1 . VI ' v 1 .1 H ; .: : '':!:: MB n) t . j v. ... . - - - ' : - ii I f .'i n n i M' ! E XXXIIIii CHARLOTTE, NrarSUNDAY JUNE 7, 1885; iPMCB FIVE CENTS, V e w n. v : -A- V v: . .l..,fi 4- - .4.1 - . . i u r i , . ' --. if m I I 5- I Jf. t I 1 . H m. i IB .f f I II I 1 fir. . v- i I - --as - - 1 - .--V2 111 VJ'V.' v ilmil'iWiifiiiiiilriis! ' ' ' . - -ii-- :ym.:-.-'-.fj- v.imine tneiu. vv c ii:tvu a imi nue oi . i . ..j.Sii alio iu-. i a. -X' v f n Q f f I fits V? B - a wrk 'X i JtUITII 1 iiii Can have their waiits accommodated lo the following necespary ; articles to p't te thd " commencement outfit: l' Tsic iixitoit r t f&. v L!SLEff HLK BLACK AND COLORTCD. WHITE FAN 8 j Light shades in Silk Mitts and Gloves. . A beautiful stock of , : Ifl! ib'g stock of Picnic Hats at S5c. ISj stock-to, W constHntly fresh with new arrival'. 1 r.D ajid ua 0"Newlot of .Parasols Umbrellas just received. lOtKIJ i 4SQlate LOW;1IPRiCER31C0ODS C"Hojie and Democrat please copy. DUFFY'S PURE VHISTE iSK FOR DUFFY'S PURE L:OTM SOLD STTRtC- ""m your aadress -woaw8rii w ; . : " ! .'''- . OTnSP T TeWtALUWOB HAMMOND iwtlce'g store, Tiideilii(j- the tolidlng I oocu- , - iNHvraiai CUJtr BIUV Bum Hardware; XuilerVi 1 ' V GTJNS.:EtC.f , A the .1 tore recenrtiominlalrir M. r T mil Trade 8tr,eW wheie-- will be plea- d t04 hm " andioe public gt-ntraiiy. - . T-r-,. Kli NIK!) HI 4 r the purpose oT shanglng our line UeU our enHre'Wk of goods at t Prices.: ' '' Qj)hArmet .nil f i ton es i n Oi I Colors 1 21 c former price 33i Qtl t oman Sillc at 50(3., former price SI. 00. I roam Buutingt at r 10c.fprm Job lot of li p e rs $ 1.00, for mier price $ 1 ,50 a u tud-) Be line pi (elits gM obpytbtraw Hats at closing ont j-jfjes ia. Huit me purcaaseri - w a are ilu.il V pitKqi$,'t l V1 QU1I barga?a ponntfer, calana i1j hv$ Quit bar lADIK' OPERA SI.IPPEKS AND NEW h PORT TIES From the et4etRtdfctwy- Eyit Bryr Gar Mr. Hargrave is again in the Northern markets pur chaMng our 'second stock of Summer Goods, and this week we will be able to show you the prettiest line of Oriental Lace, Swi-s Embroideries, llambnrgs and Rufflings to be . . . IS jf t t SPRING STOCK a - AND HATS Is now complete, and we are able to present to oar rrlemis and customers the most attractive and best selected stock we have ever bad tne pleasure of allowing. -- - -: .- . ::- - .- - . - , ' - .LIDIES, MISBES AMD CHILIiRKN'B ' Boot), , Shvrs ; and Mlpper, - The best makes and. most correct gtjlea. . t (rents' Shoes In ewrr style, thane and quality, from the broad -Common Sense" to the elegant and teanUfmlBadkoea." i--vf-'- We have also a complete stock of mUNESjLISESv Should rou need a nice Silk or Mohair Umbrella wecanstiit one and all. Give us a call before DUfinsii' TRYOIf STREET. T anoes A Are Going to Close iOutihoiStockH Notion: c, by tbe ana nuuvnor an ppaianRr m perhaps not fcav sunh another offere4 to them.agaln soon. We are aotng to make a change in our w,aii(l mis will be tb hie( osjUTe k&eat 17 (topOa. which bjtf takaff place in this section lor Pneumonia, Consumption, Dyspepsia and WtcmitIffiewieS: IT IS ABSOLUTELY POKE. EMTtRjELYf RfeE f RQW fji&Et&tOZi HOT BE BBKnrln,M,T3fct I.1 slt WUUker lli'stol4U5m to pe 'on eBston uami Viuafttn booouWiiiinK'ttaftbW inioiiaioBiBonprrMor? jsottie Wtto anv nl,lroi n iho TTnitoH fitnf CTTaatf ttw BW tTmintalnHl. fiecurelv tMIcfced in vldin MFFY HALT WHISKEYO.? BaltinioremvlJ;; Si v jrrrwm euaraem nrMMitaorx receipt 0 aAaUa or biz nuwaKmiur avoa'wvwv W. Jl. If f lOIf At CO ; WANTED !rBtsfE:;;t: 100 ..4 V- ; One Hundred Fars 'li Mecklenburg, Cabarros, nitnn . AiiirhArfAm aiutolhAf WWW, VKBTVWUVt n .a V"wa, muuw.vkw wna wtm" eounttes in Western J orth Carolina, by the j . . v mayl7(Uwtr - - E. K. COCHRANE, Manager - : s-a. -ieed.ot.. ,. f.-Bf MoiJar- -l U'e are prer- red to fumlfth a flrst-etMq"l!tyof '- : j '"V Jew Lik in Impound butn.e-.s, at u per iuwi.e( iz2 crrn?: la - "TBOTO. i,IK 1t. 8T X W 1KS 3tnFr TO' M OB30ORKD, UT, KUaTTOK SUN " ONLTJT01TA . 5- , . . - ; NabsoTlptloa to the OlHtemrei'. f 81nElecorjT." i.r teenta.' 