VOLUME XXXIII. CHARLOTTE, N. C SUNDAY JANUARY 11, 1885. i- PRICE FIVE CENTS CHARLOTTE HEM Desiring to fill a '.our felt want In Cbarlotte, the underolgned have associated them selves m rrt neralna : . " - ' ;. ,. . CBNERiL UND' AGESCV," Kor the purpose of buying, celling, leasing and renting real estate. Tueir oiieratloiiK will not be conlined to the city of Cbarlotte, nor to the State of North Carolina, but all property placed within our management will be rented or told, upon such terms, commissions audita) ments as may be agreed upon. - .- - ' , ' -' ' We v. Ill nmlerttke to sell, lease or rent lands houses and lota, mint, Ac., uiatcaabstr;u't of titles, collect rents, niiike returns and pay taxes, e fleet Insurance. Ac Ac. advertising all property placed under our management, Free of Tost to the Kor a stipulation previously1 agreed upon. Particular attention will be paid to the selling or leasing of mining property, V which will be sold on commission only. We are lis correspondence now with a number of parties at the North and West who are seeking homes hi North Carolina, where the climate Is genial and the soil remunerative. Persons having nouses and lots or plantations for sale will serve their own Interests by placing their business with us. ROBT. K. COCHRANE. CHAS. R. JONES. -The business will be under the management of B. E. COCHRANE, Manager, - ' - Charlotte, N. C. The following described pieces ot property are now ottered for sale by the Charlotte Real Estate Agency, R. K. Cochrane, manager, office Trade street front Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. Ct . . (CITT.) ' IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well of good water, lot 93x100 feet. In good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. ' ) One dwelling on 5th street, adjoining residence Lol S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, lot 50x198, eoHvenlent to business. Price, $1,700. One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining Oresidenee of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well of water, well located for a boarding bouse, race, 3,uuu i One dwelling on corner of Myers and 3rd streets, i rooms, i room Kitcnen. emu room ana cioseis. well of water; 2 lots, 1 fronting Myers street, 99x 198, 1 fronting ard street, 90x198, well of good water and stable on the latter. Price, $250. 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th streets, 6 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. Price, $1,500. 8 One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 99x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser. Price, 4,U00. , s ; 11 -One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and C. two stories, six rooms, brick basement: well of water In yard; lot 99x198. Price $2,000 12 One Dwelling on Sixth street, one story, 6 rooms, kitcnen, weu m water; lot ouxyy. Price il.UUu. . . . - 13 One dwelling on "West Trade street, two stories. 7 rooms, i room kitchen, well of war ter; two Iota 09 ou Trade 99 on Fourth at very aesiraoie property. - rrice $.'iau. 14 One Hundred and Fifty Acres Land Vi mile ol the city Uinlta, adjoining tne iair urounas well located for a truck and dairy farm; tyj In . limber, branch running through It, about 8 acres meadow. Price 30 per acre. 15 One unimproved lot 99x198 on Nlntn street, between D and K streets. Price $350. 16 MX thousand Three Hundred Acres Land. The owners of The Crowders Mountain iron Works beg to call the attention of capitalists Iron manufacturers, stock and dairy men, and those who wish to settle colonies, to their property.whlch oilers inducements to the classes above named. The propei ty consists of blx Thousand Three Hundred Acres ol land, located in the counties of tiastou and Cleaveland, in the State of North Car oilna, at King's Mountain Depot, on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railway, now owned by the klchmond uuC Danville railroad company. The uroueru has been used for fifty years past as an iron property, and has oeen worked at various noun, but cblerly at the site of the celebrated yellow Ridge ore Bank, which has always yielded-j an ore noted ior lis nenness in meiainc iron, anu lu softness and toughness. This vein of ore, which extends tor two miles In length, has been worked to the dept - f 147 feet, shewing at that depth a vein ol ore about 40 feet wide, and analyz ing as high as 66 per cent, of metallic iron. This vein has not been worked for twenty years, but the tacts