i . f DA I L Y 0 HAUL OTTE OB !S E RVE R T H:U R SDA Y V J U NE: 4, 18 8 5. - I" ' - s 4 gtoe (Klxaxlottt (bbsstvtv. " A PUBLISHED DJJCLyKXCEPT MONDAY BT GBAS. R. JONES, Editor and Proprietor. fKvrBKxu at tbb PwrorncK in Chahlottj, N. C. w EOOND Class Mattsu. FKUJH WASHINGTON. -It More Satardar Calliar at the De pari0itBAppoioiel Third Auditor The Cholera in Spain, Etc. Washington, June 3. The Presi dent's rule of denying himself to all Visitors on Saturday will hereafter be followed by the heads of all -the ex ecutive departments. This question was considered at yesterday's cabinet meeting, and it was the unanimous, opinion of the members that it was absolutely essential to the proper conduct of the public business that tho cabinet officers should have one day in the week entirely to them selves, and Saturday was selected as the best day for the purpose. 4 , APPOINTED THIRD AUDITOR. - The President today appointed ' Win. H. Welsh, of Maryland, to be deputy third auditor of the treasury, ice C. A. Mr Gangewer, of Ohio, re. Binned by request. - Welsh is a well known newspaper lnui. and was for many years editor of the Baltimore Gazette. JSe lived Mi Pennsylvania for severaJr years and served in the State Senate. His appointment was urged by Represen tatives Randall, of Pennsylvania, and Tmdlay, of Maryland. CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IN SPAIN. Tho fiAm-flturv of State received to Ar from the U. S Minister at Madrid a cable telegram stating that $he gov-Ai-nment commission had declared the Asiatic cholera epidemic in the Span ish province of Valencia. ; CU8TODIAN OF THE FEDERAL BUILDING.' THa ArtllARtor of customs at Wil . tnineton. N. C. has been designated Bi custodian of the Federal, building .tin that city. ' .'- t ' : s ? 1 ' INDEBTEDNESS OF THE EXPOSITION, The Secretary of the Treasury has received from the board of managers of the World's Industrial Exposition, at New Orleans, a statement of their 'i indebtedness, of which the following is the recapitulation : ' Undisputed indebtedness. S253.345: -disputed m debtednesg claimed, $150,337; rejects ed, $72,752; admitted, $77,585; pre miums. 66.388: total amount of claims, $397,318; appropriation, $335, 000; difference, $62,318. ' r : : SUICIDE ON THE ROAD. . Caot! Kevs. employed on the Vir ' einia Midland road, shot himself on the road today. - . A BRUTE ARRESTED.- ' An Italian fruit seller named Pietro Jjme, of Alexandria. Va., was arrest i d todayon charge of outraging a white girl aged 11 years. He narrow-. ly escaped lynching. CIVIL SERVICE. A a Issue Raised Between the Oommls . sion and Secretary Lamar Washington June 1. Within the past few days a $1,000 clerkship in the pension bureau having become vacant; -Secretary Lamar sent a requisition to the civil servibe com mission for a certification or a per son to nil the position, in . which requisition it was requested that the commission certify to the depart j rent the name of a female clerk 1 rom Dakota, he having found that 1 hat territory had no representation A reply to this request has been vrepared by the commission to be forwarded to the secretary immedi ately. In it the commission decline lo make the certification as request d, and say in substance that it is the province of the commissioner and not of the secretary to name the - estates or Territories irom wnicn se lections shall be made for certifica tions upon requisitions, and in respect to this particular case that Pafcota is not on the list for choice i f appointments, therefore the com missioner will not accept a clerk from that Territory. This decision -'ilL it is understood, be regarded by t nomas a precedent ttiat will" govern in any injure cases ot tne kind ... - TYPOGRAPHICAL CONVENTION. rroeeeAlac ol Yesterday' Meetiaff. - jnew xork. Junes. The conven- t 'on of the International Typography i-ai ,4jaiun was continued toaay, vv. Graydon, of this city. Samuel S. ireene, of Louisville, and W. J 1 1 -.T y-v 1 juuumoou, 01 new uneans, were t-hosen delegates to the' congress of t be federation of the organized trade hud labor-unions, to beheld