-. ,. -....Vk- . . . - " " " '' ' ii,., .I, ,. ,n, . .i ,m ,i. i . a llmmtfrmr.M - -m ii , - mi r i J ! r ft ' ' awf-jitfsw . , .i I j ii 1 1 1 ' l i.-, - awM,;, " - - V-w- --..- - J..-. .. -V.'.. Xi, VOLUME XXXIII., ilillBDlRBiili AlS(tHER;L( HVOF mw i mi 2 h i t A N D SKI Orientals and ig stock' of 5 .1 t.ri --.J' i'-Jv 10) pieces of,' Gingham -in iIso Cum'anation 7-8 Sa tiee hs uia tiu-v of Latlleit ami Gents' Gauze Underwear. . ( jper yard. Look attbe bargains J. a s Dl.tCK ll U at Sic, tiuvtl for ilie Hrie. BLACK SILKS at $1 00. BLACK falLKS at $1.12 BLACK fILKd at 1.25 BUCK MLKS at $1 37V. BI.AC K SILKS at $1 62 and up. Quality guaranteed as good as.can be purchased In the lty for the money. No luily desiring to purchase a ' Ilk lor summer wear should full to 8 emj stock of BUCK AND GRAY SOW Also some Tt ry handsome styles In Silk Spun Grenadines liciljoiua Bargain? In Remnants lit every department. T. L.'lLi. r"l few patterns In Pongee Silks left. )- im tt 'S't;'.i We WinH,Comm To close out our SUMMER GOODS J Black Grenadines, " ; , ; v Colored and Black Albatross, ';;,!! Colored and Black Nub's Feiling, -Jersey Cloth,'' : . , , Black Batiste, Henrietta Cloth. .. . r t j ' T ' Bla;k Brocade Goods, - ' s i nil is!f!!!l : ' .' i y.. Fxlra iiLEZAMDER S' THOIViAS K. CAREY $t CG. 25 S. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MANUFAC p. ,,l UtMUtr ill ilU liltll.i JWVJl-i or. ; 1 i rvWlNG TCPTHB WlUNG OF HAMUONDft i VUMt,ce' atore, rendering the t ulldlng I occu pied unsafe, I have moved my ntlra stock of Hardware, ;Qutlery, C GUNS, ETC. i To the rtore recently occupfed by M"verWlrsbr "liter, on Trade str. et, where I wilt be pleased to asrve my f i lends and the public generally.- -i mayifid TT . . , : ... , WtilAKDilOOBK. CHANGE, a 'or the purpose of ebanglng our line of business e will ell our entire stock of foods sttxeeedlnKlr i . '- : - ..f. v oworlces. " f . mayldtf A.R.4 W. B. NlSBBf ' lit r. i '- Xi 1 ; T' ! ' 1 ffl'i 1 1 ' i Wi mi ii ' d OCT Mr. ..-.,-wt W- W REMOVAL, 'A 3 - hue : '(Hu';Y ,;f: uO -jo" : tliii'f loidms i 1! . f 4 1 RTINGS! - Laces to match same. cen t 7 Lawns. ' : t : i - i'U -,itJ j!i . -;i .-.:iC ;! Plains, Plaida and Stripiy Huits in sa,me. , , , ,.it--.V "A i I Job lot of All-Wool Nun's Veilings, at I2ft cento on our Bargain Counter. un our hh renin tjounier. -warn . rv t 1 1M f an i 1 Patterns ttDii.uiSin. OUR- SPRING STOCK I- I Shots : i Shoes AND HATS n-.r, Is now complete, and we are able to present to oar friends and customers the most attractive and best selected stock we have eter bad the pleasure of showing. LADIES' KISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Boets 8hes and tlippr. The best makes and most correct styles. ents Shoes In m style, i-hape and quality, from the broiid . Common Sens'' to the elegant and beautiful "Dude bhoes. Our stock of Bats was never We have also a complete stock of more complete, Traveling Bags and Shawl Straps. ShoJdyou'needa nice 911k or Mohair Umbrella we can suit one and alL Give us a call before buykyt xioiiBqiianj TBTON 8TRF.ET. lMi6 entire stock of 4-, wIt l:.f".i!.-, :i:'-fi.- ji: H;i.rW t - SUMMER GOODS! Parasols, . , . ;,( . ,. nbsiery.'i't V ., .. ,, 8ilkose; Kiand. jisle Gloves, White Goods, Embroidery, Ladies Neck wear. . r - s MD. s 5 m i.i-iw, 2. .fk V. 4TTf ill.'!-- !(' '.- I' Off' fy. K1t Vnrnr.tl Ral-Iiflf - IF gM4-yefftetvBltifr,- Sc&eprTJpp.e3, Jn ns t tvqiier srjer ana Clearer Cloth. T. K Earle's.Car WANTED TO SELL 100 ; i One Hundred Farms In Mecklenburg, Cabarros, Bowan, Cleaveland. (iaston, Batberford and other counties la Western North Carolina, by the - nwyiwwrtf . VyKaraAKK,Msjicar. Brdker xl Cominuaea Merebast, . And Dealer Uee'oV iU kinds, . Cm ! if v- i 0- We are prepared to furnish a flnt-eisM quality of tit, J I jpwnidibiickeqp bat WDOvUdtf 'if - - ' - TBB088XBVIB. . Xit Charlotte (Dbscciicr. "Trdtm I.IKE m HITH. BOMITDIM scbmits to KB OB-iCOKD, BUT, lAAJt THB 8UM, ONLT SXJH A ffabscrtftlm2rtafc Obnerrer: DULY EDITION. :lecot7 6 cento. 