DAILY. C H ARLOTTK O BSEBVKR: 8 UN D A Y , CTO BER 26, t 8 84. .1 - Absolutely Pure. Phi. nmsder neer varies, ltnnnlof dot! J trength and wholesomeness. More economies an the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In omnetiUon with the multitude of low test, snort V!Gl Rlu!n vr ;nvayuahv uitucipi ouiuvlm u i ns. Wholesale by ' springs a bur velj irarl Charlotfe, r c. Protection. -, , No such ptotectfve fiTilnst chills and fever and other disease or a maianat type exists as llostet ter's Komach Bitters. It relieves constiDatlon. liver disorders, rhf uir.atlsm. kidney and bladder ailments wiih certainty end iromptltude. A c&angp, as gratifying as It is complete, foon takes pla In the apneaniiice. as well as the sensation .of the win and haggnrrt Invalid who uses this 8tsnMrd promoter ot health and strength. . For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. OFFERS TO THE Wholesale i Retail Trade FIVE TONS TWGNTV B4RHELS M LINSEED OIL, X 'ThB OlOCiV Ol V .1 Cot-re, VarnisheF, Eic. ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. READ THIS.- Messrs. Bhowx, Weddikgtox A Co.: Gentlmen-I have been using a 2 Inch "Old Hickory" Thimble Skein Wagon, and am very naucn nimiiui Bth i uua hunlfil tn hides of cotton on it from HunterevlUe to Charlotte and did Dt j hurt the wagoaiajmesis-ate.t . "ovrs. ffliiti) Lead, - 1 --M 1 Arrival and Departure of Trains. Correct lor the current mon'h. if . Richmond and Danville Ara-LiNK. " ' i No. 50- Arrives at Charlotte rrom Richmond at i6d. m. Leaves for Atlanta- at 1:45 a. m. m 5lTArlU,es t Charlotte from Atlanta at 5.20 tt-- Leaves for Kleliiuond at 5:30 a. m. - io ves at Charlotte from Richmond at la c-Pm Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. , - no. w Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:10 p. in. Leaves for Richmond at 630 p. m, i iHlfft1? and JPassenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 530 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 830 CHARLOTTE, CuIXMBIA AND AUGUSTA. Arrives from Columbia at 640 p. m. i; i Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. in. - ;i . C, G 4 A. A., T, & O. Division;; -Arrives from Statesvllle at 10:45 a. m. i ' ' Leaves for StatesvlUe at 635 p. m. s C. C Shzlbx Division. - J Leaves for Shelby at 633 p. m. ' Arrives from Shelby at 126 p. in. s . . Mails. t General Delivery opens at 8:00 a. in.; closes at DSJU p. m. .. '. clonal 4flCfm?eP3rtmeRt 0pens at 9- m ' TUECUUKCUES TO-OJlY. Young Men's Cebistxan Association Devotional Lutheran Chubch Rev. T. S. Brown; Dastor services at 11 a. m. and 7;tf) p. m. Sunday school at ; Associate Reformed Chubch Rev. W. T. Wal ler, pastor, bunday school at 10 a. m. S, Regular service at 11 a. in. and 8 n. m - prawpimutin-. iu luty oy itey. men i-ressiey. . Baptist CimRr.H. Tb Rmi t, r -m Gregory, pastor. Services In main audience room at 11a.m. and 730p.m. Sunday school at 930 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenings at 730 p. m. . FmsTPRESBYTEKiAN Dr. A. W. Miller, nastor. bervlees at U a. in. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday school at ovzp. iu. r-iajer meenuK weanesttay evejunicat? OUIOCK. , . : .. . Second Presbyterian Rsv. Neander W Wiwia pastor. Sservlces in the morning at 11 a. m. and -ay p. in. Dimouy scnooi in ine atternoon at 4 o'clock. . -, St. Petek's Episcopal Rev. J. B. ChsHhim' rector. Services at 11 a. m. and 4 n. Klinin school at 6 p. m. f ... , Trton Street Methodist Rev. J. t. tliotcpii pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and i-Mn m ; Snmh. school at 8JA p. m. Prayer meeting "Wednesday evening at 730 o'clock. - . St. Peter's Cathouo Rev. Mark S. Gross, pas tor. Mass at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 jl m V'esners and benediction u.t-Stn at 7 a. m. . -.