at Wash- . lugton next December. Through a Philadelphia delegate an invitation was extended to tne mem 1 erg or tne convention to visit the ffficeof the Philadelphia Ledger by s i s proprietor, Geo. W. Childs. The invitation was accepted A deleeate from TnrHk- 1 TTan ana 1 Bkedlhat the convention financially t ssist the union men who are on a trike" at the Common wealth office in inatcity. The request will be con Biaereq. , . -a. relegate trom Baltimore moved was subordinate unions insist that sandidates for membership shall be r.m t.ne requirements of the craft, .inis wm be acted on tomorrow. . . . . - aicte ior vioiatiuv the Kish Laws. iiprCHBuaa, Va., June 3. After two aays investigation, the grand 3ry of the Hustings court bas found o maictments against -violators of ? ne nsn law. James river, iwhich was stocked with Ifish by the government everal years ago, was being depopu 1 ited bv illegal modes of fishing, and through the instrumentality of the Jiynchburg Angler's Association, res cently organized for the purpose, the matter was brought before the court. uUnong the offenders are some of the lst citizens of this section The pro frietor8 of several manufactories rom which deleterious . substances Iiave been thrown into the water will be prooecuted The matter creates more than ordinary interest as it is a test of the validity of the State law, on-which there is much difference of opinion among the best lawyers. ' Taeftamber o( Sick.IacreasiBr l. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 3. There tvere no' new features in thA situation at Plymouth today. The report of thffTelief committee for the last week shows an increase in the number of 8ick, and a heavy death roll has occa sioned renewed feelings of alarm. Two deaths- occurred today, and three patients were taken to the hos pital. ' The most alarming feature of the present situation is that a large proportipn,of the sick ere critically Base Ball Yesterday. Baltimore.' June 3. -Baltimore 5, St. Louis 6. - Lancaster, Pa. --Virginias 4, Lan caster 1. rj t. , Mt3 .Philadelphia Philadelphias 7, New Torks8. - Hwark-1-Newarks -5, Wilming- . Trenton Tren tons 5, Norfolks 2. Buffalo-Baflalos 11, St. Louis 0. Bopghon Coaghf ' Troches, 15c. Uqm 25c IMPRISONED MlKEKS. TEKRIULE EXPLOSIOIN IN AN G LIS II niSE. EN- AInny Men Locked up in the Subterran ean Prison Etlons at KeficneFur ther Irom the Cashmere Earil? qunkc London, June 3. J- A dispatch' ro ceived here this afternoon from Dur ham says: Fire broke ; out in ; tho Philadelphia colliery situated near that city, at noon today. Three hun dred miners f.re in tne pit, ana an attempts so far to subdue the flamt-a or render assistance to the imprisoned men have failed. Great excitement exists, and it is feared a majority of the entombed miners will perish A large force is at work at the colliery trying to rescue them. A HEARTRENDING SCENE. 3 F. H A Durham dispatch just received states that the colliery : on fire is the property 1 of the Earl of Durham, and is known as the ""Mar garet Pit." It is now feared that all tne men ana dovs wiinm ine pit win be lost 4 Their number is placed at 350. J The excitement in the neighs borhood of the burning colliery in creases. Momentarily the relatives of the imprisioned miners crowd around the mouth of the burning pit, weeping and wailing in the most heartrending manner, x LATER FROM THE CASHMERE EARTH- ...t;.T QUAKE. K London. A later dispatch from Serinajur, regarding the earthquake in Cashmere, says tnat so soldiers or the garrison Serinajur were wounded Fortv natives were killed i-outright and eighty . otners.. were injured. . Many of the latter will die of tueir injuries. The Palace of the Bi itish resident is a mass ot ruins. THE DESTRUCTION NOT AS GREAT AS RE- f y . PORTED. f i London. The official report of the yale of Cashmere bows that, it was not as disastrous in its-: results as earlier reports made it appear. The first shock experienced at Serinajur was felt at 3 a. m. on Sunday dlst ult. The shocks continued at inter vals until Monday morning. While the shock m the beginning were