'DAILY CHARLOT T E OJK SKR .V. Hj K. S U JN D A i, UEUE. M r K.K U, 1 8 a 4. ' f BROlfj BITTEM CJ-Tni ;i..i-::v'::i Z r Wll-i- Cure -Headache Indigestion Biliousness Dyspepsia T T f Nervo'us Pros- rtratiori 'Malaria Ghills & Fevers iTTiredi Feeling General Debility Pain in the Back ; and Sides Impure Blood Constipation Female Infirmi ties' Rheumatism -Neuralgia Kidney &1 Liver 1 roubles 1st. And -crossed Red Lines oa Wrapper. r? -. .r 'j TyEioOTfl ER r i s s TORPID BOWELS. DBSOnOEnCD LIVEF and.-MALARIA. r from these eourets arise Uuee-forrrthsoi Die Diseases or tao liumtut- n,co. - Tlteae v DjFiuinuuu unuciue uiuir eocdtence: Aoe of Appetite, Bowilj costive, btcU Ifesd aclie, fiOtBMi alter rfUlug, aversion to Xertlen of body or ?otocl ErnctaAlov food, Irritability- or temper, Iow A ieeliag r fcaving neglected ty, Plraii-.cas, glatAcrtng t the ert, Dot before tbe yr. rticbly col ore Urine, . COasiiPA'tlO and de mand the use cf remedy that acta directly oa the Liver. As allror medicine TCTT'St iJ LA bare no e.niaL Their action on the Kiniieys and Skia isalsd nroropti removing fJl imparities tirronch tl:fcs6 three scav eugers of the syfctsa.'."pro.lnciiig appe-s'4 tile, sound digesnon, regular ttooi, a ciei. 1 mujiu iw vigorous OCHH. . J i'TCS rlLLB, with daily work ami are a ju rfect - i AMTIDOTE ,TO riALARIAr HE FSEIS lii A iikW MAS.' s "I have had DyspfrpeUi with Constipa-1 i tkmjtwt) jrears, and have triPd.ten different kinds of pills, and TITTS are ttoe first O that have dona me any good. They havo cleaned me on t nioe-. ' M r appetite is ) splendid, food digests readi r and I now 'J U jnral passafire. I likw.a new ' i ,W.b.DWAKDS, Palmyra,. 6oiaeTi;aMre,2e Oi3,MBrrmTSUN.Y, IS HSiR BXE. Ga Haik ob in ctantiy to a GLOSST Blacss. by a single ap oy a .1 W pucauon or tnls Dtb. Sold by DrtiifKisi -or sent by expresaou receiot of si. Office, 44 Murray Street, Kew Tom. . i ' UTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FPES. ; ' r a, might I kiss those eyei o Are, , ' . Ten thousand starce wool J quench desire rt ' . s Stm would I steep my lips in bliss, iJid dwell an age oaeTeiy klsi. f," That young dude needs something for his blood; he is utterly too Iresk. 3. B. Bris the best thing for him, because one bottle will care him. . Bat that dode is not all alone in his terrestlal glory - not by a "jug fun.- Many others are considerably "rattled" Just now over that blood poison bust ' ness. bat B. B. B. will cure for the least money and In. the,1 shortest . The boom Is coming. Unify, purity. A - j ssslRBBBVBBBBBBBsTBslBjQRSBBVBXSEBBl t " '.'4.'. "'"f. , ' : ., Kext to a walking -match Is Mr. R. B. Sanlter's' , ; , walking fifteen miles in one day. Ashing and hunt- 1 iagi Be lives at Athens, Ga ; Is 76 years old. has had a running ulcer on hto leg BO years one-half : acOTtury aid prevlou to that day had not walked orer halt a mile per day for sqyenrs. Mr.8aulter the Banner-Watchman and Bev. Dr. Calvin John- - . son say that B. Br B. cored this ulcer and restored Was It faith care? He was as blind as a bat, bald-beaded, his neck a horrid mass of putrid cor- - rapOon, appetite gooe, feeble and emaciated, the picture of a starred skeleton, and only six years old.' For three years doctors nd medicines made - no impression on the scrofulous complaint. .!.. A few months afterward his eyes sparkled in glad , ness, flesh bad leaped to- his bones, hair to his t, head and rejuvenation to his whole constitution. Was It faith or a miracle? It was the result of B. B.B., and it la the best on the market. ) , , "Oh. Joste," said gleeful little Maud, "we are going to have some honey j made at our house." "How do you know," asked Josle. "Because mam ma sent the servant after three B's, and I don't know what bees are good for only to make honey." Anthony Comstock sayssfThe causes of so aaay business failures are, unholy living, dlnhon , . , - est practices, and- intemperance" and the failure 40 ass a B. B. to fix theilood all right ' . ' ' " '"Hannah Jane, Tse gwine rite strate up town fur tomeneobdem are 82 page books what tell ail - ,',ahoitd!ttscrofulousnesa what makes so many biles .-,oa I fee's nake." "Better git some adwlse'bout ' ' " doseeigsoresonmean'derumatlsindemole Jlnts C yHUfl.'' replied his wife. '"Jesso: dat'sdevery ,: txfc. Tttehsaboutdob1ud.deskfn.deJlnts.de 1 klaarj fe!on and de sores, too. I'm gwine rite ' toeB.B.B OiJce and git one er dem alerble -ecIJlHOartotteby WsMiWILSONV THE GRADED kCUOOl. HOBWK ROLL. . The honor roll of the city graded school for the waek ending 'last, xn- day evening, is aa follows : NO. 1, HISS ROBTNSON'8 BOOM. Lillie Chick, . bailie Clarkson, . j Bessie McCarver, r Clay McGinn, Herman fchroedtr, MattiO hossainan, . Leta hues, 5 James Uienn, J Kulsy Wllaon.. ; Ernest Vogte, - , ! Ma Sprliikle, ; William Ward, . , ! Joseph Orr, i .Lmnia Austin, ; Miiinte LKljcrop, l.lilie Turner, ? Charlie ulgier. iiiu biyktx aiamie MworKie, ; rieu. ueumn. Heiuy Osborne, Mdney uassaoy. Hora Lelveaux, Ju.la hoteitson, tarl Koedlger, joun f.Ofs, Mubel Cuthbertton, iniest Baterrte, Charlie Zlglar. m a, MSB BaniUKB'B BOOM. ; Nina Claik, ; Noon felgman, Bertha nlis. Minnie btone, Bessie Hortun, . i LIUle White, -! Wllhe Perry, j ? Seeves Veta ; i LUUeSlcAlii-ter. Mary wuson, i Mary Withers, f Bena Caldwell. Henry kreugw, -; Willie Blaifitk. ; Sallte Adams, . May Kane, i -dna Walsh, , Gordon linger. Millie James. WlilleWbIt, -ThomaaNoithey, Maud Bell, Carrie Haskew. , 1 CfmonbprlDlile,; 1 bttmuel U' ubtoo, -yv uile hayes, Hfliullton WUson, certy tnggs, a : Kiia Wilson, Klchaid N.rUiey. HO. 8, Km BODIE'S BOOM Lizzie Clarkson, ; Aiaaon Ciaikaon, Annie Carpenter, nitie Edwards, ? Lena Fetzer, . ' 'r twain iinttnuiger, tii oounry. Jji.ian Cali'er, . - Mit)leAi-brj, .