D A I L Y CHARLOTTE OBSERVER SUNDAY, -OCTO BE R 26, 1 884 on -THE DESTTOIIIC. ? . . Vlnfn fwul OrftYl TITirA ams medicine, Buuiuimus - . i , Teire table tonics, quickly and completely Cm. DpSm Indignation, Weafcneae, lip-re Bloid, flfoxla,ChUUi ud Fever ; It to auunlafegremedy for Diseases of tte Ktt "unTalua Wseases" peculiar to TVemen, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause headaehe.or produce constipation otter Iron werftci n to V It enriches arid purifies the bld, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of fooa lieres Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. . For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac., it has no equal. , . JW- The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. , Take no other WmUmhYf BROW! CHK-IClt CO, BALT1TOBK. MB- tPBLLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVE H - h and MALARIA. if. Fmffl these sonrees arise three-fourfhs of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate Uioir existence : Ixi of -'Appetite, Bowels, costive. Sick Head- , . aeba, fullness after eatliia;,; aversion to section of body or mind, Eractatton of food, Irritability of temper, Ion ' Melts, A feeling at bavins; neglected u doty, SlSBloess, flattering &t the Heart, Bote before the eyes, higiUy col' red Urine, COISTIJATIOJV, and de- 1 mnnii thanM of Si remedy that acts directly on the Liver. AaaLivermedlcine TTTT'S JKIL.U nave no equal, xnetr action on me Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all Impurities through these three " acmv engeri of the system,' producing appe- lite, sound digestion, regular stools, a dear skin and a vigorous body. TTJTT'S POLLS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere -with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEE US LIKE A NEW MAN. 'I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried. ten different kinds of pills, and TTJTT'S are the first that hare done me any. good. They have cleaned me out nicely. . Mr appetite is spleidid, food digests readi'f, and I now t ir x sral passages. I I 4 lfce a new i A W.t. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. - Sold ere Jhere,ae Office, 44 Murray StN.Y.' TUTTG HAIR DYE. . Gray Hatk oh Whiskers changed In stantly to a Gios8T Black by a single ap pUeatlon of this Vrrs. - Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $ 1. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S MANDAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBEE. -AT- Will Always be Faanil a Full 1 . Attortmentof . Plain ana Fancy Stationery, Inkstand Students' Materials, : POCKET-B OOKS , t. And PTOSES, i Ladies' Satchels, "PHOTOGRAPH ALBTTM3,- AUTOGRAPH AlA jl Dums, Hanosome iut uooks,- caning, lntlta Um and Blrthdaj Cards, Blank Books of all kinds, GEN10 t Aar Book orPsriodleai not already to t wffl be fxipsiled sa a tew days' Botlea. -p SefflsmfteT the slaoe, ' ; ..EDDINS, . I Try' Street, Cliarlotte, If . C. CREAM CHEESE, GOLDEN HAMS,1 iiffiia (Store 1 niiun . i n Branswicfc Hams, Ferris' Pig Hams, ' 4 ... . . "LOOSE PICKLES, BhEaSFAST; BACON ' , -Ain r- s; SMOKED BEF Best Grades Patent Flours at - BiRN'EiT ;. k '; ALEXASPJiR'S. .MfieAirs I'".bBshed iB r- Is the only Rnhnnl . fnr Boys In the 1733, soutn wiui 6 AS LIGHT, a flrst-olass GYMXASICH , and a flrst-. e's Bath Rous. 1 ha MiiirsM U Fppnnratnrr nr Blnlflhlnff. J 1 t is a uoroiifciilr equipped School of Teleg- ,r . - - - . cial terms to youn? men of small means. , 3 t.- . heng jniT aoth. - - . i - , fc cs iri.BvEI'OHAM. J ! C f K A KOXTH snd Board for three live Toung iOJ 'a or Lf'Mes lu each county. Address F. W. ZILaLEi 4 CO. 1 iiiladelphla. octl64w COTT1"!; or, on Iconomlcal House . f il plates of "ottf es "' 'to - ), wV tidnr!ntI"tlK -f ABOUT THE STATE i X:.- ; -; ' - -; - viv - 1?nnnV. Va Kaon aurnrHpd tflA rtrO- tnium of $100 for the best county ex- Dr. York, Republican candidate for to in Wilmington to morrow night, but no further trouble IS auuuipavcu KSXUW ' has been served by the Demecratic committee on the Republican leaders. Raleich Chronicle : Last evening, the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Misssummereu M-aa marriprl tn Mr. Thrift (bothtnutes) Rev. Dr. T. D. Skinner officiating. rno lnteresuug cereuiuuj woo nesea by tne pupus 01 we idmhuw ifrl lpsts. Mr. John El Ray translated the marriage service into tf sign language, wrnne a Dimu pupu officiated at the organ. . j i ; ' .rJi-oonaVmrn Wnrkman : There was a fire at Littleton day before yester day; by which a cotton gin, & barn ana staoie were ourneu, ai ju&o, ... . - e ia rff ' Hf witnouc insurance, ui .uw? f Ben Browning is the sufferer. Twenty Kaioa rf fftttsm wpr burned. M-We uaiva vfc - learned through a private source yes- terday that Key., win.