pent mxtlsemznts. . i ilfiN. '' fifl- yAHY; ClTAUUTTEOBSYEKi FRIDAY. MAW p. tt' Aiyival and Departure ot Trains. - vorrect mr the current month. THE PATEICK SUIT. JUDGMESTBV NONSUIT. 13, 18 85. STINGLESS HONEY BEE. rv ra 1. ... " . J etu flxrctrtisemeute.- AUCTION SALE AtlSteftll md 2"W,S T'n leaves for p. m? at 6J0 "; arrives from Atlanta at 8:30 Charlotte, Cchwtmbia jam Augcbta.- Arrtves from Columbia at 610 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. C, C. ft A. a., T. 4 O. Dmaiou. Arrives from Statesvffle at 10:45 a. m. . . Leaves lor Statesvllle at 6Ut6 pVm. Cabolina Central. Mr. F. E. Patrick Brings a Soil Agaiaat the Richmond &, Danville Railroad Company, and His Counsel Submit to to a Nonsuit. r , ySSE&Effifc'- Leave for ,l!XJiK"b?K 4 40 p. m : Leave for ltV6e40p!m.lby,tt8-15 M-i artve fromSUelb, Mails, ..- :' - 6:80 pm upens m BiXia. m.; closes at open, at ., Absolutely Pure. Indi x tnNsw Advertisements. r:.p0T1 h fM Aimmiof port j rortjth ar.i n-j. omeaess. Mere ewnomioJl VmU'!? be sold in springs eoawEu 3-twly Charlotte, f c. J. H. Glover Masonic notice. chines. Harrison . Co-Auction of sewing ma V. T. Barnwell Flanos and organs. c A d en ' - Indications. South Af.l.mriV Kra I UUbuo, ivvA rains, southerly winds, becoming variable, colder weather. ' LOCA.I, RJPJfl.KS. QFFEH3 TO THE ftikk i Ketail Trade FIVE. TONS Puro rWhite Lead, TVVRNT t ''BARRELS When are the martins comiQg? Yesterday was like balmy spring ' Catiarrun rJnnrfc day. . - . Is (he city to be lighted by elec tncityf ; , ..- Will Charlotte Insurance agents reduce the rw.r mntn r.r tct,. now that the law has been changed! p9 A. H. Buforrf, president of the Richmond & Danville Railroad was at the Buford House lasi night.' Mr. Henrv Nathan .T ia . 1 J v., k VVJAA i i -wuiinnu nj iiio ruum irom erysipelas in thv foot, but is improv ing, ; . K no. d9, Royal Arch masons, is called for to night at Masonic Temple, at half past seven o'clock. . ' i How will it. fn df, K w vw win ui -but? vaerrant lawn inat fm. lotte? Are there not too many idle people standing about the streets? I ?.n8 ?f Charlotte Lodge Knights and LAdies of Honor will be held this evening ao tne usual Dlace of men. mg. v-;: - . ' Mrs. Jas. M. T?p if PmviM0nn township, this county, died jester- . r-i- ' -"- vux lU ItUlO evening at the Methodist church at garrison s, ' v All Rnm rm''nF H. fayvWl' nuu - iucvaicu1 ours members civs iu ttio norn v the legislators who voted for the doe i i law Ahit ' - ."I -r . " i versa. .vt e--4ptejQ( tO piace meio on record. of his company while HvWaahingtott an mo luausursuon, ana ne naa good i eaauu iu ue. ii is one oi the best in the South. One of the most important and in teresting cases tried in Mecklenburg Superior Court for many years was y owv mentioned, which ended yesterday by the plaintiff taking a nonsuit and an appeal to the Supreme court. . This inaction was brought by the plaintiS on a contract, rintwi in a gust, , 1876, for the lease of a small portion of the Richmond & Danville Railroad platform, on which Mr. F E. Patrick ,was allowed to erect a cotton compress, the Richmond & lJanviIle Railroad company reserving . wunoiumin me lease and reclaim possession, whenever in the judgment of the president or general superintendent of the road, thev snouid think it necessary. Mr Patrick testified that this notice re quired to determine the lease had been sewed upon him in writing accordingjto the contract by Col. T. M. R, Tal'ott, the general superintend ent. He then offered to prove that C1. Talcott agreed verbally with him to revoke the notice and to rein I state tne lease. To this the defend ant 8 counsel objected, because First, The power conferred upon Talcott to , determine the lease did not imply a power to reinstate the lease, and that no such power was implied, simply because he was the general superintendent of the com pany, aad that the plaintiff could not offer