-( ('. . J. B. BealU - ! ' liarikcrfas, LiviaLiuiy, Idi8y Mtody,. i JnHa Dewey. '. Barroughs Taylor, j Aellie Mauiilug, ' ; BanaKrueger, . . Carrie Wfidtr. jMary Wilson, .... imest K i8!ti- . . MaryMaytr, -lilie Mason, . "Calla McW liter, , Addle tos&aman, iitsrle freeman. ; l f i ISO 4. 108S BCABR'S BOOK Eugene Bagwell, uiace-Uotton, Minnie Maiuu, Lewis Austin. Vernon Banks. Maud louaicsta, liattle AUbtln, Blchard Alexander, n,enGray, . Lev isAubtiu, tLuia Bojte, iGraseKlns? ' Sarah Merer, , l'Uiican Wolfe.' Kairy Mieltou, , Ulile Wooteu. hf He Hall, James Hoiob&uh, Cussle OsL-orue, Ltsttrr S-ossonVD, 4.UarHeMer, AUU) Walih.- t tii.tiit Bu)te, i . ' " ' - '. HO. 5, MBS FH FEE'S ROOK. - Leroy Davidson, . Harvey Overeash, Clara UastOii. v C'arasbaw, Aim e Alexander, fs ". Mamie '1 ajlor. t Itai.k Ltihi o. CarileWeatn, A nitt tiiikMni, .- Lva McGinn, Biri.es liavtn (Mitt i ? . . kt. 6.SM KANSIK'SKOOM. : ElahcLe BnUir'gMteli, j IXs-jileCrfcitJiloii, . !s.iuut:itwr, 7eiia Jllo oikje, : Ckaiile btte- Jaiiies- Wacfeortti, ' trunk KL'-Uer, Willie K.toi:, - 1 iiibj blnis. . Eeurj -i nr, er, Wiuie Caidaeil, JaliaUrr. : Florence Withers, Kuyaj Siianuonhouse, " Annie biiaunciihouse, tauino Gross, fc&-eie Ji.leis, Willie Bason. .da e Giaham, Ilia Wilson, iu'a Waiu. l.tsieWal s, : Agt.es sn'.euturg, , KO. 7, MIES BTTCBIKSOS'S BOOM. Minnie Duls, vtirrte Gu.dixsrg, Kugenla Alexander, a lua ringer, Macd Mctilnnls, Delia Osborne, Awgie mi in.-, ' , Adda McGinn. ' - Mtuitie Cuiiibtrtson, dmonds Brown, hfcatolo i:ail, Blanche Mison, annle Waid. ieLalg!e tauler. Monti jee Uayes, ucluud Gray. Lizzie Korthey, kiiigie litziiitiu. Beadie lHiviLLsoa, Ut rtx-ri Banks. Cailie f'olllns."i Carrie Prltchett, , , jaarsnaii Akj.ut r, iierniau lOd. dtului Mil Ith. i Union Mayer - - Ketle Hopper. " Lula Cooper, bertha lafelf , ' s Oitu Firij.iki.n', " Btitkril Gt.inils-j, t!Dk. Jiu.es, 1 iuie Kmngton, ' - j . t .NO.9, .I36aBrBL'SEOOM. Eugt-ne Graianit 'Lee Hand. f. i Lucy abernathy; ' hatlie LavidMin, Minnie Cross, ifli' Cualt-Si' ; - J'agideOaklwel'. f Minnie Uuueygult. j HsMtte Barrisun,' ' . 1 raiiK- Jones. - - " Btibert llaitln, liarlle Wl'son, ' Ifci.t-y Aberuatny. ' Ida McDonald. -Agnes Uannlng. r '1 iiotuas Withers, Ida Ciarksou. Crnthla Pharr. Aimif Shaw, Slaty King, ' Mary Dir. : ums4 Bigier. 'Jkoiuyi ijnlth. , 2 .iii.iou jtiayer, SO. 10, MBS AUEIANBEK'S BOOM. Edward LnrbaiB, ' - . Eugenia RIntels, Uenry t enz. Jumm Liiwijig, Annie Bjeny, (ius8.e Nwcumb, Morri'O Bitwi, Pfed Hmn, , Lois Harsis, -idard heweomb, iaa v. liKuin, hred Miiier, Clarerjce Wearn.f s;llton Dowd. MlMilr Connldson, : stssteFariiiiglon. AOjaisiose, . a 11, MlflS CARB'8 BOOM, rettle nreighton, ; ; htninile Bernstein, Mary Norrr.y. Jennie Ratieree, . Minnie Glenn, James Korthey, fAiinteObborne,. Estelie Syie. . GuyMaxeU, Elia Scott. J'seph Scort'. Bosa Thomas. . Leonard Wynn. William Davis, ... aunnie nuuper, mod Shaw, EbSle DhvK orwcod Brad h , Willie irririgr, waiter fcojt-. Alice Gleason, ;BUBa Lee, KO. 12, MKS KID'S BOOM, Lawrence Beeman. . Gillespie Fadle-, Tenuis Duncan. Adelaide Sufft, Corinna Neislttr, Banks Chambers. 01arazl r, - s i Minnie Alexander, Mollle Davis. Ida Prankeiuhal, : May Palmer, col a waro, Euia Wilson.' Bertie Wilson, - : Carrie WiiklneeoV Anna Bumple. ' dgar Slman. - ' HO. 13,MB.a(EDE'SB00X. f ElolseButt. Eliza Harrison, Hante Grimes, . ilary Nichols. Robert Hand. Katie Gaston, ( Arthur Weam,. 1 v Winnie Birnpa, i Ernest ietier, , . : . Maggie Tayk. Alia Oxbor e, Joseph Weera, Florence Sicker. Anna'athan, - Vaggle timmerman; ' Emma Smith. LsaucAJe wader.,. ;.xj -sa 14, mb. otnmrspiooM. ( Eunice Cal-iwell, JEttellafn!s.' f , Mamie Frailer, n Mamie Grimes, Sumner Gause, ' Mattie Harris, Belle Harris, May Hall, William Jones.1 .. Willon Jamison, BeUeKimbal, ' Fannie Duuettn, ' , Joseph Fraukelithal. i William Prather, Mattie Duncan, Thomas Nmment, Wa ter lreloar. Krank Han, fua Lew, Maggie Maxwell, httbcfl MeGinnls. Annie McDonald, Gussie Nels!er, Louise i-carr, -Maggie Shaw, LiliieSlms. Willie StIU Louise Vogel, Mary Wiley. Edward Pitcher. Ida Hand, WilHam iforse, George Newoomb. r DobI Hrar Tight Nbors. ',' ' Pfbbably one of .he greatest of sufferers, and from a peculiar cause, i! Adam Plaff , a well known resident of Warsaw,. N. J. . Three years ago he was .drawn' as a , juryman, and wore to court, at Bath, a new pair of boots for the first- time. They were too small for Mm, - and, although they gave him' intense pain, he kept then o all hof uoriiaday. iWhen he removed his hoots at night he found no relief from his pain, and wauna- ble to sleep. During J.ho tiightA his feet, legs, hands, "arms and body be gan to swell," and - his. sufferings b; came so f;reat that he was obliged to summon.iiid, and was removed to his home as soon as possible!; yrom that day to this the pain has never left him. for an instant. His joints are enlarged greatly, white bis toes, feet and hands arewwollen' to three times their natural size. The flesh oh some poTtionsfof his body is shrunken' and .withered lie is entirely Jaelpless. and canned leave i his j chair without help -and has to be fed likQ a child. ,Mr. P.lafFs sufferings are at times ter rible to witnesp, .and he prays for death, He -has spent hundreds of dollars in vain efforts to gain relief. md no physician he has, ever called has been able to understand his case. Sentence Commatra. .' r LoNDQif, Dec. 13 -rr-Thesentence of Capt. Duley and mate' Stephens, the Mignonette cannibals, has been com muted from hanging to 6 months im prisonment, without labor. , ' ; a sown tswb Hereout. f Havtnc passed several sleepless nights, disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a sneering child, and becoming eonvlnaed that Mrs.- Winslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting bis wife with what be bad done, she refused to have It administered to the child, as he was strongly- to favor of Hornoeopathy. That night the child rwied In suffering, and the parents without sleep. k aenirnlng home the day following, the rather fcrnd the aby still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepd from 'he room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the etilld. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke In the morning br-ht and hap py. The mother was delighted wlia the sudden and wonderful change, and although at ftrst oflend ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the Syrup.and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. ' A single trial of the Srrun never vet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of lue mother, 'Mtfii.i K till n.u.Rui. o .. For the Church Messepger. The Ember Pys. To Churchmen and tjnurciiwomeu - ' - A- sT : iU n who regard the requiremente i ...t" Calendar, as far, at any rate, as laid in the arrangement of festivals and fasts contained in the Prarer-Book andxisting there because they have the- asseni and obedience of tne great preponderance of the most devout piety and of the deepeBt learning from primi tive times to our own as a mtitter call- for reverent .allegiance, .the. recur- rence 01 tne cAawt " useful and helpful in more than one. diiection. A glance at their origin and signification will help us to undei stand this. In Bishop Hobart's selections frpmNelson's Fasts and Festivals we gather the following information con cerning them: They are certain aaya set apart for consecrating to God the four seasons of the. year,. and for 1m Dloring His blessing, Dy lasting ana prajer, upon the ordinations performed in the cburcn-at ynose umea.-, iwey we the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, next after the following days: Mist Sunday in Lent; Whitsunday; Mth of September, and 13lh cf December; the Spn4ays immediately iuliowing tnese days Leingt the stated times of ordkia tion appointed by the Chui ph. ' There have been many conjectures about the origin of the name. - JLtno or Enib'&i in Saxon, signifies a course or circuit; Embehtan to , administer; and Embehiman a minister. This etomology then may point to the significance of the name in connection with the periodical ordination of ministers. Another sur mise is that it comes from a Latin word shortened into "Ember," but having the same reference to the periodical ordinations. . These suggestions, which seem rea sonable and probable, raise a question of some interest, tiaturally, bow and why the ordiiations should have been at stated times at all. It ia tolerably clear .that no tuch arrangement would have been expedient, or even possible, under the conditions described in the Actsot the Apostles. The fact is one of the many evidences of the flexible adaptability of the Church in all mat ters of administration and discipline to the fcurroundipgs "and requirements of time and place a lesson to which it behooves the Anslican Communion to pay especial heed. As the Church gained a foothold in : the more limited territory of Britain, and the work of organization proceeded, it is very clear how much more efficiently the Bishops wonld accomplish their labor by reduc ing it to system. And then; as Bishop Hobart devoutly and 'sensibly remarks. the ordination" of ministers was perhaps fixed at these seasons, firet, that as all the people are concerned ,in the ordain ing of a fitctergy, so all may nave an nmMrtunitv of ioinipg in fasting' and prayer fcr the direction and bfessing of God; secondly, that both msnops ana clergy, knowing the time, may prepare themselves" for this great work; and lastly, that the people; knowing the limei mav, if they please, bo present, either to approve of the choice made by the Bishop, or to object against those whom Jthey know to be anworthy. It 8ems to me jthat the filling in the introduction of light, shadow; (one. and color, into this outline sketch of the meaning and intention of the Ember Davs will " croduce a general effect which we shall do well to contemplate and profit by. iFor I am much mistaken if the comely 'and beautiful ? picture which, as a whole, it presents of Church life, is not, to very many of its, far more a picture than a reality. Tb general thought presented by the subject is that of special spiritual - effort, regularly , systematically made, for a particular, clearly defined object,; outside of and beyond our own ipamedjate personal needs, or the wants f those dh-ectly connected - -with us. Are there, very many among us who have experimental knowledge of -any such thing? We go to church; we join fervently, I;hope. and believe, in the confessions and prayers. Private devotion and family prayer, I well trust, nsnal. " When ex traordinary events, either sad pr. joy ous, befall up, they'call out, let us hope, eopecUl supplication or thanksgiving But in the observance of the Ember Days, the. Church manifestly content plates our careful Jhoygbt and earnest spiritual exertion in connection with an object which concerns the whole Church rather than our own or any other particular portion of it. Of the vast and universal importance of the right selection of persons for the minis try, it is hardly necessary to speak, ex cept to notice how peculiarly it eonnecta itself with the collective, corporate, catholic element of the Church's con stitution. - Then in taking note of the character of the devotion enjoined, we observe bow prominent a place fasting holds in them. I do-not wish to arrouse a dis cussion upon vexed questions, or intro duce' a spirit of polememical