add -gy SifffTW-B Xf-N-E 8 PAY,.;MAiri3,,l 8 8 5 ill 111 r t . t 1 i .1 ifc I .. i. iii ..aai . -fa. .1 naee.. -i I i. ua . lVeeala renewed etreaatB, mffep fro lefirlttoi Mar taelr sex, ahonU try This medicine eemfcines Iron with pan vegetable ' ionics, and is tlW for Dwanaee DeeuHar to Women, and kUjrb lead eedentaiT liven. It En richea and PurlAe the Blood, Ktiinnlatef the Avpetite.' strengthens the MuKCles and Nervea-in faot. iboraugbly Iwlaorates. - -jj - Clean toe cuapiexam, ua mattes io sain amuuu Clean thee It doee Dot blaccea roe ceein, omna ueatuuxio, Sfxa. Kuzaxnti Baibb. H FarweH Are.. Mhvair- Mr J row ntenicinc ow. kee, Wia., iu andM L nave aaea vnnii knd (that bean' mora than a dooto . U weakness ladies bae inlife. - Aleo ewred me of Lij ar Complaint, and now my complexion 18 clear and good. lUa been beneficial to my children."' ' ' Genuine baa above trade mk and crossed rad Mae, on wrapper. Taice JbdeenJrtir;. BSOWN CHKMICAL t.,BHl""l. T.iTvra' Hah BOOK Bstefhl and attractive Krove, con-. taininc Ust of priMe for' rMtaxM, rormk niM aii i luiaii ilnliwa inmnnw to any iootoih on rat Mothers Friend. NO MORE TCBROB t I - This Invaluable prepa- I ration Is truly a triumpn of scientific skill, and no more inestimable ben No MORI PAIS 1 eflt was ever bestowed on the mothers of the world. ' rSf-It not only short ens the time of labor and lessens the Intensity of pain, but, better than all, It greatly diminishes the danger to life of both 0 MOBS DANGER ! MOTHER OB CHUB. motner ana enna, ana leaves the mother In a -teontrrttarigMyOTora 1 bie to speeay recovery, -ion1 far J lriasi liable to ThtDfeadof Mood ing ,, convulsions, rfandr fothe: alarming". lungirfcf and painful I liabot.l itsitany wonder-.; Ifulefneaey minis respect lentittes the Mothkb's IFbibmd to De ranaea as . 81 world bf the discoveries of monern science. cannot publish certifi cates rConcemuiK this RKKKaXMUiout wound ing the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have 8A.FKTY AND EASE - hundreds of such testi monials on- file,- and no- mother wfirt Ms, once usea n wm wann D OV'e without It in Bfr SUFFERING f WOMAlf. lot tatfebre. j. k proratrfent diyBtcBin I ironrtjftae that t H wwn ic&ut jlately remarked to the aummgKrw to maKe p"o- "Mothers' Tiena ."1 La tf.un,- :,oa tnesnanet. mom euriiesuy eui ,1 very; remaie expeciuig fcthers Relief. Couuled1 to be confined,' to with this ntreitty'T wflTdtmaturlne a long ob- ktfttiKj nV.infifci rnrtv-ffnrieare).tl'have never im tttitt U In full tt nuiinn -tr 1 fr -h JJ iaWMaSUnC Ml IlllH II III ' IM"" HT'T Send for our Treatise on "Health ajid Happiness or woman," mauea nee. rn,pvByTO Co., Atlanta, Ga. w qrivi A,N; mfyJameUi Mi'Chapnin. nrflve afr th orner of, Williams and Cox streets, Atlanta. ; I ,S iiwestedfutiAifferer -from'-serofurfantf running, eating scrputeuf iAjprffjisIjjars, Have been wajd upn urtn4heifnpi bj seven ABaplelanjAcihcjballed-taiigemM-I . also used variooi advertised remles .without tba least rjenenc wnue oeing inus weaiea 1 grew .worse all the Umot Oerofnlens swel aides of my neck which became running, eating ores, Bectlngmnhfoatrwotifh aiJtnTh atlng sores nr iwnTitlrwefe-aB8t Wtuptlorj iinogt down to the bones. My throat became so much affected that I could scarcely swallow, my ' food lodzlnz In a portion of my throat. I lost mv r . appetite epflre Jopt jni fleshaoefwaj Teduead to roore sf rte& TCCathe terribly poisoned, and "ia a" . fearful condition. In this condition I conanenced - 'the use of B. B. B., and found grealjeUeJn 5 nrat DOiue. When I haiused five bots my health bad-s, muAMprovthtttuseretthea swetl&iikubsldldf M ahitttfte renirrtrnt riivildn te(m1liV.iHtreigtp rettonedSnna TgthneC? 44 poundK of flesh. I am now healthy, fat and hearty, and am able to do as much" work as any woman, and feel as happy as a lark," . KIDNEf COMPLAIiVT.' Iror over six years I have been a terrible gaffef. from a troublesome kidney complaint, for the relief of which I have spent over (250 without benefit, the ..most noted a ieiMdle,.provlng-XaJlufle - -nine iH ojmatinaia mhzmol &iJt m naaMaa marvelous, giving more relief than ,aJL other rtxeat-. "'mepr: combined. 'It'lsaZiiulck curo, while other. vb iruejmAaUwjatottedtahtiotare; :- C.J. RORITffTS. Atlanta Water e7nrVa , n14 la Charlotte by -. ,4? -irstw ' W. M. WILSON. TORPID Bp V9WlfUi(tI m W-tid UAL From these, son rocajtriac-hwo I'eurths o the diseaacj of (Ua t iuiiua tueor-kriicse ppeitle, WSUvc, SicItiHead. sertioui body tor mind; Evetaeloc! CchmI, IrrtUibilltjr or teiaver,Trfw A reu o liavlnir nra;lt-d medwty, Dluiiwn, 1 inhering at tlT Heart, Dots before the . biulilv col oi Uriae, ,COaaTIFA'llOl,, o' de mand the nse of a remeuythat attstiirecil" on the Liver. A&aLlver modlcine TVX'X'i W have no equal. ' Tinar action on the K,Vl"ey and Skin is also prompt; removing -. all U purities through thuta tV.riia " acuv' eager or the ysteau,n ptKVlccinir spie' titp, sound rtigestion, rfffnl-ir sloola, a elea, fit in and a vigorous bodv.- IVTT'H PILLS ciiuse no nausea or griping nor interfere wiia daily work and aro a jx-eect AWTtDOTE TO tV! AL ARIA nfi t'tetets xmiS . nnr? max. 44 1 hara had DyBu ;hi, with Conetipa tlon.two years, and hnvo tri htca di.leren kinds of "pllla,, and, TtlTTi an? the first - that hare doue me any -good.' They have claaaed.. m& ' ouirniouiy. Jiy appetite is wHetdidi food digests readi' tr , and t xmvr r if - . a" ral passapree. 1 1 1 like a new , W. D. EDWARDS, Talmyra, O. Bol.lrr. here,2Bic. Offl,44 MorrKy8t.,y.Y etantiv torn SP BLACK b a. nlncrln nnJ VBiiottoti ar ibis iOVTi. Sold arot?lat oa sent DV2e:ntess.' roiwlnt n 1 i! i ; 1 ITPti. a T ah. I i QfBcejf4llUrray Street, Sw Yortt. i tttn'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. foil I 1 i W ; T. R. IV! AG ILL. LEI CaUeaxe (., Cbftrlott. TP'nHfiUiyDVIRtGSl -jraE:,WJBATHES PfiOPHETS. - Vanner Is dead. Wiggins haagone to preaching OLD PArTTiJlW , r4orala si . Plow tr Con. , , tknlii flora, t I ' " I I J ewaw ,A Y I f A if ft t?