V U 1V1H - Alll.i RECEIVED PER EXPRESS i! , A MOTHER iilll ; (Iffll AND SKIRTINGS! ft r? Aliover Orientals a rid i 1 Big stock of 5 pieces oi - wngnamav m Also Combination 7-8 Satteens, .. jiU.! -.-!. ! 7 f - Bl stock of Ladles' and Gents' Gauze Underwear. per jura, imo. ai me Dargams on our Bargain counter. SMITH BUIIjMttO. s Sills! ! Silks ! ! ! Kl.tCK SILKS nt 83c, Extra Good lor the Price. - BLACK SILKS at $100. BLACK SILKS at $1.1. BLACK SILKS at $1.25. - BLACK SILKS at $1,371,1. BLACK SILKS at $1.6 and up. Quality guaranteed as good as can be purchased In the rtty for the money, i. - I No lady desiring to purchase a Ilk for summer wear should fall to see my stock of BLACK AND GRAY SORAHS, . (i Also some very handsome styles in Silk Spun Grenadines - . V''. -iff 1- I Bargains In Remnants In every department. T. L. SEMJLi Wk few pattern a In Ponaee SHks tefl To close out our SUMMER GOODS!! Black Grenadines, Colored and Black Albatross. Colored and Black Nun's, Felling, w "11 Sttk Hosv Jersey Cloth, . 'if f U 1 Edapd Lftle Gloves, Blank Ratiati V aWhif.Ift Henrietta Cloth. Black Brocade Goods, . . . :; j DUFFY'S PURE Ivs ITU IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE, i (, ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL DO NOT BB DECETVKD'firany1 DrnggWa! and'Or(rs who.clo nbt'liavf jtntfly nro Malt Whiskey In tel, Attempt to palm off oncustomera, whiskey of their own bottling, which oeingof an inferior grade &nd adnitunted, pays them ft larger profit. ''; :iJ. ' 'i' ' " '' . ASK FOR DUFFY'S JURE MALT;WHIsiEYNI'T SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUCCISTSNO GROCERS, r Send us your address ana we will moil booKooo mining sent to any address in the United States (East of the tate, Express charges prtjmid on receipt of DUFFY MALT WHISKEY Selling Asats for Cnarlotte, ?T. OWING TO THE FALLING OF HAMMOND & Justice's store, rendering the ttitidlng I occu pied unsafe,! have moved my ntire btock of HardwareCutleryr GUNS, ETC.,- To the store recently occupied by MoyerA Hlrsh "ger, on Trade street, where f will be pleased te mayisd ' o inenas ana tne puwic general i; BIcHAttB RB. For the purpose of changing our Uae erbustnees we will cell our entire stock of goods at exceedingly mayldtf. - rXTL.ir.BLSISBiT? QLD F AFXBS br red for wUa at .. ' - - i .. . i . .. ., , - i - .-.. . ., .. , - - ... i,. i ; ' -w T -v'-- jl. r- I 1 . I - - . -. I - - i LOT OF hit ?5 4 li.a6fesH6 match same. ?1 cent Lawns. '.flams Plaids ana tripes. buits m same. ! Ji : Ail Patterns -.m ' .;. i.ii, '-i-i ;);,! 'iil'l Job lot of AH-Wool Nan's Telling!), at 13& cents J OUR- SPRING STOCK OF- Boots i Shoes AND HATS Is now complete, and we are able to present to out friends and customers tbe most attractive and best selected stock we have ever had the p'easure of showing. j ' " ladies', misses' aud children's ' - ... t Boots, SUes and SIIpier, The best makes and most correct styles. (tcius buuk) in every sijie, uitpe aim yuui'uj, from the broad 'Common Sense" to the elegant and Deautllul "JJuae bhoes, ...1., t - . Our stock of, Hats was never more complete. We have aso a eomplete stock of - ' ; ' ' TRUNKS, VALISES Traveling Bags and Shawl Straps, I Should you need a nice Snk or Kohatr TJmbreHal we can salt one and all. Give us a call before entire stock of , ; ,i f , h SUMMER GOODS! Parasols, Hosiery, Embroidery, Ladies' Neckwear.,, ; .,' ; Pneumonia, ' ' . Consumption, yspepsia ana WdAtinff' Disease: Potilively Jteliered and Ifaturf "attxtiodin. rertoring YUalpovr valuabla lntnMtion. Bpmptf Quart Bottles jtociy MoWalna), securely packed in plain r i Bottles teat fdr &G.OO CO., Baltimore, Mil., U. S. A. CL, JJm:.W IM9,CO I jc t;lWANT : ' ;100: v '.o,-r One Hrmdred Farm 4n Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Bowan, Cleaveland, Waston, Uutberford and other counties in Western North Carolina, by the Charlotte mayi7dwtf ' ' Real Ektate Acency, "-BK COCHRANE, Manager, ;MSp;;MYERS,;r::; .. Brefccr iasj Ccmmissioa Merchant, : - And Dealer In Feed of an kinds, . to famisn ifm-clai analitr of News Ink in 10-pound buckets, at $1.00 per bucket id Dnytng. j - ' $ttJC &lUtrlOlIC QJiJSCrurV. ingiisii sparrows are becoming about the state carrier pigeons. . ' "'4 ' " ; "TKTJTH. I.TKS THB 8CH, S0MKTDCK8 SUBMITS TO BB OB3CCBKD, BUT, UU THB BUM, ONLY FOR A SnbscrlptlOB to the Oberrer. . DAILY EDITION. Single cony . . 