i win - O t One unimproved lot, 85x219 f oet on cornel of Myers andf Fourth street. Price $380, , IO On Dwelling, 4 rooms, on Fourth street, near Myers, lot 7St1h. Prkw IfifiO. - O . Two unimproved lots 60x198, on north side ,01 west irth street. Price $2uu eacn. 24 Sold. Onr NewGoods Are dally arriving, and when our stock Is complete we will show you a stock comprising all the new goods and styles, and at prices that wl IT convince all that we will give you value received for your money, what few summer goods we have will be sold at half price for the nsxt 20 days. We have just received NEW INDIGO PRINTS and CALICOES IN NEW DESIGrNS Also some New Style Gents and Children's Fur and low prices. We now have one of the best stocks of ever been shown South. i . Silli nrahs TO THE PUBLIC. We thank vou cordially for merit a continuance of same by Stylish Goods, Good Goods, prices as low as the lowest, and polite at tention to all, whether looking round or buying. Give our new stock a careful inspection, and 'twill be appre elated by yours truly, . r . . , - SMITH BIJILDDfG. -SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OEDEES for Samples or Goods. Gossamers. Let every Boy and Girl go to SEIGLES' And prepare themselves with a Gossamer for the opening of the GRADED SCHOOL. Many npw goods are being opened daily. All are invited to, call and see the new styles Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE. A-lexaiider Are now opening a stock of ' I . . '.. : . ...... ...... i Fall and Winter Goods i EQUAL TO ANY II? 1 OODS are very cheap this season and we got an tne advantages xnai casn win give a iy one. uur I Trfn.ir ni h iiin anil nhwtn w niw now ofTHrlna- the most attractive stock of Black Cashmeres atld Black Goods ever placed on our counters. Also Flannels, Wool Flannels, etcv- i REMEMBER OUR UUEAT 01)1) 11 IU OF READY 1 1 WILL BE i Wfi arA hound to clear the dium Weight Suits at a great Fall and Winter Ulotnmg, wmcn we are receiving uauy. , Don't miss the chance as iti riPrinrl and it Will Da V-VOU tO 1"""" :. . . i W.KAUKMAN.& CO. ' "- , CEfTKAL. UOTKL COUEXL, T. R. MAG ILL;, WHOLESALE GROCER r ; AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ?: College St., Charlotte. , Orders solicitdd'and promptly filled; AND COLORS. Saxony Hats, some Nice Trunks -and Valises at very Black Silks and Rlaclr Worsted Druss ftnnrin t'lut h;L i - . iu all Colors. vour oast kindness? In natmnlzlner ns. and hooe to Umbrellas, &c.,&c; ' Latest Style SILK HATS, SILK, MOHAIR and GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, Gents' hand-madd and Machine BOOTS ail SHOES Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes of best makes TRUNK'S, TRAVELING BAGS, ; -Trunk and Shawl Straps JUST RECEIVED. 5 SOFTENS & PRESERVES LEATHER. ; IWiim i k & Harris THIS MARKET. Bleach and Brown Siieetlngs, Shirtings, Calicoes, , ' - MADE CONTINUED. balance ot our jjignc ana ivie- sacrifice to make room . for ourj will be only of a very shor Call at Once. : n ' . ...'. ; VJAK,UNMLOPD PARTS OF THS HUMAN BODYj JMargedDevelopiA Strengthened, ete.. Is an Interesting advertisement long run In .our paper? In replj 4o lnauirtes we wiu say ina were is no eviaence ui uuiuuug w til a Ctn t.twt Minf.rarw. t.ha ailvnrt.lflAra are highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get seale circulars giving all particular by arte rearing Kaia MxDiOAii CoBuaaViK N. T Toledo Evening Ben 5hc Itavlottc fc3crner. Terms of Subscription. DAILY. Percopy...... Scents. One month by mail). 75 Three months (by mall) $2 00 Six months (by mall) 4.00 One year (by mall) 8.00 WEEKLY. One year.... Six months.. .$zar . LOO Invariably la Advance Free of Postage to all parts of the ; .United States. ' tSpeclmen copies sent free on application. ' fcySubscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please state In their eommunt--aUon both the old and new address. Bates of Advertlsinsr. ' One Square One time, $1.00; each additional In sertion, 5)c; two weeks. $5.00; one month, $8.00. -- A schedule of rates for longer periods furnished uuappucauon. - Remit by draft on New York or Charlotte, and by Postoffice Money Order or Registered Letter at our risk, if sent otherwise we will not be responsible ior miscarriages. FACTS AND FiUUKES. - The following condensed statement of the material progress of the South we clip from the trade issue of the New Orleans Times. It shows: "From 1876 to 1883 the assessed wealth ; of twelve Southern! States . increased 1640,707,028, an average of $160,176, 757 per annum. ; The assessed value of these States in 1874, compared with 1883, is as follows:" ...,'.