- s iAng, Graham,' who was thrown from his buggy and so seriously injured some days ago naa since ueeu paraij jpcuv ; wiimi'nfftnn Rflvifiw 24fch: There mains of the lamented Capt. Quilford T. ThirHA'ff arrived herft this mOTDilie ing on the Carolina Central tram, accompanied by Gov. Jarvis, Colonel Saunders, Gen. Roberts, Rev. E. R. Rich and Mr, H.'M Covran. The fu neral services were held rrom James' Church, and the remains were interred ? in the peaceful J shades of Oak dale. : The pall bearers were Gov. Jarvis,. Gen. Roberts. Hon. A. M. WaddelU? Capt. C; D M v era. Col. F. W. Kerchner, Col. E. D. Hall, Capt. T? TP T.arnrHrn anA fr .T A Wallrer. A large concourse of sorrowing ela- , r , 1 A I lives ana iru;nas accorapaniei me remains to their last resting place. Shelby Aurora! Mr. Charles Bow ers, of It'acon county, has been mica mining in that county and has made nearly $ lOJ,c o m the last six years. He worked one mine five years and then sold threeeights interest to Gould & Wataon. of Boston? for S.10,000, after" having shipped thou sands of pounds of mica. Mr, Bow era is now working two other Amines in Macon ; county.' Another fmica mine, called the Evans mine was sold last year for $30,000 s to some Northern parties.1 Silas W. Moody, of Chicago, bought from Macoii and Transylvania $15,000 worth of jmica jn 18S3. unents j) roneoerger, 01 vvalhaila, S. C , has also mined and bought mica to the extent of $16,000 in 1S84 A. S. Bryson, -of FraHklin, Macon county, has dealt in fmica for several years and sold several thousand dollars' worth of it I He now has a $5,000 lawsuit about a rnica contract. In Macon, Tranyslyania and Jackson are many valuablejmica deposits which have paid handsomely. - W. ' 1 . WKITE A LETTER To the Colombia College Stndcnis-f He IIhs Faith in the Young Thmking Men ol the Country. , ' New York, October 25 The fol lowing letter from Gov. Cleveland was read at the Columbia College last night: -i 5 Executive Mansion, l t Albany, Oct., 23, 1S84 i j Gentlemen: 1 have ; receivedyoiir invitation to be present at tbe ratifi- cation meeting1 to be - held under the auspicies" of the Columbia College Cleveland and Hendricks club on the evening of the 24th inst. My duties at home will prevent my attendance on that occasion, but I am exceeding ly gratified to learn that the course which ia represented by my candi dacy approves itself to the intelligent judgment of so many of the under graduates of Columbia College. I have great faith Jn the young think ing men of the country. ; vYours very truly,: : i - ;' " Groves Cleveland. Ben Butler. Sober Again, and In Boston BosToy, " Oct." 25. The-Peoples party held three large meetings in this city last nightj at each of which Gen.. Butlespoke.. -His first appear: ance was fa South Boston vhere he was greeted by an' immense crowd. Rumors of intended violence to the General were happily . not - realized and no trouble whatever was experi enced. He declared, that his cam-" paign had been one of principles and not of slander, and that he had never spoken - of Gov. Cleveland except in terms of the greatest respect,. Cannon Explosion a! a Democratic Pa t - - raie. - : 4 " Roundout, Oct. 25.' While firing a salute during a Democratic parade last night, two cannon exploded. Wm. ,McGrath;bad his leg badly shattered, Wm. Nash, collar i bone broken, and John Trenold had the fleshy part of his arm torn off byAone explosion, and Herbert Bidrer,. was dangerously injured by another ex plosion. ... ; ;- .j-' ' , i - Ella Watson s Mattferer to Hans. - Salem, N. J. October 25. Hdward Sullivan, convicted of the murder of Ella Watson, was sentenced today to be hung on December 3rd. Judge Renn addressed the prisoner feeling ly proviou? to passing sentence upon him, but he remained empassiveand exhibited no more feeling alter being sentenced than he has at -any i time during his trial. This will be the first hanging in; this county, for. over 23 years. ' - , ' ; , Conrratntations to Moses Monlefiore. London, Oct. 25. Sir' Moses ?Mon tefiore has received hundreds of tele grams congratulating him on attain ing ' his' hundredth: birthday ;They come from all ' parts of the worldf. There were many from America. Passed first Readme-. ..." -London; Oct. 25. In the House of Commons last night the franchise bill passed its first reading without a division. It will come up for its second reading next Thursday. i: ; ;A Snow 8torm Yesterday, j I PouaHkEEPSiE, N. t Oct 25 A special dispatch to' the Eagle from Chicpeter, in the , herrt of Catakill mountains, says it is snowing , hard there this morning. . , . , . . ; War es Red need. London Oct " 25. The wages- of the cottcn spinners of Oldham have been reduced five per cent, owing to depression in the cotton trade, i . S . :. & s Dr. Gnsaom's Opinion of York.! - V lam satisfied from mylong famili arity with his public course that neither the charitable nor educational interests of the State would be safe under : such policy as has always characterizeahis public career. A beautiful set of fancy cards sent free to per vi -o hav fiVmi brown's Iron B".ttr4, A4 ic: THE BINGU AM CADETS And Their Comma BderThe Drill on Exposition Gronads Last Wedaes dar . Correspondence Obsevbeb. - Raleigh, N. C. , Oct. ; 24, 1884. When T.ifiiit Ttttrhelor. "of the TT. S. Army, was detailed as commander r.f pjirlfits at Binffham School, he had a difficult task ahead of him. From his West Point training and the .rep utation which had preceded him from Kta roo-imfint ns a thorough tactician. it was confidently expected thai; he would Dnng tne caaets ot, ine buiiuoi up to a standard of efficiency such as they had never before known. 