D A IL Y. C H A RLOTTK O B SERVER: WED NES D A Y, M AR C H 4, 1885. 7 rWALHSHIJ Absolutely Pure.. " i!- , 3 . mi i.v.r iri-j. -a inarm! of port t i: Ml" nt wiioierjomeness. More economic J i .'.mo. .'u-u-y uluds, and eanaot oe eold i j j.-. iio i with the multitude of low test, shm -teh? n!u-" or phosphate powders Sold Oily In mis. Wholesale by SPBINQS & BUaWKLJ )nldiwly Charlotte, I c. J OFFERS TO THE Wholesale i Retail Trade FIVE TONS 3ure Skite Lead, TWE NT i ?! BARRELS eAwsti PURE LINSEED OIL -A Large Stock of -v bah YTx M.mtiAM A ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. J. H. Mo ADEN From experience I think Swift's Specific Is a Terr valuable remedy for eutaneoas diseases, and at the same time an Invigorating tonic. Jambs Jackson, Chief Justice of Ga. Atlanta, Sept 1884. INOCULATED POISON. After trying all the ether remedies, Swift's Specific has cured me soon d and well of a terrible blood poison contracted from a nurse. Mbs.T. W.Lm Greenville, Ala. POISON OAK. A lady here han been entirely cured of poison oak poison by the use of two bottles 018.S.S. R. 8. Bradford, Tlptohville, Tenn. TJLCEHS 26 TEARS. A member of my church nas been cured of an ulcerated leg of 25 years standing with two bottles of Swift's fcpeelne. P. H. Cbumplkb, Pastor Meth. Cn., Macon, Ga. Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tag swift Spkcoto Co.. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., or 159 W. 23d St. New York. Rough on Coughs. The Wonderful Success In Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Sore Or Tlirhr. r.htt WuaLr l.nniH Uiuiwnnm. Sore Throat. Loss of Voice, Catarrhal Throat Af- lecnon, chronic Hacking, Irritating and Trouble- Troches, 15c. Liquid, Sc". at ROUGH ON COUGHS" Is adaoted to and ohnn affpMAv nnA mut a tn hA fiven in any cough or cold, or affection of the uroat, chest, air nassaees or limes, and Is the onlv remedy of any ava'l In ted urns, distressing Whoop iNQCouaa, At atnggW. Xue Trochee can go f; C. WELLS, Jersey City, IV. J. f"M9dw4w o ,LO pipers by red for sale at TKia omen TUB"! CITT Arrival and Departure of Trains.' Correct for the current mon'h. Richmond and Danvillk Aib-Linx. No. GO- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 1.35 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1.45 a. m. No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 520 a. m. Leaves for Richmond at 6:30 a. m. No. 62 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.36 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 JO p. m. Leaves for Richmond at 6:30 p. m. Local Freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 630 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 830 p.m. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta. Arrives from Columbia at 6:10 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. C, C. & A. A., T. & O. Division. Arrives from States ville at 10:45 a. m. Leaves for States vlUe at 6:35 p. m. Carolina Centkal. Arrive from Wilmington t 7.30 a. m.; Leave for Wilmington at 8.15 p. m. Arrive from, Lhinliiburg at 4 40 p. m ; Leave for Laurlnburg at 7 40 a. m. Leave for Shelby at 8.16 a. m.; arrive fiom Shelby at 6.40 p. m. Mails. General Delivery opens at SAO a. tn.; closes at tM p. m. Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; loses at 4 0 p. m. Judex to New Adrerusi-meijts T. L. Selgle Clothing. Attention, Independents. Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Solvent, c. A. B. Cook A new Establishment T. C. Smith & Co-Kerosene O.l, Ac James P. Irwin For Kent Indications. South Atlantic States slightly war mer - fair weather, southwesterly winds. Liit'AI.KII-eMiS. A. resolution has-been passed by the Senate of the State Legislature to adjourn on March 9. Mr. L. D. Hargraves of the firm of Hargraves & Alexander, is now in the northern markets selecting an early spring stock of goods for his shelves. One of the candidates for the Charlotte postoffice retires from the race in a card published elsewhere, but we hear it rumored that two new ones are to "take his place. A large audience gathered at the Baptist church last night to hear Dr. Willard'e lecture ua ' Mary atuart. and all pronounce the lecture to have been a thrillingly interesting one. "W. M. Wilson & Co , who wero recently burned out, have rented the corner store room in the Gaither Block, on College and Fourth streets, and will open for business within a day or two. Dr. Willard's success as a lee. turer is something surprising. He has been engaged to lecture on Sir Walter Scott, in the Methodist church, tomorrow evening, the pro ceeds to be given to the church. Rev. Mark S. Gross has decided to postpone his lecture on "'Travels through Europe," at the request