raw 1PDLLS TORPID ROVELS, - , DISORDEHLID OLIVER v - s and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. These, - symptoms indicate their existence : Iam ot Appetite. Bowel costive Side Head ebe, fallneaa alter eating rion to Kertion. of body or mind, Kmctatlon of food Irritability of temper, tow fjfjrits, A ftellaK of having neglected 119 antyi n -c mHsrui , uv fTMrc na before the era. hitrlilv col ored Urine, CONSTIPATION, and" de-' mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As a Liver medicine TUTT'S - PI UJS have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Sk(n Is also prompt; removing all imparities through these three " scav engers of the yatm," producing appe tito, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous body. TTJTT'S PIXL8 cause bo nausea or griping nor Interfere with daiCy -work and are a-perfect ? ' ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. ' TTTPi FEELS LIKE A NEW 5ZAXV. ' "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constlpa-? 1 Won, two years, and have trif fl.ten different ' Kinds OI pills, ana xux i ' are uie urn. : cleaned me out nicely. Mt appetite is snleidid. food digests readi' v . and I now r ir? g aral ; r if d zirai nassaes. lit imtv lit Ike a new i M. W.V. xu) wards, raimyra, u. Solders. fh8re,a5c. Office, 44 Murray St.,K.Y. TUTTS EIAin DYE. Gray Hatjec ob Whiskeks changed in stantly to a Glossy Black by a single ap plication of this Dye. Sold by Druggists or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murray Street, New Yoru. TUTT'S MANUAL DF USEFUL RECEIPTS FEES. AT , IS Will Always be - Found a Full Assortment of 1.1 J Plain and Fancy Stationery, JnAa and Students' Materials, . POCKET-BOOKS And PURSES, Ladies' Satchels, - "DHOTOGRAnH ALBUMS.. AUTOGRAPH I AL- J. bums. Handsome Gift Books, nalllnir. invita tion and Birthday Cards, Blank Books of all kinds. GENERAL NOTIONS f TT Sis' SnAfr M AifMl ' .1w. '. .1. n fcriAdical not ahead? In stock win ) suupueo. on a iew days' notice. Remember the place, EDDINS, Trjon Street, Charlotte, If. C Patapsco Fioarin Hills. ' ESTABUSnED H7 t ItHhrs 1774L Soils 1883. THIS COlDOiii oirs AKD GPKBATK three B0LXE8 KILLS, as follows: 7 PATAPSCO HILL A, at ElUcott Oitr PATAPSC,iniiL.B,' t Baltimcfffl, PATAP5nixp,aiOrtuigBfJrOTe Maryland,,;-. UTr ., ffc,A5. A?t-,w Having tV all dab(t"Q l,0o Barrels. rMi JJilii t3rUiJ"2CUi K .vit .JThejaiueof FMardepeiSlsvnthe proportionate Wantltjof einteri, StarchV 8ugarnd Mogphate of Lime. MlaHd-aH(i VJrgIcn . Wheat, -from which our Patent Boiler Flours toeinanuf actured, is aneqnalled for tts purity end superior Qualitr of . auble properties. -Ask joar Cncertr ' ' PATAPSCQ QBOIGE PATENT. - y ;ZPATAPSOO r EXTRA, t j 'CAPE HENRY' FAML HCRTH POINT FAMILY. " MILT CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, ' BEDFORD FAMILY, ' ': o a. QAsmiuxXi arr'a co r 82 Commerce St., Baltimore Md. EepTeeented by B. N. Littlejohn, CREAM-;CHEESE, -GOLDEN HAMS," LOOSE RICKLE8, . .. 4 ; DnnanFAST-bacoii AND SMOKED BEEF . Best Grades Patent Hours at - T EstablUhed I is the only I School for Boys in the .1793, ' TtoS&gWptort or Finishing. -: igere is a thoroual, equipped SchooTof Teleg- )i)l) 7?!?; i ore BOOKS and PKR nnMHI, WJ & AA A A J A V AA Ui BINGO SALEM WINSTON, How the Political Pot Boils in Forsyth Republicans Who Can't Go York- Local, easiness and Persona Dots. -, Correspondence of Ths Obskbteb. Salem: N. C.i October 13 On Wed nesday night of last week James A. Williamson. Esq.. of Davie county, made a stirring speech to the Cleye land and scales ciuds in w msion,. w Brown's opera house. Thehouse, as is usual on the occasion of Democrat; ic speakings, was crowded, i t ' w ' f)n Katuraav nienc. vvm. r. trienn, Esq.. Bddressed the above clubs in the opera house, and although rworn out from SDeaKina ac ijewisviiie inai aay. he made a rousmg speecn. Mr. v lenn is a fine speaker and handles the Re nublican nartv with cloves off.: Todav (Monday) the district elect ors fllftnn.and Jovce. sneak in Win- Ston, ana on tu 1 1 tu tue uuigiroooivu al candidates, Reed and Edwards in the day time, and Hon. J hn N- Sta ples; elector for the State "t largest nignt. i . . - On-November 1st Gen. A.M. bcales is to speak in Danbury. Stokes couni tv. and on the 3rd ot JNovemrjer ne will come to Winston and preacn 'old Y o r-k'a" funeral and on ' the next day, the 4th, we -will i bury the ."old blue hen s chicken" so aeep in nolitical graveyard that Gabriel him self cannot resurrect him, and as we leave his grave we will sing Hurrah for .Gen. A. H. Scales, . , . - ThA cA( hem bolft and frftA. - - 4 We will place him down there In the Governor's cnair, - . The white man's nominee. An old centleman from a neighbor: ins township, who is. and always has been a strong Republican, was in Sa lem one day last week, and, during A conversation he had with, a Salem man. cot to talkihe aboutHhe recen. tion given York on the day ;he talked in Winston. "Well,, how; did you like it?" asked theSalem man. " Weu, I'll just' tell you," answered the old centleman, "there were thirty-seven of uSi all Republicans; wf at to Waugh- townio see me processioit tnat es corted York pass., and arte we saw it, out of ?tt?B;-thijftyr seven there are just thirty-seven of iis'whb are not