r J.- - 1 VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C.. THURSDAY JULY v,-1885. PRICE FIVE CE T'. Tv, , . ah - 1 1 "- 1 Jill I"!7! I 16. 1 UllS 1 1 1 (jOl) ,CB-0(nj(in "4i l- I COMEON! Some le Goods Just In Truly, IA1(SEMIE .& V SilUTII 1IIJII.mL. EiElEIP CdPQIL By wearing one et the new LATTICE CORSETS. No lady should be witboit one In wtrm weather. Give them a trial and be convinced otOhelr merit Remember that lam sacrificing lay stock of FINE PARASOLS at very low prleet. Ask to see the Dress . Good piaced upon my ' .' . rn i New arrivals of Cheee Cloth In the different evening shades. New Oriental Laces, White Can vas Belts, &c , 4c- ' .:-. . " . 1 limited quantity of the 12ic Linen Lawns ien. : - f. IL. SBI61LIE. TH UEMSiODISIX lS!e8hIvfatotoKAh Our Dress Goods are bMng sold at a tremendous loss -. ( BARGAIN WI.UW fin 25 Si CHARLEG GTREETi DALTIMOREi MD. MANUFAC PURE OftlF TURERS 4 Dealers in ItUBBdi BELTIIffG, COTTON, P,V Ar if k if' ::? P. , . DUNK. 'AbiEMISDIBIKi Comfortable Shoes Cf il iVl rVI CD , H R O W IV 1 1 1 1 1. im,aorfirf wii1tai . T aitt fiTinrci rinn nilTTT Fll Tf WW SHOto P GKNIIiiM&N Tfctt has ever beea.-sbown In this marfcst, eon-slst-. . .ingf ot - SffRAP SHOES. n - BUTTON OXFORDS, . ' CONGHRESS OXFORDS, um nmsi) a .! Made onOpera, London and French lat,tn plain aad Box Toes. We carry a laree assortment of WWtbs, from taEgeflt to smallest ... All wlllbe shown t popular prices. GIVE' US A CALL. ll,er B reB Heat. field only by LJl FU Pegram Co. RUS CONTINUES AT . i . . t Ifil to us. We would be glad to see every lady In the LEATHER- B ELT1 WG , PACKINClHOSB, &c - WOOLEN and SAW MII.I. SUriJL.lJfi, c. . Agents : Boston"Beltmg:Co.'s - x j fSufrr?eltinS" fltnerBe!t.3 '.toi Jo mO eafer Cloth;' I I 111 1.1V"' " Clothing, '&c "Tkuth. like thk sum, somktialks submits to be obscured, but, like tee sun, only fob a TVSS." - - Subscription to the Observer. DULY EDITION. 8Ingle copy..... ....... 5 cents. me week in the city. a , By the month... 75 . i Three months ... :. ...42(10 Six months.... 4.00 uaeyear... 8.00 ' "WEEKLY EDITION. Threemontha. ; 60eents. Six months fitrzt. .$1.00 . ;' une year.................. 1.75 in cuius ol live and over $1.50. eviw.tion From These BhI SubscrlDtlons. alwars navabla In Rdvance. not uujj ia name dui in iacu . CIOVEB. -A annm Animttr. fhnmAn .Vina I " .r- """J v At" "00 Iiu.suuvw, moBb OL ,-wuiuu 4. U: 1 - - ' Lf.L- siooa nve ana a nait teet mgli in tne uiuv sirange io say, mere are out very iewpatches of clover in that county, the farmers not seeming to 1 realize the fact that it will grow well, or, if they have, not apparently real: izmg irs vaiue. itecenwy in tnese columns we made a tiOtice Of some remarkably hne ? clover grown at Spring Dale Dairy; " a mile from banks reached Jast Saturday $371,775, Charlotte, quite as tall as the Geor- 2?0, being pW00 . more than on Charlotte, quite as tall as the Oeor- gia clover spoken of above. Consid- ering the luxuriance with which clo- vergrows in this latitude, the ease wiih Jtis irrnn ifa flQ a stock feeder, and -its still greater value as a-regenerator of exhausted lind t t rain tJi rnvrtsih Hiirnriaincr thine to s that it not. fouBdupoa r -. zer tfcat costs nottamg tmt the piow- ing and the seedt&g of the land, and a littfie ordinaVy, commonsense are in it, a a. A in its treatment. An acre or two to Start with, furnishes in time thfi seeding of many acres, and enables luutttvei ueautsa. iaruieT.1.0 uav 111s fields covered wdth a splendid fertili- moaey-and wch gives -'strength. to the land, hot only for one crop or for rrrir6' v" - - ptner imporuea iertiii3rs cost mon- and tbey are mere stimulants- to 'p--'.- r? roiino whih r,. .nnv i in 1 1 m jm ii i' : Ma. w iiir.ii. uiih ira iiii v ' . years ago., were regarded as ; worn out ana worthless, whicn cave, t&riiieK.tha nudicious management of clover and home made fertilizer . . " ! while; the' fertiii oc. f i? rencii ijingnauis, oc, ; . r1rtEflr otppo TMwiTnrtnftnt . or.remxt.h t,n t.inn ha ennfl on imnrnvinc flhflnlnf.fi-. -A . v v-,; "mTTT ' I .