.J f? ? r. S t f t - 1' " 1 -A 'i'll r h-t; n rrx r J - -h hi 1 7 . VOLUME XXXIII.- i'.i 4.: CHARLOTTE N;C SATOEHK AYi Jftl885. a' i- i jl . ,-: . .... . : rr ' - - 1 1 . . - - -iMg-H-Hiri . . 50 PIECES ana ... m- .1 In Plain, Plaids and Stripes, at Popular Prices. 2 Pieces of HBoajonr IFronlard At 35 Cents Per Yard, in o .,..,n's Dress Coo Is very cheap. . The best Corset for $U- Pearl TJnlaundrled Shirt at ,.. . .look at our ew r Fabric m 4 i COLOHBDMLKS, Large Variety and rrNTS NOljBY STRAW ITgSNlSW TATTlfiM& tt $WISg" AKDf BTllNs GEiS 1 ?& v SOOK EMBROIDERIES. Jl 'rue rtiffiiPst Ton lion Laees and Inserttngs ever 1 on A SECOND AEHIVAL Og. Call and see my $12 Suits, they s re very goo J for Uie price. v - - ' 1 big 9tck of Laundrled and TJnlanndrled Shirts .several pretty styles In the small plaited fronts. My Dollar Shirt Cannot be bettered. Give them a trial. Cento' Half Hose in every quality, from iSVsfi np totbenneKradeeof fine LBsle Thread, lack,and Col red. beautiful line of , , ; J J " NECKWEAK, v straw goods, j panama:hats, 61TZE SHIRTS. COLLARS CUFF9t-JEc. T. L. Are offering a nice line of Cane teis Fiiil Sf IIIC OtlllHf. r WHITIGOODSv Embroiderv TrimTnin w 'i TToaieirv.: Glores. : Seersuckers ari Giiighams, Shirtings, Sheetings, et(W prices, to stilt ilU'lV-' ' IJhere is no i)ettertdk -l)tartl m Th'e "cit 0ian we; have. We make ifefeialty of Black: and Mourriidg Grxklaw Askforthem. - ALEXAlS DER & ? IJ AK Rly w ' .. ::. " "J - I J I'll! I I : : : - v. T TTTi7T?7ru ElEoEiaiiaSw. Largest Stock" of Furoturtt?ttrto6? flpp" Send fob o 08- s CO . O ' - : o CQ "to D fcC C3- , C5 . . :OFFINS7CASKBT31i5a BURfASITS, w .. r(: Orders'.Dy telegraph attended to day or night liils iijj Black and Colors. Plain and Plaid 6 BLACK SILK!, at Low Prices. put on this market, and If you don't believe tf -111. : .i,-.5J -OUR- i, I SRRING STOCK - T 7f -- j ill 4tO- 4 : Bdbtsi Shoes AH D HATS Ls now" eomptete, and we aire-able to present to our Irlemls and enstomtrs tlie most attractive and best selected stock we have eer had the pleasure of showing. - IiASIXS , XI8FKS AND CWWRKtl B . LASIBS , TtsmX AMD CJTLriRKli S Rootii, Shoes and Klippcrw, S t S'ba beat makes and most correct styles. Gents' Shoes in evr style, hare and qnal ty, from the broad Common aBnsa'Vto. helegant Our stock of Hats was never more 'complete. We have also a complete stock of : , TRUNKS VALISES, Traveling Bags and Shawl Straps. Should yon need a nice Silk or Mohair Umbrella we can suit one and all. Give us a call before baying.': i.; -::'"":Tl':fi'-:. n-si-f.'vjjtiiiavi. Mattings and Floor Oil- f i ices: -r f - variiMaATji vtf.- '-ImmOimmW- . I k UCM'-' "Cl fax rs '; t i.:iYff .il iiiiii TBfOff 'STREET. Site Uarlotte (Obscctfjer. "TBDTH Lin TO SOW, eOMCTIMKS 8UHKTTS TO BX OBSOURSU, BUT, UKK TBI SUM, ONLY tttiA Swbocrlptlom to tke Observer. . v .'; DAILX EDITION. ; , ' Slngleeopy... w 6 cents. By the week la the elty..:-..iw -vi;-,. -jvi 16 By tbe-BMmb . 76 : , Three months.-,.. -...-.."r-... i.12.00 .-14-Ste months..; ii..a60s,-,; One year ... 6.00 . Three months mx months rW. n -Iu clubs of five and over iL80. ot five and over iUO. ' : -fc ti. No ITlatt oa Frsm These Ratleo Subscriptions always payable In advance, not only in name but In fact - - i ' : T-; I. Fllt E stock; i Much attention has been given to the-raising of fine stock in North Carolina of tataj ?w and Jthe mqvement has not been as general as one would like to see it, the improve ment in stock has been marked. , The Raleigh News and Observer of Thurss daj-, in its i TajbqiAxfcf 61 theBaleiih cattle shoMeyiprtogresHn city, notes heriedpof sr&e verjf fine blooded stock ownedtJb-' 'cl&zens ot jsajeigh, and givea lisiihafc is not oilyjhKMy v creditable to t but epoufagitig as showing the gress toat Is beihg h o iu wan ; ui" requon. xne snow was - su ony about a month ago.aad was composed only of cattle . owned by citizens, o Baeagh.f' Tne'cattW Mtrfi stalled in H. 