m evidence Talcott's verbal promise to revive the lease until the grant of that authority to him was made certain nd definite. becond, because the complainant charged that no notice was served upua nim Dy raicott to determine the lease, and that under this allega tion he proposed to prove that a notice was served, but was after wards revoked, and that the varia tion between the allegation and -the proof was fatal. -..The Doints raisAd hv th' a. J . VUUUOOl tor the defense were sustained by the court, and the plaintiff submitted to a nonsuit and appealed. The princi pal Dointa for t.h Hofonon). 1 railroad) were raised and argued by ex Judge Schenck, who added con siderably to his already high reputa tion, in this section of the State, as an able lawyer. 1 Among the witnesses for the rail road who were nrpsonh hut. H4.1 t, testify, were Col. A. S Buford, presis dent, Col. A. B. Andrews, vice presi dent, Col. Talcott, formerly general superintendent, Mr. Sol.: Haas, een- i, rejguugent, ana uapt. C C. McPhail. The case was . first tried at the Spring term 1879, and a judgment of $5,000 rendered in favor of the plains tiff, Patrick, before Judge Seymour, which was set aside and A. npw t.rial granted. It came up again for trial at the last Fall term of the Superior court, and after engaging the atten tion of the court for a day and a half, a juror tack sickr and a mistrial was made. - - " -y.. - The points raised were new in sev eral respects in tnala ci this nature, and the rulings of Judge Phillips at' pear to u to be based upon trood common iaw.. - -.oncernint; a Harmless Insect That ;Used to Improve Each Shiainr Honr. Jacksonville Times-Union. J i It may not be generally known to those who have been stung by the vuiiuuu uiacK noney bee or the still more dangerous "improved Italian bee".that m the State of Yucatan and ouuk! utuer ot tne uenral American btates there is a honey gathering bee that has ISO Rtinir nnH thof m.k l ! wui secure for . their owner as large an amount of honey as do the sting mg bees. The following extract from tnat very intelligent lady.: Mrs. Hes ter P. Walker the daughter of Dr. Henry Perrine, who was murdered unmans m i40on Indian K"fiv "l PY some important knowledge of . . - . S e w in g Mac hi n es. VA fn MTT An Soltmh. W .. .nw. . . fti?3?AOU8?,eommeuc,n8 at Uo clock a m.u,"-.m aues.or clfferent C I". HARRTSON on mcniAsa Aactloneek. ' .VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. AD! ftnABflUll. tnV... . J Li- a . . r " ucMirauie i room owell- in n..-iAV.. """ui whik or uie public squats. . mohiMrt ana8W 9larlotte tteal Estat Agency. MKTTnOLHE. . Does not eon tain anv m nittni. - w Pure Japanese Menthol, price S3 cents. The genuine Meathoiina Mntaini. ucau- iwmacne, earacbs, and nervous pains. Be- "a'OUJL vsa cent imitation 9 onntalnln. lirti- i tV m -f-mmm UMW "-" our tne original and rnnln tm. T C SMITH 4 CO. CIIOCOLATK. Those who are fond of this nutritious and what. uiue oeverase. can mt thn wktw k SMITH 4 CP'S, In pound packages-fresh stock Golne off at a very low nrim h. V.,, at SMITH'S Drue Store and est snma hrn ... are all sold. :i PIJTZ POIIIDE IT IS STILL I H F D lA A Mr PD O nr. The Leading Clothiers and Tailor "Ul By Borne important knowledge ' ' : . ceTmofeay yr MASONIC NOTICE. k Auout tne year iH3i, L think, my thaw Onr.t TT ttt'Ia i ' , . - father sent to Key West and Indian u. Btixigiess oees. .three were sent to Indian Key, and when we were there in 1839 and 1840 one hive still remained; the other two m swarming time had steered for the mainland and were lost. ' Those at Key West had also disapgeared. lheir hives were simply hollow logs. 1 heir cells were entirely unlike the common hfwa' u larSe as an ordinary marble and holding about a teaspoonful of ucoi uuiiey. . xnia is as i re member them. At one time when a nagr of truce was flying-the Indians reported to the officers at Fort Dallas that they had