$e xo Jtf ertiseroettts. ) ROYAL KWJSf. DIE! Absolutely Pure. i nowaer uevwr vanes. A mami or Dan i traiigtb and wholeoonumeM. Mont eoonomiosi n tin ordinary kinds, and senaot be told tn oiDDeUUon with the multitude of low teat, shJit -l m sinm or piMp-uaie powders., aoia onw in ws, wholesale or 8PBIN8S BOBWXLJ jiin Uwly Charlotte. r Q. OFFERS TO THE ale J Retail Trade FIVE TONS f W WNT Y 'I B A RRELS PURE LINSEED OIL, A Large Stock of Colors, Yarnishes, Etc. ALSO ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PBIOES. J.'H. MpADKN, (AND LAST) OF Bfflfl'S REFJllfHSEEHGES -OF- IS READY. It ,V : Those h wib& to hyathe work will pieaRe Jctpft WW and we ill get it lor thtin TIIIOT A- llttO. Spring Chickens, GROWN FOWLS. -AT v'' White Lead Kerosene Oil, Sec Four Hill 3te liataotte? bsetrufctr. THE CITY Arrival and Departure oi Train. : Correct for the current month. RfCHHOHD JJTD DAHTIIAS AlB-LlNE. Mo. BO- Arrives at Ctmrictt rn trik,. a JO a. m. Leaves lor Atlanta at Hit) m. m. Mo. U Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 445 No. 52 Arrives at Charlnrta fmm 12.86 P. m. Lear for A tinnt .t 1 l wo. bo arrives atCharlotte from Atlanta at 8 JO i. u. ktw iw iwiumitta bi OUJU p. la. Local Freight and Pimnn irwn u.. . Atlanta at 6 JO a. m.; arrives from Atlanta ax 8-.ao CHABLorrjcCountBu ahd augcbta. Arrives from Columbia at $ao p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. a, a ft A.-A., T. ft O. DmsK. Arrives from Stateevflle at 1046 a. m. . ' ' ' Leaves for StatesvtUe at 6:36 p. m. . ", i-J. ti CAbouhaCzhtmlI ." I" . Arrive from Laurinburg at 4 40 p. m ; Leave for uiuruiuurgnii.wa.nl.. Leave for Sbelbjr at &16 a. m.s arrive from Shelbv 1 n all n m IfATLS. HeDArai IM lMn nnana .t Bin . -1 - !(n 6epMtent opwui at t.UU a. m.f iMdrx to New Adveriisrmeals. Carson Broa Hay, corn and oata. Hunter ft Stokes Todd pl bams, etc Weather ladlcatioas. Middle Atlantic States. Fair weath er, variable winds, " warmer weather except in northern portion, stationas ry temperature, r v s , 4 , South Atlantic fair weather, varin b!e winds, stationary temperature. LCAIRIFP1,E8. Capt. Byerly, with the Hornet team, was out last night : practicing tor the 20th. The Independents and noneere nad better keep an eye, on Capt. Byerly. " The proposed "Mav Oueen bv the children of the First and Second Presbyterian Sunday Schools, has been postponed to some -day next week. The weather is yet a little too uuui ior iw -" 1 m .. - - . ... . Mr. James B. MaeilL chief of the Charlotte fire - department has ap pointed the following parties to serve on his staff for the ensuing year: P. 11. rnelan, first assistant; W. E. Cul pepper, second assistant; W. J. Har rison, secretary; C. M. Davidson treasurer. x : J no. C. lfaeran. Boston: Tm . TT Turn bull, Philadelphia; Bryd Curry, St Louis; T. O. Wall, , West- Point, Va. : F. Ches8iour. Providence. R I. : T. Barrow, Lynchburg, ,Va.; and" A. F. Proctor; Augusta, Ga., were among the arrivals at the Buford House yesterday.- - , While one iforce of workmen were -yesterday clearing away toe, wreck of the fallen building, another force was laying biick for the new structure being erected if or, Mr. Ec cles, under the shadow of the wreck. Charlotte cant be kept down. . ' -Rev. E. McNair, of Red Banks. A. McCallum, of Bennetts ville.; E McGilvary,-and a large party of others from the eastern" section, ar rived at the Central last night, on their way to Houston, Texas, and the New Orleans Exposition. V .; . Among the arrivals at the Cen tral vesterday were: J. C - Butter field, Geo. Butterfield, Jos. Whitney, Chicago; Dr. J. t Mackey, lancas ter, S. C. ; R. L. Prempert, M. A. Cotten. Baltimore; Profs. W. J. Bingham and R. C. Carson. Davidson College; W. D. Martin and wife, nee Miss La vine Hay wood. A merry party of young people of Monroe, returning from a picnic at Mt. Holly, spent -a few hours in the city yesterday afternoon. . The young people stormea ine uenirai Hotel and Buford House for supper, after driving and walking around the city. They left on the 8:30 p. m. train for home. Gen Thos. F Drayton, whose injury was notea yesterday is noi yet able to leave his bed. He was visited yesterday by large numberg of his friends. The accident to' Gen. Drayton has been generally regretted and a deep feeling of solicitude has been felt by our citizens as to nis con dition. -. We are pleased to learn that