" u oj a x u a u a x , ti A IN U A R Y 17 1 8 8 5 . IP alii Vij Arrival aud Departure ot Trains. wrreot lor the current moirh. ' Richmond and Danville Air-Linx i !:E2rAFr!W8ttJ Charlotte from Richmond at No.6V-Arrtve8atChariom Irotn A&ar at W t torV of t mt Vk". K.i.0i-"lehinoii at 630 a. m. ... t th.'H.,V ; wuM-y,ou6 Absolutely; Pure. run. poj..f .r ng. A iuu r ai o DUHu SPaiNOfl nmwi t J.-m.dwly.. Charlotte, I c. a. in. Leaves tor klehmoTidl it 60 l,n 11 I 1 nvirr ma at 'V. ,iL . . . (X pi;eave8 for Atta"ta at 1 p. im -n &rArriv8 at Charlotte from Atlanta at 610 i.-,!16801 Wchmond at 6:80 p. m7 AUaiitjIt R o "Monger J ram leaves lor p. m! 6;30 a- nx; arrlvea from Atlanta at 830 Chaklottb, Columbia and Augusta. V 1 Arrives from Columbia at 6:10 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. Cy C. 4 A. A., T. A O. Division. . Arrives from Statesvllle at 10:48 a. m. Leaves tor StatesvlUe at 6:36 p. m. , . C. C.t-SHSI.RV rtrvranni .. . Leaves for Shelby at 8J5 a. m. , ' , ' ; Arrives from Shelby at 1205 p. m. ' Carolina Ckntbal. tSSJtMSt"1 at ! for Lv or Shelby at 8.15 a. m.; arrive from Shelbv oi. o.w p, m. Mails. ' fvMlArol TWIIwam. .... m AM - -a-qri n r; uycua owa. m.; closes at i eioiu 4fic5p3rm?eDulment opens at 900 A JEALOUS HEGRO SUICIDE.' Thfe Ureen Eyed Monger fuke Posses', ion ot a IMrkey ai King's Honaiaii,, ud he lilow.Ont his JunlHHH Itraini. with a Pistol. - - . Suicide, among, colored people is something very rare. "and but v?rv lew cases havo ncjmrreA inn,, . .. - MUU - Two Respectable Citizens Aecnsed of Bar Room Jlobberr. 1 f' "-' - Mr. B. C. Cobb, of LiQcolnton, wa.s in the, cit.y yesterday and informed an Observer reporter thafe therd has been a biar'x-MtAmpnt. in -, . tins week over the arrest and trial of ,r. P ;. , . n, , a couple of respectable citizens on the H CIf I V M - flj'-T J . f i f fV , charge of , havine broker. itn ! - "fl . Ul robbed a whiskey shpp ouo mile fron that town, last Saturday nigbt. It oeeuis iaac wuen tne robbery was re ported a negro named Abrara Moore too ouajnjcwju ana arrested and this I Index to Hew Advertisements. W" t WWte-Comni'ercIal National Baniv - .: vufiav-jaiiuaiiuu wan lea. , , Indications. Y-' South Atlantic States, partly clouidy weather and local rains, stationary temperature, followed by much cold er weather, southerly winds, eerier aiiy Bhirting to northwesterly, being tugh on -the coast and severe t& cal storms in Georgia. . 2 ' , 1AKJALK1PF1.KS. OFFERS TO THE h bide s lietail Trade KIVK TONS Pure Wliiio Lead, TWO NT; BARRELS A Largs Stock of . Colors, VarfliskeSa Elc. ALSO uav iur. weaamgs, ana no Ijnots Connubial WfirA tinri in fhia ;-tt " vuia vjxyjf , uuau The , tftmnfirn.t.nr vaoti.il ranged from 68 to 70 degrees above zero. The indications at the head of this column promise some interesting weather today. i . Oatea Brothers' cotton factory will shut down work today to allow some repairs to be made to the main emuis m ine iaciory. work ; in the factory will be resumed as usual Hon day morning. : ; . The sale of Indian River at the depot yesterday was a lively one, bidders being plentiful and eager. Forty boxes were sold at an average price of $1.30 per box. They were sold t.r rwupo froit k;h The Hornets Nest Riflemen yes terday received a full equipment of new cadet rifles, for which their old guns have been - exchanged. The members of the company are highly pleased with the new guns. .-- The confiTficat.inn ' f t.ya Presbyterian church will worship to morrow morning at H o'clock in the wmu uuuse, as inei- lurnace now being, placed in the church is not quite ready for use. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. N. M. Woods; no night service. The citizens li o VM VUUI street, between Poplar and Graham streets, and all whose business calls them over that route, send up ai des paiiing appeal for street commissioner Wilson to do snmeth tenng the condition of that street. It is now in an almost impassible condi tion. ' ' ;!...