;;"-t ""-: - - . --rv-1-'-''?.-- 1 . . . . ..t j j ' . . ..... " . . . .,. jits' v ''". ' " ' ' - : - -- " ... i i ii i .I r i i r i . ! 1 ' ii n i ii ii 1 1. i i i r .. ii .iini ; . Volume xxxiv CHARLOTTE, Ni O;, WEDNESDAY: JULY. , 1885; PRICE FIVE CENTS. .-. Tmrm'-i.nrn tttr jwnf. BOMETIME3 SUBMITS TO Eg OB3COBSD, BOT, LIKE THX""BUK, ONLT FOR A THAT WE ARE. SELLING AT 7 1:2 CENTS. , . Three Bolts of that All-Wool Bunting left at 12 Cents. Big Sicli of Mack teess (Koods ' TJianV All-Wool Nun's Vemn' at '2ft. ' cental The' largest. au1 cheapest stock of Orfenta -v ot OUT BUCK AU yyl "ulJ:,jZl l, 1 .lla Afo QTrt at nrioas that will ftlirmifle TOO. li'ju jilrainCM anu SWISS jsiiuuiwuciico w uo ivuuu wj J" '"r T "ft .OTtflndLlnenU ces that ; will axtonlsh you. ixice una oi wws musuama a u, A ou . Large Stock Parasols and Umbrellas nnthff and Straw Hats at a sacrlfiee. Gents Salbrtg?an Underwear in Suits. Macrame gammer 0nrS white and Colors. -Tronka, Valises, Hats, Shojs, Opera SUppers, etc. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BU YING; v. Truly, ; Subscription to the Obserrer. ; Jv DAILY EDITION. , ' Slnglecopy.; ; cenw. By tne ween in me ciiy i By the month,,..; ;. ' Three months. r..iw. Six months. .......... One year 8-00 , r ' . WEEKLY EDITION. Threemonths.. so cenis. Six rnrmttiH .. $1.00 One year...... 1.75 in clubs oi hve and over fi.au. No Deviation. From These ISiiles SubscrtDtaons always payable , In advance, not only in name but miact. The PbYsicians Investigatbr bas watched for a number, of years the effect of oat. meal upon children, arid thinks it makes them weak, mentally and physically. As an exclusive ditt it i impoverishes the blood. The Bcotcn, tnongn strong, are a ayspepp tic racead at all events what may be good for. them is not necessarily so for us in this climate. t . ; Two young telegraph operators in Sti Louis celebrated: the Fourth of of July by going on a royal bender1. They wourid it up about two o'clock in the . morning by one kicking . the other to death. The live one is in jail, to be tried for murder and tomed Away in fc U of II ::112iliSII;;; i'.u if'i'i S .". r'l' .gAlBBlftOTS!& AHjiSMIiDISE. Tne alarming increase oe une opiuiu itate ou -pult)rt of that epree. smokintr habit is becoming a topic of : ' . -. discussion :.- in Northern papers, . . A 1 rencniuau naa . paientea a pro- which demand a more rigid enforce cess of maKiug butter... oy : parsing .-p ment of th laws against the opium current of iectnciiy throtgtL milk: flourishing .business in. the . most churning Junnecessary. A similar densely populated - sections of the method isft-o'b used for cheese raak- cities. The New: ' York Sun, in ing,: and tli: restore rancid, butter to ah editorial speaking -of the growth its original sweetness of flivor. ofthehabiUndofthe opium-joint Ttoto&M in ousinessiniNOwipbayB: . - .,rVinrtd of Philadelohia. These opium smokers seem to have r: ... , no ra prejudices against the China. The pricejf milk has been raised - men,, with; to?lfflLfiJi:i! w .VrnTiM.idtP. El- associate ana-iroiic wiuuu uk uo icaou , - , repugnance. A common vice brings , . - ow- . - r 1 ; them on the same level, and common pioneer Prewt degredation makes them , natural fr BayKrd is the Premier, nomin--companions. The sense of decency ay theiAdministration; But r he is utterly lost, and no vestige of self hasn't a tithe of Lamont's influence. BIG LOT OF HHP :-: CAM Will offer another lot of Fresh Bargains tor this weeK, so Don't WistejTdur Tim Don't Waste Your Patienc DQI;TWA In going else wherel but come direct" to head quarters, where our : low prices cause pre tended competition to i hang its weary hQad at the sight of our startling bargains. : - MONEY ; ... ! v. , Wheat v vile the place, how aenneiy crowaea, tunity.i He is with the rresiaenc ; . ".V:.,"-a . , . . ..- , . ; how stifling th air, they are not constahtV outside of office hours , '."i . it J 11 ''" ii:rtn driven from it by any sense of dehoa- riding, walking, smoking and ' chat , Our:8taUnCh Old JnenuS aS WeilaS tnOU"1 cy or repugnai.ee. , - tincr'The'two are as intimate as . -: , j's . ..