3Ui fltiertismttts. S3V -. :. Absolutely Pur. fill podr ii5or aji. A iiiarvgi oj purl "ajth and a--Vsomjiii. Mof ece- omlo 1 ': to orcinar rdads, a;ii csnriol ds old in .a;;iJ with tae saulV.tod of low teei. abort .V'-s by . - ' I - r In oases of dyspepsia, debl.lty, rhenmatl-m, Merandasue Hv-r ct.nwain'. infinity of the kidney nd Madder, constipation and otnerorean it maladies, Hodtetter's Stomach Bittern Is a tr'ed ree.;y. to wnleh the medical bmthrhoO'i have k-M their .professional anetlon, and v hieh h a tsic, alterative and ho.jseholi siiej iflf fnr dlsor dsr of tlie stonm h. liver and bottels has an un iwsm: d ip. lurity. . lfrH!'0y aU Oruzeista and DpalArs to whom applf f ir H'iStetter's Almanac for lit v OFFERS TO THE Whclisale i Retail Trade -f FIVE TONS itip, Leal, TWH.NT V? BARRELS mwmw A Largs tock of CoU Tarsfe, Etc. ALSO ONE CAR LOAD .woe ALL AT rOLOSE PRIONS J. II. Mo ADEN. . UNPARALI ELKD. With each nnmher of TMmore1"'. 'MonthlT T&tk- win oe glvn a fnll-elze fnshlonanie wtttern "tanTd7Jt nr mttla uluolul niilrlitf twin nat- rtig during the year, or value of over three dnl nr l besides the most popsilar. entirt:ln'g and ml magajEine. Stngie soplefc soe : yearly. t2. f,lmm W. J SHUTS OS DSVOKEBT, 17 Ttut lh St., lorn. . . ...... - ttoTOiawiir A Plow Papsr Cutter, fcood n- si.pt tois H W CELEBRATED I j POBf ACH ll. ill!; I'll Oi Arrival and Departure i' Truius. Correct lor the current mon'h. s ' Richhokh akd Dantoxe Air-Lthts.' l AIrtve aJ Chartotte from Richmond at kAV1- . iS3 ' Atlanta at 1 :45 a. m. JNO. 51 Arrives at Charlotte fro-n Atlanta at 630 -- tor Klehmond at 630 a. m. i9- Ar?lve8at.Ch8riotte Bichmondat pm Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p m. t. &?Arr!vs Charlotte from Atlanta at 600 AtuSSS treK'l " Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 630 a.m.; arrives from Atlanta at 8d0 CHABLOTTS.CUmTA Aim Inaiwri Arrives from Columbia at 6:10 p. m. iaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. C. C. ft A. A., T. ft 0. DmsiON. Arrives from StatesvUle at 10:5 a m. Leaves for StatesvlUe at 6:36 p. in. C. C. Shsusi Division. Leaves for Shelby at 6:35 p.m. Arrives from Shelby at 12.-06 p. ta. Mails.. . " c S"' leHvery opens at SjOOil m.: closes at ,9s1 Panment opens at 9.(0 a. m.j tA -X.fji, J. IU. tndei tortew Adveruai-Du John A. Bixby Attention Independents. Wm. Smlthdeal A victory wlth'iut honor. South Atlantic States, gfinerally fair weather, northerly wiada, with Biignu cnange8 in temperature. The amount of gold and silver bullion assayed at the mint in this cuy during November was $13,416. The good work of painting tie numerous telephone polk has com menced. It "will be an improvement that all our citizens can delight in. Rev Neander M." Woods, naptnr of the Second Presbyterian church, o'ing aosentirom tne , city, there will be no services at that '-.hureh to night. ; ) iffA i v--:.- t There has been some talk for a day or two past about enov?, but up iu i iiis writing we are unaoie to say whethier or not it has been decided to have it. ' ..-.-'r v.-;-. We received a pleasant call ves terday from Mr. Z. W. Whitehead. an attache e of the Winston Sentinel. wno was here on business connected with his paper. ' w-;.-- The decorations on the front of Butler's jewelry store tret uwav with anything in town, so far. . John T. always comes to the front, in hand some style at this season of the year. -'- Sheriff Potts left , this r mornine for Raleigh having in charge three colored delegates to the penitentiary. They were Ernest Wilhiuiisy for life; ivelson rorter, 10 years, and Bur Edwards, years. - '; - ; Over at Concord. Mbndav. the county commissioners met and re ceived the bonds of the county of ficers. : Capt. Wm. Propst succeeds Col. N. Slough, as sberifl. and Mn. John A. Cline succeeds Esquire J S. i! isner as treasurer. The regularity with which the trains have been coming in on time since Cleveland's election, has caused general remark. iW also notice that the court house pump hasn t been out of sorts since the. Tribune gave it up. A favoirgerman was given at the Pleasure Club s- rooms last night, to if is Bettie Davis, of Wilson, by one of our popular society young men. There was quite a number of couples on the floor, and it was altogether the most brilliant german that has been known in Charlotte for a long time. James W. Council, one of the most prominent citizens of Watauga coun ty, died suddenly of heart disease one day last week, at the house of ms brotner on Meat ureeg. uamp, in that county.