. xt iv it ij K) i t j u ii S .ft K V I'; 1C ; T U K b D A Y ; JUNE 23, 18 85 3: & f HOTAI. f-.WM .J I A bso! utely P u re. f!H (54o)' never v.irt t. A tuirail of pOjUS urotgUi anci wtUiJomet.M ilure economical i.i tut .laui.tf ainoH. nn rnnK r gom in "t;t tliti wttt tij Multitude ot ,i t, snort ."' cr phMmtr powdfti? - Sold only Id W. t UncUnu -Notice to dog owners. T f.. " gle Lo pries. Moo-' BUm Co -The lncl-y one1. ,i U linjnrzer Building and loan slock. . tt mi her Indications. Middle Allaotic States generally fair, cooler weather, yrith cool wave, brisk north western j winxjs, rising barometer. : : - -''.'!. Hiuh Atlantic. States, local rafns, foilowpil ; bv fair, cooler . wt ather, westerly - winds - shifting on North G-iiolina coast to northerly. Mr Levi W. Scoflle. of the Bu ford, n CharloU, and tjio Kimball, in Atlanta, was in the city yesterday . It would have been refreshing yesterday could part of , that wes tern si,jw storm have struck Char-.' Tlie case agaiust Gen; Gus Hull, and V instable Harrison was Iried, be fnre Ewjuiro .Waring yesterdKy and 4ismlsed. . - , r::-;' Harriiif pn Li3 aJJod waler jneon on ice to hi list -of dc-lioacies, tmi Lie place ti .Letol'iiing a -, more popular resort than eveF; " .- ."" , - J i Mri TbosV Wi'scin; wh tiyes in thi Sugi.T creelc heighlo hood, lost his little daughter yestt rcay -a!Vr-' notxi: Anotlice yiciim r to , the pieN vailing dyecutrry, ' '" .Col. Chas. R Jones; of Tbe Ocs skryer, ltt yesterday afternoon for Bakcrsvillc, lliu-hi ll county, where he is to deliver an address outhe24cbf at a Masonic celebration. The Independent firemen leave tonight for Greenville, S. C, and tos morrow night the Hornets leave for Wilmington. We hope no fires will break out in Charlotte while they are gone. ;.. The third series of the Mutual Building and Loan Association will close on Monday, July 6 th, and share holder will be interested in an ads. vertisement elsewhere. Shares of the first series in this association are now bringing a $6 bonus. , ; Dr. A. D. Hepburn was the offi ciating minister at the marriage of Mr. Oeland, the Davidson studep.tr lfist Thursday Ji'ght, instead of Rev. W. P. Williams, as stated by us. ITie ceremony was performed at Rev. Mr. An rnusually fine line ot silver ware, gold and, diamond- jewelry, bronzes, clocks, etc . are now being auctioned off in the old Bank of Meek lenburg building. The place was crowded last night and the goods sold cheap. Messrs. Robert Jarvis and Charlie Easton, the young men over, whose arrest for the dynamiting outrage so much interest was created, .have de parted from the city. Jarvis bought a ticket for Ne w.York city, bis former home, and Easton accompanied him, M least part of the way. ; The Alexander Hotel, at Alexan der, Western North Carolina, is run ning this season under a new admin istration, and is furnishing entertain ment for a large number of tourists. Mrs. R. Baird is the proprietress, and "Uncle Joe' Baird- is the manager.; Mr. Baird is 73 years old, and says he is Ztb.; Vance's uncle. He is a fine old rran, and nobody who ever stop ped at his hotel found anything to complain of. ' Mr. i Chas. - Brem, of this city, will go to Gaffney's, 8. C, in a week or two to open out a first class drug store in that place. He. is now having a large brick structure erect ed for his drug house, and will occu- Ey it as soon as finished. " Mr. Brem as had a good deal of experience iti the drug business and will conduct a first class store. - We-commend him to the good people of Gaffney's as a young man in every way .worthy their confidence and support, The New Lutheran Church and it Lo- . cation. - ' - : .: . - , '- . - r Within a few months from Co 7 the Lutheran congregation of . this city will be woi shipping : in a. t new edifice, the cost of which will be be tween $8,000 and 10,000, very likely nearer the latter figure. Fur some time tbe Lutherans havo Uen trou bled About securii'g a suitable loca tion for their neyv church, ami they had about decided to build upon the ground occupied by the present church, but they have sine' made a trade which cliangns this pian. The building comsniltee bought a lot on Tryon street frorn Gen. K D John son, and the purchase has been ap proved by the congregation. The lot is located -on the east side of Tryon street between Seventh and Eighth streets. It adjoins the resi deuce of Mr. Geo H- Brockenbrough on one side and the residence of Mr Ransom Gray on tbe other, - and is almost opposite the residenoe o (ien. R Barringer. The lot has a frontage of 10H feet and is 198 feet deep. The sum paid for it by the Lutheiau cons : creaLion is 5.300. There are tvO dwelling houses on the lot, one frame and one brick,; ana inese are vj ie torn dowu and reiDuVed uX once The nlan for the new cburch is bt jug completed by a northern arciijiect and will be ret-cived within a few days. After it is approved the Work o erecting the buil nn? wm ta com inenwd ut, once. Ttiw eongrt giiiuu will use their old church a a plic uf worship while; the: new church - is being built. Tbey have not yet sold their old church property, as they are awciiir- a cc::vcr.r..