CHARLOTTE REAL Desiring to fill a long felt want In Charlotte, the undersigned have associated themselves as part ners In a GENERAL LAND AGENNE, Vor the purpose of buying, selling, leasing and nmtlne real estate. Their operations will not be amifined to the city of Charlotte, nor to the State of North Carolina, bat all property placed within our management will be rented or sold, upon such tcmisTcommlsslons andpajments as may be agreed We win undertake to sen, lease or rent lands houses and lots, mines, Ao., make abstract of titles, collect rents, make returns and pay taxes, effect nttimnoe. Ac.. 4c, advertising all property placed under our management, - Free of Cost to the Seller, ir-ttrralatlon previously agreed neon. Particular attention will be paid to the selling or leasing of mining property,, which will be sold on commission only. . . W e are In correspondence now with a number of nartles at the North and West who are seeking homes iu North Carolina, where the climate Is cental and the soil remunerative. Persons having ticuses and lots or plantations for sale will serve t,HT own Interests oy placing their bdslness with uirum.u ROBT. E. COCHRANE. . CHAS. R. JONES. The business will be under the management of B. E. COCHRANE, Manager, Charlotte, N. C. The following described pieces of property are now offered for sale by the Charlotte Real Estate Aaency, R. E. Cochrane, manager, office Trade street front Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C: (CITY.)" niM dwp.lltne house on B street. 7 rooms, closets in oa.h mom. well of eood water, lot 99x100 feet. In good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. One dwelling un oui uot, aujuuuug reeiueuce ,ifs M Hnwell. 4 rooms, well of water and stable. lot 50x198, convenient to business. Price, $1,700. 3 One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining residence of Dr. B ration, 8 rooms, closets and nan try, well of water, well located for a boarding Kuse. Price, $3,000. i one dwelling on corner of Myers and 3rd streets, Tl rooms, 2 room kitchen, bath room and closets, well of water; 2 lots, 1 fronting Myers street, 99x 198, 1 fronting 3rd street, 99x198, well of good water and stable on the latter. Price, $2,250. r One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th Ostreets, 6 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. Price, $1,500. One lot on 8th street, square 96, small 8 room Ohouse, good water, 99x198. Price, $150. - m One vacant lot 99x198, on B street, good loca i Con. Price. $1,000, v 899' One dwelling ont Poplar street, 10 rooms', lot ixl98 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser. Price, $1,000. . ; . -.' . , One Dwelling corner of Ninth and' E streets, ' one story, 5 rooms, closets; well of water In yard. Price $1,200. . -.-V .; 10 11 12 13 One Dwelling corner of Ninth and E, one story, 4 rooms, closets; well of water In yard. Price $800. :V,. .v, s One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and C, two stories, six rooms, brick basement; well of water in yard; lot 99x198. Prioe $2,000. One Dwelling on Btxth street, one story, 5 rooms, kitchen, well of water; lot 60x99. Prlcelywo. . One Dwelling on West Trade street, two stories, 7 rooms, 2 room kitchen, well of wa ter; two lots 99 on Trade 99 on Fourth st very desirable property. Price $4.750. One Hundred and Fifty Acres Land Vt mile of the city limits, adjoining the Fair Grounds well located for a truck and dairy farm ; lfc in timber, branch running through it, about 8 acres meaaow. rnee 3U per acre. I r One unimproved lot 99x198 on Ninth street, 10 between D and E streets. - Price $360. 1 ( Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres Land. 10 The owners of The Crowder's Mountain Iron Works beg to call the attention of capitalists Iron manufacturers, stock and dairy men, and those who wish to settle colonies, to their property .which oilers inducements to the classes above named. The property consists of Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres of land, located in the counties of Gaston and Cleaveland, in the State of North Car oilna, at King's Mountain Depot, on the Atlanta ' and Charlotte Air Line railway, new owned by the Richmond and Danville railroad company.. The property has beeifused for fifty years past as an iron property, and has oeen worked at various points, but chiefly at the site of the