r ' - 'j' "' j(y!' " ' v s3" lj) r. ' ' v VOLUME XXXII. "I ' I : V CHARLOTTE, N. 0.; THURSDAY DECEMBER 25, 1884 ; 1 ; ,y : : ; . PRICElVECEirrs. i CHARLOTTE E! -vt Desiring to fill a ton? felt want In Charlotte, th anerstncd have associated themselves as Dart. rsprs in a . ; . - . j--. ., i; RfKERAL LAND AW," Kor the purpose of buylijg, sellingf leasing" and reutlug teal estate. Tlielr ojMsratloiis will not be coDHned to toe eiVJ of CbaHort; nor to the Slate of North Cbioliiia, out nil property placed within onr managemetit wili be rented or noUi, upon such terms, commissions andpaj ments as majbe gt$Mi iton. - t . - t. ' We win undertake to ell. lease or rnt lands ' houses and lots, mines. .; niaksaUstractof titles. collect rents, m:tke returns ntuX ij taxes, effect Insurance. kc. Ac, advertlslug all iroierti placed unler our nianacetnent, , Free of Cost to tkSdler, . For a stipulation previously agreed upon. Particular attention will be paid to the selling or leasing of mining property; which will be sold on commiHSiou only. . - . ,t . . We are In correspondence now with a number of parties at the North, and West who are seeking homes in North Carolina,' where the climate is genial and the soil remunerative. Persons having houses and lots or plantations for sale will serve their own interests by placing their business with us. , , KOBT . S. COCHRANE. CHAS.R JONES. The business, will be under the management of B. B. COCHRANE, Manager, . Charlotte, J(. a . The following described pieces of property are now offered for sale by the Charlotte Real Estate Agency, R. K. Cochrane, manager, office Trade street front Central Hotel, Charlotte, N.C V ' (CITY.),..,, . . , , IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets in each room, well of good water, lot WflUOO feet, In good neighborhood. Price. 82.000. ) One dwelling on 6th street, adjoining residence. jdO a. j. noweii, rooms, weu oi water ana staDie, lot 50x198, convenient to business. Price, $1,700. 3 One dwelling "on Sooth Titoo street, adjoining residence of Ir. Brat ton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, welirof water, well located for a boarding house. Price, $3,000 . -i One dwelling on corner of Myers and 3rd streets, rooms, 2 room kitchen, bath room and closets, v well of water; 2 lots, 1 fronting Myers street, 99i 198, 1 fronting 3rd street, 93x198, well of good water and stable on the latter. Price, $2150. 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th streets, 6 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 130 feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. Price. 11,600. q One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, tot Od9xl8 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser. Price, $4,000. - ... . . .. 11 12 One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and C, two stories, six rooms, brick basement; well of water in yard; lot 99x138. Price $2,000 One Dwelling on Sixth street, - one etory, 6 roorasj kltcaea, well of water; lot fens I J One Dwelling- on West Trade5 street, two 1 0 stories, 7 rooms, 2 room kitchen, well of wa ter; two lots 99 on Trade 99 on Fourth st very aesiraoie property, rnee $t75a 14 One Hundred and lfty Acres Land V mile of the city limits. adJoinlns the fUr Grounds well located for a truck ana dairy farm; ifa in timber, branch running through, it, about 8 acres meadow.-Price $0 per acre, 15 16 one unmiprovea lot smxna on Ninth street, . uctvrcKi v ouu a nncw ' xnuo 900U. - bixlhousaud Three Hundred Aores Land. The owners of The Crowder's Mountain Iron W oiks beg to call the attention ol 'capitalists Iron manufacturers, stock -and dairy men, and those Hho wish to settle coioaies, to thrtr property.wnich otters inducement to the classes.above named. The property consists ot bix Thousand Three Hundred Acres ot land, .located in the counties 01 baston and Cieaveland, In the State of North Car otina, at King's Mountain Depots on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Luie railway, now owned by the hlchmoud and Danville railroad company. The properly haa been used. lor fifty years past as an I1011 property, and has oeen worked at various pomts, but chleny at the site ot the ceiebratou Yeilow Ridge Ore Bank, v-hieh has always yielded an ore noted lor itn richness In metallic iron, and its soltuess and .toughness. - This vein of ore, waich