found a new bee that did not sting. It is possible that some of our pioneers may have found trees of such honev nnr) hum at; a - J " wiuu UCklLi t(J make use of them from the entirely different appearance of the comb and honey. They are worth seeking for and if found will but add another to the strange and wonderful list of iuorida's productions. "Father sent at the same time of sending these to Florida a hive to old Peale'a Museum in Worn Vnt . T3 i. kept them a long time, feedinc thfim ou sweetened water! and amusing himself with the consternation of his visitors at finding bees flying around the museum. These succumbed to the cold." If any of these bees yet remain in i londa, as another monument to that illustrious man who did and sacri ficed so much for the good of Florida, they should be carefully cultivated and increased ia nnmWo t - ---wiu. . JL I uvL others should be introduced from their original habitat. ihu" Of Charlotte Chapter No. 39Boral . BriMttthZtt'ZSSS coroiaii j invited. mohl3dlt R H. GLOVER ftaij.' We are stiU havino; a closing out sale, owing to the de 55? if mra1d&: e find taking inventor that our cleaningshow cases and nonshln. nn itl' We will have neteue surfaces- labor-o "T " w; we positively Closing OUt, HO humbu csmithftco's. I m order to dissolvo.. & CORN! PEAS! bnRhAi.Vtr'i"' "T" wwneis; also 700 i iui wue m very low figures. - nAiMN CAESON BROS., menmit Fourth Street Rated to Kent neihbSrhoWe dWeU,?g 01 w 6 rooms, la agood mchlMtf 1 H. C. ECCLE3. mcniAltf Central Hotel. a oftoe temtFf eetIng.ofrthe Shareholders will hiffwv.?ldlllgrTan(1 Loan Association For AUCTION III'' Ladies, WRAVELY TOBACCO. This Is very hard to mt nnw hn t r an,. . - d - - ( a . w miuui a. w. ue tot ox me genuine at 10 cents a plug. TOOTH BRUSHES. aii x. v. tmim a CO S dine store von nan nn doubt suit yourself with a Tooth Brush to your luung meynavea seiecUteck of very desirable vaMerns, some real Beauties among them. E PHOSPHATE. This is a nntritous and dAlfchtfni drinv 1.. trodneed by T. C. Smith 4 Co-price 10 cents. A GOO CIGAR Is very much sought after by smokers they all nuai uioj want ai r. c smith ft CD's drug store-some take "Salvador-' at 10 cents, and some prefer "Five Elevens," but nearly everybody In town smoke "TanslU's Punch' America's best 5 cent cigar. -. $25,000 W of Clothing $25,000 AT. SACRIFICING PRICES! raTfn-2evJS,week ouf entire stock ot BOYS' AND n- CHILDREN'CLOTHINGat less than manuflfiTrfnV Oar Terms are Strictly Cash! Bargains in all departments. Call and be convinced. TRIX! The finest preDaration in th martAt tnr ty, breath-fragrant and hdalthful perfume 6 eents pacKage,at T. C. SiHTH ft CO. '8. I il. mil w mmi&&m!msm. We claim for the W W W A WWWW AA w w WW A A W A A OOO H H OO V VU A o on no ov vii aa O HHHO O V V n AA O OH HO O VV nAAA OOO Jl a OO V DA A At the Query Store To-day. I-Chairs provided for the comfort of buyers MAHTir DESIRA1ILE LEFT. GOODS ME LINSEED OIL, A Large Stock of Colors, Faruiskes, Etc. ALSO ExSheriff Alexander is getting terribly in earnest about delinquent tax Da Vera. Ha Suva Via ia. o-ninrr lect by distraint after the 25th t. A word to the wise is fsnffiniAnt Mr. C. S. Holtnn Inft. In of: ovoniniy f ... .W,V.VUI1JI asuBviue w aiwna tne conven tion of thfl "Vnnnc Mon'a Ch;c,n . -Auug VU1 lObiaU Association, which met yesterday in that city, and to which he is a delegate. This is the latest f e tne memorv nf man rnnnnrli Kut oil . tl fuuwu, VUU CLU. indications point to a heavy fruit crop. We want to be in time, hence we say now: "(Jream and peaches for two." Who is responsible for the ex tension of the m't.v'a Kmito Kir Legislature? Don't all speak at once. Somebody will have to answer for it before the DeoDle th votra aiiq wen tnat ends well." The Mt. Hollv Ar. Dan woi- l-oiii-ka ,1 VTCAU when comDleted. will ho nnfii. feeder to Charlotte.: Why not boom it along here a little. If we CiC r An t VS A r