- , - - Calvary Mission Rt. j. r WnrW? nnstir Services at 11a. m. and, 7 30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. in. - ., COLORED PKESBTTERIAN Ttv" Mr Wvnhrtl nnatnr ServleesTit 3 and 8 p. m. Sundav school at 11 a. m.' St. Michael's (E.) Mission Church, corner Hill and Mint streets Rev. P. P. Alston, pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7.30 o'elock- p. m. Sunday school at 3 o'clock . p. m. Seats free. ; First Baptist Chpkch. (Colored) Rev. A. A, Powell, pjistor. - Services at 11 a. m. and 3 p.m. Index to New Aarertstiae jr. Harsraves A Alexander Special attractions. Alexander & Harris Cloaks and circular-. wittkowsky & Baruch Fashion fair, Hunter Stokes Quaker City Pig Hams, 4c. Wittowky A Banich Clothing. Ac . . . Ludolt A Hartsfleld China ware. Ac. Thomas Reese A Cocoalliie. Ac P. B. Fetzer Jersey Bulls for sal. . Mrs. J. B. Harrington Stamping, Ac. Chas. R. Jones Regulations lor the fair.'- . iDdicationB. South Atlantic generally fair weather, variable winda, slight rise in temperature. LOCAL, Bli'l'liES. : Judge A. A. McKoy arrived at the Cantral last nieht from Lincoln ton. - "-- -r.. , "Well, well; old -York, the blue hen's chicken, has abandoned the campaign. Out at the fair grounds yester day, Mr. John Osborne, a carpenter, tea irom tne root or a building and was badly hurt -There will be a Democratic rally at Long Creek Mill tomorrow night; The speakers will be furnished by executive committee of this. city. r Re v? Neil Pressly, missionary to Mexico, will preach this morning in the Associate Reformed church, cor ner of Fifth and College streets; Cotton got down below 9 cents yesterday and some farmers who had broueht their cotton in, refused to sell, but stored their bales for a rise. Fifteen bales of cotton at Mt. Holly depot on the Carolina Central road, were burned last Friday. They were accidentally nrea by a man smoking a pipe. - . -Mr. and Mrs. Paul MeKane have certainly passed under the rod of affliction. About a week ago they lost their little son Willie, and yesterday their younger son diecU The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this; after noon from St. Peter's Catholic church. -Mr. John W. Orr. a fireman : on the Air Line Road, who has been bat tling with typhoid fever for f seven weeks past, is at i last convalescent, bis friends will be glad to learn. His mother is now lying very sick with the same disease at her home, ia few miles from the city., -The Presbyterian synod, in ses sion at Greenville, S. C, is indulging in exciting discussions on Dr. Wood- row's evolution theory. ' Rev. i J. B. Mack, formerly of Kocty ? Kiver church. Cabarrus county, : made a strong speech in opposition to the evolution theory. The discussions are warm, but definite action has not yet been taken by the synod. An enthusiastic Democratic meet ing was held at Dixon's gin house, in Crab Orchard yesterday. Mr. L. A. Pntts and Mr. J. W. CoDD opened oy announcing tnemseives . ior tsnerm and register of . deeds - respectively, and tney were ; rouoweu oy huu nu . w - r w a 1 - a. ' 1 sneeches from Uapt it v vy anng, NiaiPF Duffy. Capt S B Alexander J? r T Tk UrnlV. A Ta-nrm num. ber of people were present, and all were enthusiastic for the Democratic ticket. 