his injuries are not so severe as at first feared, and that he will be out again shortly. ' ; . A boat Pswsfe Siuspa. It is a big job to furnish postage 8 tamps for the nation ; it takes bil lions of them. . The work has . never been undertaken at the bureaus of en graving and printing, and the con-, tract is always eagerly sought for. The printing has to re done on - hy draulic presses, on great sneeis 01 a fine quality of paper. It is not euch a verv difficult job. bnt the - various steps required to make them ready J for use are quite complicated ana in teraatJnfir. . Thev are "gummed" as eoonasthev emerge1 from the by-.1 draulio press, with a paste - toadeof clear starch or rather . its dextrmei which is acted upon chemicauy ana hnilAd forming a clear, smooth. slightly sweet mixtures-Each - sheet of stamps is token separately, placed upon a flat board, its edges covered Wlta a Sllgnt meuu unuio. iuou Kiio paste is smearea on w,n a iarge whitewash brush, and, toe snee. is laid between wire racks and -placed on a pile with others to dry. Great care is taken in the manufacture of this paste, which is pertectiy harm less. After the gumming another pressure in the hydraulic press fol lows. Then . another . counting m fact stamps are counted no less than thirteenjtimesltt the process of man ufScture; s3te sbeetsare inen euw half each portiogr pomainmg iw stamps, this beingi done by girls orih rtrriinarv nana-uuo. . follows the perforation, which is pei; m-Z a kn M.iihiYiov4 The t Tfort tmnc nrn first maae m uuiuui line Another pressing iouows m ii nr inn raiBeu euccn.uu th hack of the stamps made .by the a thk nda the manufacture, A .Mta rl01VI.rtrr.enB US UOYUIDM w arv"' Tfn -nd.. sendine off the stamps to t?dttP?ren poatofacea I ';aftet ikHwis ttrsllrt '.B r. To the fiditor rf The Oasbrter: i- ' i 1 hw' iLy.A: of John 8. Pnnce, cnam " . Jll 1 t Ath e to convey: mon oni -. - -- - . , UmuJ our paper a cnaiie.. j any J- iron ing bores . in North 5r?..f?i.A irT Pi -ini-e to race any five r!.vrt---Bw-the tuO five 'nluii nlty dollars iiiVhesof TH OBSB- ?ZJ,-ut irom $230 to 5U. iji aVr ' wW lo t-nter their horses to Aa?.ZZ tha- paper: the en- - - Lr The raw to trance w.1? ""Tt w Carolina Park I,.n Hie date named. - - ww" " 7 J. M ORG AS. ? a. Charlotte,CL.lSalStht 1835. YESTKatDAlt AT THE HUISS.t ... M.!si. oeums Goods Oat of the Hardware Baildia(k.Tbe xcavatoi Views oa - the Caaae.ot the Collapse Lnwualts f a Prospjbct. - : . ... - f i AU day yesterday i i -' - - the scene of Thursday's wreck ' was viewed by crowds of curious people, who found preuigr tu luuereHb uieni in watcning the workmen pulling hardware goods from the ruins. A large force of hands were employed all day long ia clearing the wreckage, and by nights falL they had cleared awar the des bris down to what is supposed to be . 1 o . a . 1 . . me nrst noor,ouc inere is yec sucn a confused mass of ruins piled un. that ine worRmen nnd it-aimcuit to tell exactly where they . are working. The wreckage "completely fills the Bchiff excavation and there is a Pile oe it twelve ieet nign'tn the street. About fiftv wason loads of eooda were recovered from the ruins urs ing the day and earned to the . stoiN age bouse m the Gaither block. Of me gooos so iar recoverea. : nut a small portion is ta an uninjured con dition. The finer eoods are damaered by fire, water and breakage, and the neavier ne of eoods suffer nrmcinak ly Trom if eakace. What" were once nne oreeon loaaine shot euns were brought out with the stocks broken on and tne barrels twisted to shoot around, a tree. Axe, hoe and shovel handles were brought out- in shape convenient: for kindling- flrea , steel yards were found in small pieces, and Lother lines bt goods came out in 'the same condition. At certain places in the store, the shelving , was pro, tec ted by beams ; that.neldup the loads of debris, and in such' places. the goods were fOuhd to be secure and intact. Enough is not yet known- to inaKe an eeumate upon tne proba ble loss to Hammond-& Justice on their stock, but, it will be heavy. Very general sympathy is expressed for these? merchants.