D A I L Y CHARLOTTE-OB S RRB W E D NE S D A YyA P R I L 22, 18 8 5 jtroyal Mwai Jk Aj Absolutely Pure. j; ;... iief carte, a man el of purit) i.- -'vfiu an-: wholesotneness. More economical .. o.'iiiim x!iU. and cannot be told id c ; "-!' ' i:h the multitude of low teat. Blurt ,. ai: or phosphate powders. SoldOtjlflD ...j ... wtioif-iaie oy SFHfNGS 4 BUBWILI . ).inidwt? ' Charlotte, f c P f OFFERS TO THE holesale i Retail Trade FIVFB IONS TW E NT V BARRELS mnnn i iTpnnm nil A Largo Stock of Colors, Varrdshes, Etc. ALSO ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRIGES. j.'H. Mo ADEN, Drus;grjgt. Our sale of Preserves by ihe Pound, From buckets, has been verj encouraging. "We have something else that will bring Joy to many a household, Msirthi Washington Bated Fliur Pickled Falmon, Mackerel, Fish Eoe, Florida Mullets, NORTH CAROLINA mill! U IHill OUB Granulated Patent Meal ; ' " stall that Is wante. ' Now that the Twrnlp Green Season has arrived gflUbet BVBBE'8 SALAD DBES1IQ are verosene ui iwTiflSs 3Cfc c Charlotte (0 bscvuer. Arrival aud Dcpartiu-e ol Trains. ,' Correct lor the current niou'u. . RlOBKOND AND DAHTOuTttB-Lnm. . . No. 60- Arrives at Charlotte from Hichmoiid at U .60 a. m. Leaves (or Atlanta at 3:00 a. m. - Mo. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4.45 a. m. Leaves tor Klehmond at 4:56 a. ra. No. 62 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.35 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. Sit Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 JO p. m. Leaves for Richmond at 6:80 p. m. - - Load Freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 630 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 8:30 p.m. 1 CHABLOTTB,COLTJ1(BIA AMD AUGUSTA. Arrives from Columbia at 6i0 p. m. lyoavBB mr uviuniDia at 1 p. m. C, C. A A.-jA., T. & O. Division. Arrives from StatrSvOle at 10:45 a. m. . Leaves for Statesville at 6:36 p. m. . Cxbolina Crntual. Arrive from Wilmington at 7.80 a. m.; Leave for nuumigLua ui o.io p. m. -Arrive from Laurlnburg at 4 40 p. m; Leave for Laurlnburg at 7.40 a.m. Leave for Shelby at 8.15 a. m.; arrive from Shelby U U.HJ ft. 1U. . ' Mails. : yj' . General Delivery opens at 8.00 a. m.; closes at it. UI. I money uroer Department ,opens at .0B a. m.; ciuoeeatiM; p. m.. lnd-X to New Advertisements. Barnett & Alexander Ferris jig hams, etc. Waiter C. Murphy -Annual meeting. A. C. Springs Motes lost. Weather Indications. Middle Atlantic States: Generally iair weatner ; engnt changes in tern perature; winds generally irom south' east to southwest and occasionally van Die: lower oarometer. South Atlantic : Fair weather, vari able winds, generally shifting to southerly; lower barometer, slight rise in temperature.- : - - IXICAIj Klttt.KS. All the young people will appear at the opera house to-night, in full evening dress. r-Miss Nellie Byrd, of Atlanta rep resenting the Sunny South, arrived in the city yesterday, and is stopping at the Central The last issue of Bradstreets does not show a single failure -in North Carolina. Nearly all theother States however contribute their quota. ;; --. The fruit killing scare is a thing of the past r Orchardmen tell us that there will be an abundant supply of peaches, cherries, apples and other fruits. - ' "; - ; ; The convention to nominate a candidate for mayor will meet at 8. o'clock tomorrow night, at ' Oates' hall. Doors open to all good Demo crats. - - - ' . - - Mr. J. G. Hester, of the United States mail department, is quartered at the Central, having arrived here from Washington ; city yesterday afternoon.- The city registration books close at sundown to-morrow evening and those, whose names . have not been registered will have to stay away from the polls on election day. Col. Chas, R. Jones, editor and proprietor of The Observer, has been invited to deliver the literary address at the King's Mountain High School commencement, on June 10th, and has accepted the invitation. . The police yesterday arrested a colored individual named Jim Hicks. on charge of stealing clothing from JohnChappel, colored The clothing was recovered and Hicks was loc&ed up for trial by the. mayor this morn ing. -. - Reports from Statesville yester day sav that the negro 'captured in Mooresville last Sunday is really Ford Knox, though there may yet be some doubt as to his identity. He is still confined in jaiL The reward offered by the Governor last year, tor the arrest of Knox