Qtw IX&vitvtl&ztazixtSi J Troyal wat 1 Absolutely Pure.- , ,,, gDYtoi never varies. A marvel ol put 1 re tn anJ wbotoaomeness. Mow economic il ' .tmordluwj sindu, and eannot be sold in a t'tlon with me multitude of low test, s.:t , V or phoaph&te powder. Bold only ti WholiMtle by ' - ; "j 3PBINQ84BUBWILI f jauwU Charlotte,! a .1 OFFERS TO THE Mesale Retail Trade FIVE TONS to Whilo Lead, fT. V W N T Y p! B A R RELS A Large Stock of Mors, Tarnishes, Etc. -ALSO ONE CAR LOAD AI L AT CLOSE PRICES. J.'II. Mo ADEN, tern liy ilis .PiiDnd, from backets, has been very encouraging. v" t Wah ngton Bultired Flour PVkle1 Salmon, Mackerel, MSB Boe, Florida Mullets, . NORTn CAROLINA ODB Mat Is all thai U wanted. - ' Utoe Turnip Green Season has arrived n' Rkee's salad due eta PURE LINSEED OIL mm Oil, Mi Pi? Hams Ouraaleof -" " iihiiiw Ileal UUHIU 11TB THE1QITY Arrival and Departure of Trains. :. Correct lor t he current month. - Richmond jlsd Dahtiijlm Aib-Liiv. ' No. 60- Antves at Charlotte from Richmond at S.B0 a. m. Leaves tor Atlanta at SiM a. m. Wo. SI Arrive at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4.45 a. in. Leaver for Blehmond at 4:55 a. m No. 52 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.36 n.m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. . No. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:10 p. ra. Leaves for Richmond at 6.30 p. m. Local Freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 5:30 a.m.; arrives from Atlanta at 8:30 p.m.'. , CHARLOTTI.COl.UJIBIA AND AOBUSTA. ' V - Arrives from Colombia at 6ao p, m. ' ' Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. ' ' l"' . .- C., C. A A. A.,T. ft O. Division. . ' Arrives from Statesvule at 10:45 a. m. -Leaves for Statesvlue at 635 p. m. Caboxjna Cxnteal. Arrive from Wilmington t 1JX) a. m.: Leave for - Wilmington at &15 p. m. Arrive from Lnurinburg at 4 40 p. m : Leave for Laurinburg at 7.40 a. m. Leave for Shelby at a 15 a. m.; arrive from Shelby at 6.40 p. m. I MAILA. : General Delivery opens at 8:00 a. in.; closes at Money Order Department opens at t.OU a. m.; aliiaaa AO- A JVt w ( Index to New Advertisements. Rlcbard Moore Removal. Weather Indications. Middle Atlantic States: Fair weath er in interior, clearing weather on, coast, northerly winds becoming variable, warmer weather. - . South Atlantic States: Light local rains, partly cloudy weather, no de- cided change in temperature except ra nortneastern portion, where the temperature wiil rise slightly, varia ble winds, generally easterly. A GREAT DISASTER. FALL OP A THREES TORY BRICK BU1LDINU. Lives Saved by a Timely Wrilif The Dibits Takes Fire and Terror Added to the Scene The Incidents ol Yesterday's Destrncttve Accident. The large three story brick struc ture, occupied by Hammond & Juss tice, hardware merchants, on Trade street, two doors east of the Central Hotel, yesterday morning collapsed and tumbled to the earth with a shock that was felt for blocks around. ; The accident occurred at half-past nine o'clock in the forenoon, and was the most startling event that has been known in this city for many years, while the scene presented is without a parallel in the history ot Charlotte. It was a terrible catastrophe, involv ing the' loss of thousands of dollars of property, and, though no lives were lost, the espape of fifteen or twenty persons from , being buried , beneath the ruins was miraculous. Tfre fallen building had a frontage of thirty -five feet and was about one hundred and twenty feet deepand towered several feet above the adjoining three story house on the east, owned and occu pied by Mr. Wm. J. Yates, editor of the Home Democrat. It had a hand some, substantial front, and was re garded an one of the best buildings in the city. It was owned by Dr. John LL McAden, and was occupied on the first - and on a portion ;of the second floor by Hammond & Justice, hardware dealers. Gen. Thomas F. Drayton, insurance Agent, occupied a front room on the second floor, and several young men occupied rooms Quito tou-Soor. -At tho-time the crash came no one-was on either the second or third floors of the buildingand the first floor had been cleared by the timely note of warn. ing given Lby the tumbling of a portion of the rear side wall just be fore the collapse occurred. 