' ' "- ' r fs .lkJJ..vriU-:'r : .. . .. ' 1 : - . : : ' niTATlT nmmn 1 . 7 '- ' ' : . : : : -vixiuii.uiiji,, in. i SUJNDAY JTTNR 9fi irrk " - : - : Site ClrntWZITl .' L ' ' ' ' PIUGC FIVn (THirT-l "r- I m mW I I I I It IIHMII'U.' VOLUiME xxxm. Ml : 1 n . II' :-: Rusb :-: (EgaD (B OIlOSi i ! ' ' COME ON! ' Some .New Goods Just In. "TRrPTIT I.TTrn'.1'1' ' "" - ' ran." " . Tua-BDH, oklxfora RANSOJI, RElo AND HENDERSON Subscription to the Oberrer. DAILY EDITION. Clnolo By the week to the cYtK":: By the month.. Three months...""'' HIT mnnthfl . One rear . ' ,. WJEEKLY EDITION, i arDorongh InterTiewed. lie is Commissioned H kit he Proposes - Doig in the Discharge o( his Duly Other Notes. Correspondence of Teb Obssbtsb. -" ' .JSJV0? June 26--Mr, Reid department today. Mr. Reid ex pects to reDaaiu about two weeks uiost of -which time he will h dvntH -8bwtptions always payable in adnuuv. securing the appointment of post only U name but in i4ct advance, not I masters in his district. - ; v MVA . UlOU Three months BIT mnnthu 7wr....,..... in ia emus ot five and mi r.y ;...-.. ?'o?Tia,,M From These Kal. .... . 6 cents. ..15 .. 76 ..$2.00 .. 3.50 .. 6.00 .. 60 cents. ..i.uo Truly, STIXTII ni;xL,iir3. LOW 'PRDCES At:-; My;-; Estab i. . Von:trorRetthe Linen Twns ta 'vgc, toi7 utqy who ums to .gain. i .... Still greater reductions In the prices of CLOTH ING i. They must be sold It low prices will move them. New Arrivals of Mens, White Goods, 6 cent Figured Lawns, etc A pretty Mitt at only 25 eent In black, street and evening shades. New tot of White Canvas Belts. A lot of Gnuine Lisle Thread Hose for ehUd'en, at 40 and 50 cents. " ' ByWanr'sCtorsets ana Eelgle's Dollar Ehlrt. mm iPQiuisn. BiittoaVr iyen Gloss, pricp: f0 cents. : Ket arouna thia iiiff Miit :n t. i r . "uvicii - t . - J Z'Ji . " w ?T "WMsaiy and impartially.- The sv miaa u si u Tin f a s r vuu nr n.i rvi. n uf nw kmi m m .a. r.um sv rv . . w o wo,tu unqu, t i . rw w lue I CTIl ware, was unpopular. V - -: 1 ; ' T t I dOWn tO a businefifL nnmmnn DO I PUt the Deonln wnm IoiitdKi'IIv. I j basis, u was originally intended by JfflS U. fe- inevery thing iL uraiter to fceep Republicans in oU the rriHa' JV1? " wmormiiy.to nee and Democrats out h,..p tn VTX;; proposed publican party was beaten and the Democrats came into Dpwer. In its presentoperation.it is . not what thp people looked for nor what they want. WK. HENDRICKS' VIEWS. We publish els aw Wo on . -.. . u w... vwauit ft-oni the speech of Vice President Hendricks, in Boston , in .u made some pointed reference to the kind of civil ftrviVo f u&VA Ul UQ - U3 lieves in. Mr. HAniiriVa ta a - drew Jackson broom; man. and don't ueueve much in ; the mst.hAtirt service ideas that find favor in the opinions of some Deonlft thaa 'AarTa Ninety nine out of a hundred DemoC crats will agree with Mr TTTi.ir.v.t in his view of this subject, but for all that there are the civil mrvira on the statute books to hamper the action of the President and the heads Ui lue respective departments. And while they re on Jthef statute (books they must be respected.