r,ATT,V PHARLOTT E0 BSERVER. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1885 --THE. o BESTTOHIC. ? medicine, coinWntag Iron wh pure vegetable XW3 ttniKSunf remedy for Diseases of the .-'SaST aids the spallation oi.ouu. TUE LEGISLATURE. - What Our Senators aad RepresentatiyeB - - are Doins at Raleich. Raleigh, N. 0., Jan. 15.-In the Senate today the following resolu tions and bills were presented : 'Tr to providS suiteble rooms for the Supremo court and State u- brM JMonteomery! to repeal chapter 331 of the laws of 1883. . Mr Alexander, to authorize the hoard of county commissioners or Ba to compensate Feill Gray and others lor services Mrherrill, bill to tax circus shown intn t.hia State S 1. 000 for WI1V - - . v each exhibit. ' , " ". .nn f Mr White, to repeal chapter 409 or the laws of 1883 relating to the divi ding line between Carteret and Ura ven counties. , r ' Mr Mullen, to aumorizw .-.nuo, w missioners of Halifax county to fund Of making haste slowly: Mr. Wood- DiBest ol sapreme court uacts.o.s. ard thought that the biU reflected-on J Haieigu News and bserver. the judiciary, ana lorciwy. opyuoeu gtate vs MUla oi .AJSiUiiuur, ujtuibu IK1GW: OTILES Disfiguring Humors eroesed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Z B0WH CHMICAl Ca,BAtTIOBS,l. SAVED MR UFfi. - ridge, McIstosh Co., Ga ds. J BbAdfield: Dear Slr-I have taken set- the womb and other diseases combined, of smew r,H t really believe I am cured years buuiuuib, " . . -...i. entirely, tor which please accept my heartfelt Lnksd most profound gratitude Iowyour medicine saved my life, so you lf too highly in Its favor. I have recommended It to several ol my friends who are suffering as I : was., yours very respectfully, , ' Jl : .- . .- MBS. W. E. STEBBINS, '. time for the redemption of , land.soid .fMr pfaBrin ' bill to: :amend section rfilatinsr to the man t o,immr.TinEr iurors' to lay i put pUMrTrov. bill to amend section 2327 and 2328 of the code. . . Mr Mullen, Dili w ameuu au ?vr thorizing the commisswnert of-Hah-f ax to pay a certain debt pf 18&i. f, " Mr Franklin, bill to amend section Lee in f t.h code of civil 400, - - procedure relating o the sale of real sale oC spirituous or otherf mtpxica tine liouors to the inmates' of 1 penal " " ' ' 1 , -11 -.11 bill; Mr. Leazer expressed twin au rr ou.f. s tho -imlioiarv the need of reform. Mr. Womack moved to re the bill with the amend ments engrafted, with instructions to report a bill incorporating consist-, ently these amendment. Mr. Bar- m vfv TinahAfl and other eentle- men, favored recommitment, and the hill was recommitted, i , i , - Senate resolution appoing Wednes day, 21st January; noon, for inaugu ration of State officers, and that joint committee on inauguration conduct the ceremonies. Adopted. - Lm i PASSINGf THIBD BEADING. I By consent, bills for relief of J. R. Backnall. ex sberiS otuurnam, au ex sheriff Mayo, of. Alexander; biU repealing all laws prohibiting fishing 'in Catawba river ; bill changing law ful weight of ft bushel pf; com, from 54 to 60 pounds; oatsy from 30 to S& peas, from 84 to 60; bill to record cer tain wills in Haywood county.. ' , . - . TABLED. - Bill repealing law against carrying concealed pistols. l.A tenant bv the courtesy initiate a freeholder in the sense of that term as applicable to the qualification ot jurors. 2. The name Pf J. L. B., summoned as a juror, was entered on the scroll as J. S. B. ;" Held to be immaterial, since the use of a middle letter forms no part of the name. 1 t " 3. A juror upon voire dire stated that he had said it- would injure any attorney politically with certain per, anna trt aniwar for the Drisoner. and t.hfl TriRonflr's counsel asked him to TI7E have now ready our usual targe and exten ti .'. TT1A r Viatr (ha : oniirt I :o:- ins S! The Science of Life f $1, liy Mall Postpa.iL. 0f the or charitable, .institutions. Mr Connor, from the judiciary, committee; made a' favorable report on the biH to- regulate 4th ale w. ? . " i property1 1 under mortgage auu , Atlanta, Ga-Dear Sir: I take PF d recommending that J have used for the last dr?i MHamend gectiois 4005 of the code, concerning fconecaled weap-. a r.r.t. naps- also a bill to T3duce TESTED A QUARTER " CENTUBY. ' It Stands Unrivaled .', XaGbamok, GiA i DB. J. BHAD FIELD, 14 tha medicine Ton are now putting up, taovmas Dr. Bradfield's Ifemale Regulator, and consider it the best comblnaUonf ever gotten to gether for the diseases tor which it Is reoommead mI with kindest regards, 1 am, respectfully, W. B. FEBBELL, M. D. . The .Mew Ancsihelic The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger writes that several well known -.physicians and surgeons are outvnth qualified testi monial to the efficacy of the new an esthetic Muriate of cocoame. Dr. Fordyce Barker states that heused it for the sores in Gen.? Grant's mouth and the pain ceased Dr. Wm. Folk says it is very useful in other- parts of the body besides the eye.v He per formed an operation the other day durfng which ne naa to cut wiitju6u the abdominal wall of thehver, re move an abscess and stitch the tissue again to the abdominal waU. Before beginning he rubbed the anesthetic well into he skin, anT the patient nrt nnin: Dr. Polk. howev er, thinks its use will be limited to minor surgical operations, and th& iu operations taking considerable time and in which the nerves, are ef fected bv other wings wmu . Z price ofmarriS laski eithS must still be ' empLAno tne price oLiuax . 