D A I L;Y; C H-A R-L OiTTE OiB S ERV E R, T FT U FIS D A Y, NOVEMBER 20, 1 884, 5 f 1 . ! PfWSICIS tommn ' i . i BRO'j' IR0S BITTERj : iy;i fsdT'ifijuRiouj -Ah . jt " -It ENRICHED BLOOD, 1 I J IVIG0RT.ES:ksU , ;;restores.,ppet!te, '' MIJtfe'STiO CUREj iYSPEPSIl - .r J r fBr ft ol fawn s iron D' 1 1 "'. I f 1 i I piTTcrs no.So.Dovc mo'-mo. & crsscJ feJ lincs .n wfi.pp.' i li : i IK r TAKENoQfflEl? -k X0RP,D BOWELS, 5 DISORDERED LIVER ;and MALARIA. t& i."S?ltbe8e 80Urct arise three-fourths ol too - diseases of the lianian race, these symptoms indicate their existence : Ii 01 Appetite, Bowels costive, fciCIc Ilead sae,fUne,. rter satfag, .Tersioa to Sertlon of bodjr or satnd, JSmetatlov of fot, Irribllitr of temper, tow rUs, A eU.j of havtug neglected y, f lot taring at Ult IlcKrt, Dots oeltore the eyes, hlebly eol ored Urtae, COXaTirAllON? aid de manfl the use of remedy that acts di rectly on the Liver. As aWrer rned icine TUTT'S PI LU lure no equal. Their action on the JUilneyg and Skin is also prompt: remorinr &U impoxiUes through these three scar "S1 tke system," producing appe ilte, soorxl digestion, regnlar stools, a clear Sfctnand a vigorous body. TtJXT'S HI.U8 aaosea griping nor interfere with flatly work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA; HS FKEUS LIKE A. HEW MAW. S " f TS had Dyspepsia, with ConsUpa tion, two years, and have tried.ten different kinds of fills, and TCTT' are the first that hare done me any good. They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetite is jpleidld, food digests readi' r, and I now Jf7, X Ural passages. I IHce a new -4 W.t.EPWABDS,Falmyra,0. sMTS.VhCT,age. Office,44MnrrBySt.,y.Y.; rUTTO HAIR DYE. Gray Haib ob Whiskebs in etantly to a Glosst Black by a single an pucauon or this Dtb. -Sold by Druggists or sent by express on receipt of 9 1. - Office, 4i Murray Street, New Yon."""" TBTTS MAKUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FRES. SILVER CLOUDS. If n Bosworth laterriewed . teVpuniTY . - , r, " Prom the Southern Clipper. y' 'Xes," nM lfcf James Bommrth, and it ... lantlan, to a representatlTe of the Clipper, "tt was , twelve years ago when I contracted a terrible case r Mood poisoning. My aaietton was truly horrible I had no appetite, did not sleep well at night, my digestion was impaired, my throat was cauterized five times, and in fact I was a total wreck. I had been under the treatment of several of the leading . Physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs, where I remained several months, reeelYln, no benefit whatever the dread disease still clung to me," And you remained in this condition twelve years?" Interrupted the Clipper man. ! "'Yes sir, and more than that Three years ago I was laid up with rheumatism. Mr knees mm drawn up in such a position that I could not leave my bed for months. . "Weli," continued Mr. Bosworth, "Uistwimmer - the disease seemed to renew Its attack upon me with an the ravages of death. My lit e was a lin gering torture, and I had despaired of ever getting well, when a friend of mine reeommtaded B. B. B Botanic Blood Balm -as he knew of wonderful eases it had eured. I acted on his advice and began j to use tt at once, and was both surprised and grat. lfled to flnd,.after using .only one bottle, to feel a decided change for the better. I saw that the medicine contained merit, so I determined to eon--tlnue Us use. -.:' - --. - . . :..,-- ; "I bought lire bottles more, making six In all. and now believe myself permanently cured. I refer ; to Bev. C. C. Davis, Dr. John G. Westmoreland.Dr. ! Knott, Garrett & Bro and numerous others who know of my case. I cheerfully recommend B. B. B", to a3 similarly afflicted, for I really believe it is the best medicine for the blood In the world." . i -"You are the picture of health, now," remarked , the C"rr r man. v . "Tc'-l I f Via a new man, and never had bet? ..terheaHiJa my life.".- ; -: ,--4 Tte Clcper man then departed, feeling confident that B. B. B. possessed wonderful, curative powers, Sold la Charioite ty - ' W: M. WILSON. a -T'l pnt pre-1 f -,r fjree live Ymvf. , . , . . ..., eow. P. w. i.. 1 he South as a Field tar Investment. Sarannah Setrs. , .There is no better field for invest1 ment now than the South.. . In every Southern State there" is great need of money to begin cew enterprises or to carry on tnose aireaay esiaoiisnea Farmers want money, business men want money, and th .ae-who are pre panne to open up mines or to start manufactories rwant money. They are willing to pay a eood interest for it, and they can afford to pay it It is a mistake to suppose that they can not furnish srood security- The South is rich in resources. Her lands produce abundantly, her forests are valuable now, and are becoming more