1 But the condition in which he found the militarv standing of the school as the acknowledged head in North Carolina in all such matters, maae any im provement on such excellence a diffi cult matter to attain 4 In spite of this, however the drill of the Bing ham Ciidets on Thursday, the 22nd shows tbat Lieutenant Batchelor has succeeded in makmg such improve mont as nnlv fl.n pjrnert nnuld have made oh the work ot his predecessor. . . , -r . ' i a a i Alaj. isingnam. 16 seems nara to oe lieve that such preparation could hnvA hppn made : without f in 4 terfering with the -scholastic work of the school. Tliat he has done, and this shows not only his ewn qualifi cations, but the excellence of the ma terial on which he has worked.: The bearing, appearance, and gentleman." lv conduct ol the cadets of the school stamps them as the best blood and best breeding of. JNortn uaronna,- ana of the. South, every Southern State being represented. - With such mate rial only effort, is necessary to such CeSS. -J '-C' --- In brief, the drill of the Bingham School batallton on Wednesday eury passed their previous efforts, as their previous efforts surpassed anything else done in the State. Maj. Bingham is to be congratulated on , his judg- ment in sel Kiting a commandant of cadets and the State of North Caroli na is to be congratulate! on having such a model as Bingham School for its yolunteer" organizations .and its other schools-i ;.-i R. D. C. I The New Cabinet, k Brussels. Oct.-25. The reports of yesterday in regard to a new cabinet have been confirmed. The new Pre truer is M. Bernaert. M. Thouissen takes the portfolio of the interior, M, DeBruyn-that of agriculture, and M. DeBecker that of justice. The cabinet remains otherwise as before. Several papers demand that the govrnment disavow solidarity with the African International Association at the ap proachmg I -on go conference, so as to avoid endaogering the neutrality of the country. - , .. - -i ; "; ;-thrr8!! Mothers I II 'i:jof rrs - Are you distiifj-'! at night and broken ol your rest dt a sick cluhl suireni'K ana crying with me excruciating pitin of cutting teeth ? If so, (to at once and itel h bottle of MRS. WQiSLOWS SOOTlIINti .sYHUP. It Kill relieve the poor little mftrrer tnraieotatety depend upon It : there is no mlstnke abm it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once tbat it will rwMlHte the towels, and elve rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing line nttgte. : it is perreeuj saie to use in au eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is tbe pre scription ot one of the oldest and best female physi;inn aiii nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. cents a nouie. Many forget tbat the hair and scalp need cleans ing as well as the hands ana leet. isxtensive use o; Ayer's Hidr V Igor has proven that it Is the best cleansing agent for the hair that it prevents as well as remowR dandruff, cools and soothes the the scalp, and stimulates the hair -to renewed growui anq oeauiy. i v AYER'S Ague Cure IS WARRANTED to cure all eases of m-: larial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com-" plaint. In case of failure, after due triaL. dealers are authorized, by our circular of ., July 1st, 1882, to refund the money. DrJ. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Fancy and Family "7: GROCERIES. Best Brands Patent Family -Flow. Graham, Rye and Buckwheat Oatmeal and Oat Hakes. - . California Lima Beans. White Kidney, Marrow fat and Navy, Green Peas, Split Pears. Cranberries, Atmore's Mince Meat and Plum Pudding. ? - A good astortment of Canned Fruits and Vege tables. . , . - X Peaches, Apricots, Egg," Plum, White Cherries, Pineapple, sliced and grated. .' String Beans. Tomatoes, Corn. Asparagus and Succotash. French Pease and Mushrooms. 4 ., Pickles and Saares In bottles, Mixed Pickles and Chow-chow bythe Quart Best Cream Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Edam and Little Gem, Extra Mess Mackerel, fine Maple Syrup, by the gallon. Hucklns, Assorted Soups, new Raisins, Citron, Currents and Nuts, and a great many other nice things that I would be glad to have you call and examine. . - ' " J. M. SIMS. ' oct22dlf BURNH AM'S ' IMPROVED ' , STAND AED TDSBINE! . ...... ' v . . . Is the best constructed and fin ished, gives better percentage. fjf more power, and is sold for less other Turbine in the world. New pamphle neftt free By BTTRNHAM BROS Yorjsf Pa. . i - 1 - t ... ' aug21daw4w:j '"J. S PHILLIPS, . Merchant Tailor, TRADE STREET, , I ' ' Btrgs to inform all In want of good goods and first class work that I am prepared to supply them at reasonable prices and satisfaction guaranteed To those who have been sending off for their clothes I ask that they will Inspect my goods and prices be fore ordering their work. ; -, . sepl2dlaw4t . 