'BOW IT GAMS TO FALL. The collapsed building ad joined the building of Schiff &Co., which, with the building of Mr. H. C. Eccles, oc eupied by Wm. Wilson & Co. and Beese & Co., druggists, was destroy ed by the fire of Saturday morning, February 81st. This fire left the wail cf the McAden building apparently uninjured, and arrangements were at once made by Messrs. Eccles and Schiff to rebuild. It was decided to excavate for a cellar under each of the new buildings and the work, was let out by contract to Mr. Will Ph fer. The cellar for Mr. Eccles' build ing, next to the Central,' had , been finished and the walls for the new structure built up -about eight feet above the surface leveL and the work has been progressing rapidly upen the excavation for the cellar to the Schiff building, Mr. Phifer's instruct tions being to cut the east wall of the cellar to within three feet of the foundation of the' McAden building. Thia was considered by many to be a rather dangerously small margin, but Mr. Phifer was working accord ing to contract, . and by. snndown Wednesday evening haa completed the excavation."- The dirt was cut away to exactly within three feet of the foundation of the west wall of the McAden building, and the brick, layers were notified that all was is readiness for tbem to commence work. Early yesterday morning they commenced laying brick in the cellar foundation of the new Schiff building, but the sound of their trow els rang out for but a brief, time. Mr. Phifer noticed that the wall in the ifrtiHon tiiiildincr. which towered seventy feet above the bricklayers had eracked, and he eb once warned them to get to a place of safety At this same moment the i. ' , H THREES FOOT BAKK OF DIRT - at the rear corner, 01 ine acaueu building was seen to slowly bulge out and then suddenly tumble into the newly excavated cellar, followed in stantly by ft tremendous section ol the rear ana eiue wan. - a wo prelude to the final erash, and well it was for many a . human life that it came .as - . -liny-wiw "v tumbling waCfl alarmed ail wno were in or about the store atthe time, but some did not seem to fully realize the dancer: Mr. HammoBO and bis corps of clerks were all.ffngaged m their various duties in the store, and Mr Justice, who had been out on the street,! was hastening in to warn them of the impending crash. ; Just as he reached the door, Mr. J. H, Wed dingtop; of Brown, .Weddiiigton & Co., who wan standing ;in hia door, direcUv ppc:ve; saw..th large side wall of the ; building wavering, and frantically called Out .-:t. f ayr OUT, IT'8 FAIXIHOJ" ' His Warning cry was beard and Mr. Justice.: Mr. Hammond, the clerks i and one of two , customers came rushiiigJU mf 'M1!0 ! and the i-rowu that had gathered at thefirtA Urm surgea dsgk irom building They were none too soon, for falhiig bricks covered up their footst4. "d the large structure came d5 wt to tb? WW VV a mighty crash.' VTbe walUfelUa ft fPd thetiuitoof camedown over the whole like aaMmroense tar paulu almost completely hiding the debris. The crash was terriflo and created a gen uine panio on the street, the first thought of aU being, o course, that someone was caught under the rums. A dense cloud of dust rolled heaven ward, aid hung over the ruins and is the streets bo densely- to envelop everything in JJt of the; frightened' crowds. Aside scores: on; the ODDoeite side of the street, the dust was so blinding that a cierK sianamg ra the middle or; the room could not see to the front door; but this sfetefcf .hings lasted but a tew mimitjes. I When tho dust cleared ' ' ; THtN VOLTJMB OF SMOKE I was seen risine from the ruins of th fallen building, and the alarm of fire was sounded. The entire fire depart ment mrneu out and nve streams I were soon playing on the ruins. The nre originated among the debris. near ine iron I ot me, store ana was caubed by r the overturning of a stove in theofliee that had been occupied by Gen. Dravton. " The firemen vera not long in getting the flames under control, but their work was an ex ceedingly difficult one, the fire beins: low Qown in the debris and protected by the roof which lay over- all, and turned the water. A rumor that there was a large quantity of dyna mite and powder in the wreckage be came eirculated and there was a f ally ing back of the. crowd to places ot safety, but the firemen stood their ground well. Thomas Garibaldi white, and