celebrated Yellow Ridge Ore Bank, which has always yielded an ore noted for Its richness In metallic Iron, and Its softness and toughness.: This vein of ore, which extends for two miles in' length, has been worked to the depth of 147 feet, showing at that depth a vein of ore about 40 feet wide, and analyz ing as high as 66 per cent, of metallic iron. This vein has not been worked for twenty years, but the facts set forth can be fully shown. . Various other veins have been worked, and within- the past two years very large deposits of iron ore have been dis covered at other points. Within the past eighteen months, however, the owners have discovered de posits of ore in Crowder's Mountain, (Ave veins of iron ore, are exposed), which were unknown be fore, and which will furnish an amount of good ore. easily worked and above water, that must make it one of the most desirable iron properties to be iouiid. They have discovered on the pinnacle of this mountain, which is 10U0 feet above the level kind, 2200 feet above the sea leve, a vein of ore eight feet wide, which crops out at various points from the top to the bottom of the mountain, show ing In one place about 2U feet ot solid vein. This vein can be traced over the top of the mountain for owra mile, and this deiiosit alone would afford an almost Inexhaustible supply of ore, easily worked, and above the water line. - in addition to this four other veln b?ve been found on this mountain. Tue ore is a mottled gray ore, showing on analysis from 49 to 66 per cent of metallic Iron, with a small amount of titanic acid, and without any sul phur or phosphorus. The quantity ot ore In this mountain is simply Inexhaustible and of good Quality. : r ? Besides Crowder's Mountain the owners possess King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whose pinnacle Is the highest point of land from Rich mond to Atlanta, except Mt Airy, in Georgia, and they have reason to believe this mountain & full of ore also. In addition to iron ore the property has manganese, limestone clay for making fire-proof brick, gold and other minerals. Very pure and ex cellent barytese has Just been found in large quan tity. As a stock and dairy farm It offers fine opportu ilties to those who may wish to engage in such bus iness. It has from three to four thousand acres of ljvel or only slightly rolling land, which produces (ivus, grain and all kinds of farming products dnely, and it is well supplied with water by unfall- e springs and branches - The other 4.000 acres embraced In the mountain sides are productive of fine grass and herdage, and Afford excellent natural pasturage for sheep and cattle, The climate is so mild that but little shel ter for stock Is needed in the coldest winters. The whole six thousand acres are now covered with a fine growth of timber of all kinds, such as pine, hickory, oak, walnut edar, etc. The Jand is well suited to farming purposes, by those who wish to colonize. Cotton, corn, peas, oats, clover and grass, and fruits of all kinds are produced beautifully ,and it is specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It eould be divided into small farms that would give to each farm variety ef soil, and level and hilly and. It Is situated in the Piedmont belt, which is noted for the salubrity of its climate, and the healthiness of its atmosphere. It is a region free from malaria and other unhealthy Influences. It l located with great convenience to railroad facili ties, being situated at from two to four miles from lung's Mountain Station, on a railway that has the most extensive connections with all parts of the country, and whleh offers great inducements to those who are trying to develop the country along Its lines. The owners will sell this property to suit purchasers, as follows: The whole tract, including mineral lnterests.f or Sixty three Thousand Dollars, or will make favorable terms, reserving the min eral interest or will sell one-half the mineral In terest payment to be one-third cash, balance In one or tw year -A valuable water power, which has been used to ruu large rolling mills, lies adjacent to this prop erty, and can be bought cheaply. The property is in close proximity to the famous All Healing Mineral Springs, and to the widely-known Cleve land Springs. - - - The town of King's Mountain Is also adjacent, Where are good hotels, a flourishing and excellent