going to vote tor xorK. JsepuDiicans will not, as a matter or course, oeneve this, but as the old gentleman a verac ity is beyond doubt they will see the truthfulness of it when the ballots are counted in that township orj the night of November 4th. -r s H. W. Lillington. of Lewis ville, Forsyth county, was, nominated by the Republican senatorial convention which met at German town on lues day of last week, and is the candidate who win run against Hon. J: u. Isux- tonlt MrkLJ is a clever centleman. and can withstand the disappoint ment that isjjin store for him when the ballots are counted in this senatorial district. - On Tuesday of last week chief of police WiGi BahhsOn, A W. Bevel, Will Bevel, Jno. Kester and James Shutt, of Winston, went to Side's mill pond about nine miles from Winston, to try their luck at seining. Result over a bushel of fine fish, among them a very large trout probably the one Mr. W. W. Pegram, o Uharlotte, hung while anclinc there last SDrinc. .On Saturday; Messrs. J, 8. Barrow &' Sons threw open the doors of their fine store m the Gray block,! Winston, to the citizens of Salem Wins ton and vicinity, it being the day of their grand opening. Throughout the day and at night large numbers of ladies ana gentlemen visited this temple of fashion to look at the beautiful dis play of dry goods. &c, among which is some of the finest ever seen in this part of the State. t ,Thi8 new firm is composed of clever-gentlemen and it hoped that they maybe successful in their business. Mr. W. M. Hester, of Winston, and Miss Mattie? Winkler, of Salem, are with the Messrs. Bar rows. - f . , Hon. Ci. T5. Watson nf S Winston addressed the citizens of Waughtown on jmaay night. But very few Ke publicans heard his speech." Wauch town never has many Republicans on hand: -it s a Democratic burg. 'i New tobacco is beginning to come in quite freely and the warehousemen are now keDt busv handling the weed. The crop this season is reported to be very large and the tobacco very fJbe, Good peices are obtainable. ? ; The neighborhood of Fried berg.some seven miles from isaiem was visited with a good rain on last Thursday, but here in Salem and Winston the drought still prevails. i fn Apple and chestnut wagons from inountain section are beginning to call on . "us. There was some 'very fine Buckingham apples on the market fieyeral days ago. One dollar per bushel ia the price asked. - i :JHr.-Lum Warner, of Wiristgn, was married in iLernersville on last Thurs day night, to Miss Kate Peoples of that place. - . ! v A colored barber named Barks dale had his face badly sliced with a razor in the hands of a colored youth in Winston, one dav last week. .iThe graded school for colored chil dren will open in Winston Tuesday. The A nme Berlein 'company have the Winston opera house engaged for two nights this week; '$V ednesday ond Thursday) and ourf Citizens will then have the opportunity ;of seeing the fine young actress. Miss ".i Annie Berlein in "Under the UpasI" This company comes well recomnjended by uieprest. ; Before closing I will tell what kind of rats there are here in SalemT A lady living on Main street had a steel trap set in her kitchen one night last week to catch a rat that had been depredating upon her edibles. . During the night the family was aroused by a terrible racket in the kiWhen, and on going to see what the matter was. discovered a glass in one of the win dows gone, and the trap gone. The next door neighbor was also, awaken ed by the noise and hastened to a window in time to hear the steel trap being dragged over a shed and up the 8 tret towards the academy. The ques tion now is, that jf it was?nof a rat that got caught in -.the "tra it was a cat, du De wnaiever ic was ic ana the steel trap have never been found, Fatal Railroad Collision. "J 5 5 :. Camden. Oct. 13. A' collision curred here between two. Pennsyl vania railroad trains this morning. Joseph Carmer, engineer of one of the trains, was killed and the fireman of the other train was fatally injured, having both legs cut -off, s Several passengers were hurt T Both engines -were smashed. The west Jersey rail road train was going over the cross switch at Third st just as the morn ing train from Biirlington was about to pass.- - Before - the switchman had time to warn either train 'the crash came. Engineer Carman who lived a uuriington was araggea . out trom the ruins of his engine dead and his body terribly mangled. His fireman was also badly hurt. The fireman of the other train had both legs broken and was badly scalded, and - it . is thought he cannot live. Several pas sengers were- hurt "by being thrown from their seats and by broken glass but so ' far -as is ; known none were seriously injured. r l?ratl!r-:iy a rTeir Creation.' DAILY LLH AKLUITE U J3 S UKy Jfi.K l TTHE CAMPAIGN IN ROWAN. A Splendid Heetinr and Baibecne at Third CreelcSpeecnes by lions. P. E. Shober and Daniel G. Powle. Editor of Tsb Obsxbtzr. - v- Beae Poplar, Eowajt,- N. C. , - . . Oct. 10th, 1884; A great and glorious day .for the Democrats was spent at Third Creek, Oct. 9th, 1884. : Scotch-Jrish, Steele and Mt. tJlla Townships united, and Salisbury,. Lock,, AtweiV ; Franklin and umty- Townships sent quite a number of representative; delegates, and we had -a grand andi glorious, time of it, Hons. Daniel G.