' i,. - F : . m ''fit ,a. ; : 5- i.av.. ,. cl- )!... f jU,r ,-ttt.. i ,c o f A 1 41 - r t - aawaaBri - : a . A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron 7: Bitters "ANSWERED. Jf Hiani Haw ean Brawn's Iran . praoaiBtaaais of iron than of any .nadictne Thia ahow ooo- aiiaiiiini that fa- m aanowladgea: to he the bkw hggiMtbetv, ajwcaiairolaasdioal practice. Hm, rTJ-T- .. u .hat nrinr to the diaoOV- 1, aatlatacaarjara c -TimillHwtx fiainrt aaMaaaM. " "1 fTnCl0t111I headache, or m e eutirtlghAiiia; mil other Ira; tilrimi da i -I wrW WH IKON BITTKitS mtm MlfnUn, Bllliuiilien, Wwlnent P-jsae.aia, Malaria CH1 aad Fevern, TtaWFeeiter OtnMrmlBaWUyifato in tha KUe, Back mlimhrn, Headaefce and Nral-m U ta-fcrBthBiilMiiflrol praaoribod daflj. Cr.0V.TSI :31F!TTERS,S?S;1ST aahrata. -J! herkVia)0h medfafam; tk acts riowtar. ViM tfr.avrtne lit aiiauttaa a tintiMiiiiii iiaiitaj-jTheiaae ahwthimbaoonaa din. 11a, ilipi aaprovaa. to Novell ar aTtiTa, Imiimi Itw i i aaaaaTij in nuiiUmf in - IMfaHni one. to BMHaa: ia aara p; aaannj ttia. a diaanaaei ; faimtafal -owmjut la ttj W a MHin aMaha a taaappfaadior the child. Bamambar Brownf boa Bntanfc the ONLY boa MdidM that to act kv- iTiadaMart and laoaatd lad . TABLE NO OTHER. rJoiLiers Friend. KO MOBE TERROR ! This Invaluable prepa ration to truly a triumph of seientlfie UUj and No Mors Pais 1 rio more inestimable ben edtwM ever bestowed on the mothers of the - 1 MORI DAJWKBTrorK ta-Tt not only short- Una tntime of labor and i C -JTIV Imuwiuc the Intensity of f rlnaJrt. BnfhrtterthanaU. CHlli nr. MMm. iy n m mixiiw OaUlgef fO UM m puax mntherSad child. iaAct Metfe tbamotber W a- kwndtoon nigniy nTora- ble to speedy recorery, land Jtsr leSTllaMe to tftooa 1 n c .waTUKaona, ana outer aiarmwm symptoms Incident to -Moterood Uingerkic an r painful flaber. A 1C truly vonaer- ftu efficacy in this reepect lentltles the MOTHsars to be ranked as of ttatlUe-earlnc an- nlianeea trtren to the world by the dlseoyerfee Hope and Joy. Ul. nuuEiUKKian. Vma. tlA .aiAtfira -Of the ease It 81 of coarse jtaaOEDT art Uiout wound- toe' tbe Oencacy 01 tne wrTfftra.-Tftt am hate kmdredioC such testi mwitatfa. on tie, .and no laxXtoerW) ItartDLrter again tUMHBltin DDneMrrttaa. tf Waajra aumtaajhle to maka pnb- thaMnCLf .an nealva, the -MoUiere' mend amM Antaall luiTthlnff an the IBJtrkfla. 3 .?' Jjnoateaayeotret erery female expeeanc .TrtaiMf innM ta !bae If othas' Belief. Counted . ..ari.h ai,-..rtohI win aMUiat iliirln a lonarob- vitrtcaHrJeeIertr-tour years). si, i Hare mro kBOWkattsfaJl to produce a safe and qulckdetty- H.J IbHjfn, , AUana, Ga. 3 rr 1 , eadtrnr oneatth and Happiness - Jf 9 a Wiiiiiiiii " laflnil fraa. e. v , ,BBajmyxEuiAT(Co iaanta,G. Trom tbe AflsaH CmaillUlhm.jj iiaitoHaryCnaJmaifcajjdlHaeat tbe anrmir if a711ap)t JHL streeU, Atlanta. t hate been a d eadfal sufferer from scrofula and i" 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ss i." iM -- i DBW1 i f iWfantMintiihaaMaa BtlPitv rearfcBd to the ' t .T. 1 jgyytiPBg eewf irieue nleers for-sti-yeaTS. ' lUe been wjitt upon daHng thUme Siy ser 1? -7k i-stN!ycaov't tbeyfsQedto 'eireme. ' , aUoe4rartoiiaatertaed reinetHes without tie ' L i ?Mr eae.Whpe fcetnr fttaat ireated I grew " worse an the toe.8n ef uious sweUlnesoo. both -,?r, sides yCmyaee wutth becaiae nmnirtg, eating J&aMectlnc InV ttoft mouth aad nose. The ''' JatU(ekti!lifii nwk yen i mait of conupUon -w .iiBi4tosfe4w .the booes. My throat became - ? y t aarifh . sllcrttit, that. foald scarcely swallow; in y - aA ifo toditartt a-faHe imi throat. ;i osf Jar -JO Jiyglj sWtrrttjMt nrytehyajd was reduced to mataaOsmeiebt--U!iog a mere, sieletorf. lif taBto became terribly poisoned, and la a "i . . leaitol coodlUon. in Ql condition I coramenced ,?nliiW.8.f.B,) aodtaa great relief la the f WbeM'I had used five borHaa mi health hail an . r a jf V 4- P00 fcpreved" B4I QSe ulcers were-an Healed, the v wrsaie,aKta. aaya(re(icth returned, and I gained MtiaandB flesh. l am now healthy, fat and 0 .Cj9tyi and am. abje to do as mock work as any 'cnjfrarcoiiPEAisT. 2. y0' eslx years I hare been aleIesaSBrar - 9 IromaMIesewlemp j 'of which ihare spentgrer 239 wtthont benefit, the K itt',: mosi, notea so caned remedies proving failures. 4 theuseof enelna bettleof R TB.B.has beea H I : smtmtnt jrlng-casff teHet than aU other treat- ' f V esanbued. It j 4 Quick eare,' while others, trthey eon at all, are to tbe distant future. U - a H. BoBKBTSiaahta WaXer Works; --C9oUJ Charlotte by t ( .'I- ,' ' ' 'i Mi 4. M. WILSON. ) ii fir- 'ttHWmf i'-nTORPi:i ) iwivn-tr: A -- ftil'"! after .eaXlia--. aversion to Mrtteit Of bftdr 4 fawd. IrrttaMlitv- r mina, Ernctatiaa," of, temper, -7f2K 2rff ? the aata befera tha T.?r X'a Mclils- ml VrUu, jnnraltbeuse Of ametij : Jiilr. i ai ts tiireotl; (llcluu TVTT'fc lhareno4uaLr -nelr iii i " ,., olt'" aiso prom pi and Skin is also action on tbe removing " "npuriiies inrougu these three "sea. " system. V "Jf-00" digestion, n-frulnr st r appe. akin m Li ivuu,iiimi SKiaaBdaViuoroasbodf. TTTTavai ,r t e I t.1?w2?i0,r Hplnr nor Interfere - a. 7 wor a ore a pecfect CjI1 r IDUTE TO, C.1 ALARI A. K-att n cr-a Z ii I Wd V 1 I JEfirjfJt.,,,M! l?ve trl.-rt.tcn different - HS! doaa ma ny good. I Xbey have cleaned me out nfeefy." My appAlte li , w .wa'Jm .aitcJ nm at v.H -;d wv S.-a J. -X "Vfnt!7 a"T Bfciiar1 byTsVslnsfle t "'T;' RV 'M AG1LL. uiw ui w.niSKeRs ehanored . WHOLSaALK'GBCXJISB .Aav MS ... lla. - , - w err. ta. .im7! CAmpLi S mi o laawaaratallaMtai. OaUlaam r-d -"'" aa Ut ! ABOUT THE 8TATE. Lenoir Topic : Gen. Wilder's flOO.s 000 hotel with 200 rooms which be is building on top of Roan mountain is fast approaching completion. It has three fronts, east 200 feet south 160 feet. And west 140 feet and is three 5torw8.hjwith abasement for.a bd 1,aw onirinr if anmnff hall an1 ItTindlr karteh; Miss Bate, a niece of Gov. Uata, of Tennessee, has been employ ed to teach alt the children of guests, free of charge, in the Kindergarten deoartmentj .This is a novel scheme. The dining room will be 42x6o f A -hydraulio rani will force water from a spring zuu ieec oeioow ana wm tw .vey it to every room. . The hotel is connected byj telephone with Roan Mountain station, 12 miles away. . Durham correspondence News ana Observer, 20th: The State Aleaical SocietvTQet in Durham at 12 m yes- fend Treasurer rayne being promptly at their