-" -' -J " 'J t mu i i s wuiwj man, aua 13 elowly.beginning to ape him even iu this extreme. At King's Mountain, on the Air Line road, about ; forty mues from this city, a sensation was occasioned night before 4ast by the suicide of a colored man named Bill bmith. The unfortunate darkey was m,,love with a dmkY damsel of that village, and it happened that ne had a rival who was also enamored of ' the woman; whose name is Mary Ann Hoskins. Smith had been pay mg her attentions for some time, and his devotion seemed to be real and 8incere. The woman farmr-A c..;t but also permitted the attentions of Smith 8 rival. nnH urhon Qmiik 1 7 " mvu Kjixiivu lLl(Xlm y monstrated with her, she "kick ed him for the other man. Smith told her that he would make -her sorrv' for it thereafter he hung on in hopes that she would repent of her conduct to wards him. The woman, however did not show any signs of thawing -v, ouu xuureuay atcernoon she had another quarrel with Smith. With,, true modern ; sentimentalism, Smith went to his cabin. loaoVd hi pistol, sung out, "Farewell, my Mary Ann," and sent a bullet through his brains. , -. .- . There' were several "colored people in the house when Smith shot him- 1 j waa oadmg his pistol he told them that he was going to kill himself, but they thought he was joking ana paid no attention to him until they heard the shot and saw his body fall to the floor. The weapon used was a 32 calibre pistol. A sum mons was sent to the coroner, who lives in Shelby, and who was expect ed to hold an inquest over the re mains, but. as our informant says it was a clear case of . suicide, and no suspicions of foul play were enter tamed, it is doubtful if any inquest was held. j . ELEVENTH ANNUAL TOUR OF America's Nrandard Attraction. OPKUA'HOUSF. Beorsanlzed for the Season of 1814--i. REMEDY liXUKMAI'HjJN negro ' turned State's evidence." He reporsea tnat the two citizens in Suestion aided him in the robbery, ne of the citizens is a well known and highly respected young man, and t connected with one of the leading firms in Lincolnton. and the other is an equally respected citizen. When this charge was preferred against them and they were arraigned for trial, it was no wonder that the ex citement m the town ran high. The parties were arraigned before two magistrates who sat in the court uouse, ana tne hearing of the case consumed two days. Mr. Cobb was counsel for the accused, but the mag istrates had rendered no decision: in the case up to t5e time he left Lin colnton. We have since ! learned however, that a decision was, given fully acauitLinf tho &wnar1 nnvf foo. tening the guilt upon the negro and a - auuompuce namea Aaolphus Hoke. , Moore is a negro who bears a bad character, having robbed a bar room at Lincolnton nrvmf. For this crime he fled from that town and only recently Teturned, one of his first acts being to rob the-bar room last Saturday night. Finding himself caught, he endeavored to get out of his scrape by a skilfully con cocted lie implicating the two citi zens .4 It turned out that Moore had never met either of the men whom"he accused of the crime, but only knew their names. . ' -THE TiTMV : ' ' RENTZrSANTi Y , ITovelty aad Barlesqae Company, '" Thfl ITIAnniromonf nf lliln AA-tt-A a.. - . ! - - w fuiuvtuiw an uLire new ana Druiiant : aj, wiioiMuig ui a cuujne oi , 120 :--WaI Lady Borlesqae Stirs 20 A company of European nd American Specialists. r VVHWUUUCUJIU WiUCUUUUfc FIRST TLMK IN THIS CITY. OP THB GREAT NEW YORK SUCCESS. b, S1lSfi?-i.,,F?,H9t,on 0f the Sensational inoil wir urK" tosinmea, special wUMAvcm,u a viini minx juuaic enuuoa ORHETJS and ; EUBTDIC2. Presented with a Great Borlesque Cast and Gems from all the latesMDpera Boude Successes. - For an official and complete list of the artists en gaged, and an enumeration ot the principal fea tures of the programme, see other announcements. Avoid disappointment and secure choice Re- vanco, without charge. E 1 T, ' James COLLINS, Manager. Bbuno Kknnioott, General Agent . aol6d Kabmariue Cables. New Telegraph Offices in the City. ' A new telegraph company has been formed in Charlotte, and the wires have been strung and offices opened at several convenient parts of the city. This is the enterprise of that jurwon or our population commonly known as the "Young America." They, have elegtea officers and are now regularly carrying on business. u.iuujci ujciu 10 uiiuuic man ager, with hpadrniaptjra at-. V.q. w ' w Mv VUU ICCl dence of Capt. Zimmerman, near the ai jiuo 8i reel aepot. Uffices are es tabhshed at the Carolina Central de pot, Asbury's shops and half a dozen other points about the city? The young operators can converse with each other quite freely and bid fair to Decome expert telegraphers. About the North State Clnb. The gymnasium for the North State The tjoonlo of t,h sympathize deeply with. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Surratt, in the loss of their in faht child, - which died : yesterday mbrnintr. Sllddpnl v nrrinra-vnastoA I r The funeral services will take t-lace from the residence, at ten o'clock this morning. ' Railroad men report heavy rains in all directions yesterday, . and last nieht it be?an to vain in oornAof. in Charlotte.1 This is the time of the year when the farmer, whose crops burnt rain, has his fe.napa anrho1 frt onma arm further down : stream for want ot less ram. :, s - r? - i The Marvin Raf ComnanV Koo been awarded the rontrnot. to fnmioii the government with fire proof safes and burglar proof chests, the Marvin Comnanv's bid havinc Kaon arinrta I . v - O wwpwu over the bids of eight competing com- ar tf n i r a w I PanM)8 80 1 the. agents in this city, l L OAK LU A D I Messrs. Brem & McDowell, inform Mr.C M. Preston,' who- has for sometime been employed as an opera tor in tho Woalurn Tin city, yesterday resigned his position and will leavn in a few riava for Ta Vegas, New Mexico, to accept a posi biuu in a wjiegrapn omce ac mat place. He in A food nnnrftlnr anA a loiroi. young man,-, and we hone he will not . J 1 1 - . 1 rt . . - gcu uemuraiizea in me duii ngnung ub has arrived m the city, and has been properly arranged in the club rooms, on the third floor of the Yates building. The gymnasium consists of a rowing machine, horizontal bar, trapeze, swinging rings, four pair In dian club3 of 6, 8, 10 and 12 pounds and eight pair of dumb bells. The club's card room js how complete, and is fitted up in elegant style with Brussels carpet, fine tables and hand some, ' easy chairs. Their billiard room will be completed in a few days a new ' Collender table being now en route from New York. This club has a membership of forty-five, com prising not only", the young men of cur city, but many of the older ones. A good ideaof its personnel can be given when we state that among !ts active members are Capt." John Wilkes, Capt. Harrison Watas, Mr. George W. Bryan, Mr. Burgeas Nich-, ols, Mayor W. C. Maxwell and Mr. Ed. Bur well. ? The club has a reading and writing room, andi is perhaps as well fitted up, altogether as any club in the South. Its object is for social pleasures, and to afford the members wholesome ; and innocent ; evening amusements.' ; . - -The completion, of ' the Mackev Kunnnft .U. 1 il.. . i f. "uim' wuio iutts.ai tuo to Lai lengtn of submarine cable, according to The Electrician, about sixtv pichr. ' thnn. Sand miles Ran. h fjlhlo nrritoina on average oi forty Strands of wire, - so that altogether there are over 2,500 000 miles of , wire used in their con struction, or ten times the distance irom tne earth to the moon. Prac tically, all this has been laid within the last twenty-five years; the greats i i wiilllu a aecaae. ' Special Election in 5th District. F Raxhqh, N. a, Jan; 16. At the special election to fill the vacancy in v ungrtjss caused Dy ine resignation of Gov. Scalfis tho , - . : -1 w wwwvv iuc i vUUl LIO indicate the election of Mr, Ried s t "- , s . Senator Tance Renominated by Accla- ' :- : ' ' ' mation. .. f 1leigh, N. C., Jan. 16. Senator r. vance was toaay renominated by. Democratic caucus by acclama tion. dIeo. -At the residence of R. B. Alexander, In this city. Friday morning at 8 o'clock, Infant sonof Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sarratt. The luneral will fake place from the residence to day at 10 a. m. The funeral ''V wiiuucuxi ny aev. . M. Woods. cirinuvi luo Atttuiiy are lnvitea. .THOMAS REKSE A CO. CHARLOTTE, NT- C. Have just received a