- Fowle and F.lfl. bhober mafcing the speech es of the day. At about 11:30 a. m., the crowd assembled at and around the large stand ; erected , and decora for the occasion, surrounded with comfortable seats in a dense grove of native oaks. When the audience of from 400 to 00, including about 150 ladies, were - comfortably S seated, Mai. N. F. Hall introduced CoL F. E. Shober,; who entertained; the audi encef or about one hour in quite :. a live speech, when a recess was taken for dinner.' A long table constructed for the purpose was then - heavily la den by the ladies and their t escorts with the choicest substantials and delicacies this section: affords, and prepared in .the best manner and taste our lames Know so well now to do. When the tablet was I filled to overflowing and ready, all were in vited to partake of the rich feast be fore them, and all were tilled and some baskets full left. It was truly a rich feast of good things, for which the ladies deserve and have our grat itude, After which the crowd reas sembled, and Col. Shober, j in a few flattering and well timed -remarks, introduced the Hon. Daniel Gv Fowle. Then our treat commenced indeed. He held tbB audience spell bound for about three hours, and had it not been so late we could have sat and listened three or four more. His was a masterly speech. Such flights of almost continued eloquence I have never heard from any speaker, and 1 have heard quite a number of distin guished orators in my time. : His de fence of the constitutional Democrat ic party was grand, complete and unsurpassed, and his subjects were well uennea ana explained. Borne arts of his.speech were grandly sub ime and patriotic, and I cannot and will not attempt to give even a sketch of it, for it is impossible for any one to do so. He dealt the Republican party many mild but heavy blows, and was particularly gentle and se vere on York's Mott s "pups," showed Blaine up. to be in a bad plight,' and the mongrel York in a very unenvia ble light. It was a superlative speech in every respect, and we all enjoyed it and were greatly encouraged and etrengthed in the Democratic - faith and prospects, except a few of i the revenuers, or "Mott's Pups," and the 50 or 60 "soulless negroes" (as York is said to have called them.) Even the latter class seemed to enjoy the speech, and if they would follow out their convictions and reduce them to fractice it would do them much good, cannot close without . again refer ring to the noble ladies who cheered us with their presence and smiles of approbation, : God bless them, they seemed to inspire the speaker as well as encourage us ; besides, 'they seemed to enjoy it hugely themselves, (but alas, I have a wife,) but your young Democratic- readers : cannot better themselves any : where more than here, but we cannot well spare them. Three times three cheers for them,' Cleveland, Scales, Henderson and Overman. . More anon. W. L. K. "My danghter has taken the medicine faithfully. according to directions, and her health and spirits are now perfect The humor is now all gone from her face. I wish every anxious mother might know what a blessing Ayer's Sarsaparilla is hi such eases. -. .., Advance ia Cotton. o- J WNDY OF CHARLOTTE. ffiHhv-OM-foif Gat Sore far COTTOET THAN THE MARKET PRICE IN CHARLOTTE FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DATS, To those who are indebted to him t He has now in stock one of the best selections he has ever made In a business experience of 1) years, and will sell good a low or lower than any other house In the city. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, etc - . - ' ocUld J. LINDT. -TH tv OF THEM ALX, AT N"o.:l This popular stand, after being, closed three : months to take stock and to put In a new elevator has been re-opened for the season, under ths man agementof A. VITA, and win always by ' , , nEADQTUiUTEKS FOR i .. . ' - ..." LUXURIES, SUCH AS Foreign ' and- $m$M Fruits, Delicious French Candies, s Fragrant . Havana . Cigars,, and Finest Smoking and Chew- " ing Tobacco. : 1 SEemember the place, Na 1; Tryon Street 1 C C. S.'VIDKR. octlldtt II II II U n .TK3S B KB gSSfg U D D D D Ur 0 DDD - A A s8 :8Rs LA A T.T.T.T. EBB 8, If you want Northern work at Soathern prioea go to "TUB MAN DBBSSMAKBR.'' I The lady takes the measure from which the man can give you a perfect Ot without trying on. Why spoil a pretty figure with an ugly fitting dress T They keep the latest fashions from 411 leading publishers. Fox Bow, opposite itrst Presbyterian Church.,- . . octlld .. . .. , ; ' " fOCA PEB MONTH, SALARY AND COM qjOlIU mission, to comDetent business mana ger for this city (or State) agency. Responsible company, business practically a monopoly, rivaling the Telephone, IjO capital required, for $l,Cvj s w ieout ";t. 6tp'e g-XKls. Ko bonds. ? lor pap t.";u.:rs Bfui's, w h rorere0, Tfs N.TI0iiAii C - :'r -t I .ur'o :.j h 5.. - -t, I . vl.-.iC. . Grandes UpeniDg The Florence KlgattHgale of the nursery. ' The following Is an extract from a letter written to the German ileformed Messenger, at Chambers- barK.i'enn.: .. ' ; , a Bxsxt Acraxas. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the "American Florence Nightingale ot the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Su9y to say "A Blessing on Mrs. Wins low" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, collcklng and teething siege. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures aysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what It professes to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. winslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrop for Children Teeth ing.'. If we bad tne power we would make her, as she Is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. - . Keep XjOokingOFoungr. This is the age of young men. Other things be ing equal they "are everywhere , preferred. Save your young looks. It means position and money. Is your hair falling off dry or lust re Was? Preserve and beautify it by using Parker's Hair Balsam: Not an oil. not a dye, sure to work, clean, harmless. Restores color. . , - AVER'S Ague Cure IS WARRANTED to cure all cases of ma larial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter- mitteut or Chill Fever, Kemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint. In case of failure, after-due trial, -dealers are authorized, by our circular of ' July 1st, 1882, to refund the inoney.V ?j Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ' . . A MAN, OF GRIKF! A Fifty Tears' Search Crowned i M .;.;" With Success, j . v-.y Extract from the Athens, (Ga.) Bahner-Watclt- .: .UliUl. Uncle Dick Saulte. says: "I have struck the key note. I am taking B. B. B., and It b the best med Icine in the world. In 1839 fifty years ago, I had a running ulcer on mv lee which refused to heal under any treatment. ment. In 185 t l went to California and remained 18 months, but it has been running ever since In 1878 1 visited Hot Springs, Ak, remaining three months, but was not cured. My coitmtlon was such that amputation was discussed, but seeing an advertisement In the Banner-Watchman about the wonderful cures made by the B. B. B.; I concluded to make ene more effort. I commenced taking the B. B. B. about six weeks ago. and I am getting well as fast as 1 want to. The .re on my leg is healing ramdlr. I never had a better appetite in my u'e. and yesterday I walked about fifteen miles fishing and hunting without any pain, and -before using the B. B. B. I could not walk exceeding half a mile I sleep soundly at night for the first time in many vears. The beet noint about the B. B. B. Is the rapidity ot Its core. To think that six bottles have done me more good than Hot Springs, 18 months In California, besides an Immense amount of med icines and eight or ten first-class physicians, will convince bny man on eartn mat uisawonaermi blood medicine. It has also cured me of catarrh. The wealth of the world could not buy the relief that six bottles brought me. My old sore that has caused me untold misery for 50 years, has nearly Vino 11 anil tt unv Ana HinHta thla laf. tham wrltA fkUU U. "11 VUV vuvw wuu. .v. ..... . . . . ... to any banker, minister, or business man in Athens (ra., and they win ten- you mat a. it. saiuter wuj testify to nothing but the truth." - We, the editors of the Banner-Watchman, are personally acquainted with Ei B. Saulter, and know what he says to be th truth, and if necessary he can get Indorsements from the best citizens of Athena - . ' -.s s -' ' - --'-: - I hereby certify that I have known B. R. Saulter lor go years, and that ne is wortny oi connaence. Bev. John Calvin Johnson. Writ to Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Ga., for a wonderful 32-page book, free. It is a regular eye- opener.. : Sold In Charlotte by W.-M. WILSON GrAN'S SAPOLIO AND 1 PonnMlarr, lOr. Per Ponad. L.B. WBISTON. ,J: S. PHILLIPS, Merchant Tailor, TRADE STREET, Begs to inform all In want of good goods and first- class worn that I am prepared to supply mem at reasonable prices and satisfaction guaranteed To those who have been sending off for their clothes I ask that they will inspect my goods and prices be- iore ordering ineir wore. sepuoiawiv A MODEL FARM j FOR SALE BY TEX CHARLOTTE fiEL ESTATEiOT. t k Farm of 193 acres, known as the "Model J Farm," life miles from High Point, N. C. a good frame dwelling 12 rooms, plastered closets in nearly au tne rooms, a - spiennia irame barn 45x60 feet, with basement stalls for 8 horses. 20 cows, and 5 box stalls; a good wood shed, smoke house, brick spring house, wagon shed, granery, 9 buildings on the farm, besides a 4-tamp bone mill on the creek with sufficient water to run It most of the year. The creek runs through the plantation and has 22 acres of bottom or meadow land under cultivation that will produce 75 bushels corn per acre. The buildings on the place could not be replaced for less than $6,500.- A desirable place for any one wishing a well improved farm. Price 28,000: one-half cash, balance pa time at 6 er cent Interest. - - - Dwelling on corner of Graham and Ninth streets, two stories. 8 rooms, with kitchen and servants' room attached. Two tots, fronting 9S feet on Graham street and running through to omiio street, weu tn. goua water, iwo-siurj uuru i x33 feet, and one out building, ail in good repair in a aesiraoie part oi tne city. , Ance sauuu. . . -IT Seventy-five to One Hundred Acres of Land, ah I In Steel Creek township, six miles from Charlotte. On the premises Is a small dwelling and three out-buildings. 