6. 4f Mh . I fiP h sician . say B the effects of tte '".. "; atlamta, Ga. tm i Th.iTnmrT.n-DearSlr: Some fifteen years ago I examined the recipe of Female Regulator, and carefully .studied authorities In regard to its components, and then (as well as now) pronounce t to be the most scientific and skillful combination ot the really reliable remedial agents known to science, to act directly on the womb and uterine ergans, and the organs and parts sympathizing dl rect'y with theseTand, therefore, providing a spe cific remedy for all diseases ot the womb and of the adjacent organs and parts. - ' fours truly, JESSE BORING, M.D..D.D. Send for our Treatise on "Health and Happiness Woman," mailed free. THE BBADFIELD REGULATOB CO.. Box 28. Atlanta, Ga. MIXED CANARY SEEP. Kresh and mixed in Oie right propofUons. Cuttle sh bone In each box. Forsaleby . , T ,,, j-'.-fi; I : L. E. WBISTON. consideraUon, ano recomiyeMvAB that it be referred to the committee finance, i wnicn reiereuuw us . r' anesthetic are uncertain.'; on TU.TTfS; TORPID i BOWELS; DISORDERED LIVCI7 . and MALARIA. From these eouroea arise three fourtta ol the diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicate their existence : Ia of Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick IIed aclie, fullness alter eatlcg aversion to xertlom of body or mind, Ernctatioir c food, Irritability of temper, Imv 1plrit, A feeling of having neglected i Mine dnty, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before tlie eyes, bigbly col ored TJrine, COISSTIPATIOM, and de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver. medicine TCTT'S Pi L.L.9 have no equal. . Their action on the Ki'lueys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three " scav engers of tlie system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a deal skiu and a vigorous body. TUTT'S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere ! with daily work and are a perfect - ; antidote rrot MALARIA. HE FEELS JLIIiE A SEW MAW..i " I have had Dyspepsia, witn uonstlpa tion.two years, and have tried-ten different kinds of pills, and TPXT'S are the first that have done me any good. They have cleaned ma -out . nicely. Mt appetite la snlewdid, food digests readi' t, and I now 1 if ' sr cral passages. Ill like a new .1 A W. D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Sola CT,here,g5e. Office, 44 Mnrray 8t.,N.Y. tiitt nam nv Gr4T Hatb oa WHI8KEB8 changed In etantly to a Gios8T Black by a single ap plication of this Dtb. Sold hy Druggists , or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murray Street, New Torit. S TUn'S MANUAL Of USEFUL RECEIPTS FBES.J . . " , r i ' . ...... - ' ... t Atlanta Druggists. ATL4KTA, October 13, 1684. ! We began handling B. B. B. .from Its jlrstexlst-i ence. a few months ago, and have never heard a word of dissatisfaction expressed relative to its merts, but have heard It very extravagantly praised by those who have used it Its sale with u is rap idly increasing, ana we now ouy n in inree grvaa lots. HOWARD CANDLER, j 7..ZI? n Wholesale Druggists, i ' - 1 j ;. - , l,, pi j '' Ofhcb of Jacobs' Pharmacy, : - : -. - ATLANTA, June 13.1b81. J-j Six months atro we had no demand for B. B. B.J but now our retail demand is such that we are forced to buy inlwo gross lots. We attribute the rapid and enormous demand lo the comparatlva size and price of B. B. B., and Its positive merit. . It sella well and elves oar customer entire satis- Our sales have increased SJ" percent- j- -.. "i " In the Senate on weanesuav biU tx) establish a graded school m the town of Edenton-was passed, or dered to be engrossed and gent to the TTmiBA i ? . . ' - House' resolvftion. : requesting ? Our Sanators and Kepresentatives in Con gress to use their influence to secure the immediate repeal of the internal revenue laws. ) Mr Boer .Offered an amendment. Mr, Mason moved to amend by striking out the word .im mediate" -i After, a spirited and lenjrthy discussiori,. which was par ticipatea in oy messrs. wwer, v nor, Williams, Gatling, Buxton, Thomas, Todd, Scott, Cooper, Bobins Alexander, Mason, Winston, Shernll Hill, Bond and Qudger. Mr Gudger offered a substitute for the whole Mr Buxton demanded tne previous question iwhich .was ; ordered. ' Mr Bowers' amendment was adopted by a vote of 24 to 21, then Mr r Masons amendment prevailed. Mr Gudger s substituted was rejected and the res olution as amended was adopted by a vote of 36 to 9. i Mr Mason moved a reconsideration of the vote Mr Rpb ins moved to Jay' thatf resolution ion the table -lost. Pending its consid eration a motion to ? adjourn "was made, which was withdrawn to al low the clerk to announce the ap pointment of f he following . commit, tees, viz: SENATE BEANCH. JOINT . STANDING, COM- MITTEES Public Buifiinga and Mason, Pool, Hacket. Election of J ustices of Peace" Hill, Lewis, Holeirian . i , 1 Fish and OystersBond, Simmons, Parker. Thompson, Holeman. - ' ; SENATE STANDDTfl COJUMrTTKES. Military Affairs Alexander, Bond Bason, Johnson, Mennedy, Hacket and Thomas. Mr King in place of Sherrill on sal aries and fees, and Hill in,' place of Sherrill on the committee ou educa tion. These changes weremade at Mr Sherrill's suggestion. - Messrs 1 Gudger, Connor, Means and Gatling, after the adoption of House resolution, as amended by.the Senate relating to JnstaTictionhof Rfinresehtatives in Congress iairefer ence to the abolition of internal revs ; enue, gave notice of .their intention to file their protest, giving their rea- pons for their several positions in re 1 ' ;" Masonic tirand Officers. 