Now We Ask You To Redd WHAT HAS BEEN ' SAW ABOUT BROWN'S IRON , BITTERS Southern Peopje ; WHO HA VE USEDJT. like previous testimonials these uve all been received daring the part few week. They come from people who bavin tuht ud Med Brown's Iron Bitters hare received neb maraea ou. a w a flS- linl' , they willingly testify to lis menu - scarcely possible to submit stronger eri- dence than this. If yom are feellnc poorly, aad are disposed to try Brown's Irtw Blu - ten. yoa can obtain It from any repntable druggist. There are, howerer, prepara tions containing- Iron, from the sale of which the druggist obtains a greater profit than he makes on Brown's Iron Bitters. . For this reason some may try to persnade -yon that something else IsjHst asgood. Vo not be deceived Brown's Iron Bitters Is the only Iron medicine which does not . blacken the teeth, produce headache, or - eaase constipation. Price of the gennine Rnwi'i Iron Bitters is l-00 per bottle. Every bottle has trade-mark and eroesed - ted lines on wrapper, Take no otner. Captain T. C. Epps, 917 Clay street. Richmond, (Va1 Wu'-.VW' " T hmra rtttmr KvwnmAnrled anV med!c1n6. bat -D-rn-a Tmn tllttora ha.ra dnne SO much fOT UlB and my family. In curing malaria and keeping wife and .chUdren' hearty, that Justice bids me speak. ' .-.,. Mr. S. W. Wilson, Norfolk, Va.,say8 it on. agticfloi that t.Tipra la no remedy In the world to compare with Brown's Iron Bitten for dvsoeosla and torpid liver. It cured me when other medicines gave only temporary reiier. Mr. W. J. Kilmartin, BollingbrooK TTntpl. PterRhn r or. Va. . savs: . I was persuaded to try Brown's Iron Bitters for indigestion and heartburn. One bottle dls pelled my trouble. I grate tally recommend It Mr. II C. Burklinner, 18 Market st, Wilmington, N.C., says: , "I suffered Intensely with dyspepsia, my case was a most stubborn one, which all remedies failed fo relieve. Brown's Iron Bitters corrected , the disorder and I am now entirely free from it fan hlshlv vuiWlmmanf, mis VaillAniA TTlHfl U'l i t ' Mr. John V. Little, 45 Trade street, Charleston, N. C, says: v . "I used Brown's Iron Bitters In protracted de bility and found it a powerful tonic and invito -Mtiw It iMkrfulnl haa rtn jMiiinl SLnri I MtrtaJslv SOMl. W'lWIUUJ uv t'.i . ..I'm . lOUHUiunni .M. Prof. R. H. Clarkson, Columbia, S. C. "I used Brown's Iron Bitters in my family last fall and winter with much benefit, and nearuiy recommend it." Mr. John Scherf, (proprietor Bankin House) Columbus, Ga. says: "Hi wife suffered for two years from dysentery. - Brown's Iron Bitters cured her. Nothing else did anygooi"- Mr. Wm. says: McCormick, Savannah, Ga.. ''Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of dyspepsia, with which I had suffered for twenty years; It is a wonderful medicine." - TORPID BOWELS, .DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. From these aoorcea arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. - These symptoms indicate theu- eTtftenm T.. ApDNBUte, liowels coatt-pe, Ssck liemd die, fullness after .eating aversion to sserlion of body or mind, EnsctaUoa " : eC food, Irritability afYtemperf Low Writs, A fwling.of havins; aeglccttxt . nty, Dlzziaess, Flnttcrins; at tne . Heart, Dots before the eyes, rtleblF col ored Urine, COSSTlFATioar and de mand the use of remedy that acts directly " ' on the Liver. AsaLiver medicine IDTTS PI L.LS have no equal, j, Their action os the Kidneys and Skin is also- prompt removing - all imparities through these three " tar. s engers of the systcsn,n producing- spp tite.soand digestion, regular stools, a clear . skin and a vigorous bodv. TUTT'S PILUI V canse no naoaea or- griping- uor interfere , with daily work aad tire a perfect tr ANTIDOTE ,TO MALARIA, , HBFEELSLIKEillEWIUir. ., . I bave had Dyspepsia, with tionstipa tion,two years, and have trifrtea different -. kinds of pills, and TUTX'S are the first that hare done me any good, 'fhey have cleaned me out nicely. Mt' appetite is splendid, food digests rcadi ? , and;I now f'" T Cral passasea. J( iIike a new V i 4 .'. j W. D. EDWAUDS, falmyra, O-i ?,8!Sc Offire,Mtmy8t.,N.Y; TUTT8 HAIR BYE. I Gkat Haik ob WHiSKEaa changed In etantly to aGLosgr Buck by a single ap pUcation of this Dtb. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Uarray 8treet, Kew Yoat. ' TUTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL EEM1PT5 FBE5. ' ; -th,- might I kbw those eyes ot fire, , ; , Ten thousand scarce would Quench desire; ' . Still would I steep-my lips ih bliss, -"j i And dwell an age on every Usa. ; . ' ; ; l That young dude needs something for his blood he is utterly too fresh, B. B. B. Is the best thing for him, because one bottle will cure him But that dude Is not all alone la his terrestlal glory not by a "lug full." Many Others am mnMerahl, "rattled" Just now over, that blood poison bust . ness. but B. B. B. win cure for the least money and In "the shortest i . The boom Is coming. Partly, 'purify. r ' Next to a walking match Is Mr. B. B. Sautter's walking fifteen miles in one day, fishing and hunt r Inc.' He HTes at Athens, Ga , Is 75 years old, has had a running jileer on his leg 60 years one-half a century and previous to that day had not walked over half a mile per day for SO yean. Mr. Saulter the Banner-Watchman and Bet. Dr. Calvin John son say that B. B. B. eared this nicer and restored him. -- . 