15 75 6.00 rff: ml the wet In the city.... the month. Three mouths. Six months.... Que fear WEKKLT EDITION. J Three months SO cents. Six months 11.00 Atui Mar l nn ' in eiuM ol Ue and orer tlML Vv R IteTlmtlam Frem Xlieate Halo SilbaerlDUona alwars nanbla In adtanceVBot nil in name bat in fact .THE MOKLU'S EXPOSITlOr. V l. '.' , . -"- , We are glad to learjf from ttia"New: urieans Times-irpccfat : tnatv ne coutinuance of UieWorldvEiiKwi uon is an assured lact and do, longer a matter 01 aouoi. .- ac. a. met prominent citizens v of vNew Vrlea held Tuesday, it vv.'.&i&oXxricii thai df the 175,000 necessary, fo. make the BoovemenE a success $16001' fcfifln nlAdcnrl without fnnrJ f tinn Rnil a number of corporations wire Vt' tc o ucaru irvmi, nunu iun ytuyoiy pants in the meeting feltf confident ' vould cheerfully make the jretriam i rig $75,000. We are grati&i;an i luccess of this movement natr simply ecausethe exposition is a maificlBt i ihow of the products and Resources ' f the country North and SautB, b't ecause of the good results tlrat flow ; rom it in more ways than S?iejtlep ecially to the South. Hfetofbe .here never has been an epogti$n n which the South has had anopDqr unity to make as full an exhibit )f ier products and resources aat- here. Lt Atlanta, it is true she dd: jejl, ut the show at Atlanta, finja& at ' ras, bears no comparison VtQ -ftoia i nagniflcent and cloesaldg Ex1 position, to which al&& jnatipos oN h iu ..-i.u u--i. j5tl-5iJU'iivJ Em fxuuu, wivu ura o unyiHfw tj. 9 jpm, ave, of France, have cbtHbuiecr' more or less. What the benefits in a material-point of view (hat have al te tfScai to eetihMte, a it( ia how lasting and far reaching those ' bene-' ts may be, but one thing is certain he South, as a field for settlement, PftypMtirjftMvyt was I fairryf rejr$Hejeu nory soi au- antageously advertised before. there the products of her fields, j rains, fruits, vegetables and grasses, i :attle ript hortes from her pastures, ireef rora her varied mines, gtonesfrom ier quarries, timbers from her forests, rod ucta from her mills, factories, i md 6hopa, have (beeii placed in strik : ng and attractive1 s hkU Sel ore the i iyes of people of other sections and other contrit who knew s Httle or i lothmg jof th3ou(h, and liar capaci I y, or knew only the falsehoods that' kad been instilled into them by evil isposed people. As a result investi liatin, rwaaobervatjjak aod1n ulry follwinvestmenu are made and new', and important industries v j-"ri' r- rmv ii n , four resources ana aaaing to ouT'-weaitn. men i kgain.it throws the peoplein contact 1 o tajk over vajijpkh they, t jeJnutualJyflSereme ;d they- thujeLWrja" belter . acqtmJttted andl equip4to".worfco1&e4,her if eejeat movoent 'M rbgess for the-benefit olUbtf wNho)4a(ritry, noO as sectionalists, but fia men having a4 i ommoB-cauctry, acqsmion haritaas i nd acomjfaodeuvy. In this mu i ual 'IfufW-Jth' nter i hing mMBLJin, beneBttad'-asd -tBere1 : a a spirit! arHnlatiaobvokfed. whieh makes iteotf fett, Old Ideas ''give way i o nw Jeaa, w jaj'Qelw i han lift JTatid a a result mortis i ichAy?ijX )les8i,,1wpi;k ..and less ' VjMTTi ba a 'i-fi I '' '"fT These are some m the results grew? i reope of jthe reason why . we re - ; olc.i,h;M:, i o be tirjue4 m the 6d ork of vhich it has aiready accomplished so mUCnfiii-j 4i ft.uj aUiH.iUl Bl Dii U i- 'jialn Augusto Cmtol5cW:-'i? Southern Jnan, JeffeMttmiy distasteful ,H .rtthret!', 1 the North whoprociauni e apeecft. fcut sometimes aire in tolerant i of iL i Another Southefngoft; Abreha Lincoln, thougtf ddylae memory -'of -the'-Nor th b the jgreateet man of. thftrmoeiwolua'rfu So, the .South" has .'furnished a the f'iforth with a living bugaboo and a dead idoh Think of that! OW General Singleton, an ex-Con gr8mano lUmblsThavlngTailedr'fo get the'XJeffimissionefship of 'Agricul tqge, isfidvt be eagerly,seeking the Quincy postmastership, worth 3,000 a year. Pingle.on must be a tho- igbred-.leecthJ He is very aged and has one of the finest estates in IUinoiarand ,wliy he wants to bother himself with a little : Office is ofje of the things not to be' understood. ' . , -, ; . . c vj i ; . - (The -flrsf ' '.Chinese Woman evsr granted the degree of M. D.fin this country is : Miss) May King (Km Vamei).