set forth can be fully shown. Various other veins have been worked, and within the past two years very large deposits of iron ore have been dis covered at other points. Within the past eighteen mouths, however, the owners have discovered de nosits of ore in (Jrowder's Mountain, (five veins ol iron ore, are exposed), which were unknown be fore, and which will furnish an amount of good ore, easily worked and ' above water, that must make It one ot the most desirable Iron properties to be found. They have discovered on the pinnacle of this mountain, which Is lOuu feet above the level laud, ZAXJ feet above the sea level, a vein of ore eight feet wide, which crops out at various points from the ton to the bottom of the mountain, show ing in one place about 20 feet of solid vein. This vein can be traced over the top of the mountain for over a mile, and this deposit alone would arrow an almost inexhaustible suodIt of ore. easily worked. and above the water line. In addition to this four other veins btve been found on this mountain. The ore is a mottled gray ore, showing on analysis from 49 to 66 per cent, of metallic Iron, with a small amount of titanic acid, and without any sul phur or phosphorus. The quantity of ore in this mountain is simply inexhaustible ana oi good quality. - . j-.-'" i.v.. . Besides Crowder's Mountain the owners possess King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whose pinnacle is the highest point ot land from Rich mond to Atlanta, except Mt. Airy, in Georgia, and trier have reason to believe this mountain Is full of ore also. In addition to iron ore the property has manganese, limestone clay for making tire-proof hrinir. imld and other minerals. Very Dure and ex cellent barytese has )ust been found In large quan- tltv. As a stock and dairy farm it oners one opporu- i ities to those who may wish to engage m such bus-1 inu rt hna fmm thrne tn four thousand acres ot I Uvel or only slightly rolling land, which produces ji-am. Brain and all kinds of farming products 7nely, and it Is well supplied with water by onfall-; ng springs ana orancnes rhe other 4.000 acres embraced In the mountain sides are productive of fine grass and herdage, and Atrnrn excellent, natural DiUfLuram tor buwu miu cattle. The climate la so mild that but little sheK ter for stock Is needed In the coldest winters. The whole six thousand acres are now covered with a line growth of timber of all kinds, such as pine, hickorv. oak. walnut, eedar. etc. The land is well suited to farming purposes, by those who wish to colonize. tXKton, com, peas, oats, ciwerana gnuw, and fruits of all kinds are produced beautifully .and It Is specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It could be divided into small farms that would give to each farm variety of soil, and level and hilly and. It Is situated in the Piedmont belt, which Is noted for the salubrity of its climate, and the healthiness of Its atmosphere. It Is a region free from malaria and other unhealthy Influences. It Is located with great convenience to railroad faclli nu habimitiia.tad at from two to four miles from King's Mountain Station, on a railway that has the most extensive connections with, all parts of the country, and which offers great Inducements to those who are trying to develop the country along Its lines. The owners will sell this property to suit purchasers, as follows: The whole tract, inciuaing mineral intereats.for Sixty three Thousand Dollars. or will make favorable terms, reserving the min eral interest, or will sell one-hall tne mineral in terest, payment to be one-third cash, balance In AnAflrtvfHxr. A valuable water power, which has been used to run large rolling mills, lies adjacent to this prop erty, and can be bought cheaply. The property Is also in dose proximity to the famous All Healing -Mineral Springs, and to the widely-known Cleve land finrliimi- The town of Kind's Mountain Is also adjacent. where are good hotels, a nourishing and excellent high school, and several new ana nanasome churches. The owners Invite the attention of all Interested to this property, and ask an examination of it. Any further Information regarding it will be Eromptly furnished by addressing B. JS. Cochrane, lanager Charlotte Baal Estate Agency. The Yellow Ridge Ore Bank has been recently niri tn a PittHhurE. Pa.. eomDanr. and a tierman colonization company has recently bought iiU0 ores adjoining this property. 1 o Tract of Land, 150 acres, ioeatea m Lincoln lO county, N. C, adjoining lands of Godon A Panie and others. 