15 By the week In the city,.. .. By the month.... ..."...; Three months . Six months.... i .. .... One real .................. 8.6U .6.00 ; WKKKXT EDITION. Three months.... 81x months ..vw... One year.., i-... ....... In clubs of five and over $1.50. "i 50 cents. ...$l.CO .;; ,,:!. IV UeTlAtloa FroniThese ' Subscriptions always payable in adv? , only in name but In fact. - ft errEcr or fedfia T The Washington "..isorrefrc thaajtimoro Sun quote J te fidpst and most' ex. itf Sojitjhern politicianah: asx - j ipion tdaf the wtegrity7 .9 iiiu party in me cxuim w more ipi danger of being broken py the dissatisfaction arising out of ; f 3 distribution of ' Federal pa'trona , than it; ever was from tha'.powercf the Republican party, when ' it oq: trolled j the patronage, he . ttern cratic party in the Southil they say, was kept solid on- the principle' t self ; protection becaune such Jgolidity to prevent local and State I goverrf ments from passing into the hands ok the mei i who represented the Bepub ticdpi rtyin the South, iwith fe gxcepti ns, V of : inferior - Character1, uiteliig mce, and respectibiiity, was necessary. But the SoutE; beio relieved now from such apprehension! they think there will not bd the saaA mcamive to sonaity, ana more ot, at disposition to break away from partyl linear and act independeatly, J may noi come lmmeaiateiy iter .1 mt once . put oy aegrees.- 7a; they say "in severaof tbo gow States intense bitterness and animosi ty have peyeioped pyer Je tmiof intb the pircia'of opting' to of proinihence Who'nave' ;;1here4' tofore oaen firm and fast friends. It has not only been by the closest unity that the representatives of good and succeeaeu in aimnwuumg memseives, and if they now subject, that unity to the 8tcaip which a rough-and tumble scraibja for -Offic will .P'reclpitafe tney Tf ifut rt!?Xt&&& and prevent ihnecestyf iaere is ao uivision.oi senuinen ,in the conviction that the: disreputable class of Feberal oflSceholders " in :the South should be evicted, w soon, as better men can be uh3ititutedbufr un -less the greatest care is taken, the con sequences of their remaioingtn office, might quite1 possibly, be "loeH ' serious than if the disposition of the places which they vacate is to bring ; about the resultl which now. seems immi nent.!-Iaj the "ante bellrimTdayft the, I rule m the South was that the office soughtrthe man " : ; : y ; While tiieTears. of .fn"gfntleo7 if their vie ws re not colored bjr dis. i appointment in failing to secure that reooenitidn for themaeltfesor frienda" lwhfclli-thev "Bought, ahd;o wbipb iney . oeiipvea ; toemseives enuuea;. there is doubUess much truth in what ihey say, whether th'e.trouble vwill vHcome from the"distributiont)f Federal patronage! or-otuer . cauaesr. 'The 9f" negroes, i led j:. bv : a- handful t of men aoim. da 'Ofte side-made the lmoeracyoh-'ofAj iheothest The coKeyenessT-rw simply the c6he8iyensf pftlu dividual ideas tid oplfiions" were sub-" ordinited jtorthe, necessity to pemo (btia ewpremdcy, cftu xmoat sdprpjaicy meant relief t from in4 tolerable eWil' spJt iirotu. patron age which'is ci mii matter,5'' qu'eeA tions will arise xipoa which there will bjjnyifeirfiiioe .'drtfof1n'-&3aen. wiU'n8rti 'of"4angers injidtfr45e4 and this may perhaps result in slack-: ening the trwttt'nltt iaks in the Dem6a4uMluM' piring, amtitioWwieij eiiough tQTead in a move l , thfi' Wnd ; whenVtiiev think they see ; fair chaiiceVot sue CeSS. r --;; ..V.-a . I i i i i " u--:j..u Mr. Geo. jW; JulianoJllb'iiiMai appointed y the Preside Suryfeypr General of Ihe territory of NeW MexS i-JrarTtalive of Guilford Vcouuty, in this Stativ. but settle-faftlftw many years ago; rluF'origlnaSyc a Be publican and acted with 'that pary a uunf . wiwub me t pass -ww arf hejhj he broke froin-. it. jfliie is regarded a 4 a very" able manv and partioidarlyl fitted ''WKVne'' w'orl of been stealing the 'Mb! to "domain in thai frritory; - It is stimatedl that beiweea ill,)100fr2-aWl ; 13,000,086 acres of the , best "land in the territory have been' so' gobbled within he past wekri' with Ihe' connivance of the Surveyor General chief among the gbbblei 8 beting exIJnited States Sen ator Dorsey of Star Route fame. 