'tt'Lees stabfea, where they were looked at by about ;3,000 pedple. The News and Observer thussEa oi ihJvii&eitiin fin U'ctik&&B t tawi begamipSvasI wMli krand fbnaf Precede IAJ L. ' ' tV X f 1 i 1 t ,f f . and led by the veteran cow, LuckyM me procession passed over the line Decore given, and received as it passed up Fayettevillwl8treii,rgfi lari ovation. - - The - street was lined with people; v-ho looked eajferl J at the beautiful cattle, as bedecked witb ribbonjrthey slowly stepped alorg, apparently cohscrou8 of their beauty and popularity. Thera were Jersey t Guernsey, Holstein,- Dvb&frahina and Alderney cattle in the line which extended along several bkwkS i-Tb procession-wAs tJitfiflneslJeaB f aearl in Che States, and if it" can be 'made ona day at the State fair, it will be toe priae ana aeneni-or airine cnoa- sands .f pople bOrrtness it. For the, fame of Kaleigb's fine cattle has now gone abroad, and doubtless yes terday's show s the precursor pf a,n I .day! . ' i i n . uuitsrautcevew iiucr uuh afitiweariv rThen follows a list of the 'owners of the catUerage,. breed, excellence. claimed,-milkiDg capacity t of licowsy ana containing about one niindred cat(le of different. fine breeds, 'inclu ding soi superior attfy slockiWid, sonde very fine nMlkergiyingrom three to 8irgalloni--of mflk p&t day. This was what might be called an extemporized cattle ehow, but doubt- ers bf the'Siate oy sho f wh tthejit canl(0oijL&Woir extetiJeiltia at thenext State fair. It is a matter of no doubt that cat tle rai8inari to beeomeow olntoftitr dustries tbvSotnBerBf'4he; abundant native pasturage, the suo cess, with which the different varies ties of grasses are grown, the short . winters, and proximity to$eobd mars people Jari laarMrfig, top, not already learned, taaf more, if as much, to feed and care for fine' stock than it does to feed and care, for scrubs, while the one yields a handsome profit and the . other scarcely enough to pay for the labor and; troaue otraisin r.'M i w i i i Jl 1 lU nil f J V V t l ThaJac'ksoh keraorial lAssi has'determined to erect a monument over tbe'rfivwof tWtGenejail'.1rif Ihe; cemfeteiafrliErgb Vvnd Will cecfflvecoWiifMgns.ior inai purpose . J I 4Si-A mimi -lJdressed to-CiL -Figga, peasureT ot tea as80Ciau,afe4i;cPBjoaai nvaf Mr. u.; laTWDO aasAi jpeen upp6intedgintbre: tain nnotoerapns to expeaise m rais-1 ibg the toeceswfry" funds, and. wiU any; one lorwarumg lu uib auuress, J49 Efgnth street, Richmond Va., ODVuouar. H uuiuuvpuuKiKroiuuv group of ninety seven distinguished Confederates, all from approved m TT b was from tives. f t jt-t-1 , n Sea coiotf men say there neve: the tile of1 the ieibergs "so far the Northern seas now floatmg in the Atlantic, ffhe steamer pritic, ar rived in Rew York , fsom England, iWednesdajr, ran for sixtyiiours along7 A field of packed ice trying to find an opeiug. The ice extended as far as the eye could; reach, in , a. Northwest and! Southwest direction, and was composed of icebergs ot enormous eissej -Old sailers ay ,.ther la -nature Gord oriiradition of; such quantities of iceWfar from the "polarTegionsiH J m t m 1 r- : .... 