of a number of his friends, who are anxious to hear toe lecture, but who cannot be here Thursday night. Due notice will be given ot the future date for the lecture. TCnerineman Withersnoon had charge of the engine which drew the Washington special from this city last Monday evening, and he made a good record, arriving at Danville on ly twenty minutes late. He left Charlotte twenty minutes behind time, consequently be made the regs ular schedule. XV. yal lj i.ijiu ouauuuuu, v a. , ai riven J II mt uiujf jfootci nay , aiiu mc quartered at the Buford House. The party ys composed of Major G. G. Gooch and wife, Marshal Hanger, Speaker of the Virginia House of Representatives, Miss Hanger and Miss Baylor. Major -Alfred T. Cross and fnmiTv of Brooklvn. N. Y.. are also at the Buford. The sympathies of the communi ty, and of The Observer force in S articular, are extended to Mr and Irs. M. C. Wallace, in the loss of their infant daughter, whose death occurred last night. Mr. Wallace is an attachee of this office, and it is with feelings akin to personal be reavement that we chronicle the af fliction that has fallen upon him. TT.r-siripriff AVxanrlp.r in nrenariner ts m ma irtr t ha office fTvrmArfv nfi. cupied by Mr. E. K P. Osborne, on the court house square, and is going to make tax collecting a business. Tho rialinniiont. taroa ha ia hnnnrl tn collect, and he is now preparing the llsb, WUIUU will ue piinicu im ipm Rv.wrr.n nPTt week. Thfr-oroDertv of every delinquent tax payer will be puuiiuueu. Charlotte' Death Kecord. From the monthly report of Dr F. Scarr, keeper of the cemetery, we find that during the month of February there . were 15 deaths in Charlotte, of which 4 were amongthe mVvit r TfTYi-ila1 inn anil 1 I Amnnc t.YlA colored. The interments in Elmwood cemetery numbered two male adults and two female adults. Causes of death: Pistol ball wound 1; old age 1 ; cerebral embolism 1 ; burned 1. In Pinewooa (.colored) cemetery, six male adults, one female adult and -font. hiMron wpre interred, fiau- AVU. "w w " . ses of death; Consumption 2; pneu- - 1 L J.' "t . moniay; cancer i; neari, uiaeaisei a, killed by knife cjitjj convulsions 1 ; typhoid fever lj cause unknown The Ciril Semce Jxamicaiions. Tha oYominftt.inn hv the civil ser- mna mmmioainn of ftnnllfAntfl for des ww".." -rir -j . partmental service, is to be held in Lnarioiie on oaiuruuy , owi mou., nu in nVlock- a. m. Postmaster W. W, Jenkins, Assistant Postmaster L. L. Jenkins and Pror. George a. iianna nf thfl mint, have OOOigiMUV SJUjmj . T been designated to compose the ex- amining Doara, unuer menuueivioiuu nf the chief examiner, who is expect ed to be present. The questions WOlCn appiHtUlr HflX W wa.KAvi, uiwa hftftn sent to this examining board by mail in sealed envelopes, ana are aeposiieu m a ooj.o to remain unopened until the hour for the examination to commence. The envelopes will then oe openea in the presence of the applicants,- but the questions asked them are kept stncuy secret iruuj mo applicants will be arranged in two groups, one to contain those who in- ten a to tatte wiejseiie"t-'"""'"'" ant f h rit.her those who intend to tat-A t.h limited examination, The examination is a very rigid one, tne tanfh nn hiairorv. fireoefa phy. geometry, mathematics, and . . - . I oniojl . O t every tiling one uu ew o" school. As Capt. R. D. Graham is secretary of the civil service com -mioiinn if. ia Ttrnhahla that the appli- cants might find . it convenient to have a little mrormawou wuk .Mecklenburg Ueclaration on ineir fingers ends. : "When will the average citizen stop spendlu wlUiout&BoeoMdelii oat tne uunuiDie remtxij, vt. uw a w-- j.-r One bottle 26 cents. - r -. -- The removal of Prof. BAnbora . of N. H. .after being Proruneea iKTKK: eriid , IsSrtnf Dr. Hartertlron -Tonte, wWchhas rwwred hlia to his former goodbesiuu THREE YEARS FOR BLOODSHED And Five Years for S'ealine; a Backet of GoodsThe Eccentricilies ol Jus tice Judge Phillip Uit'- a Jury Left flanded. Conaplfm?ut. In the court house yesterday iudg ment was passed upon three colored men, two of whom had taken the lives of their fellowmen, and the third had merely taken a few little articles that did not belong to him. All three were sentenced to the penitentiary. Isaiah Bronson. who killed Sam Richardson, was sentenced to three years ; ilenry Armstrong, who stole a DasKet run ot goods Saturday night, was sentenced to five years, and An thony Allen, who killed Lee Turner, was sentenced to ten vears The ver dict in Bronson's case aid not seem to create much surprise, but there was a decided expression of disappoint ment in regard to the Allen verdict. The'jury in this case returned late Monday night, as .noted m