y royal nw. , 3 Absolutely Pure. ui-iii uJ wholesomenoss. More economical unary Kinds, and cannot be sold in ,5ni'ttit!on with the multitude of low teat, shwt V Hiaif or p&osphate powder. Sold only in SPBIN9 4 BUBWB LI " - Jnnldwl'r Charlotte, I 0. H. OFFERS TO THE Retail Trade KIVIiBTONS TWENTY BARRELS YUi LINSEED, OIL, A t Stock of arge Colors, Varaishes, Etc. ALSO ONE CAR LOAD tone AI T. A v nt nav DDTnma J.'H.MoADEN, Have now on eitilWttoa aluU Hne of (. : Spring :-: MilUneryJ STR GOOD?, - -INTHS NEWEST SPaiNG STYLES. valwtak pleasure notifying oar easterner "awe secured a first-class MWloerfroin toai confident we mn give qnr PfNMentlre satisfaction. - "-- JUST REpElVED. tjl'pWa Lawn Mowers, of different slzef, taliS.f"1 0"er njsde. German Millet, Cat ffiff W W' i2f eo7 Pure fine- J. O. SHANNONHOTJSB CO., flan.t i Feed and Implement Store. uSthf Combined Cultivator, with Horae Hoe ;uwsit,M.26. , ,.-,r , hv s aprlSd! .. ViLDABLE REALEST1TE.; hf wt?SWBf t0 buy desirable 7 room 5cESJSL,lw nutes walk of the public i dwell public eauare. FPPlyirt find each as In' Ji.COCHBA8fB.f to,,J?Charl Beal Estafe Ageb shcy. P. S. MYERS, Wer aid Commlssionv Alerchant, C0IX1GI 8TBUT. ' ; s. ? ' " Oi D 3Tic Itarlotte Obsetvev . THE CITY Arrival and Departure ot Trains. Correct for the current mont h. RICHMOND AND DAMVOXM AlB-LlMB. i No. SO- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 2.60 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at Sin a. ra. -- No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:45 a. m. Leaves for Richmond at 456 a. m. No. 51 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12-b6 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 6 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 640 p.m. Leaves for Richmond at 6:30 p. m. - Local 1 reight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 630 a. m.; arrtves from Atlanta at 8-0 p. m. ' . : ' CRASLOm,COLrjXBIA AHB AUQD9TA. ' Arrives from Columbia at J0 p. m.. Leaves for Colombia at 1 p. m. C..CA A. A T. AO. DmsiOM. -Arrives from Statesvllle at 10:46 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 6 0i6 p. m. ' Cabolina Ckntuai. , Arrive from Wilmington t ISO a. m.: Leave for Wilmington at 8.16 n. m. Arrive from Laurtnburg at 4 40 p. m : Leave for ljuirliihunr Ht7.40 a. in. Leave for Bhelbr at 8.15 a. m.; arrive from Shelby at 6.40 p. in. .. r ; Matt a. - General Delivery opens at SO) a. m.; closes at B itfln. m. Moner Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; eiosesat4l)Up,m. Index to New Advertisements. Musical entertainment to-night see adv. a. B. Co k Fresh arrivals. 11. Slaughter Change Id R. 4D.E.E schedule. Weather Indications. . Middle Atlantic 8tates: Generally fair weather followed during Friday bv local showers and partly cloudy weather, variable winds generally shiftmir to easterly, stationary fol lowed in extreme southern portion by Slight rise in temperature. -v : '-- South Atlantic States: Local show ers and partly cloudy weather, vari able winds preceded Dy soutneriy winds in southern portion,- slight fall in temperature, generally higher ba rometer. - , East Gulf States: Light local show ers and partly cloudy weather, winds generally from soutli to west slight changes in temperature. West Gulf States: Local rain fol lowed by fair - weather, southerly wmdtt becoming variable, slightly cooler in northern portion, stationary temperature in southern portion, generally higher barometer. Tennessee and Ohio Valley: Light local showers and : partly cloudy weather,- variablo winds preceded bj easterly winds in Ohio valley, slight fall in temperature in west Tennessee and alight rise in east and central Tennessee for . upper Ohio valley, slight fall followed by rising temper ature. nearly stationary temperature in lower Ohio valley. local jurrj'ia - Alfred Farrington and Jennie Clontz, were yesterday united in the I 1 f . - 7 T71 " f X uoaua ol matrimony oj auire fj. G. MaxweU. ; - The concert at the residence of Mr. D. P. Hutohison, this evening, will be a choice - affair, - and all who enjoy good music should go. v The preachers of the Charlotte District, of the Methodist Church, are to meet in Monroe on May 5th, to discuss the wants of the- Church and to further its interests. , Admission to the debate by the members of the Chas. Dickens litera ry and debating club, this evening, at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, will be strictly by card. Firingpens at 745 p. m.: . 