'fHfs.-:? i Wat It faith cure?. He was as blind ai a bat, bald -headed, his neck a horrid mass of putrid coe mption, appetite gone, feeble and emaciated, the - picture f a starved skeleton, and only six years old.. For three years doctors and medicines made no impression on the scrofulous complaint A few months afterward his eyes sparkled in glad- -pesi flesh had leaped to his bones, hair to his head and rejuvenation to his whole constitution. Was it faith or a miracle? It was the result of B. ; BB., and it is the best on the market Ci ' "Oh. Josle," said gleeful kittle Maud, ' going to have some honey made at our fa 1 ''Rm An tm Irnnw aolro fuf. 41 wears How do you know." asked Josle. "nom.... ma sent the servant after three B's, and I dont know what bees are good for only to make honey." Anthony Com stock says: "The causes of so ' many business failures are, unholy living, dishon est practices, and intern perance," ' and the failure to ase B. B.B. to fix the blood all right v "HannahJane.Tse gw!nfi :rfte strate np town fur to git one ob dem are 82 page books what tells ail about dat scrofulous ness what makes so many biles onZeke's nake." "Better git some ad wise "bout dose big sores on me an' de nunatls in dem ole lints o yourn.' replied his wife. "Jeaso; dat'sdevery book. It tells about do bind, de skin, de lints, de kidney 'fecdons and de sores, too. I'm gwine rite to de B. B, B office and git one er dem vaterble books." ' J- i . BoUIln Charlotte by . - r;',. . -: W.M. WILSON. Pectoral Syrup Wm ears conrtis. eolds and boarseness In a short time. Prepared by RH. J0BDAN4C0., Druggists. X HbssbbbbbSBssIbbsBsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbI VOICE FROM WAKE KORESIV The Young Democracy jonsjrammiu the Feopre and Warmly Endorse Jar. Tho. Uixon for the Speakership, t Correspondence of Tee Obskkvkb. j Wake Fobest, N.C., Dec. 9, 1884. A mass meeting of the students was held tonight. Mr. Stewart w assail ed to the -chair and requested Mr. J. M. Brinsom to act as secretary, mt. whitripnd waH asked to state the oo iect of the meeting, xxe smu mat hAVintz seen mr. mus. aiawu a proposed as a candidate for the speak nf t,hA -House of Eepresenta- V1UUSK v- . w . , . tives ana recognizing iu buiukuv ness of that gentleman for the posi- tion, the meeting naa oeen caueu iur the purpose' of ; endorsing mm. ne moved that a committee ut uvc, wu- . nf Vo nhairman nnrl f Oil r oth era whom he should .appoint,; be in structed to draw up resolutions and t v.nt nnnifis of the resoluuon De sem. in the leadine papers of the State, whii-h motion was unanimously car riod. The committee on resoiuuons presented the following: j . I -J in V,a Via. ' - . .... j Tlf - - 1 - rt torY of pontics. . vve cougraiuirtio hi-ot.VirATi the voune Democracy - -,-'-- 4.1. throughout tne country, vpou great victory w men na. uecw and iinnii their active and enthusias- Via tha en mo time thev have in th broad spirit of charity cultivated oo onri crrwi win oetween iue iwu chnna Kirfirv where North and ,i, thev rmvfi. made IS .their pecU' lioi ... . ft : nrl t.hA hatchet. 1C was upon mis that their caodidate; akvuww - . n.TTn niov land.-, was nominateu J 1 -..4 vvnue iney nave i"- way contended boldly tor tne pnn i ciples which divide the parties it ifii J worthy oi tne nigneut uowwtuuawuu that they have at the same time earnestly and patriotically Btrjveit to i nv r ! bitterness ana strut). a great victory in the nation and a great majority in ine-omie uaa ucci iiit unanswerable testimony to the truth of their, theory and the with which it was November has crowned -their ieal with victory. It is a matter of just pride to us to see them taking this farl on all huestioDS of reform. After all this we do not demand as a debt the meagre recognition of service which office eives. tnougu it is uu uui, hnt. wo aav that it would be a compli iriAnt which our crand Old North State should bestow upon her.ypang Ar snns. If she is consulted in appor tioning favors emong the worthiest she will not forget them, tThey have nraoented their candidate for speaker. Mr Thna. Dixon, of Shelby. He is an alnmnns of this institution and we know him well and endorse him. f He is well acquainted with the rules which should govern deliberative; as semblies, for he has had muchexperi ence and the best opportunities to lA&rn.r His mind is strong, quick and clear. He is young in years, but has thought much or tne puDiic mierest. We recommend him for the position. . ... I .i 4t JACOB STEWART, i B II. Whitehead' - J. R. Hunteb, J. E. Vakh. j Committee.' J. M. Brinsom, j Secretary. . American Jlfei hud ism. - - ? Baltimore Herald. i 1 LThe-Centennial Conf arebee oi the Methodist Church, now in session in this city,, affords. Jncontrast td the Christmas Conference held here a century since, strong proof ofj the. adaptability of that church toj the spiritual wants of the people. It also indicates a marvelous growth and the existence of a force that, having aU ready accomplished much, - will with in the next fifty years accomplish very much more. " - j At that Christmas Conference the church was organized and Baltimore became the headduarters of its first bishop. It was here under Asbury that the first impulse to early Methn odism was given in this