mn inn nrnnnTn nnrn MXAtlllXTOIllljXUyi Oar remnant of - fS- S il fill f?7 19 At About Half Price. 5, 10,15 and 18 cents per yard, worth 10, 25, 30 and 50 cts. ot withstanding the cold weather, we are Belling lots ot White Goods, and our embroideries and Torchons are selling very fast. ; They are cheap, look at them and judge for your self. - , j. .a IS, oops, Just received, all colors in Arracene, Filling and Embroid ery Silk We arc agents for J3u.tteriok9s Patterns, And have just received the March Catalogues. " Look on our Job Counter for bargains. Have just put some new things en it. Bargains in remnants of Lace Curtains from 2 to 8 yards. "ost" A Mce Assortment of X key JACKETS, Jor Misses and Ladles. Ask to see the JERSEY I am Offering at $1.50. .Very respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE. Mew JEffisnwailoDs 1 1 1 iO: We are now offering some attractive bargains in Bleached and Unbleached TABLE LINENS. Don't fail to come and examine them. We can also give you a very handsome line PLAID NAINSOOKS, TTCKINGS, EDGING, FINK EMBROTDXBFES and a variety of WHITE GOODS, at prlrathat are caK ulated to startle you. If you want a BEAL BARGAIN In a few RUSSIAN CIKCULAK8 KKW MAR KET CLOAKS you must corns right now for there is just a few remaining or If that don't suit you we will sU you an elegant SPUING WRAP and make you think that wonders will never cease. A JERSEY Too that you win like. Don't forget that this is Headquarters for Ladles', Misses and Children's Hosiery. Hepellants in all colore and Dress Goods tow down. If you are going to trawl we can sell you a good Trunk or Vails or If exposed to the weather we have got good Umbrellas and Bubber Gossamers.. Bear In mind, Just a few of the genuine Foster Kids at a sacrifice left. V We Are Belli W. KAUFMAN &CO - - " ' - t v Now offer their entire stock of ' "WINTER CLOTHING AT 'SUCH "LOW PRICES - - - - - - - j That it will astonish everybody. We mean to sell out our stock and don't intend to carry any over and to do this will make prices to suit everybody. Men of limited means can buy at our house a good suit for $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, f 10.00. These suits we sold at least 33 per cent higher before the Holidays, but we mean to sell, -and therefore put the knife into prices. Finer grades of Suits which we Bold at $15, 18, $20 and $25,- we now svll at $12, $12 50. $15 and $18. A large line of : - life' Boys' and ChildreD's "v wis Will. VUb lliBa mpuhu..,vw.,j,. - . t - - Men's Underwear at greatly reduced, prices. . We will only maintain these prices for a short' time, as we are bound to make room for-bur Spring Stock, which will shortly arrive. Nobody should miss this opportunity.. Call at once. W KAUFMAN & Corsets,1 Etc, 1884. 1884. THIS FALL Consisting of the Latest Styles Silk. Stiff and Soft liafs, Which we have Just opened, and are satisfied we can please all, Oar Fan Stock of Ladles', Misses', Gents', Youths' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES Is now complete, comprising the best makes and most correct styles. A fun line of - ' ' TRUNKS. VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, . And Shawl Straps Just received. , - Lasjt but not least, a One line of Umbrella. Sllkv Mohair, ad Alpaca. Large and Beautiful line of Gents' Orer Carters. Give us a call. - f Pepin k Co, C7 JACKET f broduction. CO., ' tiEADINQ olothieks Attractwrn ESS DF COST i nd Clothing The result of the presidential elec tion was unhappy to John Barkel, an iron ore miner of Boyertown, Pa., who became insane and is trying to starve himself to death. ' While they have been, cutting ice in the North and West from one foot to three feet thick, ice men in some portions of this State are bragging about the nice ice they have secured two inches or two and a half thick. The editor of the Norfolk. Land mark has many, commendable traits of character. He is one of the few editors who do not saddle upon the poor printer all the printorial blun ders that appear in his columns Mr. O'Brien, home ruler member from Mallow, in the British House of Commons, was suspended ' Wednes day for a disorderly remark during the proceedings of the House. If that course ' were pursued in Congress