- who onlv re cently went into partnership -and1 were just building up a fine trade. It is a serious blow to them. vx The appearance of the Yates build ing was yesterday much improved. and the opinion now is that it is safe. The large side wall has been ' braced securely, and inside the building a net work of supports has been placed under the floors, so that even should the'wall fall, or be torn down, the floors will remain secure. - The roof over the rear end of Mr. Yates building was crushed in by the fall ing of the hardware store and com pletely wrecked. 1 The entire damage to the building will probably not fall shot Of $3,000.! The building is not considered dangerous and it is not likely that any further damage will result to it. Mr. Will Phifer. who contracted to make the cellar exca. vations, yesterday gave an Obsebvkr reporter his views upon the collapse of the building and its causes. Mr. Phifer thinks that the peculiar course of the earth strata across the cellars was the mam cause of the disaster.. Trade street runs nearly ; east ' and west, and as the excavations for the cellars were being made, Mr. Phifer noticed that the course of the etratas was from south to north. It can best be explained by the following dia gram : 4 t ' r:; n '.-n MCADEN BUILDING. 100 FKET. '" SCHIIT'S x ...! : kXCATATKW A ICCLEi... The McAden building, the struct re which fell is a hundred feet deep, . The Schiff ' excavation ad joining-is 125 feet from the Trade, street: front , to the rear wall, and extends back 25 i feet further than: the McAdea buildinsr. ' The excavation adjoinuig that of Mr, Schiff. sjis for Mr. Eocles new building and is the same depth as SchifTs: The Sfhiff excavation went to within three feet of the side wall of the MeAden building. . which also has a basement, and the dividing wall of dirt was six feet wide, Schiff's excavation extended 26 feet beyond the rear wall of the McAden building. leaving three feet of dirt at the rear wall, as ' along the side. The earth strata -coursed . across the lots in the direction ; as indicated on the diagram by the dotted lines. It will be deen that one strata ranvdi- directly under the corner of the Mc Aden building. This, corner 01 a in proved : too weak to - support the weiernt upon it, tne straw nu-lu. uu? der the corner of the house at the dotted line, and the dirt slipped out," etune a portion 01 tne siae anu rear wails drop' down into the excavation. This of course sprung the walls of the entire ' - building. Anotner - strata crumbled from under them, ana tne whole structure came down. - The insurance companies cannot be mtde to pay a dollar of fire or water Inns hem&r nrotected bv a clause in the poJiciesas explained yesterdayJ Ha iar. It la ueueveu iiuau a raw lawsuits wiH result from the accident; Mr. Schiff basrengaged: Jones Johnston; to represent bis side 01 tne case and luS stated that Lr. BiCA-aen " - -t -b- O tf T 1 1 hr amnloved iiurweu cc waiKer. The main fight will be between ir Mr-Aden and Mr Scbill. Gen. Lray ton has engaged Major W. W. Flem. min to prosecute someoouy -? or damages, and suits win likely, oe en tered by Hammond 6t Justice, ana oy Mri Yates. The cases will be exceed- inrlv interestinsr when" they get into court. Major Flemming is retained as counsel, we near,, by at teast-wo parties, and thougn neis snasing nis fiats at everybody in the ring, it is nnt KnOWD wno ne win tliu. iiunnu Johnston will have th big end of the beam to hold, and whil Major Flem mine is shaking his fists and other counsel Putting on tneir armuur, J. & J. are pil ng up their rocks and getting ready for buttle. v . l .The rough outline sketch" at1 the head of this article, is intended ; to give a view ot a portion of the 1 front of the Yates building, with the side wall from which the McAden build ing feU. t " -. tz-rty;):. . ... : " tt- " ' 1 ;T kothenl otten!l HoOerUn "ytfy roa disturbed at nteM and broken of yom rest br a fk child snffertng and orrtDf with the SSSclaUn pain otoulUn: teett jf otioe and get a bottle of UBS. WINoLOW'8 SOOTHING 8TBUP. It wlU reUeve the poor little sufferer Unmedlately depend upon : toe re li no Mistake about It There It not a mother 00 earta SnThaaeveraHedtt.wliowlU not tell joust once that It will regulate OH) tKwrels, and five rent to the mother, and relief and health to the child. -O'terHlr liwlui magle. It Is perfeetlv sale to ue In ail IsLatTnd peasant to tb taste, and ia the pre , TSmloB at one oi toe aloe and best female I ms Ui 1 r.nr ia the United gtatea. eutd j fcrfu a UUJa- THE GLORIOUS 20 TH J frocramme for tke Celearatioa.."Xext 'WedBesdarBieTcle Races ! -the , Cbaatpiaasof the Mrridv