ugh school, and- several new - and handsome churches. The owners invite the attention of all Interested to this property, and ask an examination Of It Any further information regarding It will be promptly furnished by addressing R. E. Cochrane, ltanaeer Charlnfta Rjtal estate A amntrr. The Yellow Ridge Ore Bank has been recently SOld tO a Plttahnnr Pa nmnanv. anrf fkuman colonization company has recently bought 200 hcb summing tnis property. ... rK.w. nl6Vi acres, a wen Improved farm, one mile N. C. Railroad, good dwelling, 6 rooms, with ell necessary outbuildings, good orchard well, adapted for grain and grass. Stock and farming Implements ue soia with the place ll aesirea. lerms easy, "lee $19 per acre. - r - "ii. vviaui o, j uii ivo ... vu. ' .... . , Charlotte, unit 1 fmm TkavMonn fVlllAif. HHS On ft a good dwelling. 7 rooms, all necessary outbulld Jgs goed orchardy good-water," and well adapted or grains, grasses, corn, wheat, tobacco, cotton. tc.; 36 acres good bottom land.. Ia fine state ot umvauon. price $2,2&0. ; 1 Q Tract 6 Land, 8 miles south of Charlotte, iff ta acres, known 'as part of the Samuel Tay lor tract, nn whlnh la an linrftavAlnnari crftld mine. known In the N. Q. Reports as the Sam Taylor aeh, good barn, good well water and good spring . on the premises. Sold without reserve for $1,760. vOA One Dwelling, 6-rooms, two-room kitchen, i, V well of water, lot 86x215 on west side of My- IWa Street near VAiii-th PrlM tl ftlft. 9 1 . One unimproved lot, 85x219 feet on comer of KM I Myers and Fourth streets. Prioe $350. ) On Dwelling, 4 rooms, on Fourth street, near Two unimproved lota 60x198, on north side J oi west t utn street price iJM racn, ESTATE AGENCY ill III II HIS :o:- OnrNeiw Goods Are dally arriving, and when our stock Is complete we will show you a stock comprising an the hew goods and styles, and at prices that will convince all that we will give you value received for your money, what few summer goods we have will be sold at half price for the nsxt 20 days. ' We have lust received some nice - ; . . . . ' . . i - NEW INDIGO PRINTS and CALICOES IN NEW DESIGNS AND COLORS. . - . ... . ... , I . Also some New Style Gents and Children's Fur and Saxony Hats, some Nice Trunks and Valises at very low prices. We now have one of the best stocks of Black Silks and Black Worsted Dress Goods that has ever been shown South. j - orah 'in all Colors. TO THE PUBLIC We thank you cordially for your past kindness! In patronizing us, and hope to merit a continuance of same by Stylish Goods, Good Goods, prices as low as the lowest and polite at tention to all, whether looking round or buying.-, Give our new stock a carelul inspection, and 'twill be appre elated by yours truly, . - . SniTH BVILDDrG. "SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ORDERS for Samples or Goods. Gossamers. Let every Boy and Girl go to SEIGLES' And prepare themselyes with a Gossamer for -the opening of the ! GRADED SCHOOL,; 11 - " , - Many new goods are being i opened daily. All are invited to call and see the new styles . Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE. A.lexa,iider & Harris Are now opening a stock of Fall and Winter Goods V EQUAL TO ANY nOODS are very cheap this season and we got all the advantages mat casn win give any one. uur rnMr mrtll ho Ignn unit ohaan Wa am nn nffrtHnff t.hfl IIIIMt H.ttratlve StOCk Of BlaCk CaShmerBS and Black Goods ever placed on our counters. Also Flannels, wool Jfianneis, etc. A Splendid Aokortment of F.Iltln w: --" ''--- --' ,-;"';':,;.:.-r:.-'. -v" : P:".fy V' EbESI.&.HJI2E;B. s si arris. REMEMBER OUR GREAT ODD AND END SA OF READY MADE (D :LL dD TP - ' WILL BE WflftM hoimd to clear the dium Weight Suits at a great sacrifics to make room for our Fall and Winter Clothing, which we are receiving daily. Don't miss the chance avs periqd, an.4 it vyill pay you to ;w::KAixJFM;Aisr &co. T. R. IY1AGILL, WHOLESALE GROCER . AND COMMISSION MERCHANT College St.. Charlotte. Orders solicited and Ipromptiy filled. 