extends tor two miies In leiigth, has been KorKed to the dept f HI feet, shewing at that tteplh a vein ol ore about 4 J feet wldtj, and aluuyz- lug as high as 66 per cent of metallic iron. - This teui has not been norked for twenty years, but the tacts set iorth can he fully shown. Various other veins have been worked, and wtUiln the past twu yars very large deposits ol Iron ore have been dis covered at otuer poiiiia. Within the past eighteen uoutns, however, the-owners have discovered de posits of ore -la Crowder's Mountain, (hve veins of Iron ore, are exposed), widen were unknown be fore, and which will furrabh an amount ol good ore, easily worked and above watet, that must make it one ot the most desirable iron properties to oe found. They have discovered on the pinnacle of this mountain, wiik-h Is 10U0 feet above the level 'and, 22110 feet above the sea ieve, a; vein of ore eight feet wide, which crops out at various points from the top to the bottom of the mountain, snow ing in one place about 20 feet ot solid vein. This veiucan be traced over the top of the mountain for over a mile, and this deposit alone would aifordan almost Inexhaustible supply of or, easily worked, and above the water line. In addition to this four other veitu have been found on this mountain. The ore Is a mottled gray ore, showing on analysis from to to 66 per cent, of metallic iron, with a small amount of titanic acid, and without any sul phur or phosphorus. - The quantity of ore in this mountain Is simply. Inexhaustible and ot good quality, 1 - Besides Crowder's Mountain the owners possess King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whose pinnacle is the highest point of .land from Rich mond to Atlanta, except lit. Airy, in Georgia, and they have reason to believe this mountain is full of ore also. In addition to Iron ore the property has manganese, limestone clay for making fire-proof brick, gold and other minerals. Very pure and ex cellent baryteee has Just been found In large quan tity. - - i - ' -, As a stock and dairy farm it offers fine opportu nities to those who may wish to engage In sueh bus mess. It has from three to .four thousand acres ot level or only slightly rolling land, which produces act-ass, grain and all kinds of farming products unely, and it Is well supplied with water by unfaU ng springs and branches i tie other 4.000 acres embraced in the mountain sides ate productive of fine grass and berdage, and flard excellent natural pasturage for sheep and oatlle, Thecllmateis so mHd that but Utile shel ter for stock Is needed in the coldest winters. . The whole six thousand acres are now covered with a One growth ot timber of all kinds, such as pine, hickory, oak, walnut, cedar, etc. The Jand is well stilted lo farming purposes, by those who wish to colonize. Cotton, com, peas, oats, clover and grass, and fruits of all kinds are produced beautifully ,and It is specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It could be divided Into small farms that would give to each farm variety of soil, and level and hilly and. It is situated in the Piedmont belt, which Is noted for the salubrity ot its climate, and the healthiness of Its atmosphere. It Is a region free from malaria and other unhealthy Influences. It Is located with great convenience ;to railroad faclU- ties, being situated at from two te tout miies rrom Klns'i Mountain Station, on a railway that has the most extensive connections with all parts of the country, and which otters great inducements to those ho are trying to develop the country along Its lines. The owners will sell this property to suit purchasers, as follows: The whole tract, Including mineral tnterestsjor Stxty three Thousand Dollars, or will make favorable terms, reserving the min eral interest, or will sell one-half the mineral In terest, payments, to be one-third cash, balance In oneortwy.i. -- ' -'- - ; A valuable water power, which has been used to ruu large rolling mills, Vesadlacent to this prop erty, andean be bought cheaply. ! The property Is also in close proximity to the famous Ail Healing Mineral Springs, and to toe widely-known Cleve land springs. - ' -'?' . ? ' The town of itimr'a Mountain Is also adjacent. where are good hotels, a nourishing and excellent high Bciioot, and several new ana naoasviue - churches.