valuable every year, and her mines of iron and coal are equal to any in the world. ,:;.,- -. : it needs only a glance at the aes ment rolls of the different Southern States to convince any "one that the South is making rapid strides toward wealth. In 1879 the assessed value of preperty in Yirginia, North Caro lina, South Carol ina; Ueorgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Ken tucky, Tennepsee and Arkanpas.waa $2,184,000,000. The asRPfsed ' value this year was 12,825,000,000, an in crease in five years of t541,O()O,000. This increase is not attributable -to inflated values, but to accumulated wealth.' ry Property is not assessed higher now, in proportion to its y,uf than it was in 1879 As ptates i have grown richer the rate of taxation has decreased, in tnis anasomeotneror the Southern States the State rate of taxation is remarkaoly low . It is only within the last three or within the last three or that the growth of the 1th has attracted the at- four years South in wea tention pf Jhe capitalists of the North to any great extent, ana even now outside of a small ,circle,i the ad van tages the South- offei s r to investors are not known. T i - In any of the States named 'above money readily commands from 8 to W per cent." with excellent security The great majority of Northern peo ple whtf have money to Joan are not reaiizing-'more than 4 per cent, jor it. They would gladly st ud their money satisfy themselves on this convinced vested. To satisfy themselves on this point they !'ve only to investigate for them selves. - : ": ":' ." -: I The money of the North made the Western -States wnat they are. ln 1878 the insurance companies of Con necticut alone had $50,000,000 invest ed in' the" West. Almost all of this money was placed on farms and secured bv first mortgaees. What was done for the West by the capi talists and moneyed institutions of Connecticut, Massachusetts and other Northern States can cow - be done for the South. The Security in the South is just as good as it ever was in the West," and Southernlahds are capable of being made just as profitable. During the coming i winter ., the Northern, people will gfct a better idea of the boutq and ner resources than they ever had before. At the New Orleans Exposition they will see evis dences of wealth that will Burprise them. Their keen business sense will see opportunities for? investing their : -e? i! n-..-iL i t -i. i j tney win not be slow to take ad ran tageof. . t ,The election of Mr. Cleveland marks a new era in the material progress of the South. The Southern people now feel that the last barrier to the most perfect harmony of s titiment and f-!ing JLetw.:en the North and South has .becn removed, and they will work to promote the prosperity of the Soutn more hopefully and enereeti cally. It will be su i prising if within a -rear Northern" capital is notsek- irier Investment in the South in great apTmciancer ; Origin r.l Vauiiu 'g (be X. wn Ked. Harrisburg Telegraph. i. 'Howis"tolitics in HarrLsburff?" asfceaismjveJshrthe minstrel man- agerot -a rewgraph "reporter. .. i'Red hot'-" answjer&d the reporter; oowi parties have, painted the town rea.'-' . - : - i "v.:. MrWAJsh remarked: -"That'aan Odd expression painting the 'Qwn Tea -jo you- Know wrrere it origina tedr.WdCXU teil TOu.. .On mv last lour through the pountry with , Cai tenaer s minstreis-i-a-; year or more ago I bad as' advance agent a man named Campbell. ; Campbell was a genius at advertisinsr.and never per hmitted a rival to get ahead lof him. uneday in Uaffalo I said: i'Camn bell, I hear that Barlow and! Wilson I are covering my ; bills 'with ' their papef- I want thatsiJprjied.'E I told him that Jier: would strike ihem at "Adrian, Michigan, land wheri next -I saw him he Jiad huge bundles of bills were printed in bright, red. t 'What are you going to do?' I asked. 'I am going up to. Adrian to paste these bills over Barlow ? dnd Wilson's, and on every dead wail in that places 'I am going to paint the town red,' and he left.. When we got to Adrian it looked as if it was on fire, go thoroughly had vampoeii aone his work ' That ex pression, pamtipg Mhetown red,' was ' so comic "that the colored Ynin strels caught on -tait Aod-w bene ven there, was any excitement or an vbod v got particularly -loud; they always uaiu someoociy was -painting the town red.' . Of course it spread, and is now in use Dy every body rvprq j Floaida's New Gofernori Kon. K. A. Perrv. who has bam citsuueu i u-uvrnor'Oi -j ionaar Dy a majority of nearly 5,000 over his J 1 : . ? -m, . i i . tiepubhcan-lndependent competitor, Col. Pope, is a native of Massachri setts. : He was a y oung man when he removed to Florida,' and Opened an office at Pensacola for the practice of me law. At