contro versy into the subject;' that would be very far from the intention of the pres ent writing; bat it is difficult to- see how, adevouj and attentive reader of Holy Scripture, to say nothing of a loyal Churchman, can ta'ke the position that fasting is not onerof the appointed means of grace It seems to be obvious, beyond the possibility of question, that the apostles habitually had recourse to these special means of preparation pray er an d fasting as a preliminary, to the '-"laying on of hands,' if" x s i vv But perhaps In our time, and in view of our special tendencies, one of the principal lessons the Ember Days should teach, us, is, as I mentioned above, the power and -beauty with which they bring-out the catholic element of the Cburchjs litest We are sometimes told that the prevailing fault of out age is individualism; and I ' think there are parts of the country where the tone of society runs 'i strongly in that direction. But the Church's system seems to pro vide safeguards enough against ! that form of error. I am inclined to regard sectionalism,' parochial exclus.iveriess, as our peculiar weakness- 'Our par ishV',"our. church, ".'our rector," "our Suniar-school,'! "our choir," seem too often" to limit' the horizon of many of us. Now, an observance which points so emphatically to the fact that the par ish,he mission, the individual commu nicant, are; simply paits fcf one . great entirety, brothers and sisters' of one family, members of One Divine Body, is certainly an admirable correction of this narrowing, un-catholic tendency, . The days are now nearly with Wednesday Fridav, and. Saturday, the 17th,' 19th, and 20th oT : the present month. . Will it not be worth while to make: a special effort- to "dispose our hearts-and minds to. devotion," that upon, the .Sunday following we ,.may . fervently and intelligently join in the prayer "for those who are to be admit ted into Holy Orders"? ' J. M. H. Kia' - - ... .-..' It 's scientifically settled, that rieuroatlstn, gout an'l neuralgia cannot e cured by luboing witn ous rtintniflniKUnlmentx. lotions, etc.: for the reason that these disetiaes are caused oy unc acia m uie blood. The on Diemirdtion wnun uniiomuy ex pels till odd is Parker's ionic,, fcuodues pain at owe. Try it. t . . t --Jr. 4 i ak:i. T.iiill Khnamsnfferliiir from errors and indls- omtinnMnr vnuth. mrtoiis weaktess. early decay. loss or niimtiood. xo , i win sena a recipe mat wm cureou r krk it t-HAUGK. his great remeay was dlsw erel nr a Tntsoronnry in K)UUJ America.' Setid self addressed jenvpiope jo kkv, iiiwii i, Iiam: ."t.-iti-nD. New Yorg. i.. - ; nelldei-l4l.v. . , ': - -: Puitiv Vwv tor Piles. " ' Tn th iwinle of this count we would say we hive Ihii iflven the agency of Dr. Marchlsi's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteea to eure or money retuimwiiiiKJriHu.; eu nuu, uimu, uiocu nif or to;ilni nll. Ptirv Stic a box. No cure, no per Kirwi" ry b. it. w nun. aniggisv. , juneneoai ' , , t - ..- -. . ? . . - . - A ; -.4' - - ' - f : ; I have rented, until the first of January, the Nnv Store ofillr.Gioo, TBTON STREET. For the purpose of closing out a large stock of MS AND FANCY GOODS AT A GBEAT SACRIFICE. Froits aid Confectioneries win mo Bt S'uo. Remember, everything must be sold before Janu- ry W C. ,C SNIDKR. Mortgagee's Sale. Bv virtue ef a mortgage deed executed to me by i L. A Vanderturz and Hlfe recorded In Book No. 37, page 'J'2, 1 win sed by pubUe auction at Court i House door In the city of Charlotte, N. fi , pa Sat urday, 10th day of January; Ka, the tractor hind I Sdiolnlng John Wolfe Morrow and others, on east ank of Brhir Creek, upon which said Vamterburg . now Uvea, containing 160 acres of land, partictila. ly sot tana, paniciua-u aso conveyed by F. 8. described In said mortgage. Tie Wolfe, commissioner to said Fandarbur -. con iioner io taining m NCfW, 4o- attefy , the Uebt secured by said mortgage. , v . 5 . , Terms cahh. --.-! I will also sell ateame time and nlace the follow ing beisonal property: one black Horse, two mouse- colored mules, one sorrel Mule, one large bay horse johm w. WAXttwouTH, Mortgagee. Jonwi JoHjjrrcs, Attorneys. . .. . decOOdltwW " Is hereby nen that an appUfliatton will pe made at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina to amend the charter of the city ol Charlotte. deCiUU - , . j W. C MAAWELL. To Publishers, We are prepared to furnish a first-class aualfty of Kews ink in lu-pound Dockets, at sxuu per bucket. mwiMtr I THE OBSKHVKB. ' Bal I Program m es. A fine lot-latest designs ust received at novlfidtf . , , , TUB OBCTBVEB OFFICE. DEPARTMENT OF MECKLFNBURO, I . CBABJrrrs, Dec. 6th, 1S84. General Order, I No.l. ; ' An loyal subjects are hereby notified that his Highness, . ; - SANTA CLAUS, "I Is now on bis Annual Tour, and wi HJ arriyein ii) Is depart- Charlotte on or about 15th ment bis heada.uarjers will be at the yARiETYcSTORE, Opposite Gaston's Ftove Depot where has already been received and is now en - exhibition a large supply or . i . . . - CHRISTMAS1 G0()DS. AP'commnnlcatlons Intended for Santa Clads can oe aaareesea to box t), upariotte. r. u. Pnrther Inntmrtlnna will hn laanttl frmn these Headquarters in a few days. By order oi f ;; SAN rACLAUS,? C. M. ETHEBEDGE. P. v. j. . I j j i " fj LAND FOR SALE. - T offer for sale that valuable tract of land lying lust beyond tne.eastern umita or the city or unan kittn. nnd known Ha 'iThe Grove " This tract com prises one bundred fibd moty-two and one-halt acres oi lana. ol wnicn aDoux twenry-nve aeres are creek and brastch bottoms. Upon this tract is a large and commodious dwelling house, and the r I also effer for sale another -farm (adjoining the above) of flfty-wo and one-half acres, upon which are a small frame and several log houses. 