UttB fomrttsmntts. 0 " A b&Ol UtCly P U TO. lf J rata oowder oevjr varies, a marvel oi doi. trength and wholesomeness. More eeonomle&l so th ordinary Kinds, and ennnpr na- sold 'n omneuUou with the multitude of lo test, shirt iUht. Mn"i or phosphate powder c!d orlj'u inns. Wholesale by . - : 8PBlNfl8 4 BUBWBLT Janldawly , - Charlotte, c. J. OFFERS TO THE Wholesale" Retail Trade FIVE TONS rY, WMTVI TJ A 1C?T?T C. I 1 VT QiVl l- ajxxa.aaJ u I PURE LINSEED OIL, A LareTG -OlOC K OT I n a-ai go wiuwix Colors, Yarnisbes, Etc. AJSO - ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. J. qi. MoADEN, I AND LAST) OF MEtLEIFS- OEM OF- Pare Kerosene Oil, Section Four Horth - Carolina IS READY.. . . Thtfse who wish to have the work will please let us knor and we will get it for them. T;-r)r nr.o. Xxt (SlmrXottc Observer; ' ; TEH1. OZT"Y - Arrival and Departure oi Trains. ." . v ; . . Correct lor the current month. - Richmond anb Dakvoxk Aib-Link. - No. 50-Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 2.50 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 3:00 a. m. No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from AUauta at 4:45. a. m. Leaver lor Riehmond at 4:55 a. m. No. 62T-Arrlves at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.35 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 68 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at6J0 p. m. Leaves for Richmond at 6:30 p. m. Local freight and Passenger Train leaves fop Atlanta at 630 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 830 P. m. : . - -. '- ; : , . ; - ' , Charlotte, Columbia and adoubta. . Arrives from Colombia at 6:10 p. m; ; r, .ujavb ior uuumoia at l p. m. y : . -. C., C. & A. A., T. 40. Division. '' Arrives from Statesvllle at 10:45 a. m. ' w Leaves for StatesvlUe at 6 .35 p. m. . ; k ? : : Cabolina Cehtjkal. Arrive from. Wilmington at 6.50 a. m.;" Leave for - Wilmington at 9.0t) p. m. - . . Arrive from Laurlnburg at 8-45 p. m.; Leave for Laurluburg at 7.30 a. m. Lmve for Shelby at 6.15 p. m.; arrive from Shelby . at 12.05 p. in. - - General Delivery opens at 8:00 a. jji.; closes at 7:00p.m. - Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; closes at 4 :0U p. in. laAcx toNew AdvertuemenU. L. B. Wristoa Wachovia cigars Bradfleld's Female Regulator See adv. : Hargraves k Alexander New goods.- -Parker's Hair Ba sam See adv.. -A. R. 4 W. B. Nesbit Wholesale grocers. Weather Indications. ,- Middle Atlantic States, fair weatb er except in extreme Southern por tion ; local rains, variable winds and stationary temperature. . South Atlantic States, local rains with falling temperature, in Southern portion stationary, followed by ri sing temperature m Northern por tion ; yariaDie wmas. Mr. John H." Buchanan, of the Chester (8. C.) Reporter, arrived in. the city yesterday and gave us a I call. - -:r r--: Mr.' C. O. Doyle, of Lynchburg, Va., general agent of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company, is at the Central Hotel. - i Matthews Station,-in this county, has a newly commissioned ppstmas ter in the person of ; Mr. Joseph T. Barnett. He was commissioned on the 18th. . Mr. Will Orr. the night watch- man, wno was miurea at tne aepou . - . . 1 " A. fire night before last; is yet in a seri ous condition. He is hurt internally, but hpw severely is not known. The commencement exercises of the Huntersville Hierh School will take place on Thursday, June 25th. A pleasant time is anticipated by the friends and patrons of the school. - We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. David McCord, which oc curred yesterday afternoon at the home of her husband in Paw Creek to wnshiD." The cause of her death was consumption. - . Mr. Milton Osborne, an aged and hitrhlv resoected citizen of this coun- tv. died at his home near Hunteres VACtrrla-i7-: of naralvaia. He was Si years old and had been a good man and a useful citizen. Colonel Donald McRao, with Hugh McRae, Miss Mary McRae, Mrs. Parsley and the Misses Savage, who have been spending a season at the All Healing Springs, were at the Central yesterday on their return to Wilmington. . The friends of Mr. and Mrs. W H Miller sympathize deeply with Annie Marie, which occurred yester nnina. at 4:3o o'clock, of con cestion ot tne Dram, ine utuo uauu was aged 10 months and 23 days. - At the Rudisill gold mine, on the western suburbs of the city, . a rich strike has been made this week In einfcriner the new shaft a rich lode has been struck which has been pan nut well. - It is said to be one of the richest veins that has yet been developed at the Uudisiu.: ; ' The colored people of the Green ville suburbs are about completing a new church, and to aid in raising tne funds vet necessary, are to- give moonlight fairs and jug breakings on t.ha pvpninsrs ot the 25th and 26th. We are requested to extend an invi- tatioa to the puDiie. -The Wilmington Star states that the Wilmington bicyclists cannot ac nont Mr Maxwell's challenge for i Am mile race in tnat cny on ie osHi fur the reason xnat me pnvi Wonf the Bhell road -cannot be se- .nrArl . Mr. Maxwell, : by -the way, intends to enter tne souinern cnam ninnahin r.ot'fl in ' Macon. Ga., and miu Arfr the ekht mile race tor nurse of $100.