6 miles from Denver. 23 from Charlotte, and lit from Davidson College. Has on It a good dwelling. 7 rooms, all necessary outbuild- i ings, gooa Ol cnira, gooa water, ana weu ausineu for grains, graes, corn, wheat, tobacco, eotton, etc; 35 acres good bottom land. In fine state of ulUvatlon. Frlce (2,250. - ; in Tract of Land, 8 miles south of Charlotte, 1 it ta acres, known as Dart of the Samuel Tay lor tract, on which Is an undeveloped goldmine, (known In the N. C. Ke ports as the Sam Taylor mine), three frame tenement houses, two rooms each, good barn, good well water and good spring on the nremises. Sold without reserve for S1.750. Two unto proved lots GOxlMV on north side idj ot west utn street., rnce xjuu eacn. ic Farm of 193 acres, known as the "Model ') Kami.- Ha miles from High Point, N. C; a good frame dwelling 12 rooms, plastered, closets In iiariv ail the rooms, a SDlendld frame barn 45xW feet, with basement stalls 'for 8 horses, 2U cows, and 5 box stalls; a good wood shed, smoke house, brick spring house, wagon shed, granery, t biiiuiiuiM tin the farm, besides a 4--tamD bone mill on the creek with sufficient water to run it most of the year. The , creek runs through the plantation hod has 2t acres of bottom or meadow kiui mwler cultivation that Hill produce 75 bushels corn per acre. -The buildings, on the place could . not be reulaced for less than Sbeuo. a aesirame nUuw for am one winhlnc a. weU ImOroved farm. Price i8,ooo; one-half cash, balance on time at 6 . er oenL Interest.. ! i ' j i ; : 1 i i . -r Sevens-five to One Hundred icres of Land. L i . in Ktiwl Cierk townshlD. x mites from Charlotte. On he premises Is a small dwelling and three nnt-hn.lrilneit. 50 acres under cultiva tion. In a good section of the county; convenient io cnurcuex ann scnoom mw m inw w 28 Dwelling In Mechanlcsvuie, l story -ro,mi house, lot 99x190, fronting on C street, lot 1736. tauare 215, adjoining property of W. A. 81n and others. Price cash. $859. ' I One story Brick Dwelling, 4 rooms, lot iTVix O 1, in square 58, fronting on the Richmond and Danville railroad. Price cash. f . - 'Ji Two unimproved lots corner Smith and Wh W streets, lit square 190, fronting on Bmlth street 61x146 and 63x145. The two lot will be sold together or separately as the purchaser may desire Pricetfor the two lots cash 13XX j-A t j-- fll ' II . . , ' TT 1 -IT ' .ill nPDTi o nnaraiDQi haniw i I ill i 1 1 nil! ; nil in Miii i . The , UBIES" COLUBS UD JEITS' 4-PLY LIMN COLLARS i AT HAlil FRIGE! Remasmts Worsted -Dress ; Goods, Silks, Satins and Cash meres, all colore, at prices never befote heard of. We still Have a few . Aw, fas' and Which we will sell for much less than original cost Fifty Dozen Gents' Three-Ply Shirts at 50 cents Also a f numerous to mention, which price Call and be convinced. SMITH BHJILTONG. Read These Prices A $35.00 Seal Flush Jacket for $25.00 A $25,00 Fur Lined Circular for 15.00 $25.00 Ottoman Silk Newmarket for J 18 00 A $20.00 311k Dolman for x 14.00 3T( '11 And walking Jackets at astonishingly low prices. ' Also to reauoe my bwck oi , FINE CLOTHING I have marked down at prices that will s 11 them. Any one Investing In Clothing will save money by purchasing at Ibis time as I mean to reduce my stock regardless of prices Having Just completed my annual Inventory I And a big to: of REMNANTS In every department that will be closed oat at very low prices Thanklnar the nubile for their liberal natronage daring the past year I will endeavor to merit the same In the future by keeping my stock constantly fresh with the newest Importations as they come into market and by always giving full value i or money received. . Very res: ectfuUy, T. L. SEIGLE. I The Time. Has 1 . . - , when merchants desire to clean ' - the SDriner trade. Those who . A O t with W rans can eret one trom have onlv a lewieft. Our stock of Fancy Dress Goods will be reduced to prices that . ought- to make tnem sen, : a small lot of Water Proof Goods to be sold low down. Uar small remnants of Fine Embroideries will be closed out cheat) We have a very .cheap lot. of Kid Gloves to be closed out. I lA.sk for , bargains, lLE2IAKIDER:: BE ARRIS W. KAUFMAN&CO CENTRAL HOTK I, CORNER. Sonnci Advice to Bny- GENTS' FURNISHING &os, i Tn thovi eontemnlatlnc the pmrhase of s Suit ". 