tne outbreak of the civil war he joined jtho Confederate armv. and led a company of bis own raising w me army oi-Virginia in lue pegin ning of Jufy. 1S61. He first saw sr vice in the peninsula. J At the fdeath Of- the colonel of his regiment; who was killed m the battle of Williams burg,-, Uapt. Perry was promoted to the vacant position. He cohlmandfvl his 'regiment in the bloody fight of even iri nes ana .tne patties before Richmond, and was Wounded at Fl eer's Farm. :' Shortlv after-reeuminff duty; in the field he was made a brig uuitr general,- ana commanaea as such m the Army of Nartherns Vir ginia, t He took part in many well contested ' battles, and lost a larger aumueroi men as wetxysourg 'than any ongaae engagea on the Confed erate side.' At the battle ot the WiK aerness he wa wounded the second time . ? - t: - ' t ' ' Forest Fues in Virginia. "Petebsburg, Va., Nov, 19. Forest fires are burning in Greenville coun. ty. i ; In the neighborhood' of Hick's - ford. in this State considerable Quan tities of timber have been destroyed and some farm houses and a .large amount of fencing. -- In consequence of the protracted drought the grass anu unuergrowin naa become so dry At 1 -iL . 1 . . r 1 . ludb tue is ist sparic wouia ignite inem. Spain Uobblinf op Territory. ;Mad a id, Nov. Spain has taken possession of the territory in West Africa about the river Ora, J . The South. Riilelgh News and Observer. 111 informed men at the North who suppose that they know the " South very thoroughly," while really they have but a slight acquaintance with our people, are, fond . of saying that Southern men are a. race-, politicians. How far they are, wide of the mark is exemplified by a comparison of figure?. At the elections the South makes a poorer showing than1 any Northern State. -The Northern peo ple vote much more numerovsly than we do. A wo southerners remain away from the polls where one Northerner does. This shows that - the North takes more interest' in politics than the South ddes. and if the citizens of any section of the Union, can with propriety be called a race.of politic ians, tney are to oe found elsewhere than at the South. More than that, the South just now is paying more attention to her it d us trial development, than ever be- lore, rne uratra campaigp f of a Presidntail election did no interfere with our State exposition ; nor has it prevented the holding of our local fairs at Asheyille. Charlotte, Tarboro, Weldon, Fayet! e ville;- Goldsboro and Clinton; nor lias it delayed the grand World's Exposition at New Orleans, which is to be the finest exhibition ever held in America. But tliene are only evidences of the it. . worK aone in tne noons ana corners of the industrial Southland. The real work is visible only in results. " As we sa-d we sre marching on. The f)uth having if airry entered the 'race of progress, will ihrow her whole soul into tiie iiiotMiuent. and as she be came the wonder of the world by her I activity twenty years ago, 'will again I be regards! wonderful in i hvt rapid strides in wealth ana material power. Mr. Ite cher on the independents. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher attends ed l he meeting Tliurisday evening of ine'isrooKiyn independent Kepubli- cau couunitiee oi one nunarea. held to decide whether the committee should disband or continue as a per manent organ ization. Mr. : Beecher said he deemed it wise for the inde pendent movement throughout the State to continue. The independents had won a victory, and what were they, goiner to do? Thev were not going back into the Republican partv again, i He would eci with the Renub- licans as far as they were right in local matters, but in national matters he was a Democrat so long as that party acted fairly. Mr. Beecher said that for twenty years he had bean so good a Democrat that he could not act with that party. Many nennl were perplexed to know where he was now and where he belonged. Tt was hnally decided to appoints com mittee to devise a plan for permanent uaganizauon. Hm Is Urs wlasluw T -. -a s u -eaiiun u Iuq te; t' asked, we will slm- (! Miy ha to a laeij -vro foruDnardaof thlrtv y rs b-. u-1 nugiy d -tvoti her time anil talents u a t n 'l- I'urs ci.iu s-d. nius. unnninal.w -.uJiMjlrtiii r - .. --he Has rnt iMiallv- a iirluiri lha ui. th mm want oi tcis nummxw it m. -j U. h.h a re lilt of Ibis fff . and oraetliial knnwl- '.fli-.tr. cota'iieii in a lifeume --penl as muse and 1 us, slio iis cmipoundfd a Hoo'hing t-yror, rorcnlMrrrn 'Mthlnff - it onwiirM iiiia. u.ucrinl! ivii.giest ai d b"a tf. and Is moreover sure to rlgQlHt'j iu tvrels- in consequence of thU aiU e'e, Win low i besom world-renowned as " ' -eij-r t,i- nr race; cnuaren ovtalnly do rls-upa t.ib oher 'es!eciallf is thin th in "I city T is! Q iimitles of the Soothing 8ymn j . .. .... s ... ...... .. ... m . . . . . z. . v,-- n j -,r.