1 ' j State Cronlcle 15th. A " ! - Yesterday the Grand Lodge held a morning, afternoon and evening sea sion. appointed its standing commit tee?: and coMidei3muchoteT work looking to the Roodtfhe. QrH der in the State. Last night the fol lowing Grand Officers were : elected for .the ensuing year: Fabius H. Busbee, Grand ; Master; . Bobinson, Deputy Grand Master; gmuel H. Sm5thnior Grand 1 War. a. William E. Anderson, Grand Treasurer ; Donald W. Bain, Grand Secretary . t . name tnem; xieta, mas iu wuu nrnnerl v . ruled that to . know tne names of these persons was not mate rial to the question of the juror'sm -differency. v . . . ; . 4. Where the deceased said repeat edly, 'I am bound to die; I am shot in the side and back and am bleeding internally," and ,then said he was shot by the prisoner, and died of the wounds a few days afterwards; Jleld admissible as dying declarations, hot withstanding the fact that a physi-: clan," between tne ume me utsuictia t.inn was made and the death, used language to the deceased calculated to inspire the hope of recovery. . ; 5., Evidence showing that the rail road track was near the -place of the homicide, -and that the "fast train'; passed soon - after the shooting, was properly admitted in connection with the circumstances attending the al leged homicide. r " fs 6. "A declaration of the prisoner, made a few hours befoie the norms oiHa tnthfl effect "that he intended to have satisfaction before be slept that night," was pertinent to the issue and admissible against the pris oner. ' ,7, What the prisoner said after the homicide is not admissible for him, because the declaration is not a part of the res gestat. , . . 8. The confession or declaration of a witness made before the trial of mnt,hfir for crime, mav be proved to contradict his testimony on such trial; and this, even although the declaration was made under improper influences. . What weight is to m be given to the declaration is a question to be determined by the jury. Dis tinction between confessions previ busly made by: the party charged and confessions of a witness not on trial, infiWhifWl to discredit the witness. pointed out by Ashe, J., and the rules of evidence governing the admissi bility of the same, discussed. 9. Where such declaration offered to contradict is directly material to the issue, it is not necessary to ask the preliminary question to call the witness attention to it. This is only where tho testimony relates to some collateral matter or eomeact showing the witness' partiality or prejudice towards a party to the action. slve stoek of FALL AND WINTER 1IILLINERY, &C; And can assure the ladies that we have now In store the largest and most complete stock, to be found in the State. All the Novelties, as well as all desira ble shapes, colors, qualities and prices of HUMILIATING ERUPTIONS, Itching .and Burn ing Tortures, -. t lmm triMi far eleven vears to have my wife raiTPd of a terrible skin disease. The Cutlcura MamnriiM T!iittnra Resolvent, the new Blood Purl- nar intarnnilv. and Cttticura. the ereat Skin Cure. and Cutlcura Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier, o-rtarnniiirt hnv ilono In six week what I have tried for eleven years to have done You shall have tha ruiHIrailnni U1 Wn OS I tTI flivft them tO IOU, and as we are so well known In this part of the country, it will benefit you, and the remedies will cure ail wno use uuun, . ..' Maysvllle, Jj. uhasj. b. wiu i x.. CttBISTMAS! - MY STOCK OF- -MY STOCK O? FANCY ARTICLES POB THE Hats and Bonnets ' For Ladles, Misses and Children ritv, ,; -v,f: U-i-'y t ; WB KNOW there is no Millinery Store in the Southern country where a lady can And a greater variety of styles and qualities to select from than UWBKrK)W thereto no house In the South where a lady can buy a Hat or Bonnet cheaper for cash than in our house - ; , . vfK KNUW there is no house In the South where a lady can have a hat more tastefully and artisti cally trimmed than in our house. -WE KNOW there Is not -la the South a house Kw mni Arnnrleneed artists In the busi ness (having made the business a lifetime study) than our house. - : . . W KNOW-that we stand ahead of any retail Millinery Store In the Southern country. We will cheerfully give all the advantages of our- Long ExpBrifnce 1 : Sope rior Knowledge generally of the business to our patrons.' Full Llaw of : Hosiery , Gloves, J Zephyrs and Wool. Yarns, - Infants', and Children's Cloaks, Mooa8, hocks ana wraps, . Corsets, Laces, :N Jewelry, Nations and Novelties aeneraUv. : . Style, fit and workmanship equal to any aress- making estaDiisameut ui auy nuruwru cui half the price. . call Amn SEE MRS. P. QUEKY. BLOTCHES CURED. C - T used your Cutlcura Remedies Tor blotches and . am mmntatelv mired, to mi inexDresslble loy. Cu iicnra flnnn u the hest I have ever used, and to the profession It Is Invaluable for cleansing the. skin, I thereby removtn all "cork." grease, paintTaUi he stuff used by them, leaving the skin pure and white and soft. My greatest pleasure Is In recommend- Inv Riieh an RTtlcle. ' ; M. MACK, ' Chmupion Comlque Boiler Skaker. Youngstown, Ohio . ... , j ' - SALT RIIKUn- T havn lmd tlm nfllt rhanm for about three years. and havftanPHttlme and money to have it cured. without uocess, until I tried the Cutlcura Reme dies, which are doing the work. ; v . J. Gr. YOUNG. Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon. - - HOLIDAY TRADE Is immense and cannot'' be surpassed, either In KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Jlaokd Exhausted vitality, nervous and physical debility, premature decline In man, errors of youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or ex cesses. A book for every man, young, middle-age and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all unit and chronic diseases, each oue of which is invalua ble. So lound Dy tne autnor, wnose experience for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lotot any physician.. 300 pages, bound In beauti ful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guar anteed to be a finer book In -every sense mechani cal, literary and professional than any other work old In this country for 42.50. or the money will I refunded Sn every Instances Price only $l.U)bj mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Sirnl now. Gold medal pwarded the author by the N.i. tlonal Medical Association, to the oOicersof which he refers. - The science or Lite snouia oe reaa oy u young tor Instruction, and by the aflllcted to r elief it will benefit all. London Lancet- Thereto no member of oclety to wh m The Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian instructor Of clergyman. .i ro- Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. FL Parker, No. 4 Bulflncb Street, boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic nud obstinate dis eases that have baffled the f i A T skin or all other physicians a spe LI. rjXjclaty. Such treated smxsessf ully ' p TT yCLM L? without an Instance of 1 H 1 rLir a tf i t tla u tills pipar. (euidawlw BEAUTY OR EXCELLENCE, , ' FRED C. MUNZLER, S0O FOR IVOTHING. : Having paid about $200 to first-class doctois to piin mv hahv. wlthont success. I tried the Cutlcura Remedies, which completely cured after using three bottles. wm. okuim, 87 Arlington At, Charleston, Mass. Sold everywhere. Ctjticura, 60c.; soap, 28c; BS 'LVBNT, $1.00. . Potter Drns and Chemical Co., - " ;. BOSTON, ' 4 - v - Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." TTrp I CUE SOAP for Rough, Chapped and KJ a Beddened Skin and lianas. an wedaaat .. r. S A Chance 'For And as I am now having a large trade lor these . .. . I.; ' ; goods I invite you to call and ; MAKE YOU It SELECTION BEFORE IT 18 TOO LA.TE. JOIM R. EDDIES, LOOK AT THIS! :o:- A GBAND SALE OK- AND REM) EVERY WORD OF IT. ;" WHOLES A LK lAciISK KKEU; IAI.KK Al CIIAHI.OTTK, N. C , Represents two of the largest LAGER BEER Breweries in the United Statec . Tbe Itergnrr V Kegrl Brxli.g ' Co., of Philadelphia, and the F. A HI. SctialTer llrewing: Co., oi New York. ' THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISflMENT IN THE CITY. , (aTOrden Solicited. All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. dec20dlf Blackwell's Golden - B-It " Cigarettes, Mildest and best Cigarette In the market Whole sale and retail by L. B. WRISTON. :o:- ai-pTospecu lor the Ice Crop.. ' . : Ne w York ice dealers are disheart ened by the outlook for thia winter s ra prnn ATI the Hudson. -.-..It coia weather dosen't. set In eoon," said one dealer, "ice wUl be both scarce and dear next season. No lce worth speaking about has teen fielded yet. Ou tho Susquehanna, largely, used for the supply o Baltimore and Washington, no ice has been harvest ed this season for the trade, and the prospect ot mating a , crop at this time of the year is not at all encour aging. . - , . . fe.-tt :-:nT- : ..' Tij m'. r . The Great : Remedy. . ..... tnr fVmfula and all Kosaaaim is r 0h,ui t aintji xnil diseases taken at all times and seasons. n tk. KUMWl . -r It II. . . V 1 inecL SDrinVand FaU, when the sudden chajigesinauoe dtaeaseTEead the following: I have suffered37 Jeawtther eompialnt, rheumatism, sick head ach adlsordwed Tstomach. K was at one time distracted, rubbing my hands and halfcjazy SlnVMyirtfesent for a doctor, and he at tondeme n" e months He said he could dome but one bottle ofeosadaUsdldmemore SH?anu the medlcmeUedoctors ever gave J. A. W&lAw , k- r n flmith A CnCharlotte, N. C Jan20dtuesfrlsunaw. Dauirhters, Wives ad Mother We emphatically guarantee Dr.MarehlsI'sCathol kson. a Female Remedy, to cure Female Diseases, such as ovarian troubles. Inflammation and ulcer ation, falling and displacement or bearing down feeling. Irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrnaea, oesiaes mauj mi"'" from the above, like headache, bloating, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous nebUlty, pan-iia-f tha hurt n Var aal( bv druezists. Prices $1.00 and $1.60 per bottle. 