-' He was 55 years old. and was a member of the Convention in 1861. S.:r.y;:.,r:s ; Mr. R Z.'. Linney, accompanied by lir, Williams, of States viile, pass ed tnrougn the City yesteraay on cneir way to Columbia, to attend a meet- irktr in t.Ya intiirscta rif t.ha A T A". O Railroad extension - to Tayrsvilie. i ne roaa oea ror ins extension nas hntn mnAi And t.tift trafik will lins doubtedly by laid before 1836. : As will be seen by rreporfc else vhcrA : PharlnttA htm hett-.n unani mously selected as the place for hold lug tne next annual corxiorenct . oi the. M Church. South. On that occasion we promise that the clergy J 1 -i. 'ft l x I ..U1.. ana lany.wui utj mueii uji'!iauij ceivpd and well cared for. ThA mAtnhera nf thA.noIinA .fnrfA desire us to publicly espVess their 1.1. antra ts Mrs W ; A. - MiiNineh fr ft present to each of a chest pro frntnr. and elao to Mr. H. C. Eccles for ; his thoughtf ulness in inviting . i . - rrt i J ' . ttiem au to nis inanK.sgivj.ag umiior, two favors of which they are duly appreciative. - r At Norfolk, Va.4 today, Mr. Jfi A. Oldham, editor of the W inston Sentinel, is to capture an helpmeet in the person of Misa Maggie G. An drews. The ceremony is to be per formed by Rev, E. D. IVierson. Our hut rniohpo amnmnanv ; tnir voune friend and we trust that all his most cherished hopes will be fully realized, l The bottom seems to havefallen out of the amusement business in Charlotte. ; The last - two troupes billed for the opera nouse nere Dustea linu " c j rj ments, and in response to an inquiry as to the outlook for the fui ure, lnat Gray, the bill poster, merely re marked in an emphatic manner: JJIanKety DianK oianneu. Mecklenburg, has moved to the city witn ilia lamiij' ouu. ; ia wg ih nroount at thA Central Hotel - His initiation by the court house ring is to take place aiuraay. xne cerw mony wnich be will have to undergo has not yet been decided upon, but be will probably be Vmade; to climb the stand pipe, tbeq dive down and come out through the man hole. Ur, Talmagp Paused Through. -. " "Oaxr T rioWit.t Tjilmaere. naator of the noted Brooklyn Tabernacle, pass ed through the city at 130 o'clock froflucnav mnrriiriir. on uu k wuv . Atlanta, where he lectured last night on ungersousm. me cumwun -divine was accompanied by his daugh ter." It would -be a great treat to our if rr Talmacre could be In duced to stop at Charlotte on his re turn and deliver a - lecture in tne opera house here. On twelve, hours notice be would receive an - audience equal alike in point of numbers and intelligence that greeted him on his last appearauce here. Our opera house managers should make an effort to secure him while he is yet in the South. 'If the heart of a man Is depressed with cares, the miet is dispelled when the bottle appear-.' Not a bottle of spirits, oh nol but-a sinnU ial or that invaluable compound known to elvnlzaUou as lr. Bull's Cough Djiup. - . XIe $T5000 to an . Lnkuown . VLtrnS 1 . it is collected by the Louisiana National Bank for an unknown de -osltorThti lucky ?8 4r5 was treented at the main offices of i he Loul-lsna State Lottery Company by Mr. A. Luria. cashier of the Lotilnlana National Bank lur adeuositor. TnisJeaU that the s otttry Company knows of It, and Mr. Ltirm decliued to name tht fo tunHte toS"dr. A che.'k for $T6.