country, which, according to Bishop Scott, has not caused to this day, . . From 1784 to 1792 the Baltimore Conference was regarded as of chief authority in the church. Jts boundaries embraced the .Virginia Valley, the jPistrict of Co lumbia, Western Maryland and all of ' Pennsylvania west ."of the Susquehan na, withe "Western Virginia and jthe settled portions of Eastern Ohio; and although subsequently other confer ences became! in ecclesiastical position and authority, it retained its prestige,' partially 'because of itstien ; tral position, but more especially bo cause of the culture and standing of its, members. Since then conferences have extended and multiplied, and ' from a community of eighty minis-, ters and not more than 18,000 mem bers the church has grown to almost 4 000,000 members and 25,000 minis ters. It is therefore, but fitting that the centennial anniversary should be held in the city where was . nourish , ed the germ of this vast institution The marveldus growth of Method ipm during the century of its exists ence on this continent is due - td :the same influences Which' were at work in England when .John Wesley Jap peared as a teacher. There it spread rapidlyi and soon became a powers The- great heart of the people was yearning for a pure, simple standard of morality, and in the doctrine of Wesley they found what they sought. In this country, too, there was among the masses the same indefinable yearning a desire for a faith some thing higher than that taught by worldlings. Not willing to accept the teachings of the Established Church, they joyfully welcomed the mission aries of Wesley and accepted' their teachings in the same spirit in which the,y had been received in England; As with England so it was in this country the greatest progress was made among the masses. , - For them it was peculiarly a democratic faith, levelling caste and submerging all worldly distinctions to the one great piinciple of equality. This was the secret of f acC3ss. ' yi ;-; . It may not grow as rapidly ins the future as it has during the first cen tury of its existence, but it will con tinue Jo expand nevertheless, i That growth will now besteady and strong, and with that expansion will mature the processes that will give it gtill greater stability and make it more enduring. - t - ."' -j Violeat Harrieaae. ( j ; VibiNA, Dec. 11. This city waa visited yesterday by a violent hurri cane "which lasted : for ' three hours, O-oinibuses, cabs and even railway trains were overturned with the re sult of seriouslp injuring many peo pie. In several instances shop win, dows were blown out and the con. tents scattered far and wide. Buildings- were unroofed and high walls crumbled before the blast. ; r Rheumatism, Goat andlVcural ' It Is scientlficallv settled that rheumatism, gout and neuralgia cannot be cured by rubbing with oils ointments, liniments, lotions, etc.; for the reason that thene diseases are caused bv uric acid in the blood. The only preparation which uniformly ex pels this acid is Parker's Tonic. Subdues pain at onoe. Trj it j Xhe New OrieaBslExpositioa. New Orleans, Dec. uirecioi- , General Burke was questioned: yes- terdayconcerningrtne resoiuwon pre eented by Mr. Moulton in Congress. Mr urke is, pernaps, . ne uuwwi, man in the world at tnia - ume. s xio sleeps and eats at bis office in the main budding, works eighieen hours a days, and has seen liis family buf twice in twenty days. When s the Resolution was read to him he replied : ?The world never-witnessed an expo ' sition the magnitude of this. There are more machinery, more arc, more agriculture, and more exnioiis ot wv natural resources of America than the world has seen before atone time. Two thousand car loads of material have been carried to the ex position j and the buildings are not et bait full, i Two thousand car loaire mi frdtrht nrft (in wheels or in vessels, and we shall opery w(tKmore in posi tion than has ever beenseen in . an exhibition heretofore. As to foreign exhibits, go to the bool! a.ppnca tions for space have been allotted for British. French -Belgian, Prussian, a nstrian. Italianr- y Danish. . Chintee, Japanese. Siamese, Uantrai American ana Mexican eioiuius, wn lug oy, no snuare feetbf eoace. - Our .floor snace is about 2.500.000 square .ftt. and we shall not be able to allot space for a. week, because the grouna nuor and the eralleries'are full to overflow ine. We shal i , add "a building 2400 fAfit inner to tne. main, ouuuiiib-uu riavA it finished bv the 18ih. allhough not a postii up. As 4to the expend tures and management e -aeiycnt-iftism. Not ;a f fenny has been ex 'l Anded , witfcouk an appiopriation . a. . , " l . 1 by thb boara, a ciose.ecruimy uy,kuc " . a. 1 t . . committee, apa -over my vvruuw-: and everv voucher -to the last install ment of the loan has been examined and found: correct. Our :wortc has passea oeyona tne penuu ui unwui, and will go -to the country : before Christmas, and we shall have every building finished and 5,wu nowr in motion.