'v ... ,- The Denver & Mt Holly Bail- road boomers held, another meeting at Mt Holly, yesterday, and the pro ceedings were enthusiastic. They are losing no time,- and win soon have the grading of the road-bed well un der way, ; - ; ' . r Yesterday, April 16 th, was the 10th anniversary of the great cotton fire in this city, when the - depots, cotton platforms and about twenty buildings were wiped out, it being the largest fire ever known in Charlotte. One.; or two damage suits, which sprang from this fire, .are still in the courts.' The Richmond papers Are filled with flattering allusions to the Milan grand opera company, which ig to be here Qn the 22nd. This is the only really first class show that has been hilled for Charlotte in a long time, and it will draw a crowded house, if it meet with the reception which it deserves. The Criminal Cautu The day was spent in the Criminal court yesterday mainlv in the trial of colored people for fighting, and with other cumm of a trivial nature. The only case of any consequence wu the State vs. John Wilson,' eel ored, for obtaining mosey from Geo, B, Barrioger and others under false pretenses. Wilson was foundguilty, and Judge Meares sentenced nim to five (S) years in the penitentiary. Several small cases were submitted, and the court wound up the day in trying a party of darkies for regu lar plantation fight ; 1 r Her. A. ft. Wells Doable A AicUtD. At Mt. Holly, on the Carolina Ceo' tral road, yesterday morning, Coley ! M. Wells, aged about 18 years, and! his grandmother, Mrs. Eliza G. Wells, aged 81 years, died, . their deaths occurring within 9 hours of each other. Mrs. Wells was the mother of Rev. A. N. Wells, of Mt. Holly, and Coley Wells was his son. Coley died of typhoid pneumonia at 1 o'clock a. m,, and at 9 o'clock bis grandmother died of heart disease. The remains of Mrs. Wells and her grandson were buried . at Goshen Presbyterian church, yesterday after noon. la BefcltofthOrpa. -J r Ooipeopte.shotild not fail to re member tbe;young people-" ot the ThornweU Orphan c Association in iheir effoi'te pxt 'Q&iXLtidy evening to raise fonda'foltjie-i)en6t of- the Thorn well Orphanage,: Their enter tainment is to be given in the bases ment of i Hargrave & Alexander's store from 6 to 8 o'clock p. ip.. 8at urday. ,LTbis band of little workers is composed of Grace. Cochrane. -Annie Tate, Florence Woods,' Maryt Steele, Mary Grier Mary Hatchison, Mary Graham. Montrose Davidson, Lucy Wriston, Uioy ftea, ,Aniie Atkia son, Fannie Biirwell, flirdie BurweTl. Cartia Slaf pr isute49TU .",..t Mr. Charles EmanuelrwhQ-killed W. L) Curtfir, in Lancaster, S. O, last Sunday, has returned to that place, accompanied by his brother and Iflenils, and baa surrendered bitnse'lf to the officers of the law;- -.It Is. said that when the facts in the case : are brought out in the courts MrIman uel'will stand strongly in the light of a self defender, and that his acquit tal will undoubtedly be swift and sure, z The report that he placed his foot on. Curtis', body and fired into him ie incorrect, as ' we intimated that it was at the time of reportingit - in .H.ni, a mtain ttia Btchmond Stra' o,,. r.?LrtL h. hiuii. Th oarUcular klni tobacco from which they are made are exclusive controlled by Allen Gtntef. . . y . : .? - jt , What .'fleailessaa Caa't Dv What Is that which a gentleman has not, and nevereaa have but may ulv to a ladyT A bua band; and all wise ones provide against croup and eouehsbr keenlD Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Ineet Gum ad JMiBeia. f : ' " 'y- AIL Y C H ABLO;T MR. BHEDES AND HIS CANE Cone into Plaf .Agaiaye)(ter4f . Reeaes nt the Maslsuate's jCoart : The Da cat ties ail Sapaosed ta be '. ": Over. : -'.