'I Opera House Last Night. Since the presentation E the ''Lit tle Sunflower" at the opera hiise last night, Miss Katie Putnam i3 perhaps more of a favorite ;n Charlotte than pver. The pretty little -actress was greeted by si large and certainly an annreciative audience. There were. several cnaracters m ner support mihu r 1 . , . : , l it. i. were unusually good, one of. which was Mrs. Mary Putnam asi VAunt Chloe." and another. Mr. Frank Bos- worth as "Maj. Brown, s an F. F. V., Sah." Miss Putnam was above criti- ninm m the ''Little Bunnawer." and. as usual, fairly charmed her ;audi- ence. There is but one Katie Putnam, and she will always be warmly wel comed in Charlotte. . 4 Senator Vance's Appointn3nts Senator Vance has an appointment fnrfiverv day.': except bundays, be tween now and the day of election. TTfl will be at Weatherman's on Nov ember 3rd. and will arrive at Char- lntt.fi the next dav in time to ' cast his vote. The following is tne list or ms appointments: ' uauas, Monaay, -Mooresboro, Oct. 28. . i , , Rutherfordton, Oct. 2 Marion, Oct. 80. - Newton, Oct. ai." Greensboro, Nov. X. , WeAtherman's Nov. 3. Speaking will begin promptly at 12 o ciocK, at eacn piace.. , 1 "It Will Cure A sthma,.'.' i't iai mfTenvi with iLsthma for over forty years. rH huri a twrrihix uttacit in December and Janu ary, 1B62. One day I ' took four doses Of Parker Tonic. The effect : astonished me.- -1 slept per factivtbst nleht. and am nw whelly we'.L P!"-er !v Jr ireal asi." .E-.tr.?,' .s, THE CAE0LLNA FAIR. ENTRIES POUItlSGIN ANDUKUK CROWDS COMING. Some of the Exhibits Already in Place on the Wroands- -What the Cbarloiie Exhibitors will Do The lepart inenl, Sapei vtsorv, Marshall, Etc. This is fair week, and Tuesday morning will witness the opening day of theCarolina Fair Exhibit. The success of the fair has already been insured, and we can now promise our readers that the best fair yet known in Charlotte will be. held this week. Under the skillful supervision of Mr. .E. W. Hovey, the manager of the fair grounds, the association has been lurnished with the neatest, cleanest and best arranged grounds in the State. The grand-stand, floral hall. machinery hall and all the buildings ave been painted and brightened up. and tne race course nas been convert ed into onaf the best in the South. An OBSiattfTsjR reporter yesterday yis ited the grounds and found that a considerable portion of machinery and norai nans was already -mied with exhibits. Every particle of space in the two buildings has been Becured and the exhibits, on the whole, will not Only be full, but very creditable to oar community. jx large numoer ot citizens ot tne county yesterday made entries of butter and dairy products, fane fowls. catrQe, sheep, hogs and horses and farm and garden products, all of their entries to be delivered at the grounds tomorrow. Our - farmer friends will be splendidly represented in the list of exhibits. Our citizens and business men have also made a good list of entries. Wittkowsky & Baruch will have on exhibition a dis play of dry goods to the real value of $5,000. Berwanger & Brother will exhibit clothing; Ludolph & Harts field, china and fancy ware ; Har graves & Alexander, dry ; goods; Eddins & Brother, books and Btation ery; JUrs. J. a Harrington, ladies' lancy work: T. L Seigle. dry goods: J. G. Shannonhouse. buggies, etc: Wriston Co.. drugs and Jancv articles; John Farrior, "jewelry: E. M. Andrews, furniture; W. A. Trus low, jewelry. K. Mooret, sewing ma chines; John T. Butler, jewelry ; B .Nichols, furniture; Brem& McDowell tancy hardware and guns; A. A. Gaston, stoves;" Charlotte Music. House, patios and organs ; John L. Baker, rustic work; C. C. Snider, fruits and confectionery ; A. C. Hutchison ; & Co., buggies, etc. ; J. G. 6hannonhouse, agricultural machinery; Wm. 1 Smithdeal, clover