5 cents. By the week in the city.. By the month. . . 16 . 75 .$200 . 3.60 . 6.00 Three months six months one year WEEKLY EDITION. Threemonths.......; 50 cents. on months. ....... J1.00 One year..... L75 In clubs of five and over $50. N Deviation From These Rales Subscriptions always payable In advance, not uuijr in name 001 in iaci. -KEELY NEW FORCE. For several years a man in Phila delphia named Keely has been work' ing on what he claimed to be the dis covery of a new propelling force, and succeeded so well in convincing capr taints that the discovery was a bona fidp one, that they have backed him wiih large sums of money to proceed wih the construction of machinery to carry.out his ideas. From time to time he has announced that his ex penments were about completed, and that he would soon give public demon stration of the success of his work, But his progress was so slow, and he so often disappointed the expectations of his buckers, that they began to lose confidence in him, and efforts were made by legal process to make Ijinv divulge for their f benefit f the merit of the new force i which ' he claimed to have discovered. He suc ceeded, however, in persuading them that he was not a humbug, but acting in good faith, and that success was only a matter of time, and the per- "fection of the machinery necessary ih utilise the force he proposed to. env ploy. 1 He made several public exhi bitions w.itli . such machinery i aa be. had constructed, which, while not all claimed for it, was enough to secure confidence and further support. He now claims to have discovered a still greater power even more managea oie man tne nrsc, ana in tne presence of a number of stockholders i the company backing him made tests which seemed to be entirely satisfar; tory to them. With this "force he gets a pressure of 25,000 pounds to the square inch, and drives leaden balls through a pine log eight inches thick, drives an engine at the speed of a thousand revolutions a minute, and a band saw "with inconceivable rapidity All this he did quietly in his little shop in Philadelphia, and there is no suspicion or intimation of any trick in it. This is what he calls his inter-etheric force, which he pumped into the metal cylinders and tubes in the presence of the specta tors, and then proceeded to demon- strate its mighty power. That he has an agent by which he secures wonder.ful results is no longer questioned, though it is questioned whether he can so utilize it as to make it available for any practical purpose, which he says he can and wnicn nis supporters believe he can do. It seems to be only a question of practicability, which he is confident he can demonstrate Keely hag been laughed at, he has been "proclaimed a humbug and a'sh'arpefj who, by cun ning devices for vising -well known agencies o power, Jias been duping credulous men andj making money out of thpm. But (ill the ime he con tinues steadily ' at work, and these icredulous people continue to supply him with the necessary cash. If he is a humbug he is a decidedly "clever one. We have.nevebeen disposed to regard him as such, nor to laugh at! him as a visionary, for in these days of tetartling discoveries there is no telling what marvelous results genius - and perseverance may not achieve: . ' ; ; ' K Captain' Evan Howell, of the Atlanta Constitution, rung an ,ice house or a first class, refrigerator,', he can have turtle'sdup for dinner every day during the remainder of the summer,! aslome ..Tybeej": Georgia, fishermen made him a present a 'couple a' dayaago of a five hundred pound turtle which' they captured.' v ' m ' Mr. g. G Verris?)fBeiTien counly Ga., has a female, mule . which has been pulling a plow