-1 He is a second Prince, n TT arr. Phildelphia": R ri.r Naw York; P M Allen, C6" lumbia; C H Robinson, Columbia: W S Ramsey, Baltimore j R L yunalaU Philadelphia; r incc, vuor wti-nfA-. Va: O R Heath, Lancas to f( C: T S McMoris, ;X.'tncaster, T.Arv rtnhAnrk Greensboro; and T C Hicks,; Rich mono, were Hifl Arrivals at" the. Bnford UU.I " ' . , among House yesterday. ' - . . - Among others at the Central vesterday were: W A Gill, wife and two ehildren,'Mrt EobtN- Fairly, of Laurinburg; L B Pegram, Baltimore; VV K l ltcner, iew iujB,;av New York; Mrs A C Houston -and two children, Richmond Va; Miss Cook, Richmond; H GHatchkiss, Funkerburk mine; F O rWatkiDS, Kernersville, N -Cr Col JB Ezell,, Columbia, SO; Col WN : Redwood, Vireima; S l ; Miller. V iremia aiei Springs, Winston;-VVood,- Shelby, N King's Mountain. N C;- Rev M L C; P4E Hines, Pol iceman saspended. : - ; s : Mr. Pat Gallagher 'a member 'of the city police -force, was yesterday morning suspended from duty, by Mayor Johnston, the suspension to be trco, until the next meeting of the board of aldermen when the arges aeainst that officer wUl be officially investigated and finally passed upon. Policeifcan GaUagheris charged with tilVZf rfutv. On last Saturday night he was summoned to a house in the suburbs owned bv Mr. H. U t onH nnnumed bv a white u,man. -"-to auell a - disturbance that .ehAinr raised bv two young men I " f ,v,om had eone so far as to kick a panel out of the front door and tear up the front steps.--- The offi-rT- h- r.h a rowdies -a way but failed w make any report of the arrest to anv one. Mr. Gallagher stated, to an Vronnrtr that he erred through inexperience.. He is one ot nnii.fflmen .; havmc been itrx offinA with the advent of .l ..oootit - Administration. . His place is being supplied by Mr. D. P. X3.r.f n. former member or tne UUUK , police forco. . . , -. ' ' P ffmemlei Uiat If the blood In IVr.i.TmSwerlBheO.tiie mind Is awctea dj , .tut your it tn'ifta lUUir OJDU - vu lb Uliu .f..., wetem with aim iiiauo ,it' Brown a iron 1 i'itor? r joui 'mind nd oulceu Bitters, j u 1 ur -, MorsrMn, Dol- Vmn'i o wvoi ha ioxmi that Im Vft ii- neral satisfaction as a relative. THE VICTIM, lif ATftUOR. Deed ol a Black Fienfe ' Near Wades- boroA Hhito liHdy Anuaested- aud Her Absailiintat Jargr, iut-ISeHs Hunted Uiligenttyo - '-,: " The people of AVadesboro are very deeply excited over the. perpetration of un outrage ; near that -place last Saturday night, tno details;; of which were collected yesterday by au Ob server reporter. " The crime was committed by a big, blacknegro man and was characterized iby inhuman, cruelty and heartless brutality. -The name? of tnernegro is Jomv l50gan,; and his victim is a Mrs. Bruner, a lady of retinement and culture,, belonging to a good family, 'or groat respecta bility, and well connucted.i . one was- alone near her house at.the time of the outragec The negro ; Bogan ap proached suddenly,; - knocked , her down and dragged her to a T'iece of woods distant about 150 yards,; and there -assaulted her.' Bogau is a muscular. And powerful negro,i.tuid- he used his victim in trough -man- ner. choking her and otherwise mai-- treating her to force her into.subjec- tion. After the perpetration or tne. outrage the negro coolly asked the. frantic woman it she would be"7 able to - recognize . him in case he was brought to a court house. , She - res plied .'"No." Bogan then cursed her and told her that if she had said yes he would have killed ; her, then and there. : Mrs. Bruner, while .this-brief dialogue was passing, had gradually edced away until , she"- was beyond arm reach of the fiend and with the energy of desperation she gave a sud den bound and started off in the di rection of her house, screaming as she ran. The negro pursued her for a short distance, but seeing that he would place v himseit in danger or capture, he feliriquished . the chase and turning on his heels fled through the woods.; yars., . xsruner s- screams alarmed her household who hurried to the door, and met her as she came staggering in from the darkness of the night. .The unfortunate lady re-; lated what had occurred,; and . the alarm was ; quickly passed through the neignoornooa. . xne neignuors turnedout in force to bearch for the guilty party and by sunrise next morning prooaDiy two nunarea men were in the searching party. Sever al suspects were arrested and carried before ilrs.