huller. engine ana machinery m mo tion; Brown & jWeddingto.n agricuK tural implements and hardware ; Pied mont Wagon Co., fine wagons ; Lids dell & Co., saw mills, engines, etc. ; J. H. VanNess, . art - gallery .; H. iiaumgarten, art gallery : Shepherd 'Mallory, specimen pictures; Gray & Bro., boots and shoes; A. E. Rankin, boots and shoes. This, - it must be remembered, is simply the list of entries from Charlotte up to yester: day. . There will be a large number ot others. The secretary of the fair will be in his office on the grounds after 9 o'clock tomorrow, : ready to receive all entries The supervisors of the different departments will also be in their places to receive and assign the entries. All having articles for exhi bition will therefore take them direct- to the grounds tomorrow. DEPARTMENT I. LIVE STOCK. DR. .JPATJL BARRINGER, STJP'T. Horses Thoroughbred, Finebred, carriage, coach and light draught, draught, harness and saddle. Cattle Short Morns, uevons, idoi- stems, Ayrshires, Jerseys, Guern seys, Herefords and other recognized breeds, and fat cattle. . ; : Sheep Merinos, Middle Wool, Long Wool, Fat Sheep. Swine Chesters, BerKsmres, lo land Chinas, Jersey ' Reds; York shires, Essex, Suffolk, Cheshires. - Poultry Gallinaceous, Aquatic, pigeons. and cage and ornamental birds. Industrial insects Bees and silk worms. - Fish Food fishes. - ; DEPARTMENT ; IT. FARM AND GARDEN PRODUCTS AND THEIR MANUFACTURE H. C ECCLES, STJP'T. 7 - Meats and dairy products Meats and cured fish, dairy products. Fibrous products and their manu facturesAnimal fibre, vegetable fibre, woven and telted fabrics, aps parel. ssins, norns and ieatners iSKins ; cured, tanned and dressed, manus factures of leather, horn and leath ers, '-v..- Oils, fat and soaps Fats and fixed oils, soaps and perfumery. Grain; seeds and flour Grain and seeds, farinaceous products. Sugars and narcotic and acid pro ductsSugars and confections, to bacco, hops and fermented liquors.v Vegetables and grasses Tubers, bulbs and roots, : grasses and green vegetables. ; - Fruits and r nuts lirapes, scone fruits and pomaceous fruits, berries, nuts and tropical . fruits., preserves and lellies. : " . - ;"v Ornamental plants and nowora Growing ornamental plants, cut flowers and designs. . DEPARTMENT III. TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS ASD MACHINERY S. H. HILTON, SUP'T. Clearing land and working wood- rilft.irina- land, wood working. Removing stone and wording, ciay Ouarrvinir. brick and tue makmg. Motors and means ot iranuiiui uug nower Engines, power : distributors. Jfutnps and piowers-rwubiug auu . " . t-:: 3 fnrciaer water, compressing air. " Making and repairing tools Forg ing and grinding, boring; and finish- inr - " - ' ' .- : e. . - . . . - m i L J Tilling and planting mrmng ana working sou, planting ana sowing. - aatherincf crops Mowing . auu rpflnine-. Hftinz and storing. : - Prenariner products for market and consumption Dairy fittings and ap pliances, sugar masing, nour auu feed - making, fibre manufacturing, extracting oils and makmg soap, pre- nannc nroducts otner tnan aooye. - 'rransponawonTirejKuu auu uubi- ness vehicles, pleasure carriages. DEPARTMENT IV HOME AND 8001411 ' - IMPROVEMENT. -; . Buildings, enclosures and roads Building fencing, roads, walks and enclosures. . ; Furniture Furniture of wood, fur niture, other.than of. wood. - Tableware and nousenoid macnines ' . .i ... Plate and cutlery, ctuna and glass- . i . 1. ! ware, nousenoid macnines. " Heating cooking, Ventilating- and liVhtiiVfir Warrnina apparatus cuh- nary appliances, ventilation aruaciai iUnmination. Water supply and drainage-Sup- Tlvin - water to buildings and erounds. draining.