(0 was. deposited to the emJitof the l"lrj depcwltor. New Orleans city Jrj,OctouTi4 Bdri'LE AJIli PLASR. : One Yonnfr Mb Hits Another on the " ilexd wtTb a Botdr, and the Bisw ia . Returned will aPieceoi Piank A ' Shattered Bknlf. John Dulin, a young man of Morn ing Star township, tnis county, was reported to be dying yesterday after noon from the effects of a blow he received on the head with a piece of plank in the hands of his compauion, Kutus Mullis. As JJulin 8 ssuu was split open and a portion of his brains were spilled through the fracture, it Js more than probable that be is by this time dead The affray occurred last Monday afternoon, but up to yester day muius bad not been captured. The scene of the fight was at, or near the store of Joel Watts, in Morning Star to lenship, where the two young men met and began to make friendly .over a bottle. Both, we are told, were underthe influence of whiskey. About the time they had drained their bottle, a quarrel sprang up be tween them, and with bis blood aroused young Dulin jerked up the bottle and dealt Muhis a stinging blow over the head with it The blow somewhat staggered Mullis, but quickly recovering himself, he pickid up a piece of plank which he found convenient and with which he at . tacked Dulin. He struck Dulin only 'one time. No second blow was heed ed. The plank came crashing upon Dulin's skull with terrible effect, and as it dropped to the ground from Muilis's hand its sharp edge was spat iered with blood and brains. The blow had laid Dulin's skull open, and the unfortunate man fell as if he had been shot, with blood pouring from his head and a portion of his brains slowly oozing out. He was carried to a neighboring house where medi Cat aid was procured ad goon as pos sible, but his injurits were pro bounced fatal. What became of Muhis our inlormant could not say, but it is believed that he is still in the neighborhood. : Dulin and Mullis had always been considered f st friends, and further more were related by marriage, Du lin having married a cousin of Mul lis. The latter is a single man. Both are well known throughout Morning Star township, and the people are not a little excited oyer the affair. What the cause of contention was that pro dueed such serious results,.; does not seem to be known. The' doctors say that Dulin cannot survive, and Mul lis will be arrested and brought to trial. Traneters of Real Ksuue.' During the month of November the following transfers of real estate' were recorded at the office of the register of deeds: Deed from J R McDonald and wife to Thos A Mc 1 Donald, land ; J M Kendrick to Annie Maun, lot; J as Ludium and ' wife to Samuel J Beatty, land ; W R Myers to John Murphy, lot; Unas M Baker and wife to Jobuston Neal, land; R F Bj rum and wife to jP J Byrum, land ; Ambrose Dulin and wife to J E LnmoudB, land 11 J Walker to J S Henderson, land ; H J Walker to Mrs Caroline Henderson, lot; Alice Wil liams to Geo J Etheridge, lot: M E Alexander to J M Cone, land; W C .Auvxweii to if jiL Murris, iJab acres oi land; P M Morris to W C Maxwell, 25(5 acres of land; Geo W Gruder to J Li Hun way. cotton compress; F C tfrem toy w wynn, lot; G 1 pun lap to W C Maxel and S J Tors rence, land; U L Adams and wifp to W C Maxwell, land; W C Maxwell and S J Torrence to M L Barnuger. land ; Alonza C Whitridge to J R Er- win, Rock Island land; RM Gates to John C Spenoe, lot; Isabella Grier to Isabella Furr and others, land; T J Bynum and wife to R F gy unm, land ; V M Desperman to i J itentrow, land: J W Morrow to N J Moore, land; W J F Liddell to Oocar Bankpt lot ; J M Da vis to A W Archer, land; Mc Lauxhlin and Phifer to W B Fewell, land; J M Earnhardt to Mary Jj Mat toon, land ; o A sawyer to Jonn aic- Fadden, land; John Hunter to John McFadden, land; John Hunter to John Randplph, land ; City of Char lotte to John Garibaldi, cemetery lot; F Lee Irwin to M D Scott, lot: C J Blattfc to J 1) Brown, land: A H Uhyne and wire to vv y- V orc et al, trustees, land; F S De Wolfe and J E Brown to L M Brown, lot at Matt hews; T Jj Alexander to J julgar Hepderson, land; R M Herron to Brown &. Johnston, ioti C Dowd to J Starr Neely, laud; A W Alexander to J M Houston, land, J A McLure and vif e to C Dowd. land j G W Alexan- der-and others to R F ; Quriutenbury and ethers, lot. - 31 ckleabatg Affairs. ; V ' - At the meeting of the commissioners yesterday, "all the members being present, it was decided, mat uurweii t Walker be