still holds goixL : 'There were a number of promi nent parties at the. Central hotel yes terday. Banker W. J. Lamberton and wife, of Franklin, Pa., C. Gilfillan and wife, of the same place, and CoL A, Pope and wife, were all there. Col. Pope -is now connected with the Shenandoah Valley railroad. Up to last night one hundred and fifty reserved seats : caa oeen taken, for "Faust," and what few seats remained will doubtless be sold before noon today. The Milan opera company will be greetea by tne largest crowd that has been in the opera nonse since Dr. Tannage lec tured here. i " Three North Carolina postmas ters have just received their commis sions, the commissions naving do en signed on the 18th. xneir names are: Jeptha M. Long, Catawba ; Azariah Horn, East Bend, andWal ter P. Brooks. Randleman. The pro cession moves slowly but surely. J A nfiw and verv attractive front to the Calvary Mission church, on nVitimW ot.rAfnt hAfl iiist been com pleted arid is ready for the painters. m. r . i , r iiie new iront is on ine yueeu auuo style, with a shapely spire, finished in imitation slate. The appearance of the church has been very ereatly improved. - ;--"--;.v Tlfr H! W TTnvfiv keener ef the fair grounds now has the enclosure in excellent trim and the grounds look beautiful. . Not a stick, or rock, or scrap of paper is to be seen within the enclosure, and the grounds look like a large green park. It is a popu lar place tor a drive these pleasant afternoons and those who have been out there say that - they had no idea the lair grounds coma ever ue uiuue m. J A. A . - .V to 100K so neac ana pretty. A Clerk Xlks a Customer to 8leej. : At one of the dry eooda stores in this city, last night, the remarkable sight of a clerk talking a customer to aln was -wir.nfissed. The man was after a dress, and was waited upon . a A XT by one oi ine most Amy-aoie xouug clerks of the house, who pulled down Kw-.lt afr holt of cloth and exDatiated at length and with exceeding earnest ness upon the merits or eacn mai- V I 1 , mi . ViaUal DOll. XUV UUBWUitsr wan octticu on astooi; anawiui a ooit oi wum drawn close to E him, he bowea his head forward on it, as if making a verv critical examination ot tue iabric. He remained thus for about ten minutes, the clerk all the time displaying different samples and praising: up each one. une party alter anotrer, attrauteu uv ur igu, stopped at the door and looked on in amusement, when the clerk's atten tion being attracted to them, he at once thought something was wrong, and then a' glance at his customer revealed the fact that he was sleeping peacefully. We haveoften heard of people being talked to death,' but this is the first instance on record of a man being talked to sleep. Poaial ."Card' ''Will ke Wade Longer. m..thkumuitiii4 am lust lone enoneh now. heWMfirttiT five Inches long. Brown's ffonBttr ters wtu not be made In any respect dlffereat from . . tm lUMiiiui ATnftrtanae has shown that It Is exact suited U the needs of stokpeo- Ble, nd ths 11 eoniaers dyspepsia and a who of other troub)eoune complaints. Dr. V. S. Rubles. Mailon, Mass.. says: "I reommed Brown's Iron Bitters as a valued tonic for enrich the Wood and removing all dyspepUc symp- f. WINDINW UP &US1NES4. ' .1.1.: :"i Oalr Uoe More Jnrr Vtitie Tor the Critni i :onri KiBcx od PfnaJtlfi The rHHt Jury IWummcd. - 't f-J TheUritniual c.u-twill pro'xibly adjourn today, as there is now but; one case left for trial rby "jury, and the grand jury has been discharged The jury trial set for today is a suit against the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railroad, for obstructing a pub lic high way The . obstruction in question is on the Concord road, just beyond the Ldncolnton depot, at the point where the public road runs un der the railroad. The - tunnel - con structed by the railroad at this point is just wide enough for a vehicle to pass through it. and is set at an in convenient angle. . Further than this, the road bed in the tunnel is general ly hlled with water, and in winter is sometimes next to impassable. The railroad company has been frequent ly notified to remedy- the objections complained of, but never having paid any attention to the notices thus made, suit is now brought against the company on the gound of obstructing a public highway. - ' j ' Judgments were passed ,by the court yesterday as follows : Dan Kich, colored, tor neglecting to sup port his wife, 30 days in