- . Jjertuizers ana cnemicats muu ... V i i a i.:a oial fertilizers, chemicals. Education and natured, science-" Educational : means and 'incentives, frtntriiTrtpht. 'of wrecision. - A Fine arts Carved and moulded, on paper and cartTts! Uu'rls Rui rati' oor rperti Instru- ments of music, implements for out door sports. Unclassified Objects belonging to none of the preceding classes. APPENDIX. Reports and essays Reports on ex hibition $nd experiments, essays. Field , crops Cereals, other than cereals.' , . Marshals l.r the Fair. The list of marshala. appointed for the Fair next week, are as tollows : v. P. Hutchison, chief: assistants, John Henderson and John W. Wadsworth, of Concord; E. E. Harris, of Poplar Tent; John Caldwell, of Stonewall; N. S. Ogborn . of Monroe ; Jno X ounts, of PineviUe: A. C. Springs, of Fort Mill; Chas. Carson, L. C. Johnston, J. D. Pharr, W. Wr Phifer, of Char lotte; B. S. McAden, of LowelL The assistants are requested to report to the chief at the Central Hotel at 3 a. m., on the 28th instant. - without f ur- ther notice. . Fire on the Cotton Platform. Yesterday afternoon Ike McDowell, a colored drayman, unloaded a bale of cotton at the platform, and scarce ly had the bale been landed before it was seen to be on fire. The bale was pickedjup and hurried from the plat form before the lire had a chance to communicate to the other bales - on the plattorm. xne alarm ot fare was ;iven wnich brougnt out the entire re department, but tne danger was over before the first tap of the bell was heard. ' How the bale became ignited no one seems to know. Cot ton fares are always mysterious m their origin. , . A Serious Runaway. xesteruay as Mr. James itoss was drivingjthrough Independence square, his buggy was run into by a wagon. the tongue of which collided with the buggy wheels and overturned the buggy. r Mr. Ross was thrown vio lently to the ground, and his frightened horse dashed wildly off. dragging the overturned, buggy along, upposite Butler s jewelry store, the horse became freed from the buggy and took the streets and sidewalks alternately in his course to wadsworth 8 stables. The buggy, an elegant little vehiile, was brokenj all to pieces. Mr. Ross was badly bruised and skinned up and was taken into wriston snrug store, where his in juries were dressed. Three handed oeoole are becoming ouite numer ous, tney nave a a ngnt nana, a leu nana, ana art always behind hand in taking Dr. Bull's Cough syrup wnen tney eaten a com. Operatic Aotes. After a loug absence from the South. the "Banker's Daughter" company is again on the rounds, and 'will appear in gur opera house n November 1st. The story of the Banker's Daughter is laminar to play-goers and readers. The sacrifice of a daughter to save her father; her marriage with a man she does not love, but who is Ihe soul of honor and pure devotion ; his dis covery of his wife's indifference to turn, alter baying lived with her for a period of years, offering daily his devotion at a shrine which with tha blindness of love he could not see was veiled to him; their separation, and in the end the husband's recall by the wife, who during his absence has learned to know how well she loved him. -:',,.! ' Ford's Opera Company, composed of i excellent talent, will hold the boards in Charlotte three nights this week, and visitors to the fair, will have the opportunity of witnessing three fine theatrical performances. The latest freak In the way of masauerades Is a costume that Is Intended to represent an oyster. wnat next? wny. tne future masaueraaers