-" The Preslr dent, cannot ignore them ,nor can iae neads of the departments. Under the offensive partisan clause a good mwujt removals have been made, and many other removals also of unnecesn sary : employ eea,. and many others would be made; weref t not " for the ciyU service regulations. ; The way to get around this difficulty is to re- busy with th P .n n CbL Stanlfts will good appointment. - ' . Mr. H. W. Wahab was before the special examiners of the treasury de partment veataivlair ar,A v,i f 1 A'u havemS received the appointment oi thfrlifesaving service on the coast between f!nno (Tunnr T; . ... ., . -" j . Kiuia. ana vape u ear, Worth Carolina. The ex aminatmn xvaa AamaA the place is one of great responsibili ty. But the perfect familiary of the' . . uiui u n 11,1 1 unru i (i i n r with the service and with life on the """6cl"uo wat or uaronna rendered i jLiuB new worK 13 entitled "My Book nVhf ' n . - T By Jessie Garland," and contaiS a Elmncrll ug0Od while that the number of letters written during he? ot TSur kept 0Ut- ! A ter J residence at the sto diii 6Kf,t i . f 8 century -,.the sentiment Shf th I v .1W mjju enrorced with mini IhSfc1139 ocrateshalUo0 1 iube honore of the public of fices of the country. ApolauBB 1 it --.w ouwawa towards; the onnn 2? f0r 1 ow there a K SnAth6. ?d ' I ould charf the ftwaw f, T "-o,? government ' r?Tt5? ?e opposite side. They theflunnnrT;:".l"DU tO to fight the battles when WicT war Civ uo,na itis but fair thev shoiiM Dho. u- tL it is not faS V.""Lnor9-; :that f.hh!i"iT J?":" 5 ta"-. T""" .iu.urcn ne.m aji and 1 esiaence at the store dwellins built ujr.ueruiub uusoana -on a etrikinc plan of his own. Her correspondente Uw.mau iwupio, relatives and irienas. and sha wn'tna - : . rifr .1 iV4U 01 PJantation life m "ze oldn t.imo t u anything, to be eomplained of,-it is vw Fn,tuio ia wjy iranxiy friend ly. But the homely scenes and cnn. yersations are known to be true to mo uepicteo. xne region where uvv:urreu JS iNortn tiranville, between rirfnrH aI .u -n-. ? lme, a section which in ante-bellum WOrthtARf, ' mrkaf-. j . ... . . r;"u, "-""wi auuinteuis wu?ie in me Southern States ..they: were a ' wealthy aSfthi?nWas Ieauding 'Politician and the Gregorys, the Daniels, the MwTw . 7' 0 """ocks, ine Morrows, the Mortons and Venables and cW. Sns were so many reminders of a?d Tirffinian ; ancestry, wfth J6,11 has Passedthe wEr Ir?h ,Ilgunew men-' translat IDLhl8AcRhrase have settled rjX t . ownsviiie, Belmont. tiler nnn T.,l t .. . . - c - "i.hd vriaasv creeR. ami AW ' In I I 10 file Lid i ' ' -. . , 1 iH'H M.-4) . ( 1 111 1 '"'.': Jl t ih J: M JJi i '' 7' ... : i . ...... fair,' ,"'s- J''"' 7 i. say to the young men of the - DerS W il 1 r 5 A 4 1 - " ' bJ10tU Lnfl ' S i . . j - vtt.o, auu i 1.1 VUSU HIT - als-x o. i rnnl H I i-r Q rrf 'a i . - rr1"u,eu ot ? eider period "doubt it i iiuu urn (. u lunnn aw -t . . . i - - l i etuuio time this afternoon. The service has been :u"w years, and the office w no .sinecure. There . Were three applicants f or - itMessrs. WaharT Brmkloy and a Virginian. (Only the first named was cited to an examina- tl'iu'11?! J1189 ifc waa desired .t he should have the position. -. -i v . ' 7' . fwivitgM, me : new elector of te fourth district, has been in bivn d nM ktIa--.i ' vt fws giyen his bond and obtained his vy -i xaroorough said this mormng tht he should etteTupon Jis duties with a deteTminatiooTto fZrLZtl ?y Pticalar, Mr. FTnnj.i.fe.'Li vL l'Li ! :Ci ' . : . A lur !