-j uitj VMU UCH. W01D1DK SirS. Win- H. t:.iii.jrlallz-id her nima hi thin Invnlna. -Kiirkin a d e sincerely believe thousands of iiiirfrvi. hn t-n evi t?om an early grave by ,iTi-.j jiPiiimi iii.il HlllllUdS VPl uoDorn WUl li.frt- -t.- ti'Dts. ai:d uniu In calllniz ber biRsnml. Vi m'hr b.- .j!-eUii i her tlmv In hnrinlTnh iik hum f. m our ikmk o, until she timm frlvcn vi, - -. -i -ii, yi iiisiuw- a HDing ttyrup ? If tiiwR-rs try t -r-w.--Laiiies Visitor. Naa Isitor. New York-run. )U br .ill drutfNU Twenty-five eonts bottle. A CARD. j To an who are sufferinar from errors nnA rnriiu. crenuiisui jouin. Henous weaKness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac , I will send a recloe that will cure ou MthK OK CH AR(iK. This great remedy nu. Mim.r'vici uj n iiiiMiunaij iu oouui America. ocuu hcii iuiuresseu envelope IO itEV. JOSKPH T. uiji4n, owiuuiiu. new lone . ocuBaeoaAwiy. .To Make WAt'tt Ilrislitr. 1 lie dr8nentlrs lot In nnr a har.n Ana runinni. i unH.-iue i-insuTs nre me remedy, price a cents. NEW:WArCHESs '-V-.-.:.:Hrr JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, -AT- ItAI.E'S' .M- Jewelry Store, t-. . : Nest to A. B. Nlsbet and T. L, Selgle. V On Blood Poisoning f8 of interest to all classes. Will 03 mailed free on receipt of your address. - .'am swift opsomc uow drawer a, Atlacts, Gs. i ContilHliiial Scrofula A crirl In mv mnfilnv find rwaon mmi nf arho t u. llevd wan -ftnnwti tut inn ill fiwnfnla h th. nf e . r . . mv. vuu. wj .4.0 UOO VI. AlIatoona,Ga., July!25. 168, i:' i Prescribed by Physicians. - I have nresnrfhfid Rwiit's finuin. in m.t. 01 Wood poison and as a general tonic, and it has uuic tuiea mux au oiner remedies had railed. o r, . - l- STRICKLAND. M. D , Cave Sprtoa, GaA July 29, - - T , ; Fcnrfal Itlood Poison! - - A negro on mv farm hn hHn mtni r.t n sr?f i"001018011 by tnd 1186 61 tnree bottles of ""'"V"1'- ....... - AMUtUtW J. iiOWARO. norsytn, ba., August 4 1884. .- Hugh1 W;:h arris, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ,. Cbnrlotte, R ! "" t Will practice In the State and' Federal Court. peclaf attention elvpn In cnl Wtir.no . i " y viuwj upixj.-im me iKmri tiouse -stp2Srtwtr . - -, i "' " ""' ''a'"1' m . . . . A . ... 7 , HEBIOT CLARKSbN t " ATTORNEYrATlLAW, 1 .. J ' CTIABLOTTB, N, C. y ; will practice In nil tho mnrf. n.i. n.. )v2.Uw3m. - . FAY'S CE LED RATEDn WATER-PROOF ' Mfl.'HJLA r.G27i::3 Eesembles fltie leathar: for Boofg. Ontsfrl mis, sua Inmde in p!oe of plaBter. Vst ftroii and durante. ..at.aloffne W1;u testii"c.l n.ata a W. II maia and eamule Eatauuaiuxi laA r A i cw tu., rnniden, jv. J.I ue21d4w4i Established Is the only School for in 17SJ3, Boys in the South . with GAS LIGHT, a flrstoWfivw i otttt class Bath House. . The course is Preparatory or nnlshire. There is a tUorouhly equipped School of Teleg ? , J f '"'v 0 T011" ""I smaa means." 1 t s- oa be '"s u .. y v..j. 1 or Cuuiue, aiwcis , The Star of the President Elect. - - . There are a larg number of people in Buffalo. N. Y., who voted for Grover,. Cleveland for sheriff, for Governor and for President, and in each case they succeeded in; electing him. The Courier of that city does not believe that a similar caoe has occurred before, and ' may not occur again in a hundred years. Naturally I many believe in the star of the Presi dent elect. There is hardly a parallel in our history for so rapid a promo tion. Even Gen Grant had "ta wait four years after Lee's surrender be fore he entered the White House. Know Storm. - ' Poet Jkbvis, N. Y.; Nov 19. Snow began falling hortly before ' mid night last night ; and this morning there were two inches on the gronnd, and, the sdow is still falling. It has now changed to sleet. : At Monticello there are four inches, and along : the Erie Ilailroad westward there is much, greater quantity, say from 6 to 10 inches.'"...,! 1 .? ,Th Great Southern Remedy,' Roalali8 cures scrofula,' rheumatism, white swelling, gout, goitre, lonsuraptlon. bronchitis, nervous Leblllty. malaria, and all diseases of a kindred nature arising from an -impure condition of the blood. After physicians have failed to cure, a single bottle of Kosanalis seems to effect such a marked change as to give new hope and life. Bead this letter:- . . - . . . 