The Ob server yesterday, with a verdict of manslaughter, and yesterday niui n- ing the prisoner was arraigned before Judge Phillips to receive the sentence of the law. In sentencing Allen. Judere Phil lips took occasion to make a few re marks, m which he gave it as his opinion that the jury should have lounu Allen guilty of murder, that it was clearly such to his mind. He consoled the prisoner with the re mark that he (Allen) had escaped the gallows by the skin of his teeth, and tnen sentenced Allen to ten years hard labor in the State penitentiary. The finding of the jury in this case uus given rise 10 consiaerame com ment, and but little of it is of a favor able character. The tone of Judge Phillips' charge was unmistakable. and seemed to point to but one con clusion, viz: that according to the evidence produced at the trial, the prisoner was guilty 01 muraer. ihe case of the statu vs. Isaiah Bronson for the killing of Sam Rich ardson, was disposed of on short or der, Bronson entering a submission for manslaughter. The eviaence could not have convicted Bronson of murder, as it was shown , that Rich ardson had slapped him in the face, broke eggs in his pockets, taunted him and finally followed him uo as he backed out of Kirk's saloon, when Jtsronson struck at him with a knife and cut his jugular vein. Judge Phillips sentenced Bronson to three years in the penitentiary. - Henry Armstrong the colored man who was caught stealing from the stores last Saturday night, was ar raigned and within fifteen minutes he was done for. Billy Taylor. C. M. Query and Mr. Alexander took the witness stand and testified to Arm strong having stolen certain articles from their respective stores, Arm strong s guilt being clearly establish ed through their examination by the solicitor, and Judge Phillips passed sentence upon him for five years. The court went over the motion docket and then adjourned until this morning, when Rufus Mullis is to be arraigned for the murder of John Dunn. Mullis is a wmte man and is well connected in the county, as was also his victim. The progress of this case will be watched with much in terest, more, probably, than has at tached to any of the cases yet tried at this term of the court. The Observer's New Folding Machine. One of The Observer's large power presses has just been supplied with one of the Brown Folding Machines, a marvel f ingenuity,and a mechan ical invention by which papers are folded as they come from the press more rapidly and with greater pre cision than could possibly be done with human hands. 'he machine was put up in our office and attached to the press by Mr. R. T. Brown, the inventor and patentee, and has been doing some excellent work. This machine " not only folds the papers, but will cut and paste them together at the rate of 3,600 per hour, thus making itself specially useful in handling the Weekly Observer, which will go to its readers this week with its pages neatly cut and the sheets pasted. The operation of cut ting, pasting and folding is done in three motions of the machine, but so rapidly that it appears to be done all at the game instant. By the use of this folder, the neces sity for a rapid delivery of The Ob server has been met. The machine cost $600, but is voted by all who have seen it work to be muy worth the money. TheMrsierr ol Allen Freeman Death The coroner's jury which has been engaged in an effort to clear up the . , - .i i-i,' mystery surrounaing me Kiuing oi Mr. B. Allen Freeman, in bin gun shop in this city on Saturday night', February 14th, yesterday gave up tha case as one involved in a mystery go deep as to be beyond their power to unravel, . xoe jury waa cauea to gether in the mayor's court room at 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon, by coroner Smith, but the proceedings were a blank, jno new developments whatever were made, ana the jury rendered a verdict that Freeman came to his death at the hands of some party unknown to the coroner's jury. The juryaojournea ana coro ner Smith wrapped four or five pieces of Freeman's skull in a piece of paper. and taking these, with the old pistol found in the gun shop, ana tne pa pers of the inquest, hadeposited them in the office of the clerk of the Su perior court, there to let them rest as mementos ot one or tne moi mys terious murders on record. There is an old saying that murder will out, and perhaps some day, the mystery of Allen Freeman's death will be cleared", though at present the pros pect is by no meang bright. The coroner's jury;did some hard work on the case, and are to be commended for their efforts to get at the pottomor the matter. To Graze in Rowan Pastures. TVia SnmmAi-fielrl h win diem are still doing