-:t. t::net3rut r it upon V. : : ':. i.V MAKKIt AM L4V iJBE.lMEll A n.' t'x-LegiHiHfor H.'Bfs Hmlt : IK - J ul " l!i UhvV rit-iid 7"W'iift ' -ini) i I SctUug til. k- i' in i iiii iu . crpirjied Towu ot Ml. loll V '';.-." "', W. E. Cowan was formerly a Re publican member of the Legislature. Li'cly he was the proprietor of a gin mill at Mt. Holly, but nov his board bill U being paid bv the citizens of Gastcn county.: His gin mill has cease 1 to grind find Cowan 13 in jail. The circunietano loading to his mis fortune originated from his belief that h ho was once a member of the. Legislature and helped to make laws,' he ituew more about them than any body eh pnd undertook to show the people'of Mt. Holiy that he could s41 liquor theie, even if the law forbade it 'The insult is that the ex legislas tor is rtOW in jail under bonds aggre gating f 4,400 with t2,800 yet to be added. --v-.r:- ----' It came'about this way. There js ja church at Mt Holly and the town has long been incorporated including the Usual three mile litnif, When the new town of Mt.; Holly, was incon poratea ana tne aepot was movea half mile nearer-, the nver, certain parties took up the idea that as it was a new town, tney couia open a bar room there without any - trouble. A rum mill was put up and. set to grind me, but :was promptly closed up and the proprietor warned that if he attempted to . sen liquor m' ifie town again he would bo sent to iau After this there followed an interval of quiet, but one moriiing 'three weeks ago, the dpors of - one of the new stores in the town were thrown open, and the odor of Gaston county corn and apple - jack pervaded ; the atmosphere and aboye the door was nailed a board bearing the : legend "Bar Room." The proprietor was Mr W. E. Cowany the ex legislator. He announced that he had come to stay, and intended to make himself and his bar a fixture. He had previously applied to the commissioners of Gas ton county for permission to sell: H UliUl 111 JH.U. tlOUV,, UUU WW ClUODU( He then consulted: Hon. " George F. Bason in regard to the : matter and was advised by Mr. Bason not to en tertain an idea of opening the pro posed bar room as he would surely be involved in trouble. In the face of all this, however, Cowan loaded - a few barrels of the ardent on a wagon, drove to Mt. Holly and opened his bar. For three weeks he had fair Bailing. Trade was good and coin passed over his counter at a rale that made nun feel that his defiance of the law was really turning out well for him. Saturday'morning last, his first r us tomer was a constable ana auer tnar. his trade did not amount to much. Thft constable carried him before a magistrate and the people proceeded ' o prove to him that . the way of the transgressor is iwd. - In all, thirtj six indictments were read QUtagaini-t him for retailing whiskey, unlicensed and in defiance of the law. Faurs teen othshB caSs s' wero hell back for waut of wituefScs who will ap pear at the right time, but the re maining twentyt wo irJletments were tried, and fJownn was ; found guilty on each count. " His bonds for trial by the Superior Uourt or Uaston was fixed at 1200 in each ca. tried, making a total bond of $4,400. When the other 14 cases are tried his bond will very likely amount $7,200. Af ter this he will be held on two other charges, one for selling liquor to minors, and the other for carrying concealed - weapons. Cowan could not give the $4,400 - bond, and was sent to jail at Dallas. He was warn ed of his intended arrest and was given twenty four, hours to secure the aid of counsel, but failed to- avail himself of the opportunity thus af forded. - -' The Normal fn Winttoo. ' Prof T. J. Mitchell and Misses Scarr and Williams, of our city graded school, are in Winston to attend tbe sessions of the State Normal School, which open m that place this morn ing. - The omcers ana instructors tor this normal are: Jrrot. J. Li. romiin son, supt. vvui8ton graaea scnoois, superintendent; Prof. C D- Mclver, of the Winston graded school. Secre tary ; Prof i. J. Mitchell, supti Charlotte graded schools; Prof. J. II. Myers, supt nchools, Loweville, N. Y; Prof. Robt Houston, New York citv, reading and elocution; Prof. Geo. E. Liittle, Washington, U , instructor in drawing; Prof . B C. UnBeld, New. York city, lnstructorin music; Jftiss Fannie' B. Cox, of Winston graded school, in charge of model primary class. . - A Ku-ting II r Suudar Vork Mr. John A Newell, who keeps a store and gin house sx mi es north of Charlotte on the North Carolina rail road, was badly injured Sunday af-. ter noon by a kicking horse, Mr, Newell was driving the hors by his house, when a part of the harness gave way, allowing the bugy to run against tbe horse. - This set tho ani mal tokicKing, ana as it was aunaay it is presumed that tle:horse exerted himself to do his level nest, iiis neeis flew fast and high and before he could be checked, the front . part of tho ouggy was knocked out, the shafts split to pieces and Mr. J Newell was surrering wicn a compounu trau ture of one of his legs.