Rsstorss Vital .Energy W by Iii6K-esl!on. Overwork. Worry, Mental .. I is Ifatnre's Great f r System Renovator r AND BLOOD PCttTJIKR, SOLn .BT ALL DRVOGlgTS. TO Harrington's Restaurant Will Tav The Highest Market Price for - tT m . . i ne xnousand Caails 1 For Ten Days. d Jtinll , . ; r i IPwmmt MIsiI!i(BL?s THAT WILL SPARE TIME AND . . v ".. - ' i 8 jL VE MONEY, ief Qainiae Dair Tobic. I" have dcfubled our energies for this nujiuay occasion, ana nave secured every-' thing desirable for one person to present to another. We have - Imparts vigor td the scalp, cleanses it, and stops tue nair rrom railing out. Prepared by S.H. JORDAN ft CO., Druggists, Springs Corner. . GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC, QiXTURB. A POamVK AND PERMANENT CURB FOB DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION. ' " ' Prepared by . " Da. W. W. GREGORY, - - - Charlotte, N. a ' . P8; J- H. McAdbn, Druggist and CEnosT. ) ' HO. IPahks' BiTrr.nrNo. Ruinnio. w n . - ... v. 1 Dr. Gregory: . .... nrfJSf,f that 1 n?TO 801(1 Gary's Dyspeptic ZTi T T , ,W wuu utlVD kivou a h lair ' . .. . . nCu inl.'r L"1 "J!""" wnonave i . vr I wtoosesuBeringfrom dyspepsia or any derange- "v u.bwJUto viaiiB, AfaKIVW lUDe LO LOB stomach and vigor to the entire syitem. icwi,,., J. il. J1CADKN, M. D. Dr. W.W.Gregory:' . . Chabmittis, N. C. . 551iri,5aveed Dyspeptic Mixture for fhKt' aBd haJe 13060 VT much benefited toLi! 18 5n ceent remedy tor indigestion S?0SKldiK,e "w.-wlth which perions of X", " low iujiwil are irequenuy amlct S;ieepa.botue I .w on my mantlepleoe and take a dose whenever I feel that It Is neeied. k.' ."espeetfully, A. G. BBENIZEB. .Cashier of Commercial National Bank, Charlotte. For raIa hv .T n Hijn..jn . . ' " "whtou WIU I . V. Dill I hi a w.. Charlotte, n. a. and J. H. Knnls, Sallslmry.lfrc. BUIS 1 'S Warranted Garden Seed. NOTICE fthf 8lTJB,lJ.nai application win be made to the Bolrdot Trl UnWer8,ty- orde? of toe - Charlotte, Jaa Wl88 : mWe walk In the midst of secrets, we are encore- i? Vn renedy in the world so wonderful as "mi uuugu syrup ior coigns and colds. Attractive and IJwef nl. TheBroRn Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md J4he pwnera ot the celebrated Brown's Iron Bfttars. have Just Issued a beautirul Hand Book ani Alma nacfor ladles. and a complete and useful Memo- zl "I. "m.lyt1 tueu. rnese puoiicatlons are attractive, containing a great many valuable and Interesting things. They are furnished free of cSar?S? druggists and country storekeepers, buc r-z. 1 j . lucl" nrown tnemieai Co. will send either book on receipt of a two cent stamp to pay postage. - - , . ..Notice, oft Removal;' riTr.i Viir r w .li1,1' auop irom unaer trie IneTud1.040 $3-000 ontoodortltotani. Jaintidlf PAUL McKANK HOPE. Tp1S.?; We ",tU ,eU Bood second-hand A Plow Paper Cutter, Good as new except knir -on,.j Cort main WUI lie for iKVL . -IJver Complain!. i Te-'',a maT well say -complaint," for If there " , " """" 'wr aiunat complain, It Is to uu.c uu ii, oi wi ui uruer. xuo iiver is tne ereat scaJ?nIe.r .0.Jne body- K gathers np refuse, works it Into bile, and then works the bile off. It a heavy contract, and semeUmes falls. Then . . r . bo""" uHiuroaDce. xnai disturbance la quieted by taking Brown's Iron Bitters Mr. W. Iron Bitters relieved me of liver complaint after A , "GOD HI.ES YOU!" J5!? s?ecI9e 1138 f01 my cancer, which was " AAK3 uTjoiut: never iwiier. Have galaed 25 pounds since I began'taklngSwtft'i Specific. R. s. Bradford, Tlptonvllle, Tenn. flAWfTflm PHD TAXTV. WiiTkn a . . k m . j , ""vii imoo, a servant nas afflicted for many years with a cancer on her i tSZ?rz.Sr "rl "r treatment. She i. n , - John Hill, Druggist, Thomson, Ga, t NOSKKaTKN OFP.-A young man near this . . - r , " w uis ioc wiiu.il naa destroyed his nose and was .eating toward his eyes. . a la8tre8ort I put him on Swift s bpeelflc, and an uuo VUIDU 111111 BUUUU ttUU Well, a. . uwiaji, . u., Oglethorpe, Ga. T Tin VA AMn To Tin ,i rir 'i Kl ,1tn . ai - a ",7.7 ' A 1 n . raiuio irwui UU) use OI Swift's Speclno in cancer, it has cured several wmnuuucr uijf uwn eyes. Rkv. J. H. Cahfbeix, Columbus, Ga. Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable, and seems w cure cancers Dy forcing out the Impurities from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases maiiea rree. Tins Swift Spbcotc Co., Drawer 3, Auaum, bea., or 153 W. 23d street. New York. DISSOLUTION. r ,' The partnerfhlp heretofore existing nn " ' -r naiMA anil a V f -v m Novelties and Snfimfllripc that are exclusively - . wruvA Vf MAAU cannot be found elsewhere. We have arranged for laro-P the next three davs. and notahlA special attractions is our preparation for lit- tie boys. We have culled Ollt. frnm nil afnnlr -11 .... 11 1 . . rr wwvruxk ai4 sman lots 01 suits ranging from $4.50 to $5,50 and have placed them at a Xmas priset T.,A Al.l-. m , v uuv waxUA va it, auu act upon it, ana nave your little boys made substantially glad. In this sale a Baseball will be found in the pocket of each suit and overcoat for boys, as our welcome greeting, and desire for their pleasure at all tinies. - . -' ' For Silk Handkerchiefs, ' Suspenders, and everything in our line we present ten-fold the variety and assortment to choose from, and in asserting the value and reliability of what we sell, we substanti ate it by cheerfully refunding the amount of money paid. : . E. D. JL,atta fe Bra WE WILL Owlngto the large stock on hand yet it U l.njjossible'to i have the dissolution at present, as we cannot Kerosene Oi A LL AT CLOSE PRICES. t ... J. U. Mo ADEN, HEALTH.;.!.,-, Swlrt's Specific cured me of rheumatism three months ago, arter my physicians had exhausted their remedies without giving relief. U. P. UOO..TKAK, Att'y at Law, Brunswick, Ga. : I nave been "tUHIcted with rheumatlsrn nearly 0 years. a d a few ooities of tjwlf t's Speclfle cured hie, . It Is a Go 1-send to the suffering. v . .1. u. w ALiiK, i nomson, ua. .j - I have been entirely relieved of severe rheuma tism in my right arm by the use of Swift's Specific,' passed through Ukl winter without a rl:irau. ' SlDNKT HBRBKBT, " Editor Soothern Cultivator, Atlanta, Ga. '. rheumatism for twenty yean; was reduced to a bwlft's SijeclUe has cured me sound and welL , ; Mks. Ezba Mkmshok,-Macon, Ga Swift' Specific has relieved ine of rheumatism which atone time threatened to stop my mlniste- Bkv.W. A. Kirk, Cross Plains, Ala. Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and ;-kln Diseases mailed iree. '- .Tub Bwjft Sfbc no Co., Atlanta, Ga. j FANCr GOODS. - i Toilet Cases, Work Boxes," Perfome Cases, Gen tlemen's Travelling Cases, Glove and Handkerchief Cases In plush and leather. . Ink Stands, Cut Glass Bottles, Bottles ior covering Jiand and stand mlr rors. Call and examine my stock. - " L. B. WRISTON. . Do Your Owa Lngray'nj oa Glass. BUY A BOTTLE OF PI A M O IN D INK, Any one can use iu for mtir by ti. R. WRISTON, Florida Oranges . x AND ' '' - :' MO U NTAIN A PPLES . at S. AI. HOWELL'S, country. - Capt. Uelk'a Statement.. ; , ; - The statement of Cane. S. V. TMV ex county treasurer, which has been running tnrough the Daily Observer this week. weekly edition, filling; ten columns. In making up the forms, our f oremon made a mistakejin the classification, which, though it does not, affect the correctness of the statement, , might be calculated to confuse some readers. On the fourth page the matter in the 'first column should be where the mat ter in thesecond column is, so that the items under the head of" "poor and poor house expense" ; would fol low eAfth ' nthpr. : Th itema in tho ro. capitulation are all correct, there be- in o nA Arrni nyriataTrnn in Vm- nrnnU I statement except ihe mistake of clas sificatioa mentioned. In this state ment, Capt. Belk shows where every cent of the county's funds disbuised by him : during the period , named went, bo tbat every ? citizen of the county can see for himself, ; f ' " t J i " ''m ; ' ' i S t Commercial flauoual Bank Afiairs. a In this morning's issue of Thk Ob-( server appears tho advertisement of the Commercial National Bank, - of Charlotte and we take occasion to supplement the advertisement with a few items in regard to this bank; which was organized just after the pajiic of 1873. ' Its success has been flattering