posts, uver three hundred pnysicians are iuj at tendance. Eightyvflve physicians have applied for license by the qtate board, seven of whom have been, re jected. Miss Annie Laurie Aiefans aer, ot jaeciuenDurg county, papseu her examination and joined the soci ety. The president's inaugural aa- dress was a masterly appeal i iur hie-her medical education. Dr. iHu bert Havwood delivered the ai ajmat on Micrococicism in reutbiwu vj disease. Dr. ; Jones and Dr. Wooa nd Dr. W. D. Hilliard have elected to fill the vacancies m the State Board of Health. I , Ralikburv Watehmanj It " may not be known tot many of our, tarmer feaddrs that great quantities of corn in toe westernj puttes pAed Ids8alishury tosuppiy prop yl ahd tbatunfortimUte clai3s ot mers who are runmngJaroM on U mAFtrvniya ovotAm hilt: IE lfitrllA. pounds or com at toe aepoc u-a.un chants jn this town, jtrm w onyr one i shipment, tlow tnanymore are to be delivered here before th crop year I ends will depend on circumjstanpes. f Shelby Aurora: Law' is lart expen- fiivo hirurv. - iSoroetirnes- men are Ibildseokltodproteetkin sof ita ffiaii-Tecardless of its expense.! Gas ton's wiit about a $1,700 receipt was in attendance only two fdaya and rjo3tDoned until Aucust 15th. yet the L70 witnesses proved attendance for 400-two days only, t ane enure cow :jriU probably reach. $2,000 hef Ofe it is finMhed; v It will requir foui? days at the next term to examine, W wish nesses. which witb otjerex)en8e8 will cost nearly fzuu eaqft aay. . Goldsboro Messeneeri Aebort time ago the Wilmington & Weldm raih- road company made a proposition to lease the Wilmington,f Columbia & Augusta Railroad , The proposition has been approved, by ? the-directors of. both roads, and a meetingjof the gtoekholders of both companies, will he held an June first to-copsider the matter, . It is said there, is nd doubt about the pronosition ;of the Wil mington & Weldon Eailroad Uompa- r " aJ - ij i ' . - Jonro JEnquirer; The celebrated case of Staten vb. Mullis, 'which has beei ihohr cotuarx 1872; has been at last, decided by the Supreme court, -in favor of Stkten. Theaicase--wa8 twice argued-rbeXore the dopenor Arnirt. And"hOtfi timp decided in favor oitabr44.;Mr.SCaten did not live to see the end pf the case, having. died a few months agoi :The oosU ln the case' amount to $1,400 or $1,500. The property involve was a piece of land wotf&proteWy f5.-T 'LmcoantbnvfTe8gi Maj. Burtoikhas in,his ooesesaion & W an old campaign document.; It is a Circular addreesed-'to the freemen j of the counties of Xeeklenburg, Rwan and Cabarrus " iff dated" August B,'1810, rad signed '.Spirit of J76." Tbe doc iimentsets forth the tdaims bf "Jo seph Peareorv Bsq-T of RoWan." as a candidate foe Congress'! over those of nis opponent, toe lie v James wal Carteret Telephone: A' Wgantine laden with, sugar, went ashore on the beach about' for (;y rjrnUes east Qf tQi8 place-on Friday riigbtjaflt. The cap tarn had lost tusreckoumg on account of" hit 'chronometer. ibeinel out J of order and did nol'kDOw- where he Weg; ; We understand he thoueht he .was weltoff jshore and. .was f tanding in, thinking be-might sight the land n a datigr two- The cargoi we are mfrbedrvalued at $40,00p.f y . ' Shelby New Era : The severest pun ishment inflicted at this fcerm of court was visited upon Jbhnj Skates, who was sentenced to seveniVears in the penitentiary for bigamy) Skates, J wno canoe ouclittle more than thir ty years of age, lias, in ; bis eventful matrimonial: career, , married four .wiveC" one' 'from the neighborhood of Gaffney City, and one irtom near Wbitakers, all of whom are ?till t Goldsboro Areus Mr. JaitiW Ttf. Woodryestecday shipped f: thiaj. place by express to the North, 676 quarts of strawberries we learn that the crop of strAwberriei around her ia not-varv. onrA thla var and that the . shipments in conseauence will be rather Small in commruon to those of other years. i iuo uuuimissiotiers ot uieveiana county have ordered guide boarus to be put up at every road crossing and at tbe fork? in ihat county I This is reatiy ousiQess. . r-. ' I - - . ti t w - i - illrjrV'.BiSeiter ss s'Biaa Ipiayer. Columbus Ohio Tinea! t I I ' Hori. Bovd .. WinnriAafai 'tka nA minister kfc Switzerland, bas been there before., J is related ef : him that on a-ertaineveniner. beinc en gaged in his favorite pastinie.Jie was ior the time infestfd yrth that'ikind ot oaa : ionune wnicn on occasion thwarts the efforts bf the iBrst pen- iuses, so that having r called all the hands opiJO;ied to him.-i he! acauired the habit of sighing;; t4Tot j high, loo high. T. When the little party, 4 broke up Boyd, stepped oiit, iu ; company witbLAlrlohd. upon: the, porch r of a chalet, and . his companion. ' .with a wave of the hand, pointed to the nin I utvtuo ut mo i wiigiru,u ? gmwring in its beauty miles away, and called at tention to its splendor. "Alas, "mur mured Winchester, "too Ihigb. too high.'' Boyd will perhaps have 'a rresh sensation when he see the rosy flush of .morning rglow; Upon "Mont Blanc, and think what at' dThrioiiB band it would make, and perhaps,! some of tbe alpine bluffs fwUT sseml stupendous even to him, but we have raitn to believe that no diblomatisv representative of any effete debotisnt can raise him Jut no matter how; hi the limit Even i the chamois xwiU eeem tame to mm in campar.- with the game of Kentucky. ;; ' heDabfesf la tb Crtiils. i Babies are very little tbinri, yet they leave grant ftmvi hiiwiiiims iMtuinq taera wnen' tueyae. no Hem Mve four I'ttia ones ty plvlng them Fitr- n a i - e vimil L.ir and a.. or being u w-i. j t , . r,, i. ao ,, .ajiHnt tlit it. lutniitv ltsau, l H abL sou 11 aututaodrc more t- . . I a- .1' '". I tins Detroit Peet. - , r ; r - i Did vou ever have the tTemen8?,, was the laconic, inquiry made by one Detroiter of another. - - j ThewhatJ ' - -I i ' The tremens, snakes, shakes,- tri-f angles, jirri . jams, siJe jumps, 'or? whatever yoacnoose tocau tneou -Oh, Iseejou mean toe jer&s. No I never bad them -and 1 weyer will I went through an experience. once that convinced ma' I had no;-use for any nervous disturbance of ijnat character. - I' was rooming with a capital young fellow at,a hotel, file was a southerner; came from Texas, and had all that generous, impulsive nature that is attributed to the best class of southerners. ; J3ut that felv low-would get on the most