-- - .... ; 1 ;.. ; (!'" .' nTOOLBSALEl GEOCSB AN ACCOM PlJstijgi) FAKRo'r. .J He Slogs With Great Cltveroess and Mixes Priirsib in Tiue Daatlreary New York Tribune. I r. , : - Around the door of a Sixth avenue bird store, near Twenty-third street, was gathered the other day a crowd so large that it was a work of several minutes to gain entrance to the interior. From , -wiltan there proceeded, a hoarse voice, dash ed with a susnicion of whiskv. which -THavir5WeaarIri8h-Aiaericfan brogue. the. enlivening strains of "Peekrai bpo.? r, With each . reiteration 5 peffls-abool the crowd hollowed with deligbt,gand one small boy in the exuberance of his joy, tied him self -.into a sort of knot and rolled on ihe pavement Suddenly the inebri ated Irrshman came to a dtad stop. atidV another! voice," pleananter- in ode OTaYahkpe Doodle," followed W fftentoriaa query and answer all m one, "tiw are me rm upsuou fojya h 9k tley'resullrightl" rj iA passer dt, puzziea at wo tsuoue, naade'hfe-wajinto the store and soon solved the-mvBterv. In a large cage J J tl mlnecentre was an enormous green, and yellow parrot, which was hang ing by one foot to a swinging perjeh, and trolline forth in different voices with the ease or an accomplished ventriloquist. He resumed a normal position as he was approached aaidf napping his wings, oeiiowea cms : ' Hurrah for Blaine and .Logan! Then cocking his head on one side, he dropped into a more conversation-. al tone, and with a regular "Alied in Wonderland" air remarked : "tts' never too late to mend a bird in the hand," and again after a pausa. 'Tits a long lane that never won a fair la dy." Mis visitor anaoiy remarKeas "You're quite an accomplisbea WcSCrPSaf;0 Md'qtncaraa a flash tb4 reature repneytrv . Ill J Scan. y-a-ia qai mm mth an aiteQtationpt iity ichi 'was grpeaDtaeg tie 4 V . 3 1 u J, i k . 1 I .. J 7.1 eBentea ju aa vised nwempt i a Tamniarit 6y snapping at the tinge which tried to scratch his poll barkeduaifcc???Sw-r-4 Xake care. -. I'm a bad bird. I You betcher life I" ',- j . ''He'sone of the.cleverest pareofe I have h.atf foroirMntime,"! said his. owner! Mr. Holden. "In fact"? he I is almostas goodrasi Ben Butler,"S&hm lM to Jtttv'Hia ' stbek of . prdv- 6T0S seems mexnaustioie, - ana ;ne inaketletrl qhiteffirJiF r tjhfc in 4anuiaJraylueiv4ieBBixe8 Hnem ifn! I T coukJ not besin to tell' f 6t 'all iibetlnngffiien&ays, but hisi greatest accomplishment is bis einging.T j tie is a double yellow. headheoUly' Tfei Afrieatgrayi are Jbetter talkers dot xrterwrnor-Bing.i iney oniy hifetfe. What dd l,aek for hiint. f OnV I thiriF200 is cheap forjlsuch & na-racrnn rlnn't. vmi?" , .' "I. i The Ineresiag Use ot Eleciricl t lEneeSifanl JttDi5ig5ownal. U ThWfelJetrlB-liffht has now. been use-at a considerable numbed of mi in Europe long enough .tot Semo ltrate'itsivaTu.e and a result e sand tt$ use Jbx tending rapiaiy. t At manv of the French. . German.T and Belgian" cdlkries he electric light Is ,uaed on the surface and at the lan4 Ing'Stages at the foof and head of te fihats. At the carles ' Colliers, derCalais, France, both are and in candescent lamps are in use, and the hxrnertsjnnecxs the .several sur face works.,, Signalairom the 'pit- 1? off foot. Of ahaf is Tare given by means i5"& niagnetized needle on a dial, where the words hoist, "low- er," "stop," "faster," "slower " ard shown The revolutions of the WSa tilatSf Pso5etdrded ny Jfeefirlcity, ando satisfactory ddes the Whblj system work, and so greatly does .at tacuitate the operations, that it is said the output is increased to 10 per cen.t with the same expenditure o : fc'flfpS Bpafiojlerij light in4rhas fdr sotttJ tMr'been. ap- p iea ac tne suriace f or this pui pose there are in Miesbach oue - are -lamp and tymcandfcentr lamps j In Jian8hanr 140 Edison . Socandes-j cent lamps j-and in Penzberg,- eight arc lamps. 1 In this country a number of mines Hwad mills have adopted the electrid light with great advantage, and ltd use, and with it the use of electrid BigrlaW' an4.'teWpbo1i,?Trinise, ast "market for. ;ecttici applian ce8; -rEJectro-metallurgyis Rls mak ing substantial procxesa in1 thiatouri- try; in fact.; we have at Newark? the! largest -electrometatt irbrksj the'anbitflte riOO, to &mlpvsmiBrt electrolytic AXoaiBg Operaiioa. TSocfetarjrvhitney is looking into w&repor jrnjrde last year of the breaking up of old vessels. He1 Cads Hweording to- the accouuUi BUbmltied J-to hin that it wouldlvfl-iemtninnh cneapervto navei givenathaessels Away-thdn tofiave'gohelRfexpefise ot j breatang' ttrca npt) ACHSSstimat ed pQsjj, xt the, materjRlaaBd.i.the ear. pense oijoreaKing up iheessels- sa Bubmittod, in advance he doeanotttn 4ertfa hovrfySecrSteTVama have issued any oirder td have them oroiten up There were six vessels r be broken up last year. The estimated value of the material in them was $73,477,65. r The estimated cost tor toe breaking up or the ves sels was $107,000. . It . will" 'thus be seen that the Government would have gained over $30, 00Q by simply giving the, vessels away. -If they naa Deen put up at auction a neat jBm mighji have been realized.v As it is the .value of - the materials has been greatly overrated, so "that the estimated loss -will probably leaoh The Drill Pru-s. The $4,000 prize-in the- interstate (drill contest a MobIe'fi.Ia.Jwa8 won ;by the Houstonirexas) Light Guards, ! the $2,000 prize- by tbe Montgomery (Alabama) Grays, fend that of $l,t)0O by the Mobile (Alabama Rifles. Other .prizes w?re:ailnfantryircoBapanies which had never won a .prize in - an tihterstate drill, $i;o00 to the Lomax Cisesjof Mobile, $5,00 to CJompany F, f Louisville-. .250 to thn Mnntmm. y TrU6t auea tar tile t$1.00af to ,.4 4- T . IIT. 1 ...a ttvterv , o. wasmn&rton artniprv? gouaves jM,uyy,jto, hft,OUScn, of Bts .i;;o:IUap;rr3oi;.vYa?; Llvernool Post fi-I i .A.-c -.- Some years aero when Tiord lW- consfieldwas birthing out threaten jiifso gauoi( tvupsia Borne on , BaKqa Prince Bismarcbf what he . thought of the prospectsof wan W War J'5-f the German chaheellor js-reported' to way o tcjuiBu, ,,, a utre wm oe no. war .i How can a whale fight an elenhant? 1 n?a"'vt .k "' H'0'--t in-- if'.iir. I I TO th rjor.l fif Thl Minn ruii,i' m-i have been given the aeency of fir. Marchitsl'il uilhui File OlntiKKiBt-emphtttlcally guaranteed to 0!re or monerrefundwi lutwnnj eJ emal, Wind, bieed eg or ltolu.u t".e ii -.ob 60a a Ut, 4 Kourymr )uneMuj , ., i , ....... ..,.. Elxt:PHArT-lLE ir"Tfl ROUGH JfjE.jt Who 1 Has Trained the Atonataiaa Vrarp. of Flesji lor George ,Arstiqg3talLl .theIi5oied elephant trainer, now , managing twenty elephants,' in". Barnum'st oir cus said to alNe. York Mail.and! Ex press reporter inati f or- twenty-threfe years lio.had done notning- But tram and manage elephants5 '''Irulfr'thftm all through fear, and not affection; They are naturally very, affectionate anim&ls at titns,' tutare sure to take advantage of any concession granted them on that score. If I see jtkeepi epcornihg Jkindj tO faBfejabnVfl ulcharge'bim dndliire another. The first thing I teach a baby elephant is his name. ..Then I 'compel" himt .to come when his name if called he is tardy about learning I piinrsh trim severely. , ?The otirse of training is long and arduous, and ; depends; On he amount pis intelligence the; am- ai .lncaii eiepnanis e more f tractable' f hanMthe Indis clanKontQ ".