it would soon be without a quorum. A cremation society has. been or gaaized in Davenport, Iowa, repre senting men oWarge capital, princit pally Germans. This method of dis posing of the dead is growing in favor in the West, crematories having been already established in a number of Western cities. " : THE LEGISLATURE. V Proceedings In the Senate and House. News and Observer. Raleigh, Feb. 24. Senate. Bills were introduced to prescribe salaries for principal, steward and physicians of institution for the deaf, dumb and blind. In regard to the sale of cotton in the night time. - The following bills were introduced and passed third reading; To declare valid the registration of certain deeds and mortgages in Du plin and Lenoir counties, Supplemental to and amendatory to an act authorizing inferior court clerks to probate deeds (bringing in Jfitt county). (Resolution) that the State treasurs er be instructed to refund the excess of charter tax to persons and corpo rations. The Senate adopted a resolution that from and after this date no Sen ator shall speak more than ten min utes or more than twice tne same day. KxsGovernor Thos. J. Jarvis was, upon motion of Mr. Williams, in vited to a seat upon tne noor 01 tne Senate. The following bills . passed second reading. To incorporate the town of Scuffle town, Greene county. . To incorporate tne .Durham, jjiue Wing & Clarksville railroad. - To incorporate tne uermania Mutu al fire-insurance company, of '.Wil mington. . - - , To amend section 67 "of the Code, concerning burnt records. To give tne stocs law to portions or Pender county. The following bills passed third reading: To appoint an inspector lor tne city of New Berne. . . To provide tor a tree ierry across the Nertbeast branch of the Cape Fear riverv .... ; To provide f or ' the reduction of costs in the inforcement of the stock law in Chatham county. To amend section section zi3 ot tne Code. . To make appropriations for tne in sane asylums aod to complete the Western insane asylum. Directing the State librarian to ars range the records of the general as-" sembly. To repeal section 27,- chapter 288, laws of 1876 77, amending the law re lating to the town of Tarboro. ; To amend section zw oi tne vxKie,: applying only to New Hanover. . ,To exempt train' dispatchers from jury duty. . " - j ' .utnorizmg rooms to uo kivou mo superintendent of public instruction in the new State library building. To locate the line between Clay and Cherokee counties. - . - To incorporate the Pamlico im provement company. - (Resolution) authorizing the State treasurer to pay the expenses of the committee of visitation to the insane asylums. jj'eb. 25. lne ioiiowing Dine were introduced : For the benefit of Superior court clerks. T incorporate the band of Scot land Neck. - . ' . To incorporate the North Carolina telegraph company. ' To allow the Albemarle & Raleigh railroad to settle for. the services of convicts in township bonds. The followingjpassed third reading: To amend section 2056 of the Code. To amend section 2837 of the Code (committee amendment that it shall not apply to the counties of Pamlico, Dare and Carteret). To amend certain waters in Curri tuck ceunty as a lawful fence.. s To repeal chapter 103, laws of 1879.- To declare certain portions of Pee Dee river public highways. The event of the day was the special order, the bill for the maintenance ef the University-Many Senators spoke on the bill, which was put to a , vote and passed its final reading, ayes 35, nays 9. ' ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ' Feb 24. The special order, the bill increasing the number of. direc tors of the penitentiary from five to nine, came up on its third reading and passed. - - Bill giving Wake the stock law came. up. and caused , much amuse ment. A motion was made to pass it over informal ly, but .this the House voted down. On its pecond reading the bill passed ; ayes 56, nays. j Mr. Thorpe, of Edgecombe, caused bursts of his speech in favor of the bill. - He voted for it. The following bills . passed : third reading: - - - - f To exempt Cartaret and Onslow counties from the provisions of sec tion 1116 of the Code, so far as seines are concerned.' - To incorporate the town of ,Leaks- ville. - . ' - TV ff-iva Chatham county an extra wf ek of court, ia March. -- Correcting the Code. To give Buncombe county the stock TO incorporate the Davis school, LaGrange, Lenoir county. 