p a i m cm mkjb m bsjs r y et. g a t irit vx-yu ay-23, 1 s s 5. - '25 v Absolutely Pure. ri.i. ruiardor nt)Tr varlss. A muni of DUIltl rentctb and wholesoraeuess. More economical u ins ordinary kind, and cannot be told IB oia petition with the multitude of low tost, short iiiOt. aium or puoapnaio powcjera. aouonvui wn. wnoiesawuj 8PBINQ8 ft BUBWIIJ jsn'd.wly Charlotte, c. ll. OFFERS TO THE esale i Retail Trade FIVE TONS rWWNTY'lBARliELS A Large Stock of Colors, Varnishes, Etc. ALSO t - . ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLQSE PRIGES. J.'H. Mo ADEN, Drw:rta Ill (AND LAST) OF; WHEELER'S REUIIUSGEHuES: -OP- Morth Carcliotr ... -lL A - '( . .. .. . -i ". I I S lv Hj A I J Y . -i "-'-..-.. I -r r ' . . t; i ThnA whrt wifth to haVe the work will please Jet His know and we will get it for them. Ttnnv A.nno. Spring Chickeno, ' , GROWN FOWLSt .l Pure White Lead, PUI LINSEI Kerosene Oil, ion AT : - A rrival and Departure ol Trains. . correct lor tae current month. ' - - BlCHHOtTD AND I)WIT T l.l in " Leaves for Atlanta irt8:Ca7mT - . w-amm 01 viutnooe irora Atlanta at 4.-45 a. m- Leaver tor Blehmond at 456 a. m. 12.38 p. m. Leaves tor Atlanta at 1 p. m. - nu. iw "in viuu-Hjue irom Auantaatn-lu p.m. Leaves tor Richmond at aop. m. - - .Local freight and Passenger Train leaves top Atlanta at 6 JO a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 830 Chabuht. Colombia ajtd imnnri. - Arrives from Colombia at 610 p. m. imns tur vvtumoia Hip, m. C C. & A. A.. T. (. nrrrinnM Arrives from 8tatesvllle at 10:46 a. m. " ? ueaves ua ouueaviue ai bi p. m. Cabouna Ckhtrai.. A7? Vm WII'nfton at 7.90 a. m.; Leave tor Wilmington at 8.15 p. m. Arrive from Laurlnburg at 4 40 p. m ; Leave for Leave for Shelby at aid a. m.; arrive from Shelby a a, ass. -'. - ,. -. -.. . AeiMml DnllMr nnma . a JY . r m.; eloses at .w r hi. VonAV OMat TlAnttvtmAnt ddmi arm M . eloseaat 4C p. m. Index to New Advertisements. lion l(UWUlluai J. R. Erwtn Court order ji m. ArKtrev.s Hammocks, etc , fiamett A Alexander Strawberries, etc. i : B. H. Jowan A Co-Insect powder, etc. i . -. . - Weather lasllcauoas. Middle Atlantic StAta- mrmrlir weather: and rain; easterly winds; Blieht chancres in tf m nrntii r Inwcr barometer. . . South Atlantic: Cloildv wmt.hr and .occftainnal mina? oniithiwiit tr south west winds; lower barometer; stationary temperature. , wsaMMawaaawawMwaaM mm i lpaw ss. RfiV. Dr . ftncwAll ftf Winofm will be in the city today, and will preach" at Calvary Mission church to morrow. -: H - --The bicvcla bova will havA tn nut. a big D. V. in red ink on their pro gramme for the ' races at ' the. park next Monday. Mr. ft W T rVirkh- a nmminant. citizen of Atlanta, ami nno nf t.h pioneers of Atlanta enterprise, is Two bridal couples were Quar tered at the Central yesterday, one beinc Mr. J. I. Blakeney and bride. of Huntersville, and the other Mr. F. M. Townshend and bride, of Lum- berton. Wa Iiava rArvtivnrl an invitjit.inn to the commencement exercises of the Roanoke College, Salem, Va., on June tn to lutn. tion ju. jonn iuuis, ot Louiaiana. will deliver th addrnnn hn' fore the literary societies. f , ' i Mr. Xs A .- Youota, of Pineville, yesterday : brought in the .finest strawberries of the 'season i They were remarkably large one, measur ing from three to - five inches in lengtn. -. f r Atlanta convention have gone; on a tntir nf inanAntinn tr TtirmincrriAm and will view the wonders of that place before coming home. If they i . i I, . i . iiKe it, it is prooaoie iney wui ouy it. Tho Mav Oniwn hv t.ha phiM run nf tha Tfirst and RHVnd Prpflhvtprinn .churches, will be given on the lawn ot tne r irsc cnurcn next Monday af tftrnoon. nrovided th wnathnr srivM them half a chance. f ' Prinr! thA nhamninn ana Mor gan, the moneky bicyclist, did the grand at the bazaar last night, -and came away looking like portable flnvAi crnrrfana . Thft tiaK rmnri caught Morgan, and he declared that it beat ' real fishing" 311 to pieces Mr. J. T Flakelv. ot TTnntflrs. villfl won marripd tn Mina Nannie Vnunchlrwvl. nn tha Slat inftt.Jat the residence of the bride's father, T. T. xoungoiooa, nrq. me ceremony was performed by Eev. W. W. Orr, who was assisted Dy xtev. u. a. ucjAmaia - i - ThA BAmi-dailv and hi-iip,htlv showers this week have come wnh a reguumty that is almost equal to the movements of the train on the7 Ave. Tee & On road. ' First thing we know, the farmers will be complain-, ine of too much rain, but such is life.