- and anything have I more ifSttlfigefere ost or the trami l ed-e.h?pbtge frpni Africa, j i;p nave spineipii(tijia la 6 u 0 aisppi ed to have fakirs, i. e., to make ia pretense i of performing without pen Jjualjy feomingiiJip to Jtha iexeeltebee requirea. i punisn mem severely, and perhaps two or three performan- cee wril pass before they get backl toi their old shyster tricks. ceeded which was never done be: ore. A time may TOineJow hen the .species may be propagated in America an& re mWff be iedith' -4riU4fe a XfervnofeW ilme I think I He "In captivity they attain the age" relfiold) an eiHalsIeasily trained. The rlderr tbeygetthe harr 'der they are '"to teach and the more mischievous do they become. ' An exepnaqiriruiuBr.8 fiiia ffipna orypare and uncertainty?;' ' 1 j r , - , . 1 Politics f ndJlHl Estate. Washington Special Ulf,. -J i ' ' 'Many' democrats are leasinghouses for lour years,", said real estate din yeaterayi jrbuttnkiy.lhore want to puy v vvnat tpey are wait . ing for 13 not the fan of prices, . out the the fall leionItHekk siaie goeauBinoorauo we,itti nav a boom in houses f ronl meni who be lieve detnocracyhay cornel t?t stay-. iiext,winreryoiivwuij see a large numb6jfaaloa.trtctefeCTed rvpub- Jiqansjwho have beeoma attaL-bed'to jtu foyf p-tnu "wiu y.aKe ihjj av 1 .winder residence "here lor life. - There is Windom. cominer back , anLi Blaino told hae the other,, dln $tr&m eu 10 s&u dock -u is ne w nouse-10 me here, permanently tsKWhati.iregat'd. as the most unique ano rx-marKat)! thing about w aana ton is that here in the winter you atojio hn.l the true leisure class of the country i- - " 'I he Loid or Asia New York Herald. -The rumor . ia asainurrent in Russia that .-the czar is to he crowned as '- Emperor of Central "Asia."; Ie is to proceeu withiu the next year r- two td . jETamareatui, the capital 6 Bokhara, and there"--in xhe ancient palace Of Timur Leng, , better known as Tamerlane, undereo the ceremon fes with' great atdte and pomp. Whit corbnatioivs ! it -3 1 r- i I 1 I jjVYhaAstriking fe3ihblanccs in ttiej careers or theU,omanon& and tne Timundes, between-$he czar jiud that graiiileecehdaatf-GerrghKhart ; whose wnquests xtehded f rO'm the' Chipese wall to Moscow and Sin India frOiri the Indus tot the Ganges, 1 and whose successor -1 Babur," conquered Hindo&tan and became the-.'- founder of th -empire of the Grand Mogul. A a Ex 1 rjrHiM-y Ciwefvf C if ;l by Ihe'MIrs 'Joe Peri.on Ueni ,0 .-.fja.K .il I The loH owing letter, dirted January 14, R5, hat Just been received, and wQT be shown to any per soa Who Is interested fiF thip; subject',. Names and dateaart wieHTor'rJrrWoTtesotiff:-' f t ..VMafainrri tha, jptfe laat-ltar.aioylEhad weu developed ta every rsgejctijras.oaa.ln thia elty, bill the '"'kin o Jrflrs" began to chlse? about Its Jittle, .heart, .uifl,.aotwltnstantling its plump and vlgoroos cdnStltutfon' the poison In the! hlaod sponf oegan to manlteHt ieseif w fchat the' -medical men term 'Eczema,!. -PapuraV oi 'Heredl-! tary Talut. Borne oidlo'aiotahrs concluded the child had rhi jellow iaraBh-.!-! Taf. whatever the dlseflselt waaeettalnly a stubborn master for the Rectors. j", : asm'J -it; XhamoUier took the little sufferer' to tha'eoun try,hqplng that the pure fresh air might ba bene ftclal.and Dt, ' -, of Lumberton, 'was calied to treat the case,! He pronounced It EcZtma, and did all he could for it, but to no purpose, any more than to check the fever, to, which, the disease sub- v.Mpt uisv irusi.vue victim was again rerapvea to' the'clty,aiid bmnedlately Dr. waaalled 'and beprdndunced the disease 'Pupura,' and pre scribed accordlnglj, feetUngUp the disease; op-$on and other '.ailaerals untn the' aWaJnpuU be came ao. sore tiat jo two, week It did not nurse, 1. friend sjjggesiadas a last hope and resort' T' B means of procuring any more help or medi cine had failed, and. In this hour of deepest de spair the poor mother went and asked her drug gist tote her have one bottle and one package of the Remedy, and was refused, because she oidnot have uurmeoey to pay for tt. She pawned her wedding Thig'and raised $1.80 to pay for the med elne. - v. '. ";'.' ; " "When gave the' ehlld the first dose, three weakaago -UMay,' the little fellow was a mass of sew sores irom laajiipato-tnaknecutatwtat months old had never borne his weight on hi fmt. Today, by the help of ftod and a faithful admluis ttttlorf of the Remedy the child is well and strong In the legs, and last Sabbath morning' while the mother was weeping at the necessity ot drying up her breast, he took hohi and cursed as strong and vigorous as sver, The administration iof the Remedy ia still kep ap toeOect a complete cure. "Believing In its efficacy I have prevailed upon Mrs. to take It for Inflammatory Rheuma tism." e ': ? " '"" '' ' ft- ... MRS. JQmPiliOVg UKn EIY. Merit Will Tell ia the Long Run - Tarboho, N. a, Feb. 4, 1885. I Mrs Job Person. Madum Shin n nr. nn. r gross of your iteraedy and 2 gross Wash. We are uoing wen wiin u in i arooro, ana sales are rapluly Increasing and It has given satisfaction, so far as we have learned, lr every case.. W e are r juBprcum y, '. --! . : ' a ,- V . ;. ? B.HODGKSiCO. WHAT IT HAD DONK " - tahbobo, Teb. 4, 1885. -For several years I have had a troulii with m roust, which I fear is. cancer, that bAtnv ii,tfi,,l fouijr utmuy. to years past my general peaith has been wretched from , its effecta I be came so wean I was incapacttated for all wrks bit appetite was gone, the sight et food vnti nauseat ing to in. I would would wake up to the morning fcattred I scarcely had, energy to arttf, and areus myself .upon the leist exertion I had palpitation of the heart so violently that I was helpless. I was ko nervous I could get no good sleep, but would lay hwake at night restless, and when I-did drou off to Bleep would soon awake with a start, and it would be hoars before I $ould get ta sleep again My constltutlori was wrecked hop was gone I eoBotaded.