'r ' : - r-'r v-.' - V!1.' ' Those who consicfer the. pistol as ja necessary part of the personal ; outfit will perhaps be glad, to know that : a Frenchman has: invented a revolver which,' though so small as pa bej con veniently carried in the vest1 pocket, can be fired ten times without reloads ing, and with greater ease 1 and cer tainty than those of the bid : patters. 7bc whole length of tho weapon is -four incbes.-which can. he reduced to wo and five eighths by.unscrewing the barrel ';', a ' i r"r,'';a"i Ward, - of Grant, tfc V. for trial pa a t! c-l. Hag $1,500,000.1 If ' lebodj's pocket t-thetkCt he-would at.. liayq-betDeiit toother penitentiary longagoVa a"' namesake" of bis - was the ether day in New York for steal inga breast pin. " ' . ' . ; : Th Philadelphia "'ftepordipvesijbratic principles by free speeeh' and following feodd aSd euffltiohf rt asomt -hy iherat6icSsrl thB ; adjointrja tioidrWapptfitrtieat of 3uthbert Jones to tho consulship, at Ualao are unfair; '''In the - first place,! he has iSt I'ee' appoih his f tbefvas a Republican, and he, presniabiy, belongs to the same political jfaith, as President C-ant apj pointed Htm to the consular ervice; aiioLJa'the third place, either his SfatEe or,his elder; brother as : the slayer f.idden in the feud which came to a bloody ending when Cuth bert Jones was a boy of 15.:."- i Tbe 'New YcrMSun in an editorial shows the r.:c :-rty of wisdom and conciliatica ia t'e management of the party ia that 'ate, as necessary t-ccess in the c ining fall election ca"3 ELttc- ' ion ti t'.te fact that in the c1octn ' t f ;'1S'. i, Ve Democracy, whilo enjyiqg-ttie V 5yantage of a r lur cllty c f-1046, reaX cast only f3,C '3 vctes,'against3-609S5;jcast by c ' . partios.1 Thus the ;Democrats v-ere in a minority.: They had 40, )teS than tt stt!iem.' than the parties ar- rayodiCSains Pitsburg turns out 85,000,000 bots V -jandvials ; ivery year, besides l Oiiamp rjiimneys, many t of 3h w exr a-t i to Central and hh A rica and Cuba. There are t - aity h indo w glass ! factories in IVaburg, witli 276 pots, making f Oaibpxes at $3 per box The ' :, ' trat i is airly : active in . all ' -iche8-f;-Fiie . glass works are "fy where running tofo! "Opacity. 'nar-Yest,'-T' '. iscc -ain, has .."? i c&ntlypcur"-' - JLheOiewspa-' ra"s ' v Ceiiw?t c ifeuJfearn, if he 'WjE ihubiidiWthat a healthy newspaper can scanu a. gooa aeai oi oufsing, apd that, newspapers can get f jilrii T petter "M0i6ut 'ooator -The orderto protect the employees in tbe State department from the Washington morfe; iviance money to charge high .interest for the accoms modation. Secretary Bay ard has es tablished the rule of paying salaries every ten oays, wpicn seeps me borrowing. tThe dairy products of this country exceeded the ' pat tcr: f350JG0 J3C)j the wheat brorlltocOOO.OXX, tbl W ton crop $220,000,000, the. product Of iron bars and steel; $257,00Q,000T and the pig iron Output $119,000,900 '' , " The Delaware peach cultivators are becoming uneasy on account of the great qtafifltie&fYoimg frTit fangj from'the-ttees, eusea-isWd,Nyyv continued foggy weather. ..:ilgr. Capel, the celebratedTGatholic divine,' says that be has nevTBT read Disraeli's VLothair" in whichr; he fig ures as one of the leading-characters. civil 8ERVic:;neroHai j Tbe Kiad Oae of Gniiford'sS.nrdr Democrats UeliVesBw' Grkkksboro, June 5J1885. the Editor of Thb Obsebvkr f . , I have read with great pleasure the tamely and well put points snereateds by your corresponds W. 3 ?rinv to day'sOBSKEVKE, on civil service torm' YfiD"0 I And I beg to add as a sort of sup plement thereto wbu)3 he d isrJjssfed the man and citizenvtfs related to pub ' lie office, some reflectfons on the man and citizen as a member of civil socie ty and the.Democratic party. : t7': -Dr Gregory, of - the civil service commission, says Heieontrbu;fee to his party campaign fund in. the last election. , And by s inference he has labored in eVerjr campaign for the success of his, parjty , He. is a Re publican and an)ffiewol4er0yet, I say as a Democrstfald a non fiice- holder, ha urn' 'right, and here'is nothing in such action inconsistent ; wittf.lhe civil service reformY Stich at leaat. as I hope, though a sturdy Democrat; Mr,- Cleveland will estab lish, j.?