continued as attorneys ; for the county for one year ending on the first Monday in December 1885. J B. Grier, constable elect for Steel Creek township ; presented his bond for 500, with l'hos f Grier and J B Swaun as sureties, which was accepted by the. board. An order was passed that the office in the court house now occupied by tjapt. a. tr. 1 Waring, be rented out to D. G. Max well, J. P., from Jan'y 1st to Nov. i 30, 1885, at a rental of $5 per mouth. The office lately occupied by Bnrwell & Walker was ordered to be rented to A Burwell at $60 per year. It was ordered that Capt. S. E. , Belk, late county treasurer, be allowed he sum of $.335, the 'same being 2 1-2 per cent commission on $13,400 paid out for the public school fund ot Mecklen burg, from Dec. 1, 1883, to Dec J, 1884. No commissions have been charged, by the treasurer on the graded school tuno. v - :; John T Johnston resigned as school committeeman in district 56, and R A Pjckett was appointed in his stead. C N Alexander was appointed com mitteeman jn district 56, vice S. B. Hutchison : resigned. Wm Harkey succeeds T W Neal asjeommitteeraan in district 86. J T McGee succeeds J C Dowd in district 7d. r Among the payments ordered to be made by the ounty treasurer were the following: W R Stearns, salary as overseer, poor house, November $25, and for hire of labor $13; Wm Sneed, - labor done, and provision furnished road convicts $13; Jas D Pharr material and building bridge over Briar creek $130 ; DrSE Bratton 5 oat mortem examination of body of no Withers $10, medical attendance stock tde $5, medical attendance poor house $10, and jail $10; J S Spencer & Co.. 540 lbs bacon for use of con-, victs $39.15; Wittkowsky & Biiruch coats and clothing for convicts $27.88; W L Saunders. Secretary of State. 50 Justices Dockets $36; W; II Bagley, clerk Supreme Court, costs, in cases Ernest Williams $33, Wm Kerns $18 and Adolphus Pressly $20, total $60; H D Duck worth, supervisor convicts $50; R E King, T J Keith and J H Severs, guards, $30 each. .!'- : ' ; ' fr; Anv Editor Xe-tlinomlal. . A.M. Vaughan, editor of therereenwlch Bevlew, Greenwich, O,. writes: toLast January I met with a very seveie accideut, caused by a runaway horse. I used almost evtry kind of salve to heal the wounds, which turned to runuing sores, but found nuthiiiz to do me an rood till 1 was recommended Ueurj's Carbolic Salve. I bought a box, and it helped me at once, and at the end of two months I wits comolfttelj well Ife is the best halve In tte market, and 1 t.ever fail ni telling my friends jibouUt. ana urge tne:u to use it wnenever mneea. i For sale by T. C. Smith ft Co., Charlotte, N. C I janSWdtoesfrinsunaw. . . Til IS APPOINTMENTS'. . Mr R-bey riomes t Charlotte i4 Nr. . Bagwell Goes to Winsioo D.opi tio oi tke tJletar tor the CUua Dintnct- The list of Conference appointinontA for the ensuing year was read out m .Wilmington yesterday atternoon by xtishoD Irarker. and we give our itad rs this morning the result so far as it relates to the Charlotte district. Rev W. M Robey, D. D., of GjIcIs boro," was appointed : to take charge of Try on Street church in this city, and Rev. J. T. Bagwell, D. D , goes to Winston station. Key, J. a ilur ley is returned to Calvary Mission church in this city. Kev. r. vv, Guthrie is returned to this di.i rict, and Rev W. H. Moore is presiding elder of Shelby district. For other stations, in this dietrict the appoint- ments are; ; Charlotte circuit-W F Coffin. ; Matthews circuit -S M Davis. Clear Creek circuit --T S Ellington. Pinevillo circuit - J -. Ed Thompson. Pleasant Grove circuit M H Hoyle Monroe Station F D Swindeil. , Monroe circuit FBMcCall ; , Wadesboro Station W C Gannon. Wadesboro circuit R S Webb. .? ' Ansonville circuit L E Stacy. Li esville circuit-G ;W Harrison. Mr. Robey, who has ; been sent to Charlotte, is the editor of the Method tat Advance, and his - office was de stroyed in the Goldaboro fire. . Since the'n he has issued bis paper as best he conic under the diniculties sur rounding him. It is not known what his intentions are as tp the .future of his paper