-o.ua vmu a inDute tO the MasUhnaoffa rv. . ofSf-A18 huearera fchat 9 appre ciated the h-,nM. .. l r , " "du oucu men Came together n l, u;; -i. ar'T? 'MBir sears o ni T -uw "oara to do him ; respect and praise. - Ha ti , Jr1' I nave nnlw rn ..' "uVii;iai me wmo '" election- eomna er i mat la interest mf ' do not expect to be con nected With1 'if: -. r i ?ii'T-?!.Cf?te th ?;rrTt.y"iweo piacea, me.,m Don't'.Waste;youlESj , respeci; i ' ' - ' ' ' - t . ,i oviii lh .sfejK,! 1 Sgg DOS IMSTESSC:- All-Wool Cas fc'i'.U.i w Mse, i - i; .v. s v;moIT?l"u m. Won U. Rogers, of lUW,k--fa nere. ... . . t... f7 :","! CIYIL SERVICE REfOHJq. qts., 2 fpr 25 pes. Alma Polish, Th Best Eycr BrouM io TMs .- Ilarket I . HSA30N3 WHT: 1st One coating of the Alma will last longer and look better than four coatings of any oter dressing., ... : - v " Suld. Ijifrteaii Af iiivtpnirt( amUwi - tag rhe shoes It .will soften and preserre the kid. Try It once and you will peyeruse any.otfrpr,.;, : f Daji Martin's Wafer JProaf Black ing far Gents' Shoes, - PRICE, 40 CENTS The Kind that Vica PrM.i.1 - drfek's Believes 4a. h , -.iii i -vvu j you f will m or a lStTa Tufft "MS time, I offl-V" wiat say shortly w:.wi.o exB election, when we are gom toelect a President the nf ! e I 't" wme oaoic tne next &ZZ?JS. iromjlndiana Jbfl - 'Kl ty any bouse in the Stat Wheat mot-ana;- ri,i: r4 t f;!pfiV - vnrf.t -toif I mvV la ' 1 sand spoke merely of his own offlcml responsibitities. fit is ! under stood thatlie wiU enter almost imml: diately upon his- work-e welltnown w w .Yr .most North Oamlini. f n n. . .. . .illfl 171 t.rtA nifn I 1 "7 . . . wrKup to BEG. . "J W y nem highly In Cumberland. ; LW: j - - ';.-...- j, r t l 1,9 Vi i? vuo, appoints days ago, a young man entered a n'f Mr. rBattle to the inspectors inwoloir fk.i. i " " I snip or internal TAVoniia oma.wsa v :li not be long deferred! 6 Tjr ZZ??7 gentlemen took In his speech hnfn th- 2 f? state of Messachus T)em -S: u?n iw.ant to meet the vuB manaates ol law. He proposed I ou T " 4 oswn on the I 7cuo.and have them teU to go , further. Ool. VAPhK I 5th IQ8t., Vice President Henririni I me.that Massachusetts meeklnH. 15? merely of his own he believes in as follow,,.. : 2SLS?--W banner hich banaS Ot ne W On(?S Can ML - " ' . ij f.w v-vft ili moi ti noiairrjjooei A is ; I her ;3-He oanner.of this whole V ? r - UWM Haiu ana i take 1 JW'0 fcQe saKe f : reform in the niJTii "r 'Tt -V? ' I 7 ,"w ppiause ; ur staunch bid friends. Veil S isntiiLis ir. ivj, tfKiu to see some Watches; put one in his pocket and started for the dodr. - He was called back, but refuse! to delivni. th watch or pay for it, " whereupon he was arrested on a charge of larceqy. He gave as fteas,qn, that he look the watch with the hope of being arrests ed, and thus be' provided with tVwi and lodging, as he had soqght 'em ploy meat in vain aqd did not want to bear. There are in this countrywith' all its wealth and treasures hoarded in Eastern banks, thousands of men who suffer from - day to . day, who cannot find, work for their hands and derstand tha auMv fia.kii , With vour rwrm oo nti t.ilitt'.. s I it but a moment.