-. i - t-v ; i r What Democratic workers likerlnyil self wish to have reformed as soon as possibler is the practit whwbJiaB"rfb tained f very where in North Carolina during RepuMica 9 ministration, of using'the pubhc office for partisan ptirposest-not the man And izeni ;as. ameiHDerOJ me ttepuoncao, party ?Jwhoares wltrr !' 6 ,U .''Ti 'marshal vg6es on ! the st4a& or gives his- voliin(arvi loittrfbuijod ohisprty oimtpol-'n-fMtid. ,tr mr :B t though a U- S. District Attornfjc does likewise, or Mr W., though a postmaster, follows suit, with all his energiest--iio.th.ey do not orry their stand Mr Cleveland toeay in vetoing J Ad AIW t. . . t. in;iBt, a oui to amenu tue cnarier dfvBuffalo: ; "I believe in an open and sturdy partisanship, which se cures the legitimate advantages of party supremacy." and again'm re sponse to an inquiry of tho Civil Serv vice Reform " Association of New York, m his canvass for : Governor, Tho8e holding there (offices) places should hjrassuj'ed that their "tenure depends; upon their efficiency and fiftelitvTb their trusts. and theu should. nbl be q$otved tq use them for 1, parti- Of December 25th, 1884, to the Nation a! Civil-service Reform League : "But many now holding such positions have forfeited all just claims to - res tohtion, bemuse they have used their places for party purposes, in digre gard of their duty to the people, and because, instead of being decent pub- lia-servants, they have proved thems I selves offensive partjsan4 nrjaefri-'i pulou8 manipulators 01 local party njApagement.'V. Mr.; Cleveland bes lujyes ' m an open and sturdy parti SftDship' jn the citizen, but it must be only as a (citizen j and not . as a United States! officeholder. For myself and I know that I but represent the active :- working Demo crats herev-who have been .enahled to hold their Own and kf$H rfakfefeteady gains against 'all theolTeeii j-J J parti sanship. would hot iabfcedtl olffice under the present Democratic admin istration, if thereby,:! had to Burren der my .privilca cf sustaining Demo- PEF Why, we would as soon expect to see our own Gilmer on the Superior vXurt oencn, discriminating, while administering the law of the State either 6n the civil or criminal side of the -docket, between --Democrats and Republicans, as such : or ' our. pastor making aistkwjtwa -eoMy n-fte count or party , predilections ; mp his church; as a Democratic office liolder if we' should live to see one here using mV4ffie to cte"etoptoj-& uuueraim, mr conmDaaoQSDr votes or bribing ":tcea ftee44)emocrats with storekeeper md iaruaerer."TMaces. Public office for the publicweal with- oui reg&ra to politics, religion; "race, color, or previous condition of servi tuae." This, Mr ' Editor. 'is1 "our -sort -'of Civfi Service Reform ' l '"GH. tJ:i J Losr.fi a rio?is:.',"!"1 Traces sad Traditions, of Aacea ITeor : pies in flew Mexico. Chicago l4ter-Ocari In the1 region of New Mexico there 5J "ti.M"; are rundJrjbe$Taat;havetiolu several stories, witn nails, cnambers and bmth roomsr Thev arei clothed in rqbest of cotton andiiSkBjbiMi man wnicn is most URUsuaian, saya ges is that they have learner boots and shoS Each village has its pups lie criers, who, announce the orders of the king, and idols and temples are seen everywnerev Baron 9 ta JJOn tan speaks 'also "6t HhetQrAmheea; who livei(iiii.K,wUed' cities 'Situated) near a rea.sajjt - lalifen pm$ wooien oiotn -oopper . aatcbets -aad various lotheiTnanunicTOresme writers Ihavemajutaine thai; " the civilized; people situated to the North are the remnants : of th Mexicans who took flight at? the i when,' Hernando j poreaiT