this State, and an Observer reporter has discovered that tney are on in tn mmmflnra onerations in Rowan, Davie and adjoining counties.. They nave naa ineir snoaay wares stored in Charlotte and yesterday is r Tv 11 they teiegrapnea nere irom uanvnie to have their goods shipped to Salis bury. A bint to the good people t f Rowan will be sufficient, w nen two men come along offering to sell $300 worth of gO( ds for $100, or even offer inr in aell t.r.e poods at half their ccst, don't buy, but wait till you go town ana iraae wun a merunaut ia lrnnvcn tn vfin And who has always dealt fairly and squarely WilU VOU. VJi3 L11D (KlUUllUg Dniuu- in tha crn hv fnr t.hev never fail tJ cheat all with whom they can 'make mi Jl l 1 a trade. rnese swmaiers nave gone tkMiinh T.innnln . fiflhnrrns. Oleve land. Union, Anson and Richmond uinf. M nnii tnev oucnt to te lernea wun m - ..n frv nhtninine' nrinnev under fftl-e H 1 lvi w . j . pretenses. The farmers should make ft a rule never to patronize such characters, but when in , need of articles visit the regular merchants, and thus tney ww avwu uemg bwiuu1 led. . - Whatll Doe. Almost every lady habitually uses some kind of .. . ireaaino- Tt l a toilet necessity. Parker's Hair balsam Is the best, because it gives gloss and and soilness ; arrcwi ituuug wu, um uw sun mo most delicate fabric; Is dellclously perfumed; cools the head; eradicates dandruff, and yromotes a uxur not growtn. MECKLENBURG AFFAIRS. Meeting of the County Commissioners and What wan l)oaeJnrrors for ihe Criminal Court. The board of county commissioners yesterday concluded the business of their monthly meeting at the court house. The new Criminal court hav ing to be provided for, the following named persons were drawn to serve as jurors at the Apru term: J M Houston, T L Alexander, W A Brown, J R Washam, C B Cross, B C Griffith, James Harty, James Blakeley, J B Mullis, M A Barnett. Z T Smith, W D Earnhardt, A C Hutchison, J S fcknnmerville, 8 J McEhoy, H D Duckworth. W S thyne, W T Robin son, K W McDowell, i J Nelson, J M Beavt-r, C J Biggers, A H Pollock, D W Plow, C B Todd, W W Daven port, J T Alexander, R L Cochrane, W E Alexander, G H Brockenbrough, J C Long, J F Abernathy, T S Coop er, T A Grier, J Roessler, J F John -on. ! . The county treasurer was ordered to pay T L Vail $31.71 for expenses incurred in relation to the establish ment of the Criminal court circuit, and P D Walker, Esq , $15, for same cause. T L Vail, C H Wolfe and B H Moore were appointed a committee to build a bridge across town creek on Lawyers' road. The report of the committee on the Nation ford road, for a bridge over Sugar creek, 9 miles from Charlotte, was referred to Pine ville township trustees, for further action. An order was passed to have a public road laid out from the old Tuckaseego road to the new ferry on the Catawba river, at the Carolina Central Railroad bridge. Coroner S B Smith was paid for helding inquests and summoning i'urors and witnesses, over bodies of $ A Freeman, Chas. Smith and Sam Richardson, $27 00; $7.40 and $7.70 in the order named. Among the payments ordered to be made ; by the county treasurer were: R M White &Co.f provisions for poor house! inmates, February $57.43; J H McAden, medicines jail inmates, January 10 to 23, $6, and medicine for poor house inmates Jan. 7, to 31, $13.90: Sheriff Potts, feeding prison ers in jail during February $207.75; Dr S E Bratton services at poor heuse February $10; E D Latta & Bro., hats and shirts for convicts $7.45; L J Walker provisions for con victs February $28 65 ; E D Latta & Bro., goods for convicts $20.75; W R Stearns, poor overseer salary $25 ; and hire of labor at poor house $13 ; Guards and overseer cod victs, ser vices for February $140. Killed by a Gram ot Corn. Eddie Shuman, a boy eight years of age, died yesterday morning at the residence of his father, Mr. Wm. Shuman, on the Camden road, two miles from the city. The cause of the boy's death was a grain of corn which! had lodged in his windpipe and which the physicians vainly eu deaVofed to dislodge. On the 26th of February, the boy, while playing with an ear of corn, put several grains in his mouth and one of these grains became lodged in his windpipe, aud caused him to suffer terribly. The doctors resorted to every known means to dislodge the grain of corn, but failed in all their attempts, and yesterday death brought relief to the little sufferer. The funeral is to be conducted from r. Shu man's residence, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Registrars and Judges fr: the Town Elections. On the first Monday in next May, an election for mayor and board of aldermen fa to be held in Charlotte, and on the same day, town