not very violent, they were sufficiently so to arouse the inhabitants, wno ned from their dwellings, and when these fell later they were in the main- un occupied. In consequence the loss" of life is now believed to be compara tively si;:all, although several houses were destroyed. - The British residence remains uninjured. As a matter of precaution, however, the records and furniture were removed to the open country and deposited in tents, where the ofhcials iound a temporary refuge. RUSSIANS EVACUATING PENJDEH. ; London. jA dispatch from Sinjau says the. Russians are evacuating Penideh, but public notice Of its ces sion has Been posted at Herat. The Afghan soldiers are incensed. They had expected to avenge their defeat Influential Afghans here explain that they would prefer to fight Russia alone, first in order to show the Mai lahs that they are fighting for Islam, not for England, and thus light a religious fiamo and make every Af ghan man, woman . and child a Ghazi. . A CHOLERA SCOURGE. ' Madrid. The special medical com mittee appointed to investigate the matter, h ive reported that the out break of the disease which is at pres ent-scourging Valencia, ispain, is cholera. Measures have been ordered to prevent the spread of the malady. DERBY RACES. London. Lord Hastings' bay colt Melton won the Darby today. He was ridden oy d red Arcner, and was the favorite in betting. Capt. Bow ling's bay colt Paradox was second in in betting and took the second place in the race Mr. ChilcTwiek's bay Jctoyai tiampton was third. THE LATEST FROM THE COLLIERY. Lohdou, 5 p. m. Another despatch from Durham states that the fire ,in the colliery near that place .occurred in ine too seam or the Marerarpt. Fit p'Peggy Pit" as it is known loealty, that it was caused by an explosion ana mac iwenty-two men and boys at work .were killed outright. The explosion was followed by a rush of water in immense volume into the button seam. The miners, men and boys, 111 the seam were however. all taken out alive, JWorkingpaf ties are now laboring zealously to stay me uooa 01 waier rusning into Maud iin seam where a great number of miners are imprisoned and whom ieneis nope;io.. release and res cue. " . y- : Counsel tor t:iu vei ius Cloi-ing the Case 'Maintains the Theory ol Suicide. Richmond, Va., June 3. Beverly .1, Urump, Jr., counsel for. the des tense m trie (Jluvenus murder trial, addressed the court and jury this this morning for nearly two hours auo bi 1 ij.igtu ol ms argument lay in his ellorrs to show from the evidence ot the Uommon wealth that it had been negliKent in duty in trvinsr to force a conclusion of guilt by making mo leeuinony agree witn a .supposed theory ot murder, and the murder was committed by the deceased. lhe suicide theory was advanced oy tne speaker. He referred to the condition of the body when it was taken from the-'wuter as indicating that no struggle had taken place on the embankment of the reservoir; the hair was smoothly arranged, the' Kerctnet about the neck was unruffled and tne clothing showed no signs of disorder, lhe disposition and condi tion ot the clothing found, the hat. veil, snawi and gloves, shows that there was a purpose to draw atten tion to the fact that a woman was dead, but the articles could not have been torn from her without being in-, jured. The speaker further picked xno evidence ipt s tne prosecution to pieces, and showed many discrepans vico uu uiiurouanuiues. xie asserted iL.i .1 A . ? m l kuni. uie Mjswmony ior lie-, proseou nuu was ingnxiuuy mixsd and in- cremble. Judge W. W. Crump, Sr., counsel, began the closing argument for . the defense by an impressive address to the jury as to the great reeponsibilitv resting upon them, and the difficult tasK betore them. There were two cardinal points upon which the Com monwealth relied for conviction lhe nrst was" that the . accused, took tne deceased . to the reservoir; ; and slew her, and the second was that there was a piece- of . property (the waicn Key; belonging to the accused luuuu mere. xnere was not a particle of evidence to prove that the accused had ever been