navent got dollars to give,, we iZ. O A H LO A D m,h,i Slve a Mle "moral support." The folio win er wm reoriatoMwi among the arrivals at the Central yesterday : Judge J M Baker and wife. Jacksonville . JTla W t. Springs and Clement McCune, Phila delphia; D E Lyon, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Geo E Brieres. :-New Bedford Ma o iagg, a x rimes; ut Hi Downs, f itchburg, Mass. Charlotte railroad men take no- tice; The law to nrevent th nmninv of freight trains - on Sunday was amended bv the Lerislatur -niat A journed. The law now provide that weight train carrying lire atock, " f v jrMmv3v umt - ter, hall be exempted from the pro vteiona of the law. and anch trains wiu be permitted to pass on Sunday, I erosene Hi A Plant Covering Patent. It seems that certain parties are dispensing to tobacco raisers in this State for a consideration the right to use what is called a plant protector which they claim to have patented. It consists of nothing more nor less than a thin piece of cloth attached to a frame which is placed over the plant beds as a protection from frost and also from the fly. The following in reference to the so-called patent may be of interest to tobacco raisers, and perhaps be instrumental in sav- mg uibui some cnange: . Danville, Va.,, March 6th, 1885. Dear Sir: We desire to call your attention to the fact that one Samuel Garard, of Durham, N. C, claims to n oia letters patent bearing the date January 10th, 1885, for covering plant beds with cloth, and offering to sell county and farm rights for said pur pose. We desire to inform our friends, to secure letters patent it is necessary for the party applying to first make oath that he "Is the origi nal discoverer." We know this de vice has been in use for three years or more, and extensively used both in the West and in this great tobacco section. We have no hesitancy in advising you to pay no attention to any one claiming such right, believ ing it a fraud. Mate the path of him who seeks a "royalty" distribute his tracks with his heels towards your premises. Your friends truly, Ed. M. Pace & Co. j How to Train the Stomach. New York Tribune. . j 1 1 What we need is a course of sfom ach gymnastics. We should begin byvrequiringjnore work of our stom achs. It is preposterous to suppose th of n 1 1 4-4-1 . a titue exercise tnree times a day is enough to keep them in a healthy condition. We should exer cise our stomachs in! a systematic way, beginning by eatiag raw oysters at intervals of gradually substituting for oysters food more and more difficult of diges tion. By careful training of this sort we could in time be able to digest pork with perfect ease, and those Of us who might wish to become stom achic athletes might be trained to digest tomatQL cans, or even boarding house mince pieTlfereiis no reason- wny man,' who is . many respect. BLronger uaajne goat, T snouid not rival or even surpass that aoimal in digestive feats. If the goat aa . eat tomato . cans aud underclothing without causing hiinjhe slightest un easiness, man ought to be 'able to thrive on a similar diet. Every thins Tet Sold is a M ar ret of Cheapness te the Buyer. Those Who Ho Wot Visit D W . aie ai once Will be "Radly Left,". Morning sale wffl begin at 11 a. m. Evening sale will begin at 8 p. m. Night sale will begin at 7 p. m. I That it is long filler and con- 4- n Z -n n . TT i j wiuB mure riavana ann nnor Hayana than any cigar sold in i nanotte lor ti v tmt.a. W , I That it is absolutely pure and nxtiuuut. - aiuucxai navoring. That it is in fact a ten nent ri- gar for five cents. Sold only oy Li. k. WKISTOIH. an29deod W. P. BTNUM, W. P. BYNDM, JR., BABTLKCT SHTPP. BYNUMS & SHIPP. Attorneys and toousellors at -Law. PQ UMAKLOTTE, N. C. m"' i vtafymiiiMj AVIiP TAILOHS. ' Tie Charlotte Musie House Is Headquarters in the Caro linas for the following cele brated instruments, viz: rVnOHICKERTNa PTANOR, MATH U iSH K K