elections wili be held in Davidson College, Matthews, Pineville and Huntersville, our growing and prosperous county towns. The board Of commissioners J'esterday appointed registrars and udgea for theso elections, the ap pointments for Charlotte being: Ward No. 1 Registrar, M. C. Mayer. . Judges, J. R. Eddins, Jas. F. Johnston and Josiah Asbury. Ward No 2. Registrar, F. B. Mc Dowell. Judges, H. G. Springs, John Vanlandingham and Adam P. Hunter, colored. Ward No. 3 Registrar, W. W. Pegram- Judges, J. C Burroughs, C. J. Cowles and W. N. Mullen. Ward No. 4. Registrar, J. O. Freejand. Jddges, P. P. Hutchison, J. Sims and G H- McGinn. Matthews. Registrar, J. T. Barrett Judges, J. A. Jerome, M. L. Wallace. Davidson College. Kegistrar, w. B Withers. Judges, W. A. Brown, H. P, Helper. Pineville. Registrar, John tf. Potts. ! Judges, J. A. Younts, Sam W. Smith Huntersville. Rogistrar, Ai J. Hunter. Judges, R. H. W. Barker, Isaac Blakely. Col, Brvce Retire. To the Editor of Tint Obskbves, Since offering my services to the citizens of Charlotte as their Post master. I have made inquiry as to the duties of that office and find that they are such that in my failing health I cannot undertake. I deem it my- duty to withdraw rny name, believing that the office of Postmast er demands a more active, it not a younger man. I most cordially return thanks to those who have signed my petition, and also to others who have offered; their support- very Kespecttuiiy, J. G. Brtoe. Death of Mi. Blaine's Sister. Baltimore, March 3. Mrs. Eliza BJaineWalker, only sister of James G. Blaine, died in this city early this morning Her brother, husband and daughters were with her until she die4. , Gen. Grant's Condition. New! York, March 3. At I General Grant's house today it was stated that his condition was improved and that he bad passed a fair night. FUNERAL NOTICES. The funeral services of Mrs. N. A. Osborne will be conducted from the residence of Mr. C L. Adams on Poplar, between 2nd and brd streets, to day at it o'clock. The friends and acquaintances of tue family are invited to a' tend, i Tn 1hl city, at the residence of her patents on 5th fctretit, between B and C, at 10 mlnut s past 9 o'clock, March 3rd, 185, of pneumonia, Rosabella McDowell, lnlant uaugnter ol Mr. and Mrs. M. o. Wallace.! The luuer.u wui take place tnis aiter-.oon at 2 30 o'clock from the residence. rends and acquaintances invited to attend. I .T After Frlahifktl Fall. A mason named Reighter, In Carlisle, Fa . fell from a blg'i scaifold and Injured his leg. For a long time hl- leg was full of horrible sores. The scars are still there, but the sores are all healed The healing was ncoomplhed In seven weeks b the use of Brown's iron Bitters, whh-b.by purifying the blood aud strengthening the system, drov-i out tne uumors wnicn naa Kept up tne B'-res air, Reighter is well known In Carlisle and vicinity. The Darwinian theory perplexes the multitude; they objec. to a line of descendants from monkeys. But not even a baby objects to Dr Bu'l's cough syrup. i -. - Gents, to make a good appearance, should bavs shapely! looking feet. Fine fitting shoes, con structed on scientific principles cover up defects, and at same time develop all the good points In one's feet. For these reaons, and for ease and comfort, always ask your dealer for the -BAN AN shoe -by far the best ever made. A. E. RANKIN A BRO. agents for Charlotte. , febjldeod . DIED. I In this city, on March 3rd, of consumption, Mrs. N. A. Osborne, wire of J. L. Osborne; age 87 years. She leaves a husband nd fire children te mourn ner loss. At MooresvTlle, February 27th, T.ncy Lee, Infant daughter of W. A. and E. P. Wilson; aged 13 montns In Steel Creek township, Mecklenburg county, on .the 20th February, at the residence of Mr. Jas. Currle, Miss Celia Carothus; age 69 years. 11 months anaosoays. Iew (hjcrttsements KEROSENK OIL lO CENTS. By the single gallon plenty on hand no danger of selling out-send your can along and have It filled also send orders for such other drugs, seeds, soaps, paints, &c, as you need oar prices will suit you we belong to no ring o? combinations. UUTi : T. C SMITH ft CO. S CllOCOLATl . Those who are fond of this nutritious and whole some beverage, can get the very best at T. C. SMITH 4 CO'S, In pound packages fresh stock. j OXIONSKT Going off at a very low price by the quart. Call at SMITH'S Drug Store and get some before they are all sold. PUIZ POMADE For cleaning show cases and polishing up glass and metalic surfaces saves labor 6 cents a box at T. C Smith 4 Co's. (iRlVULV TOBACCO. This Is very hard to get now, but T, C Smith 4 Co. have a lot of the genuine at 40 cents a plug. TOOTH BRUSHES. AtT. C. Emlth & Co's drug