- She graduated at the Wo man's Medical. College, fn Nam York: CityjFridai feat. She; wilP remain in -this-'CouTiry7' somej timstfurther perfecting' herself in medicine, and will thes return to China toractice among her own country1 women. v A Paris Judge refused tcPhear a ca8agaiAsu.f ifeVhj had2throw3i her htlsbajid ht of- - a j window a S3 broken Vis ep -but ad.vised'-her open a yirinasiuoi at which other Wives could train. " : More judges of- t this kind"and more such gy mtoasiums dro needed, ifi France and Othrcoun triesr too, indwding. tkU & A. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY JUNE 6, lS&.i FROM , WASHINGTON. CURKKNT SMALL-TALK. (lOldhbaro Bad other PosJoHices--Wberpabonu of MembersThe Chnr leeton Collectorship of Customs Not l.ikely to be Decided Before the Knd ol Term ib F. brnarr. Conespondence of Thk Obscbtkr .3..WASHINGTON. June 4. An examh nation of the hotel register for several I dAys shows a falling off since last weeic or omce seeKers, especially irom . m ts 1 -11 . North Carolina. But it must not be fJfinferted that the pressure is much, if an v; slackened. Several of the most Drominent Southern members of Con jgressbave gone home and others are preparing, m leave. C vThe members come and go. Gens era! Bansom. who came on Friday. returned to. Northampton on Sunday. It is understood that he will probably be here agaiB soon, hardly before the 10th visi.-. L) nave neara tnac iov. -Vance was anxious to get away. Col. Greed did np&get off when he expect ed but Said yesterday that he would be detained certainly until Friday. Mr Skinner is the,only othtr North CaroHna member of the House now io the city. fl hear from several quarters that toe tight for the post omce in Golds Jboro. which is much complicated with the location of the post office build-. ng ip;; becoming very interesting, yith sofile prospect of ill feeling being enfiendened. A gentleman said this mbrning that the Dortch interest was enjisted sfrongly on the side of Dr. J. HiHiUiiMr. Isaac F. Dortch, who has been here all the week, left for hfrlionwf yesterday. Mr. Farmer's petition has not been presented, al though, ile was supposed to have come on here for the purpose of pressing bis claims. The same gentleman who ifuoted as authority above says that rib very prominent man except Mr. Bonits Jappeart- b be backing Mr. Earmert-r It appears that Mr. Bonitz seeks to have the office in his Mesaen- vger jbuildmg,'jn)di'olaims that as the premise ijanoe'iiade to him by the Best ofBee deostment to locate it f there; was not kept on account of his oemg a Democrat, it anouia be re deemed by a Democratic administra tion. ' The whole quest ten is a mixed local squabble, .which. ;. ive'. the Oon-v gressmen and the) department soma trouble ' '' - - The Charleston cellectoi ship ' f 6f customs is just now the most excits ing contest as respects Southern ofhees. The delegation with the sin ele excerJtioif feBeibtbHamtdtfSs' a unit fot Mtfwry the statement-f was made today that the reason why Mayor Courtney was taking an ac tive part in favor of Walker and against Mowry was - that . : when tha Jtayof.hesid jthat & 7ntunber of .his enemies wsre interesting themselves in Mowry 's behalf, the thought struck him (Courtney) that Mowry would be controlled by them against him in political matters ' Hence, it Js said. UhhutgllJbersopally f fri-Srldly f to mowry. ne enterea r.ne iisi ior jaows ry's adversary. The indications at the Treasury. , Department : are. that the factiotf fight has produced a dead lock, and. that; no. ; appbiQtmen t', will be made until the expiring of the in cumbent's term. This is in Febru ary. . Detters received here. n4 personal aiatementsof gentlemen from East 4 ern North Carolina show that the effortto hayaDrWarxen .appointed. Consul