1 -' . " The elaborate "icing" used on cards where a frosted surface ia: desired is sid by the Midland MedicaT. MisceK lany to consist of powdered glass. " It is dangerous material V haveabout the house especially where there 'are' children.- The girls; who manufao turO the cards and breath, the sharp articles xf glass die $arlyL)ir sooh become fcelphless invalids. f: ''T l":Diptheria in Europe has been very severe auriug me t. yvay. . u aui' stordarri, were the deaths' were 265 to -every 1,000 inhabitants, against -163 ' in Philadelphia, 121 in St. Paul and 91 in Now YoTlc B ;rlin has had 245, Madrid, 225 ; Dresden, 184 ; Antwerp," 1G4; Pari 85: lxndon 'and. "Vfenjia, 44 each ; Copenhngen 4-3. and Brussels; -3d." ; ' ' Zr, -' '"''- ' 'The rural population of lia'ojiJa. at a standstill, and in some counties on the decrease dnj conseqpjEnee flfl! the fact that so xnany' y5ung people seek horf-i f 6 c; - r. rr 3 t States f ui tlif f 'tst; i j.M -everj' are on' the' ir.cfsa :tC,i- being ptrctased tMri .v!i'J:r " . pur hiHgton letter of tUStK fitted thatKr. W. EL Williama. of Catawba county, who was m "Wash ington working on the matter of the location of the collector's headquar teiis of this district desired the loca tion either at. "Newton or Hickory,'' J ijuesta us ia stajtf .that Be. wprkJnTQene-aii-rjiag "ha. ogn xor isewion,-- as tno asow ieHraoie ptoficoS I AST.no "warm weati itHet:apprddctiew it 1 V ly be of interest to those who do not favor-the propagation of the mosfJ quitoio xnowinatntueou poi5erx'fxpj.TMweT jurvnertu, - nasniitgwn, in rain barrels, open, teaks, i&c wiliJ prove fatal to the wiggle, which in ie davfelopfl into jrf firstclasB biter. Helhakftd com to tub feuHace like! a whkle to breathe, and the supply of airlbeing cut offby,l1filnl)f oil he DWMu t6 , (T r I I 1 v I - Col. Lamont, the President's pri- vate : peTOtAiy,'an4 ajfijy of friedds via tea jaounc vernon a tew aays ago Thfey did not pursue the custom prev aleht in fiepublicah'daVB !ot.'1uluiuig' town the river in a government boat. bui ihWltiiif farolitS-Tlrsrclass- a.rierican citizens. Mr. McLeanof the Cincinnati En- qua-eri says e doffffaMay office, japoiritie oIectife?!iirii ouldn!t - t M i iw Hi 1 III 11 ttr i i hate one if accompanied - with a chtomoattachme'nt" A!Dd'y6t there is d srwpidioti wevaitent nhiVlhaV n JACijean woukt aot ooiect-to - a iTbufitibrl-o! LoSoP 0 . HU certeus.of 1851 wasj,281861, 2, 80S989 ; 1871, 2,254260: 1881, 3,814,571 ib vuswmery now to reier u xjoii 4 asacity of LiJOQ.QDPioeopki- The average anhudl increaWfroru i87lU 188i was betweeta'ffteGOkkrJdOOO HOW 1 HE WORLD DIGS. Vaneifes of Aarrtcaltaral Jsnpltmesia j . - os Five Con tt nests. j ick la noTtherri Mexico a crooked stic' hdraWn byiatt Oxen or a mui4,i scratch! es tne grovina a attie as j?preparato4 rv move oeiorepianlnmor tiowintr. Hoes are heavy ; awkward . tooSfJ. ing is aone witn . eiciuear ana tarasaing oy tremgsttr " ManzannTo, np iinglatfiarQier : masuresus fields.lSTith a" simple- iron pointeduCK tuev. txre the holes ie ground and.