-as'a last resort, to trjr Mm. Joe Per -ton'f Remed. I commeaced naln it? last Jtuyi WILUA TiLthA mriml. big feeung refreshed and well I can not only get p and oaok iuy own breakfast without fatigue but have fine appetite to relish it now after I cook it I ean g all d .y long and am sot tUe when night aora . I - have' net ; had ' ai touch af palpkatlpn of , thejieart, sine soon if tr I oom aiefaeeo the Remedy.. My breft does not palq me at all. or grva ma aay ..trouble. n I o'tnot know Whether tiie heroedy wiil cure fnf breast or not, i as tjielwup Is still' there, , s but Ai s It -never does, l no worur mine can express my trra' itUude for what forwt inn m peMenieuyasa-aone zef Ba. . it 6t done mora i i we than fcira-Person "promised rae It would do, when I eonsulted her la regard to .uhItw tt; f I will t Ke pleasure In giving arty one Inforn. .ion In ia l fd to my case who may desire it. I wish every a, dieted person in the land oouid know of its vir tue, I am gratefully, - .s t -tj. rn, i - J- s 1 - MABT L. BYMAK. ! wjttnesse) . h. b. Bryan, c B. Hooges . . in ..breeding., several -yoUng. I arfito6iS:Yerwe read that :,1ili a elebMahtsin miscntryv'sotoeth oasip aboat Joiae Aitpoio'ineats. A WasiigtrjreTprk Wprtd,-, . A story comes from Bichmond that 1 Mi?. Keiley'3 fatherwas a Slave deal-. er before the war instead of bemera1- slave owner aa'a number have said: This fact will also be usfid against JlruKeiley: next winter.. No-' nr doubts that he will be very: prompt ly jreiected soon after the' meeting of Ithe: Senate? The . State ' Department is; beginning to. show r signs of 'iesir-' iag to; correct terrors s.ot; appoln t men ta when; made.:1 Meierei the re-' icemtfy rappointedt. Coasul.'-t-will not receive his commission. 7;, The mere" fad of his having when drunk ' out rageously insulted :.a ; naval otneer might not nave been enough to ! se cure the withholding of.ithe com mission. But the divorce- suit of ; his wife has made 1 him out -altogether too notorious a chacJscter - to be sent abroeiL It is alsw understood that Morgan, ,f the Consul-Geaeral ! at Melbourne, will have a great' deal of trouble, next j-winterf, although he has I naa uis commission given tnro uig eiiid here that: M rgan.a3ked for the appointment so as to 1 enable mm j to avas married a few.' weeks lago 1 fad toadajt axnditioai of hia acceptance that! he should -have a foreign! iip pomtmenti.j j Ui ; n 'w I to V tonderonalplc-mat.wC' faBByliss ffld Hannas -our'hew"-MiQis -of' Persia7 45 Expresses, theriOpeP'jlttaie 'ieatleiales.will waft; tr.ladTot the fig and thVpalm that intelleetoat sith'wbbs ibTxuidQrv'r8Mbh!id:a,wafm and Ulumine our presence: ayeeven. ttafeda and ttirough dancing pnBlicjht y-a- A-iyfr-ua l n 1 i. Qrt mot ha fivolf aI j..HVaiAl1wa 1-vVl -iraTTSpfantedmhTAmeTloa aejed soil.". 1 The whispering zeph ra requirea to iitt . Judge-Mannafrqm Terre Haute to Teheran is called dy rianiite in this country! 'j ' ' :"! , 1 ' "" ( j ; "Well's Health Ftonewer" for d)snep-.lH, debility. Wall Sireetm a Auihhell. N'.V. 'ournaj. . . - - , .' !".'-. .. : "Take l;he other aide. of the strpet, said a Stock eRcnangelbfoker as he handed a solicitous tramp 1Q. xents. th? Other aytnJ;Brwdrwfc.rf I aiu working this side f- the- street Eo Jgh on Eats" clears nut ratsTmtceT'Bc: MSdrtsofv 1 r harts and many sorts of ails "of l lotion. Mustang Liniment, fehS d thosuiw -ia'V 5 -T3f I i H f "Gent , to mage a good appearance, snouta nave shapely looking feet, . Fin fitting shoes, con structed on iclrtDtIfic i rlnclples cover a defects, L&hdat the sarne tlm aleveli.p all the good points ... - . .. . . . uiuue aiee. ror uiese reus Tin, ana jot case nuu 'comfort, always ask your dealer fur the "HANAN" shoe-bf far the "bent eve tnadft; j 48 RANKIN ; J-...1 -.t r i ' I fly Dr. Frazier's Maelc Olntmeiit. Cures as If by aoagic. punpies. alack aeaos ar gniDs, omtcnesand eruoUoos ou the- face, leavbur. the itkln clear and beautlluU Also cure: Itch, salt rlieum, sore nip ples, sore lips,Aiid old, .obstinate nlceas. . Sold by amsglsis, or mnitea on receipt or pnee. d cents. Sfjid byy. C Smith A. Co.' ; , f"JW!4dodwly ; ' " A 'ARI. . . :, , .. ' To an who are suffering from errors and India lesaof aaanhoud. tav, 1 will send a recipe that will eure you. yREKOKOUAUttE. - Ibis great remedy was discovered by a missionary In routh America, eend aaH addressed envelope to Kir; Joaara T, aniii, Station D. w Vork . ( ' .J 1UU.L..I. . - Daaghtem,' Wirrs and Yletherai . Wa amphaticailv suarantea Dr. Marchial's Catliol Icon, a Female Remedy, to cure Keinalt Diseases, such as ovarian troubles, tnoammatlon and ulcer aUon, falling and .dispiacemant or beaitngdown I 1 i 1.. I.I . . - . M leucorrhoea, besides many weaknesses sprJni from the above, like hesidaclie, bloaUng, sl weakness, sleeulessnees, nervous daontty, paJiiitavi tlon of the heart, Ac Kor sale by druggtstat frtaea 1.00 and 1.50 per bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Mar chisl, TJUca, N. Y.i for pamphlet, tree. Tor sale by ,1 ; R ,-Wrfar')-'rtrHBrit. -HihIeodlT a." f YVLDXBLE RKI.LrfonTt -"Any one wishing to buy a desirable 7 room, dwell ing within five minutes walk, of the public sauare. in Charlottes-cheap -Ma fiod auoh an investmeat Dy applying hj - n. a.uocmkamjs. Manager Charlotte Real Estate Agency, cFQULTRr YARDS .2 Standard Pure Bred Plymouth Rocks, ao others kept Eggs, $1 tir i.60 per 13, cash with order. Chicks In summeraad faJL . Howe's and Frisble't prlzfrWlnalng stmins.- send far.' Illustrated cir cular to ' . , HoLiim M Thompson., . - . 1 1 1 $ WALTaa R.THoawos. THOSIPSOS BR03.1 anrl7w4w- - f i Rough on 0 oughs ti TheU oBderfnl Saiccess im Coau - , i . ' - ' ' , smnptVon, Bronehttia, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Sore or Tight Chest, ' Weak Longs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, Catarrhal Throat Af fection. Chronic Hacking, Irritating and Trouble some Coughs. - - - r , . r TrxOie, le,- --Xilqvtlti,- aiSc. BOrH p COUGHS? Is adapted to and always effective and sal to be given in any cough or cold, or-affection of the throat, chest, air passages or lungs, aad la the only remedy of any aval in tedious, distressing Whoop ing Coush, At druggists'. The Troches ean go bymall. B, cmEIXM,, Jersey City ibfcor4w a ts 4 :i : tebk Uoto id hj FDR SALE. it By virtue ot a decree ot the Superior Court, I will, on Monday, June 1st, 1885, at 12 m.. sell, at Uie court house door in the eUy of Charlotte, to -theMghesl bidder, at publls auction, that - Desirable House and ,Lot sr situated oa east side of Mvera sU-betweenwfth and Sixth streets, adjoining the properfy of A. W. Ludolpn. John T. Butler and others, andknown as tho'JMyeiS'S'reet' property of Samuel C. Woliel .deceased. SaW property will be sold for assets. i Termsr hole of p irenase money on a credit' or aiz months; note with approved secnri hear -Jrtg interest-at 8 per cent. - : i ':-' H. W. HARRIS. maySdltwlw .