55 acres under cultiva tion. In a good section of the county t convenient to cnurcnes ana scnoois. rrice jf zp per acre. An interesting treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases will be mailed tree vo any one wnq wuf pcnij iueir u. dress to the Swift Specific Co..Drawer8rAUanta, Ga. TAXDERBILPS 9IH..Ioks! Could not buy from me what Swift's Specific has done for me. It cured me of Scrofula In its worst form, alter I had suffered with it fifteen long years, and had tried all the remedies, only to break down my neaitn ana mane me aimosi neipiess. - Mks. Elizabeth Bakes. -' Acworth, Ga., July 15, 1884. 4 - : UVOCUTi.TEI POISOf! Some eight years ago I became the victim of a fearful blood poison, communica'ed by a nurse to my lniant, ana tnenoe through tne breast, and suf fered for six lone years. The mercury and notash treatment seemed to drive the polsen further Into my system only to break . out In worse form on other portions of my body. Three months aero began taking Swift's Specific, and It has cured me sound and well. It la the greatest bless ing wmcn nag come to manama in years. Mrs. T. w. Leb Greenville, Ala, Sept, 4, 1884. -- . l aroloa cgxtaaiu n vie OFFICB OF SUFEBINTKNDKNT, 1 WmnNOTON, N. C, Sept. 21, 1881 J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. . ON AND AFTER SIFT. 10,1884, THE FOLLOW tng Schedule will bo operated on this Rall- - PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, - - . DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. - - -) Leave Wilmington at.. No. 1. Leave Raleigh at ) Arrive at. Cnarlotte at.,.; ) Leave Charlotte at .. . No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at . - -.. ) Arrive at Wilmington at . .7.00 P. K. ..7 35 P.M. ..8.00A. X i .. ., .i ....aisp.-K. ....9.(X) A. M. ......8.25 A.M. J LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at .rJ. J, ; . .... 7.40 a, x. Arrive Laurlnburg at ........ ....., 6.45 p. x. Leave Laurlnburg at.... 6.15 p. x. Arrive Charlotte at .................... 4.40 P. x. ' Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX " $ PRESS AND FREIGHT;' i (Daily except Sunday.) Leave Chariotte at... 8.15 a. x. Arrive at Shelby at...;..,. .. .v. ..--v. .....12.15 p. x. Leave Shelby at. ...... .......... ....... 1.40 p. x. Arrive at Charlotte at, .. -.y,...-.. ,. 5. 40P.X. . Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection - at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Thrdligh Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte, s - - - Take Train No. 1 f or Statesvllle, stations on Western N. C. R. R., Asheville and points west Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest" r - ' -5.tJ.?,H' -V ' - B. C. J3,-n ! BS,'a. Pass. Arrat ..v' MOB (Mil U K j) A Y, UCTOB E R 14, 1 8 8 4. Car ------ r . siiim AND EVERY SPECIES OF ITCHING AND BURN ING DISEASES POSITIVELY CURED. : . . T? CZEM4 , or Salt Rheum, with its agonizing ltch 1 lng and burning, Instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cutlcnraboap. and a single application of Cuticura. the great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses of Cuticura Resolv ent, the new blood purifier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unlrrltatlng, the bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Eczema, Tetter; Ringworm, Psoriasis. Lichen Pruritus, Scalled Head, Dandruff, and every species of itching, scaly and pimply humors of the scalp and skin, when the best physicians and all known remedleafalL . .. . . . : TwWL TmcDONALiC 2542 : Dearbon Street. ChV cago,. gratefully acknowledges a cure of Salt Rheum, on hoad, neck, face, arms, and legs for seventeen years; not able- to walk, except on hands and knees, for one year; not able to help himself for eight years; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors renounced his case hopeless, permanently cured y Cuticura Resolvent fhlnort nnrlnni-l Intarnallv and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, (the great skin OH AS. Rf)TTf;TITnr Vcn loanra. OS Co. nt . - - , - ".' -, HIJl u uvuw OUCC.. KORton; mnAiTJl A ra rt cQ if Dhi-im .... .1... Ah , r-" . w vuuv Ul UU.W MUUUIU WlUCl U10 servation for ten years, which covered the patients uwjr ouu uiulis, ana w wnicn au Known methods of treatment had been applied without benefit, which was completely cured solely by the Cuticura urmninnp, ipmmg a wean una neiuiny SKin. told tortures from Salt Rheum, which appeared on his hands, nead and face, and nearly destroyed his eveq. After th mnnt Rimini Honi-iiw. ih o sultatlon of physicians failed to- relieve him, he iiscu tue vjuwuura nemeaiee; ana was cured, and Mr.' John ThlAl WlUrashai-rn IVi nrih. . . t.