11 F. HARt.ISON i (L t AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 'i " ' (HTOBTra CSHTRALHOTTU - ' ' f " Consignments solicited and liberal - advances made on same. - References: H. C Eccles, Jno. W. Wadaworth, B, M. White, ; " . ocU9d2w, . IF THIRK IS NO LOCAL DEALER to supply you with Maury's Geographies, (new Two-Book Se ries), Holmes' Re-iders, Holmes' History, Gilder sleeve's Latin and other school books ol the Onl verslty Series, we will mall them to you Send us 1 the regular price and the book will come to you by j return mail. Pfce lists, circular end tf '""? j..,.,,,., ,.,r Mt.t Xr, P,f f.q a t,,r (t L ii . . i- - jt CJ. I) I Still in Doubt Abont his Candidate. Philadelphia Times., - , . ; , "I say. Josh," said an old colored man, addressing another in front of the Union League building on Tues day night, as he pointed to a large picture of the two Republican candi dates, -dat .Logan am a villainous- looking man, hain't he?"' "Dat s so, dat s so," said the man addressed.' - "He's got a mighty mean 'spression of de face."- : "1Deed he have. -Looks des like a nigger trader." . - VDathedo" ' - '.'I's heern he did use to cotch nig gers." -'"He looks like it." i i'And he's a 'publican, too." : : "So dey says "Now Blaine looks like a good man.' ' Deed he do.". . i : i "He's de ? man for us to vote for. Do you see "what'er noble 'spression he nasi --' : "Which am Blaine?" ; 4 "Josh, you'se er fcoL - fa'dlhe first speaker, indignantly, and they part ed company for the night.; r v " ; The Cotton Figures. 7 New Yorz, October 25, The total visible supply of cotton for the world is : l,873,5a, of which j, 1,347,356 is American, against : 2,616,409 and 1,608,909, .respectively last yeatu Re ceipts at all interior towns, 159,808; receipts from plantations. 321,969: crop in sight, 1,311,047. m Positive Care Tor Piles. To the people of this county we would say we have been given the aeency o f Dr. Marchlsl's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to cure or money reruudea internal, external, intnu. bleed Ing or itching piles. Price 50c a box.- No cure, pa f or sate Dy t,. ti. wriston. oniggist. unel7eodl A MAN OF. GRIEF! . Fifty Vearn' Search Crin-1 . t Witlt Sut'CfM. Extract from the Athens, (Ga.) Banner-Watch-- . man. . . Uncle Dick Saulte: says: "I have struck the key note. I am taking B. B. B., and it is the best mod icine In the world. - , ; . " In Ae33 fifty years ago, I had a running ulcer on my leg which refused to heal under any treatment ment In 185 J 1 went to California and remained 18 months, but it has been running ever Blnoe Iu 1873 1 visited Hot Springs, A k, remaining three months, but was not cured. : My condition was such that amputatiou was discussed, but seeinc an advertisement lu the Banner-Watchman about the wonderful cures made by the B. B. B., I concluded to make one more effort I commenced taking the B. B. B. about six weeks ago, and I am gettli g well as iasi as 1 wane 10. xne sore on my leg is healiiu rapidly. I never had a better aDuetiteln my He and yesterday I walked about fifteen miles fishing and hunting without any pain, and befure using the B. B. B. I could not walk exceeding hair a milt: I sleep soundly at night for the first time In many Tears. The bett point about the B. B. B. is the rapidity of Its cure. To think that six bottles have d neme more god than Hot borings. 18 mouths In California, besides an Immense amount of med icines and eight or ten nrst-ciass physicians, will convince ny man on earth that h is a wonderful blood medicine. It has also cured me of catarrh. The wealth of the world cwuld not buy the reliei that six bottles brought me. My old sore that has caused me untold misery for 50 years, has nearly healed, and if any one doubts this let them write to any bunker, minister, or business man in Athens Ga., and they will tell you that R. R. Saulter will testify to nothing but the truth." - We, the editors of the Banner-Watchman, are personally acquainted with It.-R. Sauliei, aim know what he says to be th truth, and if necessary he can get indorsements fiom the best citizens of Athens. - - ; I hereby certify that I have known E. B. Saulbr lor so years, and that he is worthy or conndeuce. - - - . - Rev. John Calvin Johnson: Write to Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Ga., for a wonderful 32-page book, free. It is a regular eye- ppener. Sold In Charlotte by - . W.M. WILSON. FRED C. MUNZLtR, y. WHOLESA1 LAGEIt IIEER DEALGK AIVI IIOTTLEB, Charlotte, N, C. Represents two of the largest LAOEB xtJEJias urewenea in tne united stater. The Bersner &, Engrel Ire-ik . (Jo., of Philadelphia, and the F. A Bf . Schafffer Brewinjr Co., ox IlewTork. THE LARGEST LAGER "BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT ; . IN THE CITY. fyOrders Solicited. - All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. . decaOdlf , t Does not claim to be the la gest Fruit House In the : outh, but does Claim to D) More Badness To the square Inch than any house In Charlotte. Our grand opening proved such a success that we had to telegraph to our New York agent for more goodfc, and are today in receipt of - - FRESH LEMONS, BANANAS, Oranges, Pears, Malaga and Domestic Grapes, . Apples, Raisins, Figs, Nuts. Candles, ; ' Call or send your orders to ;. 