the .county, jail. : - Minnie . Bell, keeping a bawdy house; fzO fine ana costs. ' . ;: Thos. Moore, colored, larceny : six years in the State penitentiary. . Charles Springs'and Johii( Williams, attrav : si ana costs. . Alex. Black and James Osborne, affray: $1 and costs. J Mollie Lentile and " Wm. Lentile, affray: tl and costs. " - , The court closed the labors of .the day with the trial of Ed Sparkling; on charge of keeping a gambling house. The jury in this case returned a verdict oi guilty. : ? i-- ? The grand jury completed it3 work yesterday afternoon aud was diss charged. ,. This body had been in daily- eession since Monday of j last week and exhibited a desire to, carry out Judge Meares' instruction' to pros ecute the work before it with . dHK gence. s ; The grand jury returned in all a total of 39 true bills. The fol lowing report sighed by the fores man and all the members of the' grand jury,, was sent to Judge Meares yesterday afternoon : : We, the grand Jurors for the April term of the Criminal court of Meck lenburg county, having finished our labors, beg. leave to make the follow ing report to the honorable court: Our committee to examine the poor house, found every thing in a good clean and satisfactory condition. -.- Our w hole body, on visiting t the county jail, found the inside thereof well and satisfactorily kept, but would respectfully recommend to the hon orable court and county commissions ers, that a new fence do ouilt arounu the jail lot, as the present one is m a dilapidated condition. j Another Train Needed. . ,. . .. The policy which the management of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augus ta Railroad has pursued in running but one train per day between Char lotte and Charleston, is having its natural result in driving all the through travel to the Atlantic Coast line President R R. Bridgers, of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad sys tern, sav a the line has done a heavy passenger business the past winter. There are many sojourners from the North still remaining in Florida and the South, but the movement from the North is about ver. A" promts neDt director of the system says: "Last var the returns showed that the Coast Line did 964 per cent of the Florida passenger business from the iNortn, ana tne present season it win be 99 per cent. Next winter the fast inau win oecome a a mi tea express or four Pullman bun: it sleeDers. and will make the run from and to Wash ington and Jacksonville with only one night on the trip. For : several weeks a tram has peen run irom Jacksonville that connects with the Congressional express at Washington on the evening of the second da7.'V As these figures show, U9 per cent of the through passenger travel goes by Wilmington, though that route is far less attractive than the Piedmont Air Line, and in fact possesses a great disadvantage in the lack of hotel' fas cilities along its line : The Northern tourist is fond of good hotels ana for that reason the piedmont Air Lme would naturally be his choice, as he can find good hotel accommodations at Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Charlotte and Columbia, in case he should want to stop over. These fa- cilities are lacking on the Atlantic Coast Line. But the Northern tour ist is also fond of through connec tions. He stops over at places through choice but does not fancy a route which makes a twelve hour lay over compulsory. There is only one traiu out on tne irieamont &xt Aiine tuat makes through connection on the C, G. & A, Road, and all the- trains on the Atlantic Coast Line go through without a misconnection. This being the case the tourist naturally goes by the latter route, and this explains : the reason why. the Coast Line car- : ries 99 per cent of the through trayej. A double daily train on the Charlotte Columbia & Augusta Road, would win a large per cent of this travel bace to the Piedmont Air Line, and the current of through travel wouW be again directed by . Charlotte. When Col. Wm. Johnston was presi dent of the C, C. & A. Road, double daily trains ' were run, and . the through travel ' was then i as great over this line as it is now. Another train on the G, G. & A. is a patent necessity, and we hope the day will soon come when it will be put on. The Weights as Fixed by Law. A good many whose interest it is to remember ic. have forgotten the scale of weights " fixed by the -. last Legislature, and this