- xsruner, duo neitner ot them proved to he the guilty one and all were released. . From the descrip tion given by Mrs. Bruner of her as sailant, the conviction settled; upon the mmds of all that, the perpetra tor of the outrage was a negro nam ed John! Bogan, who lives near the residence of Mrs. Bruner. Bogan could not be found anywhere, but it was learned that a short while before the outrage he had stopped at the house of a lady who is a neighbor to Mrs; Bruner. The lady was ap proached in a savage manner by Bo gan. but escaped by running into a room and locking the door after her. She; was terribly frightened by the experience. It is believed that Bogan left her house ana proceeded imme diately to Mrs. Bruner's house. The residence or Mrs.: .Bruner is- located between the house of . the lady just mentioned and the :hOm& of, Bogan. In Mrs. Bruner's description of her assailant, Bogan is accurately and faithfully described : and there is no doubt of his guilt m the miuas 01 those familiar with the circumstan ces. jarge parties 01 muiguauu uiui zens are. diligently hunting; him down, and what will follow the event of his capture is well understood. ; Kulus Mullis at Larje, Rufus Mullis. the young white man who was sent to the penitentiary for 18 months for killing John Dulm, in this county, is at liberty, haying made his escape rrom tne penitent tiarv at Ralftiarh a few davs aeQt Mul lis was Out on, the farm at work with other convicts, when he seized a vorable ' opportunity - and gave his guards the slip. Sheriff Potts has been advised of. Mullis's escape, but the voune man has not been seen loitering about these parts. His father says he has neither seen Ru fus nor heard from him in six weeks. Mullis was convicted of manslaugh ter, and was sentenced t eighteen months, four of which had been served out. A petition for his pais don was being prepared for Gov, Scales and it is likely that had not Mullis escaped, he would soon have been sent home a free man.- As it is, he is now, a fugitive from justiGe. - Cbinaraaa lleap Mad. Sam Kee, the Chinaman who re-. cently established ' himself in the laundry business in this city, strode rapidlv through Independence square last night, and his heavy, wooden shoes were shortly afterwards heard clattering u p the s tair way leading to the police headquarters. Sam car ried a bludgeon in his hand and his eyes sparkled with the fire of a con suming anger. The .celestial was road, 'Damme." he ejacu'ated, as he swung his club around, "I beat em like hellee if they comee 'gin." Chief of Police Stitt ordered Sam. to keep his club still, and, then, in mad. Chinee. Sam proceeded to ' tell ; the story of his grievance. It was sim ple. A lot of bad boys had been f ol- lowing mm wut j cmug, . u, iu, , and persisted in the sport until it be- Caine uuucorauio aim wo a anger rose. '- The police assured Sam that he would be protected from such annoyances in the future, and he de parted somewhat satisfied. It would be wen ror tne Kjuixiiuws uuv w .o member that last week, in New York, as a crowd of urchins were taunting a Chinee, the persecuted Chinaman caught one of the boys and converted him into sausage meat. J.ne ceiaswat is anything but divine when he has a long Ktuie in nis iiauu uuu a m F" suit of a tormentor. .Z- ': ' A Saliibarv Man in JLondon. ; ; . "MV: W. T. Linton, a. citizen Of Sal isbury,' who sometime since . went to London, England, is now in a big business in that : city. . jnr,- union s friends in this country will be- inter ested in the following, which we find in the London Grocer's Chronicle-, The trade m -dessicatea cocoanut, which has now become an indispen sable article, both in wholesale and domestic confectionery manufacture, is assuming very extensive prupur-r tions in this country. , Until very re cently we believe that all such goods were importea. iou xuug siuuc, ever, the enterprising firm .whose name neaas tnis nouue, auu uu have for some time past operated as importers, started a manutactory in Bed Lion square.1 . Here they nave laid down extensive plant and mas chinery for turning out uessicaseu cocoanut and other novelties in con fectionery, such as are xamuiar to our cousins ; across " the ' water, and have retained the services of one of the most successful American manu facturing, confectioners. We have seen some samples of the cocoanut which is turned out from this manu factory, the only one in this country for this class of goods, and we are bound to say that they excel m col our, flavour and texture anything of the kind we have ever seen before. We should say that Messrs. Linton, Hubbard & Co's. cocoanut is not heavily loaded with sugar as is the case with most of such goods,' but is so carefully prepared that the origi nal delicate flavour i3 preserved." - I Davidson's Sew President in theCily. Rev.' Dr. Lefevre. of Baltimore,-the president elect of Davidson College, nrrivfid in thft citv : vesterday and is the guest of Rev. Dr.-A.r: W:-., Miller. He expected ' to officiate at the prayer meeting this . evening ' in the First Presbyterian church.- Dr..Le fevre, w.e understand, has virtually consented to accept the presidency of Davidson : College, and in .this,- we hope, there is no mistake. He is a divine of great abilities and acquirer ments and is distinguishtd for-:, his learning. He will make a capable and efficient president, and we know that- his administration would res dound to he best interests of Davd- son, 5. ' - - - . A . The JExcurhion 10 Wilmington. ' ;'; The train bearing the excursion party - to : Wilmington tonight will leave ? the Lincolnfon depot at 9 o'clock; The - Hornet firemen will have a select crowd, and one car will be devoted exclusively, to the use of ladies. Only a limited mioaber of tickets will be sold, and none can be bought after noon today. There will be but four coaches in the train and enough tickets have been sold to al-r most fill them. : The excursionists can spend three days in- Wilmington and at - the seashore, . and as Capt. June Gardner says 'that - sheep head fishing is finer at the rocks this year than has ever been known, there is fine sport in store for those piscatori ally inclined. The . price of a round trip ticket is $2.50. . Blackroan Dies of His Bullet Wounds; H Henry B. Blackman, who was shot by James R. Mothershed, near Lans caster, S. G4 as reported in The Ob seevee, died of his wounds at noon on the 20th. . Blackman and Mother shed had had a fight about some cows and Mothershed got the worst of it. , Mothershed then went to town, got a pistol, and returning found Black man ploughing in a field. ; Without further ceremony -he drew, his pistol and commenced firing on Blackman. Au the three bullets took effect in the unfortunate man's body, he thraw up his hands and fell with . the ex clamation, "Lord have mercy on my poor soul." The reports of the pistol followed by this exclamation were heard ' by Mary Blackman, a relative of the deceased, who was in a house hear by. Mothershed is m jail, and when told of the death of Blackman, said he was. "very sorry for it." ' About eight miles from the scene of Blackman's murder another shoot ing affray occurred, the parties being two white- men named Kennington and Cato, the latter . of whom was shot, but how dangerously we have not yet learned. Too Previous. To the Editor of Thk Obseever. . . The board of aldermen fixed the salary of the mayor,at $1,200, claim ing it was the lowest the law allowed. The mayor, to relieve them; stated he would give $200 of his salary to the graded school. The law as pubs hshed (page asa) says tne salary or tne mayor "shall be not more than $1,800 nor less than $1000." If it is true as stated that - the board of aldermen and mayor acted without really knowing what the law was, is it not their duty to ? rectify the mistake? ' t Taxpayee. Section 12, amended charter say the mayor's salary "shall not exceed $1,500 per year." Obseevee. " The Persian Horse Trader. One of the exports of 1 Persia is horses. The Persian dealer. - travels over the country, having agents in ever v lare town. He buys for the Tnd ifl-n market. His destination. when he has got together a likely lot nf animals, is usually rsomDay or Rarie-alore: a few -dealers try Kurra Asa rule the" Persian horse dealer buys nothing under fourteen hands. The Persian horses exported to India are sold either as riding nor rah and charees at a minimum price of 600 rupees, .or as artillery horses at a standard price 01 400 rupees while the animals tthat remain un hrmffht fnr these nurooses are eager 1 v snarmed