1 'l'RYON 8TRBBT. C C. 8MDER, Prop'r. ocUldtf GAROIITIA CBTraiL R41L ; . WAT.. . ' OrTICE OF SCPEBINTKMDBNT, ' ) . . Whjougtoh, N. C, Sept 21, 1884. ' r CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT. 10,1884, THE FOLLOW Ing Schedule will be operated on this Rail road: : ' i .. : -. - . . . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, i DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. - )Leave Wnmlngtonat.. ..7.00P. k. No. 1. Leave Raleigh at .......... .....7 85 p. k. jArrtveatCharlotteat......:. 8.00a. M - ) Leave Charlotte at .. .. .. . .. .. .. ;.8.15 p. k. No. 2, Arrive at Raleigh at.. .. .... .9.00 A. m. - ) Arrive at Wilmington at. . ...... ..8.25 a. m. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at .. ..... . "740A n. Arrive Laurlnburg at "" 645 p' w" Leave Iurlnburg at. &15 p! m! Arrive Charlotte at 4 " 4.40 p. m. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, andmts designated in the Company's Time SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, i EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. ' - (Dally except Sunday.) ' Leave Chartotteatw.ijii.,, ......... rui v Arrive at Shelby at.. . ' "12 15 2" Leave Shelby at. .. .. 4. .. ... f In 2' Arrive at Charlotte at... 4.............. p." j Trains Nos. 1 and linake elose connection' at Hamlet with H.4A. Trains to and from Raleltrh - Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, stations on Western N. C, R. R., Asheville and pointe west Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens. At lanta and all points southwest : , : - -- C, jct. A POSITIVE CURE For Ever Jormof Skin and Blood Diseases," from Pimples to Scrofula.. I have had the T'ROrlast fnr nlnp mnntlia Ihnnt five montlis ago 1 applied to a doctor near Boston, who helped me. but unfortunately I had to leave, but continued taking bis medicine for nearly three months, but the disease did not le -ve. I saw Mr Carpenter's letter In the hilade!phia Record, and his case perfectly described mine. I tried the Cuti- cura uemeoies, using two bottles Resolvent and Cuticura and Cutlcnra Mian In nrnnnrtlnn. nnd call myself completely cured. . L. F. BARNARD. waienord.H j. ; i ECZEM 1 TlfESTT TEARS CURED. NOT A FIGN OF ITS REAPPEARANCE. Your Cuticura has dnnn l wnnrlarf ill mira fnr ma more than two years ago. Not a sign of its reap pearance since. It cured me of a very bad Kczema which nad troubled me for more than twenty years. I shall al wavs srvalr vail nf Pntlmira T Boll a rrMtnf deal of It. , f FRANK C. SWAN. Druiarkt Haverhill, Mass. , BEST FOR AN ITI1HG. Having usedyonr Cuticura Remedies for eighteen months for Tetter, and finally cured ltl am anxious to get it to sell on commission. I can recommend it beyond any remedies I have ever used for Tetter, Burns, Cuts, etc In fact, it is the best medicine I have ever tried for anything. R, S. HORTON. iifius, miss.--;- --- --- . . - ; SCROFULOUS SORES, I had a dozen bad sores nnon mv bodv. and trlpri all remedies I could hear of, and at last tried your Cuticura Remedies and they have cured me. -. . JJNU. GAaKILL. Hebron, Thayer county, Penn. - . . . Every species Of Itahlner Snaiv. Plmnlv PU.rnfii- lous. Inherited and Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, cured by Cuticura Resolvent the new Blood furicer internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap the great tekiitiXuesfcxierutuii. - tfoid everywhere. Prk-. unouiiA, 50 cents; Soap, 25 cents- Hesolvekt. il. oitr Drug and ii itiicstl Co., : BOSTON. " - BP A IT TV yT Chapped and Oily Skin, Vj ; V V) 1- I Cuticura Soap. e FOR LADIKR ONLY. A REMEDY endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggists at its home. ARKMK!Y that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Goodwater, r Ala , says raised his wife from an" Invalid's bed, and he believes saved her life. A REMEDY of which a prominent Atlanta mer chant said: - "1 would hare given $5U0 as soon ns i I would a nickel for what two bottles of jour med icine did for my daughter. ' . ; - ... A REMEDY in regard to which S. J Cassette, M. I)., Orugglst, Thoniasville, Ga., says: can re ; call instances in which it afforded relief after all , the usual remedies had fulled. A REMEDY about which ' Dr. E. B. FerreU.