-, . " : Adm'r of a C Wolfe, dee d. , f - '-L Kfl . roir Sunday, JfB HARRINGTON .may2dlw.- II "! a i W.A BTJtUM, W. r.MHTJat, ia., BASHAtrRBIFP. Atayr.'and toanscllors at'tLalr. fi 'Pmnria in state and rederal Courts. Cuiva U Martr Buuaing. mehlldSm 1 have sue-! lvter .torn ier8ia,-ta weighs 250 pourida SSLF-RAISING t5resicL The IIfUtIirl atatd !Vutrttfaia restores to the Itoar tba strengtb-gtvlng phosphates that are removed with the bran, and whioo are re quired by the system. . - No .other Baking Powder does this. . It costs less, and la healthier and stronger than any othar powder. . V HOME V.: TESTIMONY :4 r f.i t FROU fT,,;tf &j I ..T T,:;G;;;;alITH,;;;;M;-:( 'W Lr i 1 , y.t' -o-J-T , , i It Is a weil-known fact "that the process of mak ing Wheat flour removes,, wtth the bran In tba, bpuV tog. :', sfpoftjori '"ota'uatural.'.piosphateaf the inl1 Phosphates aros'6f toe1 "greatest value lif grain. preparuiums uea 10 raise preaa, ttorsrorq s tpreaa rTeoarMlon is tne onir one tnat reolaces tbeh&o paates of the graiH. whiehj are of 'great hutrltlve irdporranodi-.llt isicourposed of add phosphati of Ifcrjertiua lakBattaplac&af the erean of fe nthenJumtofrtthei pfepamtlons-anttb aaje of Tbfl tbsU; ot tba chemical aetloft When, the.preparaiii; , the soda, ace added tr AMtrjBized te tha tot dough, t unlo oftha. pnosj&Oiicackian(l,htt aoaa,.Uius UheratVngthe; ponjc aciq gas wjuiclt performs the rising; pq.- oess. , ,4ue rtiiiUK;puopuai.i; lun anaaoaa. left in the bred straeoe th autntjve value; ot tne oreaa wmcn, utas .gain w uia elements oi JCirain, blood and ' bone, loo4; - Here, .to the South, wnere tnaneax tens on tne vital lor . es with eoer vaHng effect, bone od brain food becomes of fhe uuuwi uuyvi imiw. 4.110 ,unmxuiu oxvom x ration la ot Qua first value on tttts accouot, and other baking powder ia so weO adapted to the manTj of ttie Southern country. 1 "J ' I have used ?the -Horsfort Preparation ' In aiy faaafly for. the past Hn teara, and eertatnly would; aavenoouwK 't i fs 5' '' r.-n nvl IjV -Atr: : .(; c. SMITH, M. TC 1 ,. FROM C-GRESHAMr 17 t'.i Prsp'r .. Railroavd , nestauraat. I - ii. . .TU I 1 J w . ' . ..... r" fis-isT h h Ml if"? 'rv-1 -r'.t i Commercial ;and" other travellers in the Si win attest to the fact that two of the heat rail lestaaran's south of ttrginuv are to be found) Charlotte, N, C , and Way Cross, Ca. 'Bad breadjlr t&e crying evil Id the Sonthern couhtry,1" and, axcellant haalrty'of tte ataple' article of food i with at the Charlotte Railway ' pining Boorrr; nevei" tails to impresi theae who patronize it. ' Mr, Clar enee fifesham, tiaAager. "writes r "-.- - t ' have used Honford Bread Prepamtlon since 1 as-nmed tbea ndacf af tha Richmond and Dan-1 vtlTe nining RooatB, at ChAriotte, and the excellent sneoeas I have net with ia satisfying the travelling public la the important matter ct , bread. U due t the use ot th's, the best of all Baking powders," mch28eodw6m .fi.-.jViiv ;""' Ti'Hl GUM&MDIIEin Th Mullda Stalk or 4he Mwu, bemiioc aa4 flcfc-pr4- aBf (aeMtcra mmft ptmsenat a timulmtlBC exf L'lint. wkiek liiml th Dhlecn and euLa IM aUoi lf i!t awwaraeathat fuaw ia 4ae w . tiiroat anA braaebial toaea Jtoa, akiaaa after u4 ''fierokee reotpe. prewekg la Terew Ohershee Rea e4y of aweet 6bb aw MeUria, a Aom kaavi .Kineilj br Oeeicke, Ore)) WaealeaeaKa,CaUai aat VaaeBaastleau ) Cat aal hj aU oraniin etei .. ,-. I.,. . Bead aa. Mama aa-Tayii BMdte-BMk aW (M heiah eir keaa aa amaannat at i deel7dwedsatsnnwlai- - - - ' - MLLA r'W W.T.IJif a eWUwlk'aV.lfIl'amS SrSaa ViftTEft-PROOF. r ntdo . b a A, airBSfTlTUTE Aw FtASTK K t II alf the Vaat. OatUuu Un mildioa. CAKVKTS iaaA SIICul otifcaw, dsaWatamareMiliiaa. JI 11; rW 0 on emnru ai - a vmmi W.n.r-RlaW.bAMUKIl.rliJf mrl7dAw4W - tJTJ :'l"" . i. i- t..:;K I r l. : .' .It II Ti.J DEPARTMSTT OV MICKLgNBURO, I CaUBLOTR, Deo. 13th, 1S84. - deaiera.lbrder,' ; The stock Of Tors and Christmas Goods now be tng eompieta at tne VARIETY STORE, tha pubMe generally and the good children paVuo- oiariy, are mvitea t aau ana see ua display- The two large doUs, v - ; . ; ' Boh and Sallie, Together with the Walking Bephant Performing Bear and Dancing- ParUlkxv will be on exhibition during the wek and until Chriatmaa. I Bob and SaMe ara for raffle. ' By order of ' ' " ' '-" - r.-.fcAIJTACLAUS, C. M. XTHXRXdOX, ' Manager. . "PUbirc". Notice.,' , - . j v r i' itjt .) jpai - OFFfCX OF 8BCRKTART OF - " BOARD OF MBDICAli SXAMINSRS -..n . . .wOf NORTH CAROLINA, " T ' , W&jaaoio, C-. Aprll 18th, 18 TEE BOARD Of MBDICAL' EXAMINERS OF the State of North Cacoltna wrH held tta regular Annual Meeting In the town of Durham, 'on the' morning of the iHth of atayv 188a, and will remain In continuous, aesskm -until all candidates for li cense have, been examined,' In eompllanoe with the recent act relatiog ta the practice of Medicine In this State. .i n - .' ; . , . i-i ..v -:r W J. H. BILL AMT, M. D Secretary. . ... WM K.r WOOU, St. JJt ATBSiaenS it -- ..-. - ! - . ...I, ,( - I ,. fTTE have eonuneneedthe raanufacoiraof Furni I VY turelathls olty, and having the very latest ana best maenmerv., are prepared to, do toe very best work Dossiblej and. suarantee aaUsuukin Being a hdme enterprise aollcll the patronage Wthe puDllc. , .r,, : ..H- ...... ,tii- ajf Keivring promptly ana tnopouttmy execut ed. Cane chair seating a specialty. Factory and office on 8th street and C.-C. Railroad. - , j feb88-tf ;.'' , .,;, KLIJQCT A MARSH. - ( B UAH CII OFF CK." . ? " - T A L B O.TT; & ON S,' ;, RICHMOND VA:J .'r. fT Ohartjottb, N. "C.i Feb. 6, 1885. ; TV Whom-it Map Concern e - Mr. w, c. Mobs Ay la no tongertn' the employ ment of thi arm At TlJOTT;'80Ha.of-Rlch- mond.Ta.'''" 1 ,"'t ' A it," 1 His connection withtheli buslneat baa been tar aainaterl atim fl t i .".-'..f " 4 j Owtowa. jumI lwaapenuanta wlU pleaaa aa 4reaa aU eommtmloaUona' concertilng tne business of that offlce to the'andersigned at Charlotte, N. CL ;feb7-4iwtf ' ' " TALBOTT ft S0N3 mpamiioR SIEu M0DEI5 and DESIGNS for - 'i'ii ART PAINTIN'G, Sent to us for Exhibition and Sale. J 1 - 5 ' "1 r .i w i 1 -: i u i They will remain with as a few dan when, the1 un sold portion will be returned. Artists are invited to eall and see tuem. ' ' - t , r -rl I - j.' - ? 