-. " - V- Wt - Hasty,, th tjtepublican postmaster at Beaver Dam,; on the Carolina Central road, has been dropped, andyames Henry Benton has hAAn Rhtnmia8ioned in his rlace.' Oth er North Carolina postmasters corn- musioned on the 20th were:! Joseph B. HUton, Plymouth; W. W Wil helm, Rock Cut, and Edward S. Lewis, Tar Heel. - - - . j .' Ana nf l.h most amusine fea tures of the Lutheran bazaar, was the art gallery- which was; equipped in anew and original style. jAB, an eve, a sickle and a club, formed a picture rtJJJI OBCUtul tu3 uivjrto w, nni thAra ware manv Other novel I devices. None who went in the art gallery felt that they were; cheated out of their ten cents. - ? f o .- Cloae of the.Bitsaar,-: i Tha Tjitharan bazaar' eloeed last tnitrltt. n KIAH nKITIArlv BTVftVinfl this morning, for the hall was still filled witn people alter iz o ciock, meir ia terest being centered in ;the last thmwa nf the dice. . The bazaar had bad weather to contend against each night, but the ladies managing it scored a success, - nevertheless. It was altogether a pleasantly conduct ed affair and one that was really en joyed by all who folio wedTna Obsbh- Zmn.ia .Jiiu onA atlanHoil T1A nrT- ceeds are not yet known as they can not be ascertained until business is squaredup today. ; I The lad&g-.request us 'tp ask all those tioidmg bills against the bazaar to presenIl2hetn.X&t . Gates HaH be tween 1 and 4 o'clock this afternoon for v oivment. and all bills will be .roJBPtlyet.. i . . - he Soocht Be liel br Maieias ' Mr James M. Sharne. a citizen of Trodau cotinrr.iresiamE lour wuau -from Sratesville committed suicide tastTnnrsdass atternoon, oy nangiog f - Yir Hharne secured a plow lmar;one'nd of wbiCD-ne ueo, arnd'tunaBck.-'and finding a tree ....M4iiiMi,MiAiiHT liv a IAfWA in tt fieltt near his house, ne jaounted tha fAfifA ana inaae ine jotcer euu (knMm-f'ftMnA limh fnverhead. IUL juo jw"-""-- , : - . the rope beldhim above tbe grounds found bis laody was stiff. Mr Sharpe v.nA kuiwin nathaalth f or some time. and lately hiscyesight began to fail steadily, xna tacner oeiore nun uw himrl and. died' in "a wretched KUUO 'Wfn' l-"-.I ?n.iitinn' mil rathar than suffer ma like manner, Mr. Sharpe decided to end bis own existence. Ha was per fectly aane, and the deed ; was eon mitted after coot deliberatlow op bis part. He leaves a wife ana, famvf of cnuaren, eutai ils)(r) Cmrr 1 t i n, vrwrfnr'a Tt"a Ointment. ! Cos s if rv , ,tn.i..ft,L orr"ha,tM. ' - - . ..... ..i JAHVIVUELU UNDER BAIL, I . I Aid the Charges Agaiast atoa Uis ; rBi8edCloe at the Preliminary la vesusatioa lato tbe Uraamite Affair. The preliminary trial of Charles Easton and Robert Jarvis, charged with having committed the late dyna mite outrage in this city was conclud ed before trial justice R P Waring, in the court house at noon yesterday. Easton was discharged, but Jarvis was held under $300 bail for his ap pearance for trial by the Criminal court, during the first week io-Juoe When the trial opened: yesterday morning, a number of witnesses were brought forward by Capt McNinch for the prosecution to prove certain remarks made by Jarvis and Easton; relating to their escapades before arv riving at Charlotte, and it was the intention of the prosecution to show by these witnesses that each of the defendants bore bad characters. The presiding justice, under the ruling in the State vs. Patterson, refused to ac cept the proposed testimony, if not being