hilarious batters of the most pronounceu type, He'd get blind, howling drunk, sand keeriit up until naturei would bring in her bills and send him to bed f be cause he couldn't meeti them. j He'd spend all the money lie - had, all he could borrow,' and the$ run his credit to the very jnmit. ie; was reaajr to be; Sanytoly'l 'friend, and s jtbat fact Was takes advantage of while he coultf workJbf bars, tile was qUiclc to afacer. and when his money q-; appeared he was liable 6 be treated to n niur of black? even or & sore law. lie wouia come out utj a aptop upvci mined never .to have another one&nd; while his resoluuon prevanea nejwas genflemanlf ?1ady as ifashion filate and the best of company. He was a; Homivrat An1 Clleveiand's election toolTlhB yoiing-Triattjdearoff bis teet- He was on? tnewar jjataTiori wu '.wjekd; He was drunker ha a uora and made itome now tur koow. f xo finally- had to give up and weni ' to bed att the note V aiept: twenty-, hours and theni wanted whisky J Tbe Hnninr anirl to erive a reasonable amount but the debilitated politician wanted a quart, tie was quieted ior a time, and threw myself on the bed for a nap. A voice awakened: me. J beard tbe young fellow praying and saw him kneeling by "tbe r bedside: His petition was that' the Jjord, his motherland all other interested I par ties might . foreive him tot what he was about to da - He felt it e& bw dutv to murder me then and there, because, in bis distorted, judgment, V t a. a. .la.M aVU.A AnaW 4 a-f I was nt to uumwr uw y iwh' cor. I was almost-, Detrifled 1 with mineled astonishment-ajid feftr. f I saw that he had 'em. He was an atb late, six feet tall, and put of his bead, In the corner of tbe'rooto were t6 Indian clubs and a baseball bat He rose from prayer, started tor the mt ner, and I saw .that I must do some thing or be pounded into . ii jelly . made one SDrine : before be knew ? was awake, pinioned his arms behind him,- and let out two or three terrific yells. In a few seconds tne- porter. with a half, dozen other men; were helping put - the Clevtland cian I to bed, He got around all rnght, f and vows nes aone urimtiug juut j wouldn't sleep with him after anoth er . democratic, victory, '"for . half, of Michigan.' I'm cured, and I'll never. liaye tbe rattles." :" J CourteisJoiinal. r - . ? - ,r v The most- , casual observer cannot fail to notice that the river front for the entire length of the city is. every day lined with fishermen. Men, and boy, farmed with long iKHes,, are scattered about in roups f pr, miles, while the surface . of . the Stream is dotted with b ats containing search- ers after the . finny ' prey, rpere is an unusual. state of affairs with - the piscatorial tFlbe in tbis vinity, There has been an enormous nmini gration of fish, and nothing of the Tike was ever known 'beforea The poorest angler can fill his string in a . - : mi ,j H -I ? snort wnue. - ut? vm .iiuuf ruiptt. iare astonished at tbe phenomenon, but can; not explain it, and say tbe fish from all otbeF rivers must have' left their native waters and congregated in the Ohio. i : T nan oTnlflin In vnii nrhir t.hA arcra fi8b are gone," said an experienced fisherman.' . The whiter was unusu. ally cold; and tbe water was :chilled to the bottom of the river. 'It has not yet bad time to warm up in the depths, and .the large game will not come this far up tbe Ohio. ..The wa tern the surface of the river, and for a little distance do-wn, is quite warm; hence, the small fish,' which require but IUtJe depth of water to sport in are not . Itept in more southern latitudes. ; But why they corne in gueb immense'' quaotities I ,n6r, any one else ean tell you. I have been on the river .twenty years," and never saw tbe number equaled. Why. a man' can now getiall the fish be. wants for a song.' I . i. -,:- .-. ''f The steamers coming down tbe riv er from Cincinnati are bringing large loads pf sh to the Louisville market and report tbat the Cincinnati wa-. ters"&re filled with them.; TbeVpecM. pie, there have more than they know what to do with, and are" shipping them to Louisville, where they r find no sale. The same, circumstance is reported , from Madison aqd. other towns along the Ohip. - i . T Judging from present indications, fish will soon become a drug .in -tha market. 'Men jbn the" ri verity tho shoals are increasine in number and size, and this bidd fair to be a spring to be remembered Dy fishermen. - A Unestas Writer Who Got Tired. i? New YorkBunV- Sr ZMSt fi tiata a letter preserved at WftHhirig ton forming the credentials of a new Russian minister to the United 8tates, the Czar introduces himself as fol lows: .. ............. , Nicholas, tbe First, by the grace of God Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias. of Muscovy, iey. Flan dimer, Novgorod,' Czar of Kasan, Czar of Astrakan Czar of Poland, Czar of Siberia, Czar of the Cherson-esus-Taurica, Lord of the Pleascow Grand Duke of Smolensk,- of iLithiii ania, Volhynia, Podolia, and of Fin land; Duke bf Estonia, of Livonia, of Courland and of Semisralia. of Samo- gitia, Bialostock, CareTia, fiver, In- tmvia Portn . "7i q f Iro - Tlii1(vaw4A ' of others Lord and Grand ;Dake -of Lffwer Novgorod.of Czernigbr, Resan, Polosk, Rostow,Iaroslaw. Beloosaria, Udoma, Obdoria, Condtnia, Vitebsk, Mosislaw. . . . - ,v ' ,.(. Here the writer probably got ' tired of enumerating for be added, with a , auu ruicrui tue wnoie .. nortnern coast. ' ' ' ' t ' 1 1 But as thoUfrh rafMurhAd Iia i hpcina With a steadier hand: p v ' Lord .' of . Iveria, of Cartilenia : of Jeprgja, of Cabardta, and of " Prov rr " t Aenia; Heredity , Prince r. er tl the iff ujoes of ? Ulr- a . iUoit irand others, successor niO:wayUiuW6t Schleswick-Hol- tenv of 'Stonvaria, of . Ditmarsen, Here he entirely gave out, and add Will Heifer Ilaftf the Trr?i e-sp.;etci,-eto.". , . . ih -! Xhea follovs the usual announce pxe ;.t that tas Czar baa been pleased to delegate the bearer as 1 his repre sentatives in; America, and ; hopes nothing may occur to interrupt the existing good feeling between the two i ! V'7"!- - 'if ? '" l . ) 1 tny pet'l 1e a lmlM red h lr but If you do not, atr'a Umr b ilHm vrtl! Impart to It a darker i.t. li will also thk-Keu thin hnlr, eratllcate otjo-ri-'-'f, and tint. rt ofliieH, gio'n8 nd I, eto . . , i -..vi, a r- . ..... 