-Ahe seed. corii is in. . In wfew"krysthe- young 6hojts upf and" with ittnhumer' weeds, which . Are. Removed ' by 1. Farmers: . complain ... that rican plowg; are- too- heavy to xney prefer oxen,'.oecause nor ake them walk.tob' fatit. . . The axe. thahoe aad the plow oon stitnte the agricultural implements iD Qentral America; ""'arid fepeciariy in Hoodurar "TftesX'jgre' ttiostly of Snilish or German make, " being heiper than those manufactured in 'America - "... , --." The most of the cultivation on farms in Brazil, and especially where there is slave labor, is with the hoe, an pleneTttweigbirJgtrtillwJ to five) powTJdaoB f -BasdBOstiy im ported from England inbarrels, 'ten dothtto a barrel; One ? firm n j Rio de Janeiro i imports tl,500 'Jbarrelg a yaar irom lyiglanci, and tne same j fini ehnate'thatr 60&,000 fchdes'areJ - v 1 . . j j j r i ' ,i 1 mppriea aui uispiweu ui anuuauy JAxuAmencaa i merchant a- Jai sayi he has tried to sell nearly every ueBcnutfmi- t-iunTrjdti iiiipiciiJeiita, butrwithout success. . Now.he'aas. stock in hi Warehouse- rhjch has bee on liahd fof fifteeijai. Fattif labdrsouhlacticaU impbssible to imderbuiUisantb labor- Hng macjnnerxa.fifild hands rjt twelve hours adag lve, b9hi pfe in each niOhth'ahd receive their food. IddtfEfft wagfefAngln froii $8 60 to 12 90 per year. Fet Mala laborera work JAie same e hours;-rT are hot entitled to boJitlara.1 atxU r& ceiMe, beside theif food and lodging. China: vea anBooVrr v forsv t ef islcrofn: jtcRte -inct ;wjfh5fr woe. J4e ooit ayjsgi narrom. ana JiaVv blade used for almost aiHmr z:u n..-i.-'f. t u c- cluAsy affair, .withAXiJy one "atUt! isndionhiMhe fedmt 'shod -with ftn,n timl 8heavea-iO An eartheaji txvreehiag floor, and tft-iving Unmuzzledjjcattle over the grain to treadjt oulj. , r -.'. - tThe African f&raWareIatebVnen ot dsen4anM0;..Do4chmenTbex BDltadhara .to , tae $ oia .vwyie .larm Lwaion of twenty rflve f t&rtrastf ths ; Wioti vaoo werJif whirh.is -furniahad y feaxns of fourteea oxen or tend nuBBs j i xpese vemcif a ars qapapia oi j larrjmg a dead weignt ot noik. less Tarouenouineariyau, ox Europe, the consuls say, moosrn machines are ng-trsetrr Funeral oi a fcaueae Prince. PanilaffGasette. ,T, , 'e ." ' , .; ; iTlie funeral of the Chinese . Prince 1401 Fu, the cousin !iof the Emperor Qtiahg Su,' has been jonducted ; with "all the pompadirooeduejjo; Thefprocession which aoooenpanied the remains of the prince-tonis last resting place was headed by . thirty six ilates clad in garments of green cloti and bearine a Khuee;- wooden f cage, representing the funeral of the soull Tliesa were touowgd. bv 10Q slaves dressed in- red e and x carryiBir tablets inscrilied with tha titles, hon on itwnmmix detW f. r tNixtjame twenty iBDcrrUmenlead ing the.240 hounda once belonging lo LaulFs. Uie camel&2 mnleBharses. Bdv ebaks and the privatearriage drawn,by, a mulej sixteen.fjaervauta dressed hi green Bilt, 1 tore an arm chair covered. with . a tiger , fikui.. ,a reginvon t of icavalry't and infantry folloiwedy thjejv-the bodyjservaiita aha; Ciimels. ihirty r two pi ierits with - Un pie knueic,. end ' finally the cuffbt. barao. by eighty servants and covered Vitli a silk yalf. pefor wlS reprbiut6i4 by isixtyt!ienp.tyfl cacria i gee, behind which walked he gran :dees , iuceL'iuFu'si !arms, car-a-Htg8, clothes, teiitiy t04,-wtre -att buruled up as a winding-trp of the fea tivities T W "XI I - 11-Ul f-ria-ssRsfrV 1 I -4-1 1 Id 4- rneniuc iifuiiainf -r T- r- ;vra-; i V f -J W Varkers EiT bttioaiu wilt liupaii to it a dkttt StttA t II1 alu fhlnlran thtn il am .rl H i i. t 'Tj. b wm wvu i-uawwu aaia uit oinuivawumr mom. nstt. suil tliA. Itnr-n t- hs. 1 - -r . . . a tim sir ri 1 l; .... .:.. ; r ; , j iHOW POSraASTER GENERAL Tl. las paorosBS TO weed ea out. Hla Le(er trCoBxresBiea OvataiBf: oi PoJiei i'v-whrcb PoLiticil, Workers iaweto Kepce by EfSctent Hep Fostmas