-. - - - -. v. . u., nuij. X Ua,f3 suffered from Salt Rheum for over eight years, at Luuca hu uau uiai i couia uoi anena to my busi ness for weeks at a time. Three boxes of Cuticura and four bottles Resolvent, have entirely cured me l wis uiTCiuiut uufe&se, . .. . i - - ? rt finlll hV nil ifrnovlafa - "iwrmmi KnAn.n.' -n-n 80LVBNT,- $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. -. , isena ior -now to cure skin Diseases. - O.TTT'TCURA SOAP. An exquisite Toilet, v tJ -L A Bath, and Nursery Sanative. FOUND ! FOR LADIES OVLY. A EEM ED Y endorsed by the best PhyslcLuis and iiuggioLa at lbs noine. : A REMEDY that Mr. a W. O'Neill. Goodwater, jua , sajs raisea nis wire irom an invalid's bed; and he believes saved her life. : ; A REMEDY of which a prominent' Atlanta mer- , vuu,v UU7 " I OUU1U UBYB glVUH SOUU HS SOOn SS I mail.l o nlAb-f.1 fn. .r-V.... .. ... . .. lclne did for my danghter.'' . . ' A REMEDY In regard to which 8. J Cassefls, M. 1 k riwiW1af T K nmn ntln . - wcuv, i uuijinaviiw, uo., says: i can re-' toe usual remedies had faUed. , A REMEDY about which Dr. . B. Terren, La- . , t i .vi ivm ,-rj. wr uiu -- nova , 1 f.i m , r. i . . twenty years the medicine you are puttingup.and wxoi-rc, i. tui? uceii wmuiuaiiuii ever gotten to gether for the disease for which It Is recom mended. - . ...,; . .. , . ....... A REMEDY about which Dr. Joel Branhara, At- - mum. buu: "i uuve examined tna recipe, and nave no hesitation in advishig its use, and con fidently recommend it.'- ... , Aniuifiui wuicnine ev. a. b. Johnson, near juarieim, ua., says ne nas used in his family with the "utmost satisfaction." and recommended it ; to three families, "who found It to be lust what A REMEDY of which Pemberton. Iverson ft Ttennl son say: "We have been selling it for many years. wilu cuusuiuuy increasing sales. Tne article is a.sutpie witn us, ana one oi absolute merit" A REMEDY of which Lamar. Rankin ft Tjimar av ; "We sold 50 gross In four months, and never sold ii in any piace uui wnai it was wanted again." A BEIlEDY by Which Dr. Baueh. of LaRranw, Ra says: "I eured one of the most obstinate eases of Vicarious Menstruation that ever came within my anowieape witn a lew Dottles." . A. REMEDY of which Dr. J.C. Huss. Notasulga, Ala., says: 'fl am fully convinced that It Is un rivaled for that class of diseases which It claims - locure. A REMEDY about which MaJ. John C. Whitner, of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United States as a general insurance agent, savs: "I used this remedy before the war, on a large plantation on a great number of cases always . mm ausuiuie Biwuesa. - , .. , A REMEDY about which Mr. J. W. Stranea of Cat. tersvUle, Ga., certifies that one bottle cured two memoers oi nis iamuy of menstrual Irregularity ui uiiuijr years suuiumg. - '. THIS GREAT BEXEDY IS ; BR1DF1ELDS FEMALE REGULATOR. Treatise on the, Health and Happiness of Woman UlCUiCU 11 TEK BRADfTKLD RSGUI.ATOR CO., - ' ; - . : Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. $1,000,00 TT7ILL be paid to any one who will find a particle ii ui jnereury, r-uuisn, loauie, Arsenic, or any poisonous suomance m Swift's Specific S '1 have cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's Specific after I bad most signally failed with the mercury ana roiasn treatment." , . , .... . F. A. TOOMER, M. D., Perry, Ga "Swift's Specific has cured me of scrofula of 12 years standing. Had sores as large as my hand, and every one thought I was doomed. Swift's Spe- ciuc eurea me aner pnysicians ana au otner medi cine bad failed." R. L. HIGH, Lonoke, Ark. dfc 1 A AAA woul-1 not purchase from me what 3plv,VMl Swift's Specific has done for mo. It cured me of rheumatism caused by malaria." ARCHIE THOMAS Springfield, Tenn. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. The Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 8. Atlanta. Ga. New York Office. 159 W. 23ri St.. between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Philadelphia office, 1'4jo inesinm street - B -i i: . BUY YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS B'aok Boob, Miscellaneous Books, Or whenever you need STAT I ONER Y O any kind, remember us and gkiolr;prige Before you purchase. i u- You Will Save by it. TIDDY & BRO ?j .--;;.'' .' - r . . . .-"r ';--:---"" " r - " TRYON ST., CHARLOTTE, N, C. FRED C. UUNZLEE, : ' -WHOLESALB " I ' LAGER IXEER ; DEALER AND BOTTLER, , " ' " J V ' t. Charlotte, N j C. Eepresenta two of the largest LA.GEB BEES Breweries in the United Swte The Reranaer A Emgel Sre-vtiitg Co.r of. Philadelphia, aQd the r . P. A 91. SchafTer Brewins Co. or r - If ew York. . . j ...... : ,v THE LARGEST - LAGER BEER B0T ; V- ,. TLING; ESTABLISHMENT - ' IN THE niTY. ' ; ' : '-C.Oraers solicited. All orders roiptly filled; and delivered f red of ' 'rjiart tf lis el'-j.1: - ' - ' - mm. otiles -IN- MILLINER!, w. E have now ready our usual large and exten tive stock of ; FilLAl.WINHR. MILLINERY, 0, And can assure the ladles that we have now In store the largest and most complete stock to be found In the State. All the Novelties, as well as an desira ble shapes, colors, qualities and prices of Hats 3nd Bonnets .. . por Ladles, Misses and Children ; ; ' WE KNOW there is no Millinery Store In the Southern country where a lady can find a greater variety of stylos and qualities to selent from than our house. ".,'. ' ' . WE KNOW there Is no house In the South where a lady can buy a Hat or Bonnet cheaper for cash than In our house. ' ' ' r WE KNOW there Is no house In the South where a lady can .have a hat more tastefully and artisti cally trimmed than in our house. . ' .' WE KNOW there Is not in the South a house managed by more experienced artists In the busi ness (having made the business a lifetime study) than our house. - -, Wv KNOW, that we stand ahead of any retail Millinery Store In the Southern country.' -: We will cheerfully give all the advantages of oar Long ExpiiTce f Superior Knowledge generally of the business to our patrons. Full Lines of -: Hosiery, Gloves, Zephyrs and Wool Yarns, Infants' and Children's Cloaks, . Hoods, Sacks and Wraps, Corsets, Laces, Neckwear, Jewelry, Notions and Novelties generally, Style, fit and workmanship equal to any dress making establishment In any Northern cltyfo half the price. . CAi.ivAiri sei: MRS. P. QUEKY- oct7dtt . . - . O. K. BREAD, " - - . i- ' New England Bread -- -,; . . . ''' good hread; Delicious 8rcsdt . , . Rye Bread, NO CORN bread . ' .