Philo Reed, colored, dis tinguished themselves by , working on the roof, cutting holes, directly over wnere the dynamite and powder were supposed to be located. The firemen worked well and did a fine piece of business in confining the flames to a very small portion of the wrecty Alter the nre was out gen erai reuet was expressed Dy every-, body as the fact became known that . s HO LIVES WEBB LOST. ; It was at first feared that some onei might possibly not have been warned in time and had failed to escape from the building-, but before noon every in- aiviauai employed aDout tne build ing or having any connection with it whatever had beeu accounted for, and it was positively known that hot a life was lost. : There was general rejoicing over this fact. The charac ter of the wreck was such that had a human being been "Caught under it. even if not killed outright, he would have been suffocated by the Brooke and dust hours before a rescue would have, been possible.- j ... ' ;' THE MELTING WALLS7U',' ' When the rear and side wall of the hardware building tumbled ttQ, the grouna, n was attenaeq witn a noise: that drew hundreds of people to. the scene ; This was the first signal of aanger, ana on getting in sight o the building trs crwdaw that its south west end hd fallen out. The tower ing west wall remained apparently firm, and stood bo for the space of fully ten minutes. when it fell. It was this fortunate lapse of time that 'enabled everybody to escape the im pending aisaster.. watching the tall wall with an apprehensiveness that a calamity was near at hand, the exs cited multitude saw jt tremble, faint ly at first, but gradually growing more violent. Then an .undulation seemed to run the length of the wall, and it appeared to melt down into the ground. At the start not a brick toppled from its place, but the entire house came straight down, roof -and all, as if it had been put upon a prop and the prop suddenly knocked from under it. As the building came down it left exposed to view and standing perpendicularly, but badly cracked and strained, the west wall of the Yates building,' which had formed the dividing wall of the two struc tures, and a - rot SECOND CALAMITY WAS THREATENED. 1 The side- wall of the hardwarestore bulged slightly outward in falling, and the entire three floors dropped down, the sills being ' pulled' clear from their supports in the wall ol the Yates building. Everything came down as if smoothly cut from ; the east wall,, whose whitened sides shone up above the debris of the fallen store with vivid distinctness."; Clinging to the stripped wall were two mantles, with grates in the fire places. Near one mantle a hat rack hung unin jured to the wall,' and on the other mantlo stood two neatly framed pic tures. The top of this wall . had crumbled off, and along the front of the Yates building, next the corner where it . had joined the fallen struc ture, a big rent appeared, extending from the top to the second story win dow. The Yates building is three stories in front and two in the rear,' and the roof over the latter part was crushed in by the weight of brick that ad fallen upon it. The large wall from front to rear seemed to be ready to fall at any moment, and everybody anticipated a second calamity, for had this fallen,; the Yates : building would have come down in a heap the sai&e aa had the hardware store.. Up at the top corner of the third story hung a mass of 'brick wall encasing a window that had failed to come down with the tumbling house, and it was believed that when this came, down the wall of the Yates building would come with it. loafer in the day the threatened wall was braced, and a rope being attached to this overhang ing mass it was pulled out, and to the 1 relief, ot au the wan remained stand ing. This seemed to lessen the dan- ge, and competent judges gave the opinion that tts wall properly braced. may. stand if 1 ' WFT.r 1TP BY TRIE THTRRIft The 'wall is fifty feet high, and on the ; outside tbe debris from the fallen building is heaped against it up to the second floor: This serves as a solid support for -the wall,; and as long as it remains there can be no danger of. the - wall falling. It is learea, WWUgu. tnai wnen wis is re moved the wall may become danger oue, yet opinions are divided. - There are many, wno seem to oe oompotens