M0TTE O BSE RVE R; SUN DAY, MAY 31, rg a t ! 1 4 A .1 11 W Sn .rrsn THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining iron wim p vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Care Dtttpeiraia, indlgsMtloji, WeaknMj I mpnre Blood, nialaria,Cbiil and Fevers, "it i? SmSfinyremedjr tor Diseases of the ! KuT!n"nablefo'r Diseases peculiar to f Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It d Oes not Injure the teeth, cause headache.or twodoce constipation othrr Iron methctna ao. nricTndpnrifies the blood. if the appetite, aids the assimilation of food,i re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves, zjj---' J" . . lot Intermittent FeverMASsitade, Lack of Energy, Ac, it has no equal. . ; M- The genuine has above trade mark ana crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. - ff r-jr (BOWS CHISICil. CO., BlLTmOKK, P- Friend. NO MORE TKEKOB! No Murk Pain ! ) HOBS DANGER! rphla fnvalnarriA nrAna- Irotlnn la trnlv a triumDh lot scientific skill, and no more inestlmaoie oen ent was ever bestowed on the mothers of ?the world. . . f-It not only snors ens the time of labor and lessens the Intensity of pain, but. better than all, it greatly diminishes the Hanrer tl lifft of both HOTHER OB CHILD. Imnthpr and child, and heaves the mother in a condition highly tavora- and far less liable to HAoHlnr: mnviilRlons. The Dread of - ,r and other alarming Igrmptoma tincwent to lingering and painful Intmr ftfl r.mlv wonder -Motherhood- ful efficacv in this resnect entitles the Mother's Friend to be ranked as nnartf t.hAl1fffc4UlVlnflr m Transformed to pllances lvf to Xhe world by the discoveries of monern science. From the nature of the case it will of course Hope and Joy. be understood that we cannot publish certifl- MitAs pnnAAmlni? this Rkmedy without wound ing the delicacy 01 tne un-irars Vt. WA have SAFETY AND EASE hundreds of such testi monials on file, and no mother wno nas once LiMAd It will Avar ft&aln ha without it in her time 8CTFKBINS ''WOMAN, lot trouble. . , a nmmtnAnt nhTsidan lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissible to make pub lic the letters we receive, the "Mothers' Friend mmnld nutaell anvthlns on the market. I most earnestly entreat every female expecting to hA nonflnAii. to use Mothers' Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long ob stetrical practice (forty-four years), I have never known It to fail to produce a safe and quick deliv ery. H.J nouns, fit. i., Atlanta, tra. Send for our Treatise on "Health and Happiness of woman," mailed free. Bkadfteld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga, PARKER'S HAJR BALSAM The best, cleanest and most economical hair dresa- lsf. Never falls to restore the youthful eolor to Ngra hair. This excellent dressing is preferred by those who have used It, to any similar article, on account of Its superior cleanliness and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair. - - , , Parker's Bal Balsam is finely perfumed and la warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re move dandruff and Itching. Parker's Tonic A Parely Family TIedlciae Tliat merer Intoxicates. It rives tone and power. For complaints of the Kidneys, Bowels, Stomach, Liver and Lungs, for ail the subtle troubles of women and for those bodily disorders Induced by anxiety, care and mental strain, its effects will surprise and charm . you it is not an essence of ginger. Delicious to the palate, an antidote to the liquor habit, and exceedingly helpful to the aged and feable. 60c. and (1 sizes. . - If yon are a lawyer minister or business man hansted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take Intoxicating stimulants, but use Parieb's Tonic t - If you ate a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, mr - another run down by family or household duties, try Parker's TOnIc If you have dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney or urinary complaints, or If you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, you can be cured by Parser's Tonic. If you are wasting away from age. dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant, take Pa Ruhr's Tonic at once; it will Invigorate and build you np from the first dose, but wiU never , Intoxicate. H has saved hundreds of lives, it may save yours. , CAimONl-Befuse all substitutes. Pabkeb's Tonic Is composed of the best remedial agents In the world, and Is entirely different from prepara tions of ginger alone. Send for circular. - s . HIS COX A CO., 13 William Street, - York. 80c and $1 sizes, at all dealers in medicines. Great saving In, buying dollar size. mv2itlawjw,- j I . . $ tL Lfe53 V,rii . TORPID DOW'JtLS. ' OlSORDElTtD LsVCjr and W.ALAF.t From these souiws ai i .. . 0-1,-1; , 0 tto diseased of the l-uumii. ' rucC. ' i . .'., Appattte, U.),hIj f. clu, full : altrr . rtlsuaf lH...ty ..r ml...i,' ; -.- !!! It u. .. ,,J " " t ' . Irv ' -VC ' I i. tl.lv r..I , trtti, A trtHtm t-f !,., !..: "rtiloti bcloic li.r . t. real ITv4... . lu vtiTit . V mnnd the use ofa i-cmu.iy (B, U"-'S" , Ki.iT..!"0 e:1U!a- '1',",,r u'i(', o 1 u- K,V',,eyndSkln Ualso pro:.:,,: rciiiorni all lmpnritle, tlmniih tLM- 0:1 ! , Hv- tlte, sound . i-rosi!,.,,. r.-pl:Vr ci.-.: KluanaaTigomiiSixwlv. Tl ttw vli I witJi dally work mul jiie a pt i ftct ANTIDOTE TQ MALARIA. HE FUELS J.IKj; a N:TV SlAJf. ' . i JJ baa Drain-, ,S1: v;u. CorMioa thj&,B,n C'I'T- am t),e .first cleaned tne out nicely. My appetite is c,, ' . w'b-AWARDS, falmyra.O. 8ollv.hOTe,gSe. Offire.4i Murray St..X.Y TUTT'S HAIR DYE. .t.Ha,b ob Whiskers changel in f 8t Black by ei,fe ap plication ef this Dre. Sold hy Druigisu or aent by express 0,1 receipt of $ 1. Offlce, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'jt MANUAl Of usfFUt BtCEIPTS FE. T. R. MAC ILL, WHOLESALE dROCITJf AND COMMISSION MERCHANT CoILsjreat, ChArlo'tt 11 tk IM. OillMk Um (MiUlag. C&liPETI mm& It t rfHW, itfaiie mi of ojtelotlra. CualoiM Tl! t vaXuxns oLao Acref""1 1 r.uin- ald WTtor. Charlotte, May 30, 1S85. To the Editor of The Observer: F.nn, tima tr t.imfl t,h nublic has i1 1 ui 11 fcv - - - r . - - been informed, through the columns or your japer, 01 tne progrubs ul mo graded schools of Charlotte, and while you have been general in your praise ot tne scuoois, ana nave KIve" your valuable aid in their establish ment and perpetuity, we hope you will allow us to make especial men tion of the colored graded school here. thousands of dollars spent here each year in maintaining the graaeu scnooiu, witu tyc i nou uo am toTnuvflrs thaf'thev are thereby laying the foundations for a more intelligent ciuzcnsmp.anu win c fore a more prosperous and progres- ive people. A recent visit to the col- oredgradea scnooi or inis cnjf us that an., intelligent, progressive and learned superintendent, with an able corps or reacners, ia have tnese nopes reauzeu. . !... l.