10 KlllK Umbrellas, Sc., k Latest Style SILK HATS, SILK, MOHAIR GINGHAM DMBBELLAS, Gents' hand-made i Machine BOOTS aod SK Ladles', Misses' and ChUdren's Shoes of best makes XRIHVKS, TRAVELING BAGS, -Trunk and Shawl - JUST BECK1VKD. SOFTENS I PRESERVES IUTBEL I'ifiiiii k IN THIS MARKET. Bleach and Brown Sheetings, Shirtings, Calicoes, J am for Untttlns Purposes. r. : ?' -' ."V. - tV '. ' T' uu HD H FJ (K- CONTINUED. i - balance of our Light and Me t will he only 'of a very short call at ouce. VAKfUH DEVELOPED PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc.. Is an Interesting advertisement Jong run in our paper. In reply to Inquiries wy wlif say that (here is ho evidence of humbug bout this. Oh the contrary. "th advertisers are highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealetf circulars giving all particulars by adcresslng Ems Mfdicai, Co., Bufldto, N. 1 Toledo Evening Be, ; Janl6eouwly - Terms of Subscription. DAILY. - Per copy... 6 cents. One month by mall).... T..... 75. Three months (by mail...., $2.00 Six months (by mail) 4.00 One year (by mall) aoo . . "WEEKLY. One year."...................... Six months , ....$100 .... LOO Invariably in Advance Free of Postage to all parts of the United States. tySpectmen copies sent tree on application. "Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please state In their communi cation both the old and new address. Rates of Advertising;. One Square One time, $1.00; each additional In sertion, 60c; two weeks, 15.00; one month, $8.00. - A schedule of rates for longer periods furnished on application. Bemit by draft on New York or Charlotte, and by PoBtofflee Money Order or Registered Letter at our risk. If sent otherwise we will not be responsible for miscarriages. . GUILTY BLAINE. , THE REMAINING BLAINEFISHER CORRESPONDENCE NOT HERE-. TOPORE PUBLISHED. Further Evidence Oyer Mr. Blaine's Signature to Show How He Accumu lated Some of His Cash aad that He was not a Dead-Head in the Enter prises He Engaged ln.;'-vS-'-vv?.!:i'' To the People of the United States : Believing that it is our duty to lay before our fellow countrymen the fol lowing documents which have . been in our possession, we have placed the originals ' for; Bafe keeping in the hands of Messrs. Sohier & Welch, counsellors, of Boston, and herewith submit their contents without com ment. v The letters from Mr. Fisher are letter-press copies of the originals. The words, "Indeed, I am sure that no one received bonds on any other terms," were int-srlined in foregoing letter in Mr. Blaine's own handwrit ing. We hereby certify the following to be true aDd correct copies of the originals. . r - Warren Fisher, : ." Jahes Mtjlligak. Boston, Seps. 12, 1884. Augusta, Me., Oct. 4, 1869. My Dear Mr. Fisher, Find en-r closed $10,000 check in payment of A. & P. Coburn's sabscription. i ,"' h - I presume you will receive by same mail the 20 per" cent, due on all the subscriptions already for warded to you, and also on the following: Phild Hersey, " Belfast. . . . $5,000 A. W. Johnson, .... 5,000 R. C. Johnson, ,, .... 5,000 Nahum P. Munroe, , , . . , . 5,000 C. B. Hazeltine, - .... 5,000 This makes $125,000 in all I have disposed of. It is doubtful if I dis pose of any more, but I shall know by tomorrow. So there will bo no delay to embarrass you in any way. No one will ever know from me that I have disposed of a single dollar in Maine. So there need be no embar rassment in talking with Mr. Calds well. I don't wish vou to settle that matter with Mr. Caldwell until yon near from me agam. t. lease send re ceipt to A. & P. Coburn, Showhegan, Maine. Yours truly, - J. G. Blaine. W. Fisher, Jr., Esq. After I received the letter in regard to Mr. Adams' case I telegraphed again. Delano bad returned, . and 1 think the suspension was at once or dered by him. ' J. G. B. IV . l Bend only a,uuu this morn ing, -win send tz,wu remaining to morrow morning. NOT INDELICATE..' Augusta, Me, Oct. 6, 1869. $5,000. ' My Dear Me. Fisher. I enclose you two thousand dollar check, bal ance of A. & P, Coburn's installment; two thousand dollars in paymemVof Anson P.-Morrill's installment one thousand dollars ; in payment of Lot M. Morrill's ..installment. - Lot M. Morrill's installment of $5,000 is ad ditional to those already advised, making: in all $130,000. There may possibly be $20,000 more, but $150,000 will be my limit. 1 received yours enclosing P. R.' Hazel tine's letter from Belfast. By mail succeeding: this you will receive Cashier Check for $1,000, . and here after you will have r.o trouble with any of the Maine subscriptions. All will come to you lsfjasmer unecksor money direct by express. 