1 have been a great si.ffererer with inflammatory rheumatism for the last twelve montho. I n in. ducedtotry your remedy, Bosadalis, and I have Deengreiitiy benetlited. My hands and feet are still enlarged, but I fAPl sn miuh hettar that T to'continue taking the Bosadalis. ; Acuuuuui, va, JHUJS. M. Y. DANCE. Kor sale by 'T. C. Smith 4 Co., Charlotte, N. a mn5liitiiiKfrU.4iiiiAw , jir4u' fc ; ' W ItnOUl ' IYIOn6Y ' ' 1 AND Without Price We have Just issued a most wonderful and volu ble new book, which treats of diseases "peculiar to the female sex," and have spared' neither pains nor money to make it worthy the perusal and con- ....... - . fidence of the women aS over our land, " ' - S Every mother, wife, sister and daughter in this country, is deeply, aye, vitally Interested In this great work, and should send for it without delay. . it wiu be sent to any address la the United States 1 . . r FREE OF COST ! : Bead It carefully, study it wen, and you will glean from its pages information that may prove more valuable than all the wealth of all the Rothschilds more precious -.than all the gems of Europe's royalty ! . . . - .'! IT MAY SAVE YOUR5 LIFE! Crtve postofflce and write name plainly, and ad dress ..- '.. -. . . Thb Bbadfdeld Keotjlatob Co., . Box 28, Atlanta. Ga. Itching Diseases. TjCZEMA. or Salt Rheum, wtth ttjm0nnl7lmrttr.. MJJ lne and hnrnlnc inatentlv rolisvuH h a um. bath with Cutlcura Hnan. Hnrl a ulno-ln annllratinn of Cutlcura, the great Skin Cure. This repeated utuij, mm .wo or inree aoses or uuncuraKesolvent, the new blood Purifier, to keep the blood cool, the persplraang pure and nnlrrltatlng, .the bow Is open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Kczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus. Seal I Head. Ttatnrimff of Itching, Scaly and Pimply Humors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best physicians and all known reiueuies lau. . ; : Eczema Xwestly Years. " . . o www m unuu V1 UUO lilCl M nave obtained Irom the use of the Cutlcura Keme- uiHs. i nave oeen irouDiea witn Kczema on my legs for twenty years, 1 had not a comfortable night for Tears. thA hum In nntl 1lMiwr bpm a in. Now. I am happy to say, I have no trouble. Only the liver colored patches on my limbs remain as a w&cu in. liij lunuer misery. ( . HNRTL. SMITH. op w ayeuue, uocnesier, . x.r- t ' Eczema on a Child.' Tour most valuable Cutlcura Remmllen my child so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit Of those who an tmnhlMl It h akin disease. My little girl was troubled with Kranma. and I tried several rinctnin nrul mn1iiinaa hut ih not do her anv eood until I nsmi th nutimira nam. euuw, wmcn cured ner, ror wbich I owe you many uoiuu ouu uiauT uiguu oi rent , u JiusajsUKa, union Bakery. Edinburgh, lad, , . ,, ! Tetter of I he Scalps I was almost tmrfAnll hnM the top ol the scalp I used your Cutlcura Remedies about six weeks, and they cured my scalp perfectly, and now my hair Is coming back as thick as it ever hcu. :-. - ' j. v. v.unu n whltesboro, Tejas. ' , ; . Joiei ed Willi ,TIbtcbes. - I want tO telLTOU that VOUr Cntlmrn Rmnlvont la magnificent. About three months 'A& ft m fAiA vraa covered with blotches, and after using three bottles a xwwireni x was peneciiy cureo. Jl'lUSUlSBICK MAITRE. 28-St. Charles street. New Orleans. La. fry Poison lngr, - s For all cases of nolsonlne bv Iw or itwwnnH t can warrant uuncura to cure every tJaie. I nave ooiu iv loriive years ana it never iwiis. V. U MORSE, Druggist, Hollistown, Mass.. Sold everrwhepB. I Soap, Cdticura, 60c.j 25c; Sbsvlvbmt, $L0a Potter I)ra and Client teal Co. boston. A COMPLETE STOCK OF- Ssaside Libraries, POrttET EDITION, E 33 DINS' -ALSO- Lbziar; Fashion --Sheets JUST REVIVED ;.iv ; ' .:.';;i3-1..rii v: j -iV ., , fr. . , - !.- ... :- AT . - You . Will Find THE FINEST CREAM BON BONS And Jelly Creanf Goods, at C.H.DTJLS4C0'A The "Secret" , Is America's best Ten Cent Cigar fotsale by C. H.DUL3 4C0. 6b SWEET VIOLET? ' -. - - T. '.... '.. ..... r 1 f Has no equal as a fragrant and delicious smoke live wam siraignc xou can get tnem at . - -i . . . &H.DULS00'S. AND Fruits of Every ' DiicriptioD,' -AT- C. h: DDLS & COl'S. - Daisy Tolu after e sm -king for the breath. The best substitute for tooacco , or sale by C. IL DULSiCO. - TnE FLYING PENDULUM CLOCK, A genuine mechanical wonder: the Tlne-llsh Pen- Ktuff and oi her draw prizes and a ltrpe v;irletv of ciuseu prizes as . v. M, DUJLa t CO. o , A FRESH SUPPL Y OF Fancy , and Family GROCERIES; Best; Brands. Patent Family Flour. Graham. Bye and Buckwheat. Oatmeal and Oat Klakes. California Lima Beans. White Kidney, Marrow rat aiiu navy, ixreeu reas, spin, rears. Cranberries. Atmore's Mince Meat and Plum Puddinjr. - A eood astortment of Canned Fr.ilbi nnd Vent. .n uiuias. Peaches. A nr twits. TTjnr. pinm Whit OibttIh f uieayyus, suueu anu gravea. j - String Beans. Tomatoes, Corn. Asparagus and ouotuidu, r reucn reuse ana Jiusnrooms. - ; . i t - . .. . t .-..