- Alabama, $ 177,000,000 $155,126,118 Arkansas, 156,500,000 r 133,179.377 Florida, 60,500,000 55,249,311 Greorgia, 315,275,000 303,115,000 Kentucky, 401,250,000 374,554,979 Louisiana, 206,000,000 202,738,862 Mississippi, 137,629,094: 126,754,927 N. Carolina. 225,200,000 301,821,287 S. Carolina, 150,511,889 145,483,619 Tennessee, 237,968,877 226,637,073 Texas, 580,000,000 527,500,000 Virginia, 340,000,000 320,000,000 Total, $2,987,834,861 i $2,788,115,883 The increase of wealth during the year has been. $205,718,978 as com pared with an increase for - the four preceding years of $160,176,757, showing continued improvement. No section of the country ' can make a better showing than this. Within this time these States have all been under Democratic administration and their prosperity is due in the main to the wise and honest management of their affair?. ; i" " ; And yet in the face of these facts and figures the Radical leaders of the South are trying to impress the country with the belief that this is a mob-ruled ' section, where might, backed by the shot gun, dictates th law, and that altogether it is in a very pitiable, deplorable condition, and they ask the people T to turn the Democrats out of power and put them in. They seem to forget that the peo ple of these States have had some exi perience of Republican rule, and Re publican ' plundering which it took some time to recover from after the the Republican party was hurled from power, The South ; has been sufficiently amused with Republican methods. She is solid for the party which has lifted her up and put her on the highway of progress,. and fig ures like these area sufficient answer why she is and why she will remain solid. ... . . About the coolest thing of the sea- son was when Col. Johnston said in his speech Friday night that when he he and the handfull of sorehead ex Democrata hatched out the so-called Liberal party they invited" the Demo cratic party to join them. - But the Democratic party was so obstinate and unreasonable that it would not accept the invitation. When the mountain would not go to Moham-f med, Mohammed went to the moun tain. When the Democratic party wouldn't go to Col. Johnston & Co., Col. Johnston & Co. went to the Rad ical party. - ; ... The Winston Sentinel, organ of Dr. Wheeler.coUector of the fifth district; charges C. A. Reynolds, then deputy collector under Wheeler,, with charg ing the government and c- collecting pay for his expenses while serving as Republican district elector of that district in 1880. This shows how the Republicans 'have been running the campaigns in this country and mak ing the government pay the bill.: .'; m m i , Perhaps the few ex-Democrats who engineered, themselves through the so called Liberal movement into the Radical' party, and are now clacking for Blaine, think there will be "some pickings" in Washington, if that gen tleman's pole is long enough to reach the persimmons! )A s V . J " ..' It is not long since Dr.' York, Col. Johnston,. Mr. Price & Co. manifested great indignation at being called Re publicans, but they are all now in full fellowship with Dr." Mott and the revenue boys inVwhopping; up -for Blame and Logan. Their indignation at being called Republicans was shortlived-. - ; ' l During the. election, in Maine the women worked hard at the polls for the prohibition amendment., . .Just before Mr. Blaine came to vote they managed. to get the A women but of the way, so that he could dodge the prohibition vote . and not - run : the gauntlet of the female importuners. mi" n i . m i . ., .i-::' i The editor of the Winston Republi can is silly when he classes Governor Vance - as a . Northern ... man. .. The editor's, name . is Goslen, i' With. a slight ! change in the , spelling of . the name this genius might in time de velop into a run grown goose. , , ; The ; Democratic (ganiaatton of this i . tate treated the inciibators of the sq -called Liberal party withabso lute diticeurtesy when if refused to pick up and go over in a body to that little concern. . . - " : It took Billy . Mahone, of Virginia, several yeart to get over into full fellowship with the Radical party It didn't take ? the so-called leaders of the so-called Liberal .party in this State quite so long. WICKED AND TREACHEROUS. y In reply to an inquiry of the editor of the Boston Globe as to whether her letter in reply to the invitation of the Columbus, Ohio, Republican committee addressed to her dead hus band inviting him to go to Ohio and take part in ' the campaign' was au thentic, Mrs. Morrill, widow of the deceased Senator Morrill, of Maine, replied as follows: - J ' " . "To the Editor of the Globe : ; ."In reply to your inquiry as to the correctness of the report of my let ter, as published in the New York lierala. i will simply say that it is