-a :": A considerable crowd gathered at the omce of Uol. L. U. Maxwell, jus tice of the peace ' yesterday morniner. to hear the trial of Mr. Smedes, late a teacher at the city graded school. against whom a charge of assault and battery ' had been preferred, the plaintiff being Garry HaD, one of Mr. Smedes' pupils. An investigation of the case was not entered into, as Mr. Smedes submitted to the charge. Mr. John Hall, father of the boy, was present and exhibited a very conciliatory spirit, expressing his willingness to withdraw the prosecu tion, and asked .that no punishment should-be inflicted: The magistrate settled the case by fining Mr. Smedes apeuny and costs, which was paid. and the parties began leaving the magistrates office. Mr. Hall and Mr. Smedes, together with a number oc others. loitered about the vicinity of the office, and within a few miris utes spectators saw a cane flying in the air, and two men who were evidently endeavoring to get at each other were being held back by sever al parties. This was an affair be tween Mr. Smedes and Mr. John HalL r.-i.- ' x ;'--:-? , It appears that while Mr. Hall was standing on the pavement near the magistrate's office, Mr. Smedes walk ed up to him with a cane in his hands and presenting the cane oeiore Mr. Hall s eyes, remarked: ''This is the cape, Mr. JalL with wich, J trck your son." Mr. Hall considered this conduct as being meant for impudence and ne remarked in reply : "i nave a good notion to hit you with it." Step ping back quickly, Mr Smedes called out, "Then do. it now", At the same instant Mr Smedes raised "hia oane and-struck Mr. Hall several blows in the face. The parties who "were standing by : auicklr interfered. Mr. Hall being grasped and prevented from returning the blows. Policeman Jetton and constable King arrested the principals. Esquire D. G. Maxs well, who earae out- at the first sound of strife and saw Mr. Wm. Treloar and Mr. Bartlett 6hipp embracing each other, supposed that they were the ones who were doing the ognting, and put - them nnder arrest. : All hands then turned in to the maeis trap's court to have the affair straightened out. . Messrs. Treloar and Shipp figired W fne affair only as peacemakers. r. Hmpn cas try ing to keep Hall and Smedes from getting . together, and Mr. Treloar. thinking that Mr, Shipp was helping ofneaea, naa caugnt noia oi eqipp to - a i a. i r r. i r pull ' him out of .the fight At. the trial of Messrs. Hall and, Smedes. Judge W. P. Bynum appeared for the latter. Mr. gmedes said that his obiect m showmg ifr. Hall the cane was merely to prove, to mm tnt it was not a loaded cane which he had used on the boy, as had been charged against him, but that it was nothing more than an ordinary light rattan walking cane, Mr- smedes denied any - intention of , approaching Mr. Hail in an offensive manner, that be only wanted to show Mr. Hall that the cane w bich be used upon his boy was not a loaded one. Esquire Max- well disposed of this case by impos ing a nne or fz.su ana costs upon Mr: Hall, and 12 50 and costs upon Mr. Smedes. Mr. Hall's fine was after wards remitted, but in Mr. Smedes1 case it was allowed to yemnjn. This ended the cumcultiea cor the day. and it is to he hoped that the whites winged, dove of pegfig fcaj sow ar rived, - : '"p In his examination before the school commissioners, Mayor Maxwell in forms us, Mr. Smedes denied having struck the boy with a loaded cane, and says he called the boy out to take him to the consultation room, at the renuest of Brpf. MitpbeU. The superintendent has as jet taken no action in regard to the boys who figured in the affair. 4a Insane Man Leaps From a Train and is Killed. A sad tragedy occurred yesterday on the western j?jorth garolma tiau- road, near Catawba, resulting in the instant death of an unfortunate Ger man named Henry Wieeenfeldt. The victim was an insane man. and was just starting on a long journey back to nis old home in uouand. iie was attended by a friend who was to make the trip with hJm as a guard, and white the train was wearing Ua tawba, be roftnagfld to elude the vigi lanoa of his attendant and rushed eut to the platierm of the paaieaggr ear. Before Anyone could lay hands en htm be gave 9 wild lean from the platform and landed on tba ground some distance from the railroad track. He struck on his head and bis skull was mashed to a Jelly." causing death to ensue Instantly. wiesenieiatnaa oeen