4 The woman Question has come- lip in San Francisco in a peculiar phase,' Mrs. Alice Hinkly petitions the Su perioiv Court for leave to beepmej 'a Role trader in the business of carrying?. Jop. aJjparding iboqsa4 $q buy and jelL real estate; eeuuaujprs: paten arwcjw,. elevators; ' tramways and vehicle, : She expects to place a $5,000 capital. iarthe business, and Jier. application states (tnat ner nuepana! ana per motner, ageu sixty, are urjjenucn uuon her for a living. -' She asserts that her Jrasband 'is iUnAbte-vto suprv port her. but she does not sue for a divorce, because she' has no legal grounds for obtaining one.j A fl Saddf ed. 1 Boston Post He was a poet, and be was talking to Miss Ethel i a . the , conservatory, and as she toyed with the ice which he had just brought her, she ; enquir ed i Mr; luaner, you write a goon deal of poetry, don't you?" 'Gh, yee.. Miss Etpel.' heanswered, "and ,'it comes so easily to rae. Why. do you Lknow I expect it. is; more work fojf TQitto, 5ead.my poems than rit na; for .me to write tbera. tYes,I xpetk.H rs jj she .answered- oolOty Anj u must be so much moreDleasanterr .'to iwrite them than to rftad trrem ". And tbepbe kjqkpdtUp.ft tbe shrub jbhb, grew arouna mem ua sata aotmng,, while shecontinuextto toy with I tbe' L .-1 1 i.J i I V - cuuiy orange u tvorcu ux. . . j Mi. ! ' All Sorts of: I: .burts1 and manyjBortg. pf ails, pf Wan twd beast - need a cootfng lotion. Mustang" Liniment. f (ed b8 UtitMMw .j rerly teaps' ktsermacr af aawM Uw, :i f Mrs. Wtnio' SootliUig, Hyrupt for ch Urea tenbln '. ( lUe pms -rlptlMi ol dim- of the bent f maw eh'Slaiitqs -cndiursa m the United id b is bin Hard fr f rtt years urtth n- eetJaU liur sueeraM b mll!J.ns -mvtb"f for n4r drn it reifevKS th ehttd rrom naln. eure4 dyatw'i tery ant dlxrrNsa. n iA inl:a boes iuit-artnd: o4te Ba stvias: haaitri St Urn -ehltrt,tt re( tha motner we would say to vrry mooter mat nas child siiffrFtng rum any. uf the Torwg.Ms earn : PtHtH'r. bo n-t let f pra1ui)He.: Roy the pre imt$a bf others,' nmxA ontwaeu. yow tuflerlng .child 4114 the relief tut 1H he auee -im, abse. lutely sere to follow tfce turn of (hie mMflobM. Sold bj dPWWl-rts througboiu tbe world frtoeSS ! Gents, to make a good appenraqoe, shoold have Shapely looking feet. -Fine Stung shoes stroetod on eolenUne principles eovef sr-jdefeeU, and at trn) saetlmedeTeli.p. ail the, good points in one's feet i v For these ee bs. andoy ease and eoafart, always ask your lealer for tbe f HAN AN" shoe by far tbe bet ever roade. AJS gAwnnf ft BRO. agents for Charlotte ' - " : - tebldMd l j -I stop ar i lATcoi :au By uslnc Dr. brazier's Throat and Lung Balsam tbe only cure for coughs, colds, boarsenaasaod sore throat, and all diseases of the Throat and Lubcs. Do Hot neglect- eougfa.. It mar prove nr Balsam. : after onee using It, and dlscoverltia its nmrreloos pewe, B J put up V-FW family bottles, and sold for t)w mm smau price pr u eanu m 'oowe. . aoHi; Dy Hxulth k Ce. i A sure core for mt, Bleedbw, ttehlnfcand TO-, oaraiftd PUeshjia sn dloDreri reany wil Dr. WlllUms. tan inaian itei Pile Ointment. wtiUamrindiiiA A single bo? has cwUie worst eh ron tc eases of 86 or 3l years -sta.DURg4 No one suffer lire minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions and Instrument do more term thai) good. WUllaimr" FHe j&iptment abaoros the tumiirs, aiiays we miens uonrag, (parUeularly at night after setting warm In bad.) acts as a poultice, gives instant rlf. and ip pre- parea oaiy ior raes,- ncning ai private parts, ana for nothing else, . Price o cents. T. C. Smith Co.. agenu. - febaiteodjl ; ' -Wtffl'n Haalth Benawer" ta4itpala; deuJUtf l To all who are suffering from emm andtBdH oretlons of youth, nervous weeknttaa, early, deeayj k)ee of manhood, ie . 1 wlU aeid a recht that will rrou,tfK OF CHARGE., This great remedy was Ulooered by a mlastonary In South j Atnerteav Send self addiessed envelope to Ext. iouum T, eeUHdeoUwly - 1- TODD B-MS.; Our sah? hate been virreneour- hglng, etery parebasec. beeotaee a retpcrehi anfl an 4 jelare tb&ttherXhil niai ts food in the eld land yet. We puhllsh a. portloaof g Vsttar receive i hieowlU show that nuke sales be-: jondpniDeof mapMev l l.'--f.:i ' " JAawe Scmr fe5rro'; Awrl 17. and lep,f a sap f Aaf fe IJlfSfmrcAosed of ymt last aummer, ;tceree veiy nice and carne up futlyw yvu represented uusm. i vu win amp me on receipt of this ' about 80. Todd Hantst JShip Hams to jSummervilte? 8. C:,witch U my summer residence? mid mail ptfl NORTH CaBOLTNA - FAMILY Ml t V . 4 a- I f ) Ana Fish Boa hr tie beat oUiiefttenslkeai ' Our Raocharteed and Klzed Pickles hare a firm place la the affections of many peop , . The lettnre that yon eat every day ean be Im proved Arty per cent, by using . ? - - - - - - -Dl RUECii SALAD lHEll!VO ' BKAIVCII PMCPBVH .i a? f : J TALPOTT & SONS, -' ,jrM,iTIj RICHMOND, VA, Charlottk, K 01'. Feb. $, 1885. .TV WrVom if May Concern : ' "t . J -am Mr. W. 0, Mobsak is no longer la the employ ment . at fbf flrnr jp Tsipn 4( 80ns. ot. Blen- rnondYa. -1 ' ' ' His connection with theft- bostness has been tef. ulnaied by them. '' 1 st" Customers and eorrespendents win please ad- drrss all eommimlcaUons roncernlngthe bosmest .- . . of that office to the undershrned at ChttloUeveVC feif-daW. -.-.o '.' TALBOTT 4 2 , . - 1 - J W. P. BTMDat. W. P. MIMUM. fSV. aoXKUnaaTLra. . j! -t . t i 1 j- r - CaTATaUrrTS, N.CL 'f IT eta iVaala 1a b-a Intai ftifkiiHaa. I : ti i fit n wrr. ' a -a. ,,.., i " : " HEKH1N6. Biiii Ig-mv TSt AJPJT B AfTgyM AY 23, 1 88 5 1 J")7:7"r ? :f 3 f r ' SELF-RAISING- U omit '.,) i.yw f ! revamtiom. . V .--Mi t-' f J3 , ; . . , . . -.... 