forhim for .thir ty three years, - said mule being now in her thirty-seventh year.' She has always been, smcasl6 i goCver her j outhf ul Ievity .ari industrious and well behaved mule, "and 1 her. . owner wouldn't take $250 for her. Boston burglars will avoid . the house of David B Sears . hereafter List Saturday night he heard on i ex plorirg his rocms, got up, seized him, and threw him out of the window when the sudden contact with the sidewalk below broke both of the burglar's legs. " J . i r ' The manly example of U. S. MarJ shal ; Rixc, . of Southern Iowa, has teeil followed by a New Hampshire collector of customs, who tendered his resignation, giving as a reason his belief that "to the victor belongs the spoils." . The Republican organs in the North were expecting a howl from the South when the commission of Mr. Meade, appointed postmaster at Chiselhurst, Copiah county, Miss., was revoked, but the howl didn't come worth a cent. ' ' The question "who is the first lady of the land" is a topic ! of discussion in society circles ' in Washington. But in the meantime the government runs right along and the jheadg '"of. "offensive partisans"- !fall "into , the basket,- .A - . It is thought that the President will spend a week r so at j the Virginia White Sulphur Springs in the month of August. - ' ' , f CHARLOTTE, N. C.; THURSDAY JUNE 4, 1885. English sparrows are becoming numerous in Florida, and are doing stiucn aamage in tne orange groves by nipping the blossoms from the trees. . Rev. Sam Jones has ; declined present or a Sfiu.uuo residence m Nashville, Tenn., which a number of admirers proposed to purchase for him. '; . .' . : ." v jL:' .; ; 1 The indications point to something in the nature of a hitch between Sec retary Lamar and the civil service commission. i ! Since Logan has succeeded in ; get ting back into the Senate his friends are working up his boom fori the Presidency in the next tilt. . s r VICTOR HUGO. Some Reflections on France's GieRf- Hearted Idol, To the Editor of Thk Obskbveb. . All the journals in Christendom are dwelling upon the recent death and funeral of the novelist, poet and stAtesman .Yictor Jiugo, Paris? has seen ' many splendid pageants, but probably the most splendid of them all has just been enacted over the mortal remains of the people's idol. "Victor Hugo. The human heart beats in response to the love and sympathy wnicn ms great numan neart poured but so lavishly upon i humanity. As was said Ql, a ir greater man tnan Hugo, the people "loved him because he first loved" them. Greater: than Voltaire, he is acknowledged to'bef " greater, also, in some respects tnan Germany's immortal hero, Goethe. But as compared with that gentle prophet who taught upon the shores of Galilee, he was a pebble beside a diamond. Tfeey both; taught love to men i ' Jbut 'only one - taught9 love-to God.x They both, inspired the cry 'peacebniearthV goodwlll.,to men," but only one gave us reason to raise h;joyoUs'8hcrut,'''G16ry to God in tne .nignest. ine one was only a tnari the other both man and God Yet the Parisians think it necessary to lower the cross, the emblem of Roman Christianity, from the dome of the Pantheon before they can lay tne remains or victor Hugo within it.. This grand building, once the church or, Tbt.iienevieve, stanas upon an, eminence which overlooks the whole city .;V "-It was built in honor of tbe patron saint of Paris, and her bones were laid ht re some thirteen centuries ago, in the year 512. The ancient church was replaced by the present building in the latter part or the last century. The foundation stone, was laid by the. royal hands of Louis XV in 1764. ine massive cross which has juet been removed towered at an ele' vation ot two hundred and ten feet from tho ground, and being on a hill looked muoh higher. r , When the angol of the resurrection sounds the last trumpet, Victor Hugo and St. Genevieve will rise side by side. Let imagination dwell for a moment upon the scene, as they will then stand face to fa.se. , Think b'ow: sorrowfully "she "may say to him-J rj.au you Known nao , your out known that all the good y'ou wished to bring about lor the human race; could be found in the Bible alone. how different your course would havei been, jfour long. lug on earth was given to the work of reform you wished to secure earthly happiness ror your race. a.no wjtn some, only, some, of the mighty strength which' God had given to you. you tried to bring about that priceless boon, 'local self government' and 'competence to all.' The Christian's Bible contained the scheme which would have secured both in its fullest perfection. The only possible scheme ! And it is found in so few woris that he who runs may read. True, I myself did not understand all these things when I lived upon earth," but in heaven corns plete knowledge is given. Had you chosen from the Bible these few texts, and made them ycur watchwords, you would have taught France how divine was the Christian religion. 'To every man shall his inheritance of land be given.' , The land shall not be sold forever, for the land is mine, Baith the: Lord.' 'Choose able'tnn and make them heads over the peo pie, rulers (representatives) of thou sands, rulers representatives) of hundreds, rulers (representatives). of fifties, and rulers (representatives) of tens.' " These last words contain a system which no human power can improve. ii- M. I A Sel t-Coufessed Offensive Partisan.: :' A- story is told in; Washington Capital of. one of the heads of divis ion whose resignation was asked for during thp week, and who went on Friday to see Secretary Manning, with a view of getting some nuiga tion of his sentence. He was received with much kindness by ,tbe Secretary, who asked him if he had not all along anticipated, removal when a Demo cratic Administration- should come in. , - "I really" cannot see,'-' said the Sec retary, "how j'Ou could oxpect any thing else."' : '" The Republican offon-il demurred to this, and said that he had faith fully performed bis duties, was hot a politician,; and no one had compiaiitcd of him. I .' "Well, now, as to that," said the Secretary. "I will let you be the judge yourself. Here is a pile of letters which I have received from people in your district. Read them over and let me know if. you think a Demo cratic Secretary ought to be blamed for asking you to give way for a Democrat." The ex-bureau chief read over the letters with amazement. His sins rose up in judgment against him. He was pronounced by the writers to be red hot in his politics, and a fre quent correspondent of the Republi can newspapers, extracts from his letters being appended. His journeys home at election time were noted, re ports of his speeches at town meetings were given, and this immediate re-" moval was demanded as the only' thing that would pacify . his Demo cratic neighbors. When he had got through with the batch of letters he handed them back to the Secretary. : "I haven't another word to say," said he. "If I were' in your place I would do just as you do. I am sorry I troubled you. I am an ' offensive partisan, but I'm blessed if I knew it until now." Dansrhters, Wives and Mothers We emphatically guarantee Dr. MarchlsTs Cathol ioon, a Female Remedy, to cure Female Diseases, such as ovarian troubles, . inflammation and ulcer ation, falling and displacement or bearing down weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita in tion oi tne nean, & For sale by anuegms. Frices $1.00 and $1.60 per bottle. Send to Dr. J. & Mar chiM, Utloa, N. I., for pamphlet, free. For sale by I B. Wrkrton, druggist. . UuxUeodly numerous injiioriaa, ana are aomg . . ! II 1 II ." , I , J I . ,f- ' A IA -A U Steps are to be taken to secure the building of a road from Halifax to Ringwood: Last week a subscription was voted down, but $20,000 has just been subscribed. ' The movement to begin grading is on foot, and it is ex pected that plans will be perfected. Work on the Western North Caro lina Railroad is progressing satisfac torily between Red Marble Gap and the mouth of the Nantahala. The