- The owners Invite the attention of an interested to this property, and ask an examination of it Any further laformatlon regarding it wlil be Eromptly furnished by addressing R. . Cochrane, lanager Charlotte Seal Estate Agency. . , -The Yellow Kldea Ore Bank has been recently nia ti s pittuhtirw Pa enmrwinF. and a German colonization company haa recently bought 200 ores adjoining this property. ... -. - o Trsunf i jind. 150 acres, located In Lincoln 1 0 county, N. a, adjolijliig lands of Geodsou. Payne and others, b miles iroin uenver, zo uvm rhuriuta ar.ii 1st from nasirfson Collere. Has on It a-good dwelling. 7 rooms, all necessary outbuild ings, good orchard, gooo water, auu wen tor grains, grasses, com, wneai, nt etc; 35 acres good lttom,laujU In line state of - uitivauon. - price 2.aa lO Tract of Land, 8 mites outh of Charlotte, I .1 w ,im k iMini tiurt ,rf the Samuel Tar lor tract, on which Is. an nndevelqped goldnflfie, (known In the N. -C.- Reports, as the Sam Taylor mine), three frame tenement bouses, two rooms each, good tarn. good well water and goocspring on tiu iikdiIim. , si)td without reserve-I or si.iao. . Two unimnruved lots 60xl9S, on north side D of West Fifth street. . PrU $2()8 each. 25 Farm of 193 acres, 'known; as tlift "Model v.,.,,, Mu miiM imm Hlirh Point. N. C: a fw, i f. rotirha. nUtered. closets In nearly all the rooms, a ' splendid frame luim raft wiih itfumiiHiit Binds lorahorries, cows, and 5 box stolls; a good wood shed, smose house, brick spring House, wagon shed, granery, J biitldiiuoi on the fann. DssMes a -ianip hk mill nn ihaopocb lrh nifHi-lnt-water to Tan H most of the year. The erek runs through the plantation and has 22 acres of bottom or meadow land under cultivation that wili produce 75 bushels Aim iouhs Tim lUllirttlie Oil the IlKlCe COIIIQ not be renl;ud for less than- K . A desirable r,l..u f... .rwi Krfcl.tiKr a wmII ImtirOVeO fami Price ss.ooo: one-half cash, balance ou time at 6 er oeiit.lnlereiit. - ci7r,ti.fitro tn rni TTnnrirMf Acres of Land Li l stoat tnwrmhlll. i six miles from Charlotte. On he premises Is a smalljlmelllng . and tiin-e out-bo.Klings. 66 acres under cultivar I tn. in a good section of the county; convenient J tochnrc6esandclii VHr xr ' )Q Dwelling In Mechflnlcsvllie, 1 story S-roflm " liouse. lot iOxl JO. tronUng on C street, lot 173fi. square 215. adjokiiiig property of Yf-A- 2(J One story Brkk Iiweiling. 4 rooms. n I've 198. In soiiaie 5ii, fronting on tlie Kichjiipnd and Dunvllie railroad. Price eali, r. .'J Jik Two unimproved low corner Smithantfwn it-f treets. In mninro ISO, fronrmg ou e mil a street 51x145 Slid 53x115. Tbe,tv lots will b sold together or separately as the purchaser may desire. 1ft taefor the two lots cash $6o.- i -yt ' REAL STATE AGENCY HO! HO! FOR And the Startling Bargains that will be opened In our stock th's week. If you want Bargains, real Bar , - Kains come. Will offer KUSSI 1!V CinCUIAKM. NEWM llflRETS, OVERCOATS, READY r t, , , SIA1K L3LO'J III.XQ. . 1 " i K S- - i 'r'r'' ' - - - j. . --;... . -.. : . ; : - .. l. . . -.i, ..".i At prices to tell. Kerchiufs. Shopping Bags, and a great many other things suitable for Christmas Pres-' - ents. Cold weatner's here, so loo at our big lot ot , - G hlld re n'sJ n d erweai Big stock of BnnkeM at $1.00". $2.00. $3.50, t4R). $7. B0. 48 25, Slo.00.'$lirand $15.0P." Look at them before bmJiig. Look at oar Job Counter. ; Gents' 4-ply Lines CoUara at 75 cents per doz-n. Also DEE 5..- 1 Jt S tO 10 Crnts. vmrth 10 tn Ml Pent. In Ninnnnti nt -nll crtors, at SViB per yard. " Balmoral Skirts In ur caps at suu. -'Aow is your time. Come. A CALL ON YOUR :o:- Ttxi will find on my counters a beantlf ul stock nf LISLE AND SLLK.TIOSE. A fine assortment or Silk and Camlc Handker chiefs, Shopping Bags, Ladies' ;md Gents ' Silk Umbrellas, Lace and Emhroid- " ered fett Tidies and Table - . j.- Scarfs, -Tea Cloths and - ' ' Dollies to match. Jl BEATJTIKTJL SELECTION OF urn To parties wishing to make handoome presents. I wfll ofler Inducements in Ladlc3' and Chlldreirs Fine Wraps and Dress Silks. Respectfully, s T.'L. SEIGLEI mmm FAVOR MB i WITH CHRISTMAS VK IIAVK A" LARGE LOT OK THEY. ARE: CHEAP And'are going fast. ' Harry . rKNTUAl: JIOTKl; CORNKU;: . evs oi CZloUii.ii g, - , OENT FCUlViSrU I NO GOODS, U ATS CAPS, ' I.. &o, &c,,&c. mt rtni.tpmni itlmr the DunAne 6f a Suit Tt$?MilT Wimm we will seil you a nner qaailty, petwr umin other ho.8e , "S?;. nv uZ, " K of tlwClhmg trade nivS we tHseuable to yte n lnff Such Oyercti - llo7 and C1iS1i-w Overceats yip' Rck nslmfre Salt ; ',' itct nnv man IttG-nts' Vurii1ncine Gvla Tin? line of Neckwear, Men's and Boys .ta!3f5?l hindtonv?uln?WaSandue CmWUi, for tha H.jtlday. Alarrfelotof Gets ?ftU n 'line TGeStTs Furl onStoves. from $75 cents upwards. We are m 1 gtytng away a fine wteh "uoh pmSosw ot aSuit orverco from 12 50 up. Call at bnce and secure -iCAUFMANictp CHRISTMAS! 