1 Tire IIea.IH.fsil laalr IVsitrlll. bikici powiier ; 1 :! restores to the flour tbe strength-giTtng phosphates that are removed with the bran, and which are re quired by the srttem No othei Baking Powder does this. It eosta less, and Is healthier and stronger than any other powder. ; ; . . -, ' ; HOME TKSTIMONY .yao T. Ce SaMIXH, M.r p.; "' "i '1 J 'J - CHtsijnrrraiN. C, Feb-. W. 1885. It Is a well-known tact that the process of knak- tng wheat flour removes' with the braa In tb bolt-i mg, a portion or tbe ftataral p-iosphate of the gralq. "Fhosphates-Jtr tagraatestiaUilua tn malnt&lBtng mental and tihyslesi vigar.'vOt ill.the rjparalonstu)ed tntae jread1refrds faread neBsratloB' Si the only one. Ihat rehlaoee thaphos DbtearUMi graig.j wJH?h .ars, greaj nuplwi nvpartwae tt teagnDoaedot Mid. Phosphate ot llmehicU takes the n)aea,ot the cream of lartar and the aluaxof oUw; prenetloiis and plearto-; ww;H,sw ,,iie resjut, .toeeienvicai action wneatne wparation ana, me soaa are added to flour mixed In the fbris'of dourh. Ik a unloniof thfi phoepiorloacld and the. soda, thu uWratuSgthe- joaj-benic acid gas, , whloh performs the rising pro-. cess, . The resulting phosphate of -Mine and soda Jeft In the bread strengthens tbe nutritive value t the bread which thus gains In the elements of brata, blood and bone food.'; Here, mine South, where the heat tells on the vital for-s wtth mtt vattng effect, hone and brata food beeomee of Aha utmost ttnportanee; The Horsford Bread Prepa. ration Is ot the flret value oh that aeoouat, And bo other balOng powder U m well adapted to (he de mua iiu ouuumra owibut. . ; s . ; . j 1 have-need the Bonford; Preparation lp my tSaDlty for the past en years, and eertalnly would Bavsnogthert . ;fi;' ;, --t :v ',; 4i-5. ay4tr. i -; T.fi SMITH, FBOH C.GilESHAM, Prpr Ballroad HewtHHraatv . --.vaw.y- '.Si- A '- s . ' Commercial and other trateners in -the South win attest to the fact that two of the best railroad restaurants south of Vl.gtnla, -are't be fouMat Charlotte, K. 0 ,nd WAy Cross, Ga. Bad- bread: Is the crying evlt la the Southern country, find the exeellant duality of tbe staple article of food met wtth at the Charlotte Hallway Dining Room, never falls to Impress those who patronize It. Mr, Clar ence Uresham, the manager, writes: . v , X "I have ased Horsford' s Bread PreparaOph since lastrumed tbe e cdnct- ot the B&mond and Dan- vfDe Djnlng Ho-im-s at Charlotte, and the excellent saceess I have met with, In satisfying toe travelling mbUe in the Important matter of bread,4s due to Jbeuseot this, tbefcestof an Baking Powdera." i 4ieli28eodwftn '.. -''r'' ' f ' 1 mm 111 n ninn.- fur ss years I BUUf reu-vuvn wears OB my right teg .as tha resalt. -of typhoid Amputation was suggested as the only 1 jtae a means of preserving life. The doctors oould do nothing for me, and thought I must die. For 3 afars J neyer had a shoe on,. Swlrt's pe-ino has ms4e a perma ent cure and added ten years to my me. . wit. St. attotn, ttau uo, tiv i I have taken Swift's Speciflo for . blood poison, eontrwited at a medloal onllmra at a dlsamitlnn. while f was a medtoal stodent. I am grateful 10 say that It gave me speedy and thorough euro after toy parents bad spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. - - v - - AuacsToa Wxxmx, H . D Newark, N. J. My wife from early girlhood has besn suffering from rheumotum. bhe baa tried many remedies, and I must frankly aay has derived more benefit from Swift's Spei-tffe than from all the o bers. after jong ana rgitnrui trial. r . " Rxr. JAxas I PixscB, Oxford, Ga. ' - . . -- -- : , ; . Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases maltad fiv. . ; Thb Swift Spbcitic Co., Drawer 8," AUanta.ea., or toe w. tt w.. a. i. J y -r' - ? t , . FRED C. UUNZLER, I"::' LAGEB nGEB , ICA1JBR Alf D Itepraseats two of the largest 'LAGEB sJiatSn Iflrewerte ttt tbe Ajttnea otatts The Besnser fe Esajgei' DreW 1 ' a,4M.aaUaaaMptUaaatlVB - P.' 4k 91. 8ebtaflr iti4atW m TBSihaOEStr LAGER ; BEER BOT f j TUNG taTABLISHMENT J 1 3 ' C70rde-a SlIclt4Ml.r AB order. promptly. filled 1 and idelivered free ol cOavrg to any part ox the city.; : . -OXPAftTKENT OF XBOKLVNBDBe, I . . VaUaUaITB, WCO, UlaaJ lOOt. . Qeaertal Order. rdervr .,JL f I' '"'' MSBllniri-iatss AT jHMk Jtaa'. ak Aal'iLa r ;-!';. Pf a Mm iThe Stock of Toys and Chrtotmas Goods Sow be fiiC wompleta at the i VARIETY STORE, , i : tbe public geBerally, and' the good chlMrerr partU- uutrij, am uitiibu iw 0B41 aao aaena nipiaa, - The two large dells. ; Bpb;ahcIT SaUief: Together .Wtth the Wanting Klephautj Performing jsearanq latnang ravuuon, wiu be on exhibitioTi during'the week arid" Uhtn Christmas, j :--:f i j awoaoaeauaeare iarnme . j ' 8y order of 1 - ' : SANTA CLA US, C M. XTnZRKrxiJ, Manager, to - fijr-iti;re niiAMsna ,UI have commenced thsmaniifaeture of Fttrrd- turs tn this eityv -and having the very latest and beat machinery, are prepared to do tbe very best ttnrfeL WaialhlM anrf ftn.tanla HtlufjAHnn setng home enterprise we seUolt the patronage of the publle, . 1 , r . feb28-tf KLLIOTT MiBS. aw l.S t -'-.. t: j ,TA AiLtlat a-aUM" Stallt i old Qitlda HetaJaa air i toooa, aali aao" Sr. daaipspriDfiala; .Va G uat tff la. aou thera ' p a' attaaaata ... lm..l t,hi.a Uu :;t sanaaa ao aao, .t, - aaambraaa Siat Sam- --araal aa4- anmchii Theaa. tVaaitBBH A ll-. Jtaa Sat. ..; JCi ieiaaay turOaaarha aa,aI'-4 tl.aaw BT all ara ,aj-J4 - .. . a-7 aaSt usba- . . . . If- 1 II 1 ,1 1 - r v r -I I I.I -aw-s I u uuu VS2r a a a i.a- a m . , .-a. it .a a..i i. - . - iHiiimt i.uiii iinitniiiii 1 r t t - . rsiii: I I II I IU It II I UlWII'IV'f 1 - J I I, IM .a-.' 1 WU1 uy JU;iUUW 01 Oil i4 A it V ..MMt 1 -. ' ...... .A SV I AfGMnce EofcAlj - 1 - - .fJ;, , - 4 -A tiRANO SALE OK- CLOCKS AND JEWELRY;" Diamonds Stiver and Silver-Plated ware, - -.., ; tJ... ....;.......,r.i.;;.:.Tr:. i, . Prices cut down from Thanksgiving .Day to llarch 4th 1886.. . ,---v , .. , ; 1 1 Those wanting any of the above goods win please eauana near my prices, tney are. tne lowest and tne gnoos are tne nest. y-1 if: j; t;butler; . ; 3 - ' i i4i.i.iLin.' .a..s. 1. , - Capital , Prize 50,000. . 1. . s ., I,- ,. , ,. : i f . .4- f .... i- -"We do hereby certify that toe mper pim the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louis iana State JjOttery Company , andin per--son manaae and control the ' DrauHnas I themselves, and that the same are con ducted, wtth- honesvgf fairness, and tn good faith' towardi all parties,' and toe authorize the company to use this eertsfl tMte. vnthfac simUies-of eurMauaturer nttnchml it ifeawfiisrf far 1111 nf s ' f CommlnMleBere. - nMraPTEDR ACTION i IK Oyer Half a Millioii DiStT.lJUteil. "" ' - , Louisiana State Lottery Co. -. Jjieorperated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 to which a reserve fund ot over 560,0GQ has since been added. . ' By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was maae a part 01 tne present mate uoftsuiuiHHi adopted December 3d. A. n. um. . - , . . its Grand Single Number Drawings will take waoe muntniy. 