1J; Cr.ita. m will se.i voo a uuer uwuivt, wo "' other hoi.se In the city Hundrwhopupna history of cuibing trade htvews been able to sKiii. i:;si w !i :,;S; r. (inaiMMiraitiAn Tivaaii inir im.iiiiic nk iuw Ktiii.'ii'ir'iar'8iick'Orerco ... .t. mm .. ni hlMAnrnmt rhiMr'H OrercoaU Tfrn's 8ck Canslmere Suit 8 G ' ? T r J Ix ,. ; lofont novelties In Gents' Vurnlneln hA and Cans T handwfne Walking Canes nd r"lne SSi . rrtftniiM Tof Gent's tat Too Gloves, from LJJL'liSM our good bargaUia. , ,1 'h';,t W KAUFfylAN- Children Wraps i - - . i ': :' V. t Linen Bosom Unlaundried great many -other articles too we are going to sell atsome v ! 1884. 1884. THIS FALL Consisting of the Latest Styles Si, Si and Soft Which we have Just opened, and are satisfied we can please all, i ' Our Fall Stock of Ladles', Misses', Gents', Youths' and Children's , . , BOOTS AND SHOES i Is now complete, comprising the best makes and most correct styles. ' f A full line of ' TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS, , s And Shawl Straps Just received. Last but not least, a One line ot Umbrellas, 811k. Mohair, and Alpaca. Gents' Over Gaiters. Larger and Beautiful line of Give as a call. Now Arrived j ; . 3 r" I up Btocfc ana .get reaayior I A . . . . , I have not supplied themselves ....... .... v- - - . : us ana at low prices.; - w e we have thenr. GOODS, HATS CAPS, &c.y &o. or I Overcoat for the aolldays, we confidentially state hnHaniriAiT m iA. and at a unwller oroflt than any " " . ' : : . ..... .... . .j. .v.i. offer the same valu for so Uttle money. I -. ' -. ; . f - r.;' ? :i .:). uuwa - - - I ti'i SOt Former Price At am. 7.00 9.S9 i is.vv; .I SO, ua 3.50, Bednced .oo; i e so; Former PrKe -.t j 8.SO 10.00 ; 19,0 1 IK -!!:" Goo3. a Fine line of "Neckwear, Men's and Boys Umbrellas, for the Holiday. A large lot of Gent s $75 cents onwards. We are still giving away a fine or overcoat from ill60 ap Call at once and secure wt-i-.', l Attraction IVpn k Co, it CO , LEADING CLOTHIERS. UE8TIOS or TIME. Boston: Globe in ' a lengthy article on the outlook for New En gland cotton manufactories quotes a prominent manufacturer as saying : 'We have nothing to fear from the South as a manufacturer of cotton. In that section they lack three things whichiare essential to rivalry witn lis. which we possess. These are capital, enterprise and skill. Unless they can command these in preponderance we have, nothing to fear from thenu I The three things' which the South needs to rival New England as manufacturer of cottons-capital, e4-. terprise and skill-i-she may not have now to the extent of making ' her a formidable competitor, but when she will have them is only a question of time, and no very remote time eithe.' The rapid progress of this industry in the South in the last ten years, but especially in the last five, shows the strides the South is making. "En terprise and capital seek the best and most profitable fields for invest ment regardless of geographical lines. They command i - skilled labor, , for skilled labor works for pay and seeks the field where it will be best paid. If experience demonstrates that cot ton can be manufactured to ' more profit in the South than it can in New England, it is only a question of time when the New England manufacturer will pull out his plant and seek a location for it nearer the cotton fields where the greater advantages are of fered. There have been a number of such removals "already. Lxperience has demonstrated that the South can in the lines of goods which she now manufactures not only compete with but lead New England, and , she has the same' field to draw from, wher she can command the capital and is prepared to enter into competition ir) finer grades of goods,' for perfected machinery and skilled labor that New England has, that is the worldj A mere glance at the character of the work turned out bv - some of the Southern mills ; now in comparison with the work of tenyears ago, "or even a later period, : will show thai while the South may be behind New. England in . the matter of skilled labor, she has made wonderful pros gress. Southern manufactures are moving prudently, and "building well as they go, giving their attention and capital for the present to the y manu facture of such goods as can be most cheaply "made and find the readiest market. What the South needs to cover the field of cotton manufacture, in all its branches she will have, for it will be furnished, if not' by her own" people by other people who want to "put their money where it will do the most good.'V The fact that with-, in the past ; year !