-1 had, - when a younger man than I am now,; occas ion tO illdo-fl iirn tK UCt,a8 hnnM,"7 -t"""uu.cowon as an r,- ?, a wnose amhi EROlMO, m Win j wu6 geuiiieuittll LOOK ff i?68 ai the Georgetown Universi day -"jorning. One of the fourteen bachelors of arts rwa Mr. distmguished genUemen. Five ads accer i t wf Washington. dresses wer HniiKtrui1!?,, I accept a the. appointment, and f mg, Mr Ralph S Latshaw, bfMte soun, oa ."Morality the basis of sound government Mr Francis J t.awlev of Wisconsin, on : "Edgar &7a PS?a vriter ' of Prose ;-Mr Thomas R Ransom, of Nor th Caroli na, on 'The Souths Mr John R Slat, tri - Jtuissacnu8ett8, on ' "The hrmi aoiar n a Atepub!ict' and Mr Wal ter W ermariolew VorkftheW uea crook Laying his Plan lor an o- - - ward Move. , - -. rf tha .t,i; t j HV: . iwwBpQne I paoi. tew aays in renttini? and Ot the Stateliest aud nobW. ; vfTn I nrAmrino f Tri.- & ana e?eat "i,, icx 7iv .": r; Wl solicitation on Tnv no".- graph lotted addressed : .v uuarge or tne ; mn. erai land omce at . Wa.hi . . I wii k j " T I 11 If M III.' I " " UU OL.U U I 9 X I 1 1 1 aCCeLt d the nnnnmr.man- I fhA o;a of Sfoni8 1 at the h oP'ronia3hi5 or thatoffloe,- an important office; followers. ; . . , a08? extended far beyond Should they escape him 'and U the reach of man v man k r.. fom r..r 1! mi ana aw a limited view rTf fhjo" .' - I" a "v'y Ji tQe reservation in v.iew ot this quesUon of j Arizona or New Mexico, thev will Ka wIil rfrvlC roorm 8 snrYeya PdbvcayaJry were then extendinj? hevnna 5ti tet; i JvJ ,rl .wmn ww no thAte:. along bUl campat different waterbX f .9 ' - - . fterTaklnv. 1 on 1 t I'liJno L.'.stiir 1. I If I VP ,,1 : t"-rL -IT 1!k tl UidJ SsldJ ew.-tlo tdesoread tse symp- person vise. Co; TH RU P0NIINUE3V'AT . v - k ' "" . f do not want tntiAtv If A v' I ber t.:V"7" ? ; tt "t1DJ UH ed ctarv. ,:I wa nn m1TTiT- wey are cutsgeaaa tramDS. and : U T-O.Jn.rr'iV them, f There is a big - screw loose who 4 not r know that she was somewhere, in this jgreat country of JKSS 'of friend of mine, said Sit-m Pttgisfr locked up, and thousands of honest Senator heard it and dfoUrse was men and women go unemployed' and hhly gratified.. - !- f .9 hungry. 4 ' ' . - ftUbe iWrtojMeJ John .aioore, out ine otner Monro ntnt -r . . ?.r? 'v souri, beyond the mountain "i77 wTil nm, 6 "u- troops vi;i4J -i - 1 .r r..i i -ti oi lo ujC wTTcTS ; r yu lwuu man were 1," ' - .i oemg surveyed. When I took charge of that olfice; with J8Q clerks? I found the business fnn.'A2r hind. The Patents tbZl n,7& I When the bile Is diverted from Its' Mi h.. hava Ofin! in Vho ;Sir T w I e'.lnto the blood, which la always the casein thXjtXlPle im?? 'Upon SSt to tTheaXle ! A rerjftn that Contaminates nnrrm nrvi f!rt ifn &wi,itJi!ftdrii-..Jf IT - rh7W It MB ?.J, the fewu were four years behinddate dhPm?.? pon. its abnornSi 1 said at once : - "Thia wiH An 2If hSuInL?rc?n ?nd stomach is indicated The man Wft Wnci i -u j not vuOi oywflastonof theskinwiaia hldeouasaOran 4 ne man wfeo has purchased the land hea?Tb.' g, nausea, iSS touS Qfthe government haa a nVht JSfi2fi?5!y2! L'teM shouiuer e.hi to! . 1 'lit.:! "".Ml ! ! I f ,Cl ( 1 V ALjESAI8I3 Q..fi: EM CI LIES' . ;.' - :- ' ! .-.). ,1 f.f : - .. "".v .;''.. -rt; ' r,;'.7...'rir.'.i .V... ), ' .1 ' i'i. I.'.;-. ?.-JI .ri - ti.fi ! .1 .Ti.iu:r-r. '.