ipQnferiei intd mexico. ana who tied ,to the North and founded ; several' caniiderable kingdoms, amongothecsi the of ,Qui vira. Although - this- conjecture ap pears not to be deyojd of B0me;foflfti aation. me - read, nevertheless, in Acosta, that the Mexicans thernaelTeg a long time before the Spanish inva: sion. came to Mexico from the NorthI' whioh leads me fto Jaelieve that the Chinese i who - landed i in Northern America liad contributed to their,lei yuijsatjoo. The foundation of the Mexican jempire does not- date back of the year 830, AiJXA time several centuries! later than the navisation of itheChtoAse, of whchflrst: &rrM in! 458. The . people who ' in uauiucvi UOiUlO 0U, UUU WUU bore the hame of jj Chiehimecas. were savages, ?ho retired into the moun4 tains, where they lived without laws, without religion, "and'withouf: la prinfce to govern them'ABout " the year 820, the Nahuataloasi"4 wise and civilized natioa, came to Mexico from which the j" drove' the inhabi tants, and there founded the power ful empirb which the, Spaniards de stJroyed. I The Nahuatalcas did .-not prmg irorn the North the custom of sacrificing ; human victims. These barbarous sacrifices- were: not instittt; tedjUntiJ after their arrival in Mexiv cq, and upon tbet occasion of a cii eumstanoe which is related in full by Acosta. j ' v.t . tn --.'- i ,aJtA Colored Mare's Nest. -' Columbia (S. C) Hetfster. l '. ? t Dr. H. R. Allen, of the Northern rresDytenan vuurcn, thus revives the negro! scare: "Twenty years ago at the close of the war, there were in the Southern States 3,9t7,000 colored people, and now there are more: than 7.000.000 Then there were in Mississippi 220,- iP0 negroes,' now- 650,000. In Geor gia there were 454,200 . negroes, now there are 725,000 r South -Carolina, 400, 000, now more than 600 0QQ Five hundred colored babies are born in tbe United Statesevery day" The colored population doubles every twenty years the whiter population: onlv face tn thjrty-fiyie.,yeara.At thepresent rate of increase, in 1985 there will jbe 96,000,000'i white people in the United -States and ? 192,000,000 colored people, -ZS' "'' ilietf us look . at the f acts of this Dofetor "It will be seen lattheoori Doctor takes thefigures of '65, which we must estimate? and then takes '25. wtvich i we must again estimate, and aoout neitner ot wnicn. we can be certain, and more. - especially as the figures of 70 have been proven, as in census of 880, to' be grossly t alia-' cious . Now let us take the figures of 4860,. which are. also given, to get the grpwtn ot tne two races . in the.:; tu teerr slave States in 'BOahdof thn mtV "tfeetfex- slave States; including West Yirginia, in 1880'-''t :J iV turn; tn tiaoth; M2tfitnnmtvri dium of Tenth' Census,- and carefully . J J u ii : 1. ; n J 1 J .. . 1 I tutr u p tut; , w uxto ouu ucuuivu--popu- iauon 01 tne two periods as anven. ri t v) We- find that i the 'fifteen f slate estates naa m ioou, wmieso.udo.rjaa, iq 4,201,298 colored j'Ahd in 18801 12,460,407, jto 6,039,659 colored We thus see that the whites gained in twenty bears W2tt08r-vrbYS fper cent., whilst the colored iained , 000 osrn t.. .0 ri 111 lira oamo kiuuju 4?oo,omJ,iOi. ujr to o cr cept. . jn owj ta king this as the a&B it groiwth for,; each raous in the. x-iiaye, BtatesTTftna jinese: are the 1 lfaple figures :.we hat'er-let us rwnere thv carry the b races in the ex-slave States in 1985. Find . " White. 1 - in Colored. 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 ' 1985 " ! 19.313,570 tfA,&,685,027 - '. 29,936,033 12,489 069 : 45,400,85 1 ., ,; 17,959.281 . L 70,371,319 25 825, 446 109,075514 37,136,991 124,018,893 - 41,184,923 Upon these plain facts whiti is the use of pursuing, further the'' foolish statement as to 192,OO0f,O of colored people in the whole country in 1985? Where are they'to' come 'frotn with only 41,000,000 , in: thewhole South ? ana yet tbeseare ithe- kind of state ments that; intelligent men at the NorthI believe, and before .which in telligent men at the South feel doubt ful as to what f will become of their children and grandchildren after them. . - '4 . .; . . , ) : 1 : hi-- - "Bough on Eat" clears out rats, mice. 16c. I .. ... i.mn.fji. Uv "f.l-J Skin Diseases Cnrc4 -. ( t-.