1 w TT a Km. DiTW tvt iv -1 uaii au, aux uio'.'SsW.; Jit ;:"".'"' "" )' 3 It L-vi. S i)'C-'; 3 s; 1 - -''.""TlnliV nn-A. - n v f-tf TtTT " . ; rr.v" WJ.i fl c ft i erf no 6 i- .- ii " Is ki i .in in ti,' f it? i . Diamond . Silver 'and SUver-Plated , ; , .-Ivare, ...,,.r.. .t Soecti . Prlcea eat down March 4th 1886. from Thanksgiving Day ', . - . . Tboae wanting any of the above goods will please aau ana near my pneea, utay are umi lowest ana tne gnoas are tne nest., , . ; ..- ,1 j: t. butler. .i 1 ' 3 -AND- BONELESS BACON: I WILSON ' WAFKBS- and PXABCS Wood or Tin Boxes. BISCUIT; in . Choice Gofa,. Boiler, Try Oir r. Roller ; Pateai .- Flpnr ! 1 f(ll IT WILL PLEASE YOU BiS'Lt li '"1'li.-f ! J i' ' ' I-'-1 if nAB,tETT; ALEX4NDEB. ; I am an Old man. Tor w I anfferMl mrtth ulcers on my right ,ifig , as the resHltnef typhoid .fever. Amputation was suggested as the only -means-ot ; preserving Hfe. The doctors- aoalddo ; nothing for me, and thought.! must die. For 3 mm i never nao a snoe on. iswtn's opecjnc nas : made a permanent care sad added ten years to my Mfc.'r ' f , WM. RB.;HaU ffr Ga. ? j -I haws taken Swift's Spedtlc tor 'blood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection, -while I was a medical student. I am grateful ta say that tt gave me a speedy and thorough core after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment., '-i - j m . ---...- V.., i rt . AUQtr08 Wapix,M.D., Newark, N.J. . i -fI g?XJ' i iii.-.'iU' -' . --- i.'l f. My wife front early girlhood has "been suffeTtng Irom rheumatism. .She- naa tried many remedies, and must frankly say has derived more benent from Swift s Spe.:lffe than from al the oJters, after iongaadJalthfultarlaU i i w .-,; 1 . - .,, Bar. Jjraa L. Piskcb, Oxford, Ga. 4 t - . v V f 8wtft's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blorid and Skin Diseases mailed fa-e, - - i '. PARKER'S .;'.":.:.. HAIRtBALSAM Toe best, ateanest and aiaat economical nalrdress-' Wi-;H Jail to- restore, tha -youthful enter M gray hair. This excellent dressing Is preferred by theee whs1 tnwe used it, to any similar article, on' acooante Its superior ieanUnasa and purityi - It contains materials only that are- benflanU to tha acaiB and hair r . ."Wf ! L Mhti Hair Balaam' la'toaiy perfumed had kt wwihum mj unwm lainnc.ix tae naif and to ra- moveaandnJlandltuig, . v " T: j ilt I ji d-.'l i t vrt -" Hi'Hii J -i"7-.i i!: f 7- JEX3COX VCOt " ' V ICS TfUIiatut' fi(treiv Heir York. BOa. and $1 Fixer, at aU dealers In medlclnea. Great aaving in buying dollar size. - 1 W ka"';' rliEPflS AND- ,. : ii. I 'y;a::.iSia fr?63!i'.?'n- :irJ$ 'r:.h,:-:-'-A?. . - f .- -V.--'-. -ri-fi ; ii; ...- .1 h: " ' ' '' ;- -. ii A RAND SALX Ot- w':' t .. ( ':.'! !: "(-; ' 4- am t . ' Op Rider's IceCream Parlor. Just the place for a plate of Delicious Cream WEDDINGS, PARTIES and PICNICS v Sopplied .'at Lowest " Pissibla7 Prii GCS. -D M, R1GLER; i ORANGE, :. iLEMQaiyl. WATER JGES 2i ;f-:. i t i -, ; Made to Order. may6dtf rt,H. i ' Leave Orders iFor Fresh Dinner Fish, Fresh Pan Fish, u - FatUaekerel, ; ' Pickled Hoe Herring, Boneless Codfish, : .-.. Strawberries,; f ; , -.. i . its em Kdge Batter and. ; ; Sweet CMei at ! A. B. COOK'S, 1 I1' One door South Old Charlotte Hotel aprl7d i GREGORY'S j 1 DYSPEPTlb 4 V.ifi. CURB FOR ;ON. . 1POSITITB AND ? PERMANENT CURE : ,.,-.,.. pKSffiPSIA AND INDlGEdTION. Parepaaretl '.by- ii Da. W. W, GREGORY, -r . r- Chaklottk, N. C . The symptoms which are most Important will now be described. Une of the most common and direct of all. Is an uneasiness In the region af the stomach felt soon after taking food.. Tais uneasi ness is variously described as fullness, weight Or Doression -afeeltne as If thealomach was "swell ed." The same feeling ia sometimes felt after drinking water. Flatulency, or gaseous distension of the stomach and bowels. Eructation, or belch ing of the gas er "wind" from the stomach. Vomi ting or spitting up of the food. Water-brash and Heartburn, and frequently pain In the region af the heart, with palpitation .at1 "flattertng,-'.wl'ih quick, short or difficult breathing. -Headache, witaveonstlparJon of the bowels, dizziness. "swirA mlngor lightness" of tha head.' Foul tongue, wiHi a "bad," bitter, or unnatural taste of the mouta. Torpid liver, with a sense of fullness hi the right side and pain la the light shoulder; ' Pain In the small of the back in the region ot the kidneys with dark eolored urine. , Cough, .which Is often attrl "buted to consumption,- to which dyspepsia'-majy lead if negleeted - Asthma Is often caused by dys pepsia, and when produced from otbereaasea. Is aggravated by dyspepsia, Mental depression des pondency, melancholy, nervousness, "sick spells.r faintness," a sense of weaflness.1 langour, 'at4 Pld or dull feelings," inability to sleep, and when tteaa be obtained tt is often disturbed or unpleas ant dreams, nightmare. Ac These are some of the moat prominent symptoms of this widespread disease. very few -persons being entirely at aB times free from it. One or mora of these symp toms being present In all cases, depending upoa Individual peculiarity,' length of time the person has suffered from it, and the other diseases, eomV plications, Ac, to which this disease has given rise. For sale by J. H. MeAden and T. a SmrSi Col uaaxKMe. w. jU., and u. Jtnms, aausDury.x. Centennial Year. THEiAUGUSTA CHRONICLE . .ySU-j-i ill' ivSt 1 .rS.jfjS-13 A THS AUGUSTA -CHBOMICLE was establtehed MJ in 1786, but is-stlU young, vigorous nd pro gresslve-and fully up to aU the reaulrements of a first-class newspaper. - Democratic In politics, hon-j est and fearless in the advocacy of all good auaas-t urea the organ of no ring or. clique, It has no) friends to reward, or enemies to. punish. The purpose of the Chroniclb is to advance the freneraij good and support- such measures as will Inure to the moral, aoataLi educational and iaterlai adi rancement of the Stale and country. . . n j The coiumns ot the ChbonicL are free trotnj the taint of sensationalism and toe -depravity en-i gendered by immoral publications. . .- . m S Our teleirranhie news aervkw ta full and enmnletA. i The CHKONKXi oontAins an average of nlnethou-i sana words per day irora the New YerkAssociatad Press. This service is suDDlemented br snecials from ona able and talented correspondents at At-i lanta and Colnrablav who in indefatigable hi their i labors to give our readers the latest news and that Our accomnlished and brilliant associate. Mr.1 James B. Bandall of the editorial staff, sends our A reaaera au graphic ana intereBting letters from wasmngwn aunng ine session 01 congress. . , lire uiucuKicLjs puuusnes me run leiegrapnic semco ot tha New fork Associated Press. JTERMS,;' Horning Edition, 6 months,' ' " r I .year. Evening Edition, 6 montha, . A yeaa,r.t Weekly Edition, months, , " lyear, , Sunday Chronicle,! year, i $ off) - 1 00 8 80 -6 08 a oo ' Tha XvajfiKO CHRoaioxa ' U ' th largest and cheapest, dally paper la- tha South, aa it publishes all the telegraphic news, and all the news of the morning paper, and is seat to subscribers at $&06 per year.