and it has held its own with the older banks, receiving its full shiire of business, and exhibiting a condition at the present date which will compare " favorably with ' any bank in the State! During the past three' or four years, so its officers ins form us, its business in many depart ments has doubled itself and the bank now stands, with respect to resources, security and management,, among the most trusted and popular banking institutions of the South. - From the report of the president to the stockholders at the recent annual meeting, we find that this bank alon&, during the past four months, has paid iff-- upwards of 20,000 bales of cotton, paying therefor nearly a million ot dollars. Its stockholders' are among our most influential and. wealthy ciU izens, the directors representing sev eral millions of dollars. Mr. R. M, White, its president, is an old bank official, and Capt. A. G. Brenizer, t! IHeieorolofical Committee. " - f ! j? v The Charlotte Chamber of Com merce is moving in earnest to secure the establishment of weather signals, in connection with the service of the signal station in this city, and three members of that body have been named to constitute a meteorological committee. The gentlemen compos ing this committee are Gen. . T. - F. Prayton, Mr. S. A Cohen and Mai. W. VV. Flemming. The object of this action is merely to show the RUt.hnritipn tbat. mil lunnla ava inW ested in the matter and really desire to have the signal service here im proved, it would require some ex. pense on the part of the government to make the proposed addition to the station in this city and the- authori-i ties did not care to go to the expense unless they had some evidence that the people here wanted the extra ser vice, hence the action of the Cham-, ber of Commerce. ;The signal station as it sow is, is of but little advantage to bur city, but with the new system its worth would be quickly- realized. Those who have the matter in haijd are confident that we will shortly have the weather signal svstem es tablished here, and then our people can tell by the color of the flag dis played whether it is a storm, or. a cold wave which is coming within "24 hours following the appearance of the flag. Such a service would be of great benefit to bur community and we hope that we will get it. The City Conrt. There waV a considerable crowd in attendance at the session of the may or's court yesterday morning. T. H. Burrage; the negra.who was going about the city selling goods and get ting advances of. money, . was t ar raigned for trial, and as the - mayor was nearing ine testimony a teiev fram was received from Spartan-" urg, S. C., requesting the detention of Barrage, who was wanted in that city for theft.- The Observers con , taming ah account of Barrage's ar rest, reached Spartanburg early yes terday, morning and the telegram TUO a at rnra can! . V. a fn ' Tl-i Q mavni V U.W WWW K7V,U . UU.VI - A UtS 1 "J 1 put Burrage under a bond of.flOO for appearance for trial before the courts here for obtaining money under false pretenses. He was sent to jail and an officer from ' Spartanburg i3 ' ex pected to arrive for? him, today.- He committed some heavy thefts in tfiat place. ; : - ' " , : -', Frances Hosk.in3.was arraigned for drunk and disorderly conduct and was fined $13.50: - , " - . s - Chas. Vann and Henrietta Archer, both colored, for an affray were fined $2.50 each. ' " ' Robert Moore- and Harry Smith, were bpuqd over to the Jnferior court for trial for the $Jffioulty. which occurred between , them - Thursday afternoon,' Smith claims that Moore did not make any charge impugning his honor. J ' ' . ' - ' ' ; ' ft is eertfiln that the loncer n snnenh. th milr. eritls, but riot so with a cold, the longeilt runs the worse It becomes. A cold, be It ever so slight, An Extraordinary Case of Care by the Mrs. Joe Person Rem edy. ... ; .', The following letter, dated January 14, 1885, has Just been received and will be shown to any per son who is interested In the subject Names and dates are withheld for obvious reasons: "Mrs. Job Person: "Madam-Onthe 29th of last May a boy child well developed to every respect was born In this city, bnt the "King of Terrors" began to chisel about its little heart, and notwithstanding its plump and vigorous constitution the poison in the blood soon began to manifest itself in what the meaicai men term '.Eczema.' 