item will . be a good one to clip out and paste in a place wnere n .oan De conveniently referred to. Bectfon 3850 of the Code was amended so as to reads "inat m - 1 1 1 1 1 ' fc a Dusnei oi wneas snau . u tuxy pounds; of Indian corn, fifty six pounds; of corn- meal, forty-eight pounds; of bolted corn meal, forty six pounds; of rye, fifty six pounds; of barley, forty eight pounds; of oats thirty-two pounds; or nax seea, ntty five pounds; of clover seed, sixty pounds; of peas, sixty pounds; ; of rough rice, forty four pounds ; of buckwheat, fifty pounds; of peanuts, twenty two pounds; and if any peiv son shall take any geater weight for one bust-el, of the several articles "than is herein mentioned,' he shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each separate case to any person who may sue for the same." ',; , 1 DIED v ' ' ' In Balelgh. N. C , on Friday April 17th, after llDR-ring uliiess, Julia Wliilams, lfe of Mr. B. W Starke, oi Raielgh, and daughter of Mrs. Lucre Ua Williams, of Charlotte. - - ' Another Ufe flaved ; About two years ago, a prominent citizen of Chtf euro was told by his physicians that he must die. 1 hey said his system was so debilitated that thera was nothing :-kft to, build on. He made up hl Blind to by a ''new departure." He got some of Sr. Pierces "Golden Medical Discovery and took t according to directions.' He began to Improve at once. HeksptnptbetreataientforsomeKsathii (A Peculiar Aeeidept.y. ' " .v i A colored man engaged in repairing the gin. house or, Captor J. M.Davis yesterday - lost his boldo't the roof aati tumb!et off vln his fall he struck ucross the " top f a wagon . v. he&l oo Ins stomach, and f oin the wLtvl he titppei u. the, ground inHenmbli. From the eaves of this roof to the top of the .wheel it .was adistHnce of 15 feet," and the colored", man had at tained a considerable velocity at the time he struck: the wheel. .None of his bones were broken, .but he re ceived internal injuries that may re sult fatally. A couple ; of doctors from the city- were summoned to at tend him yesterday afternoon.! The Turks and the Bears. . A strolling menagerie,- consisting Of two performing bears,', two mon keys, a lot of educated chickens and a family f Turks struck the town yesterday; but tarried only a few minutes. The procession attracted a great deal of attention, as it moved through Tryon street, and when it naitea near' tne square, it was ins stantly surrounded by so many peo ple as to hide the show from the sight ot tnose standing on the pavements The Turks wanted to stop for a few days "in the city, but became very indignant : when, informed by the police thaii they would have to pay a license tax to snow, - jti oeing. con vinced that they couldn't stop with out paying money, they each; said one cuss word in Turk and prepared to move on. Tne woman wno was leaojng tne Dig Dear- gave .bruin a kick in the ribs. Bruin slapped the wagon horse on the flank with his paw and the show . began to move There were four men, two boys and one woman in the gang, and-;they had one wagon horse and four pack norses in ineir company, besides tne twp . Dears, the monkeys and the chickens. The chickens, it is claimed. are educated to visit farm yards and decoy strange fowl to the camp of tne iurKs,i wnen tne said strange fowl are at once scooped in for food for the Turks and bears. - The troupe passed straight : through Charlotte and pitched camp ' two miles from the city, on the Concord Toad."4" Peo ple in that neighborhood bad better look out for their poultry. A railroad man tells us that this company has been six weeks in making the journey from Central to Charlotte, 134 miles. Surrendered by III; Bondsmen. D. A." Long.- the married young man who went to Rock Hill- from this State and got himself into trouble py marrying a young lady of that place, was released on a bond of $300, out nas been surrendered by his bonds man to the officers of the law. Long is a carpenter) and went to Rock Hill last week to get his tool chest and clothing preparatory to bidding good Dye to tnis section of the moral vine yard, when his bondsman, Mr. ML A Thompson, delivered him to the sher iff and had him placed in jaiL Long is a native jof Gaston county, this State, and the Analecta. published at unerryviue, fuuy confirms the ugly rumors in connection with Lone s disgraceful ' c ireer. That paper of last Saturday's date furnishes indu bitable proof that Long