correct in every respect. The knowK eage or Mr. iJlame s wiccea and vi cious life, and his treachery to those now dead, two - pure - and - honest statesmen like Pitt Fessenden and Mr. Morrill, prompted me to make tne reply 1 did. (Signed) Charlotte H." Morrill." Joshua Nye, a prominent Republi can of Augusta, Maine, asserts -posi tively that Blaine three weeks before the election promised to vote for the prohibition amendment - 'and then dodged. - The Republicans who knew the facts laughed at his flimsy ex cuse for. not voting on the amend ment. " T '. " ' ' Calculating Degrees of Light. Baltimore Sun. . . A subscriber makes the following inquiry: "Would you oblige a reader of the Sun by informing him how the candle power of the electrio light is calculated?" The first step is to fix upon : a. unit of light. This may be done by employing a -wax candlo of the prescribed size and weight. To measure the relative intensities of the light obtained from this candle and other source of light uunson's photo meter may be employed. This Con sists of a screen of thin writing paper Stretched on a frame and marked with a crease SDot. I the wax cani- dle is placed on one side of the screen and tho source of light i to be tested on the other' the spot, viewed from the candle side, will look darker than the surrounding paper if the candle gives the stronger light; light er if the tested light is ; the stronger. If the two sources of light are of equal power the spot and thej; paper around it will be of the.j same I'ehaae. The squares of the ' distances lof j the two sources of light frdco,the screen wiu respectively Jindicaten their:;Mn tensity; JFor example; it ;thieij,two sources of. Tlignt are "ot .ttnen same shade" when the candle is none v yard and the electric light,isu f ouryards distant from the screen, then, tne electric light - is of sixteen-candle power. ? ;-j - y. - The Inferior Court. . I To the Editor of Thb Observer. r In your issue of the 10th inst. -ap pears, an article with, reference to our Inferior court, .suggesting its discon tinuance and .another substituted whereby criminals, may have speedy trial and the county saved expense. This is a matter of importance to the tax payers of , Mecklenburg, - and should be well considered before peti tioning the Legislature to authorize this new court, lest (to use a homely phrase) we jump from the frying pan into the fire. w - ' If this new court is to be establish ed, as suggested, there can be but uttle use for magistrates, at least as trial justices, and in this respect had as well be abolished. Could not a better remedy be found in abolishing the inferior court and simply extend ing magistrates' jurisdiction? This would certainly insure speedy trial at less expense to tax payers. There are a multitude of cases that certain? y ought to be adjusted by the county magistrates that now burden the docket of the Inferior court. j The township justices are certainly men of sufficient practical Bense and acquaintance with the law to handle much that now goes into higher courts. An extension of jurisdiction will afford, as we believe, the simplest and jcheapest remedy, and one that will meet the approbation of. the peo pie. Let the matter be thoroughly ventilated. -(Justitia. ; A ftavisher Lynched. . Galveston, Tex.. Sept. 13. A spe cial to the-News from Dallas 6ay "Ball Taylor, a negro, who made a dastardly assault on Mrs. Fiippen on the night of June 22, was taken from the sheriff and his officers yesterday by a posse of nine men. ' The onlcera were bringing Taylor from Waxaha- pie to Dallas for safe keeping. When; a few miles' out from Waxahapie the officers were surprised and. captured with the prisoner. The posse then proceeded toward Dallas and at 11 o'clock last night, when four : miles from the city, they were joined by a posse ; of forty "masked men, ' whd quickly swung the negro to the limb of a tree. - The sheriff and constable, who had been prisoners all day were then allowed ugo. - Taylor protested his innocence with his last breath. Failure of Coal Dealers. New York. Sept. 13. An. assign ment was filed today by the members of the firm of Joseph K.. Wells, coal dealers, 111:. Broadway; and doing business also on Long Island Cityj under the name or the .Long island Coal Company. - - . ,.