since his appointment to Charlotte, but it is thought that be will dispose of it to other parties and devote his entire time to his pastoral duties. This, however, is mere sup position "and it may not be correct. Mr Robey enjoys a fine reputation as a divipe, and we have no doubt that be will carve the people here with the greatest acceptability. The Calvary Mission members are more than pleased that Mr Hurley has been returned to them, as his pastoral relations have been of the most pleasant kind ; and his labors havo been fruitfully rewarded, For he New Orleans Exposition. N. R. Harris, an industrious; a-lor ed man of this city who says he was ' raised" by Mr: W. Shaw, has just completed a set of fine harness which he will have on exhibition at the New Orleans World's , Exposition. The very highest skill and excellence is displayed in the finishing of the har ness and the set will undoubtedly find many admirers at the Exposi tion. Last fall Harris was awarded the first prize for a set of barnots which he exhibited at the colored people's fair at Rabigh. If he is a colored man, Charlotte will have no cause to feel ashamed of his exhibit. A Destructive Fire in Winston. " About 11 o'clock Monday night fire broke out in the engine room of Md ler Brothers planing mills, in Win ston, and a serious destruction of property ensued- The planing mills and lumber yards were burned, when the fire communicated to the building occupied by the Little Queen Manufacturing . company, which, with its contents was soon in ashes. The latter company " manu factured a machine for separating train, and bad a valuable stock on and, all of which wa3 destroyed. The total insurance on th burned property was but $7,000. The loss will be much greater. Both build ings were large t wo . story frame structures and burned rapidly. Noth ing was saved from either building. Complaining of Wrong Treatment. To the Editor of the Obsxbtkb. ' j Noticing the report of our trial in your issue of Nov. 30, we desire space to state that we have in our posses sion a State licence, No. 230, dated Raleigh. N- C. Oct. 13th. 1883. to our selves, for the sum of $30 00, license as itinerant .photographers, under sec. 23, rev. act 1883, for one year from date, signed J M Worth, State Treasurer, per E. M. McLean, clerk. We arrived m Charlotte on the 27th of Si-ptember last. We solicited work for our copyiug house in Meek lenburg eouny until Oct. 11. We have not solicited any work since. Our State license did not expire until the 13lh. We remained here simply to deliver our work. ; We were at our boarding house on the morning: of the 29th, when we were, arrested by tivo policemen, one in uniform and one in citizens dre g, haukd through the strvets to ttm offlt-e ofAehief of police and tried. We were dismissed by the mayor on payment of cosi s Soon after jjur arrival here we called on the maj or and askei him if the city required license of us, and he replied: I think note if there is I will in form you before liking action .' He admitted the wnje on trial. It is strangts that he should then charge us tne costs, sr-s.bu.. r m tne atternoou we were called upon at our boardinrr house by the same nolicemni and again hauled through the streets to i,rje sneiiit a omce. - -we reatf Uy went with them and on our arrival were introduced to Esquire Maxwell, who informed usthtft we were indicted for peddling artr without n. license. We remonstrated and lntormed the mag istrate that we were not art peddlers, but itinerant photographer, as our State license culled for. Esquire Maxwell then coll-.Hitwi fiomus the sum of $17.00, for which wo hold re ceipt." All of which is wrong, totally wrong. ' J. A. LiOVELESS, J. R. McCONgHlBJ. Tonng ladles, on the eve ot marrfaffe. now n!ve "spinster dinners." at which female friends only are entertained. They are allowed to talk of every thing, and never .fail to mention the numerous curative benefits of Or. Bull's Cough Syrup that cures all coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup and sore inroai. w no lawn Merchant. Having passed several sleepless