0. tn 19 rih .l,h lnt nf Mlasoa- PnnllntK . Wfltn.- Alpaca and I'lannels, Shawls. Job lot of Children's Tru'y, - ? ? -i 1 f IRIS m O o 3 : o o o o 5 3 O c ' - - or O o a - o o , ?r - to Oi 3 oL ' B ... o on rs to fmmt up - and get . what you want. : or Ovroott for tlia Holidays, we ooafldentlally state btnd-mm ly mde. and at a smaller profit than any " " . to the truth of this state- nrice? Is Sily restabdshed. but never before In the oflr the same v dues for so little moacy. 4 s; Fermer Prlc -M-0 LEADING "V- , r TMAS! Go; M SO -. T-. . , T.OO mil Reduced e.coi ,c ., jo 00 "? CLOTHIEE3, S glic Tiarlatte istrnnT.- prospectus: I , -A. - ' L- THE OBSERVER FOR THE TEAR 1885-WILL "."'it' be more of a necessity to Its friends and acquain tances than ever before In. Its history.. It has long' since passed the period ot experiment and goes to Its readers full fledged, and In the prime of jour nalistic manhood. ". . ., . . . -Profit! ng by years of experience and having the best newspaper outfit in Uie State It promises to be tjur best newspaper In Its field The eurrent history of theyearl885 will be .the mostvlmportant In the history of the eounfar. The Inauguration of a Deiuocr.iUu aduilulHiraMoii. to tatce place on the 4th day of next March,' will mark an era at pros perity in the South, never seen efore- THE 08 SERVER expects tT be full abreast of the times. 1 ; While the columns of THE OBSERVER will be Democratic, tn the full sense ot that terra, It will dlseuss questions and news as it sees them.- Be lieving in a great, grand and glorious future for the South, it will do what Jt cart to build up the material development of the Sofntry. It will be i sure and safe guide for the faraier, band-maid, for the professional ar, the mechanic and th Brttsaa, and a sure and sate counselor In, the field ot commerce f we shall strive more than ever UBUikeour ' tj.t r r - MAJIKKT REPORTS s reflex of the business of the country. .- . : Its news colums win b9 filled with the latest ob tainable Information. Besides its regular tele graphic reports It will have regular correspondents at Washington and at Balelgh, miring the session of Congress at Washington and at the session of the Legislature at the State CapltoL - Particular at tention will also be paid to reporting eases argued .before and decided by the Supreme Court., In fact THE OBSERVER will be in the coming year what It has been for several years pas The Lives. Kewspaper'ia the State, and the pride of Its readers and friends. ' - ' : After the 1st dar of January, 835, we shall da mand the payment" of subscriptions strictly In ad vance. This policy has ' be ft forced upon ns. As we expect to get pay for all the papers we frl we shall make a material reductloh In the prloe of tnb scription To put the prlee wilhln the reach of- all we. win make the following . ,;; . ... . ' f t ... . ... .. -."j r: . Termw'for the Dally Qbsfrver DAILY, One Tear. ......-......,;.'...v..:$C.0O f 8i Months a.50 . Tliree Months,,.. 200 " 'One Month .r.,,;..r.. ...... "75 ' ' 1 1IE NEW! OliK; ' The OBSRBvra never Bspired to be anything more than a local paper in many respects.. The New York World Is now regarded as at the head of mod ern progressive Journalism tn the United States. It & a national paper In all that the term implies. We have made arrangements with the publlaheis of the World to furnish both papers from Oils office for the year 1885 for practically One subscription price. i,Ve will furnish both papers, the Weekly World and the Wbsjclt Ohbrkvkr for $2.50. 1 In till -cases the subscription price must accompany the order. "'""'' . . v - Term for (fee Weekly Ohse'rrer. WEEKLY One Tear. Single Subscription. :...$1 75 i -Six Months . . ; .'...i 1.00 " , , Three Months : "i . ;.... 00 To OluW, of five and over eacnfl 4. . 1.60 , '? ten and over..."! i 1.50 And an Extra copy to the getter up of the club. Address, . v.