was married to Mary Ann Uovis. in Gaston county fcy J. Kiser, a justice of the peace, eight or nine years ago, a license having been duly obtained therefor; that Mury Ann is now living in Gas ton county, and that she is a woman of" good record. The. Analecta further says that since the recent proceedings mi xorK tsessions court. Liong nas been W that county, and a report Of his marriage here having preceded him. he denied it, but admitted that he hid been living with a woman at Rock Hill. While he was IP Qaston he attempted to bribe his wife No. 1 to sign a paper certif ying that she did no recognize him . as her husband. This she refused to sign. She says she considers herself the only lawful wife of David Long. However tnttay womeu he may marry she claims to be the first, though the rest are wel come to him. - J - - '. ' Death of Mrs. B, W.Staike. , To the editor of Tb Obsestob. . 4 Died, in Raleigh, N.'. CL, Fridny evening, April 17, 185, Mrsu Julia Williams Starke, the beloved wife of B. W. Starke, Esq. i v; v .,:-1 In Charlotte, her former" home. where she was known and loved by many, this sad intelligence will excite deep regret, and - the sympathies of many hearts will be moved by the distress of her venerable mother, her sorrowing husband and her four lit tie ones, now deprived of her fond bye and tender care.. - The summons was sudden..' hut it found her: pre pared.;;. For long .-years she -had chosen the good part,- and .death could only translate: her. to the prte euce of that 8ayiour whom above all she loved. To depart and be. with Christ was far better. , s May the God of the mother be with the children, and His providence ever illustrate his covenant -of love and care for them. May the consolation of the gospel be administered to the sorrowing and the bereaved, and the new tie now formed between them and the Throne, ever draw them up ward to God. lr ASTOR. ; -- What lou 6lay. , . "There are so marly frauds advertised for the hair," you say. So tnere are, but Parker's Hair Balsam is not one ef them ' It will not work mlra cles. but It will do better serVce for your hair than, anrth'n? else you can find. Kestores orUlnnl color, cures dandruff, gives new growth. Elegantly PTfumed, Met a dye... " j - What is a Fnr Convfniioijl" ' - To the Editor of Thx Obskrveb: r A "fair convention'? iff a body com posed of. regularly appointed dele gates from townships or wards aaid. delegates to vote the .Democratic strength of said townships or warns in a county or city convention where nominations for elective officers are made. A mass convention is not fair, nor is it. in accordance with Democratic usage, or plans. " What would be thought of a mass conven tion being. held in the court bouse (without any particular action on the part of the various townships in aps Dointms delegates) and making nom mations of Democratic candidates for the Legislature Does any one sup- pose all the Democrats of the county would consider cnemseives oouna oy such a gathering? Would not they say 'hold on; gentlemen, let us have primary meetings and appoint dele gates to represent us fairly in con vention, ana then make your nomi nations!" Any one can see the vomt and principle, and can apply it as he pleases. . J a,. "Bough on Toothache." Instant relief. 15o. Candidate for the Mayoralty. We are authorized to announce T. L. Vail as a candidate for" the office oi Hayor of the city of Charlotte. .' t i ' . K os Mayor . I hereby announce myseh a candidate for re-elec tion to the office ot mayor of the city of Cnnrlotto, apnatde - - t . -m. u. ttAxwiUj. j ;'Por- Aldermen : - Vesan. John W. Wadswerth.- K. 8. Burwell and 8. K.-iiluion, are announced-for aldermen of the First ward by many - jjuaifiisad auiM. aprv toe w s sr'SW' ? r AIJereu,Tlr.t tTrd. -i Ws sest she aaw saf lr.f. F. y "' ,t. Just PEKRIS PIG BAMS -AND- BONELESS BACON, WILSON WAITERS and PEABCS BISCUIT, In ".,,.; Wood or Tin Boxes. " Choice Gohftn Butler. Try Or Mr HvA Floor IT WILL PLEASE YOU. BARRETT A AL.EI tit DER. LOST. tin Sunday, April 5th. between Bock will and Ebenezer, or between Ebenezer and Fort Mill, s C. a note drawn by J. L. KlmbreU for the sum of Tllne hundred nd some dnllara. navahlo Umun. ter 1st, together wlih other papers valuable only JT k "wwj uwi mj enaorsement, ana I uoiwoiuhuh bujuiio BKHiust negouaung I or re. and offer a liberal rew: lor Its return to me at jen mui. s. u apr22dtf A C. SPRINGS AN NUAL MEETING. THE THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING Of the Medical Smlftv nf thA ntnta r.r Nh ' vwuuua wm cuuveoe in iurnam on the 19th da MemDPrsniD tO thl RlWutr nnHnnal tn II. r. " i iu maie noara oi Medical Examiners.' nuivu urcKiyB bug same iiune ana Place. . The report Of the State Rnant nf HaaUh mm ho I neara, ana s joint oonierenee beld therewith on cuiiowiij, iijiu proxuno, at li o'eiocK a. ra. : The Annual Oration win hn df iivenvi WArinaa aay evening. The rauroads extend the usual courtesy. WALTERC. MDHrHY.M.D, apr22daw2t Secretory. ic Notice. . OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF BOARD OF MEDIC aL EXAMINERS - . OF NORTH CAROLINA, v vrtLMiKQTON. N. C. April 18th, 1386. rpHE BOARS OF MEDICAL EXAMXKER3 OF the State cf North Carolina will hold Its regular Auuuai nreuiig in me Mjwn oi uurnam, on tne morning of the 1-th of May, 18s5, and will remain cense have been examinart. iii conunoous session nntn hii puih Hbi rr i. the recent act relating to the practice of Medicine III una DU1U9. m W J. H. BEI LiMY, M. D., Secretary. Wk R. Wood, M. D., Preslderlt. apr2lA2S-maySAl5 UUl PATTERNS -AND Fashion Sheets for Spriog. JI HT RECEITEI). . 5 ne'-i J. w. OSK GROVE POULTRI YARDS, UNCOLNTON, H. C. Standard Pore Bred Plymouth Socks, no others kept. Eggs, si to 11.60 per 13. cash with order: - Chicks in summer and falL Howe's and Friable' i prize-winning stsalna, Bend - for Illustrated cir cular te . i . . -, Hoixajtd M. TBOMPaOH. Waltbh B. Thompson. . THOMPSON BBOS. mr ivw4w : . re Ward robe Axe now showing the most m LONDON : AND :-: PARIS :: NRCKWKAR, - Gents' Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, the Latest Styles In Soft Hats, : - BOOTS AN And everything' a gentleman can need for. the Youths' For Strle. Cut and Workmirtihlp cinnot be exeelled, whHe our Tory low prices astonish even the . .,. ...... . . et est haytw. . .... y : J Smokw the Bet j J flasanmvE A 1"ri'yirtl6Xlgar ,.'? I Thess extraordinary 5 cent cigars cannot be ra tired from the front In the race they will not down smokers Insist on calling for them, and we And great difficulty In subsututlng other brands Indeed, from Maine to California "TansOi's Fanch" are acknowledged to be America's best 6 eent cigars they are only found in Charlotte at T. C. Smith & Cos Drag Store. : , Dyspeptics, Don't forget that we are selling Gregory's Dyspep tic Mixture at wholesale and retail at the very best prices. We keep a large supply on hand and have It fresh from the manufacturers. . .. .- . T. C. SMITH ft CO. Mineral Waters. Ltthla Water, Tate Water, High Bock Saratoga Water and Deep Rock, all on draught at oar Soda Fountain. Also Vichy and Hathorn, HumyacU and ApoUlnarU, with the celebrated Congress Water, all fresh stock on fee at . . T. C SMITH ft CO. -S. Afabastine. . A natural material for finishing walls, ceilings, rough plaster, new smooth sand finish, a solid hard I finish, painted walls, wood ceilings, wall paper, brick, rough boards, canvas, etc. Can be mixed by any one. Any housekeeper can apply It without the aid of skilled labor. Five pounds win cover 60 square yards two coate. Sample cards famished showing a variety of beauttfut tints price ot an colors redaced to 10 cents a pound. T. C SMITH ft CO., 8ole Agents. Soda Water, Ice cold, on dranght all the year round at T. C Smith ft Co'8 Drug Store Also Ice Cold Lemonade, prepared by experts, In the most Improved style, with all the modern arrangements. When It gets too hot for yon outdoors can and get a drink. Iron Clad Fountains We are soiling those Iron Clad Fountains right along at New York prices dont hesitate to send In your order for them right away It ain't worth while to wait til the rush is over price $30 each; delivered on board the cars In Charlotte. x. u. SMITU ft CO., Agents. Egg Phosphate - Introduced In Charlotte by T. C. Smith ft Co., also (ringer ale, both nutritions and strengthening drinks. Be sure to try them. ; AUCTION SALE. By order of the stockholders of the North Ram. I una state exposition company, we will sell at the court house door In Balelgh, N. C, on May 1st, 1886, oil i trciucB, p. ill.. The Muin Expsitioii Pailding, 336x336 FEET, ' Containing 176 window frames, 24 lights, glass lOx it, kuubu ana nuw; large floors wiiu locxs ana hinges, 8 small doors, 874 squares fet roofing, 220 uviw A.A.10, xu Hullo 4Xin. Liumoei m Main minding over kju.uuu feet. Also Machlnerv WaU. lOlklSO