etcw i .The ceremonies for the appropriate observance of the 20th of May this jrtjor wiii oe unur wie . airspace 3 oi the Charlotte fire department. At a meeting of the various comnixtees last night the foU9wmg prog tarnme was adopted': I -'- . '" ! At nine o'clock the proceasifen for tne parade will be formed at the corner of Trade and Church Btreetain jJKnt of the court house in the G0U0 w ing order: - . . r t 4 V Band. - ' - - Hornets Nest Riflemen. Chariot e Bicyele. Club (VGessrs, . , rrince and Morgan, the champion 3 uiuyuusis 01 tnei woria, in carriagesji ihSj-v'j ; 1 Hornet Fire Company,' ' I Pioneer Fire Conmanv. Iudependent Hook and Ladder Com 2 -," panv. r U----- Mayor, Aldermen and speaker In car ? 1 - riageswvv. "' The., line of march will, be down Church to 2nd street,; up 2Jnd to Tryon, up Tryon to 7h, down 7th to College, up College to Trade.5 and from thence to the yard of the TJ. S. mint, where the oration -of the day will be delivered bv OoL Chsa. R. Jones. - --.ait- 1 After the soeakine it is'eXDected that most of the crowd will repair to ne vaiariotte lair grounds, now un der the management of the Carolina7 x air Association, where the bicycle races will take place at 2.30 oVloCk At 4 o clock. P. m. a balloon aaneri ston will take place under the direc tion of Signor Tissandier, from In dependence square, and immediately thereafter a reel contest will take place under the following rules and regulations: , .; sirst. To run 150 yards i. with one hundred and fifty (150) Ceot of hose on carriage - or reeL- uuredf. one hundred (100) feet and artacV the Batne to a hydrant and throw a si ream or water throuKh the pipe witLt any uuizie cnosen oy ine company, 'Xime to 'be called when water is tlunOwn fifty "feet" One man" wfll be alfuwetf to every one hundred (100) pound of apparatus. - two men will be allowed to each reel over the number eniraeed in pulling one to carry the wnnch ana one to scarry the pipe. 11 hey I maoe specially lnterestmg-by reason must start with and at the same' time J of the fact that the racer made the the reel does, but mOstnotouUa the lrAainpiou get down to his level best. reel. ? yvii O j X ; ,,. . oowuuiu no case win a seoona. trial be allowed. The decision of the judges must be final. In case, how ever, of an accident happening tet any Off the' companies- before the' trial conies off; the 'judges are empowered to cnange its turn, so that their turn msyniot be altogether ioft. 4 unja wiuLHkur o buiu.- nut. be' decided by lot. No person vrhat- ever will be allowed on the stand ex cept the judges. T Fourth- Hose couplings on car riage orreei muse be f made witn . not : less than three full turns. Each comnanv wuc mnuiowea une marr waci wicn starting judges,', to see that the appa ratusetc.i is according to rules; Not longer than fifteen (15) minutes will be allowed between the runs. Bach n ii ii- - . . . . . company must be ready at the call ot tne judges. - ---. ; ja lttn (Jompaniee are allowed the use of any two or four wheeled hose cart or carriage, capable of carrying nve nunarea (auu) teet oi regulation nose, m actual service.' safely. Tnree tiiceskeepers shall be. appointed by, the judges. r. -Vt i SixthMember of 'companies wha not engaged in the run, and all citi zens, - are reauested to keen on the sidewalks during the exercises ir f tne nrst prize will be a fine Presr dents chair, valued at fifty dollars: : The second prize . will be twenty dollars in gold. : ; ii teenldollarslin gold for thecoma pany making the best time j to the plug from the starting'pomt. After, the reel races are over, 'a foot race, confined to the members of the contesting reel teams, wfll take place' ior one nunarea yards, down aomn Tryon Etreet, t rom t Independi3nce square.': ''- 1 'l ; - - j Jtlrst prize, $5. 00 ; second, $2. 50 The prizes will be awarded bv llai ' W W. Flemming; at a banquet to be given by the firemen at 8 o'clock. . v ; The following named gentlemexi are requested toactaf judges: -a otarting judges Capt.: T? K. Rob ertson, tk r a. springs i and 1 E. 