near the spot. No human being had ever heard him mane a threat against the deceased. mere was not a whisper of a njbtive for f taking . her 'l.fe.Virpihi.i1' had never raised such a monster as the prosecution had painted the accused. Tho speaker then briefly went ovi r tue me ai me prisoner and dwelt upon the. alleged. relations of the de ceased and the accusod,; saying, that is was prepoeperous ror the prosecu- uoutoasK me jury 10, believe that the accused had-seduced and dns Dauched his cousin. LOCUST FOR BREAKFAST. ' Unrraii, l iyme a Nvi 0-'t. Washington, Juno 1. A gentle man won naci mi ia trtti,"c,iu " Prof.-sor Kilry culled at his house this morning and found the entomol ogist alone in his dining room, read ing the morning papers as nc luiwneo a late breakfast. . : "Come riht in here,' s.nd the pro fessor. "1 want an unpr'judifsil . - . .... i .:. 1 opinion a 0011 1 a nine inawvr vi" to the .servant) "iinng in some not ones. The visitor defcpile. the fact that he had breakfasU'd, wjis induced, to seat himself at the table "just to try the experiment," and was served with a spoonful of dark browi ob jects, like very small tried oysters tie eyed them suspiciously a .moment having discovered beneath the crust of bread crumbs, a laminated back something like that of a very wnall shrimp. , , "What do you caii u j "The Cicada. They ought to h ve been cooked in " "What? Bugs?" "No! no! not bugs, only the cicada miscalled the seventteeu-year lo-. custs. Don't be afraid of them. They are only the quintescence of vegetable juices, ana everyming in nature feeds upon them ravenously." Threupon the host took one of the things, bit it in two, munched and swallowed it with au appearance of relish. The guest shut his eyes and attempted to bolt n whole cicada. The obiect crushed iD his mouth and proved to be little else than a delicate shell, but its navor was iouuu iu ub far from disagreeable. . : "All its juices were absorbed in tne better," said the professor explanato rily. . Neither the savant nor nis visitor was able to liken the flavor to anys thing with which they were familiar, but they were agreed in the opinion that, vulgar prejudice overcome, tne cicada would bj esteemed as a rare tidbit rare, certainly, smee it re quired seventeen years to ripen and thf if mifVit. qLo ranlr with frnca' that it might take rank with frogs lees, birds' nests, shad roes and white bait. I spent an hour last nieht," said the host, "gathering them and they were very oeautirui wnen iresn took them lust as the pupa began to break. They were creamy white and plump and looked good enough to eat raw. but I didn't venture. I think these should have been stewed instead of fried stewed in milk. presume thev would be nearly as good as grasshoppers." "JJo vou eat grassnoppers. "Certainly. I once ate nothing elso for two davs and V found them delicious when properly coofced. This is only an experiment, of course, but mv eating of grasshoppers had a practical obiect in view. The insects had eaten nearly everything in laree resnon o country, and many families were on the verge of starva' tion." Having lighted a cigar the entos mologist described his experience in attempting to introduce a grasshop per diet in the West. He cooked the insects in various ways and found them always palatable and nutri tious. People invited to partake al ways evinced an aversion at first, but prejudices having been overcome the dish became a favorite with those who essaved it. ."Both the oedepoda migratoria,' he said, "and the acrid um p regri Dum have been esteemed as food by some nations in all past atces, as far back at least as the Ninevan era. Indeed, some tribes have been classed as acriiophigi, from the almost elusive preference they gave d4et." . - MHEKI Y HALL. ex this Prenuralionrf tor the llemoTitl ot Mr Stephens' Krmitfns. August a., Ga , June 3. Today Ad jutant General John A. Stephens who is executor ot his late uncie, a., a. Ster.hens, will stop at Craw ford ville and execute the deed of Liberty Hall Mr.Stephens old home to the Stephens Memorial Association. Yesterday the work of