1 note wnat-you say about the im- Eortance of my 4 keeping all quiet ere. I fully appreciate your wisdom and your kindness, and shall endeav or to do just as you desire in the mi.. l.I. l ' S remises. xu wwr euausmg iuo, Hobe by the same mail with this can be read by you to Mr. Caldwell if you think it expedient. I have endeavor: ed m writing it not to be indelicate. I shall see you in Boston Thursday noon. Don't send any receipts to Maine folks till I come. : ;; Yours, ' - - J. G. Blaine. W. F., Jr., Esq. CASTING AN ANCHOR TO THE WINDWARD These two. letters of October 4th 5th, 1869, are in continuation Of the two letters of . October 4th, 1869, which have been already published. Augusta. Me., 18th Nov., 1869. - Mt Dear Mr. Fisher, It is quite evident to my mind that at the ap proaching session of Congress there will be an expansion of the currency to the amount of fifty to seventy-five millions of dollars. The form it will take, I think, will be . an addition to the National Bank' circulation West and South. - - . . - . . My object in " writing is to ask in season if your, friends would desire to establish a bank at Little Bock f It will be to some extent a matter of favoritism as to who gets the banks in the several localities,, and it will be in my power to "cast an Anchor to the Windward" in your behalf if you desire it.- Please think over the mat ter, and. confer; with Mr.- Caldwell; and let ine know your desire as soon as you reach any conclusion. - There is, of course, no special hurry; but I thought I - would suggest the matter imorder that you might mature tout thoughts in good time. It would be well to determine, the amount o which you' misht wish to go. a suppose unugai do practicable to secure a $500,000 bark-, bui in that locality yon would hardly wish tq go so deep. But they are very profitable jnstitutionjH-say faou.uou. Yours truly, J. G, Blaine. , ? Warren Fisher, Jr., Esq. Forty First Congress, U; S., ) House of " Repres kntatiy jjs. Washington, D. C, Dec. 7, 1S70. ) 1 "My DearM. Fisher, You have re ceived Mr. Boutwell's answer. , I presume you will deem, it neces.? sary to come on here; if kq, let iae know it a day or two, in advance. , t; t -1 have written Mr. Caldwell about the ban"k ; no trouble in securing a bank of $500,000. - t u : - X Secretary of War will not allow the use of the arsenal at Little Hock says it is impossible. - HastUy & truly, J. G. B. 1 Washington, d. u " December 9th, 1870. My Dear Mr. Fisher, I wrote very hastily, both to yourself and Mr. Caldwell, in regard to the bank. A further conference with the Comp troller of the Currency gives some additional facts which are of inters est, and this letter is intended alike for yourself and Mr. CaldwelL Please show it to him. ;. They are now allow ing 90 per cent circulation on 20 40 bonds, instead of 80, and then 85 at different periods in- the past. They give me the assurance that you shall have fully $450,000 circulation on a bank of half a milium capital.' You can, of course, .-. deposit 5 20's if you please ; but you will get no more than 90 per cent, circulation.. They will cost you more, of course, and though "you get more interest, you wiU very likely be disturbed in the quiet possession of them very soon by the operation of the Funding Scheme. - The opinion gains ' ground here quite rapidly, as you might infer from Secretary Boutwell's report, that the debt cannot be funded at less than 5 percent. . By taking 10 40 bonds, therefore, you would be undisturbed as. long as the banking systen lasts, or at least for thirty years or more. None of the 10-40's mature before a. d. 1904, and that is quite long - enough to env brace within the scope of any ; finan cial operation. It might be , well to have your formal application for y'r increase of capital, and then , take such time as you may wisn tor get ting your Stock subscribed. If you desire, I will -confer with s Senator Rice in ; regard to forms, &c. It might be better now to let him take the lead. - Yours very truly, B2J. G. Blaine. W. Fisher, Jr., Esq. . : . ; " only himself committed. Augusta, Me. 29 Dec. 1870. My Dear Mr. Fisher. I , am in hopes now that I - 6hall secure the $25,000, or nearly that. I find money very tight and rates well up to 9 per cent. stiff at that. . The most of it will bo for 5 and 6 months. If I had had more time and earlier notice I could ? have raised more, and at easier rates. 