4 In relation to the penitentiary' lease of the Powell farm, giving the directors authority to carry out such icaae, nu u ratiry it, (tne lease' is for ten years with the option of pur- vuoun ait i.ou per acre.) On motion of Mr. Tate ex-Governor Jarvis was invited to a seat on the noor, escorted by Mr- Tate. I he following bills passed second reading: To authorize Wilmington to sub scribe not to exceed $250,000 to the capital stock of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., (committee substitute adopted). To give Marshall township, Madi son county the stock law. a out ; was mtroaucea to give Orange and Durham counties the stock law. To this an amendment was offered by a member from Wake, giving the stock law ? to the State. This provoked a long and very lively ueuaus, over a aozen memoers speak ing. -All sorts of views were taken. some looking at the amendment as a jese, otners as serious. The previous question was called. The ayes and nays were called on the amendment. resulting in its loss. The bill then passed. Feb. ?5. Among the bills introduc ed were the following: - . To appropriate $500 to build an iron fence .around the monument over the heroes who fell at Moore's creek. ; . ' To amend section 2583 of the Code. To amend the charter of Washing ton. ! To authorize justices of the peace to issue process to any county in the State. - To repeal chapter 345, acts of 1883. To appoint a cotton weigher for Louisburg. , . ; To amend the charter of Morris ville. , ' -; ... To iiicorporte the trustees of Leas bury chuich, Caswell county. -- , . To repeal section 3415 of the Code. To permit disabled Confederate sol diers to peddle free from a privilege r purchase tax. - '. To repeal so much of the act of 1883 as submits the question of license or no license to the voters of Kenans ville. i - The House went into committee of the whole on the school bill, Mr. Worthingtpn in the chair. An amendment was adopted limit ing the amount of compensation to county superintendents to 3 per cent of the county school fund. ., . The committee at o'clock rose and reported that it had - considered the school bill and had adopted the sub stitute. ... The Bohool bill being before .the House, sundry amendments - were voted down, and one amendment was adopted, to the effect that no con-' tract with a teacher having a first grade certificate shall be valid until, approved by the county Superinten dent under such rules as may be pre scribed by the board of education.' The bill passed its second reading,. 77 to 5. : . ' Special orders, displaced by the educational bill, were made special order for .tomorrow. McDonald's Beaniilal Wile. . ' Troy, (Ni T.) Times. - "Wife, come with me. I desire to present you to . the most beautiful woman in the world." These ate the words that Matthew Arnold is said to have directed to bis wife after he had finished his lecture in Indianapolis.! Naturally enough she asked "whof'i He replied. "The wife of Senator' McDonald." As she bad left the ball an introduction was out of the ques-j tion, but the critic is said to havej remarked : "So spiritual a creature of transcendent beauty, so fine a! specimen of lovely womanhood, I never met before." Whether or not this hign praise was deserved the reader may judge from a description of tbe lady. "Mrs. Joseph E. Mc Donald," says the Indianapolis, cor respondent of the 8un, "is at that period of woman life when a man may piously adore the elevating memory of a sainted .mother in her benign face. On her soft cheek is the delicate luster of the open rose as! well as a glow of girlish strength. ' Surmounting a brow elegantly moul-i ded is a vast wealth of hair, silken in! its softness not gray, but white as tbe show drift. Faint lines, that; Johnson might characterize as beau-! ty marks, chasten and contribute to' an expression that Raphael " would surely : have loved to paint. - Where Matthew Arnold is cited as authority on a subject, even jf sacred, so full of poetry, a correspondent certainly has license' to