living la the western part of this State for sever al years, and only recently became insane. He was possesaed of a small fortune in cash, and it was decided by his friends to send him b&ofc to 1 his home in the old country. The jour ney naa juse oegun, wnenterminatea m the tragio manner stated, List ot Letters ;; Remaining in the postofflce at Charlotte for the week ending April 16th., 1885: Mrs Phoebe Brown, DrBH Brown, Mrs Cynthia Brown, C W Blair, E W Butler, Mrs E J Berry hill, Ot Bowers, Lou C Caldwell, ? Eunice J Caldwell, T J Coffey, Viney. Cuthberson, N B Crawford, 2, Mary Cooper, Nora CowelL Jas Cotton, Jane Canther. Jas Carter, Lula Cason, Jul Cole man. J no Cauldman, jjucy Carter. Louis Chempling, Frank Cuthburt, A f Uhftjpn, itrea uye, tJora yavis, Maeeie Duon, ' Morrison Davis, Wil fiam Earrings, Jnd 'W Eflia, rannie r wm, Mrs gmes Eans, y C Fisher, Fannie Fletcher, J A Finmore. Bev J H Farnham, M Forney W M Flow. Chas Faster; Mrs Laura' Grey, Jas Grant. 8. Mrs J H Griffifth, gam Gladnev. Gray & Jamison; A KJ2all. Jas Hunter. J S Halls. Cola Hampers. Dr Frederick Hunter, Elsie Horah, GPeo W Holt, Henry llunter Jey Ramea. Jnn Eeweii, Jno Harway. H E Bendy, M&aP Harris, Theresa HargHvea 'Maria A Hayle, Sarftove HenSereon. Mattia W HepderBGh, Wm S Hooper ox Son, Boger 5 Hunt. lev. T Humphries, Sloan Hamilton, T Hannon, J A Henderson, Susan, R Heriderson. Mrs M E Moore, Kev W J Moore, ?Finee MPQart?r, iiria WaUaca, - . ; Persons calling for the above let. ters will please say. they are adver tised. W. w, Jenkins, P. M. Bough on Cornsard watttttahta bunions. 16e Ob, give me teeth sound, white and neat, Oh, give me breath that's pure and sweet, , '- Oh. klve me rosy, healthful gums, , . , , . 1 And IwUlmeet whatever comes; i(f Whatever trouble may befall, . With abzOBONT I'll tnee them ajl. r ;. , Nevermore ' v; Can the eoarss gritty tooth powders and tooth-de-oiuiniMi fluids find a Dlace on the toilets of sensible people,- The trifjrant and pre&ervaiUve .r- Rpii.DTiro'a Gun," meads headless doila and Droken cradles.- .y . "Eaclra paaa," great Kidney and TJrtnary care. ITjLiQftS Jfi Vtt'YrUVA-PRi lra 85" Tittffci-CLONE COSES 'aUaIT t- '.-.- a --.- Aad Vrrtkes Close to the 8ceea of ft . Last; Tlsltat(pBA Blew Bcsar .Han 4 let ttet Wiwke4 TetesftPb JVI -es and t4 Other Damace. ' - ' Tbei.:dsjrk'aigi.lo4s clouds that ame jup so suddenly ft om the west yesterday afternoon brought to w uuuua uj. jnany inoughOJ Of the cyclonves that visited this section last springy It i was evident that a storm was brewing, Jbut after -two liours of -wind and rain and sombre darkness, the clouds broke in the west and& calm' followed. The wind was at uutcs Bccra,'uia mw raizsiaii was heavy, but in this immediate section so damage resulted from the storm so t far f as heard - from. .' When the storm came np the wind was blowing from the west, but when . the clouds broke the direction of the wind had changed, and it was coming from due east. This sudden and decided change in the course of the wind in dicated that there .had been a whirl at some pointy; and Iti was not long until news of it was received, . v The operators in the telegraph oN fice here were : busily engaged in transmitting messages to Wilming ton, when -there came a sudden in terruption.' The ; cause was briefly explained by an operator down the Carolina Central railroad, who wired back that a cyclone had , struck near Hamlet.' wrecking i rjortinnfl- nf tha telegrabh line and sweeping up things generally. , The extent of the damage done could not - be learned, a ' t.h a storm-swept district was some diss tance from the. telegraph office,-and the operator on this side 'of the break OQUld iearn but little of the work of the storm. "From the best renorts At tainable, it appears that the blow was preceded by a heavv rain anrl hail and J the .cyclone . quickly followed. The "course of the storm was from southeast to nortbwgt. a.nd it passed shQf diatanoe eat of Hamlet. Its path is marked by fallen trees nnrl scattered fences. Some damage was done to housts along its coui-se, but no lives are reported lost, and f r. in nrt known that any one was injured; i rna course of this ' ovolnnA wna identieai with that of thecvclone fif last spring,' and it passed very near the same locality, only a little further to the eat. -Lineman Austin, of -the Western Union oompany, went down the Carolina Central road last nieht to repair the damage to the wires. The festtre Uowiih Uotbam. Boston Herald. 