8end to Dr. I. B. Mar ehlsl. Utlca, H. Y., for pamphlet free. For te by L. a Wrlston. drurM . lunelTeodly i Who is Mrs WlBslewf ; As1 this question l freq ut f -kl, we will "im ply say lha she is a lady who for upwards of thlrtj years has untiringly dnvotert her time and talents as a f inale pnyslelan and nurse, prlndt-aliy among ehlldreit, ne has e;clal!y s.udied the oonstliutton ana wanw oi iu iiuuikvw . Mit r ihii uffiirt. and rjraolica! knowl- edxe. obtitned In a lifetime peut as nurse and forenltdren teethlnB. - it operates like aianlc Klvlng rest and hath. and Is moreover sure to L..u. ha hnmi. in MxikiMiuHuee of this artl- ele Mrs. Window U becomuw world-renowned as a benefaotor of her race; children e-rtainly do Z, .. hkm hAr MneeiMltv la tti's the eae In this etty. Tst quamiUes of the Poolblpic Syrop are da''y sold and used here, w-thtnk Mrs. win . slow KS immonauzea uer uiuro wi mtmim. ,i KnnrHiv beibsvo thousands of children hve been : v.-d from u early graveby Its t-mely usa. aoa mat dh.uo t share lU benefits, and unite In calling her b:esd. No mother has dtneharged her duty to her suffer ing Utile one, inouroplritwi, nmil sue ha given It the benefit of H.S WlnsloW rVthlng bnip York City. Sold, by all druggists. Twenty-nve cents a bottle. . ' - ' 1 DEPABTMBNT OF MECKLENBURG, I 1 t Chablotte. Dec. 13th, 18M. General Order, I . The stock of Tor and Christinas Goods now be lng complete at the , VARIETY STORE, tbe public generany, and the good children partly uiiiny. are mviiwi i ciu ouu wo uwwj. The two large dolls. . Bob and alli Together with the Walking Elephant, Performing Bear and Dancing Pavullon, wiU be on exhibition during the week and until Christmas. Bob and Sallle are for raffle. Byjprder of ' SANIACLAUS, : C M. KTHEREDGB, Manager. - A LABGE : n. iVV- if i-'iffi Watches, CLOCKS AND JET Diamonds Silver ( n I Ware, Silver-Plated Spectacles, &c. Prices cut down March 4th 1H85. from Thanksgiving Day to AND HAHDSOEE STOCK 'OF . Those wanting any of the above goods will please call and hesir my prices, they are the lowest and the gnods are tne oesv. Enemies Hearty to Strike. )url ... & n a I To aU who are suffering from errors and India cFRER OF ckAEGB. Sf was discovereu Dy am ' " -"pl; T Send self addressed envelope to Eav. Jobkph i. mmam, Station D. New York. . , . k octl8deodwly. - . ' .; " The Breatb of TIolet - I not more sweet than the1 perfonae el Parker s IlalrBateanv Does not eofl the etothing.'enlf enta. - - - : kn. to mnatnnttT In rlantwr from Imbl i water, unripe fruit, unwholesome lood, oontagloui a anoaflt rfgmna. CIltHMni lllUlUUOa wukuo colds, tndigestloD and simple fevers. la fhafe' ders It unnecessary to call a physician. Nothing o good for children. - ; 1 BUTLERS oliday THIS IS lOS OHiSLOTTE PEOPLE. :o: . . RHEUMATISM AND TONIC. " T Chabi)tte, N C , Dec. 10,' 1884. , I have used Mrs. Joe Person's Reme dy, and it is the finest medicine I ever mmd for Rheumatism. For more than . twenty years I have been afflicted with muscular Rheumatism and hai tried every known remedy, but Without avail. I was often so bad off and suf-- fered bo much that I could not lie down, but had to be propped up in bed. I had been subject to these Bevere at tacks for twenty years. I tried Mrs.' Person's Remedy last spring, and am terf ectlv cured It is the best medicine in tbe world, I think. No words of mine can express the benefit I have de rived from its use. I suffered from pal pitation of the heart upon the least ex ertion. Of that I am perfectly relieved. My health is now perfect, and it is all owing to Mrs Joe Person's Remedy. I am strong and well, and can take ex tended exercise without ' fatigue ... I ad vise all who need a Tonic,' or are suffer ing with Rheumatism or EczemaT to take it. I was induced to try it 4 by it having cured my little grandson of Eczema. . MRS. S. M. HOWELL. fTR Atomic i 3 1 "VTmrnrtfyfrie BLOOD, wgj tL I late tie LIVER and KIDNEYS, -'A and KfcSTomt tub HEAITH ? . endVIOOSof TOUia Dy- n-Mifl. W.ntnf Annetlte. In- ' . V- digestion. Lack of StrenfrU;., X andTiredFeellnga60lutelT .nivd. Roues. iuu5ble3ana nerves receive new mrce. Enlivens the mind and .nnnllM Rmlll 1'OWI1 T. A ff I ffOSnffcrlng from complaint I EX III S ..n.ftn their an will find la DB. EABIES'S' IBON TONIO a eafe and Jpledy cueTeives a clear, healihyffivdd Frennent attempts a connterfeltlng only add to thppalSfortlie orlirtnal. Do uot experl menitetthe Origin ai. jlndBrst. 8dTradditoThSHagd.V - M St. Lord, llo., for our DBEAM BOOK. v luIo rtraneo and naefnl infoamBtlr.n, tra. Juneldawly -FOR- TO BE FOUND AT are m m Thmgs. batteries lation to this subject, to, be spread on faction. "within a few months. JACOBS' PHARMACY. Per Fred B. Palmer, M. B. - . ,; . ATL-NTl, June 13, 1884. : - We have been handling B B. B. only a few mouths, and take pleasure In saying It Is superset lng all all other blood remedies. 1 It sells well, gives our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recommend It In preference to any other blood purifier. . ASHE It 4 MOORE, Druggists. ; i SCHUHAHN'S PHaRMACT, ? j f '',-,' '. Atlanta, June 16, 1884. ) ; 'Slhce i have begun handling the B. B. B., which ; Is about three or lour months. It grows so much la s popularity, .and Its sales Increased so much, that I have to buy It In gross lots, as It sells quite rapidly. THEO SCHUMANN. . - i ' , . - V N 1 h jItlaiita, June 12, 1884, ? During the past few months I have given B. B. 6. severe tests In the cure of blood diseases, and unhesitatingly pronounce It .a safe, fcue, harmless and speedy blood purifier, fully meriting the contl ' -denceof the public. My customers are delighted ' with Its effects, and the demand Has so wonderfully ' Increased that I have been compelled to buy by the b-toss, as It is the best selling blood remedy i han- clle..' W. A. tiBAHAM, Druggist, j ' , :.