note the exquisite blending of girlhood ? - and grand motherhood in one glorious presence,; though he may acknowledge that to describe with anything tike justice lies beyond his possibilities." i Whips for Wife Beater. ' " Charleston Jfews and Oourrter. A bill which has been introduced in the New Jersey Legislature provides that "any male person who shall beat 'bruise or wbip his wife, some one els's '.'wife, or any female person," shall be punished by the infliction : of not exceeding thirty lashes, to be laid upon his bare back by an officer of the law,-armed with "whip of suita ble proportion," the whipping to be done .''only in the 4 'presence of the officers of the court or jail." ' ; ? The bill is an excellent one in its present shape, but it could be made much beter. The number of lashes should be increased ; they should be inflicted in public, and the officers of the law appointed to administer them should be the strongest washerwoman in the community, speoially seleoted and deputed by the sheriff for the purpose. One or two public whip pings on th.s basis would undoubted ly break up the cowardly practice of wife beating where it exists. ' The Panama Canal. X Asptawall correspondence New York Times. It seems fair to conclude, first that if the ; diversion of the Chagres by means of the Gamboa dam is success ful, and if no insurmountable obsta cle are encountered w the great cuts at Culebra and Emperador, the canal can be" finished in time with sufficient money second, that supposing the canal is completed is 1889, and allow ing $liper cubic metre for the remain in excavation, and 100.000.000f. (M. de'Lesseps' estimate) for the Gamboa dam, the whole cost, interest includ ed ; must be something more than $35U,yuu,uuu, even ii it is umsnou 114 1889: third, that at the rate at which the work is advancing, or is likely td advance, it will be many years later than 1889 befqre it can be completed 1 1.. 1 1 .j- ' -. Socialist ExneHrd-lrom Prance. -' Paris, Feb. 27. In accordance with a request of Prince Hohenlohe, the - t a a ,n .. . . . J. lierman emoassaaor to j ranee,- tne miinirnmpnt has nrderftd tha exnult sion of German ; socialists who were concerned in the riot which occurred on the occasion of - the. "funeral of Jules Valles, n well known socialistic journalist, of France on the 16th lnBt, . WOMEN RULE IN BANTAM. AnaKons WhoRatr, Rlae and Carry a Lance ana Slaiktu New Tork MalL Among tbe colonial posessions, or, more correctly, dependencies, of Hol land, says a foreign letter writer, there -is - a remarkable little state which, in its constitution and the original custom of its inhabitants, surpass the boldest dreams of the advocates of women's rights. In the island of Java, between the cities of Batavia and Samarene. is the king dom of Bantam, - which, although tributary to Holland, is an indepen dent state. The sovereign is, indeed a man, but all the rest of the govern ment belongs to the fair sex. The king is entirely dependent upon the state council. The highest authori ties, military commanders and sol diers are, without: exception of the female sex. These amazons ride in the masculine style, wearing sharp steel points instead of spurs. ; They carry a pointed lance, which they swing very gracefully, and also a musKet, which is discharged at full gallop. The capital of this little State lies in the most picturesque part of the island, in a fruitful plain, and is defended by two well kept fortresses. A JUST REBUKE. "Moral Ualsteaa is not nite tho Entire North Chicago News. - There is some reason for a selection al feeling which resents the insulting of a brave general's memory by call ing a Southern hero "Mud wall" Jack son. But the South must remember that Murat Halstead is not quite the entire North. The Strange Banal of David Dickson. Atlanta Constitution. - The funeral of Mr. David Dickson took place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. . He was buried in the gar den of his own home. The coffin was of .unpainted pine, ; made at - one of the shops in Sparta, and was covered with common white alpaca. The corpse was dressed in an elegant suit of black broadcloth and black silk velvet, but wore no shoes. : The feet of tbe deceased were