- f I-. AT THE ' ' O. K BAKER Y. . ' FRESH TO DAY. MAYER & ROSS. THE FINEST DISPLAY Of Solid GoM and Silver Gents' and Ladles' "Watches, Ladles Lace Pins, and other JEWELRY, - ... . - In Charlotte, at A. HALES' iNew Jewlry Store, next to A. R. Nisbet A Bro, r To Arrive a Tine Line of . v - Solid and Plated Silverware. Difficult Watcb and Jewelry Repairing a Spe cialty. -v. - Life for the Liver and " Kidney. -'- POSITIVELY CURES "-' - Ihwa, Liyer anl Kifce? ; Complaints. - I have used your. "life for the Liver and Kidneys" with great benefit, and or dyspepsia, or any acrangement of the liver or kidneys, I regard it as being wiinoui an equal. , - - - - - - Jas. J. OsBORNX, Att'v at Law, ' y'oilston, Hendereon county, N. C. . Far superior to any liver pad. . , ; - AiuQH xhomas, Ulendale, S. C. Your medicines are valuable ' and splendid remedies.' 1 have sold upwards of five gross, and can recommend them. I would not be without them.; - J. S. M. Davidson, Druggiei, - . - , , :, . Charlotte, N. C .' - "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" or "Chill Cure" works like a charm and sells very fast. A. H. Perkins, : Wax Haw Lancaster county, S. C. ' In large 50o. and $1.00 bottles. Trial size 25c. rSold by druggists and deal ers generally. . Prepared by i r . .UFE MEDIAE CO., - . " Spartanburg:, . C4 ; - October 3, dtf. . " :-: i :::f real raid!! V3VLTZ:.3ZjtL CHARLOTTE oap IFactory, College Street, Oaither's Block. A IN THE SOUTH. T THE CHARLOTTE PUBLIC Why go Norih for your Soap? If parties havlns soao erease on hand win-not! fv me through the mail or otherwise my wagon will call during this week and exchange soap for grease giving one pound of good soft soap for a pound of clean grease or rancid butter. For ordinary grease, meat skins, etc., we will give one pound of soap for two pounds of such grease. ; Why not encouraee home enterprise and add your mite to the encouragement of home Industry? I take pleasure In announcing that 1 am engaged In the manufacture of Soaps of all kinds, which I am now offering to the retail trade for a short time In order to introduce It in this market, at very low rates. I have Laundry and Toilets Of my own manufacture, which I am offering at prices to suit the times. I also manufacture a Vegetable Oil Soap Compo sition, which gives the consumer Soap at two cents per pound, not excelled In quality by any Soap In this country for the Laundry, House-cleaning. Scrubbing, etc.. and superior to any for wash ing Bed Quilts. Blankets, Flannels and all woolen gooas. most truly .. C. TT. ALEXANDER. - augl6dtf Ice Cream Freezers, Etc., BELOW COST To Close Out . - - White Mountain Freezers TRIPLE MOTION, Two Quarts, $L50, worth $2.50. Three Quarts $2.00, worth $a50. Four Quarts $2.50, worth $4.0 Eight Quarts $4.00, worth $7.50. . Ten Quarts $5 00, worth $10.00. Fly Fans, $2.50; Latest Improved $3 00. Hammocks $L75, worth $3 50. Ice Chests $3.00, worth $5.00. Refrigerators $7.50a$10.00, worth $10.003 $13.50. One Double door Refrigerator $17,50 worth $25.00. At the China Store of LTJDOLF & HARTSFIELD. To the People of Huntersville. Inasmuch as I find the guano company v. ill not take cotton for guano, and owing, to the extreme low price I will have to withdraw my proposition to pay 10 cents for cotton, as I would not only lose my commission, but more besides. I therefore offer 25 cents over the Charlotte market for guano cot ton, and 15 cents over the Charlotte market for cotton on account up to November 1st, 1884. Respectfully, sep28d&w2w ' B, H. W. BARKER. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND . Will be Inaugurated March 4,1885. THE WORLD, The Only Democratic Paper in New York! Every Democrat Should Read it! Daily, $6, Semi- Weekly, $2 Sunday, fl 50;- Weekly, One Dollar -.r-tr Per Year. ' "H310SEVCA RE MADE By any Mart or Woman! Girl or Boy who will Or , . - ! ganize Clubs for .; - Ths Wfcklj - EiSi.ion. The Great Farm and Home Newspaper, Complete . . In all its Departments. , AGENTS PAEOV I CASH, . For 100 Subscribers at $1 each $25 will be paid; for 50 Subscribers, $12; for 25 Subscribers, $6; ' for 15 Subscribers, $3; for 10 Sub--. . scrlbers, $2; lor 5 Subscrib-- .. ers $1. Agents Wanted In Every Town and Tillage, Circu lars and Sample Copies free. Send for them. ONLY 15 CENTS : From Now to December. TRY IT. : TRY IT. TRY IT. Twenty Per Cent may be retained for Orders of 10 or more copies to one address. - - THE WORLD, 31 Park Row, New York. sep26 By Their Fruits Shall Ye KnwThem. .r v. . r , v.-.