1 will sen this property as a wnoie or win amae i pert it to suit purchasers. . This property can be bought Ht a reasonable Dries and on easy terms, and anv one wishing to purchase would a ao wen to apply ax onee to , diic2tiesAaatAsan,wtf Mortgagee's Sale . By virtue of a mortgage dt-ed executed to me by N. w. i nrower-ana wiie, rocoraeo in hook mo. 37, page 864. 1 will sell by public anctlon at Court House door in city of Charlotte, N. C, on Saturday, the 10th day of January, 1S&5, the tract of land ad joining Abner Alexander,- Wm. Parks and others, (for metes and bounds see mortgage deed) con taining about one hundred and fifty acres, to sat isfy the debt secured by said mortgage. Terms CASH. I will sell also at same time and place one small mare mule, - ... i . ..-....... - J0HNW. WADSWOBTH, Mortgagee. Jones 4 Johnston, Attorneys. declOdltwSUd - " t Pectoral Syrup - win aire coughs, colds and hoarseness In a short Ume. Preiiarcd by :. , ; . , R.H. JORDAN 4C0.. Druggists. , SMOKERS! . 'W (1 Inve -Exclsmlve 1 Control ' f WACHOVIAVV A genuine 10 Cent Havana Cigar for B nta. A L.B.WEL.T0M. xriai ia nu i tartan lota: ' .ti'. ft.'," "' i t J . v $ j. Mrs, Smith Caire, nndrhat site Kev.'Ittr ITIcKInstrv hasto say about It. v ' To TffE Prmi.TO! i have been a fearful sufferer for fifteen years, most of the time with what has beeifecalled Eczema, or Salt Rheum, Psoriasis and Lepra, and the like, and have always been told that there was no cure forme, and have been so dis couraged that I had as toon die as live.: I have Deen so nadiy amtciea sometimes mat mere was not the smallest spot from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet that was not diseased and as red as crimson. It would commence in small white spots, which had a silvery appearance, but were not deep, but if I attempted to beal them, or soon after their first annearance. thev would burn and rnn together ' jintil there was a complete dry, red scale, which would become so innamea as to craeg ana iook nery and angry, and the burning sensation would be ai- '; I was at times so lame that I could scarcely get I mmuL, anu couiu utn uress myeii wtuiuui, widu- ance. I nave tried many remedies, and nave jpaia $100 in a single instance to a physician, but nave ever obtained only temporary relief. - Although ; helped for a time, I soon relapsed again to be as badly troumea as ever, ana aunng tne winter i 1881 ana ltsa 1 sunerea so much as to oe entirety illoMiiMiMul . T ji ct Jiitia "hnmavmr T man flvlflAd by Elder and Mrs. L.crMeKlnstry. who are well I Known in tnese retnons. 10 iry your i;otiuuka Bkmsdeks; and I felt somehow a little coufage, from their oDlnlon of them, to try their virtue., About the second week of July last! commenced taking the remedies, and within six weeks l began to see a permanent improvement, until now (Oct 1) I am aoout as good as new, ana my nesn is as tne nesn otacjuiq, (i;---' f ; LtfO. xiDJ. oaun. T OHrtlfv that the above statement Of my wife is correct, ana 1 join with ner in expressing my gruu- tuae ror tne great nenent sne nas reoeivea. I certify that the above statement Is correct Mr.' Smith is a -prominent man in this community. where he lives. He is a well known-dealer in stock. and his statement with that of bis wife, is fully entitled to credit. -' - i - - . Done at Stanstead. Province of Quebec, this twen- tyeventn aay oi uctooer, iftsz. - -- --. ' ,.y Minister of the GospeL Latih. I have seen Mrs. Smith recently and believe her to be thoroughly and permanently cured. . - - ; L. C. MCK1NSTKT. Sec'y Advent Ch. Crmf., P. Q., No. Vt and No. N. H. uosnm, eepR a, mat. . ; ; - , t . n ; CtjncrjRA Rusoi vkxt. the new blood purifier. and Outuhika. and CrrnctiRA Soap, the great skin cures and beautlfiers, are sold everywhee. Price, crrnrrrjRA. soap, as.: kebolvknt. si.uu. POTTER DRCa AND CHEMICAL CO., BOSTON. A COMPLETE STOCK -OF- Seaside Libraries, PO' KCJT EDITION, mi lira -AT- EDJ3IN, -IFOR fYOYESIRt-.R. NEW ; WATCHES. JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, -AT- IIAIJBS ."lew Jewelry Store, -. r 'Kext to A. R. NIsbet and T. L. Selgle. - SALE OF ;'T f 1 Valuable Cotton Factor IN RANDOLPH COCNTT, N. C. , By virtus of authority rested In me as trustee by deed Sf mortgage with power of sale by the CEN TRAL FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, a corDoratlori organized under the laws of North Carolina, and doing business in the county of Ran- dolph, N. C, I will proceed to sell on the premises, on Tuesday, the 6th day -of fanuary next, at U o'clock, for eaah, to the highest bidder, the factory property belonging to said corporation. This property is new, having been built In 1882. It consists of seventy one acres of land, valuable water power, stone and cement dam, situated five ... . . T - - . ... '., ,-. r r , - miles from. Ashboro, six miles from Randleman, and twenty miles from High Point The buildings -, ... - ... ..' - consist of mala factory budding 48 feet wide 200 feet long, two stories. The bunding is of brick, weu and substantially built Lapper house, built of brict 26 by 60 feet; boUer house, brick, 22 b? SO feet . .The factory , heated by steam pipes. The other buUdlngs are storehouse 28, by 80 feet cotton house, SO by 60 feej:, an lh "good condi tion. The nachinery consists of 2,600 spindles, and all necessary rnachinery' for same, (WhltUer'a make) S6 kwnw, bpfler and alf necessary appli ances for beating the null, i , , f . This property Is in every respect Arotelass, and situated In the largest manulacturlngl district In North CaroUna. Labor . plentiful and y very good. Mr.' John "'H.'