-4.H nT fh nnlnrail DTftflfifi SCllOOl. so we visited it for the purpose of seeing how tne sysiem woikcu. . t j c..A tkof i-Va Knilrlinir WAS divided LUUUU LltUU tUW UU.ni.', . into eight apartments or rooms, and each room was presiueu uvu w. female teacher except one, which is under the immediate charge ef the principal. Mr. Kattiey. iuacu wjuouci Lnnt,n.i,f fmm fnrt.v to seventy pupils. There is no changing of pu-. pils rrom one room w auunuci w loesnna bj is the case in hnnla hut tnev are classified at the beginning of each term, and placed in cnarge ui a icu er for that particular class, and are graded accoraing to nie tiiunt made. This is for the purpose of re warding merit, and stimulating lag gards to renewed exertion. v The principal being absent, courts eies were shown, us by the teachers in charge There were seven of them. They are all graduates of colleges, eiriA Vintm onon t. a 1111 mhflp of vears as teachers, and seem proud of their proiession; auu mui c (wukhuu telligent body of teachers it would be V.aivT (A finH anvwhrref In some of the rooms the teachers were giving language lessons, ben tences were written on the blackboard by the teacher, and copied by the pu pils. Special mention may be made of a boy named Parmer, a pupil iu Miss Latham's room, whose writing and punctuation were nearly perfect Those pupils .engaged in reciting arithmetic, geography and grammar showed an intelligent aptitude and a degree of proficiency that is highly gratifying. We were forcibly struck with the zeal shown by Miss Hall, who has charge of about fifty little citizens, some of whom are mere tots. At her request one little man, not quite five years old, stood up and read a, piece of poetry. As it was not spring po etry, and he read it well, we forgave him. The children all seemed to be clean, heads nicely combed, and wide awake generally, and the order preserved was excellent. We were informed by one of the teachers, Miss Lynch, that the enrollment was something over Eix hundred, but only about three hundred were in attendance. On the whole we were well pleased with the visit, and the patrons of the school should be thankful for two things for such a good school, and such good teachers There is, however, room for im provemenj in the building. The vens tilation is bad, and the situation of the building might be changed to advantage. These things, however, we were tol i, are soon to be changed, bo we will be satisfied. Cheek. . 1JOW MUCH PEOPLE DRINK. The Consumption ot Alcoholic L qnor-, Wine aud Beer of tbe Principal Na tions The following table, compiled from official sources and TecentJy issued by the Federal Council of Switzer, land, shows the consumption per. capita of alcoholic drinks, wine and beer of the principal nations of the world for one year. Belgium takes the first prize for quantity, each of her population averaging per annum over eight quarts of whiskey, three quarts of wine and one hundred and ftftyfive quarts of beer. The license system of Belgium is liberal, and the amount of positive drunkenness there is not so large as in Great Britain: Plack. Spirits. Wine. Bfer. Qtn yti Qts. Canada, z.71 u z9 H 51 Norway,7 r 3.43 , 1.00 15.30 U-itted States, 4 21 2.64 - 8l.s0 Gieat Britain and Ireland, 4 7i 2 it) .14392 Austria-Uuugar. 5.07 22.40 42SA2 Francs, 6 41 119.2) 21.10 Kusrfla. 7.11 Unknewn. 4 65 Sweden, 7.16 0.36 11 Ou German Zollvcreln, 7.66 6.00 6510 Belgium, - aio 3.70 169.20 Swttztrlanrt, 8 27 55.UI 3150 Netherlands, B.69 2 57 " 27,01 Ueumrk, 16 63' 1O0 33 33 59 degrees of alcoholic strong h. - Some curious facts are developed by a reference to this table. It up sets the preconceived notion that Germany is the champion beer drink ing nation. Belgium and Great Brit ain consume over twice as much beer as does Germany, while Denmark and the Netherlands lead the column in spirits or hard drinks. After all our pelf -condemnation as a whiskey drinking population the United States maki s u pretty respectable showing as to temperance, being sixth in J,he consumption of beer and wine, and eleventh in spirits. While there is more drunkenness in England than in France, the French are by all odds the heaviest consumers of alcohol. The Frenchman is a regular syste matic wine tippjer, but imbibes by formula, indulging rarely in exces-. sive debauches, while the English-, man, as a rule, is a sporadic drunk ard, swallowing enough of fiery det ractions during his Saturday night carousals in the gin mills aud slums of London to use him up morally, physically, socially and financially. In France men, women and children drink wine. There are no total ab stainers in that country, and many of their bibulous population consume vast quantities of spirits in the shape of cognac, absinthe and vermouth. The use of the- latter stimulant is fearfully injurious to mind, body and morals. Various theories have been advanced as to the rapid ppread of intemperance in the so-called civiN ized nations of the earth, and how to remedy this, by moral suasion or stringent legislation, is one of the huge unsolved problems of the pres . ent day. The careful perusal of this table will be worth something to the intelligent reader, TltellubieM in 1 lit- Cradle. i Baliies are very little tlilugH, yet tbey leave great eapaot lonellneu fcenlnU -them wh.-u tueydle MotherB wive your little ene by giving them Par. r!'