-, rf 1.4J-,4ll' -ore. By Dr. Frazler's Magic Ointment Cures aa if by jnctftc. pimples, black head or grubs, blotches and QrupLlUUs Ull Liit3 4UUK), ixt,kun, IUO DUU uwt beauUruL Also cures ,ltoh, salt rheum, sore nitx pies, sore lips, and old obnHuate ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of price. SO cents.. 8ol3 by T. & Smita Co. s J ;febaideodwlf - - ' ' .-. - i - . ' - "Boufh on Itchi" eurew humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt) rheum, frosted feet, chilblains -3 Whrn Tried Always" PrfTref. Ifl When they once: become acquainted wltn it, la Invariably prefer Parker's iiair Balsam to any similar preparation. It raases we nair roicana glossy, arrests its falling off. promotes new growth restores the original color, a' d .has no rival as a dressing. Not a dye, not oily, highly, perfumed. Only &uc. at druggists, : . " . - :. "Well's Eealta EeceTer" for ernPsla C?"-J - , " 4 -- , Foolscap. Printers Circular. Every one who handles miwr ran. ognizos foolscap as a sheet measuring ""i; iuuiich. xnis is used as a stan' dard size all the world over, official ly and commercially. It will, there lore oe interesting- to know where and how this word originated." After the execution of Charles I, of ; Eng- In,) . ft a - i, m . wmwea ana nis stall, in or ganizing the commonwealth,4 made u.pueapoie enorcto remove- every thing? Which? had any thing to do with tuo oiu.jnpnarcnyiihepaper in of ficial use -up tothat tune had : aa n watermark the n kings crown i i and, wnen (Cromwell was masked what should be putiin .the place of this crowia, itoshoahis overwhelming dislike 6f every thine rmArtA.min tn royalty he directed a fool's cap to be. pubiu piaceoi toe erowni This was done, una wnen Charles. n: ascended the throne of JDngland, it was at first iqrgomen, w replace the cap by some thing else, and when itoo late the js.mg wjaa afraid, to do anything j to rewuoiags aangerous to touch, and bo it was neglected and the fool's cap may -bel seen as a watermark on nearly 4U official paper in England it was also used ra this country, but oi jate. ii nas ;aisappeared, tor what reason"5 We . - do npt,,knowr,: still the foolscap! remains.for this size of . -pa i - Aea'iki Tfo the; Day of Small i iui-Hl :. 1 Thliin. LltUa things may help h man to rise a bent nln fn an easy fcalr, ft lastabce m Pierea'a "Hmo. t'TgateHtsi-4are small things, "pteasant 10 tate anov aaarcur sick headaches, MUeve tor jW lrverst aliij do ondersA Being purely vegeta- cahootJtomany ana. : All drugglstSr - iiiHI0 l. aottooraaibuntona,16c X, ,. .-l. I- A CARD. -5. aHwli are suffer tun from whm m.nA inA i eretlonsof youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, AcmJ will send a recipe that will cure you, FHKB OF CHAB6K. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America, Send self aadressed envelope to Hv. JoaaPB I. v;odfwir ."".- (Bough oa Toothaohe.', Instant mltaMKn. ; i I wUl commence Belling out this day the ; ENTIRE' ? STOCK OF " GOODS H -"-'-' . v Assigned to me byC M. Etheredge, eonstsUng of FHUIT JARS, ia.t j v ; . .... : : G I ass ware, T i n wa re, A LAEG liOT OJ1 -,;i?V . . .1.1 STRAlTOSand WOVEN . r-ir. . '.s -- - ALtrHiHDS OF NOFIONS. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. ... TNfewOfKThem fat aiM Below COST!! , heriot clarkson.7 " rme5d20d. ': Trastree of C ILStheredge. ,.! Nortn Carolina: Best Medicinal Mineral Waters, and most nrin. slvely fitted up! piaee 'for pleasure seekers or lnva-llds.- Posjessas auterior advantaees. Write for catali liB K. U. ELLIOTT dC SON,. . Owners and Proprietors ,. a C1RRI1GE AND BUGGY HEPOSITORY: Tuh iioeotkriier Buffii Cnrinv Woufptn n( tl.a luu.4 .nubn, mr. luiu4 Spring Wagons; etc oi the best , makes and latest styles, on hand! ' JTY4kas petp order and repaired, .u , A.tr, bijtciuo!i . co"i" ' CljarlottaJt-iC. next to Wadsworth's Stablest : " ' J 'J.u - : . THE MUTUAL ENDOWMENT AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION a jilGF-AMERICA".