issued'- a xri" rate -circular letter to a number of democratic; members rof Ctoneress WrWitn reterence to , tne removal and kappointaperit posjtmasters. The letter is ailfpUowa: I1 ConfidentiaL'v- it :.3t . PosteffiDeparlmentOSUM'of Apm i885pear Sui.; The, cof Xinuea inness of Mr. Hay ; will delay his; coming for some time yet to the fiepartme nt, and I think it desirable teat ..some, action should be taken , jn nej way t removals. , and arnimpa; tient to assist ur people in securing relief to which they are 'justly , "en titled f rota partisan postmasters, j I baf e had a conference with the Vurs giuii delegation, and they will soon Sing in their fcases, and I shall hope tuaka the earliest removals in that State As ; ebon . as they , shall - be ready,- arid-1 hope within a week,; I degira to appoint from three to ten in a county in-. v lrginia armrantiBfr to oflthornr nfmnpol aHyiBuf hc ' : T n raienoeu u.mrue yourseii ana toe democratic delegation from Ohio to met me this week and considerthe plan upon which we should "proceed r inaking removals in Ohio.'. But J afiderstand.it will bH incnnvimMTit ior rsome to travel hither now. and it has, occurred to me that perhaps the same end might be -accomplished bv ting. a sftaxujeg you tnerewre, to isider the suggestions I makw as Jo metliodsjpf.procedureid; if you can 'adopt .them and get. some cases ready-within the next fcwcuor thre weeks I think in the month of May I can give substantial relief, that wiLj takeaway the importunity and discontent. . I thmk that from 15 to 25 pr cenf fbf the fourth-class fcost masters iri Ohio misrht be v removed MBithin the tnex$ two months, , and great good accomplished thereby; if our! people, adhew to.a proposed platt - into aw, isuuri,, w ,pu:K . unfc, wia most obnoxious and offensive parti sane in eachMcotmty, to the 'number of a! sixth'5 to" aquarter ' of call.and choose firPbH;laas-men to. take .their, places: J wfif require no more proof of partisanship .in these : selections than "the affirmation of knowledge on the part of aliepresentative or Sena tor .that the -postmaster has been" an ch of th active editor jpr, proprietor of a Bes publican : newspaper printing effen- jSivearticiesTeasily: shown by slips' or a wurap speafcer, or member - or a political committee, or officer of "a campaign cl up,, ,Qr organizer, , of k po litidal nreetiBjr, oi that hifoffice has bees made'be headquarters 'of po litiqal.wck,jpr,tbalihis iclerks-have bee put 4otb'the - performance of rjoliical duties. PosaiblV. othr itn.ta of egual focv ,h4y; be noted in "some cases. : If the Representative does not know tbe faet.'lt shoull be establish ed by som affldavit of some. person orwnom ne cao.amrm to oeot un-i queitioned Credibility or bytaspm.e' aocbmentajry, evtdpneet?:--'! 1 r 14 fecotnme'ndihg for appointment' I beg-the Representative . will 'state the nee. and what kind of business experience an&' description.; of ..the Dusiness character or the applicant, andalso oi his Jiabits and standing in the (community. . It would be wall-to file jevideocevshowing that he will be satiefactoryjd the' communityc and wheji there are various candidates, I be obliged ir4 any expianatioa h theBepresentaUve can give. . This hecesearily imposes-a little ble, and yet not very great, - but t seems torao reasonable to require yerj extraordiBfary care and trouble enbigh to be taken to represent sure lv the facts. The earliest removals andjappomiments of this kind ' will epaOenge the keenest scrutiny. The