no as carriage horses. Thfl Persian horse dealer, even when rAsnectable "resorts to bishop ing, which dictionaries define as "to use arts to make old horses look like vnnnc nnefL1' the artsused consisting in nnntina-the uooer surface of the incisor teeth into a depression, and then with ' a " chemical ; preparation blackening the cavity so as to lmita e the "marks" of ayoung horse. Tlu operation is always performed ,dur tba voyage to inaia uoui ua eieiun Gulf, the instrument useu using dentist's rose head-hand drill. t. -' tfeatripe'0 Wedding Cuke. London Times. .. : :, Tim fnlinwins? is a description t f the wedding cake made to the ord 1 of Kentish ladies for her Koyal Hig'i lie Princet-s Beatrice: . It repr. BAnii three cakes, one above the oth - qthI t.hA nlateau UDon which it rJLta - n.i' '-tsurroundiuc "the lower h of lilies.5 -wbite, in with iw. emblematic of ouritv sweetness and -friendship. Surrounding xlie t lowest caRe fire large skeleton shields bearing on ln- ino nAfi nhields tne coat 01 arms - vl t.ha PHnwsn- Beatrice and Prince Wanro V r,f ' Rattenbei e.i interspersed with passion flowers. . Surrounding the second cake ard jessamine, and round the second and third cakes are passion flowers, ivy and ; roses.- On the top cakes are cupids and a large vase containing an immense bouquet composed of a variety of emblemat tic flowers : The cake- weighs about 450 pounds, and the ; floral decora tions are all modeled entirely of su gar. - It will be placed on a massive cold starfd, which is being specially made and designed for the oecasion. Besiuume To See It. Providence Journal (Eep.) -Thfl fact that a voune Richmond lawyer !hose "Abraham Lincoln" for the subject of" an address to the arhrtl.irs of tho rmblic schools, and that the name of the war : President was heartilv aDDlauded. goes to indi na to .that the errowine eeneration, at least in the Souths has no vindictive fpinlintra retrardine the result1 of the war, " How Women HiJFer from Men. At least teres men on" the average Jury are hound to disagree with the rest lust to show that they've rot minds of their own; but there is no dis agreement among the' women as to the merits of Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription,"; They are all unanimous In pronouncing It the best remedy In the world for all those chronic 'diseases, weak tiasrm and comDlalnts peculiar to their sex.' It trans! onus the pale, haggard, dispirited woman into one of sparkling health, and the ringing lauek aealn "reigns supreme" In the happy household. 1 ... . . . - . Tlie Great geulUere Keraeilj. i Rfwfld.ilis cures scrofula, rheumatism, white miiiiinj trniit. oroltre. consumMlon, bronchitis, rierVOUS OaulHty, msians, OOU nil uiscnora ul a iu- dred nature arising from an impure condition of the blood. Alter physicians have f dlled to cure, a single bottle ot R sadalls seems to eilect su.cn a marked change as to give new hope and life. Kead oTpat. 9nffp.rer with Inflammatory rheumatism for the test twelve months, l was in duced to try your preparation, Bosadalls. aiii i iiav been trreatly benefitted. My hands and feet are still enlarged, but I fel so much better Uiat want to eoutinue tatmg tne otto. 1 tehoboth, Ya, .; . DANCE. v - Favorite Names lor Girls. - - PhlLulelphlii Telegram.-, . . What are the . favorite names for girls-i apart, of course, from the ac knowledged supremacy of Mary? This hrtslong been . a deputed ques tit m;, and there is parhsps no way: of setting it but by going deliberately into, statistics. ; ?uch an opportunity is giwn in the loi g list- of names printed yesterday of graduates and distinguished pupils at -the Normal School. -We have had the curiosity to analyze this list of 800, -and, dis regarding pet and diminutive names on throwing asideniiialsof necessity we extract these fairly trustworthy figuff s of t ases where names are fa vored to lhe extent of five each or upward. Mary leadsoff with 30, but she is rather closely pressed by, An na with 24, Eliaaboth is third with 17. and Laura is a good fourth with. 16. Margaret 13, and Katharine 13, are the Only other double figures Then in order comes these choices of names Helen 9; Emma. 8; Lillian 8; Clara,. 7; Jane'-7; Louisa 6 ; Alice. 