store you can no doubt suit yourself with a Tooth Brash to your liking they have a select steek of very desirable patterns, some real beauties among them. EGG PHOSPHATE. This is a nutrltous and delightful drink just In troduced by T. C. Smith 4 Co price 10 cents. A GOOD CIGAR Is very much sought after by smokers they all get what they want at T. C. Smith 4 Co's drug store some take "Salvador ' at 10 cents, and some prefer "Five Elevens," but nearly everybody in town smoke "Tansill's Punch," America's best 5 cent Cigar. NfW- Establishment A. B. COOK now ocounies the stand between Snider's saloon and the Charlotte Hotel, where he sells at all times, fine Fresh Fish and New Ri?er Oysters. Fresh every day. I also buy COUNTRY PRODUCE ot au Rinds, uive me a call. mart-It A. B. COOK. Attfiitwn, lad pendents. Tou are hereby notified to attend the resrular monthly meeting of your company at your hall this (Wednesday) evening. March 4, li5, at o'clock, sharp. Full attendance desired. By order of johix a. BiXBic, iresident. W. J. HARRISON, Secretary. FOR RENT. w EVEN room house for rent en W. Tra-te street Ten dollars per month. Apply to m.irl-eod4t JaMES P. IRWIN. K( ZEMA i And Every ilpccits of Iicliin; and Burning Diseases Posi lively Cured. F? CZEM.4 , or Salt Rheum, with its agonizing itch- lng and burnine. instantly relieved by a warm bath with Ccticura Soap, and a single application of Ctrncmu. the great ckin Cure. This repeated dall?, wl'h two or three doses of Cctiguba hB 80LVAKT, the new blood puriHer, to kp the bio -d cool, the perspiration pure and unirritatlng, the co.veis open, tne liver ana Kianeys active, will speedily cure Eczem:i, tetter, ringworm, psoriasis, lichen pruritus, scald head, dandruff, and every species ot itching, scaly, and Pimply humors of the scalp and skin, when the best physicians and all known remedies fail. Will McDonald. 2542 Dearborn street. Chlcaeo. gratefully acknowledges a cure of Eczema or Salt Rheum on head, neck, f ice, arms, and legs tor 17 years; not able to walk except on hands aud knees for one year; not able to help himself for eight years; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors pro nounced his case hopeless; permanently cured by CuTictjBA Resolvent (blood purifier) Internally, and Cdticuba and Ctmc; ba Soap ithe ereat skin cures) externally. Chas. Houghton. Esq.. lawyer. '28 State steet. Boston, reports a case of Eczema under his obser vation for ten years, whk-h covered the patient's body and limbs, and to which all known methods of treatment bad been applied without benefit, which was completely cured solely by the Cdticpba. tiKjigoijci, leaving a mean ana neaiuiy sxm. F H. Drake. Esa . Detroit. Mich . suffered untold tortures from Eczema, which appeared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes. After the most careful doctoring and a con sultation of phy ion na failed to relieve him, he used the Cuticdra Rkk U)i3 anJ was cured, and has remained so to date. Mr. John Thiel. Wllkesbarre. Pa . writes: "I have suffered from Salt Rtieum for over eight years, at times so bad that. I could not attend to my business lor weeks at a time. Three boxes of Ctjticura and four bottles Rksolvbnt have entire ly cured me of this dreadful disease " Sold by all druggists. Price: Ctjticuka. EO cts: Rksolvent, $1; uoap, 23 cts; Potter Dsdo and CHEMICAL, CO.. Boston, MUSS. S-s4 for "How to Core Shin TT'T'TDt.RA SOAP. An exquisite toilet, UU H bab and nursery Sanative, SPECIAL NOTICE. THE books are now open for subscribers for the Fifth Se ies of stock of the Mechanics' Per petual Building and Loan Association. Ail nersons contemplating taking stock are re quested to do so before Saturday, the 7th dy of March. Payments on the new stock will com mence on that day. Apply to . JS. UUCiWANB, marl-2t Bee'y and Treag. Vis. A lr2&?!f.. Gents Kd NEW SPRING SHADES. Extraordinary We have just bought an (Kennts9 IELtkll (BDidtos ,0 Fresh and new, U CEiWS - These Gloves are worth fully $1 50 per pair, which, upon examination, any one can readily see. We olfer a full line of -NEW- ipLrniiD " - ' : " ' . Of the very- WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. Chaelottb, N- C TO THE LADIES. Mrs. J. B. Harrington Is now In New York city, where she Is looking after all the latest designs in Embrolderv and Art Nenriln vnrt On bar rerun. she will be prepared to give instructions to all who uiay oesire mem. sue wui lurnlsn material at " ion prices, uraers promptly attended to. . mchSdtf . WANTED. By a sober, steady and reliable man, a position ui uic cuj as Kueman iu a grocery store, a ppiy at mch3dlt TBLSOFITCK. Second Hand Eogiics V7E have the foUowIng Engines which we win sell very low. Call