'D. Latta. ' . l- i Judge at plug Geo. K Wilsott - Judge at nozzle W. E. Shaw. tTlie judges elect three time keiep- I 1 : -7 . : ' Charlotte ia Colasab a. ', ., ,:, xcursfohists all speak 'in fine terms of the reception accorded them in Columbia, and .all were charmed , with their trip, Tne Columbia Kegis ter. eives quite an extended account of how the Charlotte people spent the any tnere, ana says: it was aa jouy and well behaved a party , of. excur sionists as ever cameto Uolumbia. it is the wish of everybody in Columbia tnat our tjnanotte neignoors may rj peat their visit soon." ' : s t v " ' 1 he bicycle boys added a great deal to the pleasures of the day. and the raoes are thus described in tne Jurgis- ter: . "The farst was a race between one of Mr. Turner's fast trotters and Mr. Morgan, one-half mile, best -two in three. A good start was made and the man and the horse kept side by aide two-thirda of the distance. Then the borse got a slight lead, but only retained it for perhaps for fifty yards, when the brave and determined bi cyclist overtook him and forged aheadjrhe crowd cheered lustily. Turner was evidently bent-npon dis tancing the wheelman : and urged on his steed. The horse again got a slight lead and kept it to the last, reaching the goal only four feet ahead of the bicycle rider.' Time, L38i hain; utes The second heat was verv exciting. ii orgai. showing extraordinary speed and bottom.' i He iron easily. Time, lS2t minutes. : ; ,; : - ' iThe third heat was won by Turner: Time not taken. - KH r-t 'ry: -i-r-v The second race was a te st -of speed betreen Morgan and ' the Charlotte champion,; W M.axweit,4 the . latter being givealQO yards lead. This was an exceedingly animated - contest. Morgan snowed wonderrui. speed ior tne iUrsh iwu-mirus ot tne aistance, vhen the two riders hashed along side by side, and when: the home place was reached it was hard to tell who was in front, but Morgan won by a close shave.. , Time, 2.23 Anuiutes.-s-- f iThe third race was the; moat im portant of all. -The champion of the wirld, Mr . Prince tried his speed against the celebrate trotter "Culum bia B jy." ' This consisted of the best two heats out of three, mile. The start was a good one - and the man and horse sped along hip and tuck twp-t birds round the course. Then the champion got the leadT wbicb he did not relinquish till the goal was reached. Time 2.24 mniutes. ' - :- ff, yy- 'xvtkowv y y: i This what" ti old Saxons c-Bed tt They meant what we oa 1 health. Bn!ga4 and sturdy out fellows they were. We are hardly up to their stand ard of health, because oar style of llvuigJiasmuor ducedmany unwho.esome hab!t&. But we can re sist tbe d-biUtsUng eflects ot our man ner of 11 v mc by tzkitit Brown's boa Bitters. It conquers Inti "wttou. regulates the bowels, cures Maknesa, maiariavet&' ' Who Was lkeSlTtish BraaetteT" A special dispatch - to the Charles ton News and Courier, of May 14th, from Savannah, gives the particulars of the 1 suicide of a North Carolina girL The dispatch says: "Daisy Sun toons committed suieide at the noose of Joeie DeCamp, on Prince street, at ; 8 30 o'clock tonight. She was raised in North Carolina and came here from Macon some, two years ago. She ; went home intending - to reform, but returned about a month ago, her lover, a commercial travei ler. going after her. A lew nights ago she had a quarrel with this man; who became" jealous and declared his intention of leaving her. " Tonight he went aicer ms ercects ana to oia ner goodbye.' ' She entreated him not to leave ,herv and told him he would never again see ber alive. He kissed tier and tore himself from her ems braced- and just as he reached the front door ho heard the report of si pistol in her room and she feu. to the floor. ! She died in thirty fninutes." - '-She was a stylish brunette, seven teen years old. She was oi excellent family. . Her true name has. not yet been made public. The man ; in the case is related to some of the wealths iest families, in a neighboring city. The girl had attempted suicido once or twice before. An inquest is now being held.? The Bieyeta Raaea x"estereey. v r-y FuUt OOO people witnessed the interesting bicycle races at the Caro lina fair 'grounds, yesterday ; and all were repaid. : The evening was a' beautiful one and there were more people on the grounds than we have seen there 'since the biggest day of the last fair. Vehicles lined the track from the main building to a point be yond the grand stand, and there were but few vacant seats in Ohe fcrand stand itself. " The races opened with a"' 'half mile contest between Mr,. Jrrlnce, tne world s champion, and a horse entered to trot asainst him: Mr. Prince gave the horse 100 yards start and beat him about 150 yards Un the three mile race between Mr. Morgan and running horse, a fresh horse was run in on the last heat and Mr. Morgan Was beaten.' " Mr. Prince next ran against the same horse, half mile dash. The horse was a fleet footed animal and air.' Prince, was given 100 yards start. This was an exceedingly pretty race, I Prince flew-around the track like the 1 a .1 i - . i.