competent. : f 5-'- ? Col. Chas. R. Jones, editor and pro prietor of The Observer ; was called to the stand, and testified that mayor Johnston's advertisement offering a reward of $100 for the 'arrest and con viction of the dynamiter was sent to The Obskbvkb for publication and was published in the columns of this paper. The counsel for the accused sought to make a point that certain effprts to criminate Jarvis had all been made after the publication of the reward offer and was inspired by. it. but took occasion to exonerate Capt. McNinch from this charge.' His remarks applied to "all these wo men.? Captor McNinch took the stand and stated that as - the outrage hap-, pened while he was chief of police, he considered it hfe duty," after having commenced work upon hX to: follow it to the end." He had-been actuated' all along. by a simple desire 1 to do a. service to the- community, and as soon as the reward was .offered, he had promptly notified certain mem bers of the board of aldermen that he would positivelv refuse to receive the- reward, or any part thereof. Ex policeman D. fyHunter was called to the stand on part of the defense,, and tesufied that while locking a prisoner in the guard house, that - nigh he heard toe exploeton but did not know what it was. He came up to the square and was shortly summoned by one of the women and hastening off to the scene he looked at his watch ' and found the time to be twenty -five minutes to three. He believed that the explosion occurred between 2.15 and 2 30 o'clock Mr. Stebbins, super . intendent of the southern Newspaper Union, appeared and testified that Jarvis had a good character in New York. Jarvis is . employed at the Southern Newspaper Union office in tni8 city. Tnis closea tne testimony. and Justice Waring in rendering bja decision, said: -As I Jc ; "If the statement of the witness Hanna be true, and I : were : a 1 judge on the bench I would - charge the jury to acquit the defendants, but the jury would have to judge) what weight should be given to the testi mony. In my judgment, the evidence is sufficient to go to a. jury, and this matter ought to be investigate. But believe it is better tnau. l snouhL make a mistake in binding over than to make a mistake in turning loose, in view of the magnitude pf. the crime; and out of an abundance of caution, under the law defining pro bable cause. I will require tbe defend ant Jarvis to furnish, a bond for his appearance for trial at the next term of the Criminal court." h I At the suggestion of Mr. , Wilson. solicitor of the .Criminal court, Jar vis' bond was fixed at $300, ! which was promptly furnished, and the dy namite case was pigeon holed until week alter next. r A Veti eauoa lor the Peal eaiiatf. An officer from Shelby arrived in the city yesterday afternoon, bound for the penitentiary at Raleigh, with six prisoners convicted and seatenced by Judge Phillips at the late term of Cleveland Superior court. lAmong the prisoners was a white mad namea Scates, sentenced to seven years' hard abor for having four wives' 'August Ulbrich, a German' was also) among the gang, ' under sentence Of three years for larceny. ?he prisoners were confined in the jail here until time for the departure of the north train this morning. ' , i - - 8 wora iat Office. , : i - Col. H. C Jones arrived henna vess terday from Greensboro vested with the full powers of district attorney. He went to Greensboro Thursday to qualify before Judge Dick. Mr. Boyd, the retiring attorney, wasi not in Greensboro, and did not "witness the christening of his Democratic suc cessor. Col. Jones took the; -oath of office '' before Judge DicKv and was immediately ; declared ; attorney lor the Western District of North Caro- ina. The Federal court will meet in this city on the second Menday in June, and CoL Jones will make his first appearance in mac court as solicitor. Sc '5-. ? f : f Beaaett Goes on to Washiaftaa. " CoL R. .T. Bennett, congressman from