- - " ' ! horse -w ia ftws Mrrchaht. FUvtnir nasaed several gfeMtileas nights, disturb msi h rha uimivs iuul nruta of a SUherilUC Child, and beeonilna convinced ' that Mrs. Wlnslow's "Amithinir svnm was lust the artlole needed, pro cured a supply tor tne ciiiiu. uh cnwuinis uvmc nd acquainting hiawlfe with what he had done, she reiusea to nave iLHamiuisusreu, w mo-tunu. its tui cm siromriT ur ntvur m cuuwinuu. That night the ehUd PS"1 In suffering, and the narents without atecD. . deurnlng, home the day following, tbe.father RHind the lab still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from ine room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. -During her absence be administered a por tion of the Bombing Syrup to the baby, and Ud nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the uttia fiinw amike in the morning briabt and hap nr. The mother waa deughted with the sudden aiut.muuiArful fihanse. and althOUKb at first oftelid- ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the Syrup.and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single triAi of the Srruu never yet lalled to relieve the aby , and overcome the umjudll of the mother MN H MM It UK n nii B BR TTT ? KKB K n en DUD D O : ww ww . A A D D D O A a DDU We win mr 18 cents per bushel of SO pounds fot good sound cotton' seed, delivered at our mill by wagon, wm nay if nenis per ousnei iot seeu no- llvered at any station on rail roads pinning tu Charlotte, Tor car toads 01 ten tons and over, wr paying freight on ianie. Parties shipping lets than ten tons will be called on to pay half the freight, as the railroads charge aa much and In some cases more for part that for full ear load. Or we will give one ton of meal tu exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange being of great valne to the rarmer snouui oe taaen aavaniage 01. one ton of meal being worm mocn more tor teea lux or fertiiiane man two wnsoi seeo. ; . - , CBASX)TTB OIL CO., Charlotte, N. C. nnsttdawtx MRS., JOE PERSON, 5 . ? ,' MANCraUTCKKB OF JOS-TERSCS REMEDY, WILL BB ATTHS CETOAJ, UOTKL, Charloti, N. C, Friday and Satorday, Dae. 13 an4 Where she would bs pleased to have parties inter ested in ine subject ot ner ajsaKuy can on ner, and where she ean elve them more extended inf or mat on than she san by letter. When the parties cannot conveniently rail -Mrs. Person will take I pleasure In calling It requested to do so, Informa- qon in ootn eases -kjsjs. i .''. THI BEMKDT IS A SPECIFIC FOB ALL BLOOD DISEasKS. $ As a Tonic it gives Universal Satisfaction - As an Alterative it Is Bheqna!ed. As a Partner of the Blood it is endorsed by ail who have used it. It will cure bbeumatlsm. Cancer In its early stages. Heart Disease, .Erysipelas, Indigestion. Bilious Colic, Eruption and a(i diseases occasioned by Im purities or the Blood. It UJnfalllbla for Sorohila. It relieves Catarrh. It Is a borni to kulies suJSerlng man niseaaes peculiar to yaeij se. (T IS AN ANTIDOTK FOB MALARIAL BLOOD And a sure remedy for restoring the system after , naving naa . CHILLS AND FEVER For sale by all Druggists. LABOBATOBY CHABLfJTTE, N. decUdtfwlt ' r , C. Armore's Mince-Meat, the best brand known to iue uaae. "BABY BISCUIT," Are selling Mght along, and baleS cry or Item Sir-slaijn? BU C K W H E AT, ' STUFFED OLTftS, QCKKN OLTVXS, Cidfish, Ioiprtd Sardines, CHAMBER K1ES, Gimpwier mi OjIwj 1m Are very line. We claim to have Coffee. a very old Government Java CREAM CHEESE, GOSHEN BUTTE K, Raisins, Figs, Pranss. Currants. Citron, and a hundred and ana o&er good things, all at ; 'j QITGRiSTOKES. SMOKERb!,: I Have Etclaoive CaIrol of It WACHOVIA, ": lir Trial is all I ask. L. R. WBISTON. . nov2Meodim The Davidson College Buys for Diioa s Buys for Diioa. f of the students Latix Room,' Davidson November To.the Editor of Tax Obskbtbr. At a mass meeting of Davidson College. Mr. J. R. Oeland was called to the chair, ana naving called the meeting to order requested Mr. "J. A Carson to act as secretary Mr. W. F. Stevenson was 'asked: to state the object of the meeting. He stated that, as Mr. Thos, Dixon. '; Jr., membf r.; tnect . to the ; JUegisiature, had been spoken of by some of ' the leading papers of the State as a com- peteub persuii iui wo opooioDui us the next House" or ttepresentauvesf the meeting had been called for. the Dufoose i of recommending him to the pubiie consideration, for this position ana movea ina&a coraranxeo ot - nv,e, including the chairman of the meet- jug be appointed to draw up resolu tions to this effect, and that the reso lutions bo EMit to the leading- papers of .the State for publication. ; Second- J el" and" n antmcu--ly j carried jTb I chairman men Mloinimvm com uuttee. wuicq uruugat rorwara tne J . s. . following resolutions ' l Whereas, We feel tnat tne youo Democracy has : contriomed' largely to the late v ictory -ot tnal- party in this State, and whereas,. vMr. r Thos. Dixon, Jr , of Clevt land county, has been a connpicuuiis leader of -the vf.iintr DHmocracv. and bv nis bill fiaiit orat6rv and" unanswtrable logic has render d good service tqine parr r , tha lut a AA'mniicni it , i A- ! .-? . . . i i . r : , r Jiesoivea, mat we recommenu nr. Thos Dixon, Jr., to the members- elect of the next LiPeisiature. as' a man who. although young in years, is universally ntteu, uy uis uruuciub - 1 1 . . i i l. t rll: a. talents, to preside over the delibera tions of lhat honorable body .. J it UELAND, 1 W. F. Steves bon. 1 -W. R. Kell, ' " . B E Harris, ' J. i Watson, ; - Committee. ; Davidson College, Dec. 10, i To all who are suffering from errors snd Indis cretions of youth, nervous weaknett early decay. naa nt mswtKMxl. at! . 