- " 1 winu auu won tne race, masimz tne I half mile id 1 minute and 17 seconds. This is the fastest time ever made by, a bicycle rider; Pi ince'a champion of the world record beinsr 1 minute and li seconds.. 'v , . ITHa lnaf. woa o fhvaa mi la A aoh " v iw tw tjm uav 1 If between Morgan and Prince.' Morean kept the lead until on the last round, wnen frmce, shot ahead of turn and came in first, ma kins: the three miles n 9 minutes and 37 seconds. ' Princes machine is a 55 inch Spaulding, and" weighs only 23 pounds, un May ZOth, in addition to running against five horses, five miles, for a purse of $250, he will race against his record, which is 2.39. in the atteip.pt to lower it "Deeper thkii e'er iluramet sounded" sobm neo. lie's eoughs seem to come from, vet a bottle of Or. 3ull'8 Coueh 8rrun wlU cure them. It rom awar down-to he bottom at matters and works wonders. Pleasant to take and good ior coughs. eoUU, croup, broach Us, eta. - j ;.,s. ; ,-. 1 , . . . f WeU's Health Benewer" for delicate 1 Positive Cmre rerPIles. To the Deoole of this oDuntr wa would sat wa have been riven the aaencr of Dr. Marchlsl'a Italian .PUe Ointment emphatleally guaranteed to sure or money renmoea internal, external. Mind, bleed ng w ncning pitea. rnoe an. a dox, rto cure, so 'pay. r sale by L. B. wriston, druggist. fltvj. Adoecttscmruts JUST ARRIVED . N . ;..rs-ti i .... - - . Two Car Loads Timothy Hay. One . J ioad W estern Corn. Call early . CARSON BROS? Thse Sprrnas are two mOes from Shelby. N. C. 54estof Chartotte, and one mile of theCarouna .Central ranroad.-; f Hacks will be at Springs Station on arrival of every train. At orocer Station.: on the Air-Una railroad. paeas ea be obtah. odki and warm tnans. ' -. hite and Red sulphur and Chalybeata Waters. good St line Bnad secured for sue season. , M bowling A'ley in good order. Livery M-eommodattonS attached to the Hotel. Bates of Board xt aiona' le. Special . rates to (amllieii for the season, for further loformatlosl -a-tdrens .- ma?l4dtf - i acB.IJSTON,Freprletor. , blOCKHOLDERS' Li . , QFT:Ct OF TBI Baltckobs and Noirra Carouna CurrSM AND bOLD MlNINS COMPANT, . i i i t HALTiMoaa, May IA 1S5. J i, svineral meetlne of the Stockholders of the BHitlinore and' North Carolina Copper and fold Vflnlna lanmnvvrUl beheld at the transfer Smee of the company, DlPostoflice Avenue, f n Monday, Ma 'Ata, 186, at S o'clock, p. m , ler the elect loo of Directors to serve for the ensuing twelve months -The transfer books will be closed I rom May Attn n)ayiadiut . - --- rawt w; uJura,Heey. T Mother Fall -:Oi C 4ve!aiid Mineral iSpf logs " i ylrii0PX2f MAT 15. . i ATPYWEKK! FROM Great arTrobe come the glad tidius .lx cheer every man and boy uilhe Stale thatls now or shall bo in need, of Cloth- businisrj ir we can't make trade mtist "whirl without a clog. - - lc am Not of vesttijiitv. pushinff and have Wtruck-the keynote of Spring trade and will play lively tunes on low prices for theB ttyice of the Season.? Conse quently if- ypu don't look ?ssharp" you will ''be fl for the high-toned and lo w-toned. bargains. Therefore don't you buy uhtil yoii loot: at our styles and compireour prices,; ; 1 , . , J t Boys! Clothing C h eaprThan :Evir! we are to-dar In recelft of our third uvoloeof TODD HAM& Our sales have been itej eoeour agtng, every purehaaer ; beeomee a re-purchaser, wMBuueeoua mat there Is; muA that Is good In urn wanna ret. we publish a portion ot alettar reeeivM whieiwiu .show that we mke sales be- 7000 taeeonnnesof this State: 4 Cbarkitton, S. C, April 23d, 'SS, Huittkb & Stokes ; J have your letter of Anril IT beg to my thai .the HAMS purchased o you last , summer were verv nice and came up fully as you represented them. : You will ship me on receipt JEfanw to SummerviUe, S. C, which ts my summer residence, and mail bill io me at Charleston, S. C. r it VtTV respectfully, ' . I j JULIAN FISHBZJRNE, " i v, Fishlmrne's Phosphate Mines. IS 'I: NORTH CAROLINA V! AndPlshBoearettM bastaf tefeiklastreasBes. OarBaeen&rtzMTiuui Vhx) Hin iim iia plaojsJp the afleetloas of many psopie, Ttettaw that you eat every day e&n beha- tmiy yy.