-La- nmtiise, wrnes; -i nave useaiortne last twenty years the mediulnevouareniittlnirmi.and consider It the best combination evergotten to gether for the disease for which it la reconi- menuea. - A REMEDY about which Dr. Joel Branham, At - lauta. said: "I have examined the rucine. and ' have no hesitation In advising its use, and con- uucuuj rccuuuueuu iu Atuaiiuji wmcnine kov. h. b. Johnson, near marietta, Ga., says he has used in his family with the "utmost satisfaction." and recommended it - to three families, "who found It to be Just what , u is reuuiiuueuueu. , A REMEDY of which Pembertxn. Iverson & Denni- son say: "We have been selling it for many years ' with constantly Increasing salesT The article is , a staple with us, and one of absolute merit" A REMEDY of which Lamar. Rankin &Lamarsav "We sold 50 gross In four months, and never sold it in any place but what it was wanted again.", -A RESiEDY by which Dr. Batch, of LaGrangd. Ga. . says; "I eured one of the most obstinate cases of Vicarious Menstruation that ever came within my knowledge with a lew bottles." ; A REMEDY of which Dr. J. C. Huss, Notasulga, Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that it is un . rivaled for that class ot diseases, which it claims to cure." ----- A REMEDY about which Ma. John C. Whltner, of - Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United States as a general Insurance agent savs: "I used this remedy before the war, on a large plantation on a great number of cases always wun aosotute success. - A REMEDY about which Mr. J. W. Strange, of Car ters vine, ua., cerune tnat one bottle cured two members of his family of menstrual hregujarity 01 many years standing. , . . , ; i l . . THIS GREAT BEMEPT IS BRADFIELDS FEMALE HEGDLMOR. - Treatiseonthe Health and Happiness of Wiman maueu tree. - - The Brad field Regulator Co., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. Lf n TP J In OiAHU At Inula. Ga., for an intereBtin? treHtiee oa L.ia ana baa Dideseak wbui tUey will auS frco Inflammatory Rheum atis. I was attacked last winter with inflammatory rneumansm or severe type my nrst serious illness since una. 1 naa various mnos 01 treatment witn only temporary partial relief. After seven weeks I was reduced tn weight 35 pounds, had no strength jior appetite, and was growing weaker every day. in this condition I began Swift's Specific, and In three days began to Improve, and in three weeks I was free from disease and up attending to my reg ular business. My appetite returned and I rapidly gained my flesh. I have waited this long to be cer tain mat my cure was permanent. - C P. Goodyear, Attorney at Law, Brunswick, Ga., June 26, 1884. A OOI SEXD! I have had rheumatism for forty years, and have been relieved with a few bottles of S. S. S. I con; sider It a God-send to the afflicted. . - j, b. Waller, Thomason, Ga., Aug. 16. '84. - Deooifl's Mil Core,' 1 5 Is the remedy for Rheumatism. For sale by f '. tt H. JORDAN & CO. , Druggists. MAKE YOUR OLD CLOTHES.NEW By using Cleansing Cream, 23 cents per bottle, pre pared by R. H. JORDAN 1C0 tirnffsrlsts, Spring's Corner. Japanese Remedy Cures Headache and Neuralgia, price 25 cents, at . '. . R. H, JORDAN & CO.'S., - Springs' Corner. . Duke of Durham, Opera Puffs, Old Rip, and Richmond Gem, Ciga rettes, for sale by - - : R.H. JORDAN & CO., Springs Corner. VIOLA; COLO GfNE Is refreshing and a lasting perfume, for sale only by R. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner. The Kangaroo Is still the leading five cent Cigar. : For sale only h; JORDAN & CO.: SPmtGi CORKER. ; - French and German Lessons, v- ; v . v :-. : . - . " . - . - Grammar, Literature, etc Apply to A. DUFOUB, Frankenthal House, or by letter through posto! floe. octI4eod4t One Car Load. Kerosene Oil olfered t guar antee market pnee " - r. C. S! IITH !; CO. -IN- MILLINERY: E have now ready our usual large and exten feive stock of FALL ANB WINTER MILLINERY; &C, And can assure the ladles that we have now In store the largest and most complete stock to be found In the State. ' All the Novelties,' as well as all desira ble shapes, colors, Qualities and prices of Hats and Bonnets For Ladles, Misses and Children 7; WE KNOW there Is no Millinery Store in the Southern country where a lady can find a greater variety of styles and qualities to selert from than our house. - WE KNOW there Is no house In the South where a lady can buy a Hat or Bonnet cheaper for cash than In our house. " w"E KNOW there Is no house In the South where a lady can have a hat more tastefully and artisti cally trimmed than in our house. . - WE KNOW there Is not in the South a house managed by mire experienced artists In the busi ness (having made the business a lifetime study) than our house.. W KXOW that we stand ahead of any retail Millinery Store In the Southern country. We will cheerfully give all the advantages of our Long Expritnce I Superior Knowledge generally of the business to our patrons. -' Full Lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Zephyrs and Wool ITarns, Infants' and Children's Cloaks, Hoods, Sacks and Wraps, Corsets, Laces, Neckwear, . Jewelry, Notions and Novelties generally Style, fit and workmanship equal to any dress making establishment In any Northern city fo half the price.' ' . CALIj