- $105,000,000 have been invested in Southern industries,' including cotton manufactories, is an indication of the direction in . which capital is looking, and capital is th motive power in all these things. THE GENERAL, ASSEMBLY- Iteport of the rroceedings ol fr'ridar. Third Day. . . . . ; ' - ....... - - . , i -- r; I ' . n r r- Raleigh Chronicle. - . , S tj1 h-'-lj" -14 SENATE' ''"ri;f--.-'t :-:-v.":T-V; Friday morning. 9th,1 1885." The Senate met at 11 o'clock Pres ident Boykin, in the chain .The Journal was read and approved. The President . presentea , to., the Senate a voluminous batch of docu ments, which he received through the mail, relating to the contested election in the Third Senatorial dis trict. whick was referred to the com mittee on propositions and .grievans CeS. .H I: , " Mr. Scott, from the committee on engrossed bills reported as correctly engrossed. 1 ' Senate resolution instructing -the secretary ofv the State to : supply members ol the General ' Assembly with copies of the Code. nrntODUcnoN of bills and resoltj- TiONS. "y:':, ; . il. a lTst.? v Vii 1 1 n An4 wunliilinnn were introduced ana -rererrea -to aps propriate committees or piacea -, on the calendar: . . , . Mr. Troy.' bill to establish criminal courts in certain counties.; a i Mr. Gudcer. bill to prevent the importation and sale of pistols and other deadly weapons.. . V f , j " Mr. Means, bill to prevent an es pecial election in School district No. 11. uabarms ; county was on nis motion ; read and passed its - several readings: and" was sent to the House without being engrossecu, . :-. . . Dr. Hatkett, " bill ' to amend the Code relating to the entry of public lands. Mr. Trov. bill to nrovide for the better Drotection of land owners.' . Mr. Winston, bill to abolish certain fees of Justices of the Peace, and to exempt them, from " jury duty and the payment os poll tax- Mr, Means, bill to restore certain persons to citizenship. - uy tne same; resolution to expe dite public business, and to prevont confusion and waste near the close of the session.: ' " ' f Mrj Troy, bill to amend the i Code concernine concealed weapons. Mr. Basoh. bill to amend the Code to provide for, the payment of .ful fees ill certain cases to solicitors. Mr. Troy, bill to improve and de veloo the swamp lands of the State. ... Mr. Troy. Jbill for the Hrotfctionof life and property on the various rail roads in the estate. ! x i - -Mri Winston; resolution instruct ing our Representatives in. Congrees to vote for the immediate repeal of internal revenue':;;! '' :rf:c Mr. Buxton, bill to authorize the ex-sheriff of J'oryth"'. to collect - ar rears of taxes''- - . : ". . 'j'Mr. Rountree, Bill to provide for an increase of the salary of the Gov 'ernor. - ,s ff'it a'. i'" ''- I iMti'TtfotMl to extend; the char ter of Carolina City. Company ? 1 1 Mr Troy, bill to prohibit the em plOy ment pr convict labor on mer chanical works in this State. MESSAGE FROM THE HOTJSE. j Transmitting joint resolutions- re lating to a revision of the judicial system - of the State- proposing to amend by increasing the number of the committee to nine so as to have one from each judicial district Also proposing to go into the elec-1 tion of an enrolling clerk, at the hour of 12 m., which was agreed to. ; : ! Messrs. Kobins and bwain were appointed tellers to conduct the elec- tion. , - Mr. King placed in nomination J. M. Brown, of ? Montgomery. No other nomination being made, ; the Senate proceeded to ballot, which ; resulted as roiiows: Mr. Kobins re ported that Brown had received 109 votes in the House and . 46 votes in the Senate, all the votes cast and a majority of all the votes of the Uen- eral Assembly, which ; secured his election. Subsequently Mr. Brown presented himself at the bar of the Senate and was qualified to "enter upon the discharge Of his duties. Un motion the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morbing i at , 11 o'clock. - t .): ; HOUSE. ' The House epent much of the day in a humorous discussion ot Mr. ou's bill to reduce the tax on mar riage 1 license, after which it was agam referred to the committee on finance. This was the most import tanc work ot the day. . I BILLS. ' I Mr. Xine. of Onslow, to amend an act, chapter 50, of the road law, sees tion zviy. . , ,.. Mr. Lovill, an act to prohibit the allowing of bail in certain cases. . - i Mr Tiv.kATr tn rnnAAl spftt.ioti 1ft chapter 363, laws of 188 entitled an act to amend an act to provide ror the levying and collection of taxes. Mr. late, ot .burke, an act m re gard to the offense of entry and de tainer.! - Mr. Stanford, an act to amend section 2834 of the Code. Mr. Bland, to repeal: the clause prohibiting the sale of spirituous iquors in jsurgaw. Mr. Crawford, a bill authorizing the recording of certain wills in Haywood county j ' t 0 ; ! Mr. lilenn, to amend chapter 150 of the laws of 1883 providing . that no cost shall be collected in the tos bacco counties before the first of April. , Mr. Adams, to repeal subsection 4 of section 501 of Code. ' , Mr. Jones, of Buncombe, tin act to incorporate the Scottish Carolina Timber and Land Company hmir- ted.