General at Paris is reprobated by the people in the Btrongest man mer. V-Z I learn that the new postmaster at Washington, N. C, is not giving en tire satisfaction Complaint is made that he appointed a Republican his assistant and also Ahai .ha'lhas not sufficient energy fer the proper dis charge of his duties." Of course I know nothing of thef justice of these romplaints. Executive Committee jnan Brown secured'Mr. Bonner's ap pointment over the heads of Editor Smalls and many others. The- ne V par jol Whelef s Beai niscehces' just out 'here' snould be read everywhere, m Nroith Carolina and by North CaWfniAns in other communities. Col John H. Wheeler though flead- yett'epeaketh (d thi is last work of love and labor I un derstand that the book has not been so far a pecuniary success, but the filial piety of the editor, ,Maj.' Wo6d4 burv Wheeler, is commended bv all rjeri of sensibility; t i ; 1 1 "- i uoKHJnas. u. Jones, or iuk ubser vbb istopped in this city a few hours on Tuesday in transit to New York. He will probably tell bis readers "all about it" when he returns home.' j , Mr. C F. Bailey has been here.; f H. A Close Share lor the Mexican, j,? Sagle Pass Havrerlck. I A Mexican rope-walkeTV?bliidfold-ed and with a large bowie knife tied to his feet,; was giving a performance on a rope stretched about fifty feet above thejgrjpund from the new court house to a flimsy -spliced pole on the opposite side ,of ; the , street. , nt Eagle Pass, Texas, when with'a loud crash, the pole supporting one end of the rope snapped and th& Mexican sartf ed.on'a head lpng fl'ght f)f the hard Street below amid the groans pf m large, awe-stricken audience1, heri within about fifteen feet of the ground he encountered a swinging rope, which he grasped with all the tenacity of life and which fortunate ly swuDg over some telephone wires, and he vibrated to and fro until re lieved. Mr Hendricks' Private Secretary- - r "Mr. Hendricks" "private secreta ry," says an Indiana Congressman, "is a very nice fellow, with a remarka ble amount of polite assurance. He was worth 1200,000 once, but lost it when Hayes was serving the first week of his Presidential term. This man visited Washington, and as ,he. was a great friend to Joe McDonnell the latter took him up to ,call upon the President. When he was intro duced he said: "lam glad to meet you, Mr. Hayes, but in all honesty, I must confess that I don't think you have any right to the seat'which you now occupy. -. In my opin'on Tilden was fairly elected, and he should be here in your place." Hayes turned the matter off with a laugh, but it bored McDdnneH terribly: p r. . "Bough on Rats" clears out rats, mica. lSe. Skla Diseases Cared By Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment. Cures as If by magic pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on tne face, leaving the skin dear and beautiful. Also cures Itch, salt rheum, sore nip ples, sore lips, and old, obstinate ulcers. Sold by drocglsts. omsaaedoa moelpt of price. SO cents. SoUfW T. C. Sndtk Cm. feWMdeodwly HBondi on rich. 'cures humors. emotions. Tina worm, tetter, salt iteum, frosted feet, chilblains Supreme Court Decisions. . ' ' Ba'.etgH News and Observer. ' I Rudasill vs. Falls. I 1, Where an agent exceeds his au thority. his principal must either wholly ratify .or wholly . repudiate the transaction , lie ; cannot ratify that portion of the contract which is beneficial to him, and repudiate! the remainder. , - 1 a. The provision of The Code are mandatory, that the controverted al legations in the pleadines should be submitted to the jury in the shape of issues. ' Rheinstein vs Bixby-& Katz. i 1. Where Lha application for ar re ceiver .