-"' v' T ' r theiahd.' We'--know-.: of farms ' in 7 ana reiawvejy.rA9?ay';"..W ouc-i.fT ui w m.v v v- "Y"") . . , . . - 1 been brought to the highest fertUityfrom thQti,,-,.!! fjates ruline' a lew ana ;vyieia crops, ine . ngures ror whieh seem incredible.. There was no fancy .farming in it, -no invest- v . f , . . ment oi large amounts pi money ; nothing but good, common farm laanap hnr.kfid hv p-nftre-vand indus- trw ' "WVn t.ViA fimihlifirn r farrnflr rise to the point of full appreciation t u,;n u a Wi. IUO 21 cboocro no will , iiaD uvavvt uPn rae roau.wmcn ieau to ujb emu. . . i Out of 509 members of the House of : Lords no less than 440 are landlords in the fullest sense of the term; that is, they derive the whole Or the great er part of the revenues from land. Fifteen million acies of land, with an aggregate rent roll . of ' !5,tJOO,O00t represents their property and in come, while another $750,000 in the shape of pensions, annuities and sal aries also falls annually to the lot Of this privileged class. r : 7TT. - .. une oi our Asnevme cotemporaries 9 exclaims, " we ' nave no navy, ljet us have a navy.". Now what '.in - the mischief does a man - away up in : the mountains want" with a navy? We had a navy yard here once at Char lott?, and we never could make the thine wnrlr T- , : A case of wife beating attracted dud1j'c atteriti6n in Richmond recent the whipping post for . wife beaters,. a la Maryland. " . The Hotel Brunswick, in New; York, a nobby establishment run expressly fir i the accommodation of 3 aristo cratic, nabobs; : : native and for e.gn, especially the latter, has closed after sinking about $1,000,000. i The Mexican Financier thihthe natural destiny of Cuba is annexation to Mexico. Itrnpighaver gone a littlp further and , remarked thftt. tiie natural destiny- of 'J lleXixttw f 'nexation to; the United States j nA lawhas been passed by the Leg lature'of assach'u atds drahkefinecs as ?iiigaiiityV and authorizes the commitment of drunk- arils to insane asylums not as a puh ishment but as a means of cure. Secretary ; . En d i5ott 4 is ill v at his i home in Salem, Mass. , . . The production xf cotton seed .oil has increased in the ' past ten years from 3,550,000 gallons-to 20,000,0(0. Mr; Cleveland having fixed up , the little matter' of appointments m New York, will now: proceed to give Penn sylvania a turn. . Some of our jAlaoama cotempora ries think if Rev. Sam Jones threw less slang into his" sermons he would accomplish md e focd and win a mora lasting reputation for - himself. Mexico sefims to h in a" finanniallv erinnled c:ondition. ShH wants 850. ' : i ' oAniKR) rim'hP.r nPfc vpar and 1 1 - - . -T fian,t 8fifl wl ftre mnrfi than Q4S.(Xm 000 is to come from. the FlJfAIfClAi SITUATION. Ari.omisillg outlook uu.l d Better : . reeling FreTailing, N. Y, Financial Chrpnlcle, June 27 The depositsjof our Clearing Hou3e $571,775,- ??J being 3200 -more than on iarger than than they. had ever been at any previous period. It will be at any previous period, it will be remembered that in 1884 the with- dfawaU: of , gold froai the, United rKa .w-fAiuni .k-isrh . f . itw niary-a little !more than five millioi s bHini' o withdrawn that wfp.fcr. and disturbance of confidence which cul- urinated in the May panic. : How. very different the .financial situation is now, and -the reason for the renewed confidence- in . financial -..; rv..-.i requirement; the highest figure ever tv, p6ouov Tiv(v)V v uV ; f??16 a 5go , , increasmir. and have been for some time; but neith confidence so long as exports of gold are to be wiin tno86Domt8 secure (tne latter throughthe admirable management of the treasury department) and with look in these particu ars is wonder- . - . tuily promising; the largest reserves with the largest deposits .the banks 67er held.-the.' government gold in- creasing notwithstanding the larger i i . j.i. ' ri. SrSUSS''S. weeKS since, wun a prospect or goia imports in me iauw winder monins these are the facts which outline monetary situation at the moment, and it is n6 suri)rise under such cir- cumstances that a better feeling pre- vails. ' " I .... .'.'..f . ," . . . .. .. Copper, and Cholera. ; it is now reiatea as a curious lea- j - , . v - . t i - 1 184q :tKat no workmen eneaeed in cupper, xuiues ur 1x1 LuauuttiuturijUfc; any sort or arucie out oi copper, or m handling copper, or copper ore were amictea wicn cnoiera. ; m. An drand demonstrated that there was much less electricity . in the air ; in those parts of Paris where the chol era raged most fearfully than in the other parts of the city. 