( Atlamta June 12,18 t 'Wefindliesale of B. B. B. largely on the lni erease, and as a blood purifier we consider It arst elass. 'lis one ot the best selling medicine we . bundle. ' ' " SHAKP BhOS , Druggists. Sold to Charlotte by -! W. M. WILSON. Cojal Oakinj, Powder; . .. . . if t : " & v H '-; ft' '-li 1 ! Horsford's Bread Powder, tapullh 'Yeast-XIake, Celery, Salt and Patapsco Baking Powders, all fresh at B. H. JORDAN ft C0.'8, Springs Corner, i Vdsulfcc's TAB DROPS; For eoughs and colds. 10c. per box. ' ? y . : , - jB, h. JORDAN 4 CO., DruggUta, Wr OLD KETSPAPr"3 FC3 SALS AT the jonrnal. HOUSE. . TsmtTwere introduced Thursday as follows: ' Mr Keid to prohibit the manufac ture and sale of spirituous liquors within two miles of 0oshen, South Point and Ebsnezer churches in Gas- Mr Murchison, to extend the. time of R. N. Hardie, sheriff of Cumbers; land, to collect taxes. ":'! ; ' Mr Woodard, to provide for trav-i "elling and other -incidental - expenses of the Governor. i j Mr Hatch, to amend section .35,: chapter 5 of the code. Mr Galloway, to incorporate the? Citizens Bank-of Beidaviile:, . ' . ' - Mr Shepherd, to- amend chapter 263, . Jaws 1883 about drainage of streams in' Forsyth. . i ,' , t Mr Harrell, lo prohibit sale of spir-, ituous liquors in two and a half miles of Bethel church, .in Rutherford county. " ' ' 1 Mr Alston, to repeal 735 of tho code. ," . ! Mr J W S Robinson; to prohibit tbe sale of liquors in two miles of Leban on church, in. Sampson, ... . , , ; ; Mr Jones, of Buncombe, to require registration of deeds. ; " ,V ' ! -Mr Mayo, to amend ection 1006 o tne coae. t, . j Mr' Granger, to amend ? charter of the town of LaGrange. . - ! Mr Felton.tai .repeal ectiori - 2832 and '2834 of the codeH-concerning killing deer and birds in Tyrrell and Washington. '-t. -y: : Mr Thorpe, to amend section 3415 of the code, j -' I Mr Busbee, in reference to the pub-i lie schools in Raleigh to wnship, Wake county? -, i ii ri s .,- r;." . : Mr McLelland. to incorporate Lodge No. 329, (Masons) ot Fayette- Tiiie....; . ; v wv-" - Mr Pritchard, to prevent - the sale of pistols and other deadly . weapons; - Mr Darden, to create a new town ship in Greene;"' - Mr Eaton, to repeal the stock law. in Kittrell's township,-in Vance.J . ... ' i. k.... ...... : . . .Vj ii !. L-..ri:'i .'i- t .-. CALENDAR, t - i -i -i . ; s Mr Hobgood's bill to require judges to open 'court at 11 r o'clock on first day of qdurt, or be fined,1: was taken up. ( An effort to table, and ah effort to strike out enacting" clause failed and the House plunged into a debate on the judiciary, its evils and reme d ies. - A large - n umber of amend- ments were offered which it soon be-f came apparent were conflicting. , , ,Thd debate drifted .into a general discus? cuseion of the, judiciary, whereon many gentlemen spoke: Mr. Wo mack advised care; Mr. Busbee was C 4PITAL PRKB $r,000. Tickets Only Share. la Pro , portion. IroroTartSouthernerJulyRo gr' ; wwi visitine Tarboro. on July 8th, I was re qoebted to vl-.lt Miss Mary S. Staton, seven mile fromtown, who for seven weeks hadbeen suffering excruciating agony iroai wim, k WWpKwik, OalastJI.ather request, i wenv vo wro uot , r2r ;rr; suffering, but was not prepared lor the scene that met me? I found the patient broken out all over with an eruption which had occasioned such In tense Itching mat during ri -TC; TJ perfectly uncontrollable, and had scratched and tera herself to pieces until her agony was Indes cribable. During these paroxysms she would have to be new, ana ner t R.; H.S JORDAN &.CO'S ; T - - Comprising many styles, Tlx.: . Music Boxes and lresstng Case combined Flush. Soan Boxes Porcelain, Plain and decorated with Metal irrames. - . -; -. . . Glove and Handkerchief Boxes-Plush and Rubber, . OnHn llrtWI in NATS , --J. ..(.;' " - Puff Boxes Ponselalo, Beveled, Glass Top and Pftcorated. vt : i Han ToUets-Piush, r 811k lined and Busslan . . j leather.-"' - '" - Ladles' and Gents' Traveling Sets Leather. Lodor Cases-Containing the finest Cut Bottles. ... , KUDDer ana meuu imYBiuiKvut3, A large selection or whisk uraam nro- Work Boxes-Plush, Silk Lined and Leather. . yiw, wuuuiuuft vchv ... - . ' J. T. 1 1 ' ' I uOOUS Ml'T . .WUTI iLirn;i? 1 , FOR EPICCBE8. - , - " - :-i . ., .:. . f . -i ... THAT THE LoTiisiana State, Lottery Co. "We do hereby certify that toe super vise the arrangementsor all the Monthly fmi. Annual Drawiiwa QT the Louis iana State Lottery Company, and in per m mnnaae and control the Drawing themselves, and that the tame are con ducted with honesty, fairness,, and in good faith toward ait parttes, andwt authorize the company to use this certxJlr, cote, with foe timiHes of our signatures onacneot m ii ' CommlMHloner. ars bytteUgtsla- . taoorrtelnlSfflfot '7MJf2Z 1 ,ti franchise During We By an ovbtwiu.... fv. rr. rnlltltutlon was maae a pan 01 u irViT , - dXX'lforthto to-her- IngOjse.ot -rloussco, relief; her wholebouy was wn S3E: CuO "dkeThlef and Jewel through several thick quilts