PI A NO K JTkNT Pianos. : .it. ii i- AKIOJv pianos: All are Invited KBarB,tB mehlldSm And are expected to come. NOTICE. jots. r. yuery having assigned to ma her stock of goods, notes, accounts, and other evidences of debt, for the benefit nf AnwHf r - . . c udiwj Kiya 11 u tice that persons holding claims aga1astBmust present ihr aaine ,. Spurns. Accounts due on the. books have been carefully ii- - i-snd persons owing the same are now T, , uu u sAtJfl at once. feM7 . Trustee for Creditwrj, NOTICE. To the Toters of lh ri Charlotte, W. C. of At a reenlAr ntAAtlnap nt fhA iu of said eltvThSM thiS aTh h-" "."len motion it was ordered that a new restMS,7.f 'r?i"r, ,cipa eiecnon to be - vny vix .ob luuijua 111 may, Iwo. TfitvTxuim fi v. JaAA.witj.jL,, Mayer. Fred Nash, Clerk. mchlOdtf TO MY MASON AND HAMLIN ( )K(4a Ms M I 11 A I a v a va - . . x... - -i ' srtKjivjn.v UWJHKS IKAL OKCtANS Mi STAI K ()RhaTJS. PBICES: THE LOWEST! . TERMS: . 1, ' THE EASIEST! Also Pianos and Organs for'rent at reasonable rites. Write for circulars and full information. Address V. T. BARNWELL, Manager. j Brother Edmund's Sodalities. New Tote Sun. The transfer of Senator Garland to the cabinet will be a great loss to tne senate, but if the Philadelphia Times tells the truth about him, the yuaiigo m iau witn particular Heav iness UDOn thft Hntl. ClMxra TP va. munds, of Vermont. Garland's ex it from congress leaves Edmunds the last and lone of a trio that were well matched on and of the legislative floor. "Thurman and Edmund s wno were then on the judiciarv com mittee and twins in their law and tneir iroiics, found in this Arkansas man." savs thA TimAo 1 -a motK their legal acumen and their quiet so cial ueaires. xney tooK nun m and the three became fast friends." Now that Mr. Edmunds is left to himself, what win ne 00, and how will he do it, will afford an interesting studv to his brother senators. Will he hehce- iortnsiphis cup of senatorial "cold tea" in solitude, or will he pluck up ueftri. iromanoiner brotherhood, and start afresh? It must not be forgotten that there are points in Brother Evart's record that entitle him to consideration if the Vermont statesman should think of organizing another small sodality of jovial senators. ! FOR RENT,, A Five room cottage on Mint street, opposite the MJntj,A well or goxi water. Apply to TTI9PI (1 OT T& 11 VJ-Xnn J m a. a. tiUBDAA X CO. I V ( "ANA M J "A NAM How few understand what a perfect .fit la That palnfol period of "breaking- in" is deem ed essential to every new outfit. . This Is positively un necessary. The scientific principles applied to the num erous shapes and sizes of "the Ixanaa' shoe, insures perfect fit. tiolr flexibility, abso lute freedom from the tortures cf "bi-cakir.y In," as they are easy and comfortable from the first day. Sold everywhere. - your shoe dealer for them. HANAN & SON. RAIS,NTHK WIND. A AT CLOSE PRICES. flow a KeatBckr Yonth Compelled his . rather to Sign Check. J.H. Mo ADEN. Dt-Mgrsiat. T" ..u 1 wiuu. owut a specmc is a very valuable remedy for cutaneous diseases, and at the INOCULATED POISON. After trying all the 2.HidteL?wm'8 Specific liasearedmeeoond Jw 1 well of a terrible Wood poison contracted from none. Has. T. W. Ln Greenville, Ala. eiONOAK.-A tody here has been entirely of Dolson oakpotson by the use of two botOes 0. a. & . s, BKADroan, Tipton villa, Term. TJLCiHg 35 TI AR&-A member of mj ehareh JM 1 been eared of an ulcerated leg of 25 years . H. CSrntpiKa, Pastor Ueth.Ca., Macon, 6a. Tfcetitsuleal Seaoot. Visa Tjocv TZnhinacm t.JiA tiuh in the lnwpst nriraa.pv' rraAm nf rmv city school, has been called home by the serious illnes of her mother. Her Elace, for thepresent, will be . filled r Miss Ida Wells, one of her frind wno nas tne reputation of beior a Tflrr ariTMrim nrimarv .nil IrinHai.