-". -i . " Pickles and Sauees In bottles, Mixed Pickles and vuuw-cnow ojuie tuan. - . ., - Best Cream Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Edam and Little Gem; Extra Mess' Mackerel, fine Maple Syrup, by the gallon. Hucklns, Assorted Soups, new Raisins,-' Citron, Currents and Nuts, and a great many other nice things that I would be glad to hare you call aba examine. J. M. SIMS. 6cl22dtf FRED C. MUNZLER, :T!.. '- - J- : 4 . '. : - - WHOLESALE 1 .. . .... . i LAGER ItKEIl ' DRALKIC AIE nOTTLEK, CHARLOTTE, -IV. C, Kepreaents two of the largest LAGER tstuaji iirewenes in the United State". ' The Hersner A En-jel Brew iic- sjo., of t'liliadeiphia, and the V. A 91. SialTer lire-wins- Co. IVew York. THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT . - IN THE CITY. t3"Or4ers Solicited. All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. decsudlf - read this.; Messes. Bbown, Wkddecoton&Co.: t t Gentlemen T hum hn nolnir w, innh "nA pleased with It. Have' hauled ten bales of cotton on it irom liuntersvtlle to Charlotte and did not J. HUo. US BROWN. The "Old Hickory" Is sold and warranted by . 8H0WN. WKUDINGT-' IN 4 CO J WAY. : Office of SuifERiirrNpENT-. ? ' 1 f . ' Wilmington, N. C., Sept 21. 1884. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. fX AXD AFTER SEPT. 10,1884, THB F0LLOW- v luKocueuuio win Da ormrarvi nn thu nail. ludu; .- i .......... PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRilN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. , . ' ) Leave Wilmington at ..7.00 p.m. Np. 1, Leave Raleigh at . .7 30 P. M. , - ) i Arrive at Charlotte at.. .... . ...H.UUA. M ) Leave Chariot! t. . ..8.15 P. M. ...9.00 A. M." ..8.25 a. M. No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at .;. ) arrive at Wilmington at.... LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. ijeave cnanotte at...-. jni Arrive Laurtnburg at '. , 5.45 p' M' ieave j.aunnDurg at.. ,.....,.. 6.15 p m Arrive Charlotte at ........ 4 40 p v Passenger Trains stoD at renilar . . and points designated tUe Company Time blUCLBX DjyiSION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. ; i ; ' fUnllv ATPOrtt STinfov iicac iuanuvvBiti.. ., ,, , .. , (j.jg A. K. -Aiiifo 01, cuiDiLrj au i , ..,,,.,,.,,... 1'A.laV If Trains Nos. 1 and 2 mnkn rtn Hamlet With R. t A. Trains to and frnm RqIoik Through Sleeping Cars between WUmlngton and Charlotte and Raleigh and CharlotteT T i xaKo rraui o. 1 lor statesvnie, stations on " v. . j.., aowiiuo 11UU UU1ULS WOSW Also, for KnartAnhurc ;rMTiuiii iihons a Inntu anrt oil r,Mr- V 1 w- I L. C, JONES, ' tM n . ' wwiui lUKIIIurj'l 1 w. viABK, wen. rass. ient. 1 e a me, At a tow price." For sale wholesale and retail by! Ij. k. whiston. Jo U liiH AM'S ' niPROTED STANDAED TITEBIEi "0 is tne Dest constructed and fin ished, gives better percent!! -f). more power, and Is sold for 1,-g uivurr, per uorse power, tnn nvw m hap T-..4n. t f-, , . ' WTnwr-. L .. . . . ' V Cracker Nuts uuuv JUST mm 500 Onaces Q 10 Oacces Mdrph mvj. IN- lillJJlilli Ull 1 TtTE have now reUdy our usual large and exten tJve stock of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, And can assure the ladies that we have now in store the largest and most complete stock to be found in the State. All theJIoveltles, as well as an desira ble shapesj colors, qualities and prices ol Hats - arid Bonnets -- -.' for Ladles, Misses and Children v WK KNOW there Is no Mllllnerv Store In the Southern country where a lady can find a greater variety oi styles and qualities to select irom man our house. - . . - -; i. . WK KNOW there is no house In the South where a lady can buy a Hat or Bonnet cheaper for cash than in our house. . - - --- we KNOW there Is no house in the South where a lady can have a hat moretastefuily and artisti cally trimmed than In our house - - , wis know there is not in the South a house managed by more experienced artists in the busi ness tnavmg made tne pusineas a lifetime study) uian our nouse. . - - W KMOW that we stand ahead of anv retail Millinery Store In the Southern country. : . we win cneermiiy give all the advantages of our Experience j Snpefiof KnawIeJge ' generally of the business to our patrons. Full Lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Zephyrs arid Wool Yarns': - Infants7 - and - Children's Cloaks, Hoods, backs and IV raps. Corsets. Laces, Neckwear. Jewelry. Notions and Novelties oenerallu.. Style, fit and workmanship equal to any dress making establishment iii any Northern cltyfo nan me price. . - ;j .: AI I. A'I SEE MRS. P. QUKKY Ort7dtf " mam ust tecetvet A lot of Fine Gold and Silver Fine Gold and Plated Silver -and snver Plated Ware. Gold, SUver and steei - Spectacles, c. All of which will be sold at hard time prices, at BatlcrV-feroIifli Jewelry; Store, CHARLOTTE, N. C. i A POSITIVE CURE 1 or Everv Form of Rlcin anrl T?lfwl Diseases, from Pimples to Scrofula. AA.n . , .VB