this district, arrived in tbe city from Wadesboro yesterday1 afternoon at 4 o'clock and left on the, 6 :35 north train for .Washington, how ionR ne will reman there was i hot : learned Col. Bennett spent the two Hours and thirty-five minutes at the Central HoteL and bad plenty of company. CoL Paul B. Means, of fJoncord, RAamad aa e-lad to see him as were several of our own - citizens. A Col. ' Bennett, itis understood' goes to Washington with Business in nis eye. and we hope he will soon begin to have some or. tne numerous omces in his district filled with, Democrats. The sight of 'Old -mossy J back ; Ke" nubheans erowing mossier is oecom- mz a little painful to Col. Bennett's constituency. . Cobct Islasd SoaMiera Blval. The New Brighton Hotel, on ullri van's Island,-near Charleston, throws nnAu its doors to tne dudiic on mon- da v June lsc. ana tne occasion wm r . ., - . : ..r ! be made a grand one: Hall's celebra ted Boston band and orchestra, with Prof. D. Cw Halt leader and director' will eive a concert. Sotj tollowed with : a reception - and promenade noneert . in the .Casina .The 'New Brigh ton-is the most .elegant Hotel south of New York; and , m- Coney Island brought south. : One northern capitalist has over $100,000; invested in the hotel-jCasiao and . cottages. The bote! alonacd8mmodates 350" (rtiests. D. D...Cohfen. former" of tha Sturtevant hease New Y&ik, has Charge t)f the cusme.. The tw -ot tha ocean is a grand one. and - the Rnrf bathing is asHae as can be found on the Atlantic 6aftL Thts- ia - the aacond season of the- Newv Brighton, and it bids faSritotc'l-1 successful one, - it is tne nnest T summer . resor in tha south, and Jit- equal in tone and etvja toCgpe Mayor rigiJIjinch.- Dlteaats" Is t:.e t' kti lii tets ting viustraiea 'peausa i-u- o t.host-Daid'. forten eents in stamps. A FATAL SQfJIRRCl, HIINT. D. L. lover aits Fries ga DitHni isr ssd Glover ts Broacht Back Df taa Mtter Bw the Accidewt Occarred. fit. s- & - - - Air. D. I Glover a. youxur man about twentysf our years of age, who nad for some time oeen employed bv the Atlantic; Tennessee & Ohio Rail road Company -as" depot, agent at Troutman's, and iwho was also post master at that place, was accidentally shot and killed last .Thursday after noon by a friend named George Mask. The two were' out nun ting squirrels at the time1 the sad affair occurred. About two o'clock on Thursday afternoon Glover and Mask met at the store of Mr. J - M. Patterson, in Troutmah's, and collecting their guns and ammunition, started for the woods to - hunt squirrels. Mask car ried a rifle, and when they had gone about a quarter of a mile their dog treed ra squirrel. . Glover and Mask set out on amn for the tree, Glover being in advance of his friend, who closely followed, -gun in hand. As they were passing through an under growth,' Mask's gun became entan gled in a bush, and was by some means discharged. As the report of the gun was heard. Glover dropped to the ground with the cry that he was shot. Mask . hurried to his side, and seeing at a glance that he ;was seriously wounded, hastened back to town - and procured assistance,: A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.' and a ; stretcher being improvised, Glover was placed upon it and " borne to the : home ot his mother. Dr. R. W. Mills was called to attend the wounded man, and on examination found that his injuries were mortal. The bullet passed, en tirely .through Glover's body;-entering just above his right thigh j and perforating the abdomen, 'severing a large artery .in its passage. ' The acci dent occurred about 2:3a p. m. and at 5:30 o'clock Glover died. He re mained conscious to the last," and in his dying statement fully exonerated Mask from all blame, describing tbe affair, as a purely accidental though unfortunate one. Mask is about; 20 years old, and has been driven al most to distraction by the occurrence. Glover and Mask were good friends, and were -both