1 ' It never scales or postpones, , . i Look st the following DUtributton: ; E f AND THE i Extraordinary Smi-Aiinail Rawing f t. In the Academy of Music. New Orleans. Tuesday, June le, ise, unoer the personal super- ' vision and management of ; fi Gen, G, T. Beatjbbqard, of L.a, and . Gen. Jubai A. Eably, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, ISO, OOO. $3Notice. Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, 3. " " r 'Tenths, $1 ; - - LIST OF PRIZES. - 4 ;1 1 Capital Prise of$150,000 . f 150,000 u 1 Grand Prize of., 60.000. 50,000 1 Urand Prize of., 8 Large Prizes of. 20,000. (r 20,000 10,000. ' 20,000 5,000. i 20,000 l,000- 20,000 20 Prizes of 60 - ..,500.1 . 300.1 , 200- 100-; 25.000 100 -200 BOO 1,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 50., 50,000 APPROXIMATION PETZES. r 400 Approximat'n Prises $200.$ 20,000 100; !:.:" 7 v-c.t.4 " -100 10,000 100 ' " ' '75, . 7,500 9,279 Prizes, amounting to-..$522,500 -: Appllcatloa for rates to dubs should be made oniy 10 tne oinoe or tne company in Hewuneans. For further lnforautOoa mrrlte clearly, giving full address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In ordinary letter.' -Currency oyatxpress (ail sums 01 ana up waros st enr ex- aaataaaa.! - - i " -rrh . ... i, t,A. g aj?4ta- j DATJPHTN, iu: -;; - , , New OrtBsais.tfc Or Bt A, DAUPHIN, ? : : - em Seventh 8L. Waahlnaton. D. C Make P. O. Money Orders payable anaddreef jnagiBiBsau trnters w -. ' - n , j NSW pBLEANS NATIONAX3ANK, : ' A-u.v4I k i ; i ;NewOrleans.LaV XX CHARLOTTE, N. C f. S -.if CtMh Caapltal. - ' -fiatrplnn Profits, a . $175OOw i SO, OOO r-f- .-, r. .... .faataooo ' Dikbctoes-B. M. White, B. K. JHUer.Wm Johnston. H. CEecles W. K. Holt. J. H. Holt J McLaughlin j, B. apenoer, Frank Coxe, i. L. More "' 4 ' "1L VHmC. President ;? 'f o r . ,ti Xi-Q, BBFNIZEB, Cashier." ; i , . H. AHDJtnao, xeuer.i. ' This bank has entered upon 'the eleventh year ot 11s existence, witn increased iacumes ior uie w. eommodatlon of its esitomers and the transaction t ot a general banking bualnees. , , . f : , By eareful attention to the wants of tte patrons aim uiani ormttllK hue vutliu viici an . a. hopes and expects te receive In the :f utnre, as in uie past, its tuu snare pi ousmess. ' r i-.c JhnlMtf - - ' ' ft': a ir !' J- 1 tad Bbstokjc thi - EXALIK USlliai-IHEHHltl K II1M..T3. ana yxqob. or TOTxa. uy- pepsia. wanterAppettte, in- aigestion, Jaca ox Diren;ui, . anTireaFeeungDoiuieiT i cured. Bones, aaaBelesana' K nerves receive aew lores. . Vn1lv.na-Iha ailna ajftd - "TT, . - 1 r-T. suppIles Brala Fewer, a I ' II 1 1 a Snffcringfreai complaints J" f-4 laf I taw Wpeenllar to tlieb? sex will t Bod In Tjla. TT A TTUMt aYlia-ra a ..la and speedy care. Gives aclear, healthy eomplexlon. v FrMiwiit.KltMnnii at ft, i ut .?!',. I ttn anlvadd. - to the popularity of the erlplnal. XHtnotexperit ' ' JneittgettbaOBtotMAi.jUtDBB3T. v- .'' r JaneldAw: ANTEB ; firr "loo ter J ed Farms fat KelCTliirg, CabsjTos, , , . dabmd, barton, Kutherf ord and other imt! Western Norta Carolina, by the. fe. .it t u 'Bo.tl-,arttar.y - v- aiaaaaa;by lt . 9 Of ol ta w fc ana 01 lor I lory - . la . to a. oaei.tftal 1 wi t I j' r Jai.OSi.a. Ml! ". IHlUIKPU mil p IMcnes Commerciai National iBanki 1kii: jV IT--. I a. a - 1 t ta,:j ,ndiaaafc., - M. ' : .awTsrs,:f--- C. Gre&ham & Co., . IsaiMrtera anil Jobbei s of a, Glass anil Tiowarc, LAMPS, Cntleiy. Silver PlatcrJ M Ftc. A FULL LINE OF Refrigerate, lee Ikes, Freeze, I - 5 AND OTHER SE 1SON.BLE GO0D6. 'Call asid Secure RarcraisiH. : 'Kfi'-i--3'V'--'-.'C .2 4. V Democrat Building, Trade Street, Charlotte,- N. C. Public Sale. In pursuance of the order of the Superior Court made m the matter of H. C, Eecles, J. C. Spence and W. B. Cochrane, et. si., dated the 2nd day of May, 1885, the. undersigned, commissioners, will sell at publle auction to the highest bidder! at the front door of the court house, In the city oi Char lotte, on v ' . - i . . . - i Monday, the 1st Dty of Juae,?85, At 12 o'clock, M., all those certain lots ot (and In the d'y of Charlotts, being four lots and houses, In Square Number O, known as the Cochrane and Ttmnions property; one bouse fronting on Church street, and three on Second street; also two houses and lots on Pecond Street below Poplar street. Terms 20 per rent. eash. balance on credit of 6 months, to be secured by note bearing eight per cent. Interett, - ' i A. BUBWEIX. ' I 1 W. W. F LEMMING, smayl7dlw. -- - - Commissioners. GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC J MIXTURE, i'tbsiTiTE And fehmanent cure fob DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION. ' j Prepared by Dr. W. W. GEEGOBY, - - - - Charlotte, N. C. The symptoms which are most Important will now be described. One of the most common and direct of all, is an uneasiness in the region of the stomach felt soon after taking food. Tuta uneasi ness is variously described as fullness, weight or oppression a feeling as If the stomach was "swell ed." The same feeling Is sometimes felt alter drinking water. Flatulency or gaseous distension of tbe stomach and bowels. Eructation, or belch' Ing of the gas or "wind" from the stomach: VBlhl tlng or spitting up of the food. Water-brash and Heartburn, and frequently pain in the region of the heart, with palpitation or "fluttering,-' with quick, short or difficult breathing. Headache, witn constipation 01 me Doweis, aizziness. -swimming or lightness" of the head. Foul tongue, with a "bed," bitter, or unnatural taste ot the mouth. Torpid liver, with a sense of fullness In the right side and pain in the right shoulder,: Pain in the small of tbe back in the region of the kidneys with dark colored urine. Cough, which is often attri buted to consumption, to which dyspepsia may lead if neglected. Asthma is often caused by dys pepsia, and when produced from other causes. Is aggravated by dyspepsia. Mental depression, des pondency, meiancnory, nervousness, "sick spena." 