uiuv- uilltiU, AlUUt i iiave nan T.nn ponrinsia fnr ntn mn-ua 07 "ft i appnea to a doctor near Boston, WOO nelnen me hut. iinfm-tnnutai t k. , iA n but continued taking his medicine for nearly three I uui mm uiseotHj uia not leve. i sawiMr Carpenter's letter in the ihlladelphla Record, and his case perfectly described mine. I tried the Cutl cura Remedies. llRlnir tun rwtttlaa Vaanliwnt .... Cutlcura and Cutlcura oap In proportion, and call iS. wiinjicicij uureu. li. JT. HIKMK waujriora, jii j. - , . ECZEHt TffEMTT TEARS CUBED. NOT A PIGN OF ITS REAPPEAR! wtt! Your Cutlcura has donn more than two years ago. Not a sign of itsreao- which nad troubled me for more than twentyyears I shall always speak well of Cutlcura. I sell a great w v. .v, a: uAii ijk j on An. I inn fro i or TTatKM-Vi 11 Unns . ' -ots-v. BEST FOR Alf WTnEVG. .Having used your Cutlcura Remedies for eighteen months for Tetter, and fliiaii.,,rriif i l I?!lfti,8el,iDnco.mni,,S8lon' I can recommend it beyond any remedies r have fever used for Tetter Burns, Cute etc In fact, it 4s the best medicine I JXLUHf. SCROFfliofJ SOKES,' I had a dozftn barl mm all remedies I could hear of, andat last Wed your """vn AwuAvvtiv auu hucjr uavo uurey me. Hebron, Thayer eounty, Penn. . i.TTI,t; Everv sneclen nf. Tthinir coiv n . . j ' ""-agiuus numors, witn Loss p(,Seil,i,i!lred CutlcoraBesoIvent the new Blood KHflf rnaily' andCutlcura and Cutlcura Soap the great Skin Cures externally. wi- oOld 'evervwhnm. - - Prinu : . num. 1 m SOAP, 25 cento: RlvV$l"-- !t"! Potter Urn X and Chemical Co., UOSTON. . BEAUTY c?Dnd0D'SWn. Every Day. 1U- THE DKX.ICACICS OF a mis Ai.soiV at the OLD CniRLQTTE HOTEL, Ecerylhing in 1'ine Style. " ' Watchbs, JEWELRY, Oysters ts C::c:c cf Life t By ITZail Post-paid. i:::c; tiiyceli YGELF.Z A Great Medical ffcrkhlla-iiood Exhausted vitality, nervous and physical debllitr, premature decline In man, errors of youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or ex cesses. A book for every man, young, middle-age and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acut . and chronic diseases, each one oi which is invalua- bia. So found by tne autnor, wnose experience for 23ars Is such as probably never before fell to the lotpt any physician. 300 pages, bound In beauti ful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guar anteed to be a finer book m every sense mechani cal, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only JL00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the Na. Oonal Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. - - '' The Science of Life should be read by th young for instruction, and by the afflicted fo relief It will benefit alt London Lancet - - There is no member of society to wh m The Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth,' parent, guardian instructor or clergyman. Argo naut, v ...:-;'- ' -i- :. - - Address the Peahody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnch Street, Boston, Mass., who mar be consulted on all diseases reaulrins skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate ases that have battled the JJ j A T skill of I ail other physicians a spe XI Cjx.JLj cia ty. Sucn treated successtuny rT i W I I- IT without an instance of 1 XX I HTi Lil allure. . Mention this paper. . - feb2Rdaw4w p jpssa Flaria-.llill ESTABLISHED 1774. Ruhr's 177. " Rolls I8!5. i'wj 5 PATENT lC.AiiAM3RIUMrfi.Co. THIS COMPANi OWNS AND OPIBATES thre. BOLLEH MILLS as follows: ! - P ATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicott City , Maryland. " PATAPSCO MILL B, at 'Baltimore. Maryland. - - - . r-ATAKJUO MXLLC, at Oranee Qrore Maryland. . tlavuiK a daily caoacitr of l.SO carrels. . The vanie of Flour depends on die prop portlonate uautltvol (rluteu. Starch, sumir and PhoHiihati- of Lime. ! Maryland and Virginia Wheat. fr6ii Pnospna ipjlt rn which our Patent Roller Flours are mannfMrfiirerl Is unea nailed for Its Durltv and Hiiimrinr nnaiitv nf alible properties. : Ask your Grocer for PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, ' jrA.l AWZjU(J PATENT. . PATAPSCO FAMILY, JfA TAfoVU EXTRA, ' CAPE HENRY FAMILY NORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, ' : - BEDFORD FAMILY, ORANGE QROVE.EXTRA v. a: g An bsill iti'F'Q to.; 1 32. Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. Represented by R. N. . Littleiobn. Charlotte. N. C - no18dtf ' iKQMOND k DANVILLE I II. - " nf. C. DIVISION. i , Cottdejsaved Schedule. TRAINS GOING NORTH. .' Oct 12th, 1884. - : No.51,! i No, 53, ' . Dally.. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 5.30 a ni 6.b0 p in " Salisbury, - 7.22 a m 7.57 p m " High Point, : -8..S6 a ni a69 p m Arrive Greensboro, 9.10 a m 9.28 p in Leave Greensboro, 9.35 am ! -. . Arrive Hillsboro, -.. 