-tr. tv.wmiv wx-.nmi. nr rain - - t ANNUAL MEETING. i - OrriCK or SacasTAKT, Nobts Cabouju 't "i 8TATX DKOTAL AS80GIATIOH, y- fe FATKTnmLua, N C, May 1st, 1S9S. THS SUCVENTH ANNUAL HXKTIKO OT THB Morth Carolina State Pental Association will be held In Charlotte for three days, beginning Twvday. June 3rd, l&ft ApplleauUforUoenseto practice Dentistry In the State must then and there present themselves. 8-e advertisement of wwu. : lUUSLas Jt. HUMTKK, Seeretary; JOA&D OF ST ATI DKNTAL XXAMINXRS. The North CaroHna State Beard of nentit r. aalners will meet In Churlotte, M. C., the 1st Tues day In June neyt, for the purpose of examining applicants for license to practice Dentistry la the State of North Carolina . All persons who began the practice el Dentistry tn the State after rebra ary lt. 1779. without a diploma from a legally chartered Dental College are required by taw to procure license from th Board. All persons who Desun ins praroce or uenusiry m tne state shies rebruary 1st 18KS, with or without s diploma are required by law to procure lioense from lbs Biate r. mm liters. . - Signed J.T.GRimTH. -. ; Seeretary of Bo rd. i Salisbury N. C, May 1st.. 1885. r ma2evfri4w . OWING TO THE FALLING OF HAMMOND Jt Justice's store, rendering the tuilding I oocu- pieu utisaw, y nave muveu my nure atock OX Hardware, Cutlery, GUNS, ETC., To the store recently occupied by Morer 4 Hlrsh loger, on Trade street, where 1 wul be pleased to serve my friends and the puMie generally. snajlSd . . BICHABDMOORK. Hotel Brunsyick, SM1THV1LLE, N. C. THIS Hotel will be open for the reception of Guests on the 18th of May. 1885. The Manager will ends ivor to maintain the high reputation of this Hotel, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public . Bates $40 per month; (10 per week; 13 GO per day. 8peeial rates made for the month or Scsson, by addressing ... HOTKL BBCNSWICK, mayl9d3m : SmlthvlUe, N. Carolina. land for sale. . By virtue of s decree of the 8Uperior Court o Catawba count?, at spring term, UB5.I wUlsellon the premises at pubDe outcry an Monday, the 1st day of Jans, lflBB, the plantation krtowasstas Caleb Link aada. sttoated about tan mOes tram Newton, and about six muss from Iron Station, on the public road from Denver U Lincoton, con taining about 28 acres. . . ! . - On this tract )s located a gold mine, said to be very desirable, and which 25 years ago was bonded for (20,000. but which has not been worked slace. This property wul be started at 1200, by order of the court, upon the last Md. made at a prevtaas sale br tue undersigned. . -; - " : Terms -One-half cash and" balance payable In six months secured br note with sufflclRnt seco ritj. Title re-erved ontll paid for. By vtrtue of the decree of the clerk of the 8up rwr Court, at tbe same time and place, I will also sell a tract of 23 acres adjoining the lands above mentioned, on same terms. ' mail&Uw . B C COBB, Commissioner, r FOR SALE. One Columbus Buggy arst-elass A wheels, steel tires, laminated steel ' springs, steel axles, full leather top; one year in use. one sorrel Horse, five years is OKI, very gentle, warranted to work any- where, la plough, buggy, wagon; double or single. ; oouDie or amgie. approved security. lenns ca a; or on tune witn Apply at Mr. A B. Davidson's mayudu , . - To Publishers. We are prepared to furhlgh a flrst-etass quamy of News Ink is iu-pound buckets, at tXOO per bucket ' nnvladtf ... THK OBSXBVKB. ; in Q'rices ! ! a ; cent I M frhe -vhetU of a live FAMILY ROE HERRING REMOVAL. lliliiers ui To-Day booming for the future We - (Tie Good - i - For purchasers ef our Superior Clothing, ws asv now on dlsnlat tha hrnt and Haak L.-k of wu Manufaetwed Meat Ckanlagla taiaatty. Being made by as tt saves the purchaser a maaa faaturar's proflt Our faolUUes are uaqoestiooed, ,MooktasutvsrdoarprteeswayaKw I All goods guarantssd as represented. We ratand i : fj u suqas are returaea IB rat aianiM wunauus, very Lsadmc N B. Suits and ShMs 'uuwn. av war whk-hxw eustosssrs we wul ny express rsnansme at any expansa. 