to judge, who "say that though' the waif is cracked, it has a solid founda tion fcnd is but little injured. The wall will be thoroughly, braced, and will ysry hkely be saved; ; - tE8i?P8 the BUiLprag. : ,: The Tate building was occupied on the first floor : by Mr. - Qiohara Moore, dealer in 81076804 tinWarju and Greehara'&Dochina ware and crockery. Qa tbe second floor were the editorial and printing room of the Charlotte Home Democrat, and the Sewing machine rooms of CJoh Cbas. Bradshaw The third floor Was occupied by the North State Club, the rooms having recently been fitted up id handsome styie. It being found that ; there might possibly, be some danger in remaining in the building, the occupants at once commenced moving out.- A long line of drays were quickly preed into service by Mr, Vloore, and within five hours his stock of . goods were transported to the old store room of Moyer & Kir shinger, next to -' Wittkowgky & Baruch The North State Club moved its furniture to a place of safety, and Mr. Yates, owner of the building, ealloi upon his employes to vacate the HomeNDemoprat offices. - The forms of the paper were almost ready for the press, but out of an abundance of precaution. Mr. Yates would Jnot permit his office foree to work upon them in the building. The paper was afterwards run off on Hirst's press. The stock in the china store was mot moved out, ,buf the doors of the stcre were closed. All these movements were" made not by reason of. any cer tain danger to the building, but out of a desire on part of all concerned ta re on the safe side of things. 19 red condition cf tha houca i3 cct knownX-iV m ay be dangerous," but more probably not. THE SCENE OF THE WRECK. The sight of a fine, large strucUire tumbling in chaotic ruin to it he ground is a hew one for the residemts of CharloCkd and one .of which, no ap preciation can oe given tnrougti a written description The tons of brick and sand and plaster, mingled with the masses of timber that protirade from then! in matchless disorder and conf usionr the huge root, -with ! its rear end hierh in au-.'i held tib bv the elevator- at the' back of the store which still maintains its upright posi' tion, and its centre lost in the debris, the intricate masses of flooring, sills. laths and 'splinters. an matted to gether in one great heap, must all be seen to .be fully; appreciated. The wreckage of the burned buildings.- so recently removed, is now succeeded by one more direful to behold than both the others put together. Schiff s newly excavated cellar is filled to the top with a mass of wreckage, and the rums of the hardware store tower up in a compact mass from ten to twenty. feet high. It will be a task of weeks to clear away the debris. i X J A QAPDiO SPACE. . ' 1 f ; Previous , to the fire of the 2lat of last February the south side of Trade street, from the Central Hotel corner to College street, was one splendid block of handsome buildings, but now only three -houses remain on that side of the block These .are the Central Hotel, the Yates building, and the corner , building.., owned by- B. iR,' Smith The gap , from the Central Hotel to the -Yates building .grvesj that portion of the city the appeals ance - of partial annihilation.-. PrM marily, the cause of all was the fire of last Jrebruary; -;;..; f ; -' y. ..7 j 1 As yesterday's wreck was of an ao cklental character, the insurance pol icies Held by tne parties tnteresced will not secure them from loes. On all policies issued is the clatrie that whenever a building collapses, an J fire results after the building falls, too insurance money will 'be paid." TbQ fire in the wreck yesterday occurred after the, fall 'of the building, and under circumstances that relieves the insurance companies of , their obliga tion to cover the. losses-, Lr. J. tt. McAden, whq owned the building; loses On tbe structure f9,000. Mr. xates ; buudtne is aireaay m jured to the . extent of $2,000, even it no rurther damage re suits to f hisl 1 house. J Hammond & Justice have a stock - valued at 124.000 lying tinder the wreck, but. of course, their loss cannot yet be estima ted. i hey have an insurance on tneir etocE against lire to the amount' ot fU.OOO, but will probably receive ho oenent trom it" T;heu entire ' stocfc will be damaged more or less, but it is believed that they will save