-i ' l-1u;j.iH . ..t.; J j FiWhi'WwuP". f?7,da,ri5?fto.te g7wln maner X") the desirable goods are i?-Z?ii. .fHv"e5AB?ue',0?..,.,,..0,'2er to close qp tue business as earlr as dob- t " """ buj ui iue oest v-uiie in wniie uoods and Cambrics to be ionnd inraiwra 'iIlf !:vi .-'js7(-h,..;.';:.-..,-..f : ;,-:7-7 "7-7-,' --77V-'7"'l' :y--f.:?4 Hon. A. M. Keil v. whom the a trian Government declines to rerteivA as minister, got : verv spa hJaV in I orossing the ocean. He described in I fetter to a Richmond naner how roughly old Neptune treated him. how he-turned him upside down "in ardly" and outwardly, so to speak. It was very rough. ? It would add a the rouimess if ha wert now rAniiaH j nenoe ot that kind - without a good Greensboro rest. " " ;.. . ' . . .Of Ijfnnil - innn xeUer," too, who passed the examina tion and got the appointment as post offloe inspector. North Carolina bas received two of these appointments out of tweatystwo, Mr Thomas Mann "u8u gwtwng- ine' oinerv place. 1 ine man who Vina mi-rhA .u. . - .-r.w yvuvuwrou tue tana Qt the government has a right at an early date to his patent,: so that" he tnav sell it p that k 2, rights, whatever they may be."-1 said at once) "There must be "re form in this Office B i- Mn- or.K;; was connected with; the reform . I could not well -AjRPoi) -iuL lu-vl- . - jw var V4W CB' pointment and so ojt of that office ATrJT.H seriously and :earne8Uv. Uvb TrJa -.- rri" . -"I'.- wxuor inaj do snostKated for bte adfWtl,?'bodlly evii 2r IS iL?rr 'r. ' uSUO! "poenng ine action ""'"a meaicine is not only InftnlteUwbre ef Jeetlye an any form of merairy, bat Ki am i count of its freed a from . hnrtftf WDertiM iST finitely to be preferred to tiwlwto' WedrSSinHH fainted withaUth' f?TO!:!l!0"84 clerks in the office. With bI ua.uB acqumtea by nyersa.tionf TT'W.V fading tbletteretfaey ay 8ignaurj;,with pTi7TS punc .171! I Consumption, Dyspepsia,: 'and Wasting Diseases, , 7N 7 7 ' amtiiitrsA Itk mfili Wfl mZ ITIS &$0LITEtV FURS' E NTIB5LY FREE FROM FUSEL 0(1 EPEIFC-iianT PmgatB 9wcer ho dojtto tve Pqffy Pnrw VMHf I stk, attempt to fUa off onevstomerg, whiskey of thefrown battling, which ,-oettsof p infertQr!Tde nt adulteratod, pays thenr a larger jwofli, - - t 51SE-FOR DUPFYSt'TriTRW matt Trr.isivvv Awn r Aiyn wn nvniKn SO AND GROCERS. Send usyouraodreraiwaw wfllm 2kitnt OusH EottUm BtVlA tO ATIT ftilrirPRd In ' tti TTvufAH Cisiu w Ua toMt - v .... . ... wMwiosia ui uuo.MMA.jr jiiwiiimmiim BWuTtJlJ JWCCfla Ml jCOIII MU0. EjBfMMM mha.irfim tiMiJi maul. s - "W nn ..o(-n.ui . . ' . J"' w ow;ipv vj. ijbsuui urous awwum seos lor luiKSsi flff H MM VlfJfWISSMNsMssM .m. sb. . . New York Sun r WonHn It a ocuoauuii ji. lae rt0n. Atoscoa ( Vint- ling should appear in the next Dem ocratic SLate Convention nf Voir York as a delegate? Well, we should say it would. And yet things"3ust as I strange nave happened in this change able world, - . ' , . .' I AtOftu (Jarollna cirla rnnni varl A- graduating medal .