'Piinnra. nr usnuii. tary Taint' Some old 'mothers concluded the child had the "yellow thrash.' Tet whatever the disease it was certainly a stubborn master for the doctors, s I'-lii i--,rr,lc - The mother took the little sufferer to the coun try, hoping that the pure fresh, air might be bene ficial, and Dr. oi Lnmberton, was called to treat the case. He pronounced It Eczema, and did all be could tor It, but to no purpose, any more than to check the fever to which the disease sub jected the bOy. - v i"At the first frost the victim was again removed to tne city, ana immediately Dr. was called and he pronounced the disease 'Pupura,' and pre scribed accordingly, feeding up. the disease on iron and other minerals until the babe's month be came so sore that for two weeks It did not nurse, A friend suggested as a last hope and resort ; "MRS. JOS PERSON'S REMEDY "ill means Of procuring any more help or medi cine had failed, and In this hour of deepest de spair the poor mother went and asked her glst to let her have one bottle and one package of the Remedy, and was refused, because she did not have the money to pay for i It. She pawned her wedding ring and raised $1.50 to pay for the medi cine. . , , , "When she gave the child the first dose, three weeks ago to-day , the Utile follow was a mass of scab sores from the hips to the knees,and at seven months old had never" borne his weight on his feet To dy, by the help of Pod and a faithful adminis tration of the Remedy the child is well and strong In the legs, and hist Sabbath morning while the mother was weeping at the necessity ot drying up hef breast, betook hold and nursed as strong and vigorous as ever. The administration ot the Remedy is still kep up to effect a complete Cure. I . Believing in its emcacy 1 nave prevailed uphn Mrs. to take it for Inflammatory Rhe "ma tlsm.'; .-. . ITlnu -cltJertisnnmis. - Regl'tered Dnig-rist of the State wishes asttua tion. Good-reft-reiices. AddreVs ' - . DRUGGIST, J J .nl7dlt ..4.7 Care of Charlotte uu&ener. tareial.Naiioaal.BaDlr, v : Of CHARLOTTB, N. a ' ' Cuwh Capital, , - L - $175,000 Surplus ProfiiR, . ' i5O,O0p SPEC! HUNTS OFFERED --. . - i-.-.-rfr.'.JS.i-. The partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of J. a Spencer ft Co. Is this I dissolved by mutual consent ' J. 8. SPENCER, JOS & SMITH. I " Close Out JOS C. SMITH, TjltA Wltll J. 8. Spencer A Co. J. A. DURHAM. Late with Springs A BurwelL TO PURCHASERS OF Oqr goods most be sold and our prices are according, t We offer this week In fine D RE S:S 8 H ITS rHfPmyia .Pnrini!l,,erttF,, f05ni? Plce$Zj.O0. WW Coats and Vests former prtce 20.00, now slo.00: 1. a and 4 Button Catnwxv Suit tha uma ra.in.iinn n .ii kr k... liVr"t:M , , - .v.. . vMAti uuvis uu)iu( ouwnuun,. '" . ' 1 'v .it - -. - , t . , . rvFn !LOTniER8 ANnTAILOKS.' N.B.Speclal inducements offered to merchants who wish to buy In lots . ; ; -'. ITLEifl GEiTLEIlEff We have no timo to explain" tho cause but we offer yon Smith & Darham, - Successor to J. S. SPENCER &-CO., WHOIJGSAXJB GBOCEKS AND - The balance of our stock of Faney Goods AND . , SttTEB-PlATED WABB AJT COST! We call snecial attention tn the finest line of Chamhr. Tea and Diner Sets eyerseen' s0 IM Vfc VMraVAM IIawaL. X I UlllilllllJiSlUll lerCMfllS, bW section. LUDOLF & HARTSFIELD Old Stand of J. S. Spencer A Co., coii st., chanotte, w. c Desirable Property , In retiring from the grocery business I thank the frtftniia of J a Unanui A rn . -ki. I wro iMtsb aim curuiuiij cwiimena ine new nrm. i tnHn.i1ilkaAl..lrA.An u t .v ned favoni Of mir Alii mntntnapa nnl tha tMfa wia - , - J . o. SPENCER. I Shim Liiiwi (' ars $10,000 Wouldn't pay for the loss of time accasloned 111 BliaUKTCB lOiH UllgUl IN) CUIWl Dy & r , s. - single bottle of .