-': .: " !. OMicao thb (tknkral Asknt) . h-.m4i !. 1 1 foR North Carolina, ' - - ' " CnAKLOTTB, N. & 1 !s Association, now nearly f . ur years old. and ;avtug a membership in a large number of the States, amounting to nearly 25.000 beneficiaries. nas last estaDUsneu a- eetieial aenncr for North Caioiina, with headquart ra in Charlotte. - - - - - To do uila it has been nfcessa.iv to eomnlv wltti the taws of the Scate, which has been done, as will more ruuy appear uy reaaing me loiiowing copy or certlfleate and receipt from the Secretary of btate: ". s Stati or North Cabolina. ' , Officb o Secretary or Statk ' - . " '1MSUKANC8 DSPASTMKKT, -i.a , 1 Balkiqh, 2ath April 1885. iooy jo. . i , . - Tbe Mutual Self Endowment and Beneficial As sociation, having filed In this office an appoint meat Of 4. T. Whitehead as fteneraJ sarenr for this Stateuuder -the eai of the rampany and havnx nereiorore, w vni: on xne tn April, is, paid into this office fif'J -dollun.- .the Ucen se fee. re. quired by section 14 Of "An iiot to consolidate tad Insurance Laws of N. C.," ratified March 7, 1883, , fc--s 1 LICESS is hebebv gbantbo to Uie 8al said company to do business in this 1 State uatll ADrtl 1st. - lifi. sublMt ta tb provisions of said act. -. . L&lgueaj ... , i . w. u 8AUNUKKS, '' Secretary of 8tat. uoyj ao iu i . - ..a North Carolina. - ' . , OmcK Skorbtabt of Stats,' '': ...... ............... 'j". ,0V.WU,W AA, Ulfl AN I. Beeetved from J. T. Whitehead, eenernl aimnt of the Mutual Self .Endowment and benevolent As sociation, twelve dollars. Tor cerufvln alwtract of reports ot the financial condition of said com pany for the year ending December 31st, A, P. . is&t, auu muB iiuuars iut auverusingsame.. . .-..v : ISlgnedl .- . . w. L. SAUNDERS, Tf.' :' 1 ' Secretary of Stale. Aj General Agent I have authority from tbe Sec retary of State to receive applications for member ship, appoint agents and do any and all business for the Association not tn-vtolaUon of the laws of tbe same or of the State of. North Carolina. We have not space toexplaln its proper features. It needs only to be Investigated to be appreciated. It is oa the same plan of the Knights of Honor, Legion of Honor and Royal Arcanum and other popular co-operative associations, adding the very popular feature that tt Is not necessary for a mem ber to die to get. every dollar his policy calls tor. .We employ none but gentlemen who can give bond In the vaelnlty in which they live to canvass for tbe company, and therefore bespeak for them-the pa tient hearing and confidence their honorable mis- L sion entlUes them to. - . - . . .. .. Aaaress me or my secretary ai icar'"Te. n . u -. : J. T.WEJTI5SAD, Gepoval i?nnt lor Kor-. j (. - 'na. U.Vts.T.-zi,i;.f. : ...1 rVTv-' j "T . : . v..y.;2'r-:i;:.-.-;-:.-;-'-i;.' bttUlWlij, ij j(S'.iilSS ijf 6. -it 7 505 r . -f 1fi : - ...--.F xit"-: -W l-X iTi :..'-i:: " 3 3 i i n k Ti-k arar h r I '-an hwi m w i'iikyv' ' 15.1 :.'""' jm. '. a?T,.t.:oi -.;. l 1 6 iTliis Wek i ...v 5. t - fit .j. T t ifivi.. ;". " . '.' . s All alive for business! vaiues uiau "'5. "-sri-t ..''-- -rV-.n.,-V.-.-i.?tj'r:V?';? 1 ' ,' -'V :--",;--:-.--'----!; ': - - -' ' - " 4 , . , . , ... J 1 . , - ' S ;,. i -V AT k' "'-'." 1 f-s-.f . ;i . "i F yvl i i t f.nili ..t. ( 4 , I . j .1-1 ., '' .'. . 