- garten teacher; so the patrons of .the school can rest assured that the little folks will still be in goodliand. Ofi for new Orleans. : A party consisting of Mr. J. 8. Spencer, and his two daughters. Misses Sallie and Lola, Miss Mamie Yates, Miss Mamie Wads worth, Miss Minnie Wriston, Mr, McDonald and Mr. D. C. Anderson left this morning on the 1 AS train, via Atlanta, for the New Orleans Exposition. They fo by the Atlanta & New Orleans hort Line via Montgomery. repre- a. . i m Tit r r i a f sentea vj x, u . mcuanaiess, Atlan ta, ua. , Louwvillk, Kt., March 12. A sen Ration was created yesterday at Bowling Green, Ky- by Charles Moore entering the house of his father, Drv-J. P. Moore, one of the best known and wealthiest citizens of the State, and demanding that his aged parent sign notes to the amount of $6,110, which he refused to do. Thfl vounsr man than aaivnA Ma f jt B by the throat and choked him severe ly. Releasing bis hold upon the old gentleman's throat, he brought forth two 1 revolvers, which rth father to come to terms and sien tha documents. As soon as he could re cover be had his son arrested.:; Young Moore is in the government's employ at Evansville, lnd. The father is in a very feeble condition and refuses to prosecute ms son. The Liberia Fever. The Arkansas fever among the coH ored people in portions or tnis state j - I . I seems to have subsided, to be follow nOUgrl Oil UOUffhS. ed y the Liberia fever which seems - I to have broken out in Asheville. if TheWoaderful Success in Com I we may judge from the following wnicn we cup , irom tne Asnevuie Citiied : . "The colored population of Asheville are having weekly meet ings to consider the question of mi grating to . Liberia, and we - are ins formed that quite a number, em bracing some of our most influential colored citizens, ' have consented to go are indeed leading the move ment, and that quite a hegiraof this population will take place some time this year for that. 'halcyon land' In A fuiia t r nrKjiri f hav ava i r Vri ri"l sTv 1Vtw m s w ' ' ' - - ' I ' j- rj i TWMBmjB99 m ere j .air; mm i oy sotneoTer aiiguiurj luaiviauai. Aauanlf . . v umpuon. Bronchitis, Asthma, Spitting of Blood Sore or Tight Chest Weikl.iTnii lhLSSS' Bore Throat, Loss of Voice, Catarrhal Throat Hi Zgg'lgg Hacking, Stating ana r5h" Troches, 15c, L.lqnldv ftSe. ROUGH OH COUGHS" ujfoat, chest, air passages or lungs, and is the only d,0,Lan? "'J11 !rtiiou8. distressing Whoo SrnST aruggiataV The Troches via go XD rAFxaabf o - nd Trr ri Bab7"fr lialf ot their gut inowjr pat the batey na't care a sou. bo long us ii can set pfontr of A Rpalar Jlf achioe. 1 : .3 j j-'- o .pAw oivuu ch Chambersburg, Pafi physician who can write his name with both hands," says a New -Orleans correspondent, "I think that New Orleans can boast of a. vminc mn.n vrin ijin do t.ha aami and also write backwards, beginning with .the last letter ; also upside down, and again to write that to read it one must look through the paper at tiie light, or he can write any way, and and also do figuring. His name is John B. Meyer." Whr ErarU U Sileat. - Earrisburg Patriot Mr. Evarts hasn't opened his mouth in the Senate yet.. As there has been no session of more than three hours' rhimr.irm. tha Sfinfttnr frnm N York hasn't been able to get a' sens tence tn eugewise, , Jailed for Selling the Police Gaietie. : Cbablestoit, S. C, March 12. B. Doscher, news agent here, was sent to jail today for selliag the Police Gazette and the Police News. " Skin IHweases Cured Hy Dr. Frazier s Mugle Ointment Cures as if by magic, ptmplea, blacs: beads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face, leaving the sxin clear and ...f tul llonmiM. ItnK ...... 1. A. . liTCOUIltUI. MW IfUIW Mf Dttl. I 1II7U1U, Bun Illit- ples, sore lips, and old, obstinate ukiers. Sold br .1ril,7l.itt. AT tHilAll Oil 1 1 ,t nf Mln. Tili ..... . Soli by T. C. fcmujj & Co. .. f .