14 "r j -'V ; Never before m the historVof New York fashionable, society has there been so much wine' drinking as dur-. ing the present seasoiu No foim of evening entertainment exists at which i cnampagne i not. freejy 6 rveo. At the german. the narties. the balls one au aii, at. amaers ana under every .1 11 i i T possible pretext, jwme is lurnished. and all handii, including the young women, drink freely and without be coming ine buoject ot comment.1 Ins deed, it is expected that they will j partate, and it their eyes sparkle the more and a rosy tint attaches to the wuiioiHn, ojj fiugu ypvri ana no barrff done. The Astarg . aqd the Vdnderhilia woulr no mjre give a party or ball w ithout - wine than Shjey wo'uld exclude flo wers for adorn ment and China tor use. 1 he same practice, i prevails daily at half the dinner tables of the fashionable folks of the town, whether there be guests or not. The wine glass is as the gobs let for water, and is more frequently used. This is a condition of affairs that temperance-people are powerless to reform; The edicts of fashion's iscieg are not easily frowned down. Indeed,, jt iaTgomethlnf Uke twpnty cttTH Bjuge mew qrorK city naa any tbips akin to a temperance revival. and there ia to be found among all sorts of ; people a decided' feelina against the agitation of abstinence principles. . There are no temperance lectures, no temperance demonstra tiona. and precious few-temperance sermons.. except from the Roman QathQlie pulpita. ; , Tfee cbwrph of flome preucbes and teaoheg and prac,, tices temperance as strongly as ever. There have been told this winter scandulous stories i of . drunkenness at the most fashionable of the balls and parties, but there is a ceneral diBposition to call it? good fun. The, guests enjoy i ana are pleased, and the hostess is pleased because the guests are! having a jolly time. It wasn.t so twentyflve years aso. and it isn't so o w to any fgreat extent outside of New York city's society circles.' Vj'-v .:-. '") Poisoaoq Coflee. j Most peonle think if they get coffee in the bvr ry, roast and griud U at haine, thty ara sure of &mag obtained a hetutby artieie -the Simon nur Java. But it may be they bate been both, i deceived and poteun&d in Brooklyn the bealtb intneoton recently found several well known " eoffee . dealtra who were in the habit of dootormsr cheap Central Amerieaa eoSea to as co mara resemme ana s&u cor vno true Java, r Tkia was aooompliahed by polishing the ooSea berries in ro .tatfng cylinders, with the addition of suoh stuffs as obromate of lead, 8 ileal an blue, yellow ochre, Venetian vart : rlnnni Klonb- Kiiimt . nmKAo oharooal, soapstone, chalk : and Prussian blue. Somo of these sub stances contain lead, copper, arsenic, and when', the doctored coffee was subjected to chemical test these met als were found in poisonous quantU ties. The j Health Board promptly ordered the discontinuance of this mode of coffee adulteration, and the enterprising dealers will now have to move across the river into .New Jets sey or some other State where their nefarious trafno may be conducted without interference ot the authori ties. i Woaderfal , Profreaa, : -:rr: Montgomery Ala., Adfeiiesej. ;:,, tiere is a stoxy of wonderful nrofi: ress in a ntshe. ' Before the Eads J'etties were built the exports of grain rom New Orleans were only; 4,400,s 0Q0 bushels a yearA employing eighty two steamers with a total capacity of J07.Q0Q tons, and the depth of water at the bar. was only from tweve to eighteen feet six inches. Now there is from twenty six to thirtv .feet of water in th0 channel pf the riyer. the export gr rjiam is 4S,7UU,uyo Ctushep. the nnbeE of steamers ia 40 ana their total tqnage is 653,000" tons.' .4h equal iRarvelDyg f tctry o progress 3 thtf coal" and iron output of Alaba ma, une mine now gets out more coal in one day than the whole State mined ten years ago "while the iron