- ,' - - lXIIK ODSERTES.. - Zi . VI phsrlorto K.c. ' "TUB WKSTEKM P4RMKR. I In "some sections of the Western States the farming interests seem to be in a prostrate condition, prices for grain being so low as to scarcely com pensate for hauling it j to market. When corn goes down td fifteen cents a bushel and wheat to less than fifty, the outlook is indeed gloomy for "the farmer. The trouble is that what the farmer has to buy costs him as much as it did when he got a fair price for his produce. He cannot but down his expenses without suffering, and he is consequently compelled lo suffer. In portions 'of . Nebraska arid Iowa they are burning vcorn, which they find cheaper fuel than wood and coal at the present prices in j the - prairie countries. The fact is,; .farming is overdone -in- the Western c.States There are too many raisers and - too few consumers, , 'which inakek'.lhem dependent upon . eastern or;fc,eign markets ' and when these" fail- they - muft suffer. In addition! to" this; when water navigation! closes-, they; depend altogether for tranBpertatiOri, by rail, j which is a heavy tax-' upon, them, 1 andr 'generally goes up when water competition ceases. .p: r The result of all this Will be that the Western farmer will'begin to look Southward to a more genial clime, where-the lands are equally as good,; whertf he jban raise sbmething c more than wheat, cef n and oats, where he can live with less hardship, be better compensated for his labor and not be froze up jn the winter. It would not require much of an effort, it it were well and systematically directed and pursued, to start a big Western immi- grauuu vuuui iu bus ouutu. . j (1.Tj : The last - number f of the Raleigh Christian Advocate " announces fhe dissolution of partnership, by mutual consent, of F.. I.; Reid and W. 8". Blaok, joint owners' of that paper; Mr. Black retires and Mr. Reid be comes sole owner, and will ocontiiiue the publicatien of the paper as - here tofore. Mr, Black retires simply for the purpose jjt "devoting; himself ex clusively. to the ministry..: Under the management of these gentlemen tne Advocate nas Deen arnower."ai ways able and brilliant in the cause for which it spoke.-? arid t under Mr Reid's guidance it will not be less so A Washington dispatch to the Phil adelphia Times says that yirginianS in Washington are unanimously of the opinion that Hon. John S-Bar bour will be made Postmaster Gcner al under Cleveland, and that; he ; re signed the position of president of the Virginia Midland Road to be free to accepts , ;;r- 'X .The colored "people of the I; United States - are to have a conference at K New . Orleans - on . January ary-167 S85,' to.devise means- to en able colored youths to obtain better facilities for education In the trades, Mil THE PBINTIKG PRlVlL.EtiE ABUSE In his ' remarks lxn the .resolution introduced by. him in ; the Senate Tuesday on the subject of the print ing privilege abuse, Senator Vest of Kissoun, expressed some rery level-? headed views, and quoted some stnk ing instances of the extent to which this abuse is sometimes carried; one -where a member made a fe iw remarks on the floor, and supplemented them i, the printed Record jwitb a - conv pletereprint of - the constitution of the reunited States, anottfer. witli;; !a ninety , page poem, and f wo others who' printed the same speech, .which eacb had1 purchased from a speech .writer '..It is hot to be 'supposed" that every xhember of Congress is a speech maker, nor, arothf-y all expected-to jmake.8peeohe.L Sometimes, the most i .useful .and iaCuential -members- re amoeg those who make j no speeches, but "know how to vote! and -how to 8ecur votes for measures in which their jconatituents are interested.; ."Bui the idea seems to prevail that ."they are 'expected to make speeches., and hencf the Saturday speech day, when upeeches are . delivered- ' to empty benches, and henoe ; the,, slumbered columns of the Congressional Becord with speeches that were never deliv' ered. r It , would-be far better, and would tnnflhi hetter 1 ae-ftomnlisri ." t.rm purposes" of ,tharEecor(iIri if n it were simply a minute of the proceedings of both houses or uongresa, publishing only so ; much' of the speeohes . as'is necessary to denne tb? position of the speaker upon the .' question under discussion; "r'.t '. . V. 