-leotSwiy . . Minnie Palmer's Stockings. Denvor Tribune Bepubllcan. I i. ', If there's one thing in the world that a woman likes better than an other it's silk stockings Minni Pal mer has 'em. She has 240 pairs, and mey are so cieveny contrived as to look little at the bottom and big at the top. That is, the feet are all in nart colors, which gradually develop breadth from rh i naun nn am4 HV .hwmv v auu spread away into designs of lacings ! a 11 li Dm uruiuRriHR One of the loveliest pairs she wore. was or cream and garnet, so exqui sitely combined that they might well bA termpH n evmrkVmmr in Queen Elizabeth, in whose time silk DiiuvBiugo were luveiiitJU, wouia give poor little Minnie an awful shaking uu (luuuiu ane suaaeniy De resurrect ed into court Ufa Heroin - :s The standard of fine ladyism nows adays is silk stockings,, and the little euiig aim uauue actress nas StrucK rasnion at high tide. ' . Fail a re of an Old Cotton House. . - NEW YORTC. Marf.rl 1 'Tnn n,,r,. d6ll & Mayhoff, cotton brokers, have lished one, and was operating on the .:. uuu Blue. - - A. E RASKIN & BKO.. Icenls far i .hnrl nti : ' feblOeodtr Fei ftetly Splendid ! So say all who nave tried our delicious "Vienna Bread, fresh every morning at our Bakery, Trade street. Fresh Breakfast Boll. Chelsy Bunns, Cur ??.nt?,rmB'. Bath Bunns, Doughnuts, Mince Pies, Apple Pies, in fact everything that's good. All are reapeotruUy Invited to can? W.N.PBATHEB. CUSTttBIERi,' "ToOnr Customed. AND THE Public Generally ! ! I v3ave. reopened In Te r,i Vhir bim.jjnnr.cor-, neisjoiiege ac4ir'1iMM """ tiwts. to receive yourorde waSON CO., ' mc26dtf , - - " "who?Ll.g4ut8- BINGHAM-SCHOOlC; . Established in 1703, is PRE-EMINENT among Southern Boarding Schools for Boys, in AGE, ln NUMBEBS, In ABEA PATRONAGE, and ln equipment for PHYSICAL TheonlySchool for Boys in the South with GAS, i . piiii-udowti caui auuac. vu ixwuuguv, sjivuigiuu particulars, aaaress feb4d4wtf Bingham School P. O., N. a TO-EAT? I am prepared and willias; lo meet any cat price on any Goods la my line. Bear this in mind. O.J. ALPHABET mar5 U R. Wristoni A Stands for Apples, Almonds and things for . young and old, r Brings us Bath Buns and Brown Bread, hot er r Makes Charlotte Boss,' Cream Puffs and Con- aiinn Atuui. Hav 8 T Denotes; Dough Nuts delivered daily by our Ii let PaoAi,,Arl R Embraces 7QK to cheer the Inner man, A LARGE Stock of Eng'lsh. French and Ameri- A . inn iimrii ann v. -i i UMiahaa n. i ' ..." 11UDUQB, Oil OUUil as are bound to sell them. mar L. R. WRISTON. Fruit from Foreign Gems" to all our patrons !lY Seed Trade THTS season Is larrer than T have ever bad. Mj wv. vwh win. lU'UVO UUt llfUl IT Furnishes the freshest G Gives "Graham r around, H Halls the happy household where Boneless Herrins is found : ! T Is the new "Ice Cream Cake" so much ln de T "Jiimbles" np the Jelly Boll with Jokes and list and send It. to nw k-enuine. " - maro Seeds warranted fresh and u &. WR1HTON. XT Stands for iv said. Kisses," the sweetest sold tls Diamond Dyes. DEPOT tor Diamond Dyea, at . r. wbtstomk: mart . Gents' Kid Gloves. NEW SPRING SHADES. Extraordinary Bargains ! ! I . We have just bought an exceptional Bargain in rUkesthe "Lady Fingers'' and long loaves of VT Makes our "Minute Chocolate" an grated to N Notes the "newest novelties" of Ogam at oar stand: - Q Overtakes the old reliable original 0. K. Bread J Pleases papa's pets with Candy white and red; f Ta often ln a quandary with names of Cakes R Raises Busk and Boyal Rolls, bat sometimes -nuns beer; C Softly sports in Soda Snaps and Saoces sweet and soar, T Takes our favartte Toast with friends at early - twUleht hear: U Upholds the undersigned la keeping upper most. . y Verfly leads the van and lets others boast; W Weighs the weleome words well wishers say about as. X Expresses thanks to all, hoping none win . doubt us; ... y Are youthful customers who greet as day by 7 The zealous workman who make our best O. K. MAYER 4c ROSS. The above auesUoni4 everjr da bT anxious housekeeper. out and have In store