'falntness." a sense of weariness, langour. "stu vid or dull feelings." Inability to sleep, and when it ean be obtained It hi often disturbed by unpleas ant dreams, nightmare, ice. These are some of the most prominent symptoms of this widespread disease, a very yew rersona oeing entirety at au times free from It. One or more of these symp toms being present In an cases, depending upon Individual pecullartty, length of time the person has suffered from it, and the other diseases, eom- plloatlons, c, to which this disease nas given rise. Wtm ania hfl D. MeAden and T. C. Smith ft Co. Charlotte, N. (X, and J. H. Ennbv Salisbury, N.C. Centennial Year. THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. OIE IIUNOREU VEAR8 OlaD. it ii i rf'HE AUGUBTA CHBONICLB was established L In 1786. but Is still young, vigorous and pro gressive and fully np to air the requirements of a JLrst-olass newspaper. Democratic In politics, hon- est and fearless in ueattvooaey n tu gwu bwvb .a. thA MMui.nf ao rina aw.eUana. it buna frtenda to reward, or enemies to pdhlsh. Tho purpose of the ohboniclb is to aavancene general mi oni ammpt uth mAajuiftma at aVllI innra tn the moral, social, educational and 'material ad- TBEKeiDBUI ULUnoUMVauu twttuu , i " The columns of the C1U0UNMX.S art free from tbe taint of sensationalism and the depravity en gendered Dy immoral puouoaiious. t . ; j 1 mr btimmmhlc nnwHMwtea la full and comninta. The Chronksl eon tains an average of nine thou sand words per aay irom ins new iorg associatea Press. This service IS supplemented Tby specials from our able nd talented correspondents at At lanta and Columbiavwho are indefatigable tn their labors to give our readers toe latest news ana toe most interesting letters. , ,,- , Our aooomolished and brilliant associate, Mr, James B. Randall of the editorial staff, sends our readers his graphic, and. interesting letters from Washlneton durlns the sneslon of Congress.-. ' The (atBONiCLB jmbushee the; full telegraphic service of.tha Naj iorg Associated trees. TERMS; Monilng Edition, 6 months, : ' S 5 69 - I year, . -10 00 Evening Edition, 8 months, - 8 80 . - . - 1 year, '- i ; 6 00 Vak-ra Xtflttnn, a nuiath. - 7 7 i I lrear. Sunday Chronicle, 1 year, The TtvKNTNa CHRowinLK is 'the largest and: cheapest daily paper In the South, as It publishes; all the teiegraptuc news, ana au tne news oi uk morning paper, ana is sent to sunacnoen at o.uu ner war. v:.-3 "x! j.i i The WKjrtxT In now a ten nase baaer. but In AnrU.lt wUl he twelve aaees B columns. It Is tiled with lsaaortant news. --ir.'t-The SuxDadr "aaaoaaicus is a large eight page pa per, and eontaiarta. 4-six soiumns pi matter. ; specimen-copies mje.-- - Aaarcgs " -. - CHBONICLB ft CNSliTUlSETALIST, ' f V : ij.A - PamtK WAiFreeident, . feb25 ...... -...;.,,;. i-f; -, 'AngastSaGat GAttOIJCTJL CETTRAX, RAIL. , OmCl OF 8Uf KKJJTTXKDaMTT, " f ' I h WrxaoMtwaM, N.C., Sept. 41. 18B4. f , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.! O1 N AND AFTra SEPT. M.188. THE FOLLOW- IncSehednw wUl-be ODerated on tula Rail. -:s-i...r--- ,---i :.-::.f. f e . - - . v--Tij. -rt j .ac as PASSXN6EB, MAIL AND XXPBX3S TRAIN, - . - " D1ILT XZCKPI STJNDAT. ' Leave WHmlngten at.. ....... ..7.00p. bl Leave Raleigh at . ......... .....1 86 r. K. Arrive at Charlotte at...,. .7 JO A. m Leave Charlotte at .. .. ..... ..... .8.16 p. m. No.1. iro.s! Arrive at Baleigh at.... ..00 a. k. Arrive at Wilmington atv.,..... &aA.lC lAXFnGHT-PaesetigerCsr Atts IieavCaritteat'.... . 7.40 a. at. Arrive iAurmburg at ............. Leave Lanrtnbnnr at...... .i-J..... S.15 r. k. amw,talarWtWM,.Ma.Mfi .J 1". . Psssonns Trains ton at reaalar statioria onrr. and points destanated la the Compaays lime SBELBy nrfiON. 'PA x::' nai38.iiri raxieHT. f j : .1 jj. f . fDaRv meant ftmdkx.1 .' ' ' -, Leave Charlotte at ... . ... k . . i . H.1B a. r. -ArriveM6helbyat,w4...-..--.,.;.....la.l6r. at. AjalvsatCliarloteatM!r;-.U... Cttr'k. - Trains Nos. 1 and 9 tnaka elata. nonniatlnn at Hamlet with R. 4 A. Trains te snd from; Baletr. a nrtuwu amnnK lan uuLwaun wumimrum a.... Churiotte and fcaleieh and Chariot1. . ' lake .Tif? Mac A t-wT Stabatnrilia. atxtlnna aa Wearn N. C. R, B., AshevUle and points west, -; A o, for f?partanbur, .-eteenvLla, Athens, At lac a and all r mis s n Tmiit T ' - . Chu 1 ita. CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY DeRlrhiff tA su . . .. ''GENERAL L4ND W For the purpose or buvine .,, i renting real estate. ThPi5,ren,ns- '"Hsin ... confined to the city of ChsrinU1-1'"""' w 1 North Carolina, KiSif - to th stlij management wiu b rem,D1M $?tl collect rents, make ret.ma a !tHtr'W2 Insurance, Ac. Ac, wiveVtLwl?1 ffS under our inauagemeiiu K 1 proWl U-a'- it- n i : .. I ?rrcc ui trosi 10 tbe h r. homes In North Carolina "ho n genial atid tbTiK ciC"S bouses and lots or PlAnteU?' - ThsbuWness will be u?de? teBN,!3 (CITY.) " ita0echdrS,2LB.U rt food 1 nelghWhood.8 P'C O One dwelling on 5th wt I.Tr?00- 5?11?8' oonrenlent to bus .nen 1 3aane dwelling on South TtZj!- W. Uresidence.ofTr. Bratton 8 rrt,,M"'t house. Price, t3,0U0 ,or bam!!t h rnrow& MS, 1 frontl'i 3rd street tox?ti!m & water and stable on tKtte11" V K One dwelling on corner .ifiL' t260 tJstreets. s rnnm. L.r"er .raham aim 1111, feet on' lZ3? '"on"1 vnrv rlaaintKi " leet on 10th iiu. mSlJS KS of good water. iT'1" taW-,eU Price, $4,000. M,sult PUrawiar 11 12 13 U rooms, kltnhxn Price S1.0UU. ' -U of water; lot ti'rtr1 Ior a J dairy farm-TT timber, branch running through It iLoS acres meadow. PrioepwV 1 I iSeJmunproveQ xlSeou Ninth stn.i lO between U and K streets. Prlee Works beg to call the attention of capitaltato E2 manufacturers, stock and dairy men and TtiS .OlMia The property conslsta of au Thousaud Ttosi Hundred Acres of land, located In tuiooutiu3 eastonandCleavelaniln the State of Northo? olina, at King's Mountain Depot on tte AuSa and Charlotte Air Line ranway, how owued toS Bichmond anC Danville railroad cempaai Thi property has been used for arty years wist as i Iron property, and has oeen worked atvartoi pomts,but chiefly at the site of the wieorato! Yellow Ridge Ore Bank. hlch hasalwTffl an ore noted for 1U richness In inetaUlc Iron it Its softness and toughness. This vein ol'ori which extends for two miles In length, has hem worked to the dept 1 147 feet, showing at tS depth a vein of ore about 40 feet wide, and amOn. Ing as high as 66 per cent of metallic Iron. TM, vein has not been worked for twenty rears, but tte (acts set forth can be fully shown. Various other veins have been worked, and within the past two years very large deposits of Iron ore have been dis-covered-at other points. Within tbe past eighteen souths, however, the owners have discovered dt posits of ore In Crowder's Mountain, (live velniof Iron ore, are exposed), which were unknewn la tore, and which will furnish ah amount of rood ore, easily worked and above water, that