-was conferred Mmnie McMahoh,of laid befora e W sold medafn Ta -XtT? I HJT considering the reports classes. "The re5ent " M WW.W' I -knew pelted by the pessure of offlcial duties 1 to forego .the pleasure qf awarding the diplomas, hut - Miss Cleveland,-, who occupied a seat on the stage, presented the- academic honors a crown and gold medal to eacnor tne graduating young ladies ilk toAV mwwa .ruwwn&"iu.u.t-4x .s - 'tin mims Prefw iftriwisHaJr Balsam to any similar nMruiMtUo x i - i v: i gSpssy, arrests Ita mine oft, promotes news-rowthl "onginat color, atl has no rftal as a SSat1,. BOt7'U'" DOFF? HALT UDISHGY CO., E:ltc:re; PL $ k. Wy6eodw6j 'f " .--V Fa &ntn for the . . -American SfarlSIcycle,. '. TIctor Itlcycle and Tricycle. e Noted cyclers say they are the best. George M. Pendee, who holds more racing reoirds than any man in the f7nlted Stat'F, saysj - r-xbe Victor Is the best P'.eyrle I h;Ve e?er rid- AAM und fk T W. E. SHAW & CO., JonelSdtf CHARLOTTE, N. 0, BINGHAM SC1J00L, Established fa 1793. Schools for fcovi, In Afaii, In NCjibr iii In l l M PATRONATi5, and br eaulprneut forjfi.,.. CALCULTti. i ., t. .i.; . .: -..j fhomy fc-"i.,i f ,r Enrs m tve South with GA, l(rfMi4...i,.tUiiu a '6 .Jjim-is.-iitod Bath House, for caUuogue, giviiin full pti" ' '''s, ad!lrs -. JUAJ. !w i t il, BUJ C. , -' w - dAwtf : -. AMiiftuam t.,i.ooi i. y.rN. C. MGE FR m The yoyng . volcarQ 4icQvered about one; years ago ten miles south Of SantalMaria, Cal., is still burning. In view of the new marriage laws ui rennsyivama saulres aoroaa the Ha Tir T 11 . . ... uoiscjr auab are anticipating a lively increase in business. - JOr. Beecher's Serin ' ?'h?eJierai Subject of Mr, Beech ??" 8 ' 6ft.l sermpn? n the eVolu won series bunflay morning was the relation of regeneration to the evohU tion and the harmony between7 this scientific theory and Christ's doc trine, that all men must be born aeain. The ascendino ernia r.- i 7 P w.MVHi VHP I ua ti e cierka that wonKi ho ah). f wi me with the work that had to be car, ef through, and very soon - those tuau iimpeu or were unwilling of: ins different bad to step out. r;AppauseV The 'hiolrnrv hr.m" T.,5.i-5 rl 4 . , t v-iu,tioii, snail represented Damocrtio reform, was the geqtiaani and emblem of the? reT forin that J sought to bring about, and in the stead of thA man k a to step oqt,- there came in young Janet trqest fellows that were wil ing to ucr me wortc, hv one eoneral nriAr . y --T A'he Dyspeptic's JRefagew u watts, , of West Someia. Putnam r n v ana naa ruffered froja drsDensla for nttn num. u nip no gooa. : U8UessIy inkers Tonic a rrialTj Kotic;: o " o j rauiro So it would seem that the PresidentiS sister is not c unpopular tvttb j the vtr-tiwMV" w v" Mw ueeu saia resnecMng nerviewson monasticism. as expressed in the lectures now ia suing from the press. -73 -i7i- eewtttor ransom wuj leave tor home vvAuvi k uwi . x i n iiHH HiiiiJ rit r naK mn rAM i vs- a- . - .c than hs errr.fltr uw TOrore,,,anl; the tnen ed popularity with this administra- when I lef t tKak nffi frJ 7 fr5r JihJli J.WV months behind in the deliverybf iH, "Stances hftT0 friend mis patents to the men whb had bSht ?nTra?F lApplauseahriSf a nqmrea that the work , done at each t KerkHy, at desk Bhould be 23 ner iont mn fi,.n I fiuue. at Columbia. R. C - if. k -'V.;7.r .7r.?u',ua .1 r r cvt -t. : : 1. . - . " ' . 1 vwiwv Charlotte, Columbia and auodsta R.R.Cn.1 5 -TBKtsBUsa.'a Offios,- - - f , ,,. . .. Coujhbia, C, June J6, K85,- K The Coupons of Bonds ot the Chariot e, Colum bia, nd Augusta, Chester and Lenoir Narrow 4rug am Cheraw and Chester Narrow Gauge R. f,t?fl ?Wc eome due on the first day of ul? wiU he paid at the National Park Blank. Htfrn A. 1 a. . . . .. Juive27(l9t ' - - ?