-,,. Ferree,'; ot ' Randle man, will take pleasure In showing the property to any person desiring to purchase. '" - " -' n. f . muuui, Arustee, .j - ., . , ' Charlotte, If. C t I Raleigh News and Observer and Randolph Courier copy until day ol Bale and send bill to this office. -nov27dtds .,, .. . .. . i - '. -'. . '..' HERIOT CLARKSON ATTORNEY-At-LAW, . -1 - CHABX0TTE, N. C. . " '"" will nnntliu n .,1 . l- . prompt attenuon given to collections. . in ' , "... ' : u . Bazaar .ifioa ' 1 " ' ! . ' Friend. NO MORE TEBBOB I This Invaluable prepa ration is truly a triumph. No Mors Pain! lot scientinc skum ana no more inestimable ben eiit was ever bestowed on the mothers of the NO MORE DANGEB! world. cItnot only short ens the time of labor and TO lessens the intensity of pain, but better than all, it greatly diminishes the MOTHER OB CHILD. danger to life of both mother ana cnua. ana leaves the- mother in a condition highly favora ble to speedy recovery, ind far less liable to The Dread of Hooding, convulsions. convulsions alarming 3S and other alarming symptoms lrwident to ' Jj&otneTClOOd lingering ana nainiui labor. - Its truly wonder ful efficacy in this respect entitles the Mother's Friend to be ranked as - Transformed to : one of the life-saving ap- puanees given to me world by the discoveries of monern science, HoDe and JoV from the nature of i . . .. . ,.. the case It will of course be understood that we cannot publish certifi cates concerning this Remedy without wound ing the delicacy of the SATETT AND EASE ; writers. Yet we have hundredslof such testi monials on file, and no mother who has once TO used it will -ver again be without it In her time SUFFERING .WOMAN. iot trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissible to make pub lic the letters we receive, the Mothers' Friend would outsell anything on the market. 1 most earnestly entreat every female eineetlng to be confined, to use Mothers' Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long ob stetrical practice (forty-four years. I have never known It to fall to produce a safe and quick dellv- ery. ' . H.J Holmes, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Send for our Treatise on "Health and Happiness ii n ouian," maued iree. . ; ' Bbadfibu) Reguiaxob Co., Atlanta, Ga. Itching Diseases. r? CZEMA , or Salt Rheum, with Its agonizing Itch a -j ing and burning, instantly relieved bv a warm bath witn laibcura soap, and a single application oi wiucura, me great okin uure. xnis repeated aauy. witn two or three doses or cuncura uesoivent. the new blood Purifier, to keep the blood cool, the persplratlng pure and unlrritatlng, the bowvls open, the liver and kidneys- active, wlU speedily cure Eczema. Tetter. Ringworm. Psoriasis. Lichen. rrunuiH, scan tieaa, uanorun, ana every species of itching, Scaly and Pimply Humors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best physicians and all known remeaiesiau. .t - Jf . ... . Eczema Xweni y 1'4-arn. - My gratitude to God Is unbounded for the relief I have obtained from the use of the Cutlcura Reme dies. I have been troubled with Eczema on my leg tor twenty years, l nao not a comrortaoie night tor years, me burning and itching were so intense. Now, I am bapny to say. I have no trouble. Only the liver colored patches on my limbs remain as a token oi my lormer misery. . , ufiMti Ij. QUirn. 188 west Avenue, Bochester, N. Y.. , Eczema on a Child. n Tour most valuable Cutlcura Remedies have done my child so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who are troubled v 1th skin disease. My little girl was troubled with Eczema. and I tried several doctors and medicines, but did not ao ner any good until l used the cuueura Kem edles, which curea her, for which I owe you man) manaa ana Biany mgnts or rest. ANruM BUSSMJUtK, union aaaery. Edinburgh, Ind. . i ;i Tetter of the Scalp.' I was almost Derfectlr bald, caused bv Tetter of the top ot the scalp I used your Cutlcura Remedies about six weeks, and they cured my scalp perfectly, and now my hair Is coming back as thick as it ever , wts. ; - .... , , 4. r. jtiyiij. Whltesboro, Texas. . . I CofeteI wlb IMotclieM. I want to tell you that rour cutlcura Resolvent is magnifloent. About three months ago mv face was covered with blotches, and after using three bottle oi oesoiveui i was periecuy curea. . JfKJSOJfiKlCK MA1TBJS. J8 St. Charles street. New Orleans, La, -!,' Iwy lolonliig', ,, -, For all cases of poisoning by Ivy or dogwood. I can warrant Cutlcura to cure' every time, I have said it ror nve years ana n never inisv uouistown, siass. - ' j . Sold everywhere. CtrncrRA, 50c; Soap, 26c; Reslvknt, SlXL Potter Orugr and Chemical Co., ' - ' BOSTON, . ' life ill If Iew Sjtojkc Ieceiyed. We olTer darinoj Fair :Week Special Bargains ! ! Incladtng - .. - '. '.-'if Tinpre aniT HiaseforalsluDg Goois. The Largest and Best Stock, Wholesale arirj Re tail, we guarantee our goods and prices against anymaraei, Biiver-riaiea ware especially low. - . Respectfully, . . .. : ' r ' ' : ' LUDOLF 4 HARTS FIELD, Trade Street Near College. NEW YEAR; CARDS. Lot of the handsomest designs ever offered In unanotie. can ana examine taem aL . novlBdtt THE OBSERVER OFFICE." ' GAROLU4 CEXTft kL, R VIL. k WAT. Officbot Superintend xnt, WiiMiNGTON, N. C, Sept ii, 1884. f ; CHANGE QJ7 SCHEDJJLE, ON AND AFTER 8 KPT. 10,1884, THE FOLLOw Ing Schedule will be operated, on this Ball- iww. . - ..- . . ; ,.j , . ..... i PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN; . v. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ) Leave Wilmington at... .. . '. . - 7 on p W No. 1. Leave Raiefgh"at 7S - )AmveatCharloitoat....t...;;;;l ')IavoCharlotte at...J....4 ' ..w.816p x No. a. Arrive at Raleigh at. ; Sorii 'i J Arrive at WllinhK at. .V."" ! LOCAL FREltiPaawrigerCar Attached, i Leave Charlotte at.... J...'