development of minerals there is sur prising. It is said that Red Marble mountain is one of the most wonder ful natural phenomena in the world, and will prove a regular bonanza. Lumberton Robesonian: Mr, Warren E. Thompson, after a painful illness or little more than two weeks, died at his residence in tbe upper end of town on Sunday last. the Legislature had repealed the tax on marriage licenses it would, not have seriously affected our county finances for the last month as only 3 were issued. - Clinton Caucasian : . Mr. Ben Bvrd. a highly respected citizen of Taylor's linage township, lert home on lues aay evening or last week ana was found dead four miles away at Mr. J. E. Siwarman'a. His knife was Iv iag by his side open, and it is sup-! posed that he committed suicide by cutting his throat, though this-is not absolutely certain as a portion of, tne neck and race had been eaten byi dogs when the body was found. Mr.! Byrd's mind was thought to be un( balanced on Monday. Up t o that time nothing was noticed in his con-J duct. Raleigh Visitor: Mr. J. W. San ders, an estimable and well known gentleman, died very unexpectedly at Mrs. tsteaaman s boarding bouse, on South Wilmington street, at 12:10 o dock this afternoon. He had been complaining for several days, but did not take his bed until Sunday night last, since wnicn time he has been very ill. He was well known in this city where he had many warm and true friends, all of whom will regret to hear of his death. He leaves three children and a sister - to mourn, his death. Smithfleld Herald: Whilst work men were engaged in turning raf ta at Smith s bridge, on Neuse river,; &unaay last, a wnite man s head was seen floating down the river ; the fea tures of the man were prominent, his chin was shaven, but he had a full set of side whiskers. The workmen did not interfere with the head but let it go on down the stream. The whole of the neck was attached to the head. At the present writing the affair is shrouded in mystery. Foul play has been perpetrated somewhere, and we trust the guilty party will be brought to justice, Wilmington Review The follow mg were the exports foreign for the month ended May 31st. 1885. as shown by the books at the custom house: Ootton' 625 bales, alued at 131,000; spirits turpentine, 2U3,bu6 gallons, valued at $00, 678: rosin. 21,587 bar rels, valued at $23,875; tar. 6.285 bar rels, valued at $9,204: pitch. 551 bar rels, valued at $1,109; lumber. 2.135 . 000 feet, valued at $33,583; shingles dcw.uuu, valued at i,6U3; making a total of $161,052 Ground was broken yesterday afternoon for the work or enlarging and extending St. James church- The first epadeful of rt was thrown by the Senior War den, Dr. A. J. DeRos3ett; sud he was tQllowed by other V estrymen. Goldsboro Messenger ; On Satur day last Mr. L. B. Stith, an industri ous farmer, residing near this city, accidentally shot his wife In the heel. inflicting a painful, but it is hoped not serious wound. It seems that the accident was the outcroD of a little fun. His daughter had reported the fact that one of the outrooins was full of fleas, and, in her own language, "tne biggest fleas she ever saw." Mr. Stith, who is quite an inventive geni us, thought that he had discovered anew .flea killing machine," and seizing his gun and hastening to the room where the fleas were said to be, cried out, "Where are they?" "Get out of my way !" He meant only to have a little innocent fun, and had no idea that the gun was even loaded tnagme his horror and grief when. to his surprise, the gun uischareed. and he found that some of the shot had lodged m the heel of Mrs. Stith, who stood off at some little distance. Sapreme Court Decisions, Raltlgh News and Obgeryer. Goodson vs. Miller, et als. 1. Ihe Superior courts may grant a new trial on the ground of exces sive damages, but that is a matter ex cessively within their direction, and cannot be reviewed on appeal. 