former .must be justifiable and the latttr.beyond criticism. Some mis' as ; have ' perhaps occurred, and ftftversaries are keenly interested U9 thmost of every fault, be- I cause they have "perceived a strong cnrBent ,of general, approbation ot tbe purposes of the, administration. ) Iri rendering this justice to our peo- Flch consists of the removal .of that! tt very, desirable t to;proceed witli textreme oare, and that ' If am jriectly representing the President's - ste: an$ purposes in earnestly so vjtiQg that every step, may be taken aeeqrttmgiy. may aaa tnac as tne tmnian good is indeflnitely beyond the welfare ox any one person, now Jvei great hisplce so appointmehts to further a.. mere personaL end. should be absolutely forbidden, and tejjojmmendatiofiiUpon ;thatl,eubject may weli-expepdistavor. 1 1 shall veryfnHlngly. take up.' the cases of any . district or of any. county wheanvec they are ready, and I shall grad u tne jiepresentawve oan pally attend and go over them, hJ should be sent in as soon as poeible, and will' he then carefully, ift jefed in the department, and when so tnade ready appointments ;caa 4jgjrade with great rapidity. - f iShduld. vou think it desirable to hav ta - personal conference bef ore. ceisaroegun, jtBhall be very glad to meet the delegation. V ;; ',1 1 rrBat aa I have felt it desirable to re- lievs thorn of unnecessary iournevine 'an'S BxpenseBf."4ave written a 'eifni- Ian letter to each! Representative from Ohd,: and respectfully rsohcitedfes sporttuve action in accordance witn tne spirit oritr--' r: ?i - very truly, yours, i ... ; :.... Wm F. Vilas,: , ; , ?j - Postmaster QeneraL' VirMnia ahd 'Cfhio postofficea will firstl be attended, -to because of the jlnapertant 'polilieal campaigns . at band in thse State and the necesat it6at the patronage of the govern-- :1 cooit shall hot beHlsed, aa in thepaat, to help one rpxaiUeat partyv' Atr Ohid and Virginia ;iother States;, Act 1 -cording to the exigenciev ot thaocca I m 1 u -1 . . . . . .... . ... . a 4t ; became, generally known today that the Postmaster General had sent out this circular, and: his antejoom was crowded with member of Con gftss and others who were anxioua to have bim begin, at. once, on their ftates, ; and- notwaifct for -Virginia, .Obidand Indiana,. to be first disposed of. I Tbe : Postmaster General -was rsithfer disconpertfid at the publicity which bis circular had obtained,, as had not meant that it should go .-beyqnd those tbom it was person' - Gei to make a good appearance, shouhl have looking feet Tlnfl .fitting-". shoes, con- bapti structi on -S0kIH pwncipK oover 4adi the same Ume develop an the good points fntm fi feet. For" tses reasons, and ror ease ana always ask your dealer for the "HAN AN sy far the best evr nadn.a.X BAlTXCt r - --ri . aceata for Charlotte ' tebuoeoa an ea Pals Porowd Haste, 18a. tftrSt T - Ckri.ii c..hma. root.il i "OhArlnttfl flnahmnn'- fcorl o tnr n - .,0 is a. her own in siz and 'generally ' wore iuutb, out couia crowd into a tnree-ahd-a-half oil & tight squeeze." 