-is. based ; upon , the alleged, fraudulent j character, of. a convey-. ance, the question of whether , or not tne deed is fraudulent .belongs to the final heariner of the cause, and. the alleged-fraud, will only be. nnnsidered- qn, eupb motiQDV for a , receiver, as quowing grounas xor ine protection of the fund until the final hearing. j 2. In such a case, a receiver will not be appointed, unless it is manifest that the fund is mismanaged and- in danger of being lost, or. where the in Solvency of an unfit trustee is present r imminent., ; - v ( . McLoud vh. Clark. ' , When a deed is nut in evidence simply, as a declaration, if is subject to the same rule that apply to other qeclaratibns-'one'of the most impor tant of which is that wherx a, declara tion is ottered in evidence by one party, the . opposite . party has . the right to all that was said at the time in the same 'connection.; ; , r ; I L A judgment by consent cannot be set aside by one of the consenting parties 5, when 'an execution . issued thereon has been satisfied. - 2. After a motion to recall an exe cution and set aside a judgment has been once heard aha refused upon full evidence, it becomes res odjuaio dta. - -- j 3. Where a oonseht judgment wag.' entered wnicn provided that a writ df possession for pertain land was to iSsue, unless before- a sceeified day referees appointed in the judgment shall ascertain the amount of pur chase money due and allot to the dew fendant the land purchased by him, if the referees fail to act the remedy t is by a'motion to. . modify ' the . judg4 ment by extending the time in which they may act, and not by a motion to set aside the judgment. j Marshall vs. W. N, C. R. R j I.' .Where the State is a stockhol der in a railroad company, it is bound by the provisions of the charter in the same manner as an , individual. It has no advantage as a ' stockholder on account of its sovereignty, for by becoming such it lays aside its char acter as sovereign, and places itself on a footing of equality with the in dividual stockholders. 2. The property of a corporation belongs to it, and not to the stock holders. They only have aa interest ip such property through their rei,; tion to the company, and in this re-,, spec! the State is like any ; other stockholder, So, where an act of the general assembly provided for a sale of the State's ' interest in a railroad company in which the State was a stockholder it was held to be only a sale of the stock. , ( 3. Whether such, sale would vest in the purchasers of the State's stock; all the powers , and privileges which the charter of the-eompany nad con fprred on the State ;ruaere? 3. An act of the Legislature which provides that m a certain contingen cy, the stockholders of an existing corporation " shall reorganize as a new corporation, .which changes ifta. amount of - the capital stock, and provides for the stockholders in ' the . existing corporation by reserving' a certain amount oi the stocs ior tnem hi the corporation to be formed.-cre- atea a new corporation, and is not an amendment to the charter of the one already in existence. In such case it is ' immaterial " that the new corporation jm called by the same same as toe otu one. - . 5. Quaer4" whether the leenslature has power to com pel the stockholders in the old corporation . to reorganize as a new company ; but if they do so voluntarily the new corporation is regularly and legally iormea. . .. . j A. Tn biip.Vi oaha th nrraniKAtinn of a new corporation at once dissolves the old one. : . - - i 7. If there are creditors of the dis solved corporation under these cir cumstances, they may cause the Jirpperiy or tne aeiuncc corporation o be applied to their debts by means ot a receiver. .Smith vs. Fite. f i. Where a Dartv introduces a in evidence which he intends to use as a color of title, he must prove that its boundaries cover the land in dis pute, to give legal efficiency to bis possession. f 2. It is error to allow a jury- on no evidence, or - only on hypothetical evidence, to locate the land described in a deed. : A liow Valaatioii of His Life. Philadelphia News, -'j.,, ,. -.v, - I remember UDoh ' one Voccasion that Boyton was called upon, b the frantic cries for help of a; man ; who had gone oey ona - nis ' aeptn . ana plunged into the- breakers,- followed by a 8urt-boat. .;; rne ireacnerous un