!c wben tlu, stow hlgns ol elng un X1 remedy b so pleasant that any lotunt wl 1 take it, and it will soon quietandre jnove their aches and pulna. . r1' "- rttiue: tl Hair. iw?nT. pSJ,,le ?dmlr d hair but fr you do not, hS?eiMiV.bttJ?!1? wl Impurt to It a darker JS1" tailn,ten "da lwir, eradicate dan 22fiL,Ju,pa,rt h0!ta? KfcxwineM and ill to 5S n Jt.?.1?0!?8 dry "a1. Not a dye, 2?V'Vfc- We linen. Give a delicious per fume. An elegant dressing.. per- x ' 1 y 1 w 1 1 ' "Well's Health Henewr ' for delicate nen. wain'ajid cable. iA Uiffereace Beiweeii tlte Two Men Cable a Typical Yankee. - Chicago News. It is said that Mark Twain and Ofiorsre W. Cable parted company in a great miff, the cause of the trouble h.ivine been Mr. Cable's habit of charging his champagne and boofc-L blacking bills to tne general expense fund of the party. A gentleman, who traveled with' the Twain. Cable combination for some time, tells us that Mr. Cable is the most penurious man hs ever met. He says: "I found Twain liberal almost to a fault; if he was out with a crowd of congenial spirits, he would insist upon , paying for everything. Yet Twain is not everybody's friend he is by " no means miscellaneous in his associa- tions. He seems to despise snobbery toadyism and affectation ;the fact that a man is rich does not specially com mend that man to his favor. He likes bright people and has a penchant for a good (ime in his peculiarly lazy way. He has a habit of playing bil liards all night and lolling about -bis room all day, attired in nothing but his underclothing. It is hard to get an interview with him unless he knows you to be a congenial person. People run up from New York and over from Boston to call on twin at his house in Hartford, but they are turned away in drovas none but the good fellows can gain admittance. The Hartford people have tacitly or ganized themselves into squads 6r relays for the special purpose of amusing Twain. Qne sqund feeps him in amusement one day, jynothe? relay the next, and so on ad 'infini tum They are very proud ot him, and seem to be haunted with the fe"ar that be may be tempted to move away from Hartford. Now. aa for Mr. Cable, he is cut on a sma'l plan everv way. r He is a typical yankee, narrowed down. He may think he is a southerner, but he isntj ha must have originated away down at 0ape Cod,? and growursmallernnstead of bieser 'ever since. " When Mark Twain was in Chicago several years ago his newspaper admirers waist ed to give him a banquet. "No,? sniri Twain '-T won't hear to. an V such proposition, but if you bovs'll take me into a nine, cool, cob-webby place somewhere underground wFP .we can sit around a pine table and drink beer and tell stories, I'll go with you and be only too glad." IlEV. SAM JONg' Sketch ot ibe Kemaikable tfeorgta Ke Tavalist. Atlanta Constitution. - Samuel P. Jones, according to re cent newspaper statements, was born iu Bartow county, in this State. lie went to school for awbila at Oak Bowery, Ala. After receiving a fair common school education ire was ad mitted to the bar and practiced law. Having a tough constitution aud live ly animal spirits young Sam natural ly drifted along with "the boys" and went in for a irolic whenever the opportunity offered. His social na ture led him to drink, and in the course of time the liquor habit got the upper hand, f At this period of nis lite he resided at uartersvnie, tfa The death of his father and his dying admonitions to him had a pjweiful errect upon tne wna ana way warn young man. tie soon abandoned 11 is evil ways, experienced religion, and went to preaching at once. He felt unable toxest or enjoy life until ha succeeded in persuading his old com panions in sin to follow his example and come over on the Liord s side During the first , few years of the young minister's Career his peculiar and forcible style of preaching creat ed a sensation at numerus camp rneetinfs, and i'i the country townj. but many people shoojj their heads and were slow to pas luugraens Gradually lie won favor, and the cities began to call for his services In the meantime he was doing splen did work in building up tne orphan s home at Decatur. Air, J ones pointed and pithy sayings began to be quoted in the newspapers, and he was called to distant fields. In Texas. Alabama Mississippi, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and other places the evangalist work ed wonders. Recently in Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville he has conducted the most successful revi vals ever known m those cities, and is still going on with the work. Mr. Jones, according to our author ity, is about thirty savin years of age. Me is a small, slender, sallow faced man with black hair and eyes and a biacK mustache, decidedly un clerical looking, but apparently full of snap and energy. His earnestness and personal magnatism impn ss all who come in contact with him. Much that has been said of his early' follies is untrue. He never gambled. He never kept a saloon. He was simply a noisy, frolicsome young fellow, too fond of liquor for his .own good. For tunately his reformation came wnile there was yet time for him to save himself and render useful service in his Master's cause. Mr. Jones' father, Captain John Jones, was a gallant Confederate sol dier, and a lawyer by profession. His grandfather was a Methodist preacer, ta wart) uimo several 01 nis uncies. among them being Kev. Robert H. Jones ot tne JNorth Georgia Confer ence. - " 7 Npuator Vest' Kemarknble Dog. "I have a dog," said Senator Vest, who had just heard a precocious crow story, "who is vf ry sagacious. One morning he watched intently while a negro boy blackened my shoes. The following morning he came to where I wag sitting with a blacking brush in his mouth. You may not believe it, but that dog got down on his bauriches,' spit on my shoes, took the brush in his teeth and rubbed away like a house on fire. But I must ad mit that he did not get up much of a polish. One Sunday, while I was living at Sedaha, this dog followed me to curch. I noticed that he watch ed every movement of the preacher. That afternoon I heard a terrible howling of dogs in my back yard - I went out to seewhat was the matter. My dog was in the woodshed, stand ing on his hind legs in an old dry goods box. He held down a torn al manac with one forepaw and gesticu lated wildly with the other, while he swayed his head and bowled to an audience of four other dogs, even more sadly than the preacher I had heard that morning." The narrator cf the crow story , "threw up the sponge." Died from Her Self-I fl ctea Shot. , Newark, N. J., May 30.