nights, disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, ana Decerning convinced mat Airs, winsiow's Soothing-Syrup was Just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child On reaching home and acuuainting his wife with what be had done. she refused to have It administered to the child, as- tne was scrongiy m ravor or ttomojopatny. That night the ohlla pa- wd In suffering, and the parents without sleep, tte'urnlng borne u duy following, the father foiin.l the baby still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the matber stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said aothlng. That night all bands slept wall, and the little fellow awoke In tha morning bright and hap py The mother was delighted with the sudden and -wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the 8jrup.and sullerlng crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices uf the mother, n'tld br all OrtKirlst 25 cents a bottle. . Conxmnplion 4 nred. I An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his handsjQy an East Indian missionary , the formula of a complete vegetable remedy for the speedy and t permanent care- of Con sumption, Bionchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat an 1 lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaints, aftfir having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of casen, has felt it his duty to make it known to his puffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will rend free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and usine Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. JNOYES, 149 Power's uiqcK, ftocnester, a. x. worn I Th glaam and lbe UmL Krirr mnri thtrts has tta host of lmitatnra. 1 MiinlnAin-hH. ttnMlllnta.lal U , . .. . . the I wick iuviui iml? uieirs aiso: dui ne wno shams Vilt be. vou irc-7d iww oi u, wnue iney wno ane the Inl . . . w.... -.anu )K3Uyn popular subject to copy from: and when they claim to be as good as -So and so.'' or to sell an article equal to "do-and-So," Ui puMic may depend apon H that Mr. Si-and-So" and his at ticl- are siw ? the Post or the kin i. thas the sbam Isalwajs pn-viiiji the genuine me1t ot the thlnjr r. eopies - .f. ijvikivmwii yiwuic alt J tfl.v-jl U kin.. D..I. . . . I nnu ren mera maKn ror ttarit an Immense mm ujunnsai saie. a nunurea imitators arise on "cij laiiu, aim as mej noia out tneir nnam arti cles to the pnplle, yelp In chorus, "Buy this: it's Just as good as hoyaL and much cheaper!' The Boyal Baking Powder Is the standard the world over and Us Imitators la their cry that theirs la as good as Eoval" are all the time emphasizing this la-t In their laborious attemnta toRhowhT a,-. aljwls and otherwise thac the "Snowball ' brand has i the' oo uiuuu rnuiing power -s me Knyai ;" or that Km9lJ' APlh.t tfea UfQilii.nnl.l . I i .. pure as Uie Royal." as well as by their contorUve torts to obtain reeotjattfen from the orernmont tfnAmlstlt Hllfi nmmlnant antatit-loo aim t.. fled tbe siipertoritr of Royal over all otherg, they tatlotis. whit copy only Its general appearance, is a lllDl w:tfTOi urn vittt buq trie true oia utuuu. xijczuiiniiis uu poj nomage 10 ine 'iioyail ' Til Jill Wtlfl UFA Bllflurlniv ffvim amam 1 t - - T n "ui ntwa nun luuir .luuviiavi jvuiu. imTinia ntrtwiirBS, euny accay. luaniniw., ws . i win sena a recipe mat wul cure jou. KKEK Ofc' CHARGE. This great remedy .u.v.v.ou v; a uiimiwkuj iii evmu America. Send self addressed envelope to Rkv. Jobiph T. vtlHileonwly. . 