nd see us: Oue fi horse Taylor, two years in use, in perfect order; one 6-horse Taylor, three years in use, in perfect order: in perfet t nler. and Is a standard engine. Any of these engines will run a 50 saw Gin. Full stock uiujinwi ttAWClj O VIA UOIIU. marl-d saw w4w BKEM 4 MCDOWELL. Public Sale -OF- Four Years' Lease -TO THE- Charlotte Fair Groonds ! -:o: WHEREAS, the undersigned have been duly socla Ion ; and WHEREAS. By authority of the Executive Com mittee of the said Carolina Fair Association, the lessee of the Fair Grounds property, lying about ovum 01 uie iiiy 01 narione, ana Known as the FAIRGROUNDS, the sum' of $929., to complete the buildings, fences, 4c., so that a Fair could be held last Octo ber ; and WHEREAS, to secure the payment of the said loan the said E. W. Hovey and wife did execute a mortgage deed, which said mortgage was duly re corded In registration book 89. page S67, In the office ot the Register of Deeds ot Mecklenburg county, on all his rights titles and interest, to his lease of the said Fair Grounds property ; and WHEREAS, said note was due on the 81st day of January, 1885, at which time payment was de manded and refused ; Now therefore we, the undersigned Trustees, by virtue of our appointment by the Carolina Fair Association, and under the authority conferred in said mortgage by E W. Hovey and wife, will sell at the Court House door In Charlotte, to the high est bidder, on Tharsday, i2ih f Mareb, 1885, AU the rights, titles and.lntere.sts of th said E. W. Hovey and wife to the lease In the Fair Grounds property aforesaid. Terms cash. CHAS R. JONES, ) S. H. HILTON, i Trustees. J. G. SHANNONHOUSE, ) The above sale has been postponed, by consent, to March 12th. feb4 90d . Tho King of Fi. Piokled Salmoa from Barrels. Sacharized Pickles. GRtXI tlvI CAKE FLOUR, Equal to Buckwheat, HOME CANNED PEAS a ad CORN. Mushroom taki?. BABY BISCUIT Is life Itself to the little ones. Order through Trlephaqe 13fl. HUH Mil. PIANO TUNING. THOSE In Charlotte and the surrounding coun try wishing their Pianos thoroughly tuned and repaired by Prof. Wm. Baker, can do so by leaving tbelr orders at his house, corner 8th and Pine streets. Also, three good Pianos and one Organ for rent. Call and ee them. rflarl-at tA tn? .offerar. Giro exDren and P. O. it4drr.&. SB. T. A. b LOCUM, Ml raaxlBC, Maw Tark. feb!9d wlw TO LET. THE W. R. Cochrane lot opposite the postoffice, wltli commodious dwelling and oftice. to let, apply to WM. JOHNSTON. febr-3t Bargains ! ! ! exceptional Bargain in which we offer at PER PAIB. ' ,UtTsitl;g , - v latest protection. CONSUMPTION. 1 hv a pwltln raterdy for tn. abov dliou. ; by it. UM ttionnad. ot mm of tb. rat kind mat of (one atMdlaff b.v. bm cored. I ndMd. so tron r i 9 nr f .1 tb InlM.QeMr.tbMIiri I ondTWO BOTTLES FKEB, (ocetbar with VAI.UA BT.E TRKATISS on tbli diMU. Gloves mm - - IT IS STILL L. BERWANGER & BRO., Tie kdiog Clolers aad Tailors. We are still having a closing out sale, owing to the de pression in trade. We find, upon taking inventory, that our stock is entirely too large to dissolve our copartnership, we therefore continue until further NOTICE. We will have it understood that we are positively closing out, no humbug, in order to dissolve. AT SACRIFICING PRICES! s We are offering this week our umiaDKlfilVS ULOTHINGat Oar Terms are Bargains in all departments. iL. Mr wmger & moimn, LE4D1 CLOTHIEM AND TAILORS. LOOK AT THIS! 0:- AND RE1D EVERY WORD OF IT. -:o: THIS IS TOE OHA.SL0TTE PEOPLE. :o: . RHEUMATISM AND TONIC. Chaelottb, N. C, Dec. 10, 1884. I have used Mrs. Joe Person's Reme dy, aad it is the finest medicine I erer used for Rheumatism. For more than twenty years I have been afflicted with muscular Rheumatism, and had tried every known remedy, but without avail. I was of ten so bad off and suf fered so much that I could not lie down, but had to be propped up in bed. I had been subject to these severe at tacks for twenty years. I tried Mrs. Person's Remedy last spring, and am perfectly cured. It is the best medicine in the world, I think. No words of mine can express the benefit I have de rived from its use. I suffered from pal pitatipn of the heart upon the least ex ertion. Of that I am perfectly relieved. My health is now perfect, and it is all owing to Mrs Joe Person's Remedy. I am strong and well, and can take ex tended exercise without fatigue. I ad vise all who need a Tonic, or are suffer ing with Rheumatism or Eczema, to take it. I was induced to try it by it having cured my little grandson of Ecs- MRS. S. M. HOWELL. 0. 