proba-i pry half of it .ra a comparatively good condition ,..:i..,,-- I Gen. Thos. P. Drayton, whose room was located in the ' buildmg, was among the crowd "collected: at the scene after the first section of the wall felt When the big crash came, Gen. JJrayton was. overwhelmed ra the surging crowd, falling to the pave(nent under the heeis of the 8tampeders. tie was very severely injured, though during the excite ment of tbe next halt hour he did not notice it. Later he had to : take tip his bed. and was assisted to his room in the Central. His arms and legs are baaly bruised, and it is -fen red that he has" received - internal f injuries. Gen. Drayton "anticipated an accident of this character,, and had decided to move his omce. lie had' rented a room- over r the Mer-r, chant's & Farmer's B ink, and ! was to. have moved into it , Wednesday afternoon, but met .with some delay. This'was unfortunate, as the Gener al lost a valuable library, several fine pictures, some highly prized his torical mementoes and all his busi ness and private papers, all of which would have been saved bad -tie been able to have moved v Wednesday . as he had intended' 5T " , ' ' ' PROSPECTS FOB A LAWSUIT. - ' Where the responsibility lies for yesterday's work of ruin : jilikely tp be a case tor - the : courts : to settle. Mr. Schiff was digging upon his own ground, yet it caused. ir. McAden a building -to collapse.'. -.The.-matter wul have to be settled between Dr. McAden and.: Mr. . SchilT., Neitb, r party will rceiye any insurance money, and the loss to Dr 1 1 McAden is a clear o .e. Dr.t McAdenV wall, tbeione that fell, was built upon Mr SchilJ's waU, ' which was originally twd stories high.; and : bmit forty years ago. -.fi s,,,. BEOOVKRINQ 00003. A! large party of -.workmen were engaged all yesterday afternoon i in buirowing through the r debris xin search of goods, and several wagoo-J- loaas were recoverea. .- jb rom tne best investigation that could be made yesterday, it is likely that a', consid erable part of the hardware Stock of, Ha mmond & Justine winy be reoovh eredj butas a genera thing i will be in a damaged condition. ,.e As the goods are recovered from the ruin they are carted to the building ot Mrt TrH Gait her.' on Oolleg street. for storage. ! , . ,-!, r ' ' INCIDENTS OF THE OOLLAPSiC. " Mr. C. J. Fox one of , Mr .-Moore's clerks, had a eloae isliave. - He' was at thp desk in. the rear of Moore's store: when the walls of the adjoining building fell, and his first intimation of danger was a', shower, of; plaster from overhead. Charles was spry, audit did not take- him - Jong to gt out.' i Just as he cleared the room, one or two bricks came , thrpugh the Hfoor, and then the "wbole room was ff.led with a section of the wall that came '.down on tbe roof. ' '' " Mr. iJ H. Van. N ess the enterpris ing photographer, did some - neat work with his instantaneous camera.' fe appeared upon f.he scene just af- photograph of ths - wreck- ; W' n stantaneous view-showed the firemen St WQrk, , smoke i cqrling frorn the ruin, and streams of water Jn full laVi , It caught the. sqeqe- just as it poked- Uesie Ras the Euginft. . Wichita Eagle.' ' , ' All the engineers on this end of the Fort Scott road accompanied the ' re mains ot. MQiameis. to. :J ort i Scott last Saturday. Onr Sunday it was vfound necessary to send a tiain out to toe fliinneecan oriage with matert al, and no engineers being oa hand, Mr. - George N. auman- put bis daughter Tiessie, a school ; girlp ra charge pi tne eogine lurnisning her with a i fireman, i and She did ter work nhbly. handling Lhe throttle and guiding. the iron steed as -well as the oast man on the, road.. ; Bessie has frequently run the engine About the yard, but , never betore made a trip on the road.," We don't know: of any"her road havWytemale engips eers. - ;: -Ho Tf as Tw JredcHtary, . Tha minister lost big tiealth by being too aul t Be would ssnd burs and hours In his study, por bi( over books and sermons, and neglecting budlry MAdse. Liver became torp;d; stomach grew wry; bowels actei Irregularly serves yielded to r"- ia-aUoni B5inl8ter was a gloomy failure antil I ni Iron. Bitters relieved htm. Ttw tie. Mr. Znrj))r, ol Codrus, Ta.. sys: "I waspareined im if ri 'ht elde. Tb Bof Brown's Iron luera - w wboL" bittuiieus of other minia- t,. t...y totts worta, - , , LOCAL RIPPLE8. ' " Ex-Solicitor James E. Boyd was in the city .yesterday. The bicycle races at the fair grounds will commence at 4. o'clock this af tet ter noon. ; -...