1 1 have seen most of the parties -to whom bonds are due. I do not have much trouble about the January Coupon of the 1st Mortgage Bonds -but they of course growl, some on six of the Bonds. I would be glad to have the Coupon. I promised themindividual ly, to make it right in the future. I did not in any way use the name of the Company nor commit you to anything only jnyself. On the Land Bonds I cannot make them see the equity of removing the April Coupon, A I promised to try and adjust that matter with you afs ter my return to Boston. They all agree with one voice that no bond shall be exposed for . sale. I - wish you could give me the benefit of that fraction making 32 of 1st Mortgage Bonds for the$31;500 due. X use the extra $500 in adjusting the interest matter, & it '.fits in completely. I will make it all right with you. , What I want, then, is ao Ann i $32,000 1st Mortgage Bonds. $84UU0 $50 ooo Land Bonds. and also f 'r collateral to the notes for $25,000 an additional $50,000 of Land Bonds. Please meet me at Mr. Caldwell's" private office on Saturday at 12.15 sharp. I shall try to be there pre cisely at noon, but allow 15 minutes for grace. - It is very important that I have everything completed that day, as a man will come ,to Boston with me to take charge of the Bonds. Yours in g't haste. J. G. Blaine. burning and humiliating. Forty-first Congress, U. S -) - House of Representatives, -Washington, D. C Jan. 26,1871. ) My Dear Mr. Fisher. I liave this ; moment written to Mr. Caldwell sug gesting that, in case I can arrange a meeting in this city next week with Col. Thomas A. Scott, to" come, on here. I have some reason for be lieving that a vey advantageous ar rangement may be made lor taking say $300,000. I will telegraph Mr. Caldwell by-Tuesday evening if I can arrange the meeting, and I wish him to hold himself in readiness for the journey. Your letter is- this moment received ; you ask ' my ad vice.. Let me have an accurate and reliable statement of your financial condition, and I can do something,-1 feel very sanguine, with Thomas A. Scott. I think you will not deem me un reasonable when I again and persis tently urge that I ought to have good notes for the $25,000, and that I ought also to have the $82,000 bonds, which were made by yourself and Mr. Caldwell the express basis of the $25,000 loan. I do not believe y'r Company - has a stronger or more equitable and legal claim than mine, while its personal hardships to me are bitter and burning, and humilia ting to the last degrea. . - - . . Sincerely your; friend, - . J.G.Blaine.: LOUD CRY FOR ; HELP. 'Fortysecond Congress, U. S. i House of Representatives Washington. D. C. April 21. 1871 My Dear MR. vaALDwell. un the 29th inst.; the second note of the loan I negotiated , in December last falls due. The first for $2,032 50-100, which fell due March lsfc 4th I was com pelled to meet at the gravest possible, inconvenience to myself, i I drew On Mr; Fisher for ',. the amount, but he declined to ? notice the 5 draft. The note' which falls due on the 29th inst., is for $2,578 3 5-100. It seems ex tremely hard and " unjust that I should be compelled to pay this money. . It is no more my debt than the debt of President Grant or Queen Victoria, and I cannot believe that you and Mr. Fishery both or either, intend to leave this burden on me. ; If you do; it wy crush me. I have no possible rneang wherewith to meet these notes, and 1 beg of you and Mr. Fisher, either.or both, to come to rriy relief. - In a letter- from Mr.. Fisher under 4ate of January 34th he writes roe aa follows : , 'In reaard to the $25,000 which vou borrowed and loaned to Mr. Caldwell or rather Mr. Pratt,as it was assumed by Mr. ratt, because you received from him $50,000 Land Bond? for the amount. - Upon my visiting the office for the first time after you 'left the citv. Mr. Pratt said he and Mr. Fa- rington gave to you theu; individual bonds, and they kep,t the money ;and ia order to obtain the ' money, and get t out of Mr, Pratt's hands, I ob tained $50,000 Land Bonds, and took what I supposed to be money ; but it was not there.- Part of it had been misapplied to othe matters! $15,000 of it I loaned Mr. Cfaldwell : the bal ance went into a house at Little Roc without my knowledge or con sent, and Pulman Cars, &c. etc, Now, my dear Sir, if this be a cor. House of Representatives, rect statement, may I not hope you will relieve me to the extent of the $15,000, and Mr, - Fisher will -surely pay the other $10,000." .