natives of Troutman's. Mr, Glover's body was interred yes terday afternoon. J. ,M. Patterson, wno wast uuover s assistant, xases charge of. the depot and postoflice, pending the appointment of a succes sor to the deceased. . j ' - 1 r . MAY SO.h, 1TI5 cuKiosirv ; P . TUECAttNUAK Rales to Atcertaiw the Day ul AST tiirra Date.. -, 1 I To the Editor of Ths OatwBvaa. - 1 Noticing that some of your" cor respondents have a question 'about what day ot the week May 20; 1775, was. I am tempted to give Your read- era an easy and infallible role .which will determine such a question for that-or-any other .date during; the whole Christian era: j RuU (for the . 19thi centttry). Write down the number of the year; write under that the fourth of it. neglecting, the j fractions, - iff any; write under these the number of day s from January 1 in that yearj up to the date you wish to calculate, ;inclu- sive; add those three numbers to gether, and if it be a leap year sub tract 1 from, that sum. but not it it be a common year; then- dividaj by 7. The remainder will show the;day of the , week , corresponding wttp that date, 1 boing Sunday, 2 Monday, &c . and 0 being Saturday. . ... Rvie (for any date from 1751 to 1800). Proceed precisely aa 'above. except that after adding th three numbers you must not subtract at aU, b .t must add one to the bum, if it be a" common year, before dividing oy v.? , ine remainoer snows tne aay. Kale (tor any late prior to 1751k Just the same, except, that for-lean years you must subtract 3, and; for common years 2, after adding: the three numbers, and before -dividing by the 7; if 1 ft3 : J The above may serve- tn amuse tbe young folks by enabling themjto find what day of the: week they were bom on. if they willjteU their teges. mo owsji Psta...- ai ?rtl W h dr ot to iki,::J. Brlnit a eonuaou tear, add 1,.. - 1 fT Goes in'evea..lL;..;i..L- There being no remainder May 20th, 1775. fell ton Satur " If it were desirable, andf take too much cf your space time, ! would give the reason of .tbe rule, wmcn is . simple, enough when explained. But let it Buffioej now to say that the rule is corrects and cer- tam. . j - IRKPELL. May 21, 1885. ;f ( f HowJach Rooas.far 100 fleas. 'Kach hen in a house should " have one- foot ef space on 'the roosts. One hundred hens then would J require four roosts 25 feet long, and j to ; pre verit tbe hens crowding upon the top roost these should be all oof the same eveL ' The roosts should be one foot apart,S8and be arranged "Sh " ft r frame. hinged to the wail, so they; can oe lifted and booked Jip for the? purpose of cleaning. iThe teosU will take up four feet, and there snouia pe eignt feet floor space; thus a house forr 100 hens should be 2fl by 12, feet on .the floor inside, and should be at .least 6 feet, hjgh-ih; the rear and 9 feet high in the front with ample ventilation. I Prisoners Releases; : 4 Paul..' Mink.. May 23. A r ST. special to the Dispatch from Winni peg says; Col Heichmer, at Battle ford has telegraphed to inspector Norman of the mounted POUC6 at thisdace, as follows: "AU the team sters taken by Poundmaker's Indians have been released.9 and her has sent in here asking for terms of peace J' si , ,.'-r- m i i',. 4i - i .T j TheBaehei in Mesieo. sv UkJAIAB, 4U.ay .-J-njrcif wu w new a ihloodv engagement witn xaquis yesterday. .. : Fifty -seven ) Mexicans were Kuiea and many wounaea. sine stronghold of Yaams was captured. Their loss has not been ascertained. No Qrafaart Hilknaa. OswsaO, --N. : Y., May 23. James King. a farmer, fifty years old," re siding near Fulton, committed suicide this morning dv cutting nis tnroat. tie had been accused of watering his milk and became despondent. - j x -- - - , , , ,m i ' A" j A Ceasan BiU PasaeaV , 'Ai3Airir N;" Y.r May 22. Both houses of the Legislature today pass ed a census bill similar to that vetoed by-;Gov;rHul -.