-rTrf fHWMW AUVD1CBU,, fly an unseemly haste and an impriH dent self-assertion, a number of thmgo might have beeaaccomplished more than have -been, but then the President and cabinet would ? have been to that extent lrninat t'A nf V.rM and in e. end : natof7wQui3 TTr "s t oiaiiuiusr h a gen- : To be had ayow ngnresr.at JOHN CALDER'S, Ofiraer Trysfi and Sixth Streets Opposite Metho- excellence i,hffA tno thainh.. .77 : .. .. r r r Miguel DbC&Kt7 Of finint.llAI HTnnnonoa Vio tc direct imtiact hpfin human nature of divine influence. . In all f.hA r creatiqn ncjthmg was goj inspirating, , i. w c8wmnmi.s: Ait men could be lifted from thejr sinful state by wig means, by evolution to high er spiritual instincts; : 7r w ; -Revivals wera hot tA ; Ka by science, for while children misht must fee brought to bear upon adults. f'Ahev are at the found at inn .n A here ia an eliiAriv lori-n- this City who IS the nuthni. nf torn bpoka, or rather she ia the sole writer of He ftud joint author of the other. HT name vt Mrs.-R . F. Heavlin, and she is a native of Boston Mass. Sevs eral years before the war,- when she was a young woman, this lady mar ried a very rich tobacco, planter 0 Granville county, -'Mr. rstrong. In f aw years her venerable and ac complished! - husband " died nd his wife became a wealthy widow. She was an - attractive y aumirers. une of .these suitors, THE LATEST r AND lIOST-IUPORTANTii vnMlThr--:.i many admirers. Ctaeo. Mr Beecher - ThnS TfnhiiiiTr Y oert 4, UeavUn,. -of GraavUle SSC&4aW-a35f why I S?'.VuerL do not go out with Bob Ineranir t f-t : &amS ,hejf first bushand's Ifll!!S-h?nemia I do ;TheMvSteriesSf W i? uui. utaufe roseem w ridicule bira. to he a ar,A0 nf i77, "nru 7 7 :: We are now running; oa ;tuU; time." Furptture manufactured by us 1 kept by the enterprising furniture dealers in- tlsls city. We make only the best and most subsUfitUil Id the market. NO erODET GOODS. Ask for eooda marfe fcr na and you wilt get the worth of your money. . Our 'naina Is on each piece. We- solicit the patronage of the public and guarantee salljjfartjont '" 7 :. ' .a;ecUu't:y, June: ELLIOTT &:ilAESII." tie is as good as many in the pulpit, but a man does not need to be very good for that. ' ; .. - . . , lThe papers say-I do not believe in the Bible or religion, but only in sci ence. My theology is a working the ology, and I beiieye many other things and suspect more. I Vee tM PtatMh. K. 4rr vr: courage, kindness love and-, slf rtS I Ir ll- m ine preparation siti. ?fiSPt. pinsf; & s. , .y-- ioa. . iubv wore elucidations of, or at least,. comment- w veinous mysienes, and were a. curious medly of lore and specula tion. I will not attempt to give an idea of what nrst chapter of which was ap attempt to read the - fata' of on? Mtwn years it came down tn fnim -sn and that wasAsclosaaitwas pracA ticable to briRg the . work. That, i thought, was reform: - - , 7 1 wan$ to. teH you another thing, genUenen. . Wben you men who give your votes at the election and pay your money to the tax eratherer want to understand the particular point at which civil service can : be brought