- f.- w--r-s ,v s f .- The Wimli is now a ten page paper, but In April it will be twelve pages 4 eofumna. it U filled with Important news. ( The Sundat Chronicle Is a large eight page pa- per, ana, oonuune nrcy-sut eotamns ox matter, Specimen copies free.. .Address . . v CONICLB4XNSTITUTl0ALIST,": feh25 , . .,,. , . Augusta, Ga. GAKOUM4 CBTrtt 4.1, BAIL. ' 'lJ : ' '. WDJDM8TOK. N.a. SeDt 21. 1884. 1 ON AND AFTER SEPT. 10,1884, THE FOLLOW- tog Schedule wUl bo. operated An this BaU- ;j ;vr"v; Itsji ii hi J-iHOj'.,t:vt-rf PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, W ; -i-J DALLT KXCairT SUNDAY. K-j , t (i ,v ; -: 1 Leave Wtlmingto a... ...... .7.00 F.ati No. 1. , Leave Raleigh at ........ .:..7 85 p.m. ; ! . J. Arrive at Charlotte lit. ............. 7.90 A. at ) Leave Charlotte at......... ...ai5 r. M. :No. 2. Arrlvaat Raleteh at.,.. . .......... 9 t)0 A. at. j ) Arrive at WUralrigton at...... ...,8.26 a.m. j "LOCAL FRSIGHT-Passengar Car Attached.' ' Leave Charlotte at lt:.t."-?.40A,'ii! Arrive Laurinburg at .... .., 5.46 p. k. Leave Laurinburg a..i 6.15 Vim .Arrive Charlotte at ... , 440 p, m. I Passenger Trains aton at regular stations only. andpolnts dewlgnated laf the Coinnany 'a jpnte BBELBY DmSION, , PASSENGER, MAIL, EX teav i . PRESS AND FREIGHT. -' . i - . rrjailv exeent Snndav.l '. ; .. ' .. ;va Charlotte at.. .... .1 ... .. is i' w: Arrive at Shelby atiiivv. ... Lu-.llM ...' Lcare Shelby at. .. .i .. v.i .. v.. . . .. L40 ivau frma at Charlotte at.. ... .. ,. ....; .,.. 6.40 p. at. 1 Trains nob. I and I make close connection' at Hamlet with B.&JL Trains to and from Raleigh. 'Through- Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh anCnMlotter 1 Take Train' Na.Tt for Statesvllle; atattoM oa: Western N, & R. iL Aabavflle and points west, - " j Also, for SpartanbaiGrasnvUla, AthensT, At lanta and all points southwest. : b Ci JONES.. j Superintendent f. W. Clms, Ge' aaent. f eepQ aa , . w-v. .i. vij. ? -- .for sale:- - OQ tot on Horehead street ; 9xS06 feet, adjoin-. 0.7 tag Holiobaugh and otbera, Two-rooa house, wa and lot well set with fruit tree . . .. ArTto H. . COCHRANE, Iu.aEf ,.4.... aiatanaftri Just 1 I eneu CHARLOTTE HEAL ESTATE AGENCY Desiring to 1111 a long felt want In Chri undersigned have associated themwivl aerslna -1 , """wives M 1, GENERAL LAND m, ITnr tha rairranA nf Ksidi ... reitinT real estate. ,opam,H& confined to the city of Chartotte n .h"1C!no, ' North Carolina, but aU propiS,' aalt,?u management will be rented or S n"blnr terms, mun!88tonsandpaiments m.uP?D Upon. i' WHgTtHj we wui unoertaae to se . le.ise or n.i,t 1 houses and lota, mines. Ac, in.ikeiiiwtr t.,an, eoilect renfji. m.k r.t.TST: "'iTl1? ol tltlM ' Free' of Cost to the Seller For a stipulation previously agreed ui.m -Particular attention wMbeitoth,; - , leasing ol mining property w" wiiT'Sf eomuussloa only. -.- m . We are in correspondence now with . Parties at tha North and West who IT'!' pnlaTandthiS.Ter V The bustoW wIU be under the w,, B.K(X)CHRANK,MS,,0, unarlotto, N. t The following described pieces of omwm now offered for sale by theCharlottePStlt! Agency. R. E. Coehmnn ni.nn,. ""rt -street front Central Hotel, aarMte,'N c" . i (CITY.) - 1 LJ T"" h?,use ou B 8treet- 7 rooms ckL I IB each room, well of good water, lot sS iX? in good neighborhood. Price, L iw!) 'm' 9 -iPS rwe"tng on 5th street, adjoining iS5u well of water; a lots. 1 fronting Myem rtreettft 198, 1 fronting 3rd street, Wxltfa well l S water and sUble on the latter! Price $2,am 5 " One dwelling on corner of Graham and inn. streets, rooms, kitchen, well of water lot 1 fi eraham street, 162 feet on loth M very desirable property. Price. 1,600. Aw,,nS .dwen8 on Poplar street. 10 rooms w Sfeet; brl Wtchen, outhouk, stobfe 'wSu : PriWooof ' d on tenn8 10 8Ult Ur?11?111?18 on Ntoth street between B aadi C, two stories, six rooms, brick hasement well of water in yard; lot fexiaa. PrSfciSk - ;7:pWl5ua1fn a 01 ital S jjojoniiUMBiang on West Trade street, tw Id stories, 7 rooms, a room kitchen, weliVf very desirable property. Price $4,760. I J.. One Hundred and Fifty Acres Land u mUe l-".tt uuagtheFairGrlSd, . weU 1 located for a truck and dairy iarm; Wn timber, branch running through it, about acres meadow. Price $30 per acre. I pne unimproved lot 9xl98 on Ninth street LO between D and K streets. Price $350. I O Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres Una i"!? ?wuef? J Tne Crewder's Mountain Iron Works beg to call the attention ot cauluillsto Iron Jianufacturers, stock and dairy men, and kam who wish to settle colonies, to their property which offers induuemeula to the cbusm Htvv i,-,,,; l u The property consists of six Thousand Three unuiuni Auouiuiiu, lucaieo. in me counties ol Gastou and Cleaveland, In the State of North Car oilua, at King's Mountain Depot, on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railway, tiow owned br the Richmond huC Danville raliroad company The property has been used for ttrty years past as an Iron property, and has oeen worked at various CW18' cbJetty M Ue of the celebrated Yellow Ridge Ore Bank, which has always yielded an ore noted for Its richness to metallic Iron and Its softness and toughness. This vein of ore which extends for two miles In length, has been worked to toe dept f 147 feet, showing at that depth a vein of ore about 40 feet wide, and analyz ing aB high as 66 per cent of metallic Iron. This vein has not been worked for twenty years, but the facts set forth can be fully shown. Various other veins have been worked, and within the past two years very large deposits of Iron ore have been dis covered at other points. Within the past eighteen taonths, however, the owners have discovered de iioslts of ore In Crewder's Mountain, (live veins of iron- ore; are exposed), which were unknown be fore, and which will furnish an amount ot good ore. easily worked and above water, that nfust make It one of the most desirable Iron properties to be found. They have discovered on the pinnacle of this