-Miss Nel lie Canfield. who shot herself while ill at Mrs. Dewitt's seminary in Belle ville, N. J.,"on Monday last, ditd this morning. She expressed regret for her act last evening, for the first time.. M ' - . v t - . , T(KTHAT.COiroUr ; By using Dr. vrazler's Throat and Lung Balsam the only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat, and all diseases df the Throat and Lungs. Do -not neglect a cough. It may prove-i ratal. icorenii-i i"uwreo. ot iopie owe tnetr lives to' Dr. Fr.uler s 1 liront nrf 1 - bang fi&Uam, and no family will ever tie with lit it a.teronce using it, and Discovering its murvi'tuus power. It is put up in large family botUes and sold for the small price' of 60 cents a bottle. Sold byT. C. Smith Co, -,-. i feb2ideodwly . . . .... r "if v-jr A . invAir r ln - ! GOULD AMD SAGE.: V Mow the Two Millionaire Regard Each Other The Foimer's Queer Methods. From the Brooklyn Union. Washington E. Connor attends to the execution of Jay Gould's orders, and is, in fact, the lieutenant of Gould in all stock operations. Russell Sage is the one whom Gould seeks wben m need, of money - It is nothing for Sage to let . Gould have 1 000.000 "over nignt. i tiare say uouia nas had as much as f 10,000, 000 or 12,00u, 000 of Sage's money at one tin e. Sage and Connor are not friendly. To be exact, Sage does not like Con nor. I was told the story of their falling out the other evening at the Windsor Hotel. Tbings do not al ways eo as Gould plar.s to have them go, and a long time ago Gould calcu lated tnat tne oia issue 01 Mannaiwin Railway stock would suffer a deiline. He accordingly went short of it in . . . . - Til;, the marKec ... a court o cision, iiiiing it was, put a different aspect on the matter, and a rise in the slock was inevitable. Gould was obliged to "coyer", his short Interest. Connor was equal to the emergency. ' He knew that Russell Sage held a great deal of ; the stock. . He rushed into Sage's office, and, as if doing Sage a favor, told the latter to hurry up ana sell his - stock, because it was going all to pieces. Connor bought all that "Sage sold to "coyer" Gould's shorts. When the delivery was made 01 course Sage foud it out, and iie wns hopping mad, but he could not help himself. Sage probably made f 15, OQQ.QOO by his eonnection with Gould, the latter letting him into schemes that brought him large profits. Sage helped Gould at a time when the lat ter sorely needed ; money, and af tr ward (jould showed his gratitude by putting; tbe former in the way of adding ; immensely to his fortune, Gould, however, helped himself to a large slice of S ige's fortune last year during tho great decline in values. His brokers had bought enormous numbers or. puts ot sage, and the drop in valu b made the aggregate profit to Gould. I think, according to the' "Street's" understanding, about $4,000,000. Ail .ccrts oi aqrtc aiu! ..w..y sorts of iils of mar. r.r.d lt-:iht neciT a cooling lotion. -Mttiotiuia I Uiiyjcut, ret) 1:3 UlU.sutW 0itij !i-r. Wires si ml IotIiert We empliiitlciiilj-foaiuiitee Dr. M;irchlsl'sCatbol icon, a Female Remedy, to cure Keinalf Diseases, such as ovarian troubles. Inflammation and ulcer ation, fallintr and dlsDlaceroent or bearine dowu feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache, bloating, sulnal weakness, nleeplffwness, nervous debility, palpita tion of the neart, 4c For sale by druggists. Prices $1.00 and il. rr 1xttle. Send to Dr. J. B. Mar- pnlsl. (7f tea , N. y . tor pamphlet, n-ee. For saie bf A sure cure for Blind, Bleetllng. Itching and Fl ce rated Piles has been dleovered bv nr. Williams, (an Indian Keniaiy , o:illed Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A single box has cured tbe worst ehronie eases of 2ft or 30 years standing. No one suner nve mlirates after apDlyiug thlg wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions and InstrumenUdo more barm than good. Williams' Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors, , allays the Intense Uching, (particularly at night after getting warm In bed.) acts as a poultice, gives Instant rell.-f, and is pre pared only tor flies, ltcning or private parts, and for nothing else. Price 60 cents. T. C. Smith Co.,agent8. , feb'ildeod&wly -Woir Health Reimwer" for rtyspfn-da. riehtlttr ( ancer Cured. I have bad a cancer on my face for many Vf-ars. I lmvij trie I a gre.it mam remedies, but Without renei. 1 almost gave up nof or ever ueing cured. Dr. H&rdmaii, niy son. recomiuended Kwlft's sre O'llc. which I have taaen wiUi great results. My face Is now well, ad It is impossible for mw to ex press my tlianks In words for what this medicine lias clone lor me Mtyj. UUV Uarumam Monroe, tia., Sept. 3, Jti-H. Slf''s fjieclllo has cured a cancer on my face, aim iitts annual, inane a new iiian or me. T-J. Tbatk, waoissa, Fia, 1 have h ad a cancer In my right ear for three years, I tried etfy remedy thn physicians pnie tlced, to no permanent good, wilt 3 Specltlc hits wrought wonders ior me. 11 is me best blood pu- riuer in tnu wo- in. Joan lIOBKow, Klorence, Ala, Swift's Spec flc is entirely vegetable, and se ms to cure caia-er by forcing out tlte impurities from ineDiooa. Treatise on Blood mid Skin Diseases mailed Tree 1 bk Rwrrr Spkctkic Co , Drawer 3 Atlanta, Ga., OT10U W. iMbl ,M. I. How raw x:ndarstand what p. .jerfcet fit is ? Tiat painfu'. y eriou of "brsaiias ia" is deem ed e-aeut'al to every new outt. T'-ls lj 1 ositlvely Tm . xxeecs-uu-y. T-.q sciontlflc ; X-r-t-Ulca applied, to the nam-ti-cu3 shapes and sizes of "Uie ' thus, i ircs perfect Ci, it.l ilbIty, abia- l wta i. ueCjTn l- c-.a the tortures "ti-cd:I;itr lr.,"' as they are cjjry :.ct comforutfjle from the Crzt day. 'Sold everywhere. Aali your slioe dealer for HANAN & SON. A. 13. 1X4.