'One nifc,"80oi -'af fcsr recofermg from' a severe attack of inflammatory rheus tnatism; iBhe was ifreartng' a" pair of fill rinOMirT 'ninnl :$ f t n . L Parting behind the? wings between scenes, she snatched tbem off "and tnrew them as far as she could 1 ex claiming: Ye gods? Somebody tend me pas? Of Slippers, or I will g6s on far &y- -stoekhtes ! vWhat ; nunJheV d t6ttweartn asked a-yoiine '-actdr "by heyer ttlnd the; number riahys thiag'frotnve to twenty J she? re1 pjjrtdfif i i '-,.idlw Dr Q. Gorman, the physician in at tendance on v ex-Secretary FrehngW nu yseu.saia inesaav ? uia ua"-.tiiv tieqtwaa gradually butaurely dyings waiq u fuxecceoi - Dy tnecDooHw ailmeatA but thereliB rfiaflitmmtinii or paralysis and bo -softaningi niSrA reimgnuyBen lies to a etata oft Mtani tioa :hiaf existence m maranieal.rtet he gtVeS evidence ; bvj, motions 1 and vuoukd u wsaHtaUMwaK uieexisw. Be takes milfc freauenfelrj and this JMB WBIWIHKU fUIIl.an 1UT: fifirdggla with death. ? a . s - . . . ,i; w nmi, wuw uumic vprniu iiinma rv L whence earae thy pure and pearly teeth f i Toy rosy itps? Thy perfume breath? x L.. . swum Dfvsjusj smiv urrmr. .to , f-v Is sure, sweet breath. rThto deslderatuis Is one t tbe results cf using SOKODONT. which not only umgvfwjB am preaerves me ' teem,1 ihh renoers tte ssostn aslragrantas Sros ...t juki TSPAuomolB Gum,'- handy' aboot the home, mends sverythlng. v i ,r u A' rood Starr eomes from A bors' boar Jins artinol In "Jersey.". The diet, was jBonQtesout an4 , buvmiuki aau uie iiajaea pnqapai (leeidea tffAt trodnpe some 614-style physic in the appJenBuoe ' and aWalt the happy results, tone bright lad, the SDsartest in the school; discovered llie secret mine is sfl sauee, and pushing back his plate, shotted to ttuj pedssogne, "Ho phystei sir,' Is taIne. -1Jiy dad tela uetoase notnta' twit 'Sr. TfaiMe's'Psrifk-- ttve BeBets,' Sad tbef BW'dotar ttelr dw nss i, rrs, Tneyare anmaneosj mf pqsalrwis tbtoJ .-. - r,. ' ' ,---j ,-rn 1 ..- j .i.i -trr 1 ' ' --" i- "BouRh on Coughs" Troebes. 15s.' Xlould Me. - .Si I The Miirbr Is no, flatterer. , Would voii l,i make'it tell a sweeter tale 2 jT Magnolia Balm is the charrn;-7 er! that almost cheats the , lookinglassJ ' . '.m. ,l " t . r 84-tatimsnw' Milt r'rrery fMi Hin eryj -:o:- MRS. : 3ENS0N t" REBTB Gail jtOendon to their stock of MILLINKBT, : : wnicnoompnses su we . .. 1 j Latest . Novelties OF THS SE1S0H. Orders from bv dlstnco win re- '; celte Prosmpt Attesittos. . N. I have not left the city, but am still on tbe "war-path" in KILLINKBT, . . n Bespeotf .Ily, , I - ! UBS. LLBXNSOK' i - 7 . . - -. .. w ' T ,;. , t; , r, saclOBtltf, Hi Tn order to reduce our stock bf the following 'named artfr cies we, nau oner tnem at ffreatly reduced prices during Oils monthr " " J . Dinner Bets from $15 to $20; Tei Sets fromif 5 to $15. .Chamber Fete $2.0 to $20.r Xarjips from $1 to $10 each. : ! r ! .-. - . . j-. Fi ji FansIce Cream Freezers , ( . Refrigerators, -j At prices nerer before offered l ; m Uharlotte. . China, O-ockery, ; and Glass ware at tePtr .Cfiil. Rfiliictiofl. SiFVer-flated coods a spe cialtyi fcancvi- Goods will be soIdTesrardlfaa of cost. ' Gall and see'fo f yourselves. r: . -Respectfully, -0 GRESH AM & CO. marthBy - R.R.LAr:DC Msrlcfis Tsica ehseSj t2 Is If set er,rt sSUl - r -1 -is- ttis e"i Cmmuf j f r ,M 1 h. . tr at 1 j .mead L mjsBmv s?siswsw w ar s.inJ a uiH--r 1. -ieiu. j-ir . ware 14 v . .. . . b ' 4 -1 1 prpioBgea IMPORTANT. j, .... - - W I. , . V J - . .. . ... .1 - I'-..!. ! . v" - .- " xt t.- -, t 5 xinnurn 'rirn,nTriYriTitrr"''- - - BecauselthQreatrCTa MfeMefl:$6rjrtt takes pla6e frit ;.W ,;;,as'i .. .1.11.1. lr - JimemBer tha4oj5 tji. i-t jt'x.;ij .u t r 1 j.fitu.;tuo-j 7...d LSij fi..u ir rtjfeg,' l-).if flll fin1. di! ! Hi '-)) -'ill ,1 w I til "Mi t.iJ ! 'viiMi, ; 1 m . 1 11 f I til 1 11 T f 1 1 1 1 Jjft 1 n t vTi Case French CkinieaX(.T h.?.MM O ' S9 J TjA let f Id .a. rst 3 'iitti--. -fit 1 if. , .'