1L39 a no " Durham, .. 12.17 p iij , " Raleigh, . ' , i.30 p n. V - '. Leave Raleigh, M' : .- - p m ' . Arrive tioldsboroj . 40 p m Leave Greensboro - 3.30 p m Arrive at Raleigh - 1L30 p m Arrive at Goldaboro 11.U0 a m i Ho. 51 Connects at Kmnnhnrn with WAnDR for all points North, East and West of Danville. At Salisbury With W. N. C H. R for all nnlnta In Western N. C. At Goldsboro with w A w n n dally. T Nos. 51 and 63 connect at Greensboro wtth K.4D.H.R and for all points on Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. j . . Oct. 12th, 1884. , - No. 50, No. .52, I ' Dally Dally, i Leave tioldsboro, ,v , 12.00 a m T Arrive Raleigh, 2.20 p m ' LeaveRalelgh, - 4.45 p m t ' Arrive Durham, '',J -fi'-- 6.02 p ni - T. Hillsboro, t .- : ; i 6.43 pm . Greensboro, . , ; ' , 9.00 p m ltGeen?b9r?,) ' " " 9.55 pm 9.85 a m Arrive High Point,, - . . 10.35 p m 10.05 a m -'"' Charlotte, -,-' 1.B5 a m 12..16 p m ; No. 16-Daily except Sunday. , ' ': . . Leave Goldsboro , . 6.0upm ' Arrive Raleigh 9 50pm i i i Leave Raleigh i 1.00am i ' Arrive Greensboro 9.00 am 1 No. 50-Connecte at Salisbury for all points on W NCHE. and at. rharlntto a-ith i n t i . all points In the South and Southwest, . au. oi-vonnecw at unariotte with C, C&RR for all points South and Southeast, and with A 4 C Air Line for all points South. --;- N. W. N. a railroad. i !-0ING SOUTH. ' ; 1 1 ISart'pKa 52. - -i ' - ex. Sun. Daily. Leave Greensboro, v t ; ; r 10 15 p m 9.45 a m Keruersville, v , ? 11.19 p m 10.50 a m Arrive Salem, - 12.57 am 1L25 a m GOING nWh. 1 NDally?" No. 53. .- ex. Sun, t Dally. Leave Salem, '- . t ! , ( - . 7 00 p m 7.20 a m eKernera-Me. 7.35 p m 7.50a m rriveGreeusboro, - j 8.40pm 8.50am STATE UNIVERSITY R: R. ' GOING NORTH - dly :DaUy ' ' ' -" ' -" ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave Chapel HIU, 10.25 a m 6.00 p m Arrive University -- - 11.25 a m 6,00 pm GODfG SOUTH. . " ' Dtu Drfily 1 ! ' ' ' ;-- " . ex. Sun. ex. Sun. ' Leave University, - 6.30 d m 11 54 a m Arrive ChapelHUl, ' 7.31 p m l54 p m BUFFET SLEEPING CARS . WITHOUT CHANGE. On trains 50 and 51, between New York and At lanta, and between Goldsboro and Warm Sprlnes. Through Pullman Klftenpri. nn tD X"? fZT bertreen Washington' and Auirusta, 'and Danville and Rlehmnnrt. nS WriQhlni.tnr.Jni L JC?,"!"18 Through tickets on sale at 'Greeiisbdrb. Ral eigh Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte; foraU points South, Southwest, West, North and East For emlerant rate tn Tmuinnn and the Southwest nrtdrTT"-.. "T" A. L. RIVE3. M SMnfiTiTx V P Geq. Manager. " Gen. Pass. AaWit . ' ; - - Kiohmond. Va.. . , . ' Cheap; Lots For, Me.' I offer for sa1 ICiirrit t oto CAwOnA .,.a s... i t...'Jt ir. -yv" vi ueM!ry.cneap. A'-0"ilnto.8ecure a cheap lot. would do ofrer, LPrl?e at which the, are R. ?. COCHRANE, ' Manager. ay28dtf Tp R. l1AGIUL, WHOLESALE GROCER i AND COMMISSION MERCHANT' C0li4.gr, etM Charlotte. Houccg Rented; nouses rented AdverfSfyi t-i V k,;"" '-e". intneciTy CiA&L0TT I.i4L I '--TE AG'T - 'in LUBRICATING CHESS-CARle YCO. charlottr. . dec7eod1y HERRING SAFE - ,.r"'"cuEll, Apply si " ' ' dis - ! ni ijDri!.t'nlKriucv. j VJtyjft THE Biilf'A pepels. vfSrJyB. lbs nerves rece7T.Zle,"- LADJESlsiSS """ens m w . --j . supplies traKi.111 aaa in ujh. aaamB raoN Toma .t"i ipeedy cure. Gives a clear, hesltT1S!,l Frequent attempts at coWrfeltffi o the populariiy of the orieina1VlH?,u!, nent-?ettUe OafGiNALiDBisaoteill- to ment fret U Juneldawly CALL AND SEE Tlie Grand li -0F- J OCT 8 0 o o ooo A AA A A AAA A A K K K K KK K K K K EES E RE E EES -AT THE- O. K. BA K E RY TO-DAY, IT WILL, DO TOIJ C,00. MAYER & ROSS. PiliSIDENT Will be Inaugurated March 4, 18. THE WORLD, The Only Democratic Paper in New York! Every Democrat Should Read tt! Daily, $6, Semi-Weekly, $2 Sunday, $1 50; Weekly, One Dollar Per Year. MOHEV CA3T BE MADE By any Man or Woman, Girl or Boy who sin Or- ganlze Clubsior The ffwklj fdsnoii, The Great Farm and Home Newspaper, CoatiW! In all Its Departments. AGENTS PAID H CASH. For 100 Subscribers at $1 each $25 will be paM, ' 60 Subscribers, $12; for 25 Subscribers, 6; for 15 Subscribers, $3; for 10 Sub scribers, $2; lor 5 Subscrlb- ers$l. Agents Wanted in Every Town and Village, Cfit j lars and Sample Copies free. Send for them. i- i i . ONLY 15 CENJ3 From Noip to December, TKY IT. TIE V I T. TBI' ''Twenty Per Cent may be retained for Orders ol 10 or more copies to qne address. THK WORIR. sep2fl 81 Park Rnw. Great- Ex'teot i M(D)o 1 Owing to a tremendous arrival of BANANAS 1 Prices have fallen to Hence the rush. These prices wOlMagwl031' on this lot.- -- : ."B&n $-9 octfldp FOR RENT. A flve-room CottaVe,' wltt' WtJ' paintea, corner tnuroa sna .!" 3. IT. KEXEHICK, PropV, C?:"-'J Trade Sb:t- ir.- iv,V. ' C 1-1