- The- horse had dealt him a kick on hi3 If g, bes t ween the knee and ankle with such force as to shatter the large bone. Drs Wilder and Byers, ot tins city, went out to attend tbe wounded man. His leg is badly broken, but will not have to be amputated. Personal Paragraph. Miss Eliza Faison, of Warsaw, who has been attending Miss ftveritts school .at Statesville, is in the city, the: guest during her visit here of Miss Carrie Barringer. - . . A party of our young people went up to Lincolnton last night to attend an entertainment in that, place. - . v Mrs. J; L Whitsett left yesterday on a visit to friends in Selma, Ala. Mr. Wm. , C- Ivey; of Rutherford-, ton. was at the Central yesterday with his bride, on, bis return home from a bridal tour. : , Ca-1. John Woodhouse, editor of the Concord Register, - gave us :a pleasant call yesterday. - .Among the Central's arrivals yes terday were- Herbert Luttertoh, Mrs. J. M. Doyle, Fayettevilles E, B. En gelhard, Ualtigh ; W, O. Norris, Cheg : ter, Pa. ; M A. Sexton, Tif ton, Ga-. ; P. B. Lw, Washington; N. M, Alex ander, Beresford, "Ala. ; Rev. W. W Bobbitt, Salisbury; John &. Welling ton, Baltimore; Wrn. P. Asten, New; York ; J. C. Montgomery. Chicago ; W. L. Parsley, Wilm;ngton C. B. Sceprenson, Camden, 6, -C. ; D- M. Austin, Monroe; W, F. RoberUcn, Atlanta; W R. Hawkins, Laurin burg; W. W; Stuart; Winston . . FA Kpnnedy, Nashville, W T An ders m. Jnoxvill-; Thos R Marshal', Ricbrnond; VV 11 Miller, rhiladelpiaa; A C Campoe'l, Nabhviile; H Grei irec, HyrHCUe; Ti-os H. Bowen, Tren ton ' N J; T .V McOonniuk, Puilaj CiuU B atacv. Riohinond; W S Run fay. Balfj T"W - B'uinks, philaj A H Pri 5 Trov, N Y ; E II Lee, J L W :ioi!:y, Lyr.chburg, were ar.:oEthe , 3 - -. ' ' - ...... j t j - j - . jfedge Shipp aod the Conrtw. Judge William Shipp is at ' home enjoying a vacation ' which will eud .vi umj wutjji . wiu com v mence. ousintss at Alexander cjurt in tai the nj.v eleven!,!! district. In' will take J udgo r Shipp from July 27th to November 20tli r to .ride" the circuit of the nine counties compitsr ing : the eleventh district, and tha counties? will be taken in this order Alexander. ; Catawba. Cleveland, Mecklenburg, Union, -LinculiV, Gas ton, Rutherford, and Polk, "it will seem odd -for Oabarrui cuiirt not to follow that - o Mecklenburg,' but as the .twy counties are i iiO longer iii tlie bame district? the ; old - order : of things will be known no rnoie: i Ca barrus is a) win the eignth district ani the next term of -.the . Superior eoqrt ior that county will jiot con-i vene uutir Noyember 2 : It will be a one week's term, for eiyil causes only. . .(;- : ; !hc F fe Alarm- A famlut Aecideat Smoke" - from large pile of baled rairs. " havaT -COHon on the rags, : hay r . v - -" . utv.u uiuuu t ton compress, attracted the attention of , the depot watpbhian -'at 0 igO u coctt. jaew H'gHSitni ine aiarm was Kjiepnpneu tywo. ; fpe pre com panies were quickly at the scene and the quenchig of the flames; was" but; the work of a few mjnutes. The fire originated .iirom some . unknown cause, ftmong a lot of r&gs, . eighteen oajes, n(3 prgpercy pi, m. Tlddy, paper 7 roQUtecturers. - large consignment of eottea and bal ed hay was on the platform, but was not reached by the fire. The loss is small, as but a small quantity- of rags was burped, and the remainder was put in good condition for- the Pftlp mil hy the water. - r Gu discovering ; the fire the nighf watchnjan, . Mr WilUan Orr. at tempted to pull a number of Wles from around the burning rags, when a heavy- bale of cotton - became dis placed and tumbled down; upon him, crushing hjn against.tbe floor and injuring him very pamfully. The weight of the bale; fell upon his thighs.; He was unable to stand alone and was helped into the depot,; where medical aia soon reacnea him,v.Ur. Bvers, the attendingnhysician. could not ascertain the exact extent of his injuries, but , pronoqnoed them of a serious mature. , ' Later , in the night 'he. was placed in a carriage and taken home. Jt ia feared that h bag re ceived internal injuries of a grave character, r:-..