product has doubted and .tripled and Qu.oie9JHl8 iripigq again. , , A Contly Piece of Heud-Gessr. The crown - of Bat-land has twenty diamonds around its chief circle, -about $150,000, and-ever so many other diamonds and precious stones, the whole oosttnt about $500,000 of our money, some people think Qaeeo Victoria Wears it every day, bat she does not "Uneasy sleeps the beadUiat wears a crown." Brown's iron Kilters costs but a dollar, and brings sleep to the nervous, strength to the aeDUitatea ana oomion to iae roeuinanc. sirs, Wm S, Lane, Fredrloa, Del., says, "Brown's Iron Bitters Is the best remedy for lame back and Uver complaint 1 ever used.'' Vp-JilGHT, lTJEE, Atfhereslifencest Mr.t) fCE'itchlson.nndorthe auspices of the choir of the S uond Presbyterian ehurch. Recitations and vix 1 selections of tee highest order. All v. no ae . Snt ui good music should attend. Admission 3 cents. CoTnn;S atp. m, ; . .u,-.t - Muiicil entertainment h - :. '. ...... ....... .' ". ..... ..tt . L- - lleTB 3jfllTfrtiafmetitrt. . I . . '. mm vm . - l - ' . ' v ' . ' : ' 1 -' mv I ; -v- . 1 ' Fresh Arrivals. rrrnn Shad. Cnrnml flhajt nbh. - u.. l4. Pk-klt WfM llMtliur IlrU.alw V.I.k ... i, .. r, - A. B COOK'S. Dii7d " Wd Chart0tt Hotel- , 5 - I - X 1 ' l OPERA HOUSE. I.Eneagementof the Benowaed ' j MILAN -GRAND. Opera Co.; COMPRISING FORTY. ARTISTS. - GRAND CHORDS.- -''- l",t : . SUPERB orchxStsa. "Wdy It, ' ' April " Mmd. ,Trfll s Favorite Opera la Five Acts, 1 1 ILTROVATORE. AZ.UCKPA. WLi-aC MltRV luiu -fcSg Sf&IKSt KERRAJiDO..,.. . ..8iO. a BOLOGNA. X MUCQ.. J A. MOSTTBSRirrO 4.v : Peasants, Soldiers, Nuns, Gipseys, etc - Af'Wk' 11 and 75 eent Heserved Seats St.50. Sale ot seats will commence on Monday M 3llWttl U.VVS1 VltfElU SUlllfl. .' Carriages a voa ordered at HO. aprlS KNICKERBOCKER BIXBY'S SHOE POLISH Are havlner a "htir ran ' Th am iuk km. Of the kind In the m irket. lriow Urn for ronr rnsriWlontliB.perrffgt To-tl .BTuan, or.wajne's wnaiine Eng'j.?&DH hjuaasa'S-SaV of It ... ! - Lohboh, Karoh 16th. near Slrt W are. without doubt, more largely luterausu ui vianiu tocunng imn itnisnes than any o her nrm In these Islands and ear patterns, with those ot mr (rtends, constitute a small museum; but of all we have made there Is NONE, iu mi uuuiwntBociiBeuvB tor cieamng ue-HHer Stices of the teeth as Wame'8 Patent Tooth Brusli Yen respectfollr, your-, T8 Ketm. urosr Wayne, Phnd.elp a,, PorSalo' By; Lli;- Use MULLEN'S TM not fall ta set eumd shtln ttiia nlnahla iruwt- loine ean be proenred. for so little money. Guar anteed to do everything that the discoverer claims t TRY iTjsri 'be convinced. JK8 tatsrnaHy and enrternajay. Cures Cramp ODUe, Ptorrha, Headrithche, neura wqs, uipnineria, eores, Hruises, Burns, Kprulos, SUiigs of Ioecta, Cores aad Bunions, - v Dis ctlona on Every Battle. - Pries 25 aad 00 Cents a Bottle. ' -ReadtneloUowlng: " , ' Charlotte, W. Cv Aug. 2nd, 1884. ; Mr W. N. Mullen Dear Sir: 1 recommend your Hornets' Seat Liniment as an excellent remedy for sprains. I used a small bottle on my sprained an Ue and It cured ;t In twenty-four hours - ; BespectfuHy, "x, .4 T. A. WADS WORTH. SiVmeaSt 4Tw Mail. a, ai 4 a.m atl4 tfet KttasNaJisem. I W.K,1u5Hiv-ear81rs I w4 yaw "Hornets' Ht Wtwfltv' tn tew cat at dtarrhosa; 8 news wm mt auti xwwkjctiuuj, ; i iMtonnxii. -M'-r iT Persalesy . W, Austin, Sharon, N. C WlStaa Wedkie. t hartotta, N.a 1..., to wlUtaiaa SawGMSk.il. ft . A. Garrtsoo. Mallard Creek, N.C. - . Cooper, Sadler a Gallant, Gstona. N.C , Turner a Wtoohestsr, arasststa, Monroe, N. C Bobert Parker, druggist, iutthews, N. c. Tlwa.Rews k Ca., Drocfkts. Coarlotta, N. a B. H. Jordan Ofc..,;. .- Dr. J. H. MeAden, ' - " - T. C 8raith A Co., . . - . -. .. .. Dr. H. M. Wilder, , f ;- Dr. J. 8. JL Dandaoo,. , u - And at my stor aa Charoh Street, setwaea First ndSeoeed.' . . . , : ehSi6dawly Chartotta,K.a iWITTtiOWSR - Ml? rAvnnui mmmm I t - Are now showing, the mest Exquisite ahd, Nobby Styles ol LONDON :-: AND :-: PARrS -NECKWKAR " Gents' Shirts, Collars and CuSs, BOOTS A ND SHOES. Lnd arerytbtag 4 gentleman am need for the 'Forfetyli CutanJ Wovkm inshlp cannot texoelle while oprTarj; low prices astonish eveft'The-" - - r . cuwest bujers. " COME TO THE bakery f , .