.... "nik w Arrive Laiirlnbiirg at ... J'" '' feS tr Leave Laurtnburg at...,. . ' 1.1? r w Arrive Charlotte at . 4.40 p.m. Passenger Trains atnn nt. nxminv .h. and points designated, in ths Table. i SHELBY rJlYISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX ... - i; :rpBESS AND FREIGHT .' i.'i ' - t ' i JDaIlT exoePt Bundai.) . f Leave Charlotteat.x, v j. . " n ia . Arrive at Shelby at , , .. .. .T V" v " la 1 8 i' Z" Leave Shelby at . . " " Jf Arrive at Charlotte at.. J.'.". ."::: p. wlS'Jio1 in? 'i "V close connection at Hmlet with R. 4 A Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Steeping Cars between WUniigand Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. . Take Train No-l for Statesvilie, trtatlons en Western N. C. R. B-TAshevllie and rjolntarost - laEta and al point.' southwest - ! L. C. JONES, i F.W.CLABB. Gen. Pass. Agent .our"UMM",oni Men or JjiiiiM in aoh atm.. a - WE have now ready our usual large and exten sive stock of . , FILL AND WINTER5 MILLINERY, &C, - -.I . And can assure the ladles that we have now in store the largest and most complete stock to be found In tne stale. All tne Novelties, as well as all desira- Dle shapes, colors, quailUes and prices of - Hals and i Bonnets ' For Ladles, Misses and Children: . ' f - WE KNOW there is no Millinery Store In the- ssoutnern country where a lady can nnd a greater variety of styles and qualities to sele.-t from than our house. . - . - . .. WE KNOW there is no bouse in the South where a lady can buy a Hat or Bonnet cheaper for cash than In our house. ' - ' - -., , WE KNOW there Is no house in the South where a lady can have a hat more tastefully and artisti cally trimmed than in our house , . ' WE KNOW there is not In the South a house . managed by more experienced artists in the busi ness having made the business a Ulettme study) than our house. ; J ' W KNOW that we stand ahead of any retail Millinery Store in the Southern country. . . . " we will cneenuiiy give au the advantages or our. Ung Fipmrnce i Sope.Tir Knowledge generally of the business lo our patrons. Fnll Lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Zephyrs and Wool Yarns, Infants and 'Children's Cloaks, Hooas, Hacks ana Wraps, Corsets, Laces, Neckwear,. Jewelry, Notions and Novelties generally, v - style, nt and workmanship equal to any dress making establishment in any Nortnernr city to half the price. i . - CALI, AHI SEE - . MRS) P. QUEKY ocfldtf Cotton ki ,vn n N S W H N N M N KB TTTT T jt : . (CKB K KB E KB 1DU D D D D dud0 SV V w w w w w w A A We will pay 18 eents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, delivered at our mill by wagon. Will pay 17 cents per bushel for seed de livered at airy station on rauroaas running ui Charlotte, for car loads ef ten tons and over, we -paying freight on same. Parties shipping le-w than ten tons will oe eaueu on to pay uau toe freight, as tne raitroaaa charge as mucnanaui some cases more for nan that for full car load. or we will give one tun oi meat in exenange roi wo tons of seed. This- exchange being of great value to me farmer should oe taaen advantage oi one ton of meal being worth much more tor leeo ing or fertilizing than two tons or seeo. ciiAJUArT IMA, uuariocte, . i. no6dfcwtf -1 .-- dllMOND & DWILIE R 1. N. C. DTVTSION. CondetameU Scliedule. THAJNS QOJNG NORTH. Oct 12U. 1884. No, 51," No, 53, ': ' Daily. Ually. leave Charlotte, 5.) a m 6.iW p m " Salisbury, 7.22 a m 7.67 p m High Point, ' 8.36 am 8.59 pm Arrive Greensboro, 9.10 a m 9.iB p m Leave Greensboro, . , ,. 9Ji5 a ni Arrive HUlsbwo, ILW a m " Durhaaw i " P Bi Baleigh, . ' 1.30 p m Leave Raleigh, 1.40 p m Arrive Uoldsboro, 4.20 p m - No. J5 taUy except Sunday. " Leave Greensboro - 8.30 p m , - Arrive at Raleigh 1L80 p m ' . Arrive at Goldsboro 1L00 a m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro with BtSBB for all Douits North. East and West of Danville. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points In western . u. At txoiasDoro with w. x w. a. K. dally. Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Greensboro with I B. d; P. & it and tor all Pglate on Saiem Branch. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.- Oct. 12th, 1884. No. 50, Dally. 12.00 am No. 52, Daily. Leave Goldsboro, Arrive Raleigh, -Leave Raleigh, Arrive Durham, -. " HiUsboro, " - Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point, " Salisbury, - Charlotte, ' 2.20 p m 4.45 p m 6.U2 p ni 6.43 p m 9.00 p m v.oo p m 10.36 p m 11.53 p m 1.35 a m 9.35 a m 10.05 a ni 11.10 a m 12.35 p m No. 16 Dally except Sunday. " --' Leave Gomaboro- "6.00 pm Arrive Baleigh ; ,- : 9.50 p m -' " . Leave Raleigh : 1 LOO am ' - Arrive Greensboro i 9.00 a m No. 50 Connects at Salisbury for all points on W N C R R, and a Charlotte with a 4 C Air-Line for aujjoints in me south and southwest. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C, C4BR tor an points soma ana aoutneast, ana with A x C Aor-ijna ior au pomw souta. t - N.' W. N. C. RAILROAD. ' - ., : Na 50, GOING SOUTH. Dally, No. 52. ' - - ex. Sun. Dally. Leave Greensboro, '- 10 15 p m 9.45 a m Arrive KemersjlUa, ' f ' U.19 p m la&O m Arrive Salem, .- 7TF, . ; ; j j l$ff a W 1L25 a m " " No. 6L ' . GOING NORTH.' . ' : -Daily, No. 63. - i t , . ex Sun. Dally. Leave Salem, - 700 pm 7.20am Arrive Keraerevllle, ' ' "": 7.35 pm 7.50 am Arrive Greensboro, ' -: &40 p ni &50 a m STATU UNIVERSITY R. L ; . " 1 ' titottf Na a. . GOING NORTH. ifilly Daily " ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave Chapel Hill, 10,25 a m 6.00 p m Arnye yniyersity, . . 