-VK1I & BRO.. Agents for Charlotte. febioeedtf Of CHABLOTTS. N. C, , Cash rapltal, - - - $175,000 Surplit Hrolitw, - - . - . & 0,000 ; $235,000 Dibbctors-B. M., White, B.. M. Miller, Wm. Johnston, U. C. Eccles, W. E. Holt, J. H. Holt, J McLaughlin, J. S. Spencer, Frank Coxe, J L. More head. A JL M WHITE. President. ; G. BRENIZEB, Cashier. D. H. ANDEHSON, Teller. : This bank has entered upon the eleventh year of Its existence, with Increased facilities for the ac commodation of Its customers and the transaction of a general banking business. By careful attention to the wants of Its patrons and liberal dealing with the pubilcgenerally.lt hopes and expects to receive in the future, as In the past. Its full share of business. ; ianMdtf - .. - BINGHAM SCHOOL, EMablUhed In 1703. Is PRE-EMINENT among Southern ? Boarding Hcbools tor Boys, Id AGK, in NUMBERS, in AREA ot PATRONAGE, and in equipment forPHYSI- ALCDLTURE - -'-,?-' - ' The only School for Boys in the South with GAa. it GYMNASIUM and a steam-heated Bath House. For catalogue, giving foil pardculitrs, address &AJ. B. BINGHAM, Supt , feMdAwU Bingham School P. O., H. C. - SELF-RAISING g Bread rrepamtton. Tlin Ilealihfnl and Iuiri(ious IttKIIG POWDKit restores to the flour the strength-giving phosphates that are removed with the bran, and which are re quired by the system - No other Baking Powder does this. It costs less, and is healthier and stronger than any other powder. II OMR TESTIMONY FROM T. C. SMITH, M. D. Chahlottb. N. C , Feb 27,1886. It is a well-known tact that the process of mak ing wheat flour removes with the bran In tbe bolt ing, a portion cf the natural phosphates of the grain,. Phosphates are of the greatest value in maintaining mental and physical vigor. Of all the preparations used to raise bread, Horsford s Bread Preparation is tne only one that replaces the phos phates of the grata, which are ot great nufrltive mportanos. It Is composed of aoid phosphate of time which takes the place of the cream of tartar and the alum, of other preparations and bicarbo nate of sod t. The result of the chemical action when the preparation and the soda are added to flour mixed In the form of dough, la a union of the phosphoric acid and the soda, thus liberating the carbonic aoid gas, which performs the rising pro cess. The resulting phosphate ot lime and soda left In the bread strengthens the nutritive value of the bread which thus gains In the elements of brain, Wood and bone food. Here. In the South, where the heat tells on the vital for es with eher vatlng effect, bone and brain food becomes of the utmost Importanee. The Horsford Bread Prepa ration Is ot the first value on this account, and no other baking powder is so well adapted to the de mands of the Southern country. I have used the Horsford Preparation tnniy family for the past 'en years, aud certainly would haveno other. T. C. SMITH, M. D FROM C. GUKSHAM, Prop'r Itailroad Kestnnrant. Commercial and other travellers In the South will attest to the fact that two of Uie best railroad restanran's south of Virginia, are to befoun.dat Charlotte, N. C , and Way Cross, Ga. Bad bread Is the crying evil in the Southern country, aud the excellant quality of the staple aitic'.e of food met with at the Charlotte Railway Dining Room, never tolls to impress those who patronize it Mr. Clar ence Gresham, the manager, wtltesi "I have used Horsford's Bread Preparation since I assumed the e nduet of the Richmond and Dan ville Dining Hooms, at Charlotte, and the excellent success I have met with in satisfying the travelling public in the important matter of bread, is due to the use of this, tbe best ot all Baking Powders." meh28eod&w6m FRED C. MUNZLER, WHOLESALE WOTTM5B CHARLOTTE, N. C, Represents' two of the largest LAGEB BJ&bB Breweries in the United State The Bergner 4c EnRcl Brew iiig Co., of Phliadelpkia,, and the F. At .tl. Schaffer lire wins' Co., 01 Hew York. THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TLING i STABLISHMENT " N THIS CITY. JOi-r 'Solicited. Ali orderi promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. decSOiW DEPARTMENT OF MECKLENBURG, CHAJiLOTTE, Dee. 13th, 1884. General Order, No. 9. The stock of Toys and Christmas Goods now be Ing complete at the VARIETY STORE, the public generally, and the good children partle- many, are mviteo to call and see the display. The two large dolls. Bob and Sail i 4 Together with the Walking Elephant Performing Bear and Dancing Pavtlllon, will be on exhibition during the week and until Christmas. Bob and Sallle are for raffle. By order of SANTA CLAUS, C H, ETHERKDGK, Manager. to PURwrunu dealers AMD THE PPBUC. TTE have commenced the manufacture of Fund' Vv ture in this city, and having the very latest and best machinery, are prepared to do the very best work possible, and guarantee satisfaction. Being a home enterprise we solicit the patronage 01 roe puonc. tdr? Repairing promptly and thoroughly execut ed. Cane chair seating a upeclalty. Factory and omce on eiu street ana u. i;. tiauroaa. feb28-tf ELLIOTT 4 MARSH WlH puFlfy fhe BLOOD, refra the LIVER and KIDNEYS, and RESTOtt thb HEALTH yxuo.lt or YOUTH. Dts- jjepeut, w ant or Appetite, ln , digestion. Lack of StrencUi. aud Tired FeellngabsoliKely vui-isu. nones, muscles ana nerves receive ncwiorce. Enlivens the mind and I. m m supplies is ram 1-0 we r. ' A fl I kW jS Snfrerintrfrom complaints ! "L!)e(;ullarto their sex will 6nd in SB. HAS. TUB'S l&QH TONIO a safe and ' speedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. Do not expert mcnt get the Original and Best. tSynd your address to The Dr. Barter Md.Co. V lfc?6 Mofor our "BEEAM BOOK." t uiioz strangs and useful information, fraa. ; Juneldiwly . SWEH GUM&MOIIEIH The Mullein stalk of th old fields contains a muoilas;. inous. kealing and flesa-pro-. diiciug prinoiple. Th Bweet Oam of the south rm swamps possesses a stimulatinc ex poetorant, whieh loosens the Phlegm and cuts to faUe raetubrane that forms In the throat and branchial tubes. These two simple senie dies. e.mbia.d after th JJiemkee recipe, presents la Tay le. OherakeeUeas. wt Hmm mm M nlleia. the tnast knows J ft Omscha, Oma "-J - VSSIM, VIMS, W hawBl..vch, Ovists, OwsasiptlM,' Far " r "Jl dragglsta at eta. . BBook lor ht haalth at mJiH 'TwAI.IKB A. TAYLOR, Atluta. G. deel7dwedsatsunarw8m - e. - . , - . eadquarters, v " ' aiii:ai AOAirv. Tansni's Punch Cigars are winners again In the last race for popularity ime, lea's finest Scent cigar, five for a quarter. T. C. SMITH & CO., Agents. T.C. Spilt hi Co., have made a new departure In giving the public an old fash oned cold Lemon ade at 13 cents a glass. 