-- -: - ;"';-..: -, ' 1 - To tbe Editor of iHgOBKKRVElir ? -i A public' inquiry someiiines resuhs in a public benefit, and kiiQwjng your publie spirit,; we fake the liberty of inquiring if t! e druggists of Cha' lotte do nob v o ate sej ion 34 of .' the roves nueacu . '..;? , -;; . , . ' . fEvery pereon company, or firm . for selling spirituous, vinous, or maiv. lquors. or mwtiicafea Mtters, snau. pay a lU'eneo lax quarterly, m ad vance." r--". ' ; ; ; ' N jw, irt not every drug store ciihvr ; co.'idticled bv a persou, coiV'.p my or fi'Un? ' If so do they sell' spirituous liquor' and do hpy pay thiv license ax; or are-'n-'y vioia 'f tfi j uw? Lbxciyis. j CharlotM , June 22. - . - MUtrtl CAROLINA PINE. mn Iiii Tfunre ruC" and r.enrr 10 Our Ptnr Foresi Ueboacea. " Mr Wm. E. Ashley, manager- of the North Carolina Car Works, in a letter to the Watauga Club - of " Ral eigh, says: ' Your committee on the woods or isortn Uarolma having - air ready, through Dr. Dabney, reported on the very numerous . articles of every day use that are now imported into this State, the raw material for which is wasting on almest; every hirtside, desired that we turn our at tention to the manufacturing ques. tion so plainly brought before us. - As it is a very large one, our forest wealth being equal to or greater than that of any State, and probably ex ceeding m value any other -natural resource, we have m this paper se- lected only on" the Pine-Mncluding all commercial varieties without re gard to. their bo anical differences. They are to be found m large quan tities in fifteen , counties; estimated to aggregate 5,229,000,000 feet. A vastly great and to even an 5 expert mind a totally unmeasurable quan tity, - nearly one third of which is directly within reach of this mar ket " ' . How can we best utilise this im mense forest wealth, and in ' what condition will it be the most valuable to us? We wiil mention a few of the simpler methods of manufacture, and t he increased value at each stage First the average price per afire of nine timber land is. $2. 50. The av erage product of one acre is 4,000 feet board measure of merchantable lum ber, worth at railroad station or Bide- tra;k the average price au $7. 50 per 000 feet, or $30.00 for 4,000 feet. Here we have worked iip the raw material of one acre - worth at first $2.50, and by simply rurining a; saw through it we nave muitipiiea its value - more than . ten - times. But this multiplication is ' not all profit. . It requires an investment in lands, boiler, engine, saw mill, ; wa gons, horses, mules, harness, tools, &c., varying according to the quans tity of land purchased, jrom sa.yo- to $25 00. ';;;.,;,.-:" v-. The average saw. mill will employ fifteen men at a monthly pay roll of $250. Feed of teams, - in terest on investment and x wear and tear will in most cases equal the pay roll. The usual monthlv product of such mill will be about 100,000 feet, and by hard work and close, careful management the proprietor may se cure a comtortaqie income trom tne earnings of one mill." ; ;;.,.; ,.'.;"' We will now follow ; this proauct of one acre to the planing mill, here if we will dry and plane it for fl xiriug, ceiling or weather-boarding, we have increased tbe value to $50. Or we will maks it ail into; moulding, and we have a product worth $120, four times its first market value." Or again we will make make doors, sash and blinds, out of this 4,000 feet we have taken from the one acre and we have by the aid machinery and labor,, articles worth at wholesale prices $265, rmore than 100 .' times greater than when.we first met our one acre of pine land. In order to accomplish the above striking results it is nectssarr to have buildings or shops to contain engine,; boilers, pul leys, shafting, planers," moulders, lathes, mortising, ; tenoning, boring, shaping, and many other machines, the prices of which vary all the way from P0 to f gOQ each, running the cost of a well equipped plant up to $30,000. Such property, well officered' and manned, to manufacture as above would .rf quire about 35 men. . " Pay rolls and salaries average - $1,250 per monf h.; Interest, insurance, taxes, repairs, and wear and tear, about $W0 per month more, uasn vame average monthly' product, $4,000 - We have now brought this acre of pine, titnbtr laud through several stages of shape and value, employing more than I') men and several thous andsrf c - 1, eU in a domestic ;-.-:r----'r. ?