- , , - - ' n ' ' this vice of opium smoking, has brothers, and more so than; most gnndS OI ; ''Hew tOneS, Can tell J OU Wliere ; m so :: rapidly- and spread so brothers.: Now, all of this is in no t , , , . 7 . . r4 ;J ,..! - . - . wiaeiy auring tuo utusw ieu - wjge aisreaitaoie 10 uner tauiuuu ( . -,, . . . N , . , ft what will be its extent a quarter of a or the preiident. " But it is a little tTT fj v ,T iD" U ffT TQAtflifT Tl'TTtS UMJVIFR -WEAR, century from now? Is it not possi- surprising to Democrats of all grades, Tl Tfck I tt lTlSi ) VliW 5fTLlQMMb) lYimCR. , VVE.riru biethatitisgomg:tb be ;:one of, the. aU(f especially to members -of the JUL Uil H FOR The largest and best selected stock of :1 Willi Umbrella Erames, at Mosquito Bar, White aAd Colored. Mosquito Fixtures for hanging Canopies. ' A good convenience.. Try them. . greatest of our pocial evils? sibility , the police 'must' everywhere ' tbe appearance of a great man: Sena ; , . ; jj l( X ) I x Cj i? v J U Il U be on the alert ta break, up at once tor3 and nembers who want tne . ; : . ,: . .v-, ,y ,. ' V: - -,: ,N SSMTuS- StitoSS ss tooflend Greater Keauctions . man, ever. uji? .1 Rnr. Rrs thfirft not todav onen in New -u ..itroto ErAtarv In ordinary itiuiAvuw ; . minds and morals of its victims? 1 iDe wit'h the library the Preaiaent b- - - ,V w,,. vjxvj uryxu, , i , , rt, v - bers long ago cauenc uuw w "' l l y ) ' IiACEP OXFOBD S visited one of these joints and witr- Jn :-;wori; with" -'the " 'j ....'.. i .... j m mm. am i . yi m j-v vmvr n in i j , j i . . M u vnn fif uraa nnnnm Tendon and "French last. in plain 1 f fnfoiiir lrvat. trt i-onnrin I ij-i.oru!iTfrrhrtL Vabfta the visitor's cdrd andBoxToes. 1 J;,-, ' , ... Lt fins it f(rr the scrutiny of .the . . . coma oecome a .irequBuww - . uu. r " . rpu-0r the WAflrrra laree assortment of widths, from places. ' What potency m the largest to smallest. . - , ; . can o enslave its victims. I n il I Hi 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 II b II JLS A JU. W Ui J 1I1EIID CrnnUflhl AT AUCTION PRICES. VBargains in 'every aepartmepx. All will be shown at popular prices. W ''it r k vic otlofa nnd lintinns With Close at tention ta all that is said to him Vttt-. t4o'a Watt :,Th8 New York Sun is not much of Betwetai the two the RPff'ind GIVE US A CALL. an admirer-of the present oivUeer. JgftiSvtoS - ' . vice law. But in this the Sun is con- u.A no. tpther. It was discovered long ! sistent, for when the law was under ago by the politicians .that the two riiomissinn in ' nrtneTftRf? it visrorousiv ittiwu wi , . .-. Soon: after dusk you can- see v-.oi. , opposed it.. It submits the folio wing in yafl with ft., big bundie of papers, for incorporation into the State Dem- nine nr Attorney General Garland ... , . .i ;nl1r and nlnnA and -naSS ocratic.plattorm: - rhp'.esident s Whtreos' The civiLservice of the M nriwealalLtimei 'i i J fc.- '.- Miller's French; v.BlacklnK Is the . Vest. , Sold only by ( HARl.OrTK. N. C. r4 15:,i-,.w Sill vtj Pegram k Co. . f 1'. . Treas The civil .fiervice of the ont isweicome at all4times.; , . State should be conducted upon Dem l$the exception of Whitney - and . . nratic nnncmles. to the end that "... ,v't o momW of the , T Jations Jare TAmont. The tact is ' , - 1 . :. . . . wvinnmv. efficiencv and inteariLV .WW- . j . t . .j. j - ... may prevail among . aii puoiic ser-r Njy vants; and whereas, it is mostfdesira. Withthe exception of iWhitney and rK PTTa f "3 i TT : "vTT Arrt,- fh-A isn't a member of the 7a Ti, fTlS " I L JCv 1 tuit .'uKnuo rpriommendations fare .U, w I V . - o WILT- OFFER a'HI WEE AT THEIR GIIEAT SILE e4 i I. - . EVKIt SOLD n CnAUtOTTE FOR TOEJIOSBT. ' Atepanne of R.k8Terv cheap. ThU goois are ftP0sltively :ggjaj,&1ISai8S .. to keep tu tremendous trade which we have nwl or one rSS W8t sold and Week to the a'r-ady rldlealously low