that day she had pos sessed herself of a thick gutta percha coarseeomb andbefore she eould be prevented, had rakedbei; self with It with such force as to break out some of the teeth, thus lidding to her gony. She was at- SelShS&daflord, but their tfeatment forded only occasional relief by outward applica eatlona,andno permanent benefit, as the parox vs continued to return with Increasing violence, toonvlewingthe condition of the patient I called hXntoether and told th?m to .bear Jritaess that I promwbd NOTBiNa. I could not tell whether STd.SSSih i4iiva or not. as I bad never enhKed such suffering, butlt eould xlo no haraW might do good- I then save her a large doseot the Bitters, and as soon as the paroxysm woTerTrroonged her v. hole body with the Wash, while doinK so she would call out, -un. wai uora feel soaooi I then gave her another dose of tbe BSers.aiu she was soon In a sweet sleep. I con tinued W treatment, and whenever thetteWng wtdrecur. I would spopge the- body Instantly wtUi the Wash, which, In everv Instance allayed tha inttaaon orKchlngiand warded off thosevtolent SroSsms:- She did net have an attackdurlng the yfa&bMo w'ouwr.buteverf lme was allayed "by the a ffllohhe WasVllelt Uer Wednesday easy andcomfprtable, with directions fojEfle treatment Wl Tconttnue4 guying the night, and as long as wasneoessw foam? again to see her to-day, SaturdaTtoel2tCana found hey up and dijssed. and in the regular prosecution of hey household ?.i,ir Dv.i?.nHnS KiinvMl. althoueh she will. of cmu,have.to take the BisomethBeto nrLinouia -Rha would freauently eall for the BlttersVaTshe craved Its soothing and quieting SiSiiS diirine the day I administered a whole LADIES DECLAREJ Of JR STOCK OF PICKLED SALMON, h i t By the pound from barrel Preserved Apples, ! '' In Gallon Cana . ' . is,- -".I . , ., ..."-.J J .-, ' :;.. -.1 - FLOBIDJl MUI.E.13T., riIII,AtF.MlIIA..lIAJnS CRA NBERRIES, PLUM PUDttlNO. Atciore's Mince Mea, Currants, Citron, Prunes. Raisins, CA INDIES, NUTS, vtmrn-nand. Stand and Placoue, Plush. Deco- i rated and Leather. r . Paper Cutters, Saohet Bags, Cologne Bottles and Imported Extracts for the Handkerchief. . ' CaU and examine our Steok. -' Rl II. JORDAN & CO., - Springs Corner. . ' " DBTJ0GI3TS. - '-Mm of 3 Business. - Tt.io ia tn eriim arfliM that T have sold the entire stock of Goods, Tools, etc , of F. Kuester, deceased to B A. Freeman, who will continue the business In the old stand. I have reserved all accounts and finished work In shop prior to January 1st, If 8a. I earnestly beg a prompt settlement of au ac counts on prestntatlon. - All work will be so:d for cost and repairs unless .called lor within thirty days from this date ... , T MB8.E.KTJB'3TS8, Executrix - Having purchased the stock of Goods, Tools, c nf ip cn.Vip iivaHd. I will continue the busl .ui'nnrin tha naimn and style of B. A. Freeman,. ct tha old stand, and ask a continuance of ihe public patronage, promising prompt and personal attenuon 10 au oraeni iof guuus wwhuuijj iw me. Bespsotfully, .- .. - Janlldlrf - . - - B. A, FRkEMAN. m FAMILY PI CM MS -AND- ' Equal to fulton Market Nice Fresh :-: Grcciiies In Endless Variety for the CHRISTMAS TRADE Cheapest 1 Nicest 'mpordSes AND GOODS THE Holland Herring, in Kegs, 7 7 - . . ' J Busslan Sardines In Kegs, J' " Tiy our Family Size can ot Boasted Java. Our Green and Black Teas ' Hold sway In many . !-..;. -households. ,. h j-:-.-v-'.' ' , . our Key , ..n - In the city, and that our ' 77 -. t7. .'7.7 n :7;7.:.-. 4:. Fruit, Pound, Citron other Cakes are and Are fine and do away with Can Opener. Fat babies rejoice, their lean and hungry days are . in me yost wir - : "BABY BISCUIT'.' .... ttM thAev 1 : Just received a lot of G er man Herring in Kegs. . adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. . - j7- h- I bottle, wtth the above result. toulprovlng. what I I rjTTn rj T TSeonly Lottery ever voted on and endowed by Jj, d-lmed, tlat my Remedy Is an lnfal- 11 U AJT O. - VY - I bl0 anttdots pr au pawif uijpum. -,- , will take th nnoDle of any State. It never scales or postpones. . M Its Grand Single Mumber Prawings fflpLENDli OPPOBTTTNITT TO WIN A Wfc tto? Second Grand Drawing. Class B. In the AcadyofMusle,New Orleans, Tuesday,- Febru arylO.1886, lTTtis Monthly Drawing , 'BT CAPITAL PSIZE, $75,000. -1 1 100X08 Tickets at Five7 Dollars Each. Fractions In j r , . Fifths in proportion. . $75,000 25,000 '10,000 . 12.000 10,000 10,000 710,000 20,000 ' SO. 000 - 26,000 26,000 . Bespectf ully , MBaOBPKBSON. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. do do . J do do . $PBIZEdOf $6,000. 6 do 10 7 do " 20 -410'" do do do do - " 100 sou '600 1000 2.00U.. n W0.,.-if.,..... m. 100....... i ... - 60........ - 26.. AFFKOZDUTIOll PRIZES. , Z $ Approximation Prizes of $750., 2&0. It J. do do do do 8.750 4,500 2,250 1967 Prizes, amounting te.......' .fr$265'B0 Aoulicatlon for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the company m f ".''r, - For further information write cleam, giving fuU address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or v- irr v-wnhnnaa in ordinary letter, wirrem-r by Kipr (aU sums of $5 and upwards at our ex pense) addressed , M A DATJPH3H, ; New uneans, i. . Make P. O. Money uruers pujauw u f r 0nPa3S, US. rrhL 1. 