10,000 POUNDS Lewis's Strictly Pure Lead bought for cash before the recent advance in price we do not Intend to hold it, but wl 1 close out tne lot at smill cost. T. C. SMITH & CO. - ClfEWlCJ 1JM. Cholee4t;Jh Charlotte five, sticks for S cents try it. ' T. C. SMITH & CO Steel Soda Fountains at $30 each F. O. B. here. T. C. SMITH & CO. ( OLGATES SOAPS. Toilet aud ' ancy In pro! use supply also Laundry Soap. T.C.SMI1H4C0. . JPIIflsUPS P tLATllILE Cod Liver Oil 60 cts and one dollar bottles best in tne world. . T. C. SMITH 4 CO. BATH SPONGES. For 25 oents we sell a nice Bath Sponge large enough for ordinary use. T. C. SMITH & CO. PRATTK ASTRAL OIL. Makes the br-st light and never explodes. Don't trust eoinmon kerosene oil, It will go off when you think it aint loaded. T. C. SMITH 4 CO. IP YUE 1'EED Medicines, and want them ready made or carefully and freshly prepared, come to T. C. Smith 4 Co's Drugstore. coitr shields. Just the thing to relieve you the pail caused by these annoying excrescences. T. 0. SMITH 4 CO, REI STAR Couglj cure the latest Cough Medicine out; 50 cts a bottle by T. C SMITH 4 CO. SIJCCIJS AI.TERAS Or McDade's ElUIr th great Blood Purifier. En dorsed and recommended and u;ed by doctors all over the land. T. C. SMITH ft CO. CARRIAGE' AND BOGGY REPOSITORY. A full line of Carriages Buggies, Phaetons. Carts Spring Wagons, etc., of tbe best mat-es aud latest styles, on nanq. fy Vehicles made to order and repaired. A. C, HUTCHISON CO , ' Charlotte, N. C, next to "Wadsworth's Stables. apr26sunly NORTH CAROLINA, Mecklenburg County. Superior Court. Andrew B. Huston, Plaintiff, aeainst The Adams Mining and Seduction Company, Deft. Let the defendant take notice that the plaintiff has commenced this action for the recovery of fourteen hundred and six dollars, less the sum of twenty dollars paid thereon, together with interest (and costs of suit), due tor work, labor and ser vices rendered by tne piaintuT to tne aeienaant And the said defendant is required to appear at the next term of the Superior court in ar,d for said county, to be held en the last Monday In August. 1885, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the complaint which nas Dean mea witn tne ciers of this court. The defendant Is further notified that an attachment has been issued In said action, and levied upon its real estate, returnable to the term ot the Superior court above mentioned. J. B. EBWIN, tnay!7esun6w. 1 Clerk Superior Court. 500 We will receive fresh from Lyles' farm to-day BC0 quarts of Strawberries. They are ptonounced the finest In the market. JUST RECEIVED, fiii-piyis -AND- BONELESS BACON. -OTJB- Roller Patent Flour ! Gives perfect satisfaction. Try it and you wl I use no other. We keep a full line of JHeavy ard Fancy Groceries ' In stork. FREE :-: DELIVERY. BARNE1T k ALEXANDER. ! Telephone Call 81. ClevelaDd Mineral ISpriogs WILL OPEN MAT 15. . , . j ' These Snrlnes are two miles from SUielhr n r. 64 west of Charlotte, and oue mile of the Carolina Central railroad. v - - . Hacks will be at . Springs Station on arrival of every train. - .- At Wrover Station, on the Air-Line railroad, hacks can be obtained. Cold and Warm Baths. : s White and Bed Sulphur and Ch ilvbeat- Waters A good String Band secured for the season. A Bowling A'ley in eood order. - j Livery sMomniodatioiis attached 10 the HoteL Bates of Board masonahta. Rnnnt&i ntu families for the season. For fnrthr tnfnmiHm address - .. . mavMdtf ; B. MoB. POSTON, Proprietor, I Qaarts Strawberries Importers and Jobber sof China, Glass aud Tinware, LAMPS, Cutlery, Silver. Plated Goods Ftc. A FULL LINE OF Refrigerators, Icb'B, Vwm, AND OTHER SEASONABLE GOODS. Call and Secure nargains. Democrat Building, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. To be had at.low figures, at JOHN CALDER'S, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets Opposite Hetho- aist unurcn. f.eb22dtf h All. -A GRAND SALE OF- Watches, CLOCKS AND JEIELRY," Diamonds- Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. Prices cut down from Thanksgiving Day to March 4tn lwp. . Those wanting any of the above goods will please can and near my prices, tney are tne lowest ana the goods are the best. J. T. BUTLER. GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE, A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE FOB DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION. Prepared ly ? Dr. W. W. GREGORY, - - - teAiiOTra, N. C. The symptoms which are most Important will now be described. One of the most common and direct of all. is an uneasiness In the reolon of the stomach felt soon after taking food. This uneasi ness is variously aesenrjea as miiness, weight or oppression a feeling as if the stomach was "swell ed." .-The same feeling Is sometimes felt after drinking water. Flatulency, or gaseous distension of tbe stomach and bowels. Eructation, or belch ing of the gas or "wind" from the stomaeh. Vomi ting or spitting up of the food. Water-brash and Heartburn, and frequently pain in the region of the heart, with palpitation or "flutterin.-' with quick, short or difficult breathing.