'I ''' I ' j Tennessee sent her electoral vote to Washington with great eclat.; Col,: Chested the 94 year-old messenger, who has voted for 18 Deni(3bratic can didates for President! onroe being the-first one-was escorted itoi the national capital by a lnrge'delegalion Of leading Democrats.,., j While Blaine's, friends are boasting of the " inroads - he 1 made upon - the Irish vote in the last election, - Mrs. Delia Parnell has written a' letter in which she shows that Blaine did .not get two per cent of the Irish vote. - r-r- i ' ' " It is said that President elect Oleve land was an applicant for a govern ment 'clerkship at Washington twen ty years ago and failed.! If he ; had succeeded he would probably never have reached his present elevation.' It is said that Ben Butler's Presi-. dental campaign V put him , in such financial straits that" he has ' been compelled to put a $90, 00 - mortgag on his two houses' nt Washington. Queen Tictoria is in i comfortable circumstances. By keeping an eye to' .business, and by close economy,- she lias accumulated a fortune of $80,000,- 000. Negligent Coaaty Treasurers. Superintendent of Public Instruct tion Scarborough, having informed Gov. Jarvis that thirty-fiix of the county treasurers bad failed to corns ply with, the law in not reporting as required, the receipts, and disburse ments of the school fund ; for their, respective counties, the ' Governor issues the following : v ' .- ' . ' North Carolina, '. . - j Executive department, . "- -Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 22, 1884, Hon. J. C Scarboroughi Superintend dent Public Instruction, . Raleigh, N. C: - - . 1 : Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of this date informing me that the county treasurers of thirty-six counties of the State have made no report whatever of their "receipts and' disbursements 01 tne scnooi runa -ot their respective counties for the - year ending November 30, 1884. - : . The law reauinne these reports and the penalty attached to t,he failure to make them is so plainly set out in The Code that it but remains for the solicitors of the districts in which the defaulting county1 treasurers live, " ' to have them indicted and punished. ' , . 1 theretore request tnat you tur- pish the solicitors' with a! list of ' the counties whose treasurers. have failed to make the report. '.;' - '. section z,bU5 or Tne uoae, page 155, reads as follows: .The treasurer: of each county shall report to the 'State' Superintendent of Public Instruction, on the first day of December of each vear. tne entire amount received . or him under the local assessments pro- Viaea tor in ttua cuapterj uuruig . tut) preceding school - year, 'the J. amount received trom property ana pons, ot the White arid colored ; districts re spectively . and " the t disbursements thereof made by him, designating the amounts . paid - to teachers tor the whites and colored respectively, and section 2,562, page 141, reads: Any treasurer of a county board 01 educa tion tailing to make a report required prescribed shall be guilty of a misde meanor and fined not less than fifty dollars and not more than'two hun- dred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more - tban -six months, ; in . the ' discretion . of the court . :"'.-:' ". -7 - So it is manifest 'the 'law- makers have done their duty in the premises," and it only remains for the courts to do theirs. I regret tnat we are oong- el to resort to this remedv. but ' it seems that no other course; is .left " -Twenty two days c haiel elapsed since the expiration of- the time in which these reports were required to be made: mucn less tban taac time remains before the meeting-of theGen- eral Assembly. - The necessity:, for these reports is ' so manifest- that,. I suggest that you keep open that par of vour report " as . late as, possible. Put the other parts in the hands of the Drinter. and iu this way we will remedv. as far as we can, the evil. Let us hope that in this way these reports, though late, will yet be re ceived in time to get them in yours,: and in that event, you ; might with" draw from the solicitors iyour -com nlamts acainst such as make th& re port," in the hope, that there will be no repetition ot tne evn: . I am. very respectfully, ' - -vYour obedient servant. ' - ' , Tgoa. J. Jaryi:' , Governor.' I 1 . ABOWT TUB STATE, -The Wilmingtcn - Review i duly ouuer iw wirioLIXiati, leils tnia: t Ljast ounaav mornin?. nist. at ten- ti,. uigofjthefethodiBt. Sunday School oiwimo, uuo ui mo girl pupiiS faifitexL. : In a favr . mnnwnia -nA. t . mm--U.VUWO UUU VM. mo DOV nunils Alan fAmtM hnt. -it- w r ifu, iu wwatf thought for a moment that his trouble wan umy a sporuve ; imitation of the raintin? of tha ; hut this m SOOn diSOelled bv the faintmo. nt ft.