crossed, his right arm lay at his side, his hand clenched with the exception of the index finger which pointed towards his feet.. The left hand lay on his breast and held a beautiful pocket handkerchief, and in the right pocket of his pants was a pocketknife, a pocket comb and a toothpick. These details about his burial were arrang ed by Mr. Dickson years ago, and were communicated to his nephew, Mr. Jeff Worthen, that they might be observed. The funeral was large-' ly attended. She Gave Him Time. IncUanapolIs. Journal. A drummer struck up an acquaint ance with a Boston girl on a train that was snow bound during the re cent blockade. The cartas cold and the young lady sat with her hands in her muff. With that gentle and persistent delicacy , in such matters for which the male' sex, and drum mers in particular, are noted, he managed to get one of his hands into the muff along with hers. "Sir I" she said stiffly, "what do you mean by such conduct? I am inexpressibly shocked, sir, I am from iioston, and l would have you Know that such familiarity is resented. I would be lustinabie in screaming tor assistance, but I hate soenea, and I'll give you just twenty minutes to take your hand out of there." A Pet feet Little Fury, San Francisco ltter. -.- - The Sharon divorce case, with its innumerable side issues and startling denouements, promises to- last into the twentieth century. Sarah Althea, by the way, is an exceedingly pretty as well as an ... uncommonly stylish young 'woman. - If her photographs are at all true to life, she has an air. of purity quite inconsistent with thej nature of her career, and a sweetness, of expression which altogether belies her reputation. A friend of her law ; yer told me that she was a little fury , that Tyler had to employ a man sim ply to act the part of peacemaker when she and her legal adviser came to serious disagreement. Suddea Death of an Illinois Legislator. Springfield, 111,, Feb. 26. Repre sentative Robert Logan, Republican, of . Whitesides, fell at the head of the House stairs today, as he was on bis way tor the chamber. As the ele vator was not running he attempted to walk up the long stairway. Mr. Logan had been ailing all the session, with heart disease, and couldnot stgnd excitement of any kind. When he fell he was opposite the main en-' trance to the chamber, and was picked up by friends and carried into the ante room, and doctors called. Fve minutes later he was pronounced dead. Canning FrniU A correspondent in the Manufact urer's Record, writing from North Carolina, says there are good opens ing here in Dixie for men with capil tal to invest in the fruit canning bus iness. At Tryon city, N. C, on the line of the Ash ville and Spartanburg railroad,- such . an establishment would pay, as an abundance of the finest fruit is grown there, the peach es, pears aad apricotsjbeing exceeding lynne. HeaTT fighting. London, Feb. 26. A despatch from Haiphong to the Times says: Large numbers of wounded men are return- ing from the front along the Lang sou road. Heavy fighting has oc curred, but all the news of operations is suppressed and the wires appro priated for tbe transmission of official despatches. - German officers are busy drilling Chinese trocps and sending them to the front. Wants a Ilpue. New Orleans. Feb.. 26. W. S. Davidson, dealer in - slates and tiles has asked respite from his creditors., Hifl assets are $14,000 and his liabili ties $13,000. Tbe statement of Sam'I M. Todd who last week asked respite, shows, aesets of $54,000, and liabilities of $34,000. . 1 1 ; ", y , Opposed r Strong; Drlnlf. - Parker Tonic Is delicious to the palate; ittu Tlfforates. but does nt promote, a Jove for atrwg drink: it cures ooualis and coi i It purines tUe blood thus owing kl nes. llwr and lung troubles and rheumatism, it should be kept in eetf home." J. H. Sherman, photographer, i.lgUi, 111. nace it ja yours, . - As a raindrop foretells a storm, so does a pim Sis upon the human lxxlr Indicate health-is-iroji virus In the blood, which eaa be neutralized r d rnwud on bjr Dr. Barter's Iron Touie, PEIKSOPS EDT. Merit Will Tell In the InsRna Tarboro, K. C, Feb. 4, 1885. Has. Jos Pbbson: Madam Ship ua at once 5 gross ol your Bemedr and 8 