dertow, setting strongly seaward had caught the . unfortunate swlm- mer. and be was being rapuy carried. out of the reach of assistance. Boy-" ton seized him just as he . was about to sink for the last time, and nauiea him aboard the boat.. The man .was utterly exhausted and it was nearly an hour before he was fully, restored ; he took off his bathing suit, dressed himself and then with rare magnan imity took from his ' Vest pocket a fifty cent note ' (silver half dollars were not as ptentif ul then , as now) and handed it to Boyton saying. I "I owe you my. life, sir, and I hope, you will call upon me whenever you want a favor. Take this money and treat your self andyour assistants to a good stiff drink. -You certainly must be chilled through." . Boyton is of Irish extraction and as quick-witted as Philpot Curran. 1 1 think you have made a mis take," he said. "You put too much value upon your life. Permit me to give you your change," and before the crest-fallen miser knew what to reply Boyton thrust into his hand for ty nine cents in pennies, three cent and ten-cent notes. "I will keep this note as a souvenir of the value of a human life," said Paul, coolly puttiug it into his pocket. He has it to this day. i "Well's Health Be newer' for delicate women. 1 v.- - - - - - Whrn Trie! Aiway jririerreo. I When they once necome acaualnted with It la- rite invariMblv nrefer Parker's Hair Balsam to any Kmiiiirininaration. It makes the hair softand glossy, arrests Its falling oft, promotes new growth, restores the original color, d has no rival as a dressing. Not a dye, not. oily, highly perfumed. Only 50e. at druggists. . ... -- , - v "Wefl'a Health Benewer" tor dyspepsia, debility J A JUSTI I BLK HOMICIDE. The Kilting ot Yoaog Champlin Char : aoterized aiia Duty br the J edge. ... i Wncinnati, June - 3 Judge Fits- gerald, of the Police Court, to-day in uusiuuHing ine cnarge ot manslaugh ter against Dr. E. E. Loy, who killed Harry C. Champlin, nsed the follow- mg language: "1 know of no clearer case- of self-defense than the un tortunate case before us. It would have been not only unmanly but inhu man ur. Loy not to respond to the call ul uib motner-m-iaw and her guest lhere had been no malice in the near of the defendants While Dr, Ijpoy had Champlin on the floor he re leased him on his promise to make nprurther assault on his mother. 1 He was hardly free before he de clared,' in his own language, that his word "didn't go." and unmedatelv jjruueeaea to get a weapon with which to carry out his threat of tak ing the life of the defendant, and made the open threat that if the de; feedant did not kill him that night he would kill the de fendant before - morning. Acting upon this threat he proceeded to car ry it outy when the colored servant warnea tnem ot tneir danger. u uuuin itt utuvreuva wiieiiuer e defendant fired the shot to fright i Champlin, or to injure him. It supposed that defendant's life was eopardy. and it was a Question of HOT killed. He did nrecfselv hat he was not Only justified in do- g, out wnat was his duty. The; isoner is dischargsd. : t A shout went uo from the crowd in the court room that was heard for blocks away. Nothing- Made in Tain. Ctoqtanatl Mercliaiit jraveler. ' He was weary of life because ' his list collars were only, four stories hjight when he wanted them five sto ries with a mansard roof. i"I amveywy, veywy, weawy," he sighed to a young , woman chewing 1m out an the front steps. "Indeed!" she replied quizzical- "Yes indeed. Don't vou know. iss Hen wiette, 1 believe I was made in vain." . . "Yes, I know it, Mr. Herbert!" "No? You don't say now? How did you know it Miss Henwiette?" I "Why, Mr. Herbert, the Bible says that nothing . was made in vain." , . i It was too much for him in his thin condition and he did not catch on.. ' Rough on Corns' hard or soft corns, bunions. lfie j. ACARD. To all who are sufferlnsr from errors and India ereUonsof youa, nervous weakness, early decay, toss of manhood, 4&, I will send a recipe thatwUl care you, FREE