wui have a bottle of Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup moving among tnem. - Knocked Down and Trampled. - As the alarm of fire was sounded yesterday afternoon, Asa Parker,"an 8 year old son of Mr. W. A. Parker, was standing on the ' pavement in front of Dr J H McAden's drug store. Seeing the people running, the lad endeavored to get out of the way. but before he could do so, a colored man rushing along ran square over the child and : knocked him down. Three other colored men following close behind, trampled on the body of tne boy in their mad haste betore Mr. Robert Gray could jerk the little fel low from under their heels. The boy was taken . into Dr. McAden's drug store and examination snowed that he was bruised all over, his ankle was sprained and his nose probably bro ken. On arriving ! home, the little fellow fell unconscious to the floor. indicating that his injuries were more serious than at first supposed, aDd requiring the attention ot physicians. The accident was doubtless due to carelessness, but it demonstrates more clearly a fact tnat has long been apparent, viz: that faremen and all others should be prohibited from run ning on the pavements. We believe there is an ordinance against it, and the police should see that it is en foreed, so that a repetition of such an artair will be prevented. DIED. In this cltv yesterday, at 5 d m. Harvey Aueustine McKane. son of Paul and Mary McKane, aged 3 years and 3 months. The funeral will take place this evening at 4 o'clock from St Peter's Catholic cuurcn. . . , Malaria's Mighty Host. What a host of unpleasant symptoms! Indiges tion; lame back; aching joints; sleeplessness, ver- titro: weariness: no appetite; cold feet: pains in breast; nigm sweats; emus ana iever. juaiana brines all these. . Brown's Iron Bitters drives them all out. Mrs. F. A. Glenn, WaUacevllle, 9. C, says: "I had a serious attack of malaria, and Brown's iron Bitters restored me to good healta." Ik J; B. Harrington Has Just received from her agent in New York over 200 ol the latest novelties for Stamping Sofa Pillows, Scarfs, Tidies, Pallets, Pannels and Ban ners. Orders promptly attended to. tapLadles call and examine her stock. ' Satin, Velvet, aid all Material, . And a full Une of NOVELTIES at : oct2Gdlw, ' MRS. J. B. HARRINGTON'S. Parties from the country can obtain board and looing at $lm per day at J. u. Harrington s. Meals 35c. each, at Harrington's. 0ct26dlw J Oysters 35c quart, at Harrington's. oct26dlw . FOR SALE. lhttT Acres of hlshlv lmnroved Land, one-half mile from Charlotte. Good neighborhood. Title good.' for further particulars apply to Or W. W. FLEMMING j Attorneys oct23d2t Charlotte. N, 6. - WANTED." A competent Druggist. One who knows book keeping. Adddress '. oct24d2t : Box 164, Charlotte, N. C. ..... UAtJIUiSI. S'i for Ladles' and Children's Shoes. The best la Hie . 'market. " lc. PEK XSOTTLC, . 1 At L. R. ! THOMAS EEESE & CO., DRUGGISTS, Charlotte, N C. Cocoallne A Skin CosmeUe of surpassing ele gance. Prepared by - Hair Tonic Made with Pure Glycerine and Qui nine, will remove dandruff and prevent the hair from tailing out. Pre Dared by THOS. REESE ft 00. Carbolic Tooth Wash An elegant Mouth Wash, Antiseptic and Purifier, prepared by THOS. REKSE & CO. : Violet Orris Tooth Wash An exquisite Liquid Dentrlnice for eleanlng and preaervlnz the teeth, prepared by :TH0S. REESE 4 CO. Ruse Tooth Powder, for cleansing the teeth and hardening the gums, prepared by - - . THOS. REESE ft CO. - Genuine Imported Bay Bam, and Colgate's Toilet Waters, at . .. THOS. REESE 4 CO.a Prescriptions accurately and Quickly dispensed, day or night, by ; inos. muasa e ou. ; OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, November 1st " The Fashionable Event f the Reasoa! The Great Union Square Theatre, Howard, ? i by Brdhson ter, As plaverf over 1000 Times with A CAREFULLY SELECTED CAST. 