-;-;;3 I ' , soo r a acres will supply with raw material the saw mill and factory above de scribed for one - year, the 1,500,000 acres in the State will certainly sup ply several hundred such enterprisis ior a long time to come. . . But to proceed, our yellow pine has many rnends-ail over the country, in the shipyards, ear shops, banks private residences and even churches. Air. -J tale notes a vphow mast f tack that sold in New York for $600 - a recent number of the National C.ir Builder contains the following: "Yel low pine isorie of the strongest woods 1 . - 1L T.. .. , , . " . Aiiuwn,. Fanning aiongsiae ot asoe .white oak for car or coach building and finishing " Select .edge grain yellow pino ' flooiing commands a very high price in any northern mar ket ; The lumber is also ; very y fash- ionable jut now for reeded wains potting in" banks, halls and dining rooms of private residences ; some very fin offic furniture jsalso made from yellow pine I remember nof cr ing an entire set in Boston last fall, and we. raigh continue the list alraoBt without limit. But. Mr. President. '"T-thfi&nalremark that tar, tur- ; pentinw and pi.tct: Q-S1?? raaqe from pine, I shall bring this paper to a cpse. ; : ; ;;" - 'v; ::;?..;";;t-: r -. Six Indians fllurtf ered, . Pknyeii Col., June 22. A special to the Tribune from -Jrort Lewis, Col,; says:';!It is rumored that six TJte In dians Jiaye been killed by white men in Dolores Valley, and that the chief Qftpe tripe tQ wqch they tielongpd is very much enrage'd. Rp4 demapds satisfaction. If the rumor proves true there will probably . be trouble with the Utes in southern Colorado." .- Wotk of the Dumb Locogt. ' Ly NpHBtJBQ, Va., June 22 An in sect called the '-dumb locust" is com mitting ravages on the apple trees in some of the southeast counties and trees are dying by hundreds. - Severe Storm.' Staunton, Va.'June 22. A severe wind and hail storm passed over the lower portion of Augusta county yess terday, prostrating buildings, trees and growing corn,: and otheiwise causing heavy damage.- - JUNE 23. IK. S -i- V:.-vtp-;-i 5 .. . ;.. - vt.; e';":; i ' Bai.timokk No.m5-flom stea. y: Howard HTr, snd Western Supene OOritS CO, Extr J3 tfid 125- family S4.fi0aiH.76: City Mills SuDer i3?fi & 'i 5!: Extra 3.75.t4.UI. Kio brandu t4 IKJSi 00; Patapsco FamHy $6r 8'iiwrlallve Patent $6.25; Whe:it-53outheni sv ady; western a 11: Souttieru r-1 So a'keil; No. 2 .- mo rn iirtci red iioi $i9Vi - Corn-Sontnen; tt nily. Western s'eady; CHlOASO, Klour duiu Whtutt n sjiker. cIo Iiik 5i under Saturday; June tfeiai 9, July Klff8'J3; au- eufi wttfivi : iso . reu vw. . u rn-ouief a a firm, pl.ing lc nlsh r: cash 471; June 4la47to; H y bWF , August 414 - Oat;-- qmet; cash SBimifr June asfwij i July Havana:. Aunu t 8rf2SlA hies pork sUs niy ca h il 2.V7410 25: July $i0 lilvrVil" 2 j - August KlU..:5:-r't.0.3Jl. Lard nuk;t .j.d .-teua. chsu ssrortiiSU:" juit MWttitVjmM:1' -u'Mt ii7Mit75 B-xei WlKlti.te d;ry ltM B!lOUKt- S $8'5 i$lOO; short ribs 45 35 is sli-1 cl. ftr t5.H?5 i5. '. .sl:tl . j-. . , WiLmimotok Turpentine a tet at S4l. Bos i. Arm; strained 9u; good strained 5. Tar firm at il.iof- crude turpentine firm; bcira JL10; yellow dip and virgin il 90 Satasnah Tumennne Drm at si. Kosm steady at tl.OQJl.17. VHAKLKrroM Turcennne steady n B4M kosic steady; strained 96; good strained $1 ti&. - l .- V NRW VORK. . -Exehanxe 4.h5l4. Honey " Sub-treasury balances gold $l2,125.aU: currency $19 887,000. Govsramenis steady; four per cents, iliSfe; three'd l.i3a&; btatebonda 8 eady. AiaDnmar-Olas a. a toir...... 90 " - Class B, n?es...: . . i.. 1.1)4 bteorjttaB's.i.. ..- ..-. ................ i.02 Georgia 7s mortgage. ........ .-. ..i l.(j5Si North Caroluia 4'a. .H' past North Carolina ffs, ex. lnt. ..........1.1iia 11.11 North Carolina's Funding. - 10 : South Carolina Brown Consols ...... l.OMa Tennessee 6 s. ........................ ...... 47 Vlrglnlae's............. 40 Vlrelnia ChisoIs. E0 Chesapeake and Ohio... 4 Oblcago and Northwestern.... ........ ...... Ctucago and Northwestern, preferred. 1.27 Denver ana mo uranae... tsi Erie........ ........ 10 East Tennessee........ 3 Lake Shore... 65 Louisville and Nashville.. S41& Biempius anaunarieston. at Mobile and Ohio 7 Nashville and Chattanooga................. 36 New Orleans Pacific, 1st. New York central... , Norfolk and Western preferred..... . - In 161& UVt '; M 49 19 l.'61fc 7 -Mi I.I.7V5 . m& ears 4 -8 Northern facmc common . ... .. Northern Pacific preferred.... Facinc Man. ..... ........... ..... Beading......... .... .i....,.. .... . tuenmona&na Aiiegnany...... .. ... Richmond and Danville. Eichmond and West Point Terminal Hock Island.... St. Paul. ..................... St. Paul pref erred., Texas raemc . , Onion Pacifte..... ..;i -, Wabash Pacific, ...;.... v. Wabash Pacific, preferred........ western union Bid. fUstbld. gOCfered, Usked. KcUls . ; i'eilun. ALVroti-Easy; middling Mrtli . iwt- rucelpr' exports receipt expc r 17: . koss 17; sales . 