a We havi great many nice thing'. We call attention especially to our "Vvi.";. Family Roe Biig Herring Florida -AND 1 Whlxh on a 1ir.ra amas - . On, Fl?n "AD" ?r. "02P.reana: help ou out at Tea time. , . When thfl nrmlr WrmiaVif n -ka m imir -. nmakmg Sem Apples ran 110 00d erric8 Mnllfti.? IXUllUtUs Try our Key Sardines, no can opener required. Sauces and Potted Goods, Our Una nt Tata will he found eompi Jte. Call 130 la Telephone 1.1a t. 1T1MHI Specialties Just Receiyed. THITBBEB'8 "CONNOISSEUR 9f TOMATO Expoaiasr a Sfedlvm. Tt was In nil miwtim oi,. . . n, i , . nuu rvuiuuvuj BiouinU iai b Ul lltjf gaOSTiy ments as she was gliding out of the cabinet screamea ana oned out that It wasn't fair. One of car She Commerc ill National. Baok vvfvu.uvui.uu Viuu VMM VAiaV lb TV OS LI h XOlA. VIIB OI the beauties of Brown's Iron Bitters Is that lte beweBcent work Is all fair aad square. People may Investigate as much as they please; and the moire they investigate, the more they see what wonders this tamous tonle has accomplished tfrs Eliza CraUdock. 981 Sixth street. Harrisburg, Pa., writes, "I found sfceedy reUef-from bad blood and lndl gestloa by using Brown's won Bitters." Of CHARLOTTE, N. C Cash Capital, . - - $17&,0OO Surplus Profits, - 50,000 That fat man, who the ladles declare lathe hAndRomflflt man In Wnnntnnn aA ... 1 , , , . .V t . . " "(.."jjWU! U9CU HI UV Ml 111- valid, but he took to hvd drinking, not of whis- kftT. hut of Tlr Rnll'a rVnioh C.., ' i i.. - ' : ,7. ---- - wmu wjiuit aim liuvr lie walks right over toe ery slenderest dudes, and I uvii i Kimu a. nn, , being pronoanoed incurable by a score of physl oiana, from Las Vegas, N. M., to his home, was AffPAtAd hV AfiualnlltoHnar TM. T m i- ! , .. . , 9 """W UVil J.V1I1U, i which has restored him to his former good health DaH&jhters, Wives and mothers U'a nmnhnHMllTmiafinrifAa t- av tl Icon, aijeinale ftemedy, to eure Female Diseaaes. .r. m .1 umajniHHDon ana tueer atlon, falling and displacement or bearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change of life httieorrhflea,- besides many weaknesses springing from toe above, like headache, bloating, sninal weaxness, aieepiessness. nervous debility, palpita tion of the heart, to. For sale br dnrsists. Prices $1.00 and 41.50 per bottle. Send to JB. LlS cut!, t w-a, a. i ., it pemp&idt, free. ! M (Sennits9 Kfidl (BD wes Fresh and new, which we offer at - ' .. . . ...... f .'.' - . : . ' . ' 75 CEOTS iPEH PAffR. These Gloves are worth fully $1:50 per pair, which, upon examination, any one can readily see. We offer a full line of . . NEW r- : PlPMff ; Sttlff WANTED. ; J . . . Two thousand bottles from which - .-" ,. , .7:-..-.-.-::.-: . , . ,, mnn'm Ranuviv has tWMm . auH . ... m. $33S,000 Johnston, H.C.Iccles, W. E. Holt, J. H. Holt, J- mcuuignun, 4. a. spencer, Frank coxe, J. L. More head. . B. M. WHrTE, President. ' .. "" A. G. BRFNTZEB, Cashier. D. H. ANHKHSON. TaIIat ? This bank has entered npon the eleventh year of iiuunuw, iritu mvi won JUKU1UCS 1U1 LUC HO" commodation of its customers and the transaction I By careful attention to the wants of Its patrons ATld IltMral iPUntr with thA r.nhll ia- r "ffc vvavu KUV 1UUUVBtUITJiaUJ. Ill hopes and expects to recelw in the future, as in the pa-'t, its full share ot business. Of tho . very 1 atest , pro! ecti on. V . - . -."v uvui ffiiiuir jLra. von per son's Remedy has been ased.-; The bottles must uonaoucuiwou.4 WB wui pay in Aftjaq .8InB?ttlOi - - - - - Scents One Dozen Bottles - : . s . 60 I Larger qnanr , t ''th i-ioi. I KETCHUP A nrst-dau article In every respect, fBTJRBER'g SHREDDED -. OATS, A pare, delicto us and nntrtttoai arttcleol food Green Sea Turtle, Put up ln 2Tb cans. - Thurber's Fancy . Mackerel, ' In lOTh Kits. A full line of HEAVY and FANCY GBO - CER1ES always on hand. . ' ' BARtETTAALEIAItDER. Telephone Can 81. Houses Rented. Ho:lses reared and 'rents collected. In tit clir V