A"I see MRS P. -QUERY. OCt7dtf . -. , . Mil O. K. BREAD, New England Bread GOOD BREAD, Delicious Bread, Rye Bread, NO CORN BREAD " AT THE 6. K. BAKERY. FRESH TODAY. MAYER (a ROSS. PaUjhe - Fioariag Sills, ESTABU8IIED 177. , Bnltrs 177. ' . Rolls IS8. PATENT c VCJluAMfiRILlMre.Co. THIS COMPAN1 OWNS AND OPERATES three ROLLER MILLS, as follows: ; PATAPSCO MILL A, at EUicott City, Maryland. , PATAPSCX) MILL B, at Baltimore, Maryland. . PATAPSCO MTTiLOi at Orange Grove Maryland. Having a daily capacity " of 1,500 Barrels. ; -, - The vanie of Flour depends on the proportionate quantity of Gluten, Starch, Sugar 'and Phosphate of Lime. Maryland and Virginia Wheat, from which our Patent Roller Flours are manufactured, Is unequalled for Its puritv and superior quality of alible properties. Ask your Grocer for PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, PATAPSCO CHOICE PATENT, - ' , PATAPSCO FAMILY, ' ---' PATAPSCO EXTRA, . CAPE HENRY FAMILY NORTH POINT FAMILY. . CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, - , BEDFORD FAMILY, - ORANGE GROVE EXTRA JD. A.OAJIimiLI. M'F' CO : :82 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. Represented by R. N. Little john, Charlotte. N. C A novlgdtf 1 - " '' HASOirAppAnLIIl : 100 -STALES. ORGANS. $22 TO $900 - Highest honors at an great World's Exhibitions for seventeen years Only American Organs awarded such at any. For cash, easy payments or rented UPRIGHT PIANOS presenting very highest exceUence yet attained In mentsone of greater value than any; securing iiusi pure, leuiiou, musical tones and increased durability; especially avoiding liabiUty to get out of tune. , Illustrated catalogue free. -' MASON 4 HAMLIN PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Boston, 154 Tremont t; N.; Yot, 46 E. St, , CHARLOTTE Soap IFaclopy, College Street, Gaither's Block. 1 IN THE SOUTH. rpo THE CHARLOTTE PUBLIC -Why go North m. xuryuurouapr : If parties havlnar soan srease on hand will nntifv me through the mall or otherwise my wagon will call during this week and exchange soap for grease giving one pound of good soft soap for a pound of clean grease or rancid butter. For ordinary grease, meat skins, etc., we will give one pound of soap for two pounds of such grease. - Wnv Tint ATtmtiraM VinmA mfanwlu mrA OiM your mite to the encorragementof home Industry? I take pleasure In announcing that I am engaged in the manufacture ot Soaps of all kinds, which I am now offering to the retail trade for a short time in order to introduce lt ln this market, at very low rates. I have - Laundry and Toilets Of my own manufacture, which I am offering at prices to suit tne times. I also manufacture a Vegetable Oil Soap Compo sition, which gives the consumer Soap at two cuts per pound, not excelled in quality by any soap in tnis country ior tne Laundry, House-ciean-Ins. Scrubbing, etc.. and sunerior to anv for wash ing Bed Quilts. Blankets, Flannels and ail woolen gooos. most truiy C. W. AIJEXANDER. auglGdtf To Whom it May Concm TAKE NOTICE. All parties Indebted to me by note, open account or any other way, prior to January, 1884, will please call and settle by 1st November next At tbat time I will place In the hands of my lawyers for collec tion all sach Indebtedness. Ar-y one or all who has not the money to pay at once If they win come up and secure same to me by not or mortgage I will give any reasonable time asked for Please attend to this at ones and save trouble and ex pense. I mean what I say. Respectfully, , ' ' R. B. ALEXANDER IDE? " Wffl be Inaugurated March 4,1885. THE WORLD, The Only Democratic Paper In New York I - Every Democrat Should Read it! Daily, 6, Semi-Weekly, $2 Sunday, $1. 50 ; Weekly, One Dollar Per. Year. MONEY CAW DE MADE By any Man or Woman, Girl or Boy "who will Or . ganlze Clubs for The Weekly Edition. ' - - i The Great Farm and Home Newspaper, Complete .. m all its Departments. - ' AGE.TTS PAID M CASn. For 100 Subscribers at $1 each $25 will be paid, for . 60 Subscribers, $12; for 25 Subscribers, $6; -for 15 Subscribers, $3; for 10 Sub scribers, $2; for 5 Subscrib . era $1. " ' : Agents Wanted tn Every Town and Tillage, Circu lars and Sample Copies free. Send for them. ONLY 15 CENTS From Now to December. TRY IT, TRY IT - . TRY IT. Twenty Per Cent may be retained for Orders of 10 or more copies to one address. ' THE WORLD, 81 Park Row, New York. sep26 BDTTERICR'S METROPOLITAN With Catalogue, For Movepber, RECEIYED AT TIDDY'S; NEW nnnntcin PRES IT CLEVELAND Fash it KEROSENE OIL, LUBRICATING OILS. CHESS-CAELEY CO., CHARLOTTE, N. c. dec7eodly A GOOD HERRING SAFE FOR SALE f HE4p Apply at TLe Science cf Life t By fllail Post-paid. KHOW THYSELF.! A Great Medical Work on Ma-jSn H n2Jl 5? nd rhyslcal dh,m. untoids'rr cesses. A book for every nwn vonnoi PI1 ei" and old. K contains 125 nSS P1" and chronic disease!. ZhPS.? 8f .r ?" acut. We. So found by the author Vhow , iviS,lnvalua-23-years Is such as proiwbKiM?.11" r - - .uvu uiusuu, cmuussea cover full .i, anteed to De a finer bookta every sVthP"" cal, literary and professlonal-TiL, nlechan, sold In this countrv fnT? IfJ otl"r orH. refunded in every lnsuin' ""c"'"e:wU mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample (SSntrC1'! now. Gold medal earded the authmhl JS?"'1?8 Reread by the wluneCT-lZdMn for ScM S?e be SSSf MM parent Buardlan to8tii2.tRer9utli. naut : "'8Juiun.