5 nvjiithly meetlnii of ?oar eonapany at your ball thi fWtHlneSflnlVl HVRTLnfF. ItPrt O IRQ! lit U a'Ai, fthftm Villi A trim si crista Haulwul DiinUAnnlkT. uulres a full turn q-.t of members. By order of r.m .... . nnunuw uwnvui AiUiNiin?Btuakir- iwri A. litJI . rTcoiuenu W,J.UAIIS0Jf,s?cretary, A ( ' . A Victory Without Honor. Salisbury. N. C. Nov. 3S. 1884. Capt L. C.Hanes, Lexington, N.C. near Sir I notice you claim through the columns Of tha Charlottb Ob-ehvbb a victory for the Vic tor Hnller, over the Empire Hulirr. without a trial, r aSefl Unnn lhA orrAlirift tYxnt. T fallal tnmAA..n. with my Duller in person. I sent Mr. Hyde, my Al7CTlt. ti mull IVUI .. ll lima r, . . . .. former sotice throueh the Ohsxrveb, also sent word to Mr. Wadsworth and yourself by my agent that I had a very sick daughter and could not ieava home. She is still very sick. Dr. Joljn w hitehead Will tnsti t V to the rlrrvtn,ya nf mv ehtoniaiil T. Is ft very easy mattes fos you to claim victories for your HUller over the Empire, when there Is no trial whch is your only chance for claiming victories clsloti of the Judges at the Carolina Fair clearly de- U1VUUI1U A V Lit lb IU V I took usjnn the victory you claim as being very weak and un fair, and a victory without honor. - iec3d W. SMITHDEAL. New Ilia atid (ilmware, verylsrae assortment of China, Crockery and Glassware, and Silver-plated Wate, (Jfe Ta urd Di Sets, A splendid assortment ot Decorated Chamber Sete, dores, Smoking fieis, Frolt Plates, BotiemianVa& i . ' invpsrauS. SMWiaiFORSALK OR RENT. somest stock of Fancy Goods ever exhibited in this ' , market Thenunllo. and esneclallTthHladlaa. hm uvito sau ana examine the stock. """"W SAK1I WORTH OF Clothing A- T "We will hive a speciwl Suits fincl We a-lvlw nvnrr mother who wishes to nuru tse prloes. Hi'tbj n iar. ; -jt si ''' ' sp ).!.. O it Our?ovi9 mvist.uit shall iiesoM without raserv. us. .Very respectfully, VTlil 4 liOrflK N. B AU pirti3s that owe and nettle th 3 r accounts, th!wae w i Will h iyo to put their accounts m the hinds of a collector. During the Wfllf ELMSM & BMIIDC Invite particular attenj:ion to ,, . order to make room for HOLIDAY GK)OD8. - ' . - - " r- Great Bargains in Silks, Satins and Velvets. Special Bargains in. Combination Suitings. " Superb Bargains in Hosiery.and Gloves. Wonderful Bargains m (Jloaks, Liolmans ana INewmirkets; Extraordinary Bargains in Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths, etc Unprecedented Bargains in iurni.hng (ioods. ' Unparalleled Bargains in Ladies' Muslin and Merino Under clothing. New Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs ANOTHER GREAT BARGAIN IN , AT ABOUT rHARLOTTK. .If. C (5 Mrs, mlik' Cewie, nndrhait th Jtev. Sir TlcMIoatry baAsrto say alsomtlg. TO Tint 71111 W' f hnvn Koa a hniA.l am. for fifteen yenrs, most of the ttne with whnt haa pu voiicpu xkuu, ur sail tuitHtia. I'sufiasis and Lepra, and the like. t,nd have always been told tkt there was no cure for me, and have baen so dls eouraged that I had as soon die as live. 1 have been so bndly afflicted sometimes that there was not the smallest spot from the crownof my head to the soles at my feet that was not diseased and as red as crimson.- It would commence In small white spots, which had a silvery appearance, but were not deep, but ill attempted to beal them, or soon after thelr nrst appearance, they would burn and rnn together until there was a complete dry, red scale, which would becc-me so lnilamcd as to crack and look nery and angry, and the burning sensation would be al most intolerable. I was at times so lame that I could scarcely get about, and could uot dress myself without assist ance. I have tried many remedies, and have paid $100 In a single instance to a physician, but have ever obtained only tempyraiT tPllet. Although helped for a time, 1 soon relapsed again to be as badly troubled as ever, and during the whiter at 11 Hlld T ailffartVt OA mimh-Aa h. discouraged. Last June, however. 1 was advised by Klder and Mrs: L. a UcAtiistry. who are well VIUWIl I. MAntna . A . . . Bkmkdies; and 1 felt somehow a little coufage, from thA SneWinl nVCUIr tf Tulo lout T Avntn.r..v..I fnUlh. thA fWntAdlnnal flnrisitMn nlw mu-a t kn, a.. n perm uient Improvement, until now (Oct. 1)1 am w dvuu ao uow. ailU 111 IKSU IB QS UtO UCZlvii of a child. . -!