113; stocu coastwise 14 L Norfolk Steaay; middling ltn,t net 26; gross -2'i;y stoek 1,815; wles coastwise 214; Great Britain . - ; wiurTiuros irm; niiuounK luyj.; net reeit , gross ; sales- ; stock 409 r ez ports coast . wise ; tireat Britain . ' SATAKiiAaNom'l; middling KAs net recelpu 10:. gross 10; sales 50; stock 2114; exports coastwise 60; to continent ; Great Britain -; France . - Njkw Orleans Dull: middling 10; net rec'w 13; gross 815; sales 100: stock. 56,936; export eoastwise 4S7; to Great -Britain ; France ; continent . -. MoBrLB Nornlfial; middling 10; net rec ta ai; gross 21; sales ; stock 7 Jos; exp ts . coastwise 156 Great Britain . - MaaffHis Dull: middling l(M ; receipts 80; shipments 21: sales 75; stock 12 !"37 . AuaosTA Dull: middling iwa; receipts a; shipments ; sales stock . .Chablkstoh Dull; middling 1014; net rects i; gross 4: sales- , stock 1,991: exports .to coastwise 175; oantinent : Great Britain , - jnbw kork at uy; sales iiu; miutuiug upiauus l'c; Orleans - 10; consolidated net receipu 217; exports to 'ireat Britain 6311, to France -rcowunent B4-. Futures. Nkw York Net receipts : gros - Fu- tures elosed barely steady; rales (i4.6uo bales. May - June.,.. July... -August .; September. October..,.. November.. December . .,..10.193.20 .... 10.21a.22 io3oa;.3i 10.103 JI ....' 9 905.91 .... 9ia.82 ....9-823.83 8-90.3.91 ii.. 10013.03 January i, ... February, Maroh . . 10.12314 April ., 10.233.24 Liverpool Cotton MarVeU Livsrpool. Junn 2 J. Qolet -with moderate in qulry;- middling uplands 5 U 10d; Orleans 5, sales S.0U); speculation and export 100); receipts 3,000; Ameriean 1SO0. Futures barely steady Uplands low middling clause; July and Atigu t delivery, 5 44-64da6 43 6d. . Aug istand September 5 48 64d35 47 64d. ; . ' September and October 5 44 li4dii5 46 64d. . October and November 5 b9-64d. - December and January 5 3b t4J. - - - . ; - P. k. Sales American b00. Upland low mid dling clause, June delivery 5 40-64d, (value.) - .June and July 5 40 6-id, (value.) - - July and August 5 4'i 61d. (sel ersl. - August and September 5 46 b4d. (value. -- September and October 5 4t-64d, (buje s.) - . October and Novenjber 5 87-64d. (value.) November and December 5 35 64d, (buyers.) , . Peobr and January 6 US 64d, (buyers.) January and February 6 37 6id, (va'.ue ) .Futures dull. ... 4 u Upland low middling clause June delivery 5 3t64d, (bu'ers). June and July 6 8MHd (buyers.) - July and August 5 4 '-64d (sellers) - . , beittemberand October 5 4-6 d, (value.) October and November 6 t6 b4d. (selleis.) November and December 6 3i-6ld. 'vidua.) : ; December and January 5 34-i4ii. (value.) J.mu try and February 6 3b b4d, ivulue.). ., If utures ciosed w ait. . i ilj t ullllll .tlHVkrl. OPlflCIt OF TUK UHMKWick , Cha.WjOttk, N. C June k3: 1k6. 1 e c fy cotton" market lesterdiiy cloat-J du.l .owiS!g Quotations: ; : i4 1 ing material, it tms pine on DIED. , in riiarlott township, . June 2WV little Befole. r, , l I ........... ... .n T - . - . koii; 1 Art itineral services will bike pliioe from Wh t makes th breath so fuenuit pure? WW ni'kes 1 he rosy gums endure ? wnat tuass th teeth so pearly whlte? i -Whar m;ikes lh mouth a dear dellgbt ? : Tis 80 Zt iI)ONT, that precious boo(, ; ' Which none c iu rse too late tro soon. t l !Ter Too late to Pleanse the teeth an ' render th breath derlf- nin wim jragrrintfciuz,oi) JMi'. WK w Is tesl ta usexN wondwful Veet Die Elixir before the wseiu oeein w iai ana. tua uieiitn lo Jose Its jres'iness. "Spaumko's" celebrated Glue, useful and true. i i in A fl u crtise m c n Iliiiiiiifg an) Loan Strck THE THIRD cr ASS OB FE ilES of the Mutua' Building and Lan Association will close on atond'1, 61b July. Persons desiring to subscribe wjcuuif4 mim eir.neror r,n o iipr fttAsse.ftahn,iiH do so soon. The AH.Hnel.'fm U nnvlnv n Km, of $8 per share fur stock In Jhelst Olacs, - " -T t ' ' A. G, BHIN ZRB, dkuww. rieui. oee y. ana ireas. Grand Sckct kmm TO W I L iVI I N G T O N , THE CITY BY THE SEA, ' r ....... . Under tb,e management of the CHARLOTTE .., HOfiNET FlBE COMPANY NO. 1, Train Will CBARL01TE TO WILMINGTON June 24 Leaving the Carolina Ctntral Depot at 9 p. in. ROUND TRIP $2.50, Buy your tickets early, as the pr'ee is only $3.60 for the round trip, and only a limited number of ticket can be sola. THE FIRST AND BEST EXCURSION OF THE REASON TO THE - V ' - SEASHORE. ta?"A refreshment and baf gage car will be at tached... ' . :. .. ; . ' '. Tickets for sale at D Hotel and Observer office. .- . M. Blglers, Central D. M. RIGLFK - ' ; M. h. FKAZIFE, . . " " JOHNS. BYEHLY, Committee of Arrangements. : une!7d meit C.f7. m wsno O0 Consign s '-;:..:;.:- w i - . To bur your Boots and Shoes of a. We claim for . our goods the very highest s andard of ex'-ellence. and our stock this season being more complete -. than ever, we are enabled to offer special indues-. ments In the way of superior quality, handsome stiles, and Low Prices. - We extend to all In need ; of anything In our line a cordial invitation to call -ttndesamlneour8tock.,:.vr,'V.''