OF CHAR&K. This great remedy "was disoovered by a missionary In South America. Send; sell addressed envelope to Bkt. Jowl T. SHAH. Station D. Mew York. joetWilewUwly . There Is sneh a nice, steady demand for these Hams that we smile and grow fat, and when a cus- temer buys one and we see so much satisfaction on his face we agree with the little boy who said "Eatln' was a fine thing." . dor' Family Corned Beef Is what you want for our ROR HKBUING weary soul tea time, and at breakfast brings appetite to many a We iJk yon when yon buy your lee to stop with us and purchase seme ! TBT OTJB- SACCHARlZEtt AND MIXED PICKLES. f!nt5 hitH 1i;l;gi .... . ' , . . K , ( TRmt Medln.fnal Mlnnntl waTAisr and most exten. sively fitted up place, for pleasure, seekers or inva lids. Possesses .superior advantages. Write for catalogue. ' V DB S. O. ELLIOTT ft SON, . , owners and Proprietors Reliable Agents Wanted THE MUTUAL ENDOWMENT AND i BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION ' OF AMERICA. - Orrtcit of tuk Gehesai. Agent ) f . X OB MOHTH CABOLINA, i Chaklotte, N. C ) J This Assoi-tatlon, now nearly f ur years old. and liartne a inembershln in a larse number of the States, amouuUng to nearly 2D.0U0 beneficiaries, bas just established a general agency for North Carolina, with faeadquarti rs In Charlotte. : to do this it nas oeen necessary to comply wixn the laws of the State, which has been done, as will more fully appear by reading the following copy of certificate and receipt from the Secretary of State: copy no., au . ; ... State op North Carolina. OmcE or Secretary or State ' . Insurance Department, ' -1 ' ' BALsreH. 29th A oril 1885. The Mutual Self Endowment and Beneficial As sociation, having filed In this omce an appoint ment ox j. r. wnitenead as general agent ior wis StateAnder tbe seal of the company and having heretofore, to wit: on the 23th April, 1886, paid into this office fifty dollars, the license fee, re quired by section 14 ot "An Act to consolidate the Insurance Laws of M. C," ratified March 7, 1883, i--N ) LICENSE IS HEREBY. GRANTED to the seal said company to do business in this . r State untu April 1st. 1886. subject to the provisions of said act. . iBigneai . wv u. oauinubko, Secretary of State. wpy ao jh. North Carolina.' ' Office Sbcbbtabt or State, ' Insurance Department, - Ralsih. 29th AorJ. 1886. Received from J. T. Whitehead, eeneral aeent of the Mutual Self Endowment and Benevolent As. sodattoB, twelve dollars, for certifying abstracts of reports of tha financial condition of said com pany for the year ending December 31st, A. D. K4, and nine dollars m-adverssing same. jrsigaety W. L. SAUNDERS, i As General Aeent I have authority from the Sec secretary oi ovtus. retary of State to receive applications for member ship, appoint agents and do any- and al) business for tne Association not in violation of the laws of the same or of the State of North Carolina, - i , i We have aot space to explain Its protier leatares. Baeodii enly to be Investigated te be appreclaled. hi e 4be same plan of the Knights pf Honor , Lc4fflniof Honor and-Boval-, Ananiun.and otner I f popmarrsopeiye ssocuuieos,kllng tbevery pupa tar feature ttiutt1-TK aeoesnnry Ior A em fwKlltiiteMtivMioUart.bta jnhti aalla tor. WAemalov nonBhat BnuaniMdiaiiiui dvebood I in tin variitttrJn which thes live to canvass for tha cosipany, ana wereiure veapeaK. ior inem toe pa tient heart nr and confide nee , their honorable mis sion entities uwuwi -a --. . -. Address me or my secretary at Charlotte. N. C f j s . i. T. WHITEHEAD, -. ii- ? General Agent tor North Carolina. Bars Secretory, WfVM oloDg and GuDpowder Tea. III'. ml-... - ,i r a . ..i. , ; J i ' .. ". -,. ........ .., ,-. ,. ; ,. . ;-f - i ... ,; i;S,.