6 ; Caro line. 5; Emily, '5; Harriet 5;Floence, 5 So apt aivi people to go in droves that it is quite likely these propoi tions would in 3 000 names, or in any other number as well as 300.: ' -" 1 " 1 . , , - Favor lllair lor Governor. v . Stavntok, - Va .June 23, - A canr vass of the Epubhcan delegates from this county to the State con vention resulted in three one in favor of Attorney General Blair for Gover nor. Reports 1 from other sections also sho w favorably for Blair X T " DIED. - In this city, ot congsUon ol the brain, at- 430 o'clock Tuesday morning, June 3 Annie Marie, lmant daughier of Mr. aad Mrs. W. H.Mliler, aged 10 m nth anl 2i days. : The funeral will tatte inaee rrom me rennence wn vuureu tilth .stvth thin irmrnina at It) O ClOCK. Friends ajd acquaintances ot the family Invited to attend. . - - it rur 3V t u z xt i s etxx cut b. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAIV1 Tlie best, cleanest and most economical hair dress ing. - Never talis to restore the youthful color to gray hauv This exce lent dressing is preferred Dy tnose wtio nave usa h. to any wuuiar aracio, un account of Its superior cleanliness and purltjr. - It wmtains materials only mat are oenenciai ui uio scalp and uuir. - -- Pa'k omc 4 u- ejy I 'ai mlly Iciae That Kever Intoxicates. If -you are wast In t aw ty from age. dissfpatioi or tny disease or weakness and require a stimu'ant, lake Parkkk's Ton io at once; it ill invigorate and build you up r-v-in tl.e ilrst no3e, but will never lntexlcnte. It Uas sate-l fiunaiwis.oi ives, a may ave yours. - " - s ''I lIS. OX- 'At t-'O .' la Wil;i in Nirft, iVer Vork. Xte. aud $1 sizes, at all dealers In medicines. Great saving in buying dollar size. ra iy22Jaw4w 7 WELL'S - . ' . v: . - : - ....... ' iEiLTa RESEWEB. Are you f illlur, try WelP Halih Renewer, a pure ciean, wno esoma TONKV For Bra'n Neives, Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, - Lungs. An uneqiuueu inviraut. iuiea Dsp psii, bertduche. Fever. Ague, " ' CbU's, PeblS'.ty and Weak- ' - , ., - .iiess.. . Ktne to tiw. tme merit, nneauallefl for torpid livor and nltrht sweats, ner wus weakness, malaria. leanness, seiuai aectuie. i tw per uutua, su it $5.00 at druggists.- The Wooderiul :Succe in Con I - sumption,': - Bronchitis, asthma, spitting or bicod, sore or loss of Viri e. catarrhal thront artectlpnu, chronle hacking. Irntiiting and troublesome coughi. S, WELLS, Jersey City, N. J., U. S. A. A. R. &. W- B, NISBET, Wholesale Grocery o AM- ' Commission Merchants. WACHOVIA Aheaaj Yes, this dellfjhitul tan eant Havana filled cigar, v.ht .'hi am stilling ; JbOR 5 CENTS, is far ahead of any cigar upon, the market. : ; 7 Sold only by . . L. B. WBIoTON. 1une2;eod. Consignment O. at 8 old Rink finest- , And a full C. I (jentlemen We will sell at extraordinary . Io t prices the balance of our Straw Hats to, close them out 50c; Straw Hats marked dowri 75c. r 1 now selling $1.00 $1.25 $1,50 it it a Manilla Hats reduced to White Fur Stiff Hats, 50 tzil-2 Hose at Remember we are Will selling AU-Wool Saitrf for $6.50, Fiftv Blue Flannel Puits marked down from $3.50 to - y D.uu. For very little money you can clothe yourselves and iami lics by visitin- the great stores of Wittkowsky & .Baruch during the great June clearing out sale YiTrTKOYSKY & BARUCII orrr, N. C. DradGeld's .: An Infal'ibe and absolute a pe el Rc f rrU tbe distressing d's eases iieciillur :o the fern .Is sex. A trlitl mesuis a cute.- ; Ladies snfffri: g Ttom t onbtes peculiar to tnelr Bex, no matter what kind, can find relief and care in a -buttle of BradSeld's F m le Healator. " . - . . , Itegnlator! Send for our book containing" valuable Informa tion for women. .It will be mailed free to appli cant. -: Address - - 1 - THK BRAUFIELD REGULATOR CO., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga Sold by all druggists. - - , 1 CAPITAL. PRIZE 7S.OOO. -Tickets Only $S. Sliarea In Pro portion. . . LldsiaIIa"SUtBLotter7, Cc. "We do hereby certify that ice super vise the arrangements for all the Montldy ana sserav-Annuat Drawings of iheLQVM- xana state Lottery Company, andm per son manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con' ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and toe authorize the company to use this certifi cate, withfaa stmilies of our signature attached, in its advertisements. " Commissioners. Incorporated in 1868 for 26 years by the' Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $650,000 has since been added. - By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. - - ' The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. s , . It never scales or postpones. " t . ' Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. " - - - A SPLENDID "OPPOBTTJNrTT TO WIN A FOB TUN K. Seventh Grand Drawing. Class G la the Academy of Music, New Orleaas, Tuesday, July 14, 1885. 183d Monthly Drawing; r.