- ... Nankin to be Next Attacked. I London, Sept. 13. In circles best informed regarding the Franco-Chi neso imbroglio, the opinion. prevails that Nankin will be the next object of Admiral Uourbet's attacs. .. ;: - Why suffer with malaria? EMORY'S STAND ARD CURE PILLS are Infallible, never fall to cure the most obstinate cases; purely vegetable. z&c ' 1 ' : k i Alotbers - If yoa are falling, broken, worn out and nervous use " weirs tieaunttenewer- jk -wruggists. V Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Mothers HI Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest oy a siok enua sunenng ana crymg win uie excrudaUne naln of cuttina teeth ? ft sa. eo at once and get a bottle of B3.. vtNSLOW'S SOOTHING aTRTJP. ft will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It : there is no mistake about It There h not a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the ohlld. operat ing like magic It Is perfectly safe to nse in all cases, and Dleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. - eenia a doom. t- How lo Secure nealih. ScovflTs Sarsaparina and Stflllngla, or Blood and Liver Syrup will restore perfect health to the, physical organization. It is. Indeed, a strengthen, ing syrup, pleasant to take, and has often proved Itself to be the best blood purifier ever discovered, effectually curing scrofula, syphilitic disorders, weakness of the kidneys, erysipelas, malaria, all nervous disorders and debility, bilious complaints, and all diseases indicating an Impure condition of the blood, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc It corrects indigestion, especially when the complaint is of an exhaustive nature, having a tendency to lesson the vigor of the brain and nervous system, t ., ... , j XongeTity- of the Sexes. ,: Boston Herald. . Some interesting researches have recently been made by the director of tne Bureau ot statistics at Vienna to determine the comparative longevity ot men ana women, ana to ascertain the causes of any difference that may aDDear. " He finds that outnf individuals who have passed the age of ninety years. '70.308 are women - while only 42,528 are men. In Italy ne nnas zi anegea centenarian -won men,' and but " 141 ' men ' of that age. The fact that of children who. teach the age of ten years there are more females who seem to be well estaty. lished, and that the disproportion in numbers grow greater as the years of j ii vueir me auvaave is equally cerLain. The number of male births exceeds the female by . 4 per cent. - - ....... ! Betting oa Cleveland. j Betting men in New York now offer $1,000 to $750 that Cleveland is eiected, $1,000 to $750 that he will have 25,000 majority in New York State, $1,000 even on 40, 000 majority; $1,000 to $500 that he carries the Btate. ! ;, - . . . - .. .y i :vfw.i- Mills Barned. -v-' : Ashland, N. IL, Sept. 13. Wilder & Co's. mills, -Nos 1 and 2, were Durnea at midnight last night, Loss $75? 000,. partially insured. : r ' PoalUvo Care for Piles. I To the people of this county we would say we have been given the agency o f Dr. Marchlsl's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to cure or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching piles. Price 60c a box, No cure, no pay for sale by L.R.WrIston, druggist. juneiveoaiy - ; ..., ' ,. ' Consumption Cnred. i'. t.' i . -. . - An old physician, retired f rom Drac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a complete vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all . Nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it histiuty to make it known to his raftering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using Bent bv mail by addressing with stamp, naming this giper, w. a. mvYESi, 14a rower's lock, Rochester, N. Y. w6m. , ; A Fair Oner. Thb Voltaic Belt Co.: of Marshall. Mieh-.offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vltal- ugr, wiu many oiner diseases. see advertisement in tnis paper.. What Shall tne Harvest Be? : The summer is ended what shall the bnrvit be? If you have sowed lberaiily you will reap richly. But if not -remember that the next (the 17d) Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery will happen on Tuesday, October 14, 1884 fall information of which can be had of M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. At the drawing (the 171st) of August 12th. amons the results the following is reported : No. 15,365 drew the first cap ital of $75,O00. It was sold in fifths-one was held by Eugene Naudins, No. 231 St. Peters st .New Or leans; anotner Dy Mr. lows Seymour, of Memphis now employed as a carpenter at the Grand Cotton Exposition Bulldinsr at New -Orleans. No. GS.MH drew second capital prize of $25,000, sold in New York- No. 29.862 drew third capital prize of $10,i 000, sold in filths two to Mr. T. S. Tutwller.of Sanford, Fla, collected through Columbus (Miss.) Ins. and Banking Co. The fourth capital prizes of Sb.uuu eacn, went to jsos. l,lt7 and b5,47o, sold In nfths-to A. B. Glover, No. 25 8. Compton Ave., St. Lous, Mo.; one-fifth to Mr.' Louis S. Day, ot New Haven, Conn., and to other parties In Washington. D. C. and in New Orleans, La. But here we will rest for a period. (To be continued Indefinitely.) .