.';'- - . v " " Orders by mall will receive enreful and prompt , attention. v " J , -ia - t. A.- E, Rankin & Bro, Gentlemen s : We will sell at extraordinary lcrv prices the balance of our Straw Hats to close them out at once. - - 50c. Straw Hats marked down 75c. 'f. $1.00 - now sellinsrfor tt $1.25 $1.50 Manilla Hats reduced to White Fur Stiff Hits, 50 in 1-2 Uo,e at 25?. p' Pair Jorlli 50c' T?p member we are still selliaff All-Wool Suits for $6.50. Fiit.v Blue Flannel icuits marked down from $8.50 to $5.00. For very Hi tie money you can clothe yoarrclvea and fami liod :-ViV vifeitin'o- t.hft rrt-RAt store-i of VVittlio skv Bai uch durir.- the reat June clearing TIIOMAS KI3EJS13 & CO, rum Jar r-aner In nhntta rWria in.i... ... wranninff winter o..h . Viruc3i .1Jr lug the summer, at TI103.KEiriS4cO'S, NOTICE. rAl1.oun- """'"f ' large In the dt of t?'iou a I , ? 1 r J"'y ut' without we.iring f, "LLt2S,1w'. aut ani impended and if ltrht"?ttax,pa dJ8K- at 1ns blratlon of forty- wl 1 1 be kll ed. Any dog not wearing a tax-pa'd tag that cannot be caught,- shall be La wherever Hla P'en. The sum of twenty five certs will be nal.l fr rrh dr hi w..j.f,i,. fra.l- to 3 p m. By ordrr of tbe wtiAu. va Aiur.1 iliClL. v - V7. b, gooding; v Tax CoUec or. dJune21-23-26-il A LIMITED QUANTITY OF Raspberries Bec-lved dally from LylW Farm, -. . JIJST RECEIVED, PIRBIS PIG HAMS BQNELESS BACON. OUR, ' ' ' Roller Patent flour Gives perfect satisfaction, no other. Try It and yon wl 1 use We keep a full line ot ' ;Heavy and r Fancy . Groceries In stork. FREK :-: DKLIVERY. : BURNETT k ILEMN1R. " Telephone Call 81. Extraordinary TO- 1ARRISON& O ;-: AUCTIONEERS. JK WILLSFXL, C0MMENC1KG MONDAY, JUNB 22d, : V at 8 p. m., ani continue the sale, dtirin? the week at the old Bank Building, opp? site the Butord Hou e, one of the OHM, GO.A.D MLVF.R W.OTES, :7- ,s;;''"w'i; rf;-"W;f v 'i- ' 'r; '-r- .t-X;" -. And a full Hi e of Q aulrnnle-Pli'ed SI ver Wae, consisting of Tea Sets, WitlerSeis, Va ster Urns D ub.g, B.twktjistamiSH'ad Cast rs. B'-tter Dih 8, br-nz. Clnck i and Statm s, Koge-s Bros' Knlv.-s. Fnk and t-nfoiig, etc., etc. W-i win positively sel this beauMfu! rtock witlwut lesiree. ' .: Sales to c n'lmi for one w-ex only. : v " -. Ladle-i p;:rt culariy Invited to enl : ard xamlne tbegood du lug theOa . -.: - . . . .. ; C- F. ilAsUU UN & CO., Auct'i-s. Pay Johnston Itlock, Tryeii Street. Straw Hats. to - -. 30c. 50C; ; . - 60c. ' '-"75c. :' . 1.00 :;1.50 each. $1.-00 a out eale. Tffi Til lOll U wm pay ewry purchiser to come and get for 26 lush SUk Umbrellas at 28 Special Onr Enlire Slock of Strau DaCn L at and Belpv? Cos NORFOLK JACKETS. Ttev sell ranldlv unn u hum i. slmersulis : : " 60 ul"em ou hand. Our puces must selUur Many other - LEADWG ci.OTniEKS AWD TAILORS. r Our Leader Shirt, at 60 eentsor $3 60 per half doz., cannot be duplicated by any noose In the State. A Posttlre and Permanent Core Tor Djmpe'p la ' and Indigestion. , Symptoms of Dtsp pgu.--One of the most common anddlrect of an, is an uneasiness In the region of the stomach felt soon after taking food! ' This uneasiness is variously dwerlbed as fullness, weight or oppression !rSft8,,f.t5Sa,,0,macll?a8 "Swelled-'' The aWe feeling ill somS: times telt after drinking water. Flatulency, or gaseous distension of tbe stomach- and bowels, iructation, or belching of the gas or "wind" from the stomach. Vomiting or spitting up of the food" Water-brash and lIUi S.' Pfn- m the region of the heart, with palpi-; tadon or "fluttering, with oulck, short or difficult breathing! Headache, i with constipation of the bowels, dullness, "swimmlnir or llirhtneH" of uerore. I tne ueau. J-oui WJieue.wilB a "mil." month. Torpid liver, with a sense of fullness In the right side and pain m the right sholderT Pain in the small of the back .in the region of the kidneys with dark colored urine. CouV whlchis often attributed to consumption, to which dyspepsia-may lead if neglected. AsthmalToften Tcaused br dyspepsia, and when produced from other causes to aggravated by dyspepsia. Mental depressioiTdes. TOndency, melancholy, nervousness, "sick spells." faintness," a aeiSeor wearinessrianur. "stu Pld or dull feelings," Inability to sleep, and when it tan he nhtuinnri it u nrt. iiuh.!i k. ..Vi... ant dreams, nightmare. 