1 A Stands for Apples, Almonds and things for young and old, B Brings us Bath Buns and Brown Bread, hot or oold, C Makes Charlotte Busa, Cream Puffs and Con gress Torts, D Denotes Dough Nuts delivered daily by our cart, P Embraces everything to cheer the Inner man, F Furnishes the freshest Fruit from Foreign land; G Gives "Graham Gems" to all our patrons around, H Halls the happy household where Boneless Herring Is found; I Is the new "Ioe Cream Cake" so much In de mand. J "Jumbles" up the Jelly BoU with Jokes and solid Jam; K Stands for "Kisses," the sweetest sold 'Us said, L Likes the "Lady Fingers" and long loaves of "Vienna Bread"; M Makes our "Minute Chocolate' all grated to your hand, N Noes the (newest novelties" of Cigars at out stand; Q Overtakes the old reliable original O. K. Bread J3 Pleases papa's pets with Candy white and red; QIs often in a quandary with names of Cakes so queer, RBaises Rusk and Boyal Rous, hut sometimes ruins beer; S Softly sports in Soda Snans and Sauces sweet and sour, T Takes our favorite Toast with friends at early tvdiioht hour; U Upholds the undersigned In keeping upper most, y Verily leads the van and lets others boast; W Weighs the welcome words well wishers say about us, X Expresses thanks to all, hoping none wtU doubt us; YAre youthful customers who greet us day by day, ZThe zealous workmen who make our best O. K. &c , fcc., c MAYER fc ROSS. OPERA HOUSE. i- The Comedy Hit of the Season. Ono HJielit Only. WEDNESDAY, March 4th. THE WONDERFUL LOR ELLA S, And their own Specially Selected COMEDY COMPANY, In the merry, mischievous, pantomlmfcal, musical, iarcicai comeay in inree acts, oy a. wayne , Ellis, entitled. Or, BATERSBY'S BABY. : Beplete with New and Sparkling Songs, Gro tesque Situations, Witty Dialogues, Brilliant Dances, wonaenui nscnanicai meet a. No advance tn prices Admission 60 and 76 cts. Reserved beats si.UL seats now on sale at (an tral Hotel. , ' ieoa I PREPARED. - tarn prepared to furnish the very best Bread, Cakes and Pies at our Bakery, Trade street Vienna Bread, French Bread, Doughnuts, - j. , . Buns of an kinds. . Mince Piss, any size, .-, Applo Plea, any size. . . Cream Puffs, Charlotte d' Base, . -. Ornamental Cakes a specialty. ; W. N. PBATEZB, Si! entire stock ot BOYS' AND less than manufacturing cost. Strictly Cash! Call and be convinced. STATIONARY POBTADLB Steam Engines. CORN AND WHEAT MILLS, CIBCTJLAK SAW MILLS, . COTTON CHINS, PRESSES AND MACHINERY OT EVERT DX8CETPTI0N. JJAVING severed my connection with tne firm Of Talbott 4 Sons, I desire to inform mj friend s and old customers that I hare perfected arrang merits, which enable me to offer a FULL LINK of MACHINERY at prices to compete with any in the market. After many years experience In the business and a familiarity with the wants of the trade, I am now In position to give my customers superior adran- W All Machinery fully warranted. For circa lars and prices, address W. C. MQRGAN, febI8-dlw wlm Charlotte. N.C We claim for the W W W A OOO R H CO T VII A WWWWAA O OH HO OV VIIAA WW WW A A O HHHO OV V II A A WWWW AAA O OH HO O W II AAA W W A A OOO H H OO V DA A That it is long filler and con tains more Havana and finer 'Havana than any cigar sold in Lnarlotte tor nve cents. That it is absolutely pure and without artificial flavoring. That it is in fact a ten cent ci gar for five cents. Sold only by Li. U. WK1STOJN. jan29deod DISSOLUTION. The firm of Brothers. Henderwra AMrfllnnnti has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to the late firm are requested to call and make settlement at once. J. L BROTHERS, i E. T. HENDERSON, E. D. McGINNlS. E. D. McGinnis, Successor to Brothers, Henderson ft McGinnis.) GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Respectfully solicits the public, and especially the friends of the old Urns of Brothers, Henderson McGinnis, to call and examine his stock of goods. Consignments solicited. In retlrtneas a member of the firm of Brothers. Henderson McGinnis, I beg to return thanks to my friends for past favors, and at the same time ask tor their future trade. I will be frith Mr. Me Glnnls during the present year, and will be pleased to serve the public and my old friends. rcespecuuuy, febSd E, T. HENDERSON. Specialties Just Received. THVTRBER'S "CONNOISSEUR" TOMATO KETCHUP A first-class article tn every respect. fHCRBER'S SHREDDED OATS, A pore, delicious and nutritious article of food. GENUINE Green Sea Turtle. Pat up tn Zn Tharber's Fancy Mackerel, In lOfb Kits. lar-A toll line of HEAVY and FANCY GBO CEBIZS always on hand, BARNETT St ALEXANDER. X3P Telephone Call 81. Dressed Poultry, Cw Feed. Live Chickens Tar keys and Geese. AT S. M. HOWELL'S, FOR SALE. 39 Lot on Morehead street; 99x396 feet, adjoin lng HoUobaugh and others. Two-room house, well and lot well set wfth fruit rr. Aonlvto - . EL K. COCHBANX. ; foLdtf -"' tianeger '