'ALL THE ORIGINAL GRANS EFFECTS. The scenery carried hv thin ftrmmnt U nnMtnl feature, painted from the original models. The original music, magnificent costumes, and a cast especially selected to interpret, in an artistic man ner, this, the most beautiful of modern plays. ("Reserved seats on sale at the Central Hotel. Prices as usual. JAMES V. CROPSVN. Manaimr." o-: t26 . G W. HARRISON, Business Manager. Thorongbbred Jersey Bulls FOR SALE. I will exhibit at the fair In Charlotte, N. C, on the 28th. 29th and 80th; the following richly bred Jersey Buls, and offer the same for sale: "Altoona," 8.523, A. J. C C. Flrstprize at Poplar Tent In 1H84, and first prize at St. John's In 1884, also two first prizes in New Jersey In 1882-83 Dam made 18 -bs. butter in 7 days. "Lorena's Pilot," 13,290, A. J. C C, a "Victor Hueo -Pauline" and "Lord Llssrar" Bull. 8 months old. The ft. G. Sire of this young Bull and the G. G. Sire of Mary Anne, of St. Lambert's, (official butter test 36 lbs. 12 oz. In 7 days) Is same. "Lore na's Pilot" took the first prize at the N. C. State Exposition last week In his class. "Eilwood." a fine youne Bull out of KateEllwood. an unreglstere i cow that made 17 lbs. butter Jn 7 days without forcing. Sire "Gray King." Tabu lated pedigrees at lair. P. B. FETZER, ocizooM. . Concord. H. C NEW CORN MEAL, K LOOSES PICKLES,' Choice Northern Apples, . Uhoice Country Butter, Ground Cow Feed at M. HOWELL'S. S. Van Te llauili a OUR STOCK OF1 COMPLETE. Nobby Suits for Young Men. Fine Uress Suits for men, Youths and Boys. Special Low Prices Joi Boys' Kaeckabtit asi School Suits. Thousands of dollars are snent annually br the others pay no attention whether they are benefitting in the great ciotmng ouymg pumic now to ouy ana ble facts to them, and asking them to come and see Is where they , - Make Low- Prices for Ion ill. ? . -y. - - . - - - . Wa am dninv hnsinnss In a legitimate wav. selllnc tatlons to efl--ct sales, asking not a farthing more or less from one individual than another, doing strict ly what we advertise. Tou have no occasion to " ATCH" when you make your purchase in our house, as every article Is warranted as represented, or if you have purchased from s and the goods aro returned unsouea, tne money is cneenuuy remnaea. - rnis is your neighbors they will at once tell you to go to LE1DMG CLOTniERS A.Xl TAILORS. J ' ! . - N. B. To our oat of own customers goods sent by express 01 approbation to be returned ai earn pense. Mil MM . .. I I ' IMMI.IIWH. I I II I Gentlemen visiting the Fair moth, Wardrobe of Wittkowsky & Baruch, where ' ; the most superb jstock of Men s, Tills Ever shown. In this section - . most elegant line of ,: GERTS' FURNISHINGS Shirts, Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Collar and- Cuffs, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Boots and Shoes, and all the most reliable makes of -Men's Underwear at the Yery lowest prices . W1TTKOWSICY C BARUCH. T - ,W - Hi T. QUAKER CITY Pig Hams, -OUR- 'BABY BISCUIT," Have'done more to bund up the little ones than an i'CatnlpTea" In North Carolina. - : Buckwheat Flour, Maple ' Syrup, ; - Olives, French Peas, ' . Imported Sardines, OUR Mondaj Horning Soap Is a great help to housekeepers. .. mm. te id Silver Nerr Stock Recelyed. We offer during Fair Week Special Bargains ! ! Including Tinware and Haascfornlsbliig