-irgo- Address the Peabody Medical Institute or Dr w H. Parker, So. 4 Buliinch Street, Boston Ma who may be consulted on ail d seanL.n.-' skill and experience. Chronic anurSS eases that have baffled the irT" t kin 5 all other physicians a speliLALcta tr lallure. MenUon this paper. feb28daw4w THE0H1TTRUJ mm .Wm pnrlry fhe BLOOD, repi iMstlie LIVER and KIDNEYS, and Bestoek thk HEALTH ana viuys or YOUTH. Dys pepsia, want or Appetite, In digestion, Lack of Strenfrtli, ami i irea eeung aosoiuieiy vuicui jiuiicb, uiusciesuiiu nerves receive new rorce. Enlivens the nilnd and u .uv BUUU11I supplies Brain rower. I f 11 1 tW, S cnfferlnKfrom complaints am au m mm peculiar to their sex will And In SB, HAKTEifS tRON TONIO a safe and speedy enre. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. Do not expert ment get tbe Original and Bkst: (Send roar address to The Dr. HarterMed.Co. V SLLonis, Houfor our "CREAK BOOK." I FuU of straaga and usofullnf ormatton, Juneldawly RICBE1 & MMLIE R. R. N. C. DIVISION. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Sept. 7th, 1884. No. 51, No, 53, PMii!!L Leave Charlotte, - 4.20 am 7.00 p ia " Salisbury, ' 6.10 am P ia " High Point 7.25 a m 9.30 p m Arrive Greensboro, 8.00 am 9.58 P m Leave Greensboro, 9.35 a m Arrive Hills boro, 11.39 a m " Durham, 12.17 p m " Raleigh, 1.30 pm Leave Raleigh, 3.10 p m Arrive Goktsboro, 5.25 p m No. 15 Dally except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 3.30 p m Arrive at Raleigh 11.30 pm Arrive at Goldsboro 11.110 a m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro with R4DRB for all points North, East and West ol Danville. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points ia Western N. C. At Goldsboro with W,tW.K.i dally. Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Greensboro wits R. k D. R. R. and for all points un Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Sept 7th, 1881 No. 50, No. 52, - -:. Dally. Daily. Leave Goldsboro, 12.00 a m Arrive Raleigh, 2.20 p m Leave Raleigh, 145 pm Arrive Durham, 6.02 p m " Hlllsboro, 6.43 p m " Greensboro, 9.00 p m Leave Greensboro, 10.05 p in 9.35 a m Arrive High Point 10.40 p m 10.05 a ra " Salisbury, 11.55 p m 11.10 a m " Charlotte, 1.35 a m 1235 p m . No. 16 Daily except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro 6.00 pm Arrive Raleigh 9.50 pm Leave Raleigh 1.00 a m - Arrive Greensboro 9.00 am No. 60 Connects at Salisbury for all points on W NCBR, and at Charlotte with A 4 C Air-Line ior all points In the South and Southwest. No. 62-Connects at Charlotte with C, CAB Ft for all points South and Southeast, and with A ft C Air-Line for all points South. if. W. N. C. RAILROAD. A No. 50. c " GOING SOUTH. Daily, No. 52. -- ,, ex. Sun. Dally. Leave Greensboro, 10 15 p m 10.00 a m Arrive KernersvUle, 11.19 p m 11.04 a in ArriveSalem, 12.67 a m U.38 a m ; , " No. 61. " GOING NORTH. Dally, No. 53. ex. Sun. Dally. Leave Salem, 610pm 6.00 a m Arrive KernersvUle; 6-50 P g.35 a m Arrive Greensboro, 7.00 pm 7.40 am STATE UNIVERSITY R. R. , - - " NoTl Ne-3" GOING NORTH. Dally Daily ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave Chapel HU1, 10.25 am 6.00 pa Amve Unlversliy. 11-25 a m 6,00-DJ" No. 1 No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Dally Dull' ex. Sun. ex. faun- Leave University, 6.90 p m 11.54 a m Arrive Chapel Hill, 7.M p m U64 pja BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE. On trains 50 and 51, between New York .and I At lanta, and between Goldsboro and Warm Springs. Through Pullmaa Sleepers on trains 62 and w between Washington and Augusta, and Darmiw and Richmond, and Washington and New Orleans. WThrough tickets on saleatGreerisrwro,Ka eigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, for au points South, Southwest West North and East. For emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas. Arkansas and theSouthwest address .Wro A. L. RITES. ' M. SLAUGHTER, 2d YPiGen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent : Richmond. Ya. Sew UaYen Palladiaia. DAILY AND WEEKLY.) EatAhl tsiI. 1 . r r- - , . - , . M.4tnM at thA Vlirth f every man In North Carolina who has a farm.mins or tract of timber land or water power to seU. i n? letters of our staff correspondent have glyenuw rauUAuiuM a great repuBuuu uuwiiu,. Wand, as the only real representative of the i ig Heel'' State, and all New Knglanders who th'nKoi locatingln North Carolina send to tne riLw to get 'pee's" letters. - . For terms and other particulars address - 8KTH G. JOHNSON, " Binrmesa Manager THPAiLarm, ' wchlSdawSro New HaventtJ". f TO PRINTER 9. We will sell a good secood-hM " 1 FUwF ---. d eifleptkaw . a