1 will senu B reuim uu if iu cure ou KKKKur umakojs. inis great, reiireuj was discovered oy a missionary in souia America. Send self addressed envelope to Bkt. Joskfh T. Imman. Station I). New rot a. .. , ;;s ? ; octlKHKHiawiy. : . ... t ! Cape Cod Cranberries, Plum Pudding, Prunes, Currants, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, Raisins, : Fies. Oranges and Lemons. NEW CROP , N. O. MOLASSES, Pur v Maplfl Syrup, Rock Candy . Syrup. Piam and fcfci-wa.isiug BU CKW HE AT, Hominy, Grits, Oat Meal, Oat and Wheat Flakes, best grades Patent Flour, Canned Fruits, Meats and Vegetables ' of t every variety, MACK E;R E L? , .:-':. ...4 i iJ - .-"Xt ; itt-S' Bacon. Lard, Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, Wilson ; Wafers. Pearce Biscuit, Jersey ' i Milk Crackers and (linger Snaps, all at rock eottom prices. " -AT- i .jr. f i BiRNHF I ALEXANDER'S. : - DEPABTMENT OF MSCKLFVBUB0, 1 ' Chaelojtb, Dec, MhjlT j ,, Oenersil rder. - Wo. 1. Allloral snblects are hereby notified that bis Highness, , - .. -j . - kV SANTA CJAUSy "I Is now on bis Annual Tour, and will arrive In Charlotte on or about 16th Inst, fn this depart ment his headquarters wl 1 be at the VARIETY STORE, Opposite Gaston's Ptove Papot, where has already iron rarinu anu is ww u Kvuumuu h tunpt supply of . . CHRISTMAS GOODS Al'rommnntcatlons intended for Santa Clans can be addressed to Box 44, charlotte. P. O. j Further Instructions will be Issued from these Headquarters hi a few days. By order of K v SAM I A CLAPS, C. M. CTHEKEDOE, P. V. S. . i LAND FUR SALE. I Offer for sale that valuable traet of land Ivlnar hist bej"nd the eastern Urn its of Jhe city ot Chan lotto, and known as '.'The (iiove." This tract com prises one Bunarea ana inuiy-rwo ana one-nair acres of land of which about twenty-five acre are creek and branch bottoms Upon this tract Is a large ana oommodious aweiuug house, ana the necessary ouubwildlflgs. - , - I also offer for sale another farm adlnlnlnor the above) of fifty- wo arid one-half aoiss. upon which are a auiau inline ana several log nouses, : - I will sell this property as a whole or I will divide It to suit purchasers. This property can be bought at a reasonable price and on easy trrms, and any one wishing to purchase would do well to apply at onoe to 6. J. TOBBENCE. deetnesasatasanawtf "ii, -.;.-, v;i" CHKITMAS! f f CUR I SI 9f.46tt CIiniSTMASni -The most valuable Christmas present that can be given Is a first-class sewing machine like the Household." "New High Arm Davis,' Domestic,' "Boyal St. John," "New Home,MHowe, Bem Ineton,'' "Weed, "American," "White," etc Call at my salesrooms, Trade street. "Charlotte, N. C, make your selection and be ready for Christmas when it comes. . ,decUdwlt . RICHARD M000E, A T) arfvnsa - . . . . K w tiZ.. teo executed to me by fL 4 i JZ.0,?"?' recorJel' tn Book No. 8T, .L86'1 J? Puoo anction at Court f ha imh a W V Vl nanowe, w. on Saturday, 5Ki?.lr-2r.'fMluar tract of land ad lolnlng AbnerAUixander. Wm. Parknand VhTT fmnitM onrTr P' rams ana oiners, uor metes and bounos see mortuaee deed eon laiuing about one hundred and flftv BAfcsa (a dot. Parks and others, i iKHge fifty aci tgage., lsfy the di,ts,h.w acres, to sat- Term.f!AK . uwmpkb?. v. 11," a ttaie and place one small mare mule. declOdltwSOd GET jf 1 ' j O (MMm& Mrs. mltbs Case,aBd:what the HwMr 9IcIi:inatr7sIaa.s to may about It. r , Tn hnvn hnea a fearful suSerer fnr fiftiwn TftAm mmt nf thfl time With What has been called Eczema, or Salt Rheum, Psoriasis and Lepra, and the like, and have always been told that there was no cure for me, and have been so dis couraged tnat i naa as soon me as uve. i u Deen so Daaiy anncvea somemnes uuu uion uuw the smallest spot from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet that was not diseased and as red as crimson. It would commence in small white spots, which had a silvery appearance, but were not deep, but U I attempted to beal tnem, or soon alter weir first appearance, they would burn and rnn together nntil there was a comnlete dry. red scale, which would become so Inflamed as to crack and look fiery. and angry, and the. burning sensation wouia.De ai- i- I was at times so lame that I could scarcely get I nnm. '. I have tried man? remedies, and have paid $100 In a single Instance to a physician, but nave ever obtained only temporary relief.. Although SJLd badlyt 1 lor a time, i soon reiapsea again w trrailvlMl hj,' r. And dncina the Winter. Of 1881 and lfeS2 1 suffered so much as to be entirely discouraged. Last June, however, I waa advised by Elder and Mrs. L. C. MeKJnstry. ho are weU known in those -regions, to try your Coticcra liimniBi! anA 1 f Ait winiehon a little eoufaee. from their opinion of them; to try then-virtue. About the second week oi July last i commenced uuuug the remedies, and within six weeks 1 began to see a permanent improvement, until now (Oct 1) I am about as good as new, and my flesh is as the flesh , . lt MRS. BENJ. SflUin. f mrtif v t.hnt. tha shnvA statement Of my wife Is correct, and I lorn with her in expressing my grati tude for tne great benent sne naa receiveu. z T Mitfr that the llmm statement la correct. Mr. Smith la a nromlnent man In this community, where he lives He lsa well known-dealer in stock, and his statement, with that of his wife, la fully antttlM tnrooritt . . Done at Stanstead, Province of Quebeo, this twen- I ty,seventn day of ucWDer, ia. tJVOTOV . Minister of the GospeL L.4TKB.