-s; r -i..',ir ; OUR laOW -PEtlCESS -4Hr fake the: CodCiiU "0dt of T.M1 We Start the month of ii IT 1 1- 11 IT I TVWITi. ATTm.N. 1 T:T1 A Clearing Oat iSale : ' lute Bargains that cannot be found else where or any where else in the Sbuifll. iVCi H;' One Case Handsome Summer One Case Egyptian Linon for White . Presses, , 5 cents' er, : yard worth 12 cents. ;.,., j -n .'ij'iiv, ' 1000 Yards Genuine French Sninmer Silks, extra quality, 65 cents, worth $ 1.00 per yard in INew York to-day. , 25 PieeB Genuine Blank J IPrp.nch CashmpTft -at 38 rnta. i-.cn a...'. regular priue ou ceum per yaru. -r , , - , 1100 Dozen Children's Hosiery 5' cents per pairJ 'f)ijs't1.htnt? ' I 50 DozenT4adies Ohemise at!-l cents' eMwbt5..ct.'' ' 20 Dozen Ladies Night trowns at 98c, wcattOC-' : ' ' 5 Pieces of Elegant Rich lustre One Dollar Black il: j for 79 cents per yard, this weekv! t-iv .ixui i 1000 Yards the bast $1.25 Black SUk in America for ffc - 1000 Yrds Loiraine Suiting tle very latest Fabric for surq mer. wear, only-25 cenU4er,yaraZ, '-rln 7,, L. '.7r ".),' : 1000 Yards Genuine Fast Color Line. 10U Ladies' Linen Ulsters, full sizes oqly 986.; worth flO: ' ' "V? i 150 Genuine full sized Moquet Rugs.at $3. B0, never sold under 5,oo eacb, " . 100 Dozen large sized all Linen Towels at $1.49 per dozen.wfrfch,$3.)Qi,:;- . 100. Dozen Hemstitched Fancy Bordered HandkercJbiafsS-fQC S-ents. : 105 Genuine French Moquet DoorMatts $1.00acii,eyer sold,under1$i.75. 10,000 Yard Nun's Veilingg, Albatross, Brocatels and Cashmeres at 12ic, regular price 20 cents per yard. ' OH Tn-rt QJlVr T-.n u Pnhaa Oil ravAa it iaIi trvm 'ty TK 'Ininuii ini-iAA tt VKCt '" 1000 Yards Real Penang Shirtings, warranted Fast' Colors, now designs,-1 ii - 11 O UUlk 1 UWUW, W V Ml 1 cents per yard, redveed from I I .-:f.f CARPETS, Bed Spreads Sbeetogs ' ' '' We are constantly offering neVcsk values, 7ogJ0Qy attractions to v. ft y,, ,..? ,,,,-t Itr-.f"-w.TT -AKin t 11 11 'JL-JAVWOLiJL CHARLOTTE, N, G. THE . SDL! IVAN S ISLWD. Near Charleston, South Carolina X Will open for the Season MONDAY, JUNE 1st, 1885. V. - L. mhuI . Ml. 41.1a Imuua 1BW VAfntlOV will IMI wytuv. tw- HW.n uw HVW D this summer second to none on the Atlantic Coast. Special ntes for month of Juno . ., - . All mlln-ula runnlns to Charleston make -Dedal rates for the opening. ' nail'8 veteonuea nmra Draw nu- aw w chestra, Prof D. C. Hall, leader atfa director, has been engaged tut the season. aL. Box S$, Charleston, a C D. D Cohxh. Manager. - maj3d2w just arrived; 50 BUSHELS CLAY PEAS, . Two Car Loads Timothy Hay. One . ' Inroad western Uorn. " " " OaU. Call early. CARSON BROS. ATTENTION! Atthe-mtenM-wLamberJard. corner Graham and 2nd streets, we keep the very best qualities of v "AT THE liOWEST FRICK8. : tyAll buls promptly Oiled, To the bulldmg puouc: van ana save ft. W. JOHNSTON 00. PRICE FIV3B 1CEII$ t . - . ..'"! V . HI fill rJV I a. 1 i.l isviitr ill t - f i.L V . i t tit"., i June1 With' Our Great r , .... . ,, ',,,; i'V' . . ; . , li' tV ii-I-.';'! . l-UiiVl (Jtf t .IjhJ:- ' ; Dress1 Goods, only 4 cehts 1 j. ;.. . . .if. ,!ir !ti Lawn. 15c.. never sold for less than '25 , i Cloths Debeize, JacquarrTs Fanciea.: VCIAU. VPA VI t V, 1VIIU8I f-7V.W. 37t. M ' r Iv . tl J-.tti IK . t -; . , ' A it 1 '(,'! J s''. I ii I .bHba?qt'fQ ,ileiK S".lA,-iv Hl j'! )' 1 ftlhOhO WS4 14 S5i? '1 ' aad l ! , ti .!u.V..-vinf !&v; .erti1 j ... .-J-. .;t- Bf-tC the people ; .. :. i. j t:ysj,: i.j if)-..''Tni tni ywi sasnoiH !, -v I ' ' h .'(. i v:.--ii '1 1 TTTm. fft TnYrT3H-,A In Minnwtota. MoHtakmMcota. Montana. ' Er sscuri, o " mfmtmt mMmmi. tuAllBOH-I. Myldam Millinery! IV1iliini?ryl? ...... . 'r. -:o:- MRS. : BENSON ri .. X ,.?'V ... .. ... . .... 1... ... .: - -.. - : L... "'a l-f-i i -'-.'t Call attention to their stock of JUUXXtT ; -.'LvwW-. iy Latt3sfc NoyelticpU?; - OlTH-rSEAflOrf; ' ' f: is ; u li A " . -'" p. ....... : . ; Ilia 4;i'"r; JL Jmmi JU- V- ,JL,t .Jk. ,hV TkTrBrB Oonramirit UwU. Addrwi, CHA1. B. . Order trmk vltjstea' VUI r l?rTmmptA$tmmiilmi-; . i t.a M's-o M'l( J'-'..l .'J'"tl .VS? s f .i-J Vf.fi ' 4 . t.i.'4-1 i't" ;4"'i.-,- x .Brrlliavanot toft the tty, bnt.,f ftUJon . . the"war-rjath' In mLI.INEBT. . ' .t ' s'' . ! Bespeetf ully, . ' :: iv'y tnt : '.--j -j iafi"i:BaffloiC' .ViaU ".'. :" i f .-'-.- - . Vr K.y ' 1 -