-- MBS. BEN J. SJkllTIL T AArtlfv iaf than ntKnua atnnnianr a sli. correct, and I join with her luwcoreaglng mr gratu wwaw m,m. wsw KAVW WUUta) DUO HOB T Wkftlfw ftA th. anufcM ! J. Smith Is a pronitnetit man . In this oommunity. v v u'vn. 10 c wou nviVTfUMOO-.W 111 SvUVIk- nnd his suwaiei.t, with thux of hid wiie, is ruiij DnnA nttHMii-mta-aA PmtnM AffWhAA hfa.n ty,8eventh day of October, 1862. L. 0. McDNSTEY. . - Minister ol the Gospel T.ITTTW T liava eawn. nVTv-a Cvnlrn vavtantl J believe her to be thoroughly hu& pernuMiQntly T. f Vfn1?TXTC'Tiii,w Sec'y Advent Ch, Conf P, Q.,No. Vt,ando. N. H. flrrnifmmi Vivam.WKFw Iia nan kij la and cuticdra, anctCDTicmu Scap, the great skin VH'vp wmvi irmubiiT3i.B. (HC 3UIU CVITWIie B, rTll?e. CUHOTBA, m. : Soap. KEsoLYioiT, $1.00. POraUBKUQAND cfafcJUCAL CO , BOSTON. Cookiug and several Heating Stoves, Kitchen Uten sils, Crockery, f;iassare, Furniture, etc : all as good as new. To be sold cheap. JAY HTBHINGER. dec2d it South Tryon St., bet 3rd and 4th. RECEIVING Fresh :-: Oysters' :-: Daily, 35 CENT8 P1B QtTAHT, AT J B HARRINGTON'S novodiSt - , "LANITFOll SALE. - . - v. - - - l uiioi iui onic iiutib .aiuauio uaui ui miiu iiiik lust bey nd the eastern limits of the city of Cliati lotto, and known as "The Grove." This tract com prises one. uuiHirmi nuu imrty-iwo ana one-nait acres ot land of which about twenty-five acres are ereek and branch bottoms. Upon his tract Is a large and commodious dwelling house, and the necessary out-bui Wings. I also offer for sale another farm (adjelnln? the above) of Qfty-iwo and one-half acies. upon which n email fMma Qitrl nmmi r,1 lrr V. ruwo. I will sell this property as a whole or I will divide It to suit purchasers. This property can be bought at a reasonable price and on easy Wring, and any one winning to purchase would do well to apply at once to S. J. TOltEEKCE. piri-tueFasa sun? tt ' t nfTermv nlneeimr fThfl.lnttn fnr saUt np runt It is a good firm and well improved. For terms BOOl J IO .1. - lt.V.. 1. CAJtKB. wale of boya and children'i Over-c ;it s. a Bov's Suit or Overcojit. to call on us first and Ret I sell you h ftrst-c!ass article at a v-ry low prloe. erju .mis will fl;id it to their advantage to eall on mm. TAILORS. ; us will please coma forward Coming Week the great bargains thej offer in Flannels, Blankets and Hpuse- MISSES AND .CniL2XR&N'S CLOAKS llALuf IfUIUJSL L . Ulll. . $3810 COST! In Fine Suitings forts in past seasons, (BusireH-nADB.-.ir. We display u variety and very rare and beautiful in fabric. Thff are of most improved style and fittoadegreo of perfection. Wo are especially well pro vided with and will be pleased if .y- - will remember us in of shopping. With big odds the . we claim many advantages for our customers JOHN R. PHABR, Manager Retail DepartnenV 14 ,-S' S T ' R l S 'S I r 0 pi j ss& c S'iS'T s S?si1 rr - - ail New Stock Arrived. - - .... . LATEST PJOTTEEnTIBG I CI -'-'--a - -. - s - :v,..- .-:--' - i - -- -- ---- --, " CHINA AND GLASSWARE, i V ,: LAMPS, CLOCKS, " SILYER-PLATED WARE. The larirent stock In the Sonth. selected with treat care In canvassing the Northern markets for period of four weeks. We call special attention to Decorated Chamber, Tea and Fish, Game Fuit and Salad Sets, " .,; . Tete a Tete, I&i Cream, Nut and Berry Sets, Hanging Lamps, for Hall. Dining Room, etc "From $3 00 up, with large Shades. Gas and Lamp Globes, colors, Fine Colored Glassware m Japanese Trays, , . Wholesale Silver-Placed Ware. At. o-rtiatl u rnrlunArl nr!p. o - j - r-- - .Fruit and Berry Bowls, Card ters, orgars, etc. FAN GY UO( )U. Vases, Toilet Sets, t?up8, Mngs, Dollf , etc, in greatest variety. Call soon JJand see the'gor- jreous dinpjay . y ery reppecttuliy . v lUfiOl F By a nrst-das bread' nn4 V iikar, wtth 28 years experience, and Inv-Hto-of tefleinitet1 0. K. Bread. vhHh hrts a (Treat dein.ux. in Ihe boutn. Kecooimemiations on Itand. -Emr2nw x CnrlottB,W.O - (DaPDDDpDeU.e we have excelled all e- fn : immense in assortment the young gentlemen : ,. ..... , their early experience , - largest stock in our line, .-...."-.. - a nice line of -.- , Dinn r Sets, 5 r ; liilt docks under bhade. and Bronze Uloeks. Folka Dot, etc. Boxe, etc s and Retail at very low. prices. TTnivpa. TTnTlra. SnrtDTiR. Cftittnrs. - - - - j'ww j receivers, Cake Baskets, Bat & HAttTSFIELD. Bixta's Shoa Polish ror Lataea' nd CbnaWn's RhoM. The beat Utk - krweU Ic.rEU IIOTTLE, "

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