-and, then adjourned Carbolatoiof fLimfe, ' vi - , - Tha best Cp "e PI "'ostai.t Powder In Use tor u ix three pounc uaee it I... 887 duldhot iana ray i;t?:rm THE - l. . SULLIVAN'S' ISLAND, Near Charleston, South Carolina i WUI Open tor the Season ; MONDAY, JUNE 1ST, 1885. No exDense WU be soared to make this house tht summer seooAd to neoe en the Atlantic eoasL . Kates aeeordina; to location of room. : Special rates lor month of Jun. . ' All railroads running to Charleston make special rates for the opening. Bali's Celebrated - Boston Brass Band and Or chestra. Prof. p. c Hall, leader sod director, has ueen engagea ior me season. ' - J F. BnKNHAM, - i - Bex Sfcfl, Charteston, a C P. D. Cokbv, afaniiger. . .. marXkOw ' ' Persian : INSECT POWDER For kHlhurraaehea. fliea. ants, and all kinds of lnaeets, 10 cents per box, or In balk, rorsalebr It H; JORDAN i'COn , , DRUGGISTS, ' : , SPRINGS' CORNERs McAllisters &epird Bird Food, Canary Seed, (plain and mixed), Bird Manna and ouwra,iursaieD7 . . X ' - . (- ! i- K H.JOBDANCO Springs' Corner; - . Pnsi8ts. ; TOILET WATERS. ; . . . . ? . t . , .... ... ... Lubtn's Knglish Da vender, ' ' ' Pr. f. B. J nes' Flortda, : U Colgate Co.'s Violet, , " . : . " " . Cashmere Bouquet, " - lavender Flower, " . - ' B sodora, '- - " Ambrosial, i-v Murray ft Lanman s Florida, i Lnndborn's California, - Chlris Bose, Toilet Vinegar, i . I ; Pond LU for Bath and Toilet. : For sale by .. I - R. H. 'JORDAN & CO., DtTOGQISTS. r Springs' Corner. ; . Springs' Corner.. IInoIir Dry hop, For cleansing the Scaln and nreventJn dandruff. an elegant dressing for the hair. IfasUj applied GO eeuta per boUle. Prepared br v ... a. ii JOUOAfl CO., Projglsts. 500 We wuTe;rre fresh from Lylea' farm to-dav SCO quarts of Strawberries. They are ptonounced the aneat In the market ' ' i -AND- BONKLKSi? BAGON. oca- Holler Pat rit ii ur Gives perTaot wul-fjctl n . i r tt and yon wt 1 use no Oiber r , We keep a full Una ot ! Beayy aiid F llcv Grccerlel ; 1 In siortu;; FK K K ;-: D MA V RRY. 5 - ' Telephone CaQ gL , north Carolina;. j ,t - , JuecJcleno urg Voun ty. W, A. Parker Plaintiff A , against ' The Louis Cook M&nufacturluj; CompanTf Peftno The nlalntts above-named brtrun this action against defendant to raeover a debt due to plaintiff by we checks, rawa by defendant,' parable to pHtfntlff one for tmoO, datod April 0, l&fi, and one tor 787, dated AprU 18, 1S, 1 Merchants' jtoionai Banav 01 cmoinnatt, uoio, protegtea lor non-oar men t. and a dams lies for hreaehof oontraot whereby tbe defendant contracted to pay plutnttlT tlSOO for his services for year J8B6, and discharged ptaintlll. wltdou cause, tn April, 1885. Tne oeienaant m required ra appear ai ue next term of Superior Court for Mdok'enbarg county, to baaeld at the court boa ln-Cbarlotte on the last Monday tnngust, 1886. , , The defendant Is further notified that a warrant of attachment has been lsued and levied on tbe peoperty ot defendant teturuable at same time and ' J.B.XRWTN. ) Clerk Sapertor Court, j May 23d, 1885, -wutwwr ,4 4 H Ii . JUST RECEIVED, FERRIS PIC HAMS ; ; - , t , . V i I I i J . ' - " ' Almost; ! Grixren : ; A. waj, TAKING TIME BY Si i In oider to make a thoroughly ,. .1..,-..;. .y ; 5"--t- fairs partmenc, nave aeciaea 10 ouer iue uuus anu euus uuw ic maininer at almost any price they will bring:, and have placed on the tWo first counters of different lots. Every suit of be closed out as follows: Genuine " Ail - Wool (a ii " is ii 1 ' uu '. .4 " j 1 1 Splendid M F?po Panta only $2 5Grp;:rhe& good cau't la8tlons at these prices, j corc-ciTrfy and ofteh; first r " Bc30. ; o M H fJayer & Dep. - PARKER'S . I HAIR BALSAM The best, deanettt and most economical hair dress ing. Never falls to restore the youthful color to gray hair. This excellent dressing Is preferred by those who have used it, to any similar article, on account of its superior cleanliness and purity. contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair. ' --r- Parker's Hair Balsam Is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent taping of tha hair and to re move dandruff and itching. r Parker's Tonic A JPm'reiy Family Medietas Vhat Never latoxicatea. p,.. It gives tone and power. For complaints of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach. Liver and Lungs, for all tne suone tro:4iesof women and for those bodily disorders Induced by anxiety, caw and mental strain, Its effects will surprise and charm yon It Is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to tbe liquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and f table. -Mo. and liaises. If you area lawyer, minister or business man haustedby mental strain- or anxious cares do not take tat-alodUng stimulants, but use Pakkkb's Tonic. - If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn oat with overwork, or a aiOtber ran down by family or household duties, try PABsaa's Toxic If you have dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney or BTlnary oom plaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder ot the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood of serves, you can. be eared by Pakkkb's Tonic. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness -and require a stimulant, take Pxrkkk'8 Tonic at once; It U1 Invigorate and build you an from the first dose, but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives. It may CAtmONl-Befuse an substitute!, Pad's Tonic is composed of the best remedial agen ts in the world, and is entirely dlffereut from prepare. tions of ginger alone. Bend tor circular. 4 III8COX co 13 Williteia Street, Ifew Tarlc 60s. and $1 sixes, at all dealers in medicines. Great saviug in ouying oouar sue. m yatavrtw. ... ' ' - NOTICE. , ; ;, City Tax, 1885. All rersons rsldlna In the cltr of Charlotte who own or have control of taxable property (or polls) In the tlty on,' the first ot June. i8-fi, are hereby no- toed to rrtnrn to the rlerk and treasurer of said city, at bis office In tne City Hall, on or before the i"staayii Jie. a I'st 01 ineir iiaxaDie propenj tana pons) in saia ciiy. in pursuance ii Amenoea uiarwroi rne rttf. FEED MASH, maySkodlm Clerk and Treasurer. Springs . fa-i- WILL OPEN MAT la. , 'A i - j - -I. - Th se SDrlnes are two miles from Shelby. N. C 64 west ot Charlotte, and one mile of the Carolina Central railroad. Hacks will be at sennas station on arrival of every train. t - ' At ttroyer station. QU wa AV-une raiiroaa, hacks can be obtained. i- Cold and Warm Baths. ' - - - Whit and Bed Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters. ; A good String. Bund secured for the season. - - A Bowling A 'ley In good order. - . ! -x, - Uvery araominodauoas attached to the HoteL Bates of Board reasonable. Special rates to families for the seasonV For further Information address .-...;.-, t. mayMda w - a McB. P03TON, Proprietor. I'tH IVartli sbaroliaa ' Beat Medldnal Mineral Waters and moat extent slvely fitted up place for pleasure seekers or Inva lids. Possesses superior advantages. Write tor eataJogne.-. inanoeodtf , Utt B. U. JSLitiiUFA a suit, : . . . Owners and Proprietors. YiLUlBLE REAL ESTATE, Any one wishing to boy a desirable 7 room dwell ing within ave minutes walk of the publie square. In charlotte ebeao can find socn an Investment by applying to B. B. COCHBAMK. n; ,: lilanager Charlotte Beal Xstate Agency. : mnsari . . ; .' THE FORELOCK. fi'.:'DA01DCn clean: swisep as a Avind-up to their Clothing Department the them worth from $ 12 to $20r to ) , .V- J ; Sty lisusuit? 