4c. These are some of . disease, a very few rersomi being entirely at air toms being present In all eases, depending upon nas surrered irom it, ana tne otner diseases, complications, &c. to which this disease has slven rim. bold oy ail aruggis-s. The Charlotte Is - ; nTTTr.KFPTNGr PT MAiHn.rIH;K PIANOS. - KttMT PIANOS. AkioN PIANOS. MASON AND HAMLIN OK(tANs. PAOKAKD OKOHbASTKAL-ORGANS. ; ;- BAY STATK-( )K(A NS. PRICES: - - .-' - "r THE LO WEST! THE EASIEST! Also Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. Write for circulars and full inlormation. - ' Address V. T. BARN WELL, Manager, filHIlilG R.R. LANDS in Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, : ' Idaho, Washington and Oregon. From Itke Superior to Facet Sound, . . At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to IS per acre, on B to 10 yeaiVtlme. This is the Best Country lor securing Good Homes now open lor settlement. ago acre 01 uomrauwn; Land Free under the Honiesu-ad nd Timber Culture Laws. IiOTB -10.818.433' Aeres """ , f HAII' of all the Public Und VCotinm. were in the HortVwrn Pacific country. u... ent FREE, deBcribine the iorUerii SfiXAe Country ,th 'Y1 the FREE Government lida. Addreie. OH ASB. 'AKBOEN, Land Com'r, H. P. B. 8U rul. Jimn. mayldSm ' . Allan's Fly Brick, (The LitUe Giant Fly Killer.) One Brick will last a whole season. - Full direc tions with each, 10 cents each. .-, - : - K. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. DUFFY'S PORE MALT WHISKY, ; - Tor Medicinal purposes. For sale by- S. H JORDAN & CO., Druggists. IVORY SOAP. Tor sale by B. H. JORDAN & CO., . Springs' Corner. LIGHTNING ERADICATOR And JAPANESE CLEANSING CREAM, for remov lns crease, paint, oil and pitch from silk, carpets and woolon goods. 25 cents per box or bo' tie. -. Springs' Corner. - Druggists. HE-NO-TEA Is the best Ior the p:1c Vi. end l-16th pack ages. Forsateby-. B. H. JOSDAN & CO., Dniiss isomer. , A LAESE STOCK OF Turkish Tovels, Gloves and Straps, 'At B. H. JORDAN & CO.'S, ' Druggists. Springs' Corner. ROYAL B&KIKG FOViDER, Horsford's Bread Preparations and Patapsco Pow der, at K. H. JUKliAW S WJ.'S, iMZEES FOS -TEE TSE91T. Made of best Metal and Rubber. At B. H JO ED AN & CO.'3, Brssie. - We have the largest and best assorcaisnt ot - Toilet aci Brir Brustes. ?.) !!. JORDAN & CO., V PBI.1GS' CORNKU. WANTED TO SELL 100 One Hundred Farms In JlwVlenburg, Cabarrus, Rowan, Cieawiand, T!ut-m. ivti' iierlord and oilier cojii.es lu v io. -i C j. i, by t a prices be.' ore purchasing elsewhtre. the Week: $2.50 3.00 . Dont forget, our All-Wool Cas- goods at prices that will move theni call and as : DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE, bitter., ar MinRtnml tjut nf t r iff.. ri.i the most prominent symptoms of this widespread times free from tt One or more of these symp. Individual peculiarity, length of time the nersnn - . - , Headquarters ..in the - Caro- , . . --"t .- ' Unas for ' the following cele- . : brattid instruments, viz: ANOS; .-- '-i ' It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN REKEDT tor tbe bowels. It is one of the most pleasant nd effi cacious remedies for all summer complaints. At a season -when-violent attacks of the bowels are po frequent, some speedy rel icf should be at hand, the wearied mother, losing sleep in nursing the Tittle one teething, should use this medicine. CO cts. a bottle. Send Sc. stamp to W alter A. Tavlor, Atlanta, Ga., for Riddle Book. '- Taylor Cherokee Remedy of Sweel Joo and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup and Con sumption. Price, 85c and 1 a bottle, i-. The Ocean Hougo, " MOREHEAD CITY, Dr. WM.H: fiOWERTON,Uanagr Summer and Winter Resort. ALL THE YEAR EOUKD. Beadlly accessible by rail from all great lines ot travel Situated on the waters of Beaufort Harbor, In broad view of the Atlantlo Ocean, Its proximity to the Gulf Stream renders H tbe most pleasant Sum mer Resort and Whiter Home on the Sout h Atlan tic Coast, for pleasure-or health. Furniture and fittlrgs new throughout Electric Bel's and mod ern improvements. Table supplied with every delicacy of land and water. - Bath Houses attached, and best Surf Bathing on the Atlantic Coast -- . - Largest and finest Sharpie Sailing fleet of any Atlantic port Specially inviting to invalid seeking Quiet com forts and rest Splendid fishing sports and abounding game ot every variety. -t United States SInal Station at Fort If aeon re cords this climate as tbe most desirable, tcroupn out the year, and eminent physicians are tmi'd in recommendinr the soft temperature ande-ntair of Morehaad City to all clmtswe . ot InvaUus and health seekers. -. t ..-.. JuneSdtf r ' , SULIIVAH'S II2L Near Charleston, ih Carolina, rtu k 1. ... . H.-ilfs delehratftd urt'.lt.irr V .nA tiA fWVo'-'-n from Boston, isass. Two brand Otiea A'r Concerts Dal'.y. brana hod ewv eveiunv. ; Surf I,.i..i'. V Eates iioiu 11LU 's ty

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