feet, covered with uut ruuuiig, ana a quanuiy oi secona-nand lumber. u.. st. Ftan-s, secretary. W. S. Pbimbosk, President, apr21dtds FOR SALE. Two beautiful bulldln? lots, now formlntr a nnr. uuuui my iawa, ana ironung on west xraae street, size fcuxl&o. jf rice Suu each. apr21d2t J.P.IBWIN. WRIbTON'S KNICKERBOCKER AND BIXBV.S SHOE POIiSH Are having a "big run." They are the best goods of the kind in the market. I now have for your Inspection the oerfect Tooth Brush, or Wavne's Patent. What the English brash makers say of It: . London, March 96th. Dear Sir We are. without doubt, more largely roieresiea in manur iciunne Tooin urosnes man any o her firm In these Islands, and our patterns, with those of our friends, constitute a small museum: but of all we have made there Is NONE. In our opinion, so effective for cleaning the Inter stices of the teeth as Wayne's Patent Tooth Brush very respectfully, your, G.R XENT4S0N3. To Mesrg. Turner ft Wayne, Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale By. L R. Exquisite and Nobby Styles of D S HOES, street or toilet. Oar Immense assortment ot - Shoo der Brace Ins mi, s iiCaro niii. li Will U if The inoat complete assortment of alt -leading stjlea ' in fine ' , ' , " READY-MADE CLOTHING HAT S s And GENT'iS EURNISHING GOODS, vv . poh spriivq and suaiMEix teaq, ' C fls now placed on our counters. While our stock has lost none of its well deserved reputation for elegance -and style, quality, make and fit, our prices have un-' dergone a reduction (owing .to the backwardness of the season), and cannot fail to please you all. We are the Leading Clothiers, ; For we carry the stock, V " " " . Name the Low Prices, - r V . . ; ' Dabusiness on the popular plan, Quarantee all garments, Jl . . f v ' Refund money if goods are returned iu the same condition as when they leave our house. "We invite everybody to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere." . . XI . L BERWANGER & BROTHER, LEADING CLOTHLEES AND TALLO. . N. B. Suits and Shirts made to - order at short notice. Toour out-of-town customers we will send goods by express returnable at our expense. . ,x K CHICK ERING PIANOS. MATHIlNHMK PTA"rriQ AK1UN PIANOS. MASON AND HAMLIN UiUxANs. 1 ' PACKAKU ORCHESTRAL ORGANS. THE JEJAiSIEST! Also Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. VWriteTor clrculara ''and full information.- ' Address V. T. BARN WELL, Manager. - CHARLOTTE, C. To the Front jOLQain. . New Start in the Old Onsinecs -WITH Large and Fine Stock of MM 1ILMBI GOODS. Havlnff closed out the business of Mrs. P. aery tve and eomplete stock of Fine Millinery and tlon nn MnndiiT. Aniil 13th. - Fancy I extend a cordial Invitation to all and trust generous patronage for so many years bestowed upon the Arm of Mrs. if. ynery. I will endeavor to continue to deserve the good will of the public by eondot most uoerai spirit; Known in ue reiau traae. i my calculations ior snooess are oasea on a system oi onenng none not goons uw eomomeuemenw "of excellence, durability and good taste positively at lower prices than sold elsewhere for same QbaUUes. belting strictly at one price xor uasu unii, Ktrlnt .plIahllltT. . Constant efforts to please the demands ef the ladles. honest opinion (backed by long experience) given colors, etc. suitable for any Duroose they mar wish to And unalterable trutn in tne reoommenaa'ions oi ine menis ana varae ox gar gooai Ladies considering their purse and appearance will make a mistake It they make tl before calling to see me. Bespeotlully, cm:, apr8d NOTICE. I wm sell for cash, at the Court House In Char- lotte, on Monday the 4th day of May, 1885, begin ning at u o ciocK, a. m , tne ionowing oercnueu realestate situated In the city of Charlotte, to sat isfy executions In my hands for taxes due the city.-,. . ... Two lots frontlne on Church street: adjoining i. M. Keudrlck In Ward No. 3. One lot on the cor ner of Stonewall and Tryon streets and one lot corner oi tun and "U" streets, in warn mo. z, tne property ot Mrs. S. Grose, for the sum of $43.30. Two lot No. 636 and 660, on "B" street, rah- nlng through to 'C" street In square 91, Ward No- the property of J. P. Smith, Guardian, for the sumoftXi-00. One fraction on Trade street. In sauare 3. Ward 3, adjoining the property of H. G. Springs and D. A. jenKins, tne property oi r. ja. morris, ior tne sum Of $25.00. Lots Vo. 1651 1656. 156. 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660 and 1661, In square 2J2. 