-I have seen Mrs. Smith rerently and believe her to be thoroughly and permanently cured. - - . - s-r i . Li. c Jncaxnoltti. Sec'y Advent Ch. Conf.,P. Q..N0. VfcaudWo. N.H. BOSTON, oept, 9,-ltS34. - r.nTii'.iim Thiwii.vTtxT. the new blood Durifler, fljid larrmnnA. and Cii'i'iDiim Soap, the great skin cures and beautinen. are soia everywne e. : nice, CrmouKA. B0c.: Soap. 25.: kksolvkht, $l.ou.- POTTEB DBDG AND CHEMICAL CO., BOSTON. A COMPLETE STOCK -OF- Seaside Libraries PO "MET EDITION, JUST RECEIVED AT- illofe ,v ALSO ; Bazaar Fashion Sheiets FOR ItOTKMBER. MERCHANTS LOOK T0 TOTJB . INTEREST I . 0. i Oae fJar Load CHOICE FLORIDA ORANGES Just received for Christmas trade, from S3 SO tots.(w per box. Cheap rates by express and freight to all points In North Carolina. Sol, agents for Caldwell Challenge Orange, from the Caldwell Grove, Orange county, Fla. ; J. H. WEST 4 CO., -: Wholesale Commission Merchants. dec4ulm Greensboro, N. C. T. R. IVIAGII-L, WHOLESALE QROCEB AND COMMISSION HEBCHANT kIlea;8t., Cbarlotte. ioe, At a low price. XJ For sale wholesale and retail byl If B. WBJ3TOIJ. New Haven Palladiaa. 1 DAILY AND WXKXXT.) EstmblUUed, - - - - - 1838. The best advertising medium at the North for every man in worm utroiina wno nas a rarm.mine or tract of timber land or water power to selL The letters of our -stall correspondent have given the PALXJLDrOM a great repuuiiion throughout New Juj. fland, as the only real representative of the "Tar eel" State, and all New Englanders who think of locating in North Carolina sand to the Palladium tojeet "Kspee's" letters; - . For terms and other particulars address SKTH . JOHNSON, Business Manager Thb PAlladii ar, mchlSdawihn . . New Haven. Conn HERIOT CLARKSUN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. a Will practice tn all the oenrts of this State Prompt attention given to collections. oovadawSra. ; On Hand. IkJince'Meat, , - . - Buckwfreaf lpur, -Comb Honey, 1 ; , And Turkeys, S. M. HOWELL'S Cheap Lots Pr Sile. I offer for sale Eight Lots 60x200 feet, lying in the northwestern corner of the city (outsldethe dtj limits) and north of the cemetery, cheap, nyone wlshmgto saeure a cheap lotwould do well to call soon, as the prices at which they are offered means quick sales. r R.K.COCHRANI, . . Manager. tnayiBdtr Ball Programmes, A One Iot latest designs nst received at norl6dtt THB OBSERVER OFflCH FLORIDA ORANGES 500 Quacks Quinine iOOOmicesMorph F"T Af Uo!E3ei, J Friend. NO MORE TERROR t This Invaluable prepa ration Is truly- a triumph of sclentihc skill, and No Mors Path I no more inestimable ben eftt was ever bestowed on the - mothers of : the world. - ' NO MORE DANGER! t-Itnot only short ens the time of labor and lessens the intensity ot pain, out better than ail. it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both MOTHER OR CHILD. mocner ana cnua. ana leaves the mother in a condition highly favora ble to speedy recovery, land far less liable to The Dread of flooding i convulsions. and other alarming symptoms incident to "fn ( Vi p r Vl CiC( lingering ana paimui labor. Its truly wonder ful efficacy in this respect entitles the Mother's Feikkd to be ranked as Transformed to one of the life-saving ap pliances etven - to tne world by the discoveries of monern science. - -: .Hope and Joy. From the nature of the ease it will of course be understood that we cannot publish certifi cates -concerning this Remedy without wound ing the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have SAFETY AND EASE hundredof such testi monials on file, and no mother who has once used It will ver again be without it In her time ot trouble. ! SUFFERING WOMAN. - A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if It were admissible to make pub lic the letters we receive, the "Mothers' Friend would outsell anything on the market. . . I most earnestly entreat every female expecting to be confined, to use Mothers Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long ob stetrical practice (forty-four years), I have never known It to fall to produce a safe and quick deliv ery. . U.J Uolmbs, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Send fnr our Trentlnn on "Hpalth and TTannlness im nvumu, - uianeo rree. BBATiPIKLD BEGUIATOB CO.. Atlanta, (ia. Itching Diseases: I7CZEMA, or Salt Rheum, with Its agonizing lteh- J uut ana ournine. msiannv reuevea dv a warm bath with Cutlcura Soap, and a slnele aDDllcatton of Cutlcura, the great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses of CudenraBeaolvent. tne new 01000 runner, to keep the blood cool, the persplratlng pure and unlrrltatlng, the bnwwls open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Kczema. Tetter. Blneworm. Psoriasis. Lichen. Pruritus, Seall Head, Dandruff, and every species oi itcning, ecaiy ana nmpiy iiumors oi tne bcalp ana skid, wnen me nest pnysicians and ail known remeaies lau. ' Ecxema Xwessiy- Veaarau ' My gratitude to God Is unbounded for the relief I have obtained from the use of the Cutlcura Reme dies. I have oeen troubled with Eczema on my legs ior twenty years. 