mountain, which Is 1000 feet above the level land, 2200 feet above the sea level, a vein of ore eight feet wide, which crops out at various points from the top to the bottom of the mountain, show ing in one place about 20 feet of solid vein. This Vein can be traced over tha top of the mountain for over a mile, and this deposlt'alone would afford so almost Inexhaustible supply of ore, easily worked, and above the water line. In addition to this four other vein have been found on this mountain. The ore is a mottled gray ore, showing en analysis from 49 to 66 per cent, of metallic Iron, with a small amount of titanic acid, and without any sul phur or phosphorus. The quantity of ore In this mountain Is simply Inexhaustible and of good) quality. . Besides Crowder'B Mountain the owners possess King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whose pinnacle is the highest point of land from Rich mond to Atlanta, except Mt Airy, in Georgia, and they have reason to believe this mountain is full of ore also. In addition to Iron ore the property has manganese, limestone clay for making fire-proof brick, gold and other minerals. Very pure and ex cellent barytese has Just been found In large quan tity: . - As a stock and dairy farm It offers fine opportn altles to those who may wish to engage in such bus iness. It has from three to four thousand acres of level or only slightly tolling land, which produce! crass, grain and aU kinds of farming products anely, and It Is well supplied with water by uufau ag springs and branches.. The other 4,000 acres embraced in the mountain aides are productive of fine grass and herdage, and afford excellent natural pasturage for sheep and cattle. The climate is so mild that but little shel ter for stock is needed fathe widest winters. The whole six thousand acres ara now covered with a , fine growth of timber pf all kinds, such as pine, hickory, oak, walnut, cedar, ate. Tne jiand is well suited to farming purposes, by those who wish to lonlze. Cotton, corn, peas, oats, clover and grass, rod fruits of all kinds are produced beautifully ,and It la specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It jould be divided into email farms thatwouldfgtve to each farm variety of soli, and level and hilly and. It is situated In the Piedmont belt, which is noted for the salubrity of its climate, and the healthiness of its atmosphere. It is a region free from malaria and other unhealthy influences. It la located with great convenience to railroad facili ties, being situated at from two to four miles from King's Mountain Station, on a railway that has the most extensive connections with all parts of the country, and Which .offers great Inducements to those whs are trylna; to develop the country along its lines. The owners will sell this property to. suit purchasers, as follows : The whole tract, including mineral in teres ta,for Sixty-three Thousand Dollars, or will make favorable terms, reserving the mm era! interest, or will sell one-naif the mineral in terast, payinantav to be one-third cash, balance OD9 Of twyftftci ' A valuable water power, which has been run large rolling mills, lies adjacent to this rty, and ean be bought cheaply. The property also in close proximity to the famous All Healing Mineral Springs,- and to the widely-known Cleve land Springs. " The town ot King's Mountain Is also adjacent, where are good hotels, a flourishing and excellent high-school, and several new and handsome churches, -The- owners invite the attention of all interested to this property, and ask an examination of It Any further Information regarding It will be promptty furnished by addressing R. E. Cochrane, Manager Charlotte Real Estate Agency. ; The Yellow Ridge Ore Bank has been recently sold to a Pittoburg, Pa., eompany, and a German colonization eompany nas recently bought 4600 .eras adjoining this property. t Q Tract of Land, ISO acres, located in Lincoln lO county, N. C, adjoining lands of Goodsoo & Payne and others, 6 mites from Denver, 23 from Charlotte, and IS from Davidson College. Has on a igoad dwelling, 1 rooms, all necessary outbuild ings, good orchard, good water, and well adapted for grains, grasses, corn, wheat, tobacco, cotton, eta.; 36 acres good bottom land. In line state of ultlvaUon. Price iXttO. ' 1 1 Q Treat of Land, 8 miles south of Charlotte, IV. id acres, known as part of the Samuel Tay lor tract, oa which is an undeveloped gold mine, (known In the N. C Reports as the Sam Taylor mine), thiea framo tenement houses, two rooms each, good barn, good well water and good spring en the premises. Sold without reserve for $1,7du. 23 Two unlmpioved lota 60x198, on nertn siuv ot West Fifth street. Price $300 each. ,OQ Dwelling In Mechanlcsvllla, 1 story 3-room 'avO house, lot 9xW0. fronting on C street, lot 1736. square 216, adjoining property af W. A. Sing and others. Price cash, i860. , a') Two lota, Nos. 2W and 808, square 46, front i ing 99 feet on B street and running throw to C street. On the premises is a two-story fran... dwelling-, seven rooms and small storehouse. Two unimproved lots corner Smith and 8th streets, in square 198, fronting on smith street 51x146 and 53x146. The twe lots will be sold I ogether or separately as the purchaser may desire. , loa for the two ch Vr m bO Onfrtory frame cottage, 4 rooms, lot SOxlou mjD in Fourth ward, eu west Fifth street, near jthe residence of James P. Irwin. All lmprove knents aew. ; A desirable plane for a smaU family. ft $in yard at iowesvine, N a,: 22 leather vats; 1 pool, 2 lime 1 shop house 18x22, bark bouse, bark mill house, stable, dwellingJIOaorea land connected with tan - yard. Price $1,000, or Mil lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonable terms, jor A very desirable farm, containing 16fl EK, acres, about threes miles west of Charlotte, on tba' Carolina Central railroad, known as the ,,nl, ihiibi farm atlntnlnv the lands Of DT. lui Bamnger ana -outers, eeren-rwni utoub d necessary outbuildings in good repair on the misea wav waierea ana ui gwuiici"v- Price per acre 3U . U Avl Unimproved tot aa 7th atreet; oerween tu larana Pine streets, square '"' There ta on the k some building material which will be sold with the lot. Price of lot and mate- tyJWt&iua .;':. -'"' A o One story frame dwelling and lot on Stone wall street t Price $500. ; E io One lot and a half lot urdmprewd, 'on tha 0 - earner of B and 11th streeta, , Price $650, ; ar::3 -: - ;" --; '

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