-14 : j - J s?OB CANDIES. UamhiniiiiMa Cream Choeolates,' ' Marahmallow Chocolates, t Cream Walnuts. Chocolate Caramels, Btrawberry Caramels, Vanilla Caramels, Crystalized Fruits. ginger, gneapple, Plums, rigs, , Feebes, Cherries. Green Fruits. Apples, Lemons, Raisins, Bates, Oranges. Ptaeaputes, Citron, . . Couoanuta, Bananav Currants, . 4c.,v, kc BREAD. O.K., Graham, New Xngl&nd, f w Aloaoj OAKE5. JeUrFtmdaut, Brandy Wafers, : Tea. Cream Klner, Red Hot Bath Bum, Sptoe, ... 4 '. Marmgne - ' Doehess. White Mountain. tump. - . Jelly, Buslt,4c,4c -AND- Bacon, Helnz's Ipple and Plum Butter, Spiced Gherkins, Mixe Pickles, Chow-Chow, Pickied Onions, Celery Relish and Plotted Cauliflower. - .! - - - -J The Finest ; Roller Patent Flour In the city. Gives i Meet satisfaction, re hare Twit, Creamer Battered Flunr, Somtrthlng new In this market. A pore and whole some article of food, prepared with much care and is a ereat convenience to hoaaekeenm-. Thn finest Liehtbread. Bolls. Muffin. Unman and vokcs vl mi Kinas, can oe made in a few minutes, without any trouble. Receipt accompanying each liauajQ. .................. 1 A full line of an articles usually kept In a grocery. , Respectfully, Reward! SLANDER!! Some malicious person, forthe purpose of la yering the reputation of our house or diverting trade, having circulated the report-that we have failed, we now offer ' v 1 ' Five Hundred Mire Reward! lor the arrest efUte erkguatar at saU rsjwrt, MCitlMrwtaaaea wkteaAa aa mm eonrfctta Tfcetsaistlsaaaaefmteeaood. sore kaattattsl eoadBte taHtay tBABdarkmrniatVlB prevad kty hope our aatreaa la MerOt CaraUaa the aeraetator te tan rerastngM have any Oaawaoatsadersa vdn also swindle his Wholesale Iturterers, Ctmfetttonera, and 35 W. Baltimore St .BALTTMOttinV J. H. AvdelotL O. T. Cotaasaa aad A. M . Wan are still wttt as and win eaB oa tke bade regularly aprlfidlw ...''..' T - 'AiBABIICH' the Latest Styles In Soft Hats, street or toilet. - Our Inimeaae aMOrtoieo, tf ; Jost Received. Bone F1VEH UNDRED UllUiliS Mill! Da. wumm v pass mm snmosaas na'faft jaoAox . 1 osz$HOiiirisloomfi i AHaaopw nod koisvood ok" - ' awl Tie Charlotte 1 re- MATHUSHKK PTANOR , bent Pianos. AkluNTlANOS. MASON AND HAMLIN -OktiANs.-. rurvAKU 1)K1)HH;8TKAL()R(4ANS THE THE Also Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. VV rite lor circulars and full information. Address V. T. BARNWELL, Manager. CIL1RLOTTE, If . C To the Front Again. Mew Start iu the Old Bnsinec3 WITH A , Large and Fine Stock of Mil mhumni goods. Havlne closed out the business of Mrs. P. Ouerr tve and complete sto of Fine Millinery and fancy tion on Mondar. Anrll ISth. - leueMaeerdiai innuDon v au ana wustuss generous patrnnage for so ssany yews bestowed s win enaeavor TyeeoBODae so oeaerve ue SMfanl mlrithMn In tfcitntaU Infc Qtellaaae.attwbluaBdgoedtsstBpoBlUvelyatlea BeUlngstrietly at ene price fur CaSROLY, ... ..- t.-v,-r! .-;v optnlon (bacd by )am experience) rrtw loraayparposBineraHvwisawaBeiDemr - - nwta la ue miwiwmni'ions Ladies eoDsktarmg their purse aad appearaaee caUmg to see me. BespeetfaUy, c. m:. aprSd NOTICE. IwTBeellfor casn. attbeOoortHoase fa Char lotte, en Monday the h day of May, isas. begin ning at 11 e'elodc a. m , the following described reaTestate sttoated tat the eltvof Charlotte, te aat- latyemeattoiM tn my hands for taxes due the - ' Twe tots fronting on Church street; adjoining J. H.KeodrteklnWardKa& One tot oa the cor ner of Stonewall and Tryoa streets and one lot earner ot B3U and "C" streets, tn Ward No. the property ot Blrs.aGro8e,for thesumof $J0i p Two lots, H&SSS and 660, on "a" street, run ning tarooga to "C" street In square 91. Ward No U, the property of J. P. Smith, Guardian, for the Oi S44.UU.. One fraction on Trade street In square , Ward 8, edjommg the property of H. G. Bprlnga and IX A-Jenklns, the property of P. 1L Morris, te the nrnef $26.00. . , Lots Ke. 1654 1885,168, 1867, 1668, 1669, 1880 aad 1661, In sqnare XU. 4th Ward, the property of Ura, B, c Hutchison, ta the sum at Sm.96. . ' One lot of land bounded by Btatesvflle and Atr LlneB.fi. and 2d and 4th streets, being part ot squares 168, 158 aad 169, In Ward No. 8, the prop erty of the