$ 1 ' The .Columbia excursionists ar rived home at 10 .30 o'clock last night in good trim, and all safe and sound. .V -The programme for May 20th has been completed and is an excellent one.; It will be published tomorrow. United States . Marshal David' Settle,; who claims to be a direct den scendant of r the man who - killed Goliah with bis little sling, -was in the city yesterday, to remind us.that we have a Democratic administration at last. ; . ;:;;y ' . Miss lillia Miller , yesterday pre sented us with a quart of large straw-1 berries from, her garden. The berries were not only $ will ripened, -but were the largest in siza that we have ever seen raised in Charlotte, nearly all of them being over an inch in length and proportionately thick. . .- . -. The delegates from the Episcopal church in this city to the convention of the Diocese of North Carolina, to be held in Asheville, on May- 27th, were yesterdayelected by the vestry. The delegates, are r Thba F, Drayton, John Wilkes, IL C. Jones and P. D, Walker.- The alternates appointed, are: C. M. Etheredge, M. A. Bland. J. S. Myers and Jos. ' G. Shannon house. ' ' ' - ' , Commissions were made oat ' on the 12th insk to the following : new postmasters in this State- Duncan C Murchison, : .Gulf ; Geo : L. Krump, Jones ville; Geo. B. Caddell, - Jones boro; Lucy A. Christian Mt. Gilead ; James Pi Cook, Scott's Oeek; Star key S. Daniel , Win ton ; John H. Rice, Woodleaf.i Satrsn Female Academy i s The commencement at' Salem Fe male Academy opens on June 7th, at iu a. m., witn- tne- baccalaureate ser mon by Rev. A. W,. Miller, D. D., of the , First Presbyterian church of Charlotte. The seminary wiu oe read on June atn, 7:30 p. m. Art exhibition,; Wednesday, June 10th. trom 2. to 4 r m: -.Concert. Mendelshen'sPJaihalie, iWednesday 10th, 76 p. m. Commencement, xnursaay oune nth, a a. m. Orator. Jamesla R; Caffisle, : L L. D. The diplomas will presented by Governor A. n. scales. . .- . . . Mr. Gaither Prostrated. 1 '' We regret to learn that Mr. Thos. H. Gaither has been confined - to bed for three weeks past, suffering with Ibis leg which was injured in the Air j-ane Kccident, several years ago. He jhas been suSerrogtthe most intense pain, ana tne physicians thms. that ms loot wul have to be amputated unless more favorable symptoms set in soon. - jar. uaitner s foot has been wollen to twice its normal size, while bi9 Enee. the swellme haa . been ually as great. He has not been le to leave his bed for three weeks bast, but vesterdav he was renortAd as oeing in a siignuy improved con i. . . r. . ;r ItlOU - j . :- jj;.; -r ., ' -, - - t V , j "ni HealU Heoewer for delicate iexo Aducrttscments lkWIKG TO THE FALi l.G OV HAMMONP v Justice's store, render liie the t ulldlov l pled unsafe, 1 have moved my ntire etook of 1 HardwareCutlery, GUNS, ETC., To' the store recently oeetipled by M'-yer AHIrsh !"sjer, on Trade str. et. where 1 will be pleas -d to we my mends and the public generally. -maylSd , BKHAktb MOOBX. Mineral Springs WILL OPEN MAT 15. M west of Charlotte, and one mile of the by.N.C Carolina Central tailroad. hucics wui oe m epnnas Station on arrival of every tram At rQwr on the Air Line raJTrnd. naoaa eon be obialred. Oil and Warm Baths. - -' White and Bed Sulphur and Chalybeat Waters. A f ood String Band secured for the seaa-m. A Bowling A'ley In food order. Livery -eommodauO'.s sttarh d to the Hotel. Bates ot Board ivaxona le. Sneelal ratas to families for the .mason. For further information Uddrans ... mar imu Hen, rusnj.x, proprietor. Drfirablf UoiM anil List -T" - FOR SALE. Br ttrtue of a deoree of trie 8urvior Court. I will, i Monday, June 1st, ms. at la m.. sell, at tbeoami uOflsa dor tn the ei'y of Charlotte, to tne nignei Diooer, at puDiio auction, tna situated on east slo of HyM at. between Fifth and Slcth otreets, anjolntiut ttie proper: y of A. W. LndoiBo. John TBuiler and others, andknown as the '-Myers s'reet 4-roperti '' of Samnel U. Wolle. dveeased. 8hI( property will be sold (or assets. Terra: v bole of p ronase moner on a eredit six months: Bote with aDLruved secoritv bear ing Interest at o ma onL . - .