Goofc. The Largest and Best Stock, Wholesale and Re tail. We guarantee our goods and prices against any market. Silver-Plated Ware especially low. Respectfully, ' LTJDOU' 4 HARTS FIELD, , Trade Street, Near College. I nnr D clothlnjr buyers In this State. Some buy very discreetly. themselves or not. We have but one means of tell- wnere to go; ana mat is Dy auvenismg piain. sensr tor themselves If we are correct. The place to visit . .. ; . ' : - . ' - - -. . - - i no SDurlous merchandise, mak'ne no mlsrepresea- tne piace to uuy yu.ir IL jiu bu. iuiu u tvu wul .' f - " mm MB I ml I i llll I II. 1 I I -:o:- will do well to visit the Mam- II SBMOJCi. and; Boys m can be found,, together, with . the SHoDcLk (Dn)LZira)D tt'ie In Fine Suitings we. havejexcelled alljef forts in past seasons. In , We display a variety immense in assortment and very rare and beautiful in fabric. They are of most improved style and fit to a degree qf perfection. We are especially well; pro vided with . ' . : " ' - - - - ' and will be pleased if the'yoiing gentlemen will remember us in their early experience of shopping.. - - . . - . With big odds the largest stock in our line, we claim many advantages for our customers. E. D. Xiatta fe Bro. JOHN R. PHABR, ManigeB Retail Department ifi 4 B Si III 1 4 134 a. Ot 09 a 'P a- 0 p. : -i '. . i ' - 4 ' ;o .4 m v g SCO sis w 01 M is tr1 S CP? m. -t II 3s Sw So ' an .BC. h . HI- 1 Sir , OPERAHOUSE Fair feet- TDESDAT," WEDNESDAY, ' AND - THURSDAY, v . October 98, a and SO. Tie; Event of tb Sew. FORD'S OPERA COMPANY, . V 'v' ' ' .WITH. Z:elda S eg ui n, In a succession of the most DeUghtful English Opera. Tuesdaj, October ''BOHEMIAN GIRL." Wednesday, Octoner 29 "GIROLAjor the THREE BLACK CLOAKS." Thursdaj, October 30-"THB ORANGI GIRL," 8plendld Chorus of 30 Fresh YotcesT New Cos tumes. Elaborate Scenery. Realistic Effects. . - Reserved Seats now on sale at Central HotelVa gar Stand. Prices as nsuaL oct24 Life for the Liyer and ; Kidney. POSITTVELY CUBES : Lhpeisia, Liver oil Miiv Ccmplamls. I have used jour "life for the Iirer and Kidneya" with great benefit, and or- dyspepsia, or any derangement of i.he liver or kidneys, I regard it as being without an eqaaL .v . 1 , . Jab. J. Osborni, Att'r at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C. Far Bnperior to any liver pad. Hugh Thoxas, Glendale, S. O. Your medicines are Tamable, and splendid remedies. I hare sold upwards ol five gross, and can recommend them. I would not bw without them. , J.S.U. DAvnraoN, Drnggiai, - . r Charlotte, N. 0. "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" or "Chill Cure" works like a charm ana sells very fart. - A. 1. Pkbkiwb, - Wax Haw, Lancaster county, 8. C ' In large 60c and $1.00 bottles.' Trial size 25c Sold by , druggists and deal era generally. Prepared by OetctJ3r23,dtf rrv ' -v. 4 33 CO o ' n. O O D IrJ o 1 p I -.a: a la Q 0 Q CO 1 .: i . Advance in Cotton. ar. iiivfiD Y ' OF CHARLOTTE, Will Pay One-half CenUlore for THAN THS MARKET PRICK Ei CHARLOTTE - FOB THE NEXT TBJRTT DAYS, To those who are indebted tohim. He hat now In stock one ol the best selections he naserer made to a business experience of 17 rears, sad will sen goods at low or lowerthanaar other house in the ettr. His stock consists of DryTSoos, BooUanfl ShaBr,HBts,eltHlBg,etc. ..'- octlld ' s.nstj. Our Soda, Water Is so : old that f our friends come iseveral blocks to get it. Don't make yourself sick on inferior - drinks when T. O. Smith & Co offer the very best. .WHITE LEAD and Unseed OU at bottom prices. Diamond Dyea. Diamorrd Dyer. 25 GROSS) t. b. vt.::tc Ihe "tl EkV' .... ... 1,'tA. - - '