- others m quick succession, and soon by others until nerrly. or quite twen- vj iiau siaiubeu. j.oere was, as may well ba imnp-inAii i-ntoiieo AVAnvinn- ana alarm at such a frightful spec those present thinking that the trou ble mie-ht ho panacH htr fromi,he stove with which the room was heated, onened wirlv the, A via -m S " - w uw S3 and windows and with the advent of TjlentV1 of frBfiH nnrl mim oil. i V, a r ,1 -- eMaw , I'Uw OUX ferer.-; soon revived with the excep tion of Mr. John C-r Thompson, the .Secretary of tha r nnhnnl Kwlift nrno w v., 1. Ck7 prostrated and helpless for a consid- ciouio uuio, ouu as now connneu to nis nouse irom toe ejects of the Sun day morning's accident. - - j ' 1 r ' The treasurers of thirtyssix conns ties of the State have failed to make a renort to thft St.nt Snnn'nAnMt -- - .w'w.m.wuuouv Of Pllhlio Tnst.rnrHi-ir nf tha mn.,vn -v. .uw iOVDipifl and disbursements of the school fund" oj their respective counties for the past year; v Gov; Jarvis has instruct ed SUnt Scarborotish tr trul plaints against the delinquent treas J them indicted in thftnrtiirta - Th lief. ... u v . i w Of 'Counties whom trwanrAra a-ra A- linquent is:; Alamance, Alexarideri Allpcha tlV. A TlQAn -- PnnnnmKA PnWst Oarteret Chatham, Cherokee, Clay, vyurribucjc, ji;are, ri?upiin, u-raham, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax: ' Hay woodtf Henderson, Hyde, - Mitch-ell,- Moore, New ; Hanover-Pender, PerSOlla I Richmorirl. ' RnnHnrhsm Stokesr-Swaio, : j Vanoe, Warren.'! jancey . fr; .. ? , 'Greensboro Wortmon Tim wtW . ..4.uv;Aivil State Mining Co.v at their mine two miles from this nlaee.-,) . w , - W J nut Un eonRidfirnhln-rn A-nr manlii - ! .v-w J , and are; now making' considerable tjuuuuLies -wt jjuiu.rr--a 410 uaKuaie cotton mills are now making full time, uaving -maae oniy aDout, Halt, time lor tne pastmree montns, owing to the protracted drought; .. , .. K WUmihffton'Star-. TTivA TifflA o-JpIa of : this city, Alice Green, Maggie iuuuj uu, xerta jumy, x airy Jjrtwn and Katie Bernard, have just completed handsome quilt, which they will for ward to the Oxford Ornhan .ArvIhtti as a' Christmas present. . The work and the" motive which I prompted it are "-alike creditable to the , Utt.lA Misses.- T ' - . Raleiffh rjlironiflA ThA Tiu-rnm Tobacco Wimmnv Rhinnprl on Ralnr- day last 72,000 pounds 6f granulated tobacco. This is said to be the largest shipment ever made by one company in ane iay. This morning at 5 o'clock, Capt. J. - J. - Fray, who has J . 1 1 j 1 - r i utou rauuauy ucciuiiug ior lung time, died at his home, in this city, aged 48 years. ' . - ; ! The WUmington Star,; of Tuesday, contains two donhla nfiafiArl ' lrol telling of the exploits of thieves and 1 1 - , 1 . -. roDoers in inat city, - sacuraay and ounuay nignts." 1 i , CnsDiaptirrs in Fjoida. Dr. Lancaster, of Gainesville. Fla.. in a letter to the Medical Record says that many v consumptives : die m Florida, and their physicians should be censured for.' sending,them away from home when they "are beyond all hope of recovery. He believes, how ever, that many severe cases are cured, and suggests that the Ameri can Medical Association appoint a commission of competent scientific men to come to Florida and examine systematically into the. facts. 'l J Ilo-vr Frank DnfTy, an Eiirht- . Year Iloy, Oetsi f 5,000. Frank K. Puffy, an eteht-year-old son of Thos? Puffy, dealer bi gent's furnishing goods purchased a one-nun ucset-in tne jNoveniner araning ot toe Louisiana State Lottery Company, and received an express package containing $5,090 in cash. -The nunturr oi tne winning ucxei was 13 wss. ana ine whole prize was $25,001 A Times reporter has verified the case of this Hartford boy. Hartford uxmn.) Times, ov. ay.