preparing grave for the remains of the old commoner was commenced m me front yard of Liberty Hall and every thing will be in readiness for the ceremonies of the 10th instant, when the remains of Gov. Stephens wilkbe removed from the vault in Atlanta where thev were buried in March 1883. The grave will be in the front walk leading to the door of Liberty Hall and the monument when erected can be seen from the Geor gia railroad.' Quite a large delega will go up to Liberty Hall on the 10th instant, to witness the funeral ceremonies. End ot the Indian Outbreak. Deminq, N. M., June 2. A special from Bowie. Arizona, says: "The troops following the renegade Indian trail with scouts trom Apache, on the headwaters of the Gila river, are ie ported as having captured the main portion of the band, including, the squaws, and are now enroutj to Apache with their prisoners It is supposed that only about fifty all told got away to Mexico. A small band are supposed to be in the mountains north of here, but their number is not known. The campaign is virtually ended on this side of the line. . . A Malignant Diarrl te i. Warrior Station, Ala , June 2. This section is now infested with some kind of a diarrhoea of a malignant type, and there have been several deaths in the past week.' It seems to pove fatal in half of the cases though we hope the doctors will soon get the scourge under control. One death occurred Iat night in " this placejand on in tho outskirts, and numbers ate now lying dangeiously eick. The Firm Peuchea from South Georgia Macon, June 2. The first shipment of peaches this season was made yes terday from Sandersville to the New York market. . "I am thirty-five years o'A," writes Mr. Charles H. watts, ot west oomers, Putnam Co., N. Y., "and had fuffered from dyspepsia for fifteen years The current treatment did me no good . Listlessly and witnoui nope i gave ranters Tonic a trai. can give Uie result in three words: It cured me. It will cure you. A New Orleans Failure. New Orleans, June 3.-Richard Rhodes, dealer in guns and fishing tackle, has maae a cession ot prop erty to his creditors. Liabilities $29, 000. assets tib.uuu. The lreveniir of . , Dfatease. a Terrible No disorders, excepting the most deadly forms ot lung disease. Involve such a tremendous des ruc tion of organic tissue as those which las ten qpon the ktduers. Such ma.adies, when they become chromic and none ure so liable to assume that phase completely wreck the system. : To prevent tnis ternnie omense, recourse snouia oe nud, upon th flrt Hiunlesta' ion of rouble, to HrMtettar'a Momaeh Blrters, which experience has proved to fee highly effective as a means of impa ting tone mid regularity to the organs of urlunt:on, us well as to the HveT, stomach and bowels. Another ben rflclal result of this ivedlcine. nafnrally consequent upon its dlutetlcnctlotu u lhe elimination from the blood of Impurities which beeet rheuimitism, lieurafcla. otit;,I'iT'S' ardother m.diiil e-i. By In creasing he Hctifhr t f th kldnej itiuigm mat lie repurative efficiency o then- or?ain. Iiich me nioit lmuortiUit 'iul.-ts for the esc .pj of such lm purltles. - . . 3ont3.Uw. "Bouga on Eats" clears Out rats, mice. -15c, , ' whan ihfiv once becima nemi luted with it la- Ks InViiii iOiy ltrefer Parker's Har Kalsam fo anv similar prejiaratioi!. It males t(m h'tir scif' jind gloissy. arrests Its falliiie tv, 3 rolijc en - Kimi b. dnsyifR. Soll 1 iOL t-li', JilgUl jfeitumeil. OniyCOj. atditU'ii.ts. . f.'O'.vvaiiilhelv'.iiKdiirtsfJrsttlf.f - ,4 From e en tne most bewitching e. f. Unless the Weill are l ureend brtulit . : nM ever kept a suov. y white. If you would save your t-eth from harm. In SOZOD0NT you'll fiiMltlit'Fli uii! I;:mou5 sinI 1' i I-.. Eyes bright as diamonds should I s iiii'len-rn'rd liv teeth whlt is iiearl.s. and thN latter eifiin lit of beauty can b sei-u'-ed by ul'!g .'f. ZOlKlN I'. If 'rushed In lilKht and mornlne. this Intrant vi-gr taWe ireiiratlo!i Is guttranteed 10 preserve tLe soiimliK'3.