- t . : l . - M. W. HABKia. maradUwlw r Atm'r of S. 0. WoUe. dee d. , Aaotber Fall I CI velaod fflFPY WEEK! FROM u lllfCiOWSIil Great Wardrobe r come the glad tidings to cheer every man and boy in the Stale that is now or shall bj in need of Cloth ing 1 BARK A INS FOR do bnsinessjt we can't make trade mast whirl without a clog. z f - i . ' - "' Not oi( yesterday poshing and booming for the future, We havestruck the key note of spring trade and will play lively tunes on low brides fo?th3 tlaace of theSeason.'r Conse- auentlv if tou dont look "sharp you will "be fltv for the I high-toned and low-toned bargains- Therefore don't you buy until you loo at our styis ana BpysVCIothinB See on (AND LAST) OF miiim BEUIBISOEHCES -OF- RJortb ; Carolina IS READY. Those vTho wish to have the ' .' . ' . .. . ).-' . i work will please let us know . I - - . J i .-- -T . "... ' and we. will get it for them.' TIDDY BBO. Hotel Brunswick SMITIIVILLE, N. C. HIS Hotel win be open for the reception of , m nuwnsauw juy.ioaD. The Manager wm ends .vor to maintain the high reputation of this Hotel, and respectfully solicits ine pauwage oc ine puDue. Bates-40 per month; $10 per week; taupsr j nay. opecuu mm maoe jot uie monin or season. oy aamesBing - ' y HOTEL BHUNSWICK, . mayl3d2m Smtthvule, Carolina. : LAND FOR SALIC By vtrtue of a decree of the Superior Court Catawba county, at spring term. UBS, I will sell oa the premises at public outcry on Monday, the 1st day of June, 1886, tbe plantation known as the Caleb Unhands, situated about ten miles from Kawtow. Mnd sbrait atx mflM fmm Tmn SfaitVim. MpubUeroad from. Denver to Unoonton, ooo- tamlBg about 248 acres. On this tract Is located a gold mine, said to ba very dostrable. and which 28 years ago wm bonded for $30,000, pot which has not bean worked since. This property will be started at $1500, by order ot the court, upoa the last Mil maJs at a previous saw by the undersigned, ... r s , , . .t t Terms -One-half cash and balance paiable In six months seared by note with sua -lent seen-1 rlty. TtUere erveduatU paid for. By virtue of the decree of the clerk of the Supe rior Court, at the same time and place, I will also sell a tract af S3 acres adjoining the lands above mentioned, on same terms. - majlSdlw .- V" B C. COBB, Commissioner. TBE CHAMPIONS AGAIN t Ive afternoon's snort, bictba niM t th Carolina Park, Charlotte, Friday, May 16th. at 4 p. wmbVidmlttedtothgfr maylS FOR SALE. . -. i . One Columbus Buczv. DrKtWxiui a hMi. .ti ure. uminated steel springs, steel axles, full five years old. very gentle, warranted to work any- nnuin iuu: wiw raamr in dml - ms an nana wnere, lap lough, buggy, wagon; doable or single. inmaMiw an tune wnn approvea security. Apply at Mr. A. B DavMson'a- i SIOCKHOLDERS'" , MEETING. i Orrrntflsm . BALTmaM Aim Momw Cuoju '; OOPFSM AMD (jOLD MlNIMO UOMPAMT, urr, r 1. 1886. J - vBAL,TnOR, May u. 1 A ssneml meeting' of tbe BtnrkhnUm of th Baituuora and Nnrtk OaraHna Cnnnw ul tMa Mining dmpany will beheld at the transfer office vi ue company, by WMtomee A venae, on Monday, May;thvl&.at o'clock, p. m., fer the election of Directors to serve for the ensuing twelve months i ne uansier ooou wul no closed from May VXtt I mayiuiut THOS. W. HOOFEB, Sec'y. pring Chickens. GROWN FOWLS, TirwKRVS , mMl DIICU8, - ' AT ' ' . -M. Hf W KI.I AS. ' S100 "RrtWAKD. A reward of One Hundred nollani Is harahv f- fwd forth apprehension and pnof sufficient for I the conviction of tha D-nkrtrators of thedastardlv eatrae cframitt d tn the city of Charlotte, on the was made to dearroy life and property by the nse of wuiiii vi mk mm uiHt . wnoreor an iHeon ynamue or some otner explosive substance. -. maylSoSt , . WM 'OXNSTON, Mayor. in Prices ! ! BARIICH'S EV KRY ( )N E. We must a cent I The "?het -Is of a live of To-Day compare our prices.- - fie Good fa purchasers jfj om I ' " uummim man's I All Hnk numlMil L , pnwa mwi mn rwurueu in inn mmo isnai P"" ven I HBBWAlVCaXB 4t DSO : IsdlrjtOothlsnsjtf TaOera. V B. 8ntt and Shirts made to ordm -at aha anVw. - I i - w ay express rewnaow hi Tie Charlotte Is m rnTTTn.if i?PTWa pt Wll :vMa,i,MUkHkK pianos MASON AND HAMLIN Uk(UKs. -TT fAOKA MP i K1)H PIIICESt TELE LO WE! TEBJIJi TH.EEABIE8T! Also Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. '" V IT A aa sk . o vv rite ior circniars and loll lnlormation. Address V. T. BARN WELL, Manager. To tbe Ftont jCLcoln. I WITH Large and . , .. ... . . -' mil nDILMKIEQf ;SC0C3. 