- 1 i- - ' : ? ' Oewsi town Herefeant. - r H s t I n a Dassfd several sleepless nUrhts. disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a, suUertng child, ana pecoming eonvincea wax Mrs. winsiow's Soothina SmiD was lust the article needed. iro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, sne renisea to nave it aominiswrea w tne cmia, m she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child iwed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Be'iirnlng home the dny following, the father found the baby still worse; ana wnue contemplating anotner sieepiess nignt, the mother stepped from t he room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child.- During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the. baby, and said nothing. That night an bands slept well, and the little fellow awoke In the morning bright and hap-' py. The mother was delighted with the. sudden and wonderful chanee. and aithoueh at first off end ed at the deception practiced upon her, has' con tinued to use tne syrup.anu sintering crymg naoies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother, old bv all DrusKists. 2A cents a bottto. - - , - In cases "of 'dyspepsia, debQIty, rhenmatlm, fever and atrue. liver- complaint, Inactivity of the kidneys and bladder, constipation and other organ le maladies, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a tried remedy, to which the medical brotherhood have lent their professional sanction, and which as tonic, alterative and household switi for disor ders of the stomach, liver and bowels has an un bonndd popularity.' - - ' J- ' For sale by all Druggists and Peelers, to whom apply for Hostetter's Almanac for 1H85. swEErMiMDiiMi i Ttns Kaneio BtsUK tbt oIA fields eontairu nscilmf- ' inon. ettliBg m& fWfc-pro-. dacinsTpriisciplc. Tha Sweet Oinot Um outherik srvsunps -poBMMtses a ctimalatinc ex poetorsjitt wbictt looaent Um pUlexa cuu the false metanraue thmt form ta tke thmt muA -bronchial tubes. These two tmule peme - ifre, eoiattiae4 after the ruiie. precsn in CaerokMacB eljT f fcweet Gum aa4 MuUel, the aceM know a remedy ttrOMfki. Ctoap ' OomaawMis. far ale Hj all drwritw afc X ota and $1.00 a bntUe. ' " , fseoa X3. ramp mm TrnvKW Blddle-Book fer-lba Vei boa aA ameimnt lb 'U(w1ltEB A, VATLOHt Atlaat, Qm decndweWtsiiiUvvCiu; s , H Ti' A me- vgsj V STOaiACH "l liif ' s.;i7 WILL Wittliowsky SPECIAL To their friends purchasing presents for the , . : The most exquisite stocks of .i z Ti -,- ; - - -L; ------- - - : -,r, i y . v t, i i - ft ? 1 A. u '.Jf y-r v' V Silk UmlDreUas, INITIAL HANDK ERCHIEFS, And everything that is desirable for. a gift at extremely low ; ; . piice. . . ;-.t - ' CHARLOTTE. N. IC. . -. v; ; ' u'.m.-- ::M:i" - . yv-? - Si? ; r:: :'.';"r-. ,v, O wing to the failure of a larjge lio tel 1 had to take back " twenty Bed-room jSuits to se cure myself. These ;g;o6ds- are bs good as new andl offer them at the extremely low price of $35.00 per suit, included. - buit consists OXE ASH TOWEL ACK, ' - .' - 1 " - . x ONE AII ItJIDSTCAO, oE AJ8U SIAJiOLJS - 4L MAPJLI3 CIIJLIUSCaa Scat, : OXIi 1T1BE . - . ' , Largest Stock 'RECEIVING Fre&hx Oysters:-: : Daily, .- - - gg CENTS FEB QTJA&T, AT ,! ; J. B; HARRINGTON'S ijiOv8d2t , j ' , Ml FOR SALE. " Two sjood Dwellings,' on Trade street near Air Line Depot. - v . ..-".. . One good dwelling house for rent from 1st Janu ary. : , J. XL BROWN declTswSt - - Attorney. - Desirable Property ' ' FOB SALS BT THK 1 - '-. - - Ctoktte Real EstaU i Agency. Q-g " Two story Frame Dwelling on 8outh Tryon Ol ' street, ndjotning property of McD. Arledge and H. B. WUilama. seven rooms, witn am room, fri? sad well of water; four reoss brick tenement ouse oi rear of lot and other out-bulldlnes. 0 1 Two 'ota, N". 27 and 808. square 46, frenV Ol Ing 99 feet en B street and ranalng threat. to C street. OnthepremiMe is a two-tr fraaie dwelling, seven reeuis and assail stonfeswse. ; OLD PAF8B8 bv the tqnared far y at ' . - s.rt & Baruch OFFKR IIIGI1TS - " "i ' '" IAO0I1GHIEFS, J 0:- . m. - ( .j. with Wire Mattress or . - -1 ' ' ,0."IB ASH BUBEAW, ; ? ' , - - . - - -jD-UJE ASILTlBLr, TOr TAII'rJL1tJ 1 M1PLB nOCKBtt, Cane gesy 1HATTBESS : . "-. -."l "Si. - in: the Stated WRGIIGB! . i- ' Jt'i- '"' -- "Yr-V- .. , 'y--- - " '- i " ' - f : :. . ;'a we wL.e !,? WATCHES, v ..riDIAMONDS, ' ?' ' AadReveitles to other goods at ' Date' GeiffrySforer : - exttoKlsbetMI9e!gl. - V1- ' .'-Ct r declod&wtf - .:t. ' A. HALTS. - MRSi-JOP PERSON'S t Remedy . Care all deed IM?est9ea '. 1 1 1 i. " '4 ' 111 il!' i 't i - "i I i i).. f ! v . .1-71-.-. j... i.- ; ' '. - ;. 7m, .

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