about, I will tell- you. i It abu t. wun ine ATesident in detail i it is not with the Secretaries iu -detail. It is with the bureau officer that has to do rtirAft.lw with i with the clerks who perform the ppiause.j x a not per sonally very much acquainted with the bureau ofSoera employed by the secretaries at Washington. I know some of them in the Interior Departs ment. I know the commissioner !of the land office, I know the oommi. saoner of Indian affairs.' I know, by reputation, the excellent gentlemen who are in the offioe of patents. I believe they, by their own judgment t-iv nm uiiug iAUOUb C1VU Str- vioe reform in their departments.1 Applause. I think that I : am safe in savin? that T tnnw thaxr hnA ni . ready taken steps in that direction Un .1.. . 1 1 . . uav m a jt3upie wiu nos oe sold - out by them. Applause. This is my own history about civil service reform; It may be of no aooount, hut it is mine. r Applause. And that - administra-. tion. whenever an A nhmvm if. oVoU he, that will fill all the JUureaua in Washington city with capable men at the head, and tell them : that the work devolves upon them, and hold them responsible, will bring about certain and rromrit rr ',im ' - Vera Cura. " A ipeclSe lor Indigestion and mal-asslmltatlon of tood. Pleasant to taste and perfectly harmless 1 3i cents per box Sold by 1 . 777. 77 ; 7B".H- KNkkli CO., Pruggists. 7 a-IABGJS STOCX-OF : ' Chamois Skins' Tor sa ohap v I " -.7 i...'. . CHARL0TTE,':NrC x i ; . ' - . ' ?',J "-vnlfli-J a.iU r.t illo JetxA NS. ' - 'cJ- I jfcS Vi t"-'i ,f!n'n" .toK " - " - - f "O Lit'' ;Tr-.-.iva T' x." 7 - w . L I j j ..: a. . tf-- M " " I r .i l- U. )is 4 afii';w fi-vrrff tl'...' I i i r r:i J33 tea- r.(;ij'.!..t Springs' Comer. E.H. JOEDANACOi 7 ,H. IhUgglStS. ' Olir frrent b1a nnnfinnoo nlT M.J ..i-v. i : r i. lfvrr Ely's Cream Balm, Universal cure for Catarrh and Colds, "and Ban- ford's Radical Cure, S local and con tltutlonaJ remedy and permanent cure for Catarrh. 7 Tot sale by : : -.:r B.' H. JORDAN ft 00. n ' ; ' j- Springs' Corner. Knight's Asthma Cnrp,;.- r' A' LOOK TH ROUGH THIS; PRI0E7LIGT. A great Blood Purtfler and enre for Asthma. It contains no metalie poison. Safe and reliable, j For sale by. - - ,p --rf f ,.lr -fIJLl-l -r Viola Cologne .wi f)na TTnnlMrl Uan'a ATI Vnnl Oiiifa i j . .... .1 . . r r I T.l-v '-.. . " oHefiSKrsMTn's AU W .! -': T - Boys' and Children's Clothing eiremarkal) o lv , - -:): '."- . , , . ji . , i i .. v '.Lj..-). -vi . r rr ' fc-Ai- --i 1v)t..Ij - - . jjiZJ J:: sZlG J;-' -111 Seersucker Coats and 'Tests in very. larrs varieties'; which' we OlT.r for less , r than they can be bouAbt for elsewh-r. m.i..ii - . .... - I.,..-...,: , !,,. -.-- I '.- -',r ,-!(t . STRAW HATS ! 1 , Afefreshlng- and lasting Perfume for the Toilet and Bith. cheapest and. bed oologne.' Prepared " ' H JORDAN ft Ca, Prucglsta, the hiycixE. mn fZXCiL Will cure Headache and Neiraljjta. Sold by ' - - We Intend to cloee out at a great sacrifice. AfaMl'necf ' ' " , A ..... . Centa' Furnishing Gen One Hundred Dozen Gent3' Summer Soarfj, e V Vic:i me store cf . . 'mmmt I ion i.a-4'b -43 iyscsnes pt isigv" t think we are goir -j" thrc: , t U IH ill ii ,iAi,.,j U W 1 .. .... 4a

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