6J0 TOO U it u ii 7 50 ho - . - U --. i '.W'f ,v. avt- te o nn ii . . i Llaye Spai-kliug Spring IHe Good TLce Is HcreL ror purchasers of our S en display the wrgeat Uanufaotured Men's mn naoe oy us b nvea im purnnaiw a menu feetnrer'a DroAL Onr taidtltkia in iinnwttniiml iuw bwrx we Huauui, ana AU goods guaranteed as utuuej ii booos are rewrnea in ine wain mann ka taken out. Very respectfully, ..,?, , I BEttWlNdES 4fc BOOh tsadlng Clothiers and TaOora, N B. Suits and Bhtrta notice. To our out-ot-town jgoods by express retainable at ourexpensa. - 1 ( -i 1. , 16 G 1SF 0 D S3 CHICKFaRING PIANOS, i l l , U , U A CHM A TMTYtT A f FACKAKU OKOHESTRAL, ORGANS A lso Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. Write for circulars and full inlonnation. aK .,. Address V. T. BARN WELL Manager, CBAsUtOTTB. H. C. : DUFFY'S PURE ISX3 TOX2XST SHOULD BS FOUVS ON WHISKEY IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE PROM fUZZU OIL. OO NOT BE BKCKITKaV Many Drngglats jHalt WBlskej la stoek, attempt to palm off oeinc- of aa inferior grade and adulterated, says iaSK FOR DUFFTS PURE malt SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUCCISTS AKD CROCXRS. ioe OTttH : POT iT A Per rttlo. Send us your adbvM and we win maO book contain sent to any address' In the United States (East of the Kocky uoancamaj, seenrwyy w swf mw, Xxprm eswfM prepaid oa receipt of BLS8, or Six Bottles test tdrOB.OO DUFFY HALT VHISEEY CO., Edfc:r8rCi,D..S..IL Sclllas Aft-atar far CaarUtie, ..I j may4eodawte THOWAS K; CAREY Ci O. 23 8. CHArU.ES STREET, DALTIMORli, Up. : PURE OAK MANUFAO TURERS . V Dnlm I. RUBBER. BETVTING. PACKIBO. HOSE, Ae. ? 1 - COTTON, WOOIEB auad saw HILL IVrnUIl, . 1 v eaUdtw ATTENTION! At the Kntertnlae Lumber Tard. comer Orahanf and 8nd streets, we keep the tar best auautteeot Lumaer, ShUgles ad LathsS, ATTHBIiOWI3TPRICBa. ;. ' tVAll bills promptly Blled,' To the hulldlnjt pubUc: Cau and save money . - . - ' mayum.t , w. 4vbsdivs.vui STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ctwwttm f VOV- 1 BALTIMOKal AND KOBTH CABOUMA I Cotvaai kSJOUMUTUfljCOaVaMTj I BALTDsoaacMay U, 1866. J A .neral mnetlna" of tM'BtaeUMtders Of the Bali lorotand North Carolina Copper and Sold- Minlna comnany will be held at. the transfer offlee nf th. mnmni. XI PostofUoe Avenue, on Monday. May th, 18H6, at Welock.p. m., fer tbe election of Directors to serve for tbe ensuing twelre months Tbe transfer boot s will bo closed from May l8ta toJ&th. , . ' -.4 mayliMlUK - .' twjo. w. nwjr ! - Leave Orijors: for Cabbage, : ? - r .a f-s Green Peaa, BMta. " ' '-" JW , ' . Fresh Ian, - - Bto, Button ; r - 7 r - Mackerel and " ' ' - ' ' . ' Codfish, at - t , , A.B.COOK'S, ' - Oia door fouthOMChatWto Hotel. : v b; s. myers i, PpfVsp J ITpwm"iin' If dmU!, ulvAvl eWJ LaiuM.aNltvj avtwmmy-j t,n -siMtSirat la JTesd of aUklnds, A ' ' BOLLni STBXli i. ., , A . cnAiiLOTTn, ri; c. M. -t. " 8nDerlor Clothlna. wa havel and naest stock ot tm CMhlng In tola elty.l our pnees wayaowa. represented, we refnad 5 yt aaads to mmm aft mim nmtmrari mU nd; i s,t. 1 w v ... liic Ha Is Headqtikrters: in; the Caro- linas" for the folio wir :cele-.-:.'haabHlraa.vm T TM lllUMv r ' J m w A A j m Hi m M A bwhbai BaV sTAlTirtTKSANS. puiccst - '.,-.-.-:;J " LOWEST! TERUSi Pneumonic -Consumption, xl)y8jep8ia am . TVasttnff Dliemses. JestfniIg JtstlswosT aaw JTawawa ' mUUi rMHmfTlftmlfmmr SS2 STDrSOa.P CI SVpT TAZHT and Grocers who do not have VasTy raw on customers, whiskey or ttefr owmnowung, wnica tnem a larger prons. ' whiskey, and TAKE KOOTHER IT. BE. tTIlXC.Tf CO, LEATHER EBLTJNG, ri f Jjuhber Bslting IHoytUaiherBelt. UL VernoivBelting. Joseph Nodnes Sons ) Roller Slasher and I Ir tHT Clearer Cloth, IT: JCEaVle Card " 'f : Clothing, &.c Ml Mil .ly fti sr AS WEIX. ASI mm- To be had atow ftgoresat JOHN CALDER'S, ConwrTryeo and Sixth Striata OppoaVte Matho- . dat CbuiBh. Bjbfldtf OWTN& TO THS 7ALIXK6 01 HAMMOHD B instiee's store, renderlac tbe bulhimc I osea- pied unsafe, I have moved ay taUresteck ot - Hardware Cutlery, ri. GUNS, -ETC., - - To tM w ruee- wept." - vT5ww ami iV loger, e l rs. -e sut, w"- i v ui ce ii us to 1 wa gnnry ot - io T BOIL r-" "a r - cf C"-tt1i HS-itWS' L. , t.... i bvuA. -f - yt L - - t . a. t ATir , f ."V come, fireifcrTcdr . y.;-11 V... -. "- t . ' - - v.:-'..;, pi. a. .mA Wtm 11"I. 1HWI' '""'" - . "VT9 T r"-fdc:. ? -n. i ! - V ' - ' "VTri

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