1 naa not a comiortaoie nignt for years, the burning and itching were so intense. Now. I am hanoi to sav. I have no trouble. Oolv the liver colored patches on my limbs remain as a uiKcn ox my xormer. misery. llENKx li. iUTIi. 188 West Avenue, Rochester, N. 1". " Eczema on a Child. Toor most valuable Cutlcnra Remedies have done my child so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who are troubled v lth skin disease. My little girt was troubled with Eczema, and I tried several doctors and medicines, but did not do her any eood nntil I used the Cutlcura Rem edies, which curea her, for which I owe you many manas aua many nignut oi rest. ANTON tio&oJUKit, union Bakery. Sdlnbnrgh,Ind.. . , Tetter of ine Scalp. I was almost nerfectlv bald, cauaed bv Tetter of the top ot the scalp I used your Cutlcura Remedies aoout six weeks, and they cored my scalp perfectly, and now my hair Is coming back as thick as It ever was. J. r. UllOlCK. Whltesboro, Texas. . - , Joet wffn Islocchex. i I want to ten yon that your Cuttcora Resolvent Is magnificent. About three months ago my (ace was covered with blotches, and after using three bottles oi nesoiveni i was penecuy curea. - FREDERICK MAITRE. 28 St Charles street New Orleans, La. - For an eases of poisoning by Ivy or dogwood. can warrant Cutlcura to cure every time. I have soia u ior nve years ana it never rails. - MORSE, Druggist. HoTJlstown, Mass, 8old everywhere, CprfcUBA, 60c.: Soap, 25c, Vnimin 1 alt 7 ' ..... Potter Drag and Chemical Co. , , ; BOSTON. r New Stoke Receired. We btfer durin Pair Week Special Bargains ! ! Including Tinware anil HjosefarnlsliiDg Goods TbeUrgert and Best Stock, Wholesale and R& S!i,,n S.. aia Prts against xi "M'w-tuww n an) wpeciouy low. Respectfully, LTJDOLF ft HABTSFTffLB, ' .' . Trade Street, Near CoUega. NEW YEAR CARDS. "oi me nanasomest designs ever offered In vuwwifw. jau auu uauiiue uiem at. -noyl6dtt THB OBSERVER OFFICE. V WAT. " , '. OFFICX OF SUfUKlN'ntNDKHT. " ) j WnJOHQTOM, N. C., Sept. !U, 1884. j CHANGE OJ1 SCHEDULE. T 15 AniS11??- W.1884, THE FOLLOW V ing Schedule wfa bb ODatod on tfifs Rail. ruaa: .,..,,.. -. . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN DAJLT EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' T ) Leave Wilmington at.. ?m P ' ,u...H,uuaiavu9at....u 8.00 A. X t fV??.Ve,;nanotte at..........,-'. 8.15- x No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at. ... . " 9 m f' 2' JAiriTO atWlunTngton t..7J.V.V.'.&a5A!ii! LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. " Leave Charlotte at. . ! : ' on. w Arrive Laurtnburg at .... """"" k'iRZr Leave Iiirtnburg at.. . 1 "Ji."-S l' AwiTO chwtatte ...7;:,".:::::::: I I: Lp18rJmBStPa Falar stations only Tabl ta ObbwuSvtSS SHELBY DIYISTON. PASSENGER, MAa EX - - PRESS AND FREIGHT. ' , (Dally except Sunday.) . Leave Charlotte at B,-, D.?!::::r :: "4 $ ? l?ri it rhs.lrft. .t ...... I.l f, M. Arrive at Charlotte at ".,",,"" i'2n t' Trains Nna.1 anil 9 mv. .... H2,"Ji1'5.B- A. Tralnrto and SSSTWJS. at r.."01,11? between Wunnngton Tand Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte.TT a R?1i 1iE?rJnatesvJlle- taons on i?0,1' s LP-t Ashevllieand points west hi?nW"'LB'B'jfii atienZ At lanta and all points southwest ai- - . - l"C. JONES. .JBa.Cn. Pass. Agent SuPer"ntonlt S65 iKToang p. w. awxaa 4coTR2aiSrk7(v5i'ii' mvi mm MILLINERY. W5 have now ready our usual laree and exten feive 8IOCK oi FAIL AND WINTEB : MILLINERY, AC, And ean assure the ladies that we have now In store the largest and most complete stock to be found In the State. All the Novelties, as well as all desira ble shapes, colors, Qualities and prices of ie shapes, colors, Qualities and prices of : Hats and Bonnets v For Ladles, Misses and Children . WE KNOW there is no Mllllnerv Store tn the Southern country where a lady ean find a greater varieijr oi siyies auu qualities w seie-t irom uian our house. ' " , WK KNOW there is no house In the South where a lady ean buy a Hat or Bonnet cheaper for cash man in our nouse. , WK KNOW there is no house in the South where a lady can have a hat more tastefully and artisti cally trimmed than In our house. . WX KNOW there Is not in the South a house managed by more experienced artists in the busi ness (having made the business a lifetime study) than aup tiruiaa .... W -KNOW that we stand ahead of anv retail Millinery Store in the Southern coutitn. . we win cneenuiiy give an tne advantages or cur tong Experience 1 Sop e w Knowledge generally of the business to our patrons. Full Lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Zephyrs and Wool Yarns, Infanta 'and Childrm'8 ' Cloaks, ttooas. Sacks and Wravs. Corsets, Laces. Neckwear, jewelry. Notions and Novelties generally. eiyie, nt ana woramansmp equal to any dress making estaousnment in any Northern city to nail me price. - CAIX, AID SEE ' MRS. P. QUERY. oct7dtf I have rented, until the first of January, the New Store of Dp. Gibbon, TRTON STREET. For the purpose of dosing out a large stock of . TOYS AND FANCY GOODS' AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Fruits and Cuufectioneriei. Witt ALSO BI S3LD. Bemember, erocythlng must bp sold before Janu- OJJ lbs t. C. O. SMDER. SALE OF Valuable Cotton Factory W RANDOLPH COUNT?, N. C. ; . By virtue of authority vested In me as trustee by deed of mortgage with power of sale by the CEN TRAL FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, a