- f u.vxi' .i.,-:J::i Mr, Whitted, to repeal" chaper 17, Mr. Pinnix, to change the time1 of holding the Superior Courts of Davie and Yadkin'in the Seventh Judicial District. -K f t ; i Mr. Pritchard, an act to prevent the importation and sale of pistols and other deadly weapons in . North Carolinr. Mr. Leazar, an act to amend the law in regard to appeals to the Sus preme Court., - i . Mr. lireen, an ' act to promote speedy: trial on certain causes. ; v j ; ; RESOLUTIONS. . , ,' j The gentleman from Onslow moved that a joint committee be appointed on fish and fisheries ; and that it be made up ef gentlemen who aro ax quainted with the industry. Mr Kobinson though that: the Eastern gentlemen would not readily agree witn one anotner and suggested tnat the committee have on it also mem bers from the West, Mr. Stanford was sure that the East would agree. Mr. Womack - moved - that - the keener of the capitol be instructed to buy five settees for the House! passed. , . J CALENDAR. Mr.. Waring called up. House bill No. 4.1 to - incorporate Law ; Library Association of Charlotte. ; Without engrossing it was passed. ' ELECTION OF ENROLUNQ CLERK. At 12 o'clock the House proceeded to the election of an enrolling clerk of the General Assembly? Mr Wo mack nominated Mr. J. M. Brown, of Montgomery, who - was unanimously elected. ' - ; ; ; Ji f , Joslah Davis' Trouble, Joslah Davis. North MlddletownL Kr.. writes: "I am now using a box of your Henry's Carbolic Salve upon an nicer, wmcn, ior tne past ten aays, nas etven me great Data. This is the only remedy - that I have found that has given me any ease. My nicer was caused by varicose veins and was pronounced. incurable by my medical advisers. I find, however. that Henry's Carbolic Salve Is effecting a cure.'' Beware of counterfeits: ... ; ; ;v . ' w " ' ' ; For sale by T. C. Smith ft Co., Charlotte. N.. (V lanWdtuesfriAsunAw. . .,,.. ,. .: Panlti-re Cure Tor Pile. ' : To the beoDle of this county' we would say we have been given the agency of Dr. Marchlsi's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to cure or meney rerunaea internal, external, oiina, oieea ng or itching pues. rnce ouc a oox, no cure, no pay. For sale by L. B. wnston, druggist. mneivetm Why: she Didn't Marry Illm. 'Yes. I live Dleaantli enough wtth my. husband.' she said, 'but I believe 1 should have married Au gustus, if all the girls hadn't made fun of hlm,and said he'd be bald as a DumDkln in a yew or two." Young men, take warning,- and use Parker's Hair Balsam. Cleanses the scalp, restores color, re moves dandrun. , s . A CARD. i 1 f ' To aU who are suffering from errors andtndls-1 cretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered oy a missionary in bourn America. send sell addressed envelope to uky. josju-h x. nman, station 1. New xork. a,octl8deodwly. - ' That Old Tormeit. x Although dysneDsIa has its chief seat In the stomach, yet It affects the whole digestive ppa- i ratus. The liver, pancreas, and Intestinal glands share in the general trouble. The whole machin ery needs renovation. Brown's iron Bitters is the Article witn wnicn to oo tne nanny wont. Mr. w. H Kckhart. Marlon. O.. writes. "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for Indigestion with most excellent re sults." i ! 1 - - - Homeopathic. . T. C. Smith & Co. keep a lull line of Humphrey's Home- opathic Specifics. Call and set erne of the ' little books that tell all about these medi cihesand their uses. Deep Rock, Saratoga, Iiithi la : and J'ate Water on draught all the year round at T. ( Smith & Cp's Drug Store. Also cold and hot- ooaa water - ail tne winter--5 cents a glass .We Are Havihg 'A wonderful run on our "Tan sill's Punch" Cigars. : The popularity . of thefee goods, is unparalleled in the , c'gar traded America's ? best J five cent Ciprar,,--this explains it all. T. G. Smith & Co,f sole agency; ' 1 ' ' ' vt.ii PiPXRfl bv tha hrmoTM for le at -': U THa emci , THE GRADED SCHOOL HOAOU " . - BOLL. - v . - ' i , The honor roll of the citv eroded school for the woek ending last Fri aay evening, is as follows ; - f mo. 1, msb BOBnrsoir's boom. Xfllle Chick. Walter Zlidar. ' - Sadie Clarkson, Bessie MeCaner. , Jodie Ross,. , Herman Schroeder, Clay McGinn, Leia Hueg, Ernest Vogle, 1. May Sprinkle, . William Ward, ' Minnie Ltllycrop, . Llllie Turner.. - Ella Styker Mamie MeCorUe, Fred. McGinn, Henrv Osborne. - Julia Robertson. i r John Ros8j , r rnesi itaierree. Willie Prltchett, James Eagle, Kmma Austin, Alice King. Bertie Sigman, j nnipn rrazier. xiiua jicuarver, John Waltte. Gideon Fldler. 