-) of the leelh iiml ltreveul u lr turning Dc Pierce's "Favorite Pres ripticn" 1 a mo-t powerful rtonitlV!i tonic, and con bb es ti e most valuable nervine propertieM; espeelal y adapted 0 the wants ot debilitated ladies suffeinig from weak back, inward fever, conge-.tlo-, lnHaaiination, or ulceration, or from ne. vonsness or neuralgic pains By druggbts. JUNES. 1M Baltimokic Noon Klour Quiet: Hovtard Sireel and Western Supei-rine $3.1i1s3 1:5, Extr.. 58 75r t4.25: Family 4.0.is5.fri; City Mills Snne? a.U6 03.65; Extra $3.75;? $4.i0. Klobninds 1 y0&S 111; Patapsco Family $6: Superlative Patent $6.25; Wueat soutneni firm; western ulguer: southern rou 96a97 do. anilwi 1.I0(7$1.(I4I,; ho. 1 Maiy land 9? D d; No . We-tern wintei res- siot fi9-U Corn Southern easier; Western hia ,er: Southeru white 63; yellow 53. Chicago. FlfMu-dull. Wheat lower: June 8 3i,f 86; July 87?8b!6; August miri901; No t red &494U. Corn closed liusher: cash 4 Sktt4(lV June-. 46i47i,h; Ju.y 45r?46; August 4usnil. oata-nigner; casn stfteeeazvfe; June iavefKj; July321 a3; August 28i42Bs Mes pork closed niguer ciisn jHi.s.Kf;iu.;t; .mne $111 aurrsi".ozi leb July 10.4l(?$l(i 5i; August $1U ai"A3$l0 Lard nrm ana Aaaoc ntner, cash and June i(i nvtix J6.60; July 0.65aiGfO; August S6 6Kt&0. Boxed meats steauy: dry s ateu sliouiuers sa.BUtii J-t,86;" short ribs S5.2S; shoit clear sides 15. 6 ti-6.H0. Whiskey ii m at tH5. Sugars Uini; grauuuikeu v'4: oiautiaru a tg WiuiiNflTON Ttirtientlne Ann at 3HA. RosTn steadr; tratiieil 80: pnod stralueu l. Tar arm at 1.10, crude, turpentine steady; $1.10; yellow dtp and virgin tl.hO. SAVANNABr-Turpetitlne firm at 33. steady at $1.00(T$1. 123,. hard llOMIl Rosin VHAK1.KSTON j urpeiitine nrm at xsv steady; strained S1.00; good strained Jl.tti. I'liiitnc-Ia.!. EW YORK. Exchange 4.Hit. Money lVal Sub tre-isur balances gold l5.176,Uu: currency tlft,189,000 Governments in pood demand; four per cents, fi.Vs: tnree's l.ta; state bonds quiet. Aiaoama-ciuss A.'jut w " Class B. Sves 1.04 Georgia 6's 1.0li& ueorgia i s mortgage l.t o Nortti carol. 11a 4 s H7 pS North Carolina 6 s. ex. Int 1 09 North Carolina's Kundlnn 10 South Carolina Brown C6iisols ISfJVt Tennessee t s a Virginia 6's s Virginia C msols 61 Chesapeake and Ohio 4 Chicago and Northwestern BSib Chicago and Northwestern, preferred l.'?Ms uenver aud Kio tiranue 41 Erie 10'fc East Tennesses Sli Lake Shore 5,i Louisville and Nashville 324s mempnis anaun.iriestoa xi Mobile and obto 614 Nasnvuie ana onuttHUOoa. 36 New Orleans Pacific. 1st . . 55 New York Central 83 Norfolk and Western preferred. 17 Northern Pacific common r 16 Northern Pacific preferred 38 Pacific Mail 66 Reading. 13V4 menmond and Aiiegnany 1 Richmond and lanviiie 47 Richmond and West Point Terminal 1H Rock Island 1.1314 St. Paul 678 si. ram prerertn l.wvt rexaa racmn 11 Dnlon Pacific. 5414 waoasn raenic 31 Wabash Pacific, preferred f Western Union tOta -Diu. tluimi ura. suuereu. ia.sk eo. mix. un. Cut ton. ttALVKsnm Steady: middling 10 2; gross 2; sales 70; stock coastwise '& 9. g: net recelp' 4,376; exporti Norfolk Stealy ; middling 1034; 8; gross 8; stock 8,353; sales net receipt; i; export coastwise 3; Great Brltatit . WiLsuTiiN Steady: middling 10U: net rec'i gross sales - ; stock 704; exports coast wise ; ureal oniam Savakmau Steady; middling 10; net receipts b: gross b: sales 35: stock 2 898: exports eoa.srwse ino; to continent ; Great Britain France . NKwOKLEANa-BHSy; middling 10 7-1: net rec'U 173; gross 173; sales HMl; stock 81,144: export coaaiwise zttw. to (real britain : h ranee continent AloBii.s Dull; mlddllne 10; net rec'tsll eross 11; sales --; stock 10 547. exp'ts coastwise io ureiit uritain . MXJtrHis Quiet; middling lias: receipts 40 shipments 452; sales SX); stis?kl7 I'B Aosdsia- quiet; middling nfe; retell 9 snipments -r-. snle-s 3; stuck . Charleston Qurf-t; middling 11, net rect Z7; ; gross 7; SHies . slock 2,214: exports t( coastwise ; c ntlnent : threat Britain . Nkw VoitK Weak: saies 4!4; middling uplaj lift; Orleans 11 1-ttir: consolidated net reltt 3a7; exerts to 'irit Britain 1000. to Krani ; continent fdiO Fiiire. Nbw York Net receipts 59; itross tores closed easy sales b2n) bales. May June... July.. August . , September. 