corporation organized under the laws of North Carolina, and doing business in the county of Ran dolph, N. C, I will proceed to sell on the premises, on Tuesday, tha 6th day of January next; at 12 o'clock, for cash, to the highest bidder, the factory property belonging to said corporation. This propartf Is new, hartng been bant In 1882. It consists ot seventy one acres of land, valuable water power, stone and cement dam, situated live miles from Ashboro,' six miles from Randleman, and twenty miles from High Point The buildings consist of main factory banding 48 feet wide 200 $?Sf,w? Btol?e '-Th8 bafldln Is of brick. wen and substantially built. Lapper house, bunt 9f P, 26 by 60 feet; boiler house, brick, 22 by SO feetv The factory . heated . by, steam pipes. Tfte h? bafldtngs we storehouse 26 by 60 feet, cotton house, 90 tjy 60 feet, fl h good condi tion. The machinery consists of Z spindles, and all necessary machinery for same, (WhltUer's make) 86 loons, boiler and an necessary appll anoes for heating the mm. - - - . . This property Is In every respect first-lass, and situated In the largest manufacturing district In North Carolina. Labor plentiful and very good. ; Mr. John . H. Ferree, of. Randle man, will take pleasure tn showing the property to any person desiring to rurchase. , . . . . ' R. T. MCADKN, Trustee, " . Chaflotte, N. C. Baleteh News and Obsery er and Randolph Courier copy until day pi s41e abd send bill to this office. NEW WATCHES. JEWELBY; AND SILVER WARE, -AT- IIAUEgl W-r- jewelry Store, .Next to A.R. Nlsbet and T. L. Selgle. To Publisher s, w!!!l,l!?!red torprn'sn flrst-dnss quality of sews Ink la 10-pound backets, at S2.00 per bucket mm kerosene on7 LUBRICATING CHESS-CARLE Y CO., CHARLOTTE, N. ( dec7eodly A GOOD I : ft t r r i . . HER'NC SAFE ."".R'riimp The Science f i e t I. By Wan P.wt.pH . Kgowi; iGpeatllcdicililfiirkoii Exhausted vitaiitT n.,o,.t,, ana nhvsimi ....... untold miseries resulting from i i,Touth- MtS cesses A book for every nwS Trom on " and old. It contains la p-'PW'W ! ?d chronic .iiseases, eacb me . ,1 "s frall awt I We. So round brthe a is such as prou.Dlj "newt ltfXKPentot ful French muslin, embossedvA n In, anteed to oe a finer book m evml, f8'11' W cal, Uterary and profesMoiii-fhLf "-nieclian. sold in this country ro7$i w or t , 'y otller refui,ddln every nJfcSZ man, post pam. illustrative .. ' i.uu b now. tioldmedal awanied thi J o. ln ; OonaJ Medical As l,thtnl ue reiers. uvciaui wnitlj The 6cienoe of Life should be read h, th for instrucUon, and by the aniiM ; tn'ni will benent aa-London LaneL f ,3lief ' Thereto no member oHiwietv t,. -k Science of Life will not be w ,h m Tl parent, guardian instructor or e.u:r Win , nam. - . -sjuwu. irp). cAiieiience. tjnronlc anil .h7ti . eases that have baffled the iT? AbiiIni1' a.11 ist.hssr I I U A I 8J a the I . i "..V"- yuici iiujsicians a sne 11 T I ."?"" 6uch treated successluily i i V . , . ? without an instance of 1 i SH I V ailnm Mention lau SKUlul " inurnutsUsB mo "Willpm-Hfcfhe BL66D, ww, te tlie LIVER and KIDNEYS, and Hestous the HE4LTH ana viuus or YOUTH. Djs. icirem, am. oi APPeuie, Ja. digestion. Lack of Btrenpttli, nerves receive ncwiorce. Enlivens the mind nd supplies tsralu I'owf r. i4 a I tmT svf SnfTcrlnefrom comnlaints mm la m0 I lit J peculiar to their sex will Bad in DB. HASTES "S1BON TONIO s Fafs ud speedy care. Gives a clear, healtliy compleiloiu Frequent atmpts at connterfeltlng only add to the popalarliy of the original. Do not expert ment (ret the OrigalA2.d Best; ST Bend your sddresstoTha Dr. Barter Med. Od. SUlools, MOq for pur vpBEAJI $00E."1 VFoUof srangs sua nsefoA inlonisi,ti. juneldAwly , U1S0N AND HAMLIN 8AV ORGANfc, Highest honors at an great World's Exhibitions tot seventeen years Only American Organs awarded such at any. For cash, easy payments or rented- UPRIGHT PIANOS presenting very highest excellence yet attained in such Instruments: adding to all previous im.iruvt me'its one of greater value than any; sejurlii most pure, refined, musical tones and lncrtsised durability; especially avoiding liability to set out of tune. Illustrated catalogue free. . MASON HAMLIN PIANO AND ORGAN CO, Boston, 154 Tremont st; N. York, 46 K 14th it Chicago, 149 Wabash Ave. octl6daw4w TI iraiB RUSH .Wm soon begin, snd In anticipation of It all sen sible merchants are uow casting about in . search of the most attractive goods at the most reasonable prices. We wish to call the a'-" " "tentionof thetrariff ' ' to the fact that ' W Haye in StocH A FINE LOT OF Hollow Sugar. Frihtu Jl M Fancy Xmas Hearts and Toys of all drip Uons, FRENCH MIXTURES In fact CANDIES of almost every sort lm ig'ni"le- rriu hivcio. 5. i"" i i J V 1 " Nuts, Peanuts, Raisins, Canned GMOds. PKIZE GOODS,' i" , Fancy Cneing Onms Clgaf s, Cigarette, We are either fhe ufacturers, MaoutaeWWS' Agents or Jobbers of all these goods, and them as cheap as they can be bought anywlP1 same qaanutleg. C. II. DULS & CO. ..FRED C. HUNZLER, -WBOtB8AIB--T? mt- DOTTI.EB, CHARLOTTE, Represents two of the 1",. BfeER Breweries in the United 8ff Tne Denrner A f3S fJXe'' W. Sc. M. SchaOer Brewlaff C1 If ew Work. roT THE WWJjWB ?ffiB JL - All ord C-Ordrr "f "Taj free piviupuj aiuo - . charge to any part of the city. noriedtf TBI ORSSRTXB. .

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