1 .. i MO. 2, KISS KRHtm'S BOOM. f NtnaClark, ' 4 Edcfle MoCarver, i Noon Sigman, : . Minnie Stone, , . .. Llllie White, " Beeves Vets, 1 4. Lillle McAllister. " Mary Wilson, . r Mary Withers, ' - RenaCaldwelL " Henry Kreuger, ' - Edna Walsh, .' v Gordon Finger. .David Yates, Tony Redden. . 1 Henna nus, , , Bessie Horton, , Wlilte James. : Willie Nesbit, inomaswonney, Clifton Sprinkle, Willie Hayes, GertySuggs, EllaWUson, Richard Norther. . Carey Butt. . , John Hall, John redden, NO. 8, MISS HXHA BOSIX'S BOOM Lizzie Clarkson, Marlon Clarkson, "Willie Edwards, Duncan Calder, Frank Cross. Nellie Manning, BanaKrueger, : Carrie Wilder.- ' ' Ernest Ross, - . i. i Mary Mayer, Ellle Mason, " , Addle Eossaman, 1 1 Flora King, -David MargoUna. Nannie Maxwell, ' LenaFetzer, - v Duncan McDonald, Springs Steele. Julia Dewey, Ino A jnas SCASK'S BOOM. Grace Horton. , ' Fannie Fldler, Minnie Martin, . -- Dunean Wolfe. BeUeHaU, James Holobangh, Gussle Osborne, . t iewiB Ausun, nana Donaldson, Richard Alexander, -Ernest Gray,' Sol. Burk, Willie Irwin, Graham Hand, . John MoCarver, . Grace King, ., Lester Sossoman, Charlie Shaf er, - ? Allle Walsh. . a Charlie Wynn, Bessie Robertson. Claud Kuester, Annie Mlsenhelmer. ii .i i xoaa oisom, Hattle Austin, juoi jr ciuier. Ha 5, MTBSAKKA BOMBS 8 BOOM. Annie Alexander. . Mamie Taylor, . . ; Walter Vogel, Carrie Wearn, : . : Eva McGinn, - Lena Palmer, Kate Northey. ' Moses Mendel, -. Minnie Seott, Ernstene Presson, Willie Plgford, Clara Shaw. ' Ellle Hirst, , . 1 Frank Lethco, s Annie Clarkson. , Martin Cooper, Burnes Davenport, myrue irwm, Mamie Arledge, John Alexander, James Clark, . Daisy Presson, Harvey Overcash, NO. 8, MJSB BANXTN'BBOOM, ' Samuel Fetzer, - James- Wadawortti, Willie Bason. -Willie Caldwell, ' Royal Shannonhouse, ' Dessle Crelghtoa, InezSykes. - , : Annie Shannonhouse. Pauline Gross, . wniie Bason, ' - Ella WOson, a -.l Eula Waltt,... -v Lexle Walls, . . , Agnes Smedborg, Hannah Hargollus, Nepple Bellner. .. .. Marj8teele. h: HO. 7, MI8B HUTCHINSON '8 BOOM. Minnie Duls, w Carrie Goldbere. , - Edmonds Brown, ... Blanche Mason, Nannie Ward. Mentraee Hayes. " Richard Gray, Lizzie Northey, Eugenia Alexander, Aiua finger, . ' .'Delia Osborne, Adda McGinn. ' Daisy Bernstene, : Frank Ethrldge, . Mamie Linton, ora Buggs. . nessiej NO. 8, MEB SEIPF 8 BOOM. ' Lula Cooper, ' James Osborne, . . 1 CaUle Rollins, f Carrie Prltchett, Marshall Alexander, Herman Dowd. .. John Smith, Katie Hopper, .v Annie Ludolf, Pink Davis. . Fannie Butt, ' n.j. AdeleBrenlzer, . ... Lizzie Scott, ; -Essie Plummer. : Bertha Kagle, Oren Franklin, Herbert Gormlsy, . Lillle Farrineton. Charles McGinnls, - jaary a.rueger. Mary jsawaras, ' Lulla Klstler, Charles Dixon. Claude Sigman. Herman Roediger, . Maggie Palmer, , 'i nomas tsnutn, no. 9, ansa OBEEL'S BOOM. ' Eugene Graham, Lee Hand. Lucy Abernathy, Minnie Cross. - - Daisy Abernatny, ' , Ida McDonald. - . Agnes Manning. ' Thomas Withers, , Ida Clarkson, . Cynthia Pharr, Mary King, ... Llzzte Rlgler, ". Thomas Smith. -. Jennie Smith, : Essie Donaldson. ' Frank Jones. Annie Shaw. : Maggie Caldwell. . Minnie Huneycutt. Clinton Mayer, John Hirst, . Arthur Pitcher, Charlie Wilson, . wune itieason. Willie Boon. J Loula Bowen, o NO. 10, MISS ALXXANDKB'S BOOM. Edward Durham, -Henry Kenz, Annie Byerly, " Morrison Brown, Lois Harris, Addle Jamison, , Laura Moody, Thomas Edwards, -i- - Clement Dowd, Emma La wing, . . Ida Wilkinson, - Clarence Wearn, u Minnie Donaldson; Sussle Farrington; John CresswcIL NO. 11, MI88 CABB'S BOOM. Bettie Crelghton,,; ... Slmmle Bernstein. -. Mary Northy, James Northey, ...... : Fannie Osborne, , : Estelle Sykes. . . n-. Guy MaxwelL . . . EllaScott, . Joseph Scott, . Leonard Wynn. LiUie Nolen, ' Annie Roediger. Maggie McKensle. ,, William Davis, t, Minnie uooper, i - -Essie Davis, -Norwood Bradshaw, Alice Gleason, WillleGormley, Rosa