5 j " i - 'tri- t i: Is -1 rOHICK ERING WANOS. - J MA iHUiSHKlCPIANOS. AlUC)ITPlAN09. M A SON'AND HAMLIN C)R(jrANs y.,l i OK A KD O Kl)H FAOJ BAY TAlETUKgAKS: THE L.O WEST! Also Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. Write tor circulars and Address V. T. 7 rtSirJ - ' ' - Meu Star io the Old Cnclcxj -WITH Larqe and ODLILflnECI Havlnc eloaed out the bustnen of Mrs. P. Ouerv tva and eomplets stock of nnsMlumaryaadlaney I extend a coramr nivnaaon to ail ana irasitBM i wsau do isvorea wbb a I nUMn.M ffA m mim iMri Mtflaml nmn I will endeavor to continue to deserve the good will of the public by conducting my bostaess m tbe , it liberal spirit known In th retail trade. ' . ' ' Tl Hr esleoJbttoBMi ler saveem sre assed on a system af of excellence, dursbllKy aad good taste positively at eeuing nnraiy ai one price tor iaoii unA,i, IWIMHlUtJ. Constant efforts to please wpMsastaswamsnas at tneiaaies. .' r.-,- , ibacked by long experience) riven to every patron ta regard ta pflltles, styles, for any purpoae they may wish to use them, - " . . truth & the recommeBdalons of tbemerrUsMvahwof swswdsr-r -t .' honext ooinkin ( eotors, eta, smtaow : Ana unajEeraoM AiSufes eorjsiQsnng taair pnrss sna sprjesreaos before eslttng to see-ma. 1. 1 - ' ' '" apr&V superior to most delleately savored, and big best cost gold leaf teration or drugs.- we use tne genuine rrencn race especially for us, wabw-markeu wtth the name of STRAIGHT en each Cigaiette, without which none are genuine. Imitations of this brand save pen pot en sale, snd cagarrfMsBaokersareeeutiooed that this to the eW and original brand, and to observe that each package or box ot BICHMQ&Q SIRAItiliX CUT Cigarettes bears the signature of . K.... ,.- AtNNi ek; - CIGARETTE aiCHMOMO. TIBGINIA. tt V 1 VI 11 1 U 1 ; 1 14 i 1 apr2 ; ATTENTION I ii n Tula. hi T miifiiir Tinl mtrnr trnnam and 2nd streets, via keep the vary best qualities of .aitsiber, Shlasieii avwd sLwfsiest, f ' ... THB LoWSST HUCK8. ess-All MTJa nrowntlT Oiled. TO the building pubuet . CaU and save money. . . inayidna. i r; w. wwaaaAua w. I Copartnership. CaWJW.H.C..May,I8Bo, The oaderslgned have this day termed s ee psrt- KhCoto oof - meaVehandtoe Brokerage Buitaee . JMUng. sToar, Meat and GEO. H. BHOCKKNBBOCGH, : W.B.TAXdAlTlUUU. maylQeodlw 41 6te-room rraroe DweUlng wtth Utcnsn and mtahttr. lot stains feet, well of sood water. Yard weU shaded wtth trees lopsted en Trade street, beyond Alr-Ltam Depot. PiicstXOOOk 44 Tract of land eontalntflf- 880 acres, taring hi ... HI r mt mmWmm ui fiaHm. bury. 81z-rooia -Iwclllng- fins orchard; good wa ter; iron, goto aim muvmi wnm yiiv -Price and tenae leasonable. - i TO LET, ..r Wfta cr Witet 'Sen Puwer. ffknr JBtWCOteet. Bent Vwr. Apply to , - SOUTHHQf HTWSFAFKB TJK10N, v atsyld ' ' : CerJege8t, sarreuraiSt. Houses Rented. Hi.ims rted and iwata soflscted. ta theetti tdvenised V of faras. . n;. ,,' v - - - T - 1 feMia! A . ! I r . ' f ' J 1-1". f fd -- respscuully. 5. Oatnlsts snd Tsllara. sasds la ardar- at ikot1 saort . - f Hequarters . in the Caro- Unas for tho fbHowing, cele-; , i brated instrticients, tub ? V K AlTTnANR V TCXUXSt i a" I 'if x f: full ml ormation. , , ,ar i BARNWELL, Manascn ' ' - " : - - ,i ': -i ..." IS A- Fine Stock of i ry .r I am now reeerrinc aa entrrett asm huws,attr4. . eoods, which I ealeulata to have ready lot xJUm4-. . . IM arm tm M tm. A. 1 hwn lower prices tbso-sold sirewbers for sajnotraaUUes. - . i snu a axlstaks tt they makethsa 41 CIO ABITTX smokers who are willing to pay a little more for Cigarettes than the pries cbsrd for tbe-o "arytradeCI aarettea. will End the RICikmJKD ST A klva f CUT NO. 1- aU others. They are made from the brightest, grown in Virginia, and are absolutely whout adul rape at our own wren ubwhw - "i. wr - m . the brand B1CHMONO STBAlwiULCvX,a.l , , CUT To be had st kw innMPAinFR'R w a a s w jwsyg saf ssss,! Corner Tryon and gttth Strtsto Opposfto Motao- 1 - - dlst Omrea, , ... . fsbadtt - - - u - L ' i ....... , '- ; .;- Ii-. ' agwes,at . " Desirable HoielM-- FOR SALE; ot By virtue of a deer of t giipwlor Cort. I will, oa Monday, Juns 1st, lui as Uss.;sa,s tbe court bouse door In the city of Charlotte, to oe iiamii immMM , a yuusic i tti. - . 1 i , ; - - t , . r - i attmredonesst side ot Kts st, Tf and bixth stnets, s'nlnc l pm ' of A. V.. Ladoinb. Junn T.Lf. irs-do. as ' tbe "A.rrs s,reet rn "emf' of r " . ve, ' deceased. F dpr - y U1 be i ' . TernisrV on if r- -!e r -n kt "t of si : i is. . r- tag iuvt v tt v-fc -. . : .v , .. ... ., . nr" .- - m&;:t7 i.Aa'r of a C, . X S, M. HOWELL'S

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