'The two dis-" coveries were put together, and it was inferred ' that the:, galvanic , action generated by the B copper acted as a preventive. It may be that the cop per absorbed into the system by the workmen served as." antidote. At any rate, the action of copper in al le via ing some kinds of cramp is well known, and there will be no narm in wearing strips of clean copper or of copper and zinc next to the body, as has ; been ; recommended ' by an English physician, should the scourge reach our shores. '".". - ' Opium for Horses. A A; ' : The Western Medical Reporter says that a grocer who had an aged f dis abied horse wished to get rid of him by as painless a vdeath as possible, and gave him forty grains of mor phine. Having made preparations for the funeral, the grocer proceeded to the stable where, to his astonish m 3nt," he found the, horse in excellent spirits l and eating-his oats : with ; his former habitual haste, ,, so as to, be ready for the early trip to the mark et. ... Opium h said to nave b:en used successfully in India for many years in relieving horses; from' the conse quence of old age and overwork. . h ; ' . A . . , queer isex, Isn't It? Red Bluff, Cal., News. - ' 1 Call a girt a chick,' and she smilesj call a woman' a hen, and; she ' hpwlg. Call a young woman a .witch,:; -and' she is pleased (-call an1 old 1 womah a witch, and she is "iiidigtiantr Call a girl a kiiteff,ancr?she 1 rather likes it: call a woman a cat ana;sneu hate y OTii -ileer sex isn .t 11 r 1 Tobttceo Factories Burned j .rt- brick tobacco lactory. 01 Matthewsc w ngn in X4ipeny ana a irtuuq iat tory adjoining, were destroyed with their contents, by '- fire 4ast night. Loss, $35,000. ; . ; . Away in the tad of ill Will offer another lot of Fresh Bargains for this week, so Don't Waste Your Time, Don't Waste Your Patience, DON T WASTE YOUBl MONEY , , -- --,-'. ,rv.-- . m gOing elSeWnere, DUt OUarterS, where OUr lOW DHCeS CaUSe Ore- V , . . 7 .... ? ' - : u "j A , , . ' tended COmpeULlOn iO ; : , , . i . n ' 1 Mr ir"1' w w. W H.t". Ot, ' Kaots Not motion! Our staunch old friends, as well as thou- SflTlds of nfiW 4 OneS. Can rmn TIT) o I I m LQ .5 I WKH W , : - ; . Til: : rreaiei IS UU UCUUUS ; tlltlU CVCl LII ia ,:vr cciv,.j Genuine :Fast.'C61op' Linen Lawn only lOcr! . m a TTnTnTnAT. P'RTf'Pvl. Rawaiflfi lVi n.X; AU J jlvtx jl department. ... .x. CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. ' KaafwaE & Co. Our great sale continues all this month. Our varisty is not confined to ; ODD SUITS, nor are the sizes limited. We have all sizss and styles. It may be of INTEREST TO YOU to r . 4 : - : . : . ' LOOK THROUGH THIS ?RICE LIST: 5. One Hundred Men's AU-Wool Suits, Sack and Frock, at 3yJJJ f-u One Hundred Pairs Men's All Wool Casslmere Pants at $1.50, $100 and $2.25, worth $A80,..v ,v ; - $3.25, and $4.60. . - l. - ; . : . Boys' and Children's Clothing at remarkably HJWH. 3PE1I Seersucker Coats and .Vests -in very'large varieties,,which we offer for less :-' , than they can be STRAW HATS ! : ... : - we Intend to close out at a ' Gents Furnishing Goods. One Hundred TJozenGentsVSummer Scarfs,. 6 for' 25. cents.. It will pay. to . visit the store of ' - , . Cheap tots Tor Sale. , T tl'-. IcTar for sale Eght Lots' 50x200 feety lying n tie northwestern corner of the city (outside the th e northwestern city Umlta) andm . ' Itjt nnA wtHhhli city limits) and north ot the cemetery, cneap. Any welltc one wlshlns to secure a cheap lot, would do well to call soon, as the prices at which they are oSeied means Quick sales. leredmea majCltf B. E. C0CH2ANS, Uanager. . .1 i . a. U J 1 COme Uirei5l,lU UVUU-.; i .-J z. Z.WA IIHUg; Its .WtJUIJ lieau . t:.r . . 0 , ot ; : I Jh-.tt- tell YOU Where TTD rSnn n 5vl VI lHV Vi Bill II lLTi found. 4-1. ' 4KJn WoaV jim. guiu v v j. :.! 9 bought for elsewhere. ; STRAW HATS ! great sacrlfioe. Afullllneof : - . - 't - . ' ' "' , a- : Broker, tni C ' ; ; ,' ' And Dealer to Fesd cf til kli j, ' v 1 lif -iir:.ri'- ." .... ( : )!,-1. ! -.v- .s CCLLTG2 CTHZZT, 4 i 1 ; I' if ';f I- A ' - - "ill