-. Ik JOE PEHSOS'S .REiltDY; At the unheard of price of 10 cants eachr sold everywhere s ior iO ceiiLs eacn. - . l25:Dfflffliite:Si A. it. rjrenizer. ti tne worse it Decomes. a coin, oe it ever so s tent P8hior. has had a banking experience I iLnftA.? "S'fLS! Covering 19 years. I that niimons say Udl vine Uxltsorluin, - DraKCTora-R, W, White. R. M. MiiitT.Wm .Trthtisrnn 14 C Vnnlam ui v Unit t ii tti. t McLaughlin, J. S. Spencer, Frank Coxe, J. L. Moi. rts.Ql . tj . - , . . R. M. WHITE. President. -- - - A. G. HRKNIZKR, CHchler. - D. H. ANDERSON. Tellnr : This bank has entered Upon the eleventh year of u,.uMcuwt niiu uivi ccizhsu iftcni tits wt me ac commodation of Its customers aud the transacllon of a general banking business. - : ' By cawful attention to the wanta of ita patrons and liberal dealing wlih the i-ubllc generally, it hopes and expects to receive in the luture, as in the pait, ltsfuU share of business. - ., - Janl7dtf . - - ... With colored horder, 25" oent each, former price 75 cents; We are novv offering the greatest hargains in ' "' ! Ever shown in thi- citv Pall r arlv as von nn fwill n mf . v - - - j r . . j v : -rm-Mj ; w 1 MM fcU 3 our advantage to do so. ' ' . UNJCID Furniture Polish, Will make old furniture look new.. Try It sal wuTiuueu. ovm uuiy uy ' ' L. K. WRISTON SCROFULA. ' 'A flirl Ivt mv Atvinlosir hot Kaon dtnwJt a i mm I Miyv aan wvim vuiui VI VUilMIMi' I H final CAPnfiila h. tha naanf Url DnAa. I wvuib umviuiu wj iaav mw in CrVAA OtJSVIAlU (This gentleman is father of the Governor of Ga. . w wui v. uv ruj 1IVU1 S1ST7 niHIl Cnlrt). UuJI. .. St . . . . onm b OrixHrciiiwiMH ivT job. u curea ami sWoflll nf In MnM siBnrllnff .. y JUBS WJKABKTH JrJAXXB, AewOTtB. Ga. .jaj.UM.-r-AlWl DUU.CI1AJSK W1UI AOIWU Wr tSlBTTTIl i vears. and having all sorts of treatment. 1 was re- UUVVU VUUIQU IU Oflllll DUBC1IHL . ' ' , IL H. 1 Daireon, Ga. fiV A TPTTTT. VOnisT TUT CD l n T - 1 to death's door by a combination of eczema and vi;aipvtnn. aaviu VVUIVU A AAaU DUUOrea IUT WIFttQ FOB 8ALI BY THE r- " ICharlotte Real Estate Agency. 511 Tw2.ft07.r?me Celling' on South Tryon ol Street, ad lolnimr nrnmrtv-tf un ipii i'b,uU1.laH,! 'f n roomg' w11" a' room, gas aRd well of water; four room brick tenement "i iui arm oiner out-DulluliiKK. H2 WOoi?8,.NnfcD5! and , square 46, front- 10 ooo zsr 3P1V,VUV I dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. I .ii Jtn;e cottage, 4 rooms, lot 60x150 I Jk In Fourth ward, on wA Birth the residence of James P. Irwin. All lmprove SSH?.1!. A de8lrable ! for a small famUy. I - .w VArCruu. - -. .. v- , A , Tan yard at Xowesvrne. V. C ,; 22 leather "I atS, 1 pool. 2 lime 1 shon hnum IRrW. harlr house, nark mill bouse, stable, dwelling; 10 acres land connected with tan yard. Price $1,800, or ...i. mar luiugrm ueurs on reasons Die terms. , 3K A very desirable farm, containing 36214 JU- acres, about tbreee miles west of Charlotte, James Hayes farm, adjoining the lands' of Dr. Paul Barringer and others. Seven-room dwelling ' "wwo. OCTCII'IMHU UWV11U1K and neeessatv onthnlldinmi in mw premises. Wei' watered and In a good neighbor hood. Price per acre tan. .. ... NOTICE. ; rane and wife. Margaret Cochrane, to the Charlotte fpr cash, at the Court House door in Charlotte. n xironia7,auuu7 ai, iooo, one nan interest in tbat valuable property fronting on Tryon street about U MM Annnsll. .I.a - ... " vKiwmvj uk jxjbiuuiod. sua running Dues; with good residence and other Improvements. I lately occupied as a resldepce by W k. Cochrane. . ..... A. U. OKKHIjUt, : Janlfidtds - : - Trustee and Treasurer. - NELSON & COX'S GEL A T I N E.' Baker's Chocolate, Mixed Spies, Dolman's Mas- l tard. L.R.WRIST01t , WI1TKOWSKY -& BARUCH. Chaelotte, n, C, W3N ,V KMO.A ft.B U. 1 1 .! iodide potassium, which seemed to fned the dis ease. I have been cured sound and well br the use nf dislrt a Srwxrflb. . Mas. Sabak S. Tubmxb, Humboldt, Tenn. Swift's 8peelnc Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Rood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ' Thb Swirr SPtcmo Co., Drawer S, Alanta, Ga Diamond Dyes fc: Diamond Dyes. 25 GROSS,5 . All colors, Wholesale and Retail, by r 1,99 w. 45a st, New Tork. "-" - " L. R. WRISTCCI. .

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