- . v ... . There is a great'; deal of money due us from our cus tomers from ; last and this year. "We are in need of money, and as . you do now so "will we do you in future, so if you wish a good ct edit with Us now is the ' time for you to show yourself deserving of it. We call on all our customers to please let us have the first money they get, and 'by your acts we shall know ye." " Very respectfully, . '. . WIT1K0WSKY & BARUCfl . sept24dlwaw4t " . ' , BURNH AM'S - : - ' :. ?' . - IHPBOVED : STAITDAED TUSBINE1 Is the best constructed and fin ished,' gives better percentage, IF EKPRISE i " I i more power, anu is w I cptvtwt We will sell a goon V 2 1 ;- money, per horse power, than any I TKWriTri Good as new gSft f- other Turbine in the world. NewAXPlow pLT" f'wfflW Sh WwiCI f- t rif ft El'HNIlAiiYkC-u.wfim, tXot WUJDBlviujp LUBRICATING WIS CHESS-CARLEY CO., CHARLOTTE, N. c, decTeodly A GOOD HERRING SAFEg FOR SALE CHEAP. 'PPliat T - - THIS OKKm. Tlie Science of Liie f $1 y iwau Post-paid. KNOW THYsnr and old. It contains p'rfnS fm and chronic diseases, iac To o? Wa So found by the authS 23 years is such as proDably neverXfn?1 f 5 ll1. Physician. 800 S W U iui j? rencn muslin, embossed I. oeautt anteed to be a finer bnVVS!!?' m KUt, gui cal, Uterary andTroffional-thMimS sold in thli ooun&forliM n ? tL8"1 olhw wk refunded in every lnstonce' Pnf mo,nf "Sto g-JM-W Associarfol, X"3y!ftfc The Science of Life should be nni h. n. ' tor instruction, and by the sfflS wUl benefit alL-London Lancet. forre"fn t) guardian Instructor oTclett eases that have baffled the TTtS t aU other physicians a sSe HEAT Such treated sucnViSoT,?1?; without an Instance of 1 M Y Sh T P tauura Mention tins pari. 1 Utatfie LIVER and KIDNEY8. miu hkstoujs the wf.at.ttt ana viuus or YOUTH. Dn- pepsin, want or Appetite, lu , digestion. Lack of Strenrti. and Tired Feeling absolutely curea. nones, muscles ma nerves receive new force, k Enlivens the mind and m m rm m mm r-i supplies Brain rower. n mm onnenngirom complaints mm mS I mm W peculiar to their sex will Bad in DB HABXEEff IKON TONIO a tafe and Epeeay cure. Gives a clear, neaitny complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. Do not expert Blent pet the Original and Best: (Send your address to The Dr. HartarHed.Co. St. Louis, Mofor our "DREAM BOOK."! Full of stranga and useful information, f ru. juneldiwly 1ND k MW1 i I N. C. DIVISION. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Sept. 7th, 1881. No. 51, No, 63, - Dally. Daily. Leave Charlotte, 4.20 am 7.00 pm ". . Salisbury, ' 610 am 8.26 p m " High Point, 7.25 am 9.30 p m Arrive Greensboro, 8.00 am 3.58 p in Leave Greensboro, 9.36 a m Arrive Hillsboro, 11.39 am " Durham, 12.17 p m " Raleigh, 130 p m Leave Raleigh, 3.10 p m Arrive Goldsboro, 5.25 p m No. 15 Daily except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 3.80 p m Arrive at Raleigh 11.30 pra Arrive at Goldsboro 11.00 a ui No. 51 Connects at Greensboro with H 4 D 1! it for all points North, East and West of banrille. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western N. C. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R B. daily. Nos. 61 and 53 connect at Greensbowmtb B.SD.B.E. and for all points on Salem BraiicS. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Sept. 7th, 1881. No 50, DdUs. No. 64 Leave Goldsboro, Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrive Durham, " Hillsboro, " Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point, " Salisbury, " Charlotte, 12.00 a m 220 p ml 4.45 u ml 6.02 p mi 6.43 p ml Q 110 n nil - 10.05 p in! 9.36 a 10.40 D nillU.U0 11.55 p mill.lt) a a 1.35 a mliisi 1) No; 16-Daily except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro 6.00 pm Arrive Raleigh 9 50pm Leave Raleigh 1.00 a nr Arrive Greensboro 9.00 am ' No. 50-3onnect8 at Salisbury for all points on W N C R R, and at Charlotte with A fcC Air -Line w all points in the South and Southwest. . No. 52-Connects at Charlotte with C, C4B for all points South and Southeast, and with A a t Air-Line for all points South. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. : ' No. 50. GOING SOUTH. Dally, 10. &- ex. Sun. vsi'-l- Leave Greensboro, j5Pm JjjJ a I Arrive KernersvUle, ll.g g RS Arrive Salem, 12.57 ajn Uf ' No- 6L v- -a GOING NORTH. Leave Salem" " 6Wpm 6.03aj Arrive KernersvUle, 5 .50 p m 6. J Arrive Greensboro, 7.00 P m T2 STATE UNIVERSITY B. & " NoT - GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill, J0. a m MOf Arrive University, n a m Z " No 4. GOING SOUTH.. Ive University, 7 31 p ni 1251 p Arrive Chapel Hill, BUFFET SLEEPING CARS "auVnrkaDdH" OntraIns5oand51. rtn NewYort lanta, and between Goldsboro and warm Through Pullman Sleepers on dHrf between Washington and Augusta, and MoTtehmond, and Wellington -re-Through tickets on a'wuTfor8 eighTGoldsboro, Salisbury and CharigtV points South, SouUiwest, West, w For emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas, a. DItR9llWe8t,,lddreS8 M.SUUGHTt& iSew Barea Palladiara. .. ; '.. DAILY AND WEEKLY.) ' ' .. . . lis Establlsbed, v " - or -The best advert medim ate , every man in North Carolina whodas a . or tract of timber land or water power w g letters of oar staff ?hn' Cut S.E P.Aircjj i35 lttngta North Carolina send to the fAU- - mffblMllWimi , m.'.Tr- "iJUUl mn PRINTERS. We will sell a good u ..T.n I

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