-j CT- CAPITAL PfiIZE, $75,000. -1 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. ' Fractions in Fifths in proportion. ' . , E.Ist of Prizes. 1 CAPITAL PEI7TE. .... ., ,, , ............ $75,000 1 .--do do ..- i 25,000 1 do do ............: 10,000 aPBIZESot $6,000 12.000 5 do 2,000.....-...-.....;,......, 10,000 "10 - do 1,000.....;.....:.... 10,000 20 do : - 500..... ........ 10,1)00 100 " do : 200... 20,000 300 do . 100.... S.(K)0 500 do - 5a .... 25,000 1000 do, 25.... 25,000 j -r I . ' ; APPROXIMATION PRIZB8. " ,. " 9 Approximation Prizes of $750........ 6,750 . do . do - 600 4,600 9 " do 40 250 .... 250 196? Prizes, amonnUng to.. ............. ..$266,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of tbe company in New Orleans. - - nor further information write clearly, giving full address. Postal Notes, xprees Money Orders, or New York Exchange Inordinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upwards at our ex pense) addressed, - M. A. DAUPHIN, - . - . - New Orleans, La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St , Washington, D. C Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to ' - . NKW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. A , New Orleans. La. -TO- F.' - H ARRISON& .AUCTIONEERS. r O 1. in.. au1 continue the sale drln tne wti at ihe i - vu Wing, opp site hi Buford Hou e, UiAD vi kur- - . . - - If e of Q artnmle-PH ert SI ver Wre. CTfLstltitr of Exu-a6rdinarv WM W&FIM ... J Te Sets, Witter Sis, Witter Urns "t g,B eaKrastaimwi au Cfst Ts rt tterDl-h s, Br.iiz- Clock and hiatu s, Hoge s Bros' Knlv-s. Ktiik-rtiifriroiis, etc. etc. - , .- wav. lb positively sel thUbeiuiirm Ktodk .witbouk iwee, - . Sales to c n inu forone w-etonly. . ;i j T adiej p:irtfcuir'y Invited to enl ai4 txamtite t-eg-od du iitg the day. UWM&-W, Wis." s -3 at once. - - , . t to - 30c. Straw Hats. - Oc;1 ior . - 60c - 75c. - $1,00 $1.50 each $1.00 25c. par Jair, Worth 50c. m in It will pay every purchaser to come and get prices Special for 26 Irish Silk Umbrellas at On r: Eniire Modi ol'S'tVaa. Data 1 at and Below Ccat ! " .... v ' ! , " 100 do?. Summer Sca-fa which we will sell at the nominal sum of 8 scarf for 23 cent; -- We seu 3 Fine Penal Scans for 25 oeats, worth 25 teats apiece elsewhere. ' NORFOLK JACKET Tl ey sell rapidly, and we have a large stock ot -Bimer Sula - ' -' - - 1 them - - Sltf O.ecSOD, . Our prices must sell our - ..-..Very is. Many other roods espectfully, , t L. ORttWHGMAPiaCMilllSEJ,- LEADING r LOTH IE ItS AND TAILORS. - Our Leader Shirt, at 60 cents, or $3 60 per half doz., cannot be duplicated by any house In the 8tate. ; 1 " " 1 , , . GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC . MIXTURE, . 4 Posltire and Permanent . BHUIgVBltVllf - - 1 i 0TMPTOM3 of DT3PB psi v vme oi ine most eommon anaaireci 01 au, is an uneasiness in the region of the stomach fett soon ''after taking food. ' - This uneasiness is variously derlbed as fullness, weight or oppression , a feeling as if the stomach was "swelled." The same feeling is some-- times felt after drinking water. Flatulency, or gaseous distension of the stomach and bowels. Eructation, or belching of the gas or "wind'? from -; the stomach. Vomiting or spitting op of the food.' Water-brasb and " Heartburn, and frequently pain In the region of the heart, with palpi- tatlon or "fluttering,-5 with aulck, short or difficult breathing. Headache. - .with constipation ot the bowels, dizziness, "swimming or lightness" of Before. ! the head. Koul tongue, with "bad,'; bitter, or unnatural taste of the After Taking, mouth. Torpid liver, with a sense of fullness In the right side and pain In the- right shoulder. Pain in the small et the back in the region of the kidneys with dark colored urine. Cough, which is often attributed to consumption; to which dyspepsia may lead if neglected. Asthma Is often caused by dyspepsia, and when produced from other causes. Is aggravated by dyspepsia. Mental depression, des pondency, melancholy, nervousness, "sick spells," ''faintness," a sense of weariness, langour, "stu pid or dull feelings, "inability to sleep, and when It can be obtained It Is often disturbed by un pleas- -ant dreams, nlgbtmare. 