irross Wash. We are doing well with It In Tarboro, and sales are rapidly Increasing and It has given satlnfacUon. so lar as we haw learned, la overj case. We are KespecUulIr, K. B. HODGKS & CO. WHAT IT HAD DONE. " . For several rears I have had a trouble with my breast, which I fear is cancer, that being Incident to my family. For two years past my general health has been wretched from Its effects. I be came so weaa I was Incapacitated for all work: my ittouw nu Kuue, uw Higni 01 100a was nauseat ing to me. I would would wake up in the morning so tired I scarcely had energy to arise and dress myself, upon the least exertion I had palpitation of the heart so violently that I was helpless. I was so nervous I eould get no good sleep, but would lay awake at night restless, and when I did drop oft to sleep would soon awake with- a start, and It would be hours before I eould get to sleep again. My constitution was wrecked hope was gone. I concluded, as a last resort, to try Mrs. Jos Per son's Bemed. I commenced using it last July, have taken 17 bottles, and the effect has been won derful. My general health Is excellent. ' I sleep as well as I ever did In my life and wake in the morn ing feeling refreshed and well I can not only get up and cook my own breakfast without fatigue but have fine appetite to relish it now after I cook it I can go all day long and am not tired when night comrs. I have not had a touch of palpitation of the heart, since soon after I com menced the Remedy. My breast does not pain me at all. or eive me anv tronbta t ia nnt imn whether the Bemedy will cute my breast or not, a rri.lnmH la . . ...... mm . . . ' U.1UUID111U1 were, uufc u 11 never aoes. no words of mine can express my gratitude fur what the Bemedy has done for me. it has done more for me than Mrs. Person promised me it would do, when I consulted her in regard to using it. I will take pleasure In giving any one Information In re gard to my case who may desire It. I wish every afflicted person In the land could know of Its vir tue, I am gratefully, MABT L. HIMAN. Wlttoesses H. B. Bryan, X. B. Hodges. . Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment Few do. Not to know is not to have. - febS-d tu thu su&w -" He Thanks) Ilia Paper : Mr. Editor; I was Induced by reading your good paper to try Dr. Barter's Iron Tonic for debility, Uver disorder, and serofula, and three bottler have cured me. Accept my thanks. Sos. C. Bogies .-Ex. Md&wlm - . Jan27d6m - a Down Town Mercaanu - Havlne passed several sleenlnm ntehta. disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child. nuu wonuuig cunvuicea wai mrs. winsiow'S Soothing Syrup was just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have It administered to the child, as she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child parked In suffering, and the parents without sleep, fte'uming home the day following, the father found the baby sail worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the .room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and hap py. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use tbe Syrup.and suffering crying babies and restless -nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve tbe baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. . GERMAN PICKLES. Try our Graham Cake Flour, as good asBuck wheat. Our . n Are fine and Large. Try our Hygenlo Oatmeal. FISH ROE - The Best of Breakfast Bellshes. . BUY A FAMILY CAJV OF , CB1CKES8. . Our Increased trade has Justified our placing a Delivery Wagon at the disposal of our customers. We will endeavor to send purchas home promptly. CSH ' SKHISfi BK! AN ENTIRE CHANG H OP PBOGBAMME AND ' . ..PRICES. This popular resort will hereafter, commencing with to-night, be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 o'clock, p. m Prices as usual. And on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at? o'clock, p. m. - ' . , - The Chirlotte Cornet Bind ; Will be in on Tuesday and Friday nights, at which time the prices will be as follows: : Admission Ladies, 10c; Gentlemen 15c. - Skating wfth rink skates Ldles, 10c; Gentle men l3o, with own skates Ladles, 6c; Gentle men l()o. Ladies and gentlemen will pl-ase pro cure admission