1'1"j1 ', ' I 1 f'lf'.Vff! CftR TO il I lUiUU I special saie -hqis ;eeK;Dius--;.1. . " . . . - . - ' : . . .... - t ,iWi:i M4.i f;t;Q l n TT tfrt I TtTT T T H 1 ; .... . . - .... ; .., - . -Tf. I ' Xll.KN (llllll IIKiiNX Ullllllvl ljj iiiiu - nil i ill 1 1 1 il 1 1 ia 1 1 1 i ti 1 1 ii Ehtireypiw; and; beautiful Ip&c everi ) 'All co t.h e fdl 1 o wi no- i nViil n pratW Arr iir' !if : Tiooi f i vv ; : - r ) striking and imposing . pfices-rmake iip your at uuue, uuu: visit tue greaiest ouii .auajLire. . viuuuis -Lcpai tuiciib iu 20 different, shades in Colored Silks .at ,59 . ctotff pJatdi .Jw-J. ; 1 former. price $1.00. , -. t-.t o 'j j, i vi ti ia-a" - ? -25 pieces Colored Gros Grain Silks at 98 tnts?fdierictf."'V "r r fl.oo. per yard : J(. . - . ; j t r.i t..4 fr'o r 1 lot Australian Nun'a Veiling at 12 Jo i rednced from 25s:u ' ri ( 1 case imported Brocades at 12icM worth 25 eentsV t ilkT i'-' 1 case Regular 12c Dress Goods,4 we! will sell this i week at -4 cents Der vard while thev last. I "" ".ril J: 4 . .l 1,000 yards remnants Lawn at Jj?00 Oorseekgant shape at AUAi.i,iugB vu jjcub aim . viiuivbuo ;fr'l-T, : ''- i vt' ji f. " f Come early in the week before lifetime be tore could you buy as 7V77r r 7-7:-,;7 , t ,04t,', U wl. u.ta ,TCbit money.as you can now -by -visiting the great stores1 fyV 77l7 :, - j 5':-- nu A TT nmri?' XT n wrnA STcw Brighton Hote Near : Charleston, Souths Carolina, Will open for the Season MONDAY, JUNE 1st, 1885.- No expense win be soared to make this bOiUte mis summer seoona 10 none on xne Atuurae voasw bates according to location ot room. special rates ior monu ox wune - : - - All railroads running to Charleston make smclal. miss for the ODenlne. - . - - ' Hais ueienratea - H.wn - vrasu uana ana uiv chestra, Prof D. C. Hafl, leader .tod director, has oeen engagea ior ine season. - 4l.1T. KUUXMDLS.S1. - ' - " Box 886, Charleston, 8. C. f P.D Cohxh. Manager. , mar42w just arrived: . ... ... . . '".l - .:.'-:..'! - " '. 5 ' 50 BUSHELS CLAY 'PEAS,' " Two Qar Loads Timothy Hay. One', ,Load Western Corn. a u u -Oats. -Call early. !;::;f . c arson; BROS. 9 ATTENTION ! J " At tbe Knterorlse Lmnber Yard, corner Graham and Snd streets, we keep tbe very best quaUUea of Lumber, SJalatgles) atsil IatUieay -'ATlHBiOWISTI,,EICE3., " rAIl bnis promptly fined. To the bnnii!r pii. CaU and save mf"'T. !. - ... . j . ti rl ,t v ..'t i .j-i-d.aj sX j i."fi-'j. :f ...if tvU i 1 tv J , :MXvl i 1 iuo'l 1 1, 1 u j,. t .,,ti t.tnH$.V. S '1, . . i , f i tt.y , (ht'i Cli , f t .u i-J.-'t .11 riiKA ,itivif H UJ4iJr.l d.-linjA ;r)tl$ 3.i-.-4 oTNti'iiU ;'.rJ.ti ,a)IX ii.jilJiy"i ; ".. t.i Li lo ..iftLI l.auiJVi il k .t-JI S10" 0 ( 3tat t-ir ra il .-juv.ii-nl 1 dJi : !!fil am Sfthai:- i a ,mu-. Mti VjVO Il 'Hi o4 utJ w-i t.'f . , .tH,VU lo bilili' wfHl rsJi " i'v H-ifi ' J mW li fcJfvfe mi l' v a s a' a.a v rim-v--1. .v 1 ; ..,ri... . . ." ;u ! ' 4; i t., -al tiittt Suit iifcil VltlU) .?tl ' !',.' 3t J,,i . tUtiM W'jJ,., i4 t AH alive for bargns! IM,.i-.'. i.Hl W'.UUIUHI SI iJ' ever ueiure. Ltd I mMi fc-tti ' j , - .tt h,iJt..tii "! J ; . , t uoot iw vitdf . .tsfwattri " t j V. J i-..l lvi LSM'MAi- - .. m . I 't '1 IM fU.rf tliUi 11.111 1IV J W Jl. E.lA4 Utl .W , . f ni a.. t-. .-, 4 fi..i..l.V4 W Sir. r I A tf ill ;i t jui Ij i .ij'ijt t.-.i j ( no ft.1 s . n ' it JjulJ 'Jiii .i'.ioniU X"" ii:i Jl' j bargains! J Note the ft1 "mind ; to buyiastf... . , bins tatu . ,v 1"?t '- 4 cents pec yard. i . -Lirm& '.j.lij ;.:uv-u.. 49. cents formerpre ; : aiuiub ' )ii givenaway. loteamttbf&eny-aW&w many; go64sibl very tlittle .li-.; .1 C .1 . .. t.1 Oil 11.1 tlAD-WTO t-JIfifk 1 lilUilAiIW A I' 1 1 l v 1 1W R. Ra LAntG; a Miimteta, North Hakotlt, Montana, J- j Idaho, Wathington-e Orfgo'S?' r " . . Mpvieet ras9ligchiBy4ja fs sr aora, a 8 to 10 year flma, IMs hr the Best Country kj ,..u,La ImA414mm imm fn ..Hl.M.nl. raniwr irif oTrinH'k,t lahsMi .nd Timber Culture Laws. NOTE. . '- lIAtr of stlths Public LsndrfditpoiWdot l K f, wr in the Northern Pacific couMry,., Baaqk i.;4.-' Mini tent raiss, aetcnoinif m , i . . - y raaildto-r.. 1 Vr;!? -J -l ? -ss. t' ' " I Millinery! MillineryK -v ' ' I X "I 1-4 HxH-- f . . : - , Cail attention to their stock of KLUUSmt ' i : . whU4i amtnrlaiia a!) tlwt "Latest; NbVdlticSlv - - . r-Lrf)ii Jf i moisoii.3 V' 1 , - ; r. v.- f ,t --". i 3 -a sa '" t j" " Order Trent a ltaaceiri:LrM.', ,utV, celte Prompt Attemtloei.4.0,.. -." ' . 't .' " V : ' . y. , . .. ..,.,, . - .. ,1, , K. B. I nave not, left the city, bat am stn c r ' -' the "war-path" la kULLHiEBY. '- " BespeetfuUy, . ' 1ZZ3. L, E. T -il1i"d!. t 1 ! .1 ..";:t T -1 . --i 4