Hecklenberg Ice Company, for the saa of S7L76. Part of lots "No. 776-777, In square 66, at the In tersection of 8th and Poplar streets, the property of D H. Byerly and the heirs of Mia. X. J. L. By erly.Ior the sum of 18.00. . - Six lots In 1st Ward, lying on 8th, 7th and "A" streets, In square 68, the property of -,Dr. J. M. Pavldson and wile, for the sum of $40.00. ! Three lots lot Na 824, corner of Church end 3d streets, lot on 2d street, in rear of above, being part of lots No. S26 and 327, and lot on comer of Poplar and itndstreets, being part of lot No. 828, In 8d Ward, the property ef W. B. Cochrane and 8. M. Tlmmens, for the sum of 840.00- - . - . w, a GOODING. City Tax Collector. Charlotte, April 3, 1885. QMS Rough on Coughs. - TheWonierfiil Snccees in Cst sumption, Bronchitis,' Asthma, Spitting of Bloody 8ore or Tight Chest, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Loss of Volae, Catarrhal Throat Af fection, chronic Backing, irritating and Trouble, some Coughs.; :. -- . Tro hea, tc, Liquid, 93c. ''ROUGH . OH COUGHS If Isedaptsdteand always effeetlve and safe te be given many cough or sold, eraffecaoa of the threat, air passages or ronjrs, and is te only ressedy et any avatl in tedious, distressing Wnoor neCocea, At druggists'. The Trochee saa go bym&tt. - : C. C. WEIiLS, 3t9y City, If . J. feblSdAWtW " 't - . . 9 TA0 OLD NSW?PAP''3 703 6AL3 AT i3 akiavax sisisirimuo'a ,fn i.U. wnon VHHjt rs japjo o apwn sjirqa pot snag-"ST . -n- -- UAUUkU 9Ji nay msiif si jj ls Headquarters linas for the following cele-t "... , 'V ' k - " " '." ' k -' . . bratud instruments, vix;;l.; jAV STATO (ikHAiVS - in the Caro PHICESt LO WEST! TEBSUt EA,8IE8T! I am now reeelvtnf an cntirelT new. lane, attract. S,J v Goods, which; I eslcalite to have ready lor exalts-1 1 shall be favored with a continuation of tka . the arm at Mrs. P. Geary. will at the paMts by iiiaimntfcgssy haamesatetaa t every patron tn regard te toaBtlea, atjlsa, . er me meres ana varus or eat gooos. " t.. --"'. wlQ tttber Bsala)taeupureUuw; f . query. Comereial National BanSI . - jr t . . . , Jit : Of CHABLOTTl, S. G. Cask CsspitsU,- . Sirslu Pro flea. ' DnoKTon-B. M. . white. B. K IfHw, Wr j ".' Johnston, H.O.Ioele, WTk Eo't.J.U.L , Mriaghnn, j. a. Bpeaeer, Ttank Uxe, JL Ui J . k. WHrre. vm'.- A.. BBFVTT-t Ti I i. This bank has entered anon te - - t.i: ttsexlstenoa, with increased 1 i y ... . ootnnMxisaon ut ttu enatoroers awl ws U - A of agen"absik-itHu -a, --v. Bycar. alaw.rtw-ite t.eirtrf fv" u an A riband Aesi- with te il hopesaodeiT 1 1- e t U thepst,tts IAwm ef ImmmA janiMUK EMPLOTMlNT-LOBal r WtvwC which preierred, AJeesautry r-r i - t , expeases advanced. Wages promr-y A--Jf A Co.. 294 fteorge St., Cinirlnivsti. O. Bich2ldet - Parker's Tonic. It gives tone and power. Tor complaints of tSe i 1 Sidneys, i all the subtle troubles of weesea aad fur these , DUmill MJtTVK .11.. JUW'.fc flM. . bodily disorders Induced by aaxletf. mental strain, its effects will sunwise at you. It is not an essence of ginger. Dauoloae te the palate, an antidote to the lkroor asbtt, end exeeedlngly helpful to the aged and feeble, fda, - . nd 81 sizes. . HTSCOXACO., . - .-. .- ' 169 Wmiam street. New Terk. - mr 17d4w4w .; , . 4 ,. t ., . ' s LAND FOR SALE. v , I offer for sale that valuable tract of land Mag just beyond the eastern limits of the city of Char -lotte, and known as "The Grove.1 This Met eoss-' prises one hundrad and thirty-two aad ene half -' acres of land, of which about tweoty-ave aeres are . ... creek and branch bottoms. Upon this tract tsa . large and commodious dweQiag heose, aadther " " necessary euMHiUdlnga. -?- -i - - r ".t. . I also offer for sale another1 farm (adJotntPtte, ,, above) of fty-wo and one-half acres, apoa ukh are a small frame and several log houses. I wuiseU this propter Ma whole er I wfrtdtvMe ?r- rttosmtparcl'iassrs.- lUisasopertyesaaebeufttt at a reasoBatue price end oa easv tsiais, aadaas -ene wishing to Dureheaa woald dew l a SWEET POTATOES ; 'rBOM ftSTKEX NORTH CIBOUJU,- WHOUF.BJLLJ& ATTr TZZTXAJ. Also the very txwt Nortim Crease Cheese, ver nuid. Also nice Plckies. - Ti ft?: I s .t-a. .A i - 7-i

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