-.; As a wholly innocent third . party doing my best to act a sincere and steadfast friend to . both of you, I ought not to be left exposed to finan cial ruin and personal humiliation. ' : Please read this to Mr. Fisher. I have advised of my writing you. ; i , .. Sincerely yours, - ! - - ; J. G. Blaine.; - Josiah Caldwell, Esq. i , : an important man. Josiah Caldwell, ' No. 1 Pemberton Square. -' ' ' : " ' , - Boston. April 25, 1871: Dear Fisher. I enclose; ; letter from Blaine. I: forgot to speak to you about them when I saw you this p. mv I hope you can help him. I would, if it - were in my power. Blaine is an important man for us to havft fccil nil rf crit. fnmrnrri na on1 T only wish that I was so situated that I could help him.' , : " 5 - , , xours veryruly, - ' 1 ' ' " , ?J. Caldwell I This letter enclosed Mr. Blaine's letter to Caldwell of April 21, 1871. ; LIBERAL AND FAIR PROPOSITION j' Augusta, Mb.,' 14th June, 1871. I My Dear Mb, TPinViAr T triad hard VARtArrln.V A.nr1 rlav tiArVkM rTlfrm. y J ' - .mi j www. v yMLvur day and Tuesday) to see you4 but was uub lurcunate enougn to run ; across you. I am in a- very painful and embarrassed situation' growing out of my connection with the Fort Smith enterprise. I have paid and caused to be Daid into vV trAasiirv nhnnt. $250,000, and the only result to me is me most painiui perpiexitv. The most painful of all and the most op- TirftSsivA if) thA 25 000 whirh Tnni1 tn Mr. Pratt for you on Jan'y 2d, which 4. uurruweu uere uu my own and credit on the dist.innf. imrlprsf-jinrIino with' you that it .was to be repaid, ana tnat x was aiso to receivea cer tain "nronnrt.inn nf hnnila TharamnM onlv a nart nf thA hnnrlq tha 1 part-and not a dollar of the money. A -.A j ' . jj.'i: a. .11 .At xuuu now, au oiner trOllKloQ T liava (111 nn() immnnn n little over that amount, which I am held to take care jof partly , through verbal understanding . and partly through writtpn ACPAAmAnfc mnnnno due in April on land bonds and to fall due in July on 1st mortgage bonds J Now. T hnvA a nrnnnaitinn tn mab-a n you, which I think is most liberal and iair, going as iar as i possibly cau go witnout ruining myseir past ail res fiOVArv. ; Tf win will lnnlr at. nnnxr nf our agreement in your hands, you wui una mere is stiu aue to me !f70, 000 of land bonds and $32,000 of 1st mortgage. . - - In order to square myself with my friends, I need and must have $36,000 land honrla $45,000 in all, still leaving $57,00o' of mine in your hands. .'- .jnow, it you will take up these $10,000 nf ftonnnns. navino' toa r.ha cash therefor, and give me the $45,000 or Donos, i win let all the remainder of our matters Rtarid nntif vnn nrn perfectly at ease and ready to open wueijuuuuouw on - me Buojecs your self . ; In other words, I will leave the matter in vaur hands until thA Wnrt Smith enterprise is out of the woods, and its tangled affairs well smoothed out. , ' ' ) I trust in consideration of our many years of friendship, as well as in view of the peculiar relations I have held in this matter, von will makA an effort to do this, i . " ; v? Pray let me hear from you at your earliest leisure, and greatly oblige, xours truly, j. Elaine. W. Fisher, Jr., Esq. ; - SOME ADVICE TO BLAINE. . - Boston, Sept. 30, 1871. ; My Dear Blaine, It is the greatest importance thnt the parties owning the interest in the $25,000, and in vested by them in-- the 'Northern Pacific Railroad, should receive what is due them ; and unless something is done about it, 1 shall be; forced to turn the document over to them, and let you settle directly with them. I am constantly ., reminded about it, and they all say! -Why don't Blaine deliver to you our interest? Mr. Caldwell tells me he has paid you his last note due you, and gave you the $50,000 land bonds in addition. I should judge it was for your interest to settle the matter at once, and have no further delay. You must be your own judge'in the matter, but ray ad-i vice is to seine it at once. . I remain; Warren Fisher, Jr -Mr. Blaine's letter of October : !? 1871, already published, is the answer to this letter. '-. Tl i .- ; Boston, Oct. 24, 1871. My Dear Blaine, Yesterday I re ceived your favor of the 21st inst., to which i - replied by telegram : "Mr: C. has riot been in this city for four weeKS. tie is now in at." liouis."' . 