- Headache, with constipation of the bowels, dizziness, "swim ming or lightness" of the head. Foul tongue, with a "bad," bitter, or unnatural taste of- the mouth. Torpid liver, with a sense of fullness in the right side and pain In the right shoulder. Pain In the simril of the back In the region of the kidneys with dark colored urine. Cough, which is often attri buted to consumption, to which dyspepsia may lead if neglected Asthma Is often caused by djs pepsia, and when produced from -othnr nausea. Is aggravated by dyspepsia. ; Mental depression, des- puiiucuv-, mcittucnuiy, nervousness, "sick 8 pel la. "falntness," a sense of weariness, langour, "stu pld or dull feelings," inability to sleep, and when it can be obtained It is often dlstnrhml hv iinnlnu. ant dreams, nightmare. Ac. These are some of the most prominent symptoms of this widespread disease, a-very few persons being entirely at all times free from it. One or more of these symp-: toms being present In all cases, depending upon individual peculiarity, length ot time the person has suffered from it. and the other diseases, com plications, fcc. , to which this disease has given rise. For sale by J. H. MeAoen and t r. smith rn . Charlotte, N. C. and J. H. Ennls, Salisbury. N.C. NOTICE. City Tax, 1885. All persons residing In the nltrr of rharlntta BhA own or have control of taxable property (or colls) in the elty on the first of June, 18, are hereby notified to return to the clerk and treasurer of said city, at his office In the City Hall, on or before the Inst day of June, a list of their taxable property isuu ijubi m auu city. in pursuance oi Amended Charter of the elty. " FBJEDNiSH, may22eodlm - Clerk and Treasurer- Hotel Brunswick, . SMITHV1LLE, N. 0. i t THIS Hotel will be opn for the reception of Guests on the lXth of Um. imw ThA Mannsor will snis sA M.t-h.i. i..-. reputation at this Untoi onH nii,,ii. ..nT. the patronage of the public , HalAR ftaO TA1 nuwifh. .IA -. s,o day. Special rates made for the month or Season, by addressing . . ' ..:? HOTEL BRUNSWICK, . '.: "WlSdam , . , . . . bmlthvule, w. Carolina. AUCTION! MOSID1Y, AT 13:30 O'CLOCK. A.t the Stables ot rrtAwnTRa 4 CO. . j HOBSES,- WAGONS,' BTJGGTES, BTC," . .- - AS WELL AS- Choice Groceries - : Chance CHARLOTTE L GENERAL LAND A m Hr.,?!Le PurPOse of burn,,;. aeii:. , 7 .'rB.r..1.esutM- Their oi.r,r,; n tvuiiiiiitfii iiiinuiutujtf in. ., -xx North CafoUna,bU"allp 0" . . " rented or upon. ---i,M.i1L,H,,a).u;: We will undertake to sell w bouses and lots, mines. Ac.. , in k,, 01: r'"' ': collect rents, make returns a , i Insurance. Ac.. 4c. adveriisi.,,, "trc under our manage:nent. 'rifnj 1,1 Free of Cost to ihr Uh leasing of mining proirty, wh ! . u r m commission only. ui iw We are In correspondence now s m, parties at the North and ww? I m " "um" homes In North Carolina, where '. genial and the sou remunerative .1, cll,nH, 5 UMUr own mterests. b, P& ttau-H Tlie business will be m"dw theJ,!n,,:S' J Charlotte, N.'c. The following described pieces 0r now offered for sale by Uie SUL Aaeney, H. E. Cn-hrane m;mSr " street, front Central Hotel Ch rtoto N Tra,,B (CITY.) 1 . One dweUing house ou B street 7 room. lot 50x198, convenient to to nLs Pr? O One dweUing on bouth TryouTirJt i,?Hllu Oresidence of Ir. Brattoi 18 rooiM ;it J?lnln t w ssssi ssw&si weU of water; 2 lots. 1 f roming M?e I ly, 1 fronting 3rd stree S weK' water and slafle on the latter! Price. ,K0(HS C One dwelling on corner of Un lw.'.,K;lms Jstreets, 6 rooms, kitchen, well of w"tVr hit feet on Graham street, Ita feet on liSIi mUf Tcrj uesvauie property. Price. 1 50U 1 Oue dwelling on lJnnlar iirt ' ... 8, 9Uxl98 feet, brick k n-h ' .". ' of good, wafer, ioM on terms To suit' ZSSS sult purchiuer rrice, 5,uuu. 11 I O One Dwelliug ou sTitb ZZZ ' . I na run lli,a a,. - i,lMl piiLow.11611" weU 01 Water; lot & I R Hne "eUln " West Trade street. ta IO stories, 7 rooms, 2 room kitchen, weU of ter; two lots-W ou Trade 99 on Fourth st very desirable property, price i 750 U One Hundred and Fifty Acres Liinu'u iU of the city limits, adjoining the Fair 1, wiu t , well located lor a truck aud dairy larur i.iil' timber, branch running through it. about acres meadow. Price 3u per acre I C Oue unimproved lot 99xl9S 011 Ninth streer lw between D and K streets. Price taao 1A -Six Thousand Three Hundrwl Aures Land. U The owners of The Crowdufg ilounuiu iron IVorks beg to call the attention of capitalists iror, Manufacturers, stock and dairy meu, and those who wish to settle colonies, to their property.whlcl. offers inducements to the classes above named v. The property-consists of Six Thousand Three Hundred Acres of land, located in the cuuiitlesot Gaston and Cleaveland, In the Slate of North Car ollna, at King's Mountain Depot, on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railway, now owned by the Richmond and Danville railroad company. The property has been used for nity years past as au iron property, and has oeen worked at various points, but chleny at the site of the celebrated Yellow Ridge Ore Bank, which has always yielded an ore noted for its richness in metallic iron, and its softness and toughness. This veiu of ore, which extends for two miles Iu length, has been worked .to the dept f 147 feet, shewing at that depth a vein of ore about 40 feet wide, and analys ing as high as 66 per cent of metallic Iron. This vein has not been worked for twenty years, but the (acts set forth can be fully' shown. Various other veins have been worked, aud within the past two years very large deposits oi iron ore have been dis covered at other points. Within the past eighteen taonths, however, the owners have discovered de iiosits of ore In Crowder's Mountain, (live veins oi Iron ore, are exposed), which were miknown be fore, and which will furnish an amount of gouti ore, easily worked and above water, that must make it one of the most desirable iron properties to be found. They have discovered on the tihuiaclt of this mountain, which Is 1UUI feet above the level land, 2200 feet above the sea level, a vein oi ore eight feet wide, which crops out at various points from tbe top to the bottom of the mountain, show ing in one place about 20 feet of solid vein. This vein can be traced over the top of the mountain tot over a mile, and this deposit alone wouTdaBord an almost inexhaustible supply of ore, easily worked, and above the water line. In addition to this four other veins have been found on this mountain. The ore is a mottled gray ore, showing en analysis from 49 to 69 per cent, of metallic iron, with small amount of titanic acid, and without any sul phur or phosphorus. The quantity of ore In this mountain la simply Inexhaustible and ot good, quality. ; Besides Crowder's Mountain the owners possess King's Mountain, for about seven miles, whose pinnaole