- Every where Called "The Best.' ' IrrflntfoTv hAffav trion IfnlmAnta 1iJ rvrta nm o rw sJnyTplasters Benson's Capclne Porous Plasters. 25cts. - ; For seven years Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing nervous ness, nervous debility and restoring lost nowers to the weakened generative system, and, in no In stance, has it ever failed; teat It. $1: 6 for $5. At druggets, or by mail from J. H. Allen, S15 First Ave. Kew YorK city. u Daughter, Wives and MothtM, We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchlsl's Cathol- Icon, a Female Remedy, to cure Female Diseases,! such as ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcer ation, falling and displacement or bearing down reeling, irregularities. Barrenness, cnange or. lire, lencorrhma. besides manv weaknesses anrlnirlna trom the above, like headache, bloating, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous lebility, paltiltan tlon of the heart. Ac. For sale by druegists. Prices $i.uu ana ii.w per ooitie. tsena to Dr. j. b. Mar. chisi, TJtlca. N. Y., for pamphlet, free. For sale by L. R. Wrlston, dru?dgt. Junel7eodly i flyer's Cherry Pectoral. ' ' Orrville, Ohio, Sept 10, 1881 ' COLDS. " Having been subject to a bron chial affection, with frequent colds, for a number of years, I hereby cer tify that Aran's Csebbt Pectoral gives' me prompt relief, and is the most effective" remedy I have ever tried. . --'. Jahes A. Haktltok, s . . r Editor of Tht CnteenV ' "MtGilead, Ohio, June 20i 1882. V COUGHS. ' "I have used Ateb's Cheeky Pectoral this spring for a se vere cough and lung tronble with gcod . effect, and I am pleased to recommend It to any one similarly affccWd. 1 IlARVYrv BAconMAS', ' Proprietor'Globe HotcV rcEPAnEn nv . Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. . . ' ' NEW dOOIDS A lot of Fine Gold and Silver Fine Gold and Plated JEWELRY. Silver and Sliver Plated Ware, Gold, Silver and , . - bteei Spectacles,, fic. AH of which will be sold at hard tune prices, at Butler's Caroliaa Jewelry Store, CEL&.BLOTTE, N, Q.. ; ; " BI, latches CAMPAIGNI .t WWII Will; open the When the Special and Attractive Bargains . .. s ...w., - Will be 1 Dozen Ladles Extra Long Balbrlggan Hose AJl woi th half a dollar. , i . 100 1)026,1 La,,e8' PW131 Black nose. extra IQQ Dozen Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, Fancy Borders, Hemmed, at 5 cents each. v : ' . Dozen Ladles Linen Collars, the very latest style, lOe each, worth a quarter ot a dollar. .'-- ij K Dozen Ladles' Extra QuaUty Hemmed Stitched Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, the Latest Novel to elties, only 15c., a big bargain for a quarter of a dollar. . . ; , : c ... Special Our snaoe wQl not Dermit ns to-dav to enumerate dally receiving for our Betail House. When we ean believe that all our Importations for the coming season are complete we will attempt to give a partial list of them. Meanwhile we most cordially invite our friends and the public to visit our establishment, it will repay you If for no other reason than to wok over our mam mom stock oi uress uooas ana uress ramies, ana see me diversity ot Tints, snaaes and Colorings, which caU to mind the grandeur of an autumnal picture. v..f . Wittkowsky & Baruch, CHARLOTTE. N. C. THE FURNITURE -DEALER. o 12 Hi a b ft'aaaffoi. f turns'- S 7 M H8; h oooeo !.'.:.rf83'- CQ U ; V CO a a- "H 0- f. i BISCUIT. A Fresh Lot of BOSTON BISCUITS, GRAHAM BISOUITSi ALBERT BISCUITS j Just the thing for Invalids. HUNTER & STOKES; est i BARUGII Fall Campaign on jtembep; 15 "1884, following offered: (London lengths) Silk Clocked, at 25e per pair, long, at 35c., worth 60 cents'. No tide. the manv. Ifall NovaltlM and ltt.nutlnnii m Rm S- A tr1 S3 : 331 ":w n ' ii Q Stoclx in the State .i-A-i - Tl - I II I II I I I'.l I V V X H III J V L A nxMx'i V. V :'..J if. VS' , i liit .'if..'', j J hit j -.;!' ,i : -'.."J. . ,a supply, of:-X;' ..- . - " :: t ... .T : ..... ' - 1 iftW'JUN-' ?j.'..i.'Ji. " FRUITJARS AND . f3JELlYi GLASSES; j r i ; v '0 " . , i , -ti i'V'-'z Crotlcery. Glassware,. Tinware, .Boater Bd : j tlons generallr. . . .. Ju BspectfuDy, ;; , C.:Hi ETHEREDGE; ! ,.,'r i" 'n rr?i VjiTflBtSt) r.) " T r-"yoong Ken are both pushing ahead -with new lines. btannara Multiplex i ei , vo, recently mcon extenas jutsi, wesi. itonn -ana soma. tlons now ready For further Informatig wnn stamp, 'ine fennsyivania ana -leieenipn, snonrjaana ana uan oompany, tma omee, i mington, imh. , - m- j "ll' vaDtefliiK or wire now being extend bfitbe it O-Telegraph Co., The National; Tel Co onranized. Tha Bankers' and Merchants' and the Postal Tel Cff .... - ...