11.25 a m 6,00 p m - . . ; . N0T4. No. 2. ... GOING SOUTH. . Daily Dally - - - 1 ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave University, B.90 p m 11.64 a m Arrive Chapel Hill, '7,31 p m 12.54 p m BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE. On trains 50 and 61, between New York and At lanta, ana Detween uoidsboro and warm Sprin; - Through Pullman Sleepers on trains S2 and between Washington and Augusta, and Danville and Richmond", and Washington and New Orleans. EffThrough tickets on sle at Greensboro, Ral eigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, for all points South, Southwest West, North and East For emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas. Arkansas auu un ouuuiwwn, aaaresa . ' . ' H.SLAJJGHTEB, k oen. Manager. Gen. Caa. Agent Kichmond, va. IVfRg. "tfOE PERSON, MXNTJFACTTJRER OF Sirs.1 JOE 'PERSONS .REMEDY, WILL BB ATTHB pEXTUAJj UpTEI pharlotfe, ; ; ,! N.C, Friday antf Satorday, rfec 12 and 13, where she would be pleased to have parties Inter ested In the subject of her REMEDY call on her, and where she can give them more extended lnfor mat'on than she can by letter. When the parties cannot conveniently calf Mrs. Person will take pleasure to calling if requested tpjdo so. Informa tion In both cases f REE, . i " ' , r. i THE REMEDY IS A SPECIFIC FOR ALL V i BLOOD; DISEASES. ; .As a Tonic it giyes Universal Satisfaction - Ala1.Alterat,ve It is uneaualed. An a Purifier of the Blood It Is endorsed by all who hare used It. It Will eure Bhnnmatlam Haniwr In Its Aurlv mtaaom Heart- Disease. Ervslnelaa. - indiomtinn nuinlTb Colic, Eruption and all diseases occasioned by Im purities ot the Blood. It isjnfalllble for Scrofula. It relieves Catarrh. . It Is aboon to ladies suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. . r IT IS AN AlfTIDQTE P0R mat.aptaj. BLOOp And a sure remedy for restoring' the system after CHILLS AND FEVER t ' ; -.. 5 Jor sale by an Druggists. ' '" " 1 LABORATORY-CHABLOTTE, n, c 7 ; declltjtfwtt - r i - LUBRICATING m : CHESS-CARLEYCO., CH ARLO PTE, N, Vt dec7eodly ) A GOOD , ' - lfDDlM-i C'Hf 3AF FR NILS CHE p Apply at The ScqcefTjieTjr . , "'t.pald. RHoirmLF 4 Great Medical Warton Manhmnf nervous and nh, ' ficuiauuvueciuie in man .. ""Wm untold miseries resmg'&nmTwh-MS eesses. A book for every in?n ro?mcre?on a i and old. It contains 125 preS', ?Wdlw andohmninriw-iQo Ttr"' 'Pt'o-is for all Z1 ble. So found ytSwthrw. 'lchll,taSi 23 years is such as probabHeveplif'Wito lot ojtany physician. 3UJrSr UtoS ful French musiui, euibi.sseaTve sold to this country lor $2.50 or th m-2?ler M refunded in every iustaTioe tt ??rtll5 mant-pald Illustnite ainSa t$ ,m uow. Gold medal ?warled the i.nl Aire science or Lire should be read ht ik tor uisirucUon, and by the affluXS ? tt' m will benefit alt-Lou(ton Elnit Cted u rJW 6 - 1 nereis no member of socletv t -v Science of Life will not be useful Wh m tguardlan instructor orJ Address the Peabody Medical innt,. . a Parker. No. 4 Bulfinch WreS , who may be consulted on ain siseaSTl? Z" akllland experience. Chronic anrtSireq?,T,n eases that hive butted iK , ? au ouier puysiclans a sue II KA SS I'll w ?n tuBuiuue or t 11 I ,ir, u : e. Umtlaii tnis ru,., ... a l0J(,H4 TEEOELYTSU! ON TOWIC Will purify the BLOOD, nv Ute ti.e LIVEHand KIDNEY8, sua viuua or YOUTH. Dj pepEis, h aril oi Appetite, In digestion, Lack of Strei.stft, f ai i ireu c?ng itbsomKW nerves rcceivencwrorci Enlivens the mind ant I ' A 11 1 ? S SnITerinirfromcomDialnli supplies train rower, inn Vf I Ea W jieculiarto their sex Ml BSd in D3- HAB.TEB.'S I30N T0NI0 a fots lal speedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. Frequent tempts at counterfeitJue p,nlywii to the popularity of itie eritfitial. lio uoi exia-,, ment-ettlfe ti8GiA-AKn (Send your address tq The lr. HortrW1.9o. Stl4WiT M9for oar "DKKAM BO0K.''l Foij of rtrwur9 404 a ioi onnation, jm Juneld&wly . IiIASON AND HAIIH 100 STXLEJI, ORGANS, V Highest honors at all great World's Exhibitions f seventeen years. Only American Organs anmai such at any. For cash, easy payments or rented- UPRIGHT PIANOS presenting very highest excellence yet attained la such Instruments: adding to all previous Imprw jne-t8 one of greater value than any; securini most pure, refined, musical tones andlncrew durability; especially avoMlng liability Uiftfo of tune. Illustrated catalogue free, . MASON & HAMLIN PIANO AND ORGAN CO, 4 Boston, 154 Tremont st; N. York, 46 K. lth si unicago, ivi waoasii avc. octl6daw4w Will soon begin, and in anticipation of fun lute nicrcuauLB nto auw t - DOiUUUUL tylip IllWl o.Livvi'v. ' of fKo rrirwt'rvudnrrhlA'nrU . We wish to call the a' tontlonof thetradfl to the fact that We Have in Stock -A FpiELe? -- Hollow Sugar Fid Fancy Xmas Hearts and Toys of all a" Hons, FRENCH MIXTURES In fact CANDIES of almost eyery sort lmagHSl' Crackers, Cakes, j W Nuts, Peanuts, Raisins, Canned Goods, PRIZE GOODS, Fancy Chewing flams Cigars, Cigarettes, j. o ManutaaOf We are eitner jne atanuiacnu""' Agents or Jobbers of all these goods, and them as cheap as they can be bought anr .same quantities. - . 1 C. H. DPLSjLiS DATLy AND WEEKLT-) EstAbllBbed, ,, The best advertlalng 8n s fann,i!J every man In North Carolina wb0 TJ? nr tnu nt timber land or waici i"" iHveD v Jetteraof our tATXABiUM a great repu""'"" "T.,,ivfl of u :H glandTaa the only real repjresentotlve 01 mlt BeeF State, and all New Eiiglande ""sit ttaglnNorth Carolina send to the rw" toj2!!Pf!fi iSrtieulars addrew ...rr no lOhftan Lots For Sab- . . . . j IfUl) m4Va tstm ..1. the . - y. th cm i".--. . comer of the city 1 p. . nortn western wnn "m(,tery.'le1:ndt r limits) and north of the f eterj. woajda ny one wishing to secure chea PtMf l to call soon, as the prices at weu to cau soon, "V . offered means auicBsaico. v,COCBgvL. fOE CHRISTMAS I niaySSdtf "

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