prices at which goods have Deen so. j ffj t x ; . , DrtCftR ftrft Ukin mila rt aall 4r i- '. J i '' 1 - . t ' ble that'.every. citizen, ,: whether , in otnee or out,.snouia oe Kept , anve to the duty of paying a serious and con stant attention to "- public affairs ; tnererore De it "Resolved That in. all offices of ap pointment as well as in offices of elecf tion the tenure should be for, limited periods, so that changes may be had, and we condemn .' and repudiate the idea of permanent or life cenure as antDemoc'rati6 and calculated to in- troduce a bureaucratic aristocracy in tne iorm oi an lnaepenaenc anu pnv ili o-prl nlasa of nffir.firmldftrH' .' : Reolvedy That wwe condemn' and mniidiate tne RV8tem or comnetitive Avaminationsfiondup.tfid hv cumbrous and: highly paid State and municipal onnrtintrriftntA in Yivii Rp.rvifiA I irJJeoZreii,: That every; head of ,a, de rwirt,mAnt,or bureau ' whethfir in '' the State administration or in: the admin istration of a county ory municipality, rUlllCVUiU.xLallULlt.-UE.B-lllMU,- Dealers In TtUBBER BEITIltG, pACKIJTG, MOSE fiWT " . Boston Belting .Co.'s' troJ4;.Rubbetj.Belting: 5 '.it 1 fp If Hoyt'.sXeatheriBelt, ff1t..yernon belting. ? Josepi7jnes, Son3 ; Rollec blasher and t ' v Clearer Ctoth.. T. K.' Earle's Card ? " J Clothing, nnnmia nnf art d worth .notice, ana study.;, ':::' Vm.- nth. Oar Variety is not confined to ties is no roore uur ickj uvuy.v uur preat eaio wuwwo - i-o Tt mav than i Mr Cleveland's advance from 0D jITS nor are.the sizes limited. We have all sizes and styles. It may hisBnffaro law office: toi the White be of INTEREST. TO YOU to . ' " '- , . r ... House, jj rom a newsaptji cy- : . a good onemma you, wiiu u 8centforcoming:evep TiJID ,POIHF 1 1ST- oiis in" every-use or ms luiui iuwu ry 11 ri rvuuu i t T T"- T - t . . u . r.rJ in. hfltwen tne . - - . . - - - . ' historic lines ot.this fis Democratic AmjnfUtimi Rin c.B I no v w ar au advent that is destined ;to grow id wonder as time goes on. i .- r $3.25, and $160. . , u.WfBifl ChUdrea's Clothing at ,rematkabI3r - . ' ' 'r A Blind Man's Globe. T4.".,iiri onorvi int,fl are ffiven in the rn or,rJ Parisnanersof a monster Movable globe mada of copper ; the Coats Wd' Vests' WTTji.7 T?.. fOT 1633 woiK OI a Dnnu viw. 'rrr.rri tv,an thAv nan be bouent lor eisewnere. Rhnnld annoint from ; amon&r its SU nrrlinatfts n. suitable board of exam ijpiera to Ascertain :.the qualifications of candidates' '..fori iavpointments; ,-the 'rni'mhArR of which board . should I, 'lififve-without any "additional j'com jtensf tipn; ana no person snouia oe 'appointed w'ho is not found by proper examination to be qualified for the worlr wb.ich is -to be. donej , i ; It is a noticeable . fact thatrin; this country, North'and South, Inbtwith' standing the vast preponderance pf whites "over blacks in the North, pine out.of ten at least, ,of the assaults. upon women Vre ;ccnimit'ted by' he-J roes. The steamsbin ' Gallia from New York foXi vef pool,-"which was disabled; at sea ' by a broken shaft, arrived at Queanstown Saturday. ' - - ' I , f whiV.h seventeen f t ...... STRAW H ATS ! ' , ':WrS ! itrownaxisbymeansotmecJianismi MM" .S.ilr. . a?Q.aloon;movea round the , .wwdW.f;fW"f5'.;.-.V- . 7 ...u;i rvw.vahlfl metal band I ' - j 1... j . : v wi.ti'ij;e?l; . Gents' Furnishing Goods. .'.'- ; . dicates tne mean, umo " .'. , nartAof the earth. . Hound, the upper 4 , ; . - . , , u , - - 50 im one Hundred Dozen Gents Summer Scarfs, 6 f or 5 cent?, -01 pay.to weighs a tjon and a half , and whose One Hunureo uo ; :vigit the tore of r- i v. ; - ; fiurlkce measures 126 feet m diameter,.- i.-:r.. i.;;;sSi, -:v? r - .7 7 ing eix persons,, aua wwiv-. - y j.-SSS .ndecox. cBirBU.n.xacom--. rK,ia,rtivmpni: of itwo) men. during sent3l by- an,apnaraiiuj: tLx Trtinri ,falcium light. "fiicb enables thei spectav Qh y.WLJi:V . V.. Wlligentirtheprtginandcjge of , 7f,l n .-diV1 wk -i:.u,..-ia. faim. nr. Sase's Catarrh U " Bemgy cares. - , - . ; B. s- Myers; ' And Dealer la F .ZT,