'tot " . , ... ...;-r.t HavtnsT dosed out the bnstneas of Mrs. P. Oner ive and complete stock of Una Mlllinan and Fancr ttonoa Monday, AprUUth.- lexmnwaeonuai invnaooa te au mm trust generous pavonage zor so many years orstowM npott i t wm enaeavor weonunne to oeserve ute good win ot the piuma by oonwnrcng my nnimiss m no most liberal splrtt known in the reUll tnide. ' Mr calculations tor inr are hMsd on a siiSmm of orfarln. omi bnt toaSa thai aombin. thm met Its of excellence, durability and good taote poaiUvely at ...... . . - . - I StrtetteuaiuTty, - . , ' f V , i Constant eflorU te please the demands ef th ladles, .'.r . nonet oolnioa fbaoked bv too experience) tlren to everv natron in retard lo analttlea. strtea. . colors, etc., suitable for any purpose they may wish am nnaiieraoM rata m ine reeomnMniiaiiDna Ladies consklerriis their Dime and aDDearmnee befotweauugtomenm.: -Bmpeetfully, aprtd DUFFY'S : PURE xezs yrssssEt ssotjlb. xs romJD ch IT IS ABSOLUTELY PUR E. x CNT1 O MOT BB PgCKITETV Msny Dwsgglsta naa WMtmXo jr In bdK attempt to pahm off oatngof am inferior gradead adulterated, pay ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE HALT : i t.--' 1.. ? . . . .v- SOLD BY AM. FIRST-CLASS rniicrrcv Vlf ill IW kik I "X. Send ns your addrsm aad we wmnaa hook containing vaioaMe mtormarirm, mmmpu fnwrsswo, -;. cm. Jhiiai mm ehsiro.s swssH on reeerpt of nnnryif . n ri mnflTrmf uwt m m a iiacjja , ii iiiwi sjsmm iiiihhi i inii i MiiM'iitT : ..... 1 - .. tlll3t4YS for thai rUtle, may6eedawSm '" - -t i-- y .s'v . .i,..:..: :-.--.-... ;wj,'i:'':-';.;: ATTENTION! At the KntftrnHne Tjmrier Tard. earner Graham and 2nd streets, we keep the very best qualities of L.mmsber, Smlacles maWI MaUmmm, j AT THS LUWSST 1BICXS. Mr All bfn promptly ftlled. To the bunding public: Call and save noser. Copartnership. " ' CSABUrm&C..Ma.i . The iindenhrnft have this dar formed a eo part nership under 4ho aiiw ef H. Brockea hrouBb A Co- to oandnst a Genet al Merehaadlm Brokerage Business, making (floor, Meat aad wua sptmumm. - ... . i .. vaul n. BBtnasniiauuun, W. B. TALLiFfitiBO. . maylOeodlw - 41 Sta-ioonrnaM IiMUiikf wttk IdtolMAtad .r.KLat. Lna QtWICml wWamsy wmmll arwwl mu M. a awiuaj i ax twaitu ws. wvu va w vvmm Yurrf Mil shaded with trees. Located on West Tmde street beyond Air-Una Depst, FiieefiMM. i j Tract of land containing 8S0 acres, fytnvta 44 Bowan county, N.C miles west? &JUv boxy. -r3tx-roota dwelling: tne orchard; good wa ter; boa, gold and solpuur Interests on property irlrtce ana twma rensonanio, - - HoiiccG Rented,; Booxw rented and rwrta aoCarid. la ths tZa C lUili. ... u t --T' S vT, . Jk. Jb -I j r 4 " r- ' ' . - . - , f t i Time Is Here ! - ' i "t Somrlor Clothtnt. we atvei wuw 'I WMm W WUT twuioc m uus ski -- - -I 1 w rauuu resDecuoiiv. iiini i in J " .. . " . .iu mmmmq f i V" ; 1;. Headquarters in the Caro lines for the following cele orated instraments, yiz: f i 4' - a Kno. j HifiMT PIANOS. ; AUhiSTPrXNOR h;S 1KAL OlCGANS. Ba V hTATgiWlfa;, - . w w;uhj- A- Fine Stock of - - . i i .-- i ..... ..-.. - . - vv".' . f ,.!. . - . - I am now reeaMns? an cnUrair aew. lam. attrant- fiooda. which I tohamiwadilaraxhUd- , tnat i snan te nvorea wnn a eonnnuaoon or ma tne nrm of Mrs. jr. yiiery. lower prices than suld ebowhere for same anallUea. " - to nse them, of im menu ana vain at ear snoaa. '. will make a 1-,-w- If the makathslr ,; I Dyspepsia ' d Wasting Diseases 1 1 J"jlff ff JkaMswMt wS JfsTwfd" Hole .'- :- -w r'i " mxmAmmmml 4mteVhmsfmeimaA sVKjmmmmammmwlm apr wjswysji mymrav smw wwswrwmw w msrnvw marvsmvay ths sijjssoass. o? xtzss tjjssx R KUY FR E K FROtt FUSZLOlt; aad Groosrs -who do no have DmaTjro lw '' a onatamen, whUceyof their own bottttne. vhfc them larger profit, . WHISKEY, AND. TAKE NO 0TBO "- .,"!" DRUGGISTS ARD GROCERS. glT .Qff. or Six Botttea sent far lQ.3 -v n.u: rtj h t '- i. ii rvii -m i a. .m. w . ' . .....V - wwaa uhiiwi.i wi SHats tn w !t. XV. Xt. WlUrOI CO'; . Tobehadatjow flguraa,at ' JOHN C ALDER'S, OcrnerTryon and Mb Street Opvoatto Xetho . fabBdtf UiChUreh- . , TO LET,; floor SSrxIOO tost Bent low. ' Attfi to . ' 80CTBXB2I KIWSPAFLi C3I0NI myld 88 College St, aaar rosrtkEb '. ; To Fr.b.thTCi T P r" - -a.J f - -s ( r .( ffi Fill, .-AS WELT. AM " . -Choice Groceries,-