4c. These ere some of the most prominent symptoms ot this widespread disease, a very lew persons being entirely at all times free from it. One or more of these symp toms being present In all cases, depending upon Individual peculiarity, length of time the person has sunerea irom it, ana uie wuer diseases, complications, aoa., w wmuu uiia uuohuk mus kutbu rue. Sold by all druggls's. t - , ' . , , m m i Is 0 ft T OK ERINCt PIANOS. , 7 . I MATHUMlKK PIANO&l. ;BMNT PIANOS, AKION PIANOS. MASON AND HAMIJNO KUANS. rrr PACK A K t) K()H KS TKAIa OKCMNS. " : , BAY STArriO OKUANS. THE LOWEST! THE JEJSIEST! Also Pianos and Organs for rent at reasonable rates. -Write for circulars and full information. Address V. T. BARN WELL, Manager. rS. ;- . -!-. CHARLOTTE BL.'C '; -.. R. R. LAHDS In Minnesota, forth Dakota, Montana, ' Idaho, Washington and Oregon. - From Ik Superior to Pnret Bound, At prlees ranglno chiefly 'from f2 o on I to 10 years' time. Thi is the Bm Country lor securing Good Homes now open lor settlement. 1 sso acres oi iand Free uudtt the Hotuwtpad ' and Timber Culture Law., JOTE aSbBB fio eminent Igr, '.AMBOI1S, UndConi'M;. P. B. K.,umus iu . mayld8m..,"Hc--a':r'4-i; ( Hie I.lt.t!e (il u Fly KUler.) -. . -l One Brick will let. a whole season, Fa 1 direc-. tlois with each 10 cnits each. ; biSmHfiffiilffiii, B. H. JOSDAN 4 CO., Druggists - Tor Medicinal purposes For sale by j I - B.H. JORDAN & COM Druggists. IVORY SOAP. ' Tor sale by 11. JORDAN 4 CO.. ' 1 Springs' Corner. LIGHTNING ERftOICATOR And JAPANESE CLEANSING CREAM, for remov ing grease, paint, oil and pitch from silk, carpets and woolen goods. 25 cents per box or bo' tie. B. H. JORDAN A CO., ' Springs' Corner.. -j- - Drugsists. .. HE-NO-TEA Ig the best for the price Vi. and l-16th pack- ForSiUeDy : Ji. n. iiunmn a, w., .... - Sprlngs'.Corner, A LARGE STOCK OF Turkhh Towels, GIoYes andStraps, At B. H. JORDAN CO 'S. Springs' Corner. Druggists. ROYAL B&KIHG POViOER, nnrafnni'a Bread Preoarations and Patapsco Pow- der.at H. H.. JORDAN CO.'s, Qer' Springs' Comer ATOMIZERS FOR THE THR01T. - Made of best Metal and Rubber. At ' ;- V B. H JORDAN A CO.'S, Druggists. We have thelargest and best assortment of ' English Toilet and Hair Brastcs. R. II. JORDMI & CO., SPniGS' COKHEIt. WANTED TO SELL 100 finftHimdrel Farms in MecWenbure. Cabarrus, Rowan, Cleaveland. Gaston, Rutherford and other counties in Western Jortli Carolina, by the Cliarlolte Real Estate Asency, m?.m Ji v i R. E. COCIHiAXS, Kanaer. t before purchasing elsewh.re. , . the Week: ... , f . . , , - $2 50 V - - $3.00 . if 4 5 i on band." Don't forget our AU-Wool Cas- at prices that will move them. Call and see as ,- . -i : 1 - . ' . 0 LiiiJfar Cure for Dynpep la Headquarters in v the! Carb- - , v r ... linas ;for the folio wing cele- brated instr'uinents, yiz:'-.. , : w PRICES ....... r.' ,. , .... '.J,. . f L.- ...-- " It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY for the ' bowels.- . Jt isone of the most pleasant sod effl- eacions remedies for all snnwner com plaints. A a season when violent iimb ottne bowels -are ; PotretiOBt,some(HedyreMef shonid beatband. 1'he wearied mother, losing sleep innwsrng.Hie -Tittle one .teething,-should uo this medicine. 50 cts. a lvttlc. Send 2c. stamp to Wsater A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga-, for Riddle Book. 'zZ 1 Taylor's Cherofcee Beme4V of m and Mullein will rure Coughs, tronu andlou- suiuptioa. . iTice-asc. ana t o u" . . - ! 1 Ihi&OceatVl H6us5, MQREHEA.D CJTYr I?. 0. 8amiHr ond .plater Resort. ; ALL THE TEAK ROUND. Readily accessible by rail' from aH great Knei of travel-- . - v: v- i Situated or the vmte-rf of Beaufort Harbrr, In broad view of the Atlantic Ocesn, ito proxlm ' y to the Gulf Stream renders It we most pieasriie"rn mer Resort and Whiter Home on the South Atlan tic Coast, for pleasure or health. Fnrntture and nttirgs new tnroegnoui. tioeinc ret p- j mr em improvements. Table supplied wiu- everj delicacy of land and water. L'iXJ'. Bath Houses attached, and best Sari Bathing on the Atlantic Coast. - . - Largest ana nnest Hnarpie cauing iieet oi au Atlantic port. - ' Specially Inviting to InwUds seeking Qttlet eora forts and rest. -- . .- " - V I Splendid fishing sports and abounding game of every variety. -.- ; j ' United BWtes signal iaaon-t ronnMniini cords this climate as the jnoxt dBSlrable, ti -4-out the year, and eminent physiotans are wma in recommending the soft temperature and sit air of Morehaad City to aU-elame of lnvalkm and health seekers, , 7,' ? JuneSdtf ' - - " suLtiVAri'siEur::, Near Charleston,'. South Cere. Hall's Oiebmtftd KIlItaTy i ana o.' from Bcwion, is. Too" iat t-aAir rc Grand t n e , -v n- . Surf fcun!". Hbuii?, r i Rates trotn il.C per we. . VI. Ixcurslon rat s by e'.l Wr- - Acnonmiodauous fur Uuee 1 gues'is. J. r. -. ....... - - I i-, ' 'Ui-I.. 1 .J ? New Brightonllote

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