4th Ward, the property of Mrs. B. U. Hutchison, for the sum of $56.99. . - One lot of land bounded by Statesville and Air- Line B. B. and 2d and 4th streets, being part of squares 156, 158 and 159. In Ward No. 8, the prop erty of the Mecklenberg Ice Company, for the sum 1 SU.VO. . -'.-.--. Part of lota "No. 776-777. In sauare 66. at the In tersection of 8th and Poplar streets, the property ot V H. Byerly and the heirs oi urs. i. u. or- erly, for the sum of 18.00. . Six loU In 1st Ward, lying on 6th, 7th and "A" street i, in square 66, the property of Dr. J.M. Davidson and wife, for the sum of $40.00. Three tots--toV No. 824T corner of Church and 3d streets, lot on 2d street, In rear of . above, being part oi lots ISO. szt) ana 6i, ana lot on earner ol Poplar and 2ndstreet8, being part of lot No. 828, In 3d Ward, the property ef W. K. Cochrane and S. M. Tim mens, for the sum of $40.00- u.wr B. GOODING. City Tax Collector. Charlotte, April S, 1885. atas Rough on Coughs. The Wonderful gacceu in Con- srnnntlon. Bronchitis. Ai Spitting of Blood. Sore or Tight Chest, Weak ,ungs, Uoarseness, Sore Throat, Lmn ot Volae. Catarrhal Throat Af fection, Chronic Hacking, Irritating and Trouble some Coughs. - ... -v. :'i XFodies, 15c, ;I Liquid. S3C. j; Trough qnccoughs If Is adapted to and always effective and safe to be flven in an r cough or cold, or affection of the hrmt etwat. air naasazes or tunes, and is the only remedy of any avail in tedious, distressing Wboop rue Coven, At druggists'. The Troches eaa go E. C. WEIJA Jersey City, If. Jl. 2000 OLD NIWSPAP1B3 rOBSAIJS AT io lour ii Is Headquarters in the Caro linas for the following , cele brated instruments, viaa bAV sTaTU ik(jrAs. PUICESt TER9IS( A- I am now receiving an entirely new, large, attract- Goods, which I calculate to have ready Ktfiorczniot-- that 1 shall be favored with a contlnnaUon of the ducUngaay bostoess In the . . . t to every patron in regard to qualities, styles, use them. their purchases query. Commercial National Bank, Of CHABLOTTI, W. a -- Cash. Capital, - - SarplsM Profits, DnmoTOBS-B. M. White. B. M. MlUor.Wm. Johnston, H. C. Kccles, W. It Holt, J. H. Holt, 1 McTrfwighlln, J. & Spencer, frank Coxa, J. L. More- ' head. B. M. WHITS, President. A. G. BRKNIZKB, Cashiet. D. H. ANDSBSUN, Teller. This bank has entered anon the eleventh year ot Its existence, with Increased faculties for the ae conuuodation of Its customers and the transaction of a general banking business. - tsj eareiui attention to urn wains- vt urn pawww mi attention to we warns- vt um pawww d dealing with the public generally, it I expects lo receive In the futare,Mln Its full share ot business. anaiioerai hopes and the past. Its jam van TMrPLOYMKNT. Loeal of traesTUnc. - Hi which preferred. Also salary per "tooth, AH expenses advanced, wages promptly pata. mow Co., 294 George St.. ClnelnnsH, O. ' Parker's Tonic. It gives tone and power, for eompiamts of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach, Liver and Longs, tor all the subtle troubles ot women and for these bodllv disorders Induced bv anxletdr. mental strain. Its effects will surprise and charm you. It Is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to the liquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and teebie. hfe. no $i sues. . . , HI8COX & CO. , . 163 William fctreet. New Iorlt. mrl7d4w4w LAND FOR SALE. I offer for sale that valuable tract of land Mag , Just beyond the eastern limits of tbe city of Char: Ltta, and known as "The Grove." This tract com prises one .hundred and thirty-two and one-half . acres of land, of which about twenty-five acres are ereek and branch bottoms. Upon this tract Is a large and commodious dwelling bouse, and the necessary at-bulldlngs. I also offer for sale another farm (adjoining the above) ot fifty-two and one-half acres, upon which are a small frame and several log houses. I wH sell this property as a whole or I wTJl eivMe-. it to son purchasers. This property eaa be beaefct at a reasonable price and on easy terms, and any one wishing to purchase would dowelltoiyat nee to 0,4. TG&oiA SWEET POTATOES AlM the very best Northern Creass Cheese, very mild. Also nice Pickles. - tad Is to-daft well ma. S aj tEist- s. C. w. a ii-iu.ir aaa ai as., a s T7ITTHOT7SKY BARD0H Cottt, N- C, 6u eents per ha&cred. H. HOWELL. Tzi3 crnr: "3. r2," peat KltJaej mi Vitotcy ear. ery" saved hla Ufe. , e...i- . v x