i the highest point of land from Kich mond to Atlanta, except ML Airy, In Ueorgla, aui they have reason to believe this mountain & full W ore also. In addition to iron ore the property ban. manganese, limestone clar for making ni-proo brick, gold and other minerals. Very pure and ex cellent barytese has just been found In large quan tity. . As a stock and dairy farm it offers fine opportu nities to those who may wish to engage in such bus iness. It has from three to four thousand acres of level or only slightly rolling land, which produce s(i-dss, grain and all kinds of farming producb dnely, and It Is well supplied with water by unfail n g springs and branches The other 4,000 acres embraced in the mountain sides are productive of fine grass and berduge, and afford excellent natural pasturage for sheep aud snttle, The climate is so mild that but little shel ter for stock is needed In the eoldest winters. Th& whole six thousand acres are now covered with a fine growth of Umber of all kinds, such as pine, hickory, .oak, walnut, cedar, etc The jland is well Butted to farming purposes, by those who wish to. lolontxe. Cotton, corn, peas, oats, clover and grass, and fruits of all kinds are produced beautifully ,and it is specially suited to grapes and small fruits. It jould be divided into small farms that wouldfgive to each farm variety of soil, and level and hilly and. It Is situated In the Piedmont belt, which Is noted for the salubrity of Its climate, and the healthiness of its atmosphere. It is a region free from malaria and other unhealthy Influences. It Is located with great convenience to railroad facili ties, being situated at from two to four miles from King's Mountain Station, on a railway that has the most extensive connections with all parts of the country, and which offers great inducements to those who are trying to develop the country along its lines. The owners will sell this property to suit purchasers, as follows: The whole tract, including mineral Interestsor 81xty-three Thousand Dollars, or will make favorable terms, reserving the mln eral interest, or will sell one-half the mineral to terest, payments to be one-third cash, balance one or tw yearn A valuable water power, which has been run large rolling mills, lies adjacent to this rty, and can be bought cheaply. The property also in close proximity to the famous All Healing Mineral Springs, and to the widely-known Cleve land Springs. The town of King's Mountain Is also adjacent, where are good hotels, a nourishing and excellent high . school, and several new and handsome churches. The owners invite the attention of all Interested to this property, and ask an examinatii n of it. Any further information regarding ft will be Broinptly furnished by addressing U. E. Cochrane, anager Charlotte Real Estate Agency. The Yellow Ridge Ore Bank has been recently sold to a Pittsburg, Pa., company, and alieruwii colonization company has recently bought 2.6tfi cres adjoining this property. 1 U Tract ot Land, 160 acres, located in LInuolu AO county, N. C.,' adjoining lands of Gwxlson 4 Payne and others, 6 miles from Denver, 23 from Charlotte, and 13 from Davidson College, lias un a good dwelling, 7 rooms, all necessary outouild ings, good orchard, good water, and well adapted fnr sruina (Voaau aab. .. I r- ,., etc.; 35 acres good bottom land. In line state of uiuvauon. rnce 2,2oa I J Tract of Land, 3 miles south of Charlotte, A V 83 acres, known as part of the Samuel Tay lor tract, on which Is an undeveloped gold mine, (known In the N. C. Reports- as the Sam Tayloi mine), three frame tenement houses, two rooms each, good barn, good well water aud good spring on the premises. Sold without reserve for $l,7&u. 2 Two unimproved lots 50x198, on north side O of West Fifth street. Price $200 each. 9ft PwelUng In MechanicsvUle, 1 story 3-rwm 9 house, lot 99x190, fronting on C street, lot 1786, square 215, adjoining property of W. A. Sin and others. Price. cashiSEO. 09 Two Jots, Nog. 237 and 808, square 46, front VSS UWHBfmtnnRstMat inH ninnlni, thmiU?ll to C street. On the premises is a two-story fran-i dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. wi i wo unimproved lots corner Smith and m OVf streets. In aniiara 1QO fwmHnv nn Mllllt fl street 61x146 and 68x146. The twe lots will be sold weiner or separately as tbe purchaser may desire. loe lor the two cash tlVKJ 00 One-story frame cottage, 4 rooms, lot 60x160 0J In Fourth ward, on west Fifth street, near the residence of Jam as p. Irwin All improve ments new. A desirable place for a small family. Price $1,000. t 0 j l Tan yard at LoweevUIe, N C.,; 22 thcr OT vats, 1 pool. 2 lime 1 shep house 18x42 bark bouse, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; K acres land connected with tan yard. Price l,tOJ, or will lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonable terms. OC A very desirable farm, containing 1621 OO acres, about threee miles west of Charlotte, on the Carolina Central railroad, known as the Junius Hayes farm, adjoining the lands of Dr, Paul Barrlnser and othnra. KAvnn-mnm dwelling and necessary outbuildings In good repair on the premises, wen waterea ana in a good neignivr ood. Price per acre nSO A i One story frame dwelling and lot on Stone 'XsW -wall street. Price 4500. AO One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on the tt) corner of B and 11th streets. Price gBSfl ic One story frame store house 20x60 feet, lot t) 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, and one unimproved lot In rear of above 100x126 feet, both at uanford, Moore county, N.C. Pri e Ji&U. 46 . Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn, J stable, smoke house, stood well, some fruit frees, about acre of land. In Sanford, Moore co., M.C, price 1,800. 1 7 Fifty one acres of land, 83 acres under culti "Xf - vatton, talanoe timber, mostly plme, some oak. ' Two tenement houses on place, lying on the edge of Sanford, Moore county, N. C. Prlce8S0. (The above three tracts will be sold teeetber or MDaratnlv. and if nornhAjmr (teal km can secure re-' fusal of a stock of goods at price agreed upon be tween himself and the owner.) ESTATE AGENCY