.1;- n,.,. -Ut.. !ase Rich ;NpyeItv-Brdd zi Offl dozen i . JLadics French iut; Chemise, rorth : u o cenis,orvjif cents. f I atfa..4 rbscs ... . dozen LadiesTr ench ciili5 Drawers morth Half TX-DoIlar: lfor25 dents, f ji!1 i SttdozenEad Mqne;i$ ortlLlStltS at 39 cerite. 25 doeu JUamJutd .Skirts, ;worth,95c,, ...-1 ....... . .... . . . . - Half aI)oIlarr f(;t8;i,;tC:U;4;:;f:;!r' 50 icases Qt Stradfe at about; Jialfcfirice. ; - ; UUAttLUaJJi, JN. Ls' 3 - i- i ii -. i-itx. Jut J- ( ,f ii fi 1 " ',. 1 -I I I .'i - ''".-.- I i i i li i liii.inini.il. mmrmmmmmm i . . ... r . . ... j ...... . . 4 - . w ' - -i- ..i"1 -' f-f f,'-wf i-'w4 -niii"' V- l t v hit-tfrLii .8txvi.- ; "''-i a Ail the bevi are erazed with tne favorable tMivrli Salt and Hat which they buy friss - Jitu i i i i t i1 'f-i it. tidrs 0OtI DbntnriM thfx cttmortontty. tnm.4.tH mt aor provided for the season's sport.. Out counters and i1uq.L ".-ft ril 1 li i wrom OeD:. io;i 1ft .t. Soft ; and',. : Of tb nsest and best makes. ' offer this -week a tnennuorm pries s&.w, waruaonotetaesMaey. it- -' ,fk - in 'A fT nt-is -! ! ...... I f'''! (vi rtXi f'.i'J i In CHILDBKli'8 BLACK HATS, at 35e. apiece, s ri. t o - ; i j tA n," ana KEHTuui ths jl - a.i.xx . .1 Ml VIQOB, of TOITX. Hiiili.TiiUliriimUM, MUM, Ip. , aigeanon. iscK oc do Btrenrth, laM I OjeeaHat t)M in eoaiiMmiiiw . (needy core. Give a clear, healthy eowprexlon. - FrraMnt afo-mntl at eoavteiceitlBa! only add. 1-1 !!.!&ffl!,Mtt' QltdOVlipuwH svsweosrwe' lOrsTAIi 1HD C8Ts .Juneldwlyr ' - ' ' ntvpniu ?trwt '.ft f : . .,' V" ... . . .1 ri nu.'.l.'u .... . V t..7. LBeheota er Boys. Is AGS, In NCMbEBS, fn Ah.M - VlVSTMI VSIS'I' IIBllSf Hillll IIP I II I SISS 1 1 ' MSJ vf PA TB ONAGit, and tneqnlpment for FBXSiCAl 5TTTT TPl. - - . - - The only tf4teoi Mr hofs m tne tseura wirn was, ebtui isje,a.ti. full . last Teek arountt ' i our customers ''iii: 'h: ii .CI", vftl ,njiiHa4.V . H.ti prides,, alWiguiate, .m ... MM 1 .1 w 1 11 r 1 1 ' " 'ri r 1,1,1 W . BBSSSSBSS 4-iiw . bmitttTio.- ,J vJon fmfviin' s.X4 . .(M l A Ml Sin ' t. If tJtsliUlHW r.V ' Wle;; they BC, 1 I t r tb ?'. ii .;il k.w ijri V nniil fi.Ji no ,nwtj fi -vUi'i e.JJ ii y'- it 4' II -4iJ jirij fe-iiln ... eat,.il "i 31. 1 i ... - Ml rsi iii iija v. 1' ' ij nil -.'.if,;, ja,-' i, J C ill. Gowns'Wclbth dw tas i a , i .... A-C till1 'l(v i .'.. fv ni tJlmri f. r i I )i-7i.:$,'. ui ivt Ju lKt i'ivilrfyui w of rettiW resested with a-Ball and Batwtlk fcvsrr r' I in.i J I M 1 ftirtsttitMi: I PSS1SI . . . J. notWtotmV on anw flnrfnv Rtrlt to voa sinks' saelres ore aadett with tne latest stries sad do- i rl ... ........ !--.... ...... .. t Stiffs t lot of add and end suits, sf Best asisstk Mfen, at 1 yrfi '.i-jJ-J? Cu-iUii tine A itl 03 fit, lnfcXU. JK .yr M rjxai; 1 Ik at ouUfifWs tts. 'ether UsletsprfoM. ' i0J : " -.. I v-'flr Jttj ysii.OHUouditi ... lustltfj'' i i r.- - J L'J VJ V'i .-- - r Pass is i.,r r i j ; FR&a:irffi&!3;-.;- - : UlEB BKEtt bfeXXJE Af . i . - ; , ... .- -.t. ... - ? . BKB BrdwerleS IB tH UXUjea NSXSS . - , : . . w e rr The Borwrmer Je JBswrsX Orvsslir .1 . Jv, r nUladcOlptalSW SBl IM tr. in rsliirrJKiWlBrCo; ot - If ow Torti.' - : TUB LARGEST LAGER B"ER BOT- I - . N THE CITY.' J ' ui, i-m . i Sine snUwwnini r-I n m-i T '-j't . w fin Ini.illMltaiiMiitii lii imi " r . ....... . ..K.. hsie to acy Pfcrt of 4tt..-" r A " " 1 - - , : fnr$ nvf 'ifJ yvr,mX:'x f f t fc1" lUJ L :....r.t...:i....-. r ..-. t,t,-- --'I Stood every Wit s c lttUt-.S X ' i- ! 41 era. and dsvotea to graz:,; p " -