mutt make It one of the most desirable Iron properta to be found. They have discovered on the plnnido of this mountain, which Is IUU0 feet above toe torn land, 2X0 feet above the sea level, a vein of ore .UK. fut U. nhtK ... . , . Dift.it nNo, wuivu lavya vub ai various P0IDS from tbe top to the bottom of tbe mountain, thot Ing In one place about 20 feet of solid vein. Tbs vein can be traced over the top ot the mountain for over a mile, and this deposit alone would afford to almost Inexhaustible supply of ore, easUj worked, and above the water line. In addition to this four other vein neve been found on this mountain. The ere is a mottled gray ore, showing on tualjM from 49 to 66 per cent of metallic Iron, with s small amount of titanic acid, and without anj sit phur or phosphorus. The quantity of ore in tab mountain Is simply Inexhaustible and of not Mlldlltw Besides Crowder's Mountain the owners pouea King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whoa nl.ula 1. tk. hj.h.uit uilnt a 1 .1 Til. I. . uuiiraua u, iiiu uikucb. uvuu ... mini IFUUI lUi. mond to Atlanta, except Mt Airy. In Georgia, ud they have reason to believe this mountain b full of ore also. In addition to iron ore the property dm manganese, limestone clay for making fire-proof brick, gold and other minerals. Very pure and tt eellent barytese has just been found in large quis ltv. As a stock and dairy farm it off ers fine opsorts tltles to those who may wish to engage In such boa. mess. It has from three to four thousand acree of : level or only slightly rolling land, which produce! rass. grain and all kinds of farming produea snely; and it is well supplied with water by onfall' n g sprlngaaUid branches The other 4,000 acres embraced In the moonttli sides are productive of fine grass and herdage.atat tfford excellent natural pasturage tor sheep and eattle. The climate Is so mild that but UtUe the)-. ter for stock te needed In the coldest winters. Tte whole six thousand acres are now covered with a fine growth ot timber of all kinds, such ai pint hickory, oak, walnut, cedar, etc. The land li w suited to farming purposes, by those who with B olonixe.-Ootton, corn, peas, oats, clover and gnat 'and fruits of all kinds are produced beeuutuUjM It is specially suited to grapes and small fnilta. k jould be divided into small farms that wouktom to each farm variety of soU, sod level and hij and. tt is situated in the Piedmont belt, which It noted for the salubrity of its climate, and tte healthiness of Its atmosphere. It is s region tret from malaria and other unhealthy Influence It t. Iatori nlflt MnwinUliat til PUllmiUl itClll ties. iheinir situated at from two to lour nuw twa King's Mountain Station, on a railway UhMtM Bkoai extensive eennectlons wtth all parti of tte Sountry, and which otters great lnduoementt those who are Vying to develop the eoantii tm its lines. The owners will sell this properti to a purchasers, as follows: The whole tract, lncludlpi mineral lnterests.for Sixty three Thousand Mian, or will make favorable terms, reserving the sua eral Interest, or wul sell one-half the mineral la terest payments to be one-third cash, balance onaortwyeart? -f t . . . tn..t.i .. niM... - aftiAlt haa hpAn i ja raiuauwwawt wtroi 7. arta mil mm ha hmio-ht cheaDlr. The Dropeny . . " . i 1 . ,t,A fammit A II HMUIH Mineral Springs, and to the widely-known Qe htownf King's Mountain to also sdjweot where are good hotels, a flourishing andeiettwj high- school, and several new and hawuow ithurenes. - The owners invito the attention of" IntereBted'to this property, and ask anexamlnatw of it Any further Information regardUiglt wfliDi promptly furnished by addressing B. K. Cochraoe, Manager Charlotte BealEstats jncy. k. viM dm nM Rank hsa been receflu . I i am, itjutftt itw v.w j l I sold to a Pitteburg, Pa, company, and s 6ern I eolonlzatlon company has recently bougiu ia ' . . ar r .LUnln. lamia Of baouaai a-v avuuar, . v., ujy""p - . , f-n & Payne and others, emues irom ou.,-----Qtariotte, and lit from Davidson College. B Tagooddwelllng, 7 rooms, all J$& tngeTgood orchard, good water, nd'S foriilns, grsee, com, wheat tobacco, e etc 86 acres good bottom land. In fine stale ulUvatlon. Price $2,360. n, rhuWU, 1 Q Tract of Land.S miles south of CWriw 117 b3 acres, known as part of toeSamW lor tract, on which Is an undevelopea tTowjn Vknown In the N. C BeDorts as the Sam iva. mine), three .frame tenement houses, two i each, good barn, good well water andgoodj on w premises, tma w'",'' ' .us 23 of . West Fifth street IS?Uas Dwelling tn MeehanlcsvUle, 1 f" 28 1736. SQuare 216. adjoining property of w. . and others. Price eash, w. icMor nn Tn Wa Nna V7 anrl fl08. SQUare W, l"T Oaw Ing 99 feet on B street and runnlngthrw toC street On the premises to a twtoryn itwelllne. seven rooms sxid small storeniw. !, Two unimproved tete corner amiiuatj Olf streets. In sauare 190, frontlngwasn- street 61x116 and 5SxlS. The tweicowui ureet axxtta ana osxiso. me osether or Mrawatelv as the DUrcllSieiBV lee for the two r eash MOD w ghjs oQ v One-story namecottoge, DO in Fourth wajdn. west Frth tbe residence of James P. Irwin. W S ments new. AdesiraWe place forssmauw PrlOB tlXOO. .. onaahat os Tan yard-at LowesvlllB, it v. 31 vatoV lSol. I Ume 1 shep .ffiZ house, bark mill house, stable. ifU land connected, with tan yarn. r'Zfo : wm lesseforS ?Wf A vary oeairauiw "r,"" JCLT, nhaW" acres, about threee miles west lzru tji an tha ramlina Central rauroaa, rL ,lt Junius Hayes farm, adjofiiirea, Paul Barrlngwjind other in . gooi v bsod. Price per aeravw DneI dwelling and lot on - Mat IBtrtca SSSQ... .-J 42 AO OneWMdabslf .taP2Sl , 40 corner ot Band llth streets. PflesI One story Iram- , fii 24x1(0 feet fronting, on !TJrpS. nnimproved lot In rear pf above at 8anf ord, Meore eounty, N. C in" . Two story frame dwefflt four "jw 4t stable, smoke house, good well, wot trees, about arre ot land, in uanro, N.C. Prtoe Jljm , ; t.,, v - -' Fifty one acres ol land, cr"SDA' vatlon. 1 alance timber, mostly ,pim, V lak v Two tamement houses on place. UiTZTM edge of Sanford, Mobre county, N. c. - (Tbe above three, tns jvlll rsjom j. s ratej. sad fljureasset destres eanse-J),-1 4 ofa sto of goods at pries sgreed-l- I t. " es, ton. nukvAtwaij rrT7 t r tec c... 1 ...alitisext and tneownec; . tai aaatuu

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