2. Where in an action for damage to land by ponding water on it, the jury found that the land was dam aged eighty dollars per year, and his tionor gave judgment ror a sum in gross, and not tor each year s dam ages; Held, not to be erroneous. Abernethy vs. Stowe. I. Where "the defendant gave his bund to the plaiutitf for a sura of money, which was part of the pur chase money for a tract of land, to be paid when the plaintiff should remove from said property .."all claims, tres paas, or incumbrances," and give the defendant possession of the same; Held, that t he incumbrances intended Were such as, at the execution of the bond, had some foundation in right. Of at least color of right, and not such aa might be Fet up arbitrarily be a mere pretender, and the tres passed meant, were such as intruders were perpetrating on the land' at the time the bond was executed. z. where, in difference to opinion of the judge, a plaintiff submits to a non-suit will be set aside and a new trial ordered if in any view of the evidence offered the plaintiff has made out & prima facie case. Collins vs. Faribault. 1. An appeal must be brought to the term of the supreme court that comes next after it was taken. 2. If an appeal is not brought to the proper term of the supreme court, on good cause shown,, a certiorari will be granted. Tbe Qnickest Cable Message. New ioek, June 3. The message announcing the Derby winner was transmitted from London to New York this morning by the Direct United States Cable Company to the associated press in just three seconds. About the quickest time yet made between the two cities. PositiTe Cure ror files. . ' To the people of this county we would- say we I v. l ft.. ..Hiniv t f Tk up.ih1u).n.)14on linn UDQU WJO W t-' v-.u. DawMAnu Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to enre or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed ng or itching piles. Price 60c a box, No cure, no pay. For sale by L.B. Wriston, druggist . ', aael7eodl . - -. ",.-... ' . "Well'p Health .Benewer" lor weak men. wnai aa Fxpert Says About Thfeir SpeedFive Hundred Miles in Tea Honrs. Philadelphia Times. "The ordinary speed made by hom mg pigeons does not exceed thirty "ura iiuur, said a well-known rennsyivania Railroad official yes- teruay. "instances nm nf nm.Yi however, of their doubling and even tripling that rate of speed. Pigeons were used as bearers as long ago as oicgo oj. Jerusalem, and were pressed into service during the siege of Paris by the German arm v. Tha art of training them is supposed to be jjaiiieu w ine greatest perfection in Turkey., Young birds are taken a e away and then set lee. ine distance is incrfvural from A I I day until they are able to cover 1.000 it m"es or return from the most remotA parts ot tne kingdom. ; ine Ueierians rjtlro their hiVa fr. the South of Franco. .jsayonne, and they make the distance xrom tnose points to Antwerp, Brus sels or Ghent, five hundred miles, in ten hours. In this country high rates or speed nave been attained, but I cannot give you the exact time made. w e usea to send our pigeons out on tne rennsylvania Railroad t.n Pitta- burg and as far west rwnmhns They returned, but the results were not .satisfactory. Th which have to be crossed ar infatd witn hawks and their tops are some i times enveloned in nlnuria nf miof which confuse the birds and send them out of their wav. ! ' "The best results are now bain nh i tained by taking the hirda Rrmt.h i mi rnl .l . " . . . ri ucy iuuow me coast ngnt up, with mountains on pne nand and the ocean uu me otner.as guides, and thev! make very good time. Flights, are oiten made trom Charlotte, North Carolina, to New York, a distance ofi aw mues, and i have heard of several from points in South Carolina 7m miles from New York, the.obiect be- ius u mem io mase r,uuu mues.: - 4.1 , .. .V Iff l-W. Wlnclanla fir A A . S. I o n " . - t'-i BeV. ftVlvanilR Cnhh thna mrltoa In k. rnU' tucciuaii-ne wouiq oy no means recom mend any kind of mndto.lnn which m hih r,nt k.. to be good particularly for Infante. But of Mrs.' Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from kn wledge; in our own family it has proved a bless-i uiB tuuccu. uj giving an miant irouDied with colic pains, quiet sleep, and the parents unbroken rest at night Most parents can appreciate these blessings. nore m an article wnicn wortcs to perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub " --cm a uuiwUi AUU UUrUUT m process of teething its value is incalculable We have frequently heard mothers say that the would not be without it from the Birth of the child .till it - had finished with the teethln? mee-a on n naM- eratlon whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents Skin IMseases Cured By nr. Frazler s Magic Ointment Cures as if by """ I'uuiuia, uiauH. uoous or gniDs, oiotcnes and eruptions on the facej leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch, salt rheum, sore nlp-; pies, sore lips, and old, obstinate ulcers. Sold by S iii 1 ' mcuicu uu rem-ipi ot pnoe. on cents.. wiuui i.u amiuiiu). reD4!deodwly TODD PIS Hll). There is such a nice, steady demand for these Hams that we smile and grow fat, and when a cus tomer buys one and we see so much satisfaction on nis race we agree with the little boy who said "Eatin' was a One thing." - Oar Family Corned Beef i Is what you want for tea time, and at breakfast our KOK HEKUING brings appetlta to many a nctuj ouui We ask you when yoa buy your Ice to stop with us cutu JiUlCUtUW BUIIK9 Oolong and Guopowdep Tea. TBY OUB SiCCHARlZED AND MIXfD PICKLES. Jill i . BTHtm, BTNtm, TO., BABTLKTrSHIPP. BYNUMS & SHIPP, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. omc In Hartr Building mehlldSm Relive HnM Wanted THE MUTUAL ENDOWMENT AND DENE OLEN'T ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA OFFICE OF THfi d'KNKRAL .'.CENT ) KOR XOKTH CaUOLINA. V CHAKLOTIE. N C ) This . sso-latIon. now nr.-ini I n iidM hiivlfiga membrrshlp in a 1 rije number of the States, aino m' Ins to nearly u5.0mi bt ntrndtries. U;ut lust t-stabliblied a wni:il mr.-iwy fur Nmili Caiolitin. v.KU headiiHit r iu tuurloue. " 1'iuuuiis 'i, inn uecn un-essui) to comp.y with the laws ot thu S a e.whieh has been done, as will more luily appear by reading the following copv of certificate ami receipt from tbe Secretary ot btiue: JNO sen. mate op North Carolina, offiuk of shtrktarf of statk 1M8DBANVB OKPAHTldKNT, HALKIHH. 29th A Hi ll 1KH.1 The Yutual Self Endowment and BenKflc.t1 A. soclatlon, having filed in this office an appoint ment of J. T. Whitehead as general agent for this State under the seal of the company and having uereujiure, to wn,: on ine )ln Apru, 1385, paid into this Office fifty dollars, the linenaA m ra. quired by section 14 of "An Act to consolidate the insurance laws ol N. C," ratified March 7, 1833, s LICKNSB IS HEREBY GRANTED to the seal Vsald company to do business In this i . -) State until Anrfl 1st. 1R8B. sublect to tha provisions of said act I signed I - - W. L. SAUNDERS. to ? . Secretary of State. North 'Carolima. -Officb Ssgrstabt of Statk, Insurancb Dkpartmkmt, Raleigh. 29th AorJ. 1885. Beceived from J. T. Whltehmd. general Ms-nnt nf the Mutual Self Endowment and Henevolent As sociation, twelve dollars, for certifying abstracts Ot reports Ot the financial nnndlt.lnn nf nld mm. panyforthe year ending December 81st, A.D. ltSM. ana rune aouars Tor advertising same. LOllieuj w. JLi. BAUiI!Jia, Rporeljirv nf StFA As General ieent I have authortt? from tbe See- retary of State to receive applications for member ship, appoint agents and do any and all business for the Association not in violation of the laws of the same or of the State of North Carolina. We have hot SDace toexDbtln Its nmnxr fAatnnw. It needs only to be investigated to be appreciated. It is on tbe same plan of the Knights of Honor, Legion of Honor and Royal Arcanam and other popular co-operative associations, adding the very popular feature that it is not necessary for mem ber to die to get every dollar his doUct eaUa for. We eniOlOT none but gentlemen homn elm bond In the vaclnlty in which they live to canvass for the company, ana mereiore oespeaK lor them the pa tient hearins and confidence their hnnrnhln ml. slon entitles them to. Address me or my secretary at Charlotte. N. C. - , ' - s. T. WHITEHEAD, ... ' General Acent far Knrth fjuniina. M. Yah. Isrrss, Secretary. . majlOdtf UU11 t JUSl w u 1 VllIUVJI W. P. mm nil HPM ifi ws- i v x uu 11VUI1U lU V J.I V II U I . i. ; .! : . ( : . . . , -- i .' ;' " . .. !,.! !' , OUR XtQOT PRICES ; i ... i- ! . t.i.tl -:ti.j ; St the Conceit Oat of " . j .i.r.,.