and skating tlokets at the office window before entering. ResijectfnUy, feb26d'.t SMDfcB PETIBSON. LAND FOR SALE. I offer for sale that valuable tract of land lying lust beyond the eastern limits of tbe city of Char lotto, and known as "The Grove." This tract com prises one hundred and thirty-two and one-half acres of land, of which about twenty-five acres are ereek and branch bottoms. Upon this tract Is a large and commodious dwelling house, and the necessary eut-bulldlngs. I also offer for sale another farm (adjoining the above) of fifty-two and one-half acres, upon which are a small frame and several log houses. I will sell this property as a whole or I will divide It to suit purchasers. This property can be bought at a reasonable price and on easy terms, and any one wishing to purchase would do well to apply at onoe to $. J. TOBBKNCE. dec2tueMsntsupwtf - 111 tnnkea a gpeojiUtr ofKpilopT una without doobt tree tea and enrad more eaws than I t ottiur Iivkik pay sicim lUMtoniohuu;; we have be.ird of caneioforerSu n'iVNjf.iiMt. llifiDAfleM lull inaD f vemBtnnmjfeunafcy tum, llAffnamntaesaeon.1" Lacce bottis aod Traouealiee. Qif F.O. ad v k jtai4wannr;H to . .1. AS. ttUjJrtXOtK N. SB JohnStHToA. feM9dw4w Gra lam Cafe orida Mullets, , J iiice ioew 'rh. . From Am. Joamal of Mad. ; InT'pmTrniwoinr I. . I " I 1 V ' It '. V : If 1 HOT UdM; INTRODUCE ratsl Still Another New Corset TOE KOYELTY COMBINATION. WHICH IS THE BEST $1.25 Corset , - In the market, for only 95c : OUR- immense uoroioery saiei Btni continues, and are pronounced by all the ladles who saw and bought of them to be the cheapest, largest and prettiest lot of Embroideries ever Intro- .....wu. ,n l. ! ...... nr. m. - . . mmi iu viuuwHp. no uavo uituiy outer new ana attractive bargains for this week. WITTKOWSKY fc llARUCn. Tk :-: Mel ih' 1 . "t i - i S - " ' i j i : .S-B'S ST? f'l rvi 3' ? .2 m . Ex o rt g & ,3P a - rv - o in 2 JPfl 3 rs- I O ! E, S a e C 8- ,M I I is-r.i'a a -9 or THE FURNITURE DEALER. Largest Stock in the State CHROM08, OIL PAINTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FJftATflJfitt DUJSTEKS, , AND BABY CARRIAGES, . '-. fesiW Send job Prices." '. B. M. ANDREW8. I'tSJSS.WATER-PROCF, -'SS : rnttle. U al. A SUBSTITUTE fwPLASTEH tnalfthaOMt, OatUM th koildlnc. CARPET! j andltUGSofMiM, Smiblatlitwwaf ellliat. OatalafM , ?sss: w.w.fayco.camden,n;j. i febl9dAtwlw ' ; (1E0R-SAVII.G OFFICE DEVICES LttDf OaWcmrot of fltfure rmrrkli and accurswir addad witte oui mencsJ effort. Jaflsl)!bl. and readily perd. Beaf . sited toy kibMt'ftutfMfiiie a a poaiUra orraetlTa to ! iariou effect of long eoluraa addlUunf. Ofreuiart FKKIa OLAtiCE. SCI1LICHT A FIELO 1 RehaaBe Boeh eater M Y 9 1 Lakeside Baildiac, !, Ill ' . Maauraatareri of Uia eetotarated lateravad tthaaaaa tM tar and Bit! Fflet, larpramd Haatwaa KUUt. CaM-Hs aa Mailaai' Ledaar aad Kaaard ladaaafc (MvaOoa fa m&r : 4 tn22deod4wSra , - . , - ONE CF TEE MEDICINES THAT HAS ., 1 f-; ;.. :u i- - j"; Etood every test made open It Is the Urs. Jos Tcic:i2l!:r::3j. Wit -"-. .......... . wm THIS WEEK :-: Ball:-: (0 ; s i, tn Uii uu ey 14 U Every Cornet Is warranted satis. factory to lor wearer la firry wy, . , . or tbe money will be refunded ijy , the person from whom it was bought,' . The only corsnt prbnoniiesd by oar leading phy sicians set lnjorlwi to the wearer, and endorsed by ladles as the most oomfortabl ao4 perfect flttlng Corset ever made." - t OHM t ha SfufteU Stalk at caa laid tUUtimmHitti MMilmic iDOUf, AOaUnC Mi qiA'pfd' dtKinf priaeifki'-4aaiH-t fZumnltft auuUurrn wmtm pntMMM a Mtnuiailoc J iMBtortnd, which, ltmt ! f nwftratuuiM. Jorm m uw . Ihraat ed araachul tatw. 4, Toaat.Awa - siBBka rawf yt ipgiu atii vum miv tmiwrn ?f Oerakea ndr,r, ttreaenti ia Vir-r tweet iiaaa and ii a i aaa a w. . (UUU-Book MP tat kiaHt f km aa aawMaast mt Ife . . VrAVtVSL A. TATIOR, AtlaJita, Ga. Edeel7dwedsatsnna6m DmJ 0(i.jttma av htWl . MRS. JOE, PERSON'S ; r.Reitiedy "HI rr .! IMood DIseoMt HARRINGTON'S European ; Hbuso, . . opbn io ana; fcblic. Unequalled accommodation. Board by the day, week or month. Meals at all hours. Call on ' ' ' : ' '..". B.'Hlr-ITOV, febSdU . ITsar Court,Ciiiu.i.,N. 0 - SI

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