1 I can eret no information when Mr. Caldwell is to return; when he does, I will lay your letters before him. In the mean time I can . say nothing in" regard to the matter further than what I have heretofore told you, that Mr. Caldwell represented to me that he had naid for vour . account. and for which he has your receipts. all but $2,500 or the $25,000 which you loaned, and .for which you re ceived as collateral $50,000 of . the Little Rock and Fort ; Smith land grant bonds, which you since sold at 60 cents on the dollar, realizing there-' for $30,000, leaving you now in ad vance of funds even if Mr. Caldwell had paid you nothing. - - ; i ;vl have heretofore advised you that I had been frequently importuned for the securities of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and as a last resort I had to surrender your obligation ; for,, the benefit of the parties in interest, who now say that after so long delay they will not take the securities, but re- quire you to refund the money. . I remain, ;War,rj3? Fishse, Jr. . . : AN. AOONIZIN CRY. I '-. AuqusTa, Me., Nov. 3d, 1871. - My Dear Mr. Fisher. I write Mr. Caldwell this day earnestly asking him ; to relieve me from the very pressing and painful embarrassment entailed upon me .by . raising the money I loaned to you and him last winter. rjtsa. : -. Mr. Caldwell has paid me $6,000: there remains $19,000 due with con siderable interest. .There is due-aJsa to me, under contract with you. $70 000 land bonds and $33,000 1st mortgage. Retaining in my posses sion the $50,000 land bonds as collat eral to the note, there is still due - to me $20,000 land bonds and the 4st mortgage s bonds, ; $32,000. I have already .made one-. prapoaition for settlement, to which I call Mr, Cald well's attention. I- must have the matter settled in some, way, and at ; "Pray communicate with mo,on the matter, Sincerely yours, ' "".'.' ".' .' J. G. Blaine. W. Fisher, Jr., Esq. . P. S. It is very important to me that I have some bonds next week. If , see fourth page. : ILL CAMPAIGN! I ITTI ill! Will open the Fall Campaign on lite Sieier ; When tho following , and attractive Bargains Special Will be offered: 150 Dozen Ladies' Extra Long Balbriggan Hose (London Lengths) Silk Clocked, at 25c per pair, worth half a dollar. 100 Dozen Ladies' Imperial Black Hose, extra long, at 35c , worth GO cents. 100 Dozen Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, Fan cy Borders, Hemmed, at 5 cents each. 50 Dozen Ladies', linen Collars, the very latest style, 10c. each,-worth 25 cents. 75 Dozen Ladies' extra quality Hemmed Stitched Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, the latest Novelties, only 15c, a big bar gain for a quarter of a dollar. Special Notice. Our space will not permit tu to-daj to enumerate the many Fan Noreltlee and Attractions we are dally receiving iar our Retail House. When we can believe tnat all oar Importations for the coming season are complete we will attempt to give a partial list of them. Meanwhile we most cordially Invite our friends and the public to visit our establishment, It will repay you If for no other reason than to look over our mammoth stock of Cress Goods and Dress Fabrics, and see the diversity ot Tints, Shades nd Coloring!!, which call to mind the grandeur of an autumnal picture. Wittkowsky ! & Baruch, charlotte! n. c. . SB m THE FURNITURE DEALER, m r i i : 3 o -X3 .S a If SI .C U.H. 1 a- 2 1 o -5 a - H" .0 Stock BISCUIT. A Fresh Lot of BOSTON BISCTJITS, GRAHAM BISCUITS. ALBERT BISCUITS, Just the thing for Invalldj. HUNTER & STOKES; 4 EMU 15,.1884, CQ in the State.; A SUPPLY OF. , FRUIT jars ; ,, : . . H 5 : : .-- ,,r- , . . , '.T -.( - iriTTSv T tt NT i'nnTsrt 1 ' - ---; v s.'-;r -; .., , . f - 1 v Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Hosiery and ttoat generally. -V.'H ; ' r" i a ETHEREDGE . , . --.i.i, variety! ; ...T4 Toattr Men ; To learn to- , legraphy. .; 14.000 miles OI wire mm uviug wjuvowbm vj tto m v a . w- - graph Co., The National Tel Co organized. The Bankers' and Merchants' and the Postal Tel Cos are both pushing ahead with sew Unes. The Standard Multiplex Tel co, recently Incorporated, extends East, West. North and South. Good posi tions now ready, for further Information address .; with stamp, The Pennsylvania and New Jersey UonCnd0V'y,KaUoi8oe, I reieeraDn. Bnorwiana ana irov wi.- ot atadwr - VIT If 1 I ' I I linntA1 ImtnnlintAln intuitu lUliUCUldirjJI