Fhomas, John Van Ness, Willie Knester, - Na 12, MISS DETO'S BOOM. Lawrence Beeman, i Minnie Alexander, Mollle Davis, ,.. Adelaide Scan; ' Cora Ward. , , . '.May Palmer. ' - Ell Griffin, . Eula Wilson. Carrie Wilkinson, Edgar SUrman. Charles Rlteh. , Ola Frazier, , Gulon Dewey. , ; Aiax Moony, Ml Innle Vogle, ' NO. 13, MB. BMKDB'S BOOK, - Hattle Grimes, . Mary Nichols, i- Alia Osborne, Katie Gastonr- :-) Florence Stacker. . Minnie Barnes, " Maggie Slramerman, .. Maggie Taylor. Thomas Powell, . , A Walter Scott, ,-d Florence Hager, t , . Mary Harrison,-: . Kate Hannahan, : i - Lizzie Presson, v Grace Murray. w Annie Sprinkle. .' Enima Smith, . u f NO. 14, MB. OTJDTN'8 BOOM. ' ' - Eunice Caldwell, Mamie Frazier, Mamie Grimes, 4 Mattie Harris, Belle Harris, t May Hall, t WUlon Jamison, Belle Klmbal, Fannie Dunean, William Prather, - Walter Treloar. Sumner Gause, Oliver Gregory, JohnRitCh, . Willie Jones, . Frank Han, Maggie Maxwell, Robert McGinnls. -Annie McDonald, Louise Scarr, Maggie Shaw, LUlleShns, Willie Stltt ' ' Louise Yogel, 7 : ' 1 Mary Wiley. ' v Ida Hand, '-'?- - Harry Gooding, . George Newoomb, Edward Pitcher. . Sixty Thousand Doke Cigarettes just to hand at T. G. Smith & (Jo's Drug Store." ;Stop and, see the beau tiful pictures. : ; . . Don't Forget That The - best Hairr Brash ;and Tooth BrusWcan be had at T. C. Smith -& Go's., Prices made to suit you. Hot Chocolate Soda Water atT. C. Smith & Go's - Drug ' Store-r-nutritious and delight! ul. . ,uon7t " go home at night without a glass of this warming beverage. If You Buy Kerosene Oil -by the barrel be sure to call on T. C, Smith & Co. for price. : They will buy your cmpLy uarreis u a g" pnee and pay?, cash tor tnem. fiAnother large supply o this "wonderful " remedy : jus - -j psn ftn tt rf f T C fivnifVi $1.00 a bottle 0V v,,uuuvu &Co's. i L'. J , - . l:i ' i n a . 1 L j . 1. Wittkowsldy Have just completed i their Annual Stocktak ing and will offep OM TREMENDOUS In Remnants o' Velvets, Kress Goods, Sheetinqs, Shirtiriqs 'J LV, Odds i lEDdsSoiled Goods, &e;9 Which wefq brought jto'the surlace during inventory, i No such; bargains were ever be fore offered to the people; of this section. uome as .eany. as you will never again get money. mi l i CHARLOTTE. N; IC. i lit bed-room: xjits. Owing to the failure to take; back twenty iBed-fpom j Suits ': to; se--cure myself., .These goodsj are agoodias new and ! offer them at , the extremely low price of $35.00 per suit, with Wire Mattress included, . Suit consists of r 1 OiXE A8U TOWEL BACK, ' : ORE AS II BEDSTEAD, i; i ' . . . - 1 - 1 i I .i " '.US , - ' . r. OWE ASH MAKBLfeUTOP WAJHTAI0, 4. JI1PLG CHAIRS Came Seat, : . . . , ' ' ! .i. 1 r ONE WIRE 3 i i Largest ' Stbct : Houses Rented; I . .. I Hooaea rented and rentaoollected, in ttMcity Advertised free ef eharack - , . CHaBLOTTK BSiL KSTATK AffENCT; J li; 1 . B, K. COCHBaMX, Manacer, w mutt Trade ttreeCFront Ontral Ho V 10U WiU be inUed-nCiy-2SIc" -to all applicaott f ll tllll d to customer 0 last Tear iUiow't e I., oiderlngit It oontaina illBrtmiona, prteaa, ' " , ' dCTcrlptiona and direotiona forTlantin( all Vegetable end Flower UJiUh ul.bs, etg. i ' m.FERRY&CO.DK ' deeOdtf -i.::fv.-. u f 1 :i u i f V I-. R. M A G I L L , j ANT COMMISSION MERCHANT f u.'tji; --.it ii'sui ..-! 1 --.- i-'Ci CoUearc St., Clmrlot. : i PDTZ POMADE. Silver iSoap, Sapollo and Kitchen Soap, at ! . B.H.J0BDAMC.U8prlrCornx.' ' '!-.:- . . , '. .- ... i! ! f. i.. ' & Baruch i " i. Monday morning 5 ; o ii 3 a ii i ' 9 1 Jik, wi M ' 1 possipiy can ior, y ou as jinuchforso'little t , 4 of a larce hotel ! had i . -: OIB AMUL DUBEAUi ' OlfE ASH T1BLF, ' 1 MAPLE ROCBER, Caae Seat, MATTRESS. in the State.7 v Left Orer. PromtheHolidays.- . 1 i-mx STOCK or watches, clocks; ! Silverware,' and J e welry Ot all aorta, tor aale cheap now, at llal ' Ifew ;; Jewelry .Ufr. .' V . .4- , 1 ... .-I !' : it i l KexttoKW)etandSe!glei"T"i .... , Notice.of.DissolQte, Tbe eopartnergbhv of Schtfi ft brier tethiaay dlsaolved by mutual eouaent. - all peraona Indebted to aald firm are requested to call and aetye prompt ly. To our friend and eustomere vre return our . sincere Uuuks lor their libera patrenace. - tiuu.-l Tr.winv ram)uui4Ml the entire ateeic of ftchttt tt ' Grlerwe will continue the bmlneaa at the eld stand under the name of SebiS ft Co., and respectfully olictt the patronaM ol tne menda and eustomera of tbe old to. , , r -miB I 1 PHILLIP 8CBIIT. ! January 1st, 188a." ; u7dlw Biils mm Laces f' 4?. ( ' t i ..Tr r 1 1."