-J' . .i: ; . , I ' 1' i ' . ' ":l H :i :V t.. . ('.' . V' . i VO-' i.i T. S r. M i '.i:' If J o-.; i t . . . . . -....,. T HI S We Start th6 m6nlhVJunVitii, Our Gnat 1 IlIC k ' s1 -v ' a r i a ivieanna: uut aieiwun us meana lute Bargains that cannot be found else where or anywhere else in the Sbutlip One Case Handsome Summer worth 10 cents per yard. One Case Egyptian Linon for yard worth 12 cents. 1000 Yards Genuine French cents, worth $1.00 per yard in New Tork to-day. 25 Pieces Genuine Black French Cashmere' at 38 c6ntt, regular price 50 cents per yard. " " 100 Dozen Children's Hosiery 5 cents per pair- Just thinljf:. 50 Dozen Ladies Chemise at 4i cents each, worth 75 ct. 20 Dozen Ladies' Night Gowns at 98cv, worth $l;25.t C 5 Pieces of Elegant Rich Lustre One Dollar Blaek'&lk for 79 cents per vard. this 1000 Yards the bast $1.25 Black Silk in America fori 1000 Yards Lorraine Suitinsr. mer wear, only 25 cents 1000 Yards Genuine Fast Color Linen irill T.QfilQa' T.inan TTIaforo full afnaa - -. 150 Genuine full sized Moauet Rues 100 Dozen large sized all Linen Towels xw .uozen tiemstitcnea Jbancy uordered Handkerchiefs, ? tor 25 cents.. , 105 Genuine French Moquet Door Matts $1.00 each, never sold unde,JL75. 10,000 Yard Nun's Veilings, Albatross, nrocatei8 and uasbmeres at 12ic, regular! price 20 cents per yard. H.A 20 Pure Silk Pongee Robes. 20 vards in each, for $7.75. iormer trice $ 12 60. 1000 Yards Real Penang Shirtings, warranted Fast Colors, now designs, at 19 cents per yard, reavced from37i. -i. t - ariu;.,ka$ PARASOLS Housekeeping Qopds, PARPRTS'1 ' Bed Spreads, Sketiags MIKE We are constantly offering attractions to ICK CHKAM R THE MOST Deliflilfally :-: KefresMag OF ALL SODA DRINKS. 5 Cents a tilass -AT- WRIST0NS. To-iB:ay..i.:iaffl A W i' i '.; CI . 1 1 tf a 1 - - i - "' '- isU tff'; i Dress Goods, only, 4 ;cts, White Dresses,' 5 cents . pr Summer Silks, extras ualitv. G5 week: the verv latest Fabric for irrri- per yard. ! ';:'.,Tn,l Lawn, 15c, never sold for less (than 25 nnW OQ nrnl) 41 Kfi .!." '. . at 3.50. never sold under $5.00 each. at $1.49 per dozen, worth $2.00. f t Cloths , Debeize, Jacquard's Fancies, ; i j'' '.;;. JVU l " , .l?i::ipiLi.iJ ' - ' : ! --. U:-t.,l ' t and Pillow Case CoUdaJS rv : -':!' -'1 Jr. 'Hi TrtoJhBtiC S !. 1 .1 .ill -1 iui' i bvi'vrnii r . j .r t:. fx i.4Jfcifc'j l A.WA.Y i 9 ,i,i'-.i7'.nq ;t , new cash values, bargain and the people. 'j'gl . ."." . . "V. : . 1 i - i- in ,; :.. - , . i ---- r-. :! 'Ii . S,t, i ..!;!: t'. ,",' Vii'i-; i .1 .... .... . . ' . " A D SO- ott r:f oTW.Gi nil A TJT ATT17 XT t - - -sj Hi sjrfl' R. R. UAMDftef la Uinnatota, . North Dakota, u mfuitana. Idaho, Washington and. Oregon., tl x Trom Ijdte fllarertor.to Tniret oum4i Aterlctt ranging chiefly fro t2 to v6 per sere, on 5 to 10 years' rims. - This It the Bw eMry' for curing Gooe Hsmt. new opea lor esrUMMoJ. t 3 SO sent M uovcaunevt Land Free otnler thrikjrotj and Timber Coltsr tm, JIOTKj 1A SHJir Acros UK bvue memm. HAlS frtfl th pSShS LndiM were in tn BorMwrn racinc oosnirr-. ; r""'- ( Man. lent FBEC, descrrblnc orUir. Maps tbe FBEB WWTJIKDl o o. Addre,CHAS.p.f .au HiiKN. Jinn iioni r. js. r. a n. oh l, aion. Millinery HWiUineRyl: MRS. Call attention their MILLINKRY, which comprises all the . , :...s -;ii Jv sal LatesrNo r - -v A;.:-i;, f Ullilii K i.! f . - -'-'--t. -:--Hs.4'"';td4OoXvJi Order. rr a dieted Will 4 celte Prompt Atwe'Mtlorf?? i ' - - . - - v ..' ' i f H. lwy.not aeft',' ijBii'aiiuo . th "war-path" In MILUNEBT. ' - . Jjj Bespectfolly, , , "j .-ft ; MBS. UX VXKBOm - BENSON1 Piii ' . ' ;- v. 'T menSdtt t