163 Ku 10.78.()0 10 78ffi 00 101-35.84 10.61f.t October 10.3031 November 10.17S.18 December 10.183.19 January 10.'Z7J.'2S February 10S6a.E March .; ... April Liverpool Cotton !v? : rket. Livbkpool. Juim 3. Steady at lull rates; mid dllng uplands 0 15-16d: Orleans 6d, sales lO.OoO speculation and export Wi); receipt ,4C-0; Amerl can 6.4: 0. Futures steady Uplands low middling clause, June and July aenver 6 58 14drt5 R4d. July and August 0 62-64?r?5 tS-6ld. Aug.istand September 6 2 tHdfio 3-61d. September and October 6l. December and Jinuary 5 51 64 1. 2 P. . 6a!es American 7.300. tplant low mld- aiitiff clause, .nine delivery & &9 (Hd, (.vaniej June and July 6 59 64d, (value.) July and August 5 63 64d. (sellersV August and September 6 3-64d, (sellers.) September and October 6d, (seller-".) October and November 6 55-64d, (sellers ) November and Decemljer 5 51 64d. (buyers ) : December and January 5 51 64d, (buyers.) 1 usurps steady. 4 p. m. Uplands low middling clause June delivery 5 B8-64d, (value). June and .July 5 0-64d (value.) July and August 5 6V-64d (value) August and September 6 2-4d, (sellers.) September and October 5 63-6 Id, (sellers.) October and November 6 54-64d, (sellers,) November and December 5 51-64d, (sellers.) December and January 5 51 64d, (sellers.) Future closed easy. t ity oliiin Mnrkei. OWiCK OF TBB OBSX)fVK, Charixitk, N. C, Juue 4. 1885. The city cotton market yesterday closed dull Dut steady at the following quotations: Middling..... Receipts yesterday IVORY SOAP. For sale by - It. H. JORDAN A CO., Springs' Corner. Genuine Bay Horn and Florida Water, In bulk. For sale by R. H JORDAN & CO., Druggists. The Fi:,tst Green and Black Teas, For the Retail Trade, at R. H. JOSDAN & CO.'s, Druggists. LIGHTNING ERADICATOR And JAPANESE CLEANSING OREAM. for remov ing grease, paint, oil and pitch from silks, carpets and woolen goods. 25 cents per box or bo'tie. k. h. Jordan & co , Springs' Corner. Druggists. rlTi.NO.TE Is the best for the p. Ice . V. and 1-16th pack ages. For sale by R. M. JORDAN & CO., i x - ; r " , Springs' Corner. Hade'of bestHetaland Rubber. At S - . U. U JORDAN CO.'S, Druggists. wWe have the largest and btet assortment ot i E:giiti To: ft and H ir JtJr ushes. ft H. J03DAN & CO., f - We have arranged a All Wot Embracing the remnants of $ 10, $12.50 and $14 suits, from last season, and have placed them before the retail trade at $7.50 They cannot be matched in the State, Our STRAW HATS AT Will present an appearance and possess a value that will find no rivals in this city E. D. LATTA fc JBRO. 5 Use MULLEN'S KKKP COOL 5 T- J GO TO RTGLERVS To-day AND GET A PLATE OF- Straw berry, Yanilla, or Lemon n OOO KEK CXX RRR KEK A MM MM HOOE OORRE AA. MMMM no ER O RRR BR A A M MM M Ii U U K nORKK AAA M M M OOO KEK OOO R R EBB A A M M M The finest in the city. Cakes? Candies, Oranges and Bananas. In abundance. BMM'iNS 0 AND- fefe Sheets for Spriop, JUST KCCRIVKI) J.'ii lll', large counter of our Suite 35, 50, AND 75 CENTS, IT NEVER FAILS 1 TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. To be used internally and externally. Cures Cramp Colic, . Diarrhoea, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism; Croup, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, Sores, Bruises, Burns, bprains, Stlogs of Insects, Corns and Bunions. Direction on Every Bottle. Price 25 and 60 cents a Bottle. Bead the following: Charlotte, N. C, May 15th, 1881. W. N. Mullen I used your Hornets' Nest Lini ment In a severe case of croup, and three doses cured my child perfectly welL Respectfully, . W. J. HAKHISON. Bockingham, N. C, April 6th, 1885. This certifies that I have used the medicine named "Hornet's Nest Liniment," sold by W.N. Mullen, and am satisfied that it has real merit I can recommend It as a good remedy. Will oo what is claimed for it. T.-W. (iTJTHBXB. Pacolet, Spartanburg Co., S. C, Feb. 25, 1888. W. N. Mullen, Charlotte. N. C Dear Sir: During my last trip to Charlotte I contracted a severe cola, which terminated in a stiff neck. I was recom mended to try ' Mullen's Liniment," and used only a portion of a small vial, which relieved the pain and stlfness the first night. I also used it for a slight attack f cholera morbus and was cured. Bespectfully, G. W. CHALK. For Sale toy Straight and Crawford, Lancaster. 