1 wrttfv that the foregoing statement Is perfectly correot in every particular, as we wereere irttnesses of Miss Man's suffering and the wonder Kief afforded by Mrs. Joe? Redy. . r FBIJX 8TAT0N, .CORNSLIUBbTATON, - " . - - pattik McDowell. Tarboro, N.C., July 12th, 1884.. ? This Is to ceielfy that Mrs. Person's statement In regard to my suffering Is true and perfectly cor rect in every respect as repirus ai, wuuiuuu ouu , therelleforde- by her Bemedy. .-i Tarfrmy K.&.Jufrrah,1884- ,y f - - i GUfl&HOimil The Xolleta Btalk of -tM, old field- ooDtains mnoilsg v iooua, he&lig and fleih-pnv- 7. dueingprinelple. Tb 8f Qam of ihe southern iwampl pusseues stiuulmtlng pectomut, which kwteni the -phlegm and eutt the ffclw meiubrTj Uwt furmi la the ' throat and bronohtal tube.' TtaeM two simple Teme-7 die, combined after the Cherokee reoipe, preeentt im ; tylar' Cherokee Rem 4y of Bweei 6am u4 Jttalletn, the fioert oowb renwuj m voigii, vrva p . WfcooplnWacfc,CWv 4 CnunnUwa. Ver ate by aU draciett at Keta. aad f 1.00 a bottle- . . Hand 3e. iUab tar TeTVw'e Biddteeok fcr tM healtk of hea-4 awnaimaptet ifTKB A. T AYIwOa, Atlan HARRIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ... Charlotte, IV. f In the State and Federal courts. SWEET 7,,111 ' Will nrsiHM fVilloMffma moslA In nil Tiarts of the 8tilte. Oftlre adjoining the Court House on the west - sep28dwtf SALE OF Valuib'.e City Pioperiy; rtn Mnndnv. the 2nd dav of February. I will sell at the court house door In Charlotte, st 12 o'clock, m.i twe tots in the elty of Charlotte, known as tlie McMurray lots, one ironung on i raoe sireei, au Joining property ot W. M. Wilson and others, with inA nweuinz lonneni uecuuieu uiii. to. mcnuuai, an A thn other adiolnlns the first lot and fronting on Fourth street, with a dwelling upon it. -, TKKua une mm easn ana remainuer isi No vember neat, witn interest at b per cem. K. Exceedingly Low. 'iiii..--: a7;"7 ;v;7 " ; v S.- 7-: -7-. i CALL BABLT. AS OUR STOCK IS GOING OFF ;. FAST. J - ' ' MAYER & ROSS. MRS. JOE. PERSON'S Remedy r Cure qll llleod Diseases. I.No.l TO RHEUMATIGSi THE WEATHER PEOPHETS. A CGTrrtVL, R 1L, WAY. 1 . OmCI OW 8UFKBIHTIHDMrr, " 1 A - . Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 21, 1884. I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ; I ON AND AFTER SEPT. 10,1884, THE FOLLOW lng Schedule will be operated on this Ball roaa: . - .-i -.. ... . - ; PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ; Leave Wilmington at.. .. ........ .7.00 p. it. Leave Raleigh at ..7 85 p. x. Arrive at Charlotte at...... 7.90 A; it Leave Charlotte at......; 8.15 p. m. Arrive t Ualelgh at.... ., , ...9.00 A. x. Arrive at Wilmington at.. ...... ..8.25 a. m. LOCAL FBEIGHT Passenger Car Attached. 1 No. I. AIM Leave Charlotte at. Arrive Laurlnburg at Leave Laurtuburg at.... .. Arrive Charlotte at 7.40 a, x. U.1U a JK ... C15P.IL . 140 P.M. nUdlw4t Y.MciDKN. Assignee of J, W McMurray. eonsuLiPTion. I tlKV. . tKMitlT. Tml fi.f t'hm iham dlsei l tlMOHaateinMHoi tu. wont sina.imoi lt standing h.T.bMll eared. Indel. Oitront; In tny faith . InlUefflcmcT.that Iwlil amdTWO BOTTLES FK togttawwltll.TALnABI.BTREATISBonttai(dll i- t . P. f . A. SUcyit, JM ferlS(.t,. York, : de:12dw4w Tennor Is dead. Jv"igglns has gone to preaching, and Baker still lives, so look oat for. rheumatic weaiher.. In all eases take a bottle of r , j MRS. "JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. - We have ust received a fine Une of A COMPLETE JLINKt j EngIiTo6tIlD of aB kinds o Patent Hedldnes at . ' - ; ;; - 7 ' 7 K, H. JOBDAJf C?.. BrbSei, wannnted not to pull oat. 7 , -7 ; B. H. JORDAN CO., Springs Corner, ' Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated la the Company's Time Table. . , , , ,. ; SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, , MAIL, TX, PRESS AND FKBlhUT., n . (Daily except Sunday.) Leave Chariot teat :. . 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Shelby at..; .. .. .. ... .. . . .,. ...mib p. m. Leave Shelby at. . . .. .,... ;.. ....... 1.40 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte at.. 4 .......... .... .. 6.40 p, m. V Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet wtth R. A A. Trains to and from Balelgb. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington- and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train Na. 1 for StatesviUe. svrtlons on western n. u. u. h., Asuevuie ana puuu weswo , I we noruiwwwi u -"-., heaD. Also, for Spartanburg, tJreenvuiej Athens AV I city umiisj ana no i "Jn'ioT would JONES. 7 - 'faT s '" uperlntendent I offered means quica aaiea, n w noCHRAN- Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is the artic e you, It stimulates the falling energies, Invlgoww tbe body aad cheers the mind. . It enables tue tern to throw eft the debUitatlnj effects "" -fatig.ie, gives renewed vigor to tha wgaM of tionT arouses the liver when nartlve, renewJ laded appetite.- and encourages healthful I repo It ingredients are safe, and its ee""!" of consist in the hearty endorsement of persons every class of society, are mosi . . y0r sale by all Druggists and Dealers . -s generally. - Cheap Lots For Sile IofflrW sale Eight -SW th northwestern corner of the city (outsiue lanta and all points southwest. r. W. CLabz, Gen. Pass. IgenV epaw 7:-.; : Hanageri

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