8. C. A. H. Davega, Chester, 8. 0. J. B. Johnson, Bock Hill, S. C. D. IL Jordan & Bro , Fort Lawn, S. C. Dr. J. B. Massey & Co., Port Mill, S. C. J. F. Atkinson & Son, Blchburg, S, C. Halle Gold Mine Co, S.0 B. Baker, Primus, S, C. Dr. C. a Welsh, Flat Creek, S. C. Dr. T. L. Dorster, Tradesvllle, S. C. W. H. Gregory, Taxahaw, 8. C. Smith k Brown, druggists. Winston. N. C. Robert Parker, druggist, Matthews, N. C. Thos. Reese & Co druggists, Charlotte, N. C. L. R. Wrlston. .. .. . R. H. Jordan & Co., " " " Dr. J. H. McAden, " " " T. C. Smith Co., " " Dr. H. M. Wilder. " " " Dr. J. S.M. Davidson " " W. TV. m Prop-r. mch20dwly - Charlotte. N.C. Largest Stock o o a s w CS K a as Is OQ o .'o CO -O' B B w XOFFINS, CA SKETS and Ml s 1 - - n - . .. " JUST RECEIVE)! , MAinrn,n UI1U. WlllKlrO IS Biw liocs and SSipprrs, Ai;d all kinds of S 3HI O IES For Boy.', Y. uths' nnd Genl!emft,r fumme- Weir,' Call ar.d see our goods and prices before you bnj. Trade Streec. ' . ffinias "& (DapheBi Respectfully call" attention to their stock of NOVFITIP' just received, such as Gents' Neckwear, the handsomest an.J cheapest line in the city; Hambu-fc Edging and Inseriino to match, all widths and prices. Fmyrna and Moo net Knot" Mattings, plain and fancy. Ask to see the ' Diacliess Qarter W(.-h ' 'lhe prettiest and latest novelty for aie and Cliildrtn's Hoae. Call and see us. -EJUIS Sc GO tiEN- BURGESS WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALKR IN all kinds of n BEDDING, &C. A full line Of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. Thousands of casesof UNIT I ' SficLk Headache are permanently cured every year (as the hundreds of testimonials in my possession will testify) by the use of DR. LESLIE'S Special Prescription. This medicine stands to-day without; a rival, and with scarcely a competitor in the world. Thous ands of physicians throughout the country have acknowl edged their inability to cure it, and are now prescribing Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription for all cases of ime&dHaBllii in either its nervous, bilious or congestive form, arising fr ora obstruction.congestion or torpidity of the liver. When I sa that Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL ' Unttit notm 63868 Sk HeadacB-9. I mean lust what I say, and that la, JPcDsfittfivelly cures, no matter how long the oasa may have been standing , .i.!?1'"10.11 Irom Persons who have been afflicted for twenty rears, being confined to bed two Snfe8 Ht 0106 everjr Uo weeka- na been permanently cured by two bottles of Dr. Lea- PRESCRIPTION i!tJjb'wm M atUok w five ii be sure and give this remedy a trial. Price SOo. X Why is a hatUke a Umr? It has a crown. Tho crowning virtue of Dr. Rigger's Huckleberry Cor dial is that It Is the great Southern remedy for children teething and all bowel affections. Why is a book like a tree? it Is full of leaves. Dr. Digger's Huckleberry Cordial leaves the bowels in their natural condition, and does not, after checking them, constipate, as many medicines do. un MWjBHa- hihik i,kkihT IXJRDIAX. is nred by WALTER A. TAYLOR. Atlanta Ga. (Dnaipedl m. et mm m w s of Furniture in the State. BURIAL SUITS. Orders G1UY & CO. NICHOLS, rears. It you are troubled with sick headache and. and ft! 00 S. B. ABCHKB, Saratoga Springs, N.T. 13r Q E 13 l Why Is death Mm A nun hraaJrlnir vnnr wl ndOW He puts an end to your pains (panes). Dr. Bit gera' Huckleberry Cordial will pat an end to the pains hi the bowels. - What tree represents a person that will be In debt? Willow (will owe). You will owe much to Dr. Biggers Huckleberry Cordial for curing the ehild teething, or you of cramp, colic or dysentery, sold by all druggists. 60c per bottle. Manufac- Send 2c stamp for Trior's RlddleBook. Send for prices. e-r- S3 (0 s- o S3 09 CO CO W CO by telegraph attended toay

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